The Student Body Magazine November 2009

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Table of Contents Editorial Board

Allison Ferreira- Editor-in-Chief Sanchit Gupta- Senior Editor Jessica Ye- Design Editor

The Student Body is an independent sutdent publication. SHAC, an independent student organization at Cornell Univeristy, produced and is responsible for the content of this publication.

This publication was not reviewed or approved by, nor does it necessarily express or reflect the policies or opinions of, Cornell University or its designated representatives.

The contents of The Student Body are the works of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or beliefs of SHAC, its affiliates, advisers, or Cornell University.


Produced by Jessica Ye, Steven Gu, Andrea Kim, and Susan Duan

HPV Is Not Just for Girls.....................................................................................................3

Chicken Soup for the Sick Soul........................................................................................4 The Chicken or the Egg: Does Social Status Predict Long-Term Health? .....6

ON THE COVER: Criminally Sweet Tooth- Eating Candy in Childhood Linked to Adult Crime ........................................................................................................8 Pong Gone Wrong...............................................................................................................10 Let’s Drink to Our Health................................................................................................12

Healthcare Reform: What the Heck Is Going On?.................................................13 Cover your Sneeze, If You Please.................................................................................14

Š The Student Body 2009 - SHAC


is not just for girls


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by Yvonne Robles

PV, or Human Papillomavirus, is the umbrella term for more than 100 different types of viruses that cause conditions ranging from common plantar warts to genital warts. The genital strain of HPV has garnered the most attention from doctors, researchers and the media today. At least 50% of all currently sexually active men and women have acquired genital HPV in their lives, and 80% of women will come in contact with the virus by the age of 50. These alarming rates indicate that this is less a problem of “promiscuity” than of public health. The HPV virus has proven to be one of the most common STDs in the United States and around the world. Prevention of HPV-related disease has recently gained momentum in the US from the FDA’s approval of Gardasil, a vaccine that protects against several types of HPV, including the strains that have been shown to lead to cervical cancer in women. A vaccine that prevents cancer is seen by many to be a wonderful thing, but many controversies surrounding the vaccines such as Merk’s Gardasil and GlaxoSmithKline’s Cervarix have arisen since their approval to be administered to the masses.

Controversies surrounding HPV vaccines vary from ethical to life-threatening issues. The drug is relatively new, but the promise of cancer prevention and protection from the most prevalent STD on the planet is too important for many to pass up. The vaccine was originally developed for the prevention of infection by specific strains of HPV. The benefits of vaccinating against a completely preventable cancer is promising to many public health officials, and countries around the world have ignited a storm of politics surrounding the goal to vaccinate as many young girls against HPV as possible. Greece has become the first country to make the vaccine mandatory for young girls, while other countries, such as the UK, France, Canada, and

| All things small Australia, are implementing voluntary vaccinations to get girls vaccinated. Other countries are offering the vaccine for free for girls in certain age groups, such as Sweden and some provinces in Canada. In the US, 27 states have begun proposing bills to make the vaccine required for young girls to continue school; all of which include an opt-out policy, which many families may choose to exercise in the case a bill is passed in their regions. Because the vaccine is so new, and the appeal of a vaccine that prevents cancer is so high, there were only about 24,000 case studies done for this vaccine before FDA approval . This year, two publicized cases of severe side effects from the vaccine were released: one UK girl died within hours of the first installment of the vaccine (the vaccine is a series of 3 shots), and other girl in Australia has been paralyzed since receiving the vaccine. The UK has reported 48 deaths from the vaccine so far. Since its approval, additional side effects from the vaccine have been added and cases of death following vaccination have been reported, although drug companies say that these cases are only related to the vaccine because of the time frame they occurred, which was after vaccination. Scientists have yet to find a direct link between the vaccine and the deaths of the young girls that took it. Those who suffered other serious side effects such as blood clots were also more likely to have been at risk before vaccination. For example, women taking the pill or another form of hormonal birth control are at risk for blood clots.

