Studentalk #187 - April 2017

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Issue 187 Apr 2017

ACK’s Super Six From Students to Superstars Khalid Al Najdi The Many Faces of Social Anxiety Travel Cuba Calling!



the team

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Fawaz Al-Mutairi LEGAL CONSULTANT Khaled Al-Kandari Al-Kandari Law Firm MANAGING DIRECTOR Zeina Mokaddam GENERAL MANAGER Chimene Ibrahim CREATIVE DIRECTOR Yousif Abdulsaid EDITORIAL TEAM CONTENT MANAGER Zahra Husain CONTRIBUTORS Nissy Elsa John Arwa Husain Rabaa Al Hajeri Nathalie Matta Jenan Akbar Saima Bhatti Sulaiman Al Rodhan Abdullah Azmouz CREATIVE TEAM Nidal Al-Shaker PHOTOGRAPHY Maher Al-Nouri CIRCULATION MANAGER Jad Nahas DISTRIBUTORS Roshan Sapumal Ajith Kumara



StudenTalk Magazine

letter Dear Students, The best thing about living in a competitive world is that it pushes us to test our limits, and brings out the best in us. And I cannot tell you how proud I feel today to showcase some of the best examples of students leading their way into the future. In this issue we talk to the Super Six Alumni from ACK who are already making history in their professional careers, from Aviation and Business Management to Adventure Travel and Martial arts, these young minds are conquering great heights. For seventeen years, I have been writing my letters from the heart, drawing from my own experiences in the hope of leaving a positive impact. And it feels great to know that indeed one reaps what one sows. I dedicate this issue to all those students who are surging forward in this world, all the while setting great examples for our blossoming youth to look up to. Till the next issue‌

Zeina Mokaddam


Thank you to everyone for making our 19th Career Fair a success!



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Tel: + (965) 2530 7000

content Cover Story

14. ACK’s Super Six

Student Diwaniya

Local Scene


40. KicksTQ: The Anonymous Influencer

48. Cuba Calling! 53. Gadgets: Go Retro!



34. ACK Takes on the Battle Against Smoking

38. Artist of the Month: Khalid Al Najdi

Health & Sports


28. The Do-it-All’s : Talent Club, GUST

58. Anxiety & Depression: Seeking Help 60. Women in Sports

64. Book Review: It’s Time for... Relationships 68. Celebrity News

72. Events 76. Horoscope

ACK Super Six

From Students to Superstars

Any educational institution is a sum of its students. These young minds who enroll in to a professional course with nothing but dreams of a bright future in their mind are turned into successful professionals and entrepreneurs by the institution they place their trust in.

This month, our writer, Nissy Elsa John, talks to six of ACK’s Alumni who have been making headlines. From a media management company to martial arts training and an adventure travel enterprise these alumni have been leaving an unforgettable imprint everywhere they go. Here are their stories‌


Moving Onward & Upward Khalil Al Hammar ACK Super six

Armed with a Bachelor’s in Business Management from ACK, Khalil has been boldly exploring areas of creativity since 2013. Whilst still in college, he started his blog,, posting the latest updates in Kuwait. That is, after all, the heart of every business’ success – a junction at which the audience’s needs, and the provider’s potential and passion meet. ACK opened Khalil’s eyes to a world of opportunities. During his initial days at college, he had assumed that he would find employment, either in a company or in the ministry, and have a stable career. As he got to know those who had gone before him along the path of entrepreneurship, however, he discovered that his true interests lay in a slurry of creative ideas – web development, social media management, graphic designing and app development. And thus, Edges Media was conceived. Recognizing the need for theoretical as well as practical business perspicacity, Khalil took a deep-dive into his academics at ACK. However, ACK’s role in his journey did not end with academics; its Public Relations department supported Khalil with some events within campus, and the administration helped him further promote Edges Media and build his customer base. The inflow of encouragement and support was, undeniably, a boon for the start-up. Thanks to this support and his own diligent groundwork, projects keep pouring in and testimonials are aplenty. For this ACK graduate, it’s all about building strong relationships based on trust and reliability, and he believes this adds to the strength of his business. “No matter what, we give a full measure of our creativity to each of our projects. This is what defines us, and helps us with brand identity creation”, says Khalil. Khalil joined Tamkeen, a youth empowerment organization in Kuwait, two years ago as a Marketing Committee Director. He supports them with all media, PR and marketing-related tasks.

His end goal is to ultimately transition back to the education sector, but this time to give back. To teach. He says proudly, “I love teaching others, guiding them. Education is the best form of support you can bestow upon your society. I believe that I received the best of what Kuwait has to offer. ACK’s education system, its environment as well as its facilities are unmatched in the region, and it is my turn to give back”. At the same time, Khalil knows the route to what he calls success is uphill. Yet, with his commitment, it is difficult to overestimate his potential. Currently pursuing his MBA, he hopes to attain a PhD in Marketing a few years down the line, all the while managing and expanding his businesses. Khalil tells students who might be at a crossroads in their careers, “Everything has become easier and more accessible with technology. Stay motivated, and find out exactly what excites you. And just do it”.


Paradigm Shift: Emerging Stronger Maali Salmeen ACK Super six

An element of wistfulness is almost palpable as Ma’Ali speaks of her life at ACK. Six years have passed since she earned her Aviation diploma from the Australian College of Kuwait, and yet, she is as enthused as a recent graduate might be.


Today, she steers her own successful business – Martial Calibre, while also working a full-time job as an aviation professional at Kuwait Airways. Looking back, Ma’Ali remembers that the young woman who walked out of ACK’s doors after the 2.5 years of her coursework was a much stronger person than the quiet girl who took her first steps in. The transformation in her character was so radical that it was apparent to those who know her. She attributes this change to the substance of ACK’s greatest gift to her – its culture of caring, giving, and understanding. For Ma’Ali, martial arts was a redemptive journey. When she started training, it was only to shed a few pounds. However, it gradually became a spiritual passage for her. Coaching students in Kajukenbo, which is fundamentally street fighting, she sees martial arts as a way to help empower girls and thereby, improve their lives. With its no-belt system, Martial Calibre is all about not admitting defeat in the face of an attack. By providing classes that are both bilingual and female-tutored, Martial Calibre has made self-defense more accessible to young girls in Kuwait. Ma’Ali believes that the behavioral and life lessons imparted by her instructors have given her an edge over others at her workplace. In fact, she avers that doing the work is the least difficult part of succeeding in a career. It is just as important to understand your own as well as others’ psychology to be able to handle situations well, something that ACK taught her well. ACK’s academics are well aligned with the requirements of the corporate world, enabling its students to succeed at work

and in life. Right from the onset of studies, opportunities are provided so that students can equip themselves with relevant experience and practical knowledge. On-the-job trainings are provided, wherein employers can gauge the caliber of trainees while students gain experiential knowledge. In fact, this is how Ma’Ali came by her job at Kuwait Airways, where these trainings are seen as functional interviews of sorts. The comforting atmosphere that welcomed her at ACK is something Ma’Ali tries to recreate in the world she stepped out into. For her, it’s all about being good, doing good, improving herself and giving back to others - all values driven home by her instructors. Her positivity, optimism and assuring nature make it easy to see what she means, and what makes her such a good leader. Out of the acquired strength has been born a ‘never-give-up’ attitude. She has broken through several stereotypes and stigmas that have seeped through and become standards in the Arab region. Being just the second girl to be on the field in her capacity as an aviation professional at Kuwait Airways, Ma’Ali had to stick it through the tough times to prove that gender did not determine the quality of work that was delivered. “It is an amazing feeling to be part of a good change in social patterns”, she says. To wrap up, Ma’Ali urges students to speak out and communicate, knowing that the culture of ACK is one of complete understanding. “You know you will be heard. So if you see there is anything standing in the way of your success, be it academic or otherwise, make sure you speak out and let your instructors know.”


It's All About Loving it! Manayer Salmeen ACK Super six

Manayer joined ACK in 2006, having shifted from a local university she was previously enrolled in. The stark contrast was not lost on her, and counting her blessings, she remembers the relief she felt after her first day of classes at ACK. The friendly instructors, the organized and streamlined system, as well as the beautiful campus enabled her to be comfortable at college, and was conducive to her all-rounded success there.

“It is not a piece of cake, being a Petroleum Engineer, a business owner and a wife”, Manayer states unequivocally. However, she is quick to add, “There is a saying that goes something like, “If you love your job, you’ll never have to work a day in your life”, which I find to be true. I love what I do and I do what I love, and I am appreciative of that every single day of my life.”

Among the first three students to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Oil & Gas Engineering from ACK, Manayer found the hands-on approach employed by her college emboldening. It gave the students a chance to figure things out on their own through research, theses, and site visits. All of these experiences at ACK facilitated her transition into KOC, where she works full-time today.

One year after opening condition:COMBAT, Manayer transferred her training location to ACK. She taught her classes there for two and a half years. She says, “ACK has wonderful outdoor facilities that I was allowed access to, clean and tidy training areas, and impeccable security. Having the support of ACK to build my business, in a place I am familiar with, has been a blessing”.

She also runs condition:COMBAT, Kuwait’s first and only Ladies’ Shotokan Karate and Fitness Conditioning Academy. Having won regional and international acclaim as a Shotokan Karate professional, Manayer could see what was lacking in support for women’s karate in Kuwait. Her determination to open her own academy was cemented by her love for karate. Her training has a commingled approach of traditional and modern karate (combat), plus the added aspect of martial-arts-related fitness approach (condition).


