2015-16 Annual Report

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the JEWISH experience

2015-2016 Annual Report

A Message from the President and Executive Director Over the past two years we’ve continued to witness dynamic growth and engagement in our Nashville Jewish community. The Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee plays a vital role in promoting opportunities that serve to enrich Jewish life for a diverse constituency that maintains wide and varied interests. In 2015, the Jewish Federation commissioned and sponsored the Nashville and Middle Tennessee Jewish Community Study. Working in concert with all of our local community partners to develop a comprehensive survey that was conducted by researchers at Brandeis University, we learned that we live in a Jewish community of highly involved individuals who participate in many aspects of Jewish life. To that end, we continue to strengthen the vital connection between Nashville and Israel both within and beyond our Jewish community. Just in the last year, we hosted a very successful Israel mission for mainline Christian Clergy, had local Jewish leaders participate in Governor Haslam’s Trade Mission to Israel, and we staged a CommUNITY Trip in March and April of 2016 with a record 83 participants representing all of our local congregations. Our deep and abiding commitment to the land and people of Israel remains steadfast as it moves towards the 70th anniversary of its independence as a modern state. We are concerned about Israel’s safety and security in an increasingly tumultuous and dangerous world, especially in the Middle East. In July of 2014, we came together as a united community, more than 500 strong, to rally for Israel as it was enduring daily rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip. Through our “Stop the Sirens”


campaign, we raised over $150,000 to provide emergency relief and respite support for Israel’s besieged citizenry. We did so not out of obligation but as an expression of partnership and solidarity with our many friends and colleagues in Israel and for those we do not know but recognize as part of our family all the same. We’ve built stronger bonds through our Israel Partnership2Gether program in the city of Hadera and in the nearby Eiron region. Through the Partnership, on both sides of the ocean, we participated in educator exchanges, teen exchanges, artist exhibitions, and last year five Nashville musicians were featured on “Kosher Cuts,” a CD produced by the Partnership. As we have said on many occasions, while it is always important to “Stand with Israel” the Jewish Federation will continue to vigorously promote opportunities to “Stand in Israel.” We are clearly on an upward trajectory—our Jewish community is growing, opportunities for participation in Jewish life are expanding, our Annual Campaign, with the generous support of our many loyal and generous donors has increased every year since 2010, is now approaching $2.5 million and our Jewish Foundation assets have topped $30 million for the first time ever! We invite every member of the Nashville Jewish community to join us for the excitement and vibrancy of Jewish life in Nashville. After all, you are part of the family! Carol Hyatt President Mark S. Freedman Executive Director

TOGETHER WE DO A WORLD OF GOOD Our successes in 2015-2016

The Jewish Federation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee has experienced incredible growth over the past two years. Our rapidly evolving programs and services to appeal to every age range demonstrate our commitment to enhance the Jewish experience for everyone in our community. We understand the dynamic nature of Nashville & Middle Tennessee and have helped foster the transformation of key initiatives to make them a success in our community. These are just a few of the highlights of our work since 2014 in our effort to better meet the future needs of our community. • We enriched the Jewish journey of 83 community members on our CommUNITY trip to Israel by providing an opportunity to experience Israel as a UNITED community. • We provided Jewish Education incentive grants to enrich every age at all stages of life throughout our community. • Our newly formed Welcoming Ambassadors Program has improved the experience of being a Jewish newcomer in our community by engaging Ambassadors to help those new to the area find their place in the local Jewish community. • We have united diverse voices through our annual Community Relations Seder which merges different cultures and religions through a shared background and understanding of different traditions. • Our 2015 Nashville and Middle Tennessee Community Study provided important insight into our growing community and ensured our ability to respond strategically and collectively to our areas of unmet needs. • We are building the next generation of Jewish leaders through our NowGen program, which works to build and sustain a lifelong commitment to Jewish life by providing opportunities to build strong relationships through networking, education, and philanthropy.

OFFICERS & CHAIRS (2015-2016) CAROL HYATT, President LISA PERLEN, Vice President and Chair, 2016 Annual Campaign STEVE HIRSCH, Treasurer and Chair, Budget and Finance Committee IRWIN VENICK, Secretary MARK S. FREEDMAN, Executive Director, Jewish Federation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee SANDY AVERBUCH, Chair, Foundation Development Committee ROBIN COHEN, Co-Chair, Grants Committee BOB GORDON, Chair, Investment Committee TARA LERNER, Chair, NowGen ANDY MAY, Immediate Past President and Chair, Nominating Committee ARTHUR PERLEN, Chair, Community Relations Committee BEN RUSS, Co-Chair, Grants Committee

• Through our Israel Deep-Dive trip, we’ve expanded our understanding of where our impact is needed most by visiting and meeting with all of our overseas partners.


OUR FAMILY TREE Our Community. Our Volunteers.

(as of 6/1/2016)



PLANNING FOR A STRONG JEWISH FUTURE Working with community to ensure all needs are met.


In order to continue to plan for a vital, healthy, and engaged Jewish community, we commissioned the Steinhart Social Research Institute at the Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies at Brandeis University to conduct the 2015 Nashville and Middle Tennessee Jewish Community Study. From the study, we learned that we are a highly engaged community which values the collaborative spirit of our professionals, congregations, and agencies. We also learned that we have much more to do to welcome newcomers, to engage those who are marginally involved, to reach out to interfaith families, and to sustain those who live in economic uncertainty. This next year, we promise to carefully review and integrate this important data to underscore our areas of strength and respond strategically and collectively to our areas of unmet needs.

Reed Smith joining in on festivities at this year’s Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration.


2015 Get Connected and Haklai High School students paint murals in our Partnership2Gether region.

Steve Hirsch, Fred Zimmerman, Rabbi Joshua Kullock, Dr. Eugene Sacks, and Evan Rittenberg enjoying Israel Independence Day with 500 others in 4 Red Caboose Park.



“This trip has been a dream of mine for many years and to witness it come to fruition with 83 participants was truly a sight to behold. We called it the Nashville CommUNITY trip, with an emphasis on UNITY for a reason. We wanted to show that Nashville is a UNITED community, UNITED in support and love for Israel, UNITED in making our own personal connection to the Jewish homeland. While we were diverse in many ways, from various religious backgrounds, from different congregations, some affiliated, others not, we were all united standing with Israel in Israel.” -Naomi Limor Sedek, Jewish Federation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee Campaign Director and Mission Manager

BUILDING JEWISH COMMUNITY 83 participants. 5 congregations. 1 historic CommUNITY trip.

CommUNITY trip participants after Shehecheyanu prayer in Jerusalem.

Participants visit the Michal Negrin factory and meet with jewelry designer, Michal Negrin.

Laying tefillan at the Kotel with Rabbi Tiechtel, David Salomon, a few Israeli soldiers and Mark S. Freedman, Jewish Federation Executive Director.

Through our CommUNITY trip to Israel, we enriched the Jewish journey of our community by providing a rare opportunity to delve into the land and people of Israel together UNITED as one. 5


An energized crowd dancing at the Community Relations Seder.

Attendees from the Jewish Federation’s Mainline Christian Clergy Mission to Israel in the Golan Heights.

Through the Community Relations Committee, we are uniting diverse voices through shared values. One example is through our annual Community Relations Seder. This year’s Seder celebrated the 50th anniversary of Nostra Aetate, a landmark document that ushered in a new era of friendship between the Jewish and Catholic communities. 350 Jews and Catholics attended – rabbis and priests, cantors and nuns, lay leaders and high school students of both faiths – dining, praying, singing, and dancing together. The evening ended with an unexpected hora that snaked around the perimeter of the auditorium at the Gordon JCC – truly a spontaneous, lovely ending to a wonderful night.


Students and faculty from Vanderbilt Hillel and University Catholic attend the Seder as a group, part of Vanderbilt Hillel’s pro-Israel collaboration.



JUDAISM, CULTURE, AND ENGAGEMENT Promoting inclusion and inspiring the expression of our shared heritage.

