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Foundations of Design : REPRESENTATION, SEM1, 2018 M2 JOURNAL - FLATNESS vs PROJECTION Mingjia Shi

944560 Han Li - studio 27



Question 1: What is Pictorial Space according to Le Corbusier? (Maximum 100 words) Pictorial space is that which cannot be entered or circulated through; it is irremediably space views from a distance, and is therefore eternally resigned to frontality.

Question 2: The Flatness of Le Corbusier’s painting’s are attributable to two properties. What are they? And what are these pitted against?(Maximum 100 words) First: As cast shadow, the black shapes became signs of an implied depth over which the shadow is cast. Second: As the shape of objects, black was juxtaposed against areas of white( or color of very light value) so that the extreme contrast between figure and ground served to pry apart the surface of the picture at the point where the contrast occurred. Contrast became an option metaphor for the mutual externality of one object to another within threedimensional space.



world 8

world 17



This is the first hand-drawing world which is drew straightly according to the two pictures given by tutor. Here it has no creative design, just an representation of elevation mario world.



This is the new mario hand- drawing world designed as a mine site. A system of exploit mine has been designed with two mean buildings of ore milling and several paths to transport ore out of the mine under ground.



Question 1: Explain the difference between Pictoral (in this case perspectival) space and Projection? (Maximum 100 words) Pictoral could be regarded as a special case of anamorphosis. Anamorphosis functions to make visible the limits of the perspectival system and its arbitrariness. Projection is the more general case. A generalized system of projection utilizing vanish points,converging projectors and picture plans, which, when aligned, produce ‘correct’ perspectives, but when placed in different relationships, produce ‘distorted’ anamophic effects. Anamorphosis makes explicit the subject’s agency in viewing. And comfirms that viewing itself involves projection and participates in the construction of the illusion.

Question 2: Where did Axonometric projection first arise, and why? (Maximum 100 words) The first Axonometric projection occured in a military context, where it was originally used to chart the three-dimensinal trajectories of artillery projectiles. It is originated in the abstract and instrumental world of the technical decipline. Because axonometric combined the immediacy of a perspectival view with the measurability and transmissibility of orthographic projection. Also, it is concerned instead with construction and consistency.



This is the new colored mario world. Because there are heavy clouds in the sky according to the elevation, the whole color of this world adds some gray to represent the cloudy weather. The mine under the ground is blue fluorite which is a kind of mine has blue, black and violet colour.


The cloud is colored by using different blue and gray to show the cloudy weather.

These two connected buildings are created as the factory to process fluorite.

The water which is used in purification is discharged via this gate into the well on the base

The ground between the two worlds has a combined color with yellow and black purple. The black purple place shows the possibility of fluorite existence, so there are two gates on the ground to the underground mine.

These are the completed processed blue fluorite cubes stored among trees.

Wood slopes are set between the two world as a connection of each base as there are slight different height of two worlds. Also, they construct the transport system for miners to deliver fluorite to the factories.

The wasted water in the well are purified and combines with the underground stream, then pours down as waterfall.



1. Equipment preparation Here I use the compass to measure the width of each item to make sure they are totally same as the elevation worlds.

2. Axonometric drawing This is the origin work without any additional design, just straightly according to the two worlds.

3. Design world In this process, I designed a world firstly which has the ancient

4. Final hand drawing After I changed the style of the buildings, I add some

Chinese building. Then it seems to awkward, so I changed the

details such as well on the ground, gate to the under-

building style and add the mine under it to combine a system

ground, a wood frame bridge and changed the land

of mining.

form of the space between two worlds.


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