Landscape Cityscape
Shadow Beneath the sky
This image is an image that contains for temple roofs and the sky. This picture has been taken because I personally like the contrast between the sky and the temple roofs. The color of the sky (light to dark blue, and white), cuts with the shadow of the temple.
Moderate living
I first take a look of this landscape, reflection of a way of people life who living on the hill especially a woman which turned her back doing something in front of her small hut. It makes me feel grieved but inspired. So I would say no matter where we live it does not matter if we know how to cherish a little thing and our heart are fully satisfied. By doing so, I think we will be happy enough.
A long distance
This picture was taken on the way to see the sunset, it represents the feeling of long distance. This feeling of long distance began at the village to mountain, when it both became connected.
The endless
This picture was taken at Kareang village from the upper hill downward. This show how steep and strong the texture is. Also, this picture makes me feel like staring at the boy that stand on the end of the way, can represent the loneliness or the endless of the railroad.
simply life
This picture was taken from the top view of the resort. It shows the view of all the village, the reason why i made the picture as black and white is because black represent nothing but just a simple,quiet and peaceful like the lives of the people who live there.
Lines Curves Pattern
Local structure
The overall layout of this photograph is quite interesting due to integrated curl pattern and line-art extraction in same object plus yellow structure of an umbrella.
Hidden Beauty
We can easily see clear line under the sky and the electric poles. Now adays, our world has been precisely developed so quickly. More of our population have increased, more new constructions are speed up also. The new world full with , constructions, buildings and tall towers have hide all the beauty of the skies above lately.
My feeling toward this photograph, the deforestation has continually occurred day by day. Black and White color represents to our disaster as same as those ripped-off trees.
An obstacle in our life can be compared as line complexity. But we choose the right path; we will find a solution like passing through the circle without barrier.
This photograph focuses on the curvature in front of a circle. It affects blur vision both of inside and outside of photograph. It is as same as an assumption made about someone or something before having adequate knowledge to be so sure with those people or things.
Black and white line pattern in this photograph represents to durability as same as iron which cannot be bended or broken.
The ancient
This photography was taken at a pond house. The elderly man is making an umbrella that nowadays teenagers are not even interested. Umbrella is used as background. It represents for what he has been doing for living.
This photograph is quite emotional. In the evening, soldiers are standing for respect a national anthem or flag.This shows how much the patriotism of the Thai people are.
This boy is playing rope. His sightseeing is beyond than imagination. Toward his eyes and his look reflected to innocence.
Meaning in the eyes
Both eyes are looking at the same direction only the emotion is in a different way.
scramble boy
The posture of a boy and the ridicule of the boy looked at the camera and wondered “ if you had been taken my photo, why wouldn’t you buy strawberry?”
Night Picture
Street art?
I accidentally met a stranger, a weird man while I was walking on walking street in Chiang Mai. His freaky dress drew attention to people around there.
The Inspiration
The things that attract me to take this picture of the elder portrait is the messy things around her. If you look closely you will see that she is sitting on the trolley and doing something.Eventhough she is old but still she can inspired the young one.
Night life
This is a picture of the walking street at night. It’s show the people and merchant doing in that time.
Big smile
The man is selling a hand-made product at walking street. The compose of the glass, his dress up, and his smile make this picture balance.
This picture was taken at night. Its show the line of the road clearly and without the car passing. Its only the road, light, and silently leftover.
Our belief
Thai people love to go to temple or making merit. As our ancient taught us to put the gold leaf on the back, it is like doing something good without any expectation only a good wills. By doing so, we will make more merit.
Mud stains on the tire texture. It refers to the past experience in the journey of life.
chaos of life
Complexity of texture modern design is like the chaos in society life.
The origin
tThis photograph represents to perfect natural plant growth that produces good
quantities of seed for human food.
Black and white represented sadness.There always a light in a darkness if we recognize it.
color mosaic
Red attract
Red color is irresistibly attractive and also has different meaning in itself that why I choose red color for color mosaic.
Perfect reflection You can see this paranomic photography upside down due to reflection of the depth on the water. It makes a photograph looks more visible.
Heaven of nature
All appearances of nature hill are diversified with flowering and also evergreen shrubs, with perfect clouds and blue sky make me feel like i am in heaven.
The heart
The temple is largely as a cultural center where Thai people can spend time with and is a center of community where they make merit for themselves and their families. An exquisite architecture of Thai style and decoration of temple buildings represents of the Buddha storytelling. It becomes a good reputation of Thai nation to the other.