Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez (SUAGM - AGMUS) Annual Report 2012-2013

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Ana G. Méndez University System

Ana G. Méndez University System

{TABLE OF CONTENTS} Introduction Our Guiding Principles Institutional Mission Strategic Vision 2020 Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors 2012-2013 Board of Directors

12 14 16 17 19 21 23 25

Board of Directors’ Committees Message from the President US Presidential Advisory Board Development and Alumni Affairs Public Policy Institute Economic Development Alliances International Affairs The Team that Manages our System

27 28 30 32 34 36 37

Executive Vice Presidency Planning and Academic Affairs Marketing and Student Affairs National and International Affairs Administrative Affairs Human Resources Financial Affairs Our Institutions

39 45 49 53 57 61 65 66 67



05 06 07 09 10

Universidad del Este Universidad Metropolitana Universidad del Turabo Florida Campuses Ana G. Méndez University - Virtual Campus Sistema TV Projections for the Year 2013-2014 Organizational Chart General Information


Ana G. Méndez University System


Introduction Since its founding in the late 1940’s the Ana G. Méndez University System has stayed true to its commitment of delivering quality education to all. For the 2012-13 academic year in particular, the level of achievement stands above years past in terms of quantity and quality of courses offered, the level of preparation that more and more of our professors are boasting, the accreditations obtained by our programs and the sheer growth in physical plant, number of students enrolled and graduating, and the research and development undertakings of our faculty and students. As you browse through these pages, you will realize that the underlying theme of excellence in education stands firm and true to its meaning.






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Our Guiding Principles

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The following fundamental principles, on which the Ana G. Méndez University System (AGMUS) was founded 64 years ago, serve as the backbone for a new vision that is being formulated to successfully take AGMUS forward to the year 2020 and beyond.

• Academic institutions are integral components of the communities they serve.

• In a democratic society, every human being has the right to an education, regardless of race, sex, color, national origin, social status, physical or mental condition, religious, political or social belief.

• The real needs of Puerto Rico must be understood so that its human resources can be enriched and graduates can make a positive contribution to the progress of society in the work force.

• The development of human potential requires an open-door policy that allows students to benefit from academic programs to the full extent of their ability.

• The educational development of the students should emphasize academic skill and growth that is productive in both daily living and employment.

• All educational institutions should aspire to achieve academic excellence and should commit themselves to fostering such excellence through enlightened approaches to education.

• Faculty members must innovate for the benefit of their students and for their own professional growth.

• The fundamental commitment of the Ana G. Méndez University System promotes a better quality of life for our students, employees and the community at large.

Ana G. Méndez University System

Institutional Mission

AGMUS operates and develops its educational mission through an integrated multi-institutional system, comprising the following units:

•Universidad del Este (UNE) •Universidad del Turabo (UT) •Universidad Metropolitana (UMET) •Ana G. Méndez University-Virtual Campus (AGMUS-VC) •Sistema TV (Educational Television Station) •Central Administration Fulfillment of the educational mission of AGMUS is the main role and responsibility of the system’s institutional units - UNE, UT, UMET, AGMUSVC and Sistema TV. On the part of the Central Administration, the role of its main structures and units is to advise, help and support institutional units in different specialized areas and ensure the proper development and implementation of systemic policies and processes.


The Ana G. Méndez University System (AGMUS) is a nonprofit higher-education organization whose primary mission is to promote the cultural, social and economic development of Puerto Rican society and sectors of the Hispanic community outside Puerto Rico, by expanding educational opportunities to benefit the communities it serves.




To fulfill its mission, AGMUS will develop initiatives and projects within the framework of the following guidelines and general objectives: {1} Establish, develop, manage and supervise institutions and centers of post-secondary and higher education in Puerto Rico, the United States and abroad, that provide academic offerings at every educational level authorized by law, regulations and the corresponding licensing and accreditation entities. {2} Establish, carry out and evaluate teaching programs of the highest relevance and academic excellence, according to the needs and interests of the diverse sectors of the communities it serves. {3} Set up, carry out and evaluate programs of continuing education and other nontraditional programs.


{4} Establish and develop academic and scientific research programs, both undergraduate and graduate, aimed at creating knowledge as well as contributing solutions to Puerto Rico’s needs. {5} Develop a leadership role in public service and in the discussion, analysis and effective solution to the social, economic and environmental challenges facing Puerto Rico. {6} Promote constant innovation by applying the latest emerging technologies to all academic, student and administrative process.

{7} Set up ancillary businesses related to academic operations, as well as unrelated business activities that contribute to the financial strength of the organization. {8} Develop and identify new sources of revenue and external funds to mobilize resources in support of its mission and educational goals. {9} Maintain a sound administration and a fiscally strong and responsible operation to ensure the permanence and development of the organization.

Ana G. MĂŠndez University System

Strategic Vision 2020 {Equality} in recognizing the value of education as an instrument to provide better opportunities and to fully develop the potential of human beings.

AGMUS will stand out for its decisive contribution to the economic and social development of Puerto Rico, providing innovative solutions to the developmental needs of the Island, and will be recognized as the leading institution serving the educational needs of Hispanic communities outside Puerto Rico, in the United States and other communities it serves.

{Integrity} in all our dealings as an educational entity. {Innovation} a constant to guarantee the pertinence of programs and services. {Social Responsibility} regarding the needs of the community, the country and the humanity of which we are part.

AGMUS will be characterized as a transformative entity of constant innovation and sound financial strength, focused on the human being, and making effective use of its technological, physical and managerial resources in support of its mission. The AGMUS and its institutions shall guide all of their operations, actions and administrative development under strict compliance with the following values as a rule and parameter of its institutional conduct: {Excellence} as the maximum aspiration in all teaching, research and service endeavors. {Freedom} of thought and expression as an indispensable basis in the search and diffusion of knowledge. {Respect} for the diversity and dignity of human beings.


By 2020, the Ana G. MĂŠndez University System (AGMUS) will be recognized as an institution of excellence in learning, research and in public service, with great social responsibility and growing global expansion.



Integrity Excellence


Our Values Innovation

Social Responsibility



Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors EXCELLENCE

Setting New Standards in Higher Education


It was a year full of accomplishments for both our board of directors and the Ana G. Méndez University System.

Héctor A. Jiménez Ramírez, MA Chairman of the Board

Focusing our efforts in governance, we set off a busy agenda by constituting the Governance Commission within the board that immediately updated the board’s statutes to allow for a better definition of our roles and responsibilities, while increasing the participation of members and commissions alike (Finance, Audit, Academic and Student Affairs). The new statutes also helped us delineate a clearer perspective as to the overall vision and direction of our university system. In this regard, we established four main priorities: continue to grow, both academically and financially; increase the role of our Virtual Campus, in line with global tendencies of distance learning and technologybased education; foster the professional development and success of our alumni by giving them greater participation in university affairs; and based on the success of our Education graduates in the teacher Certification Exams (PCMAS), develop metrics to gauge the performance of

Ana G. Méndez University System

students and parents can be confident in the excellence of our academic programs.

To ensure the success of our board moving forward,we are guiding the process of recruitment of new directors by establishing a profile of desired qualities and skills, a formal induction program that includes activities for continued education, a periodic evaluation process for both directors and the AGMUS president, and a monitoring system applicable to the code of conduct and conflicts of interest policies. But nothing gets me more excited than the decision to attract AGMUS alumni into our board. They will bring a new perspective to our discussions and an alma-mater spirit to inspire us all.

I take this opportunity to mention the honor that we all should share by becoming a managing partner in the Arecibo Observatory. This is a world-class, scientific research facility in which the AGMUS community is now part. Beyond the current celebration of the Observatory’s 50 years in Puerto Rico, we will be dedicating our energy to ensure that the research and academic opportunities that can be held now within our system transcend not only to AGMUS students, but other educational institutions in Puerto Rico, our region, the United States and the scientific community of the entire world.

Beyond governance, our board is monitoring current trends in higher (learning) education. One particular tendency that has been pointed out by the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges (AGB) is the fact that many students today realize that it is becoming ever more difficult to recover the investment made in a regular four-year degree. Thus, there has been an upward trend towards choosing shorter careers and technical courses, which are growing in demand in the employment arena. AGMUS is moving one step ahead with its new Institute of Safety and Protection, as well as the construction of two new facilities for UNE and UMET entirely dedicated to technical education. These will be ready for inauguration next year.

In closing, I would like to express my gratitude to AGMUS administrators, my fellow board members, our faculty and staff for allowing me to serve side by side with them in an institution that is certainly setting new standards in higher education for the benefit of our students and the benefit of Puerto Rico.

Accreditation is another area where we should feel proud. AGMUS programs have been receiving the approval of several accreditation entities in the United States, among them the Council on Social Work Education, the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education, the American Culinary Federation, the Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality, and the Association of Collegiate Business School Programs, to name a few. Today, more than ever,

I can say with full confidence that the future looks bright for the Ana G. Méndez University System.

