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Strategic Communication
The Strategic Communication Group studies the dynamics and consequences of strategic communication related to life science issues. Such studies involve both the deliberate use of communication strategies by organizations that wish to connect to certain audiences, and the everyday communication strategies that people employ to achieve their own ends, often in response to governmental agencies, commercial companies, scientific communities, NGOs or managers in organizations.
10 18
The Philosophy Group studies ethical and philosophical issues in relation to the Wageningen domains. The group reflects on normative assumptions and implications of research and social practices concerning food production and consumption, public health, animal welfare and the environment, and aims to contributing to responsible practices and policies in these fields.
Knowledge, Technology & Innovation The Knowledge, Technology and Innovation group studies processes of social and technical innovation and transformation, with special attention to the communicative and socio-political dynamics involved in the production, exchange, integration and use of scientific and other knowledge. This involves studying technology’s impact on society and the social shaping of technology as two sides of a co-production process, and the analysis of interactions, interventions, design approaches and institutional set-ups relevant to enhancing and supporting innovation processes in society.
Communication Philosophy & Technology Centre for integrative development aims to understand the relation between the
life sciences and societal change The starting point of our research and education is that technical issues in agriculture, food, health and ecology are closely connected with social issues, such as human relations, democracy, equity and ethics.
CPT consists of three chairgroups
Strategic Communication (COM) Philosophy (PHI) and Knowledge, Technology & Innovation (KTI)
The art of
Dialogue 4
To prevent, define and solve life science problems numerous conversations take place between stakeholders with different backgrounds, values and interests. Research shows that these conversations easily lead to impasses, and even tension, conflict and polarisation among participants. This Strategic Communication project stems from the need of our societal partners to improve their conversation and dialogue skills, and from our scientific ambition to understand the dynamics in conversations and develop theoretically informed ways of supporting shared sense making.
Our food environment has changed dramatically in the past decades, which has been associated with the increase in overweight and obesity. Unhealthy foods are widely available at any place and any time of the day. Strategic Communication investigates the interplay between food environments and individual eating behaviour. Why are some people better able to resist temptations and how can individuals be supported in their attempts to eat healthy? We study how subtle cues in food environments may inadvertently spur unhealthy eating mindlessly. And how cues can be used for eating healthier.
Environmental Virtual Observatories for Connective Action (EVOCA) This interdisciplinary programme studies whether the revolution in mobile phone and internet availability in Africa offers new opportunities for fostering collective responses to challenges in crop, water, livestock and disease management.
The COM and KTI group both explore whether and how information and communication technologies (ICT) can be used to collect and analyse localised observations from citizens about infected crops, water availability or malaria-mosquito densities.
Health logos on food products, like ‘Ik Kies Bewust’ aim to support healthy choices by consumers. It is questioned whether the logo is effective in promoting health behaviour, especially among disadvantaged groups. Health logos may also stimulate the industry to innovate and develop healthier products. The Philosophy group explores drivers and barriers in the food industry to participate in such healthy food logos and analyse to what extent food companies have a moral responsibility to promote public health.
Healthy food who is responsible?
