Success Women's Magazine, September 2022

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Dr.Vanesa Scott Thompson

Vanesa Scott ThompsonI am not a domestic goddess

Wendye Savage - Behind Closed Doors

JC Gardner - Lights, Action, Stage Fright!

Sylvia Koonce - The Effect of the Triple P

FeaturedArticles: Karen Novy - Awareness is Everything Sharon ArrindellRelationship Roller Coasters Part 1


Teresa Foley-Batts - Trust in Self

Dr. Sharon Arrindell

Meshell BakerIgnite your expectation of MAGIC

Mary Moss - Storytelling is a Powerful Tool to Grow Your Business

CoverStory: Success Women's Conference 2023!


Vicki Kemp - Realign and Focus

Lisa PhillipsWhen Your Dream Takes a Detour

Joyce Averils


We deliver the best growth opportunities. We deliver top national speakers, coaches and authors to train and motivate you. We create platforms for aspiring speakers and business and nonprofit owners. We celebrate all professional women from entry level to C-suite to serialpreneur.


KKonnections Register TheBIGREVEALis happening 9/9@7pmCT

VOLUME 2 Releasing SEPT. 15

JC Gardner is an international, award-winning author, speaker, poet, writing coach, and ghostwriter. Helping authors bring their projects to life through her program offerings is a blessing and a gift. JC Gardner is the owner of Blossom Literary Services, bringing your visions to life through the power of the www.blossomlitservices.compen.

but panic and fright.

Yet, I prayed for and wanted to be a well known author and speaker I wanted to have a national platform to share my story so others could be released by my testimony to walk in their divine purpose

Then I became somewhat calm. God had rescued me from that P.O.S.D. abyss. I just had to walk in His truth and not just say I receive it, but also believe it!

Lights, Action,

I had ten minutes, but I only took five because even though I was coming to terms with my place in the world, I’m human and had to fight for every word.

As I prepared to do my presentation, I remember my mind going over several excuses as to why I should not be on that stage. I tried to talk myself out of it:

When I was done, I was in despair. I felt I bombed in every way possible and before I could sink further into my self imposed depression, two women approached me and had nothing but praise and complements.

It was an excellent opportunity, but my self confidence was lacking, to say the least Mind you, my husband and other supporters were in the crowd, but my mindset was suffering from a condition I like to call P.O.S.D. Pillar of Salt Disorder. Let me explain.

Things had happened in my past that I had not fully come to terms with that were still prevalent in my life People had said hurtful things that had taken up residence in my spirit The cloud of self doubt had become a comfortable safe space a mental prison that kept me bound.

To make a long story short, one of them ended up taking me under her wing and mentored me from insecurity and unworthiness to confidence, poise, and self assurance

…and the list of the enemy’s scorn went on and on.

God was always waiting for me to unlock my gifts and talents for storytelling through the written word.

Yet, I found myself waiting for them to announce it was my turn.

Almost ten years ago, I had my first speaking engagement. I was promoting my debut novel, “Sinful Liaisons,” a risqué adventure of love, lust, and deceit. While the novel was a fast paced mix of urban lit, offensive language and juicy characters, I was not that person I was known as a sweet, faith filled woman who was easy going, enjoyed singing on the choir, mentoring people, and I was someone who prided themselves as a person of good character and integrity

All I had to do…was leap!

I looked fantastic on the outside but on the inside, there was nothing

Stage Fright!

One other thing to note is I was camera shy and suffered from stage fright. It would take me weeks of preparation to sing a solo or speak in front of someone and even then, my bathroom trips would increase hours before the performance. Having all eyes on me made me feel naked and vulnerable, like everyone looking at me could see through me into my soul, and that meant they could see my weaknesses too.

·I’m going to be judged ·They aren’t going to like me. ·I’m not sure my message will resonate. ·They’ll think my book is trash.

This was at a jazz event in Baltimore, MD, and during intermission is when they allowed local up and coming authors to engage with the audience

You may recall the bible story of Sodom and Gomorrah, where God instructed Lot to vacate that space because He was about to destroy it. God specifically said on their way out not to look back. Well, Lot’s wife didn’t obey, and she turned around and became frozen in time as a pillar of salt looking backward!

All of that was with me as I took the stage. My knees were trembling, and my mind was racing, going a thousand words a minute.

by JC Gardner

Realign, Readjust. Reset. Restore. Now focus. Focus is sometimes difficult when there is so much going on in your life What may be easy for some people is difficult for others, but you can do it By faith oh yes you can You may need to challenge yourself to focus by getting quiet Take time to still away all by yourself Revisit positive affirmations that will help you gain awareness of what causes you to drown during the day. The disclaimer is, that we are not perfect people. Do not aspire to be perfect but aspire to make necessary changes for a promising future. Thank you, Lord, for your grace. Focus on the good, the positive, and the effort. Give yourself an A for effort. If you are trying, you get an A. There is no in between. When you make an intentional decision to focus on a goal, dream… you have vision and vision is the ability to see. Focus and seek the beauty that awaits you. Success is waiting for you. Go for it and do not settle for anything less than what you have

Vicki L. Kemp has been married to Bishop Vernon R. Kemp, for 30 years and blessed with gifted children. She is a bestselling author of Better than Yesterday and Grace in Deep Waters. She is a Ghost Writer, Podcaster and Christian Influencer. Connect with her at

worked hard for and deserve. Ask yourself this question, “Do I deserve success?” I will answer it for you, “Yes you do!” Sometimes you must look yourself in the mirror and remind yourself how far you have come. Quitting in not an option. Winning is a whole vibe. A little advice to you from my experiences, do not allow situations, people nor your past to keep you from your promise

Sometimes our past mistakes and circumstances are negative tools used to keep us down We stay in a sunken place and isolation becomes a new friend No! Be determined to not allow your past to cripple you; however, allow your past to fuel your faith and help you to overcome. You are destined to win in all you put your hands to. You got this! Remind yourself of your worth and how valuable you are. People are waiting for you to speak life to them for them to succeed, create and become a brand. Your purpose in life is golden. Close out the negative voices in your head that attempt to constantly keep you off focus. Tell those voices you will not keep me off track. Not another day! Focus is a gift that will allow you to concentrate and realign your thoughts on what is important rather than the negativity surrounding you. I am excited about your promising future. Do you see the success of your dreams manifesting? Have faith and see it before you see it. The ability to see is powerful Grace has you covered and grace with be the help you need to remain aligned and focused Go be great!

