Fashion Blogger Day Vienna - The Style Bible

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Style Bible

On the upcoming Sites, we will show you the ultimate Style

Guide for the Fashion Blogger Day, some Interviews with the likes of Diane Pernet or Susie Bubble and the Full Details of our I die. BaANNAs Party Marathon.

Fashion Blogger Day - The Style Bible Text by Cornelia Hasil Layout by Stefan Urschler produced by

as used in the 1940s, referred to aficionados of jazz, in particular modern jazz, which became popular in the early 1940s. The hipster adopted the lifestyle of the jazz musician, including some or all of the following: manner of dress, slang terminology, use of cannabis and other drugs, relaxed attitude, sarcastic humor, self-imposed poverty, and relaxed sexual codes. Early hipsters were generally white youths adopting many of the ways of urban blacks of the time, but later hipsters often copied the early ones without knowing the origins of the culture.� Image by

I’m still not sure, if I or a collective me should bemoan the loss of education and condition, or be contented about, as I likely never will be part of a methadone programme and apply myself to a bunch of cats until I die. On the other hand, Moe Tucker brought home the bacon too and did not fall off the bike apparently. However assuming none of you (me) have ever read Michael Leigh, it’s clearly to say that the storm and stress period is over, but oddly seems that one relic continues to pursue us: the banana. To my shame I have to admit that I’m terrified of bananas, as I believe they’ll cause my early death by giving me an overdose of potassium; but printed bananas, they’re okay. In fact, they’re even some kind of cute and of course very cool, but to a certain really bawdy, when thinking of Peaches and her boundless possibilities to use them. See, this generation just busies itself with fear-mongering and sexual debauch; and sometimes with keg parties – for distracting purposes. So, if you (me) are currently obsessed with conspiracy theories, I’m submitting a proposal to you now: I’ve got the perfect deflection for you (but don’t be afraid, ‘cause it has nothing to do with heroin); some bloggers (whatever that may be) are throwing a pool party on the 6th of June at Vienna’s altered Pratersauna. And they’re inviting you, yeah, really you!, to come over. Great, huh? But, there’s a little catch: in order to get in you have to be as rich as Anna Wintour. Or at least look like you were as rich as her. Never fear, I’m on your side, though. I can help you (I’ve got heroin): with the following tricks it’s gonna be nothing to finesse the cankered bouncers, who’re anxious for affluence. Images: Senja by Vogue Banana by Andy Warhol

Number One Wear a Wintour shirt. I really don’t know where you could get it, but the above mentioned definition of Hipster tells something of relaxed attitude, so just buy yourself a chemise at a Slovene flea market (may you wash it before donning) and draw a fucked-up witch on it. Supplies the need, too I think. Oh, and get yourself a pair of desperate-looking kids. Adoption agencies are badly friendly in Austria or wherever you come from, as there’re so many Biafra-children who’re waiting for a meal and some love. But visit the doctor prior.

Image by Christopher Lee Sauvé/Spring Shoot

Number Two If you can make it to convey the meaning of tropical calypso, you’ve won. It does not matter, whether you’ve ever been to a palm beach, or if your ancestors were African slaves; no, it’s good enough, when you’re listening to David Hasselhoff’s “Limbo Dance” from now on till the early hours of 6th. It also may help to gorge with Danone “Dany+Sahne Cocos” and to besmear yourself with it afterwards (but somehow I think you should bracket the last sentence). Whatever, if you don’t know what to wear, abide by Rihanna’s style, as she’s the so-called “Caribbean fire” – guess that implies a hula skirt and a coconut bra – no, wrong, I confused her with Josephine Baker. Okay, maybe you just impersonate Margaret Rutherford in “A Caribbean Mystery”. That’s an easy one.

Number Three It’s the classical Ponystep/Boombox-stuff they want. I’m aware of your eclecticism, as I’ve seen the spoil of it very often at our last cooperation – so maybe try a bit harder this time and start to internalize the spirit of whoever’s a bitch on cocaine: Clara Bow, the spawn of some rock stars, or VV from the Kills. Jingoism can also bail you out: tailor a flag into a dress, pants or whatsoever is fitting your bodyimaging best. (don’t forget: we’re an ideological monstrosity (Jörg Haider).)

