Summersdale January to June 2023 Catalogue

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Welcome to Summersdale!

In 2023, it’s never been more important to look after your mental health. We hope some of this season’s key titles will make it easier than ever for you to prioritize self-care with All You Need is Rest, to accept that Your Mind Matters and that It’s OK to Feel Sh*t (Sometimes), and hopefully to learn that You Can Flourish.

Our bestselling children’s mental health series by Poppy O’Neill continues to grow, with new guides for 7–11 year olds on mindfulness, calm, self-worth and managing moods. And for the mums out there, it’s time to celebrate Mother Power, and to remember the importance of putting yourself first with 365 Days of Self-Care for New Mums.

Travel writing aficionados can get Lost in the Lakes with Tom Chesshyre, join Simon Parker on a trip around Britain with Riding Out, and be inspired by Toby Carr’s incredible kayaking journey around the areas of the Shipping Forecast in Moderate, Becoming Good Later.

We have a bumper crop of brilliant additions to our series of Little Books of…, for readers to learn about everything from Pilates to Pasta, and from Sociology to Sushi. Or maybe you’d like to connect with your spiritual side and discover the magic of the Occult, Sacred Geometry, Breathwork, Karma, Numerology, Angels, Reiki or Buddhism?

Perhaps you want to Get Fit While You Sit, learn How to Tame Your Cat or are just wondering Where the F*ck Are My Keys? With tips for creating your own indoor oasis with My Tiny Window Garden, debunking menopause myths with So Hot Right Now and reminders to Think Positive, Stay Positive, plus a raft of new puzzle books, journals and workbooks, we truly do have something for everyone.

As always, we’d like to express our gratitude to our reps and agents, the press and trade, and all the writers, artists and talented people who contribute to Summersdale’s continued success.

The Summersdale Team


For all media and events enquiries please contact Jasmin Burkitt,

Disclaimer: All are correct at the time of going to print. Prices, specifications and availability are subject to change without prior

Cards and Games 4 Children’s Mental Health 7 Vie 16 Travel 43 General Interest 47 Gift & Humour 51 Stocklist 81
@Summersdalenotification.Summersdale @summersdalebooksPublishers @Summersdale
Cards and Games 978 1 78783 518 4 £14.99 inc. VAT 978 1 78783 334 0 £14.99 inc. VAT 978 1 78783 659 4 £14.99 inc. VAT 978 1 78783 647 1 £14.99 inc. VAT 978 1 78783 658 7 £14.99 inc. VAT 978 1 78783 671 6 £14.99 inc. VAT 978 1 80007 012 7 £14.99 inc. VAT 978 1 80007 011 0 £14.99 inc. VAT 978 1 78783 515 3 £14.99 inc. VAT 978 1 80007 153 7 £14.99 inc. VAT 978 1 80007 164 3 £14.99 inc. VAT 978 1 80007 196 4 £14.99 inc. VAT
978 1 78783 517 7 £8.99 inc. VAT 978 1 78783 337 1 £6.99 inc. VAT 978 1 78783 333 3 £6.99 inc. VAT 978 1 80007 163 6 £14.99 inc. VAT 978 1 80007 389 0 £14.99 inc. VAT 978 1 80007 013 4 £14.99 inc. VAT 978 1 80007 390 6 £14.99 inc. VAT 978 1 80007 630 3 £14.99 inc. VAT 978 1 80007 179 7 £14.99 inc. VAT 978 1 78783 332 6 £8.99 inc. VAT

You Are Amazing

52 Uplifting Cards to Fill You with Joy

ISBN: 978 1 80007 842 0 £14.99 inc.


Territories: World

Has anyone ever told you that you’re the best? Well, it’s true! You’re unique, exceptional and out of this world, and sometimes you need to be reminded of that. Packed with inspirational quotes and empowering affirmations, these friendly cards and pocket-sized booklet will make you feel nothing less than… well, amazing!

Key Selling Points:

• A deck of 52 Instagrammable cards, each featuring an inspiring affirmation or quote, with a wooden card stand to display your favourite designs and a pocket-sized booklet to be your guide on how to use them.

• A similar Summersdale title, You Are Amazing (ISBN: 9781786859808), has sold over 55,000 copies


You Got This

52 Courageous Cards to Help You Summon Your Inner Strength

ISBN: 978 1 80007 843 7 £14.99 inc.


Territories: World

You can do whatever you set your mind to. Whether that’s chasing your dreams or changing the world, this colourful deck of inspiring words and motivational quotes will help you conquer any doubts and setbacks, making it the perfect companion on your quest to greater resilience and unshakeable confidence.

Key Selling Points:

• Cards can be used as a decoration for the home, workplace or anywhere else you choose.

• A similar Summersdale title, You Got This (ISBN: 9781786850409), has sold over 35,000 copies, and a similar Summersdale card product, The Little Box of Positivity (ISBN: 9781787833340), has sold over 20,000 copies.

