Studentalk #185 - February 2017

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Issue 185 Feb 2017

Jedareyat A Message on the Wall Balqis Duvall Actor, Singer & Unicorn Change at 18,000 Feet A Road-Trip Through Ladakh

the team

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Fawaz Al-Mutairi LEGAL CONSULTANT Khaled Al-Kandari Al-Kandari Law Firm MANAGING DIRECTOR Zeina Mokaddam GENERAL MANAGER Chimene Ibrahim CREATIVE DIRECTOR Yousif Abdulsaid OPERATIONS MANAGER Ahmad Al-Therban Fajer Al Rashed EDITORIAL TEAM CONTENT MANAGER Zahra Husain CONTRIBUTORS Arwa Husain Saima Faruqui Rabaa Al-Hajri Iman Al Tahhan Sean Palmer Nathalie Matta CREATIVE TEAM Nidal Al-Shaker PHOTOGRAPHY Maher Al-Nouri CIRCULATION MANAGER Jad Nahas DISTRIBUTORS Roshan Sapumal Ajith Kumara



StudenTalk Magazine

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letter Dear Students, This is our first edition of 2017, and as such we chose ‘Change’ as the theme. Why? Because we believe that, in our quest for evolution, we all need to change. Change for the better, of course! Yes, I feel the need to emphasize that because change in and by itself is not sufficient. It should always stem from a good cause and be geared towards a good aim. Change is only a step; linking awareness with action. Having said that, it is one of the most difficult steps. As humans, by nature, we have an aversion to change and this is where courage comes in! I recently attended the Porsche Panamera 2017 launch, and one of the tag lines was “it takes courage to change.” It struck me just how true that statement is! Change is a by-product of courage, focus, determination and perseverance. As such, for 2017, STUDENTALK wishes you all that and more - so you may be able to change and be an agent of change. Till the next issue…

Zeina Mokaddam


content Cover Story

12. Jedareyat: A Message on the Wall 16. Musical Adjustments with Sami Yusuf

Student Diwaniya

Local Scene


40. Being a Unicorn with Balqis Duvall

48. Tissot Bella Ora - Made to be Loved 50. Change Happens at 18,000 feet



32. Making Excellence a Habit - PR Club, GUST

38. Artist of the month: Mishal AlEssa

Health & Sports


28. Competition: Beauty Lies in the Lens of the Camera Holder

60. What Kind of Bicycle Are You? 62. Are you Ready for the Red Bull Reign’s 3-On-3 Basketball Tournament?

70. Book Review: An Invisible Thread 74. Celebrity News

78. Events 84. Horoscope

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A Message on the Wall Jedareyat, the Changing Face of Kuwait

Jedareyat Stands Strong on the Shoulders of Sulaiman, Ameena and Abdulaziz

Jedareyat is a social organization in Kuwait that is currently revolutionizing the way people treat public property. Take a walk down Kuwait City and you will notice beautiful murals painted across building exteriors, creating a perfect marriage between the old and the new. What were once neglected buildings with vandalized walls, now serve as an artist’s canvas, conveying to its onlookers a message that is sure to stay with them long after they have walked on.


Sulaiman Helps Prepping the Wall for the Artist

Sulaiman AlRawdhan, Ameena Al Mutawa, and Abdulaziz Al Rushood, are the dynamic Kuwaiti trio behind Jedareyat, a growing social initiative that has over the last year gained both momentum and popularity in the country. It all started one day when Sulaiman was headed to a meeting at the ministries building in Al Qsoor, his eyes fell upon a wall that had been vandalized. “My first thought, about what was painted on the wall was that no one should be looking at this. I ended up sharing my thoughts with someone, and somehow before I knew it the Minister of Social Affairs was involved and asked me what it was that I would do with the wall?” The best way to fight ugliness in this world is by creating something beautiful and that is exactly what Sulaiman did. Instead of just white washing the wall, he put together the core team for Jedareyat, who consequently turned the wall in question into a blank canvas for artists who could create a beautiful message that was not only pretty to look at, but also inspired the onlooker. What started with one wall in Al Qsoor, has now turned in to a national movement!

Any successful social effort stands on the shoulders of many able people, and Jedareyat is no exception to that rule. Aziz and Ameena are the two pillars who along with Sulaiman give Jedareyat its firm grounding. “I knew that Aziz and Ameena, were the right people for the project because only they would be able to give the kind of commitment, both in terms of time and effort that a project like Jedareyat needs. And needless to say, I have never been more right!”, said Sulaiman when we asked him how the team got together. When asked how they choose their projects and what attracts them the most to a wall, Sulaiman was quick to quip, “ugly is attractive!” Jedareyat is not looking for landmark buildings that will put them on the map, but rather walls and buildings that are in dire need of restoration and renovation. The reason Jedareyat is so special is because the initiative is making a difference where it matters most. While street graffiti in itself is an age old art, it is considered vandalism in many parts of the world. And this is precisely where Jedareyat comes in. The group


Ameena Takes a Break from the Action to Strike a Pose

believes that while change is necessary, it is equally important that it be done right. The process of renovating any wall starts by first acquiring the proper permissions and documentation, both from ministries and private owners, depending on who the owner is. “A lot of times street graffiti, no matter how beautiful it is, gets painted over because the proper permissions were not acquired. Our intention is to create something that will for years to come provide people with a positive thought, rather than get painted over because it was done illegally,” said Ameena, on why it is quintessential for the projects to have proper approvals. Once the permissions are done, the wall is then prepped to create a canvas the graffiti artists can work on. “It’s really all on hands on deck from here on. We use social media and word of mouth to have people come join us in creating a mural. Other than the artists we need people who can help out with all sorts of things from white washing the wall, to logistics and supply. The best part however is the involvement of local kids in the project. I feel like we


are contributing in changing their mindset from an early age. They see public property differently when they are involved in the process of its beautification,” said Aziz, the man behind Jedareyat’s social media campaigns. Graffitifreak, Karim Jab, Ashekman brothers, Hisham Handi, Ricardas Blazukasand and Abdullah Al-Enezi are only some of the names Jedareyat has so far collaborated with. While Sulaiman, Ameena and Aziz, all have day jobs, Jedareyat, they say it their way of giving back to the society. Most of the renovation work done by Jedareyat happens after work hours and during weekends. Time management is a key ingredient in the running of the show. “Getting together is by far the biggest challenge we face. We all have our professional and social commitments. What helps the most is the fact that we are friends and we understand each other. So many a times, we can get a lot of work done without really meeting in person. Our commitment to Jedareyat and mutual respect for each other, takes us a long way.”

Jedareyat is creating a social change initiative that is truly - 'of the people, by the people and for the people.'

And friends they are! The easy camaraderie between the three is clearly visible to anyone who has seen them together. While Sulaiman loves the ideation process, Aziz draws his satisfaction from a finished project and Ameena enjoys the fact that people acknowledge and appreciate their effort. In this way, and many others, each of them brings to the table a talent that the other two compliment. In the age of change where a lot of people want to contribute to the betterment of the society, Jedareyat is creating a platform for people to participate more actively. From the involvement of government officials to locals and international graffiti artists or sponsors who provide monetary aid and the people who turn up every time a wall is getting a face lift, Jedareyat is creating a social change initiative that is truly – ‘of the people, by the people and for the people.’ Jedareyat is the standing proof of Gandhi’s famous words, “Be the change you want to see,” the only difference being, the change that these illustrious minds are making is being noticed by everyone else as well.

Tidbits: Sulaiman, Ameena and Aziz sometimes meet at 6am for morning walks and ideation on new projects. Sulaiman says knowing how to white wash a wall is going to be an essential quality he will look for in his future wife. Ameena's favorite compliment about Jedareyat was received while she was at a funeral. Aziz wakes up at 4am every morning and is an avid yoga practitioner and traveler. Abdulaziz Fits Perfectly with Jedareyat’s Purpose

The name Jedareyat was decided upon during a WhatsApp chat.


Musical Adjustments

In Conversation with Musician Sami Yusuf

Sami Yusuf During his Performance in Kuwait (Image Courtesy: British Council)

The British Council of Kuwait as part of the “Kuwait Capital of Islamic Culture 2016” project invited internationallyknown British musician Sami Yusuf to perform in Kuwait. And while the singer’s soulful voice has won him millions of fans internationally, it was his humility and clarity of thought that had us mesmerized. The following interview touches upon Sami’s brand of ‘Spiritique’ music, his devotion to the art and his connection with the divine.


I've loved God, I've loved the sacred, and it is this love that serves as my inspiration.

Studentalk (ST): How would you define ‘Spiritique’ music?

connecting to your inner self, and there can be no music without the acknowledgement of our inner dimension.

Sami Yusuf: ‘Spiritique’ is a term I created, because I think my music is unprecedented. While it draws from various genres of music, it doesn’t completely fall in to any. Parts of media started calling my music Islamic pop or Islamic rock and I wasn’t really comfortable with these terms. The term ‘Spiritique’ was born partly because I did not want my music to be mis-categorized.

ST: You are the recipient of the Doctor of Letters degree from the University of Roehampton, as well as first Global Ambassador of Silatech, Qatar. What do these recognitions mean to you?

Also, the fact that devotional music has never been very popular with the masses, spirituality however has a greater mass appeal and can help me reach out to greater audiences. ST: What do you want a listener to take away from your music? Sami Yusuf: My music ultimately celebrates the sacred. It doesn’t matter what form or entity the listener adheres to. It is meant to stir the soul. I hope to bring about social completion amongst people through my music, the understanding that ultimately whatever religion you endorse, at its epicenter lies the love of the sacred, respect for God’s creation and compassion for all humanity. Not just my music, but my foundation is also called Spiritique, and through it, as through my music I intend to promote traditional arts, traditional music and an intention to encourage interfaith dialogue. ST: Do you think that Spiritique as a genre borrows heavily from Sufi music or Sufism? Sami Yusuf: Sufism traditionally celebrates all that is beautiful in the Islamic tradition through poetry, qawwali, music etc. And my music, my modest, humble music is also a celebration of the beauty of divine, and in that yes, it is very much connected to Sufism. Sufism is all about

Sami Yusuf: It’s wonderful to be acknowledged, in this world when one good thing happens, usually other good things follow. I’ve been very fortunate; I became very famous at a very young age, I was only 23 when my first album was released. I come from a background that is culturally rich but I was never groomed to be this famous singer. And so while I am extremely grateful for these recognitions, I don’t take them too seriously. I think there is a lot more work to be done, a lot more music to be made. ST: What advice would you give students looking for a career in music? Sami Yusuf: Well firstly, ask yourself if you really want to get into this field, as a profession. While as an art it is very fulfilling, as a profession it can be insecure and you might not always make a lot money. Ask yourself if you really have what it takes to make this your profession, your source of livelihood? Secondly, understand that you need to train, you need guidance, you need to have appeal. Traditionally, if you were learning music, you’d need a teacher who is adept in music and can lead you to discovering your own sound. ST: Lastly, what would you say is your greatest inspiration? Sami Yusuf: I come from a family of musicians, and so music has always been a part of me. However, from a very young age I’ve loved God, I’ve loved the sacred, and it is this love that serves as my inspiration.