Manayer finds every aspect of ACK to be invigorating and aimed at fulfilling its adamant aim to prepare a well-rounded employee who can excel in a workplace. In fact, so much is her love for her alma mater, she says she would be the first to sign up should there ever be a master’s program at ACK. As she says, “There is always room for self-improvement; do not be afraid to ask for help. Just realize your blessings, and love what you do!”

ACK Gives you Wings Abdulaziz Husain ACK Super six

His passion for aviation forms the DNA of the driving factor behind Abdulaziz’s success, both at ACK and afterward. One among the first batch of EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) students in the country, he committed himself to academics and became the first at ACK to complete all of the required EASAs. “The benefit of completing an Aviation Engineering diploma from ACK are multifold”, says Abdulaziz. Landing his dream job at Kuwait Airways, the fresh graduate was armed with practical knowledge that fortified his confidence enough for him not to be overwhelmed by the pressure of work. Right from the start of his coursework, Abdulaziz was blessed with the opportunity to work on an actual aircraft – both the engine and the airframe – on campus. Spending hours on each section of the aircraft, Abdulaziz found himself exposed to new knowledge to absorb with each day he was at ACK. But did success come easy? Most definitely not. Aviation is a difficult choice of major, no matter where you study. At ACK, it involves long workshop hours and weekly examinations, and during his time, aviation students were required to be on campus from 8 am to 4 pm. Abdulaziz attributes his success to the enriching nature of his classes, coupled with his determination to make the most of each and every one of them. In retrospect, Abdulaziz is certain that the key to his success lies in having an actual commercial aircraft to train on, and the extensive on-the-job training he was required to complete before graduation. The program prepared him to be a quick learner and to efficiently complete maintenance tasks he was given at work. The instructors were always supportive. Abdulaziz often visits his alma mater to meet his former instructors and to get under the wings of that aircraft on campus once more. He says of his life at ACK, “It may have been a challenging time in my life, but I would not trade it for the world. It has made me the person I am today.”


The Connection Quotient Saud Al Juwaiyann ACK Super six

What Saud has accomplished in the years after college is a path that is at the behest of every student, and yet, is one that is not trodden often. At ACK, those with a passion are nudged and prodded so that the dreams of its students and alumni materialize into reality. A year after having completed his Mechanical Engineering degree from ACK in 2011, Saud started breathing life into his own initiative, Oxadventure. What started as a blog thrived on support, and evolved into a non-profit organization that designs experiences to combine volunteering and adventure. Below is an excerpt from Studentalk’s interview with Saud. Tell us a little bit about Oxadventure. Oxadventure is an NGO that combines three elements: volunteering, cultural exchange, and getting out of your comfort zone. The focus is on involvement of youth which, I believe, shows them that life is so much bigger than what we can see around us. We achieve these goals by providing opportunities to volunteer in countries across the globe. Would you say ACK has helped you reach where you are today? Without a doubt. ACK helped kick-start my career. Education is a game changer, and it is about more than just the degree that we get from our alma mater. I believe that the problem-solving attitude that was planted and nurtured at ACK has helped me get to where I am today. What would you say is your single most significant takeaway from ACK? The support of my mentors, colleagues and even current students has shaped my career to a large degree. I would definitely say that the connections built during and as a consequence of my time at ACK have brought me to a whole new level. Whether it was in terms of supporting the initiative right from its conceptual stages, marketing or even expanding my network, ACK has been with me through and through.


If you had it to do all over again, what would you do differently? Maybe I would choose a different major. Maybe marketing. But that’s it; I would not want to change anything else. Is there any advice that you would like to give current or future students on how they can make the best of their ACK experience? I would advise students to follow their passion. See education not in terms of the degree you will have at the end of your years in college; see it as a way of life, as an opportunity for self-improvement. Find where your true interests lie, and then work hard on them.

P for Proactive Madonna Ghanem ACK Super six

A wife. Mother of two. Managing Director and Partner of Biosphere Spa, which has three branches across Kuwait. Managing Director of a new dermatological clinic, Donna Bella, scheduled to open in 89 Mall. And simultaneously, pursuing an MBA. To say that Madonna has her plate full would be an understatement. “It is a lot of pressure”, she admits; but it is hard not to see her motivation and drive. After having graduated from an Arabic school and with little knowledge of the English language, Madonna’s beginning at ACK was a struggle. However, she set her mind to devouring the vocabulary of her books, and with the encouragement of her instructors, got straight ‘A’s that first semester at college, and every one that followed in its wake. She completed her degree at ACK with a neat 4/4. Even to this day, Madonna finds the words of her instructor, Dr. Cathy Robenston, “Madonna, you are a proactive person”, an impetus to keep giving her best. Madonna is yet another testimony of the efficiency of ACK’s hands-on approach to studies. It was during her early years at ACK that she was approached to develop

a business plan for what later became Biosphere Spa. Launched in 2009, the spa benefits from the business acumen that Madonna obtained at ACK. Eight years down, she invests her intellectual resources to ensure that it maintains a competitive advantage over other offerings in the region and provides value-added services to all its customers. There are still times when she turns to her lecturers for advice and recommendations. For her, it is this level of their dedication and the degree of openness they share with their students that sets the ACK experience a class above all others. The familial spirit that she experienced during her first years at ACK persists, though it has been seven years since she graduated. The Alumni Centre in particular has built strong bridges that keep communication lines open between ex-students and the current faculty and student body. In fact, they even help boost awareness of her business at every opportunity. With passion underlining her tone, Madonna urges, “Do not wait for anyone to tell you what needs to be done. Identify opportunities, and focus on your ambition. ACK has your back and will support you.” Simply be proactive.


We asked, you said... Which bank do you have your account with and why?

Mohammed Zeyn KU Finance

Mohammed Al Arbash GUST Finance

Qasim Kubba GUST Finance

Humoud Alwazzan GUST International Business

The bank I choose will be based on the quality of their offers provided.

I chose my bank because according to me it is one of the best banks in Kuwait. I don’t think there is anything that will make me change my bank.

I picked NBK because I think that they have the best service.

I chose NBK because of their good customer service.





Hamad AlKhudhari GUST Management

Abdullah AlShuwaiyea GUST MIS

Bader AlFoudari GUST Accounting

Yousef Haider GUST Public Relations

I bank with NBK and the reason I went with them is because of the high quality service that they offer to their customers.

My choice when it comes to banking is Boubyan, because in my opinion they are industry leaders especially when it comes to new banking enhancements and technologies.

I chose NBK because of their excellent service.

I bank with the National Bank of Kuwait.





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Mamdouh Gawabi GUST Computer Science

Abdullah GUST International Business

Abdulaziz AUM Industrial Engineering

Laila Ali ACK Aviation

For me it is Central Bank of Kuwait, mainly because of their service.

I chose Gulf Bank, because having worked with them I have firsthand experience on how well they treat their customers, as well as the superior quality of their service.

When I finally graduated from high school, I had to choose a bank account for the social allowance that I receive monthly from the government. I explored a couple of banks with my dad, and Boubyan Bank was the best one because of the many offers and deals it provides.

I would pick my bank with benefits for youth, for our generation this makes it more useful as we get some discount. So if I feel comfortable about my bank I wouldn’t think of changing it.




Rabab Zaman ACK Bachelors Oil and Gas

Raunaq Chowdhury ACK Management

Mohammed Ben Yousif ACK Aviation

Hussain ACK Engineering

I pick my bank based on the security and offers they provide. According to me better services might convince me to change the bank.

Security of transactions and credit facilities.

The service must be good, with a lot of offers and banking safety.

I prefer NBK for my student allowance account because of the wide range of discounts (600 stores in Kuwait) and the security of transaction.



@ rababzn


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Adnan ACK Business Management NBK because it has the largest presence in Kuwait and was ranked 23rd among the World’s Top 50 Safest Commercial Banks in 2014.

Sarah alessa ACK Aircraft Maintenance Engineer I use NBK because it’s a great bank and gives us a lot of discounts.

Haider Maki ACK Oil and Gas

Abdulhammid ACK Mechanical Engineering

Bader Al-Attal ACK Business Management

I like NBK because of their good service as well as the offers they provide. Transaction safety is also a big reason for me to choose NBK.

I chose KFH because of the services mainly the student loans, K-NET use and visa and master cards.

I bank with NBK. I like them because of the safety of transaction, knowing that my money is secure with them.



Nadine Ayman Kraiem AUK Accounting

Pearla Haidar AUK Media & Communications

Fahad Al Musallam AUK Media & Communications

I chose NBK because my family banks with them.

Gulf Bank, as they are trustworthy.


Rateb Shehadeh AUK Marketing & Communications

Ola Rashed AUK Electrical Engineering

I like NBK because it I really like Tijari Bank for I prefer NBK because of multiple reasons. They are seems to be a popular their Al Shabab Card – it fast, their service is good, choice amongst people, which means that if caters to my age group they don’t discriminate nothing else, the bank is really well. among their customers @ratebbb based on nationality. It is at least trustworthy when it comes to transaction also close to me house safety. and their promotions are @nadineak rather amazing.



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Mohammad Mirza AUK Accounting Finance

Abdulaziz AlShaikh KU Mechanical Engineering

Noura Al Zaher AUK Graphic Design

Dana Kablaoui AUK Graphic Design

Kuwait national bank, they offer good packages for students

Based on the reputation and the services they provide such as major discounts or lucky draws. The bank’s online services and ease of transactions on the bank’s mobile app is the most essential service to me.

I do all my banking with Al Tamweel because they don’t charge interests and it is also very convenient.

NBK because of their good reputation, trustworthiness.



Asmaa alFailakawi GUST English Education

Ali Ashkanani ACK Aviation

Ali GUST Marketing

Yasmine ACK Aviation

For me personally service and transaction security are very important. If there is any weakness on these two accounts, it could be a reason for me to change my bank.