Throughout our diverse community, we gather together to express our culture and strengthen our sense of unity. We share Shabbat dinners together with family and friends. We honor our heritage together through events such as Yom Hashoah. We welcome new faces to Nashville together through our Welcoming Ambassadors Program, a new initiative that aims to help newcomers ease into Jewish life in Nashville. Our Ambassadors call on newcomers to welcome them and answer questions. They help to build relationships within the community and help each person find a comfortable place within Jewish communal life. Also, every few months newcomer receptions are held in Ambassadors’ homes to continue to welcome newcomers and even those that have lived here for a while but still feel new to the area.

Newcomers and Welcoming Ambassadors gather together to meet and build new relationships in our community.

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Holocaust survivor Sally Wolkoff and her nieces, Faye Serkin and Shirley Speyer, light candles at the 2016 Yom Hashoah commemoration.

NowGen Chair Tara Lerner and Ellie Flier reciting Shabbat blessings at one of NowGen’s Shabbat dinners.


Providing Jewish education for every age at every stage of life and ensuring each generation learns through our traditions and experience. Your support assures that all members of our community, regardless of age, receive access to exceptional Jewish education at every stage of life. Through their experience, the whole family is engaged. They are immersed in the richness and diversity of Judaism. They are welcomed and a part of a community. Their celebrations are infused with new meaning. And the friendships created, whether young or old, will last a lifetime.

Akiva students celebrating Sukkot in the Sukkah.

Rabbi Aaron Finkelstein teaching adult learners at our annual Global Day of Jewish Learning. Our GetConnected teens dancing at the Kotel in Israel.





Supporting and strengthening Jews in Israel and in every corner of the globe where Jews live. The Ethiopian National Project is transforming the lives of Ethiopian-Israeli high school students in Hadera through personalized tutoring and social empowerment programs.

Prior to our CommUNITY trip and following up on our intensive review of Israel and Overseas funded programs, a team of six; Carol Hyatt, Fred Zimmerman, Ben Russ, Robin Cohen, Mark Cohen, and Harriet Schiftan participated in a Deep-Dive in Israel during which they conducted in-depth and strategic meetings with all our overseas partners. The team visited World ORT, Ethiopian National Project, the Jewish Agency for Israel, the American Joint Distribution Committee, Partnership2Gether, MAKSAM, and Mifalot in order to better understand the most successful responses to social needs so that we can best direct our local resources where they are most beneficial and impactful.

Haklai High School students welcoming the Deep-Dive group with songs, dances, and highlights from the summer delegation visits to Nashville.

CommUNITY trip members Esther Remer and Gay Eisen, together with Shaked Mor, a participant in the P2G B’Tzavta Jewish Leadership program, prepare lunch during a cooking activity at B’Merkaz in Givat Ada.






NowGen. A connector for all things young and Jewish in our community. Members of NowGen learn tips & techniques from Lisa Perlen at our Challah At Ya Girl event.

NowGen helps native Nashvillians and newcomers between the ages of 22-40 find meaning and build relationships in all facets of life, from professional and religious to cultural and communal. This year, NowGen helped young Jewish professionals network with peers at our breakfast speaker series; celebrated holidays such as Purim, Rosh Hashanah, and Hanukah together with joy; studied and discussed lessons of the Torah with Rabbi Finkelstein at monthly Torah on Tap events; partnered with congregations for Potluck Shabbat dinners; engaged young Jewish families through PJ Library; and welcomed new families and faces to our Nashville and Middle Tennessee community.


Jessica Kullock showing the children how to make menorahs at PJ Library’s Hanukah party.

Amy and Daniel Goldstein joining in on the fun at the 2016 Purim Masquerade.




Creating Jewish legacies and developing the next generation of philanthropists. The Jewish Federation and Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee recognizes and honors the following generous donors who have made the decision to create a Jewish legacy with our Jewish Foundation through our Book of Life program. You too can ensure that the community that means so much to you in your lifetime will thrive for future generations by planning a legacy gift to the Jewish Foundation.

Nan Speller, Phyllis Alper, Sandy Averbuch

Phyllis and Ben* Alper

Elaine and Steven Edelstein

Linda and Jay Amsel

Sylvia and Robert Elman

Sandy and Larry Averbuch

Donna and Jeffrey Eskind

Judy Liff Barker

Al Feldman*

Sharon Bell and Fred Zimmerman

Rita and Ned* Feldman

Dianne and Brian Berry

Royce and James Fishel

Julie and Frank Boehm

Daniella and Jack Fleischer

Margie* and Ben* Cavalier

Lois* and Gilbert Fox

Renette and Abe* Corenswet

Eva* and Sam* Garfinkle

Nathan Edward Davis

Jean* and Alven* Ghertner

Babette* and Barney* Doyne

Harris Gilbert

Elizabeth Ginsberg Dreifuss

Letty-Lou* and Joe* Gilbert, Jr.

$30,600,000 Bob Gordon, Michael Shmerling, James Fishel, Harris Gilbert 11


Book of Life participants continued...


Lillian W. Gilbert*

Rose* and Sam* Komisar

Norman “Sandy” Ginsberg*

Elsie* and Joe* Kraft

Mark Goldfarb

Jack W. Kuhn, Sr.*

Dorothy* and Edward* Goldstein

Ellen and Michael Levitt

Gretchen and Randall Goldstein

Barbara Grossman Levy

Selma* and Carl* Goldstein

Daniel Liff*

Bernice and Joel Gordon

Jan Abby Liff

Rita Dee* and Harold* Hassenfeld

Jody Mattison and Jordan Asher

Heidi and John Hassenfeld

Rosemary May*

Louis Rosenfeld*

Reva and Eugene Heller

Cynthia* and Richard* Morin

Suzanne and James Schulman

Risa Klein Herzog and Drew Herzog

Helen* and David* Morse

Floyd Shechter

D.H. Hirsberg*

Horace Moskovitz*

Barbara and Larry Speller

Melanie and Douglas Hirt

Norma and M. William* Neaderthal

Shirley and Stuart Speyer

Edward Katz*

Madeline* and Eugene Pargh

Elise* and Berney* Steiner

Arlene Kaufman

Suzy and Stewart Perlman

Sadye* and David* Stillman

Leslie and Howard Kirshner

Sylvia Lynne Rapoport

Peggy* and Martin* Tohrner


Leah Rose* and Bernard* Werthan Libby and Morris Werthan Barbara and Julian Zander, Jr. Shirley and Martin* Zeitlin Etta and Raymond Zimmerman Mary* and Harry* Zimmerman

*Of Blessed Memory

356 Bnai Tzedek teens, the next generation of philanthropists, at the 2015 annual B’nai Tzedek Dinner program.



2015 Annual Campaign Achievement $2,470,327* Educating Ourselves and Our Children

Helping People Across the Nation and Worldwide

Akiva School Scholarships Scholarships for Early Childhood Education (GJCC, Micah, Temple) Congregational Grants (Jewish Federation) Community-Wide High School Program (Jewish Federation) Global Day of Jewish Learning Chabad Yeshiva Masorti (Conservative Movement) World Union for Progressive Judiasm (Reform Movement) Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion Jewish Theological Seminary Community-Wide Jewish Programming (GJCC) Nashville Jewish Film Festival (GJCC)

Jewish Federation of North America Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) Scholastic Assistance in Hadera (Ethiopian National Project) Ensuring the well-being of Jews in the Former Soviet Union (JDC) Children of the Dream: sports and education for Ethiopian immigrant children in Hadera Ben Yakir Youth Village (JAFI) World ORT Hillel Yaffe Hospital MAKSAM-Hadera Hadassah Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society New Israel Fund* *Funding is limited to programs that support Jewish religious pluralism