We asked, you said... Why do you think change is necessary in life?

Raghda Rüstem AUK Media & Communication

Omar Al-Nakib AUK English

Mohammed Hamodah AUK Finance & Marketing

Ahmad Abdulredha AUK Business Management

Farah Asaad AUK Graphic Design

Change is an essential part of life. People must let go of the old in order to make room for the new. To resist change is to submit to death.

Things must change in order to remain the same.

I believe change is necessary simply because routine can kill motivation. The reason for my hypothesis goes is that a change in perspective due to different situations broadens our experience and skills.

Yes, change is necessary in some aspects. Because change doesn’t necessarily mean a bad change, it could be a form of adaptation to dynamic situations.

Yes, because without change there won’t be any life lessons and without life lessons there won’t be any experience.



Amr Abuzaid GUST Management

Bader Razouki GUST Finance

Yes, I think it is necessary in life in order to stay motivated.

Staying in the same routine would make a person’s life boring and in order to change that we should change our life routine by doing things that are out of the ordinary. @Razouki27x



Ahmed Ibrahim GUST International Business

Saad Al-Rashaid GUST Public Relations

Experiences make us learn and grow therefore we change.

Because change is inevitable and people must change in order to gain experience in life.



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Ahmed Al Ajeel AUK Accounting Change is not only inevitable; it is also very important. Things change, even people change. It’s not about the changes, it’s about how we react to these changes, we should accept these changes and understand things change for a reason and usually it’s for the better. @ahmed_alajeel

Nadine KU Chemical Engineering

Zahra AUK Communications

Fahad AlMutawa GUST Finance

Thuraya Aladl BHCK Business Management

Reem Al-Othman ACK Business Management

I believe sometimes change is very important in life. Change gives us the chance to grow and see things in different ways and it is boring to stay the way you are.

I feel the constant need to change things up in my life because it keeps things interesting and unpredictable. Change is life’s ultimate form of growth and selfdiscovery.

Change is important because it affects and impacts all of us at some point and time in life. If we do not experience different things, then we become stagnant and will not grow in our everyday lives. It is also very important to recognize when there is a need for change.

‫ ‏‬ithout change things W like cars, airplanes and computers would never have happened. Without change, maybe we would still be an agrarian society. Change creates mighty nations and successful people; in the words of President Obama ‘we always need a change’, for the development of human civilization.

Change is necessary because it helps us adapt to certain situations and that eventually leads to mind expansion and growth; facilitating success in different areas of life.




AlBaraaAlAsaad AUM Computer Engineering

Mohammed Al-Enezi GUST Public Relations

Abdulaziz Alsherazi GUST Marketing

I think it’s necessary because everyday you learn a new thing, and that will affect your thinking that make you change.

Change is unavoidable. It is always happening. The outcome depends on your decisions. You can make better decisions when you are practical, and realistic.

Because our lives are changing every day and we need to adapt to these new changes to be better than what we were yesterday.






Mohammed AlShuwaib GUST Public Relations To gain experience and learn new things. Change helps you grow. Change helps you become more mature.

Fatma AlNassar GUST Public Relations Because it provides us with new experiences in life. @Ffalnasser


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Al Ghalia Al-Shehab GUST English Literature

Huda AlAskar KU Molecular Biology

Aisha AlMekaimi AUM HR Management

Shaheema Fahmey GUST International Business

Sometimes when you To me it’s very simple. Yes, I believe sometimes I think change is go through tough If we don’t adapt, we change in life is really important because it’s experiences or even can’t survive.These important. Things something that everyone good ones, your mind are the laws of nature. change, even people goes through. How changes either in a Everything around us is change. Things in life significantly you change positive or negative way. continuously changing. are going to change. It’s depends on how bad Change shows the world, We have to be brave not about the changes, you want it. Change can friends, family or even enough to change with it be good or bad, but it is it’s about how we react your enemies how much to be able to adapt and inevitable. But you decide to these changes, we your mind has grown. survive. Even our DNA is should accept these your path when you Your personality is not prone to change, so why changes and understand decide to take charge. the same today as it was shouldn’t we? things change for a “A year from now you when you were five years @Huda_Alaskar will wish you had started reason and usually it’s for old. the better. today” - Karen Lamb

Nadine AUM HR Management Change is important cause you get to learn new things, try to improve, and have fun with the experience! Besides who knows, maybe your idea of a comfort zone isn’t what you thought it was after all.


Sarah AlShawish KU Chemical Engineering

Mohammad Fahad AUM Accounting

Mohammed AlBaker AUM Accounting

Mazen AUM Electrical Engineering

Loai Albasha AUM Electrical Engineering

Change is essential in a world that is constantly introducing new innovations. In order to grow and contribute to development, one is required to adapt.

Changes is necessary in life because when you change your life you will have a better life and a good reason to live.

Change is necessary in life because to not get bored, every person should try new things to get more experience

To be able to move on and progress in your life.

It’s necessary because it makes our life better and without change we will not progress.



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Sulaiman AlOmar AUM Computer Engineering

Ahmad AlMastaki AUM Computer Engineering

Only in change can one move on from the past, one that they so desperately cling on. Only in change can one achieve the impossible, it is change that empowers us, changes us for the better, if we so desire.

Change is definite, no matter how hard we try to resist it. We could change for the better or for the worse. Change is necessary, yes it may be uncomfortable, annoying, or even hurtful, but it could have great outcomes. A changing situation could make you a stronger, more mature person.



Dana AUM Marketing

Ahmed Fahim AUM Computer Engineering

For me, I believe no one Change is necessary for actually knows who they growth mentally and are in this life. Change physically and it allows is necessary for us to us to evolve into the best decide on what we find version of ourselves. most comfortable and assessable for us to be. Everyday something new in your life might occur which can influence you, change then becomes necessary to be able to overcome the obstacle.

Fahad Al-Obaid AUM Computer Engineering Because the world is constantly evolving, we must also change. If the change is something that will benefit both the individual and the society. @F79x


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Maryam Al-Omani GUST English Education

Sheikhana Ishan AOU Business - Marketing

Mahmoud Magdy AOU English literature

The change is important because as a person you go through different situations be it good or bad that eventually force you to adapt. Change is not bad but it’s what will determine how you will actually manage to survive and move forward in life.

Change is inevitable as we all know. I believe sometimes change is really important. Things change, even people change. However, it’s not about changes but how we react to these changes that defines us. Acceptance and understanding is key. As the quote goes, “If you don’t create change, change will create you.”

Whenever I hear the word “change”, I instantly remember the scene in “Ratatouille” when Remy is arguing with his father: - Son, you can’t change the nature. - Change is nature Dad! Yes, the essence of improvement and success lies in change. @mahmoudshoots

Sajah Qais AOU Business Administration / Marketing If you cling to a moment forever, would you reach your desired state? What’s the point of living life when you have the same routine again and again? A change can be difficult but change is also what fuels to our lives. It keeps us burning, keep us going.

Change, simply gives purpose to those who have what they wanted, or to those couldn’t achieve what they wanted. @Farshadk


@ Sheikhana_i

Ghazal KU Business/Marketing

Hadeel Khalaf KU Marketing

Khaled Abd Alkhaleq KU Finance

Mohamed Sabry KU Marketing

Ahmed Ibrahim AOU Business Marketing

Ofcourse change is a must, because we have to adapt the new technology and the environment changes, demographic changes and culture.

Change makes us overcome our fears and forces us to leave our comfort zone. Change helps us in developing our personality, gaining new opportunities and finding who we are.

Things in life are going to change day by day. Sometimes you need to change your whole mindset in order to understand more and react better in different life situations.

Because without change, nothing will ever improve. The world now is changing so fast that if you fail to adapt, you will be left behind.

To change the routine, life is always more fun when you take the risk to break the rules!





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Farshad KU Finance


Abdullah ACM Accounting

Ahmed AlSaraf AUM Computer Engineering

Hajji AlShamali AUM Electrical Engineering

Rakan Al Mutairi GUST International Business

Mohammad AlZanki KU Marketing

Change is necessary in life, without change tough situations would always remain tough. We must believe in change in order to work towards solutions and for better lives. Change gives us the opportunity to improve ourselves and feel proud of this improvement

Change is inevitable as we all know. Everything in life is bound to change at one point or another. What we can control is how we react to these changes. Acceptance is key in any kind of change.

Change is important, however in some situations it is even more so, because the result could have a huge impact on our lives.

Because stability is bland, and progress can only be achieved through continuous change; especially if it’s painful, every sting is one step closer to being sculpted into a masterpiece.

Because people change, times change and life as a whole is constantly evolving. If you don’t change yourself, life will beat you to evolve.

@ Ab_alajmi11.

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We asked, you voted... At what stage in life can a person choose to change him/her self? Childhood Teenage Adulthood Any Age Never

Ahmed Kharsa AUK Graphic Design

Omar Al-Sadi AUK English Literature @Omar-alsadi32

0% 38% 24% 38% 0%

Ammar AUK Marketing

Diana AUK Communication

Elie George Yazigi AUK Business Management




Rama Sabbagh AUK Communications and Media

Ronnie AUK Business @xxronniexcx

Mishari Al-Nassrallah AUK Marketing

Zahra Al-Saleh AUK Management and Marketing

Youseff Alsadi GUST Electronics and Communications Engineering




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Ismail Al Tahan AUK Economics

Jenan ACK Marketing

Anna GUST Finance




Dalal Hayder AUM Industrial Engineering

Farah Mohammed Al-saleh AUM Electrical Engineering @overdose_095

Abdulaziz Al Hunaiyyan AUM Industrial Engineering

Anwar AlOtaibi AUM Electric Engineering

Amal AUM Electrical Engineering




Etaf AUM Industrial Engineering

Hamdah Alenezi AUM Computer Engineering

Sandy GUST International Business




Ali AlSarraf Abdulmohsen AlRuwaished AUM AUM Mechanical Engineering Engineering @Sarraf97

Hussain Alherz AUM Mechanical Engineering


Abdullah AlSulateen AUM Mechanical Engineering

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Sarah Sallam GUST TV/Radio @sallam.s

Basil GUST TV/Radio

Marwa Al-sabaa KU Business Administration

Carole ACK Marketing


Salman hajiah GUST PR

Diaa KU Petroleum Engineering

Ali AlAali KU MIS




Yousef Salem KU - CBA Operations and Supply Chain Management

Fatma shamsah ACK Civil Engineering


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Alshahad Almekaimi PAAET English @s.almekaimi

Sara Hatab BHCK Business Management

Tima Yazbek AUK Accounting

Haya GUST English Literature

Ali Al-Ahmad GUST Accounting

Mohammed Zeyn KU Finance






Shoug GUST Public Relations

Osama Hussain Hashash AOU English Literature

Iman Al Tahhan KU Micro Biology

Asad Ayaz AOU Computing & Comm.