Realign and Focus

by Vicki Kemp

G – Gracious Giving. Being a gracious giver is something that appears to come naturally to some people, but chances are, the gracious giver has worked very hard to be who they are.Your nature wants acknowledgment for doing kindness to others Everyone wants to be noticed and affirmed However, the kindest way to give is to do so without calling attention to yourself. Do a random act of kindness to the first person that comes to mind.

I Implementing Imagination. People who implement are more valuable than those who think and talk about it Answer me this What invention do you know of that was

Remember to HAVE FUN!! Your MAGIC awaits you! ❤

by Meshell Baker

That was the year that Ruth and Kenneth Wakefield bought the Toll House Inn in Whitman, Massachusetts. One day Ruth Wakefield was baking cookies when she discovered she had run out of baker's chocolate. A friend, Andrew Nestle, had given her some semisweet chocolate bars so she broke them up and mixed them with the dough. She assumed the chocolate and dough would mix together, resulting in all chocolate cookies. But the chocolate didn't mix, and the baked cookies were full of broken chocolate pieces. She named her new creation "Toll House cookies."

As little kids, you believed in magic and miracles you had no concept that mistakes would hinder or cripple your fantasies and fun As kids, you once believed that anything was possible Your hopes and dreams imagined a wonderful and phenomenal future. You were unaware that mistakes had any greater meaning than “learn to do it better.”

your expectation of MAGIC today!

C – Cultivating Collaboration. Collaboration is the practice where individuals gather and work together towards a common purpose to achieve mutual benefit.Collaboration relies on candor, honesty, and knowledge sharing. To truly benefit from collaboration, establish your guidelines at the onset Make a list of people you’d like to collaborate with and call someone today and schedule a coffee chat (In person or virtual)!

A Accepting Abundance. Over the years you have put your dreams on a shelf, in the attic, or off in storage where they are gathering dust Tomorrow’s not promised It’s time to have confidence and courage and go all in on yourself. A life lived in pursuit of your heartfelt passions will always be more fulfilling than a life lived in “what ifs.” Time to dust off your dreams and let the world experience your unique and beautiful gifts! Today write out in detail your BIGGEST Dream

created without making a mistake, Yep NONE Acting on your imagination and ideas is the only way to create your miracles. Nothing happens unless you are willing to act. Set a timer for 10 minutes and write out every idea that you can think of to make your life better. Then pick one that you can act on today

Meshell Baker is the Chief Confidence Igniter helping female founders, women business owners, and sales leaders to ignite confident belief enabling their people to develop unprecedented confidence and radical consistency. She is an amazing gift of clarity renowned for her value-based client-centric approach to sales www.meshellbaker.comsuccess.

Pick one of the five (5) strategies listed below to complete and ignite

Did you know one of the most popular cookies in the United States, the chocolate chip cookie, wasn't created until 1930?

Maybe you feel as though you’ve made too many mistakes, or it’s too late to live your dreams. Fret no more, there is hope on the horizon! Yes, right now is the time to reignite your vibrant ideas and imaginative and innovative mindsets. You have been created by the Creator to create. And there is no time like the present!

M – Manifesting Miracles.

Manifesting is the practice of tuning your body and mind’s energy to an expectation of miracles. Think about it like this: your energy (emotion) is a frequency that attracts whatever you put out. Yeah, that might sound woo woo, and it’s so true! You attract whatever you focus on That is why negative people attract negative outcomes and positive folks attract amazing. Today begin thinking about and focusing on your best case scenarios and, best outcomes.

I recall years ago going on trips to Coney Island in Brooklyn, New York Back then that was a big deal, especially the anticipation of what was considered the most exciting roller coaster ride of that time, “The Cyclone” For some reason anticipating tumbling from the top of a huge hill at record speed made the heart race, and actually doing it caused even more heart palpitations. I remember as that huge machine went creaking slowly up, what seemed like, an insurmountable hill. There was a deluge of thoughts that ran through my mind, from “Oh Lord this was a mistake”, or “Why did I let them talk me into this” or What if this thing gets to the top and I go flying off” or literally whispering prayers of repentance, just in case. Needless to say, this was always the anticipated and also dreaded ride of my life, but at the end I would utter a sigh of relief knowing ALL WAS WELL!!!

Where can the couple find lasting peace when all they see is chaos? Should the couple be seeking happiness or joy and where does this lie? How can one find comfort

Dr Sharon Arrindell is a native of Jamaica West Indies. After many years in the fashion business, she pursued a career in counseling She is the President/CEO of “Inspired Wholeness Enterprise”, an ordained Pastor, Christian counselor, and inspirational speaker She has authored several self help Christian books Visit her at www inspiredwholenesscounseling com

As one of those counselors waiting on the sidelines, when clients

in a devastatingly and absolutely uncomfortable situation?

schedule an appointment with me, my first question is usually “how can I help you”? That simple yet riveting question has managed to reap a colossal array of responses, one of which is usually “how can I save my marriage? I think my husband/wife hates me. This response is most times followed by whimpering and sobbing from being on the ride of their lives, as they try to figure out what they did wrong and why they ever got on the ride in the first place. The response to this ongoing ride is mind boggling, sometimes even for the counselor, bent on helping to repair the emotional and verbal bumps and bruises already suffered. While the desire is always to see the glass half full, some scars are too deep.

by Sharon Arrindell

The voice of hope, peace, joy and comfort, beckons to the man/woman questioning why his/her husband/wife hates him/her, letting him/her know there is an everlasting love that can be realized even when all hell has broken loose in the once loving home, that was at ease on the upward slope. Despite the anguish that this ride sometimes causes, there is healing to be embraced as the victims, release themselves and victoriously scream as they get to the bottom of the ride ALL IS STILL WELL!!!

The hurt, discouragement and rejection that is felt during this life changing ride leaves one’s heart in a fright that is second to none However, all should not be lost knowing there is an answer on the horizon that brings comfort and healing on every downward slope. It is up to the counselor to prescribe tools that bring comfort and release, especially when the ride seems unending. There is a remedy for this Gaslighting (form of emotional abuse) that has the potential to cripple one’s dreams, desires and hopes.