Cost of Fundraising 9%

Next Generation Engagement and Teen Leadership Opportunities Senior Class Leadership and Community Engagement (Vanderbilt Hillel) Community Engagement Associate (Jewish Federation) JCPA Plenum for Young Leaders Jewish Student Life and Leadership (Vanderbilt Hillel) University of Tennessee Hillel Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life PJ Library Passover Seder Meals (Vanderbilt Hillel) BBYO (GJCC) Cotton State Region- BBYO Programming for Jewish Teens (GJCC) Maccabi Games (GJCC) Torah on Tap (Sherith Israel) Next Gen Passover Seders (The Temple) Shalom Baby (GJCC) Thinking BIG (Akiva)

Supplemental Overseas Israel Crisis Fund JDC Pardes Institute for Jewish Studies Ukraine Assistance Fund Maksam Nepal Relief Fund

Building a Connection to Israel and Overseas Get Connected! Teen Trip to Israel Subsidies for Young Leadership Missions to Israel and Overseas Birthright Israel JAFI Young Emissary; Community Shaliach Partnership2Gether Hadera-Eiron Region Jewish Enrichment for Camp Davis (GJCC)

Community Development and Growth

Helping with Personal and Family Needs Scholarships for Camp Davis (GJCC) Counseling (JFS) Financial Assistance Services (JFS) Information and Referral (JFS) Kosher Food Boxes (JFS) Planet Kid (GJCC) Family Life Education (JFS) Scholarship for Jewish Sleep Away Camp (Jewish Federation) Adoption Services (JFS) Jewish Children’s Regional Services Aquatics, Sports, Fitness and Wellness (GJCC)


Caring for the Elderly Buz A Bus (National Council for Jewish Women) Senior and Adult Programs (GJCC) Senior Adult Newsletter (GJCC) Senior Services/Helping Hands (JFS) Lunch and Learn (West End Synagogue) Supporting Our Seniors (Congregation Micah) Shalom Taxi (GJCC) Junior Choir Outreach (The Temple)

Community Relations Committee of the Jewish Federation Contribution to Jewish Community Campus (GJCC) Jewish Council for Public Affairs

* Total as of 12/31/15

Thank you

2015-2016 HONOR ROLL We want to take this opportunity to thank all of our generous supporters. The Jewish Federation Annual Campaign Honor Roll reflects the names of the contributors to the 2015 and 2016 Annual Campaigns. We have made every effort to list correctly the name of each Annual Campaign donor. If for any reason we have made a typographical error or omitted a listing, please accept in advance our sincere apologies. We also want to honor those donors who expressed a desire that their gift remain anonymous. Every contribution to our Annual Campaign meets critical Jewish needs, and the thoughtfulness and generosity of our donors is reflected in the vitality and kindness of the Nashville Jewish community. You will find enclosed in this report a tear-out card where you have the opportunity to make any corrections or changes to the listing as it appears here for future publication. We will also be happy to list any corrections and updates on the Federation website. You may also submit any comments and/or corrections you have to Andrea Crowe, Donor Center Manager, at andrea@jewishnashville.org. This Honor Roll includes the names of individuals, couples and families who have contributed or pledged to the 2015 and 2016 Annual Campaigns through May 12, 2016.

z”l 

for YOUR generosity PRIME MINISTER’S COUNCIL $100,000+ Eden Foundation Mr. Morris Werthan II Mrs. Libby Werthan Eugene and Madeline Pargh Family Gift Philanthropic Fund Eugene Pargh Madeline Pargh z”l Andrew Pargh Bernard A. Pargh Maria Pargh Michael Mossman Linda Mossman KING DAVID SOCIETY $50,000 - $99,999 Delek US Eisen-Wald Foundation Robert Eisenstein Nan Speller Jill and Dan Eisenstein Stephanie and Ted Townsend Rachel and Ryan Hauber Annette and Irwin Eskind Family Philanthropic Fund The Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Foundation Mr. Leon May Mr. Leon May in memory of Mrs. Mimsye May z”l $25,000-$49,999 Anonymous (1) Gerald Averbuch Family Philanthropic Fund Advisors: Blossom Averbuch Gerald Averbuch Mark Averbuch Shelley Averbuch Lawrence Fuldauer Susan Michael

Deceased – Zichron L’Vracha – May Their Memory Be For A Blessing /// Source of funds received through a fund housed with the Jewish Foundation

Source of funds received through a private family foundation or fund housed outside of Federation /// *As of May 12, 2016

Ms. Sharon Bell and Mr. Fred Zimmerman Donna and Jeffrey Eskind Advised Fund Mrs. Laurie Eskind Dr. Steven Eskind Fishel Family Philanthropic Fund Advisors: James Fishel Royce Fishel Brad Fishel Lori Fishel Joel and Bernice Gordon Family Philanthropic Fund Advisors: Sherrie L. Gordon Eisenman Joel C. Gordon Bernice W. Gordon Robert A. Gordon Frank E. Gordon Gail Gordon Jacobs Mrs. Heloise Werthan Kuhn Mrs. Ellen Levitt Dr. Michael Levitt Ms. Jan Liff Mr. Andrew May and Dr. Nancy Brown Mr. Jack May Irvin and Beverly Small Mr. and Mrs. Uzi Yemin Mrs. Shirley Zeitlin JOSHUA SOCIETY $10,000-$24,999 Anonymous (6) Phyllis Alper Dr. Lawrence Averbuch Mrs. Sandy Averbuch The Aza Paza Family Donor Advised Fund Mrs. Judy Liff Barker and Mr. Joseph Barker Ann Bernard Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Bernard Julie and Frank H. Boehm Family Philanthropic Fund


Christians United For Israel

Campaign Endowment Fund

Mr. Floyd Shechter

Dr. Mark Goldfarb

Mr. Robert Doochin

Mr. and Mrs. Julian Zander, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Silverman

Martha and Fred Goldner

Jamie and Billy Eskind

Mrs. Etta Zimmerman

Mr. Gil Fox

Mr. Raymond Zimmerman

The Speyer/Tennsco Donor Advised Fund of the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

Randall and Gretchen Goldstein Family Philanthropic Fund

Mark S. Freedman Alven and Jean Ghertner Family Philanthropic Fund

MAJOR GIFTS $5,000-$9,999

Mr. Frank Gordon

Anonymous (7)

Mrs. Gwen Lukner Gordon

Kenneth and Felicia Anchor

Julie and Bob Gordon

Dr. Brian Biesman

Barbara and Milton Grossman Family Philanthropic Fund

Mrs. Didi Biesman

Advisor: Barbara Grossman Levy Mrs. Heidi Hassenfeld Mr. John Hassenfeld Mrs. Sandra Hecklin

2015-2016 HONOR ROLL

Dr. Steven Hecklin Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hirsch D.H. Hirsberg Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment Fund

Mr. Bruce Sprintz Bernie and Alyse Steiner Family Philanthropic Fund

Advisors: Mrs. Lisa Small Mr. Stephen Small Sol Stern and Rose Stern Charitable Trust Elizabeth Diane Ginsberg Family Philanthropic Fund

Mr. Mark J. Bloom


Mr. David Bockian

Beth Tannenbaum

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Davis

Mr. Leon Tonelson

Ms. Linda Kartoz Doochin

Ms. Joyce A. Vise

Mr. Michael Doochin Babette Doyne Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE) Fund Ms. Amy S. Eskind, Amy S. Eskind Advised Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Dr. Arthur Fleischer

Douglas and Melanie Hirt

Daniella and Jack Fleischer and Doris Fleischer

Larry and Carol Hyatt

Suzanne Harrison and Family Philanthropic Fund

Mr. Aron Karabel

Dr. M. Bruce Hirsch

Mrs. Batia Karabel

Mrs. Rae Hirsch

Leslie and Howard Kirshner

Dr. Jeffrey Hymes and Dr. Valentina Kon

Leslie J. Klein

Mrs. Gail Gordon Jacobs

Carolyn and Lawrence Levine

Mr. Jeff M. Jacobs

Mr. Daniel Liff z”l Mrs. Diane C. May Mr. Frank C. May Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. May Ted and Barbara Mendel Mayden Horace Moskovitz Endowment Fund for Federation Annual Campaign Jan and Stephen Riven Mr. and Mrs. Howard Safer Michael and Lisa Shmerling Mrs. Barbara Speller and Dr. Larry Speller

Mr. Brian Berry Mrs. Dianne Berry Dr. Jonathan Cohen Dr. Renee Cohen

Eden Foundation


Mr. Rod A. Essig Dr. Gerald and Mrs. Barbara z”l Fenichel

Patti and David Steine, Jr.

