Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez Annual Report 2015-2016

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Introduction....................................................................................19 Our Guiding Principles ...................................................................... 21 Institutional Mission ..................................................................................23 Vision 2020 .......................................................................................................... 25 Our Values ...................................................................................................................27 Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors ....................................... 28 2015-2016 Board of Directors .............................................................................................. 30 Message from the President ........................................................................................................32 Development and Alumni Affairs ....................................................................................................... 34 Public Policy Institute ....................................................................................................................................36 Office of Economic Development .....................................................................................................................38 Executives ....................................................................................................................................................................... 40 Executive Vice Presidency ............................................................................................................................................... 42 Administrative Affairs ................................................................................................................................................44 Planning and Academic Affairs ....................................................................................................................... 46 Marketing and Student Affairs .................................................................................................................. 48 National Affairs ...................................................................................................................................... 52 International Affairs ........................................................................................................................54 Human Resources ....................................................................................................................56 Financial Affairs .................................................................................................................58

Our Institutions Universidad del Este ..................................................................................60

Universidad Metropolitana ............................................................... 64

Universidad del Turabo ................................................................ 68

Ana G. MĂŠndez University ......................................................72

Florida Campuses ........................................................... 76

Sistema TV ................................................................. 82

Projections for the Year 2016 - 2017 ....86 Organizational Chart ............................... 87 Credits......................................................... 88

Introduction The path

THE ROAD TO SUCCESS IS NOT AN EASY ONE TO CROSS. IN MANY OCCASIONS THE PROCESS IS FULL OF DECISIVE AND COMPLICATED MOMENTS. BUT, AT THE END OF THE ROAD, THE DESIRED FINISH LINE GIVES SUCH A SENSE OF GRATIFICATION THAT EACH MISHAP AND CONTEMPLATED SIGHTS TAKE ON A VALUE OF THEIR OWN. The road to success is best savored when we can share the experience with the right people. Those that are fully committed and convinced that no matter what obstacles might lay ahead, the goal will always be achieved. The following pages summarize the path that, during the 2015–2016 year, allowed the

Ana G. Méndez University System (AGMUS), to continue leaving its mark on the pages of Puerto Rico’s education history. Many new beginnings and the end of an era mark the year, but the institution’s essence and the search for the archetype of excellence continues on.


Annual Report 2015-2016

Our Guiding Principles

THE FOLLOWING FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES, ON WHICH THE ANA G. MÉNDEZ UNIVERSITY SYSTEM WAS FOUNDED 67 YEARS AGO, SERVE AS THE BACKBONE FOR A NEW VISION THAT IS BEING FORMULATED TO SUCCESSFULLY TAKE AGMUS FORWARD TO THE YEAR 2020 AND BEYOND. • In a democratic society, every human being has the right to an education, regardless of race, sex, color, national origin, social status, physical or mental condition, religious, political or social belief. • The development of human potential requires an open-door policy that allows students to benefit from academic programs to the full extent of their ability. • All educational institutions should aspire to achieve academic excellence and should commit themselves to fostering such excellence through enlightened approaches to education. • Academic institutions are integral components of the communities they serve.

• Faculty members must innovate for the benefit of their students and for their own professional growth. • The real needs of Puerto Rico must be understood, so that its human resources can be enriched and graduates can make a positive contribution to the progress of society in the work force. • The educational development of the students should emphasize academic skill and growth that is productive in both daily living and employment. • The fundamental commitment of the Ana G. Méndez University System promotes a better quality of life for our students, employees and the community at large.


Annual Report 2015-2016

Institutional Mission

THE ANA G. MÉNDEZ UNIVERSITY SYSTEM IS A NONPROFIT HIGHEREDUCATION ORGANIZATION WHOSE PRIMARY MISSION IS TO PROMOTE THE CULTURAL, SOCIAL, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE PUERTO RICAN SOCIETY AND SECTORS OF THE HISPANIC COMMUNITY OUTSIDE PUERTO RICO, BY EXPANDING EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES TO BENEFIT THE COMMUNITIES IT SERVES. AGMUS operates and develops its educational mission through an integrated multi-institutional system, comprising the following units: • Universidad del Este (UNE) • Universidad de Turabo (UT) • Universidad Metropolitana (UMET) • Ana G. Méndez University • Sistema TV (educational television station) • Central Administration • Continental US Campuses

Fulfillment of the educational mission of AGMUS is the main role and responsibility of the system’s institutional units UNE, UT, UMET, AGMU and Sistema TV. On the part of the Central Administration, the role of its main structures and units is to advise, help and support institutional units in different specialized areas and ensure the proper development and implementation of systemic policies and processes.

To fulfill its mission, AGMUS will develop initiatives and projects within the framework of the following guidelines and general objectives:

• Develop a leadership role in public service and in the discussion, analysis, and effective solution to the social, economic, and environmental challenges facing Puerto Rico.

• Establish, develop, manage, and supervise institutions and centers of post-secondary and higher education in Puerto Rico, the Continental United States and abroad, that provide academic offerings at every educational level authorized by law, regulations and the corresponding licensing and accreditation entities. • Establish, carry out and evaluate teaching programs of the highest relevance and academic excellence, according to the needs and interests of the diverse sectors of the communities it serves. • Set up, carry out and evaluate programs of continuing education and other non-traditional programs. • Establish and develop academic and scientific research programs, both undergraduate and graduate, aimed at creating knowledge, as well as contributing solutions to Puerto Rico’s needs.

• Promote constant innovation by applying the latest emerging technologies to all academic, student, and administrative process. • Set up ancillary businesses related to academic operations, as well as unrelated business activities that contribute to the financial strength of the organization. • Develop and identify new sources of revenue and external funds to mobilize resources in support of its mission and educational goals. • Maintain a sound administration and a fiscally strong and responsible operation to ensure the permanence and development of the organization.

Annual Report 2015-2016


Vision 2020

BY 2020, THE ANA G. MÉNDEZ UNIVERSITY SYSTEM WILL BE RECOGNIZED AS AN INSTITUTION OF EXCELLENCE IN LEARNING, RESEARCH, AND PUBLIC SERVICE, WITH GREAT SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND GROWING GLOBAL EXPANSION. AGMUS will stand out for its decisive contribution to the economic and social development of Puerto Rico, providing innovative solutions to the developmental needs of the Island, and will be recognized as the leading institution serving the educational needs of Hispanic communities outside Puerto Rico, in the United States and other communities it serves.

focused on the human being, and making effective use of its technological, physical and managerial resources in support of its mission. The AGMUS and its institutions shall guide all of their operations, actions, and administrative development under strict compliance with the following values as a rule and parameter of its institutional conduct:

AGMUS will be characterized as a transformative entity of constant innovation and sound financial strength,


Annual Report 2015-2016

Our Values Excellence as the maximum aspiration in all teaching, research and service endeavors.

Freedom of thought and expression as an indispensable basis in the search and diffusion of knowledge.

Respect for the diversity and dignity of human beings.

Equality in recognizing the value of education as an instrument to provide better opportunities and to fully develop the potential of human beings.

Integrity in all our dealings as an educational entity.

Innovation a constant to guarantee the pertinence of programs and services.

Social Responsibility regarding the needs of the community, the country and the humanity of which we are part.

New Chapter in History


During academic year 2015-2016, the System wrote the most important chapter of its last five decades, as it put into gear a presidential succession process that ended up with the appointment of José F. Méndez Méndez as the new President. The Board of Directors fulfilled its duty of leading a successful presidential transition after forty-two years under the presidency of Dr. José F. Méndez González. The selection process of our new President was not an easy task. It turned out to be an arduous, but satisfactory journey, led by the Board’s Governance Committee. The transition process included four months of interim presidency under Mr. José F. Méndez Méndez. In the meantime, the Governance Commitee conducted interviews, evaluated recommendations, and opened the job offer to all staff officers who qualified. It was a challenging year for the Board to lead this process, and at a meeting duly called for the selection of a new president for AGMUS, the Board of Directors unanimously approved the appointment of Mr. José F. Méndez Méndez.


It is important to mention that Mr. Méndez Méndez was originally hired more than 30 years ago as a career

employee, and soon thereafter he was appointed staff officer. As such, Mr. Méndez has excelled in various positions, ranging from being General Manager and Vice President of Channels 40/26, Associate Vice President for International Affairs, and Executive Vice President. Meanwhile, former President Dr. José F. Méndez González, whom we all treasure and respect his intellectual savvy and vision, assumed retirement to become the new President Emeritus, at the same time that he maintains his position as permanent member of the Board. Thus, he will continue to contribute with his expertise and guidance to this complex institution, with sound and knowledgeable advice. I have had the pleasure of knowing Dr. Méndez González for more than 25 years. I have always admired his enthusiasm and resilience. He has been a mentor, co-worker and friend. A person who deserves all possible recognition, because there has not been a single day since he took over the reins of the System, in which he has evaded taking the decisions needed to secure the wellbeing of AGMUS and its students. As for myself, I hold a

New Paths in Excellence

deep admiration for Méndez, as both a professional and a human being. I have also the honor of knowing Mr. Méndez Méndez, and I am sure that our System can not be in better hands. Our now President is a proactive and respected leader, who is committed to AGMUS’ legacy. There is no doubt that he will lead the institution through new boundaries and will be the protagonist of important pages in the history of our educational institution. The Board of Directors, as well, is very much satisfied with his appointment and looks forward to working with him and together navigate this transatlantic into the future. At the close of academic year 2015-16, the Board of Directors recognizes Dr. José F. Méndez González for a lifetime of valuable contributions and dedication to AGMUS. Although new plans will be on the way for Mr. José F. Méndez Méndez, the System will continue ahead with its recently revised strategic plans and its search for new academic opportunities and services for our students. Ahead of us awaits the exploration of new markets and the expansion of the university centers in Puerto Rico and in the Continental United States, where we established the first bilingual university from Puerto Rico more than a decade ago. The Board will stand by the new President and fully support his efforts to provide AGMUS with the strength and purpose to succeed in our plans.


Ramiro Millán Catasús Chairman Board of Directors

Annual Report 2015-2016

Board of Directors 2015-2016

From left to right:

Félix Rodríguez Schmidt, MD, FAAFP, CCHP

Héctor A. Jiménez Ramírez


Manuel Agosto García

Ramiro Millán Catasús


Wilfredo Cosme Ortiz José F. Méndez Méndez


Rafael A. Nadal Arcelay


René A. Soto Torres


René A León Rodríguez


New Paths in Excellence


Annual Report 2015-2016


from the President José F. Méndez González, Dr.h.c. AGMUS’ HISTORY AND THE CHAPTER TO COME 42 YEARS HAVE PASSED SINCE I TOOK OVER THE REINS OF THE ANA G. MÉNDEZ UNIVERSITY SYSTEM AND THERE HAS NOT BEEN A SINGLE MOMENT IN WHICH I WAS NOT PROUD OF WHAT WE ARE AND THE PATH WE HAVE TAKEN. WE HAVE LEARNED FROM THE DEFEATS, WE HAVE CELEBRATED THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS, BUT NEVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, HAVE WE LOST THE COURAGE TO CONTINUE ON STRONG. As part of my presidency, I have attempted to make AGMUS the epicenter of innovation and educational excellence to the service of Puerto Rico and the Hispanic communities. Our vision has led us to boundaries never before sought after by other educational institutions on the island, such as having the first university, in the Continental United States, with a dual language educational model. Today, more strong than ever, we continue the steps of internationalization, after the accreditation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), of the Ana G. Méndez University, the first virtual institution in Puerto Rico. The System’s enrollment keeps going on strong with a total of 44,518 students and AGMUS keeps on consolidating itself as the number one private educational institution on the island. This achievement is more than just a number; it represents the thousands of lives that trust AGMUS and its institutions to help them accomplish a brighter future.


own businesses, and thus boost the island’s economy. The 2015-2016 academic year represented, for the System, the opening of new infrastructure and technology facilities such as the Bio-Testing Laboratory, the new phase of the Toxicology, Chemistry, Molecular and Environmental Laboratory (ChEMTox), at the Universidad Metropolitana (UMET); the new and exclusive facilities of the School of Health Sciences at Universidad del Turabo (UT); and the majestic Library and Center for Social Research Jesús T. Piñero, at the Universidad del Este (UNE). We welcome a new era, with the beginning of the transition to appoint Mr. José F. Méndez Méndez as our next President. It has been of great pride to be captain of the System. It became my passion and life mission, therefore I am sure that this new phase, into which we enter, will not leave behind our principles as an education institution, but will guide it to many decades of great achievements.

