Studentalk #186 - March 2017

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Issue 186 Mar 2017

Nouriya Al Sager The Woman Who Does It All! Asrae Yazdani For the Love of Calligraphy Travel 5 Destinations to Explore with Your Mum

the team

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Fawaz Al-Mutairi LEGAL CONSULTANT Khaled Al-Kandari Al-Kandari Law Firm MANAGING DIRECTOR Zeina Mokaddam GENERAL MANAGER Chimene Ibrahim CREATIVE DIRECTOR Yousif Abdulsaid OPERATIONS MANAGER Ahmad Al-Therban Fajer Al Rashed EDITORIAL TEAM CONTENT MANAGER Zahra Husain CONTRIBUTORS Arwa Husain Zainab Mirza Iman Al Tahhan Sean Palmer Nathalie Matta CREATIVE TEAM Nidal Al-Shaker PHOTOGRAPHY Maher Al-Nouri CIRCULATION MANAGER Jad Nahas DISTRIBUTORS Roshan Sapumal Ajith Kumara



StudenTalk Magazine

letter Dear Students, Being a woman has always been laden with great responsibilities, but in today’s world, don’t you feel like women are becoming super-human? I mean, let us just list what a woman, in today’s world, is expected to be: 1234567-

A daughter, a sister, a family member and a friend Educated An integral part of the work force and a contributor to the household’s income A wife A mother A socially active being Balancing all this and keeping her smile and demure

One would think this is quite impossible, right? Wrong! Women of today are a living proof that they can and are rising above all expectations and assuming all these responsibilities! These super-humans must be saluted, and honored. As such, we dedicate this issue to all the women of Kuwait and the world. Till the next issue…

Zeina Mokaddam


content Cover Story

16. Nouriya Al Sager - The Woman Who Does It All! 20. To Maa with Love...

Student Diwaniya

Local Scene


44. Walk This Way

50. Reebok Classic & Kendrick Lamar ‘Hold Court’ 56. Five Destinations Perfect to Explore with Your Mum



36. We Community: Spreading Positivity

42. Artist of the month: Asrae Yazdani

Health & Sports


32. Competition: An Ode to the Mother

66. Running: A Social Phenomenon 69. Peak - Kuwait’s Very Own Vertical Marathon

72. Book Review: I Am That 76. Celebrity News

80. Events 88. Horoscope

The Woman Who Does It All! Nouriya Al Sager

The Daughter, Wife, Mother, Sister, Businesswoman, and Student

If you think you do too much, think again! Nouriya Al Sager has many titles attached to her name, from being a member on the Board of Directors at Andalus Trading, to a wife, doting mother of three and a student, perhaps the one title that suits her better than the rest is Super Woman. For all of us who struggle with too many priorities, busy schedules and the constant worry of “there isn’t enough time to do everything,” Nouriya is the standing proof, that a human being has way more capacity than they imagine.


Image Courtesy: Hanaa AlGhanim Drive and Will are two adjectives that would describe Nouriya perfectly. From a woman who is at the helm of running things at Andalus Trading, a consumer electronics company well known for being the franchise owner for Samsung in Kuwait, to being a doting mother to three kids, all of whom are under the age of five, at 28 Nouriya has achieved more than what most of us even dream of in an entire lifetime. “Ever since I was a kid, I have been in the habit of looking for new challenges. Be it academics or extracurricular, I made sure I was doing a lot of things. I think it is just the way I am made, a part of my DNA I suppose,” said Nouriya while talking about her childhood. From track and field to Model United Nations and Student Clubs, Nouriya seemed to have covered all grounds at Bayan Bilingual School, her alma mater. However, one of the highlights of her childhood was being a show jumper. Nouriya started competitive show-jumping at the age of nine, a time when most of us are worrying about who it is

in class that we will be sitting with. A hobby, that turned into passion, Nouriya continued to jump show horses until the age of 17. “What I loved about show jumping was its competitive nature. What attracted me to it was how structured it is as a sport. In all the time that I participated, I never went into a challenge unprepared. There were regular ground classes and jumping classes, and practices. I think a big part of who I am today, comes from this childhood hobby, that imbibed in me a sort of discipline, that helps even today in managing all the things that I do.” After school, Nouriya went on to pursue her degree in Finance and International Business at the American University of Paris. “I was never classroom material. In university, I would constantly look at my watch, wondering when I could go out in the world again. I kept up my grades of course, but I think I am a seeker of practical knowledge. I think it was at that time I realized that life is bigger than the grades and certificates we accumulate.”


Image Courtesy: Hanaa AlGhanim Post University Nouriya started her internship with LOYAC and then finally ended up at her family owned business. “The opportunities within Andalus were immense and I wanted to be involved. I still remember my first project here was to create a competitive market report. From not knowing what exactly a procurement department does, to running the day to day business at Andalus, I think I have grown in the last couple of years. The learning curve has no doubt been steep, but then I guess that’s what has kept me going,” reminisced Nouriya. While Nouriya was playing catch-up in her professional life, marriage, kids and domestic duties were catching up on her as well. “Ours is a traditional marriage, and the kids, well they make sure I am entertained endlessly. I think I have been lucky, privileged even, that I have had a family who has always had my back, everything that I do is because there is a big support system behind me, my family, my husband, my kids, they push me to do better, be better, constantly.”


One would think, her race to success would slow down once she became a mother, but to the contrary, it made Nouriya strive even harder professionally. “I want to be a role model to my kids. To show them that education and hard work are very important in life. I don’t just want to tell them about it, I want them to see it for themselves and I can’t do that if I am lackadaisical about my work. My kids don’t limit me, they are my catalysts,” said Nouriya. As if she wasn’t already busy enough, Nouriya is also currently pursuing her masters from HEC in Strategic Business Management. “It was a brave decision and one that I am glad I made.” An executive MBA that requires her to spend a week every month on campus either in France or in Qatar. “I don’t just learn about business; I practice those lessons every day. So I might learn something about employee empowerment in class on a Saturday, and on Wednesday in office I would be deriving a strategy based on that lesson,” added Nouriya on why she loves the course so much.

When I started out I didn't think I would get here one day, all I knew was hard work would pay off, one way or another, and it has.

When asked what she does to relax, to turn off and just enjoy herself, she adds, almost laughing, “I don’t need to turn off, I enjoy all this. The work in office, my kids at home, family commitments, these are the things in life that keep me challenged, make me laugh, give me a sense of fulfillment. Why would I need a break from the things I love?” She says her biggest compliment is seeing her family pleased. In everything she does, that is what she strives for. “How I treat my employees, to how I interact with my clients, I always keep my family at the back of my mind. I do not want to treat someone in a way they would disapprove of.” On a parting note, Nouriya says, “my life is full of privilege and opportunities, but at the same time, I also carry a lot of responsibility on my shoulders. When I started out I didn’t think I would get here one day, all I knew was hard work would pay off, one way or another, and it has.” Nouriya epitomizes the spirit of womanhood, while she wears many hats in her daily life, if you look closely enough, there is also a super woman cape, that keeps her flying.

Tidbits - Nouriya attended Kuwait University briefly before moving to France for her degree in International Business - She is the first woman in her family to get involved with the family business -She loves to visit the Andalus warehouse where she gets to see the practical side of decisions taken in the office - As a kid she wanted to become a veterinary doctor - Nouriya is a tech junkie, finding gadgets and gizmos for everything under the sun - One of her earliest accomplishments was to organize the first International Model United Nations Conference in Kuwait which was attended by over 350 international students


To Maa with Love...

An Open Letter to the Most Important Woman in My Life

You often tell me stories about how I kept you in labor for 11.5 hours before finally making my grand entrance into this universe. About how as a kid, I hated when my shirt sleeve rolled up while putting on a sweater, and how I hated my socks rolling down. If there is an element of my childhood that is as clear to me as yesterday, it is how when I came home from school, I ran straight to the kitchen to tell you in detail the grand schemes that transpired during the day.


I remember how you helped me with my homework, especially English, even when you didn’t know the language yourself. I remember how, when my math lessons got too complicated and my science too advanced for you to be able to help me, you would still continue to sit next to me, a steaming cup of coffee in hand. I remember feeling like my world had ended after my first heart break, and how you kept telling me that the only person who can pull me out of my despair is me. I remember you hiding my secrets from dad, and constantly covering up for all the mischief I was up to. I remember when I would tie your scarves around me, and pretend I was you. When I thought the best thing I could be in life, was to be like you. Your jewelry, your make-up, your clothes, they all seemed like these amazing things I constantly wanted to adorn myself with. I also remember not messaging you enough when I was away at university. When calling you was last on my list, because I had so many friends and acquaintances whom I deemed more important than you. I remember coming home for vacation, with a long list of dishes I wanted you to cook, so that I could go back to university, fed and fattened. I remember how only you could French braid my hair, how only you could tell when I had written a bad exam, how much I loved banana milk and how much I hated physics. I remember all this and more, and every now and then

when a photo pops up from an old album, it makes me smile at all my foolishness, and all your patience. What I think I forget, is to thank you for all these things. I know people will say you need to show your love every day, and I wish I could remember to do that. But then I forget. It gets lost somewhere in all the things you still do for me. All the things that even now only you can find. What I think I forget, is to say I am sorry. Sorry for all the times I snapped at you, when I thought you didn’t know how the world worked. All the times I thought there were friends who were more important than you. What I think I forget, is to tell you that sometimes when I imagine you gone, it takes my breath away. That the realization that as I grow older, so do you, and that someday I might have to live in a world that is void of your comforting embrace and your lingering scent. But until that day maa, even if I forget every other day, at least once a year, I will remember. Remember to tell you that my existence is owed to you, that it is only you who knows what I was like before I even came into this world. That while the world runs around in crazy circles, the idea that I can run back to you is what keeps me steady. Happy Mother’s Day! -Words by Zahra Husain


We asked, you said... To what extent does your mother’s opinion affect your choices?

Ghaliah GUST English Education

Dalal almutairi GUST Finance

Saad alrashaid GUST PR

Qasim kubba GUST Finance

Abdullah GUST Accounting

My mother’s opinion affects my decision a lot because I believe she knows what is best for me.

Yes, my mother’s opinion does affect my choices.

Beyond the eyes can see… my mother’s opinion I am sure will help me be a better and successful man.

My mother’s opinion has a very strong effect on my decisions.

A 100% yes because she is my mum and she knows more than me.



Hawraa Ashour GUST Accounting

Hamad AlKhudhari GUST Behavioral Management

Ali Alowaid GUST Marketing

Yes, it does.

