Annual report 2016-2017 :: Ana G. Méndez University System

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Legacy • Evolution • Future ANNUAL REPORT 2016 • 2017

Legacy • Evolution • Future

Introduction.......................................5 Our Guiding Principles........................6 Institutional Mission........................... 7

Message of the President


Planning and Academic Affairs......... 17 Marketing and Student Affairs..........19 National and International Affairs.....21 International Affairs......................... 22

Strategic Vision 2020


Human Resources........................... 24 Financial Affairs.............................. 26

Message from the Chairman of the Board

Our Institutions

Universidad Metropolitana............... 33

of Directors...................................... 11 • 2016-2017 Board of Directors

Development and Alumni Affairs......15

Universidad del Este....................... 29 Universidad del Turabo.................... 37 Ana G. Méndez University................41 Florida Campuses............................ 45 Sistema TV..................................... 49

Executive and Operations Vice Presidency


Projections for the Year 2017 - 2018.................... 53 Organizational Chart....................... 54 General Information........................ 55

2 Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

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Over the past 67 years, the Ana G. Méndez University System has been renowned for offering quality programs and academic degrees that have transformed the lives of our students and graduates. This legacy of educational excellence and social responsibility towards the communities we serve has made us what we are today, and has helped us maintain our position as the leading private higher education institution in Puerto Rico.

The measures and strategies adopted by all our institutions and administrative units have worked well and, because of forward vision as an organization, we can proudly state that we are successfully confronting the challenges of today’s world.

Please feel free to examine herein the most significant achievements of our institutions over the past year. In each section, you will discover how Universidad del Turabo, Universidad del Este, Universidad Because of the current fiscal and economic situation Metropolitana, Ana G. Méndez University, Sistema facing all industries on the island, we have moved TV, each of our Vice Presidencies, and our campuses swiftly to minimize the impact of external factors on the Continental US are forging ahead and that influence our operations. continue making history.

3 Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

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Our Guiding Principles The following fundamental principles, on which the Ana G. Méndez University System was founded 67 years ago, serve as the backbone for a new vision that is being formulated to successfully take University System forward to the year 2020 and beyond. • In a democratic society, every human being has the right to an education, regardless of race, sex, color, national origin, social status, physical or mental condition, religious, political or social belief. • The development of human potential requires an open-door policy that allows students to benefit from academic programs to the full extent of their ability. • All educational institutions should aspire to achieve academic excellence and should commit themselves to fostering such excellence through enlightened approaches to education. • Academic institutions are integral components of the communities they serve.

• Faculty members must innovate for the benefit of their students and for their own professional growth. • The real needs of Puerto Rico must be understood so that its human resources can be enriched and graduates can make a positive contribution to the progress of society in the work force. • The educational development of the students should emphasize academic skill and growth that is productive in both daily living and employment. • The fundamental commitment of the Ana G. Mendez University System promotes a better quality of life for our students, employees and the community at large.

4 Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

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Institutional Mission The Ana G. Méndez University System is a nonprofit higher-education organization whose primary mission is to promote the cultural, social and economic development of Puerto Rican society and sectors of the Hispanic community outside Puerto Rico, by expanding educational opportunities to benefit the communities it serves.

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Universidad del Este (UNE) Universidad de Turabo (UT) Universidad Metropolitana (UMET) Ana G. Méndez University (AGM) Sistema TV (educational television station) Central Administration

Fulfillment of the educational mission of Ana G. The Institution operates and develops its educational Méndez University System is the main role and mission through an integrated multi-institutional responsibility of the system’s institutional units---system, comprising the following units: UNE, UT, UMET, AGM, and Sistema TV.

Establish and develop academic and scientific research programs, both undergraduate and graduate, aimed at creating knowledge as well as contributing solutions to Puerto Rico’s needs. 5 Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

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On the part of the Central Administration, the role4. of its main structures and units is to advise, help and support institutional units in different specialized areas and ensure the proper development and implementation of systemic policies and processes. 5. To fulfill its mission, Ana G. Méndez University System will develop initiatives and projects within the framework of the following guidelines and general objectives: 6. 1. Establish, develop, manage and supervise institutions and centers of post-secondary and higher education in Puerto Rico, the United States and abroad, that provide academic7. offerings at every educational level authorized by law, regulations and the corresponding licensing and accreditation entities. 2. Establish, carry out and evaluate teaching8. programs of the highest relevance and academic excellence, according to the needs and interests of the diverse sectors of the communities it serves. 9.

Establish and develop academic and scientific research programs, both undergraduate and graduate, aimed at creating knowledge as well as contributing solutions to Puerto Rico’s needs. Develop a leadership role in public service and in the discussion, analysis and effective solution to the social, economic and environmental challenges facing Puerto Rico. Promote constant innovation by applying the latest emerging technologies to all academic, student and administrative process. Set up ancillary businesses related to academic operations, as well as unrelated business activities that contribute to the financial strength of the organization. Develop and identify new sources of revenue and external funds to mobilize resources in support of its mission and educational goals.

Maintain a sound administration and a fiscally strong and responsible operation to ensure 3. Set up, carry out and evaluate programs of the permanence and development of the continuing education and other non-traditional organization. programs.

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Strategic Vision 2020 By 2020, the Ana G. Méndez University System will be recognized as an institution of excellence in learning, research and in public service, with great social responsibility and growing global expansion.

Ana G. Méndez University System will be characterized as a transformative entity of constant innovation and sound financial strength, focused on the human being, and making effective use of its technological, physical and managerial resources in Ana G. Méndez University System will stand out support of its mission. for its decisive contribution to the economic and social development of Puerto Rico, providing innovative solutions to the developmental needs The Ana G. Méndez University System and its of the Island, and will be recognized as the leading institutions shall guide all of their operations, institution serving the educational needs of Hispanic actions and administrative development under strict communities outside Puerto Rico, in the United compliance with the following values as a rule and States and other communities it serves. parameter of its institutional conduct:

7 Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

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Excellence - Responsibility - Innovation

Excellence: as the maximum aspiration in all teaching, research and service endeavors. Freedom: of thought and expression as an indispensable basis in the search and diffusion of knowledge. Respect: for the diversity and dignity of human beings.