We also enjoy the solidarity of other educational institutions abroad, the signing of partnership agreements and the support of the government of our country. The Sales and Marketing Executives Association’ (SME), in collaboration with the Office of the President of the House of Representatives of Puerto Rico, gave us the opportunity to provide guidance to 550 university students on incentives with the purpose of allowing the students to establish their

New Paths in Excellence


Annual Report 2015-2016

Development and Alumni Affairs

GREAT PROJECTS BEGIN WITH A GREAT FORMULA Our 2009-2015 Capital Campaign’s slogan describes the principle that guided Development and Alumni through a fruitful and successful fiscal year. Excellence is measured in various ways. It can be determined by the achievement of ambitious goals or through the recognition among peers and donors as best in the field for the continuous performance, credibility, and transparency of the work done. Anyone who knows the team at the Ana G. Méndez University System recognizes our determination and passion for serving our students and providing them with the best tools to achieve their dreams and transform their lives. Through its associates, our System demonstrates its excellence and commitment. The team of the Associate Vice Presidency of Development and Alumni achieved a commendable job by surpassing the goal of our 2009-2015 capital campaign titled: E=MC2: Evolution Equals Minds Times Commitment Squared, which closed during this academic year. This success was made possible by the discipline, patience, persistence, and motivation demonstrated from the time the campaign was launched in 2009 through its completion. Under the leadership of Mrs. Margarita Méndez, Associate vice president of Development and Alumni, and the campaign chair, Dr. José A. Santana, the stated goal was exceeded by 126%, raising $29,485,874 and surpassing the proposed goal of $23.4 million. This achievement gave us the extraordinary ability to provide necessary resources to our students, and the funds effectively contributed to ten projects that will benefit AGMUS’ institutions: Universidad del Este, Universidad del Turabo, Universidad Metropolitana and SISTEMA TV.


The capital projects that will benefit at Universidad del Turabo will be the Museum and Center for Humanistic Studies Dra. Josefina Camacho de la Nuez and Library Museum Governor Dr. Pedro Rosselló. Meanwhile, at Universidad Metropolitana, funds will support the Ángel Ramos Foundation Science and Visitor Center at the Arecibo Observatory and the Puerto Rico Photonics Institute. At

Universidad del Este, the Jesús T. Piñero Library and Social Research Center and the ERES Center, a future space for reflection, spirituality and solidarity. Will be supported raised funds contributed to the expansion and construction of facilities and spaces that will benefit from high technological resources to expose students, faculty, and visitors to the arts and culture, planetary science, emerging trends, reflection and the historical heritage of political, social and economic affairs of Puerto Rico. In addition, funds raised will greatly contribute to the education of our students, to the extent that $4 million will be allocated to the Permanent Scholarship Fund, Scholarship Funds for Graduate Programs, partial scholarships through the institutions’ Annual Funds and the production of local programming through Sistema TV’s Annual Fund. The words of Dr. Santana echo in us by expressing that to achieve the full potential of our Capital Campaign, the donors’ testament to AGMUS’ credibility was key, and the fact that “AGMUS puts into action the commitment behind its words, to benefit education and the progress of Puerto Rico.” The result of the Capital Campaign shows that despite the difficult economic environment across the Island, our donors recognize the transparency of our actions and know that each dollar raised, will be effectively invested and allocated to the identified projects. Achieving the closing of the Capital Campaign with high marks was not the only successful project that the Associate VP Development and Alumni culminated during the 20152016 academic year. This unit continued with its Strategic Plan for the Alumni Program which was outlined with the counsel of The Phoenix Philanthropy Group, and included the recruitment of a Director of Alumni in each institution. This new team will support the efforts of the Associate Vice presidency and our institutions to instill a sense of belonging and commitment from more the 60,000 graduates. The Directors of Alumni will develop activities to incorporate former students to the university community. Mentoring programs and events engaged some of our graduates. One such activity was the meeting with incoming students with

New Paths in Excellence

Universidad del Este’s alumnus Jean Caminero, an example of self-improvement and a success story to follow. Also, a round table discussion led by UNE’s graduate Mario Moczó Esq., was possible for prospective students of the School of Social and Human Sciences. The 2015-2016 academic year also served to recognize professional and civic accomplishments of outstanding alumni at the Distinguished Alumni Gallery. In this annual event, our institutions recognized Universidad del Este alumni: Chef Víctor Rosado and Professor Cheryl N. Wood, Universidad del Turabo Alumni: Dr. Damalín Diaz and Engineer Hermes Norero, and Universidad Metropolitana alumni: Mrs. Sara Rosario, president of the Puerto Rico Olympic Committee, and Mrs. Ailianet Roldán, president of Fundación Tesoros de Amor.

The new academic year holds, for us, the beginning of the planning phase of the 2016-2020 fundraising campaign. While continuing to support the educational programming of iconic museums, libraries and the Arecibo’s Observatory Science and Visitor Center, the next fundraising effort will be mainly focused on creating greater opportunities for students through scholarships and stipends. In the past six months, our alumni staff strengthened the alumni program in our institutions. Furthermore, the Strategic Plan developed for the Associate Vice Presidency is aimed at the right direction. It recognizes alumni as the foundation for a long-lasting development of our institutions and it creates a culture that is vital to establish an unbreakable relationship with our graduates. It is in the accomplishments of alumni that you can attest to AGMUS’ delegated commitment to forge successful citizens, who enjoy serving and giving back to their community.


Annual Report 2015-2016

Public Policy Institute

SOCIAL CHANGE Since its inception, one of the primary objectives of the Public Policy Institute (PPI), has been to present a variety of opinions about the issues that affect Puerto Rico. We are driven to present possible solutions to both a specialized audience, and the public at large. Our driving mission is to establish a successful dialogue with diverse sectors about public policy and its outcomes. When this initiative was launched at AGMUS, we took upon ourselves the task of identifying topics of interest in fields such as economy and education. Our goal is to find consensus by providing discussion forums. In them, key figures meet faceto-face and establish meaningful conversations around these topics. We expect to begin a path of possible solutions to the pressing dilemmas facing the Island. Our first forum revolved around the topic of financing within the public sector and academia as they faced the Education Reform of 1989. From that moment on, the PPI has been identified and recognized as the leading voice regarding issues such as legislation for municipal autonomy, insular taxes, taxation systems and tax reform, regional entrepreneurship for the creation and development of businesses in strategic geographical areas, natural gas and other energy alternatives. We have also put forth ideas on how to solve the water purveyance, transportation and security crisis. The PPI’s mission and sights on the future have not been undermined since its foundation. The institute keeps going on, strongly committed to our core values. During the academic year 2015-2016, the PPI has organized and sponsored different forums focused on the prevention of, and fight against,

domestic and sexual violence. The forum was titled “Sexual Violence in Puerto Rico”, and it was held in April. Renowned panelists of the stature of Dr. Mario Marazzi, Dr. Mary Ward, and Mrs. Arelis Villanueva participated. A large crowd that included a group of students, faculty, AGMUS’ associates, and the general public, benefitted from the discussion of existing public policy on an issue that affects Puerto Ricans of all stripes. “Domestic Violence in Puerto Rico”, another forum, was held at the Universidad del Turabo (UT), and had the participation of Ombudsman Wanda Vázquez, Esq., from the Women’s Advocacy Office; and panelists Dr. María M. Ortiz, Dr. Silma Quiñones, and Mr. José Montañez, an expert who shared his knowledge on the bio-psychosocial and legal aspects of domestic violence. The Ombudsman presented current statistics and explained how her office counsels and promotes government agencies to manage cases involving violent events efficiently.

The economic situation and upcoming elections are issues of great relevance during this historical juncture in our country. In such uncertain political and economic climate, it is imperative for university institutions to take upon themselves the task of informing and guiding our society so that it becomes better educated about the choices available. It benefits the public to understand how new and effective economic models are developed. The forum: Juntos por Puerto Rico: Otro Puerto Rico es posible, opened the door to an open discussion about economic topics, which affect us all. It had the participation


New Paths in Excellence

of Dr. Bernardo Kliksber, a renowned international economic consultant. He is also a social scientist recognized worldwide as the founder of a new discipline called Social Management, and a pioneer of “Ethics for Development”, the Social Capital, and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It is part of our role to encourage open and clear discussions of the governance platforms presented by candidates for political office. We educate the public on new voting methods. It is extremely important to us to keep the public informed about new methods of electronic scrutiny. To that end, the PPI, in coordination with the State Elections Commission, carried out the series: Days of Electoral Guidelines. The Conference took place at different college campuses: Universidad Metropolitana in Cupey, Aguadilla and Bayamón; at Universidad del Turabo in Gurabo and Ponce; and at Universidad del Este in Carolina and Cabo Rojo. They are aimed at offering guidance to our university community about changes to the electoral process and to allow them to get to know the new method of electronic voting. In addition, attendees had the opportunity, if they so choose, to get their electoral card.

The next few years will be very challenging for the Puerto Rican society. A great period of adjustment. We will have to learn how to work within the frame of the Puerto Rico Fiscal Control Board (US Congress project, PROMISE). Entities such as the PPI and AGMUS have the responsibility to be an active part of an educational process targeted at the public in order for them to be well informed about the ramifications of this project. The Public Policy Institute formed, sponsored, and guided by the Ana G. Méndez University System, is committed to ensuring that our people have all the tools needed to keep going forward and build a better future.

año 4 número 11 septiembre - octubre 2016

IPPforum es una publicación bimensual del Instituto de Política Pública Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez Copyright ©2016

Junta asEsora Presidente Lcdo. César R. Vázquez Díaz Secretario CPA Jaime Sanabria Vicepresidente Dr. Jesús Joel Pérez Miembros

Sr. José Joaquín Villamil Sra. Terestella González Lcdo. Ferdinand Mercado Sr. Francisco J. Rodríguez

Sr. Ángel Pérez Otero Lcdo. Antonio Monroig Sr. Eduardo Laureano Sr. Antonio Silva

Asesor Legal Lcdo. Rafael A. Nadal Miembros Ex Oficio Sr. José F. Méndez Méndez Presidente Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez

Dra. Mildred Huertas Dr. Dennis Alicea Dr. Carlos Padín

Dr. Jorge L. Crespo Dra. Migdalia Torres Lcda. Margarita Millán

Oficial Administrativo IPP Elivette Díaz Colaborador – Director de Relaciones Públicas SUAGM Rafael Matos Carr. 189 Km 3.3 / Gurabo, PR 00778 PO Box 3030 Gurabo, PR 00778-3030 Tel. 787-743-7979 ext. 4645 Correo electrónico: Las opiniones vertidas por los colaboradores invitados no necesariamente representan la opinión del Instituto de Política Pública y su cuerpo directivo. Los escritos de opinión son el punto de vista de cada columnista colaborador y no representan necesariamente el punto de vista de sus patronos o firmas. La información en este boletín ha sido obtenida de fuentes confiables, pero su corrección e integridad, o la opinión en la cual se basa, está garantizada. Si tiene alguna pregunta relacionada al contenido de este publicación, puede contactar a la oficina de la Directora Ejecutiva del Instituto de Política Pública. El contenido de esta publicación no podrá ser reproducido, almacenado en sistema de recuperación, o transmitido sin previa autorización del Instituto de Política Pública.