I like Boubyan bank because banking is easier with their mobile application and also because of how well they treat their customers.

I like NBK, because of the services they provide.

It all depends on how good the service is and also how safe the bank is with handling details and managing customer’s personal information. Also, the many good options the bank provides.




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We asked, you voted... Which bank do you have an account with? NBK Boubyan KFH Other

52% 8% 20% 20%

Sara Hatab BHCK Business Management

Dalal Khalaf GUST English Literature

Ahlam GUST International Business

Mohammed GUST MIS

Fatemah Al Sanea GUST Finance






Lulwah Al Sarhan GUST Marketing

Fatma Hajeyah GUST Accounting

Moshtaha Al Sayed AUK Economics



@ Moshtaha

Shahad Al Samhouri AUK Media communication & marketing

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Ghazi AUK Computer engineering @GhaziTark

Khalid Naje ACK Business Management

Yara Mahmoud ACK Civil Engineering

Fares Awwad ACK Civil Engineering

Abdullah Darwish ACK Business Management

Mubarak Al Mulla





Fares Ayash GUST Marketing

Tony GUST Marketing



Mohammed Ghadanfari GUST Finance

Ahmad Al-Eissa GUST Accounting

Abdullah Barqawi AUK Electrical Engineering

Yousef AlSalman GUST Accounting

Yousef Khan AUK International Business






Luluah Al Saqer GUST Linguistics

Nazeema Derbas GUST Finance

Khaled AlTaheri GUST Marketing @Khalid_altahiri_12

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Talent Club, GUST The Do-It-All's

The Talent Club at GUST is like no other. In fact, with its motto to ‘break the rules’, it strives to stand out from the rest. As the name suggests, this club has not pegged itself to any specific art or science. It encourages GUST students to bring their talents – whatever they may be – center stage, and provides a platform where members can benefit from opportunities to cultivate new skills.

Talent Club Members Together with Student Volunteers From GUST During a Visit to an Old Age Home

Established in January, 2008 by Yousef Malek AlHammadi, Talent Club invites students to step out of their academic cocoons, to experience the creativity within their own campus and to be a part of something invigorating. And there is no paucity of options that are presented to the student body to make this happen – theatrical performances, music shows, public speaking workshops. You name it, they have it. And even if they do not, they are open to it. It goes without saying that this club is definitely where the ‘getting bored doing the same thing’ trend stops. Talent Club helps build meaningful relationships among students with similar skills and/or interests. “We are more like a family”, says Abdullah Azmouz, the club’s Head of Public Relations. With about 30 members and counting, the club welcomes students who have a vested interest in cinema, music or theatre. The relationships that they share with each other transcends barriers that society has implicitly placed on itself; this on its own is an empowering experience. These change-makers are all about swapping the routine for the unusual, and keeping things new and fresh. It is a challenge to ensure that they raise their standards with every event they host, be it a play, a seminar, a


Talent Club Members Before a Public Speaking Conference


Club Members that Work Together, Stay Together...

workshop or even a short movie. Outdoing themselves is what makes this club what it is. Just in the recent past, they conducted a ‘make your success’ workshop for students. Following its completion, they set about organizing a visit, in coordination with other clubs, to a home for the elderly on Mothers’ Day. And now, they are busy recording a short movie to be released soon. It is also a constant effort to ensure that all members benefit long-term from their involvement in the club. Toward this end, specific tasks are assigned to members so that they gain experience in handling responsibilities. “Engaging in the Talent Club is the best choice that I have made so far at GUST. It has changed the way I think, and I have learnt how to be both, more formal and more social”, says Qasim Kubba, the current President of the club. There are no bounds to their resourcefulness. Whether it is in promoting their own events, or reaching out to the student/local community, Talent Club members are proactive and upbeat, putting to good use their time, energy and skills. Ultimately, what they intend, is to “keep doing the best we can, until we are the best there is!”

Club President Qasem Kubba with Club PR Abdullah Azmouz


Mariam Salisu, Creative Explorer Competition Winner: March 2017

Mariam is quick-witted and intelligent, when it comes to responses and thoughtful and deep when it comes to penning down her thoughts. A student of English Literature at the Arab Open University, she is a creative explorer who likes to think between the lines.


ST: How would you best describe yourself? Mariam: I think I am “somewhere between Machboos and Jollof rice,” meaning that although I am Nigerian by birth, I have lived most of my life in Kuwait. In that, the identities of both, where I belong and where I am, coexist in me. ST: What kind of writer would you say you are? Mariam: I think I am less of a writer and more of a creative explorer. I find freedom in writing, it helps me get away from all the strict guidelines that education binds us in. Having said that I love going back to my old work, just to compare it to how my style has evolved.

ST: What kind of things do you generally write about? Mariam: I write about what I feel like writing about. My work is like my commentary on things that are happening around me. It is mostly self-expression, so if a thought worth expanding crosses my mind, I go ahead and put it on paper. ST: What is your biggest fear when it comes to writing? Mariam: Writing for me is a hobby, and because of that I don’t really have big fears related to it. However, I think not receiving constructive criticism on my work, is definitely something I am scared of. I want to grow and learn more, and I think honest feedback is critical to that process.

ST: What to you is the best part about writing? Mariam: To me writing is liberation. Something that expands my thinking by making me question things. It helps me analyze the people around me and the world at large. I feel like when I am writing, I am pressing the pause button on life and examining it.

ST: What is the best compliment you have received? Mariam: I think the best compliments are usually when people tell me that they can relate to my work. It makes me very happy to know that my readers can connect with my words.

ST: What format of writing do you use? Mariam: I mainly write poetry and prose. Writing for me, is more of a hobby, not something I imagine taking up professionally, after all, I ain’t no Edgar Allan Poe!

ST: What inspires you to continue writing? Mariam: I think the freedom that writing offers me is what keeps me coming back for more. Something that lets me create, question and explore.

ST: Who is your favorite poet? Mariam: I don’t really choose favorites, however I like the American spoken word artist Sarah Kay more than I like others. I think when it comes to performing her work, there is a certain depth that her personality adds to the mix. The way she uses humor to enhance her work is amazing.

ST: Is your family supportive about your passion? How do they react to your written words? Mariam: Yes, of course! My family has read my work. In fact, they are very supportive, and are always pushing me to do better. They always jokingly ask about when my book is coming out.


Creating Opportunities GUST Annual Career Fair 2017

Last month, Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) held its 19th Career Fair. With over 40 different professional organizations, the Career Fair is, so far, one of the university’s biggest, most sought after event of year. In an interview with Mrs. Nahed Al-Obaid, Deputy Director of Business Development & Corporate Relations (BDCR), we learn all about the GUST Career Fair, how it all started, and what it means for the students and alumni who have studied at this prestigious university.

H.E. Minister of Commerce & Industry Khaled Al-Roudan


Mrs. Nahed Al-Obaid, Deputy Director of BDCR

Ribbon Cutting by Minister Al-Roudan, & GUST Chairman, Prof. Salem Al-Tuhaih

Panel discussion on ‘Career Opportunities for Youth in Kuwait’

Minister Al-Roudan visits over 40 booths at the Career Fair

Minister Al-Roudan Engages with Career Fair participants and sponsors

ST: How and why was the GUST Career Fair started? Open to both GUST students and alumni, the Career Fair aims at providing a meeting point for students who are seeking opportunities on the professional front and for organizations who are looking for talented young minds. Starting out initially as a bi-annual event by the university’s outreach program, the Career Fair has, over the years, evolved into an annual event awaited eagerly both by job seekers and providers. ST: What makes the GUST Career Fair so special? The event garners sponsorships both from prestigious companies and local government institutions and this year was no different. The fair this year was organized under the patronage and attendance of H.E. Mr. Khalid Naser Al-Roudan - Minister of Commerce & Industry and Acting Minister of State for Youth Affairs. Other than local and international businesses, the Career Fair has also opened its doors to non-profit organizations to promote volunteering opportunities that serve the local community, build character, and instill a sense of selflessness and duty in today’s youth. What makes the GUST Career Fair so different from other

similar events, is the university’s continuous commitment to not only increase the number of participating students and companies, but also to use the fair as a platform to spread awareness on local trends, professional skills, and career guidance. This gives students the best possible chance at scoring a job that they can learn and grow in. ST: What other sessions does the Career Fair hold in addition to providing placements? In addition to providing career opportunities, GUST also organized various educational sessions on topics such as Corporate Governance, CMA Regulatory Requirements and Anti-Money Laundering Regulations, the Public Institution for Social Security Laws, and a session on how to develop one’s career through volunteering. ST: What other services does GUST provide its students when it comes to finding career opportunities? In addition to the Annual Career Fair, GUST is also developing a web application called ‘Beyond’ that will help their students and alumni connect with potential employers. The system enables subscribed businesses to post their job vacancies, and search for suitable candidates from the university. Applicants can upload their CVs and apply for job opportunities through this system


Smoke Busters ACK Smoking ACK Takes on the Battle Against Smoking

Awareness Initiative

The ACK (Australian College of Kuwait) anti-smoking awareness campaign was started in 2014 through an initiative suggested by Dr. Usameh Jamali, advisor to the Chairman at the college. The intention behind the campaign was to involve the students at ACK in a project that not only earns them academic credits but has far reaching consequences in the betterment of our society. To this end, the ACK Schools of Engineering and Business were tasked with constructing awareness modules that demonstrated the ill effects of smoking, which would then be taken to local schools, where they could educate younger kids on the same.

