2 minute read
DIY Worry Monsters
With Lauren Fry, Arts Educator
For generations, the people of Guatemala have crafted wire, wool and textiles into tiny figures that hold the power to bestow upon children the wisdom and knowledge to overcome their worries.
Worry dolls or worry people represent the legend of a Mayan princess named ‘Ixmucane’. The princess received a special gift from the sun god that allowed her to solve any problem a human could worry about. According to folklore, when you whisper worrisome thoughts, fears or sorrows to the little worry people, and tuck them under your pillow at night, by morning they will have worked their magic and taken away your worries.
In contemporary children’s literature worry dolls have transformed into a wide array of creatures and monsters, in this mindful and relaxing make we play with pipe-cleaners and wind wool to create our very own worry monsters, who love nothing more than gobbling up children’s troubles and concerns.
You will need:
Wooden pegs
(I have used dolly pegs but any wooden pegs are fine)
Googly eyes
Coloured tape (optional)

Don’t fancy a worry monster as your kind-hearted friend? The critter options are endless, from brave lions, to magical unicorns and even fearless dragons…..your caring creature can take any form you wish.

Step One:
The first thing we need to do is create the shape of our monster using pipe-cleaners wrapped around the peg, will your monster have horns? Long arms? Lots of arms? A tail?

Step Two:
It’s time to wrap your creature in wool. You can combine multiple colours in layers or stripes, use a little glue to secure the ends of the wool so your monster won’t unravel.
Step Three:

We all know everything is better with googly eyes and a monster can have as few or as many as you like. I’ve used neon tape to add feet and glowing cheeks to finish off my new thoughtful friend but your monster can look however you like, you could use sequins, feathers or fabric to bring your new worry-eating buddy to life.