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Energy Management and Renewable Energy

Energy Management and Renewable Energy

PROBLEM SOLVING Analyze the problems so that they can be fully and promptly including, it is particularly important to find solutions. Our company was born from the right "technique" will to find solutions. The winning idea: combining research and labor force. The selection of highly qualified human resources able to analyze, monitor and solve issues related to the environment, operating mainly in the areas:





taking advantage of qualified partnership in the various fields of action to deliver innovative solutions and globally economically profitable.

TEAM BUILDING Working toward goals, to know and recognize in the mission and corporate values, to evaluate and appreciate abilities, skills, potentials of individuals. These are the values in which the team of EcoSystem Italia recognizes and by which offers itself as a corporate supplier of tools needed to carry out activities of ENERGY MANAGEMENT through ENERGY AUDIT. It is a very accurate analysis through technical inspections and detailed relevant documentation. Consumption and energy costs data are collected on the electrical, thermal, water and vapor utilities, on the basis of these data, we proceed to the optimized restructuring of the models.

Ecosystem Italia stands as the only consulting reference on energy efficiency. %*''64*0/ 0' "/

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PARTNERSHIP The technical area is headed by "ECO STUDIO E RICERCA" well-managed and operated by a team of environmental engineers and economists with years of experience dedicated to “renewable energy�, in synergy with the research center of the University of Pisa and of the University of Naples Federico II. The environmental area, coordinated by selected biologists and geologists, is entrusted with the ongoing search for territories where promote national and international innovations and renewable.

On the basis of

actual consumption needs, use the most suitable energy source.

RATIONAL USE OF ENERGY SOURCES Ecosystem Italia is able to achieve renewable energy plants of various types using those technologies that, with the same performance provided, guarantee a lower primary energy consumption: PHOTOVOLTAIC AND SOLAR PLANTS today is surely the most widespread technology in the production of renewable energy. Using the sun as an inexhaustible source of energy production cycle, thanks to the absence of polluting emissions and particularly of greenhouse gases, is virtually zero impact on the environment. In addition, the installation of the equipment mainly aims at the rehabilitation of the structures on which one works in full compliance with the environmental standards through feasibility studies on suitable sites identified and classified. BIOMASS PLANTS they are plants to produce electricity using biomass as fuel which are composed of animal origin (flour, fat, poultry droppings) or of vegetable origin (agricultural waste, wood chips, waste crusher, crushed dried leaves, derivatives of sawmill) CDR which is the waste fuel that is counted among the biomass. BIOGAS PLANTS they aim to produce biogas, through fermentation of biomass, which is used to produce electrical and thermal energy. Anaerobic digestion is a complex biological process by which a special microbial flora in the absence of oxygen transforms organic matter into biogas, consisting primarily of methane and carbon dioxide. COGENERATION PLANTS allow the combined production of electricity and heat in a single system by increasing the efficiency of fossil fuel use up to over 80%, significantly reducing the emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases. REPLACING OLD TECHNOLOGY the gradual replacement of old light sources with LED technology enables significant energy savings especially in commercial, industrial and public where the turn-on of the light sources are greater, and where the life of the LEDs, far superior to the old lamps makes it advantageous also the maintenance. with great savings of costs and emissions.

solar energy

that impacts the Earth is about 15.000 the world's energy needs


WHY DO WE HAVE TO POINT TO USE SOLAR ENERGY? The sun is an inexhaustible source of energy, at least for our time perspectives. It is the only "external" energy source with respect to the resources available on our planet, with the exception of the energy derived from tidal cycle currently difficult to apply and economically unprofitable. Solar energy is distributed much more evenly on the planet than all other current energy sources.

LIGHT WIND POWER PLANTS Small wind turbines up to 200 kW Thanks to its design, which makes it a pleasant architectural element, to the VAWT technology that allows it to catch the wind from all directions and a visual and acoustic virtually nil, the line of turbines Sky Line meet the standards set by our engineers as well as having a wide range of applications and can be easily introduced in a variety of landscape contexts.

Sky Line micro wind turbines The Sky Line micro wind turbines are produced in Italy by Ewind, division of the En-eco S.p.A. group, and they are realized with high tech materials (carbon fiber). Their strengths are reduced size and weight along with 100% Italian and innovative design. SL-10 The first of the series. The 1 kW SL-10 is the turbine with the best power/dimension ratio and is thus suitable for every kind of environment. Easily installed in urban environments and on coverings, the SL-10 micro turbine is ideal for appliances characterized by low/medium consumption and also for use as part of a series. In addition, thanks to its virtually nonexistent environmental impact, excellent performance, Italian design and possibility of customization, SL-10 works perfectly as an ethical-promotional device for both companies and public bodies. Specifications: Average diameter: 2 m - Height: 2 m - Swept area: 4 m2 - Weight: 68 Kg SL-30 With 3kW of power, SL-30 was mainly created to perfectly meet the energetic needs of both domestic and industrial small/medium appliances. Used as part of a series, SL-30 can create large systems. These are excellent for supporting activities with larger energy needs such as country hotels, seaside resorts, small and medium enterprises, factories, as well as private appliances. Specifications: Average diameter: 3,2 m - Height: 3,5 m - Swept area: 11,2 m2 - Weight: 190 Kg