Annual Report 2015-2016

Edición ESPEciAL: juntA dE cOntROL fiScAL

Las promesas de

PROMESA José J. Villamil

Estudios Técnicos, Inc. Miembro de la Junta Asesora del IPP


uiero comenzar esta nota indicando que me opuse tenazmente a que se creara la Junta de Control Fiscal por pensar que el manejo adecuado de los asuntos fiscales hubiera evitado lo que es una vergüenza para Puerto Rico. Se cometieron muchos errores por la Administración que la hicieron inevitable, pero reconociendo que administraciones anteriores también los habían cometido. En esta Administración posiblemente el peor de muchos errores fue el no haber atendido los problemas de la deuda y de liquidez, conocidos en enero de 2013, a tiempo. La Ley conocida como PROMESA es una combinación de medidas muy precisas y otras

de gran ambigüedad. Eso ocurre en proyectos de ley en que hay muchos intereses afectados y los congresistas intentan atender los reclamos de cada uno. La ambigüedad en este caso se refleja en cláusulas que sugieren que la Ley tiene como objetivo principal atender el problema de desarrollo de Puerto Rico y de atender una “crisis humanitaria” mientras que en otras secciones queda claro que el objetivo principal es asegurar el pago de la deuda, sobre lo cual entra en muchísimos detalles. Pero más que la Junta, compuesta por personas a tiempo parcial y sin remuneración, el nombramiento del Director Ejecutivo es fundamental. Esta persona será un funcionario a tiempo completo y será el responsable de escoger el personal técnico de la Junta. Es el Director Ejecutivo quien le llevará a la

En este número Las promesas de PROMESA ..................................................... 1 ¡La sanación de un país duele! ................................................ 3 Orientaciones electorales ......................................................... 4

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Economic Development Alliances

ECONOMY BOOST FROM THE ACADEMY The economic picture and the political and social changes facing Puerto Rico, make for a fertile ground for institutions such as the Ana G. Méndez University System to promote the development of business and technology through education. Since its inception, as part of the Strategic Vision 2020, the Office of Alliances for Economic Development (OAED) has tried to be the link between the academia, organizational sectors and the government, to promote the creation of novel ideas. Business Incubators, STEM initiatives, and the marketing of “medical tourism” are some of the projects supported by this unit, which is part of the Office of the President.


The year 2015-2016 brought with it new alliances with municipalities, and the approval of several proposals that benefit the island’s economy. Partnerships such as: Northern Technology Initiative (INTENOR), Northeast Technology Initiative (INTENE), Integral Development of

the South, Inc. (DISUR) and Eastern Central Technology Initiative (INTECO), promoted new local businesses and conducted various workshops that served to guide employers and the community. INTENOR, for example, opened Red Empresarial de Innovación (REDI), an incubator for companies developed by Universidad Metropolitana (UMET). Currently, REDI is composed of more than 18 companies that generate more than 168 jobs. The incubator is located in the Barceloneta Science Park that also houses Puero Rico Photonics Institute. Another successful project was the Fuerza PYME, which was the result of a collaboration agreement with the Office of the President of the House of Representatives. The plan allowed for some 550 AGMUS’ university students to receive orientation on incentives offered by the government to young people who wish to establish their own business.

New Paths in Excellence

Northeastern municipalities of Puerto Rico are being supported by economic stimulus strategies delineated by INTENE. The organization achieved significant accomplishments focused on improving the quality of life of the region, such as the inauguration of the Electronic Library Centro Politécnico Teresiano of Canóvanas. This space will serve the local community at the city as well as the general public. INTENE also strengthened its structure by consolidating partnerships with 13 governmental organizations and the private sector. Among these: the Chamber of Commerce, the Association of Puerto Rico Products, the Manufacturers of Puerto Rico Trade and Export Company, Economic Development Bank, the Tourism Company, Banco Popular, PRIMEX, SBA, COFECC and others. The consequences of the economic downturn of the country have led to develop creative strategies that promote economic growth on the island. DISUR has gone on and beyond its efforts to procure federal projects that will result in benefits to scientific research. Healthy Lungs, Now (Pulmones Saludables, Ahora), is an example of such a venue. The purpose of this $120,000 initiative is to study the air pollution at the Tallaboa-Encarnación community in Peñuelas. This project is the only one of its kind in Puerto Rico and there are only 13 others in the United States. Also, the federal proposal Project 127.2, which was achieved during this fiscal year, will seek a $16 million investment from the private sector. Moreover, DISUR has included professionals from various industries in events in which the economic issues of the island are discussed. One such event was the Economic Dialogue of the South and the 1st Congress of Science and Technology, the latter in alliance with CROEM Alumni, and involved 28 municipalities. In addition, in collaboration with the Medical Tourism Corporation of Puerto Rico, the Alliance developed a proposal to promote Medical Tourism. The process of uniting both municipalities and organizations who procure the economic wellbeing of the island, has been a long, but rewarding one. The fact that every time new entities join the Alliance, is proof that the work that is being done is reaching out. During the 2015-2016 year, INTECO’s family was joined by the municipalities of Comerío and Yabucoa. These, together along with other allied municipalities, have benefited

directly or indirectly from the Centers for Incubation of Emerging Companies and its support program INOVA, which ended the fiscal year with an occupancy rate of 98% of its spaces, for a total of 23 incubated and growing companies. Since the development of INOVA seven years ago, there have been 688 new direct and 344 indirect jobs and 51 new companies. The results have been so positive that INTECO managed to become a self-sustainable organization. A very special project for AGMUS and the Alliance that serves the eastern center of the island, is a high school specialized on Science, Mathematics and Technology (CIMATEC). This year, 68 high school students were part of its third graduating class. They were all accepted into prestigious universities in Puerto Rico and the Continental United States, while 85% continued their studies in STEM related careers. These young people represent the bright future that lies ahead for our country, to the extent that private and government agencies wish for them to prosper. Partnerships for Economic Development Alliances have come a long way since inception in 2001. Today, they are the force that binds together to prepare new generations of entrepreneurs and support those struggling to stay current in an algid economy. Alliances between the academia and the private and public sectors will create the type of initiatives that will be key, allowing us to move forward.

Al Día

Alianzas de

Alianzas de Desarrollo Económico

Desarrollo Económico Al Día Publicación de las Alianzas de Desarrollo Económico

Publicación de las Alianzas de Desarrollo Económico

Año 1. Num. 1

Noviembre 2015

Alianzas Regionales: Motor del Desarrollo Económico del País El escenario económico sombrío que se ha proyectado durante los pasados años en el país, no ha sido un obstáculo para que nuestras Alianzas Regionales de Desarrollo Económico sigan obteniendo éxito en sus gestiones. Podemos ver cómo los puertorriqueños cada día están buscando nuevas opciones para desarrollarse y ven en el emprendimiento una manera para poner a volar su creatividad y adentrarse en el mundo de los negocios. A través de nuestras incubadoras le damos una mano a los que desean comenzar sus negocios, pero necesitan una ayuda en esos primeros pasos que son realmente trascendentales para que su empresa

pueda subsistir. La unión de la empresa privada, y la universidad junto a los alcaldes, ayuda enormemente a trazar planes alineados a la necesidad real de cada región y buscar opciones que ayuden a desarrollar el emprendimiento de los ciudadanos. INTECO, INTENE, INTENOR y DISUR trabajan arduamente para cumplir sus planes estratégicos. A través de éstos, garantizamos un crecimiento continuo y el desarrollo de nuevas oportunidades de negocios y de tecnología de acuerdo a lo que realmente es la necesidad de nuestra gente. De hecho, estén pendientes, pues pronto celebraremos el foro

Reencuentro Cuba-Puerto Rico, en Ciencia, Tecnología y Diseño, en el que se discutirán las convergencias y oportunidades entre ambos países. El mismo será una oportunidad única en la que expertos de diferentes disciplinas brindarán sus perspectivas de los temas. Además, los invitados tendrán espacio para hacer sus preguntas e identificar prácticas exitosas que puedan emularse. Te invito a que te enteres de todo lo que está pasando a través de nuestras publicaciones y participes activamente en nuestras iniciativas. ¡El desarrollo económico de Puerto Rico es asunto de todos!

Esta edición: Nueva Junta de Directores en INTECO ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2 Con paso firme emprendedores del norte de la Isla............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 La pobreza y el desempleo: principales obstáculos para el desarrollo de la economía ......................................................................................................3 Con nuevas metas INTENE ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Annual Report 2015-2016


Executives 2015-2016

José F. Méndez, MBA Executive Vice President

Alberto Maldonado, Esq.

Dennis R. Alicea, Ph.D.

Chancellor Universidad del Este

Chancellor Universidad del Turabo

Carlos M. Padín, Ph.D.

Luis Burgos, Ed.D.

Chancellor Universidad Metropolitana

Chancellor Florida Campuses

Migdalia Torres, Ph. D.

Margarita T. Millán, Esq.

Chancellor Ana G. Mendéz University

Vice President and General Manager Sistema TV


New Paths in Excellence

Alfonso L. Dávila Vice President Financial Affairs

Mayra Cruz, Ed. D.

Jorge L. Crespo, Ph.D.

Vice President Marketing and Student Affairs

Vice President Planning and Academic Affairs

Victoria de Jesús, Ed. D.

Ricardo L. Rodríguez

Vice President Human Resources

Vice President Administrative Affairs

Luis J. Zayas

David Méndez, Ph.D.

Vice President National Affairs

Vice President International Affairs


Annual Report 2015-2016

Executive Vice Presidency

EVOLUTION: BREAKING NEW PARADIGMS Since its founding in 1969, the leaders of the Ana G. Méndez University System, have had the mission to be an educational institution to the service of Puerto Rico and the world. Through the passing of the years, there have been numerous changes to which we have adapted and from which we seek to evolve. Our system is gearing towards various transformations, which will help us continue with our mission. One of these transformations is the appointment of Mr. Jose F. Méndez Méndez as president of AGMUS, since July 2016, a leader capable of guiding the institution into a new era and give continuity to the projects that for the past 42 years, Dr. José F. Méndez González, his predecessor, has established. During the academic year 2015-2016, his leadership was felt throughout the various initiatives of the Executive Vice Presidency (EVP) that took place under his guidance. With the Technology Classroom Project denominated Aula Tecnológica, for example, a pioneer alliance with Microsoft Puerto Rico was possible, providing integrate technology into the classroom through Microsoft tools. In this way, we can develop in our students the skills and competencies needed to join the 21st century’s workforce. About 100 new students at the University Centers at Bayamón, Arecibo, Yabucoa and Jayuya were impacted by this initiative receiving tablet computers with Microsoft Office 365 pre installed, plus OneDrive, OneNote, and Outlook Yammer. Both students and faculty involved in the project have been trained in the use of this technology. During the summer of 2016, the training of the faculty who will be working with the project in Barceloneta, Isabela, Aguadilla, Cabo Rojo and Yauco Centers, began. They joined the project during the first half of 2016-2017 academic year.


Aula Tecnológica and other initiatives led by the EVP sought, during the 2015-2016, to strengthen our university centers, both technologically and academically. Events like the 11th Congress of University Centers, under the theme: Retention and Services at the University Centers,

served to discuss the needs of our centers to temper their academic offerings, which will be addressed during the next academic year. Meanwhile, the Associate Vice Presidency of University Centers strategies to promote enrollment continues and has achieved an enrollment of 15.303 students for the first half of 2016. Our university centers are the axis and heart of our System. Each, serving the communities that surrounds them both academically and socially through community-based projects such as: Heart of the People at the Universidad Metropolitana (UMET) in Jayuya and Peace for Women and the Future PROGRAM at the municipality of Coamo, both sponsored by UNE at Santa Isabel. One of the primary functions of the EVP is to work towards innovating student services with projects such as the planning and construction of Cyber Cafes in our institutions. In addition to this initiative, under the leadership of Méndez Méndez, the work started on the construction of the Nursing Laboratory at Universidad del Este (UNE) in Yauco. This will result in better academic services for our student community. As part of the transformation process that our system is going through, the EVP worked hard with the Vice Presidency of Marketing and Student Affairs, to promote the AGMUS new brands project. This project breaks way for the university community to associate the system with simple and modern brands, which are in line with new market trends. The work done in the AGMUS is not possible without the support of our donors, associates and faculty. With their help and Mr. Méndez Méndez's leadership, the starting point of the next academic year will be under the vision of internationalization and the strengthening of ties with the communities we serve. To ensure that the System continues its legacy of innovative education in Puerto Rico and the world, it is necessary to transform and evolve into new possibilities while being prepared to challenge established paradigms. Only then the name of our institution will continue to be synonymous of success.

New Paths in Excellence


Annual Report 2015-2016

Administrative Affairs

SPACES THAT PROMOTE LEARNING AND CREATIVITY One of the main missions of the Ana G. Méndez University System is to create an environment of creative, sustainable, and vibrant teaching, which serves to disseminate knowledge through teaching, research, and fellowship. To achieve this, it is important that the physical facilities of our institution are spaces that promote collective learning and represent the system’s progress. Each of our universities has spaces of a particular architectural beauty. An example of such a stunning space is the newly opened Jesús T. Piñero Library and Social Research Center, on the main campus of the Universidad del Este (UNE); and the School of Health Sciences at Universidad del Turabo (UT). Similarly, the green areas at our institutions provide our students, associates, and faculty members a place to fraternize and invites to social gatherings, such as the area of the gazebos and the ornamental fountain on the premises of Universidad Metropolitana (UMET). With this mission in mind, the Vice Presidency of Administrative Affairs (VPAA), led by Mr. Ricardo Rodríguez Domenech, drew several plans during 2015-2016 that had as main focus the improvement of the institutions’ facilities that serve our students, and developed new projects that will benefit the entire university community. From renovation projects to physical infrastructure and technology, the VPAA invested a total of $36,745,982 million in the three institutions and $600,000 in the new facility that will house the Institute of Security and Protection.


