Stuart | DEIB Annual Report 2023

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Office of DEIB




"The Society lives wholly in its members and its members in it, and what is common to all thus includes what is special to each."

In this year ' s fourth grade musical, "The Wizard of Oz," Dorothy repeats the famous phrase, "There's no place like home " These words, echoing in our minds, resonate with a deep internal longing for familiarity and belonging which is the desired outcome of Stuart's work in diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.

Belonging surpasses mere presence or acceptance It taps into our innate need to feel safe in being understood, valued, and embraced for who we are. When transcending its politicized platform, shedding its cloak of sensationalized fear, and then rooting itself in the Sacred Heart Goals and Criteria, DEIB can create spaces where people feel at home and like they belong Christ, the epitome of selfless and vulnerable love, embraced those who were marginalized, excluded, and oppressed, proclaiming, "All are welcome! There is room at my table." As we nurture and educate our students to be critical thinkers of the world and all of its systems and institutions, we do so with Christ's example. We work to prepare a place for our neighbors and extend the love and welcome we have been commanded to share. Just as we pray, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven," let us prepare a home for others here on earth, a place at Stuart where all can belong.

This DEIB Annual Report has been prepared to share the strategic efforts made to ensure that all members of our community feel like they belong and have a place to call home at Stuart. We acknowledge the painful missteps that have been taken in the past, are doing the hard work of accountability, and remain committed to the path forward While we are not yet where we want to be, we are also not where we used to be.

Please continue to partner with us through dialogue, through vulnerability, through celebration, and through prayer as we engage in the work of belonging!


By focusing on diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging in all aspects of our program and community, we are committed to imparting a culturally responsive global understanding that becomes an integral part and celebrated outcome of a Stuart education. We will fully demonstrate our Sacred Heart commitment by defining and operationalizing a DEIB strategy and action plan that welcomes and respects persons of all faiths and educates and empowers students to "eradicate social structures, practices, and systems that perpetuate racism and other injustices" (SH Goal III, Criteria 3)

OBJECTIVE 1: Develop programming designed to grow each student's understanding of the worlds of others, deepen their capacity to effectively interact and lead in a complex, interconnected world, and strengthen their commitment to advocate for principles of inclusion, equity and justice.

OBJECTIVE 2: Provide ongoing, in-depth professional learning for Stuart colleagues so that they become instrumental partners and catalysts in imparting a culturally responsive global understanding to the Stuart community.

OBJECTIVE 3: Continue to prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion at the Board level, as well as in hiring practices, the admission process, and participation in student activities.

OBJECTIVE 4: Establish pathways (formal and informal) for Stuart alumnae, faculty, families, and students to share their experiences and lend their voices to our ongoing DEIB work.


55% D I V E R S I T Y Students of color.

E Q U I T Y Dollars given in tuition assistance.


9 I N C L U S I O N Different religions represented.

10 B E L O N G I N G Student affinity groups between the Middle and Upper School divisions.

Measuring Impact

BELONGING The feeling of security and support when you have a sense of acceptance, inclusion, and identity within a community. You can bring your authentic self.

-Belonging at Cornell Framework


The DEIB Culture Survey serves to assess and better measure perspectives and experiences related to DEIB at Stuart This survey captured data around sense of belonging; equity in programmatic, academic, and professional opportunities; and experiences of inclusion

The Relationship Mapping Survey serves to identify the teachers that have positive and stable relationships with students The results are used to measure student belonging within the Stuart community and help ensure each student feels connected to at least one adult in the school


Middle School students feel a sense of belonging (Nat Avg 49-67%*)

75% Upper School students feel a sense of belonging (Nat Avg 61 4%*)

*Benchmark Data:

IMPACT SNAPSHOT National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) Community and Belonging Survey of Students 2022 (LMI)


Student Programming Curriculum
Faculty & Staff
Professional Development


Student Programming Faculty & Staff Professional Development

The Office of DEIB continues to develop an authentic connection with students through its participation in the life of the school by attending field trips across all divisions, supporting school programs, and assisting with student concerns or disciplinary issues

All faculty and staff are required to attend Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity (SEED) training within three years of their hire date. This year concluded our fifth cohort with now 81% of eligible faculty and staff members having completed SEED training

Policies, Procedures, & Practices

Stuart Board of Trustees developed and approved a Diversity Policy. A Cultural Awareness criterion was added to the staff evaluation process which assesses staff members’ growth in awareness of their own cultural worldview, attitude toward cultural differences, knowledge of different cultures and cross-cultural skills, and development of measures to detect cultural blindspots.