Integrity: in all our dealings as an educational entity. Innovation: a constant to guarantee the pertinence of programs and services. Social Responsibility: regarding the needs of the community, the country and the humanity of which we are part.

Equality: in recognizing the value of education as an instrument to provide better opportunities and to fully develop the potential of human beings.

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Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors Focused on Enrollment and Retention Ramiro Millán Catasús / Chairman of the Board

The 2016-17 academic year was an extremely active one for our Board of Directors, as we welcomed and lent our support to the new Ana G. Méndez University System President, Mr. José F. Méndez Méndez, as well as to the new Universidad del Este Chancellor, Dr. Mildred Huertas.

Another enrollment and retention strategy involves capitalizing on the enormous potential of the technical studies market. Current studies suggest that Ana G. Méndez University System could tap into a prospective pool of 70,000 enrollees for short careers in several technical fields.

Additionally, because of the current economic and demographic environment affecting all educational institutions on the island, our focus centered this year on student enrollment and retention. Strategies in this regard included exalting the academic excellence of our institutions, using Universidad del Turabo’s accreditations, the passing rates of the Teacher’s Accreditation (PCMAs, by its Spanish acronym) test of our Education students, the first graduation of Ana G. Méndez University, and the success of our dual-language programs as examples of the quality of education delivered by our university system across the board.

This growth potential will certainly play a role in the future development of our academic programs going forward. It will also serve as the basis for emphasizing our financial planning strategies in the coming years. Our Board of Directors will always be there to support and ensure the continued success of the Ana G. Méndez University System brand of academic excellence at the local and regional levels, as well as globally.

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Board of Directors 2016-2017 • Ramiro Millán Catasús, Board Chair • Félix Rodríguez Schmidt, MD, FAAFP, CCHP, Board Vice Chair • José F. Méndez Méndez, AGMUS President • José F. Méndez González, Dr.h.c., President Emeritus • Héctor A. Jiménez Ramírez • Rafael A. Nadal Arcelay, Esq. • Manuel Agosto García • Herminio Martínez Escudero, Ph.D. • Wilfredo Cosme Ortiz • René A. Soto Torres, DBA • Delia Castillo-Colorado, Esq. • Rita di Martino

Governance Commission

• Dr. Herminio Martínez Escudero, Commission Chair • Rafael A. Nadal Arcelay • Félix Rodríguez Schmidt • José F. Méndez Méndez • Ramiro Millán Catasús

Finance Commission • • • • •

Rafael A. Nadal Arcelay, Commission Chair Manuel Agosto García Herminio Martínez Escudero Wilfredo Cosme Ortiz Delia Castillo-Colorado

Academic and Student Affairs Commission • • • • •

Félix Rodríguez Schmidt, Commission Chair Héctor A. Jiménez Ramírez René A. Soto Torres Delia Castillo-Colorado Rita di Martino

Audit Commission • • • •

Manuel Agosto García, Commission Chair Héctor A. Jiménez Ramírez Wilfredo Cosme Ortiz Dr. René A. Soto Torres

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Message from the President This has been a remarkable first year as President of the institution founded by my grandmother, Ana G. Méndez, and led for the past 40 years by my father, Dr. José F. Méndez González. While I must recognize that these two dear family members are very tough acts to follow, they have also been the source of all my inspiration during a year fraught with challenges, both for Ana G. Méndez University System and Puerto Rico. Emulating their example, I can say that our institution will continue to be a visionary entity, looking always to innovate, to expand and grow, and deliver the kind of highquality education that the times and the community demand. It is no secret that Puerto Rico is experiencing the worst fiscal and economic woes in its history, which have triggered mass migration to the Continental US and other jurisdictions. Consequently, decreased enrollment in all schools, colleges, and universities -public and private- on the island has been inevitable. Given this scenario, one of our biggest achievements this year has been to maintain a stable enrollment at nearly 40,000 students. In fact, the weekly business publication Caribbean Business has ranked us first amongst private institutions in the enrollment segment. José F. Méndez Méndez President

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And while the Ana G. Méndez University System remains on firm fiscal grounds, with a solid $68M endowment fund, controlling and reducing overall expenses has been a mantra in the current financial environment.

“As Puerto Rico moves forward to a brighter future, Ana G. Méndez University System will continue contributing to the social and economic advancement of our island by developing the entrepreneurs, nurses, engineers, teachers, and other great professionals that will make us a more educated, sensible, competitive, and wiser society.” As the economic panorama evolves, demand for programs and courses also changes. Therefore, we have streamlined our academic offer of over 300 programs, eliminating those that provided low employment opportunities for our students, while increasing the short-duration technical courses and study programs sought by today’s youth. Additionally, we have catered this year to more adult students seeking post-graduate degrees, and to undergraduates of all ages looking to hone their business and entrepreneurial skills.

This success is attributed to our dual-language programs –especially our Nursing programs in Tampa, Orlando, and Dallas-, which attract mainly Hispanic students. This niche market in the Continental US is 52 million strong, and presents Ana G. Méndez University System a fantastic opportunity for continued growth, as we begin to enhance our dual language approach, gearing it towards a more English-centric format that appeals to bilingual individuals whose Spanish may not be so strong, or students seeking to improve their English skills while getting a degree. In this process, other enrollment opportunities are opening in Spanish-speaking countries, primarily Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Peru, and Spain, where we have already established alliances to offer our courses and have presented the advantages of getting a degree from Ana G. Méndez University System with the same accreditation as in the Continental US and at a highly competitive cost. The same can be said for the distance learning programs and courses offered by Ana G. Méndez University System, which continue to beat our enrollment projections and have the potential to tap into a population of 9 million students who currently study online across the nation.

