Studfast Studwelding General Brochure

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Studw@lding Sms##w #ws#



A Fastening:

PressedInserts Inserts can work loose, crack paint,and leave stains. Holes need to be punched then deburred in parent material weakening it - the reverse side is not always left flat,and the insert is visible and unsightly. The resulting joint cannot always be guaranteed leak-proof.

Drilling& Topping Drilling & Tapping ate very slow processes, requiring thicker parent matefial to achieve full joint strength. Drills and taps get broken and fasteners can vibrate loose. Through drilled holes need sealing and blind holes need clearing out.


'Welding Back is a slow; messy and inaccurate process. Holes are required, into which the precisely fastener must be positioned. The biggest disadvantage is having to grind or polish off excess matefial or burn marks on the reverse side.

ThroughBolting Through Bolting is not tamperproof, and is a cumbersome and pfocess slow requiring two handed assembly with access from both sides. parent Holes weaken the material and leakage stains from the unsightly bolt heads are common. Projection ond Resistonce tUelding means taking a component to fixed equipment, replacing electrodes, and high power consumption costs. Soldering ond Brozing requires clamping and causes distortion. Riveting is untidy, irreversible, requires.holes and works loose. All of these processes are slow, unsightly, require reverse access and need cleaning and finishing.

S tu d,ute I ding

Sau e s Tirn â‚Ź :

tltt+g*,Ii+r+l rlxg:l hi'r$4iiif rfiflii Studwelding replaced inserts on these applications, resulting in faster production and stronger joints. Thinner sheet could now be used. and with no feverse marking. Corrosion was eliminated as moisture ingress was prevented. c;; g:s egHilru${$* ggd$e'"fli,,r.r g":r g;* $te*" $*;n Li:'r **r41 Studwelding allowed this manufactufer to speed up production considerably. Previously he had to leak test every through drilled and tapped hole. An alternative solution of using thicker flanges would have resulted in additional time and cost implications. g*fu;:u r*I +':rll,5$'i,.$+rr $}iirt+ * i'+ +#$ *:;ff+$$* g,p production Here increased tenfold when studwelding replaced a backwelding process. Vith no need to grind the top surface flat and polish off excess matefial and burn marks, time saved was significant reject components wefe eliminated with additional cost savings. tr+.*lr+,+rg$**i$rm$f:$r.*gg $'4;r.;r-fir$+;r+*ir"lr'6"i{fr One component became tampefproof, a clean design was the biggest benefit on another. On a third part, the gauge was reduce d and leakage was prevented. Finally studwelding solved the problem of loose bolts and inaccessibility to the bolt head after assembly. $.$,.fi.*i$+:.Fi+"*+t fid'n,pi+:ri+ir':r+,,-tr ftlr*;-t:t:,r;{i+;lc'r4* removed a bottleneck by not having to take the biggest component to a large resistance welding machine. ffd-*,9*;E+*,'i:$+'r..p fii*+i+$rrit.lglg cured a corrosion problem caused by solder flux. Some components which were previously brazed sustained damage because of the long heat cycle - studwelding eradicated this.


Deliuers Reliability:

There are thfee types of studv/elding: capaciror Dischafge (cD), shoft cycle (sc) and Dfawn Afc (DA). They are complementary and should not be regarded as alternatiyes. with each method, a wito itua is held in a handtool or pfoduction head - then presented squarely to the workpiece. The processes work as follows:



Energy is stored in a bank of capacitors charged to a pre-set voltage determined by type of stud and parent material. 'When triggered, energy discharges as a high current pulse, melting the pip to produce aflarc. Spring pressure forges the stud onto the molten surface to ensure complete fusion acfoss the flange. 'Weld duration: Under 4 milliseconds.

SC frne.s to rvlg@ A transformer rectifier supplies a fixed powef cuffent soufce. Triggering produces a pilot arc and the stud lifts to a pre-set height. The main arc melts the end of the stud, producing a molten pool in the parent material. Return spring pressllre then forges the stud into the pool. Using a shrouding gas reduces weld spatter especially with stainlesssteel. Nfeld duration: 10 to 100 milliseconds.

DR M5to Mz4a Current level, and duration, are determined by the stud diameter. Triggering produces a pilot arc and the stud lifts to a pre-set height. The main arc melts the end of the stud, proclucing a molten pool in the material. Return spring pressure then fbrges the stud into the pool. A ceramic ferrule contains and shapes the weld fillet, this arc shield is not re-usable. Weld duration: 100 to 1000 milliseconds. Although some cross-overs occur, the table below should guide you to select the right process:

CD is icleal fbr thin gauge. colcl rollecl she ct w-here fc\ erse m:Lrking cr:rn be rninimisccl, or craclicatecl. Pe ncrtr:r.tion into the n'orkpicce is minimal.

I) \ gir cs rh r . grer lcsl ruraterial penetration. \\ielcl zone ertencls [o one thircl ol stucL A so Llrrn t l t l o L r g l rl i r r r i t st h e r n i n i n r r u n pletc thickness.

