2 minute read
More please!
In the novel by Charles Dickens, the starving orphan Oliver Twist famously asks for more gruel. It was deemed a preposterous request and the Board of the Victorian workhouse were aghast. Culturally asking for more still feels uncomfortable, or at best a little awkward, and if we are to live sustainably on our finite Earth, moderation and restraint are the future-looking choices. Yet, when it comes to nature, the time has come to find the courage of Oliver to ask for more – indeed demand more.
It is now over a decade since the independent review by Professor Sir John Lawton to consider how England’s wildlife sites and the connections between them could be improved to enable nature to thrive. The Lawton review established the principles of ‘more, bigger, better and joined-up’ habitat – and the most important of these was ‘more’.
These principles underpin government commitment to nature-recovery networks in the 2021 Environment Act, and which Suffolk Wildlife Trust is committed to see fully enacted across our county. More land managed for nature, with bigger and better wildlife hotspots, and landscape connections for wildlife to move through. More land for nature to achieve the dynamic, biodiverse landscape which society depends upon for clean air, pollination, healthy soils, flood prevention and shade in the heat of summer. More of the everyday nature encounters which boost our very health and wellbeing.
So yes please, we do want more!
Christine Luxton Chief Executive
Suffolk Wildlife Trust Get in touch
Wild Suffolk is the membership magazine for Suffolk Wildlife Trust teamwilder@suffolkwildlifetrust.org
Telephone 01473 890089
Address Suffolk Wildlife Trust, Brooke House, Ashbocking IP6 9JY
Registered charity number 262777
Website suffolkwildlifetrust.org
Facebook @suffolkwildlife
Twitter @suffolkwildlife
Instagram @suffolkwildlifetrust
Our Membership Manager, Nicola Martin, is happy to help with any questions about your membership on 01473 890089 or membership@suffolkwildlifetrust.org.

Wild Suffolk Magazine Team
Editor Lucy McRobert
Designer Clare Sheehan
Content editor UK Tom Hibbert
Cover: Common frogs
Suffolk Wildlife Trust is one of a national network of Wildlife Trusts dedicated to safeguarding the future of wildlife for the benefit of all.
4 Your wild summer
Share in the best of the season’s wildlife and where to enjoy it nearby.
10 Our nature reserves
Special wild places to discover this summer.
13 Wild thoughts
Simon Barnes on the plants that shaped our lives.

14 Hidden nature: garden moths

Discover the species flitting around your garden at night.
16 Wild news
Read what’s happening for Suffolk’s wildlife and across the UK.
21 County Wildlife Sites in focus
The secret spaces that are creating networks for nature.
22 Planning for a Wilder Suffolk
How good planning can help wildlife and people to thrive together.
28 The art of noticing nature
Let creativity and wildlife benefit your wellbeing this June.

32 Wild at heart
Meet the Applebys, a family who have dedicated their lives to nature in Suffolk and beyond.
36 Bloomin’ marvellous
Explore the rare and beautiful wildflowers of our coppiced woodlands.