Noelle Aarts
Conny Almekinders
Strategic Communication
Interpretive analysis Natural resource management Environmental standards and knowledge Community-based conservation
Cultural, political and institutional embeddings of spatial planning and design
Participatory technology development Seed systems Interdisciplinary and action research Rural innovation
Bernice Bovenkerk
Strategic Communication
Guest researcher
Knowledge, Technology & Innovation
Communication and change Conflict and dialogue Framing Nature and landuse
Severine van Bommel
Kristof Van Assche
Luc Dinnissen
Deputy Manager Secretary
Design and communication
0317 - 483539
Environmental philosophy Animal ethics Deliberative democracy Climate ethics
Bart Gremmen
Mirjam Cevat
Gert Jan Hiddink
Strategic Communication
Ethics in life sciences Responsible innovation Animal welfare Genetic modification
Primary care physician – patient communication Practice nurse – patient communication Combined lifestyle interventions Nutrition and health communication
Josette Jacobs Philosophy Community based learning Honours investigation Sustainability dilemma’s Climate change
Cees Leeuwis
Rico Lie
Harro Maat
Chair Knowledge, Technology & Innovation
Knowledge, Technology & Innovation
Knowledge, Technology & Innovation
Innovation support Science-society interaction Agriculture, malaria, resource management
Communication for development Intercultural communication Audio-visual learning Tourism and development
User innovations Climate smart agriculture Genetic modification Health and development
Mieke Muijres
Bob Mulder
Multi-ethnic societies Intercultural communication
Psychology Health communication Behavior change Interpersonal and interventions
Strategic Communication
Responsible innovation Critical policy engagement Sociology of environment Deliberative methodology Governance of science and technology
Knowledge, Technology & Innovation Communication and innovation dynamics Partnership for inclusive development Transdisciplinary research ICT and rural development
Paul Richards
Niels Röling
Inge Ruisch
Emeritus professor Technology and Agrarian Development
Emeritus professor Extension Science
Stephen Sherwood Knowledge, Technology & Innovation
0317 - 482776
Emely de Vet
Jasper de Vries
Health communication Behavior change Public health Food and nutrition
Trust Spatial planning Sustainability Persuasion
Strategic Communication
Knowledge, Technology & Innovation
Annemarie van Paassen
Strategic Communication
Education coordinator 0317 - 482994
Philip Macnaghten
Strategic Communication
Modern food and agriculture Sociology of change Social movements Equity, health and sustainability
Cor van der Weele Philosophy Ambivalence and moral motivation Moral change Cultured meat Selective attention and ethics
Anne van den Ban (1928-2016)
Henk van den Belt
Founder and first Professor of Communication Science
Philosophy Life sciences Intellectual property Responsible innovation Controversies
Annette Dijkstra
Peter Feindt
Chair Strategic Communication
0317 - 484310
Kees Jansen
Ethics and new technologies Sustainable development Transcultural philosophy Science and (Christian) world view
Political ecology Pesticide risks, perceptions, regulation Greening of the agrarian question Development sociology and social justice
Vera Mentzel
Public sphere and debate Rationality Theories of society Globalisation
Risk communication Human-technology interactions Social psychology Risk perception Sustainable behavior
Jorinde Spook
Strategic Communication
Location-based communication Health communication technology Real-time monitoring and interventions Behavior change
Citizen engagement Civil society Climate change Advocacy Policy
Cathelijne Goossens Secretary 0317 - 486035 cathelijne.goossens@
Laurens Klerkx
Michiel Korthals
Knowledge, Technology & Innovation
Emeritus professor Applied Philosophy
Agricultural innovation systems Boundary work and objects Open and inclusive innovation Food value chains
Marijn Poortvliet Strategic Communication
Strategic Communication
Responsible innovation Philosophy of technology and innovation Business ethics Philosophy of management
Hedwig te Molder
Strategic Communication
Science-society interaction Discursive psychology Food and health Science and technology communication
Learning in innovation networks Sustainability transitions in agriculture and energy Reflexive monitoring Innovation management
Margit van Wessel
Environmental policy and planning Adaptive governance and sustainability
Knowledge, Technology & Innovation
0317 - 483537
Education coordinator 0317 - 482994
Barbara van Mierlo
Deputy Manager
Leon Pijnenburg
Vincent Blok
Guest researcher
Environmental and agricultural policy Conflict resolution Political communication Animal welfare
Henk Jochemsen
Knowledge, Technology & Innovation
Raoul Beunen
Bea Prijn
Reint Jan Renes
Deputy Manager
Strategic Communication
0317 - 484178
Social psychology Behavior change Health communication Persuasive design
Sietze Vellema
Marcel Verweij
Knowledge, Technology & Innovation
Chair Philosophy Public health ethics Responsible innovation Infection, vaccination and risk Nudging
Value chains and partnerships Trade and collectivity Coordination and improvisation Interdisciplinarity and practice
Loes Witteveen
Dvora Yanow
Guest researcher
Guest researcher
Communication for social change Mediated learning Development studies
Communication of meaning in organizational and policy settings
Cees Van Woerkum Emeritus professor Communication Science
People tend to select and form their pets according to their own standards. Animal domestication raises many moral questions, such as ‘How far are we allowed to go when interfering with animals’ genetic make-up?’, ‘What moral issues are raised by the de-domestication of animals in nature areas?’, and ‘Is it justified to keep animals in captivity?’.