My mother affects my opinions and decisions very strongly.

I think my mother’s opinion does affect me sometimes. It mostly depends on the situation.




Abdullah Azmouz GUST International Business

Abdullah Almansouri GUST PR

I think my mother’s opinion affects 60% of my choices. I love to listen to her and to take her advice.

It is my mother’s opinion and advice that motivated me to pursue my education at GUST.






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Yousef GUST PR

Fatma Yateem GUST English Education

Jumana AUK Graphic Design

George Massoud AUK Marketing

Joseph Nasr AUK Marketing


About 50% of my opinions are influenced by my mother.

Any time I’m faced with a decision I think of what my mother would say. I don’t feel comfortable doing anything without asking her opinion on it first. I try my best to always make choices that I know will please her.

I treat my mum as a friend and usually take her advice on the important decisions that have to do with my life.

I always ask for my mum’s opinion on decisions that I take in my life.






Alik Barbarian AUK Management & Accounting My mum’s influence on anything is dependent on the situation at hand.

Luluah GUST Linguistics

Ameen Maarouf AUK Accounting

Hana AUK Media

Rateb Shehadeh AUK Marketing

It does not, because I was raised to be independent and to be able to make my own choices.

Her opinion affects my choice a lot because she is a storehouse of knowledge and experience.

My mother’s opinion affects 75% of my choices.

It really does affect my opinion. I fear doing anything she does not approve of, because I know that she’s always right about things.




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Rawan Shalhoub AUK Communication and Media I won’t say my mother’s opinion doesn’t affect me, it does. However, only to an extent. If it’s something really far from my belief or comfort, I wouldn’t be affected. My mother usually lets me choose and do what I have to do without her interfering... that’s about 80% of the times!

Rahma Mohammed ACK Business Management

Zeinab Alobaid GUST English Education

Leen Ghader AUK Accounting

Mariam Naser AUK Graphic Design

It does affect me sometimes, because my mum is always going to have more experience than me and might be able to choose what’s the best for me, better than myself.

When my mother gives me an advice on something I actually heed to her advice. If it is something that she disagrees with I ask her for reasons. Sometimes the reasons make sense to me and sometimes they don’t, but I do what she says anyway, because I believe her choices regarding me are always good.

My mother’s opinion plays a great role when it comes to decision making. I trust whatever she says without thinking twice, maybe it’s because she is more experienced and knows best.

To some extent because I respect her but at the same time, there are things in life you have to learn for yourself by making your own choices. At the end of the day your decisions are solely your responsibility. Moms can give advice but the final decision is up to the individual.





Lulwah Alhaddad ACK Business

Nour AUK Graphic Design

Rabab Dashti AUM Accounting

Marah AlMutairi AUM Electrical Engineering

Jasem Alenezi PSU English Literature

Sometimes in cases where I want to hang out with my friends etc.

On a scale of 0-10, I would say her degree of influence is at about an 8.

I would say 70% of mother’s opinions affect my choices.

Her opinion matters but I mostly end up doing what I think suits me best.

My mother’s opinion has a great impact on most of my life choices. She advises me but never forces her decisions upon me. She just helps me figure the pros and cons of a situation and tells me what she would do, but makes it clear that it is my choice.



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Reem Al-Othman ACK Business Management

Zainab H. Abbas AUM Chemical Engineering

Ismaiel Salah Ismaiel AUM Electrical Engineering

Estbraq Faras BHCK Business Management

Mona Sabau GUST PR/Advertising

It greatly affects my choices as I respect my mother’s opinion and believe it to be true.

It’s not the direct opinion that affects my choices. It is more about the morals and qualities that she imbibed in me while raising me that impacts my choices. I was raised to think independently but keep others in mind as well. Therefore, I’d say it affects my choices 40% of the times.

Enough to change my whole point of view.

Sometimes my mum’s opinion effects my choices, because she knows more than me about life and also the fact that she knows what is better for me.

It does but only to a certain extent.





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Omar AlTahan AOU English Literature

Himanshu Kumar ACK Electronics & Comm.

I always seek my mum’s opinion about certain matters, but that doesn’t affect my decisions all the time. It depends on whether or not I am convinced with her reasoning.

They matter the most!

Nedha Najeeb AOU Business Studies with English Language & Literature My mom’s opinion matters to me to a lot. Whether it’s something as simple as buying an outfit or as big as planning my future. Her opinions are cent percent accurate, as she’s gone through all the phases of life that I’m going through right now.


Iman Al Tahhan KU Microbiology

Jasmine KU Political Science

I take into consideration my mother’s opinion in what I do but if what she wants will transform me into something I’m not or contradicts with my happiness I won’t accept it. After all, it’s my life.

Generally speaking, both my parents’ opinion plays major role in my life choices, and I am lucky to have parents who are understanding and respecting of my choices. As for my mother, she has taught me to make my own decisions.




Abdulrahman Subah AOU English Language & Literature Its complicated, I adapt my mother’s opinions to suit my goals so they usually get along. @Bo2adam

Mariam S AOU English Literature

Sameer khan AOU Management

Hawraa AUM Human Resources

Tannaz Haider AOU Business

To a certain extent.

To a certain extent yes, I would ask for her advice on everything I do. I think she makes the best choices for me because she is my everything.

It effects 50% of my choices.

Her opinions and advice allows me to see my decisions and situations from new perspectives. On many occasions I agree with her and go for the appropriate choice.



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Deema AlShami AOU Information Technology

Sheikhana Ishan AOU Business Marketing

Abdulaziz AlHunaiyyan AUM Industrial Engineering

Abdulaziz AlHedban AUM Industrial Engineering

Rana AOU English Literature

Most, if not all, of my choices are made after consulting her. To the extent of getting depressed when our opinions differ. My mother’s opinion is very important to me.

Honestly, my mum’s opinion has a great impact on my choices even if I don’t want to take them into account. I end up doing what she suggests claiming it was my choice! As the saying goes, “Mom’s know best.”

Moms are moms, they were with us since day 1, of course them guiding us is a major key in their life as a mother. However, there is a certain time in life where we all need to take everything our moms taught us and develop it further and investigate on our own.

I respect her opinion and take her opinion under consideration but I believe when we reach a certain stage of maturity, we become independent. We shouldn’t let what someone else says stop us from doing what we want to do.

In my personal life, my mother shares her opinion with me rather than controlling my life. She never forces a choice on me even if she doesn’t agree. That’s why I respect her opinions and always take them into consideration. I prefer solutions that both work for me and agree with her.





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We asked, you voted... Mothers have the greatest impact on a child’s personality. 88.5% YES 2.9% NO SOMETIMES 8.6%

It is a mother’s duty to direct her children. YES NO MAYBE

71.4% 2.9% 25.7%

Abdullah al mutairi GUST Finance

Humoud Alwazzan GUST International Business

Asmaa al Failakawi GUST English Education




Yousef Al-Mujeem GUST Visual Communication

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Ghanem Aladwani GUST Radio & TV

Bader GUST Accounting

Sara AlMallah AUK Accounting & Marketing

Nada AUK Management

Salam Ajam Oughli AUK Marketing

Rawan Abdelkarim AUK Marketing






Basel Abu Dagar AUK Accounting

Shahad AUK Media&Comm/ Marketing

Rouaa Diab AUK Computer Engineering

Abdullah ACK Petroleum Engineering

Abdulwahab Al Obaid ACK Mechanical Engineering






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Vanessa Josaghian AUK Finance and Management @Vano964

Rasha KU Chemistry

Nurallah Hassan University of Alexandria Fine Arts

Esraa alsandouq BHCK Business Management

Yousef Al Adwani ACK Business Administration


@Esraa. Als


Fahad AlMusallam AUK Communications

Hamad AlMutawa University of Colorado Engineering

Jomana Sheriff Saint Clare’s School, Egypt English

Habiba Mohamed FLS Literature

Ali Magdi Victoria College High School Science






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Jassem Alattar GUST PR

Fetam Hasan GUST PR



Khalil Ibrahim ACK Business Management

Haitham ACK Management

Ali AlHaddad GUST Radio/TV @Al7addad_a

Ahmad aleissa GUST Accounting

Bader Razouki GUST Finance



Humam Samer Altinawi ACK Marketing

Fazeela Adel ACK Management

Farah Box Hill Management




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An Ode to the Mother This month in our competition section we celebrate Mother’s Day with Mariam Salisu and Nedha Najeeb. Both girls, students of Arab Open University write an ode to mothers everywhere.

A soul was blown into me Along with stars and the moon, Her persistence, like a green leaf Piercing through grey concrete, Glimmering Ebony Rooted from the soils of red sun. I take from this, my life. Every heartbeat tuned to A hymn of my mother Cradled in hopes, In dreams, In whats and ifs. Handled for nine. Fastened behind her, With ‘Ankaras’ of vibrant prints. Supported by her comfort and her warmth, Taught by her tough love, Cared for by her mercy, Unconditional; merciful lover, My mother. The hymn to my heartbeat, A piece of one another, A branch from the same mighty tree That runs deep. Mariam Salisu Mariam is currently pursuing her under graduate degree in English Literature, and says the best way to describe her would be, “a person somewhere between Machbos and Jollof rice”! Writing to Mariam is freedom. Something she uses both to introspect and to question the world around her.


Silver crown of wisdom, With eternally youthful adoration. A mother’s love, like no other.

While Nedha thinks her most prominent characteristic is her bubbly and positive attitude towards life, Mariam is more of a creative explorer. To vote for your favorite poet visit: Solo births happen everywhere, usually… Other ones are twin births, amazing, really! Double of a kind they are, generally… Triplets, quadruplets there are, but rarely… Handling a baby is no easy task, totally… So if it’s a two, three or four, handling is possible barely... Now I’m relating these things as to being done, easily… I won’t know this, because of my youth now, so merrily! I haven’t reached the age of getting there, it’s still early... These things are to be carried on very delicately... Yet again, I won’t know this, because of my youth now, so merrily! Knowledgeable about it I’ll be, gradually... When such a pain, as in laborly… Would be in me, later on, or nearly... Mothers all over giving birth, the process, so painfully… And yet, I won’t know this, because of my youth now, so merrily! To pop a human out of the body, isn’t something done, pleasurably… Filled up with thoughts of death, those moments, so deadly... Until the first cry of the child is present, audibly… The only cry of a child that makes the mother smile, joyfully… Is the last smile that comes out, when her little one cries, terribly... Nedha Najeeb: A classic over-achiever, Nedha is pursuing her double majors in Business Studies and English Language and Literature. In addition to writing, she loves cooking, singing and dancing. In her opinion, writing adds a mellifluous and beautiful quality to her ambience.