“Say NO to Smoking”

Come 2015, the ACK Management Diploma students society in a positive way. The anti-smoking campaign is The Busters" was one suchlogo initiative that we think will make our students made their first school visit at the"Smoke International more responsible world Academy of Kuwait. Since then designed the anti-smoking by ACK Students. citizens,” said Dr. Usameh Jamali. campaign has received great feedback from school teachers and administrators alike. This Corporate The awareness module has ACK students interact Social Responsibility initiative is made available by ACK with the school going kids in a fun and educational manner. They start off by giving a visual presentation students to any schools that request it. on the ill effects of smoking both on the human body “At ACK we believe in encouraging a healthy lifestyle and the environment. Following which kids are invited both for our students and staff. We intend to not just to participate in several activities including solving jigeducate our students in academics but also want to saw puzzles and creating posters, all leading up to one focus on creating a generation that will impact the single message, “Say NO to Smoking!”.


models into local schools. During 2014, Mechanical Engineering students designed 3 models with different themes.


The Australian College of Kuwait (ACK) actively In 2015, the first school visit by Management encourages healthy lifestyles for students, staff and Diploma students took place at the International families. Academytheir of Kuwait (IAK). SCHOOL VISITATION STRUCTURE

from the ACK Management Diploma This Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Students initiative program visit local schools to make presentations to has already received very positive feedback childrenfrom regarding the effects of smoking on humans and school teachers and administrators. It is intendedalso the environment. that visits will be undertaken to other interested The presentations are interactive and involve demonstrations as well as audience schools into the future. ACK students are practical involved participation. not only through their class projects but also as a ACK students prepare in advance for their voluntary contribution towards their community. presentations and the language and content are specifically targeted at the young participants.

Above, ACK staff members after demonstration of smoking awareness models on campus 2015. Below, ACK Board member, Dr Usameh Jamali, with Management Diploma students during a Smoking Awareness initiative visit to the Iinternational Academy of Kuwait (IAK) in 2015. “Our greatest challenge lies in making sure that the kids understand what we are trying to tell them. That they are made aware of the ill consequences of this habit and they do so while having fun. We believe that when a message is delivered in an interactive manner, it stays with the kids for longer. For this purpose, we make sure that all the content is simple and easy to understand and appeals to the kids’ sensibilities,� commented one of the participating ACK students. In a world where marketers are trying to get their target audience hooked onto cigarettes as early as possible,

ACK is taking the battle to where it matters most. If kids are educated from a young age on how this habit could eventually kill both them and their environment, chances are they will grow up in to adults that propagate healthy and positive lifestyles. Kudos to the team at ACK for trying to make a change where it matters the most! For more information on the initiative you can get in touch with the team via email on health&


NBK Al Shabab Prepaid Card One Card, Many Deals

It’s something we can all agree on - the only thing better than shopping and enjoying your favorite brands, is getting aStudent great discount from them. That’s one of the many reasons why NBK Shabab Visa Prepaid Talk-Shabab Prepaid 12x6.5cm-22032017-1-final.pdf 1 Al3/22/17 2:13 PM Card is so popular with students in Kuwait. Cardholders enjoy special offers and exclusive discounts at many of the most popular brands.









When it comes to fashion, we all want to look our trendiest. H&M has this season’s must have styles for men and women, now available at 10% off when paying with NBK Al Shabab Visa Prepaid Card. So you can look like a thousand bucks, without spending it. But you won’t be the only one looking stylish. Your car can look its best too, with a visit to Auto Wrap. Their car polishing, detailing services, and protective films will keep your ride in perfect condition. Thanks to their exclusive offer for NBK Al Shabab customers, you can enjoy a range of discounts, including 25% off paint less dent repair, 20% off car detailing services and 15% off paint protection and window films. Feeling like dining out tonight? Nino is a perennial favorite when it comes to popular Italian restaurants


in Kuwait. Cardholders can enjoy not just delicious pastas and pizzas, but also a special 15% discount on their bill, when paying with their NBK Al Shabab Visa Prepaid Card. Now that spring is in the air, show your special someone you care with a beautiful bouquet from M Flowers. Thanks to the NBK Al Shabab Visa Prepaid Card, cardholders can take advantage of a special 10% discount when ordering M Flower’s tasteful and artistic floral arrangements. With NBK Al Shabab Visa Prepaid Card there’s a whole world of special offers out there waiting for you. To find out more about Al Shabab card, and discover all these discounts and more, visit your nearest NBK branch or check online at

The Many Faces of Social Anxiety Up, Close and Personal with Artist Khalid Al Najdi

Artist Khalid Al Najdi with his Painting Titled Self-Reflection

Khalid Al Najdi is an up and coming Kuwaiti artist who showcased his first solo exhibition titled Social Anxiety, last month at Artspace, Kuwait. One look at his paintings and there will be no doubt in anyone’s mind that Khalid is one to watch out for. In this issue, we get up, close and personal with Khalid about his art, inspiration and life on canvas.


Painting from the Art Exhibition Titled Social Anxiety

Khalid has been experimenting with art for as long as he can remember. “I was a very shy kid. Interacting with people made me nervous and that’s basically when I found art. It was easy to express myself on paper through drawings. I suffered from social anxiety for a long time and so it should come as no surprise to anyone that, this handicap was in fact the subject of my first exhibition. After all, if it wasn’t for my social anxiety, I would have never discovered art!” said Khalid about his first tryst with a passion that is now his profession. Although he has been painting for a long time, it was only recently that Khalid finally agreed to having his own show on the insistence of Sarah Chouari, the owner of Artspace studio and curator of the exhibition. The exhibition takes social anxiety as its central subject, where all the paintings are the artist’s interpretation of what a certain mental state would look like, were it to be expressed on canvas. While Khalid is most comfortable working with charcoal on paper, the exhibition also sees him experiment with acrylic on canvas. A self-taught artist, Khalid also has a degree in business. “I only started taking art seriously about three years ago and a lot of the credit for this goes to my friends

and family who constantly encouraged me to pursue my passion. Now that I have decided to take up painting full time I think I would like to pursue a degree in art. I think it will help me better my techniques and grow as an artist.” With an intention to explore the art world in New York, Paris and Italy, Khalid says the Kuwaiti art scene is at an evolutionary stage at this point. While not everyone here recognizes art as a legitimate profession, people are in some ways opening up to it. In every painting that Khalid does, you can almost reach out and touch the subject’s mood. From anger and sadness to narcissism and nervousness, each of his works uses color to express the dominant feeling. A little known fact about his work is that each character portrayed in his paintings is based on someone he has met in real life. In that way, one could say his paintings are a profile story on the people he has interacted with. Khalid someday intends to open his own gallery where he can provide a platform for novice artists like himself. For that and for creating art that continues to provide people with a mirror to the human mind, we wish Khalid all the very best.


The Anonymous Influencer Meet Social Influencer KicksTQ

TQ in a shot from the ‘Save Face’ Movement

In the age of social media and over exposure, where every second person claims to be a social media influencer, there are a few who have managed to gather a distinct voice in the noise that surrounds us. Known to his fans as KicksTQ, Tareq Qaddoumi, is one such voice. This month, in a rare chat with this introverted social media influencer, we talk about his passion for sneakers, street fashion and what makes him so different compared to his counterparts on the social media circuit.


For the Love of Sneakers

Having collaborated with brands like Lexus, Cadillac, Nike, and Asics, there is no surprise when it comes to TQ’s devoted fan following on Instagram. However, it is his journey to becoming a youth icon that makes for a very interesting tale. “I started collecting sneakers when I was six years old. While kids in school were saving their pocket money to buy the latest video games, all my resources were devoted to one purpose, buying the latest pair of Jordans,” said TQ when commenting on the origins of his now extensive sneaker collection. His social media handle KicksTQ was started mainly to share his passion for sneakers with those who might be interested in the same thing. The popularity and fan following that TQ now has, in his opinion is a byproduct of this passion. Having always been a very private person, TQ has so far remained anonymous to his audience. “The online presence was always about this entity that I was fond of, sneakers that is. It is fun to find artistic ways to display things I love, so being in the picture never even occurred to me. It was all about the sneakers initially, and later when I started getting endorsement requests, it was all about the product,” said TQ on why he remains a faceless influencer. “People like my style, and that is always central to any content that I post. What I look like is of little consequence, if any,” he added. It was while he was trying to concentrate on this faceless approach to presenting things that TQ chanced upon his trademark style of pictures, a portrait where the face in concealed with his hand, which has now turned into an international movement called ‘Save Face’.

Influencer in the Hood

“I just posted a picture of me with my hand covering my face because I generally can’t get my expressions right, next thing I know people in LA, New York, Japan and of course in Kuwait started posting the same kind of pictures and tagging me. That’s basically when the idea of ‘Save Face’ occurred to me. I thought it would be a good way to create awareness among people about maintaining one’s dignity and self-respect, by concentrating on other elements of life. Taking your identity out of the equation, makes your personality and sense of style standout more. It is an inclusive movement where people can concentrate on what’s important to them, instead of just concentrating on how they look,” said TQ while talking about his movement. While TQ has a very unique brand identity online, he says his first priority will always be his day job. A business graduate by education, he takes care of the management side of things at an oil company during the week. His weekends are generally devoted to his passion. “It’s great to know that people follow you and like what you do, but my day job is my first priority.” For anyone who aspires to be an online influencer TQ has one advice, “Your creativity, integrity and authenticity are the three pillars you need to build your identity on. Popularity is a byproduct. It is not an intention you should set for yourself. If you work hard enough and concentrate on what’s important to you, eventually people will take notice. And this is as true for anything else in life as it is for becoming a successful social media influencer.” Being an anonymous social media influencer, gives TQ that rare edge over others. It is almost an oxymoron existence, one that works for TQ and intrigues his followers, brands and us to no end.

