Fight for life

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A 40 years old man name Loong Tuii. He lives with his daughter name Kaew. They live in the small house that he rented from someone. He has been taking care of his daughter for 8 years. His wife doesn’t really come home that often so most of the time he took care of her. Reehas two jobs. He first job is motorcycle taxi and a security guard. He works as a motorbike taxi in the daytime and work as a guard during the nighttime.(some month) Loong Tuii is a strong man who never gives up on things easily. He said that whenever he feels down or sad he always think of his daughter. He said, “My daughter is the one’s beloved. She always cheers me up and I’m happy all the time. He willing to do everything for her to have the best in her life even how hard it will be. Ree is a man who really loves family. He takes care of his daughter and will find a good future for her. He work and take care at the same time. Send her off to school; play with his daughter, and everything. However, Loong Tuii has a good time with a live like this. He doesn’t care if he is poor as long as he had his daughter and spend good time together. The love of father and daughter.

Ree who live with his wife and daughter name Kaew. This is where he lived. He rented this place but only the bottom part. He rent it for 2000 Baht per month. This is Ree with his daughter (Keaw) before he go to security guard in the 6pm.

This is where Ree goes to work in the security guard. This village is where Card live in Thonburi or rama 8. his daughter stay with him after she went back from school to wait Pron (Ree’s wife) go to work at 6.30pm. and Keaw stay in this security guard box until night.

Kaew, is having fun with her friend. Playing around the keeper’s box and his father looking after them because there have lots of cars come in and out in the village. She seems happy while the time she was there with her friend and her father.

He willing to do everything for her to have the best in her life even how hard it will be. Ree is a man who really loves family. He takes care of his daughter and will find a good future for her.

He have dinner with his wife when his wife come back from work nd send his ife and his daugther back to home and come out to stay at the security guard box until the morning.

In the morning after he finished security guard he change to be a motorcycle taxi before he go back to bed, he ride a motorcycle taxi about 4 hours from 6.30am-11am.

Ree spending his life peaceful and sufficient life. He always looks for good for his daughter and does everything to live happily. He said, “ We born like this we have to accept the way we are and live the life happy.” We don’t need to be rich. Being rich are not happy as always if you don’t have the lovely family. Money just come and goes. As long as I have my daughter I’m happy.

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