Never again can a mother behave, so brutally... And for that one laugh, she’ll forever be sorry, truthfully. Oh wait... I do know this! Even though I’m a youth now, so merrily!


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Iman Al Tahhan - Bright and Bubbly Competition Winner - February 2017 For anyone who knows Iman, knows that she is constantly involved in one project or another. So it came as no surprise that we found her participating in our February photography competition where she eventually emerged as the winner. Iman’s first brush with photography happened at the age of 10. When she made the picture of a sunrise and realized that this was indeed something she was good at. Something she could use to express her thoughts and ideas. In her own words, “everyone has a sanctuary they run to, photography is mine.” While a lot of people treat photography as a science, something that needs to be learned and mastered, Iman uses it as just a medium through which she expresses herself. She loves making pictures of mundane things and then treats them using software to create textures and effects she thinks fit her emotions best. “I think there is a lot of beauty around us, we just fail to notice it. I work on the images digitally to make the normal stand out, for people to think, ‘oh this is beautiful’ only to realize that it’s actually a picture of the road they take to work every day, they just haven’t stopped to look at it and find beauty in it,” says Iman, who is capable of finding positives in most things in life. Iman thinks photographs are like doors, they can open for their viewer a whole world of possibilities. Beauty she thinks is predominantly found when people look through their minds eyes. She loves creating portraits of people whose stories she finds inspiring, and hopes that someday her photographs will land her in the National Geographic magazine, Iman is a self-taught photographer. She uses tips and tricks from Youtube, and the rest basically is her instinct. A member of multiple student clubs, Iman is a busy body who is always exploring new avenues to express herself and to bring to light the magic that she sees in everything. From meditation to volunteering and dancing to reading, what she really wants from life, is to be able to inspire herself and those around her, to share the beauty in this world and to accept everything with love.

If you haven’t already met her, chances are her many projects will eventually bring her into the orbit of your life. And when it does, watch out, because this girl is a whirlwind of sunshine and rainbows. Someone who is not just ambitious, but backs her work with the kind of hard work that will never go unappreciated in this world.


We Community Digital Inspiration

Sometimes you don’t all have to be a part of the same university or even be in the same country to form a club, and such is the case with We Community, a club created by eight inspired students who wanted to share inspiring stories and spread positivity in today’s day and age where most social mediums have become bulletin boards for bad news.

‘We’ is a young community started in October 2016 by Iman Al Tahhan, a student of microbiology at Kuwait University. The members in this community are collectors of stories that they think might provide inspiration to its readers. The images of their subjects along with their stories are published on their Instagram and Facebook platforms. Other members of the eight people team include Habiba Muhammed, Amal Muhammed, Dina Abu Kheer, Ali Magdi, Jomana Sherif and Nuur El Mahdy, most of whom are based in Egypt. What ‘We’ wants to do is simple - implant optimism in people’s minds and to urge them to never give up and encourage them to strive for a better tomorrow. They intend to convey stories that will help people in need, people who maybe going through hardships of their own, for them to know that they are not alone, that others have been through and overcome similar circumstances. One of the biggest challenges that ‘We’ faced was not that of logistics, given that the members are based in different countries but to get the word out. People often mistook the concept as a spin-off of Humans of New York, which to be honest, would not be a very wrong assumption. What makes them unique is that they


want to serve as a platform that does not identify with a specific target audience. They want to reach out to humanity in its entirety. Using social media to inspire others is in itself a great move to start with in a world were selfies and pouts are taking over newsfeeds and timelines. ‘We’ wants to use these stories to not just create positive vibes but also inspire people to step away from dark tendencies like pulling themselves and others down. The ‘We’ story would be incomplete if we didn’t mention that the work that this community does, inspires them before it inspires any of their readers. “Looking for these stories and conducting interviews with people has been a very enriching experience. One full of life lessons,” they said. The next step for ‘We’ is to organize and participate in art projects that are working towards pushing the same cause, i.e. to create a better world. Short films, exhibitions and art shows are something they would like to look into actively. To find inspiration you can follow the ‘We’ Community page on Instagram and on Facebook as @webasedonatruestory

Amal Muhammed

Dina Abu Al Kheer

Nuur Al Mahdi

Ali Magdi

Habiba Muhammed

Nurallah Hassan

Iman Al Tahhan

Jomana Sherif


Snow Ball Club, AOU Makers Not Talkers

Founded in February 2015, the Snow Ball student club aims at providing students with an ice breaker when it comes to dealing with hardware. Their vision is to inspire students to invent solutions in Kuwait, instead of importing all the technological solutions from abroad. It is a space where students are encouraged to think outside the box, and look for solutions inward rather than depending on the world to give them one.


Muhammed Al Theferi and Abdulrahman Al Enezi, the founding members of the club are both students at Arab Open University (AOU). Mohammed Al Thefari’s interest lies mainly in robotics, 2D and 3D designing as well as hardware solutions while Abdulrahman Al Enezi, who has already graduated holds keen interest in imbedded systems. Together they have attended the Fab Lab workshops in China and various other workshops on similar topics.

not just constant motivation but also proper guidance and instruction to create tangible results.

The club itself has participated and won a myriad of contests, fairs and workshops, the most recent one being the Maker Fair. And not just that, the club was also involved in the third edition of National Robotics Science Content.

The club’s motto, “embracing diversity and passionate minds,” speaks volumes about what one can expect of the club’s environment. Snow Ball believes in equality, its members come from various nationalities and backgrounds. Gender discrimination is not a thing in this little corner of the world. In fact, they almost seem like a big happy family united by their passion for technology.

In the words of the founder, “there is a certain sense of wonderment that you can witness in each of our members. You can almost see the sparkle in their eyes while they are inventing, programming and creating.” The Snow Ball Club, gives its members a place where they can find

Hardworking, determined and consistent, the members of Snow Ball are perhaps the most inspiring aspect of this club. These young minds are not just looking for solutions; they are doing so while trying to be environment friendly. One of their many inventions include creating a robot that would water plants in the absence of the house owner.

For anyone who wants to join the club, the only condition you have to satisfy is that of being passionate about technology. A word of advice, they prefer makers not talkers!


A Study in France

In Conversation with Ambassador Christian Nakhlé Since his appointment as the Ambassador of France to Kuwait in July 2013, Christian Nakhlé has been extensively involved in promoting the french cultural scene in Kuwait through events, forums and conferences. With an aim to strengthen relations between France and the State of Kuwait. This month we catch up with him to talk about education opportunities for students in France. From what you can study, how you can apply to what you can expect when you arrive in France, we have tried to cover all the information you may need to study in this beautiful European country that has always welcomed international students.

French Ambassador to Kuwait Mr. Christian Nakhlé


Why do you think students from Kuwait should study in France? France offers one of the best higher education courses in the world and also one that is financially accessible. With a network of 3,500 public and private institutions available for higher education, France offers quality courses in all disciplines. In France, registration fees in public institutions are amongst the lowest in the world, as the State finances a very large part of the actual cost of each student’s studies (€ 12,000 yearly/ student). There is no distinction between foreign students and French students: access requirements, diplomas awarded and attractive registration fees (Bachelors: €184, Masters: €256, Doctorate: €391) are the same. The diplomas of French higher education are validated by the State, which guarantees their international recognition. What kind of courses is France best known for? French higher educational institutions offer high-quality training in all disciplines: The sciences (mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology, medicine, etc.), technologies (computer science, engineering sciences, electrotechnology, materials, etc.), languages, arts, humanities, law, economics, management, health, sport.

There are a wide range of programs in English: more than 1,000 courses are taught in English, and students have the opportunity to learn French at their institutions. What are the parameters that students should look for when looking for a good university? Whether it is the Bachelors, Masters or Doctorate level, it is necessary that the student clearly define his/her study project and its purpose in order to be able to choose the appropriate curriculum and accordingly pick the best educational institution for the same. A real match of level and content with the previous course increases the chances of admission. What can students approach the French embassy for? The “Espace Campus France” of Kuwait is dedicated to Kuwaiti students and foreign residents in Kuwait wishing to undertake or pursue higher education in France. Located at the French Institute of Kuwait in Jabriya, “Espace Campus France” provides personalized assistantance to help students select their course. It also offers practical support like preparation of the applications, enrollment in a French higher education institution, hosting, accommodations and visas application. Is it possible to work and study in France?

How can students gain exposure to France and its culture in Kuwait? Under the aegis of the French Embassy in Kuwait, the French Institute of Kuwait in Jabriya offers a wide range of activities; a comprehensive range of language courses for students of all age (children, teenagers, adults) and all levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced). The multimedia library of the Institute makes available to the public more than 7,000 titles ranging from novels, children’s literature, magazines, to DVDs. Throughout the year, the Institute implements, in collaboration with its local partners, cultural projects in the fields of visual arts, performing arts, music, cinema and literature. Is it necessary to be able to speak French, if you decide to pursue further education in France? It is not necessary to speak French to study in France.

French law authorizes the work of students who have a residence permit marked “student,” which entitles them to exercise, on an ancillary basis, a paid professional activity of 60% of the annual working hours (being 964 hours/year). What are the biggest challenges students might face while studying in France? Arriving in France is the meeting between imagination and reality. Coming to study in France is complimented by the discovery of a “different way of life”. At every moment of daily life: studies, culture, language, transport, accommodation, food, leisure, and etc. France offers a different and sometimes surprising lifestyle. They will experience culture (music, cinema, theater, festival, etc.), history (heritage, values, etc.), gastronomy (breads, cheeses, market meals), and even geography (because each city and each region is different) feeds the memories of each student during his/her stay in France.


For the Love of Calligraphy In Conversation with Artist Asrae Yazdani She pauses for a few seconds, gazing at the yawning white, before dipping her pen into the inkbottle. Her pen squeaks against the paper with her deft, decisive strokes, as she elongates the letters to intertwine within the composition. She dabs in some color, and voila! We have a stunning Asrae original.