In UMET, classrooms were built and an elevator in the Arturo Morales Carrión building was installed. In addition, permanent improvements were made to the Visitor Center at the Arecibo Observatory. Meanwhile at UNE, reforms were made to the basketball court and to the building of Science and Technology. Work also took place on the facilities of the Integrated Student Services Center and the lab areas for Science and Nursing at the university center of UNE in Santa Isabel were expanded. At UT, reforms were made to existing buildings at the School of Science and Technology and expansions were made to the School of

Engineering and to the university center in Ponce. AGMUS institutions distinguish themselves from other universities in the country for the care and special detail given to green areas and for the numerous efforts made to conserve the environment and educate our university community. During the last academic year, an investment of $90,000 was spent on strategies that were directed to this end; among those were recycling projects that were successful by accomplishing the recycling of a total of 158,794 pounds of paper and 6,208 pounds of plastic. These results were made possible in part by promotion strategies charted by the Vice Presidency, to inform the university community about AGMUS Sustainable Materials and Solid Waste Management Plan. This plan was designed with the purpose of developing a guide to educate our university community and reduce waste disposal to landfills. A green campus with first class installations must be complemented by an efficient security system that ensures the welfare of our students, associates, and faculty members, as well as those who, on a daily basis, visit our universities and centers. At AGMUS, we don’t skimp on having the best team in charge of the safety of our community, therefore, the investment for security for the year 2015-2016 was substantial. Among the improvements made were an increment in the number of operating security cameras from 900 to 1,114 for a total of 1,329. This surveillance equipment, which operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, is operated from three electronic monitoring rooms that are interconnected to support each other in case of an emergency. The everyday university life is enriched when institutions have spaces for fraternization and which, in turn, allow students a space to relax, have some leisure time, or catch up with their academic studies. Each of the three main campuses and 14 centers in the system have a designed space, a library or study center that can meet these needs. To make our students’ university more vibrant, attractive, and unique the

New Paths in Excellence

VPAA is in the process of developing a Cyber CafĂŠ area in each of the main campuses. The work continues and the efforts for AGMUS to remain classified as the most prestigious institution of private university education is a constant one that requires innovative strategies and time to equilibrate the financial reality that Puerto Rico faces. For the following 2016-2017 academic year, the primary focus of the Vice Presidency will be to improve operational efficiency by implementing advanced technologies, to save time, effort, and resources, which can be invested in project management. In addition, the system moves to plans that serve to conserve energy by using solar panels, replacing older equipment with energy efficient options, and the establishment of programs to control the use and consumption of energy, among others. Through strategically developed plans that take into account the fiscal needs of our system, but while seeking to improve the university experience, our institutions will continue to be the most attractive, safe and modern in the country.


Annual Report 2015-2016

Planning and Academic Affairs

PLANNING WITH OUR STUDENTS IN MIND In the turmoil of social, economic and technological changes in which we live, it is vital for the continuous growth of an institution such as the Ana G. MĂŠndez University System, to plan every strategy and to discern on organizational and business decisions. The success we have reaped for over six decades, lies within the strategic analysis of current market trends in the field of higher education and, above all, the development of plans geared to improve our academic and student services. One of the main priorities of the Vice Presidency for Planning and Academic Affairs (VPPAA) is to promote the highest student retention rate in the largest and most prominent institution of private higher education in Puerto Rico. For the past ten years, the VPPAA has outlined strategic plans aimed at increasing the number of university students who persist and keep on studying at AGMUS universities.


These strategies, aimed at strengthening the educational experience, have proved so successful and effective that numbers point to a stable and continuous increase in the retention of new students, as compared with the past year cohort. This achievement, one of the highlights reached by the VPPAA during the 2015-

2016 academic year, shows that AGMUS reached an average first-year enrollment retention rate of 76%. For a sustained retention improvement in each of the AGMUS institutions, the VPPAA has developed plans and strategies geared toward the goal of supporting each student to reach their academic success. The plan focuses on strengthening academic advising, peer and faculty mentoring, and tutoring programs. Through the advising program, students receive support on how to better manage and identify their learning priorities and academic goals. At the same time, through the mentoring program, more advanced students and faculty seek to help identify, monitor and support peer groups to achieve academic progress. Finally, tutorials help students, who are deficient in certain areas, overcome the obstacles and successfully complete their courses. It should be noted that the positive effect of the improvement on retention rates, has also increased the number of graduating students in AGMUS' institutions. The economic stability of our institution is key to maintain our market positioning, and moreover, to continue fulfilling our educational mission. In order to contribute to such stability, the VPPAA revised the

New Paths in Excellence

Capital Improvement Plan to increase discretionary reserves. Of the annual average of $25 million earmarked for improvements to facilities on the AGMUS institutions, some $19 million were designated to increase reserves. This strategy will prove to be very important in order to enhance AGMUS fiscal condition.

exceeding significantly its assigned ratios of studentbreak-even-point or average class-sizes. In addition to these fiscal achievements, we can’t overlook the fact that 98% of students in the AHORA program obtained high scores on the Teacher Certification test (PCMAS), an important academic outcome indicator.

In the area of physical planning, the 2015-16 academic year gave way to the opening of important capital improvement projects as part of the infrastructure plans for AGMUS. Among these is the opening of the new School of Health Sciences at Universidad del Turabo. With an investment of $19 million, the school provides state-of-the-art laboratories in various health fields, as well as a new component to provide clinical services to the surrounding community. Also, AGMUS successfully inaugurated the Jesús T. Piñero Library and Social Research Center at Universidad del Este, with an investment of $9.3 million. In addition to holding the archives and memorabilia of former Governor Piñero, this space will be the center for research and discussion on Puerto Rican contemporary social, economic, and political development in the twentieth century. Besides these major projects, important improvements were made to facilities that benefit students at the Yauco (UNE) and Ponce (UT) off-campus centers.

AGMUS has always been distinguished for the integration of the latest technology to serve the needs of our students, faculty and university administrators. In such a technological and competitive age, it is vital to have an efficient and timely access to our enrollment information. The AGMUS-Dashboard project is a digital platform that allows, in one space, real-time access to such information and key performance indicators. This information can be accessed by internal authorized users and broke-down by system, institutional level, and even by school or location, through “drill-down” features. In addition to specific term information, this past year phase-2 of the project added 5-year trend enrollment data for each of AGMUS institutional components.

A clear example of a well thought out and strategically planned university project is the School of Professional Studies (AHORA program). AHORA, which just turned 20 years of continuous service in Puerto Rico and the Continental United States, closed the fiscal 2015-16 year with an enrollment of over 6,400 students. This systemwide school serves adult, non-traditional students – in our three institutions - who see in it a real alternative to complete their college education and grow as professionals. Contributing to AGMUS fiscal strengthening, AHORA has significantly increased its net revenues, not only by reaching its enrollment expectations, but also by improving efficiency in its course programming,

As we closed the 2015-16 academic year, with no doubt one of the major achievements for the VPPAA and AGMUS as a whole, was the development and revision process of the new Strategic Guidelines 2016-2020. This document outlines the strategic guidelines and priorities by which all of the system’s institutions and components will oversee their developmental path over the next four years, serving as groundwork to further define their work plans, specific goals and projects. These new guidelines are aligned with our statement of strategic vision AGMUS-2020, which reaffirms our position as “an institution of excellence in learning, research and service,” but with greater emphasis on our social responsibility to impact the economic and social development of our country.

Annual Report 2015-2016


Marketing and Student Affairs

GUIDED BY CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION Each year, the Vice Presidency of Marketing and Student Affairs (VPMSA) directs its efforts to project the quality of service and academic programs offered by Ana G. Méndez University System over other institutions of higher education. For this purpose and always with university life at mind, the Vice Presidency delineates marketing, advertising and public relations strategies that always focus on what it is that the students understand to be the system’s best attributes. The results are not the product of an isolated exercise, but a highly analyzed one, that is evident in the countless creative projects that work together to ensure that communication lines between prospective students and the institutions remain strong. During the 2015-2016 academic year, the VPMSA, led by Dr. Mayra Cruz Rivera, charted strategies that allowed for the system to be rated, for the fourth consecutive year, as the first institution of higher education in Puerto Rico, with a robust enrollment of 44,518 students both on the island and our centers in the Continental United States. This goal was reached by strengthening those projects - that put emphasize on the services offered to students and promote academic excellence - that exist in our universities. Agreements with diverse private and government entities allows us to achieve our goals. Among these, it is important to note an agreement between the Department of Education and AGMUS, which provided for students’ high school transcripts to be received electronically by the university institutions. With this, the application process






40,976 37,954

40,000 34,302






35,000 36,616 27,262




25,000 24,197 20,000 2000




New Paths in Excellence






for prospective students is simplified, which in return, advanced the conversion cycle and allows for early admission to the system. We also joined the Índice newspaper in the initiative Explore Your University Route, which allowed us to reach schools of high market interest. Other initiatives included promotional and recruitment events such as: open houses, tours of the institutions and service fairs. Taking into consideration that young people favor the use of the web and social networks to keep informed, we capitalized on advertising strategies that promoted our academic programs through the web and social networks, both in Puerto Rico and in Continental United States. The social reality faced by Puerto Rico and the high rate of migration that prevails becomes a challenge when it comes to reaching the enrollment projections that we impose, year after year. However, just like other AGMUS units, the Vice Presidency works to develop plans that will allow us to focus on the internationalization of the system and compete with other universities, while safeguarding our fiscal health. In order to achieve our objective the VPMSA extended the institutional campaign Veo Veo, which focused on promoting the institutions in foreign markets, emphasizing on the benefit of studying at one of our universities. One such benefits is that interested students can study at accredited universities either in Puerto Rico, the Continental United States or online through the Ana G. Méndez University. Above all, we highlight the unique services offered, the possibility of studying while using bilingual models, and our competitive costs. The new admissions policy is another strategy utilized by the VPMSA to ensure that expected registration numbers are achieved. This expedites the admission process by allowing interested high school students to use the grades acquired in December to apply for admission into any of our universities. To stay ahead as a respected institution of excellence requires the use of focused analysis exercises to understand the market we serve. The Vice Presidency has made it a priority to meet the needs of our students by meeting labor market demands while promoting the universities. A project of great value linked to the positioning of our institutions is the implementation of the new logos for: Universidad del Turabo, Universidad del Este, the Universidad Metropolitana and Ana G. Méndez University. The launch of these new logos, in

August 2015, has given greater visibility and has linked AGMUS to each of the universities that comprise it, resulting in a substantial strengthening of its’ image over other institutions of higher education on the island. Besides providing the best service to our active enrollment, an essential role of VPMSA is to strengthen relations with the community and give them the support they need by means of sponsoring or supporting projects of social interest. Through initiatives such as School Tours, the recruitment and marketing team managed to visit schools of interest to support social workers and counselors with talks and workshops that were consonant with the needs of the students. Some of the discussed topics were directed to vocational identification, bullying, peer acceptance, how to improve communication between parents, and students and time management. Also, through an alliance with the J.J. Barea Foundation, a project was begun to revitalize basketball courts at selected schools. The results of this initiative resulted on a positive impact that allows the system to leave an impression on the selected schools. The Vice Presidency also joined the Department of Education initiative This is my school, (Esta es mi escuela), where schools were identified and selected to receive assistance in preparing them for the new academic school year. Each school was revitalized as needed. This activity resulted in an incredible empowerment of AGMUS’ facilities and recruitment who demostrated solidarity with the communities they served. It is a vital function for the VPMSA to improve the quality of services provided and the processes carried out that impact our active student enrollment. The system owes itself to its students and is essential for us to know that their needs are well met. To that end, the Vice Presidency sought to develop digital platforms to better serve our students in an agile manner. Among some initiatives, associates at the Interactive Services Network (RED) were trained to immediately answer questions that may come through AGMUS universities’ social networks (also, new tools were given to the students that allows them to make payments by phone). Another new digital space that has been capitalized to communicate and report on the achievements of our institutions has been the digital version of the C@mpus newspaper and its Facebook page. Similarly, the Vice Presidency took upon itself the task of reviewing various institutional manuals

Annual Report 2015-2016


and policies and to support extracurricular activities such as employment fairs, student services fairs and the participation of students in the ENACTUS project. The next academic year holds great challenges, but with them come new opportunities and a world of possibilities. The Vice Presidency is prepared to see the results of their new institution campaign - made with the talent of our students and associates’ children - directed to support the retention of our enrolled students. We are confident that as we seek innovative and creative ways to reach out to our students, the institutions will continue to position themselves as highly technological, avant-garde universities, that respond to the needs and concerns of a country that seeks progress.

