Studwelding Accessories

Page 1

stuttdurinsstudrugldin intothehandtoot an^d hotdthewetd cHUCf{S((Or.rfisltfit welding.Grip on the stud is ntuintainedby a metal clip or rubber ring.

Note: chueks are consumables, they

The picture s&ol*s chueksfor ase with the CD200 & 800 r&nge of eqaipntent, They arc supplied complete with &n adjustable backstop.

79-l0l -002 79-I 01-003 79-l0 l -004 79-101-005

The s&ows the table cornponent parts fa, each chuck and these mav be ordered separately.

79-r0r-006 79-10r-008 79-l0l -010

TRlpQDt€g iSS(illBtl€S: are the stanilord method of ensuring hand+ools present studs perpendicular to the workpiece.Theyallow the vkual aligmtentof tlw weWstud onto eithcr scribelines or into shallowindents.Do not use a m&nuctlcentre punch. Tripod leg assembliesare available as complete assemblies0r as sepdrateparts. Pt No's Fssembly €nd (op Std LcAs 56mm Logs

HooW Dutg 79-101-050 79-l0l-05r 79-t0l-052 79-r0l -054

5lim-line 79-l0l-060 79-l0l-061

79-r0r-062 79-l0l-064

OftS€T RTTR$flI€llIi "for rtle weldingof smdscbse m an uprightsurfaceor into a comer Shownusedwith the heny4uy leg assenbly,thisallowsa satdto bewededascloseasl2mmfroman upight surface.Thisitemcanalsobe usedwith rheslim-Iircetd-cq. This assembly must be insulated. The insulation prevents equipment shut-down should the assembly touch the end-cap. Insulation must be checkedregalarly and replaced if there &re signs of wear.

Tb order thisitempleaseqaotepdrt numberT9 -101-l10.

€Il€t{SlOlf l,€OfiSSCfll8tV:allowsthe weldingof studsup to l50nm in length.Id.ealwhenweldingruil pointedsuds whenfrequentstudkngth changes are requircdand.whenweldingMI 0 suds. Available with nose conefor use with templates, €nd Cop(l) Guide(I) 79-tOt-l4l 79-l0t-144 NossCone(l) foot ( t ) Tripod Lcg (3) tlhshsr (8) 7 9 t 0 l t 0 6 79-t0l-t43 79-10t-145 8l-tOl-001 The numbsrs in broclrotsindicote quontitg required Leg (2 off)


PTUOS& SO${€TSIburn out d not properly tightened. WeId energy is lost and poor welds wiII result. Condition should be checked regularly and items repluced ,f sfgns of burning are evident. Sockets Pt No's Plugs 7 1 - 1 0 1 - 0 3 1 7t-l0r-082 Coblemtd 70-ta2-025 70-t02-027 FonElmtd 70-102-025 71-l0t-030 Control (cedltfoar

Grip (2 off) 79-l0l-r42

Soles (ontoct: TechnicolContoctr Progress(ontoct: Te|:0I6Ott 790901

cl 3olol Our standard ternts and conditions of sale apply to aII tansaetions, a copl of these is enclosed wilh this literaturc. Fmther ropies of thesecanditions arc available upon requestlf,ioimurn Order Clnrgcl I2A"A0 plus carriage and WT at the current rate.


llccgssoncs rh,

e pir:ture belovl right s/ton'.ro rfiilge ry'rfiuc/t.rto .;uit other nraftesof CD, SC md

ill bttrn quickly if they become Ioose



19-r0l-00r | 79-t0r-001 79-t0 r -00l

79-t0l-023 79-l0 r-022

79-t0l -001

79-l0l -028 79-t0l-029

79-t0 r-00I 79-t0l -00r

DAI stwlw,eldingeqluipment.

Mo Wost of these r:/rrrrl<s (tre 'tockeclbut eerlarfi sh:les rr,i// .$I, rced to be nmnufadurcd Io .st? pedfic: zrders, TIC,

79-l0 r-027


Wlt Vhen ordering chucks fn, tther nmkes af equipment otlt pl,leaseinrlirute tht equipnwnl Ina nanufaclurer and

,llawfctr nllt

nwtlel to corrcff identffimtion.

rately locate s/uds xhert rrsirrg tentltlates" These are uvailable in -? 1{0S€CON€ RSS€|I|I8U(S1ane used to accltl dianteters:30ntrn (standnrcl), I " nnd 22mm. ld{ose cones cdrrl be cut to fit nrcuntl comple.r shapesor manufactured wiilt ^'chinutey" e.rtenderl to locttte inside high sided norrow' cornpaneflfs Jr{fft as deepthannels or to totnlly entlose the v'eld arrea for noise reductiott. Pt No's 30mm l"


fissemblg 79-l0r-070 79-l0l-069 79-l0r-068

Pleose note

€nd Cop

NoseCone Spocers 79-l0t-07? 7 9 - r 0 | - 0 7 | 79-l0l -05I 79-l0l-077 79-tOl-07| 79-l0r-051 7 9 - l 0 l - 0 7 8 79-r0r-076 M4 CopHeod ScreusRequired


IN NOSC(ON€S: nllow w,eldinsaf stut SCR€IU trls through templates v+,itlndffirent available in 3 dianrcters:30mm,l " snd 22nun.

diamerer Imles. These nase cqnes &re

They also rtllov,, replucentent of wont nose cotrcs witlwut the need tn re-centrethe nose cone in relation to the chuck.

