the Style
A festive round-up of places to go, people to meet, and things to do across the Isle of Wight
‘Tis the season for…. P ick i n g the perfect tree Give someth i ng back th is yea r: at Staplehu rst Gra nge’s Wig ht Ch ristmas Trees £5 from each sa le goes d i rectly to the Pop-up Soup K itchen.
Ch r istma s mov ies – f rom you r ca r Wessex Ca ncer Trust’s festive favou rite Ch ristmas Drive-In Fi l ms is back ; screened i n the Robi n Hi l l ca r pa rk on Satu rday 20th a nd Su nday 21st November.
Getting your skates on
From Saturday 11th to Wednesday 22nd December, enjoy all-weather ice skating in Yarmouth on Ice’s Christmas marquee in the square. Bring on the festive fun (and falling over!)
Festive rea ds Need to u nplug th is Ch ristmas? Lucy Dav ies at the Med i na Bookshop i n Cowes recom mends T he Strays of Pa ris by Ja ne Sm i ley; a sweet stor y of u n l i kely friendsh ip between a ru naway racehorse, a g roup of rema rkable a n i ma ls a nd one lovely l ittle boy.
Shopping local
There are so many wonderful local craft events this season; from Quay Arts’ Christmas Cracker Weekend on the 27th and 28th November to the Briddlesford Christmas market on Sunday 5th December, featuring over 30 independent Island businesses, live festive music from Ben Stubbs and tasty seasonal refreshments aplenty.