What or who is the answer that brings lasting hope?

Catch Part 2 in the next issue.

The marriage union has been taking a severe bashing, as marriages go up and down a roller coaster ride. Marriage is under siege and the idea is to eradicate the family and bring complete destruction. Most research indicates, marriage roller coaster ride is violently going up and down and the family is taking a beating on every relationship turf, starting with marriage. As a result of the ride, the counselor bent on finding healing answers, stands on the sidelines waiting for couples to get off, take a deep breath put their hands in the air as they make their way down hill screaming HELP!!!

You are the change for which the world has been waiting.

When the world stopped, you pivoted. When uncertainty knocked, you answered with perseverance. YOU ARE ON FIRE... IT IS TIME TO YREEMERGE. OU ARE ON FIRE... IT IS TIME TO REEMERGE. 11.29-12.04 2022

Tiffany D. Bell, Dorothy P. Wilson, & Kearn Cherry

These last 2 years, you have made amazing strides. Your course may have changed, but your determination is on fire. Finish strong and walk in your purpose for 2023. IT'S TIME ITO T'S TIME TO REEMERGE REEMERGE SignuptoSpeak. ServeasanAmbassador. SponosranEvent. ShowcaseyourBusiness

Done-for-You SummitinaBox



Events add an additional element to your platform that opens you up to hundreds of thousands of prospects, collaborators, and clients each year.



2023 is around the corner. What do you have on the books?

I coach business owners, organization directors, and entrepreneurs on how to launch their own profitable events, conferences, and anthologies. Let's work on a plan together to get your next event or project where it needs to be!

I have successfully created and produced some of the most prestigious in person and online events, including the Success Women's Conference (Creator & Co Director), Power Up Summit (Creator & Host), Level Up Summit (Creator & Host), and Sister Leaders Conference (Producer).

Virtual events are here to stay.

In the June issue of Success Women’s Magazine, I shared how years ago a fear of failure kept me from realizing my dream of becoming an elementary school teacher Besides feeling like a failure, it landed me in that “in between” place where I questioned my worth and my abilities

Lisa Phillips is a retired military wife and mother of two adult children. She is a certified Children's Life Coach. Her interest is in helping tweens develop certain life skills such as confidence, integrity, and decision-making, among other important skills, using the program "Adventures in Wisdom" by Renaye Thornborrow. She is currently writing her second book on the topic of parental rejection. Lisa can be reached at

Esther was an exiled Jewess. I’m fairly certain she wasn’t dreaming of becoming the queen of the Persian empire, but that is exactly what happened. Whatever her dreams were, she had to let them go, for God orchestrated a divine detour in her life for a higher purpose. Even Mary, the mother of Jesus encountered a detour when, during her engagement to Joseph, a child was conceived within her by the Holy Spirit Now, that’s a detour! What do all these women have in common? Each were taken through uncharted in between territory Their faith may have been tested, however, none were abandoned by God because He was in the detour with them. In fact, like these women, our setbacks are really God’s way of setting us up for a new purpose, a new thing, even a new dream.

themselves in that ‘in between’ place, where it appeared to be for their detriment. In fact, Naomi says, “I left full [with a husband and two sons], but the LORD has brought me back empty,” (see Ruth 1:21) Ruth followed her mother in law, Naomi back to her homeland in Bethlehem Their lives and dreams took a detour but God was with them in their in between place preparing a new destiny, a new and loving husband for Ruth, named Boaz. And Naomi lived with Ruth and Boaz.

During the Covid 19 pandemic many women experienced unexpected detours in their professional lives. And for those self employed women, many had their business dreams impacted. I don’t know what you are going through at this moment, but I do know how it feels when the dreams you’ve been working towards suddenly run aground or force you to let your dream go altogether, moving you into that unfamiliar in between place. Perhaps you’re currently there now; your dream has been detoured due to health reasons, or a family crisis, or financial set back But the good news is that God is in control of all our circumstances, and cares about our hopes and dreams In fact, sometimes God will use a detour for His purposes Sometimes there is a divine design behind our detours.

While we’re in the perplexing in between place, stay in faith, pray for guidance and protection from taking a wrong turn, and maintain

Consider the outcomes of biblical women whose dreams also took a detour. For example, Naomi and Ruth. Naomi was Ruth’s mother in law and Ruth took care of her. But their lives took a detour when both of their husbands were killed in combat. Ruth was a young widow. Both women suddenly found

by Lisa Phillips

a godly perspective. This in between place is only for a season. The detour may seem like an obstacle, but in fact, our faith tells us that God is sovereign and He uses whatever detours we encounter to set us up for a new purpose and blessing Romans 8:28 says, “ God causes all things (including mistakes) to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Be patient in the in between place and pray (expectantly) despite not knowing what He’s up to. Ask God what He is saying to you, but rest assured, in your trusting, He’ll deposit a fresh passion for a new dream and purpose, which will take you to new levels of joy Lastly, when our dreams take a detour consider that God may have chosen you for a special mission.

Be a cover girl! We have been featuring Women in Motion. Your successes and input can change lives. Sign up now to be one of the WOMEN IN MOTION.

Special Feature JCover ul/Aug 2022 WOMAN IN MOTION

What do you feel are the 3 qualities a leader should have? Women's

JULY/AUGUST2022 Success

What is your definition of a successful woman and how does she make history?

What is an interesting fact about you that most people may not know?

Success is defined by what you deem to be important to you A successful woman is someone comfortable in her skin. She does not shrink herself to make others happy, she takes up space. I have a healthy balance between my faith, family, work, and other roles that matter to me. My legacy is shaped and defined by whom God has called me to be and not by anyone else’s voice.

I believe that an excellent leader possesses vision, integrity, and compassion. A visionary leader ensures that the vision and mission direct all of their decisions and works with others to ensure that the mission and vision are integrated into everything executed. A leader must have integrity because people need to be able to trust what you do and say without reservation or hesitation Finally, a leader should be compassionate because when people know that you care, they tend to be loyal and contribute to a collegial atmosphere A leader should be the impetus and model for excellence wherever they lead


I have written a book entitled Foundation Basics for New Members: Teacher and Student Manual.

What events, programs, or offers do you have on the horizon?