Children’s Mental Health
7CHILDREN’S MENTAL HEALTH This daily gratitude journal is your special place to record the things that bring you joy and give you a boost. It includes a diary where you can write about three things that you are thankful for each day, along with some fun ideas to get you thinking about ways to reflect on all the good things in your life. Key Selling Points: • Aimed at children age 7–11. • A gratitude journal for children is a simple and effective way to build resilience and give kids important coping skills. • Scientists have found that focusing on feelings of contentment and satisfaction lowers stress levels, leaving you feeling much more grounded and able to deal with whatever life throws at you. ISBN: 978 1 80007 770 6 RightsSeptemberPaperback160pp210x148mm£10.992022andSales Territories: World My Daily Gratitude Journal A Fun, Mood-Boosting Journal for Kids Winnie-the-Pooh A. A. Milne PIGLET HEART,THOUGHTHATNOTICESEVENHEHADAVERYSMALLITCOULDHOLDARATHERLARGEAMOUNTOFGRATITUDE. What are you looking forward to this morning? What is a simple pleasure that you could enjoy today? Describe your favourite moment of the day. My Daily Gratitude Journal_INSIDES.indd 6-7 25/07/2022 15:33:16 Who made you smile today? Look out the window. What is something you are grateful for outside? Look around the room and list three things you love and are grateful for. List three things you felt grateful for today. What act of kindness did you witness today? Write something about your body for which you are grateful. My Daily Gratitude Journal_INSIDES.indd 8-9 25/07/2022 15:33:17

No one feels great about themselves all the time – and when we don’t feel good it can be hard to know how to pick ourselves up again. My Self-Esteem Journal contains fun activities based on CBT and mindfulness techniques, with doodling pages designed to help cope with feelings of low self-esteem and self-doubt. Selling Point:

• Children’s mental health is a hot topic in the media and the statistics make uncomfortable reading: rates of depression and anxiety amongst children and teenagers have increased by 70 per cent in the past 25 years. Fifty per cent of mental health problems are established by age 14. Seventy per cent of children and adolescents who experience mental health problems have not had appropriate interventions at a sufficiently early age. 978 80007 World

721 8 RightsAugustPaperback96pp205x158mm£7.992022andSales Territories:
My Self-Esteem Journal Scribble Down Your Thoughts and Have Fun with Some Mood-Boosting Activities Use this page to scribble or doodle all the things that smile I AM FUNNY Here are some to get you started. Colour in your favourites and write down a few of your own in the spaces. Positive affirmations are powerful –especially if you shout them out LOUD! Affirmations are simple statements that you say to make you feel good, because everyone deserves to feel good about themselves! I AM PROUD TO BE ME I KINDAMIAM FUNNYIAMAGOODFRIEND I AMAZING!AMAZING!AMIAM

Everyone worries – it’s a normal part of life – but whenever it feels a bit too much we need to stop, take a breath, and do something fun! My Worry Journal contains activities based on CBT and mindfulness techniques, with doodling pages designed to help children cope with feelings of worry. Aimed at children aged 7–11. This book is a tool for children who are showing signs of low self-esteem. Designed for a child to use with or without the guidance of grown-up. Part of a new and exciting spin-off series inspired by the best- selling monster mental health series, which has sold over 450,000 copies and rights in 18 countries.

Key Selling Points: •
ISBN: 978 1 80007 720 1 RightsAugustPaperback96pp205x158mm£7.992022andSales Territories: World My Worry Journal Write Away Your Worries and Chill Out with Some Calming Activities Keeping yourself busy by doodling or scribbling can help to take your mind off your worries and make you feel calm. Let your pencil wander Stopand draw faces ontheflowers through the garden Keep Smiling Fill in this journal of happy moments. Write down three things that made you smile on any given day. It can be anything – big or small – from saying hello to a cat to singing a funny song – anything goes but it must have made you smile! TheDate:things that made me smile today: 321 TheDate:things that made me smile today: 321 TheDate:things that made me smile today: 321 TheDate:things that made me smile today: 321 TheDate:things that made me smile today: 321

Angry Monsters

Help your child tune in to their feelings and feel calmer while having lots of fun with the help of this engaging activity book. Angry Monsters uses the techniques employed by child psychotherapists, including mindfulness meditation and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), to overcome difficult feelings and encourage calm.

Key Selling

• A valuable resource for any parent or caring adult looking to support a child experiencing low mood and heightened emotions.

• This is part of a new children’s mental health activity book series, including Worry Monsters (ISBN: 9781800075597) and Calm Monsters (ISBN: 9781800074231). World

Naps on laps

Lie on your back on the floor and put a cuddly toy on your tummy.

Take a deep breath through your nose, watch your cuddly toy rise into the air!

Slowly breathe out through your mouth. Repeat the steps until you feel calm.

ISBN: 978 1 80007 421 7 RightsMarchPaperback32pp280x215mm£6.992023andSales Territories:
A Child’s Guide to Coping with Their Feelings This little monster has been learning ways to soothe their anger. Can you help them by finding the soothing words in the word search? J L P F U W J W Z L S N C O B R X K H C S O O T H E L S O B S B E F L R I U X S K Z K Q P R F R M G E W O X X A M Y N G Y P E A C E O X G J R Y L X I C N A F N M S D C E M Q F O M T K D T U A C T X L B R D U D A N C K H T E O C A L M Q P S Z L A I E T A Y X M N A W X E N R F X S N T B C R P Y S P M E W E A R E D S J F L T G D G L Q U E T N Y L M F O H A V A B Y V S A E D T S M E L L O W M B T K O K H W J Y S W C G D C F S I N B T BreatheRelaxRestCalm SoothePeaceQuietMellow It’s normal to feel angry sometimes, but it’s important to release your angry feelings safely so as not to harm yourself or others. Feeling angry is a normal part of being human. Just like other emotions, it’s great to get to know our angry feelings, because it helps us understand ourselves better and become more in control. Monster All these monsters are tired from caring for their babies all morning so they need a nap after lunch. In order to stay happy and calm they practise deep breathing.