PHI 14
Domestication ethics of
PERIOD 1 MORNING Introduction to strategic communication
Noelle Aarts | CPT-12306 This course offers a large overview of the most important theories and insights of strategic communication in the context of change, illustrated by concrete strategic problems related to the life sciences. In an essay, you apply the theories and insights to a topic of your own choice.
Introduction to technology, agro-ecology and development
Conny Almekinders | CPT-21304 This course offers an introduction to theories and methodologies that conceptualize the interaction between science, technology and society, with a focus on agricultural and ecological processes.
Introductio to communication and innovation studies
Cees Leeuwis | CPT-23804 This advanced introductory course describes how and why our thinking about the role of communication in processes of individual and collective change has evolved historically. We touch on strategies such as advisory communication, persuasion, participatory innovation development and the facilitation of societal learning and conflict management.
Research methods for communication sciences
Bob Mulder | CPT-25306 The course focuses on strategies, methodologies, methods, techniques and tools that are relevant for interdisciplinary communication research in a life science context. Students become acquainted with selected qualitative and quantitative approaches to interdisciplinary communication research. Exemplary cases of research practice and practical exercises (individual and group) support an active learning process. NEW COURSE Philosophy and ethics
of management, economics and consumer behaviour
Vincent Blok, Henk van den Belt, Marcel Verweij | CPT-38306 The recent economic crises and corporate scandals show the importance of critical thinking and ethical reflection in business and market contexts. The aim of this course is to strengthen our capacity to critical thinking, as a basis for better decisions and practices. We explore the pretentions and limitations of (economic) science in producing objective knowledge; we explicate and test basic assumptions of economics, market, and politics; and we analyse ethical dilemmas in business administration and consumer policies.
PERIOD 1 AFTERNOON Ethics of science and technology (from the perspective of Christian philosophy)
Henk Jochemsen | CPT-93303 Course continues in period 2, afternoon The use of science and technology should respect fundamental ethical principles and values. What are such ethical principles and values and what are the corresponding views of reality? In the first part general introductions will be given into philosophy of technology and ethics. In the second part of the course we will study
developments in biotechnology, nanotechnology and synthetic biology and their applications in agriculture and biomedicine, from a Christian (reformational) perspective, in debate with other views.
Advanced social theory
Kees Jansen | CPT-55306 This course enables students to select an inspiring theoretical framework for social scientific research. The course consists of lectures and discussion groups on influential approaches and issues in social scientific theorizing. This is an advanced course, typically for highly motivated students who are not afraid for theoretical abstraction and close reading and intensive discussions of key texts in contemporary social theory. The course focusses on original texts from key authors (examples are Bourdieu, Collins, Foucault, Habermas, etc.), which help you to build a strong foundation in social theory.
Applied ethics
Josette Jacobs | CPT-65000 Also in period 2 and 5, afternoon You will start by facing a concrete ethical dilemma from daily life. Next to that you will do a practical exercise, linked to an ACT-project or to your individual experience. You will be working in groups, supported by staff. Students prepare and give a lecture abour one ethical theory and build up an individual portfolio.
Philosophy of science
Josette Jacobs | CPT-65100 Also in period 2 and 5, afternoon The starting venue of the course is ‘HET DEPOT’, a sculpture art gallery in Wageningen. In this museum you will ‘experience’ reality by an artwork and you will start philosophize by looking at an artwork. Next to this, you will prepare and give a lecture about one Philosophy of Science theory and build up an individual portfolio.