To check out TQ’s work you can follow him on Instagram @kickstq or visit


From Tokyo with Love PS by Paul Smith SS'17

A new version of the classic ‘sukajan’ souvenir jacket from PS by Paul Smith emphasises the company’s strong links to Japan. The front of the jacket features two embroidered snakes that reference classic Japanese motifs. On the back, a non-traditional embroidered design features bright colors, cacti and peace symbols that tap into Paul Smith’s message of peace and positivity set out in the Spring Summer 17 catwalk show. The Japanese souvenir jacket, or ‘sukajan’, was initially introduced to the west by returning American soldiers following the conclusion of World War Two. The jacket became a symbol of cultural exchange. The PS by Paul Smith souvenir jacket is currently available in stores and online.


Style in a Metro A|X Women's SS'17

The Armani Exchange Women’s Spring/Summer 2017 collection has a changeable, metropolitan personality. The collection takes functional looks and mixes them with a sophisticated array of designs. Perfecto jackets are layered with dresses and tops. Skinny jeans with flare fit and a variety of patterns and washes, makes denim the main protagonist of this collection. Stripes on dresses and jumpers provide movement with wide, narrow, vertical and horizontal patterns. Japanese echoes characterise oversize tops. Prints feature camouflage. The collection is completed with a selection of classic pieces in an elegant and light colour palette expressed in natural materials like linen, and cotton. The iconic piece is the trench coat, revisited in urban proportions by using it as an inspiration for the new chinos.


Longines Leverages Quartz Technology Global Launch of Conquest V.H.P.

Longines has leveraged its outstanding expertise in quartz technology to create the ultimate high-precision wristwatch: the all-new Conquest V.H.P. This collection constitutes another milestone in the history of quartz timepieces, successfully incorporating many features of today’s smart connected watches, such as ultra-precision, technical sophistication and a sporty feel, all this while preserving the brand’s signature elegance. The watch also has an in-built system that resynchronises the hands after exposure to a shock or a magnetic field, a world first that guarantees timekeeping which is as accurate as the new-generation quartz movement itself.


To Be Precise Tissot Ballade

Tissot has years of experience in producing high-precision and ultra-reliable mechanical watches, which has earned it many prizes in the international chronometry competition. Time doesn’t change but the accuracy of its calculation gets greater with new technologies. The Tissot Ballade stands testimony to Tissot’s effort in revolutionising the watch industry in this price segment, using a technology only seen in high-end watches. The silicon properties of the watch make it more resistant and consistent, allowing for greater precision and guaranteeing longevity, offering up to 80 hours of power reserve.


Car of the Year 2017 PEUGEOT 3008

The new PEUGEOT 3008 was named the 2017 Car of the Year recently in Geneva. What sets the car apart from its counterparts is its style, interior design and performance. A major contender in the compact SUV category, the new PEUGEOT 3008 offers a unique blend of style, comfort and road handling.

The spectacular PEUGEOT i-Cockpit® is state of the art and gives new meaning to being in the driver’s seat. It offers a more intuitive and intense driving experience, with a compact steering wheel, 12.3” head-up display and central capacitive touchscreen console with ergonomic piano keys to top it all off.


The Car of the Year prize was awarded by a judging panel comprising of 58 experienced journalists from 22 countries. Thirty models have been competing since early 2016. On 6 March 2017, on the eve of the Geneva Motor Show, the new PEUGEOT 3008 won the panel over in the final vote.


Cuba Calling! The Ideal Destination for the Lovers of Heritage, Culture and Old-World Charm The greatest thing about Cuba is the fact that entering the country is almost like entering a time capsule. For all of us who crave days of yore, Cuba makes for an indisputable vacation pick. However, with the U.S sanctions lifted off of Cuba now, one can expect big retail and fast food joints to be lining up, just as much as American tourists, to visit this land that can in an instant transport you to the 60s and 70s. And for this reason, going to Cuba now, and as soon as possible is more important than ever. Because its only a matter of time before this time capsule gets modernized by coffees and burgers, much like our home towns have. This month we bring you travel tips to Cuba from Sulaiman Al Rodhan, who gives us first hand information for that quintessential Cuban sojourn.

Viva La Cuba Libre


Currency: Cuban Peso

Our advice would be to buy Euros from Kuwait and then get them converted to Pesos at your local hotel in Cuba. Money exchange centers usually have long waiting lines, both at the airport and in the city.

Money… Money… Money… Mooonneeeyyy

Important to note is the fact that they use two different currencies in Cuba, one for local Cubans and the other for tourists. Make sure you buy the correct currency, also Euros are accepted in most places.

Flight: The Air France flight is probably the best route from Kuwait to Cuba. In fact, you could stop over in Paris for a few days, before flying to Cuba. Adding a holiday to a holiday is never a bad idea. Visa:

Fill out the visa form, take four passport size pictures with white background, original passport and a copy + 15 KWD application fees. The visa process takes around two days to complete, and the embassy is pretty accommodating of any urgent requests. Embassy contact number: 22555077 / 22549361 Email: Address: Al Rawda, Block 3, Shabab Ahmed Al Bahar st, House 74 Website:

A Sneak Peek into the Hotel Nacional de Cuba Accommodation:

Sulaiman mainly stayed in Havana and recommends the following hotels there: Hotel Nacional de Cuba: The hotel has a classic old world charm to it, and even though the property is old, it is very well preserved with beautiful views of the sea. Malia Cohebe Hotel: Slightly less fancy than Hotel Nacional, this is a good option for the budget traveler. Constructed in the 50s the hotel offers scenic views.


Things to do and places to see: Havana Old Town: You can’t go anymore classic than this. Cafes, cigar lounges, and shopping, there are no dull moments in the old town. Old Covered Market: If you went all the way to Cuba, it is not in good form to come back empty handed, from keep sakes for yourself to souvenirs for your family and friends, everything is available here. Look out for beautiful hand crafted items in this market.

Havana Old Town

Tabacuba: Here’s your chance to discover if all the hype about Cuban Cigars is true. From what Sulaiman tells us, it is! Revelation Museum: It would be considered wasteful to visit a country and not learn about the country, its culture and the roots. The Revelation Museum totally lives up to its name. Classic Cars: Rent out one of those beauties and drive around the city. A classy way to discover a classic city!

Classic Tourists in the Classic Town Tropicana Show: A la Moulin Rouge, if you are looking for an evening of extravagant performances with elaborate costumes, then Havana’s Tropicana show is said to be one of the best in all of South America. Bait Al Arab Museum: And if at all while you are in Cuba and start to miss Kuwait, well then Bait Al Arab is your respite, a small Kuwaiti museum in old Havana. Visit it, if not for anything else, then simply out of curiosity. We know you want to!

Mural de la Prehistoria, Vinales Valley

Vinales Valley: A UNESCO World Heritage site, it is a three-hour drive from Havana. Visit the tobacco plantation and learn about the intricacies of making cigars. You can also buy freshly rolled cigars from here. While on your way to the valley, ask your tour guide to make a pit stop at one of the World’s largest murals. You can also stop at various scenic viewpoints to take in the natural beauty, or to make sure you have a good profile picture taken.

Zip-lining at Las Terrazas


Las Terrazas: If you are an adventure seeker, this is your spot. An hour and half drive away from Havana, you can indulge in some adrenaline pumping activities like ziplining, rowing, and horse riding. It is also a good place to visit for those who enjoy nature walks, trekking and swimming.

Cafes and Restaurants: No trip to anywhere in the world is complete without trying out the local flavors. Here is a list of must try places, where, while your eyes feast on the authentic beauty of Cuba, you can fill your stomach with local delicacies. La Guarida: As far as rooftop bars go, La Guardia should be on your must-visit list. Given its popularity both with locals and tourist Sulaiman advises you to book a day in advance. The best time to visit La Guardia would be at sunset. Cafe el Escorial: For authentic coffee lovers, and Sulaiman is one of them, Escorial is a little café in old Havana which is bound to delight you with its freshly roasted and ground coffee offerings. Atelier: Atelier is a good option if you are looking to enjoy a full meal. With outdoor seating and good food this place is ideal for travelers to grab a decent bite. El Aljibe: All the chicken lovers in the house, please stand up! If your love for chicken matches your love for Cuba, then don’t miss out on the specialized chicken menu offerings at El Aljibe.

Atelier with its Full Meal Options

La Moneda Cuban: The pressure to try something authentic for every meal when traveling can sometimes get very demanding. At times like these La Moneda Cuban should be your go-to place, with an easy menu and nice view, this place can take the pressure off of being a tourist. Rio Mar: Yummy food…yummy view. That’s it, enough said! Churro Station: Look for these in old Havana and fall in love with Churros, only this time, for real!

Shrimps at La Moneda Cuban

For the Love of Churros

In Sulaiman’s opinion your Cuba trip should be at least a week to 10 days long. While he only visited Havana, there are a lot of other places to visit in Cuba depending on whether you like mountains or beaches. Visiting the city of Trinidad would be an option worth exploring. Happy Travels!


Grooming Flash your Pearly Whites A lot can be conquered with a winning smile. This month we bring you four products for a 360-degree mouth cleansing routine. A toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash and lip balm combo that will leave you with fresh breath and a beautiful smile.

Philips Sonicare Healthy White+ toothbrush Buying an electrical toothbrush can be a big challenge. Do you go with an expensive one that may have useless gimmicks or a cheaper one that may not turn out to be as good?