Please visit my website to learn more about the services that I offer to churches. My website includes 10 courses on key Christian topics such as salvation, the Godhead, and spiritual gifts that any church leader or new Christian can purchase and access to growing their faith.

I empower church leaders in developing Christian education and discipleship courses so that churches have an intentional plan for bible study classes. I also help church leaders create a safe and structured space for new and mature Christians to learn and grow as bible scholars I help church leaders foster a culture where they are intentionally developing disciples of Christ and ambassadors for the kingdom of God

The most important aspect of my brand is that I am leveraging my 20 years as an educator in both secular and sacred spaces to coach people on how to do bible study workshop facilitation and Christian education course development.

What is the most important aspect(s) of your brand?

With more than two decades of experience, Dr Vanesa M Scott Thompson has worn many hats Currently serving as a Vice President in the nonprofit sector, she has taught at various levels and held multiple leadership positions. With a wealth of knowledge and a passion for helping others grow, she is committed to making a positive impact in the lives of those around her She is an accomplished writer and speaker, having given presentations on topics such as leadership, assessment, and program evaluation. Her writing has been published on a variety of blogs and magazines.

About Contact

Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses. Joshua 1:3

She obtained her bachelor’s degree from DePaul University in Secondary Education, English, and her master’s degree in Education Administration and Supervision from Loyola University Chicago. She became the first person in her family to have a doctoral degree when she completed her Higher Education Administration doctorate from Loyola University Chicago She is married with two children, 1 of whom is attending college. Her website is




DrCheryl Wood Dr.Delatorro McNeal Courtenay DeHoff HillsPruden

Dr.Sonja Stribling Cherry Moreland Jeanita Castille


Special Feature JCover ul/Aug 2022

JULY/AUGUST2022 Success Women's Magazine

What is your definition of a successful woman and how does she make history?

Treasure Coast Business Expo: Fort Pierce, Fl August 20, 2022

What do you feel are the 3 qualities a leader should have?

I do not have a favorite color. While a teacher assistant in New York, I taught autistic children for 4 years.

Online Course: "The Shepherd's Call": Begins September 2022

What is the most important aspect of your brand?


"Leaveyourfootprint,yourvoiceprint,andyourthumbprintbehind sothatthenextgenerationknowsthatyoudidsomething beyondyourcomfortzone.Youhavethepowertochange notonlyyourselfbutalsotheworldaroundyou."

"Armored and Victorious: Memoirs of a Crossover Season": Sequel to Weapons for Victory: Book release 2023


"Weapons for Victory: Memoirs of a Perfect Storm": Book revision release: August 2022

She is at peace with the world She is comfortable in her skin She Communicates easily with small or large groups and she is brilliant, yet humble

They must be a Good Listener They must have Adaptability Patience is a must

What is an interesting fact about you that most people may not know?

What events, programs, or offers do you have on the horizon?

The 3 qualities a leader should have are:

God inspired Guided toward holistic recovery Information based

She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Organizational Management, a Master of Science Degree in Counseling, graduating Suma Cum Laude, a Doctorate in Biblical Counseling/Biblical Studies, and a Doctorate in Education (EdD). Dr. Sharon is the author of six published books Christian Divorce Wars, Weapons for Victory, 31 Days of Wholeness, Newbies in the Kingdom,

Redemption Song was made famous by the late Bob Marley in 1980, however, some of the lyrics speak volumes about how this woman has evolved over the past 20 years to becoming Dr. Sharon Arrindell (AKA Dr. Sharon). Though seemingly quiet and unassuming, place writing instruments in her hands, or put her in front of an audience and she will tell you her Redemption Song. A native of Jamaica West Indies, she relocated to the United States in September 1970 with her parents. She attended Grace Gospel Chapel in Harlem New York for 17 years and became a member of Bethel Gospel Assembly also in Harlem in 1987. This is where a life of ministry truly began for Dr. Sharon, as she sought to follow the inscription written on the outside wall of that church, “ENTER TO LEARN GO FORTH TO SERVE.”

Out Miami in 2022. She currently has a part-time Christian counseling practice called Wholeness Counseling Service and her services are offered on a virtual and face-to-face platform. She is the founder and CEO of Inspired Wholeness Enterprise, where she is allotted the opportunity to speak at women’s retreats and conferences, inspiring women who have been broken, to pick up the pieces of their lives and become whole. Dr. Sharon started a virtual 10week experience for women 21 and over called "The Birthing Room", in October 2020. She is starting online Bible study courses, through her new online school Inspired Wholeness School. She has been allowed to speak at different venues in the US, and the Caribbean, and recently has been given a global reach on a virtual platform.

Author, speaker, professor, and counselor Dr. Sharon Arrindell, inspires audiences to pick up the pieces of their lives and become whole through the power of God's "Redemption Song."


Embracing Our Queenly Anointing, and The Shepherd’s Call: Revised Leadership Study Guide She also collaborated on an anthology called The Fiercely Unstoppable Entrepreneur, which became a #1 international bestseller. Dr. Sharon is a licensed pastoral counselor and an ordained pastor. She has been a professor since 2007. She currently teaches at Indian River State College in Florida, and Montreat Christian College in North Carolina, as an online professor, teaching graduate, and undergraduate counseling and psychology courses. She is nurtured and covered as a pastor under the umbrella of the FIRM (Federation of Independent Revolutionary Ministries), under the leadership of Apostle Samuel E. Beasley out of Pensacola, Fl.

After many years in the fashion business, Dr. Sharon pursued a career in counseling. She spent four years in the public school system in New York, working with autistic children; and eleven years in Florida’s public schools as a school counselor. She spent many years in NY as a Sunday school teacher, youth leader, and Bible college teacher. She was also a youth pastor in Port St. Lucie Florida for four years. Dr. Sharon was featured in Women of Distinction Magazine in January 2016, and in Shout

She desires to help bring lasting change for people at large, and women, especially; steering them toward the realization that God can bring you out of any situation no matter how difficult it may seem (Psalm 34:19). She is married to her dream guy Keith Arrindell, and combined they have 5 children and 9 grandchildren. Visit her www.inspiredwholenesscounseling.comat

FaithInspiration Swagbox Get the 2022 Conference Video Vault, Living My Faith Out Loud T-Shirt, and Living Faith Out Vol2 Book at FAITHCONFERENCE.INFO/SUPPORT

Cover Nonprofit Extraordinaire WOMAN IN MOTION JoyceAverils Meet the Company: HerRICHLifeCoaching

The most important aspect of the Her RICH Life Coaching brand is a focus on implementation for life transformation This is accomplished through a proprietary God centered framework for creating purpose aligned lives

"Every man and woman is born into the world to do something unique and something distinctive and if he or she does not do it, it will never be done.

