STYLE | Food
Yoga breakfasts: for body and mind In f use your body, mind and spirit w ith v ita lity and streng th and set yourself up for an energetic and rewarding day a head. F uel your day the Yog i way w ith this delcious recipe by Evel y n Joyce, Co-Founder of Ba lance + Glo.
Ba la nce + Glo’s blueberr y a nd ba na na pa nca kes (vega n a nd gluten f ree)
Ingredients 1 ripe banana (mashed) 75g buckwheat flour 40g gluten-free oats 200ml almond milk 60g blueberries 1 tbsp maple syrup 1 tbsp chia seeds 1 tsp almond butter ½ tsp baking powder ½ tsp ground cinnamon Coconut oil for cooking To garnish: Extra berries, toasted seeds, grated lemon zest, and maple syrup Method Place the banana, flour, oats, almond milk, maple syrup, almond butter, baking powder, and ground cinnamon into a bowl. Mix well until there are no lumps. Stir in the chia seeds and leave to stand for 10 minutes. Add the blueberries into the bowl and stir for a final time. Place a frying pan over a medium heat and melt 1 tsp of coconut oil. Add 2 tbsp of the mixture to the pan per pancake and shape the mixture into circles using the spoon. Leave each pancake to cook for 2-3 minutes, until the bottom has browned. Flip the pancakes over and cook on the other side for another 1-2 minutes. Once you have cooked all the pancakes, create 2 stacks and top with your favourite garnishes.
"These pa nca kes a re sof t, f luf f y, a nd bursting w ith berr y goodness – Evely n is a Goddess in the k itchen!" - Jenny Stewa rt, Co-Founder of Ba la nce + Glo 50