Rembrandt Deeply White Toothpaste While a lot of toothpastes in the market claim to wipe out those heavy stains on your teeth, they seldom can. So while a visit to the dentist is inevitable, the Rembrandt Deeply White toothpaste can to a large extent help you manage the stains. The toothpaste contains whitening powder, or peroxide that will help you beat those coffee and tobacco stains.

In such a situation the Sonicare Healthy White is a good option, with direct, broader contact with each tooth and the option to switch to sensitive mode for gentler cleaning for sensitive gums.

Marvis Eau de Bouche Mouthwash For those of you who worry about the alcohol content of your mouthwash, Marvis, an alcohol-free solution is a good option. With xylitol and propolis, Marvis doesn’t burn like other off the rack mouthwash solutions and leaves it feeling both clean and fresh. Marvis Mouthwash should be diluted with water before use. Use twice daily to protect your teeth and gums from decay and infection.

Jack Black Intense Therapy Natural Mint Lip Balm No smile is complete without smooth lips. While lip balms are generally considered a woman’s go to product, men tend to underestimate its value. The Jack Black lip balm smells minty, penetrates into your lips quickly, and is colorant and alcohol free. The mint in the lip balm also helps freshen up your breath. Apply generously and evenly to your lips. Use frequently if you are suffering from excessively dry lips. The lip balm also contains SPF 25 which makes it ideal for use in summer.


Gadgets Go Retro! With new technological advances happening every day, it is not surprising that we sometimes crave for simpler times. This month we bring you two polaroid cameras that can help you create memories in sepia tones, and in the process give you a fun gadget to play around with.

Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 Camera If you are looking to break away from the digital web to create pictures that remind you of the times gone by, the Fujifilm Instax is a fun option. It is also in fact one of the most popular options. This easy to use camera automatically adjusts itself to the light. A short battery life and expensive film however may be the two things that may keep you from buying it. Image Courtesy:

Impossible Project I-1 Instant Retro Camera


Impossible Retro I-1 Analog Camera is not without modern adaptations. It may look like a simple point and shoot analog camera, but actually comes with a phone app, that when connected via Bluetooth allows you to play with various modes like multiple exposure, slow shooting, manual control, etc.

Image Courtesy:

While the pictures are not excellent quality and the battery life is poor, this analog camera still makes for an excellent toy for anyone who loves experimenting with manual settings.


Flawless Face Home Remedies to Suit Your Skin While most spots and marks on our face can be hidden tactfully using make-up, nothing can really substitute healthy skin. This month we bring you four home remedies that will give you a flawless face sans make-up.


Home-made face masks: Instead of splurging on expensive off-the-shelf face masks, make your own at home. Doing this will ensure that you are using fresh, high quality ingredients without all the chemical additions. Oily skin: If you have oily skin, it is important to focus on ingredients that minimize open pores thus reducing oil formation. For this mask you will need: - 5 tablespoons of honey - 2 teaspoons of cinnamon - ½ a lemon (Optional. Avoid if you have sensitive skin) Mix all the ingredients and apply on your face for 10-15 minutes. Once dry wash off with cold water. Dry skin: If you have dry skin; focus on ingredients that moisturize your face and prevent it from breaking out. For this mask you will need: - 3 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil - Half a banana - mashed - One tablespoon of honey Mix all the ingredients and apply on your face for 10-15 minutes. Once dry wash off with warm water. Under Eye Bags: Treat your under eye bags or dark circles by applying cold cucumber slices on your eyes twice a week. This helps in reducing your under eye puffiness. Another thing that improves your under eye skin is applying cold yogurt for 15 minutes, once a week. Chapped Lips: Taking care of your lips by scrubbing them is a great way to get rid of excess skin. This makes your lips feel and look fresh and healthy. Not only that; scrubbing your lips will give you a better finish when applying liquid and matt lipsticks. To make your own lip scrub you will need: - 2 tablespoons of honey - 1 tablespoon of hard sugar - 3-5 drops of lemon juice Apply the mix to your lips in a circular motion; repeat until you feel you have gotten rid of all the excess skin. - Words by Natalie Matta


Breakfast in a Glass! Wake-up to a Healthy Morning In order to eat healthy, you do not necessarily have to stick to a diet and buy super expensive products or spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Fix yourself a glass of breakfast within minutes, before you head out for a super busy day at the university. Here are some really simple, quick and most importantly healthy breakfast fixes for you:

Start Your Day with Some Greens! Ingredients: 3 cups green apple - diced 3 cups fresh baby spinach 1 cup frozen banana - diced 1 Tbsp. fresh ginger - grated Juice from half a lime Directions: Combine all ingredients in a blender and pulse until smooth. Add a little water if needed to help the mixture blend smoothly. It’s All About Avocadoes! Ingredients: 2 cups of Kale - chopped 1 Avocado 1 Kiwi ½ cup Frozen Mango Pulp Juice from half a lime Directions: Combine all ingredients in a blender and pulse until smooth. This One is Easy Peasy Ingredients: ½ Avocado ½-cup yogurt 1 frozen banana 1 cup baby spinach Directions: Combine all ingredients in a blender and pulse until smooth; you will be pleasantly surprised with the taste. How About Some Chai Seeds? Ingredients: 4 tablespoons Chia Seeds 1.25 cups Milk Apple Slices Banana slices Blueberries Sliced Almonds Mint leaves


Directions: In a small bowl, add the chia seeds and pour milk, mix them well and leave the mixture overnight to soak in the refrigerator. Add some milk to the mixture in the morning for consistency, and then top it with sliced fruits and nuts.

Anxiety & Depression Seeking Help

Life is hectic and most of us experience a combination of major life stressors and daily hassles such as assignment deadlines, exams, family commitments, problems with friends, and unforeseen difficult life events. So some amount of worry and stress is normal. However, sometimes it is difficult to determine if what we are experiencing is normal or if we need clinical help for the issues we are facing. This month, Miss Saima F. Bhatti (MSc, MBA, M.S) from Fawzia Sultan Rehabilitation Institute (FSRI) tell us all about the symptoms of anxiety and depression and how you can reach out to those around you for help.

Anxiety: Feeling high levels of stress over long periods of time and being unable to control it could be a sign of suffering from anxiety. Anxiety causes people to feel excessively worried, agitated, on-edge, and panicky. Other symptoms of anxiety can also include: •Having difficulty falling asleep due to racing thoughts. •Having irrational fears about specific situations like flying, heights and animals. The fear is usually not proportionate to the involved risk in the situation. •Experiencing muscle tension. •Having ongoing digestive problems, indigestion, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, constipation. •Feeling overly conscious about speaking in an unfamiliar environment, making new friends and/or maintaining current relationships. •Flashbacks of past traumatic events. •Seeking perfection or being overly concerned about making mistakes, and being preoccupied with shortcomings. Depression: Sometimes it is difficult to determine if what you are experiencing is regular sadness or actual depression. However, more people than you might think meet the criteria for this illness. A study of Kuwaiti college students found that 24% of the participants reported moderate to severe levels of depression, which is a higher rate than college students in other countries. Fortunately, we know a lot about depression and how to help. Symptoms of depression can include: •Persistent feelings of guilt, sadness, emptiness, hopelessness or pessimism. •Loss of pleasure in activities that were previously enjoyable. • Physical symptoms including fatigue, difficulty sleeping, and drastic changes in appetite. • Difficulty concentrating and poor memory. • Sometimes people have thoughts of death or suicide.


How can depression and anxiety be treated? There are many ways to treat depression and anxiety. Psychotherapy/counseling tends to be highly effective for most mental health concerns and research suggests that about 70% of people who use it report an improvement of symptoms than those who do not. General self-care and healthy life style such as eating well, exercising regularly, and getting 6-8 hours of sleep are also important. Who should I contact for help? Many colleges have counseling centers on campus. You can also ask trusted friends, family, or your doctor for recommendations for licensed psychologists. When you meet with the psychologist, they will probably ask you questions about your symptoms, family history, and what

is happening in your life. It is never easy to talk about these things especially if this is the first time, so it is normal to be nervous but eventually this nervousness goes away. The most important step in the process of overcoming depression and anxiety, is to recognize the symptoms and take the brave step of asking someone for help. Both these condition are relatively common medical problems, and can be dealt with. The Psychology Department at FSRI is fully committed to providing the highest quality of mental health care to people across the country and region. Our clinicians offer comprehensive counselling services to address a wide spectrum of concerns for clients of all ages.

For questions and concerns call 2572-0338 or email at All conversations with the clinicians are private and confidential.


Women in Sports

WSC Paves Way for Women Athletes

Women Sports in Kuwait has been somewhat stagnant over the last two decades, with opportunities for women to engage in sports dwindling due to general lack of care from official entities. In addition to the general lack of support from a society that has become trapped in a vicious circle of archaic and conservative thinking making it even more difficult for women to engage in specific sports due to the social stigma attached to it.

National Women’s Team Trials with Coach Monica from FIFA Organized by WSC and Kuwait Football Association Despite the lack of support, individual efforts from female athletes has made an indelible mark in our country and instigated a positive ripple of change as we see more and more female athletes leading the score boards in their sport. Some of the most notable achievements being in the field of triathlon, cycling, show jumping, wakeboarding, football, basketball, tennis, track and field, shooting and fencing, and swimming to name but a few. The Women Sports Committee (WSC) formed in November 2016 under the new board of the Kuwait Olympic Committee is tasked with the duty to evaluate


the current situation of women sports in Kuwait, through focus groups, surveys and in depth research. The findings thus arrived at are now being used in order to help reform and develop women sports in the country. The WSC is working closely with different departments of the Kuwait Olympic Committee and the Public Authority of Sports to develop a sustainable plan geared towards moving women sports forward by creating women committees in all sports clubs and sharing knowledge on how to develop in the respective sports, and communicating with the public on the opportunities available for women in these clubs. There is active collaboration with existing

Kuwaiti Winners 2nd and 3rd place at the Female Show Jumping Competition in Riyadh women sports clubs and the movement is assisting them in developing strategic communication and development plans. In addition to this, the WSC is leading the implementation of three major initiatives independently, the initiatives have been set based on the recommendations from women athletes and with the support of the Public Authority of Sports. The initiatives are: 1. A full-fledged campaign driven by WSC volunteers and SME agencies with the objective of raising awareness on the importance of women sports and the opportunities available.