Our numbers 100+ promotion initiatives and brand recognition Advertising and promotion in both traditional and digital media $ 13 million savings in unpaid advertising 32.525 student emails activated by the initiative of Trade Show Services 60,000 of the C@mpus newspaper were distributed 2,966





international students. These were achieved by means of digital advertising and marketing 1,194 admission applications received from Ana G. Méndez University prospective students in Puerto Rico and the Continental US 1,000 prospective students oriented at the mobile unit 40 schools visited through the School Tours initiative 40 student tours at the AGMUS institutions 19 sponsorships of photo booth at graduation ceremonies as part of the strategy: El triunfo es de todos 17 open houses and tours at campuses and centers 15 schools visited through the project Explore Your University Route, in partnership with the Índice newspaper 10 sponsorships of regional initiatives in support centers 6 Fair Tours to promote university sports at the Interuniversity Athletic League 5 senior fairs 4 student services handbooks reviewed or developed 3 institutional commercials for the Veo Veo campaign for PR and Continental US


1 book of the History of President Dr. José F. Méndez González and his legacy

New Paths in Excellence









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Annual Report 2015-2016

National Affairs

AGMUS REWRITES THE HISTORY OF SERVICE TO HISPANIC COMMUNITIES The strength and what sets our Continental United States Campuses over other universities in the United States is undoubtedly a bilingual education approach. Among the great strengths of the Ana G. Méndez University System is the fact that we are an institution in constant development and growth. This is represented by the range of talented students from around the world, the excellence of our faculty and our campuses, which continue to evolve, ensuring that our community has the best possible facilities and services. In the Capital Area Campus in Maryland and the Dallas Area Campus in Texas, there is a multicultural student population from various regions of Latin America, the Caribbean and even África. Each has particular academic needs, which, when evaluated, dictates the strategies to be implemented. The team of the Vice Presidency of National Affairs (VPNA) led by Vice President Luis Zayas-Seijo, is well aware of this reality and the dedication needed to meet student needs. One of the central projects that was established during the 2015–2016 academic year was to further improve the services to our students by offering a series of workshops titled: “Service is My Passion”, which were aimed at empowering our associates on how to provide better quality student services.


It’s no secret that when the time and immediacy is of essence, technology is our best ally. The Maryland and Texas campus teams are aware that to communicate more effectively with our students and their teachers with them, we must use social networking platforms and SMS. Therefore, the centers have increased the flow of communication with the university through these means, allowing for student services to be immediate and have better acceptability. The messages range from security alerts, information on important dates and information on what is happening in the offered courses.

One of the constant challenges in our Capital Area and Dallas Area Campus is to visualize how to support our students, most of who are parents with full-time jobs. We need to ensure that they successfully complete their university studies, and it is essential to create spaces that facilitate their access to research tools. All courses are supplemented with work online, allowing interactive learning activities between faculty and students and among students. In addition to the additional communication strategies which result in stronger links with our students, VPAN spent the past academic year transforming the Centers for Learning Resources at the Centers for Learning Support. At the centers, students can get support from staff to access e-Lab, a series of online tools to improve their language skills, tutoring among others, prepare presentations, conduct research and participate in workshops. A Professional Learning Community was integrated established to provide additional onsite writing and math tutorials. In AGMUS, we are always evaluating academic programs that effectively meets the needs of the labor market in the areas we serve and that are backed by the necessary accreditations. The 20152016 academic year led to the re-evaluation of academic offerings that include and the creation of, Bachelors in Community Health, Masters in Forensics and in Multimedia Journalism; as well as laying the foundation for future BA and MA programs in Social Work programs. In addition, we are reviewing the Masters in Business Administration and Bachelors in Criminal Justice. As for academic programs in the Dallas Area Campus, a proposal was submitted to the State Board of Nursing to initiate a Nursing program in August of 2017. Additionally, In December, 2016 an application was submitted to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) for a bilingual Alternative Certification Program for teachers.

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The academic focus of our institutions in the Continental United States has always been to serve the adult population in our evening courses; however, this year, we opened a day program in the Capital Area Campus. After working in closer relationships with neighboring high schools in Washington, the program has been exceptionally welcomed, as demonstrated by exceeding enrollment expectations. The program has three different academic curriculums, with 52% of the student enrollment in the nursing program. This trend is expected to continue on to the next academic year, with an increase in enrollment. Beyond the classroom, it is extremely important for us to establish strong and lasting relationships with members of the community we serve. A year after the opening of the Dallas Area Campus, Vice President Zayas’ team has worked hard to sponsor various activities in the community with the purpose of gaining recognition. These efforts have paid off to the extent that relationships with the Hispanic community, the private sector and the government have strengthened. Our institution has been the sponsor of community activities, which have impacted, directly or indirectly, about 5,000 people. Also, it has an active participation in the Dallas Chamber of Commerce and has carried out several collaborative agreements with school districts, city police and other entities. Other projects that focus on both the Capital Area and Dallas Area Campus communities include both the General Educational Development exam (GED) for adults who have not completed high school, and the AGMUS English Model Project. The latter consists of a model of teaching this language at AGMUS in the United States and Puerto Rico. This model will create courses that meet the needs of professionals who want to learn English and use it in their respective areas of employment.

To the extent that our campuses in the Continental United States continue to grow and solidify in the communities they serve, the expansion of our physical space is essential. Today, among all our centers and administrative offices in the nation, we have about 157,000 square feet of available space. However, after the renovation and logistic moves, it is expected that next academic year we will count with 224,000 square feet. These new facilities will allow us to better serve our students and will become the central hub for the Hispanic community, the government and the private sector. For us, it is not a secret that: it is vital to respond to the unique welcome received from the communities to which we belong in the Continental United States. Only with excellence will we be able to materialize our goal of reaching such a previously unimaginable market.

Annual Report 2015-2016


International Affairs

AGMUS: ENGAGING IN GLOBAL INITIATIVES & PROMOTING INTERNATIONALIZATION The internationalization and globalization processes continue to impact higher education institutions around the world. Universities should now operate in a global context that facilitates cross-cultural and crossdisciplinary interactions and collaborations. In addition, we must now graduate students that possess the knowledge, attitudes and skills in order to ensure their success in a globalized society. Our university graduates we must be academically prepared to become conscious and responsible professionals that will develop effective solutions to address the challenges posed by the twentieth century. Since 2002 and through our Declaration of Portugal, the Ana G. MĂŠndez University System, strongly believes that internationalization is one of the key areas that has contributed to the expansion and excellence of our system and our academic programs. With a global vision in mind and guided by the 20142017 Internationalization Plan, AGMUS follows specific goals and utilizes unique strategies to establish its global presence and to enhance the recognition of its universities. This comprehensive plan is composed of six dimensions and during this past year we focused on several areas, such as: international recruitment, student and faculty mobility, recruitment participation in international conferences and symposiums, development of international partnerships and agreements, and positioning within internationally based professional and educational organizations. Hence, AGMUS received a greater exposure, as we engaged in various global initiatives that involved students, faculty and administrators at all of our institutions. As a result of the efforts of the VPIA and the Offices of International Affairs, we are proud to report that AGMUS now has faculty and student representation from more than 20 countries. It is noteworthy to mention that international recruitment was emphasized and accelerated by an Executive Order that was the signed on February 2016. This order defined and standardized the admissions process for international students. Our international students now have the opportunity: to submit electronically their admissions application and academic credentials, to receive personalized attention from our officers and to successfully complete their registration process.


Our efforts continue to produce results; during the past academic year we continued our partnership with the Organization of American States (OAS), as we offered 13 international master’s level scholarships for citizens and residents of the 35 OAS affiliated countries. As a result of this initiative and for the second consecutive year, AGMUS universities received the New Paths in Excellence

highest number of information requests and admissions applications out of all the universities that participate in OAS Scholarship Programs. Numerous requests were received and we now have over 15 AGMUS OAS Scholars that are pursuing their master’s degrees’ in International Business, Management, Teaching of English as a Second Language, Nursing, and Environmental Studies. Undoubtedly, this initiative has allowed us to receive greater visibility to promote our excellent academic programs, as well as to receive highly talented students from the Americas. To achieve internationalization, it is vital that our institutions participate in programs, conferences, and symposiums that will not only increase their visibility, but, most importantly, foster the development of strong relationships that will result in the creation and development of international collaborative projects. During this past year, our universities reported that their faculty, students, and staff participated in approximately 200 internationally and academically based activities. Over 30 full time international faculty members visa based are now working at our campuses. In addition, our universities also hosted over 20 visiting professors and international researchers. At the same time, more than 30 undergraduate students participated in study abroad and international educational exchange programs. In addition, AGMUS institutions signed 6 new international agreements with universities from Spain, Costa Rica, and Mexico. At the end of the academic year, over 18 additional agreements were reported in progress with universities from Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Mexico, Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, Spain, Norway and The Netherlands.

Program (UNAI). In October 2015, Dr. Méndez was also invited to offer a presentation at the Conference of the Americas on International Education in Quito, Ecuador, with participants from over 30 countries from all over the world. Finally, the VPIA continues to identify and foster new opportunities through our relationships with UNIVERSIA, the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, the American Council on Education, the College Board Office of Puerto Rico and Latin America, Grupo Coimbra from Brazil, and the consulates in Puerto Rico and Embassies in Washington, DC. AGMUS institutions continue to generate great interest at the international level. Finally, we are honored to report that, regarding internationalization, this past year our networks expanded, new opportunities were identified, participation in forums and conferences increased significantly, our international student support improved, the quality and level of our research endeavors was notable and the excellence of our academic programs was recognized internationally. In AGMUS we firmly believe that education has no borders, only opportunities. We are truly committed to supporting global initiatives, promoting international education and becoming one of the leaders of internationalization in higher education!

In order to address AGMUS international positioning, the VPIA focused on the development of partnerships with initiatives such as the Department of State’s Education USA Program, President Obama’s 100K Strong in the Americas, and Partners for the Americas. Our presence and participation in these initiatives helped us to promote our university system and to strengthen our relationship with universities in the Continental United States, Latin America and the Caribbean region. Furthermore, during the past academic year, Dr. E. David Méndez Págan, was invited to deliver a message at the United Nations as the coordinator of the Education for Global Citizenship Hub and during the Fifth Anniversary Celebration of the United Nations Academic Impact Annual Report 2015-2016


Human Resources

COMMITMENT AND LEADERSHIP: CHARACTERISTICS THAT MOVE US CONNECTING WITH STAFF MEMBERS, ADMINISTRATIVE EMPLOYEES, FACULTY AND STUDENTS… THE ROUTE OF THE VICE PRESIDENCY OF HUMAN RESOURCES TO ENHANCE OUR BUSINESS THROUGH BUILDING A BETTER WORK ENVIRONMENT Today, human resources practices are impacting the company’s ability to meet its corporate objectives. As strategic partner, the AGMUS Human Resources team plays an important role in leading the organization towards structured processes to support the accomplishment of the goals and objectives. Human Resources has a clear vision to manage challenge in education and business direction, building and leading high performance teams to provide our students the service they need. Committed to excellence, quality standards, and local and international requirements, the AGMUS Human Resources team has the strategic direction of Victoria de Jesús, Ed.D, Human Resources Vice President. Doctor de Jesús is a committed leader who facilitates professional development of employees, promotes effective communication between the university community, supports institutions growth and encourages a culture of respect, diversity, accountability, and innovation.