What is your definition of a successful woman and how does she make history?

What do you feel are the 3 qualities a leader should have?

A successful woman is a woman who knows and lives her purpose She makes history by answering God's call to fulfill her purpose and calling


What is an interesting fact about you that most people may not know?

Three qualities every great leader should have are humility, courage, and trustworthiness. What is the most important aspect of your brand?

What events, programs, or offers do you have on the horizon?

After retiring from the bench as a trial judge and before starting my coaching business, I had a non profit for elementary and middle school girls Changing the Buzz, Inc. Through that non profit I ran free quarterly culture camps, where my volunteers and I would help African American girls increase their self worth, leadership, and communication skills.

Our fall event is the Path to Purpose Workshop: A FREE 4 Day Virtual Immersive Experience to Help High achieving Christian Women Discover How to Pursue Purpose and Greater Fulfillment, God's Way

Dr. Benjamin E. Mays

JULY/AUGUST2022 Success Women's Magazine

Often people say, "I don’t have time to sit, I don’t have time to listen, I don't have time to free write", to which I respond, "You must deliberately take the time." Setting aside time to be aware, to listen to your inner dialogue, to be curious about the stories that have dictated your life thus far, to begin to understand the way your thoughts and words and beliefs can hold you back from being all that you truly are: that’s not a luxury; that’s not a negotiable item. We must do this to be well, to live fully and completely. To thrive. The resistance that comes up with beginning mindfulness practices is usually the ego, the conscious mind, panicking Because the ego knows that if you go deeper into your subconscious, the ego will no longer play the role of executive director The ego wants to keep its job And the ego thinks its job is to keep you safe But true safety comes from within; true safety comes from our inner voice, our inner knowing, our inner wisdom. When we resist these concepts, it’s often because we are comfortable; it’s easier not to look or listen to our inner dialogue; it’s easier to just let it run on autopilot, telling yourself it’s FINE as is. Is it, though? Is “fine” what you want? Is "fine" good enough? Fine leads to a very linear, very one sided experience: going through the motions, getting things done, yes, but ultimately leaving us feeling unfulfilled, unsatisfied, and disconnected not only from ourselves and our truth but from everyone we encounter. If we can sit with ourselves and notice, breathe, be aware and listen, then we can begin to transform. Transformation on a deep level; true, revolutionary, expansive changes. Something that

stimulates this transformation process is introspective, inquisitive, and childlike curiosity "Oh, what is this feeling? What do I notice in my body when I feel this? Why do I think this? How can I shift my perspective? How can I be open to other ideas? To reframe this old story? To operate from my heart instead of my mind? What can I learn from this?" It's wonderful to have an inquisitive, exploratory nature as we connect with our inner listening, without judgment, without beating ourselves up for whatever it is we believe or think we know to be true (which is usually based on formative experiences and subjective reality or perception.) How can we zoom out, and gain clarity and awareness, from an observer's perspective? We are multidimensional beings. We have a physical self, an emotional self, an intellectual self, and a spiritual self. These are all equally important facets of our being, of this human experience We encounter challenges in our life to encourage our evolution, and our growth We can learn and grow more from challenges, and our responses to them, than we can by coasting through our experiences without awareness and deeper thought Creative thought Expansive and exciting thought Awareness is everything My hope is this: that you gain an appreciation and understanding for the inner workings of your mind and heart and soul; that the next time something happens and you react quickly and intensely, you hear a little voice inside your head asking yourself, “Why did I react so explosively to that? What’s going on for me? What am I feeling that this was my knee jerk reaction?” Because that, my friend, is how we shift, that is how we begin to transform: by asking the questions, by being curious, by becoming aware. That’s all it takes.

Karen Novy is a songwriter, speaker, and vocal empowerment facilitator. She believes in the healing power of music, and the trauma healing power of our voices She speaks from the heart and guides audiences to deep and powerful moments of self realization, leaving people feeling valued for who they are and the gifts that they offer.

Awareness is Everything


Position, Producer, Protection, Passion

Even though persecution may arise in this stage it helps develop your purpose that leads to your promise. The persecution can be self sabotage as well as background noise from critics, however, you label it the process catapult you to think on another level. The place that is intended for you is obtained through prayer, studying the Word, and worship. The word is God is here to direct His purpose and promises for you Trusting the process is like you trusting the chair you sit on You are not praying if it will be warm and cozy or strong and sturdy, not once are you concerned if it will hold you The chair /process is intentional about doing its assignment, whatever is needed, it will yield to the purpose Keep sight of things you were intended to do and know that the process can transform you to know your purpose and ignite your promises.

I make it a declaration to yield to God’s promises, as He enlightens my purpose while He constructs the process. Remember that consistency and commitment to the process fortify significant progress. Stay focused and keep going! by Sylvia Koonce

Producer The process is producing greater things out of you. You often focus on the fire that comes into your life rather than focusing on what the fire is producing. The fire equips you for more, and the intensity of the heat creates a boldness around your perimeter. It produces a resistance, that in the process it eliminated the noise of opposition. The process also protects to dissipate any options and relies on the Alpha and Omega. The process should also be a producer of change. Change is so incredible that you are astonished by the creativity that will be produced.

The Effect of the Triple P: Purpose, Process, and Promise

On this journey called life, you can relate to these stages your purpose, process, and promise. So here is my perception of dealing with things in the middle, BKA (the process). The four key things I identified:

Sylvia is the CEO and Founder of JASE Management Consultants and Sylviakoonceinspires Sylvia is a speaker and published bestselling author Sylvia recently became the Operations Lead of Women Empowered for the Business Resource Group Sylvia sits on the Executive Board for RESA Women. She is also a Certified Professional Coder and Certified Professional Medical Auditor Sylvia is also the Former Editor in Chief for His Favor Magazine She is a living illustration of covenant, as she currently resides in Maryland with her husband Eugene of over 30 years Their union birthed two wonderful children, Ashlee and Jeremy

Position In the process, your posture gives a great indicator of how you are dealing with the situation The Bible tells us in Psalms 27:14 Wait on the LORD: Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD ” So first thing first how are you dealing with the process? Does your posture present one of declaration or doubt?