It is Only God that Remains


My Mother

I found myself in calligraphy Growing up, Asrae loved the written word and would draw letters from the Farsi alphabet. “I enjoyed changing the shape of the letters and playing with them,” she says. She owes her sustained interest in calligraphy to her father, who used to buy calligraphic posters and have them framed in their home. She was introduced to calligraphy through a class in school, but didn’t pursue it as a passion until she graduated from college five years later. Perhaps it was her fascination with letters, coupled with a desire to explore her natural affinity for it that revived her interest after such a long span of time. She spent two years experimenting with different materials, her calligraphy inspired by different styles such as Kufic, Diwani, and Nastaleeq, as well as artists like eL Seed. As a result, her work became a combination of different styles, incorporating varying elements from each. While her art may have been visually appealing to a layman, she realized it required a professional touch and decided to undergo formal training to focus on one particular style. She consequently signed up to learn Kereshmeh, a calligraphy variant born in Iran in 1992, crafted by a calligrapher named Ahmed Ariamanesh. Unable to relate to the stringent rules of other types of calligraphy, Asrae leaned more towards the modernity of Kereshmeh than any other style. While Kereshmeh does have rules of its own like every other calligraphic form, it offers a lot more flexibility, allowing more creative freedom. For example, most letters can be written in different ways, and the length of some letters can be changed based on the composition of the words or sentences. Asrae has since completed two levels in the study of Kereshmeh. “Art is a tool for self-expression. Sometimes, even when I’m tired, I really feel the need to write,” she mulls. Calligraphy is Asrae’s means of disconnecting

from work, especially after a long day. It allows her to express her love for poetry, and she often turns to poetic greats such as Rumi, Hafiz, Sadi, Mahmoud Darwish, Nizar Qabbani and Gibran Kahlil Gibran for inspiration. Her work is expansive however; she also weaves in Quranic verses and proverbs into her work. Sometimes even a thought-provoking word, such as sabr (patience) or ishq (love), can be the sole focus of an art piece. Through her art, Asrae would like people to understand that calligraphy can’t be perfected overnight. It can take an artist some time to master the art form. “But at the same time, don’t be afraid [to take it up] because of the rules or the time it might take. You can express your writing in your own way.” There are several varieties with overlaps that are often confused to be calligraphy, she adds: typography, calligraphic painting, zoomorphic calligraphy, to name a few. For Asrae, the most challenging aspect of calligraphy can be adhering to the rules. She does respect them though. When asked if she’s ever broken them, she says, “Freestyle allows you to express yourself more, but the problem with breaking the rules is that you might not come up with something that is perfect or professionally accepted.” Like any other artist, Asrae occasionally faces a block in her creative process, wherein she’s unable to complete an artwork, use colors, or come up with a good composition. When this happens, she distances herself from the artwork for a few days, until she feels a natural urge to go back to it. Asrae’s dream is to one day find and develop her own calligraphic style. She has sound advice for aspiring calligraphers: “Practice. It makes magic. Try to have your touch in your work; find your own signature style. And that comes with experience. Do what you love, not what is successful in the market. Doing what you love will help you find your own style.”


Walk This Way An Open Conversation About Sneakers, Hip Hop and Culture Last month the Visual Therapy Gallery presented an exhibit called Walk This Way. The exhibit featured some of the most iconic sneakers and their connection to the world of Hip Hop Music. Curated by Shahad Bishara, with musical inputs from DJ Bonita, one of Kuwait’s most popular radio show host and shoes borrowed from the extensive collection of KICKS TQ A.K.A Tareq Q, this exhibition brought to the front three people who rarely take the center stage in anything they do. This month we catch up with these three behind the scene heroes as they yet again take the back seat while shining the light on sneakers, culture and Hip Hop music.

Farah, Shahad & Tareq Sit Proud with their Exhibit


Shahad Bishara has been curating art shows for almost a decade now. She mostly works with emerging artists both local and international. Having done shows to support creative talents of others for so long, Shahad wanted to create something which was her own. And that’s basically how ‘Walk This Way’ was born. “I have always loved Hip Hop so that’s basically where I started. Knowing that my sister Farah (DJ Bonita) also shared this passion, involving her was the natural second step. Farah had interviewed KICKS TQ for one of her shows, and she knew of his passion for both Hip Hop and sneakers, so that’s where we went next. It was a conversation that turned into a collaborative art project,” said Shahad on how the team for Walk This Way came together.

the viewer to build a historical reference around the shoesong combination,” said Farah on how they combined the shoes and music. “The music came first and then the shoes,” comments Shahad on the curation process. However, picking a pair of sneakers would have been like picking a needle from a hay stack. KICKS TQ has an extensive collection of sneakers, to give you an idea of how extensive it is, well… he has around 300 pairs of Jordans alone! While it was their love for Hip Hop that brought these three people together, it was quite a surprise that when asked what was their favorite shoe from the collection, all of them picked the exact same one, the Timberlands. A shoe which was in fact the only nonsneaker in the collection.

Once on board, the next big challenge was to create a layout that brought to life this idea. Having mulled over 10s of ideas, the team finally decided they wanted to go simple. The exhibit featured the shoes, with a brief history on its origin and the song that it was featured in. Any one attending the exhibition could simply scan the QR code under each shoe to listen to the song in question. This way, the shoe became the center of the exhibit, a piece of art that had history, culture and music attached to it.

“My favorite rapper is The Notorious B.I.G. In fact, it was because of him that I even started wearing Timberlands. They stand out because while they may not look like much, they mean a whole lot. But that I think is true of any sneakers in this collection. To those on the outside, it may seem like fabric and rubber, but when I look at it, I remember how I twisted my ankle in one of them when I was seven,” said KICKS TQ talking about why the Timberlands are his favorite pick.

Although it may sound simple, a project like this requires a lot of research. “There was just so much music to choose from. To pick a song, check out when it was released, what it signified and how it impacted the social movements at that time and then to cross reference them with the shoe we picked, it was an amazing experience. We had to pull information from various sources and then finalize on text that wasn’t very heavy and yet enabled

In a country where norms like fashion change every day, the Walk This Way exhibition tried to educate its viewers. It brought together sneaker heads and music enthusiasts, the young and the old, those who like history and those who love culture into a space that says, there is a place for everyone in our society. If we only make an effort to look closer, we will see that the things that make us so different are also the things that bring us together.


The Storyteller Mohamed Qahtani - World Champion of Public Speaking 2015 Mohamed Qahtani started public speaking on the suggestion of a friend in high school, to help him overcome his stammering problem. Little did he know that this will set him on the path to becoming the World Champion of Public Speaking one day. Last month Mohamed was in town as part of a seminar held by the Talent Club at GUST, where we had the opportunity to chat with him about his road to success and what comes next for the man who has already gained a spot in the public speaking hall of fame.


Back in 2015, a stroke of luck landed Mohamed Qahtani with an opportunity to represent the region in the Toastmasters International Speech competition. “I was the second place winner in the region, but because of some pressing personal matters, when the first place winner was unable to attend the championship, I was called upon to take his place,” said Mohamed, recalling how it all started. The rest as they say is history! It came as a surprise to the world when Mohamed a citizen of Saudi Arabia, a predominantly Arabic speaking country won the Public Speaking championship in English. “Having studied in USA, English has almost become by first language. The language of my thoughts, a medium through which I prefer communicating my ideas to the world.” Having dabbled in stand-up comedy and theater Mohamed is not new to public speaking, however presenting a speech on a world stage that won him the ultimate championship was a different ball game altogether. The greatest compliment for him is when someone tells him that his words inspired them and in turn changed their lives. While public speaking has definitely helped Mohamed overcome his stammering problem, it has also in the process opened many doors for him. “I have friends from all over the world because of Toastmasters. I think we are all trying to be relevant in this world, and words are a very powerful medium to accomplish that. Eventually when I die, I hope that I will leave this world a slightly better place than it was when I came in.” When talking about his speaking style, Mohamed says that he loves making people laugh. According to him, if he does goof up on stage he prefers people to laugh with him rather than at him. He loves incorporating stories into his speeches, because it helps engage the audience better. “If you can make people feel through your words, then that’s the best thing. As they say, people may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” Having joined Toastmasters International in 2009, Mohamed started competing the very next year. When

discouraged after winning the second place, one of his colleagues told him that, if a piece of glass if what you are vying for, then all we have to do his go to the market and buy a trophy, and that was the advice that pretty much set the tone of how Mohamed would compete from then on. Mohamed who is an engineer by profession, now spends his week days looking for software solutions, while his weekends take him all around the world on public speaking assignments to inspire all those who witness him on stage.



Iconic Club C Sneaker Reebok Classic & Kendrick Lamar 'Hold Court'

Following the success of the Reebok Classic X Kendrick Lamar Club C Capsule January release, the brand continues to celebrate the iconic sneaker with a campaign that pays homage to its roots and status as the ultimate court silhouette for men and women alike. The clean, timeless Club C has been one of Kendrick’s favorite silhouettes since his high school and his artistry embodies what the sneaker represents; a connection to your heritage, to your court, your passions and Holding Court. Continuing with the raw and uncompromising aesthetic of Kendrick’s FW16 Classic Leather campaign, acclaimed director Nabil captures Kendrick on 35mm film to honor both the Club C and Kendrick’s commitment to authenticity and originality. The Spring/Summer Club C 85 Tonal Gum is a sleek, streamlined silhouette that’s a wardrobe staple for both on and off the court. The Club C Tonal Gum is now available at and retailers worldwide.


ULTRABOOST X for Women Adidas Redefines Pinnacle Performance Shoe

Adidas Running today revealed the latest version of its iconic UltraBOOST shoe, designed to give female runners their greatest running experience. The new UltraBOOST X is adidas’ pinnacle performance shoe; tailored to the unique shape of the female foot. The shoe is designed to reflect the foot’s natural running silhouette for an enhanced performance for the female runner. The ARAMIS system, a motion tracking technology that enables a detailed analysis into the movement of the body, was used to create the unique design of the UltraBOOST X shoe. A distinctive Adaptive Arch, alongside a purposely sculpted midfoot and Primeknit upper, adapts effortlessly to the changing shape of the foot while running. The Primeknit construction wraps underneath the arch of the foot for additional support. The UltraBOOST heel counter features a new narrower design, adapted for a female heel to provide support whilst allowing movement for a free and uninhibited run. Adidas Ultra Boost footwear is now available at and across all Adidas retail stores.


Ready for Your Next Trip? Big Bang Unico GMT

With its trademark ingenuity, Hublot now takes you from one time zone to another, at the push of a button. The Hublot Unico manufacture movement is equipped with a new patented proprietary module which enables the second time zone to be updated instantly by a push-button, allowing the local time to be read easily via the conventional main hand of the watch. The time at home is indicated using a second arrow-shaped hour hand, which integrates a day/night indicator and is set using the crown. Today, we board an aircraft like we were getting in a car, travelling constantly back and forth between time zones. GMT has proven to be one of the most useful and frequently used complications, hence the need to simplify its operation and make it easier to read. The Big Bang Unico GMT is a watch with an original aesthetic and optimum legibility, combined with the ability to update the second time zone very quickly, with the time corrected at the push of a button.