However, despite the horror stories in the news, scientists at GlaxoSmithKline and Merck are trying to push their vaccines to be approved for boys and men in the prevention of genital warts caused by HPV infections. The FDA has already approved Gardasil for the prevention of genital warts in boys and men in October of this year. Men, after all, are included in the 50% infection of the US population with HPV. Scientists are also studying the link between HPV and anal and penile cancer in men; HPV is the cause of nearly 50% of the cases of penile cancer in the US every year. There is no known test for HPV in men, nor does each infected individual express symptoms for the virus. HPV can only be diagnosed in men if symptoms present, which is rare. Vaccines for HPV are FDA approved and if you would like to find out more to protect yourself from HPV or to learn more about the vaccine, talk to you doctor.


Health Junkie |

Chicken Soup for the Sick Soul A

by Susan Duan

choo! I hastily grabbed another Kleenex from my backpack and blew my nose, where skin was already raw and tender. My throat was dry and scratchy, I sounded like a tenor, and I had a mild fever. Whatever it was—a cold, the seasonal flu, or the dreaded H1N1 virus— I was sick, and I did not feel like eating anything. Lack of appetite is a common symptom of people who are ill. In fact, an old adage encourages the sick to “feed a cold,” but to “starve a fever.” During the 1500s, people thought that since a fever was synonymous with a rise in body temperature and since food digestion generates warmth, the cure to a fever must be to abstain from eating, thereby generating less warmth to maintain the fever.

However, we now know that fever is part of the body’s immune response to fighting an infection, and the body requires proper nutrition for the energy to fight. While it may be true that eating too much makes the body concentrate its energy on the digestive system rather than the immune system, there will be no energy at all for the immune system if no food is consumed.


In fact, research done by the U.S. government on male Army soldiers demonstrated that when men did not consume enough calories in a day, their T cells, which are involved in ridding the body of invaders, decreased up to 60% in effectiveness.

Similarly, findings published in Physiological and Biochemical Zoology show that when mice are only given 70% of their daily caloric needs, the number of B cells in their system decreased dramatically. B cells are involved in attacking invaders as well as remembering the particular invaders. Without them, the immune system cannot become more efficient the second time it encounters the same invader.

Research shows that eating is essential to recovering quickly from a cold or a bout of flu. Perhaps the adage should be modified to “feed both a cold and fever.” But exactly what should you feed your body? Listed below are some of the inconvenient symptoms accompanying the cold and/or the flu, and the foods that help alleviate them.

Dehydration & Scratchy throat Drink water, drink water, and drink some more water. Not only will this prevent dehydration, it will also help flush your system and get rid of the unReproduced from [2] welcome guests roaming your body. Soups that are salty also prevent dehydration. Any hot liquids have the added benefit of soothing your throat. If your voice is lower than normal or if you’re starting to lose your voice, a hot cup of tea will surely make it better. However, be sure to avoid coffee. Although it is hot and soothing, it is a diuretic and will only dehydrate you more.

“...Remember that your body is working hard to respond to your sickness, which means you need energy even if you’re lying in your bed all day.” © The Student Body 2009 - SHAC

Mucus I find this symptom the most annoying of all. Doing work is impossible when I have to blow my nose every five seconds. As soon as I put one Kleenex down, I have to grab another one. When the mucus gets so thick, I have to open my mouth to breathe. Fortunately, some foods can help reduce secretions.

For one, there is grandmother’s chicken soup. Chicken soup contains high levels of the amino acid cysteine, similar to a bronchitis drug, acetylcysteine, which helps to thin the mucus blocking the airway. It also helps to stop neutrophils from stimulating the release of so much mucus. If you can handle it, you can also eat some spicy foods to clear up your sinuses. However, stay away from dairy products, which are mucous-forming foods.

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Cell damage Although not evident on the surface, many cells are damaged by the cold virus. Vitamins C and E, as well as beta-carotene, help restore cells, so as always, eat up on fruits and vegetables.

