Success Champions
Top 5 ways to manage stress when you’re stuck at home By Stacy Snow
“It’s so easy to go down the slippery slope of stress and overwhelm and feel like you can’t turn off your brain, but it’s vital that you find ways to stop that cycle so you can get back on track and back to work, especially while working from home.”
ife as we know it has changed drastically in the past few months. Social distancing guidelines are keeping us stuck at home more than we’ve ever been before. We’re having to combine work with pets, spouses, kids, and changing routines in ways we’ve never had to in the past. Unless you’re a saint or a zen master, you’re likely experiencing high stress levels (and my guess is that even the saints and zen masters among us are dealing with them too!) It’s so easy to go down the slippery slope of stress and overwhelm and feel like you can’t turn off your brain, but it’s vital that you find ways to stop that cycle so you can get back on track and back to work, especially while working from home. These five 24
habits will help you break the stress cycle and take back control over your work and life.
Meditate: give your brain a break Meditation is one of the best ways to help your brain to disconnect and your body to relax. If you’re new to meditation, just starting with 5 minutes in the morning will make a huge difference in your day. Just find a comfortable spot in a quiet place where you can sit and close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Set a timer for 5 minutes and just focus on deep breaths in and out. If you find that your brain won’t ‘shut off ’ and thoughts keep coming in to interrupt the quiet, no worries! That’s totally normal and will eventually improve the more you do it. Just stick with it, set your timer, relax, and give yourself 5 minutes of much-needed down-time. Your brain and your body (and your stress levels) will thank you for it!
Exercise: Get your body moving Exercise is one of the most immediate and powerful de-stressors there is. Often when we’re feeling overwhelmed and stuck, we need to change our physical state and our environment. If you’re feeling frustrated and overwhelmed, rather than staying stuck in those emotions, put on your running shoes and go for a jog or a brisk walk. The fresh air, wind in your hair, and the sensation of your heart