Goshmo AOU Information Technology




@ asad_ayaz


Megan AOU Business Administration

Menna Adel AOU Information Technology

Meg AOU English Literature

Hussain AJ AL Mosawi AOU Business Marketing

Jasmine Elsayad KU Political Science






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Beauty Lies in the Lens of the Camera Holder This month two of our students, Iman Al Tahhan from Kuwait University and Hussam AlSayed from Arab Open University use their lenses to capture what they think are the most beautiful aspects of Kuwait.

Iman Al Tahhan For Iman photography is a way of self-expression. She thinks a lot can be conveyed through a good picture. The subjects Iman tends to choose are everyday things that people are too busy to notice, she makes pictures of the mundane and brings their beauty out through editing. Iman hopes that people are moved when they see the pictures she makes. In her opinion an image can almost open a door to a different dimension for its viewer. She wishes for everyone who sees her pictures to be able to see the magic in the world through them.


While Iman has concentrated on landscapes and the natural beauty of Kuwait, Hussam’s first and only love is cars, and Kuwait as we know it, has no shortage of his favorite subject. To view all of their images and to vote for your favorite photographer visit

Hussam AlSayed Hussam’s first real exposure to photography happened through the works of a film making group called MACHETE. He was in awe of the makers’ ideas and creativity. Most of Hussam’s pictures revolve around cars, while landscapes, building and textures find their way in his photographs, the focus of his images mainly remains on the automobile. Hussam hopes that when people see the pictures he makes they can read the photographers mood. His main aim through any image is to create something that is pleasing to the eye. He hopes to travel the world taking pictures of things that other people may not have had the opportunity to see.


On the Darker Side of Things with Abdullah Al-Duraei Competition Winner - December 2016

What started off as doodles in his notebook during a boring lecture has now turned into a passion for Abdullah Al-Duraei, a student at American University of Kuwait. Last month during our Studentalk logo design competition Abdullah came out as the winner with a phenomenal lead.

While most of us today use Instagram as a medium to tell the world about all the wonderful things we are doing, Abdullah used it to find his inspiration. “I started following some artists on Instagram and was inspired by how they created their art work, it also pushed me to develop a style for myself,” said Abdullah. Most of his art are his thoughts translated on to paper. His art generally depicts dark images where skulls, the grim reaper, pain and suffering find a prominent place. “Our world isn’t a perfect green pasture with a shining sun and flowers all around. I think this realization is what leads me to depicting the darker realities,” explains Abdullah about his art. All of us have that one place we go to where we feel most comfortable and Abdullah finds that space between the tip of his pencil and the paper. According to him, completing an art work is a reward in itself, because in there lies the challenge of finding satisfaction in something that one has created. Eventually Abdullah would love to take his hobby to the next level, making it his full-time profession. Getting into Graphic Designing is how he is going about this process. “I want to be able to deliver a message with every drawing. I think at this point in time I am only at the start of the process, I would say I am on a journey with my art, waiting to see where it will lead me.” Art has for time immemorial been used as a platform to reach people. From Propaganda to providing


Captured in His Own World - Abdullah Al Duraei inspiration to its viewers, art has in many ways shaped the world to be what it is today, an idea that Abdullah strongly endorses. Abdullah loves Leonardo Da Vinci’s drawings on anatomy, the human figure and nature sketches, especially because of his capacity to confuse people with his art. While Vincent Van Gogh in his opinion is an extremely over rated artist. Above and beyond all things, Art for Abdullah is a way to organize his thoughts, to complete his ideas. “It has helped me appreciate both the ordinary and the unusual in our world. Art is a tool I use to see things differently.”

Fun & Fitness

Kuwait University Students Launch Bootamba

Industries today are leaning towards creating offerings that are more sustainable and have a CSR value. A group of students from Kuwait University took up this challenge for their final year project, backed by finance from INJAZ, these students set out to create a product that is not only fun but also encourages behavior that is socially conscious. Thus was born Bootamba, a board game that encourages its players to move around and exercise instead of being stationary.

Bootamba is loosely based on monopoly, where players have to complete physical tasks like running around and doing push-ups in order to lose weight on the board. “Kuwait has a big obesity problem, and we wanted to contribute to the healthy living movement that has currently gripped the country. But instead of just asking people to get up exercise we wanted to create something that brings family and friends together, takes people away from their hand held devices and really just be in the moment,” added Mohammed, Project PR, on why and how they came up with the idea of the board game in the first place. The idea of the project was to expose students to what working in the real world looks like and experience all the different job roles that are required to make a successful organization. For this purpose the class organized itself into various departments like Human Resources, Production, Finance, Public Relations, complete with a CEO and MD. Bootamba, is currently awaiting approval from INJAZ, following which it will be ready to be launched into the market. The idea is to promote the board game through social media and other online channels. When asked what the biggest challenge was, the students are quick to add, “Budget and time… we were constantly trying to manage our money and time, both of which were limited resources in our bid to complete this undertaking.”

Having successfully completed the production of this game, which may eventually change the way people look at exercise, the students said the greatest learning they took out of it was how to work as a team, to share responsibility and really understand all the different parts that that make an organization whole. We can’t wait to get our hands on Bootamba, and start playing, can you?


PR Club, GUST Making Excellence a Habit

Proud Together – PR Club Members Strike a Pose after Winning Social Club of the Year Award The PR Club at GUST is not just any other student club, it is an organization in itself. A well-oiled machine so to say, that has been churning out achievement after achievement since its inception in April 2014. Founded by Khaled Al Rasheedi, the club was initially created for PR students, but has since then extended itself to all students studying at the university.


The Leading Men - Mohammed & Ahmad The Club has not only won awards and accolades within the university but also holds a Guinness World Record for the most collected clothes within 24 hours. The club collected 56 tons of clothing to be donated to various countries for distribution to the needy. A record that was previously held by Qatar. The club also organizes a pop-up café during Ramadan, called New Day that distributes meals to those in need. From doling out hats to laborers during the hot Kuwaiti Summer, to distributing coats on the streets of New York, during the grueling winter, the PR Club has touched many lives. It is no surprise then that the Humanitarian efforts undertaken by the PR Club won the Social Club of the year award at their university in 2016. The PR Club has spread its network far and wide with brand collaborations with American Eagle, Ooredoo, Hamad Show and Spark to name a few. In a candid conversation, club vice-president, Mohammed Al Shuwaib told us, “I think my life was very random before I joined the club. There was the usual university, home, diwaniya routine that my life was following, but

joining the club gave me a sense of purpose. I have over time improved my communication skills, created a professional network for myself and learned how to work with people from different backgrounds.” The members of a club, contribute largely to its success and PR Club is no exception to that rule. The members are elected with utmost care, with a central idea that every person who is a part of the club will add to it in one way or another. From students with networks, to ace negotiators, writers, designers, photographers and managers, the club is a gold mine of talent. The club currently has 32 students, who are everyday scaling new heights under the leadership of Ahmad AlYaseen. From Dubai to London and New York, this student club has managed to leave its mark everywhere they have traveled and we wish them every success in their efforts. If you are a student at GUST and are still wondering why you should join the PR Club, well then, in the words of Mohammed Al Shuwaib, “to be the best, you have to join the best!”


When History Creates Future Words by Yousef Al-Adwani

Any celebration for Kuwait would be incomplete without the mention of Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem Al Sabah, the father of our constitution. It was because of his foresight that citizens of Kuwait have the right to vote, the freedom to express themselves and the capacity to represent the country on a global stage.

The Parliament House of Kuwait


Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem Al Sabah Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem Al Sabah was not only the first Amir of Kuwait, but also a visionary leader with a keen interest in history and literature. Born in 1895, he received his education in Kuwait.

In addition to establishing a constitution and parliament, it was under Sheikh Abdullah’s rule that Kuwait became the first country in the Gulf region to establish a Stock Exchange.

Sheikh Abdullah was different from his predecessors in the sense that he was more pro-Arab than pro-British, and it was under his rule that Kuwait saw the end of her ‘protectorate’ status under the British in 1961. He then introduced the constitution of Kuwait in 1962, followed by the parliament in 1963. It would be apt to call Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem the founder of Modern of Kuwait.

As a reader maybe at this point you might question why the freedom of speech and democracy is so important to the history of Kuwait. And it would be a fair question too.

In my opinion, Sheikh Abdullah was a great leader who did not want to rule a nation, but wanted to give his people the power to rule their own country. My mother often tells me how it was under his rule, that students in elementary as well as high school not just received an education but were also promised two meals a day, clothes and shoes. It requires a leader who understands the needs and aspirations of his citizens to be able to provide them with a base to build the future of a country. Today, it is because of this great man that any and every Kuwaiti citizen has the right to be elected as an MP in the parliament. It is not by coincidence that the parliament hall takes its name from Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem.

A democracy enables its citizens to be involved in the governance. Policies that are subject to discussion and debate will more often than not result in laws that will work for the betterment of its citizens. Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem Al Sabah ruled Kuwait from 1950 to 1965, in a short span of 15 years he created a democracy, strengthened the education system and started the first trading market in the Arabian Gulf region. He actively sought to create laws and policies that strengthened the community, in turn strengthening the country. In the end I leave you with these words from Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem Al Sabah that I believe played a quintessential part in setting Kuwait on a prosperous journey, “Our country and our heart will always be open to every arab and every brother seeking a decent living.”


NBK Al Shabab

Reward Yourself Every Day As you navigate your way through school, university and beyond, it’s comforting to know that you don’t have to do it alone. The Al Shabab Package from NBK has been designed with you in mind, to make each day more rewarding. Al Shabab’s unique benefits youStudent get the NBK Shabab Highlighthelp Benefits Talk most out of life, by enabling you to do more. When you open an account in NBK and transfer your student allowance, a whole new world of convenience and possibilities open up. Al Shabab is even more rewarding with the NBK Al Shabab Visa Prepaid Card which is designed exclusively for those with student allowance between the ages of 17 to 23.

As a cardholder, you enjoy exclusive discounts and special offers, where they count the most - like 50% off movie tickets at Cinescape, so you and your friends can catch the latest blockbuster for less, save 15% on Viva’s voice and internet packages, discounts at popular gyms like Platinum Gym and Alta Fitness, and a lot of exclusive offers at many of your favorite stores and restaurants. Your NBK Al Shabab Visa Prepaid Card keeps giving you more. Each time you use your card, you earn NBK Rewards Points, which can be easily redeemed for instant discounts at over 600 participating outlets in Kuwait.

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the day and live it your way! With NBK’s Al Shabab on your side, you’ve now got all you need to reward yourself every day. To find out more, follow NBKGroup on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube.

Pictures Speak a 1000 Words On a Photographic Journey with Mishal AlEssa

While most of us spend a lifetime finding our true calling, Mishal AlEssa knew he wanted to be a photographer from the ripe age of 16. His love for photography took shape when he witnessed his friend in school make photos. He was in awe of the process of creating a visual using light and shadows. What started out as a hobby, fidgeting with a snapshot Casio camera soon turned into a full time obsession.

Snapshots From Mishal’s photo series titled ‘Alter Ego’


I find collaborating with other photographers is my favorite way of learning more about the art.