Legacy, evolution and future are not only Our branch campuses in Florida, Texas, and the inspirational words, they are the guiding principles Nation’s Capital continue to have a highly positive that give meaning to our institution. impact in the communities they serve. What began as single branch 14 years ago, is now a 5-branch system, which includes a new 50,000 sq. ft. campus in South Florida.

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Development and Alumni Affairs Reaching Out to Our Graduates Margarita Méndez / Associate Vice President

As such, we increased efforts to entice graduates to join our alumni networks with special publications and promotions, and we also repositioned our crowd funding campaigns to invite alumni to support their alma maters by actively participating in their funding. Because of these alumni-related strategies, our fund-raising efforts surpassed the $1.4 million mark this year.

Alumni outreach and networking were indeed To further ensure our fund-raising goals, this the top activities this year for our office. Forums, year we launched specific policies for prospect conversations, open houses, business events, development, redesigned our revenues report, and lunches, and academic fairs were just some of added new names to our data base of over 3,500 the platforms that brought together our most potential prospects. Moreover, this year Ana G. distinguished alumni with our enrolled -and also Méndez University System presides and has six other members of the board of the Association of prospective- students. Professional Fundraisers, Puerto Rico Chapter. This growing relationship between past and future graduates of our institutions not only reinforces our image as one of the premier higher education institutions in Puerto Rico, but also creates a base of financial and demonstrative support that helps our campuses thrive.

As we continue sharpening our strategy of cultivating our alumni and other active prospects, plus putting in practice new and proven models of capturing potential funds, we can expect Ana G. Méndez University System to lead the way in private education in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.

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Executive and Operations Vice Presidency More Income and Less Spending Amidst Economic Challenges Ricardo L. Rodríguez Domenech / Vice President

It also allowed us to forge ahead with our plan to install energy-efficient LED lighting technology in all our main campuses, which should reduce energy consumption by 50% over the next ten years.

More importantly, beyond economic concerns, the safety and wellbeing of our employees and students were at the forefront of our efforts this year. We conducted 178 special trainings, orientations, and emergency drills to train personnel and students on important safety issues regarding life on campus. Because of our partnership with OSHA and the Puerto Rico Department of Labor in this regard, the Manufacturers Association of Puerto Rico recognized Universidad del Este and Universidad del We began by leasing out our UNE Salud facilities Turabo with their 2016 President’s Award. to Triple S Health, ensuring not only rent revenues exceeding $2M over the next 10 years, but also As we look at the years ahead, we should expect securing a $600,000 donation to our Endowment continued economic challenges spurred by the Fund. Additionally, the new Starbucks to be built at demographic and economic shifts facing the island. UMET and the new UNE food truck will be generating At Ana G. Méndez University System we shall nearly $80,000 in new revenues annually, to which continue to implement fiscal responsibility and sound we can add a 46% increase in revenues this year economic measures to ensure for future generations coming from our other concession stands. the quality of education that our University System has delivered from day one. On the savings side of the equation, we dramatically slashed costs of maintenance, photocopier rental, insurance premiums (while increasing coverage), services under contract, and security services, among other items, thus generating savings of more than $2.4M. Because of the economic challenges facing our institution this year, we had to lay the foundation for Ana G. Méndez University System continued financial stability. Cost controls and savings measures, increased revenues from our income producing assets, and wise investments in capital improvements and infrastructure were the pillars of our strategy for 2016.

The combination of increased revenues and added cost savings allowed us to stay on schedule with our budgeted capital investment of over $5M in infrastructure projects throughout our University System. 14 Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

Legacy • Evolution • Future

Planning and Academic Affairs Main Goal: Student Retention Jorge L. Crespo Armáiz, Ph.D. / Vice President

We have continued to make improvements and enjoy achievements that would otherwise seem unattainable in today’s economic environment. As framework for these achievements, on November 2016 our Board of Directors officially approved Ana G. Méndez University System Strategic Guidelines 2017-2020, which encompasses our system-wide strategic plan for the next three-year period. Our planning team set out to determine the one challenge that needed our undivided attention, concluding that it was the diminishing enrollment challenge facing all colleges in Puerto Rico. As such, Ana G. Méndez University System restated its highest priority on student retention, according to its revised 3-year strategic retention plan. One key element in the retention plan is providing effective student-tracking-systems and other electronic supporting platforms. Universidad del Este (UNE) developed the Electronic Administrative Retention System (EARS) to identify and provide follow-up and support to high-risk students based on grade distribution reports, absence trends or faculty referrals, which are then included in an intervention plan. This strategy has helped improve hundreds of courses and thousands of students via tutoring sessions (over 10,000 thus far), support activities, and special academic services, which have helped increase student success and retention levels, as compared to groups and classes that were not intervened.

Another noteworthy achievement is that second, third, and fourth year students are getting special attention from 250 professors who are now serving as advisors and mentors, offering academic orientations, and are helping with student development and assessment. This student engagement effort is reinforced by our academic follow-up committees in all our schools and university centers, which hold activities aimed at ensuring compliance with study plans and course requirements, in addition to following up the graduation cohorts. As a result, graduation rates continue to improve, and the first year retention rates are over 70 percent in all three institutions. These success rates would not be possible without giving our faculty and staff the proper training and instruction on retention issues. Over 190 professors participated this year in various workshops and seminars on student retention, including an analysis of retention strategies for graduate programs, for Ana G. Méndez University (Online), and our School of Professional Studies (Programa AHORA). Going forward, our retention strategies will extend to our Continental US campuses and will remain a solid component of our planning and academic development endeavors.