Help your child tune in to their feelings and feel happier while having lots of fun with the help of this engaging activity book. Happy Monsters uses the techniques employed by child psychotherapists, including mindfulness meditation and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), to overcome difficult feelings and encourage calm. Selling Aimed at children aged 4–7. Children’s mental health is a huge topic in the media. Rates of depression anxiety among children and teenagers have increased by 70 per cent in the past 25 years.

Happy Monsters of the

Team !

Put your name at the top of this page because this is about TEAM YOU! It is good to remember all the people in your life, the more people you have around you, the happier you are!

Write the names of all the special people in your life in this crowd of monsters - those that care for you in school, your family, your friends, even the person in the sweet shop that says hello! Draw yourself in the centre.

Points: •
ISBN: 978 1 80007 422 4 RightsMarchPaperback32pp280x215mm£6.992023andSales Territories: World
A Child’s Guide to Coping with Their Feelings Have you ever noticed that sometimes you think sad things about yourself for no reason? It’s like a cheeky unhelpful monster is telling you that no one likes you, that bad things only happen to you and that you’re soooo unlucky! Nothing ever goes right for me. Battle
So when this happens, we need our Happy Monsters to bounce in and put things right! Can you see that Pinky is saying the right thing and that Neon is deliberately making everything seem wrong? Draw a line between Neon and Pinky’s opposite opinions. Can you think of anything else that Pinky might say to beat Neon? I won t make any friends at school. I can t wait to make new friends at school. I knew I wouldn t be picked. I ll be picked next time. No one ever wants to play my games. It s fun playing with my friends, it doesn t matter what game we play. I m stupid and I always will be, that s why I failed my spelling test. Next time I m going to make sure I learn my spellings and I m sure I will do better. Negative Neon Positive Pinky

ISBN: 978 1 80007 689

Territories: World A Child’s Guide to Self-Worth Poppy O’Neill

This practical guide combines cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness methods with simple activities to help your child overcome their self-doubt. It’s aimed at children aged 7–11 because a lot happens in these years that can impact a child’s confidence, not just now but for years to come.

Poppy O’Neill has written several books on mental well-being for children and adults, including Amazon bestsellers Don’t Worry, Be Happy and You’re a Star. Find her online at

1 RightsMarchPaperback144pp205x158mm£10.992023andSales
I Like Being Me
LIKE BEING ME 4 All emotions are ok Everyone feels emotions all day long – even if they don’t show it on the outside. Most people don’t show every emotion they have on the outside, so when you’re feeling a difficult emotion it can seem like you’re the only one. Sometimes, perfectionist thoughts can make you believe that you shouldn’t show your emotions on the outside, because your feelings might upset somebody else. This is your inner meanie talking – remember that it is OK to show your feelings, and to share them with others. Even when you’re feeling something tricky – like anger, sadness or worry ¬–it’s OK for you to feel this way. How are you feeling right now? Write or draw about your feelings here: feelingsmymatter Par T 1: dIS cOvEr ING O ur fEELINGSLIKE BEING ME 6 7 Surfing our feelings feelings aren’t right or wrong. They’re just messages from our bodies. Building self-acceptance is all about being OK with all feelings – even the difficult ones like anger and worry. When we accept our feelings and let ourselves feel them, they usually pass quite quickly – about a minute and a half, according to brain scientist dr Jill Bolte Taylor. Learning how to feel emotions until they pass helps us to make calm choices and not act in ways we later regret. It can help to think of feelings like waves or mountains – the feeling gets bigger and bigger, then starts to feel easier and calmer, until they fade away. Some emotions feel quite uncomfortable so it’s not easy! Taking deep breaths will help you ride out the emotion like a surfer on a wave. Jem has won a prize in the art competition! coco’s painting didn’t win a prize, and coco feels angry about it. coco’s anger feels really uncomfortable. coco says something hurtful to Jem! Let’s try that again – this time, coco imagines surfing the angry feeling like a surfer on a wave. The anger feels uncomfortable for coco. coco takes a deep breath and says some kind words. It’s OK to feel angry Welldisappointedanddone,Jem!coco’s angry feeling starts to get smaller, easier and calmer. another deep breath, and it has faded away. coco feels calm now.
13CHILDREN’S MENTAL HEALTH This practical guide combines cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness methods with simple activities to help your child manage their anger and express their feelings in healthy ways. It’s aimed at children aged 7–11 because a lot happens in these years that can impact a child’s emotional well-being, not just now but for years to come. Key Selling Point: • You’re a Star: A Child’s Guide to Self-Esteem (ISBN: 9781786852359) and Don’t Worry, Be Happy: A Child’s Guide to Overcoming Anxiety (ISBN: 9781786852366) have sold over 350,000 copies combined. ISBN: 978 1 80007 690 7 RightsMarchPaperback144pp205x158mm£10.992023andSales Territories: World When I Feel Angry A Child’s Guide to Understanding and Managing Moods Poppy O’Neill Part 1: learning about our emotionsWHEN I FEEL ANGRY 3 43 Activity: What does anger feel like? magine you are feeling really angry. What happens to your body when you feel anger? What happens to your face? scrunch it up my bottom lip sticks out grit my somethingteethelse: Can you draw your angry face here? What happens to your arms and legs when you feel anger? my hands make fists i want to run, jump or stamp my feet my muscles feel tense something else: What happens inside your body? my tummy feels tight my head aches my head somethingacheselse: When we re angry we can feel it Anger fee s d fferent for everybody because we re al unique!all over our bodie Part 1: learning about our emotionsWHEN FEEL ANGRY 5 6 What makes me feel angry? everybody is different, and the types of thing that make us feel angry are different too. Draw a yellow circle around the things on this page that annoy you a bit. Draw a red circle around the things that make you feel angry. mySharingstuff Having to somewheregoboring When thingsborrowssomeonemywithoutasking Being teased Getting Beingtroubleinignored Having to don’tsomethingdoIwanttodo misunderstoodBeing Having to wait When I can’t somethinghaveIwant Losinggamea When someone breaks the rules rushedBeing Being told what to do add your own here

