Pink Chiang Mai trip

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Project 1: Trip

Chiang Mai

913 106

Photographic Image

Suparat Choochaisri


BFA in Multimedia Design Silpakorn University International College


The Explosion of the Sky

I stood on the peak of the mountain to capture the great moment of the sky. The explosion of clouds on the endless sky shows the beauty of nature.


This is a picture that represents hope. The flowers blooming in such extremely dry condition are just like people who had no hope at first. However, after several attempts, they finally succeeded like blooming flowers on dry branches.


This is a picture of chimes with names of people who made contribution to the temple. When the chime was rung continuously, it made a vibration of holy sound that reminded me of spiritual power. Also, the sound was so relax and peaceful like the chime was trying to send the sound to the one whom contributed in the chime.

The Object

In the picture, we can see a horse, wooden clothes-hanger, and a girl taking care of the house and her horse. Even thought there is no action in the picture, the combination of the objects tells us the entire story happening in the picture.

The Pathway

Deep into the mysterious forest, it makes us wonder if we should walk through it or not.

Night Scene

Explosion at Night

The loud explosion in the sky had drawn my attention as well as my camera. When the shutter is pressed, the firework exploded instantly.


This picture was inspired by the movie called TRON. The xenon light reminded me of the light trail of the main character in TRON.

Load The expression of the eyes of person in the picture had shown that he was looking forward into the future. He has some responsibility to do such as taking care of his wife and his children. His load is similar to what he is now carrying on his back.

Light-Life The candle light is just like human life. No matter how the light ablaze, its will eventually go off. This is just like human's life. It does not matter what they have done in their life, ultimately there will be the time that their life would end.

Concentrate In the colorful light and noisy sound in the market, there was a man who was concentrating on doing his work.



The child was curious about who the visitor was. The one she had never seen before. The expression of her face showed an extremely suspicious emotion.

Three Pigs

This picture reminded me of the story of the three little pigs and a big bad wolf. The expression of these three pigs seemed like they just saw a big bad wolf that always frighten them.

Impression No matter whom they are, normal people or even monks, they all have feelings. Monks in the picture are capturing the remarkable moment in their life.

Same Land We knew immediately that the man is working hard. This picture shows that there are many more of the people suffering and living in the same world as we do.

One Side In reality, the dog and the cat in this picture were very friendly to each other. However, in the picture it seems like the dog and the cat were about to have a fight. This is like people who usually look at things only from one side and may not know what the truth is.




This is a place where lots of small animals, which we can't see with bare eyes, live in and make an odd pattern that many people may overlook.

This picture gives us the feeling of flowing endlessly. This piece of nature seemed to have no start or ending.



This picture gives a feeling of curiosity about of what in the hole is.

This picture seems like the sunlight in the morning. The sun is rising up in the blue sky with lots of clouds floating around.


This picture gives the feeling that the bricks seem pushable.

Lines, Curves, and Patterns



This picture gives the feeling that we are the prisoners and want to break out of the prison to be free. The outer lighting seems like inviting us to go out to see the world outside. The lines show the feeling of uncertainty, difficulty and dead ends. This is just like our life. When we walk forward, we will meet lots of problems in our life and we need to find ways to fix them. Whether we will succeed or not depends largely on ourselves.



The metals all reflect the nearby red object just like a group of people who gathered together, were influenced by something, and also believed in something strongly. All the umbrellas are arranged in line just like the soldiers in the army and seem very powerful.


Although the steel are covered with rust, it still can work able. This is similar to human's heart. No matter what people had done in their life, good or bad, their hearts are still beating and performing they job well.



After a long and harsh day for the villagers, they went home and saw the welcome sign. The sign communicated that their home and family are waiting for them to return.

Distance The temple in this picture is located in a far distance. The pathway in front of the temple seems like a chess board and anyone who wants to enter the temple is like a player who will encounter several circumstances before reaching the final destination.

Buddha People who have faith in Buddhism will find this mysterious Buddha statue which was installed beside the temple in the forest.

Color Collection

BROWN Brown is a warm neutral color with the touching sense of nature. The earth tone also makes us feel relaxed and at ease like we are surrounded by forest.

Chiang Mai Trip 28-1 February 2011

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