Blue or Nothing Classic Fusion Bracelet Blue

Male and female wardrobes are constructed around some essential items and major colours. The Classic Fusion Bracelet Blue fits perfectly into both these wardrobes. Firstly, through the simplicity and elegance of its timeless silhouette—the case and bracelet cut out of titanium or King Gold—and then by the nuances that it assumes—blue, the supreme colour of masculine and feminine fashion. Five new watches are joining the Classic Fusion collection. Resolutely chic, appropriate in all circumstances, the Classic Fusion Bracelet Blue can be adapted both to a casual look or a smarter outfit. In terms of its diameter, it comes in five models offered in four different diameters—33, 38, 42 and 45 mm—and two time displays. Easy to wear, it will match all your styles and works together with ladies’ or men’s fashion.


Ready to Take on Kuwaiti Roads

Mutawa AlKazi Launches the GS4 Amidst National Day Celebrations

Mutawa AlKazi recently launched the GAC Motor’s flagship SUV, the GS4, a masterpiece of international standards that boasts of superior quality with unmatchable specifications at attractive prices.

The GS4, launched amidst pomp and ceremony at Marina Crescent last month, aims to go beyond the average SUV buyer’s expectations with its innovative performance, design and international safety standards. The front wheel drive GS4 also features an innovative 7-speed G-DCT transmission to guarantee extremely quick shifting by 0.2 seconds. It is also switchable to Eco, Sport, and Manual modes for maximum driving pleasure. Each vehicle’s electronic stability and motor management system is sourced from Bosch in Germany. The frontal and rear bumpers are sourced from Visteon in America, and the air-conditioning system from Denso in Japan. In addition, many of the safety features include air bags, rear brakes, and hydraulic energy systems. GS4 admirers can visit one of Mutawa AlKazi’s showrooms located in AlRai, Shuwaikh, and Ahmadi to test drive the new GS4 and experience first-hand the exciting dynamics of this amazing new SUV.


Sporty Elegance The New Audi A5 and S5 Coupé

Audi revolutionized its mid-size class in 2007 with the A5. Now, almost a decade later Audi has marked the launch of its second generation with a new, honed look and high tech features.

The new generation of the A5 Coupé is athletic, sporty and elegant. Its design goes hand in hand with sophisticated aerodynamics. Under the skin the A5 impresses with an all-new chassis, powerful engines, innovative infotainment features and driver assistance systems. The new model comes in two different engine variants: 40 TFSI, 45 TFSI, with a six-cylinder engine with 354 hp for the Audi S5 Coupé. The new Audi A5 and S5 Coupé are now available at Audi Kuwait showroom represented by Fouad Alghanim & Sons Automotive Company.


On a Journey with the Mothership Five Destinations Perfect to Explore with Your Mum This month is all about appreciating the Women in your lives, especially that special one who is basically responsible for your existence. Well, how about taking her on a vacation? So this Mother’s Day pack your bags and take you mom on a vacation that she will cherish for years to come. To make the planning a little bit easier, we have shortlisted five destinations that make for the perfect vacation spots with your mum.

A Beautiful Sunset in Istanbul

Turkey: The land of bazaars, beaches, history and fantastic food, Turkey has it all! Start off with a cultural extra bonanza at Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, then surprise her with a hot air balloon ride in Cappadocia and finish with a walk at the spectacular limestone deposits in Pamukkale. From cruise rides to food tours and architecture there is so much to do here that dull moments are almost impossible to find. Turkish coffee and conversation with your mum and a chance to create life long memories, what more could you ask for, ? Oh! And did we mention the Doner Kebabs?


The Jama Masjid in Delhi

India: Being an Indian, I am obviously biased towards this destination. If you want to please your mum, then I can say with certainty that India won’t disappoint. From historic monuments to modern architecture, outdoor beauty to indoor luxury, street shopping to malls and local trains to metros – the country is a complete world in itself. visit Delhi, the seat from where the country has been governed for 100s of years, Mumbai for the hustle bustle of the country’s financial capital, Goa or Pondicherry for beaches and North to mountains for nature that makes every picture screen saver worthy. Moreover, rest assured when you arrive in India you will be welcomed to people celebrating some festival or the other.


London on the Move

United Kingdom: Head straight to UK for a long weekend this month with your mum, it fits effortlessly with all kinds of mum-approved experiences. From high tea to extravagant shopping and touring famous landmarks, this trip is sure to pamper you and your mum. Visit London for a city that feels like you are walking through Harry Potter and Shakespeare, Oxford to find the university that is on almost every students aspirational list, Bath for laid back beauty and Scotland for green mountains and lakes with monsters.

Japan: While it’s cherry blossom season is wildly popular, what most people don’t know is, that Japan is truly timeless, a place where ancient traditions are fused with modern life, making it a top choice for mum vacations. From the ancient heritage of Kyoto to the modern port city of Osaka, the hot springs in Hakone and of course the breathtaking view of Mount Fuji, this trip will only serve to strengthen your bond with the mothership further.

Australia: Surprise your mum with an extravagant trip to Australia - from Opera houses to koala bears and Hugh Jackman it is difficult not to love this country. Head to Sydney, Australia’s largest city for one of a kind opera experience, to Gold Coast for its sandy beaches and theme parks like the SeaWorld and to Adelaide for the museums on culture and history and the famous 19th century central market. - Words by Arwa Husain


A Glimpse of Mount Fuji

See the Australian Sun Rise Before Anyone Else


Grooming Trim and Proper Small grooming details can go a long way. Sometimes details that may seem unimportant to you are very visible to others and can be off-putting. This month, we bring to you four such small details that when taken care of give you a well-groomed look. Something, no matter what your style and fashion statement, is an integral part of making you look presentable.

1.Trim the Nose Hair This is one of those details, that although small can make a big difference. Checking your nostrils should be a part of your daily grooming routine. If you don’t want to invest in nose clippers you can always just keep tweezers handy. Getting rid of visible hair is not time consuming, but can sure make a difference to how presentable you look. 2.Eyebrows, Ears and Neck Eyebrows are better done by professionals, because a tiny miscalculation can lead to larger calamities. If you get it cleaned right, it can really open up those eyes. Also, make sure every time you are at your barber, ask him to trim any extra-long ear hair, and neck hair. 3.Keep Your Nails Short and Clean Long, unclean nails just don’t work. While a manicure and pedicure can be a time consuming activity, you can always manage your nails yourself. Ensure you don’t have dirt under your finger nails. If you have some extra time on your hand, you can also buff your nails, doing this gives them a healthy shine without making them look artificial. 4.Trim Your Facial Hair While keeping a stubble or even a full grown beard is very fashionable right now, it does not mean you that you just let it grow wild. Managing your mane and making sure it is well kept, with all the extra hair cleared is important. A wellkept beard can make you look very dignified, while an unmanaged one can make you look grungy and unpresentable.


Gadgets Listen and Talk While the internet is making our world smaller and smaller, technology also perseveres to make gadgets more compact. We are constantly in hunt for solutions that will not only be multi-functional but are as small as possible. This month we review two such products, that are making ripples in the market i.e. the Here One earbuds and Amazon Echo speakers.

Here One Earbuds Here One is a new age audio system created by Doppler Labs. This listening device consists of the Here Buds and a connected mobile app. The product brings together premium wireless headphone functionality with the ability to control real-world sounds. The earbuds can stream music, take phone calls and optimizes your live audio experience. With superb sound quality and sleek design, the sound manipulation technology is solid, making the earbuds a pleasure to use. However, with a price tag of USD 300, somewhat erratic Bluetooth connectivity and low battery life leaves a lot to be desired. The earbuds coupled with the phone app can allow you to hear conversations better at a restaurant, enhance your experience at a concert or help you disconnect from background noises, depending on your need of the hour. These earbuds are definitely a step forward in the direction of augmented listening, a concept that is gaining a lot of popularity with gadget enthusiasts and techies.

Amazon Echo Speakers Amazon Echo is a hands-free speaker that can be controled with your voice. Echo connects to the Alexa Voice Service to play music, provide information, news, sports scores, weather, and more—instantly!. This smart speaker in addition to playing music from Amazon Music, Spotify, iHeartRadio etc., also comes with hands-free convenient voice control. The device can actually hear you from across the room, while it is still playing music! In addition to this, the Echo also reads audiobooks, reports traffic, gives you weather forecasts and helps you control your smart home devices through a simple command. The device is not only futuristic but also practical and accessible. Echo, however, is not without its flaws, with sound quality that can be uneven at times and weak bass at high volumes. With a rapidly increasing array of offerings from Uber to Domino’s, the Echo is bound to, in its future generations, become a common place gadget with home owners everywhere.


Laying the Perfect Foundation... How to Choose the Right Products for Your Skin? Finding the right primer and foundation for your skin is the first and most important step in creating that flawless look. The choice while quintessential is also rather tricky. This month we help you figure out how to pick these products that match your needs, making your next shopping trip to the make-up store smoother.

The key to knowing what products are right for you, is to know what your skin type is. Generally speaking, skin types can be divided into three main categories. If you have oily skin that you can’t seem to reign in, then you need to use a primer that is oil free. The best one to use in this case would be a matt primer that works on minimizing pores and controls the oil in your skin. When it comes to foundation, your best option would be a powder based foundation or a liquid foundation with a powder effect finish. Keep in mind that your foundation should also be matt based. This kind of foundation prevents your skin from looking oily. If you have combination skin, which means you often have a dry face with an oily t-zone then you need to treat each portion of your face separately. The primer you pick in this case would be oil free, preferably water based primer or a primer that is designed especially for combination skin.