15 Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

Legacy • Evolution • Future In addition to student retention, Ana G. Méndez University System institutions continued to achieve important milestones in enhancing key indicators of academic excellence. On December 2016, the Puerto Rico Department of Education made public its biannual classification of the teachers preparation programs, according to federal requirements. These special ranking classifies the quality of universities’ education offerings based on a 5-year average of results in the teachers certification tests (PCMAs, by its Spanish acronym) and the standing of each program in terms of accreditation.

These results are measurable proof of the quality of our programs and of the commitment of our dedicated faculty.

A final note in the academic area should be given to the implementation of the new faculty evaluation system. As part of the newly revised Faculty Handbook, the system includes four revised evaluation instruments (self-evaluation, dean, students, and peer evaluation), new rubrics and electronic portfolio resources. The system was carefully designed in order for Ana G. Méndez University System institutions to comply with the All three institutions reported steady increases in faculty standard of the Middle States Commission their combined results, with both UT and UMET of Higher Education (MSCHE), which requires to classifying in the “GOOD” category, with 89.1 and provide evidence of faculty performance in their 83% respectively; and UNE classifying for the very three main roles: teaching, research and service. first time in the category of “EXCELLENT”, with 90.1%. These are the highest results ever reported Once more, we have proven that proper planning for our teachers preparation programs since the and strategic long-term initiatives have always been beginning of these classifications in 2006. the best way to forge forward in uncertain times.

Teachers Certification Tests Results

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Marketing and Students Affairs Enhancing the Ana G. Méndez University System Brand and Student Enrollment Mayra Cruz Rivera, Ed.D. / Vice President

The 2016 academic year was fraught with economic and demographic challenges for all higher education institutions in Puerto Rico. But rising to challenges has always been one of the hallmarks that have made our University System what it is today.

We began by establishing a Student Conversion and Validation Task Force, in charge of constantly monitoring admission applications received by each institution and off-campus centers, according to the school of origin. Additionally, we optimized conversion processes and established an early intervention program for 10th and 11th grade high school students, which generated a bank of over 6,000 prospects for the 2019-01 semester (UT: 2,000 students; UMET: 2,733; UNE: 1,300).

Given our new reality, we set out this year to position our corporate identity and our brands in the category of academic excellence, both in and outside Puerto Rico. Concurrently, we worked to stabilize and enhance student enrollment according to the demographic changes and other market variables we Our recruitment efforts went far beyond these have been experimenting. interventions. We held this year 15 educational fairs that impacted over 10,000 students, carried out special promotions during the College Board exam, and held massive segmented recruitment activities based on the vocational interest of the prospects (Social Sciences, Engineering, Science, Culinary Arts, Business, Health, among others), which attracted over 13,500 students. 17 Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

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For our Continental US campuses, we helped develop the very first mass-media campaign for TV, radio, and movie theaters, including sponsorship of technology sections. For the Dallas Area Campus, five new commercials were produced, using student testimonies centered on the benefits of our duallanguage programs.

José F. Méndez Méndez, our system’s new president, before local and national media, as well as opinion sectors in the higher education markets.

Support for these enrollment and recruitment efforts came in the form of enhanced presence and ranking of our brands in search engines, WEB platforms, and specialized pages. Investment in Google Adwords boosted our brands in search engines, significantly increasing new sessions in our webpage.

Our new corporate identity system designed for the Ana G. Méndez University System and its institutions was recognized by the Puerto Rico Public Relation Professionals Association with an Excel Award.

With proven internal and external communication strategies, the process of transitioning to a new presidency was highly successful.

In all, we can confidently say that our marketing and student affairs efforts this year have enhanced This year, our Vice Presidency was also designated Ana G. Méndez University System’s image as a by the Board of Directors to chair the Special top-tier institution that will continue, as our new Commission on Strategies and Activities of the president has said, “contributing to the social and Presidential Transition to develop and execute economic advancement of our island by developing a communication and public relations plan that the professionals that will make us a more educated, included presenting the vision and perspective of Mr. sensible, competitive, and wiser society.”

Yearly Student Enrollment Numbers Have Remained Consistent 2013







43,284 18

Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

Legacy • Evolution • Future

National Affairs Current and Future Growth of Bilingual Education Mr. Luis Zayas Seijo / Vice President

There is no doubt that our Capital Area Campus in Maryland and Dallas Area Campus in Texas continue to thrive on the success of our dual-language educational model. In fact, our new national and international branding campaign is designed to position SUAGM as a leader in bilingual education, using the slogan “Two languages, One Career”.

As a result, we have experienced improved conversion and retention metrics. The Capital Area Campus converted 50% of applications into admissions, and 75% of admissions turned into enrollments, while retaining 80% of currently enrolled students. In the Dallas Area Campus, 41% of applications became admissions, and 97% of those admitted were enrolled, while 77% of current students remained enrolled.

Putting these words into action, we created and revised over 100 bilingual modules, and designed 10 new modules for Universidad Ana G. Méndez Increased activity in each campus helped enhance University. Also, our faculty at the Capital Area our community involvement as well. In Maryland, we Campus launched the first phase of two research launched 19 new partnerships with the culinary arts industry; developed a directory of 27 GED centers projects: to offer more options to this population; and held 1.) The 70/30 approach of the Discipline-Based 30 different community activities on immigration, Dual Language Immersion Model® and the voting, health, employment, small businesses, and Language development across the curriculum preparation of tax forms. Likewise, in Dallas, we in Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez in the established two new nursing partnerships with the Capital Area Campus-Maryland. Dallas County Health and Human Services office, 2.) The impact of the Discipline-Based Dual and Baylor Healthcare Systems. We also held Language Immersion Model® in the meetings with the Wilkinson Center Department for development of language skills, learning and Adult Education to offer the GED in Spanish. student attitude at the Capital Area Campus. Moreover, we made four different presentations at the 3rd International Bilingual Education Congress at the University of Alcalá in Spain.

The more telling proof of the success of this year’s strategies can be seen in the 5% increase of net worth and net revenues after taxes that surpassed estimates by over $95,000.