Like other areas of the system, finding ways to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of our institutions is a priority for the Vice Presidency of Human Resources (VPHR). The Human Resources team provides the knowledge, necessary tools, legal and management advice, trainings, administrative services, coaching, and

talent management to achieve organization needs for successful operation, and deals with compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, compliance, administration, and training. Among the projects worked on throughout the academic year, Human Resources takes advantage of technology and analysis of data to build a robust system to collect and store student’s data with the digitalization of student’s records. This process consisted of integrating academic, admissions, financial aid and registry records and converting them to digital documents, thus, automating and improving document processing, cutting costs, and maximizing the business operation. In compliance with our academic standards, we contribute to the recruitment of diverse and talented faculty, who excel in their areas of expertise, both locally and internationally, who challenge our students and know how to transmit the knowledge acquired through both professional and life experiences. The last academic year, 25 new professors with doctorate degrees were hired. The strength and prestige that AGMUS has in Puerto Rico and in the Continental United States has earned the institution the distinction of being one of the

New Paths in Excellence

most sought-after employers around the world. Not surprisingly, during the academic year 2015-2016, a total of 13,873 job applications were received as a result of 342 job announcements that were published on the website of the VPHR. Candidates who applied were from France, Italy, Canada, Byelorussia, Spain, Asia, Kuwait, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, South and Central America, the Caribbean and United States. As a higher education institution and affirmative action employer, we annually comply with federal and state requirements and reports, such as IPED’s, AAP, Vets4212, FCC-EEO, E-Verify, FSE, OSHA and others. One important regulation handled this year was changes of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and tempered our job descriptions in accordance with the impact on job classification. Also we completed the second phase of the Job Description Evaluation Project, which allowed the review of the functions and classifications of each of AGMUS associates’ job descriptions. The VPHR culminated the establishment of the Electronic Performance Evaluation System process, that replaces the use of paper, provides the service more efficiently and costs less. Another technological project was the updating of the Human Resources’ portal at suagm. edu, link that provide access to all policies, manuals, procedures, contracts and other important documents and resources. The Human Resources team works to achieve the development of a Personalized Total Compensation Statement. This benefit statement highlights the employee total compensation package and breaks down the quantitative value of all benefits that the system grants to the employee beyond his salary, as is the health plan, unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and the savings and investment plan, among others. For over six decades at AGMUS, we have built bonds of trust between our associates, so that they feel confident that our VPHR team seeks to ensure their interests and the fiscal stability of the system. The efforts have resulted in valuable fringe benefits such as the Savings and Investment Plan. The plan has maintained a solid and productive fiscal condition, which is a positive benefit for the associates who are enrolled. During the 2015-2016 period, enrollment reached a total of 1,167 registered associates. Another effort that has paid off is the Preventive Health Program, which had 287 scheduled appointments on nutritional health and

1,159 medical evaluations. For the Vice Presidency it is essential to continue the professional development of our associates; for this reason we invest in our people. Finally, 285 business seminars and professional trainings were organized. Also, during the past academic year, the Human Resources Organizational Development Area completed several studies for Development and External Resources for Sistema TV, the School of Health Sciences at Turabo, the Vice Presidency for Administrative Affairs and the Office of Information Technology and Telecommunications at Universidad del Este (UNE). There are various promising efforts that guide the leadership of the VPHR. Some of these initiatives were focused in our social labor and go beyond the borders of our institutions. Among these, are those aimed at supporting communities in necessity. During 2015-2016, the VPHR led plans to join various fundraising campaigns and food drives like the one ran by the Food Bank: Let No One Go Hungry; and the one led by the American Red Cross: A Dollar for Ecuador. The latter proved to be the largest collection of funds in the system, to date. Also, the Vice Presidency joined forces with Universidad del Turabo to carry out a community service project with the Municipality of San Lorenzo, which integrated the schools of Social and Human Sciences, Business and Engineering in projects that impact the city in positive measurable ways. In conclusion, our Human Resources team is focused in leading practices in developing and recognizing outstanding faculty and staff, as well as promoting communications to employees and students at all campuses. We think holistically about our institution’s work environment and consider what we can do to contribute to increase passion, engagement, commitment and leadership to attract, develop and retain high performing administrative staff and faculty, and to assure that our students and education services succeed in the global competition.

Annual Report 2015-2016


Financial Affairs

AT THE FOREFRONT OF TECHNOLOGY IN STUDENT SERVICES In an age where digital technologies are the most effective method to carry out procedures in an agile and efficient manner, the Ana G. Méndez University System is committed to developing projects that support student services, by using the highest technology to give the students access to various process, which facilitate their university life. These moves have enabled us to put ourselves at the forefront and excel over other universities on the Island. Under the leadership of Mr. Alfonso Dávila, Vice President of Financial Affairs (VPFA) along with the team of the Central Office of Information, Technology and Telecommunications (COITT) have been given the task of delineating firm strategies that help our students by facilitating admission and financial aid procedures, which in return strengthen our system’s finances. Among recent strategies is a brand new Universal Online Admission System. It allows interested students to apply, through the web, for admission to any of the AGMUS institutions. The service is aimed at undergraduate, master’s, doctoral and even international candidates, so it is available in a bilingual platform. The Universal Online Admission System is suitable for students in Puerto Rico, as well as centers in the Continental US and is accessible either by using a computer mobile device. Through this service, prospective students may file documents, such as income information, transcripts, and other documents, which accompany their application for admission.


AGMUS is committed to outlining the best financial practices that suit the institution. We depend on them to meet the demands and to ensure that our institution remains competitive even in the midst of any budgetary challenges that may exist. One of these practices was the implementation of the Financial Aid Automated Verification Process. As part of a requirement of the US Department of Education. To that end, the COITT worked with the OnBase platform. This allows for data review requests, the generation of email communications

with students and the collection of documents that are required to process the applications for financial assistance. This tool makes it feasible for requests to be processed in an expedited manner and deadlines are met, which in turn allows AGMUS institutions for rapid fiscal liquidity. One of the main objectives we have set in AGMUS is that each of its units and vice presidencies focuses on finding innovative solutions to manage cost control and use existing resources more productively. An example is the strengthening of the academic network and intranet so that students can access assignments that originate in the classroom, while using their own technologic equipment. This project, called Academic Private Cloud, is a space database, which allows the student the capability of being able to complete their schoolwork at home. Alongside these technology platforms that streamline the processes of admission and financial aid, VPFA works with other projects that support the institutions economic liquidity. One of these projects made it possible to recertify the Universidad del Turabo, Universidad del Este and the Universidad Metropolitana to receive Title IV funds, which are earmarked for grants as the FAFSA and student loans, among others. Also, the Vice Presidency welcomed the certification and accreditation for the first time, of the Universidad Ana G. Méndez. Amid the difficult fiscal situation facing Puerto Rico, the VPFA has managed to develop strategies that allow it to reallocate funds and create reserves that are aimed at serving students. It is estimated that 75% of funds from the next fiscal year’s budget are allocated for this purpose. To achieve these goals, policies and investment portfolios have been revised to bring them to par with the current market. The strategies outlined by the VPFA for the 2016-2017 academic year are aimed at strengthening the new road

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project for Fiscal Strengthening. This will focus on rethinking AGMUS and its investments, to the extent that services and online communication with students keep on strengthening. These economical strategies make for a strong pillar for our institutions, which as a result will continue to place us at the forefront of technology in student services.


Annual Report 2015-2016

The transformation of the UNE continues, but the foundations are solid and will support the building of a university in which everyone feels right at home.

A Lasting Legacy

HIGHER EDUCATION THROUGH COMMUNITY OUTREACH For the past 28 years, Universidad del Este has been guided by a very dynamic, unique and visionary educator Chancellor Alberto Maldonado Ruiz, Esq. He supervised and observed its physical growth as each stone was laid and each campus evolved in front of his eyes. This experience has no comparison, but it is the only way to describe the legacy of Maldonado Ruiz as chancellor of UNE. For over two decades, the chancellor has worked hard to have the services at this institution recognized as innovative and unique. He watched the institution transform from the Puerto Rico Junior College, to Colegio Universitario del Este, to a leading institution of higher education in Puerto Rico. In his last year at the helm of the University, he bids farewell to her, but not without leaving an invaluable legacy.


Maldonado Ruiz dedicated 45 years of his life to the Ana G. Méndez University System, of which the past 28 were at the UNE. His last year at this University, before his retirement, was one full of memorable achievements, which routed the institution into new paths. One of these achievements was the opening of one of the most imposing buildings of majestic architecture at the System, the Library and Research Center Jesús T. Piñero. This building reflects the character of the governor, whose name it bears, and invites the university community to use its space for discussion and intellectual work. The Library also has new and modern facilities to include: records documenting Puerto Rican history, a multimedia center, a community room, a research center, and the Haydee Piñero Buck Auditorium. This project was made possible, in part thanks to the funds that were obtained by the Capital Campaign: Evolution Equals

Minds times Commitment Square, and the enormous contribution made by the Governor’s family. They saw in UNE the ideal custodian to preserve the legacy of the political leader. In addition to this new architectural stronghold, during the 2015-2016 academic year, UNE continued its physical expansion with the completion of the building that houses the Incubator for Innovative Food, Hospitality and Technology (Kingbird Innovation Center), as well as the construction of the nursing laboratory at UNE’s Off-campus location at Yauco. These modern and secure facilities allow UNE to provide better services to its students. As a cutting-edge university, UNE’s team worked hard to obtain the re accreditation of the José A. (Tony) Santana International School of Hospitality and Culinary Arts, in particular the Culinary Arts and Hospitality programs. In addition, with the market needs, 6 academic programs were approved. These consist of an associate degree in Aviation Sciences in Professional Pilot Technology; bachelor's degrees in Culinary Management, Criminal Justice with a specialization in Security and Protection, Culinary Nutrition, Office Systems with a specialization in Digital Graphic Design; and an MBA in Strategic Tourism with specialization in Sports Tourism. The constant intellectual energy possessed by students and faculty at the UNE was strongly felt during the past year, when students from the Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Business School (IEN Business School) attained

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1st place at the Business Universities Competition fair, they consolidated themselves as finalists in ENACTUS, and won 1st place in the Fourth Edition of the Santander Award for Business Innovation. Similarly, the work of Nilda G. Medina Ph.D., and Loyda Méndez Ph.D., gained momentum with their investigation ECO-RED R15 made in collaboration with the schools of Social and Human Sciences, and Science and Technology. We can’t fail to mention, that the institution published seven books and two volumes of the magazine Ámbitos de Encuentro. This new decade has undoubtedly extraordinary opportunities for education in general. In the era of globalization and constant change, it is necessary that educational institutions, such as the System, provide the best space for current and future students, where they can feel as part of an academic community that provides them the best opportunities to progress. Part of Chancellor Maldonado’s legacy is, precisely, to encourage more and more students to succeed in obtaining scholarships that enable them international exposure. In the 2015 - 2016 academic years, UNE students obtained the 100,000 Strong in the Americas Scholarship, provided by the White House; and the Fulbright, from the US State Department. 168 students took advantage of internships in Puerto Rico and abroad offered by the Honors Program and 35 students will benefit from joining the Permanent Scholarship Fund.

receiving college credits at UNE increased to a total of 107. At the end of May, 76% of the students, in the program, came from public schools and were coursing their 12th grade while, at the same time were, enrolled at the UNE. The transformation of UNE continues, but the foundations are solid and will support the building of a university in which everyone feels right at home. We still ask ourselves: How can we improve? How can we do better? How can we reach more people? The answers will come along the way, but what we are sure of is that chancellor Maldonado Ruiz has put us on the right path.

To maximize and expand UNE’s resources to the external and neighboring community, where it is located, the University was given the task of developing a framework to create the Office of Community Engagement (OCC). It consists of a pilot program in which volunteer students provided special services to seven local schools. In addition, through the Dual Enrollment program, the number of students who advance their studies by Annual Report 2015-2016


Our students can be sure that in UMET, they will acquire the best education possible. To achieve prestige as a cutting edge university of excellence, it is necessary to keep up with the latest trends in the labor market.

In Continuous Evolution


In addition to expanding its academic offerings, UMET is keenly aware of the importance of providing extracurricular activities to its students, the academic community, and society. Last year alone, more than ten major conferences and seminars were hosted to discuss a variety critical issues facing the island. The topics discussed were quite varied, including the far-reaching effects of recent droughts, stem cell research and its landscape in Puerto Rico, the values of Puerto Rican youth, and a congress on strategies to assist victims of sexual abuse, among many other topics. One key conference hosted was the 1st Virtual International Congress on Educational Formation, Research and Innovation, which brought together representatives from more than 30 universities from Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean and included 199 presentations. The conference produced four publications that highlighted key presentations at this event.