2. Formation of women committees in all active professional sports in Kuwait. 3. The formation of a professional women’s football team to join the world cup in 2024. The WSC has already rolled out these initiatives and is currently in the implementation process of the awareness campaign. To stay up to date with the committee’s progress and to contribute or volunteer you can follow them on instagram @ womensportscommittee or email -Words by Rabaa Al Hajri


Call-out to All of Kuwait's Drifters

Sirbb Circuit to Host First National Qualifier of the Red Bull Car Park Drift 2017 A storm of roaring engines will bring Kuwait’s best drifters together in Red Bull Car Park Drift Championship to be held on 4 and 5 May at Sirbb Circuit. The participants will go through the final race in competitive rounds and only one winner will be selected to compete in the Regional Final, in Qatar later this year.

Abdo Feghali Performing During Red Bull Car Park Drift Kuwait in 2016


Abdo Feghali - The King of Drift Typically, judges will be focusing on a range of criteria such as drifting skills, car look, box, clipping point, pendulum, gate 1 and 2, car smoke and tire smoke. Drifting legend, Rally Champion and Red Bull athlete Abdo Feghali will be designing the track that is sure to put the drifting skills of the competitors through a rigorous test. The driver with the highest point ranking will be crowned the champion.

to win against his opponents after a grueling two-hour competition.

Last year, twelve of the best drifters in town, both amateurs and professionals, participated in Kuwait’s national qualifier of Red Bull Car Park Drift event, which took place with nearly 2000 attendees around the track. Driving a Nissan 240sx, Mesyar Abu Shaibah was able

Whether you are drifter or someone who simply enjoys watching this adrenaline pumping race, this event is unmissable. To keep yourself updated with the latest news on the race you can follow @redbullkuwait on Instagram and Twitter.

The participants at the Regional Finals represent the best of the drifting talent from Qatar, Kuwait, Mauritius, Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia, UAE, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Oman.

For tickets to the event, visit:


Book Review It`s Time... for Relationships In the words of Donne John, “no man is an island”, and the book ‘It’s Time… for Relationships’ will help you navigate the island of life, which as we all know is filled with relationships – personal and professional.

The book written by Aruna Ludva, is the first book based on a series of her blogs titled, ‘It’s Time’. It revolves around the various relationships one comes across in a lifetime, from family life, to social circles and professional acquaintances. With insights and reflections from the author, the book is written to help the reader manage these relationships. Aruna, was born in Kenya, pursued her education in England and worked for a while in Canada. She has been involved with Raja Yoga Meditation, first as a student and then as a teacher and has helped established meditation centers in Canada, Turkey, Bahrain and Kuwait. What impressed me the most about this book was its intelligent approach, simple language and style of writing. Although the book deals with the practicality of interacting with those around us, what impressed me the most was the spiritual aspect. Divided into easily readable chapters, the author carefully makes her way through the various aspects of existing

in a society. Reading this book put me in a relaxed and content state of mind. While dealing with the relationships we share with those around us, we tend to overlook the most important relationship, the one we have with ourselves. Anyone who decides to read this book is sure to gain a better understanding of relationships and the issues that come with them, and how they can navigate through these. The book can be called a self-help book, a genre I am greatly inclined to read, given the fact that self-improvement is very important for all of us. It is a book that gives you surprising perspectives that can help you analyze your approach to life. In conclusion, this book taught me how to understand my relationship with myself and those I form with others. I liked the fact that the author quoted from her own life experiences and inner reflections, to give us a book that will help us make a spiritual journey through a materialistic world. -Based on inputs by Jenan Akbar


‫أول ﻛﻠﻴﺔ ﺧﺎص ﻟﻠﺒﻨﺎت‬


Top 10 English Songs


1 3 5 7 9

Shape of You Ed Sheeran

Bad & Boujee Migos feat. Lil Uzi

That’s What I Like Bruno Mars

I Don’t Wanna Live Forever Zayn / Taylor Swift

Love on the Brain Rihanna

Tunnel Vision Kodak Black

Paris The Chainsmokers

Bounce Back Big Sean

Rockabye - Clean Bandit Featuring Sean Paul & Anne-Marie

Closer The Chainsmokers feat. Halsey

2 4 6 8 10

‫أفضل ‪ 10‬أغاني عربية‬


‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫‪7‬‬ ‫‪9‬‬

‫أحمد شوقي‬

‫وليد اشامي‬ ‫هذا وهذا‬


‫عمرو دياب‬ ‫معاك قلبي‬

‫رضوان برحيل‬ ‫قرار‬

‫إيهاب أمير‬ ‫‪ 2‬كلمات‬

‫سامو زين‬ ‫القمر‬

‫محمد عساف‬ ‫ما وحشناك‬

‫محمد السالم‬ ‫انا البسمة‬

‫أنغام‬ ‫عن فرح غايب‬

‫عم بتعلق فيك‬ ‫نانسي عجرم‬

‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫‪8‬‬ ‫‪10‬‬

Celebrity News It's All Song & Dance with Adele

Something Fishy Now that Selena Gomez and The Weeknd are officially a couple, it should come as no surprise if they are spotted together. Recently the two were seen spending a lovely day at an aquarium in Toronto. The Weeknd, whose real name is Abel Tesfaye, shared a series of Instagram photos and videos of the couple’s day out, which had fans going tots crazy! The two have been globe-trotting visiting cities like Florence, Paris and Amsterdam, making the visit to Ripley’s Aquarium a very humble, yet sweet Sunday setting. While their chemistry has been a thing of the legends, apparently it is music that brings them together. Gomez and Weeknd seemed to have first connected while they were working together on a song.

Image Courtesy: Adele, who is currently on her Australian tour, stopped mid-concert to chastise of the security guards at the venue. The guard was apparently asking people to stop dancing and sit down. Adele, who has been winning awards everywhere, once again won the heart of her fans when she addressed the guard while still on stage and told him to quit asking people to sit down. The video footage posted on social media, shows the star saying, “if you’re moaning about people dancing, what the f*** have you come to a show for?” The concert was being held at the Etihad Stadium in Melbourne, where Adele sang to a crowd of 77,000 people. The confrontation with the security seems to have happened just after the singer finished performing her hit single, ‘Water Under the Bridge’. The Grammy Winning superstar who is currently on her Australia and New Zealand tour, has three final shows remaining at the Mount Smart Stadium in Auckland. Following which she is will be performing three already sold out shows at the Wembley Stadium in London between June 28th and July 2nd.


Image Courtesy:

‫أخبار المشاهير‬ ‫ديانا حداد والشاب خالد‬ ‫َيعدان الجمهور بدويتو جديد‬ ‫من خالل حلقة متميزة وخاصة في برنامج “مكس ميوزيك” على‬ ‫شاشة تلفزيون دبي‪ ،‬ظهرت الفنانة ديانا حداد والفنان الشاب‬ ‫خالد‪ ،‬وقدما مجموعة من أغنياتهما إلى جانب أغنيتهما الشهيرة‬ ‫“ماس ولولي”‪ .‬وفي حوارهما‪ ،‬أكد الشاب خالد أنه يتمنى تقديم‬ ‫“دويتو” جديد مع الفنانة ديانا حداد‪ ،‬وأنهما سيعمالن على‬ ‫تنفيذ هذه الفكرة بالشكل المحترف والمختلف‪ ،‬وهو ما أكدته‬ ‫“البرنسيسة” خالل الحلقة‪ ،‬آملين أن يجدا الفكرة المناسبة لذلك‪.‬‬ ‫وقدمت ديانا خالل السهرة التلفزيونية مجموعة من األغنيات‪،‬‬ ‫منها األغنية الخليجية “نصفي الثاني”‪ ،‬واألغنية الجديدة األخيرة‬ ‫“تؤبر قلبي”‪ ،‬إلى جانب غنائها خالل الحوار مجموعة من األغنيات‬ ‫بكل اللهجات العربية‪.‬‬