PERIOD 1 WHOLE DAY Interdisciplinary approaches in communication, health and life sciences
Annemarie van Paassen | CPT-36312 This Master introduction course addresses the central issues in communication and health and society programmes. After an introduction into system thinking and philosophy of science and ethics, the course presents specific health and environmental issues from various inter- and transdisciplinary research perspectives. You apply a trans-disciplinary research approach in a real life case of the bio-economy or food- and health transitions.
PERIOD 2 MORNING Innovation management and transdisciplinary design
Laurens Klerkx, Barbara van Mierlo | CPT-22806 Also in period 5, afternoon This course introduces recent theoretical insights from innovation theory and presents existing efforts and approaches for inter-disciplinary design. In a cross-disciplinary team, you make a social-technical problem analysis around a topic of your choosing, and develop design criteria, research agendas and/or process designs as early steps in a possible innovation trajectory.
Communication and persuasion
Jasper de Vries | CPT-23306 This course deals with basic principles of persuasion and social influence in communication from different perspectives. You apply theoretical knowledge about communication and persuasion in designing your own persuasive campaign. NEW COURSE Ethics of food and
Marcel Verweij | CPT-38803 Also in period 6, afternoon Modern society faces many problems in relation to food, nutrition, and health: malnutrition, overweight, alcohol abuse, food poisoning, etc. What are the ethical responsibilities of professionals, consumers, governments, and companies to tackle these problems? Different ways of ethical thinking are presented and students learn to formulate questions and test ethical arguments. In this way, they reflect on their study area and develop skills to analyse and discuss ethical dilemmas in their future career, and be capable to justify difficult professional choices.
PERIOD 2 AFTERNOON Ethics of science and technology (from the perspective of Christian philosophy)
Henk Jochemsen | CPT-93303 First part in period 1, afternoon The use of science and technology should respect fundamental ethical principles and values. What are such ethical principles and values and what are the corresponding views of reality? In the first part general introductions will be given into philosophy of technology and ethics. In the second part of the course we will study developments in biotechnology, nanotechnology and synthetic biology and their applications in agriculture and biomedicine, from a Christian (reformational) perspective, in debate with other views.
Professional ethics for communicaton specialists Leon Pijnenburg | CPT-11303 This course focuses on ethical dilemmas of science communication and the degree of openness about (financial, professional, and personal) conflicts of interest. Communication will be discussed in relation to argumentation and public debate. Ethical dilemmas of science communication are illustrated by debates on global environmental change.
Philosophy of science and ethics
Leon Pijnenburg | CPT-10803 General introduction into the philosophy of science and ethics. During the meetings a ‘step by step ethical manual’ will be discussed and applied, using concrete examples. You choose an example that you ethically analyse and discuss in a paper, using the ethical manual as your point of departure.
Communication theory
Rico Lie | CPT-12806 This course offers a survey of communication theories. The emphasis is on interpersonal communication, public forms of communication and on the broad sociological functioning of old and new communication and information technologies and processes.
Environmental communication and responsible innovation
Philip Macnaghten | CPT-22306 The course offers an introduction to theories and approaches to environmental communication, on how to embed environmental communication strategies in society, and on the practical skills required to develop, design, facilitate and test responsible communication practices.
Advanced communication science
Barbara van Mierlo, Peter Feindt | CPT-33806 This course explores the latest developments in
the field of communication science. It includes topics like framing in conflicts, monitoring system innovation and participation mediated by filming. The programme concentrates on processes of innovation and social change and the role of communication therein. NEW COURSE Politics of knowledge and
inclusive innovation
Cees Leeuwis | CPT-37306 This course zooms in on the mechanisms and configurations that influence whether processes of social and technical innovation and transformation become inclusive, responsive and democratic. Special attention is given to the power and politics involved in processeses of knowledge and meaning making in the context of the formulation of development scenario’s, the organisation of value chains and communication for development.
Applied ethics
Josette Jacobs | CPT-65000 Also in period 1 and 5, afternoon You will start by facing a concrete ethical dilemma from daily life. Next to that you will do a practical exercise, linked to an ACT-project or to your individual experience. You will be working in groups, supported by staff. Students prepare and give a lecture abour one ethical theory and build up an individual portfolio.