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Overall Symptoms Anti-inflammatory chemicals found in citrus fruits called bioflavonoids help to alleviate the symptoms of a cold or flu. To help out your immune system, which needs vitamins B6, B12, selenium, and zinc to function, eat some lean meats, eggs, legumes, or nuts. Although you may not want to eat when you are sick, remember that your body is working hard to respond to your sickness, which means you need energy even if you’re lying in your bed all day. To feel better fast, rest and eat well.

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“... Chicken soup contains high levels of the amino acid cysteine, similar to a bronchitis drug, acetylcysteine, which helps to thin the mucus blocking the airway.”


Sound Bites |

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OR The Egg Does Social Status Predict Long-Term Health? The Chicken

by Melissa Lumish



ary your veggies,” “focus on fruits,” “make health consequences on serious adult disease risk half your grains whole,” and “go lean with of obesity. By comparing self-reported popularprotein” are only a few of many recent nutritional ity, power, and status of participants who were in promotions put forth by the U.S. government to im- sixth grade in 1966 to health records over the next prove overall health and curb the alleged obesity 30 years, the team determined that children who epidemic. Faced with rising healthcare costs and were less popular were more likely to need treatsteady economic decline, many Americans have ment for a variety of hormonal, nutritional, metaturned to prevenbolic, and mental “...children who were less popular were tive medicine and diseases, as well a focus on nutri- more likely to need treatment for a vari- as drug depention in hopes of dency issues. maintaining their ety of hormonal, nutritional, metabolic, health later in life. and mental diseases, as well as drug de- Ylva Almquist, the Although diet and major researchpendency issues.” exercise have cerer on the study, tainly been shown to influence health outcomes, believes that this relationship results from the the recent proliferation of nutrition information in increase in health-damaging behaviors, such as the media brings forth the question—are these the smoking, associated with the negative self-image only solutions? and poor social support. Others, such as Carol A. Shively of the Wake Forest University School of According to recent Swedish research, the answer Medicine, have suggested stress-induced metais no. In a 30-year follow-up study of morbidity in a bolic changes as the source of this increased disStockholm cohort, researchers demonstrated that ease risk. Based on a study of monkeys, Shively social standing as a teenager may have long-term concluded that a rise in stress hormones due to

© The Student Body 2009 - SHAC

social stress results in increased deposition of abdominal fat, which increases risk for atherosclerosis and heart disease.

An emphasis on stress reduction and social acceptance may be effective in combination with recent nutrition recommendations to improve long-term disease outcomes.

Further contemplation of this issue brings forth a “chicken or egg”-type dilemma: is chronic dis- Staying in to study, for example, may result in ease truly a conhigher GPAs and “Is chronic disease truly a consesequence of poor better test scores, social status or is quence of poor social status or is lack but at the expense lack of social accepof a much-needed of social acceptance a manifestation of tance a manifestasocial boost. Is the tion of discrimina- discrimination based on poor health?” slightly highertion based on poor paying job resulthealth? A study by John Cawley at Cornell, for ex- ing from those extra grade points worth the sacample, demonstrated that severely obese white rifice of relaxation time if we will not live as long women are paid up to 9 percent less for their work to enjoy it? At the same time, too much time spent than the average person. Did these women become enjoying ourselves and not enough spent on inteloverweight before or after being offered their sala- lectual enrichment may likewise have adverse efries? Why was this relationship seen only in white fects; people who challenge themselves intellectufemales? ally and are self-organized, disciplined achievers live longer, according to a study done by Robert S. Although there are no clear-cut answers, the idea Wilson, PhD, a professor at Rush University Medithat social stress may affect later health is an im- cal Center. As college students constantly juggling portant one in addressing current healthcare academic stress with the need for social relaxation, needs. Marketing strategies that promote healthy we may neglect to consider the effects that our eating, exercise, and smoking cessation have been choices will have on long-term health outcomes. successful in some cases. However, it is possible that recent policy initiatives, such as the “fat tax,” So the next time you are faced with the decision, which puts a higher tax on foods thought to pro- stay in and study or go out and have fun, think mote obesity, and calorie postings are contribut- about this debate. Is it possible to find a healthing to social stress levels that are already too high. optimizing balance?

vs Reproduced from [8]


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Having fun

“Is it possible to find a healthoptimizing balance?” 7

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emember when your mother wouldn’t let you eat candy for breakfast? Well, be grateful, because she might have saved you from a few painful cavities and a Class D felony conviction.