‫“سأقاضي مطلقي اإلشاعات!”‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫أطل النجم التونسي‪ ،‬صابر الرباعي في مقابلة خاصة مع اإلعالمية‬ ‫باتريسيا هاشم ضمن برنامجها “بصراحة” عبر أثير إذاعة “فايم إف‬ ‫إم”‪ ،‬وعبّر عن سعادته باألصداء اإليجابية التي حصدتها أغنية “ملكت‬ ‫الكون”‪ ،‬التي رغب معها في تجديد عهد األغنية الرومانسية‪.‬‬ ‫وحول اإلشاعات التي تعرّض لها مؤخرًا حول توقيفه في مطار‬ ‫هيثرو لندن‪ ،‬لحيازته كمية من الممنوعات‪ ،‬وهل يعرف من وراءها‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ومن يريد أن يؤذيه‪ّ ،‬‬ ‫أكد ّ‬ ‫ومعقدة ال تحب‬ ‫أن هناك نفوسًا مريضة‬ ‫الخير ولديها الحقد والحسد‪ ،‬وهي ملكة اإلبداع في إطالق‬ ‫اإلشاعات التي تفتقر إلى المنطق‪ .‬وشدد أ ّنه لن يسكت على هذا‬ ‫ومس بشخصه وبعائلته وكرامته وسمعته‪.‬‬ ‫الموضوع ألنه أزعجه‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫وتحدث مع المحامي الخاص‬ ‫وأكد أنه سيقاضي مطلقي اإلشاعات‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫به للتحرك مباشرة لمقاضاة من أطلقها‪ .‬ولفت إلى أن هناك من‬ ‫يريد أن يزعزع فرحه واستقراره الف ّني كي يوجه الجمهور إلى جهة‬ ‫أخرى‪ ،‬فيتوقفون عن سماع أغانيه‪ ،‬وهذا أسلوب رخيص ودنيء ولن‬ ‫يصلوا إلى أي نتيجة ألنه يعرف نفسه ويعرف محبته لالستقامة‬ ‫والجمهور يعرف هذا أيضًا‪.‬‬ ‫كما صرح أ ّنه لم يقرر حتى اآلن إن كان سيشارك في الموسم‬ ‫الجديد من برنامج اكتشاف المواهب ‪ The Voice‬أو سيعتذر عنه‪،‬‬ ‫مؤكدًا انه لم يتعاقد مع مجموعة ‪ MBC‬ولم تبدأ االتفاقات بينه‬ ‫وبينهم بعد‪.‬‬


Artspace Painting & String Art What you’ll need: - Wooden Board - Nails - Hammer - String - Ruler - Paintbrush - Paint - Pencil

This project is for all those who love a little bit of workmanship along with their art. While the project in itself is really simple, it needs great attention to detail, especially in terms of alignment and choice of complimenting colors. The project is available to all levels of artists, including beginners and takes up to two hours to complete.



When driving the nails into the wooden board, hold each nail between the thumb and forefinger of your non-dominant hand. Place your fingers near the top of the nail when holding it. Be careful and keep your fingers safe.

Step 1:

Use the ruler to sketch the outlines of your jar using the pencil. Ensure that the edges of the jar are aligned on the left and right side of the wooden board.

Step 2:

Using the Hammer, place the nails where you want to drive them. Make sure to follow the sketch of the jar you made.

Step 3:

Now that your nails are ready, start with a number of two nodes using your string and move your string along the path of nails you created. Repeat this step till you reach the last nail on your jar.

Step 4:

After your string art jar is ready, pick your choice of colors to paint the flowers. Make sure that the color you pick matches the color of the string.


Toyota Opens Most Advanced Car Preparation & Delivery Center in Kuwait

Inauguration Ceremony of the New Toyota Mega Facility in Ardiya Mohamed Naser Al-Sayer & Sons EST CO., one of the Al-Sayer Group Holding Companies recently inaugurated the biggest and the most advanced facility for test drive, Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) and new cars handover center at Ardiya. The all new Ardiya facility consists of a test drive center, a pre-delivery inspection area that is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, and a comfortable waiting lounge while you await your vehicle delivery. The facility also includes ample car parking space and much more.


Chairman of Al-Sayer Group Holding said “We are opening a mega integrated facility exclusively for our customers, mainly supporting our Toyota operations. I am delighted about yet another memorable chapter for Al-Sayer that strengthens our many decades of partnership with Toyota Motor Corporation.� The new Ardiya Mega integrated facility that has been constructed on a plot of 18300 meter square, with a total built-in area of 68000 meter square providing space for pre-delivery and delivery sections, training centers, meeting rooms, auditorium and car storage units.

New Teacher Development Programs at AUK

The TTC: Educational Training Course Adopts an Interactive Approach The Center for Continuing Education (CCE) at the American University of Kuwait (AUK) launched two new Teacher Training Certificate (TTC) programs which adopt interactive training tailored to suit different levels of educational experience, and a Cambridge Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) Preparation Course. Each of the courses offered will focus on training participants in essential and effective teaching skills. The first course is Educational Training: Throughout this course, participants are instructed on the latest teaching trends, covering the essentials of theory,

practice and techniques currently used in the field of education. The second course is Educational Leadership Training: which trains participants to develop curricula and provide mentoring, as well as train them in many other areas that help them perfect their leadership skills. The third is Cambridge Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT): Designed to test candidates’ knowledge of concepts relating to language and language use, and language education.


IAA honors Managers of Advertising Departments The International Advertising Association (IAA) recently honored the managers of advertising departments of daily newspapers, weeklies and monthly magazines in appreciation of their efforts and continued cooperation and support for the success of IAA during 2016. In a dinner banquet held at the Holiday Inn, Salmiya, the IAA President of the Kuwait branch, Walid Kanafani along with board members welcomed the attendees. In his address to the audience he paid tribute to the continuous support and cooperation of the dailies, magazines and the advertisement agencies. The ceremony concluded with the awarding of mementos to all the participants.

Members of the Kuwait Media Come Together to Celebrate IAA Success During 2016


Kuwait Running Group Organizes Youth & Kids Marathon

Girl’s Taking a Flying Start to the Marathon The Kuwait Running Club recently organized a Youth & Kids Marathon. Held at the Boulevard Park , Salmiya, the race was a first of its kind with female only participants between the age groups of three to seventeen years. A total of 300 girls participated in this race with trophies and prizes awarded to the winner of each category. The event was organized as part of Kuwait Running Club’s commitment to spreading awareness about the importance of health and sports in our lives. The idea of holding the event in March was to use it as a celebration for women’s day and mother’s day both of which occur during this month.

“We think that attracting the youth of today, especially women towards a healthy and active lifestyle is the best way to bring about a revolution in the society. Women have the most impact on their families and health has the most impact on our lives, combining these two aspects, in my opinion, is a very effective way of reaching the masses, said coach Mohammed Abdullah, Kuwait Running Club. Other organizers of the event included PT Tahera Al-Eid, and PT Amina Al-Qabandi. The race day had perfect weather looking over these young contestants whose competitive spirit was second to none. In the end, everyone went home a winner!



Taurus: Apr 21 -­ May 20

Aries Mar 21 - Apr 20 This is an excellent month for increasing your psychic ability, relying on your intuition. This is one of the best times to begin something new. The universe will support you through this. A positive change is coming that will affect you financially.

Gemini: May 21 ­— June 21

Cancer: June 22 - July 22

This April pursue your hopes and wishes by connecting with new people and aligning your energies with those in your social circle and community. The Lunar Eclipse on April 24th brings an unexpected but positive change in the work and joint financial area.

The April 8th Solar Eclipse indicates you may be dealing with influential people. Your job, business and career takeup much of your time and attention. Hard work is involved, overcoming obstacles, having a plan and a schedule are the things that are needed for your success.

Leo: July 23 - Aug 22

You have been in a phase of clearing up old karma. The Solar Eclipse on April Virgo: 8th may bring in a Aug 23 - Sept 23 challenging period. All things of spiritual Mercury retrograde in nature, higher mind Aries could indicate and higher learning, you are interested as well as travel are in creating a new of benefit to you. business or job. You The opportunity are promised success to connect with so long as you do a teacher of high not over commit caliber may be yourself financially. presented to you. The April 8th Solar Eclipse is a time when mortgages, Aries Man The Aries man is a mixture of fearless warrior and undisciplined child. Aries is one of the leases and loans are favored as are easiest signs to understand, these are action people, extroverted and assertive. They all joint financial want to be in charge, the boss, the hunter, the instigator. They are typically confident, arrangements. fiery, bold, spontaneous and independent.

April places an emphasis on your health, work, pets and activities you do behind the scenes. You are needing more love. You have cut down on your spending and you may need more rest and sunshine. To be happy now you need to be very focused on a professional or personal project.

Aries Woman The Aries woman is typically confident, fiery, bold, spontaneous and independent. Very modern and self-reliant she is often an inspiration to other women. This ambitious lady thrives on challenge, but her impatient nature may have her moving to the next undertaking before the previous one is finished. Libra: Sept 24 - Oct 23 The eclipse patterns are going back and forth over the relationship axis of your horoscope. The most important thing to you is your love life and partnership issues. If you are single, an important new relationship may enter your life. An opportunity to turn your creativity in to a paying situation will open up.


Pisces: Feb 20 - Mar 20

Scorpio: Oct 23 - Nov 22 You need to be more health conscious over the next six months. You are more restless or emotional now. You may be more concerned over a parent, a boss, your business or work situation. Romance, creativity and money are favored especially through April, May and June.

Aquarius: Jan 21 - Feb 19 Sagittarius: Nov 23 - Dec 21 The Solar Eclipse brings the possibility of love to your life. Don’t allow fears and insecurities from the past to block you. Avenues to express your creativity are opening up in the teaching and publishing areas. You seem to be in the right place at the right time.

Capricorn: Dec 22 - Jan 20 The Solar Eclipse places an emphasis on your home, property and family matters. This may not be an easy time for you in one or more of these areas. You are empowered with the will to accomplish whatever goals you have set for yourself, personally or professionally.

This is a very busy time for you, you may find yourself on the go, involved with neighbors, lots of phone calls and paper work. There is more of an emphasis now on your relationship with a sibling. This is an excellent time to begin a new course of study, take or teach a class, and write.

This Solar Eclipse is finally going to improve your finances opening up new doors for you. The April 24th Lunar Eclipse is excellent for writing, publishing, teaching and travel. Blessings come through your work, or your own business. Right now, commit yourself to creating the life you truly want.

The Other Side

The English, English Teacher Mr. Frank Constable, English Language Professor, KU

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The one thing that he misses the most about UK is the social freedoms the country offers. Although he thinks he has adapted pretty well to the Kuwaiti cultural scene.

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What h e loves about Kuwait is the s unny weathe r, his st u dents and tea ching.

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