Lukas Lischke (DE)
Eliška Porubová (CZ)
Workshop assistance: Maria TomášSonnleithnerUrbánek
Borbála Fendrik (HU)
Workshop Lead: Anna Tüdős
Neo Klinger (AT)
Ismini Vafiadu (CZ)
Eliah Lohr (DE)
František Dvořák
Sára Ferancová (CZ)
CarolinaCreators:AustriaBickel (DE)
Dávid Fegyver (HU)
Sára Fernezelyi (HU)
Veronika Pochylá (CZ)
Program (DE, AT, HU, CZ)
Marie Lukášová (CZ)
Marcel Gátos (HU)
Áron Simon (HU)
Amálie Leciánová (CZ)
Created in the framework of Ars Electronica YouthfestivalExchange
Hanna Regina Krecht (HU)
Sarah Mayrhofer (AT)
A.I is limited to its input. When it is used for object recognition a simple turn of the object can confuse the A.I. and lead to a wrong output because of the lack of being able to understand the actual object. This pattern behind the actual face we humans see is confusing facial softwares,recognitionbecause it has simplified human facial features all over it. This is the classical form of captcha, it‘s quite useless nowadays, because computers can easily solve it.

Is it really me?
Captchas are automated tests, which ensure that input has not been generated by a computer. It is the main defense used by websites to prevent automatic abuses such as ad vertising, accessing private information, spreading malicious code, or manipulating data.

To be honest, I have mixed feelings about this topic. Sometimes solving CAPTCHAs are frustrating (once I got into an endless loop of „choose the traffic lights“ :) ), however, they could also be well-made, creative, and actually fun to solve. In this article, I will describe some of my favourite ideas I‘ve come across while surfing on the net.

1. Facebook‘s „social CAPT CHA“appeared in January 2011. In this project, your Facebook friends become a CAPTCHA image, and you have to select the correct name from the 6 names listed.
3. The next alternative could be to ask easy or general knowledge questions to the users, like „What is the color of my red car?“ or „What is the color of the sky?“ This option is easy to implement, effective and can allow companies to add humour or brand voice to the questions.
2. Gamify! This approach typically asks users to drag and drop items to prove they are a human. This also allows the design team to use the existing brand language, for exam ple a restaurant might use a game like the one on the left, or a car brand may use a car repairing game captcha.

4. The last things I would men tion are sliders. This tool requires a simple interaction of sliding a button to identify the user as human. This interface is invisible to robots, but a human can complete the task with
campaign for more creative CAPTHCHAs!

Bezos of floating forests
“ It‘s not an experiment if you know it‘s going to Amazonwork.”isone of the biggest facial-recognition tech companies.Jeffthinksearthmightbe-comeavacationdestina-tionforhumansin the „near“ future (the way that you would nalneYellowstovisit-Natio-Park).

space cities housing rivers,
and wildlife. Jeff Bezos Bezos spacePlanetHePlanetbelievedoesn‘tinB.believesinAandstations. Sees saveonlytravelspaceasthewaytoearth
“If you go back a few hundred years, what we take for granted today would seem like magic.”
“I think the most important thing is to create a selfsustaining city on Mars. That’s, I think, the critical thing for maximizing the life of humanity; how long will our civilization last.”
“We want to open up space for humanity, in order to do Musk hopes that one day a ship bound to Mars will cost as much as an average home in the United States.
Elon Musk



likethis.Wetendtoself-destroy.Ahuman.Abagof eukaryoticcells.Around10dollarsworthofelements. Andthat’swhatwedo.
I’mnophysicistthough.I’ma molecularbiologist,working onCRISPRvaccines.Whyam Itellingitlikea story?Nevermind.I basically(‘cuzmypHishigh lolhonestlyImightbetoo,I’mrunningoutof oxygen)liveinanundergroundlab.That’s wheretheenergygeneratorsarestoredaswell, meaningIhavealltheprivacyonecouldwishfor.
Itwasgonnaendoneday.Iguessthat’sthat.The generatorsarestillworkingsurprisingly.Idon’t knowhowtheyworkthough,neverbotheredtolearn.
Idon´tmindthough.Withthefifthworldwar,natural disasters,protests,frequentrandomoutbreaks,just everythinghappeningatoncenosurpriseweendedup
ctiontoalienspeciesiftheyeverbothertovisit.I guesstheyhavedifferentvaluesandsh*tsowe’re covered.We?I?AI…hehehe

Doesn’tmatter.What’sthatnoise?It’slikewhenyou shakeacanofriceorsomething.Ohshit,comeon, dudeno.Well,that’sallfolks.Iguesstherereally
giveninthe“diary”,thehumandieddueanerrorwhichwas mostpossiblypreventable,wereitnotfornegligenceand insufficientknowledge.Theexplosionaffectedthearea surroundingtheperson’shideout,leavingnothingbehind.
dence.Sofar,wecanconcludethatplanetEarthwasmainly inhabitedbythespeciesHomosapiens.Theirimpactisevi dent,althoughinsignificant.Furtherresearchisneeded.
Ourexplorerrobotshavefoundseveralsightsofthesame kind.Asfortheaforementionedwarandotherissues,weare
Idon’tevenknowwhattothinkanymore.It’sallfin probablyished.I’mthelasthumanonthisdamnedplanet.I mean,Idon’tknow,Ineverbotheredtocheck.Heh, Czech…Funfact,theword‘robot’actuallyoriginates fromtheCzechRepublic. I’mramblingagain,sorry.Thisdeviceisamazing:it recordsmythoughtssoIcanlaybackandgazeinto nothingnessmeanwhilehavingmydiarywritten.It’s gonnabeimpossibleforsomeonetointerpretitthough.
farawayintheMilkyWay,showingsignsofinexplicable trauma.Investigativerobotsweresentimmediatelytothe scene.Amongremainsofancientruins,abrainwave interpreterwasfound.NowIinvitethereaderstotakea lookatthetranscript,featuringthethoughtsofa-dis tressedscientist.
Whatelseisthere…youlive.Youdie.There’snothing. Nothingtogiveusmeaning.Butwestillmanagedto destroyaplanet.Andourselvesmeanwhile.Oursystem isfu*ckingsh*t.Itallowstheluckyonesto“live” andprosper.Ifyouhaveallthemoneyandpoweryou need,you’regonnabefine.Becauseyouhaveaconstant sourceofdopamine.Sorryagain.Ihonestlydon’tknow whoI’msayingsorryto.I’mtechnically deadalready.Right,there’sthistheory
Ihadonce:solike,wearehumansas longaswehaveotherpeopletointer pretusassuch.Oncethesocialnet workisdisrupted,everythingisgone. Likeimagine,thereareisolated islands(theyarecalledislandsfora reason)yeah,oneachisland,one personlives.Buttheydon’tknowabout theothers’existence.Thatmeans,personA isdeadaslongaspersonBdoesn’tknow aboutthem.That’ssomehighlevelSchrödingertypeof sh*trightthere.
Ifthere’sgonnabeanyoneatall.MaybesomerobotAI findsitandputsitinaridiculousmagazinetoshow casetheinsanestupidityhumansusedtorepresent.