This practical guide combines cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness methods with simple activities to help your child improve their focus and be more present. It’s aimed at children aged 7–11 because a lot happens in these years that can impact a child’s emotional well-being, not just now but for years to come.

Key Selling Point: You’re a Star: A Child’s Guide to Self-Esteem (ISBN: 9781786852359) and Don’t Worry, Be Happy: A Child’s Guide to Overcoming Anxiety (ISBN: 9781786852366) have sold over 350,000 copies combined. 978 1 80007 World 1: IS

710 2 RightsMayPaperback144pp205x158mm£10.992023andSales Territories:
Be Mindful A Child’s Guide to Being Present Poppy O’Neill 32 BUDDYINTRODUCINGTHEMONSTER Hi! It’s so good to meet you. I’m Buddy and I’m here to guide you through this book. Have you ever heard of mindfulness? We’re about to learn all about it! There are lots of fun activities and ideas to help you learn in this book. Are you ready? Then let’s get started. PART
MINDFULNESS? First things first: what do you think mindfulness is? Maybe it’s something you’ve already heard of, or maybe not. In this chapter, we’ll discover what it means, where the idea comes from and how you can use it. PArT 1: W HAT s MInd F ulness?BE MINDFUL 4 5 All about mindfulness Mindfulness means paying attention to something. It’s an amazing skill, but it can also be quite difficult to master. A lot of the time, our busy brains are thinking about things that have already happened, things we’re imagining and things that might happen in the future. A funny joke your sister told you this morning, what your neighbour’s dog would say if it could talk, what you’ll have for dinner tonight… our brains are always doing the thing they do best – thinking! When we’re mindful, we take a moment to slow down all of our busy thoughts and focus on just one thing. The calmer and quieter our brains become, the calmer we feel. Being mindful is a brilliant way to help you do this. When we learn how to use mindfulness to help ourselves feel calm, we can use our mindfulness skills to make calm, thoughtful choices, like these: kindChoosingwords Taking a break when we feel a big emotion Telling the truth, even when it’s hard Standing up for ourselves

This practical guide combines cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness methods with simple activities to help your child find calm. It’s aimed at children aged 7–11 because a lot happens in these years that can impact a child’s emotional well-being, not just now but for years to come.

Key Selling Point: You’re a Star: A Child’s Guide to Self-Esteem (ISBN: 9781786852359) and Don’t Worry, Be Happy: A Child’s Guide to Overcoming Anxiety (ISBN: 9781786852366) over 350,000 978

have sold
copies combined. ISBN:
1 80007 711 9 RightsMayPaperback144pp205x158mm£10.992023andSales Territories: World Be Calm A Child’s Guide to Feeling Relaxed and Happy Poppy O’Neill Part 1: Calm and meBE CALM 3 43 Activity: What s calming for me? different people find different things calming. Colour the things that make you feel calm and relaxed in green, and the ones that are tricky, worrying or stressful in red. You can use yellow for the things that are in the middle. timeSpendingwithfriends Playingmyselfby Readingabook DrawingpictureasomewherePlayingwithapetBeingbusy toSpeakingadults mytimeSpendingwithfamily Going to a friend’shouse Goingschoolto Playingsports Making a new friend Goingholidayon somewhereVisitingnew Gettingreadyforbed aHavingbath Going to the woods Swimming somethingLearningnew Part 1: Calm and meBE CALM 5 6 Why is it important to feel calm? Being able to find our way back to feeling calm is a really important skill. When our minds and bodies are calm, we’re able to learn, be creative, be a good friend and make good choices. think about it like this: the water in a lake might get disturbed by the wind, or a boat sailing through it, or a swan flapping its wings, but it can always return to being still and calm because that is what feels best and most comfortable. It’s perfectly OK not to feel calm all the time – in fact, it’s pretty much impossible! But knowing how to feel calm, even after something exciting, stressful or frightening has happened, will help your mind and body feel good. What does calm feel like? breathingSmooth,slow shouldersRelaxed thinkingClear heartbeatNormal
16 VIE For Every Day series £7.99 • 136x101mm • 160pp • Hardback • January 2023 Rights and Sales Territories: World ISBN: 978 1 80007 674 7 ISBN: 978 1 80007 675 4 ISBN: 978 1 80007 676 1