Pt No's 30mm



7 9 -l 0 l - 0 8 1 79-l0r-080 Eock-plote(Commonto oll) l"


€nd Cop



79-r0 t-05| 7 9 - r 0 l - 0 8 6 79-r0l-075 79-t0r-051 79-lA l-0f35 79-r0t-075



79-t0l -075


(CNTRING JfGS: should be usedto centrerke nos€-(o,te v,itlt respeil tet the r:huck. At:curttcv af +/- 0.25mmis possible. jigs are avnilablens completenssemblie Centring "r or'cr sepurfite pnrts ns detuiled in the tnble. Alignntent slrculclbe checkedrcgulurly" Pt No's

30mm l"


CupOnly f,ssembly 7 9 - t 7r - i l 4 7 9 - t 7 l - lr 8 7 9 - t 7 l -i l 3 79-17t-ll7 79-t7r-ll2 7 9 - 1r7- I r 6 Other sizescon be mode to order


Bod Onlv 79-17r-il5

79-17t-|r5 1 9 - 1 t7- I l 5

T€STfl{GHOZIT€SIshould be used in ronjuncrion with the DIN tester bending bar pt no79- | 7l - l2l for themecltanieal testirtgof v,elderl studsin aeaordancewirlt DIN 267 port 5. M3 noazle lVl4nozzle illS nozzle 79-t7 t- l 23 79-17r- r24 7 9 - t 1 t - t 2 5 lVl6noarle M8 nozzle MlO nozzle r- r28 7 9 - t 7 t - 1 3 0 79-t7 79-t7r-026

Cortillcotsr of Conformitgl nt? nr'ailable"litr nl[ goods.Thesenn: rhargenbleand, if rcquirtl, mustlte rcquestetlat tinrcqf'ardn: (orrioge:

All prk:esquotedilt? (.\ u,or*.r, ntrrirtge n.ill be clwrged e-rtra.

7?, t'otnplamcttl RRC RC(€550R1€5. DRRWf-l Slrrrlrrt'/rli tt,qttltti ptnt'ttt trg .rtrrr',(rt lhll


r'c,t,q(r o.l

Drrt.ltt .-1rr'

. rungt nl r'/trrrA.r ttnt! .ft:rrult' sr"r/?,f

I low nl, .rlrut Dff (HUCHS:.ttr,,r,!u Dio

rtt' ttdi ttstthl e r?{'('.\.r.

M3 fvl4

nn5 n46 f|tl8

Ml0 Mtg

nnt6 nfl20

Stondord 89- 0 -(K)3 t{9- t ) -0il-t lt9- ( ) -()05 8r)- ( ) -()06 89- {) -()()8 l{9- 0 0 t 0 ll9- 0 0 r l t{9- 0 { )l 6 s9- 0 ()l()



89- o


l{r)- lt


39- 0 89- o


s9- It


05 06 0ti

t{9- ti


89- I


n9- t{ i{9- l.i

89- 0

til tl t6

()t{ t{) tl

r{9- ( )


$t)- l{

t{9- 0 r{9- 0

r{9-o fig- 0

r{9-t{ t{9- s



F€RRUL€ GfllPS: lrnttre in{urr foot odopter urtil lnld ilrt rtrrrrrtir .ferrulr itt pluu'.

I/lt''l' rttr /rss

Stnttte thrut

to bunrirtgout but slmuld be reltlured e'/truc'A.r

rrgtrlcr /t:

StudDio M3l4 M516 M8 Ml0 fttll z fvll6 fvl20

Pt No rtg-l0 ,0-5| rte-t0 -053 r{9-r0 -053 r{9-l0 -{}5-1 s 9 - l 0 -t)55 f l g - t ( l -056 8 q -t { ) -057

rrlrit'hurt ndju.rtttltlt.lrtr fOOT RDRpT€R$;rrn, littcel Iu tltc huwltool rlltrlrtn'o /e,g.r' il i'rtn t,; t ud I en g t hs. M cuttr.litt' t u rad .fiu ttt'{ u.lurtI the .{opt ueluptor htilds the .ferrttlc grip ctntl prrtridts u "rrublr plut"fomt - en,vut'ing, tlw sttrl is prcsentul perpenilirrtlur tr; thc n"rtrkpit'r't:.


Pt No

fv13- MIg

til-l()l-(x)l Ii l - l 0l -063

MI6 . MzO

StudfostStudweldino - ttd 5 tour FormPloce MoultonPqrlr Northornpton. NN3 6HV Tel Fax

016047?0901 01604 492946

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