Passion the process will renew your purpose and resuscitate your promises to do the will of the Father It is like that of a skilled first responder However, wherever, the passion for the assignment pushes you to embark with any culture and break any barrier to fulfill the assignment.

Protection The process protects your mindset because it’s in this stage that growth and maturity take place The protection proves the strength of God’s armor It directs your path of knowing how to be strategic with the protection

I am happy that I did not set the expectation that I am a domestic goddess. I am glad that my husband and son understand that there is no woman’s work in our home, just work that needs to get done for our family to run smoothly. I am grateful that my daughter will grow up knowing that household chores are shared and not relegated to her because she is a girl. I am a happier wife and mother knowing that my family works as a team.

We are now at a point where we have a sophomore in college and a rising fourth grader so they are an integral part of maintaining our home. When my son is home he loads the dishwasher, takes out the trash, helps cook breakfast & dinner and helps with laundry. We are teaching my daughter how to load the dishwasher, fold laundry and keep her room clean. Doing the laundry is a family activity because everyone is responsible

I recognize that my mother is part of a generation of women who were expected to cater to their husbands and children. I made a commitment to myself that my husband would have to be an integral part of taking care of our family needs and our children must contribute to the household when they came of age. Since I watched my mom be a domestic goddess, I had no interest in mimicking this goddess syndrome in my own home.

by Vanesa Scott Thompson

third grade due to my son having academic and social issues. Since I am the primary breadwinner in our family, it made sense for my husband to come out of the workforce to take care of our son who needed more support at the time. He did not automatically assume that I would leave my career to be home with our son. As a matter of fact, he made it clear that his son needed his father and I wholeheartedly agreed.

After a while our chores were evenly distributed between us. I took care of our finances, grocery shopping, cooking and co parenting our children. He took care of the laundry, the cleaning of our home and co parenting our children.

My mother did everything! She was a teacher. She also went to the grocery store weekly to then cook breakfast daily and prepare dinner six days a week. She did the laundry a few days a week for the six of us. She cleaned our home a couple of times a month. She took us to the dentist, doctor and to activities on the weekend. On top of that she was active in our church as Sunday school teacher and bible study group leader.

for their clothes. My husband irons his uniform and my children fold their own clothes and put them away.

When I married my husband, I made it clear that I did not know how to cook or do laundry so he and I would have to learn together. I can still recall disgusting dinners and multi colored laundry as part of our learning curve.

Dr Vanesa M Scott Thompson is the author of “Foundation Basics for New Members: Teacher and Student Manual ” Her writing has been published on a variety of blogs and magazines Her website is drvmst com

He also was a stay-at-home dad when my son was in first through

As our marriage has progressed over the years my husband has ensured that his work schedule did not clash with mine so that he could be there for our children. For the first two years of my son’s life, my husband was his primary caregiver. When my daughter joined our family, my husband was her primary caregiver for the first eighteen months of her life. When I went back to school for both graduate and post-graduate degrees, he took care of our children in the evening and made sure they were fed and bathed prior to my arrival home. I still had to put my children to bed because no one wanted to go to sleep without seeing me; at least that’s what they told me.

focused.” We want to be relatable, but we also don’t want to go too far down the “here’s my perfect (or awful) life” scenario!


Each time we post or share information we need to back that up with our purpose (the customer and their well being) and be sure to leave them with a value add (special offer, freebie, etc.)

We want our clients to remember us and understand who we are. We want to engage their emotions any kind of emotions But, so often ads focus on everything that could go wrong, the worse case scenario. What if we turned the table and focused on a positive result! Customers can sleep better at night because . . . or they can save time and money when . .

Our content needs to be relevant. It’s okay to be personal sharing about family and friends and life events That certainly enhances the know/like/trust factor. But we need to keep our content “other by Mary Moss

Mary Moss, aka, The Word Wizard, loves the beauty and magic of words! She helps you divinely design your words, whether telling the story of your business or of your life. She is the creator of unique platforms for writers’ voices to be heard, tell their stories, and earn money.

Have a point to the story Be sure to provide talking points if customers or staff are sharing a story.

Make the story provided a value add. You or a team member can share 4 easy tips or made a free introductory offer Give them a takeaway

We tell a story every time we open our mouths (or write words in a sentence)

What are the audience pain points? You probably know what they are because they were also your pain points at one time. They are the reason you started your business. You have found a solution, to make their life easier with a problem and you have something that will help them Create a warm, genuine relationship when you let customers know you understand them, where they are,

Make the story about the goals of potential customers what’s their mission statement? Incorporate those stories into your story I started this business because, I have(had) the same problem; I used to need . . . and I figured out a way to solve it tell them you want to show you how you reached a goal or how you can help them have a better quality of life too!

Isn’t that more engaging and personable than, “buy my product, or, “I have xx days to meet my goal”? We want to always be sure our communication is about them and their needs. Making the customer the star of the show makes them feel valued and helps them feel they matter. It’s important our customers know our “why” and they also need to know they, and their well being, our motivation, and the reason we keep going.

Did you realize your business has a story? Stories allow people to remember us. When we tell a story, the more parts of the listener’s/reader’s brain is engaged. Think about some of the commercials on TV that play over and over and over more than that, think about companies that use a “serial type” marketing same cast of character with new storylines all pointing to the same conclusion and call to action: buy! Storytelling is so powerful and much more compelling than information that includes statistics, facts and figures

We need structure and a succinct message: Start with a character and a point of view Highlight one of your teammates or employees Ask them to tell a short story about when/why they came to work with you, what they love about what they’re doing.


Perhaps we all can draw from this scripture a process for us to trust in ourselves. We learn to trust in ourselves when we trust in God with all our hearts, and we learn to trust in others as we have learned to trust in ourselves.

A native of Nashville, Tennessee, currently residing in Huntsville, Alabama, I retired in 2012 from NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC). I am a graduate of the Christian Coach Institute (CCI) and host of the “I Am Complete” workshop. I am an author, speaker, writer, dancer, traveler, and community servant.

we need to allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us. Trust in self is not being dependent on self, but the Holy Spirit.

