T e c h n i c oD l oto: proeesstlzereis a reductionirt Duringthe DrawnArc ( Dn I srudwelding stud length and studs are matrufaffured witlt the appropriate welding allowance. This allovance varies according to stud diameter and rnaterial.,as does the amount afflux deposited on the specially shapedweld end. Thepe$ect weld is only achieved when enough power is ttsed to give the correct Length N-te, Welcl "IRlll".
Drerun Rrc
R srymbolin the toble indicotEs o stock I
flletric Thrcoded
* = fnild
TIzeD A weld studsshownin the main table are self colour, tlreaded reduced base. Unthreaded studs, full base studs and tappeclbossesare not stockedbut can be made to order. Minimum order quantities will apply. ffiinimsm Ordar euontitiesr Tlrc minimumorder qaentityfor stockDA weld sradsis 100pieces. Ceromic Ferrulel:. Each DA stud i.ssupplied with a ceramicferrule (arc shield), thefunction of which fs to contain the u,eld rtHet and draw intpuritiesfrom the welclzone. Thefercule can only be usedonce. The outsidediameterof thisferrule malt l2r usedfor template trocationpurposes, see belou'. Ploted Studl: D H srudscanbe suppliedwith a Zinc Di-Chromete, Cafuniurnor Copperplating. Plated studsare not stocked& minimum order qatrntitiesrvfl/ apply. Weld ends are left tmplatedas Zinc and Cadndumare weld contaminants. Stud illotsriolr: Mild Sreel: Stainless Sreel: lhreod
f it:
Weld studsare menufacturedflom thefollowing materials: 85970 Part I 040 A04 (Resrrictedspecffication) 85970rype 30451I
ec Breo*r Occur f,l The Follour
Ferrule Dlmanr Stud 6
OD = (Ferrulc)Outside Diometer H = Height to
All DA weld stud rhreadsare rolled ro a 69 free fit ro B-53643part 2 ISOMetric ScrewThreads.
Tofacilitate speedt processlngaf your order or enqutrypleaseindicate quantity,diameter,'f fiUl', ntaterialandfinislt required"
Bctth Zintec & Plastic
lcmplalel: For accurate stud location templatesshould be used. Templatesr??dy be manufaetured from either Tufirol.,or for lzarder wear,from sheetm"etal-
c:oated are available. With a -lSnrlrr oatside diarneter t.hese are stockecl tct suit 3mm
Whenwelding D S srudstlte holes in tlrc templatesslwuld be big enough to acceptthe outsidediameter(OD) of the ceramicferrules sltownin table opposite(notetolerances ). Templatesslrculd be spacedawayfrr^ the parent material to allow the ferrule ventsto draw impuritiestrom the weld zone. Thisspaceshouldnot allow theferrule shoulderta fit ander the template. Farther free adviee is available on the manufactureof these templates Iro* oar salesffice or local representative. Data sheets covertng weld strengths, weldability and safe tightening torquesare available upon request.
Soles Contoct: Technicol(ontoct:
R" tUeld Studs
SorneSpeciols:Mode to Order
om,thc colour denotes thc rnotEriEl os follours: A = Stoinless Steel tfitlt = tength Rfter Weld
tnt0x 1.5
Rnf! r I.?5
rder Ouontitier Fcr ttock lludr
|lfll6 x 2.0
TolersncesOD+/-0.5H+-0,4 Prujertion Weletr Bo[ts to Roter Engineerin;1 srnnelurrl06.A2.I 05 Issue 2 April 1990.
L =
Length ere'irrdlrr,g
.flunge. ry vgur ouJn design
Milcl Stee{ Squure v,eld nltts are stocked in M5, M6
& M8,
f?rrlJ dre
speciuls ttnd
su.ffictent deliver:,, tinre sltrtuld be nllowed.
Condltions of Sole: Our stuntlctrc! tannsund c'onditiotts ofsule upytlt, to all transurtir;trs,u t'op\' r4f llrcse ls rnc'loscd v'ith this lituuture. Further urpies of thcseunuilfirms are uyuilttble upon recluest.
M i n i m u m O r d e r ( h a r g e r t 2 0 . 0 ( )p t u sturriugr: turd VAT at the ('urrcnl rule. (orriogez
All prircs quorul ilre e.\ rlor('.r,utrriage vr,ill be c'harged
Fqx:01604 4E2cl46
Cartlflcote s of (onfcrmityl cre availcthle Theseere Jor all goacls. chargeahle und, if retguireel,flu,ts!he rrcguestec{ at time of orcler.
Tel ! 0I 694 790901
8.b o