Mishal’s photography career started when he became the official photographer for his high school events. He fell in love with the process and since then there has been no looking back. “I remember what a big investment buying my first DSLR camera was. I was extremely excited with the prospect of all the different things I could experiment with, given that the equipment I now possessed was more sophisticated,” said Mishal, talking about his first big foray into the world of photography. In a digital age when editing software can help you create almost any outcome you may so desire, Mishal prefers creating pictures that need little digital adjustments. “I think photography is a very instinctual art. You need to work with whatever you have, to create a photograph that will speak for itself.” However, Mishal feels that his relationship with the art of creating pictures took a serious turn when he attended a workshop designed by Nino Ashour. Until then Mishal was only working with landscapes and objects as his subject, but the workshop drew him deeper in the world of photography, encouraging him to take on human subjects. “The workshop was an eyeopener. As someone who had until then only relied on instinct, I learned so much more, technically speaking.” Mishal then took-up a project for an art gallery with Nino where he learned that there was also an unexplored artistic dimension to his skill. The project made Mishal a braver photographer. Someone who wasn’t intimidated by the delicate aspects of photography. Although Mishal has been photographing for well over a decade now, he has recently come to the realization that having an education is important to him. To this end, he is currently enrolled as a student of Marketing

at the American University of Middle East. “In today’s world just having a talent is not enough, an education can take your art a lot further.” Having photographed almost every influencer worth his/her mettle in Kuwait, Mishal says it is his clarity of thought and clean images that appeal the most to the Kuwaiti market. “I find collaborating with other photographers is my favorite way of learning more about the art. When you meet all these people who not only share your passion, but also have a signature style of their own, small intricacies that can help you take your work to the next level, it pushes me further, to learn more and as a result do more,” said Mishal, talking about his favorite aspect of photography. When it comes to drawing fulfilment from his work, Mishal says he absolutely loves it when he provokes a thought in the mind of the viewer. “I love it when people want to talk about a particular picture that I have made. It’s so amazing having people draw their own conclusions from your work, and talking to them about what went on in my mind while taking those pictures.” An avid marketer, Mishal wants to use his photography to bring out the various aspects of a product or service. “I love marketing and photography is an integral part of the process.” With someone who has experience in marketing, digital media and photography, Mishal is a one-man marketing firm. To this photographer who thinks that photography is a journey more than a destination, pictures are a way of self-expression. Something that comes to him as naturally as breathing.


Actor, Singer and Unicorn Trying to Catch-up with Balqis Duvall

Balqis Duvall Surrounded by What She Likes Most - Stories! (Location Courtesy: Q8 Books) Once upon a time, a nine-year-old girl stepped on stage for a Christmas show wanting to sing her favorite song, ‘Once Upon a December’ from the movie Anastasia. The performance ended with a loud applause from the audience and uncontrolled sobbing from the performer. Today, 15 years later, that little girl, Balqis Duvall, has grown up to be an actress and singer of international acclaim, who most recently won audiences in Kuwait with her portrayal of dark and oddly endearing Mrs. Lovett in the play Sweeney Todd.


Balqis in a Still From Warehouse of Dreams “That first time I stepped on stage, I knew something amazing had happened. From the moment I started singing, I knew that the connection a performer makes with their audience is powerful enough to move souls,” said Balqis while talking about her first brush with the world of performing arts. Realizing what you want to do with your life is one thing, but going about doing it is a whole different ball game altogether. “I think a lot has become possible for me because of my mother’s constant support. She has always been my biggest fan and greatest support and sometimes in life what you need most is for someone to stand behind you while you figure it all out.” A graduate from LIPA, Paul McCartney’s performing arts school, Balqis says her favorite part about studying there was the fact that it put her in contact with not just actors, but also musicians, stage designers and dancers. Giving her an opportunity to get a complete idea of what it takes to produce a successful story. Right after graduating from LIPA, Balqis was signed for playing a Syrian Refugee in a play called the ‘Warehouse of Dreams’. “I think that was an intense experience, both as a performer and as a person. I had shaved my head for the role and the play did extremely well, received rave reviews but it also made me realize that at 21, I was not ready for that life,” said Balqis when talking about why she decided to move back to Kuwait. Returning to Kuwait has helped Balqis not just find herself but also reconnect with her family. When asked what her biggest challenge and greatest take-away from acting is, Balqis answers, almost as if on que, “With acting you don’t just learn how to perform, you learn the formula to the human soul. Because in order to be somebody else, you have to know who you are and that’s the scary part. For me to have the privilege

Balqis in a Still From Sweeney Todd to play all these different roles is like living a 100 lives in one. It’s like being a vampire.” In Sweeney Todd, a play written by Stephen Sondheim and produced for Kuwait by Hamad Al Jenaie along with One World Actors Centre of Kuwait, Balqis played Mrs. Lovett, the pie-making mastermind intensely in love with Sweeney Todd. The character brought to the fore not just Balqis’s acting prowess but also her singing range, which is soul capturing to say the least. “I think being a musician is more difficult than being an actor. In acting you are portraying someone else, you have a reference point, while in music, you have to bare your soul. But that moment in creating music when you hit the right note, is so emotionally rewarding, that it takes making music a couple of notches higher than acting in my world,” said Balqis on why she likes music more than she likes acting. At 24, Balqis’s work has taken her from London to Los Angeles and back, making Kuwait a rather unusual stop. “To be honest, I don’t see myself living solely in Kuwait. Having said that, the culture scene in Kuwait is going through an evolution of its own. There are so many more avenues for artistic expression here today, then there were when I was growing up. I think my ideal life would be spending winters in Kuwait, when the art community is most active and summers exploring the acting scene elsewhere in the world.” From music to acting and art to fashion, Balqis’s aim is to always keep herself creatively inclined. “Adulthood is an ambush of crazy people in big suits trying to be something that they are not actually sure of. My only aim in life is to stand in my own skin and be comfortable in the breath that I was given.” There are few in the world who believe in dreams, magic and connection as much as Balqis does, and it is this unicorn-ness that makes her truly special.


Hitting the Right Notes With Kuwait City Jam

Music, Conversations and a Whole Lot of Positive Vibes

The Band in Kuwait During their Jam Session at Culture CafÊ A lot of us in Kuwait often feel bored, stifled and even depressed due to the lack of social avenues where you can meet new and like-minded people who share your passion and love to talk about it. And Kinga was no different. But instead of complaining like most of us do, Kinga decided to start something new. She wanted to create a space that she could cultivate while here and that it would hopefully continue even after she moved on to new adventures. And that is how Kuwait City Jam was born, out of Kinga’s pure love for music.


of Europe a lot, where people can just gather and have fun on a pleasant day. In terms of law, however, it is okay to gather together and play music as long as people are not dancing. So far we haven’t really had any trouble, we started off by gathering at the Marina walkway on Fridays, but with winter not being outdoor friendly, we now rotate between various cafés in Kuwait.” An average jam session has anywhere from 15 to 40 people including musicians and audience. Most of the musicians in Kuwait play the guitar or the oud while Kinga loves to play the Irish Tin Whistle. The music genre at these sessions is an eclectic one, you could hear tunes from the Irish Highlands to R&B and Pop, all within an hour and this is what is so unique about Kuwait City Jam. It is a free environment where you can share your sound with people who are generous and accepting. “Music is a Universal Language” – Kinga Kinga, who is originally from Hungary moved to Kuwait, three years ago for a marketing job. While Kuwait was a whole new world, she still missed elements of her old life, especially her music. “I love music, I love spending time with musicians and I love making music. Back in Hungary I used to have my own band, but my nomadic lifestyle doesn’t really match with the idea of establishing a band,” said Kinga. Like a lot of good things, Kuwait City Jam also ‘just happened’. Kinga sat jamming one evening with a couple of friends, next they started jamming every other weekend and before they knew it, Kuwait City Jam had become a living breathing organism with a life of its own. “For the first official meeting, I used Facebook adverts and the crowd that turned up was amazing. I think I was a little overwhelmed. I didn’t know how to manage so many people. It was a pleasant surprise, to know that there are so many people out there who share my love and passion for music,” said Kinga, reminiscing about the beginnings of Kuwait City Jam. While ideally an event like this would be hosted outdoors where people can just join in and play or simply sit around and enjoy the music, the environment in Kuwait doesn’t really allow for that. The summers are too hot, the winters too cold. “I miss the open meadows and parks

The most beautiful thing about Kuwait City Jam according to Kinga is the fact that every other Friday she can just disconnect from everything and do the one thing she loves the most, music. “It feeds the soul this music. It may not give you solution to your problems, but it can sometimes create the clarity of mind you need so desperately in life.” Kuwait is a sum of all kinds of people from all kinds of background, and this is evident at the jam sessions. There are people from India, China, Europe, Philippines, USA and of course Kuwait itself that sit down and share their passion. An offshoot of the Kuwait City Jam is a band Kinga is currently in the process of establishing, The Band in Kuwait. All the members of the band met through Kuwait City Jam. “As much as I hate putting down roots, I think it is happening. The band is symbolic of the fact that music binds people, it is indeed a universal language,” says Kinga, before signing off. If you want to hear The Band in Kuwait, all you have to do is turn up at the Culture Café on a Friday. A little tip though, if you want a good table go early, because great food and good music are a crowd magnet. To find out more about the Kuwait City Jam sessions you can follow them on Instagram and Facebook @kuwaitcityjam


Reading Between the Lines Kuwait Bibliophiles - A Book Club that Defies Norms

“Happiness is Your Nose in Your Favorite Book” - Jade D’Costa After a 6-year stint in her motherland, India, Jade returned to Kuwait to reconnect with old friends only to find them gone. Thus started the herculean task of looking for like-minded people who enjoyed reading and engaging in intellectual conversations. Book clubs would have been an ideal place to find these elusive people but unfortunately none existed in Kuwait at the time, none that suited Jade at least. Taking a leap of faith, she founded ‘Kuwait Bibliophiles’, a non-traditional book-club. This was back in 2012 and since then the Kuwait Bibliophiles has grown by leaps and bounds. It is a community of readers from different walks of life. Unlike traditional book-clubs, members are free to read a book of their choice. They discuss anywhere between 6 to 12 books during their fortnightly sessions thereby encouraging members to broaden their literary horizons by exploring new genres. Meetings are spent discussing dystopian worlds, gushy romances, action packed thrillers, classics, gut-wrenching memoirs and more! The book-club is home to new expats and locals. Diversity reigns supreme in this little corner of the universe. It’s a close-knit group of warm (and sometimes loud) people who will welcome you with open arms and truckloads of brownies. The club is an ideal meeting place which will


help you reconnect with reading in a way like no other. It also serves as an escapism from the busyness of life. Reading helps you delve into someone else’s mind and see things from a new perspective. It gives your brain a killer workout and helps you de-stress from the world and its myriad problems. If you’re looking for a new hobby, cultivate the habit of reading. It engages your imagination, improves vocabulary and stimulates creativity. What are you waiting for? Pick up a book, bury your nose in it and join the bookworms at Kuwait Bibliophiles for a dose of much deserved bookish banter. If you would like to be a part of this amazing community, Join us on Facebook: @KuwaitBibliophiles


Classic Meets Boho Iconic SS'17 Women's Collection

The Iconic SS ’17 collection is all about chic separates and flowing silhouettes with bohemian undertones. The look is inspired by the 70’s smart boho trend with the classic shapes taking center stage in a clean and streamlined casual line. Key colors this Spring include astral aura, radiant yellow, and zinfandel while key pieces include printed column maxi dresses, cold shoulder tops and placement printed shirts. The collection is divided into three main themes, namely, the Stately Nomads, inspired by the nomadic travelers collecting beloved pieces from their travels and mixing them in offbeat pairings; the Wayfarers Mix has clean lines, simple cuts and a soft, slightly oversized silhouettes lending easy structure to your looks and the Fearless Romance, consists of contrasting textures on dresses and skirts. This collection is ideal for ladies who love mix-and-match.  