Héctor A. Jiménez Ramírez, MA Chairman of the Board


students graduating from Science and Health, among other fields.



Board of Directors’ Committees EXCELLENCE

Audit Committee


Antonio J. Colorado, Esq., Chair Zoraida Fonalledas, Esq. Víctor Hernández, DMD Juan R. Melecio, Esq., MBA Rafael A. Nadal Arcelay, Esq.

Academic Committee Víctor Hernández, DMD, Chair Florabel G. Mullick, MD, Sc.D, FCAP José F. Méndez, Jr., MBA Félix R. Schmidt, MD, FAAFP, CCHP Ramiro Millán Catasús, MBA

Ana G. Méndez University System

Finance Committee

Executive Committee Héctor A. Jiménez Ramírez, MA, Chair Ramiro Millán Catasús, MBA José F. Méndez, Dr.h.c Víctor Hernández, DMD Antonio J. Colorado, Esq.

Governance Committee Ramiro Millán Catasús, MBA, Chair Rafael A. Nadal Arcelay, Esq. Juan R. Melecio, Esq. MBA Héctor A. Jiménez Ramírez, MA José F. Méndez, Dr.h.c.


Ramiro Millán Catasús, MBA, Chair José F. Méndez, Jr., MBA José Domingo Pérez, CE Félix R. Schmidt, MD, FAAFP, CCHP René A. León, MA



Message from the President


Attaining Academic Excellence


The key characteristic that defines the aspirations of any higher education institution is undoubtedly the endless pursuit of academic excellence. This is the goal that drives every aspect of our endeavors, and it has been the most significant element of AGMUS’ success since our founding 64 years ago. The achievements of the 2012-13 academic year continue to reflect this enduring legacy of quality education and academic excellence. This year marked a historic milestone for SUAGM, as for the first time we became the largest private university system in Puerto Rico, with a total enrollment of 44,286 students. This quantitative growth achievement was complemented with the continued development in many institutional dimensions such as our infrastructure, fiscal strength, innovative teaching and undergraduate research development.

As a beacon of our academic quality, the accreditations and recognitions bestowed by our peer institutions go beyond the fundamental regional accreditation by the Middle States Association. It includes a wide array of specialized and professional accreditations, namely, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs, the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology, the Teacher Education Accreditation Council, the National League of Nursing, the Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration, and the American Culinary Federation Education Foundation, among others. In addition, we are currently awaiting the final accreditation of Universidad del Turabo’s Bachelor degrees in Chemistry and Psychology, as well as for its PhD degree in Naturopathic Medicine. This year we also received the full international accreditation of our Continuing

Ana G. Méndez University System

the Puerto Rico Energy Center at Universidad del Turabo; plus the plans for new AGMUS university centers in the Mayagüez and Arecibo regional markets.

Likewise, our faculty continues to grow, not only in the quantity and quality of research work conducted and published, and academic conferences delivered, but also in the number of professors holding a doctoral degree, which now represent nearly 50 percent of all regular faculty.

Similarly, our regional economic development alliances, such as INTECO, DISUR, INTENE and INTENOR are becoming the model to follow for multi-sectorial collaboration for the creation of business incubators and new jobs all across the island.

As a result of these endeavors, we celebrated this year the second patent approved by the US Patents Office to our University System, and the first for Universidad del Turabo’s School of Engineering in the area of information technologies. This is the second patent attained by an AGMUS institution in just two years, which attests to the intensive effort and commitment of our universities in the strategic field of research and innovation.

Overseas, our Florida and Maryland campuses are expanding in number of students and courses offered, as well as their positive impact on the Hispanic communities they serve. Boasting over 2,600 Hispanic students, our US branch campuses have become a “best practice” model for addressing the educational needs of an ever growing Hispanic population.

Along with its significant achievements in academics, the Ana G. Méndez University System continues to grow its physical footprint as well. The three main campuses in Puerto Rico are expanding with new construction, most notably the new $10 million Parking Building at Universidad Metropolitana; the groundbreaking of the Jesús T. Piñero Gubernatorial Library at Universidad del Este; the new classroom building, the multi-disciplinary labs and the futuristic technologies accelerator expansion of

Following the social responsibility commitment in our strategic vision 2020, community involvement has become the norm for AGMUS. Our Public Policy Institute has developed a leadership role in forum discussions of current affairs in Puerto Rico, in key subject areas such as economic development, sustainable energy production, public education reform, and other policy affecting the every-day life of our citizens.

Through this Annual Report, I invite you to join us in celebrating the exceptional work of our Board of Directors,Vice Presidents, Chancellors, faculty, associates and students, in our efforts to continue advancing toward higher levels of academic excellence for AGMUS, not only locally, but regionally as well as in the international arena. To you and to all of them, my sincere thanks and God bless you all. José F. Méndez, Dr.h.c. President


Education offerings by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). Beyond the national and international recognition of our academic offerings, our best exponent card is the quality of our graduates, as exemplified by the 100% passing rate of Universidad Metropolitana’s students in the board exams for new planners, or the consistent performance of Universidad del Este and Universidad del Turabo education graduates, that for the past three years have surpassed the island-wide average score in the professional component of the teachers preparation board exams.




US Presidential Advisory Board in Science, Engineering and Health


Florabel Mullick, MD.,Sc.D., FCAP Chair Science and Technology is a primary focus AGMUS’ programs and the US Presidential Advisory Board has played a pivotal role in important advances made by our universities in the areas of science, engineering and health. The Board is made up of distinguished professionals in science and technology from US government agencies and private institutions.

José F. Méndez, Dr.h.c. Dr.William Dawes, Jr. José A. Centeno, Ph.D., FRSC Ronald Blackburn Robert Scott May Herman J. Gibb, Ph.D., MPH Michael Chartock, Ph.D. Capt. Mark B. Lyles, M.A., M.S., ED.S., D.M.D., Ph.D. Mina J. Izadjoo, Ph.D. Douglas J.Wear, MD Félix R. Schmidt, MD, FAAFP, CCHP Miguel E. Fiol Elías, MD

Ana G. Méndez University System

Earning Support Through Credibility In a complicated economic environment, in which slowdowns, budget constraints and deficits make daily headlines, the challenges of developing successful fund raising efforts become ever more evident.

programming, and student scholarship projects. The Permanent Scholarship Fund, the Annual Fund, and the establishment of a memorial fund, raised $915,000 to support talented students with economic needs at UNE, UT, and UMET.

As we closed the 4th year of our 2009-2015 Fundraising Campaign with a total of $14.5 million in pledges, we can say with confidence that AGMUS’ credibility, in terms of its excellent management and transparency, translated into monetary support from donors across the board.

An additional $12.8 million was committed for all infrastructure campaign projects to include: the Governor Jesús T. Piñero Library, the ERES Spiritual Center at UNE; the Arecibo Observatory Ángel Ramos Foundation Visitor’s Center, administered by UMET; and the Governor Pedro Rosselló Library Museum and Dr. Josefina

All our efforts during 2012-13 secured $2.4 million in new pledges and outright gifts to support campaign infrastructure, educational


Development and Alumni Affairs




Camacho de la Nuez Museum and Center for Humanistic Studies, at UT. Also, Sistema TV’s Annual Fund successfully raised $170,000 to support its local educational programming.


Given the importance of retaining the commitment of current donors, we held several donor cultivation and recognition activities as part of our stewardship strategies. Among these were the Presidential Medals conferred to the presidents of Liberty Cablevision and RICOH of Puerto Rico; the renewal of the donation from the José Jaime Pierluisi Foundation to UMET’s Education and Aerospace Sciences programs; the donation from singer Richie Ray to UT’s graduate program; and the public recognition of donations made by Marriot International and the Triple SSS insurance company. A special effort was also made this year to further integrate our alumni into our fundraising programs. To this end, we celebrated the first Distinguished Alumni Gallery in a gala event where six upstanding AGMUS alumni were recognized for their achievements. Each of our main campuses (UT, UMET and UNE) nominated two alumni respectively for their performance in education, entrepreneurship, and government and community work, in fields as wide ranging as sports, business, accounting, criminal justice and culinary arts. This initiative will be repeated going forward to raise awareness of the relevance that AGMUS alumni have not only for Puerto Rico’s general well being, but as a positive example for current students to emulate.

For the same purpose, the Phoenix Philanthropy Group was contracted to conduct a comprehensive study to help us develop a strategic plan to further integrate our alumni into the current mainstream of AGMUS plans and initiatives. Their findings point to several areas of improvement that will allow us to create a more solid culture of philanthropy, build alumni loyalty and engagement from the ground up, and create an infrastructure for alumni relations and fundraising effectiveness. As we move forth in uncertain economic times, we remain confident that AGMUS’ top reputation, commitment to academic excellence, and strategic growth plans will continue to attract pledges and support from companies, individuals and alumni alike, who share our vision of creating a brighter future for all through education.

The Dr. Josefina Camacho de la Nuez Museum and Center for Humanistic Studies is one of the key projects included in AGMUS’ Fundraising Campaign.

