Chiang Mai trip Oh

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Waratta Klinpun

9 1 3 1 0 6 P h o t o gra ph ic Ima g e



C hiangma t r i p

Faculty of Multimedia Design

Silpakorn University International College

“The camera doesn’t make a bit of difference. All of them can record what you are seeing. But, you have to SEE.” Ernst Haas,1985



Night Walker the bigest Here’sciryNight Bazar, one of the most popular place for all of the tourists. Chiangmai is one of of Thailand, full of life, especially at night, and full of people from all over the world who visit here.


The Village WhileAmostsmallof village up in fog of Chiangmai. We can see the life of a tribe that has its own culture. the poeple still wearing their tribe’s outfit many children wear mordern outfit not differ from children in different areas of Thailand.


Bamboo Jungle we, people, Compareseems with bamboo, so small. Human tries to fight against nature by thinking that we are far superior creature in the world. In fact, we are just small litlle things surrounded by great mother nature.

“Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter.� Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900)



Two Travellers hapiness Twoand travellers of soul are on their journey to find the real enlightenment on the quest of their believe.


The Seeker throughout They are seeking for something, maybe foods, inorder to live a day like every single man and women in a big city.

They are trying to seek for something to fulfill their never-enoughlives.


Thinking of ... thinkingOldabout man is looking at a street performance. What he is or what is in his mind remained unknown.


The Routine facialTexpression. he boredom of every day routine life reflects from the girl


Master and His Apprentice are different, An old monk is teaching his young monk. Their ropes color represent the new and the old.



Scene Before The Sunset its color A spetacular scenery before the sunset. The sky is changing and is joined in the distant horizon.


Sweet Home You can Thefindhappiness is not depending on the size of the object. love in everywhere you are.


Parking Lot The beautifully created parking lot provided by nature.


The River whereApeople curve of the river make me think about the river in Europe love strolling around.


Landmark goldenDpagoda oi Sutep, the landmark of Chiangmai. We always see the with golden umbrella almost in every postcard from Chiangmai.

Night Life

Night Life

Step On Me and I Will Bite! not notice A graffiti on a pavement by a street artist. Many people do it and step on it. And if this graffiti could come to live, it might say that ‘Hey! If you step on me, I will bite you for sure!’

Night Life

Night Orchestra Night orchestra is very common on the walking street of

Chiangmai. One of the members plays Thai instument that most of Thai people do not appreciate as much as we should.

Night Life

On Sale! They Asellt night, we can see the light and life of the night market. various kinds of stuff, the ordinary stuff to rare-to-see decorations. The most important is you can bargin and get your stuff in an inexpensive price.

Night Life

Light And Night two things Whenthatit’scan’t dark, we turn on the light. So Light and Night are be seperated.

Night Life

Any Sympathy? and nobody A girl iseven surrounded by so many people who walk pass her stops to care and to help.

Line Curve Pattern

Line Curve Pattern

New Horizon horizon. A Line from electric wire across the sky can make a new

Line Curve Pattern

To Infinity (and Beyond) ‘To theA infinity favorite line of Buzz Lightyear (a character from Toy Story). and beyond!’ helps to decribe the line that drift forward light and a speed of light.

Line Curve Pattern

Cross Line vantage A cross between the real line and the light line forms a new point like never before.

Line Curve Pattern

Iron Wheel machine with- different shapes combined altogether can form a powerful motorcycle.

Line Curve Pattern

Up! Up! Up! Each of the step uses more and more energy to climb up.



Hay Hay on a side way seems lonely and abandoned.


Wall Texture mud Imixed t’s hard for me to name this texture. It’s different like a hard with cement.


Pavement all theIt time is fascinating that a great texture lies underneath our feet is in form of regular pavement.


Cross Chair placedThis cross texture comes from a plastic chair that is normally in our house.

“Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.� Pablo Picasso 1881-1973)

Color Red Mosaic

Color Red Mosaic

A Red A Life live and Playing with the word ‘Alive’ and ‘A life’. Chiangmai is full of red color which brings soul to their city.

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