In addition to the many conferences offered, the university hosted an innovative event that attracted the attention from both the scientific and artistic realms in Puerto Rico and abroad: The Light and Art Concert, hosted by UMET’s Puerto Rico Photonic Institute. This unique event joined the Puerto

Rico Symphonic Orchestra and the renowned astronomer and visual artist José Francisco Salgado in a celebration of the United Nations International Year of Light. The leadership of UMET’s faculty in creating exciting learning opportunities and disseminating new knowledge is also evident through their participation in publications, forums, and congresses. This past year, the faculty generated over 153 publications, presentations and products, hailing not only the traditional sciences, but also from the fields of communications, humanities and business, among others. This is a result of the vision implemented by Dr. Carlos M. Padín, the Chancellor of UMET, to encourage research and engagement throughout the different schools at the Institution. A stepping-stone for UMET’s transformation from a primarily teaching institution to a university geared towards research included the inauguration of the Bio-Testing Laboratory, a new phase of the Toxicology, Chemistry, Molecular and Environmental Laboratory known as the ChEMTox. This is the first laboratory of its kind at a private university in Puerto Rico. With an investment of about $500,000, the installations are offering services to UMET, as well as the broader scientific community who

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want to evaluate substances of therapeutic potential. The facilities will also serve as a practice center for graduate and undergraduate students. Another significant investment in scientific developments was the partnership developed with the Ángel Ramos Foundation to renovate the physical facilities and scientific exhibits of the visitor center of the Arecibo Observatory, the largest sponsored project of the Institution. This partnership invested $2.1M in this renovation and the exhibits are now designed with state of the art displays that encourage the active participation of the visitors to the Arecibo Observatory and their understanding of the fields of science that are supported at this facility. This investment evidences the strong commitment of UMET and the Foundation to strengthen STEM education in Puerto Rico.

and stipends to support 966 talented students. These economic contributions, in the form of grants, were allocated from: the Permanent Fund, the Annual Fund, the Honors Program, the TEACH Scholarship, PSEC Educational Services, and also from the Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students in Nursing Program. In addition, 106 UMET students benefited from internships in Puerto Rico, the Continental United States and Europe. There is no doubt that every effort and project carried out by UMET has the primary purpose of serving our students, and providing the best opportunities possible to guide them to leave their mark on our society. The past year provided UMET with many accomplishments and continues to guide the Institution in its mission to serve its students and have a positive influence on the local and international community.

In addition to that initiative, UMET invested $ 1.3M in projects of physical and technological infrastructure to serve its students. Two of the key projects were the new Composition and Communications Center to develop oral and written communication skills in students and the updating of the Puerto Rico Photonics Institute Laboratory. Additional projects were improvements to research laboratories and classrooms across the different locations, as well as the purchase of software and installation of new infrastructure to strengthen both existing and new Wi-Fi networks. To the extent that we reflect on the achievements of the past academic year, we can’t help but to be proud of all that has been achieved by UMET. Various strategies allowed UMET to achieve close to $10.6 million in sponsored projects, of which more than $1M was earmarked for the project Las Cucharillas Marsh: Protection, Restoration, and Co-Management Project. During 2015-2016, UMET implemented over 66 sponsored projects with all of UMET’s schools and university centers hosting a variety of projects. These projects impacted our students, faculty, curricula and the community at large. Our prestige also benefited us greatly and allowed UMET to close its capital campaign with $271,346 in collections, which provided for special scholarship funds. In total, UMET awarded $4.4M in scholarships Annual Report 2015-2016


The presence of UT also was felt indirectly and directly in 28 countries, where through collaborative agreements, we left a mark. These agreements made it possible for 42 academic initiatives and a great number of student internships and allowed for the visiting of distinguished professors from abroad.

On a Mission to Forge New Leaders

Having a college education of excellence enables the development of professionals with a deep understanding of social problems, and with the strength of character to face them and bring new solutions for the good of humanity. Universidad del Turabo (UT) committed to providing future leaders, managed to set the pace and distinguished its self during the academic year 20152016. Under the leadership of Ph.D. Dennis Alicea, chancellor of Universidad del Turabo, the institution strengthened support services for our students, so that they will continue to grow and develop. Part of what it means to lead our enrollment during that process, is to expose them to various internship opportunities outside the country, get scholarships to help cover their college expenses and effectively prepare them to achieve a job once they complete their university studies. To that end, during the past academic year, Turabo’s Center for Employment increased the development, expansion and stabilization of micro businesses though the Center of Incubators and Business Development by 16%. In addition, it managed the placement of 3,103 students in jobs related to their field of study or spaces that allow them to generate income.


The opportunities our students have available to enrich their university life and enhance memorable experiences are diverse. Among these are those offered by scholarship and internship projects. Through the initiatives outlined by the office of Scholarships and Internships, the institution offered scholarships to 473 students who are part of the Honors Program; also, 250 students participated in internships outside the Island, and 52 students will be awarded with special scholarships. We must emphasize that through sports, our university students achieve great exposure to experiences that make them grow as leaders. As proof, this academic year our athletes won championships in volleyball, men’s table tennis, men’s and women’s beach volleyball and imperial events; as well as runners-up and third places in other various disciplines.

Turabo continues to forge its legacy in the history

of Puerto Rican education and establish itself as “a complete university”, after the inauguration of the new facilities of the School of Health Sciences. With an investment of $19 million, the new building has facilities for academic laboratories, veterinary medicine, nutrition and dietetics, naturopathic medicine, nursing and simulation and speech-language pathology. This modern and high-tech space also houses the Clinic of Naturopathic Medicine, which serves as the setting for practice and research for students of the Doctoral Program of Naturopathic Medicine, and the Caribbean Neurocognitive Comprehensive Center for Treatment, Research, and Community Services (CNCC). The latter will serve people who have cognitive problems, speech and dysphasia, due to conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, stroke, neurological conditions or laryngectomy patients. Other capital improvement projects that are aimed to better serve our students include: the expansion of the School of Engineering on the campus of Gurabo, the Laboratory of Medical Technology, the relocation of the School of Technical Studies in the space occupied by the School of Health Sciences, and renovations to the center in Yabucoa, Barceloneta, Isabela and Ponce. All these projects were made possible with an investment of over $1 million. The majesty of the buildings and green areas at the Turabo facilities are undoubtedly one of its best assets. However, it is the daily work and dedication of its associates and faculty that make this institution a distinguished and highly recognized one. Indeed, during the 2015-2016 academic year, UT managed 78 publications and 85 research presentations of a scientific nature made possible by our faculty and students. Furthermore, events such as the PREC Symposium 2016 gave way to unite both scientists and students in an academic space. Other resounded assets of our institution are its accreditations, which ensure that our students are exposed to the best and most competitive college education. Currently, Turabo has 42 professional accreditations and is in the process of obtaining accreditations from: the American Chemical Society, the American Psychological Association, the Veterinary

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Accreditation Program (NVAP) and the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (ACEJMC). These accreditations strengthen our varied academic offerings, to which five associate degrees, four bachelors degrees, three master’s degrees and two graduate level certificates were added. In addition, during the 2015-2016 academic year our university achieved re-accreditation and licensing from the American Assembly Collegiate Schools of Business. The impact achieved by the UT is perceived in our society through the public service and dedication of its associates and faculty members. Through activities conducted at the initiative University in the Community, we were able to positively impact the community of Barrio Hato at the municipality of San Lorenzo, through the created community project entitled Revolución. It was aimed at developing community self-management. Another project of great value to our communities were the workshops offered throughout the Island on the fundamental aspects of the fiscal crisis of Puerto Rico, and ethical perspectives, conducted by the Institute of Applied Ethics; and the 75 opinion polls on election primaries led by the Institute for Research and Surveys. Recognition and solidness as a university makes Turabo continue grow both in infrastructure and in academic and operational status. To continue to do so, we must strengthen the university in fiscal terms. To this end, Turabo managed to present 95 proposals to identify external funds, which added to the institutional finances a total of $9 million. These funds will support student services, academia and research. Though each school and discipline offered in Turabo, we seek to strengthen our leadership in education and research, to prepare tomorrow’s leaders and make progress to help improve the quality of life of our society. We look to the future with optimism to continue to achieve our goals and demonstrate our commitment to Puerto Rico and the world.

Annual Report 2015-2016


A highly diversified culture finds a merging space “ONLINE”. This in no way keeps the AGMU’s students from acquiring the academic and professional personal service, of quality that they seek.

Academic Prestige “Online”


Compared to the process of accreditation faced by other institutions of higher learning, the AGMU faced a novel one. This taking into consideration that it has been nine years since the MSCHE has accredited any new institutions on the Island, much less one based completely on a “distance education system”. Nevertheless, the team responsible for such an accomplishment worked hard ensuring that all reports were well detailed, and documented the institution’s structure and curriculum. The result of such an intensive work was such that the extremely rigorous members of the MSCHE evaluation committee commended on the excellent work realized by the AGMU’s team. In addition to the accreditation of the Middle States MSCHE, the AGMU obtained approval from the Puerto Rico Council of Education (CEPR, by its Spanish acronym) to offer bachelor’s degrees in Business Administration with a concentration in Management, Accounting and Information Systems.


The accrediting agency required that all administrative personnel and faculty be highly prepared to attend to the cultural needs of the diverse communities served by the educational institution. AGMU serves students from Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Spain, United States, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela and Puerto Rico, offering masters programs in: Environmental Management with a specialization New Paths in Excellence

in Environmental Planning, Business Administration with specialization in Management, Human Resources, Marketing and Sales Management, Agribusiness, Supply Chain Management and Logistic, and Education with specialization in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL). A highly diversified culture finds a merging space “ONLINE”. This in no way keeps the AGMU’s students from acquiring the academic and professional personal service, of quality that they seek. For this, AGMU provides an online Quality of Life and Student Wellbeing Office, which provides academic and social counseling. A Faculty Coach is also assigned to each course. This service allows for continuous student-professor interaction, which assures that professors reply, on a timely manner, to questions that might arise during any given course of study. Both strategies promote student retention. The results of a recent survey showed that 95% of the enrolled students were satisfied with the academic preparation and services received. The results of such satisfaction can be attributed to the institution’s rigorous recruitment process that ensures that all faculty prospects are certified as distance educators, and to the meticulous design of its curriculums. The technological infrastructure is also of great significance and importance, as is the use of innovative applications,

which among other things, prevent academic fraud. As for the academic offer, the Chancellor of AGMU noted that the institution managed to expand the Continuing Education offer with courses and certifications such as Conversational English courses, and a Certification in Technical Specialist in the Search for Missing Persons. This certification was offered in Spain, in partnership with Grupo Navalor, a Spanish company dedicated to research an academic training. It was the first Continuing Education certification offered in Spain, with a total of 36 participants. The AGMU ended the 2015-2016 academic year with its first seven candidates for graduation, who met the requirements of the master’s degrees in Business Administration and Education. The graduation ceremony will be held in May 2017. To better serve the students, AGMU also attained the provisional certification from the United States Department of Education (USDE), which entitles AGMU to participate in Title IV, Higher Education Act (HEA) Programs. The purpose of such certification is to allow qualifying students, access to financial aid through student loans, which can be used toward tuition costs.


Annual Report 2015-2016

As for the service provided to our students, we continue to take steps in the right direction. The market is researched and analyzed on a daily basis to identify the best service practice to respond effectively to the needs of our students.

The Feat of Supporting the Development and Wellbeing of Hispanic Communities The achievement of becoming a prestigious institution that serves the growing Hispanic communities in the Continental United States has been very challenging. Nonetheless, thirteen (13) years after AGMUS took its first steps in the state of Florida, Dr. Luis A. Burgos, Chancellor of the Florida Branch Campuses, feels the satisfaction and pride that those initial paths were solid and well founded. Our campuses, Metro Orlando Campus (MOC), South Florida Campus (SFC), and Tampa Bay Campus (TBC) serve and respond to the cultural diversity of more than 28 different ethnic origins in the communities we serve. These communities recognize in AGMUS the opportunity to grow and develop as bilingual professionals of excellence in a competitive labor market of high demand. The huge support received from the Hispanic communities has allowed the Florida campuses to reach an enrollment of 3,013 students in 2015-16 academic year. As a result of this significant increase, it presents the need to expand the facilities of the three campuses in order to extend services and academic programs that are offered to the communities being served. In the Metro Orlando Campus, some of the renovations have been possible with the approval of a Title V proposal. The development will include integrated sciences laboratories that will serve students from the Bachelor in Nursing Program from Universidad del Turabo. In addition, funds will be used to acquire state of the art equipment for the nursing and sonography simulation laboratories. This will allow our students the opportunity to practice and execute, as real as possible, the skills that will make them unique and outstanding health care professionals. On the other hand, expansions for the Tampa Bay Campus will include additional classroom space and faculty offices.