Ana G. MĂŠndez University System

Public Policy Institute Fostering the Exchange of Ideas for a Better Tomorrow

To fulfill our mission this year, we launched a new image, with a new logo that reflects a more modern and sharper perspective of our undertakings and goals. Along with the fresh image, a new website ( was launched, together with new pages in Facebook and Twitter, to reach a larger audience through digital channels. In addition, we began publishing IPPforum, a new monthly bulletin that covers events and issues discussed during activities and meetings of the IPP, such as Urbanism and Citizenship; the Right to Vote; Violence, Drug


The Public Policy Institute (IPP, as in Spanish) is dedicated to studying and researching public policy and socioeconomic development issues that have an impact on the quality of life of our modern society. It is an open forum where experts in academia, the government and private citizens can exchange ideas from multiple disciplines, and communicate the findings and results of their deliberations to the general public, as well as the academic world.




Trafficking and Public Safety; Government, Fraud and Cyber Crime; the Challenges of the new Administration, among others. Our current statistics show that our communications strategy is reaching an audience of more than 621,000 followers (web page, Facebook, Twitter and IPPforum, combined), evenly divided by gender (male 49%; female 48%), where 20% is between the ages of 25 to 34, 60% between the ages of 35 to 54, and the 20% balance in the 55 to 65+ age bracket. Taken by subject, the topic that garnered most interest was Violence, Drug Trafficking and Public Safety, going off the charts as compared to the other issues discussed during the year.

forums on diverse subjects had similar impact on the attending public and the audience that followed the topics on digital media. Our Dialogue on Public Safety, the Forum on Violence Against Women and the Inventory of Programs and Support for Small and Medium Sized Businesses were all well attended activities that received enthusiastic reviews. Going forward, we will continue creating the venues to discuss similar issues as we have done previously, this time concentrating on the state of education in Puerto Rico, with a particular look at violence against children, and retaking the issue of energy costs. Moreover, we will be adding practical workshops, where students and the general public can sharpen their skills in myriad subjects, including communication and economics. We firmly believe that the IPP’s mission is one of social responsibility. By promoting, facilitating, conducting and enriching public debate on relevant issues, we are simply helping our society to better understand that we can all work together to forge a better future for all.


Enid Monge, President of the Puerto Rico Union Center of Retailers; Hon. Jaime Perelló, President of the Puerto Rico House of Representatives and Dr. Juan Lara, economist.

Most of these subjects were discussed in academic forums and special activities sponsored and coordinated by the IPP throughout the year. Noteworthy was the Forum for Energy Policies for Puerto Rico, held at Universidad del Turabo, with the support of the Puerto Rico Energy Center, which brought together experts on the field of energy production from the private sector, the government and academia, in order to discuss solutions to Puerto Rico’s high costs of energy and overdependence on oil. Other

Ana G. Méndez University System

Commitment for a Better Future It is our firm belief that the best way to promote economic competitiveness in today’s global economy is by integrating the strength and resources of our communities, our universities and educational institutions, local and municipal governments, and the private sector. It is precisely this synergy of talent and assets that gives life to our main regional Economic Development Alliances (INTENE, DISUR, INTENOR and INTECO, as they are known in Spanish). For 2012-13, this synergy seemed stronger than ever. In the Eastern region, INTENE has been active in the towns of Carolina, Fajardo and Río Grande to promote job creation by joining the efforts set forth by the government under the “Empleos Ahora” law. Along with this initiative, INTENE


Economic Development Alliances




signed a new agreement with the Puerto Rico Commerce and Export Company to donate $10,000 to be invested in orientation and guidance seminars for businesses in the region. Additionally, the alliance is making inroads into the development and utilization plans for the land parcels in the former Roosevelt Roads Navy facility.


including 117 residential, 8 business and 75 Community Anchor Institutions (public plazas, Head Start centers, schools and other non-profit institutions). INTECO was also a key player in the development of the new Technology Accelerator, which broke ground at the Puerto Rico Energy Center at

In the South, DISUR has been eagerly collaborating with the proposal for the Land Use Plan of the former CORCO oil refinery and other plots of land that are commercially viable in the area. This particular project has the full support of the Environmental Protection Agency. Meanwhile, in the northern region, INTENOR has undergone a much needed reorganization. They elected a new Board of Directors, recruited 5 new members from the private sector, and named Dr. Yanaira Vázquez as INTENOR’s new and extremely capable Executive President. Moreover, they approved a new work plan that included a new collaboration agreement signed with the Corporation for the Financing of Community Businesses (COFECC, for its acronym in Spanish), and a busy schedule of participation in several local business activities, including the conventions of the Manufacturer’s Association and the Chamber of Commerce. Out of our four alliances, INTECO has been the most prolific in 2012-13. They culminated the development and deployment of last year’s $16.4 million Internet Broadband Network project, serving the municipalities of Caguas, Cayey, Las Piedras, Gurabo, San Lorenzo, Juncos, Naguabo and Humacao. To run this new enterprise, a new for-profit company will be created between INTECO, AGMUS and PDC Telecom. As of June 30, the new business had 200 customers,

Edgardo Agrait Comas, CEO of INTENE and Francis Chévere, Executive Director of the Puerto Rico Trade and Export Company (PRTEC) during the signing ceremony of the Collaborative Agreement for the implementation of the “Empleos Ahora” law. Universidad del Turabo. It is also worth noting that the company Ultimate Solutions, founded by young entrepreneur Yoel Rivera and located at INTECO’s Inova incubator in Caguas, won first prize in the non-technological category from the National Business Incubation Association in Boston. While all these achievements afford us a great sense of accomplishment, we know there is still a lot that can be done with our alliances. As we move forward, we will continue fostering economic growth and prosperity all across the island through new ventures and collaboration agreements between governments, the private sector and academia to help position Puerto Rico competitively in the new global economy.

Ana G. Méndez University System

International Affairs Internationalization Efforts in Full Gear

Since 1999, Ana G. Méndez University System, (AGMUS) has been embracing this internationalization trend, and in 2012-13 created an office exclusively dedicated to set forth the internationalization agenda for our all campuses and centers. This is a comprehensive process that entails not only a firm institutional commitment, but also changes to the administrative infrastructure and to the curriculum, instituting specific policies for faculty, allowing student mobility to other countries and from abroad, and establishing collaborative agreements with foreign universities and entities. AGMUS’ internationalization efforts in 2012-13 followed this process closely. All three of our main campuses have clear internationalization goals defined in their mission and vision statements. Internationalization elements are systematically being included in all curricula and we currently

Lailah Rodríguez, former student of the Study Abroad Program at Universidad del Este.

have 50 different collaboration agreements in place with 46 institutions located in 18 countries. Our system is now hosting 205 international full-time students from 23 different countries, plus another 9 who are at different AGMUS campuses in bi-lateral foreign exchange programs. Additionally, 21 of our local students studied abroad this year. In this regard, we are pleased to announce that the U.S. State Department authorized this year our proposal to establish an AGMUS study abroad program in China. Regarding faculty, 38 of our regular professors are internationals, and we received visits from 21 other foreign professors this year. AGMUS also had significant presence abroad with 43 different academic presentations made by our faculty in Peru, India, Ecuador, New Zealand, Cuba, Croatia, and other countries. Moreover, 11


As the economies of the world continue their relentless path towards globalization, colleges and universities must inevitably establish the necessary strategies to internationalize their curricula. It is no longer sufficient to develop a well-educated student and future professional. Now it is imperative that universities educate global citizens.




UMET professors are currently pursuing their Doctorate degrees in Education at Universidad de Granada, Spain, and another 11 are doing the same in the Health Sciences field at Universidad de Málaga, Spain.


Other unique initiatives that are advancing AGMUS’ internationalization efforts include the participation of our School of International Design students at the Salone Satellite furniture design expo in Milan. This group of talented young designers won accolades for its presentation and has been invited to return to this renowned Italian exposition next year. Likewise, Universidad del Este students participated with great success in ENACTUS, an international organization with presence in 39 countries and 1,600 universities around the world that fosters the creation of sustainable social impact projects. It is also worth mentioning that Universidad del Este will be housing the offices of the Peace Corps in Puerto Rico. Meanwhile, AGMUS is currently hosting 12 scientists from 4 different countries who are doing research at the Arecibo Observatory. At the Puerto Rico Energy Center in Universidad del Turabo, for the fifth year in a row, we have held an international symposium on renewable energy that brings in researchers and students from around the globe. And for the first time this year, the Governor Pedro Rosselló Library Museum, headquartered at Universidad del Turabo, held an international symposium on Education for the Global Citizen, with the participation of representatives from the United Nations, Fundación Ciudadanía y Valores (FUNCIVA) in Spain, the CATO Institute and the International Association of University Presidents.