Philosophy of science
Josette Jacobs | CPT-65100 Also in period 1 and 5, afternoon The starting venue of the course is ‘HET DEPOT’, a sculpture art gallery in Wageningen. In this museum you will ‘experience’ reality by an artwork and you will start philosophize by looking at an artwork. Next to this, you will prepare and give a lecture about one Philosophy of Science theory and build up an individual portfolio.
PERIOD 3 AFTERNOON Communication and technology
Bob Mulder | CPT-24803 This intensive course provides insights into theoretical and practical-strategic matters of communication about novel technologies and their application in society, e.g. novel products, foodstuffs or medical services. Special attention will be given to the life sciences and life science technologies such as biotechnology, genomics and (bio-)nanotechnology. The course will introduce relevant perspectives from innovation theory, social psychology and sociology. Working in small groups, students analyse the communication issues around a specific technological innovation, conduct a small piece of focus group research and develop a communication plan.
PERIOD 3 WHOLE DAY Communication and organisations
Margit van Wessel | CPT-35306 Organisations constantly interact to stay in tune with their environments. In this course, we take up the questions of why and how of external and internal communication of organisations, zooming in on key themes and challenges. In a group case study, you put theory into practice in a real life example. NEW COURSE Researching socio-
technical practices, innovation and responsible futures
Sietze Vellema, Philip Macnaghten | CPT-37806 Also in period 5, afternoon The course starts from the premise that science and innovation are transformative, that they have the power to create futures and vulnerabilities, and that unless we make innovation processes responsive to the needs of social actors and the bio-material, future changes will occur without explicit societal shaping, commonly driven by the power of incumbent interests and the delegation of ‘the good’ to market forces. The course teaches
students how to research the relation between socio-technical practives, innovation processes and responsible futures.
Facilitating interactive processes
Annemarie van Paassen | CPT-60306 Awarded Excellent Education Prize 2016 To deal with the complexity of rural development, social welfare and public health problems, standardised learning processes often prove inadequate. This course aims at equipping ‘new’ professionals with facilitation skills and knowledge. Though interactive lecturing, group work, case studies, presentations and role plays, the course enhances your capacity to translate conceptual ideas into actual intervention practice.
PERIOD 4 AFTERNOON Philosophy of culture (from the perspective of Christian philosophy)
Henk Jochemsen | CPT-92803 Course continues in period 5, afternoon A philosophical analysis of the major tensions and problems behind the major crises in our world (of finance, food and fuel) will lead us to the identification of deeper ideological, spiritual and moral motives in our culture. Based on these analyses we will, from a reformational perspective, work towards an alternative, liberating view on just and sustainable development of our culture and of cooperation in development.
PERIOD 4 WHOLE DAY Risk communication
Marijn Poortvliet | CPT-24306 This intensive course provides insight into theoretical and practical-strategic matters of risk communication. Special attention will be given to life science hazards such as climate change, food (production), zoonoses, and water management and life science technologies like biotechnology, genomics and nanotechnology. You will work on multi-stakeholder analysis on the topic of a particular hazard.
Social justice, technology and development
Kees Jansen | CPT-30806 This course deals with theories and concrete situations in which social justice issues are intertwined with technological change. Notions from political philosophy, science and technology studies, development studies, sociology and anthropology are used to analyse inequality, poverty, power in social transformations, and representations of injustice.
Intercultural communication
Rico Lie | CPT-35806 This course offers a survey of theories and issues related to communication across cultural borders. The course explores areas of interest such as: changing identities; religions; gender issues; social and family issues; the existence of different worldviews; the role of the mass media; individualism vs. collectivism; the role of language; time and space across cultures; the role of culture in international development; multicultural health care. NEW COURSE Critical reflection on
research in international development practice Harro Maat, Severine van Bommel, Leon Pijnenburg | CPT-36806 There are many research-related acticities in aid programs and development projects. Different research designs and methodological strategies are used in various stages of development intervention, for different purposes, and with different societal audiences in mind. In this course students learn to critically reflect upon the epistemological, normative, ethical and political aspects of research in international development practice.
