Unlocked: Binnel and Bunker Summer Exhibition By R oz W h ista nce
They are calling their summer exhibition Unlocked. For the artist enclave at Binnel Bay and The Bunker, that’s not simply an announcement of the return to near-normality. It sums up the space given by the weeks of lockdown in which to think, reflect, experiment, even to change
“When lockdown happened I felt I could breathe again,” says Celia Wilkinson, hinting that the demand on successful artists to fulfill commissions and exhibition commitments can be relentless. Binnel Studios is a colony of seven artists: three painters and four ceramicists. Once a year they open their studios – and themselves – to the visiting public. This year the Summer Exhibition is a double hander, as Binnel’s near neighbour, The Bunker, is also opening its doors. This little outpost in St Lawrence is awash with artistic innovation. New Binnel resident Sue Paraskeva has long been followed for her fine porcelain work. At Binnel she intends to build a kiln to explore wood ash glazing. “The root of the flame carries the ash around the whole kiln and the effect is magical.” She adds: “It’s very exciting to be part of this gang of creative spirits.” Jane Cox agrees, describing how fellow-ceramicists Molly Attrill and Matthew Chambers stepped in to help fire her largest shape to date, on show at Unlocked. Jane’s work is all about