Within the pages of these beautiful, pocket-sized books you will find a raft of effective rituals, self-care advice and meditations tips, along with wise, soothing and inspirational quotes to calm and soothe.

Key Selling Point:

• These books are new additions to a successful series including Happiness for Every Day (ISBN: 9781787836525) and Inspiration for Every Day (ISBN: 9781787836549). Collectively, this series has sold over 60,000 copies.

At the end of the day, can end up just totally wacky, because I’ve made mountains out of molehills. can


It should be somewhere you will not be disturbed. Bring your awareness through all parts of your body, allow your muscles to relax, except those supporting your head, neck and back. Revel in and enjoy the calming process of letting go of your body tension. Meditation is the science of letting go this begins with the body

17VIE ME T IME With all of the other daily tasks you need to complete, it’s easy to demote yourself to the bottom of your to-do list. You may feel that other things are more important, or you may feel guilty about taking time for yourself – but self-care has countless benefits for your body and mind, and it helps us to feel our best every day so that we can return to everything else feeling refreshed. So schedule some time for self-care each day – physically writing it down in your diary, or setting an online reminder, means you will be more likely to follow through with your intention. Some days you may find a whole hour or evening for selfcare, while on others five minutes to sit quietly and focus may be all you get. No matter how little time you have, block it out in your diary, to ensure the moment doesn’t get swallowed up by everyday chores and other responsibilities. Self-Care for Every Day_Sample pages.indd 2-3 05/07/2022 15:41 K EEP GOOD COM PANY, R EA D GOOD BOO KS, L OVE GOOD T HINGS AND CULT IVAT E S OUL AND B ODY A S FAI T HF U LLY AS YOU CAN. Louisa May Alcott S ELF-C A RE I S N OT SE LF-IN D ULGENCE, T I S SE LF- P RESE R VAT ION. Audre Lorde Self-Care for Every Day_Sample pages.indd 4-5 05/07/2022 15:41 R ITUA LS A R E THE FO RMU LAS BY W HICH HAR M ONY S R E STO RED. Terry Tempest Williams MEDITATION SHOWED ME HOW MUCH ENERGY SILENCE HAS Madonna Rituals for Every Day_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 4-5 22/06/2022 10:08:48 MO R NING RI TUAL Find a comfortable spot inside or out. Take a moment to bring your focus inward. Notice any sensations or tensions and observe your mood. Contemplate an overall intention for the day – not a list of tasks you wish to complete, but something simpler. Say it out loud if you wish. Commit to living this day in the moment when you can, with a spirit of openness and acceptance. Give thanks for the day. Continue with your morning. DO N OT B E AFRAID TO DISA P PE A R, F R OM T, FR O M US, FO R A W HILE A ND SEE WHAT C O MES TO YO U IN T HE S ILEN C E. Micheala Coel Rituals for Every Day_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 6-7 22/06/2022 10:08:48 WHAT IS MEDITATION? Meditation is a process of awareness leading to a state of consciousness which brings serenity and clarity. During meditation sessions the body is in a state of rest and relaxation. When you meditate you are fully awake and alert, but your mind is not focused on the external world or on events taking place around you. The goal is to achieve inner peace. MEDITATION CAN HELP US EMBRACE OUR WORRIES, OUR FEAR, OUR ANGER; AND THAT IS VERY HEALING. Thích Nhât Hạnh
With meditation, I
keep them as molehills. Ringo Starr
and then extends to your thoughts.

The M Word Everything You Need to Know About the Menopause

Dr Philippa Kaye

The menopause does not have to mean the end of your libido, of sex, or of feeling like yourself. The M Word is a complete guide to the perimenopause and menopause, covering everything from symptoms to treatments and lifestyle advice. With a positive and uplifting tone, this book will help you not just survive, but thrive through the menopause.

Dr Philippa Kaye is a GP with a particular interest in children’s, women’s and sexual health. She has written multiple books on topics ranging from pregnancy and fertility to child health and child development, and she has a weekly column in Woman magazine as well as contributing to other magazines and newspapers. She is regularly on radio and television in programmes such as This Morning and The Victoria Derbyshire Show. She is also the GP ambassador for Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust. Her days are filled with a mix of general practice, media work and her other job – being a mum!

Key Selling Points:

• A fully revised and updated edition of the popular 2020 title, which has sold over 10,000 copies.

• A complete guide to help you not only cope, but thrive before, during and after the menopause.