While these efforts are numerous and have been effective in promoting our internationalization goals, we realize that this is only the beginning. Going forward, our focus will be on internationalizing even further our curricula, developing an effective plan to attract more faculty from abroad, fostering foreign language education across the entire system, and fostering as well a global perspective beyond our three main Puerto Rico campuses to include our Virtual Campus, the campuses in the U.S. and also our television station, SistemaTV. We can say with confidence that AGMUS is on its way to educating true citizens of the world.

Ana G. Méndez University System

The Team that Manages our System AGMUS is privileged to draw on a highly professional team of dedicated educators and administrators who manage our universities and run our central administration. The energy and efficiency of these men and women serve as model for the entire organization.

Jorge Crespo-Armaiz, Ph.D. Vice President Planning and Academic Affairs Alfonso L. Dávila,Vice President Financial Affairs Jesús A. Díaz, Ed.D.,Vice President Administrative Affairs Mayra Cruz, Ed.D., Acting Vice President Marketing Carmen Rosado, Acting Vice President Student Affairs Victoria de Jesús, Ed.D.,Vice President Human Resources Luis J. Zayas,Vice President National and International Affairs


José F. Méndez, Jr. Executive Vice President



Alberto Maldonado Ruiz, Esq. Chancellor Universidad del Este


Migdalia Torres, Ph.D. Chancellor Ana G. Méndez University Virtual Campus


Dr. Dennis R. Alicea, Ph.D. Chancellor Universidad del Turabo

Dr. Carlos M. Padín, Ph.D. Chancellor Universidad Metropolitana

Dr. Luis Burgos, Ed.D. Chancellor Florida Campus

Margarita T. Millán, Esq. Vice President and General Manager Sistema TV

Ana G. Méndez University System

AGMUS Institutions in Puerto Rico


Focusing on our Vision of Quality This year, our priorities were focused on three key issues that will ensure AGMUS’ commitment to delivering educational excellence: management and organizational development, the university centers in Puerto Rico, and our globalization efforts. On the management and organizational front, we completed this year the first phase of the electronic data base that will contain all our Executive Orders and Collaboration Agreements. This technological reorganization project will allow more efficient and effective access and follow-up on initiatives across the entire university system. As part of this effort, we also launched the digitalization project for all documents of the President’s Office. On the subject of collaboration agreements, we supported the signing of collaboration agreements with FUNCIVA, the Puerto Rican Foundation for Humanities and the CPA College of Puerto Rico. This year we also coordinated and led all the work carried out the System’s Vice Presidents Board, which was created to analyze and evaluate all administrative matters, and special issues brought up by our chancellors and institutions. Two special projects were given priority by

Vice Presidents Board: development of the new AGMUS web page and the budget.The expansion of our physical plant was an added key concern this year. To that effect, we created the task force for the reorganization of our new technical study programs that will be offered in the new buildings currently under construction at UMET, UNE and Turabo. Furthermore, we coordinated all work related to the development of AGMUS’ new university centers in Arecibo and Mayagüez. Another significant initiative of our vice presidency this year relates to our globalization initiatives. Aware of the importance that internationalization holds today for the future of any higher learning institution, we created an entirely separate Associate Vice Presidency of International Affairs. This new office will concentrate efforts exclusively on the plans and strategies that will make AGMUS a truly global university system. Going forward we will be instituting a continuity and follow-up plan, in coordination with all our vice presidents, chancellors and associates, to ensure that AGMUS vision of delivering educational quality becomes the standard for others to follow.


Executive Vice Presidency




Planning and Academic Affairs A Reflection of Improved Performance

Rendering of the future building that will house all technical education programs at UMET.


In an environment of changing Federal regulations, shifting demographics, and increased competition, enrollment and student retention initiatives become key determinants of a higher learning institution’s overall growth strategy. Along with a historic enrollment achievement, we are pleased to inform the first substantial improvement in our six-year official graduation rates (as reported in the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System - IPEDS). For the 2006 entering cohort, both Universidad Metropolitana and Universidad del Este showed important increases of 7 and 5 percentage points, respectively, as compared to the preceding year. This improvement in the graduation rate is important, since the 2006 cohort was the first group of students impacted by the new retention strategies with an academicsuccess approach, as implemented in 2005.

Our Net-Tutor Project is an example of the many retention strategies that have been implemented to enhance student success. This is an on-line, real-time tutoring service, available to AGMUS students 24/7. This year alone, it had 1,400 registered users, who received over 20,000 minutes of help, equivalent to 340 live tutoring hours. To ensure continued success in this regard, the year ended with a visit from Dr. Alan Siedman, one of the most prominent experts in the student retention field. His insightful evaluation and recommendations suggested further involvement of AGMUS faculty in the overall retention strategies, which is a plan of action that has already been set in motion with increased faculty workshops and the review of important normative documents.

Ana G. Méndez University System

Percentage of Faculty with Ph.D. by Institution: 2000-01 to 2012-13

One important outcome measure of quality education and student success are the results obtained by our graduates in professional certifications and board exams. For three years in a row, Universidad del Este and Universidad del Turabo Education graduates outpaced the islandwide average scores in the professional part of the Teacher’s Certification Exam (PCMAS). This is an important academic achievement that certifies the work of excellence of our education students and faculty, as well as the success of the many strategies implemented by the system-wide permanent commission for the improvement of our Teachers’ Preparation programs. The 2012-13 year will also stand out for the implementation of our system-wide strategy for the expansion and diversification of our short-

2000-01 2002-03 2004-05 2006-07 2008-09

2010-11 2012-13

term, technical programs. This diversification strategy is accompanied by a significant investment of over $6.7 millions in new physical facilities, new laboratory spaces, equipment and other infrastructure to support the ongoing increased demand in the tech job market. To this end, the Vice Presidency of Planning and Academic Affairs contributed in the conceptualization and design phase of the two new facilities to be entirely dedicated to technical education at both UMET and UNE, and that we look forward to inaugurating next year. Other important achievements in the planning area this year included the conceptualization and design of several new facilities for key strategic projects, among them the new projected Arecibo and Mayagüez university centers of Universidad del Este; the design for the reforms of he Visitors Center at the Arecibo Observatory; and the plans for the future Photonics Institute laboratory, to be constructed in the Intenor Science Park. As we continue our way towards growth and enhanced academic performance, we foresee AGMUS becoming not only one of the most recognized higher learning institutions in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean, but an example to follow in terms of improved metrics, high-end facilities and quality educational programs.


Giving continued support to AGMUS strategic priorities in the scientific and academic research endeavor, the important area of intellectual property was reinforced and strengthened, with a revision of its policies, guidelines and services. Special efforts have been made this year to provide faculty with workshops and other educational tools in this regard.As evidence of our impressive advance in research and innovation, 2012 marked the achievement of a second patent in a twoyear period for AGMUS. Dr. Jintao Xiong, from the School of Engineering of Universidad del Turabo, received the US Patent Office approval for the development of an innovative algorithm to detect viruses in computer networks.



First Semester Student Enrollment


While facing: •Significant reduction in the primary K-12 market •Changes in federal financial aid regulation •An economic recession •High levels of unemployment •Increased competition from other universities in the marketplace


Marketing and Student Affairs Promoting AGMUS’ Excellence in Education

In an environment beset by significant reductions in Kindergarten through 12th grade enrollment, ever-changing and more stringent Federal regulations concerning student financial aid, in addition to an ongoing economic recession and increased competition from other universities, our student services and marketing strategies for 2012-2013 had to think outside the box and be more innovative, aggressive and effective than ever before. Thanks to our new proactive model of student enrollment and retention, we are proud to state that AGMUS has become the largest private, non-profit institution in the Island of Puerto Rico. Both system-wide and at the individual campus level, we redoubled efforts with all of our traditional methods of attracting future students. Our “Buscamos Gente” (We’re Looking for People) campaign showed improved success, while the Open Campus Visits at all main campuses (UMET, UNE and UT) produced 3,929 applicants, out of which 1,434 enrolled as students. Likewise, the School Tours conducted this year exposed over 12,600 high school student groups to the different AGMUS facilities. Furthermore, since the high school population continues to be our main source of new AGMUS enrollees, we carried out systematic enrollment drives in different public and private high schools

Ana G. Méndez University System

throughout the island that generated over 1,800 enrollments from public schools and 330 from private institutions.

All these initiatives were supported by the AHORA program, the 1-800-58-AHORA (24672) toll-free number where any interested candidate can gather information and register for courses. After incorporating non-traditional events such as visits to government agencies, private companies and distribution of promotional materials at traffic lights, this effort generated 1,515 additional admissions. In addition, we launched new web-based efforts to boost summer enrollment and admissions through our technical studies programs. With a single click of the “Brilliant Summer” banner, potential students receive updated information on summer course offerings. A new Facebook and Google campaign for the technical studies programs highlights AGMUS offerings, thus generating over 2,800 admissions for the second semester of the school year. Aside from our recruitment efforts, our Vice Presidency continually provides direct services to our student population, developing information portals, offering student financial aid workshops, and lending support to the entire system during

the summer FAFSA grant renewal drive, which this year netted 4,670 renewed grants. Therefore, it is not surprising to see our overall enrollment for the first semester of this year surpass the 44,200 student mark, remaining steady during the second semester and breaking 9,100 enrollees during the summer. In summary, our promotional and marketing efforts, combined with other targeted media exposure strategies that emphasize AGMUS’ image as a quality institution of higher learning delivered over $9.6 million in coverage value, which we are confident will produce even more benefits in the future as we continue to grow in numbers and academic excellence.