Laid Back & Stylish Iconic SS'17 Men's Collection

The Iconic SS’17 men’s collection is all about casual, stylish and minimalistic designs. Divided in to three main categories this season, Iconic is all about every day, effortless fashion. The Havana Spice segment consists of casual daywear inspired by the faded grandeur of old Havana and a relaxed Cuban lifestyle with a strong tropical inspiration for prints and easy utility. While the Modern Nautical collection gives a casual sports hybrid feel with stark graphics and stripes on white base. Tokyo Calling, is all about going minimalistic much like the aesthetic of Japanese Zen. Hi-tech and clean-finished fabrics bring a contemporary element to this casual and easy-wear look. For men who like fashion to be easy, comfortable and casual, you can’t go wrong with this collection.


Made to be Loved The Tissot Bella Ora Will Steal Your Yeart

A perfect accessory to complement any outfit, dressed up or down, the Tissot Bella Ora makes for an ideal gift, especially if meant for someone you are looking to impress. While the simplicity of the mother-of-pearl dial gives the watch its natural elegance, the distinctive pink and red hues lend the Tissot Bella Ora a romantic touch. The red strap complements the clean dial, which is only broken by a sensual red mother-of-pearl inlay, for the index at midnight. The luxurious edge enhances the otherwise sleek and stylish piece with a rose gold PVD execution.


Let the Games Begin Tissot Presents the NBA Watch Collection

The Collection showcases Tissot’s multiple watch segments with models like the Tissot T-Touch Expert Solar, with its 20 essential tactile functions and solar power energy, the Tissot PR100 for a classic style, the PRC 200 that has a sporty attitude with a chronograph function, Tissot Vintage gold watches, and a Tissot Ball Watch desk clock. Each of these feature the Official NBA Logo, engraved or silk-printed on the case back. Additionally, every NBA team has a dedicated Tissot Quickster Special Edition watch, featuring team colors and logo on the case back. The NBA Collection is available for sale in Tissot boutiques, Tissot’s online store and key retail partners.


Change Happens at 18,000 Feet Words by Arwa Husain For a person who has been opposed to change for most part of her life, traveling opened my eyes. Once on the trip, change almost seemed like the word of the day, every day. No plans that were made in the morning ever panned out, on the contrary there was the constant ‘play it by ear’.


My journey started in a small north eastern town of India called Manali. The vacation was a 10-day journey via road from Manali to Ladakh in the Jammu region of India, and then over to Kashmir via Kargil. A road trip that challenges you in every way. The twists in the road can hurt your bones in ways you can’t even imagine. While every turn is a wall paper worthy picture, it always makes your stomach churn and your head hurt. The highlight of the trip was to be a journey via the Khardungala Pass, which at 18,000 feet, is said to be the world’s highest motor able road. On the day that we were supposed to go there, I woke up excited about

the journey, little did I know that this was going to be a journey ridden with throwing up on the side of the road, and learning that nothing in life is going to pan out quite as you imagined. While Khardungala Pass was gorgeous, it wasn’t the highlight of my trip. The trip, when I look back at it now was more about the people I was traveling with. Yes, it helped immensely that every time I looked out the bus window, my heart skipped a beat at the beauty, but it was the warmth of the people inside that made me not only embrace the constantly changing plans, but actually enjoy them.


Here are the top five lessons I learned on that trip: 1.Traveling between constantly changing altitudes ranging from 10,000ft to 18,000ft is the most excruciating experience you will ever have. Having said that, I think we often fail to realize how much our body is really capable of handling. I was surprised at how it became easier for my body to adapt to these changes after the first three or four days. This was how the trip helped me learn that mind over matter is a real thing. I believe I am now a person with more will power. Someone who can out last hardships both physical and emotional. 2.The trip also opened my eyes to the fact that we often make so many assumptions based on the little knowledge that is available to us. I had so many misconceptions about the various religions and customs of the area, but traveling through these parts, communicating with the locals made me realize that a large part of what I believed to be true was actually just a part of the whole truth. Having visited a plethora of monasteries and experiencing the Buddhist culture I came back culturally tolerant and slightly wiser. 3. Compassion is another quality that I think is extremely underrated in our world. We all know how important a window seat is during a road trip, how sitting in the last row in the bus can cause pain in bones you didn’t think existed and just how precious that last box of Pringles can be. However, when you are traveling with people and spend most of your day with them, suddenly sharing


your food with someone becomes a natural instinct, and you don’t mind giving up your seat just to make sure someone else is comfortable. A little kindness can go a long way and the people that I traveled with lead by example in this department. 4. We live in a world that constantly decides our worth by how you present yourself. Very rarely do we take the time to stop and look at people for their talents. While we constantly judge others, we constantly fear being judged. But at 18,000ft when Oxygen is thin and the cold is set thick on your bones, you stop seeing people for what they are wearing and start seeing them for how they can help you feel a little better, hold your hand and offer you encouraging words. That experience, I think has changed a vital setting in the way I see the world now, more importantly it has helped me be more comfortable in my own skin. 5. Food is the window to my soul. The element that completes my being. If there is a new restaurant in town, it becomes my purpose to eat there. The road trip to Ladakh taught me that the joy of tasting food in its native land can never match the experience of eating in a fine dining restaurant. The road to Ladakh for me was filled with picturesque mountains and perpetual road sickness, however the road that led me back home from these beautiful yet challenging mountains, has helped me see life in a completely different light.

Ford Reveals the New F-150 For Adventure Seekers Who Want to Venture Beyond the City Limits

The New F-150 Will Take You Well Beyond the City Limits Ford recently unveiled the new F-150 pickup. The announcement serves to enhance the company’s drive to strengthen its core automotive business while aggressively expanding in growing mobility services. The F-150 pickup is for truck buyers who want an affordable, functional, rugged and maneuverable pickup that’s Built Ford Tough. It is a no-compromise midsize 4x4 utility for thrill seekers who want to venture way beyond the city limits .

“This year, the expansion of our business as an auto and mobility company moves into even higher gear,” said Mark Fields, president and CEO. “We’re introducing many new vehicles and technologies to make life better for millions of people in the near term.”

The tougher, smarter and more capable F-150, features segment-first technology, including Pre-Collision Assist with Pedestrian Detection and Adaptive Cruise Control with Stop-and-Go, embedded 4G LTE modem, SYNC® 3 and B&O PLAY audio.

In addition to this Ford will introduce the all-new Ford Ranger midsize pickup truck in 2019 and the Ford Bronco, a midsize SUV is to make its global return in 2020. Ford also expects to introduce its first fleet of autonomous vehicles within the next five years.


Grooming Finding the Right Balance? While it is always easy to find advice on ‘what to do’, the ‘what not to do’ is usually harder to figure. Grooming is key in our lives today, where being presentable is extremely important and the first impression can be make or break. The line between ‘too little’, ‘just-enough’ and ‘too much’ is not only difficult to determine but is also extremely easy to miss. This month we bring you some major faux pas that you could be committing in your grooming routines without even realizing it.

Too Much Hair Product: Everybody wants perfect hair and using products is one way of ensuring that. When using a hair product try starting off with just dime-sized amount. Start with your roots and then add more depending on how long or thick your hair is. If you think using more product will lead to better hold on the hair, you are wrong, it only lead to your hair getting weighed down and looking greasy. You need to look for products with better hold. Too Much Cheap Cologne: Yes, everyone loves to smell nice, but there is a big difference between smelling nice and smelling like a perfume shop. If you have an issue with body odor, it just means you need to take more showers. The idea of a cologne is to keep you from smelling bad, something that can be avoided by keeping clean.

Stinky Shoes: Some of us sweat more than others and constantly wearing closed shoes only makes matters worse. To help yourself, make sure you scrub your feet properly when taking a shower especially between the toes and under the nails. Wear socks with shoes, spray some baby powder into your shoes and if nothing else helps, stick those shoes into the freezer. Your mother might kill you, but hey, you will die with better smelling feet. Teen Stache: That wiggly little hair on your face, before it turns into a proper stache… shave it! Shaving stimulates the hair to grow darker and thicker. A robust stache gives character to your face, the fuzzy one, well…

Whether you are appearing for college interview or wanting to take someone important to dinner we hope these tips help you come out at the top of your game.


Gadgets Small Wonders This month we bring you ground breaking technology, that is bound to make your life healthier. Air and water form the basis of most living organisms, and the quality of these two quintessential elements can often dictate the quality of your health. Both the Molekule Air Purifier and the LVL hydration monitor are first of its kind and rather unique in their functionality.

Molekule Air Purifier

LVL – Hydration Monitor

After over 20 years of research, the Molekule Air Purifier has finally hit the market. This first of its kind product unlike the normal air purifiers does not use a filter to gather the contaminants present in the air, instead it destroys them. Molekule breaks down the harmful microscopic pollutants like allergens, mold, bacteria, viruses and airborne chemicals.

The LVL band is an innovative hydration monitor that shows live information about the user’s hydration levels. It can provide information not only regarding hydration levels but is also an industry leading heart rate accuracy monitor.

Why is this important? Because in today’s world majority of the people spend about 90% of their time indoors. The EPA states that indoor air is up to five times more polluted than outdoor air, hence the incentive to be breathing the cleanest air possible to maintain health and wellbeing. If one suffers from asthma or allergies, then this is almost a must buy because it can have drastic effects on one’s breathing quality.

Considering the fact that our bodies are composed of mostly water, even the slightest change in one’s hydration level can make a big difference in one’s mood, daily performance and sleep. Studies show that dehydration can worsen cognitive function by up to 51%. The band also tells you the amount of water that would be beneficial to consume before a workout to optimize performance, along with the amount of water needed before sleep to get the best rest possible.


Winter Woes! Words by Nathalie Matta

Fight the Winter Skin Dryness While winter is all about hot coffees and warm blankets for the soul, the skin might disagree. A lot of us suffer from skin issues, especially during season change. Dryness and break outs are two such winter staples that all of us find ourselves combating. This month we bring you five easy remedies to fight these winter woes, giving your skin a chance to enjoy winter as much as your heart does.