• Written by a medical professional, so you can be assured that this guide is packed with reliable, useful and factual information. 978 80007 World

18 VIE
831 4 RightsJanuaryPaperback288pp198x129mm£9.992023andSales Territories:

The Mindfulness Activity Book Calming Puzzles to Help You Relax Anna Barnes

Puzzle-solving has become a favourite relaxation technique for many. This calming activity book contains therapeutic puzzles, breathing exercises and colouring pages to help you find your zen. Discover crosswords, mazes, word searches, dot-to-dots and much more, each providing the perfect break from your day-to-day hassles.

Key Selling Points:

• Contains beautiful colouring pages, breathing exercises and mantras to help the reader focus on the present moment.

• A similar Summersdale title, The Mindfulness Journal (ISBN: 9781787833043), has sold over 27,000 copies and The A–Z of Mindfulness (ISBN: 9781787832732) has sold over 9,500 copies. 978 1 80007 679 RightsJanuaryPaperback160pp210x148mm£8.992023andSales World

I N T R O D U C T I O N The world is rushing by. Take a moment to stop, smell the roses, and do a load of lovely puzzles to keep you calm and your mind active. Enjoy the pleasure of colouring beautiful pages, boost your mood with self-affirming mantras, and focus your mind on a wide array of puzzles including sudoku, word ladder, pairs, mazes, spot the difference, anagrams and counting conundrums. After 10 minutes of puzzling and colouring you’ll feel more centred, calm and ready to rest, or take on the next challenge life is waiting to throw at you. There’s always time for rest, and there’s always time for puzzles. Across 2. Sometimes you just need a little _____ and quiet (5) 3. Always treat yourself with…? (8) 4. You do this by winding down at the end of the day, perhaps with a bubble bath (5) 6. You’ll achieve this by focussing your attention on the present moment (11) Down 1. A practice to train your attention and achieve a mentally clear state (10) 5. Take a few deep breaths and you’ll start to feel more…? (4) C R O S S W O R D FEEL NG TRANQU L 1 5 6 4 3 0 The Mindfulness Activity Book_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 1-2 M A Z E Use this maze to practice putting all of your attention into one activity. Take a pen or pencil and slowly glide your way from the entrance to the centre of the maze, breathing slowly in and out as you do so. Remember, if your mind wanders, don’t judge yourself and simply bring your attention back to the activity. 02 The Mindfulness Activity Book_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 3-4

Make the keto diet easy with this essential introduction

Everyone’s heard about the low-carb keto diet but, like all diets, it can be difficult to know whether it’s for you and what you need to do. Packed with FAQs and recipes, this book will be your guide to losing weight and discovering a host of potential health benefits within weeks. The perfect beginner’s guide, this little book is packed with information and who wants to do the keto but doesn’t know where to start. been used over 24 million times. in the same series as The Little Book of Veganism has sold over 45,000 copies. Skillet with Kale, and

20 VIE
Key Selling Points: •
recipes for anyone
• On Instagram, #keto has
• This book is
(ISBN: 9781849537599), which
ISBN: 978 1 80007 680 8 RightsJanuaryPaperback128pp148x105mm£6.992023andSales Territories: World The Little Book of Keto Recipes and Advice for Reaping the Rewards of a Low-Carb Diet Taylor Spencer u 3u2 this chapter answers the most common questions about keto – from how the diet works, to what you can and can’t eat, what benefits keto offers, and how to stay safe while following a keto diet. What Does “Keto” Mean? “Keto” is shorthand for ketogenic diet, a way of eating that brings about a state of ketosis in the body. During ketosis, the body uses fat rather than carbohydrates as its primary energy source. A ketogenic diet consists mainly of fat, along with a moderate amount of protein and as little as 5 per cent carbohydrates. By limiting carbohydrates, which usually fuel our brain and muscles, the keto diet forces the body to break down fat for energy instead. As the body burns off stored fat, weight loss and other health benefits can occur. The Little Book of Keto_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 2-3 21/07/2022 12:08 5uu4 What Is the Keto Diet? The keto, or ketogenic, diet involves consuming 70 to 80 per cent calories from fat, 15 to 25 per cent from protein and the remaining 5 to 10 per cent from carbohydrates. This way of eating completely eliminates carbohydrate-dense foods such as grains, starchy vegetables, high-sugar fruits and simple sugars. Instead, the diet’s carbohydrates come from low-carb vegetables and low-sugar fruits. Keeping the body’s supply of carbs to a minimum ensures that the body can’t use glucose as fuel. Without glucose, the body will turn to fat to power essential processes — a phenomenon we’ll explore in depth on the next few pages. Egg
Tomato serves 6 This hearty, vegetarian egg dish provides healthy fats and protein to fuel you for the day ahead. It’s savoury and satisfying enough to work as a quick supper as well. You can substitute spinach or swiss chard for kale, leave out mushrooms or tomato if you don’t have them on hand, or serve with avocado for additional healthy fats and nutrients. The Little Book of Keto_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 4-5 21/07/2022 12:08

ISBN: 978 1 80007 830 7 £12.99 inc. World Journal

My Daily Gratitude Journal is the perfect space for you to record everything that brings you joy. With beautiful journal pages and thoughtful prompts, it contains everything you need to help you look at your life through a more positive lens. Once you get started, you’ll be amazed by just how much there is to appreciate.