Timing was also an important factor in determining if a student completed his or her enrollment. As such, we developed a new campaign to give students “A Break to Enroll” in October if the August deadline passed them by. This allowed students extra time, resulting in 1,173 additional applications completed in October 2012 as compared to the previous year. As an added strategy, we launched an early enrollment campaign during the December holidays, whereby students conducted an early online registration in order to get a jump start in the process. The strategy produced 1,126 applications.


Ford joined AGMUS in a raffle held during the Intercollegiate Athletic League Games 2012-2013.


National and International Affairs EXCELLENCE

Leadership in Dual Language Education


For ten years, AGMUS has been a pioneer and leader in dual language education with campuses in Puerto Rico, Florida, and the Capital Area Campus in Maryland and Washington, D.C., in line with AGMUS’ vision of becoming a higher education institution of global outreach. In 2012-13 we set the foundation to make our university system a national and international lead player in the dual-language education field. We began this task by reviewing all five levels of Spanish and English courses, aligning them with national ESL (English as a Second Language) standards. Specifically, we converted the duration of language courses to an eight-week format, improved all teaching modules to include e-lab resources, and reinforced the student’s Spanish language skills, seeking to turn that reinforcement into improved English skills as well. Because being bilingual is a plus in many fields, there is an increasing demand for bilingual health professionals, such as Nursing. To better meet that demand, we developed 19 different teaching modules for our Nursing programs this year -8 at the Masters level and 11 at the Bachelors levelplus an additional 4 modules are in development. Given that the dual-language education process involves faculty as much as students, we offered our faculty over 50 hours of online workshops on developing dual language course materials, as well as numerous aspects and issues regarding the bilingual academic environment. New partnerships are being developed with school

Martin O’Malley, Maryland’s Governor, recognized Dr. José F. Méndez, president of Ana G. Méndez University System, during the Hispanic Heritage Month celebration. (Photo courtesy of the Executive Office of the Governor)

Ana G. Méndez University System

(Vote or Keep Quite) voter participation drive -so successful in Puerto Rico- was repeated in the Washington, D.C. area via a marketing campaign aired in local Spanish language stations, and taken to several Hispanic community forums. The effort, along with other local alliances and collaborative agreements between AGMUS and community leaders and entrepreneurs, was recognized by Maryland’s Governor Martin O’Malley during the Hispanic Heritage Month celebration at the governor’s mansion.

districts in the communities we serve, working with them to offer training to public school teachers who could benefit from these added skills in their own classrooms. In collaboration with the Ana G. Méndez University - Virtual Campus, our leadership in dual language education is now extended to the online environment. All Capital Area Campus dual language courses are offered in a blended online format. This collaboration also led to the development of the first fully online dual language programs, Universidad del Turabo’s MBA and TESOL programs, which will be offered in Florida this year. These online dual language programs systematically incorporate voice, resulting in a more personal online environment that furthers language skill development. Beyond academics, AGMUS’ outreach endeavors continue to make a positive impact upon local communities. Our “Vota o quédate calla’o”

As the population of the U.S. continues to diversify, with the Hispanic community maintaining its upward mobility, and the world as a whole follows a path towards global integration, AGMUS’ national and international initiatives will fulfill higher education needs well into the future, at home and abroad.


Other outreach efforts have gone national. AGMUS sponsorship and participation of the Annual Conference of the National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) has positioned our institution as a leader in the dual-language education field. Additionally, our DisciplineBased Dual Language Immersion Model® at the graduate level was recognized as a national finalist in the 2012 Examples of ¡Excelencia! competition.



Administrative Affairs EXCELLENCE

Serving is our Mission


The Vice Presidency of Administrative Affairs (VPAA) prides itself in being the keeper of what we have deemed “the face” of the Ana G. Mendez University System. We are responsible for all that can be seen by the 44,000 students who set foot on our facilities at least 2.5 times per week, resulting in 110,000 weekly visits, or 440,000 every month, in a continuous 10-month operation that produces a total of 4,400,000 visits annually. It is a task involving the corporatelike maintenance creating what we know as quality walk, that is reflected in the administration and safety of plant and equipment for over 2 million square feet of buildings, which include 1,600 offices, 380 bathrooms, terraces, patios and classrooms, 4 million square feet of green areas and 10,000 parking spaces, all spread throughout 3 main campuses and educational centers all over Puerto Rico, and 4 campuses in the U.S. mainland. This year will be remembered for the advanced expansion of our physical plant, the savings generated with improved energy conservation and the integration of technology

in the administration or resources, as well as our progressive recycling program and the investment in security systems to safeguard life and property. Following AGMUS’ drive towards academic excellence, we have invested over $12 million system wide in physical plant projects that include

One of AGMUS’ main physical plan project was the renovation of UMET’s bookstore.

Ana G. Méndez University System

a new Community Health Promotion Center, a Center for Graduate Studies, and Culinary Arts Laboratory at UNE. Also, new offices for the Institute of Safety and Protection, and a new printing press and UMET bookstore, among many other developments. All this effort translates not only into bigger and better educational facilities, but into a better environment overall where our students can excel academically.

This conservation mentality is also reflected in our progressive recycling program system wide. From 683,620 pounds of recycled material collected in 2010, we have jumped to 957,197 pounds of paper, plastic and aluminum this year, including vegetation waste that is composted and reused in our green area maintenance plan. Our aim is to become an officially designated green campus. The integration of a web-based TMA program to manage physical plant services and maintenance is yet another example of how technology helps us generate savings, while increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the 4,000 to 5,000 orders of all types we receive daily. Instead of paperwork, our personnel –Managers, Directors, Supervisors and Employees– will carry electronic mini pads and process orders, do materials and

Undeniably, one of the critical areas where we have particularly invested –and where we have been heavily involved– is campus safety. In addition to the regular training given to our security personnel and the drills conducted for students, over 1,000 surveillance cameras keep watch over all campuses in Puerto Rico and the U.S., helping us thwart several attempted robberies and even a suspected kidnapping case. In fact, for the sixth consecutive year, the Puerto Rico Manufacturers Association awarded us their excellence in Safety Award. It can be said that our Vice Presidency supports AGMUS in significant ways. The VPAA helps the System set new and higher standards of leadership regarding all components associated to resource and structure management in Puerto Rico, as well as in other educational destinations beyond our shores.


The use of technology has become imperative in terms of efficiency of service and savings, especially when it comes to energy. We launched this year a pilot lighting program, using more efficient sources to illuminate all open and closed areas. The initial results show savings in excess of $60,000 in this line item alone. Additionally, we are analyzing the financial scenario to replace old air conditioning equipment (some of which is over 10 years old) for more efficient units. Also we are evaluating the proposals to install solar photovoltaic panels. This strategy points to an annual savings of $1.3 million in energy consumption.

equipment management, create reports and even schedules, among a myriad of other tasks right away whenever and wherever they are.



Human Resources


Building Academic Excellence by Developing our Human Resources


Job Applications Received through AGMUS’ Web Page 2012-2013

It is no secret that the success of any organization depends on its people; on the human resource that drives the vision, goals, and ambitions of the institution. At AGMUS, we placed special emphasis this year on our faculty and management, as we move forth with determination to position our institution as a research and development university. Our competency model is based on training in the technological skills, interpersonal and innovative managerial practices. As of the 2012-13 year, our faculty and administrative personnel numbered 2,216, out of which 435 is regular faculty - 39 of them research professors. This is the largest number of investigators we have ever assembled in an academic year. To keep up to date with this innovation, we established for the first time two different salary scales for this position -Research Professor I and II. This serves to promote further research and published works by allowing top talent to receive competitive compensation according their field of research. All these challenging initiatives take place as AGMUS’ programs continue to attract talented personnel from all over the world. For the 207 posts we announced this year we received 10,686 applications from 14 different countries, including China, Australia, Jordan, Bangladesh, Argentina, Brazil, and Canada, to name a few. We are pleased to have now among our faculty and administrative personnel 67 associates from abroad, thus reaffirming our institution’s internationalization goals.


On the financial side, the challenges for HR Managers are cost controls and the administration of benefits. On both counts we made great progress this year. We managed to save approximately $1.6 million by freezing, eliminating or not approving non-essential positions system wide. Additionally, through periodic evaluations and reports that allow us to implement tighter controls, we saved more than $2.6 million in extra classes, overtime and part-time costs. Regarding employee benefits, our pension plan is solidly funded with $53 million in investments; and the savings and investment plan grew to $17 million ($2 million more than last year), fueled by its 912 participants. Likewise, our health plan, with 2,132 participants, stands firm on a $9.5 million employer contribution. AGMUS will continue forth, growing in terms of size, diversity and academic quality, and our Vice Presidency will continue to play its strategic role to support this level of excellence.

