INformed People Magazine

Page 17

Blessed to be Alive by Lisa McCarthy

Whatever you do; be your own advocate! I suspected, intuitively that something was wrong and yet, nothing was detected until it was almost too late. Breast Cancer Awareness to me means, that you are doing everything you can to prevent or treat this life altering diagnosis. My advice to all women is to not only do mammograms but ask for things like; ultrasounds, MRI’s, do the tests that show genetic disposition to the various types of cancers that can affect women and men. For me, in spite of 25 years of regular mammograms, they missed a tumor that was over 6 centimeters and I ended up at stage 3B, having to endure chemo, radiation and a lot of fighting for good healthcare due to insurance denying even basic care. Going

through a cancer diagnosis during a pandemic of epic proportions, also made the experience treatment even more challenging. In the initial stages USC could not provide any protection for their staff or their patients. I literally skipped a chemo session, bought a bio-hazard suit, a face shield and managed to locate 2, N-95 masks, so that I could complete the treatment. What I have learned is that this is important for every person on the planet. 1 out of 2 people or someone they love will be diagnosed with some type of cancer directly. We must all do the best we can to be proactive, avoid sugar whenever possible and exercise to keep your body strong. With over 181 different types of cancer it is imperative that we do what we can to stay healthy, get checked both mentally and physically and do our best while on the planet to make a positive impact. I feel blessed to be alive!

Click here to learn more about Lisa’s invention: Affirmations Mirror by MeyeVU Interactive. It is a talking mirror that you program with the messages you need to hear. Left: Lisa McCarthy with Big Media USA President LA Mitchell (Wicked Queen) and Lisa McCarthy (Snow White) preparing for Shark Tank interview; above, Lisa McCarthy celebrating another birthday 15

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