Mr. Edwin Raskin z”l, The Rebecca K. and Edwin B. Raskin Family Advised Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

Ann and Willy Stern

Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Richter

Scott Garfinkel

Mrs. Gloria Sternberg

Mr. and Mrs. Joel Roberts

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ghertner

Dr. Paul Sternberg

Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Rothberg

Harris Gilbert

Leslie and Bob Waterman

Drs. Jon and Iris Rotker

Dr. Mark Glazer and Ms. Cynthia Stone

Betty and Bernard Werthan Foundation

Simon and Naomi Limor Sedek

Dr. A. Joel Gluck

Leah Rose and Bernard Werthan Perpetual Annual

Nancy and Steve Shapiro

Mrs. Linda Gluck

Alyse and Charles Sprintz



Mr. Samuel Hirshberg

Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Laurence

The Engel Family Advised Fund of the Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Pinsly

Mr. Michael Gryll

Advisors: Lee and Glenda Kraft

Ms. Denise Alper

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Eisen

Mrs. Lisa Perlen

Lee and Michael Gryll Family Philanthropic Fund

Joe and Elsie Kraft Family Philanthropic Fund

Anonymous (16)

Mr. Jeremy Werthan

Mr. Arthur H. Perlen

Mrs. Shirley Greenberg

Mrs. Irma Kaplan

Warren Melamed Dr. Jonathan Oppenheimer

Mr. Elliot Greenberg


Ben and Tish Doochin

Scott and Leslie Newman

Mrs. Alizah Greenberg

Dr. Herman Kaplan

Ellen and Steve Dansky

Mr. Joshua May and Ms. Katie Greenebaum

Mrs. Lisa Greenbaum

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Zander

Esther and Roger Cohn

Mr. Robert Lipman

Dr. Brad Greenbaum

Ellen and Kenneth Jacobs Family Philanthropic Fund

Ms. Shary I. Cohen-Essig

Dr. and Mrs. A.G. Kasselberg

Mrs. Lorna Graff

Mr. and Mrs. Abe Yazdian

Dr. and Mrs. Eric M. Chazen

Mrs. Mary L. Jones

Selma and Carl Goldstein Annual Campaign Endowment Fund

Faith Haber Galbraith and Ron Galbraith Louise Garfinkel

Mrs. Susan Limor Mr. Ted z”l and Mrs. Esther Lipman Mr. Mark Lutkowitz and Dr. Patricia Tepper-Lutkowitz Benjamin and Kaaren May Mrs. Marisa Mayhan Mr. Michael J. Mayhan Dr. Frank Parker and Mrs. Elaine Parker Mark Pestronk Rabbi Laurie Rice Rabbi Philip “Flip” Rice William and Sara Robin Family Philanthropic Fund Advisors: Mrs. Sara Robin Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robin Mr. Henry Robin Mr. Mark and Dr. Deborah Robin Mrs. Harriet Schiftan Rabbi Mark Schiftan Michael R. Simon Donor Advised Fund Advisors: Michael R. Simon Doug and Bonnie Small Ms. Alice Zimmerman $1,500-$2,499

Deceased – Zichron L’Vracha – May Their Memory Be For A Blessing /// Source of funds received through a fund housed with the Jewish Foundation 

Source of funds received through a private family foundation or fund housed outside of Federation /// *As of May 12, 2016

Anonymous (16)

Ms. Jody Mattison

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Handler

Dr. Jordan Asher

Terry Minnen

Eugene and Reva Heller

David and Susan Berck

Mr. Moises Paz

Dr. and Mrs. Sanford Herman

James F. Blumstein and Andrée S. Blumstein

Mrs. Sharon Paz

Dr. and Mrs. Charles Hirshberg

Mrs. Kathryn Calhoon

Mrs. Esther Remer

Dr. and Mrs. Irwin Hodes

Margie and Ben Cavalier Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment Fund

Mr. Steven Remer

Sharone Hyatt

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Robins

Mr. and Mrs. Sol Katz

Dr. Hal Roseman and Mrs. Elizabeth Roseman

Preston Stein and Susan Kay

Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Rosenblum

Leslie Kirby

Dr. Howard Rosenblum and Cathy Rosenblum

Mrs. Betty Kirshner

Lynne and Rodney Rosenblum

Meryl and Keith Kraft

Dr. Martin and Dr. Glynis Sandler

Mr. and Mrs. Gus D. Kuhn III

Leslie Sax

Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Landman

Ms. Nan Speller

Ms. Ellen E. Lehman, Lehman Family Advised Fund of the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

Daniel Ciprys Ms. Marjean Coddon and Mr. Henry Johs Ms. Sandy Cohen Micah and Erin Coleman Ms. Renette Corenswet Mr. and Mrs. Steve Davis Hilary and Adam Diskin Adam and Julie Dretler

Richard and Patricia Spiller

Dan and Jill Eisenstein

Berney and Elise Steiner Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Seth Eskind Mr. David Ettinger

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stillman

Mr. and Mrs. Gil Fox III

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stringer

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Friedman

Mr. and Mrs. Rami Weismark

Mr. Robert Garfinkle and Ms. Pat Snyder

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weiss

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ghertner

Dr. Lawrence Wolfe

Dr. Ellen and Dr. Shmuel Goldring

Mrs. Sally Wolfe

Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Greenbaum Sigmund and Lois Held Family Philanthropic Fund

Advisors: Sigmund and Lois Held Mr. and Mrs. Randall Held Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dew

Afshin Yazdian Laura Yazdian Mr. Seth Yazdian Mrs. Beth M. Zeitlin Mr. Bruce Zeitlin

Ms. Leah Zimberg $500-999 Anonymous (30) Mr. Leonard Amdur Barbecue Evangelists Enterprises, Inc., Mr. Michael Attias Janet and Robert Belser, Jr. Mrs. Janet Bender Charles Bernsen and Deborah White Ms. Barri Bernstein Mrs. Natalie Bockian Steven and Margaret Bogach Merle Born Mrs. Suzanne Brandes

Dr. Mark Levitch

Jamie Hirsch Brook

Mr. Ralph Levy, Jr.

Jeremy Brook

Mrs. Randi Levy

Mrs. Anabel Cassell

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lurey

Mrs. Betsy Chernau

Captain James E. Mackler and Rabbi Shana Mackler

Mrs. Barbara Cohen

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mitzman

Bea and Percy Cohen Memorial Endowment Fund

Mr. Joel P. Morris

Mrs. Lanie Cook

Mr. and Mrs. Scott O’Neal

Dr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Davis

Manuel Russ and Marissa Moses Russ

Mrs. Sonia Doochin

Elinor and Rudy Saperstein Family Philanthropic Fund

Ari Dubin and Abigail Wolf

Andy and Barbara Schwarcz

Stan and Marco Fernandez-Schklar

Martha and Alan Segal Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Segall

Michelle Faulkner Dara and Dr. Craig Freiberg Mrs. Terry Freudenthal


Mrs. Charlotte Seloff

Kenneth and Mindy Hirt

Anonymous (23)