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Financial Affairs

Financial Intelligence Leading to Informed Decisions The success of the financial plan in any large institution depends greatly on the information that the decision makers have at hand. With this clear goal in mind, our agenda for the 2012-13 year included the development of key financial reports for AGMUS managers at all levels so they could have a clearer picture of the fiscal impact of decisions made in each department or division. This was achieved by implementing training sessions and meetings, and by improving access to information via our web platform and fostering a project management mentality throughout the institution. Perhaps one of the key financial metrics we developed this year within our Productivity Analysis Reports was the Student Break Even Point, defined as the point where enrollment revenues cover all direct and indirect costs related to the programming of courses. This methodology allows us to better analyze fiscal productivity in each course section. We also developed Periodic and Special Financial Reports that can be created upon request at any time during the year. These include Monthly and Quarterly Statements, Income/Expense and Cash Flow Reports, Investment Reports, as well as Expenses Reports for institutional scholarships and Productivity Reports for each main campus and university centers.

It is no secret that student financial aid is becoming harder to come by due to more stringent Federal regulations. We have responded to this new environment by working closely with our Information Systems Office to design and program our financial aid system to comply with all the new regulations. Also, for the first time this year, our web systems allowed students to register and pay for their classes online. In addition, we revised the programming criteria in the Banner Financial Aid system in order to create a more efficient distribution of financial aid to the largests amount of students in the shortest amount of time possible. In total, we distributed nearly $224.6 million in aid to over 40,000 students. Aside from managing increased revenues in a challenging environment, we have remained on solid ground regarding our Endowment Fund, which now stands at $56 million. And we have maximized the yield of our investments for our Pension Plan, which now totals $49 million. Given our performance this year, we remain optimistic that AGMUS will move forward towards academic excellence with a firm financial footing.


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Ana G. Méndez University System

Building Quality Through Academia This diversification strategy was spearheaded by our Academic Programs Development and Implementation Plan, which included an expansion of course offerings at all levels and university centers, in and outside Puerto Rico. As a result of these efforts, a new Master degree in Business Administration with specialization in Project Management was approved. Students in this program will also benefit from several agreements reached with local businesses to allow internships and special practices that will put the student’s newly acquired knowledge to use in real, on-going projects. Another program added was the new B.A. in Recreation and Sports at our School of Education. Additionally, our Florida campuses now offer an Associate degree in Pharmacy Technician, while our Washington, D.C. facility launched a new Associate Degree in Culinary Arts. To support this aim, we accomplished our 3-year institutional professor recruitment plan, taking our full-time faculty to 132 professors, and reaching our goal of having over 50% of them with doctoral degree. This indicator has been increasing steadily every year since 2008, when only 39% of our faculty held a doctorate.


In 2013 UNE’s infraestructure continued expanding with the inauguration of the Center for Graduate Support Services.

This past year of achievements can be summarized by the core concept that has guided our institution: Maturing and diversifying our academic offerings and expanding the scholarly activities to elevate the quality of our education.



is undergoing, as well, a curricular review for accreditation by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission becoming candidate this year; and our Associate degree program in Radiology is currently being aligned to meet the accreditation standards of the Joint Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology.


The professional accreditation of our programs is yet another reflection of the increasing quality of our academic offer. The JosĂŠ A. (Tony) Santana International School of Hospitality and Culinary Arts received another year of accreditation from the American Culinary Federation and the Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality. Similarly, our IEN Business School has been in compliance with its accreditation by the Association of Collegiate Business School


Programs and is also currently in line to become a member of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. At the School of Social and Human Sciences, our Master program in Social Work has advanced to the second stage of review as candidate for accreditation by the Council on Social Work Education, as did our School of Education, which is in the final evaluation process by the Teacher Education Accreditation Council. Our Nursing program

The JosĂŠ A. (Tony) Santana International School of Hospitality and Culinary Arts renewed for another year its accreditation from the American Culinary Federation and the Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality.

Ana G. Méndez University System

Beyond our shores, 8 professors and 10 students participated in research internships and study tours abroad, expanding the international outreach of our entire UNE community to several countries, including Brazil, Cuba and South Korea. This internationalization process was reinforced by the visits to our main campus of several foreign professors and university officials, including Mtra. Elina Coral Castilla, Chancellor of the University of Quintana Roo in Mexico; Prof.Yuan Lulu from the Beijing Language and Culture University in China; Dr.Yang Jun, Fulbright Scholar in Residence from Nankai University in China; and Prof. Alana Krautstengl, President of the Anglo American University in the Czech Republic. In our main campus, we continue to see an expanded physical footprint, with our newly completed building that houses the Center for Graduate Support Services. The new Health Center, UNE Salud, a facility that will provide primary services and prevention care is scheduled

for fall 2013. Moreover, the construction of the Jesús T. Piñero library building will be completed in 2016. All these initiatives are aimed at attaining the core goal that any institution of higher learning strives to achieve: developing students that are not only more capable in their respective fields, but also enjoy a higher employability level. It is therefore not surprising to see solid student enrollment rates, steady first-year retention percentages, and increasing total graduation figures, even in an environment challenged by a decreasing overall local population and stricter federal regulations regarding grants and loans. It is also equally gratifying to see more and more students participating in our Students’ Institute for Leadership, a model adapted from the University of California at Fullerton, where students participate in diverse seminars and courses, and then go to the field to gain practical experience as leaders in their future careers. These seminars and courses are included in the students’ academic transcripts. Looking forward to next year, we see an everincreasing involvement of our faculty in research endeavors; a fully completed Health Center; the start of construction of the first Puerto Rican governor, Jesus T. Piñero, Library and Museum; two new university centers in Arecibo and Mayagüez; and further expansion of new academic programs opportunities in Florida, Maryland, Washington, D.C. and perhaps even in Latin America. In all, we look forward to continue delivering quality in education through the diversification of our academic offerings and nurturing additional scholarly activities.


Aside from the recognition of our diverse academic programs, special emphasis was placed on the level of research conducted and published by both faculty and students, at the graduate and undergraduate levels. This year, a higher number of professors were engaged in different scholarly works, including publication of articles in peer-reviewed journals. More importantly, our scholarly research publication “Ámbito de Encuentros” was indexed this year in the Latin American online regional information system for scientific journals –LATINDEX-, strengthening its position as AGMUS’ foremost academic investigation forum. At the same time, our School of Science and Technology increased by 20% the number of students participating in summer research internships. In addition, during this year we increased the number of full-time research professors who will forego their usual time in the classroom to be completely dedicated to their research activities.


Ana G. Méndez University System

Faculty Development Through Research


ISEP’s first class from UMET Bayamón.


One of the key factors in determining the level of excellence of any higher learning institution is the work carried out by its faculty. Since day one, Universidad Metropolitana (UMET) has been making great strides in attaining the level of distinction deserving of a top-notch university. This year, the academic achievements of our faculty stand out in multiple disciplines, including Education, Nursing, Social Sciences, Communications, Humanities, Psychology, Science and Environmental Affairs. The development of the future Puerto Rico Photonics Institute (PRPI), which will be inaugurated in 2014, leads the way for a range of new academic programs that will be established at UMET. The PRPI has received the support of the local government through the Puerto Rico



Dr. Beatriz Zayas and Dr. Osvaldo Cox, professors of the Environmental Affairs Graduate School.


Industrial Development Company and the Puerto Rico Science, Technology, and Research Trust. In addition, it has received funding from the National Science Foundation and has an impressive list of partners and collaborators which includes renowned institutions like, Draper Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as well as University of Central Florida, Georgia Institute of Technology, and University of Colorado – Boulder, just to name a few. The total amount of sponsored funding secured so far is $1,206,000. UMET is also being recognized as a pioneer in Public Safety Education. The Institute of Safety and Protection, or ISEP, as it is known in Spanish, graduated its first class with an Associate Degree in Penal Justice this year. And in partnership with the Puerto Rico Corrections Department, we have also taken the university to the prison population and conferred technical degrees in Architectural Drafting to 7 inmates who had earned educational scholarships. In our project as managing partner of the Arecibo Observatory, we are celebrating the 50th Anniversary of this famed installation, and continue forth with the development of the Observatory’s Angel Ramos Foundation Visitors Center. UMET is actively increasing awareness of this global scientific asset for space exploration by hosting workshops for undergraduate students, vocational apprenticeships, pre-college Saturday research academies, as well as international scientific forums such as the Workshop for Latin American Scientists and the Scientific Meeting of the Nanograv Group.