1.Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize: Yes, yes, yes…. Every single skin article seems to be emphasizing on this one thing and for good reason. Dry skin is more prone to break outs. Ensure you apply that moisturizer before you put on your foundation at the start of the day, and don’t forget to moisturize your skin again at night, once all the make-up has been removed and you are ready to hop into bed. 2.Avoid Cold Water: Yes, icy water during winter doesn’t just give you a cold, it is also bad for your skin. Every time you wash your hands and face with cold water, it causes your skin to dry out. So keep that water slightly warm, not only does it help your skin, you will also avoid that unpleasant sting your skin feels every time you splash your face. 3.Hydrate More: Making sure you are drinking enough water in winter is actually more difficult. Given the weather a lot of us tend to forget about it. Drinking water keeps your skin hydrated inside out. While skin care products can only go so far, this simple act can prevent your skin from going dry, tight and flaky. 4.Face Masks: Now this is a skin solution that you could couple with relaxing. There are few things as amazing as putting on your face masks and just shutting out the world for a few minutes every now and then. Face Masks with Avocado and Honey as their base ingredients are best suited for use in winter, as they moisturize your skin and help reduce blemishes caused by the cold weather. 5. Facial Massage: As usual we save the best for last! A good facial massage not only helps relax your face muscles but it also improves circulation in the connective tissues on your face. It helps decrease the lines around your eyes, lips and brows and reduces the puffiness around your eyes. Did we mention, that it can also totally brighten your day!


Food 4 Thought with Anoud Al-Qatami Words by Saima Faruqui

If you have visited a local Farmer’s Market in the last three years, then you probably have come across ShaKar and the delectable pastries, quick breads, and cookies by Anoud Al-Qatami. An incredible young lady who attended both BBS and ABS during her school days, and has a degree in Business Management from AUK, Anoud made a daring choice a year ago to attend the prestigious Le Cordon Bleu. She then successfully attained a Diplôme de Pâtisserie, recognized globally as one of the most respected culinary qualifications in the pastry and baking world. This month, we set down with her to gain more insight on her incredible journey.


When asked what inspires her about food, Anoud lights up and says “Everything! No really, everything! Food really has so much to offer everyone!” Her journey in baking started years ago while experimenting in her mother’s kitchen, “as I grew older, my passion for baking grew. All those years of endless baking, honestly, I felt bad for my family for having to sample every dessert I ever made, from burnt, rock hard cookies to undercooked cakes… they have been through it all!” Always supported at the markets by her sisters and a multitude of cousins, aka the “Clan”, Anoud is super grateful to her whole family for helping her cultivate her passion in to a sustainable business. “Looking back, the idea of being a “pastry chef” was, and still is, quite intimidating. It wasn’t a career I could ever imagine for myself. One always thinks of iconic pastry chefs at establishments such as Ladure’e and Pierre Hermes as ‘chefs’. After a lot of great feedback and encouragement, especially from my sisters and cousins, I decided that I could work towards turning my dream into a reality.” Talking about the actual cooking school experience, she says “Every day was a challenge, but in a good way.” She admits to a few days of massive fails, but “it is all part of the process. And I loved it! The amount of knowledge and the number of techniques we were taught were amazing. Since everything was hands on through kitchen workshops.” She recounts a most basic lesson was to whip egg whites into stiff peaks using a hand whisk (ouch!) because her mentor wanted them to feel and understand the chemistry, the look of the whites at each and every stage. “It sounds intense, but definitely was a rewarding feeling when you got it right! It was a privilege to attend an institute that talks, breathes and creates cuisine and pastry and to be with likeminded people who share the same passions and ambition”. “My aim before I went to pastry school was mainly to learn the fundamental techniques in the art of baking; to enhance my knowledge and correct my methods. My

focus has always been the quality of desserts, mainly in flavor and texture. I don’t concern myself with looks, something a lot of chefs - professional and home bakers do; for me there’s no need to fuss and cover the organic beauty of whatever it is that you are making.” This became the segue into her philosophy in food which can be summarized as simplicity, authenticity, and high quality. “People tend to cover beautiful, delicious morsels with unnecessary sauces, nuts or other premade items. Why ruin a beautiful and simple brownie? One has to be able to appreciate the flavor, the ingredient, and the texture.” All fired up, Anoud admits that this frustrates her the most about the food industry. “People are forgetting the quality and the basic perception of food. Using the same toppings, and making everything excessively sweet is leading to lack of diversification in food, especially the pastry industry”. She remains hopeful as “quite a few local chefs are gaining exposure to all parts of the culinary world and are learning different cuisines and pastries from abroad and bringing them to Kuwait at their restaurants. It’s nice to see more locals willing to try new things and broaden their palates to new flavors and styles”. She is adamant that people need to challenge themselves, both those who cook and those who eat, and try new things in order to help broaden the availability of products and styles in Kuwait and make our markets richer and more diverse. In terms of her successful stall ShaKar, her goal is to continue to market her goods and brand for another year. “I want to bring back the classic baked goods we all remember, but with a modern twist. In the long run though, I do hope to be running a successful business that has an established and well recognized brand and identity.” What makes Anoud pick her whisk every day? “Being surrounded by amazing people and seeing the smiles that my hard work brings to their faces; the joy felt when I serve great food is what pushes me back to the kitchen each and every day!”


What Kind of Bicycle Are You? Words by Sean Palmer

Biking is a great activity for exploring the outdoors, travelling and staying fit! However, before purchasing a bike it’s important to understand what bike is best suited for your needs. The most important aspect in deciding what bike to buy is knowing what kind of surface will you be riding on. In addition to the surface, features like suspension, gears and brakes will also play an important role in your decision making process. This month, we bring a few guidelines that will help you decide what kind of bicycle is best suited to you.


Some bikes are made for a specific type of surface, while some are more versatile and can easily function on a variety of surfaces. In general, there are about three to four different types of bikes. These are: road bikes, which are best for roads, mountain bikes, which are best for rugged trails and gravel roads, and specialty bikes, which are intended for pavements. Road bikes are good for fitness riding, racing, long distance rides and commuting. They usually have drop-bar handle bars that are curved down, which put you in a more aerodynamic position allowing you to travel faster than usual and increase the efficiency with which your energy is transformed into speed.

Road Bike

Mountain bikes are designed with shock-absorbing features, making them ideal for rough and bumpy terrains. They usually feature lower gears than most road bikes, considering that they’re not intended to go as fast and to help them handle steeper terrain. They’re overall more durable and heavier than road bikes. Mountain Bike Specialty bikes have specific features that set them apart from other bikes. They’re usually intended for leisure rides, such as the cruiser bike which features slightly wider 26-inch tires than other pavement bikes, with a more laid back seat and relaxed sitting position. Purchasing a bicycle is only step one in the process, safety is a whole different ball game altogether. A few small steps can help you get the most out of your cycling experience, making it an activity that you look forward to. Small tips that can make a big difference: 1.Wear a helmet. When properly used, helmets can reduce the risk of head related trauma by nearly 90%. 2.Pick the right seat. The standard seats on racing bikes can often be uncomfortable, particularly to women who tend to have widely spaced sit bones. Specially designed seats, wider and more cushioned are sure to add to your riding experience. 3.If you are not used to riding, start slowly. Ride for just 30 minutes or so a day on flat terrain for a few weeks. Gradually, you can increase intensity, change terrain and even join a cycling group, which can help the miles go by quicker and motivate you to become a better cyclist.

Specialty Bike 4.Avoid riding at night. Most cycling accidents occur between 6pm and 9pm. If you are going to be cycling in a low light environment, then ensure that you’re wearing bright colors in order to be made more visible and easily detectable by drivers. Also, install a strong headlight and a strobe type, blinking red tail light. 5.Don’t pedal in high gear for long periods of time for it risks over exerting your knees. Switch to a lower gear for faster revolutions to get more exercise with less strain on the knees. Happy Riding!


Got What it Takes to Go Up Against the Best? Join Red Bull Reign's 3-On-3 Basketball Tournament from February 15th - 17th In continuation with Red Bull’s habit of staging offbeat sports events, Red Bull Reign invites Kuwait’s top basketball players to compete in the ultimate 3-on-3 battle, testing teams’ endurance, skills, teamwork, and ability to own their court while trying to accumulate maximum points to outlast their opponents. The local qualifiers will take place this month, on February 15th and 16th at Marina Crescent Basketball Courts and the qualifying teams will battle it in the finals scheduled for February 17th.

Unlike most 3-on-3 tournaments, Red Bull Reign pushes teams to their physical and mental limits. The rules of this high endurance, offense-driven tournament are simple: the teams that score the most number of overall points in each round will advance and continue to compete in the final. Other than the local matches taking place, there are simultaneous qualifiers taking place in 14 other countries. The Red Bull Reign final champions will earn the chance to compete in the 3-on-3 World Finals which will be held in Washington, USA in September 2017. Each qualifier will host 24 teams, anyone who is 16 and above can submit an application for their team of four players to compete during the qualifying competitions in Kuwait. For more information, on game rules and participation visit: or call: 67765544



Taking on a New Challenge Fahad Al Musallam takes on the Dubai International Rally The Dubai International Rally is not just about speed and accuracy but also tests the participant’s navigation skills. Placed right above the Emirates Desert Championship, this race is meant for competitors who know their way around the desert and dunes. During a Desert Rally, the racers have to use their own GPS and Road Book to navigate instead of following pre-set ground markers. The race is broken down in to two stages, with each stage being 110KM long, and taking approximately two hours to complete.

Fahad Al Musallam at a Press Conference Post the Rally


A racer is nothing without his team and supporters who invest both their effort and trust in him.

Image Courtesy Tim Ansell Considering this was Fahad’s first Desert Rally it is no small feat that he came out securing the third place in his class, and ninth amongst the 30 Dirt bike & ATV competitors. “The most challenging aspect of the race is that there is no specific path that one can follow. You have to be smart about the routes you opt for to cover the maximum distance in the shortest possible time,” said Fahad. Wrought with problems be it navigational or technological, Fahad persevered through, as giving up has never really been an option for this racing champion. “I’m definitely looking forward to more rally racing, it’s such a unique experience compared to the normal racing format. However, a racer is nothing without his team and supporters who invest both their effort and trust, and therefore any victory would be incomplete if I didn’t thank Kuwait Motorsports Club, Al Mal Investment, Quest Nutrition, and Yamaha for always standing behind me.”


Hamilton to Help Concur the Skies Brand Now Official Timekeeper for the Red Bull Air Race World Championship

Of all the exciting partnerships that 2017 will bring, the Red Bull – Hamilton tie-up is definitely going to make the top of the list. Hamilton has been announced as the Official Timekeeper for the Red Bull Air Race World Championship. A championship which is gaining ground as the new dimension for motorsports. Featuring 14 of the best race pilots, this pure motorsport competition is a visual spectacle unlike any other, combining speed, precision and skill. Using the fastest, most agile and lightweight racing planes, pilots navigate a lowlevel aerial track made of 25 meters-high air-filled pylons.


