May Cherry photo essay

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My journalism photography is about a girl name Toffy. She used to be my friend when I was in grade tenth. I was not close to her that much because we were in different classes. She was a very good student and her GPA was quite high as well. No one know that she actually have a very painful background. It was a week that she did not come to school and everybody wonder why she has been dissappeared. But when we ask the school, the school did not tell us what actually happend with her. The rumor that she moved to other country was made up. No one heard from her again. When I heard from her again was two years ago, she came visit me and my friends with her little son. Everybody were stunn by seeing her caring her little boy. No one dare to ask her but everybody actually know by common sense that this is the reason why she got kicked of the school. From that day until today, it has been about year and a half I have seen her again. I found her in Facebook and start to contact her from then. I start to find her interesting when I first saw her profile picture cover with tattoo. She looks alot different than before. This is the reason why I found out that I want to know more about her life and her background.

Before and after

This is a picture of her when she was young, wearing a school uniform and got ready to go to school. She said this is the oldest and youngest portrait picture that left in the house. It is hard for her to find some old portrait picture of her because before her mother passed away, she has efface all the memories by incinerate them all. She has become psychotic person for three years becfore she actually pass away. Since then she can not even retrive the face of her own daughter and her husband. For Toffy, this is one of the most atrocious memories.

Just the two of us

This two words that has been written in the middle of Toffy’s room. When I first saw this, I was stun by where she wrote it, because she actually wrote in on the floor. When I was asking her about why did she write this on the floor. She replied me with a very sad voice and said by the time she wrote this, she got a really big fight with her dad and she somehow want to step on her dad’s face so she tried to express the feeling of angriness by wrote them on the floor and step really strong on them for releasing the tenseness.

A new begining

This is a picture of Toffy took a bath for her son names Sammie. This 4 years old son gave her felicitous life. Little Sammie is full of energetic and the express of joy. Toffy told me that it is just like a gift from God that she has Sammie because when he was young, it was a very prosperous for her to took care of him. The reason she does not let Sammie stay in the same house as she live because she does not want her son to see her dad getting drunk everyday, she only wants all the beneficial for her son.

Tired of it all

Since her mother has passed away, that consider one of the most deplorable memorie for her. Also her boyfriend has dumped her after she gave birth to the son. He also stole her money for 13,000 baht and ran away from the house. From then she never heard from him again and he has been gone without coming back visit Toffy or even his own son. From all this barriers, give her a very distortion feeling so much.

Falling into anguish

Because of her stress, she start to straining herself patient. She realize that painting is one way to release her stress and a good way of expressing her feeling and tolerate. She has two or three canvases in her room and she put them in a place that she can easy reaching them. Sometimes she just want to draw a brush that fill with color and splash them on the canvas rather than drawing them into picture or even scratch the brush on the canvas intemperately. As you can see what she drew in the picture, it is full of pain and trauma.

Finding hope

After all the roadblock and atrocious she sometimes thinking about committed suicide. What first cross her mind is her cute little son. Her son is one of the most important thing in her life even though she might not be ablt to see him everyday or every week but she still try to visit him twice a month at least. And also she called him very often to check on whether her son is doing alright. It is sad because now she might not be ablt to take care of her son by herself. But she is looking forward to raise him by herself when the right time comes.

Time warn expression

Because her life style is different from other also her thought is different as well. She does not want to work in the office and doing accounting. Instead, she wants to do something different or something relate to art such as art on the body which we can call Tattoo. She thinks that making a tattoo is not just an artwor that you put on your body but it is something more like the meaning you put on the picture that you make them on your body. She told me that some people think that making a tattoo makes people or that person looks bad but she totally disagree with that idea.

Alternative art

This are some basic steps for making tattoo. The first step is to make yourself clean. Alcohol is one of the most important thing in tattoo shop. The tissue need to be ready because when you are tattooing, there will be many blood come off. Choosing color for the tattoo and put them into the tattoo machine. There are two type of making tattoo, making tattool by hand and by using machine. But for making tattoo by hand, there is only one artist avaiable here.


Life goes on

Since there are alot of things happend to her life. Both good and bad sometime sad and happiness with cry, but life has to goes on. No one knows what will become in future. She has not plan for her own future but what she really know is that she will make her son have a very high education and teach him well. There are a lot of people asking why she has to making this much tattoo and some peopleeven said that she looks really skang. But she does not care what other people think because no one know what is actually behind her.

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