The study, published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, is the first to focus on the long-term effects of childhood diet on adult violence. Dr. Simon Moore, the lead investigator of the study, began his research by examining factors that lead children Although keeping you out of jail probably wasn’t to commit serious crimes. He noticed that the kids your mother’s primary conwith the worst behavioral prob“kids who eat too many cern when she hid your hardlems were likely to be impulsive earned Halloween goodies, treats at a young age risk takers, and that these were she now has one more reason also the kids who had the poorare at a greatly elevatto be glad she did. A recent est diets. Shifting his attention study done by researchers ed risk for violence in to this compelling correlation, at Cardiff University in the Moore turned to the British Coadulthood.” U.K. shows a strong correlahort Study for further data coltion between eating candy in lection and analysis. childhood and adult crime. Results of the study indicate that kids who eat too many treats at a young The British Cohort Study (BCS70) is a continuage are at a greatly elevated risk for violence in ing, multidisciplinary longitudinal study, which adulthood. involves observation of a group of people with similar characteristics through time. Subjects of

© The Student Body 2009 - SHAC

| Diametrically Unopposed

tists thought it was most likely a result of a combination of other factors. In response, they repeated the experiment, controlling for parental permissiveness, economic status, and other environmental and lifestyle factors. But despite stricter controls, the link between confectionary consumption and violence remained. This data suggested it was indeed the frequency of sugar consumption in childhood that strongly contributed to adult violence. Researchers proposed several different explanations for the correlation, the most favored one being that children who are regularly given sweets may be inhibited in learning how to wait to obtain something they want. Scientists reason that children who are not able to defer gratification may tend towards more impulsive behavior, which is strongly associated with delinquency. It is also possible that children who are poorly behaved from the start tend to get more candy as their parents try to pacify them.

While the association between sugar consumption and violence still needs further examination, the broader implication of this study is that diet in general may have a profound effect on behavior. A University of Oxford researcher recently published controversial findings suggesting that prisoners who were fed vitamin supplements (and thus presumably getting a nutritionally-balanced diet) had the BSC70 are all the individuals living in England, lower rates of disciplinary events and aggressive Scotland and Wales who were born in one particu- outbursts than a control group who were given lar week in April 1970. The scope of the study en- placebo pills. Researchers have therefore concludcompasses inquiry into physical and educational ed that targeting resources at improving children’s development early in life, and social and economic diet may reduce aggression and improve behavioral health in general. development later in life. Moore examined the BCS70 data for information on kids’ diet and their later behavior, specifically drawing from the data that had been collected from children, who, at age 10, were asked how much candy they consumed, and at age 34, were questioned about whether they had been convicted of a crime. Moore’s analysis revealed that a staggering 69% of people who had been convicted of a violent act by age 34 reported eating candy almost every day as youngsters. Comparatively, only 42% of people who had not been arrested for violent behavior reported the same high sugar diet. The trend was so remarkable that, initially, scien-

We’ve all been told of the benefits of healthy eating, but the next time you want to indulge your sweet tooth, don’t forget to consider the potentially criminal consequences.

