Summary This document provides detail of maintenance provided by Street Scene Services to Sutton Town Centre for the purpose of the Sutton BID. For clarity this has split into two parts: Street Cleansing and Highways & Parks. This document will require updating as uncompleted works progress and is not exhaustive.
STREET CLEANSING Section 1 – Service Standards All roads within the BID area are swept and litter picked on a daily basis this is a continuous operation between the hours of 06:00-18:00 seven days a week. The only day that there is no provision is on Christmas Day. All roads are to be at Grade A standard as set out in the Code of Practice for Litter and Refuse (COPL&R) on completion of each scheduled cleansing operation. Where the grade falls below Grade B between cleansing operations this will be brought back to Grade A within the timescales set out in the COPL&R. Examples of the expected standards are shown below. Grade A – No Litter or Refuse
Grade B – Predominately free of litter or refuse apart from some small items
Grade C – Widespread distribution of litter and refuse with minor accumulations
Grade D – Heavily affected by litter and refuse with significant accumulations
The Code requires authorities to divide their areas into zones, the table below shows how quickly the Council aims to restore a zone to a Grade A standard from Grades B, C or D.
Zones Z1 Main Shopping Centres Z2 High Density Retail Z3 Low Density Retail
Grade B
Grade C
Grade D
6 working hours
3 working hours
1 working hours
12 working hours
6 working hours
3 working hours
2 weeks
12 working hours
6 working hours
1.1 Daily Maintenance Below is a summary of the duties that are undertaken on a daily basis within the BID area. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Mechanical sweeping of Town Centre and surrounding roads. Manual sweeping of Town Centre and direct access points. The emptying of all litter and recycling bins. The sanitisation and cleaning of all litter and recycling bins (including ash trays). 5. Graffiti removal. 6. Removal of fly posting. 7. Litter picking of flower beds and tree pits. 8. Pressure washing of the small stages in the High Street. 9. Removal of fly tipping. 10. Removal and cleansing of oil spillages. 11. Removal of animal and body spillages. Explanation of duties: 1. As stated 2. As stated 3. All litter bins are serviced between the hours of 06:00 –18:00 Monday to Sunday 4. As stated 5. Racist and offensive graffiti is removed within 2 hours of being reported (within operational hours). All other forms of graffiti are removed within 5 working days. The authority provides a FREE graffiti removal service for all commercial properties. Business owners are asked to sign a disclaimer form to indemnify the authority for any damage caused whatsoever. Upon receipt the form remains valid for a period of twelve months. This allows the service to remove graffiti instantly. Graffiti removal is dependent on secure access and only applies to graffiti from ground level up to a maximum height of three metres. 6. Fly posting is removed from the BID area on a daily basis. This is then reported to the Environmental Health Enforcement team for action. 7. As above 8. As above.
9. All reported incidents of fly tipping are removed within 24 hours (within the BID area the timescale is within 2 hours). 10. Oil spillages are responded to within 2 hours of being reported. They are treated with an absorbent fibre that is left in situ and then removed once all fluid has been absorbed. 11. Animal and body spillages are dealt with in the same way as oil spillages and within the 2 hour timescale. 1.2 Weekly Maintenance 1. Internal and external jet washing of all litter and recycling bins. 2. Deck scrubbing immediate area around all static benches with a neutral detergent to remove resin and other stains. 3. Cleaning of all road and information signs, to include gate signage. 1.3 Monthly Maintenance 1. Detailed clean of all exiting concrete and granite gully grates. Explanation of duties: 1. Removal any visible blockages from the gully grate openings. 1.4 Quarterly Maintenance. 1. Contracted weed spraying of all surfaces. 2. Manual removal of weed. Explanation of duties: 1. The council employs a contractor ‘Complete Weed Control’ to chemically spray all areas within the borough (and the BID area). 2. Small accumulations of weed growth are removed by the operatives on a daily basis. 1.5 Annually/ Bi-Annually 1. Pavement washing and chewing gum removal from all surfaces. This Service is not provided within the Street Cleansing budget and would require funding. NB: All surfaces have been treated with a protective cover to ease stain and chewing gum removal. The ‘Sure set’ area has specific washing requirements that need to be adhered to during any maintenance. 1.6 Seasonal Works 1. Leaf Removal Leaf Removal is undertaken by the existing resource within the BID area with extra support offered by a dedicated leafing team if required.
2. Winter Maintenance The Bid area is classed as a priority for winter gritting. This includes surrounding roads and also footways. Sweeping resources will be allocated at the discretion of the Duty Winter Maintenance Manager in accordance with the Borough severe weather plan. Sweeping resources allocated to the BID area may be diverted to other areas as and when required but only once the BID area has been treated and classed as safe. Grit bins are also strategically placed at locations within the Town Centre for the use of the sweeping teams. These are checked and replenished as and when required.
Section 2- Scheduled Works 2.1 Gullies All gully pots are cleaned once every two years (this excludes drainage grates and channels) please refer to 1.3. 2.2 Surfaces and Street Furniture Monthly inspections of highway surfaces and street furniture, followed by repairs of any defects noted. In the wider town centre area, white lining and planned maintenance of roads as required. 2.3 Tree Care Annual inspection of trees (High Street only). This involves trimming where necessary to keep a clear view for all CCTV cameras. Inspection of trees in the remainder of the Town Centre on a four-year cycle, followed by pruning as required. 2.4 Licensing The licensing of skips and scaffolding when required. 2.5 Future Responsibilities The Parks Service will be adopting the small flower bed in Trinity Square from September 2011. There are plans for this to be planted and maintained from autumn onwards. The Parks service may be supervising the contractor maintaining the Green Wall post installation.
Section 3- Resources 3.1 Current Resources Morning Shift (per annum) (a) Plant 1 Electric Barrow 1 Applied Pedestrian Sweeper 1 Mechanical Sweeper Staff 1 Driver 4 Town Centre Based Sweepers Total Staff 5 Afternoon Shift (per annum) (a) Plant 1 Mechanical Sweeper * (vehicle to be double shifted) Staff 3 Town Centre Based Sweepers* (reduction to two staff) *Reduction to be made following SSS Review