Dr. and Mrs. Manuel Sir

Dr. David Horowitz

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Alexandroni

Jack Smith

Drs. Mark and Hillary Kaplan

Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Berk

Dr. Robert Smith and Dr. Barbara Ramsey

Pam Kelner

Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Biller

Mr. and Mrs. James Sohr

Shaul Kelner

James and Bernita Brown

Elizabeth and Walter Stern

Letty-Lou & Joe Gilbert, Jr. Annual Campaign Endowment Designated Fund

Mr. Kenneth Kraft and Ms. Lucilyn Crow

Dr. and Mrs. Richard Chalal

Rabbi Saul Strosberg

Benjamin Goldberg and Tara Tocco Goldberg

Mrs. Bernard G. Krohn

Mrs. Isabelle Cohen

Dr. and Mrs. Steven D. Tishler

Professor Jerry Gotlieb

Mr. and Mrs. Adam Landa

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce G. Davis

Dr. Jon Jay Tumen and Ms. Sue Berkeley

Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Gould

Mrs. Judy Lefkovitz

Mr. and Mrs. Don Denbo

Mrs. Barbara S. Turner

Dr. and Mrs. Alan Graber

Dr. and Mrs. Jon Levine

Henry and Marilyn Foyer

Mr. Irwin Venick and Dr. Jeanne Ballinger

Mrs. Sara Graber

Mr. Adam J. Liff, The Adam J. Liff Advised Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

Missi and Todd Friedenberg

Mrs. Sylvia Weinberger

Dr. Stanley Graber Jo Ann and Robert Greenberg

Mr. Thomas H. Loventhal

Edward and Dorothy Goldstein Special Purpose Designated Fund

Tony and Cathy Werthan Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wittenberg

Adam Guttentag

Mrs. Diana Lutz

Lenn and Roberta Goodman

Mrs. Sally Wolkoff

Mr. Murray J. Haber z”l

Mr. Sheldon Lutz

Mrs. Sandi Gordon

Janet and Alan Yuspeh

Bracey and Alison Halbrook

Allan and Judith Mandell

Elise Gould

Mr. Craig Zimberg

Ramin and Sara Hanai

Ms. Risa Klein Herzog and Mr. Drew Herzog

G.B.M.May Foundation Mrs. Barbara Dahl Mr. William Dahl Dr. Jay Geller and Prof. Amy-Jill Levine


2015-2016 HONOR ROLL

Mr. and Mrs. Ron Heady

Mr. and Mrs. Lenny Sisselman

Mr. Michael Hershey

Neil Smith

Adam and Carolyn Hyatt

Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Spigel

Ms. Carole Johanson

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stewart

Jennifer Kahn

Jodi and Kevin Stout

Mr. Marshall z”l and Mrs. Bambi Karr

Ms. Dana Strupp

Mrs. Marion Katz

Mrs. Lottie Strupp

Mr. Jay Kholos and Mrs. Paula Kholos

Jackie and Howard Tepper

Dr. Heidi Kilimanjaro

The Biener Girls

Dr. and Mrs. Howard S. Kirshner

Ms. Joni Werthan

David and Teresa Kosson

Eden Foundation

Joe and Elsie Kraft Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment Rabbi Joshua and Mrs. Jessica Mayer Kullock Mr. Morris Landau Laura and Yuri Livshitz Dr. Jackiel and Ms. Sonje Mayo Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mazur Meridian Mississippi Jewish Welfare Fund Scott and Amy Newell Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Olsher Mr. and Mrs. Louis Palet Lana Sorin Pargh and Franklin Pargh

Dr. Marvin Kronenberg


Dr. David Shaffer and Dr. Susan Kroop

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Werthan

Mrs. Ellen Vinocur Potash Mr. Stephen Potash

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Landa

Mitchell and Stacy Wiatrak

Mr. Brian Lapidus

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wise

Mrs. Kim Lapidus

Dr. and Mrs. Steven Wolf

Sherrie and Michael Levine

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wolf

Martin Levy

Mr. Jeffrey Zager

Mrs. Loretta Saff

Mr. Alex Limor

Mrs. Susan Zager

Edith Schiftan

Mrs. Bobbie Limor

Mr. and Mrs. Greg Zagnoev

Mrs. Sheila Schott

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Lowenthal Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mamlin Dr. and Mrs. Colin Meyerowitz Adam Mittelberg Tara Mittelberg Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pursell

Virginia Rapoport Dr. and Mrs. Ivan Robbins Sam and Eva Garfinkle Family Philanthropic Fund

Dr. Amy Sibulkin


Ms. Amy R. Smith

Anonymous (7)

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith

Felicia Levine Abramson

Susan and Bill Snyder

Joel Abramson Jonathan M. Averbuch Fund for the Federation Campaign

Barbara Ann Stanfill Blair Davis Stefanescu

Mr. and Mrs. Oren Asnis Mr. Mike Aurbach Nanette Avery Dr. Alan Bachrach Mr. Albert Baer Mr. Jeff Frumkin and Dr. Shari Barkin Roberta Spinner Barnet Dr. and Mrs. Dan Barocas Dr. and Mrs. Michael Baron Dr. Helen Barrett Mrs. Deborah Bart Daniel and Sari Barton Rabbi Joshua Barton and Ms. Sophie Rapoport Howard Baum Dr. and Mrs. Steven Baum Nic Frank and Liz Baumgarten-Frank Fabian Bedne Ms. Pam Belford Abbey Benjamin Bryan Benjamin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Berger Dr. and Mrs. Brian Berger Mark and Roberta Bergman Susan Berk-Seligson Mrs. Todd Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Berry

Marsha Raimi

Larry Averbuch

Dr. and Mrs. Richard Urbano

Mrs. Hilda Ratner

Sandy Averbuch

$364 and under

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Bespalko

Anonymous (96)

Bonnye Best

Drs. Oran Aaronson and Shannon Snyder

Michelle Biesman

Rebecca Ackerman

Ms. Lisa Paige Binder

Candace Adelson and Jerry Rossman

Vardit Binstein

Ms. Julie Agee

Mr. David Bloom and Ms. Drucilla Markle-Bloom

Akiva School

Tara Bloom

Kfir Alexandroni

Steve Blumenthal

Mr. and Mrs. David Fox

Frances Allen and Joshua McClain

Mr. Naum Bogakovsky and Ms. Meri Karmazina

Dr. and Mrs. Wallace L. Friedman

Merissa Allen

Jared and Judy Book

Mr. Joel Garfinkle

Marshall Altman

Sarah Bordenstein

Gil and Judy Given

Heidi Amster

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brackett

Clay and Julie Greenberg

Stephen and Wendie Angus

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bramen

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jacobs

Mark Anshel

Dr. Becky Shattuck-Brandt and Dr. Stephen Brandt

Erica and Bill Jacobs

Mrs. Sharon Archie

Ike Brodofsky

Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kammer

Mr. Daniel Arena and Ms. Sara Light

Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Brown

Mrs. Wilma Koenig

Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Aronin

Fran Brumlik

Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Asher

Ms. Lauren Bufferd and Mr. Cal Fuller

Mrs. Evelyn Richmond

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Becker

Bernie and Terry Rosenblum

David and Denise Birnbaum

Mr. Brad Rosenblum

Mr. Louis Brooks, Jr.

Dr. Louis Rosenfeld Annual Campaign Endowment Fund

Morris and Sylvia B. Davis Family Designated Fund for the Jewish Federation

Mr. Mark Rosenthal

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Falik

Ms. Marilyn Rubin

Rita and Ned Feldman Annual Campaign Endowment Fund

Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Sacks Susan and Jack Salberg Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Saul Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Schoenblum Mr. and Mrs. David Schwartz Herb and Diane Boverman Seloff Dr. and Mrs. Max Shaff Dr. David Shaffer and Dr. Susan Kroop Jay and Linda Shecter Alfred and Minnette Shepard Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment



James and Catherine Berry

Deceased – Zichron L’Vracha – May Their Memory Be For A Blessing /// Source of funds received through a fund housed with the Jewish Foundation 

Source of funds received through a private family foundation or fund housed outside of Federation /// *As of May 12, 2016