The growth and community response at the South Florida Campus triggered the need for bigger and better facilities. At this time, we are in the process of building a brand new two-story facility with about 50,000 square feet of space. Expected to be completed by April 2017, it will accommodate our current students and future

Hispanics who see in our institution an opportunity to achieve their professional dreams. Furthermore, we continue to take steps in the right direction, committing to the best student services we can provide. The market is researched and analyzed on a regular basis to identify the best service practices that respond effectively to the needs of our students. Currently, a wide variety of academic programs are being offered at the Florida campuses; additionally, authorization has been requested to the Florida Commission for Independent Education to provide a master’s program in Communications and Multimedia Journalism for the South Florida Campus and a Master of Science in Public Affairs in Criminal Justice program for the Tampa Bay Campus. In addition, permission was sought to offer an Associate degree in Medical Sonography at the Metro Orlando Campus. Other programs we are expecting to offer in the three Florida campuses, are the Masters and Bachelor’s degree in Social Work and Masters in Public Affairs and Forensic Sciences. While it is a fact that our campuses in Florida are highly recognized within the Hispanic community for its excellent service and quality of academic programs, we aspire to be recognized within the academic research area. We are working with our campus faculty to develop and disseminate research projects, articles, and publications produced in and outside the classroom. One of our faculty members known for his investigative work is Dr. Antonio López, Spanish professor at the Metro Orlando Campus. He has published several papers and articles within the arts and humanities disciplines. Dr. Luis Pastrana in collaboration with students from the Metro Orlando Campus, published a book on Supreme Court decisions over the last decade. Similarly, we must recognize the research work presented by Dr. Juan Ramírez at the XIV Researchers’ Annual Meeting. He presented stem articles from work carried out in collaboration with students from the Family Nurse Practitioner Program at the South Florida Campus. Although we have come a long way, we continue

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Annual Report 2015-2016


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to grow as a higher education institution. During the 2015-2016 academic year, we achieved the renewal of the license granted by the Florida Commission for Independent Education for all campuses. During this same period, we celebrated the tenth anniversary of our South Florida Campus and the fifth of the Tampa Bay Campus. Within this framework of celebration, the results of the satisfaction survey of the candidates for graduation were announced. The results showed that 94% students would recommend SUAGM as an option for studying, while 90% were very satisfied to study in our institutions. These responses serve as motivation for our entire team to continue with their exceptional work. To allow students to complete their academic goals is certainly a great satisfaction, nonetheless, it is also essential to achieve a culture of unity and sense of belongingness within the communities we serve. Therefore, as part of our commitment with our Hispanic community after the unexpected tragic events in the city of Orlando (Pulse), we were able to grant a Posthumous Degree to each of our four students’ victim family members. The Florida Campuses are in a very strong position within the community we serve. This will allow AGMUS to strengthen its position in Florida as the best opportunity for Hispanics searching for a high quality bilingual education for future generations to come.


Annual Report 2015-2016

One of the most distinguished attributes that Sistema TV has is its deep and unwavering commitment to the discussion of highly relevant social issues, while challenging the stereotypes that surround an educational programming.

In Tune with Puerto Rico’s Needs

Innovation. This word alone can describe the horizon which, for more than 40 years, has guided Ana G. Méndez University System, tv station Sistema TV. For the TV station, being innovative is more than an idea, it is the tangible power that moves every effort, each plotting strategy, and leads us to provide the most accurate and educational TV programming that our country needs. Innovation, because it is necessary to deepen the news, educational, cultural, environmental, and sports content that viewers consume. Innovation, because it is the force that motivates the team of Sistema TV and its vice president and general manager, Margarita T. Millán, to give the best of them in the work they produce. This goal has made possible, according to an internal survey, that the public describes Sistema’s TV programming as educational, credible, objective, respectful and relevant. The survey also indicated an increment of the station’s audience viewers by 93% over the past two years


One of the most distinguished attributes that Sistema TV has is its’ deep and unwavering commitment to the discussion of highly relevant social issues, while challenging the stereotypes that surround educational programming. During the 2015-2016 academic year the station had 1,220 hours of local programming in addition to 705 produced by the Public Broadcast System (PBS). Sistema TV Informa is a space to discuss in depth the problems that befall Puerto Rico, in an objective and firm manner; with hard and incisive coverage and by surpassing all obstacles that are part of producing high quality programming of this nature. Last year, it was possible for this space to give continuity to a series of 10 programs of an investigative journalism nature, which had been established during the 2014-2015 year. The work of excellence of the production team of the series The New Poverty (La nueva pobreza) made them the recipients of an award from the Overseas Press Club (OPC). Of most relevance is the fact that the reception to TV programming of an investigative type started by Sistema TV has opened the doors for other channels and New Paths in Excellence

communication media to move in the same direction and work this journalism are area, which had been absent for some time. Aware of the responsibility that the media has toward the public, especially at this historic moment through which Puerto Rico crosses both socially and politically. Sistema TV focus is to inform people, analyze issues of high interest and provide tools that allow for a thoroughly informed electoral decision. That is why the station gives way to diverse programming focused on the upcoming general elections. Setting the pace and continuing to pioneer quality educational programming, Sistema TV placed itself in front of the rest by broadcasting the first debate in the political history of the island, between primary candidates for governor. An alliance between NotiUno, METRO newspaper, and Sistema TV gave way to the commented debate between Ricardo Rosselló and Pedro Pierluisi, both members of the New Progressive Party (PNP). We also transmitted the special: Analysis 2016, las primarias. This consisted of six hours of live coverage with the collaboration of several journalists reporting from campaign committees located at the party’s headquarters, and the team from Jugando Pelota Dura. It is noteworthy that Jugando Pelota Dura joined the Institute of Research and Polls at the Universidad del Turabo (UT), and conducted surveys for about nine weeks, prior to the primary elections. Of the 76 conducted surveys, the team asserted the results of 68 surveys. In addition, a special produced by the State Elections Commission titled Road to the polls, with Carmen Jovet, was presented Sistema TV has always aimed at serving as a platform to publicize the achievements of thousands of college

students, who are part of AGMUS, and other educational institutions in Puerto Rico. During 2015-2016 the TV station was crowned as the university sports channel, transmitting live through both TV and the web, 43 of the games held at the Interuniversity Athletic League, at Mayagüez. This special transmission generated 509.100 viewers, 536.085 visits to our website, and an audience from the United States, China, Germany, Spain, Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico, and Norway, countries that witnessed Puerto Rican athletes perform with passion. Beyond fleshing content of interest which leads to a better quality of life for our people, Sistema TV is known for its commitment to the professional development of students in the system. This is demonstrated through constant internship opportunities that are provided to college students who are studying in some of our institutions and aspire to a career in communications. Forums and discussion groups are also sponsored, so that students can partake of the knowledge of our guests. An example of this was a symposium about the documentary of Jackie Robison, in which Igor González and Alex Cora shared their experiences in Major League Baseball; and a Cancer Forum, led Beatriz Zayas, Ph.D M.S. from Universidad Metropolitana. The unwavering commitment and genuine desire to innovate has allowed, for a period of more than four decades, Sistema TV to continue to have the support and confidence of its donors. As evidence is the fact that the Canal grossed $ 100,000 in funds during the Golf Tournament, and surpassed the goal of $250,000 from the Capital Campaign, reaching $958,000 in revenues. These results show that our TV station will continue to evolve, without putting aside its true nature: to serve the people of Puerto Rico.

Annual Report 2015-2016


Projections for Academic Year 2016-2017

• Finalize the official approval and start the implementation of the new 2016-2020 Strategic Guidelines for Development of SUAGM and its institutions. • Establish a systemic team to review the academic offer of our institutions, providing special attention to the moratorium or closure of programs with low enrollment trends. • Continue the expansion of the offers of technical programs in the institutions after the compliance with the regulations of “Gainful Employment”. • Implement the new system and instruments for the evaluation of teachers according with the guidelines of the new Teachers Manual of SUAGM. • Assign a high priority and systemic support to the new phase of the Student Retention Plan, with special emphasis on strategies aimed at strengthening second and third year retention (upper-level) and continuing to raise official graduation rates.

• Develop a comprehensive process of analysis of the organizational structure of SUAGM and its institutions, with a goal of establishing strategies aimed at increasing effectiveness, operational efficiency, and operational cost reduction, in order to continue strengthening fiscal support for processes, academics, and students as central axes of our mission. • Conceptualize the allocation of the construction quota funds and the capital improvement plan, in order to reduce new construction, allocate more resources to the maintenance of existing facilities, and strengthen institutional reserves. • Develop important physical improvement projects such as: - Science laboratories UNE Carolina - Second access / exit to PR-931 at Turabo - Students & FAFSA Center in UMET Cupey

• Evaluate strategies to strengthen and expand the alternatives practices and clinical experiences alternatives for our students in health science programs. • Continue to strengthen the performance of our graduates in professional tests and certifications in the areas that require it, such as Education (PCMAS), Health Sciences, Social Work, and others.


• Implement specific and focused internationalization projects to engage more international students and establish partnerships to export our services and academic programs to key countries such as Colombia, Panamá, and the Dominican Republic, among others. • Give greater impetus to the commercialization of the Ana G. Méndez University academic offering, and the expansion of its programs at the undergraduate level. New Paths in Excellence

Organizational Chart


Annual Report 2015-2016

Credits General Information Central Administration Ana G. Méndez University System P.O. Box 21345 San Juan, P.R. 00928-1345 Phone: (787) 751-0178 Fax: (787) 766-1706 E-mail: Web site:

Off-campus learning centers in Cabo Rojo, Yauco, Utuado, Barceloneta and Santa Isabel Ana G. Méndez University #1552 Ponce de León Avenue Reparto Seín, El Cinco San Juan, Puerto Rico, 00926 PO Box. 21345 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00928-1345 Phone: (787) 288-1118 Fax: (787) 288-1141 E-mail:

The Institutions: Universidad del Turabo Rd. 189, Km. 3.3 Gurabo, P.R. PO Box 3030 Gurabo, P.R. 00778-3030 Phone: (787) 743-7979 Fax: (787) 744-5394 E-mail: Off-campus learning centers Barceloneta, Ponce and Yabucoa




Metro Orlando Campus 5601 South Semoran Blvd. Suite 55 Orlando, FL 32822 Phone: 407-207-3363 Fax: 407-207-3373 E-mail:

Universidad Metropolitana Ana G. Méndez Avenue (Rd. 176) Cupey Bajo, Río Piedras PO Box 21150 San Juan, P.R. 00928-1150 Phone: (787) 766-1717 Fax: (787) 759-7663 E-mail: Off-campus learning centers in Aguadilla, Bayamón, Comerío and Jayuya


Sistema TV Isidoro Colón St. Ana G. Méndez Avenue (Rd. 176) San Juan, PR PO Box 21345 San Juan, PR 00928-1345 Phone: (787) 766-2600 Fax: (787) 250-8546 E-mail:

Universidad del Este Principal Sabana St. at Baldorioty de Castro Avenue Carolina, P.R. PO Box 2010 Carolina, P.R. 00984-2010 Phone: (787) 257-7373 Fax: (787) 752-0070 E-mail:

South Florida Campus Miramar Park of Commerce 3520 Enterprise Way Miramar, FL 33025 Phone: 954-885-5595 Fax: 954-885-5861 E-mail: Tampa Bay Campus 3655 West Waters Ave Tampa, FL 33614 Phone: 813-932-7500 E-mail:

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Capital Area Campus 11006 Veirs Mill Rd Wheaton, MD 20902 Phone: 301-949-2224 / E-mail: Dallas Area Campus 3010 N. Stemmons Fwy Dallas, TX 75247 Phone: 301-949-2224 / E-mail: Credits: General Direction: Mayra Cruz Rivera, Ed.D. Vice President of Marketing and Student Affairs Production: María A. Martínez Associate Vice President of Public Relations Rafael Matos Public Relations Director Editorial: Ziara F. González Martha R. Alonso Content Editor: Roxanna Pietri, Executive Assistant National Affairs. Design: Camille Vélez, José W. Rivera Producer: Artegráfiko, Corp. Photos: Edgar Bertrán, AGMUS Archives Printing: MOP This Annual Report refers to the period from August 2015 to July 2016 Copyright (c) 2016 Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be copied, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission in writing of the Ana G. Méndez University System.

Annual Report 2015-2016


Ana G. MĂŠndez University System

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