Diane Cheng “Diametrically Unopposed”


Pong Gone Wrong by: Jennifer Nauheim

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t’s a hopping Saturday night at right back into play. The “Don’t hate the player, Cornell University and Timmy small point that most overis on his way to the big party. look is that the ball that is hate the game.” As Timmy walks to the party, now in the cup of beer that he picks up all sorts of filth on his shoes, filth that is about to be consumed, is covered with bacteria he will bring into the party with him (because it and perhaps even fewould be rude to walk into a party empty handed cal matter (aka poop footed). Normally, most people are not concerned particles [I know with the conditions of a floor at a party, as long as that’s gross, but it’s there is a floor. But trepidation should exist when true]). This is how consumption is going to take place off said floor. So hepatitis A can be where am I going with this? transmitted. Gonorrhea and mono can BEER PONG! The game that, despite my warnings also be transmitted of my lack of hand-eye coordination, I am pointorally, so to be on the lessly dragged into every weekend. Now don’t safe side, it’s probaget me wrong, I love drinking games as much as bly best not to share … well… I tolerate them. But don’t hate the player, cups. hate the game. It’s no secret that No really: hate the game. Beer pong has been H1N1 is alive and linked with several diseases including but not well at Cornell. While limited to gonorrhea (the clap), mononucleosis the University is do(mono), hepatitis A, oral herpes, and the flu. After landing on the floor, the ing a good job with So the spastic player on the other side of the table meaball may be covered with thou- preventive sands of harmful pathogens. sures, the flu is still (usually played by yours truly) over-shoots the Reproduced from : [17] spreading at parties. ball and it lands on the floor. Not a big deal, the ball gets picked up, dumped in a cup of water, and put The Rensselaer Poly-

© The Student Body 2009 - SHAC

technic Institute in Troy, NY placed a ban on beer pong in order to prevent further spread of the flu. So once again, keep your cup to yourself. So what can be done? If the thought of abstaining from beer pong seems too much, then there are other measures that can be followed. If a ball falls on the floor, leave it there, and go get a new (clean) ball. A lot of my friends tell me not to be such a germophobe and that the water cup is there for a reason, but water is not an antiseptic. The water cup is like the teddy bear of beer pong: it doesn’t really do much, but just having it there makes you feel better. It may take the dirt and the hair away, but the really scary stuff, (like fecal matter)is too small for you to see, and that’s really what you’ve got to watch out for. Whether you’re playing Beirut or beer pong (and to decide you may fight amongst yourselves), facts are facts: disease is out there and ready to be picked up like an adorable puppy (with rabies). So use your own personal drinking cup and don’t drink out of the cups in play.

“Water is not an antiseptic.”

Water may remove filth off of an object, but pathogens and bacteria are not purged in the process. Reproduced from: [18]

A typical beer pong table setup. Reproduced from [19]


Reader’s Digest | From a nutritional standpoint, kombucha is loaded with B vitamins. Further, it is low in sugar and has about 30 calories per 8oz serving. Kombucha also contains glucaric acid which aids the liver in detoxification of various drugs and pollutants by enhancing the ability of UDP-glucoronyltranferase, a liver enzymeto dispose of waste. In addition, kombucha is considered a probiotic. In other words, it contains healthy bacteria that help regulate and maintain normal gastrointestinal function in humans. Since the gut also plays a major role in regulation of immune function, it is no surprise that the manufactures put an “immune boosting” health claim on the side of the bottle. However, the USDA has not found any of these health claims to be valid.

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By Hillary Murray hile pondering the selection of a nice cold drink at CTB, I discovered a product called “kombucha.” With health claims such as the ability to boost the immune system, fight disease, and stimulate metabolism, it almost sounded as if the manufacturer, GT, had bottled the fountain of youth. Being the product skeptic that I am, I decided to do some further digging more about this mysterious drink.


The origin of kombucha is up for debate. Some claim that it originated in China during the Qin Dynasty. Others claim kombucha has roots in Russia, Japan and Korea. People called it “the tea of immortality” and used it to treat diseases and ailments.


Kombucha is made from either a green or black tea base. If you don’t expect it, your first sip of kombucha may be shocking. It tastes NOTHING like tea. In fact, kombucha tastes much like beer! While it is non-alcoholic, kombucha is fermented from yeast and bacteria; the fizz is created during the fermentation process.