14 pilots are competing in the Master Class category in eight races across the globe for the title of Red Bull Air Race World Champion. The 2017 races will take place in eight cities around the world starting with Abu Dhabi on February 10-11. A celebratory event also marking the diamond 75th Red Bull Air Race. This partnership will strengthen Hamilton’s presence in the aerobatics world, in addition to its rich aviation heritage and collaborations with international airshows and squadrons. The brand has been timing the skies since 1919, when the pioneering pilots of the era put their trust in the precision of its watches and navigation instruments. In addition to keeping the first American airmail service on track, Hamilton became the official watch of TWA, Eastern, United and Northwest in the 1930s. Adventure joined accuracy as these instruments demonstrated their unrivaled expertise partnering with the first American coast-to-coast air services which took commercial flying into the modern age. Today, many squadrons use Hamilton watches as standard equipment, including South Korea’s 121st fighter Squadron, the Patrulla Aspa from Spain, the Patrol Squadron Forty from United States, and the Apache and F-16 Demo Team from the Netherlands, among others. Hamilton uses these associations to deepen its understanding of pilot needs such as the Khaki Takeoff for Air Zermatt, a transport and rescue helicopter unit in the Alps. With what is scheduled to be an epic championship battle, the Red Bull Air Race is definitely one to watch out for.


Football Fanatics Find a Home The AC Milan LOYAC Soccer School, Kuwait It is not a surprise that news and articles about football often finds its way to our pages, after all nothing captures this country’s youth like this much-loved game. For all the aspiring football stars and for those who are looking to take the sport more seriously, this month we review one of Kuwait’s leading, internationally affiliated soccer schools, The AC Milan LOYAC Soccer School.


Established by LOYAC in 2010, the soccer school was founded by a group of passionate LOYAC Alums whose love for football led them to collaborate with the leading Italian Football club. The aim of the school was to provide international level professional expertise to local players. Since its establishment seven years ago the academy has trained more than 3500 members between the ages of 5 and 18. The soccer school has also expanded and opened a girls’ soccer school that offers lessons to female players between the age of 10 to 20 and 21 to 30. Because, why should boys have all the fun? The girls’ soccer school was turned into reality in 2014, and successfully sent a team of their star female players to Florence, Italy to compete in the Youth Peace Tournament. The girls’ team returned home with a 2nd overall rank.

It would not be too far-fetched to say that the AC Milan LOYAC soccer school is the pioneer in Kuwait when it comes to technical and tactical football training. It gives youth in the country a much needed opportunity to hone their football skills and promotes fitness through highly functional and carefully designed training sessions. It brings to the table highly qualified Italian coaches, and a chance for the members to train internationally at least twice a year. The AC Milan training grounds are located at Daiya Center for Youth, while their administrative office is situated in Qibla. Interested students can register from the coaching sessions through the club’s official website You can also find them on social media - @acmilankuwait and @loyackuwait


Book Review An Invisible Thread Words by Iman Al Tahhan An Invisible Thread is the true story of an unlikely friendship between an eleven-year-old panhandler, Maurice and Laura, a busy sales executive. A New York Times bestseller, the book is an autobiographical account of this serendipitous relationship written by Laura Schroff and Alex Tresniowski. The story is about fate and the connection made between two people who exist in completely different worlds. It is an invisible thread that pulls Laura - a rich, white woman to the poor, hopeless boy, Maurice, when he asks her for spare change. While Laura initially dismisses the boy, something inside her stops her short, and takes her back to the begging boy. What is different here is that instead of handing out change to him she takes him to McDonald’s for a meal. The book revolves around how Laura and Maurice have this exchange that alters both their lives. The reader through the book discovers Laura’s childhood and what it was like to be her. The author shares intimate details of her bitter childhood, being the daughter of an alcoholic father, someone who could have been an excellent parent had life panned out differently. The book also shines a light on Maurice’s childhood, who has an abusive father and a mother suffering from drug addiction. Maurice lives in a wrecked house where he shares a single room with his mother, grandmother, two sisters and uncles.

What I liked the most about the book was its simplicity, the story grabs your attention in a way that you will not be able to put it down until the end. An Invisible Thread takes the reader on a journey through different places and makes you interact with different people, giving you a chance to experience different lives. The narration almost makes you feel like you are present in the moment, be it through Laura’s disturbing past and the pain and agony she and siblings went through, or when you learn about Maurice’s weak and fatigued present. It is through this book that I learned what not having a square meal a day and a safe place to sleep can do to a person. I think what helped me connect the most to this book was the fact that it is a true story about pain and suffering, and hope and happiness that people live through in their lives. The fact that it is a real story that happened to real people makes me believe that change is possible and that life has strange ways of bringing people together.

a n IN V IS IB L E T H R E A D

The author tells the story in a simple, clear and straightforward manner. The vocabulary used is easy to understand, making it a book that is accessible to anyone with basic English know-how. In my opinion, An Invisible Thread is one of those lifechanging books that makes the readers aware how far a small act of kindness can go and that destiny and fate are important aspects of human life.


The pictures added to the book by the author is another plus to the experience, because it provides you with a physical reference to the events that transpired. The only drawback I think the book had was that sometimes the author got repetitive when relating episodes or feelings. If you are looking for a story that has hope and faith at its very core, then An Invisible Thread should be your pick.

percent "Collaborating for a change" Website Launching Soon For Enquiries

Top 10 English Songs


1 3 5 7 9

Ed Sheeran Shape of you

Bruno Mars 24K Magic

The Weekend feat. Daft punk Starboy

Post Malone White Iverson

Drake Hotline Bling

Matt Simon Catch & Release

Future feat. The Weekend Low Life

The Chainsmokers Paris

Migos feat. Lil Uzi Bad & Boujee

Travis Scott Goosebumps

2 4 6 8 10

‫أفضل ‪ 10‬أغاني عربية‬


‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫‪7‬‬ ‫‪9‬‬

‫لو كان بخاطري‬ ‫راشد الماجد وأمال ماهر‬

‫معجبه‬ ‫شمه حمدان‬

‫انتحل شخصيتك‬ ‫عبدالمجيد عبداهلل‬

‫يالزمني خيالك‬ ‫أحالم‬

‫ذاك الغبي‬ ‫اصاله‬

‫عم بتعلق فيك‬ ‫نانسي عجرم‬

‫واحد‬ ‫بدر الشعيبي‬

‫أخيرا كالها‬

‫أكو مثلك‬ ‫نوال‬

‫أحمد المصالوي‬

‫مكتوبة ليك‬ ‫اليسا‬

‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫‪8‬‬ ‫‪10‬‬

Celebrity News Ugly Betty's Beautiful Words America Ferrera Reunites with Ugly Betty Co-Stars at the Women’s March in DC

The Iron Lady is the Queen of Our Hearts

Meryl Streep Honored with Cecil B. deMille Award at the 2017 Golden Globes If awards were to say anything, then with 335 award nominations and 166 wins, including eight Golden Globes and four Academy Awards, Meryl Streep’s talent is an unquestionable entity. However, at the recent Golden Globes were she was honored with the Cecil B. deMille Award for the contribution to cinema, it was her words that left everyone speechless.

Image Courtesy: Instagram  The world seems to be heading towards the Dark Ages with the swearing in of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States of America. However not everything is lost. The Women’s March on Washington that took place on the 22nd of January to oppose the many policies that Donald Trump wishes to put in place had Ugly Betty Star America Ferrara inspire those present with her words. In her address to the hundreds of thousands gathered there she said, “We march today for our families and our neighbors, for our future, for the causes that we claim and the causes that claim us.”

During her acceptance speech she was extremely vocal in her criticism of Donald Trump and his complete lack of respect for those less powerful than him. She emphasized on safeguarding the media and how important it is, now more than ever, for people to come together and fight for what is right. “Disrespect invites disrespect, violence incites violence. When the powerful use their position to bully others, we all lose,” echoed Ms. Streep during her speech. One look at the audience and you could see that everyone was hanging onto her every word, some with tears in their eyes, others in complete awe of this woman who was once told that she wasn’t pretty enough to play the lead role in King Kong. The most heart rending words however came in her conclusion, where she re-called how the late Carrie Fisher once told her “take your broken heart, make it into art.” May we all turn the ugliness of this world into something beautiful.

While the march drew crowds from everywhere, civilians and stars alike, there were two people closer to Ferrera’s heart than others, her co-stars from the Ugly Betty show Mark Indelicato and Ana Ortiz. America shared photo of the three captioned, “I march for family! I found my #UglyBetty family @therealanaortiz & @markindelicato here at the #womensmarchdc and we’re here celebrating @plannedparenthood with @funnyordie & @ronnaandbeverly #fullheart.” Other celebrities present at the march were Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Chrissy Teigen, John Legend, Brie Larson, Charlize Theron, Amy Schumer, Helen Mirren, Whoopi Goldberg, Cynthia Nixon, Evan Rachel Wood and many more who stepped out in support of the cause in major cities such as Los Angeles, D.C., Chicago, Denver and Park City, Utah.


Image Courtesy:

‫أخبار المشاهير‬ ‫وسوف يصفها بالخائنة وهي ترفض الرد!‬ ‫أكّ دت الفنانة السورية أصالة نصري أنها لن ترد على التصريحات‬ ‫الصادمة التي أطلقها ضدها الفنان جورج وسوف في آخر لقاءاته‬ ‫التلفزيونية‪ .‬وغ ّردت على حسابها الرسمي على تويتر‪ ،‬قائلةً ‪»:‬‏ألنّني‬ ‫أخاف عليه وأحترم تاريخه وال أقوى على جرحه فقط‪ .‬كان صديقًا ألغلى‬ ‫أرد ومن ّ‬ ‫كل قلبي أسامحه بل وأدعو له بالتوفيق»‪.‬‬ ‫ما عندي (بابا) لن ّ‬ ‫وكان جورج وسوف هاجم أصالة في لقاء تلفزيوني على أحد القنوات‬ ‫الجزائرية واتهمها بأنها خانت وطنها‪ ،‬وعندما ذكرت اإلعالمية اسم‬ ‫مسمى وأكمل قائ ً‬ ‫ال إن‬ ‫رد ‪« :‬مين أصالة‪ ،‬اسم على غير‬ ‫أصالة أمامه ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫هذا االسم ال يليق بها‪ ،‬فهي فاجرة في المغنى وفي حياتها‪ ،‬وتابع‬ ‫وسوف أن والد أصالة كان فنّانًا ومن أفضل الفنانين في سوريا ولكن‪:‬‬ ‫«هي تعتقد أن اهلل خلقها ولم يخلق غيرها وهي الخسرانة‪ ،‬خسرت‬ ‫كل شيء وطنها وبيتها»‪ ،‬مشيرًا إلى ما قام به الرئيس الراحل حافظ‬ ‫األسد من توفير الرعاية الصحية ألصالة حين كانت طفلة تعاني من‬ ‫مشكلة في رجلها‪.‬‬

‫أنجي تعيش مأساة حقيقية!‬ ‫فجعت الفنّانة إنجي المقدم بوفاة والدتها بعد أ ّيام قليلة على وفاة‬ ‫والدها‪ ،‬وتم تشييع جثمان الوالدة إلى مثواها األخير بمقابر األسرة‪.‬‬ ‫وكان الفنّان إياد نصار أعلن عبر حسابه الشخصي في تويتر‪ ،‬وفاة‬ ‫والدة الممثلة المصرية قائ ً‬ ‫ال‪“ :‬انتقلت إلى رحمة اهلل والدة الصديقة‬ ‫إنجى المقدم‪ .‬رحمها اهلل وأسكنها فسيح جناته وألهم أهلها الصبر‬ ‫والسلوان”‪.‬‬ ‫ُيشار إلى أن المقدم تصور مشاهدها األخيرة في مسلسل “اختيار‬ ‫إجباري” الذي بدأ عرض حلقاته األحد الماضي‪ .‬وهو من تأليف حازم‬ ‫متولي وإخراج مجدي السميري‪ .‬وتستعد لبدء تصوير دورها في‬ ‫مسلسل “‪ 30‬يوم” مع المخرج حسام علي وبمشاركة آسر ياسين‬ ‫وباسل خياط ونجالء بدر‪.‬‬


Artspace Winter Glitter Globe What you’ll need: - Empty Glass Jar with Tight Lid - Rock - Glue Gun - Spray Paint - Small Brushes - Water - Acrylic Paints - Ribbon - Glitter, Beads and Sequence (Anything from Around the House Works)

This project is all about taking things from around you and turning it into art. It combines your drawing, painting and scavenging talents. It is perfect for anyone who likes to use every day mundane things to create something beautiful. The whole process requires about one and half hours to complete and it suitable for beginners as well.