Green energy engine of the world

WIND POWER TREE Energy Management and Renewable Energy

The Tree Wind a mix of technology and urban green for a double result on the Kyoto Protocol:

t zero CO2 emissions

on the production of energy from the wind;

t production of oxygen

through a flooded true palm plant.

THE TECHNOLOGY TREE NOT ONLY A LOT OF CLEAN ENERGY... The only one in the world able to combine high production of electricity from an alternative source, along with a real palm plant, with countless other auxiliary functions: t 4USFFU GVSOJUVSF XJUI USVF WFHFUBUJPO t -JHIUJOH t 404 QPJOU EJTUSFTT t *OUFSOFU 8J 'J QPJOUT t 7JEFP TVSWFJMMBODF t &MFDUSJDBM TFSWJDF DBS CJLF TIBSJOH QPJOUT t 1BSLJOH UJDLFU NBOBHFNFOU PS FMTF QPJOUT t 614 QPXFSFE CZ BNPSQIPVT

auxiliary and other needs can be managed remotely electronically.

ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE Construction and maintenance Bridges; Detected road; Milling, paving road asphalt with conventional or modified bitumen with whom you have the option of realizing highly flooring, armor networks with the possibility of reinforcing self-adhesive fiberglass; Road surface marking and vertical barriers road safety and noise in steel, wood and concrete armed.

THE INCLINED ELEVATOR The inclined elevator is an engineering work unique in size and height considered differences. With a cabin that allows the connection of two pedestrian zones located at different heights with a height greater than 100 meters, and a covered distance of 170 meters in just over a minute, to date, is the longest elevator in Italy.

A cutting-edge technological equipment, geared to provide maximum safety of the structure. An advanced communication system, run by Siemens PLC, allows you to get under control at all times vital parameters of the structure: weights, contact A / V users; telemetry engine and safety systems.

Technical Specifications 3000 kg capacity capability of 40 people speed of 2.5 m /s Construction: MACO Srl

INFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE ENVIRONMENTALLY SUSTAINABLE HARBOUR Recognized by the Presidency of the โ European Movement Diversabili Associatesโ best harbour project with zero barriers and greater usability for people with disabilities. The project of the Environmentally Sustainable Harbour carried out by Ecosystem Italia is characterized by a high degree of technological innovation with low environmental impact and zero barriers, primarily by pursuing the following objectives: t PQUJNJ[F UIF CVJMEJOH FOWJSPONFOU SFMBUJPOTIJQ JO UFSNT PG MPDBUJPO JO UIF area to optimize the resources and above all free energy contributions for the houses on the water that can be energy independent; t JOUFHSBUF IBSCPVS CVJMEJOHT XJUI QMBOUT UIBU VTF BMUFSOBUJWF FOFSHZ BOE DMFBO sources as: solar, photovoltaic, wind and hydrogen systems; t EFรถOF UIFSNBM JOTVMBUJPO QFSGPSNBODF PG CPVOEBSZ FMFNFOUT JO PSEFS UP improve the energy performance through the shape and constitution of the building elements and their relationships both internal (that is the coupling of materials) and external (coupling of the components) to maximize the reduction of energy consumption; t EFUFDU BOE NBOBHF UISPVHI B TZTUFN PG BVUPNBUJD DPOUSPM IPNF BVUPNBUJPO the entire harbour as well as hygrothermometric, light and sound factors in DPOรถOFE TQBDFT BOE JO UIF JNNFEJBUF TVSSPVOEJOHT t NPOJUPS JO SFBM UJNF BMM UIF CVJMEJOHT JO PSEFS UP WFSJGZ UIF VTFGVMOFTT BOE BDUVBM use of scenarios for the flexible use of alternative energy systems; t FTUBCMJTI B XPSLJOH MBCPSBUPSZ JO UIF BSFB UIBU DBO QSPWJEF SFQFBUBCMF SFTVMUT and methodological approach for measuring the energy savings obtainable from a management and control plant through the use of home automation devices.



Energy Management and Renewable Energy

HEAD OFFICE Via degli Scialoja n.3 - 00196 Roma - Italy tel. + - fax + HEAD QUARTERS P.zzaSS Triade, 10 - 03036 Isola del Liri (Fr) - Italy tel. +39.0776.80.06.05 - fax +39.0776.80.94.69


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