When picking your foundation, pick an oil free liquid foundation with a matt powder that you can use on the oily areas of your face. When doing that keep the dry area of your face hydrated with the liquid foundation and the oily area dry with the matt powder. If you have dry skin, it is very important to keep your skin hydrated throughout the day so it doesn’t break out. When choosing your primer, you should go with water or oil based primer that will keep your skin moisturized and healthy looking. When choosing your foundation, stay away from powder based foundations because they will dry out your skin further. Try to choose liquid based foundations that have some percentage of oil. As you may already know, getting the right look is not rocket science, but more a case of having simple knowledge that helps you understand your skin better. -Words by Nathalie Matta


Healthy Living Made Easy Five Superfoods to Get You Through the Week! When university deadlines begin piling up and your social calendar is booked, you want to steer clear of that junk food vending machine. This month we bring you a list five superfoods, which when included in your diet will not only keep you fit and active but also help combat stress. 1. Quinoa: The perfect quick pick option, quinoa is a good choice for breakfast. It is said to be the complete protein, which means it contains all the essential amino-acids the body needs to build and repair itself and contains few carbohydrates and a healthy dose of fats necessary to balance your diet. 2. Avocado: Rich in monounsaturated fats, Avocado raises the good cholesterol while reducing the bad one – talk about a double-whammy. They are also rich in vitamin E, which helps boost immunity and acts as an anti-aging nutrient. If Quinoa is too complicated for you, a quick and simple Avo-Toast is a good second option. 3. Blueberries: These glittering sapphires are loaded with phytonutrients that help fight diseases. They also help to enhance shortterm memory and promote healthy aging in addition to being a low-calorie source of fiber and vitamin C. It’s time to go Blue! 4. Kiwi: Packed with a potent anti-oxidant, vitamin C which is essential for your liver to detoxify blood and keep other bodily functions moving along smoothly. Kiwi is also the perfect travel food, considering all you need is a spoon to scoop out this goodness. It contains only 46 calories in case you were counting. 5. Dark Chocolate: This healthy treat is rich in flavonoids, antioxidants that have shown to lower blood pressure, improve blood flow, boost heart health and elevate your mood. Choose chocolate that is at least 70 percent cacao or cocoa to optimize its antioxidant powers. Remember just a few bites and not the whole bar. - Words by Arwa Husain




Running: A Social Phenomenon Meet some of Kuwait's Prominent Running Groups “You have a choice. You can throw in the towel, or you can use it to wipe the sweat off your face.” - Gatorade ad Running is an excellent activity to not just lose weight or stay fit, but also commune with nature and clear a mind full of stress. It requires as much mental stamina as it does physical—strengthening one’s will to keep forging ahead, while conditioning the body to be more tolerant of diverse environmental factors. But most of all, running can be social, and having company especially when starting out can offer one the confidence to lace up and push through their preconceived limits. Perhaps it’s for this reason that so many people have joined the ranks of running groups in Kuwait. Several of these groups are open to all, regardless of whether you’ve just bought your first pair of running shoes, or are already burning rubber. Here are stories of four such groups.

Runfie How and why it began: Marcela Saccani and her husband Marcelo arrived in Kuwait six years ago, not knowing anyone in the country at the time. Keen to socialize and meet new people, they started weekly runs at Marina Crescent, posting about them on Instagram with an open invitation for anyone to join. The group soon grew into a family while promoting a healthy lifestyle, and besides the weekly runs—where participants can run or walk, and finish with exercises,


towards the end— they also gather for social outings at farms and chalets, and picnics at the beach. What makes the group special is the diversity the runners bring to it, with respect to varying ages and the countries they hail from. Advice to beginners: “Respect your limits. Get a good pair of shoes and start gradually.” When and where it meets: 10 AM on Saturdays at Starbucks, Marina Crescent Instagram: @runfie

Let’s Run How and why it began: Ali Shaverdi and Mishal Alroomi, founders of Lift Yourself—a body weight training program—pushed themselves through their first 5 km in February last year to support a friend who’d organized the Sustainable Youth Run, ending up with sore legs for days after the event. Then in Ramadan, they ran a second time at a 250-meter relay race, and the soreness revisited them the next day. Realizing this couldn’t go on, they decided to start running regularly. Ali contacted two other runners he knew, and the four would run indoors at 5 PM every day, stretch before the run and then post a group photo. Inquiries started raining in, and with new additions every week, the group now stands at a strong fifty. Each runner has their own goal, whether it’s improving their speed or distance. The group works towards a goal and signs up for running events to challenge themselves. If they hit their target, they set a new goal for the next event and train accordingly. Advice to beginners: “Running with friends or groups will keep you motivated and make running more fun. Don’t compare yourself with other runners, focus on yourself and set a goal that suits you.” When and where it meets: 9 AM on Fridays at the Marina Hotel parking lot Instagram: @lift.yourself


Q8 Run Club How and why it began: Q8 Run Club started with Ahmed Alazemi’s desire to commit himself to a weekly run. He launched the Instagram account a year ago to reach out to other runners to join him. “The group got bigger and became more social, or what we now call our second family,” says Ahmed. The group encourages people to run at least once a week, promoting awareness about different running workouts (distance, interval, sand, recovery etc.), running techniques, and nutritional tips. The group focuses more on beginners and people who’ve never ran in their life, while also offering support to improving runners. Advice to beginners: “Start now. Don’t wait until you get fit; don’t wait until you get those shoes or gear. Don’t wait for anything. Just start now.” When and where it meets: 7:30 PM on Mondays outside Babel Instagram: @Q8RunClub

Project5Miles (P5M) How and why it began: P5M started out as a group of runners who wanted to commit to running, dedicating a day and time every week to run 8 kilometers (approximately 5 miles). The group also incorporates exercises into the runs. P5M also assists corporates with their social responsibility efforts by managing events, such as Boubyan Bank’s Steps campaign.They also initiated a weight loss competition last year, which attracted over 1000 participants. P5M now has a studio that offers yoga classes as well. “We think of P5M as a platform that aims to make a healthy lifestyle accessible to everyone,” says founder Bader Al-Essa. Advice to beginners: “Embed running into your weekly schedule. It’s important to work on running techniques to prevent injuries. Runners have different styles, so pick the style, pace, and distance that suits you.” When and where it meets: 8 PM on Sundays at Al Shaheed Park Instagram: @project5miles

- Words by Zainab Mirza


Up... Up... & Above We Go! Peak - Kuwait's Very Own Vertical Marathon If you thought climbing a flight of stairs is just your way of compensating for eating some extra calories, think again! Climbing staircases is actually a legit sport, otherwise known as ‘Vertical Marathon’ or ‘Tower Running’. This exciting endurance race has been gaining momentum world over, in fact Kuwait also has its very own version, called ‘Peak.’ A race to the top of AlHamra tower, Kuwait’s tallest building.

Since its inception in 2015, 270 people from 12 different countries have participated in this race, and not all of them were professional athletes, meaning, if you decide to, you can do it too! What is amazing about this indoor race is that the finish line has a panoramic view of Kuwait’s skyline. A view worth running towards, if you ask us. If you think this is too much for you and you would never be able to finish the race, well then you can run in the relay category, where you can register as a team. And the kids can come too, just register them under the fun run category. The best way to train for this race is to take the staircase instead of the lift every day – at office, home or university. The Peak race this year is scheduled for April 29, 9am. To learn more about the race, you can visit or follow them on Instagram @peak_of So then, see you on the 60th floor!


Neymar Jr’s Five

returns to Kuwait on April 6th The road to Neymar Jr’s Five World Final starts here – as the Brazilian talks about his own American Dream Neymar Jr launched the second edition of his signature five-a-side tournament and spoke about his own hopes and dreams – including a future playing in the United States. Neymar Jr’s Five made an instant impact in its debut year in 2016, with more than 10,000 teams and 65,000 players in 47 countries, including Kuwait, vying for overall victory in the world’s biggest five-a-side football tournament. This time it will be bigger than ever, with regional qualifiers in 53 countries and a rule change giving more players the chance to compete. The 2017 tournament is again open to teams of five to seven players aged 16 to 25, but for the first time two over-aged players are allowed as part of each squad. Tens of thousands of players will set out with the hope of making it all the way from regional qualifiers to their national final and on to the World Final at the Instituto Projeto Neymar Jr in Praia Grande, Brazil. Neymar Jr himself is dreaming too – of more success with FC Barcelona and Brazil in 2017, and a long-term future in the country that excites him most.


“I will always continue to wish peace, health and joy to my family and friends,” Neymar Jr said when asked about his hopes for the future. “On the field, I want to continue having fun as always and as long as I can do that, my year will be good." “In 2017, I hope to win more games, more titles and to score many more goals – as always. I want to continue evolving as an athlete and to help my team mates on the pitch, both for Barcelona and the Brazilian national team." “Long term, if I could choose any other country to play in it would be the United States. The culture in the US is incredible, and that really attracts me – as do the amazing cities. It would be a great place to play one day.” Neymar Jr’s Five provides a unique challenge to players the world over, as every time one team scores, the opposition loses a player. It’s inspired by the street football Neymar Jr himself grew up playing and the Barcelona and Brazil forward cannot wait to see a new season of this remarkable tournament kick off. “I always played with my friends, using small goals." he said. "The tournament reminds me of my childhood and I am very proud of it. To win the five-a-side games and outplay them all, you need strategy and a good understanding of what the best moment is to attack and defend. A good defence is very important as well and can bring your team very far in the tournament."

National Qualifiers Dates & Locations: 3 & 4 APR DASMA HASSAN ABUL 21 & 22 MAR SALMIYA SHAAB GOAL VENUE


The winning team representing Kuwait in Brazil last year

Neymar Jr’s Five factfile: • 10,000 teams took part in the first edition in 2016 • Altogether, more than 65,000 players were registered • Tournaments took place in a total of 47 countries in 6 continents • Regional winners go through to their national final. National winners go through to the Neymar Jr’s Five World Final. • The 2016 final took place at the Instituto Projeto Neymar Jr in Praia Grande, Brazil

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• The 2016 World Champions were ‘Anjos da Bola’ – Angels of the Ball – aged 20-22 from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

About Neymar Jr’s Five

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• The 2017 final will again be played at the home of the Neymar Jr at Instituto Projeto Neymar Jr in July

Neymar Jr’s Five is the Brazilian forward’s signature football tournament – and a truly global phenomenon. Across six continents and more than 50 countries, five-a-side teams battle it out in 10-minute matches with a twist. Every time one team scores, the opposition loses a player, which makes it fast, technical, tactical – and unique in the world of football. More than 65,000 players from 47 countries signed up to play in the first year of Neymar Jr's Five and 2017 promises to be even bigger. This year’s tournament is open to teams of five to seven players aged 16 to 25, and for the first time two over-aged players are allowed in the squad. The teams will set out with the hope of making it all the way from the qualifiers, to their national final and on to the World Final in July 2017, at the Instituto Projeto Neymar Jr in Praia Grande, Brazil. Sign your team up now – and who knows, you could soon be playing on Neymar Jr’s home turf. Dare to dream, and outplay them all!


Book Review I Am That “I Am That” is a book that has collected a number of conversations between the Indian Guru and sage; Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj and the questioners who come to him, seeking advice on their quest for self-realization.