PERIOD 5 MORNING Technology, development and natural resources
Harro Maat, Sietze Vellema | CPT-11806 The central focus of this course is the interactions between society, technology and natural resources. The course focuses on the practical challenges, problems and solutions of these interactions, as well as the understanding of these interactions by a variety of concepts, theories and approaches. You write an essay on at least one of the core issues of the course
Life sciences for communication scientists
Bob Mulder | CPT-14306 Using models and theories from science communication, this course surveys dominant and alternative ways of thinking about technology and societal change in the life sciences. The course concentrates on six domains: health, food, urbanisation, climate change, natural resource management, and sustainability related to food and fibre production. At the end of the course, students Communication Sciences will be able to make an informed choice which of the six domains to select as their focus area (‘track’) in following courses and their BSc thesis.
Health communication and innovation
Emely de Vet | CPT-32306 This course focuses on communication in the context of efforts to prevent diseases, promote healthy practices and/or induce changes in physical, social and institutional environments that influence human health. You apply the theoretical notions in the analysis of an existing health communication intervention.
Research for effective communication
Severine van Bommel | CPT-34806 The development of an individual research proposal in the area of communication for intervention is a central activity in this course. You develop a problem statement and research questions, learn to find and use literature, develop a conceptual and theoretical framework, and take decisions about research approach, design and methodology.
PERIOD 5 AFTERNOON Philosophy of culture (from the perspective of Christian philosophy)
Henk Jochemsen | CPT-92803 First part in period 4, afternoon A philosophical analysis of the major tensions and problems behind the major crises in our world (of finance, food and fuel) will lead us to the identification of deeper ideological, spiritual and moral motives in our culture. Based on these analyses we will, from a reformational perspective, work towards an alternative, liberating view on just and sustainable development of our culture and of cooperation in development.
Biology and philosophy; exploring open questions
Cor van der Weele | CPT-10303 Not all questions concerning biology have definite answers, some are more open. In this course, we focus on open questions in two areas: philosophy of science and ethics. During the exploration of philosophical questions concerning biology you will learn theoretical approaches as well as some practical skills that help to deal with them constructively.
Communication and policy making
Margit van Wessel, Stephen Sherwood, Peter Feindt | CPT-21806 This course provides you with theory and engagements with practice by which you learn to describe and analyse the dynamics and functions of political communication in formal settings, different political publics, and grassroots
movements; and to appreciate the challenges and opportunities of political communication for the project of democracy.
Innovation management and transdisciplinary design
museum you will ‘experience’ reality by an artwork and you will start philosophize by looking at an artwork. Next to this, you will prepare and give a lecture about one Philosophy of Science theory and build up an individual portfolio.
Laurens Klerkx, Barbara van Mierlo | CPT-22806 Also in period 2, morning This course introduces recent theoretical insights from innovation theory and presents existing efforts and approaches for inter-disciplinary design. In a cross-disciplinary team, you make a social-technical problem analysis around a topic of your choosing, and develop design criteria, research agendas and/or process designs as early steps in a possible innovation trajectory.
Change, inter-human processes and communication
Noelle Aarts | CPT-32806 Awarded Excellent Education Prize 2016 In this course we try to understand change and change management by analysing how people actually communicate when they are confronted with new developments. Starting from a complexity approach, we will focus on a range of inter-human processes, as they emerge in interpersonal communication. In a paper, you analyse a real-life issue from a dynamic communication perspective.
Communication strategies in everyday life
Hedwig te Molder | CPT-33306 The course is concerned with the study of reallife interaction (Discursive Psychology) and its application to life science areas such as healthy food and vaccination, the environment and eHealth counselling. Online/offline interaction with stakeholders or publics is now at the heart of most policy processes. In this course you learn to analyse interaction and to facilitate it. NEW COURSE Researching socio-
technical practices, innovation and responsible futures
Sietze Vellema, Philip Macnaghten | CPT-37806 Also in period 3, whole day The course starts from the premise that science and innovation are transformative, that they have the power to create futures and vulnerabilities, and that unless we make innovation processes responsive to the needs of social actors and the bio-material, future changes will occur without explicit societal shaping, commonly driven by the power of incumbent interests and the delegation of ‘the good’ to market forces. The course teaches students how to research the relation between socio-technical practives, innovation processes and responsible futures.