Ms. Alie Michael Campbell

Jennifer Deshaies

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Fradkin

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Halbert

Mr. Bill Canak and Ms. Ellen Konowitz

Sara Dhom

Richard and Kristin Frank

Amanda Halfond

Mr. Craig S. Canan

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dobrin

Ms. Judy Freudenthal

Pat Halper

Jeffrey and Donna Caplan

Arielle Doochin

Nili and Eitan Friedman

Mrs. Hanna Hamburger

Mr. Donald Capparella and Ms. Amy Dorfman

Julie Doochin

Drs. Daniel and Kay Friedman

Dr. and Mrs. Norman Hamburger

Mr. and Mrs. C. Mark Carver

Mr. Donald Capparella and Ms. Amy Dorfman

David and Amy Friedman

Eileen Handler

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cerny

Bobbi Dorfman

Evan Friedman

Ariella Hanker

Jayson Chabrow

Ms. Marla Dorfman

Dr. Douglas and Dr. Lynn Fuchs

Patricia Hanker

Dr. Jill Chafetz

Ms. Karen Dotter

Mr. and Mrs. John Ganus

Adrienne Harms

Mrs. Rachel Chojnacki

Mr. Michael Doyne

Collin Garcia

Nina Harris

Mrs. Audrey Christensen

Jed Dunkin

Alla Gauptman

Mr. Richard Harris

Ms. Francine Kline-Clark

Mr. Paul Edelman and Ms. Suzanna Sherry

Jacob Geltzer

Sanford and Sandra Harris

Rep. John Ray Clemmons and Mrs. Tamara Clemmons

Marcia and Jeffrey Edelstein

Noah Geltzer

Jackie and Walter Harrison

James and Jennifer Cleveland

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Eisen

Renee and Scott Geltzer

Mrs. Joan Harshman

Samara Elkins

Moses Gershbein

Laura Hauser

Rose Ann Ellis

Mr. and Mrs. William Geshwiler

Suzanne Hecht

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Eshaghpour

Mrs. Sandra Hedgepath

David Cohen

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Giller

Susan Eskew

Ms. Mary Louise Heiman

Heather Cohen

Sam and Judith Girgus

Julie Eskind

Mr. and Mrs. David Heller

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cohen

Dr. Ed and Mrs. Lori Glenn

Vanessa Evan

Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Herman

Rob Cohen

Mr. and Mrs. Greg Goldberg

Lawrence and Anne Evans

Kory Hershkowitz

Ms. Susan Cohen

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Goldberg

Mr. Alan Fagen

Paul Hershkowitz

Victoria Cohen-Crumpton

Marc Goldhamer

Mr. Jeffrey Fajgenbaum

Lew and Sandy Goldstein

Tess Herzog

Alex Cohn

Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Falkoff

Mrs. Lisa Goldstein

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hill

Ms. Delilah Cohn

Mr. Julius Falkoff

Samantha Golovan

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hiller

Gerald and Diane Cohn

Ms. Robin Farber and Mr. Kurt Eger

Michael Goorevich

Gerri Hirschberg

Mrs. Louise Cole

Jacob Farmer Mrs. Joyce Faye

Gordon Jewish Community Center Early Childhood Learning Center

Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hirt

Claire and Jason Coleman Pamela Compton

Mr. and Mrs. Aleksandr Fayermark

Mr. Rick Kleiner and Dr. Ann Gordon

Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Hollis

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cooper

Sveta Fayermark-Hackney

Mrs. Harry Gorman

Phyllis Honick

Rhoda Cooper

Bonnie Fertig

Mr. and Mrs. Don Green

Dr. and Mrs. Allen Honig

Yifat Crouvi

Ms. Anneliese Fiala

Laura Greenspan

Ilana and Adam Horn

Andrea Crowe

Lisa Finkel

Joshua Greenstein

Sherman House

Helen and Jason Crowley

Rabbi Aaron Finkelstein and Ms. Julie Sugar

Mr. David Greif

Ms. Jan C. Huettner

Mrs. Dorothy Curtis

Liron Finkelstein

Mr. Steven Greil

Bonnie Hyler

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cypress

Mark Finkelstein

Benjamin Gribben

Ms. Judy Inman and Mr. Jack Inman

Mr. and Mrs. John Dab

Cantor Tracy Fishbein and Mr. Glenn Turtel

Erin Gribben

David and Sheri Jacobs

Ms. Karen Daniel

Dr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher

Mrs. Stacey Griggs

Sheila Jacobs

Christina Davidson

Mr. Jeff Fladen

Mr. Bill Grindeland

Dr. Ellen Jacobson

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Davidson

Mr. and Mrs. Braden Fleischer

Ms. Rusty Groffman

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jacobson

Sherrie Davidson

Jared Fleischer

Mrs. Illene B. Gross

Marsha Jaffa

Mrs. Faye Davis

Ms. Nancy Flexer

Shira Gutcheon

Alyssa Jaffe

Marilyn Davis

Elizabeth Flier

Laurie Guzman

Emily James

Dr. Stacy Davis

Ty and Terri Fobare

Dr. Danny Haber

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jarman

Bob Day

Lisa Forberg

Dr. and Mrs. George Hahn

Mr. Larry R. Jensen and Ms. Wylann Solomon

Laura Codron Mr. David Cohen

Daniel Hoffman


2015-2016 HONOR ROLL

Mrs. Norma Jodrey

Mr. Larry Lefkovitz and Ms. Karen Allen

Mrs. Amy McCoy

Dr. Neil Osheroff and Dr. Cheryl Guyer

Mr. Aaron and Mrs. Elana Johnson

Dr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Lefkowitz Jr.

Mr. Gregory McCoy

Dr. and Mrs. William Paris

Mr. Trey and Mrs. Rachel Kraft Johnson

Dr. and Mrs. Harry Legan

Stephen McDonald

Tammy Parrish

Beverly Jones

Ms. Miriam Leibowitz

Bruce McLaughlin

Mr. and Mrs. Ross Peiser

Dr. Elizabeth Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lerner

Dr. and Mrs. John McPherson

Andrea Penn

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joyner

Tara Lerner

Dan Melamed

Mollie Shmerling Perry and Bobby Perry

Dr. Ramon Jrade and Dr. Cathy L. Jrade

Ms. Rae Levine

Dr. and Mrs. Steven Meranze

Ms. Kim Phillips

Mrs. Frances Kaminitz

Ms. Haley Levy

Dr. and Mrs. Alvin Meyer

Debra Pinger

Ms. Brendi Kaplan

Joseph Levy

Gerald and Sylvia Meyerson

Howard Pink

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Karmiller

Karen and Jimmy Lichtenstein

Lauren Mielziner

Elliot and Jessica Pinsly

Lauren Karp

Bennett and Dani Lieberman

Alan Miller

Charles Polatsek

Ms. Jackie Karr

Cantor George Lieberman

Mr. and Mrs. Hal Miller

Alex Pollack

Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Karr

Rabbi Phillip Lieberman

Mr. Motya Miller and Mrs. Yevgeniya Yampolskaya

Michael Poole

Dr. Gil Kentof

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Light

Sheila Miller

Mr. and Mrs. David Popkin

Anna Kern

Martin Light

Ms. Carrie Mills

Mr. and Mrs. Avi Poster

Diane and Jerome Kimbrough

Mr. and Mrs. Menachem Limor

Eric and Hilary Mirowitz

Alex Kimerling

Miri Limor

Bill Mitchell

Barbara Kirby

Stephen and Debra Linn

Patricia Mitchell

Dr. Eric L. Raefsky and Ms. Victoria Heil, The Victoria Heil & Eric Raefsky Advised Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

Ariel Klein

Mr. Marty Lipke

Sylvia Mitchell

Dr. Jerome S. Klein and Mrs. Mimi Klein

Larry and Betty Lipman

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mode

Dr. Lawrence Klinsky

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lipp

Peter Moltzer

Lior Klirs

Howard Lipp

Ms. Judy Montague

Dr. and Mrs. Jack Koch

Mr. Louis Lipschutz

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Morell

Marvin and Evelyn Koch

Margaret Littman

Ms. Vickie G. Morris

Mrs. Maya Kogan

Ms. Lauren Lodl

Julie Moscowitz

Mrs. Inna Sanovich & Mr. Victor Kopelevich

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Lorsch

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Moses

Zach Korman

Kelly Love

Hadar Moskovitz

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kornguth

Peter and Debbie Lowen

Lindsey Mossman

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Krebs

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lyons

Sarah Motis

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Krick

Jerome Magdovitz

Barbra and Mike Mullaney

Ilsa and Charles Krivcher

Mr. Rick Malkin

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nadler

Jan B. and Stephen S. Riven Annual Campaign Endowment Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kroser