Image by Alistair Allen (

Number Four

In case the weather will be fine and you aren’t a fat and sick sow, wear a bikini and a breathing protection. Don’t be angst-ridden, as no one will laugh at you: taking cover from crisis and H1N1 is more important than vulnerable sex in coppice. Added plus: people in increased circumstances will begrudge your mask! Admittedly, Brigitte Bardot never wore something like that around her mouth in leisure, but you can adhere to her look anyway: go for blond hair, a pout and extraordinary boobs. And firm lingerie as well.

the Don’ts or: the four Commandments You shall not wear Hawaiian shirts You shall not wear white, gray, brown, black (or no matter what

the color range

gives you) rip-shirts (NOTRB is over and we’re already sober) You shall not look that cheap (and furthermore important: you shall not have the wrong religion) You shall not have something against the death penalty.

Diane Pernet

Image by Zowie Broach

On June 6th, we will celebrate the first Fashion Blogger Day in Vienna together with and “unit f büro für mode”, during the 9 festival of fashion and photography. The Fashion & Style Icon Diane Pernet work close with the Festival to premiere her “A shaded view on Fashion Film” in Vienna and at the Fashion Blogger Day, Diane is part of the “Fash Clash - discussing the digital controversy” Panel. The Fashion 2.0 Pioneer talked with Maria from about Blogs, Austrian Designers, the ASVOFF Festival and more. Can you remember your first steps into web 2.0 and what was your motivation behind starting A Shaded View On Fashion? I started A Shaded View on Fashion in February 2005, at that time most of the blogs were political. A friend,, introduced me to lifeblogging, this was so new at that time that SFR, my carrier had no idea what it was and it passed through their system. The idea was that you could post onto your site directly from your phone. Total cinema verity. The height of my life blogging experience was when Mark Eley of Eley Kishimoto asked me to make the road movie for the launch of his menswear collection. This was the 3,000 miles in 6 days Gumball 3000 and in addition to filming an intimate road movie, which you can see on my blog as Adventure of Pleasure, I life blogged from London to Monte Carlo. It was quite wild and also quite expensive. I think my phone bill was something like 800 EUROS. After a year or two of life blog-

ging I decided it was a bit of a gimmick and that I could take higher resolution images with my digital camera instead of my phone. Prior to my own site I already had my place on the internet, first with Disciple Films where I had a section called Diane’s Diaries, then with where I reported on the shows and did designer profiles for the international site for about 3 1/2 years and then the same for Vogueparis. fr for several years. I decided to start my own site and to cover what I found interesting in the You´re the co-founder of the internet platform IQONS which connects creative of the fashion industry. Thinking about the beginning of your career the conditions of getting in touch with creative must have been very different then. How did you experience it? I was not the co-founder of IQONS, Rafael Jimenez was one of the two co-founders and when he started the site he said that it was not pos-

What do you think about the future of blogs in general? Will they substitute print media or complement them? I strongly believe in the future of blogs they offer a platform and create interaction between vast audiences around the planet. Blogs have a much larger reach than most print magazines and because of that all magazines, so it seems, have now created their own blogs. Some are more successful than others like Cathy Horyn for the New York Times. I think that print and the cyber world can support each other. I don’t think the internet needs a magazine, however we put one together as a support for the IQONS site, and it worked quite well, but print cannot exist without the web. That said , there are exceptions like Magazine (in Paris) the owner , Angela Cirimele, does not believe in the internet at all and prefers to only make a print magazine that talks about other magazines and offers very interesting editorials. I believe that print magazines will become more a place for reflection which is less what the internet is about. Thing is magazines can never report anything before the internet because we all have time constraints, even a daily newspaper cannot be first anymore. So for now, I would be happy to see the two supports each other but my primary interest is definitely the internet.

Full Interview available at

sible to do it without me since I was a reference already on the internet. The idea behind it is great but the reality is I think the mechanics of a site like Facebook works much better. More than anything the problem was not enough of an investment in the technology of the site. Things have changed tremendously over the past decades because of the internet . For instance now if I want to find a photographer in Vienna, or forgot the name of one I already knew, all I have to do is post a message on Facebook and in a few minutes I have the contacts of the people I knew and also links to great portfolios. That was the idea behind IQONS but it was not as successful as we would have liked it to be , more than anything it was just not user friendly enough. Everything took too many manipulations for one connection. However it still goes on and maybe they will put more money into the technology and gain a better foothold in the world of the web. I hope so because the idea was great and I enjoyed involving many talented creative in the beginning when we launched the site. I have not worked with them for more than a year and recently Rafael Jimenez, the real creative power behind the site, left.