People that are immunosuppressed and/or pregnant should be cautious with their kombucha consumption. Moreover, because the bacterial strains in kombucha may play a role in detoxification, people undergoing chemotherapy should not drink kombucha. The FDA warns that kombucha may cause an upset stomach or allergic reaction. Likewise, there is a high risk of contamination if brewed under non-sterile conditions. So next time you’re in CTB and looking for something a little different than Snapple, check out the bottles of kombucha and see for yourself if the drink is truly as miraculous as it claims.

People called it “the tea of immortality” and used it to treat diseases and ailments.

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© The Student Body 2009 - SHAC

| Clarifying Light

Heatlh Care :


by Tommy Rucker

hen I get my free paper each morning from Appel, I can always count on the front page being delightfully splattered with headlines concerning the newest problems plaguing our country. The ones that always catch my interest are those about the latest “developments” with the health care reform. I’m not an expert when it comes to deciphering what is really happening with the reform, and I think that we should all have a basic understanding of what our health care system has transformed into. In order to fully understand the reasons behind the politics of health care reform, we must look back to the time of FDR during the Great Depression. In 1935, Roosevelt enacted the Social Security Act. He had wished to include a national health insurance program in with this act, but this was never accomplished. Since then, Democratic presidents have typically tried to improve access to the health care system in some way, with little to no avail. The most promising efforts were made during the Clinton administration, but both parties shot down the 1,342-page bill.

There have been many reasons for the delay in agreement on any single proposed reform. One bill that included an employer mandate, a penalty for businesses that do not provide health insurance for their employees, was attacked by Republicans under the assertion that it would cost too much and that financial concerns would discourage small businesses and businesses with low-wage employees to hire new workers. The House has agreed that Federal Government should establish a public insurance plan to compete with private insurers and negotiate health care rates with private providers. The Senate has agreed upon a bill that would make employers with 25 or more employees provide coverage and that the government would pay the cost associated with implementing the bill as a loan to be repaid. It was then agreed that the two proposals would be condensed into a single one that would be put into action by the Senate.

Another aspect of the reform that has caused a whole slough of debate is over the phrase “Public Option.” The public option is another insurance option for healthcare coverage in addition to the existing private ones. This is done in hopes that the private companies will lower their premiums in order to keep up with this public option, thus making healthcare more affordable. People who support the public option feel that the new competition would help deal with the deep-seated monopolies in the private sector of our country. People who oppose this option fear that the public This current period of reform is made much more option will crowd out the private sector and the significant in relation to previous eras because government will hold a monopoly over healthcare. with rising health care costs, which now account President Obama’s plan includes improvements for $1 out of every $6 spent by Americans, there to the existing healthcare policies, a public option is more vested interest in change from both em- and a manner done that “won’t add a dime to the ployers and business groups. Insurance compa- deficit,” all of which was outlined in the “Obama nies have also made it clear that they are ready to Plan in Four Minutes” on the president’s website: accept change, including a willingness to accept A recent pole done by all applicants for coverage, regardless of illness or CNN showed that the American population is split disability, if Congress requires everyone to have 50/50 when it comes to supporting or opposing this proposed plan. insurance. In total, five bills concerning health care are moving through Congress. The major concerns among all of these propositions are cost and the extent of government involvement. Republicans and Democrats both agree that private insurers should continue their practices, but under increased regulation. They also agree that the federal government should offer assistance for people to be able to purchase insurance.

As I was sitting in the Mann Library lobby watching the nightly news, I was assured by this statistic. Even after trying to make sense of all the information, I too have reservations about putting all of my faith in either side of the proposed reforms. All that we can do in the meantime is be knowledgeable and aware citizens. Because who knows what the heck is going to happen if the proposed changes are implemented.


Mr. OCD |

*cough* Nice to meet you!