Rena Malkofsky-Berger

Lorraine Naftilan

Laura Robbins

Amy Kurland and Kelly Collom

Mr. and Mrs. Zvi Manas

Evan Nahmias

Adrienne and Steven Robins

Steven Landau

Gerald and Alicia Mandel

Sandy Nahmias

Van Robins and Jennifer Ghanem

Dr. and Mrs. Ira Landsman

Ms. Rhonda Marko

Sarah Naids

Polly Shepard Roffwarg

Cheryl Lane

Elizabeth Marlowe

Ms. Karen Nash

Kayley Romick

Cantor Marcia Lane

Mrs. Jeanette Martin

Donna and Perry Neel

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rosen

Mr. and Mrs. David Lapp

Dan May

Beth Neider

Laura Rosenbauer

Mr. C. Lewis Lavine

Isaac May

Jerry Neider

Sheri Rosenberg

Mr. and Mrs. C. Anthony Leath

Rachel May

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Newman

David Rosenblatt

Lisa Lebovitz

Sam May

Jeffrey Newman and Sylvia Sheret-Newman

Dr. and Mrs. Trent Rosenbloom

Jonathan Lee

Eugenia Mayden

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Newman

Benjamin Rosenblum

Dr. Jordan Lee

Samantha Mayden

Mr. Murray Ocko

Cary and Jennifer Rosenblum

Ms. Kathryn Leeman

Talia Mayden

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Okuneff

Mrs. Eileen S. Rosenblum

Mrs. Alexandra Leff

Ingrid Mayer

Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Orley

Mr. and Mrs. Eli Roth



Mr. David Ragosin Mrs. Edria Ragosin Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Raybin Mr. and Mrs. David Raybin Mrs. Inge Raybin Mr. and Mrs. Art Rebrovick Evan Remer Leeron Resnick Mr. and Mrs. Doug Revere Michael and Nancy Richardson Jessica Rightmer Michael and Amy Ritchart

Deceased – Zichron L’Vracha – May Their Memory Be For A Blessing /// Source of funds received through a fund housed with the Jewish Foundation 

Source of funds received through a private family foundation or fund housed outside of Federation /// *As of May 12, 2016