• Studies have shown that focusing on feelings of contentment lowers stress levels, leaving you feeling more grounded, resilient and able to deal with whatever life throws at you.

• Similar Summersdale journals, including The Calm Journal (ISBN: 9781787833029), The Happiness Journal (ISBN: 9781787833036), The Mindfulness Journal (ISBN: 9781787833043) and The Confidence Journal (ISBN: 9781787833050), have sold over 75,000 copies combined.

Key Selling Points:
RightsJanuaryPaperback160pp210x148mmVAT2023andSales Territories:
My Daily Gratitude
Bring Positivity and Joy Into Each Day Being grateful is good for mentalyourhealth Showing gratitude means you are acknowledging the goodness in your life and by writing these things down you are able to feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, and build strong relationships. A recipe for a much happier life! Researchers have found that people who write about gratitude are more optimistic and feel better about their lives in general. The effects of gratitude journaling are not usually immediate; it may take a little time for the benefits to bed in but after several weeks of the practice you should notice a positive difference in your mental health. However, expressing gratitude can have lasting effects on the brain and studies suggest that practicing gratitude may help train the brain to be more sensitive to the experience of gratitude. Much in the same way that regular physical exercise improves your strength and endurance, regular gratitude journaling can boost your mental fitness by strengthening neural pathways that help us to adapt to new experiences and learn new information. Focusing on what you have in your life, rather than what is missing can really help to lighten your mood. A positive outlook has been shown to aid the release of dopamine and serotonin, the neurotransmitters that are responsible for making us feel good and in turn, easing feelings of anxiety and Immersingdepression.yourself in happy thoughts such as an exciting event that you might have experienced, or a romantic moment you recall makes your relive the emotion as if it’s happening again and this in itself triggers endorphins – your happy hormone. A boost of happiness can help reset your mood and find joy in your life. 6 Date: As I wake up today I’m grateful for… As prepare to sleep reflect back on today and I’m grateful for… Date: As I wake up today I’m grateful for… As I prepare to sleep I reflect back on today and I’m grateful or… Date: As wake up today I’m grateful for… As prepare to sleep reflect back on today and I’m grateful f Date: As I wake up today I’m grateful for… As I prepare to sleep I reflect back on today and I’m grateful for… Date: As I wake up today I’m grateful for… As I prepare to sleep I reflect back on today and I’m grateful for… Date: As I wake up today I’m grateful for… As I prepare to sleep I reflect back on today and I’m grateful f 8

ISBN: 978 1 80007 832 1 £12.99 inc. World

Self-care is important, yet it can be the last thing we prioritize in our busy schedules – until now! Step away from the constant pressures of social media and delve deep to find your “happy”. Filled with activities to make positivity your way of life, not an unattainable dream, this journal will give you the boost you need to shine.

• Similar Summersdale journals, including The Calm Journal (ISBN: 9781787833029), The Happiness Journal (ISBN: 9781787833036), The Mindfulness Journal (ISBN: 9781787833043) and The Confidence Journal (ISBN: 9781787833050), have sold over 75,000 copies combined.

• As life becomes increasingly fast-paced, this journal offers space to find and record the moments of happiness in your daily life.