Following this strategy, we standardized the orientation process for prospective students, based on the needs of each campus, while offering diversified academic courses. We also revised our MBA and CRIM programs, and obtained the approval for other programs in Social Work, Forensics, and Multimedia Journalism.

Going forward, we can foresee increased enrollment and retention numbers, as our dual-language approach to education continues to make inroads as they meet the special needs of these specific markets.

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International Affairs

This year we reached an important milestone set forth in the Portugal Declaration of 2002, which called for setting up an International Affairs Infrastructure by 2013, establishing an Internationalization Plan in 2014, and now in 2017, we are evaluating that Plan, as intended.

Expanding our Global Outreach

Part of this ongoing evaluation has revealed that Ana G. Méndez University System’s main strengths David Méndez, Ph.D. / Vice President in appealing to international students can be found in its brand, its online enrollment program, and its True to our vision of becoming by 2020 an institution professional accreditations. Given those strengths, recognized for academic excellence, research, social we have ample opportunity to increase the level responsibility, and a growing global presence, Ana G. of interest abroad in Ana G. Méndez University Méndez University System has continued to expand System and grow the number of applications, its international outreach. especially from the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Continental US. 20 Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

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This year we had the honor of graduating our first class of the Organization of American States scholarship program with students from Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Haiti and Panama. Looking to our specific internationalization achievements from 2014 to 2017, we are proud of our 200 international presentations, 145 international publications, 65 international conferences held in our campuses, the 19 different countries represented by our faculty, plus the 74 foreign professors that have visited us. In 2016-17 alone, we had 19 foreign professors share their global perspective with our students, and we held 33 different foreign cultural in our campuses. And we are equally proud of our liaison with the Organization of American States through their scholarship program. Since 2014, we have enrolled nearly 40 foreign students through the OAS.

This year we had the honor of graduating our first class of this international scholarship program with students from Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Haiti and Panama, who received degrees in diverse fields such as International Commerce, MBA in Finance, TESOL, Marketing, and Environmental Planning. Moreover, as we solidify our current projects with Universidad Pedro Henríquez Ureña in the Dominican Republic, Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara in Mexico, and Universidad del Externado in Colombia, we will continue to look beyond the horizon to expand even further our international outreach by establishing relationships with far more than the 25 different foreign organizations and agencies that we partner with today. At Ana G. Méndez University System, we are committed to expanding our global presence, going beyond our shores to present to the world the excellent academic assets offered in Puerto Rico, and bring the knowledge of the world to our students.

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Human Resources A High Performing Inclusive Workplace Amid Cost Reductions Victoria De Jesús, Ed. D. / Vice President

Being fiscally responsible entails identifying strategies and efforts to improve efficiency and reduce cost, maintaining the high level of quality and service. Through this plan, we need to keep faculty and staff compensated at competitive rates, motivated, very productive, happy and engaged with their responsibilities, to drive significantly better outcomes.

These efforts comprise cut and reducing excess spending in transitory positions, overtime payment, professional contracts, additional compensations, ad publications and other expenses. This plan included a thorough reorganization of Ana G. Méndez University System’s central administration and a rigorous plan to control faculty and staff positions.

These cost-savings measures, were accompanied by in-depth studies to determine competitive compensation packages to maintain proper hiring levels, and generate interest amongst future faculty and staff talent, both locally and from foreign jurisdictions. In fact, this year, we received 9,750 electronic applications from all over the world, including countries as close as the United States, As we faced historic economic challenges, we set Cuba and the Dominican Republic, and as far away out to rethink and redefining priorities based on as Malaysia, Vietnam, Denmark, Finland, India, current realities, and reducing over $5M this year Turkey, and Qatar, among many others. supporting fiscal controls.

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Job satisfaction, however, goes beyond fair and competitive compensation; it also has to do with the way our human capital are treated, the benefits they receive, the type of work environment provided by the employer, and the level of flexibility allowed on the job. Another strategic approach was the evaluation of organizational structures and job descriptions to identifying strategies to align workforce based on Ana G. Méndez University System’s needs. In addition we ensured the compliance with applicable laws, regulations, policies, and guidelines.

to $29.9M over the same period. Additionally, our preventive wellness program generated 632 visits to the doctor, 177 visits to the nutritionist, and 467 participants at vision clinics. Plus, there are currently 2,115 employees enrolled in our health insurance plan.

Despite all fiscal control measures human resources training and development process continue to be a priority. This year we offered 308 different workshops and seminars that represented 7,200 training hours. Employees received specialized instruction in different themes likes: leadership, affirmative action, mental health, Fair Labor Standard Act, sexual harassment and violence protocol, and even the Mandarin language, among other topics.

As we move towards 2017 and beyond, we foresee maintaining the quality and engagement of our faculty and staff, while enforcing additional fiscal responsibility measures as Puerto Rico and Ana G. Méndez University System continue to emerge successfully from the current situation.

Understanding the importance of automating processing, several seminars were created computer based training (CBT’s). Likewise, our employees’ future savings and investment plans, as well as their health has remained a top priority despite the challenges we have faced. Our employees’ pension plan, which is one of their most appreciated benefit, has grown by nearly $5M over the past year, while the savings and investment portfolio has increased from $25.2M 23 Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

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Financial Affairs Cost Reductions and Balanced Budgets

We also set tight controls on the opening and closing of budget line items in the financial information system to discourage spending, and we reduced the amount of corporate and purchasing credit cards assigned to managers.