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Rothschild III

Ms. Lisa Silver and Mr. Robert Dendy

Mr. Alex Torban

Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Rothstein

Jack Silverman

Mrs. Sema Torban

Dr. Arleen Tuchman and Mr. David Zolensky

Ms. Buzya Roytershtein

Lauren Silverman

Alyssa Trachtman

LION OF JUDAH Individual Women’s Gift of $5000+

Ms. Elise Rozenberg

Jack Simon

Michelle Trachtman

Mrs. Phyllis Alper

Mr. Edward Rubin and Dr. Ilene Moore

Mrs. Sally Simon

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Tutt

Mrs. Linda Amsel

Dr. and Mrs. Richard Rubinowicz

Jamie and Robert Skinner

Dr. Jay Ura

Mrs. Felicia Anchor

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Ruchman

Mrs. Anya Slonim

Samantha Viano

Mrs. Blossom Averbuch

Jacob Ruden

Mr. Ryan Small

Yevgeniy and Polina Vorobeychik

Mrs. Sandy Averbuch

Kathy Ryder

Dr. William and Dr. Ruth A. Smith

Janet Wagner

Mrs. Judy Barker

Freya Sachs

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Smokler

Mrs. Lisa Wall

Ms. Sharon Bell

Mr. and Mrs. Don Safer

Sandy Smolen

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Wasserman

Mrs. Ann Bernard

Dr. and Mrs. Sam Saks

Dr. Howard Snyder

David Wasserstein and Professor Colin Dayan

Mrs. Lisa Bernard

Ms. Libby Salberg

Mr. and Mrs. Todd Solan

Miss Celia Watson

Mrs. Julie Boehm

Mr. and Mrs. Yuri Samoylenko

Marc Solomon

Katie Shmerling Wayne

Dr. Nancy Brown

Mrs. Maggie Samuchin

Mr. and Mrs. Saul Solomon

Michele Weinger

Mrs. Jill Eisenstein

Sara Satinsky

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Sorin

Mr. Ivan Weinstein

Mrs. Sylvia Elman

Christopher Savoie

Melissa Sostrin

Mitchell Weinstein

Mrs. Amy Eskind

Michael Schatel

Mr. Jeffrey Spark

Dr. Sharon Weiss and Mr. Nathanael J. Smith

Mrs. Annette Eskind

Mrs. Ruth Scheflin

Abigail and Jason Sparks

Ms. Karen Weissman

Mrs. Donna Eskind

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scherzer

Sabine Spaulding

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wernick

Mrs. Jamie Eskind

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Schklar

Mr. and Mrs. John Spellings

Jason Wesley

Mrs. Jane Eskind

Justin Schmidt

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sperling

Ms. Irene Whitley

Mrs. Laurie Eskind

Andrew Schulman

Mrs. Barbara Speyer Ms. Flora Spiciarich

Mrs. Rachel Barnhard Whitney and Mr. Marcus Whitney

Mrs. Rita Feldman

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Schultz Bart Schuster

Arielle Sprotzer

Mr. Herbert Wiesmeyer

Mrs. Royce Fishel

Mrs. Barbara Schwartz z”l

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Srebnik

Mrs. Sonia Wiesmeyer

Mrs. Daniella Fleischer

Erica Schwartz

Linda Sterling

Barry Wilker and David Ellis

Mrs. Gretchen Goldstein

Helene Schwartz

Mr. Irving Stern

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wilker

Mrs. Bernice Gordon

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schwartz

Jeff Sterne

Shirley Wise

Mrs. Julie Gordon

Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Schwartz

Mrs. Mary Lou Stockard

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Wolf

Ms. Suzanne Harrison

Dennis and Lori Scott

Mr. Bob Stonehill

Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wolf

Mrs. Heidi Hassenfeld

Ilanit Sedek

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Strauss

Davi Wolf-Dubin

Mrs. Rachel Hauber

Isaac Sedek

Sharron Streeter

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wolfson

Mrs. Sandra Hecklin

Mr. Matthew Segal and Ms. Tara Worthey

Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Suchet

Dr. Roman Yanovskiy

Mrs. Ellen Hirsch

Ms. Amy Seibold

Mr. Colin Sutker and Ms. Andrea Jacobs

Mrs. Mohtaram Yazdian

Mrs. Melanie Hirt

Rebecca Selove

Judd Taback

Mr. Alvin M. Zager

Mrs. Carol Hyatt

Mr. John Sharlet

Richard Tackett

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Zelizer

Mrs. Mary Jones

Jennie Shepard-Zagnoev

Mr. Robert Taeidkashani

Rachel Zelkowitz

Mrs. Batia Karabel

Ms. Diane Shifrin

Caryn and Ben Tamber-Rosenau

Mr. Joseph Zendlovitz

Ms. Linda Kartoz Doochin

Mr. and Mrs. Revold Shinkarev

Steve Taterka

Ms. Zhanna Zeppelin

Ms. Teri Kasselberg

Judge Andrew Shookoff and Ms. Eva Sochorova

Mr. and Mrs. Aleksandr Temkin

Mr. Alexander Zhislin

Mrs. Leslie Kirshner

Michael Shulman

Mrs. Barbara Tempkins

Yury and Geralda Zhislin

Ms. Leslie Klein

Bruce C. Siegel

Mr. Peter Tempkins

Mr. Igor Zhislin

Mrs. Heloise Kuhn

Elaine Silberman

Mrs. Andrea Thaler

Mrs. Ruth Zibart

Mrs. Carolyn Levine

Mr. Michael Silver and Ms. Eleonora Astafyeva

Alan Topchik

Mr. Michael Zibart

Mrs. Ellen Levitt

Mrs. Lori Fishel


Mrs. Barbara Levy

Mrs. Didi Biesman

Mrs. Harriet Schiftan

Blair Davis Stefanescu

Ms. Jan Liff

Ms. Marjean Coddon

Mrs. Lisa Small

Jodi and Kevin Stout

Mrs. Diane May

Dr. Renee Cohen

Ms. Nan Speller

Erin and Greg Zagnoev

Mrs. Lynn May

Ms. Robin Cohen

Mrs. Leslie Stein

Mrs. Mimsye May z”l

Ms. Sandy Cohen

Ms. Beth Tannenbaum

Mrs. Barbara Mayden

Mrs. Renette Corenswet

Dr. Patricia Tepper-Lutkowitz

Mrs. Leslie Newman

Mrs. Ellen Dansky

Mrs. Janet Weismark

Mrs. Maria Pargh

Mrs. Julie Davis

Ms. Alice Zimmerman

Mrs. Lisa Perlen

Mrs. Hilary Diskin

Mrs. Jan Riven

Mrs. Joyce Friedman

Mrs. Naomi Limor Sedek

Mrs. Linda Gluck

BEN GURION SOCIETY NowGen Division - Individual $1000+; Couple - $2,000+

Dr. Ellen Goldring

Micah and Erin Cohen

Mrs. Gretchen Goldstein

Adam and Julie Dretler

Mrs. Lorna Graff

Sharone Hyatt

Mrs. Shirley Greenberg

Aron and Batia Karabel

Mrs. Lee Gryll z”l

Rabbi Shana Mackler

Mrs. Faith Haber Galbraith

Ben and Marissa Russ

Mrs. Lois Held

Rabbi Saul Strosberg

Ms. Risa Klein Herzog

Mr. Seth Yazdian

Letty-Lou & Joe Gilbert, Jr. Annual Campaign Endowment Designated Fund

Mrs. Rae Hirsch Mrs. Mindy Hirt

CLUB 365 NowGen Division $365-$999

Edward and Dorothy Goldstein Special Purpose Designated Fund

Mrs. Gail Jacobs

Felicia Levine Abramson and Joel Abramson

Mrs. Nancy Jacobs

Jamie Hirsch Brook and Jeremy Brook

Selma and Carl Goldstein Annual Campaign Endowment Fund

Mrs. Pam Kelner

Andrea and Kevin Falik

Mrs. Glenda Kraft

Dara Freiberg and Dr. Craig Freiberg

Mrs. Judy Lefkovitz

Benjamin Goldberg and Tara Tocco Goldberg

Ms. Susan Limor

Ramin and Sara Hanai

Mrs. Diana Lutz

Adam Hyatt and Carolyn Hecklin Hyatt

Mrs. Karen Yazdian

Ms. Emily May

Jennifer Kahn

Mrs. Robyn Yazdian

Mrs. Marisa Mayhan

Jessica Kullock and Rabbi Joshua Kullock

Mrs. Yaara Yemin

Dr. Vlada Melekhin

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Landa

Mrs. Barbara Zander

Ms. Terry Minnen

Mrs. Valerie Landa

Mrs. Shirley Zeitlin

Mrs. Elaine Parker

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lapidus

Mrs. Etta Zimmerman

Mrs. Sharon Paz

Laura and Yuri Livshitz

POMEGRANATE Individual Women’s Gift of $1,800-$4,999

Rabbi Laurie Rice

Lana Sorin Pargh and Franklin Pargh

Mrs. Sara Robin

Manuel Russ and Marissa Moses Russ

Ms. Denise Alper

Dr. Glynis Sandler

Mr. and Mrs. David Schwartz

Mrs. Dianne Berry

Ms. Leslie Sax

Ms. Amy Smith

Mrs. Nancy Shapiro Mrs. Lisa Shmerling

2015-2016 HONOR ROLL

Mrs. Beverly Small Mrs. Bonnie Small Mrs. Barbara Speller Ms. Nan Speller Mrs. Shirley Speyer Mrs. Alyse Sprintz Mrs. Patti Steine Mrs. Gloria Sternberg Ms. Beth Tannenbaum Mrs. Stephanie Townsend Ms. Joyce Vise Mrs. Leslie Waterman Mrs. Betty Werthan Mrs. Libby Werthan



ACE / PACE FUNDS Jewish Foundation funds providing for Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowments Jonathan M. Averbuch Fund for Federation Campaign Bea and Percy Cohen Memorial Endowment Fund Margie and Ben Cavalier Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment Fund Morris and Sylvia B. Davis Family Designated Fund for the Jewish Federation Babette Doyne Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE) Fund Rita and Ned Feldman Annual Campaign Endowment Fund Sam and Eva R. Garfinkle Annual Campaign Endowment Fund

D.H. Hirsberg Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment Fund Joe and Elsie Kraft Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment Horace Moskovitz Endowment Fund for Federation Annual Campaign Jan B. and Stephen S. Riven Annual Campaign Endowment Fund Dr. Louis Rosenfeld Annual Campaign Endowment Fund Alfred and Minnette Shepard Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment Berney and Elise Steiner Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment Fund Leah Rose and Bernard Werthan Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment

Deceased – Zichron L’Vracha – May Their Memory Be For A Blessing /// Source of funds received through a fund housed with the Jewish Foundation 

Source of funds received through a private family foundation or fund housed outside of Federation /// *As of May 12, 2016

Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation Sources of Revenue for the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 TOTAL REVENUE FROM ALL SOURCES = $4,414,180

TOTAL REVENUE $68,676 (1.56%)

$159,889 (3.62%)

Other Misc. Income

Jewish Observer Publication Revenue

This pie chart illustrates all sources of revenue for the 20142015 fiscal year. Included in these amounts are contributions to the Federation Annual Campaign, contributions to the Jewish Foundation, advertising income from the Jewish Observer and other sources of revenue such as corporate sponsorships, event income and miscellaneous contributions. Also included are interest and dividends and gains in market value of the Federation’s reserves and Jewish Foundation’s endowments.

$596,677 (13.52%) Interest and Dividends

$59,339 (1.34%)

$3,529,599 (79.96%)

Net Gain on Investments

Contributions to Annual Campaign and Jewish Foundation

Jewish Federation Grants Distributions and Expenditures for the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 TOTAL GRANTS, COMMUNITY SERVICES AND EXPENSES = $4,661,139 This pie chart illustrates the breakdown of Federation grants to its beneficiary agencies and partners through our grants distribution process. It also illustrates the amount of funds granted by the Federation for community services and provides a breakdown of fundraising expenses and other management and general administrative expenses. These charts are not meant to be an exhaustive summary of the Federation’s financial condition but rather serve to illustrate how the Federation raises money and how funds are granted to beneficiary agencies and program services as well as illustrating the cost of operations. For a complete summary of the Federation’s financial profile, please visit www.givingmatters.com to examine the Federation’s annual audited financial statements and IRS 990 filings through June 30, 2015.

TOTAL GRANTS AND EXPENSES $435,315 (9.34%) Management and General Adminstrative Expenses

$377,428 (8.10%) Fundraising Expenses

$575,641 (12.35%) Federation Community Services: Jewish Community Archives Jewish Foundation Jewish Observer Community Relations Committee Community Shaliach Demographic Study NowGen Division

Special thanks to SEI for its generous corporate support.

$3,272,755 (70.21%) Grants to Local/ Overseas/National/ Regional Agencies

22 23

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PAID Nashville, TN Permit #1149

Together we are feeding the hungry, comforting the sick, caring for the elderly, educating youth, ensuring a Jewish future, bridging cultural divides, and supporting Israel. We restore hope, awaken Jewish identity, and inspire change in the lives of so many. With your support, we are enhancing the Jewish experience for all. Thank you!

(615) 356-3242 | www.jewishnashville.org |


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