Procrastination (unrealistic goals or just not following through)

Proverbs 3:5, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding

by Teresa Foley Batts

Reassurance-seeking (needing validation) social media has helped in this area…Looking for Likes

Dwelling on the past (beating yourself up over something that has already happened)

Worrying about the future (uncertainty and getting in God’s business)


Trusting your emotions (2nd guessing yourself)

Give yourself space to feel your feelings. Create a positive relationship with your inner Makecritic.self-care a priority. Choose your advice sources carefully. Notice how it feels when you don't trust Letyourself.goof habits/routines or people that undermine your self-trust.

I’m supposed to trust in myself. How can I? Do you know some of the things I’ve done? Plus, I have been raised to trust in God, not myself

How can I…How can you, love your neighbor if you have not learned to love yourself? How can you love yourself…unless you have first loved God with all your heart, soul, and mind?

I believe there is a direct connection to God that enables us to trust in ourselves. We are familiar with the scripture (Matthew 22) where an expert in the law tried to test Jesus by asking Him “which is the greatest commandment” and Jesus declared…Love the Lord, thy God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your mind; This is the first and greatest commandment and the 2nd is to love your neighbor as yourself

Not long ago I overheard a lady trying to get her friends to like the shoes she wanted to purchase. This lady kept justifying why she liked the shoes. I know it wasn’t my business; however, I step around the shoe rack where she was standing and asked…Do you like shoes? She responded yes…I said then buy them. She started again to explain why she liked them, and I said why are you giving them an explanation for buying something you like. Her friends chimed in and said right…she keeps asking us and we are telling her why we don’t like them. Are we guilty of trying to convince others to like our choices?

Trust in self? Huh??

Here are some practical steps to help develop


What are some barriers that hinder us from trusting in ourselves?

Wendye Savage is a mental health advocate, author of "What's in Your Purse?: A Guide for Women's Wellness. Wendye is also a confidence and esteem coach for women who have been challenged by Domestic Violence. You can visit her website:

5. He manipulates your emotions/ tries to make you feel guilty.

by Wendye Savage

Her dress may fit her well With the latest pocketbook; You don’t know how she rose this morning

1. Personality change she may have been outgoing in the beginning, but now more quiet and introverted.

As women, we often romanticize our relationships early on. Sometimes we overlook the red flags or at

Healthy relationships aren’t perfect. There is no such thing as perfect people or anything else, for that matter. At the foundation of healthy relationships, we feel safe, supported, loved, and can communicate to work out differences.

2. Being jumpier or more on guard. 3. Unexplained physical injuries.

1. Insults that come in a joking manner

Couples enter relationships coming from separate upbringings, and separate sets of prior experiences, in essence, they are two individuals who may sometimes differ in thought or disagree. Healthy couples strive to work out differences even if they decide to agree to disagree We are all capable of losing it or saying unkind words out of pain or anger, but what are some signs of abuse?

3. Overly controlling behavior- tries to isolate you from family and friends.

The effort that it took. Her mate may appear unsuspecting Their relationship ideal; No one hears her inner cry Or wipes her mid night tears. From an outward glance, things look okay But inside she’s fighting private wars; Because her home is a battlefield Oh, the challenges she endures. His words and fists are weapons Her worthiness on the floor; No one hears her inner cry Knows the story behind closed doors.

least I know I did. Other times, you don’t know a person until you live with them or do not realize you are in an abusive relationship. You may be convinced that it’s your fault. Signs of someone in an abusive relationship

4. Being moodier ( angry, depressed, sad), than normal.

2. Name calling/belittling

From an outward glance, Domestic Violence can sometimes be hard to detect I stayed in a mentally abusive marriage because I felt if I returned home, my parents would believe it was my fault. He was the Chief Deputy Sheriff in our town and I thought people would say he was a nice guy, so I kept silent. I am no longer married to him and have taken a self assessment as to what attracted me to him, the red flags I ignored, why I stayed, healed from his actions, and forgave him. Love shouldn’t hurt. It shouldn’t take away or attempt to destroy you. Set the example of how you want to be treated, by first loving yourself.

4. He instills fear. Tries to intimidate you.

6. Withholding finances

7. He gets physical. Hitting, grabbing, or controlling your movements or space.

NOW REACHING 26 COUNTRIES! The Faith Inspiration Project began as a small seed and has grown into multiple platforms. NEED ENCOURAGEMENT AND INSPIRATION? THIS IS THE RIGHT PLACE! On the Faith Inspiration Network, we share words of encouragement and videos and stories about people who are living their faith out loud! To learn more: INSPIRATION NETWORK LISTEN NOW Founder & HostDorothy P Wilson


2022 Award Winners

Mrs Omenesa Akomolafe

Dr. Karen Hills Pruden

Coach Rejoice Suleman

Dr. Onika L. Shirley

HRH Princess Dr Moradeun Ogunlana

Dr Nephetina Serrano

Jacqueline Hall

Danyella Terrell

Dr. Shauli Mukherjee

Ms Kelley Williams Bolar Renee Ambush HRH Princess, Dr. Moradeun Ogunlana

Jacqueline Hall Wencie Powell

Renee Ambush

Mrs. Patricia Garland A

Liz Hoop

Ms. Erin Brown N/A

LeTysha Montgomery

Ms. Joan Wakeland

ms joanna james

Dr. Sequanna Taylor

Naomi Burrell

Dr. Theresa Daniel

Lashonda Wofford

Darlene Keith Battle BA MPA

Shana Gourdine

Mrs Andrea Briscoe Ms Karol Brandt

Congratulations Power Up Award Finalists!