Integrated CamelCase hashtags, video captions, Alt Text, and image descriptions into Office of Communications guidelines to increase accessibility to social media content Support was added to the Office of DEIB with division coordinator positions.

Integrated the director of DEIB into the hiring process, attending all hiring fairs, interviewing prospective faculty and staff candidates, and participating in faculty and staff evaluative discussions, as necessary.


Student Programming Curriculum

Third year of Student Diversity Board ("SDBoard") where fourth grade students led the way in promoting a community of belonging in the Lower School while also developing a school-wide initiative to support their efforts. This year, LS SDBoard instituted “DEIB Word of the Month,” a monthly presentation of a DEIB word that includes images, skits, videos, songs, and Q&A.

Students are nurtured in a globally-minded environment and educated to an understanding of and deep respect for diversity. The Early Childhood program engaged in a developmentally-appropriate DEIB curriculum focused on the topic of “Kindness” which included a monthly book read, discussion, and hands-on activity. The second grade conducted their annual study of the history of the Princeton community. The third and fourth grade classroom libraries expanded to include more culturally diverse authors. All grades were introduced to various artists from around the world and historic women ' s voices in the arts and world languages.

Faculty & Staff Professional Development

Faculty and staff demonstrate greater comfort in approaching DEIB-related issues by proactively seeking out the assistance of the Office of DEIB in decisions and actions related to communications, programming, and discipline.


Affinity groups were established, providing student-led spaces for students to connect and be affirmed. A partnership was also established with Princeton Academy of the Sacred Heart for DEIB student leaders to come together to discuss and think critically about various social justice issues. This year marked the third year of SDBoard where representatives from all grades led the way in promoting a community of belonging in the Middle School.

A revision to the history curriculum has included the fifth/sixth grade World History course which now expands the course ' s current content on Indian and/or Chinese history and incorporates the study of Japanese civilization. The eighth grade civics course was redesigned to align in content succession with the ninth grade ethnic studies course with content inclusive of indigenous and immigrant populations around the world.

Student Programming Curriculum Faculty & Staff Professional Development

Attendance at required microaggression training at the start of the school year.

Peer-led workshop on differentiation in the classroom hosted by the Learning Center

Affinity group advisor training with special emphasis on how to effectively advise groups that do no match one ' s own personal identity.

Participation in annual DEIB Culture & Relationship Mapping Survey.


Student Programming

With an Upper School student chairing the SDBoard, the student voice and perspective is shared with the Office of DEIB on a weekly basis. Web pages and branding logos for each affinity group were created to assist with building greater visibility and awareness of these student groups with some groups connecting across divisions and with other local independent schools.


Following the English department's curriculum audit, which assessed the level of diverse character representation across all courses, the history department has redesigned its curriculum toward a more interdisciplinary approach in the humanities that connects the eighth and ninth grade years. This has included moving the World Cultures course to the tenth grade and diversifying its geographical regions of focus with women ’ s studies as the primary lens to explore the ancient and medieval world.

Faculty & Staff Professional Development

Attendance at required microaggression training at the start of the school year.

Affinity group advisor training with special emphasis on how to effectively advise groups that do no match one ' s own personal identity

Participation in annual DEIB Culture & Relationship Mapping Survey.


"The Sacred Heart never asks that we become perfect all at once, but that we work at becoming so day by day as God gives us grace and light."

Policies, Procedures & Practices

Partner with admissions and athletics to conduct DEIB analysis Faculty working group to examine best practices in supporting LGBTQ+ students in an all-girls Sacred Heart school setting Increase transparency and equity around the financial aid program, including the Stuart Experience

Student Programming

Expand DEIB student conference opportunities

Increase collaboration and communication with students around DEIB work and initiatives


Continue with audit of curriculum through a DEIB lens Utilizing data from the DEIB Culture Survey and Relationship Mapping to better inform pedagogical practices in the classroom.

Faculty & Staff Professional Development

Host anti-bias training for Leadership Team and other hiring managers

Develop pipeline to recruit and retain more diverse faculty members


2022-2023 Office of DEIB

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