For CD the sheet can be as thin as 0.7mm. Mild Steei, Stainless Steel, Aiuminium Alloy, Pure Aluminiurn & Leacl Free Brass. Sheet surface should be clean and flat Stud welcl end must have precise pip and cone.

CD controilers are lightweight & hand potable. Lower cost than SC & DA. Single phase 230/770 volt 50H2.

Low- crost stucls - Lor,' cost ec1_ripmcnt The lastcst process - Icleal 1or procluction systclrs frorn simple bcnch ntountecl to Lrigh speecl autoltatic CNC - Easy to jig No ferrnles - No sluoucling gas Clc-anwelds - No finishing.

The sheet thickncss for SC shoulcl bc greater than 1 5mm Main applications are rvith Milci Steel blLt can also be nsecl u'ith Stainless Steel Nlore suitable than CI) rvircre sluface is unevenl coatecl u,'ith oxicic, n'rill scalc or clirt

Nleditrm weight & hand portable controllers Lower cost tiran DA blrt more than CD. Three phase 380r'415 volt 50IJZ

Lo\1, ('().sl stlrcls , Grextcr str-rcl clesrgrr flcxiltility clr-rc ro n() prp rcclrrirecl on the r,r,elcl erncl - Ilclr-liprnc.nt can lrc bench mountecl .\ aLlt()lttirtt:cl 'ltrlcrates sr-rrflrcrcincgrLlalities - Irasy to iig No fcn'r-rle',s

Above 2mm in thickness Milc1 Sreel, Stainless Steel and some Aluminium Alloys. DA is the most tolerant of surface irregularities,e.g. rust, mill scale, oil and dirt, Stud weld end is fluxed & length increased by a burn off allowance.

DA controllers ^re mobile (on wheels), Can be modifiecl to operate two hand tools. Three phase 380/175 vo\t.5AHZ

DA is thc most tolerant pfoctess of sr-uf)ce i r n p e r - f ec t i o n s - B u l n s throLrgh ntaterial 'I'he lzuninations only methocl rvhich can rvelcl stucls altorre Nt10 O Corrcct lcngth zrfter welcl (LANfl) ancl cven fi1lct inc'licatcs a goctcl w-elcl



Design: Fast Strong Accurate No Reverse Marking Leak-Proof Thmper-Proof Single SideAccess Portable Equipment Reduced Handling No'Weakening of Parent Matenal


r ypxcar AppficaH,ovTs:

Studwelding provides an "invisible" fixing for fasciapanels,countef tops, signs and badges- for any surface where final appearafice, secufity or hygiene is paramount. As studwelding does not break through the surface, there is no subsequent risk of leaks or corrosion on, for example, inspection hatches and cover plates; when mounting heating elements or attaching fluid chambers. Studwelding is ideal for applications where accesscannot be made to the revefse side of an assembly, such as mounting circuit boards, rails, instruments, earth points and many different components. Studwelding is suitable for fixing fluid and air lines, wiring looms, machine guards, handles, insulation and fireproofing materials.

The Weld Studs: From M2.5 to M24 diameters,Studfastsupplies a diverse and vast tange of fasteners - available in mild steel, stainless steel, aluminium alloy and brass. Ve stock externally and internally threaded studs; plain pins; earth tags;brackets and speed fix washers. Special designs are avallable with short lead times.


e u/s eo.s ts:

W.e have the most comprehensive range avallable - you can choose from fifteen controllers, ten handtools and five production heads. That fneans you get the system best suited to your requirements and your budget. From ahand portable unit for occasional use to high speed, fully automatic, production systems Studfasthas the solution.

CD controllers use advanced inverter technology, to make them lightweight and portable. AIl our controllers are compact, robust and mobile, with stabilized settings which

allow for

accurate adjustments - achieving the highest quality welds. All

Each handtool is balanced, durable and light to minimise any operator fatigue, and facilitate fast operation. Adjustments for weld control, stud length and diameter changestake just a few seconds. Front end caps are manufactured from aluminium to keep the handtools lightweight and ensure accurate fixing points for attaching additional accessories. Our extensive selection of these accessories has been developed to assist with accessibility problems, improve jigging and reduce noise levels.








reliability. Unintentional firing is prevented by safety circuits and, in the event of a component failure, system shutdown will occur. High speed systems, custom built to exact specifications, achieve the best accufacy and productivity, whether a simple bottom loaded pneumatic production head, or automatic stud feed with CNC positioning and remote delivety / removal of components. For additional quality assurance a portable weld monitor to give non-destructive testing.

can be supplied

Studfast's modular approach to equipment enables us to deliver exactly what you need to help your business.

The controllers provide the power source. DA controllers can be modified to operate two handtools, each welding different stud diameters.

Studfost Studu,reldingLtd. 5 Low Farm Place Moulton Park Northampton NN3 6FfY

Tef: 01604 79O9Ol Fox: 01604 492946

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