Ms Tajiri Brackens

Ms Monica McDaniel

Dr. Kathy L. Amos

Award Finalists C O M M U N I T Y L E A D E R O F T H E Y E A R


Angela Pressley Wallace M D

Mrs Oremeyi Kareem Ms Monique Robinson

Dr. Sequanna Taylor

Darlene Keith Battle BA MPA

Dr Verna Dr Verna Caddie Minister Pamela Hawkins

Ashley Robertson Myra Armstead

Mrs. Lennise Germany


Dr Stacy L Henderson

Dr Kathy L Amos

Ms Kelley Williams Bolar

Danielle Jackson Kinnard Danielle Kinnard Sabrina Stallworth Shelley Chennault

Ms. Dalhia Perryman

Dr Jada Green Dr Nikki Zeigler Dr Zakiya Mabery

Wencie Powell

Coach Rejoice Suleman

Dr Jacquelyn Brown Hadnot Mrs Makeba Chanay Reverend Antonio Clinkscales Dr Lorelle Strong Rich Ashley McGirt

Dr Jonathan Haynes Dr Nichole Peters

Dr Dr Shelia Trask

Ms. Kenty Lichtenberg M A N O F T H E Y E A R

Naomi Burrell

Cheli Strumila

Ms. Dani Parks

Dr Nar'Cissa McDonald APRN, FNP C

Ms Tandra Blackwell Dr Sanja Rickette Stinson Kelisha Worrell Ms Monica McDaniel Dr Nephetina Serrano M/S Julliet Makhapila

Brenda Ring Wood Kim Bullock Hennix Leslie Ramon

Dr. Monique Rodgers

Tomiko Walker

Ms Katrina Hayes Ms Dalhia Perryman

Jessica James Ms Charlene Harrod Owuamana

Ms Katrina Hayes

Ms. Tajiri Brackens

Mrs Lennise Germany

Mrs Omenesa Akomolafe Theresa Nealy

Dr Karen Hills Pruden

M/S Julliet Makhapila

Reverend Antonio Clinkscales

Mrs Renea Linsom

Dr Ericka L McKnight

Danyella Terrell

Ms Kenty Lichtenberg


Jasmine Romaine


Renee AmbushC A R E G I V E R O F T H E Y E A R

Gwen Goolsby Tillery

Kelisha Worrell

Prophet Catrina Reese

Mrs Makeba Chanay


Ms Kelley Williams Bolar

Dr Jonathon Haynes

Mr Ron Malhotra Sheniqua Johnson

Ms Monica McDaniel


Dr Jacquelyn Brown Hadnot

Congratulations Power Up Award Finalists!

Hannah Lassiter Rev. Deborah Franklin

Award Finalists

Dawn Lieck

M/S Julliet Makhapila O D C A S T E R O F T H E Y E A R

Dr Josephine Harris

Mr Ron Malhotra

Reverend Liwanda Williams

Dr Shauli Mukherjee


Dr Vernita Glenn White



Dr Eric Holmes


Ebony Cherry Rebecca Huggins

Dr Jada Green


Dr Frances Ann Bailey

Dr Josephine Harris

Mrs Effie Robertson

Mrs Angie Gardner

Ms Blessing Oloyo

Dr Zakiya Mabery

Mr Ron MalhotraO F H Y E

Dr Onika L Shirley

Dr. Ericka L. McKnight

Mrs. Carissa bolden Windham

Mrs. Tara Johnson Dr Nephetina Serrano


Ms. Kelley Williams Bolar D U C A T O R O F T H Y E A


Dr Krystal Cross

Reverend Antonio Clinkscales

Cheli Strumila

Miss Samantha Oluwapelumi Lazarus

Mrs Lauren Amador

Lashonda Wofford

LaDonna Marie Dr. Mary Segars

Dr Tonia Blackwood

Dr. Nikki Zeigler


Jon Kovach Jr

Dr. Stacy L. Henderson Dr. Theresa Daniel

Jon Kovach Jr

M/S Julliet Makhapila

Kelisha Worrell T R E P R E U R O T H E Y A 2022


Tamika Blythers

Dr. Nompumelelo Real Kunene Evangelist Tamala Coleman

A U T H O R O F T H E Y E A R R e n e e A m b u s h D r S a n j a R i c k e t t e S t i n s o n K e l i s h a W o r r e l l M s M o n i c a M c D a n i e l D r N e p h e t i n a S e r r a n o D r V e r n i t a G l e n n W h i t e D r . E r i c k a L . M c K n i g h t C h a v o n T h o m a s M i c h e l l e L o v e t t C o a c h A s h l e y B l a n s h a w D a w n L i e c k P r o p h e t C a t r i n a R e e s e D r N o m p u m e l e l o R e a l K u n e n e E v a n g e l i s t T a m a l a C

Ms Monique Robinson

Dr Tonia Blackwood

Joanna James Ms Erin Brown Angela Singletary

Mrs. Oremeyi Kareem

Hannah Lassiter

Rev Deborah Franklin Ms Monica McDaniel

Renee Ambush

Jon Kovach Jr

Gwen Goolsby Tillery


Mrs Tara Johnson

Ms Kelley Williams Bolar

o l e m a n L e T y s h a M o n t g o m e r y L i z H o o p S h a n a G o u r d i n e D r . M o n i q u e R o d g e r s M r s P a t r i c i a G a r l a n d A M s J o a n W a k e l a n d D e e B o w d e n D r E r i c H o l m e s Angela Pressley Wallace M D Dr Nar'Cissa McDonald APRN, FNP C Dr. Bridget Williams Dr Angela Harden Mack MD Mrs Effie Robertson Mrs Carissa bolden Windham Ashley McGirt Jessica James Ms Charlene Harrod Owuamana Sheniqua Johnson Ms Tiffine Croom H E A L T H C A R E P E R S O N O F T H E Y E A R 2022 Award Finalists Ms Tiffine Croom Diawn Jones Kendra Harris Dr Lorelle Strong Rich Moirar Leveille F I T A N D W E L L N E S S P E R S O N O F T H E Y E A R Congratulations Power Up Award Finalists!

Naomi Burrell

Dr Sylvia Cole Elder Verlisa Wearing

Myra Armstead

Mrs Brenda Young Ms Sharon Robbins Chavon Thomas Miss Samantha Oluwapelumi Lazarus E M E R G I N G L E A D E R O F T H E Y E A R

Ms. Dani Parks

Brenda Ring Wood

Ashley Robertson

Reverend Liwanda Williams

M/S Julliet Makhapila

Moirar Leveille

Dr. Frances Ann Bailey

Kim Bullock Hennix

Tomiko Walker Dr Jonathan Haynes Dr Nichole Peters Michelle Lovet

Kelisha Worrell

Dr Dr Shelia Trask

Coach Ashley Blanshaw

Dr Krystal Cross

with Visionary Yolanda Jerry


A Beautiful Compilation of Stories About People Who Have Disabilities and How They Live Their Best Lives Despite the Limitations the World Imposes on Them

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