Life science communication and learning in the digital age
Peter Feindt, Emely de Vet, Tim Stevens | CPT53806 This course investigates how the digital age affects the communication between scientists and societal audiences and the way people learn about contested and ill-defined issues related to environment, sustainability, health, biodiversity and natural resource management. Using a real case, you critically examine how ICTmediated interaction creates both challenges and opportunities for scientists.
Applied ethics
Josette Jacobs | CPT-65000 Also in period 1 and 2, afternoon You will start by facing a concrete ethical dilemma from daily life. Next to that you will do a practical exercise, linked to an ACT-project or to your individual experience. You will be working in groups, supported by staff. Students prepare and give a lecture abour one ethical theory and build up an individual portfolio.
Philosophy of science
Josette Jacobs | CPT-65100 Also in period 1 and 2, afternoon The starting venue of the course is ‘HET DEPOT’, a sculpture art gallery in Wageningen. In this
Methods for effective communication
Mieke Muijres | CPT-13306 In this course you learn to develop, design and evaluate communicative interventions in a scientifically sound manner. You write a communication plan tailored to a specific real-life situation.
Ethics, health and society
Marcel Verweij | CPT-13806 In this course key ethical concepts, values and approaches, that are central for health and society, are explored and applied. You learn to analyse the argumentative structure of texts, engage in ethical case discussions with help of a deliberation format analyse, and write a short essay about a moral problem in public health care. NEW COURSE Ethics of food and
Marcel Verweij | CPT-38803 Also in period 2, morning Modern society faces many problems in relation to food, nutrition, and health: malnutrition, overweight, alcohol abuse, food poisoning, etc. What are the ethical responsibilities of professionals, consumers, governments, and companies to tackle these problems? Different ways of ethical thinking are presented and students learn to formulate questions and test ethical arguments. In this way, they reflect on their study area and develop skills to analyse and discuss ethical dilemmas in their future career, and be capable to justify difficult professional choices.
Environmental philosophy and ecological restoration
Bernice Bovenkerk, Bart Gremmen | CPT-50306 This course presents a systematic overview of the main cognitive, normative and expressive issues within the field of environmental philosophy, and zooms in on two protracted and heated debates within environmental philosophy: about the value of ecological restoration and about the moral status of native and exotic plant and animal species within ecological restoration projects.
Selective attention and ethics (Philosophy from a humanistic perspective)
Cor van der Weele | CPT-94803 We live among an overload of information. How to deal with that is an increasing challenge, since our attention is limited and therefore inevitably selective. Using perspectives from science, philosophy and art, this course teaches you to recognise and explain patterns, practices, challenges and mechanisms of selective attention. You learn to reflect on selective attention from moral points of view, and imagine and devise ways to investigate attention in practice.
EDUCATION COORDINATORS Mieke Muijres (COM & KTI) 0317 - 48 29 94 Leon Pijnenburg (PHI) 0317 - 48 44 05
What would happen if banana are no longer available in shops, markets or farms? This alarming message was triggered by the global re-emergence of Panama disease. Backyard producers, smallholders, cooperatives and large-scale plantations are all at risk. Banana is important in trade and for ensuring daily access to food and income in developing countries. Understanding how different private and public actors coordinate responses to this threat contributes to dialogue in the Philippine context of land conflict and social tensions. KTI researchers take an interdisciplinary approach to study responses to problems at different levels in different agro-ecological environments and governance structures.
Panama disease in 18
The prevalence of malaria and the absence of cheap electricity pose serious challenges to development in regions of Africa. Wageningen entomologists have designed a mosquito trap that runs on solar power. They have integrated this into a home solar power system that also provides light and telephone charging facilities. A KTI study is carried out on an island in Lake Victoria, Kenya, whereby all house are provided with a SOLARMAL system. We have studied the social processes around this experiment, with special attention to citizen concerns, livelihood impacts and the social-organisational conditions that are required to make such a system sustainable.