Additional cost-cutting measures were aimed at keeping under budget expenses related to Alfonso L. Dávila Silva / Vice President maintenance and security, rents and photocopiers, It has been a year of fiscal challenges for Ana G. discretional spending, and contracted services, in Méndez University System and for Puerto Rico. addition to closing several Central Administration Despite the trials, however, we were able to face units. such an uncertain environment of fading revenues These efforts were accompanied by other measures by cutting spending to ensure balanced budgets. to safeguard institutional assets and promote best Upon an exhaustive analysis of the marketplace, we practices in the management of our institutions. The foresaw a reduction in enrollment revenues because result of all these fiscal responsibility mechanisms of a diminishing student population on the island. and actions is a balanced operation, with net assets Therefore, we set forth a plan in to implement several on the positive side of the spectrum. Standard & Poor’s rated Ana G. Méndez University System’s mechanisms and policies to cut expenditures. 2016 credit as BB+ Stable, based on S&P’s appreciation that “Ana G. Méndez University System We reduced all reserves and discretionary will continue to cut costs to compensate for income expenses, plus suspended all construction and enrollment losses, eventually achieving balanced results in its operations.”

projects and made an estimated $18M from the Capital Improvement Fund available for operations.

In fact, our plan for fiscal year 2017-18 calls for further streamlining of costs and continued accountability of our operations. 24

Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

Our Institutions

Legacy • Evolution • Future

Expanding our Academic Offer and Exalting Student Achievement Mildred Huertas Solá, Ed.D. / Chancellor

The 2016-17 academic year at Universidad del Este Programs like our dual Enrollment Program for High (UNE) was defined by the growth of our academic School Juniors, our Continuous Enrollment Program, offer, the need to reduce costs amid a macro- our On-line Enrollment services, and the Explore economic crisis, and the notable achievements of Your Future Project, among other initiatives, have our students. produced an increase of 16.5% of students officially enrolled for August 2017. We created five new specialized certifications in Forensic Field Investigation, Forensic Journalism, Because of Puerto Rico’s ongoing economic Applied Forensic Sciences, Gerontology, and Cyber challenges, cost-cutting measures became a priority Crimes Analysis. At the graduate level, the Education for all of Ana G. Méndez University System’s Council of Puerto Rico approved our Master’s institutions. At UNE we reduced by 10% all programs in Gastronomic Tourism and Sport Tourism. operational costs items, eliminated vacant posts, and implemented the Expense Request Formulary to reduce expenses, all of which translated to $2,200,000 in savings.

27 Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

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On the revenue side of the equation, we increased our external resources portfolio by 5%, yielding $3,920,890 in revenues for 2016, and $3,303,800 for 2017.

properties and in renowned luxury hotels, such as The Breakers and The Broadmoor. One of our Health Sciences students was chosen to participate in the 2017 Student Leadership Program of the American Society of Radiologist Technologists, while several But the true success of our institution cannot be of our graduates have been accepted at doctoral measured solely in dollars and cents, but rather by the achievements of our students. This year, 91% of our Education students qualified to take the Puerto Rico Teacher Certification Test (PCMAs) and 87% of As Puerto Rico moves towards greater them passed the test, earning UNE a classification economic and social stability, Universidad of “Excellence” in the field. Also, 41 students from del Este will continue seeking academic our José A. (Tony) Santana International School of growth, financial strength and a solid Hospitality and Culinary Arts (ISHCA) were selected commitment to the future success of its to do internships abroad in China, Peru, Chile and students. Spain; while another 35 ISHCA students are doing internships throughout the Continental US, at Disney programs at prestigious universities like Vanderbilt, University of Illinois, the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine, and the University of Massachusetts. To these achievements, we can add our champion men’s volleyball team, our table tennis champ, our sub-champs in men’s judo and baseball, our gold, silver and bronze medalists in women’s weight lifting; in addition to our winners in the Accounting Bowl 2016; first place in Startup Weekend 2017; first place the Southern Chef Tournament in Chile; first place in the Santander Entrepreneurial Innovation contest; first place in the College Entrepreneurial Competitions; and the SHRM’s Pedro A. Zorrilla Award for Academic Excellence.

28 Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

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Improving Academic Offer Carlos M. Padín Bibiloni, Ph.D. / Chancellor

Academic progress, and fiscal and social responsibility are terms that fairly describe the 2016-2017 academic year at Universidad Metropolitana. On the academic front, our School of Education earned this year the accreditation of the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) for its Teacher Preparation Program. Regarding research and development, efforts by Dr. Mitk’El B. Santiago-Berríos (UMET’s School of Science and Technology) led to our newest patent (US9505618 B2 - Synthesis and characterization of lead selenide capped with a benzoate ligand), and earned him an invitation to conduct research at the Cornell High Energy Synchotron Source (CHESS). Likewise, Dr. Héctor D. Abruña will be participating in a pilot research program at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York. Given the economic crisis facing Puerto Rico this past year, fiscal responsibility became a mantra at UMET. By reducing costs, streamlining operation to cut excess spending, and identifying new sources of revenue, we ended the year with a $1,000,000 surplus, all while investing over $2,000,000 in physical plant and technological improvement projects. We managed to identify 29 new sources of external funding that produced over $6,000,000 in revenues, plus our Continuing Education programs generated an additional $1,300,000. Social responsibility has always played a role in UMET’s overall curriculum and this year was no exception, earning distinctions for several of our environmental, public health, economics, political, and cultural initiatives. 30 Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

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We will continue as well to impose fiscal controls to ensure the economic viability of our institution, and we will stay true to our commitment to serve our community and our island.

The National Institute for Environmental Health And 2016 being an election year, we also hosted a Sciences (NIEHS) and Rutgers University joined debate of the gubernatorial candidates about Special UMET at our Community Forum on Environmental Education. Health Issues top discuss several of Puerto Rico’s environmental challenges and ways to improve our All these achievements inspire us to continue environmental health. Additionally, we received improving our academic offer to attract, retain, and the Tree Campus USA award from the Arbor Day graduate more students. We will continue as well Foundation. We also held our first International to impose fiscal controls to ensure the economic Health Congress, “New challenges in Managing viability of our institution.. Lesions and Chronic Injuries”.