This year also saw the successful implementation of a groundbreaking workshop for women in STEM in academia, funded by the ADVANCE Program of the National Science Foundation. With the leadership of our Dr. Beatriz Zayas as Principal Investigator and the collaboration of Dr. Renetta Tull of the University of Maryland – Baltimore County, our workshop had women professors in STEM from 15 universities in Puerto Rico in attendance. Already the findings of this workshop have been presented to different chancellors in Puerto Rico, national meetings in the US, as well as the annual LACCEI meeting in Mexico. It is perhaps all this academic progress that continues to attract more students to our campuses. In 2012, we reached an all-time high enrollment of 13,117 students, the third year of growth in a row. And this year UMET was able to place 85 STEM majors in summer undergraduate research internships in Puerto Rico and the US, as well as in Germany, France and Poland. The School of Science and Technology has 25 undergraduates conducting research in different fields – ranging from Medicinal Chemistry and Organic Synthesis, to Antimicrobial Activity and Molecular Biology. Fifteen of those undergrads conducted their research outside Puerto Rico. At the graduate level, the School of Environmental Affairs has students conducting research in Puerto Rico but has also placed 5 of its students in a graduate internship program in Conservation in Brazil. This year has proven to be one of new and exciting research opportunities and results that can only broaden our horizons and possibilities. As we look towards the future, we continue steadfast to the idea of allowing our students and faculty to grow in an educational environment that fosters creativity, innovation and respect.

Ana G. MĂŠndez University System

Faculty and students of the Industrial Design Program at the International Furniture Fair in Milan.

A solid advance in academic excellence can best describe Universidad del Turabo’s achievements during the 2012-13 academic year. The year initiated with new academic programs at every level. Students seeking an Associate degree can now choose a career in Respiratory Therapy, Personal Training or Sports Training. At the Bachelors level, we added exciting new programs such as Public Health with a concentration in Health Services Management; Civil Engineering; and Recreation. Furthermore, our Masters degree programs now include graduate studies in Instructional Design with E-learning Technical Integration; Business Administration with a specialty in Management and Strategic Leadership; Architecture; and, Mechanical Engineering. Additionally, we have submitted all documentation for approval of a future Bachelors degree in Penal Justice with an emphasis on Security and Protection, as well as a Masters degree in Finance. Along with the increase in academic offerings, the number of faculty members holding a PhD in their respective fields continues to improve. From 47% in 2009, now nearly 59% of our professors will hold a doctorate by the end of the academic year. It was therefore expected that the number


On Solid Academic Grounds




of academic and scientific publications of our faculty would increase significantly this year, including studies published in the Engineering, General Education and Business Administration fields.


Just as important, we continue to attain further specialized accreditations of our academic programs.The Council on Social Work Education has given its stamp of approval to our Bachelors program in Social Work, and we are on our way to obtaining the accreditation of the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education for our doctorate program in Naturopathic Medicine. Likewise, the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers has received the accreditation request for our Psychology Internship, as have the American Chemical Society and the American Psychological Association for our Bachelors programs in Chemistry and Psychology, respectively. Other significant academic achievements include Universidad del Turabo’s first patent ever (second for the Ana G. Méndez University System), obtained by Dr. Jintao Xiong from our School of Engineering. We established, as well, a new deanship in General Education, which is placing particular interest in developing a new model for tutoring English, Spanish and Math courses using virtual platforms such as EducoSoft® and Tell Me More®. Our School of Education also continues to produce educators that surpass by several percentage points the average passing rates of the teachers Competency Placements Tests (PCMAS, for its Spanish acronym) in Puerto Rico. Moreover, our International School of Design and Architecture, specifically the Industrial Design Program, participated for the first time in the International Furniture Fair in Milan, Italy, receiving accolades for their excellent work. This success parallels other internationalization efforts in our campus, including the current enrollment of 100 international students from 23 different countries; the work carried out by

32 regular professors and 7 lecturers from 16 countries; 7 UT students who are completing programs in Spain, Argentina, Mexico and the U.S.; all this, in addition to the regular collaboration agreements we have in place with universities around the world, including George Mason University, Université de Strasbourg, Universidad Iberoamericana, University of Taubate and the University of the Virgin Islands, among others. It is fitting to mention here the extraordinary academic contribution made to our campus, and our University System in general, by the Governor Pedro Rosselló Library Museum in its first year of operation. In all, 14 academic conferences, 14 “Brown Bag” conversational lunches with the former Governor, 8 special conferences on public affairs, in addition to an International Symposium were delivered to students and the general public alike. To top off the series, the U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor chose this venue to present her new book “My Beloved World” and offer a full house of attendees a very personal and candid appreciation of her biographical work. Physical plant improvements were also prioritized this year with nearly $6.5 million invested in physical and technological infrastructure. This included the new ornamental fountain that serves as the architectural centerpiece of our main campus, the refurbishing of the track and field facilities,the construction of multi-disciplinary labs in our university centers, and most importantly, the completion of our new classroom building to properly serve a growing student population that now totals 15,430. Based on the solid academic achievements of this year, we look towards a future of continued academic excellence, with even more of our professors holding a PhD; with additional accreditation of programs; increased research and scholarly publication activity; and further internationalization of our curriculum, faculty and student body.

Ana G. Méndez University System

It has been an outstanding year for SUAGM Florida campuses in more ways than one, especially in academics and the continued recognition of our campuses as an integral part of the communities we serve. We began this year with the renewal of our annual license by the Florida Commission for Independent Education, followed by the approval of two new online programs -MBA and English as a Second Language- offered by Universidad del Turabo (UT) via the SUAGM Virtual Campus. Additionally, our Tampa Bay campus is offering a new Bachelor’s degree in Nursing from UT. Plus, for our Tampa Bay students, we began offering an Associate’s Degree in Pharmacy Technician, approved by the Florida Board of Pharmacy. Metro Orlando and South Florida are offering a new daytime undergraduate program in the areas of Management, Criminal Justice, and Pharmacy Technician. This expansion of educational programs must come accompanied by a similar increase in faculty members. At Metro Orlando we welcomed 11 new professors; 24 at our South Florida Campus, and 30 in Tampa Bay, for a new all-time high of 406 educators (60 of them with doctorates) in diverse disciplines including, Accounting,


AGMUS Florida is an active member of the community and has been involved in many activities like “Go Red por tu Corazón”.

Continued Growth and Recognition of Educational Quality




Criminal Justice, Education, Psychology, Pharmacy, Nursing, Management, Spanish, English, Biology and Chemistry.


Likewise, an increase in the number of students was to be expected, along with an 11% rise in student economic aid processed this year (Totaling over $30 million). Our enrollment has been increasing steadily since we first opened our classrooms in 2003. From a group of 222 pioneers back then, we enrolled 2,411 students in Florida (MOC 1,226; SFC 785; TBC 400 in 2012-13). Even summer enrollment is on the upswing, surpassing projections for Metro Orlando (864) and South Florida (629), and holding steady in Tampa Bay (295). Another positive reflection of our improved academic offering is the 84% to 98% student retention level experienced in all our campuses, at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Furthermore, the number of diplomas conferred this year reached 376, following an upward trend of graduating classes since 2005. Aside from its improved academics, SUAGM Florida is widely recognized as an active member of the community, involved in many activities and issues that concern Hispanics and nonHispanics alike in Orlando, Tampa and South Florida. The SUAGM “Vota o Quédate Calla’o” (Vote or Keep Quiet) 2012 voting drive, which was so successful in Puerto Rico, proved to work equally well with Florida Latinos, as did the American Heart Association’s “Go Red Por Tu Corazón” campaign, in which all our campuses were actively involved.

Other activities, such as the Semoran Business Partnership, the visit of Colombia’s consul María Londoño, and the new Art Gallery installed in our lobby at Metro Orlando; the visit of South American consuls, the mayors of Colombia, and

Tampa Bay Campus is offering a new Bachelor degree in Nursing.

the Florida Association for Latino Administrators and Superintendents to our South Florida campus; plus the voting drives, Family Day and art exhibits in Tampa Bay, are all examples of the positive impact SUAGM Florida is making on the people and communities we serve. Looking ahead, we foresee continued growth, added programs in more diverse disciplines, and a systematic development of our research and development capabilities. We can say with confidence that the best is yet to come for SUAGM Florida.

Ana G. Méndez University System

Expanding our Educational Reach

The Ana G. Méndez University-Virtual Campus (AGMU-VC) made great progress in this regard during the academic year 2012-13 with an array of new courses, programs, and upgrades that is positioning our institution solidly in the 21st century. Aside from the 23 new courses designed specifically for the AGMU-VC platform, we added 21 new online courses to be co-administered by our three main campuses (UMET, UT, UNE). Additionally, we revised 8 online MBA courses for UT; designed another 22 courses for 4 undergraduate programs; created 5 new modules for the Export Training Program at UT’s School of Business; and launched a new History of Puerto Rico televised course. For our Florida campuses, we integrated two new online graduate programs: MBA with specialization in Management and MA in Education with specialization in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL). But more significantly, we designed and developed the portal for the Dual-


In today’s fast-paced, mobile global environment, higher education institutions must stay abreast of the technological platforms that can take the classroom out of a building and place it at the hands of students, whenever they may have the opportunity to access it, and wherever they may be.