Solar power against
KTI 21
Communication, health and society (WUCHS)
Communication for change (WUCCH)
This BSc minor provides students with an in-depth understanding of multiple social and bio-physical environmental determinants of health, and their interaction at the individual, local and global level. The BSc minor combines expertise from health psychology, social psychology, health promotion, epidemiology and communication. Overall, the BSc minor aims to give students insight into the multiple causes of and solutions for health issues, to understand the interdependence of the causes and teach them how to address problems through health promotion actions, strategic communication and policy.
The BSc Minor Communication for Change gives students a comprehensive introduction to the interdisciplinary field of applied communication sciences. After a general introduction, the BSc minor offers basic insight in social psychological mechanisms and offers specialised courses to zoom in first on communication and individual change, and later on communication and organisational change.
Introduction to strategic communication
CPT-12306 | period 1 | morning | compulsary course
Introduction to epidemiology and public health HNE-24806 | period 1 | afternoon | restricted optional course 1
Social psychology
MCB-10806 | period 1 | afternoon | restricted optional course 1
Environmental assets for health
HSO-20306 | period 2 | morning | compulsary course
Communication theory
CPT-12806 | period 2 | afternoon | restricted optional course 1
Health psychology
HSO-20806 | period 3 | morning + afternoon | compulsary course
BSc Minor coordinator Mieke Muijres 0317-482994
Introduction to strategic communication
CPT-12306 | period 1 | morning | restricted optional course 1
Social psychology
MCB-10806 | period 1 | afternoon | restricted optional course 1
Communication and persuasion
CPT-23306 | period 2 | morning | compulsary course
Communication theory
CPT-12806 | period 2 | afternoon | restricted optional course 1
Communication and organisations
CPT-35306 | period 3 | morning & afternoon | compulsary course
Effective communication in life science contexts (WUELC) The advanced BSc Minor Communication, Research and Practice deals with several aspects of the relation between scientific research and communication practice. In their future work, many students with a life science or social science background will be confronted with societal responses to research findings, the setting of research agenda’s in support of societal innovation, and the design of communication research as a preparation for communication planning. In this minor students come to grips with the different ways in which communication can relate to research.
Risk communication
CPT-24306 | period 4 | whole day | compulsary course
Research for effective communication CPT-34806 | period 5 | morning | compulsary course
Innovation management and transdisciplinary design CPT-22806 | period 5 | afternoon | restricted optional course 1
Life-Science communication and learning in the digital age CPT-53806 | period 5 | afternoon | restricted optional course 1
Methods for effective communication CPT-13306 | period 6 | morning | compulsary course
Quantified self (WUQFS) Innovative technical applications to support self-monitoring by individuals are emerging, e.g. smart watches, activity/sleep trackers, sensors. These developments have the potential to revolutionize the collection of valid dietary and lifestyle data and to support consumers in adopting and maintaining a healthy diet and active lifestyle by using self-monitoring and feedback mechanisms. Knowledge on behaviour, lifestyle, communication, intervention strategies and information technology are needed to assess opportunities and challenges. Therefore, this minor combines courses in the fields of nutrition and health research, communication science, and information technology.
Assessment of nutritional status
HNE-33903 | period 5 | morning | restricted optional course 1
Assessment of dietary intake
HNE-34403 | period 5 | morning | restricted optional course 1
Psychobiology of food choice and eating behaviour HNE-30306 | period 5 | morning | restricted optional course 1
Life-Science communication and learning in the digital age CPT-53806 | period 5 | afternoon | compulsary course
Applied information technology
INF-20806 | period 6 | morning | compulsary course
Quantified self: Monitoring dietary behaviour HNE-52306 | period 6 | afternoon | compulsary course
more information
strategic communication
knowledge, technology and innovation
visiting address De Leeuwenborch (building 201) Hollandseweg 1 6706 KN Wageningen The Netherlands postal address P.O. Box 8130 6700 EW Wageningen The Netherlands secretariat De Leeuwenborch, room 4034 0317 - 484310