31 Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

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Up to the Challenge Dennis Alicea, Ph.D. / Chancellor

It has been a year of unprecedented challenges, but we can proudly say that we have held our ground and kept delivering educational quality, while ensuring continued stability and positioning the institution for future growth. New accreditations from the American Chemical Society (ACS), the American Psychological Association (APA), and the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), as well as re-accreditations from the American Speech Language Hearing Association (CAA-ASHA), and ABET, are a testament to the quality of our programs. Additionally, Universidad del Turabo is in the process to receive new accreditations from the Committee on Veterinary Technician Education and Activities (CVTEA), the National Accrediting

Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS), as well as the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (ACEJMC). All these credentials of excellence complement our new academic courses, ranging from Associate degrees in Clinical Therapeutic Massage and Interdisciplinary Studies; to BA degrees in Nutrition Sciences, Psychology, and Human Resources; to Masters degrees in Engineering Management, and Health Services Evaluation, among several others. More importantly, the research being conducted by our faculty and PhD candidates, including such topics as Energy Harvesting from Human Walking to Power Biomedical Devices Using Oscillating Generation (2016, Edward Moreno); Potential of Neem (Azadirachta indica L.) for Prevention and Treatment of Oncologic Diseases (2016, Piyali Bhattacharyya); and Big Data and Online Social Network: Tools for Better Use of Information on Business (2016, Ángel Ojeda) among many other research and investigation projects, will ensure our position as a leading center of higher education, both locally and regionally.

Our research and investigation projects, will ensure our position as a leading center of higher education, both locally and regionally.

33 Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

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We are also moving ahead on the internationalization front. Our Office of International Affairs received 325 enrollment requests from students abroad this year, bringing our total number of foreign students to 98, from 12 different countries in Latin America, the Caribbean and Spain. Thirteen of those students are currently studying at UT under our agreement with the Organization of American States. In sports, Universidad del Turabo showed it mettle on the field, maintaining its leadership in several disciplines. UT won all Track and Field events during the Intercollegiate Athletic Competitions (Justas de la LAI), both men and women’s. Our women’s beach volleyball team brought home the title, and the women’s swimming team the bronze medal; while the men’s beach volleyball team became subchampions, as did the table tennis men’s team. Our Taínos and Taínas certainly give it their all, with a shining demonstration of Turabo’s winning spirit.

Looking forward, we will certainly continue setting new standards in the level of education at Universidad del Turabo. 34

Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

Legacy • Evolution • Future

Distance Learning with a Purpose Migdalia Torres, Ph.D. / Chancellor

This was a year of growth for Ana G. Méndez University, both in terms of our academic offer and student enrollment. We designed 27 new undergraduate courses, converted 10 of our regular courses to the Dual Language model, and we added several continuing education courses, including the GMAT, LSAT and GRE reviews, as well as Lean Six Sigma: Yellow Belt (hybrid and online), Green Belt (hybrid), Black Belt (hybrid) and Professional Health Care (online).

Ana G. Méndez University will continue to innovate and expand our offer to create a solid distance learning curriculum with a purpose. Because of these new offerings, enrollment in our Master level courses increased by 175 students, while External Educational University System (SEDUE) enrollment jumped to 1,664 students, with 4,992 classroom hours delivered.

36 Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

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Our international presence also expanded this year. The organization of American States granted scholarships to certify 10 new students in Distance Learning, and the two new webinars we offered on genetically modified food and distance learning dilemmas were enjoyed by participants from England, Portugal, Spain, Venezuela, Argentina, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay, Mexico, and the Continental US. Additionally, for the third year in a row, we partnered with the Puerto Rico State Department’s Adult Education Program to offer our Conversational English Course, as well as our technology-based Academic Institute of Civic Education so that foreign residents can study for the American citizen test.

37 Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

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Optimizing Our Academic Offer FLORIDA CAMPUSES

Luis A. Burgos, Ed.D. / Chancellor

The 2016-17 academic year served as the perfect platform for a significant transformation of our physical presence in the state and a profound revision of our educational offer and enrollment metrics in each of our Florida markets. Along with this physical facility transformation that includes Tampa Bay expansion, and remodeling of the Metro Orlando Campus, our academic offer was updated by restructuring 30 programs in all our campuses and ensuring compliance with all accreditation and licensing requirements of our programs statewide. The most telling examples in this regard was the addition of the BA degree in Social Work from Universidad del Turabo and the MA in Social Work from Universidad del Este. To support these academic improvements, we doubled the number of full-time professors, most of whom are also language teachers who work in the professions they teach and who are actively doing research on social issues. Consequently, we structured our investigative studies agenda by developing specific guidelines for faculty, and creating the proper venues for presenting and disseminating research results. Additionally, our faculty members take at least 12 hours of professional development training annually, concentrating both on methodology and the constructivist aspects of teaching.

We are concentrating marketing efforts on social media, while designing and publishing promotional material to enhance specific programs –and thus help recruit the best professionals in their fields–, based on current trends in the marketplace, which are rapidly changing. For instance, 10 years ago, per capita annual income in Florida was $38,000; it now stands at $23,000. Our student profile is now composed mainly of women, heads of family, with at least one part-time source of income. Most of our students are also workers and professionals who began college at one point but never finished their studies. Cultural diversity continues to pay a role as well in defining our students. In the Metro Orlando campus, 67% of students are of Puerto Rican origin; in Tampa are mostly Cuban; while South Florida enjoys a healthy diversity of backgrounds.

39 Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

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One key aspect of this new market-based approach is to promote our personalized and integrated service In the Metro Orlando Campus, 67% of for students, whereby an assigned professor serves students are of Puerto Rican origin; in as the student’s mentor from the time they enroll Tampa are mostly Cuban; while South and throughout their academic career.

Florida enjoys a healthy diversity of Community involvement also played a central role backgrounds. this year in projecting Ana G. Méndez University System image as an active player in the communities we serve. We actively participate in community forums and activities that are aligned with our mission, and we promote effective relationships and partnerships with organizations, opening our spaces for community fairs and art exhibits, and other events that have a direct impact on students and people beyond the classroom.