Susie Bubble

From Diane Pernet to a very young style Icon. Susanna Lau aka Susie Bubble is part of the Fashion Blogger Day which will hit Vienna on June 6th. Another Interview by Maria from

Image by Nik Hartley

You are famous for your unique style. A lot of people call you `avantgarde´. Do you agree? How would you describe your own style? I wouldn’t say I’m avant garde in the strictest sense of the word. I probably think about my outfits more than most and don’t really restrict myself to one genre or another. I would say it’s eclectic. That’s probably the best word to use… Being a blogger myself I cannot remember exactly why I started my blog, but there was certainly the feeling that I wanted to share my ideas about fashion with others. What about you? Can you remember your first steps into web 2.0 and what was your motivation behind it? I think the bug bit me when I first started posting on a forum called The Fashion Spot. It was such a relief to join a community where people were likeminded and could be geeky about fashion. The blog was a natural progression from my heavy forum-posting…. I didn’t intend for it to a wide audience but it sort of organically happened that way. I just wanted to get back to the essence of fashion blogging which is that it’s a personal POV, my experiences, my observations, my feelings on things. First you started your own blog and then Dazed Digital recruited you to write for their website. How have you experienced the difference between working for commercial media and your blog? Dazed & Confused isn’t commercial media per se. It’s an independent publication with a very strong ethos that suits my way of thinking. Yes there are commercial implications but it isn’t something that I’m not used to. Afterall, I worked in digital advertising so I’ve probably seen both sides of the spectrum. The number of fashion blogs on the internet is rapidly growing and publishing companies as well as brands discovered advertising on blogs as a future market. Do you think this will endanger the freedom of speech like we´ve seen it in the past with print media? There will always be freedom of speech even if you are working with brands in some capacity or another. It’s up to the blogger to remain autonomous. He/she makes the choice ultimately and nobody can force them into commercial ties. What do you think about the future of blogs in general? Will they substitute print media or complement them? They will always compliment print media as print media is unlikely to just die off like the cassette format or something.

Don´t miss our Interviews with Imran Amed, Julia Knolle, Johannes Thumfart at

go international Talks

Fash Clash

Discussing the Digital Controversy The symposium on Saturday, 6 June 2009 is all about fashion blogging. As part of the Fashion Blogger Day under the title of “Fash Clash: Discussing the Digital Controversy“, also held at Bulgarisches Kulturinstitut Haus Wittgenstein, Parkgasse 18, 1030 Vienna, from 2 pm until 7 pm, a high-calibre expert team will discuss the theme under the direction of journalist Joachim Bessing, editor of the book “Tristesse Royale” (1999) and journalist for the “Welt am Sonntag”: Imran Amed – Julia Knolle – Birgitt Kohl – Business magazine FORMAT, Susanna Lau aka Susie Bubble – Diane Pernet – Johannes Thumfart – Süddeutsche Zeitung


I die BanANNAs

Celebrating FASHION 2.0

Pratersauna Pre - Opening

Visuals by ******** Der.Papst MissLiz

Party Hard Facts: Poolhaus Floor ******** The lovely JonJo (Durrr| London) mmmélanie (Trailer Trash | London) Etepetete (Berlin, Graz, Vienna) Live: Korrelator (On the fruit Rec.| Graz) werwolf (Vienna)

Afternoon Poolparty ****************from 2pm with Indikator (Strom.Club | Vienna) and the Winners of the Mix Contest

Bistro Floor ********** Anna Leiser (Resolut | Vienna) Dr. Blake (Praxis Dr. Blake | Vienna) Laminat (Filterqueen, Tanzmatratze | Vienna) Beppo Ton (Schönbrunner Technobande |Vienna) Kaltbecken Floor ********* Friedrich Locke (Pratersauna, Wurstsalon|Vienna) Markus Lindner(stadtpark musik|Vienna)

Venue: ***** PRATERSAUNA ‚in progress‘ Waldsteingartenstraße 135 1020 wien U2 messe/prater

Doors: 10pm Poolparty: 2pm Tickets: advanced sale: €9 | box office: € 12 poolparty: €4 (but included in the advanced sale) VIP: €30 (Ticket, Free Drinks, Goodie Pack inkl L.A. Star Cosmetic, V.I.P Lounge)

Tickets available at: & Jugendinfo WienXtra

Infos, Tickets and more at the official 9 festival Blog

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