The jar that you choose should have a tight lid. While the size of the rock should be such that it fits onto the lid and inside the jar comfortably.

Step 1: Begin by removing the lid off the glass jar to spray paint it. The reason we paint the lid first is because it takes the most time drying.

Step 2: Paint the base color of your rock. Here you can be as creative as you like by choosing any character or scene to paint on your rock.

Step 3: After the rock has completely dried use the hot glue gun to glue the rock onto the inside of the lid. Make sure the rock is not placed too close to the edges. Step 4: Fill the jar with all the glitter, sequences and beads. When complete add water. Make sure you don’t fill it completely as the rock when inserted into the jar will make the water over flow. Step 5: Use the hot glue gun in order to seal off the edges of the lid.

Step 6: Flip over the jar and decorate the lid with a colorful ribbon to cover up excess glue.


AUK Engineering Shines at the Smart Kuwait Competition Winning Students Part of the AUK Engineering Department Three AUK teams from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department were declared winners of the first, second, and third place in the Smart Kuwait Competition organized by the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET). The winning teams were: 1. Manal Al-Enezi and Esraa Al-Qattan won first place in the Smart City Category 2. Maha Al-Mari, Anwar Al-Khalaf, and Wed Al-Smiran secured second position in the Smart Industry category 3. Omar Abbas, Amr Lotfy, and Ahmed Abdel-Basset stood third in the Smart Home Category.

The competition was held for the first time in Kuwait—as part of the Heading Global Conference–whereby students from universities around the GCC presented projects in the categories of Smart Design, Smart City, Smart Learning, Smart Manufacture, and Smart Agriculture, to a panel of judges that comprised of faculty members from different institutions. The winning projects were announced at the Heading Global Conference in November and received prizes that totaled to KD10,000 in value.


Avant-Garde Architecture KU Students Present Designs for the Jazeera Airways' New Terminal From locally inspired designs to avant-garde and ultra-modern designs, 30 students from Kuwait University’s College of Architecture showcased 15 architectural designs for Jazeera Airways new terminal in an exhibit hosted by Jazeera Airways and attended by university faculty, senior executives from Kuwait’s Directorate General of Civil Aviation and Jazeera Airways. The airline awarded the top three designs: First place: Aisha Al Saraawy and Nouf Bin Nasser Second place: Mohammad Al Mansour and Yehya Adnan Third place: Hussa Al Fozan and Haya Al Anjari

Abdullah Al Hudaid, the CEO and Accountable Manager at Jazeera Airways said, “The projects we saw exceeded our expectations by all measures. This exhibition reflected a move to infrastructure driven by students’ need to find solutions to very real problems that the aviation industry faces today.” The students’ projects were inspired by the airline’s July announcement that it has obtained the government’s approval to build and operate a dedicated passenger terminal at Kuwait International Airport. Jazeera Airways plans to launch the terminal in 2018.


Huawei launches honor 6X in Kuwait Cutting Edge Technology at Pocket Friendly Prices Huawei Kuwait recently launched its second honor smartphone. The honor 6X, a mighty budget smartphone created for digital natives has a cutting-edge dual-lens rear camera, sturdy performance and extended battery life.

Peter Wei with Huawei Kuwait Team at the honor X launch The honor 6X smartphone was launched at an event presided over by the CBG Director, Peter Wei, and a live performance by Chinese artists. “Huawei continues to innovate smartphones that respond to the needs of different segments of the society. Built for the cost-conscious yet uncompromising internet-minded millennial, the honor 6X is the perfect technological budget beast,� said Peter Wei while introducing the phone to the audience.


The Protégés Generation Six Now Ready to Take on the World Graduation Ceremony Held at Yarmouk Cultural Center

Kuwait Projects Company (KIPCO) recently organized the a graduation ceremony for the sixth batch of “The Protégés” students at Yarmouk Cultural Center.

Students and Dignitaries Take a Minute to Capture the Moment The event was attended by the Minister of Social Affairs and Labor, Hind Al-Subaih, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Sheikha Al-Zain Al-Sabah and other prominent figures. Also present at the ceremony were Youssef Khaled Al-Marzouq, Editor in Chief of Al-Anba newspaper, KIPCO’s Vice President Faissal Al-Ayyar and heads of management of its subsidiaries, along with the graduating students and their families. The event not only celebrated the students and their achievements, Protégés also took this opportunity to thank their various partners for the support and encouragement shown to the mission through the year.


Pastry Live & Beyond Chapter IV FAME Organizes Unprecedented Demonstration of the Art of Pastry & Chocolate Under the theme of “Pastry live & Beyond Chapter IV”, the leading FAME Co (France & Middle East Co), hosted its fourth annual Haute Couture event, featuring a live demonstration of the art of pastry and chocolate making at the Radisson Blu Hotel. The event hosted specialized chefs from France and Kuwait.

Chefs Taking the Audience on a Pastry Journey

Audience Enjoying the Gourmet Experience

Chef Benoit Visbecq, Chef Sadiqa and Chef Omar Addihaoui took the audience on a journey through the delicate world of pastry and chocolate making. Commenting on the event, Sophie Parou, CEO of FAME Co. said, “Since its inception in Kuwait in 2001, FAME has been at the forefront of educating people on the subject of pastry and chocolate making, an important ingredient of the French culture.” Sophie emphasized that FAME is constantly looking to launch new trends in the market instead of just copying what everyone else is doing. Originally established in France, FAME expanded its roots to Kuwait in 2001; the company has since then succeeded in spreading premium French bakery, pastry & chocolate ingredients, décor & small equipment across Kuwait. With products imported from Europe, FAME has become the preferred shopping destination for industry leaders.


And Then There was One More The View Mall Now Open in Salmiya

Wafra Real Estate Company recently inaugurated The View Tower and Mall. With 19 storey and 4,000 square meters’ of mall space, this mall will accommodate gyms, dental clinics, restaurants and retail space.

The View opening event was attended by actress Haya Abul Salam and beauty influencer, Jamal Al-Najadah in addition to personnel from the retail, restaurants and brands that will be present in the mall. With a direct view on the Arabian Gulf, The View will be home to popular brands like Marks & Spencer, Saveco, Circuit+, Kids Engineer, 52 Degrees, Meme’s Curry, B+F and the View Clinic among many others. The View will have close to 350 parking spaces including underground and outdoor.



Taurus: Apr 21 -­ May 20

Aries Mar 21 - Apr 20 Independence and enterprise mark the life of Aries this month. Caution is advised as Mars is not favorable. Career prospects are good and monetary gains are forecast for investments in technology. Spirituality dominates relationships and health will be wonderful.

Libra: Sept 24 - Oct 23 February promises to be a wonderful month for the Librans. Professional life will be highly enjoyable while finances are fabulous. Family life will be full of fun and health shows remarkable improvement.


Gemini: May 21 ­— June 21

Cancer: June 22 - July 22

Gemini natives will thrive in their professions with the help of others in February 2017. Financial position improves after the third week. You can go for a romantic holiday abroad with your spouse. Health will be problematic in the last part of the month.

People belonging to the Cancer zodiac can further their professional ambitions by seeking the support of others. Family will support your monetary ventures. Relationships are pleasant without conflicts. Health can be improved by detoxification of the body.

Leo: July 23 - Aug 22

Leos will find February to be highly chaotic. Virgo: This is the time to Aug 23 - Sept 23 party and go wild. People looking for Emotional stability jobs will succeed. and social skills are Mercury will help important for Virgos your finances. this month. You Marriage is likely for people in strong may change jobs for relationships. Health better prospects. Venus will boost your can be improved finances. Love life through exercise will be full of social and relaxation. activities. Health will be superb during Aquarius Man the first half of the month. The Aquarius man is no one’s water boy, and it would be a mistake to assume so. A liberal and an independent, this man is intent on making the world a better place for all of mankind. This grandiose approach may be a little overwhelming when you first meet him, but he is a genius when it comes to thoughts and new ideas.

Career and personal initiative will influence Taurus this February. Finances will be excellent as Mercury is favorable. There will be plenty of social opportunities to further your career and finances. Health requires more attention.

Aquarius Woman When it comes to Aquarian woman, you can’t tie her down. Don’t pin her down to a stereotype because she will more than likely buck all expectations and be exactly what you do not expect her to be. More than anything, she is the ultimate nonconformist.

Scorpio: Oct 23 - Nov 22 Family and psychological issues dominate the month of February. Job prospects are good for those looking for a change. Investment in real estate will give good returns. Romantic opportunities are plenty while health will be delicate during the first half of the month.

Aquarius: Jan 21 - Feb 19 Sagittarius: Nov 23 - Dec 21 Sagittarians will excel in academic activities and creative fields in February. Monetary strategies require review and realignment. Family will help you find life partners. Health will be wonderful during the first half of the month.

Capricorn: Dec 22 - Jan 20 Family and emotional matters dominate the month. Do not get involved in office politics. Financially speaking this is a fantastic month and your excellent health will help you to boost your wealth. Somehow you are not interested in love or romance.

Aquarians will be busy with leisure activities this month. Finances are excellent and you will be happy to give part of your wealth for charities. Singles will have plenty of romantic opportunities. Health and vitality will be abundant.

Pisces: Feb 20 - Mar 20 For Pisceans, spirituality will be the focus this month. Even your professional life will be tinged with spirituality. Your monetary situation does not have the backing of Mars. You are looking for spiritual strength in relationships. Health will be zooming and will make you charming.

The Other Side Inspiration Station

Mohammad Farran, Faculty of Language Studies, AOU

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During his scho ol days Moham , med us ed to h studyin a t e g Arabic , in fact called it he Horrab ic!

During his teens, Mohammed was obsessed with Italian Mafia and Al Capone.

He became a teacher in order to overcome his fear of speaking in front of people.

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Dream and Chase or Stay in Place. - Mohammed Farran

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5–8 March 2017

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