Throughout the book, Maharaj often focuses the questioners’ attention back on themselves, making them more aware of their daily actions and thoughts. He refuses to indulge in any theorizing, for the reason that they lead nowhere but to further theorizing; an activity that leads to the satisfaction of the mind only, not touching onto the true essence that lies within all but is beyond description and non-dual. Essentially, he employs many dialogues and techniques such as questioning everything that one is conditioned to think or identifies with. His teachings state that once one becomes aware of all the false identification all that is left is their true being. When questioned about tendencies prevalent in all humans such as suffering, pleasure, desire, etc. he always emphasizes on tackling the feeling at its very root in order to gain understanding. He describes these feelings as “the crests and valleys of the waves in the ocean of bliss,” where one’s being is the ocean, and the waves are the tendencies of the mind. When our thoughts become magnified and the perception of ourselves limited, we can become deeply disturbed by them. As waves at the top of the ocean can co-exist with the calmness in the depths of the ocean, so can our mental tendencies co-exist with our physical life. This book when approached with the right attitude can serve a person tremendously in grasping a better understanding of themselves. Even if one approaches this book from a skeptical point of view, it can in the

very least spark the attitude of questioning one’s universe, to lead them onto the path of self-realization. Some of my favorite quotes from the book that shed light on the wisdom behind Maharaj’s teachings are: -“By its very nature, pleasure is limited and transitory. Out of pain desire is born, in pain it seeks fulfillment, and it ends in the pain of frustration and despair. Pain is the background of pleasure, all seeking of pleasure is born in pain and ends in pain.” The purpose of this quote is to see the futility in desire seeking pleasure in order to avoid pain, when the two states are always alternating and imply one another. - Question: “How strange! Surely the doer comes before the deed.” Answer: “It is the other way round; the deed is a fact, the doer a mere concept. Your very language shows that while the deed is certain, the doer is dubious; shifting responsibility is a game peculiarly human. Considering the endless list of factors required for anything to happen, one can only admit that everything is responsible for everything, however remote. Doership is a myth born from the illusion of ‘me’ and ‘the mine’.” Ultimately this book touches on a vast variety of topics and questions that lead to the same conclusion – to focus one’s attention inwardly, as he describes with the term “I am” and with earnestness to know the ultimate, that things will happen. Happy Reading! Words by Sean Palmer


Top 10 English Songs


1 3 5 7 9

Shape of You Ed Sheeran

Bad & Boujee Migos feat. Lil Uzi

I Don’t Wanna Live Forever Zayn / Taylor Swift

Million Reasons Lady Gaga

Bad Things Machine Gun Kelly x Camilla Cabello

Bounce Back Big Sean

Closer The Chainsmokers feat. Halsey

Scars to Your Beautiful Alessia Cara

Don’t Wanna Know Maroon 5 feat. Kendrick Lamar

Paris Chainsmokers

2 4 6 8 10

‫أفضل ‪ 10‬أغاني عربية‬


‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫‪7‬‬ ‫‪9‬‬

‫اهلل وكيلي فيك‬

‫عم بتعلق فيك‬ ‫نانسي عجرم‬

‫رامي عياش‬

‫انتحل شخصيتك‬ ‫عبدالمجيد عبداهلل‬

‫يالزمني خيالك‬ ‫أحالم‬

‫ذاك الغبي‬ ‫اصاله‬

‫سهرنا يا ليل‬ ‫اليسا‬

‫واحد‬ ‫بدر الشعيبي‬

‫معجبه‬ ‫شمه حمدان‬

‫أكو مثلك‬ ‫نوال‬

‫إنت شبهي‬ ‫سامو زين‬

‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫‪8‬‬ ‫‪10‬‬

Celebrity News When the Two Beatles Found Each Other!

Jolie Not Jolly While fans world over were celebrating the coming together of the two remaining Beatles, Angelina Jolie opened up about her split with husband Brad Pitt on the same day, in an interview with BBC in Cambodia. Jolie who has physical custody of the ex-couples six children, Maddox, 15, Pax, 13, Zahara, 12, Shiloh 10 and twins Vivienne and Knox, 8, said that she wakes up every morning just trying to get through the day. The split from Pitt has in more than one way left the family broken, however Jolie stated that come what may, “we are and forever will be a family.” She was in Cambodia recently with all of the kids to promote of her latest film, “first they killed my father.”

Image Courtesy: Ringostarmusic/twitter February 19th saw Beatles fan, go crazy on the internet when Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, the remaining two of the Fab Four connected at the latter’s home studio. McCartney visited Starr’s studio to contribute to his forthcoming album. Ringo later tweeted a picture of the two of them, with the caption, “Thanks for coming over and playing Great bass. I love you man peace and love.” McCartney and Starr last recorded in 2010, where McCartney played bass on the song ‘Peace Dream” and sang on “Walk With You” for the album Y Not. For all the Beatles fan, world over, Ringo’s new album is set to release sometime this year. Image Courtesy:


‫أخبار المشاهير‬ ‫أصالة تطمئن جمهورها بعد إطاللتها‬ ‫المدمرة!‬ ‫أطلت أصالة عبر حسابها الرسمي على تطبيق “سناب شات” بعد‬ ‫البلبلة التي أثيرت حول ظهورها “غير الطبيعي” في برنامج “آراب‬ ‫داع للقلق‬ ‫أيدول”‪ ،‬وطمأنت المحبين إلى أنها في حال جيدة وال ٍ‬ ‫عليها‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت أصالة للجمهور‪“ :‬صباح الخير بدي قلكن ما تقلقوا أنا كويسة‬ ‫أنا منيحة كتير بإذن رب العالمين‪ .‬اهلل هو الحامي واهلل هو لي‬ ‫بيوقف مع الكل ولما رب العالمين بيريد شي بيصير”‪.‬‬ ‫التعليقات على الفيديو جاءت متفاوتة بين النقد السلبي لها‬ ‫وإلطاللتها في البرنامج التي وصفها البعض بـ “المدمرة”‪ ،‬وببن‬ ‫تساؤالت عما إذا كان هناك خطر على حياتها أو ما إذا كانت قد‬ ‫تعرضت للتهديدات‪ ،‬أو يعود هذا إلى خالفات قديمة بينها وبين‬ ‫أعضاء لجنة التحكيم‪ ،‬بسبب إرجاء ترحيبهم بها إلى إطاللتها‬ ‫أن أعضاء لجنة تحكيم “أراب أيدول” وخصوصًا أحالم‬ ‫الثالثة‪ .‬الالفت ّ‬ ‫ونانسي عجرم لم يع ّلقوا حتى اآلن على إطاللة أصالة في البرنامج‪،‬‬ ‫الضجة التي أثيرت حولها‪ ،‬مع أن الجمهور أقحمهم فيها‪.‬‬ ‫رغم‬ ‫ّ‬

‫زوجة “مهند” أكبر منه بـ ‪ 6‬سنوات‬ ‫نشرت الفنانة وعارضة األزياء التركية دامات شينار‪ ،‬عبر حسابها‬ ‫الرسمي على موقع إنستغرام صورة لها وهي تبلغ من العمر عامًا‬ ‫واحدًا برفقة مصممة األزياء الشهيرة باشاك ديزار زوجة الفنان التركي‬ ‫الشهير كيفانتش تاتليتوغ المعروف بـ “مهند”‪ .‬وعلقت شينار على‬ ‫صورتها قائلة “أنا وصديقتي الجميلة باشاك في حفل عيد ميالدنا األول‪،‬‬ ‫من أجمل الصور”‪ ،‬وهو ما لفت انتباه متابعيها الذين أكدوا على الفور‬ ‫أن شينار كشفت بنشرها للصورة العمر الحقيقي لزوجة كيفانتش‬ ‫التي سبق وأكدت أنها من مواليد العام ‪ ،1980‬ليتضح بعد نشر الصورة‬ ‫أن األخيرة أخفت تاريخ ميالدها الحقيقي وهو ‪ ،1977‬ما يعني أنها تكبر‬ ‫زوجها كيفانتش بـ ‪ 6‬سنوات بدالً من ‪ 3‬سنوات‪ .‬ولم تنتظر مصممة‬ ‫األزياء ديزار طوي ً‬ ‫ال حتى ترد على الصورة التي نشرتها صديقتها‪،‬‬ ‫حيث ذكرت في تعليق عبر حسابها الرسمي أنها لم تنشر بياناتها‬ ‫الشخصية عبر شبكات التواصل االجتماعي أو وسائل اإلعالم المختلفة‬ ‫مضيفة أنها ليست كاذبة وترفض اتهامها بالكذب‪ .‬ولم تكن هذه‬ ‫الحادثة األولى من نوعها التي تواجهها ديزار منذ ارتباطها بكيفانتش‪،‬‬ ‫حيث سبق ونقلت الصحف التركية عن وجود خالفات حادة بين‬ ‫األخيرة ووالدة الفنان التركي الرافضة لفكرة ارتباطهما منذ البداية‪.‬‬ ‫واستغلت والدة كيفانتش المشاهد الرومانسية التي صورها ابنها مع‬ ‫الفنانة التركية الشهيرة توبا بيوكستون خالل مسلسلهما “الجميل‬ ‫والشجاعة”‪ ،‬الستفزاز زوجة ابنها ديزار معلقة على تلك المشاهد عبر‬ ‫حسابها الرسمي‪ ،‬بأنها أحبت الطريقة التي ظهر بها النجمان خالل‬ ‫الحلقات األولى من المسلسل‪ ،‬لتعود وتؤكد فيما بعد أنها لم تقصد‬ ‫اإلساءة لزوجة ابنها كما تناقلت وسائل اإلعالم‪.‬‬


Artspace Photography & Stenciling What you’ll need: - Print Out of the Kuwait Skyline - A3 Carton Paper - Scissors - Frame - Cutter - Tape - Carbon Paper - Pencil

This project is meant for those with a steady hand. Right from the beginning when you start creating the skyline till the end, when you use the frame for photographs, you will need to be steady in your technique in order to create clean designs. This project is suitable for beginners and takes about two hours to complete.



When tracing the skyline onto the paper make sure your hand is steady, and the papers do not move. Any movement in the paper here, will prevent you from creating a clean outline.

Step 1:

Place the carbon paper in between the printed skyline outline and the A3 carton paper. Stencil the design onto the paper.

Step 2:

Using the cutter, cut out the skyline shape carefully, making sure the paper does not get ripped.

Step 3:

Stick the negative space created from cutting out the skyline onto an empty frame using some tape or the glue gun.

Step 4:

After your design is ready, you are ready to go around Kuwait taking pictures of all the different spots you can find.