In the following years, given the growth of the Hispanic populations in the communities we serve, especially with the migration of Puerto Ricans to Central and South Florida, we can foresee a healthy and continued growth of our three campuses in the Sunshine State.

40 Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

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Delivering Quality Programming in Education Ranging in topics from mortgage foreclosures, to human rights violations by the police, HIV prevention, teen pregnancy, and many other social, For over 30 years, our regular programming has political, economic, and environmental concerns, our been presenting quality documentaries, incisive reporters and investigators have been recognized investigative reporting, and social and political for their work. analysis. This year, after 1,151 hours of local broadcasting under our belts, we can proudly say that we stood our ground as the only PBS-affiliated “...we can proudly say that we stood our station on the island. Margarita Millán, Esq. / Vice President and General Manager

The news team at Sistema TV Informa, as well as the team at Jugando Pelota Dura, our top-rated political and socio-economic analysis program; plus our weekly investigative program, Sistema TV Investiga, all continue to receive excellent public acceptance and feedback for their coverage of provocative issues, pertinent to the current state of affairs in Puerto Rico and the world.

ground as the only PBS-affiliated station on the island.”

The Overseas Press Club recognized veteran reporter Gloria Soltero with their Best Newsworthy Interview award, while colleagues María Falcón and Ramón Enrique Torres received an honorary mention in the categories of Excellence in Environmental Journalism and Investigative Journalism Televised Report, respectively. 42

Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

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This year, Sistema TV held once again to its number one position in local collegiate sports coverage, and we ranked amongst the top 25 PBS stations (out of 350) in social media. We reached 329,945 people per month on Facebook, got 3,150,977 impression on Twitter, and the average watch time of our videos on YouTube was 18 minutes. Also, our web page got 21,823,295 views this year.

Likewise, both the Puerto Rico Manufacturers Association and the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce recognized the Jugando Pelota Dura This year’s achievements serve as an indication of team for their excellence in journalism. Additionally, things to come, and we can certainly expect to keep five of our programs were nominated for an Emmy- going forward with our quality programming. Sun Coast Chapter Award: “Adicción a la tecnología: Una realidad moderna” (Addiction to Technology: A Modern Reality); Frank Wadsworth: Legado de Forestación y Conservación (Frank Wadsworth: A Legacy of Reforestation and Conservation); Península de Cantera: Ecoturismo de contrastes (The Cantera Peninsula: Ecotourism of Contrasts); Parguera: Encuentro con el mar (Parguera: An Encounter with the Sea); and Sueño Perdido: Casas Reposeídas (Lost Dream: Repossesed homes).

43 Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

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Projections 2017-18 • Assign highest priority to strengthening • Revise, update and implement policies and procedures for the development, protection, use student retention in order to further increase and commercializing of intellectual property. persistence and graduation rates. This will include reorganizing and expanding the Systemwide Student Retention Commission, enhancing • Finalize and submit all required documentation and reports to the Middle States Commission of faculty participation, improving electronic Higher Education (MSCHE) for the reaccreditation student-tracking, and focusing on upper-level and process of Universidad Metropolitana (UMET). specific high-risk populations. • Implement strategies and new scheduling • Promote and submit proposals to the Government of Puerto Rico in order to support human resources to provide students with a more resources needs in the areas of public safety. relevant and effective course offering in order to significantly increase enrollment in the 2018 • Inaugurate the new facilities of our South Florida summer session. Branch Campus in Miami Lakes. • Develop a comprehensive analysis of the organizational structure of the Ana G. Méndez University System and its institutions in order to implement strategies geared to increase efficiency, reduce operational costs and reallocate more resources to the academic and student services functions of our mission.

44 Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

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Board of Directors

Ana G. Méndez University System

Organizational Chart

Chancellor Universidad del Este

Vice President Executive and Operations

Chancellor Universidad Metropolitana

Vice President Planning and Academic Affairs

Chancellor Universidad del Turabo

Vice President Marketing and Student Affairs


Internal Auditor

Chancellor Universidad Ana G. Méndez

Vice President National Affairs

Vice President International Affairs

Chancellor Florida Campuses

Vice President Human Resources

Vice President & General Manager Sistema TV

Vice President Financial Affairs

45 Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

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General Information

Central Administration Ana G. Méndez University System P.O. Box 21345, San Juan, P.R. 00928-1345 Phone: (787) 751-0178 E-mail: Web site:

The Institutions: Universidad del Turabo Phone: (787) 743-7979 E-mail: ut_

Off-campus centers in Barceloneta, Cayey, Isabela, Ponce and Yabucoa

Universidad Metropolitana Phone: (787) 766-1717 E-mail:

Off-campus centers in Aguadilla, Bayamón, Comerío and Jayuya

Universidad del Este Phone: (787) 257-7373 E-mail:

Off-campus centers in Cabo Rojo, Yauco, Barceloneta and Santa Isabel

Ana G. Méndez University Phone: (787) 288-1118 E-mail:

Sistema TV Phone: (787) 766-2600 E-mail: Metro Orlando Campus Phone: 407-207-3363 E-mail: South Florida Campus Phone: 954-885-5595 E-mail: Tampa Bay Campus Phone: 813-932-7500 E-mail: Capital Area Campus Phone: 301-949-2224 E-mail: Dallas Area Campus Phone: 469-341-7300 E-mail:

46 Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

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Credits: General Direction: Mayra Cruz Rivera, Ed.D. Vice President of Marketing and Student Affairs Production: María A. Martínez Associate Vice President of Public Relations Rafael Matos Public Relations Director Editorial: Charles Toledo Design: DDA Group Photos: AGMUS Archives, This Annual Report refers to the period from August 2016 to July 2017.

Copyright (c) 2017 Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be copied, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission in writing of the Ana G. Méndez University System.

47 Ana G. Méndez University system Annual Report 2016 • 2017

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