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I knew I was being rude, but there wasn’t a chance on earth that I was going to shake that hand. Majoring in microbiology is both a gift and a curse, but, aside from knowing that the World Health Organization has acknowledged respiratory infections as the leading cause of mortality by infectious disease, I wasn’t shaking that hand purely because it was nast… excuse me… unsanitary.


According to the Centers for Disease Control respiratory infections are spread by coughing, sneezing, and unclean hands. If you read the October issue of The Student Body (shame on you if you haven’t), then you’ll already be quite familiar with my stance on hand washing, so here is my take on the other two habits. This is a two-forone, so pay attention! It has to be important, or there wouldn’t be so many colorful H1N1 advice posters in virtually every reception area, bathroom, and dining hall on campus.

Alright, I suppose that this is the part where I break down the CDC method step-by-step for everyone. Actually, I was surprised at how detailed the CDC was on its website. They give two pieces to the puzzle of respiratory germ control: controlling the ejection of germs and stopping their needless spread. Part two was covered in both the soap versus hand sanitizer and in the handwashing article in the previous issue, so now it’s time to finish the job with part one. Take a deep breath and then take the plunge into the detailed method. Step one, cover the mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, and if one is not available then use your upper sleeve. Step two, if you used a tissue then put it into a waste basket. Done!

H1N1. We hear the beast’s name on the news everyday, most often simply referred to as the swine flu. While nowhere near as deadly as the vast While it sounds deceptively simple, it’s amazing majority of diseases found in developing nations, how few people actually practice this technique. swine flu has caused significant enough damage It’s already bad enough that a British study by the to have people setting up hand sanitizer stations everywhere. While this method is fantastic at pre- London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine showed that venting illness, I Reproduced from [23] Reproduced from [24] less than oneknow of an even third of men better prevenand two-thirds tative meaof women sure: one so wash their powerful that hands after goit could virtuing to the toially eliminate let. Now I have the spread of to worry about the disease, the very air no silly masks that I breathe required! The being germ secret? Coughing or sneezing “The secret? Coughing or sneezing into a laden? Oy! into a tissue tissue, at the bare minimum, a sleeve.” With great or, at the bare delight, I’ve minimum, a taken the liberty of classifying three of the worst sleeve. Sounds deceptively simple, doesn’t it? step one offenders. The Panic-er is so surprised

© The Student Body 2009 - SHAC

and caught off guard by the humanly urge to sneeze or cough that grab the nearest thing, like a roommate’s sweater or a girlfriend’s arm, and let it feel their wrath. The Guru is well aware of the impending bodily function and attempts to use mind over matter methods to control the urge, only to give in at the last second and “let er rip” at an unprotected audience. And finally, The Indifferent simply uses her or, more likely, his hands in an arguably more damaging attempt at saving others from illness.

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“All of a sudden, something as genuine as a handshake is recognized as one of most wanted traffickers of germs.”

and sit and touch. And dining employees are also left with the dirty, dirty work of cleaning up the messes of the masses.

These steps toward proper control of airborne germs, like the piglet flu, are simple, extremely effective, and highly fashionable. Remember those silly masks? They only help prevent the spread of disease, and so are only worn by sick people. Like it or not, healthy people are always at the mercy of the not-so-healthy. Life cycles of infectious diseases can only be ended by either outliving them with ubiquitously prescribed vaccinations or treatments, or by outsmarting them by preventing further transmission; the cheaper and simpler of these is always the latter. For the sake of global health, I’ll go out on a toothpick-sized limb and say that if practicing personal hygiene is not someone’s forte, then they should at least practice common courtesy. For example, hand washing after using the latrine. I don’t go into the bathroom with you, so why must you take the bathroom out to me?

Of all these, The Indifferent scares me the most. All of a sudden, something as genuine as a handshake is recognized as one of most wanted traffickers of germs. Failure to perform the second step is most common in dining halls where noses are blown and tissues are laid to rest on tables that some innocent student is bound

Photo References

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