ACK Internship Program Continues to Grow

Students from ACK who interned at Kuwait Airways The School of Engineering at the Australian College of Kuwait (ACK) has completed the second round of its Winter Internship Program consisting of 55 students and 13 hosting companies. ACK introduced a new internship model in 2016 and has seen the volume of students double due to the enriching experiences that internships have to offer. The internship program worked very closely with some of Kuwait’s top companies, such as the Kuwait Oil Company, Kuwait National Petroleum Company, Schlumberger, Kuwait Airways, The Ministry of Electricity and Water, Gulf Consult, Al Argan International Real Estate Company, Al Ahlia Contracting Group, Al Bahar Company, Al Sanea Chemical Products, Kuwait Aviation Fuelling Company, Cargo Transport System and Pencil Design.


AUK Engineering Professor Wins Silver at International Invention Fair

Dr. Esmaeili at his Booth

Dr. Esmaeili with his Award at IIFME

Dr. Seyed Esmaeili from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the American University of Kuwait was awarded a silver medal for his invention at the 9th International Invention Fair of Middle East (IIFME) which took place in Kuwait recently. Held Under the patronage of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, IIFME is the second largest international exhibition for inventions after the International Invention Exhibition of Geneva. Nearly 200 inventors from 36 countries across the globe participated in the exhibition. Dr. Esmaeili’s invention, entitled: Reversible Adjustable Eyeglasses with Polarized and/or Prescription Lenses, basically consists of eyeglasses that can be adjusted to provide two different looks. Rotatable side arms and a rotatable secondary frame provide a mechanism to interchange the interior and exterior sides of the glasses which can differ in color, pattern, or both. Dr. Esmaeili received both US and European patents for his invention. The invention was well received by fellow inventors, the judging committee, as well as the public at the IIFME.


GUST Library Celebrates Release of 5 Books Authored by Faculty and Staff

GUST President Professor Donald Bates with the Authors Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) recently celebrated the release of five books authored by their faculty and staff members at the university’s A. M. Refai Library. Present at the event were GUST Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Salah Al Sharhan, Library Director, Ms. Shobhita Kohli, the authors of the released books, and other members of the GUST community. Each author showcased their book with an overview of the publication to the attending guests after a ribbon cutting ceremony. Library Director, Ms. Shobhita Kohli, said, “The


University’s library does not only hold books, but also aids in their publication. Among the many purposes this library has, supporting and encouraging publishing from within the GUST community plays a major role. This library not only serves students, but faculty members and staff as well.” This is the 7th book release ceremony held at the university as part of A. M. Al Refai Library’s efforts towards promoting publications from its members and encouraging the GUST community to do the same.

Pottery Barn Kids & PBteen Launch Spring 2017 Collection

Media Launch of the Spring 2017 Collection Pottery Barn Kids and PBteen, members of the Williams-Sonoma portfolio of brands, recently launched the Spring 2017 Collection at their stores in Kuwait. This season, Pottery Barn Kids collaborated with acclaimed fashion designer and mother, Margherita Missoni to create the Spring 2017 Collection. The collection was inspired by Missoni’s love for vibrant colors, playful patterns and unique accents. PBteen’s 2017 Spring Collection encourages teens to change their point of view and be adventurous in theis ideas. The collection gives teens the inspiration to transform their room in the easiest possible way. The Pottery Barn Kids and PBteen stores are located in 1st Avenue – The Avenues.


Seven Years of Giving

Spread the Passion Volunteers at the Anniversary Event Spread the Passion, a non-profit organization based in Kuwait, recently celebrated seven years of success in adding joy to people’s lives. The organization connects individuals and teams with volunteering opportunities. Through this they strive to create a more socially responsible society. At an event held recently the Spread the Passion Community took the opportunity to thank all their sponsors and participants in helping them help the community. If you are an individual, group or team looking for volunteering opportunities, all you have to do is connect with the Spread the Passion team on social media (Instagram: @spreadpassion) and find a cause that you feel passionate about.


Starbucks Introduces New Store Concept at Crystal Tower

The First Ever Starbucks Reserve Bar in the MENA Region Kuwait was the start of the Starbucks journey in the MENA region, with the first store opening 18 years ago on the Souq Sharq waterfront. Today, Starbucks starts another first in Kuwait with its immersive coffee destination at the Crystal Tower store. The opening of the first store with a Reserve coffee bar experience, in the heart of Kuwait’s dynamic business district, represents Starbucks uncompromising pursuit of elevating the coffee experience for its customers. Featuring the company’s rare, small-lot Reserve coffees roasted at its Seattle Roastery, the Reserve bar gives baristas a chance to engage in a dialogue with customers over the unique brewing methods. The store will also offer Starbucks’ core range of food and beverages that are known and loved by customers in Kuwait.


Up-to-date with Startup Kuwait

Dr. Redha Behbehani Addressing the Attendees On February 5th 2017, Kuwait University signed an MOU with the Kuwait National Fund for SME Development committing to bilateral support for the Startup Kuwait consortium. On February 12th 2017, Startup Kuwait National Competition was held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The program was opened with Dr.Muna Husain, Assistant Vice President for Planning (Kuwait University) welcoming and explaining broader outreach of Startup Kuwait’s 3 pillars focusing on student’s business idea generation, faculty, research proof of concept to commercialization, and industry collaboration with academia on innovation and research. Dr.Redha Behbehani


Participating Students explained the background of the Startup Kuwait program, a 90+ day business plan competition lwhere seven teams from four different universities pitched their business project to a panel of judges for equity free seed financing, mentorship, and guidance. The students stand a chance to win equivalent cash and non-cash of KD 10,000. The Startup Kuwait 90+ day business plan for spring 2017, would have series of bi-weekly review to mentor student teams besides the regular guidance they would receive from their respective schools’ advisors as preparation to pitch at Startup Kuwait National Competition which would take place on May 16-17, 2017.

Customer Convenience First

Mohamed Naser Al-Sayer Opens New Licensing Department

Inauguration Ceremony of the Al-Sayer Licensing Department Mohamed Naser Al-Sayer (MNSS), recently announced the opening of their new licensing department where customers can obtain car number plates from the brands Al-Rai showroom. Held under the patronage of the Interior Assistant Undersecretary of the Citizenship and Passports Affairs General Shaikh Mazen Jarrah Al Sabah, the event was attended by Mubarak Naser Al-Sayer, CEO Al-Sayer Group Holding, Bengt Kurt Schultz Chief Operating Officer, VIP delegates from the Ministry of Interior, and the Toyota Group Sales and Marketing team. Speaking on the occasion Mubarak Naser Al-Sayer CEO Al-Sayer Group Holding said “I take this opportunity to thank the traffic department for their support in introducing this special service to our customers.� The authorized licensing department at Toyota Al-Rai showroom will provide registered number plates for cars purchased from Mohamed Naser Al-Sayer car dealerships in Kuwait.



Taurus: Apr 21 -­ May 20

Aries Mar 21 - Apr 20 You have had transiting Uranus in your Sun sign since March 12, 2011. Uranus can change our lives suddenly, bring people back into our lives that were gone a long time or take people out of our lives that were very important to us. Uranus can bring in new circumstances, new people, and old acquaintances.

Insincere gestures of friendliness are likely to occur if you allow others to find out about your private life. Maybe it would be much better to keep your situations to yourself for the time being. Don’t get involved in a love triangle. Keep your reputation spotless.

Gemini: May 21 ­— June 21

Cancer: June 22 - July 22

You can make some wonderful career decisions now that will definitely work out in your favor. This is a great time to strive for recognition. Use your imagination and you will discover that you have some very unique contributions to make that can benefit everyone that you are involved with.

Ask friends and relatives for advice and you won’t face some of the problems that are hovering around you. Once you set your mind on what you are doing, you should be able to make great strides in your life and you will be able to do this with confidence.

Leo: July 23 - Aug 22 You’ve been trying to do too much. Take care of any health problems that have cropped up, no matter how small. You should plan to spend some time with the people who mean the most to you. Take a break in order to get your strength back.

Pisces Man Represented by a pair of fish, Pisces is the final sign in the Zodiac. The Pisces man is often generous and unworldly. The inner journey, the spiritual quest, and the emotional realm are what the Pisces man focuses on. This sentimental emphasis also means that he is highly intuitive and is able to sense what others are thinking or feeling almost telepathically.

Virgo: Aug 23 - Sept 23 Your personal life may seem confusing this month. A past partner may try to come back into your life. Think with your head…not your heart. You can make great strides with your work if you keep yourself totally focused on the projects that are right in front of you.

Pisces Woman Spinning lazy circles around her latest conquest, acquisition, or interest, the Piscean woman is a mysterious, sensual mermaid, her secrets kept secure behind inscrutable dark eyes. She has a vivid mind, and is romantic and spiritual. Like the rivers and seas this sign swims in, Piscean women have deep emotions and strong undertows in their personalities. Libra: Sept 24 - Oct 23 You may be feeling a little under the weather. You probably need a little tender loving care. Let someone you care for know your needs rather than being miserable and hoping that he or she will notice. Remember YOU are in charge of your life!


Pisces: Feb 20 - Mar 20

Scorpio: Oct 23 - Nov 22 You can pick up some interesting information if you get together with someone who is well informed in an area that interests you. Don’t try to impress someone by promising something that you aren’t likely to deliver. Relax and just be yourself… that is more than enough!

Aquarius: Jan 21 - Feb 19 Sagittarius: Nov 23 - Dec 21 Be aware of other people’s feelings. A little effort will go a long way. You have the ability to make everyone feel at ease. Forgiveness is also very important now. If someone upsets you, for any reason, realize that this person may be having a hard time. Give them love.

Capricorn: Dec 22 - Jan 20 The changes that you make to yourself, your home, or your life in general will lead to increased self-esteem. You’ll have a better understanding of what you really want to do with your life. When you feel good about yourself and your home, you feel optimistic in all areas of your life.

You may need to discuss your ideas and intentions with someone who can give you sound advice. There may be a good reason for the uncertainty that you are experiencing. Sharing your ideas and feelings with someone close to you will allow you to determine if you have any actual cause of concern.

Your ability to see both sides of the coin will put you into a position of leadership. Others will admire your abilities and support your efforts. You should feel confident that you have what it takes to be successful. Changes regarding your home or office will be a great benefit to you.

The Other Side Love, Laugh, Live

Allison Koushki, Intensive English Program, AUK

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Favorit eQ “Your A uote: Determ ttitude ines Altitud Your e”

Allison loves to Tango!

Allison is a seasoned traveler and has so far visited 14 countries, of these her favorites are: Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Kenya, Dubai and India.

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