Language online programs that will be taught at all our mainland U.S. campuses.


In order to foster research skills in our students, we designed 8 courses aimed at exposing theories and content specifically related to academic and scientific research and development activities.


This expansion also included our Continued Education program. We designed 20 new modules for the Certification in Public Administration, specializing in 4 different fields: Municipal Administration, Ethical Behavior Non-profit Organizations and the Legislative Branch. Moreover, we designed 2 courses on Intellectual Property, covering the author’s rights and plagiarism; and we began to offer a training course for the College Board Exam. In addition, we included 8 new workshops that focused on technologies that support distance learning, such as Web 2.0, MS Office 2010, Introduction to Computers and Creating Modules Online. The faculty side of the distance learning equation received equal attention this year. We held 31 different workshops on the proper use of the Blackboard platform for 355 professors, including faculty from our Maryland campus. Concurrently with these efforts, we revised and published the upgraded 9.1 version of the Blackboard Quick Guide for Professors, and also launched the mobile version of the platform. Meanwhile, 53 professors from both UT and UNE who taught 115 online courses (including MBA courses) received special mentoring and advice on distance learning techniques; and an additional group of 38 faculty members were trained on developing the structure, design and setup of online courses. These expansion and enhancement strategies increased enrollment and contact hours overall. The UT MBA online program has 626 registered students who experienced 1,878 contact hours.

Regular online courses at all three campuses enrolled 1,334 students who received over 4,000 contact hours, while the SEDUE televised courses at UMET had 584 students registered with 1,752 contact hours. AGMUS is indeed establishing presence and quality in distance learning. And the growth of online educational opportunities from the AGMU-VC will certainly go on well into the future, as we continually assess local and international market needs and demands.

Ana G. Méndez University System

Sistema TV is AGMUS’ main communication vehicle. It is far more than a campus TV station to showcase the academic excellence of all AGMUS campuses. It is an innovative educational television channel that delivers high-quality programming to serve students, faculty, general public and the entire local community. The 2012-13 year marked continued progress for our station, with increases in local educational programming (1,242 hours) and live transmission (290 hours) time, including nine new educational and cultural programs added to our regular lineup. Another nine new episodes of our current locally-produced programming were aired this year, some even winning accolades, such as our special series of news reports “A Look at the Persian Gulf”, which won the Best Editing prize from the Puerto Rico Journalists Association; and our environmental education program “Geoambiente”, which earned three Emmy nominations. In other fields, our 60 hours of coverage of the Intercollegiate Athletic League competitions (Justas LAI) have made us the top college sports broadcaster in Puerto Rico. Additionally, 2012 being an election year, Sistema TV’s wide ranging coverage of electoral and political events delivered 15 weekly hours of information and


Delivering Quality Educational Programming for All



The College Sports Channel


Television and Web coverage of college sports competitions and the Intercollegiate Athletic League Games 2012-2013


*Over 60 hours of television programming that included 24 live events and coverage on “Sistema TV Informa” and “Charla Deportiva”.

analysis of relevant issues, turning the station into a center for the exchange of political and public policy views. This year also marked not only a renewed FCC Non-Commercial Station license until 2020, but also an expansion of our signal, which is now carried by all cable and satellite providers on the island. Our coverage extended to the west coast of Puerto Rico, using the innovative Single Frequency Network that allows us to reach a new audience of over 350,000 viewers. And on the mainland, WAPA América now carries 78 of our programs to communities all over the United States. This wide coverage extends even beyond the reach of our regular TV signal. Sistema TV’s entire line up is now accessible on our web platform ( This year we managed to connect with a web and mobile device audience that generated over 1.56 million hits, more than 62,500 unique visits and 436,000 views of our YouTube videos. This level of unprecedented activity, in fact, prompted YouTube to invite us to join their exclusive partnership program.

As we continue to grow in diversity and quality, and expand the reach of our content, we envision SistemaTV as a leader in educational and college sports programming, an important center for the exchange of ideas and a valuable source of solutions to the issues that affect Puerto Rico and the region as a whole.

Ana G. Méndez University System

Projections for Academic Year 2013-2014 •Advance the construction of several key physical plant projects, among them: -Expansion of UNE’s Santa Isabel off-campus center -ISEP building in Ponce -New International School of Design building at UT -UMET’s Metropilian Institute of Research -Jesús T. Piñero Library at UNE -Improvements of the Visitors Center at the Arecibo Observatory -New University Centers in Arecibo and Mayagüez •Position AGMUS as the leading technical studies university with significant programs in several technical disciplines with curricula integrated to the new tech buildings under construction at UMET and UNE. •Complete the development of all Allied Health programs and related construction projects, including: -New School of Health Sciences building at UT -Commence operations at the UNE Community Health Promotion Service Center -UMET’s Health Sciences facilities in Bayamón •Continue the implementation of the STEM+H Strategic Plan system-wide, including: -Development of UMET’s Photonics Laboratory -Construction of the new Technology Accelerator at UT and expansion of the PR Energy Center

•Give priority to internationalization efforts system-wide, including making necessary adjustments to the administrative infrastructure and the curriculum, instituting specific policies for faculty, increasing student mobility to other countries and from abroad, establishing more collaborative agreements with foreign universities and entities, and promoting foreign language courses in all programs. •Implement the recommendations and strategies set forth in studies related to our Student Retention Model to continue strengthening overall student retention and graduation rates.


•Continue strengthening and improving institutional effectiveness and academic performance systemwide with an increased focus on research and development initiatives from faculty and students



Organizational Chart


Board of Directors


AGMUS President Internal Auditor

Chancellor Universidad del Este

Vice President Financial Affairs

Chancellor Universidad del Turabo

Vice President Human Resources

Chancellor Universidad Metropolitana

Vice President Administrative Affairs

Chancellor AGMU Virtual Campus

Vice President Planning and Academic Affairs

Vice President and General Manager Sistema TV

Executive Vice President

Vice President Marketing and Student Affairs

Chancellor Florida Campuses

Vice President National and International Affairs

Ana G. Méndez University System

General Information Central Administration Ana G. Méndez University System P.O. Box 21345 San Juan, P.R. 00928-1345 Phone: (787) 751-0178, Fax: (787) 766-1706 E-mail: ac_ Web site:

The Institutions:

Universidad Metropolitana Ana G. Méndez Avenue (Rd. 176) Cupey Bajo, Río Piedras PO Box 21150, San Juan, P.R. 00928-1150 Phone: (787) 766-1717, Fax: (787) 759-7663 E-mail: Off-campus learning centers in Aguadilla, Bayamón and Jayuya Universidad del Este Principal Sabana St. at Baldorioty de Castro Avenue, Carolina, P.R. PO Box 2010, Carolina, P.R. 00984-2010 Phone: (787) 257-7373, Fax: (787) 752-0070 E-mail: Off-campus learning centers in Cabo Rojo,Yauco, Utuado, Barceloneta and Santa Isabel Ana G. Méndez University Virtual Campus 167 and Betances St. Building C 6th Floor, Bayamón, PR 00961 PO Box 278, Bayamón, PR 00961-0278 Phone: (787) 288-1100, Fax: (787) 288-1141 E-mail: Sistema TV Isidoro Colón St. Ana G. Méndez Avenue (Rd. 176) San Juan, PR PO Box 21345, San Juan, PR 00928-1345 Phone: (787) 766-2600, Fax: (787) 250-8546 E-mail:

South Florida Campus Miramar Park of Commerce 3520 Enterprise Way, Miramar, FL 33025 Phone: 954-885-5595, Fax: 954-885-5861 E-mail: Tampa Bay Campus 3655 West Waters Ave, Tampa, FL 33614 Phone: 813-932-7500 E-mail: Capital Area Campus 11006 Viers Mill Rd, Wheaton, MD 20902 Phone: 301-949-2224 E-mail:

Credits: General Direction: Mayra Cruz, Ed.D. Acting Vice President of Marketing Production: María A. Martínez Associate Vice President of Public Relations Melissa Rivera Public Relations Director Ziara González Public Relations Director Editorial: Charles Toledo Project Development: Design: DDA Group, Inc. Photos: AGMUS Archives, Enrique Vázquez Printing: Graphic Printing This Annual Report refers to the period from August 2012 to July 2013. Copyright (c) 2013 Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez. All rights reserved.

No part of this document may be copied, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission in writing of the Ana G. Méndez University System.


Universidad del Turabo Rd. 189, Km. 3.3, Gurabo, P.R. PO Box 3030, Gurabo, P.R. 00778-3030 Phone: (787) 743-7979, Fax: (787) 744-5394 E-mail: ut_ Off-campus learning centers in Cayey, Naguabo, Isabela, Barceloneta, Ponce and Yabucoa

Metro Orlando Campus 5601 South Semoran Blvd. Suite 55, Orlando, FL 32822 Phone: 407-207-3363, Fax: 407-207-3373 E-mail:


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