22 VIE
Key Selling Points:
RightsJanuaryPaperback160pp210x148mmVAT2023andSales Territories:
My Daily Happiness Journal Simple Tips and Guided Exercises to Help You Find Joy LET YOU R THO UGH TS BE TH OU GHT S Humans have over 50,000 thoughts a day, and it’s easy to let them dictate how we feel. However, it’s important to remember that a thought is just that: a thought. We might not always be able to completely change our emotions, but we can choose not to listen to the kind of thinking that brings us down. Next time you experience a negative thought, allow yourself to acknowledge it, but then let it go. am grateful for In the space below, write down any ways you can think of to show your gratitude. GR ATITUD E IS GREAT Be appreciative of the things others do for you. Buddhist monks call this “watering the flowers of gratitude”. Every week, sit down with someone you are close to and tell them all the things you have appreciated about them in the previous days. Let them do the same for you. Practised regularly, this can be a relationship-changer. LI V E T HE LIF E YO U’VE D REAMED Remember the dreams you had as a child to travel the world, work with horses or be an actor? If those dreams have not been fulfilled, visualize what passions still remain. How could you manifest a part of your dream into your current life? Perhaps book a trip abroad, go for a horse ride along the seashore or sign up with your local amateur dramatic society.
23VIE You may not feel it, but inside you is a hidden optimist ready to break free! Step out from under that dark cloud of self-doubt and embrace all the positives that life has to offer. Full of inspirational prompts and activities to help you unlock your inner positivity and confidence, this journal will help optimize your potential. Key Selling Points: • This pocket-sized book, bursting with accessible tips and guided exercises, is a perfect practical guide to boosting your mood and living with a positive mental attitude. • Positive thinking is vital to our mental and physical well-being, making this book a relevant and appealing gift. ISBN: 978 1 80007 833 8 £12.99 inc. RightsJanuaryPaperback160pp210x148mmVAT2023andSales Territories: World My Daily Positivity Journal Simple Tips and Guided Exercises to Help You Look on the Bright Side L EA RN H O W M UCH SL EE P Y O U NEED We are told that the average adult needs eight hours of sleep each night, but we are not all average. Knowing what is normal for you can help you to be sure that you are not oversleeping or getting too little sleep, either of which can be a source of concern. It may help to keep a sleep diary, or to use an app that tells you the optimum time to wake up, taking into consideration your chosen bedtime. Many apps give several options based on the number of full sleep cycles you require. Changing our perceptions of the amount we need to sleep can help us to feel more secure, and therefore help us sleep more easily, which leaves us more rested and ready to take on new challenges with a positive outlook. Complete a sleep diary for a week to see how much sleep you are actually getting. What did you notice about the amount of sleep you got and how you felt the next day? Write your thoughts and findings in the space below. Sleeptime Waketime Restfulsleep? Total no. of hours slept How did you feel the day after? SUNSATMONTUEWEDTHUFRI Use this space to draw your ideas
24 VIE Life doesn’t always turn out as we expected, and it can sometimes feel like a series of setbacks that are hard to bounce back from. With the help of this book you can discover healthy coping strategies to help you learn from your experiences. It’s time to start building your mental toughness and enjoying all the pleasures that life has to offer! Key Selling Points: • This pocket-sized book, bursting with accessible tips and guided exercises, is a perfect practical guide to bouncing back from adversity and finding your mental strength. • A lovely gift for a friend or for anyone looking to adopt a more positive outlook on life. ISBN: 978 1 80007 834 5 £12.99 inc. RightsJanuaryPaperback160pp210x148mmVAT2023andSales Territories: World My Daily Resilience Journal Simple Tips and Guided Exercises to Help You Find Your Inner Strength MA KE IT A HABIT A sense of purpose can enable us to overcome challenges which might otherwise overwhelm us. It can give us the determination to keep going, despite discomfort. This is best summed up by a quote from the philosopher Nietzsche: “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” To find your purpose, identify what you’re drawn to. Which moments make you feel authentic, as if you are doing something you were truly made for? Perhaps you have experienced this feeling when organizing a charity event, nursing a sick animal, or creating a work of art. You may have also experienced “flow”, which is a state in which you’re so immersed in what you’re doing that time seems to disappear. Look at what gives your life meaning and trust what your heart tells you. A strong sense of purpose will fill you with motivation and enthusiasm, and help you to transcend the ups and downs of life. Try to commit to changing one achievable habit a day for a week. Use the spaces below to remind you what you plan to do for each day. At the end of the week use the space below to document how these changes have improved your mindset. Day Habit WednesdayTuesdayMondayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday I R ISE IN AFACETHEOFDVERSITY I A M C APAB LE O FTHAMAZINGINGS

Use the often you the for be the often



One of the great things about mindfulness is that you can practise it wherever you are. You don’t even need to set aside a special time because you can be mindful of your surroundings at any moment in your day. While out walking, for example, or when you are in the gym, making dinner or relaxing. All you have to do is focus your attention on your body, thoughts, emotions or the surrounding environment. Of course, developing daily mindfulness practice takes patience and determination. It can be hard work to keep pulling your mind back to the present moment. One of the easiest ways to do this is to breathe slowly and deeply. Stay with it. As you become more familiar with the practice, benefits will become more obvious. You will start to feel more present, peaceful and alive. Remember, mindfulness works like a muscle: the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets.


25VIE In a busy, high-pressure world it can be difficult to live in the moment. This journal is full of essential tools to calm the mind and help you find joy in the smallest of moments. With a variety of activities to complete, this journal takes you on a mindfulness journey, aiming to integrate essential self-care practices into everyday life. Key Selling Points: • This pocket-sized book, bursting with accessible tips and guided exercises, is a perfect practical guide to mindfulness and how it can be used in everyday life. • The practice of mindfulness is becoming increasingly popular in the modern world as it helps us manage our stress and worries. ISBN: 978 1 80007 835 2 £12.99 inc. RightsJanuaryPaperback160pp210x148mmVAT2023andSales Territories: World My Daily Mindfulness Journal Simple Tips and Guided Exercises to Help You Live in the Moment NO DISTRACTIONS When you first start to practise mindfulness, eliminate distractions. Choose a peaceful space, switch off your phone and cut out as much external noise as possible. Focus on your breathing. Notice how each breath moves in and out of your body. If your mind starts to wander, bring your focus back to your breathing. The more you focus, the easier it gets. If you notice that you’re thinking ahead to what you’re going to do next, gently nudge your attention back to the present. Although mindfulness is all about paying attention to what’s happening around you right now, it doesn’t mean shutting out every thought you have. Your mind doesn’t come with an “off” switch. It is about dealing more creatively with those thoughts and experiencing life as it unfolds, moment by moment.
the space below to answer
following questions: How
yourself to
moment? How
would you like to practice mindfulness?
upon why you deserve time for self-care and reflection and write them down here. Set yourself a mindfulness aim – even if it’s five minutes a day.
Those who practise mindfulness experience greater feelings of well-being. Research shows that mindfulness can improve physical health too, by helping to reduce high blood pressure and chronic pain. It also increases your ability to handle stressful situations and enhances your quality of sleep, enabling you to enjoy a deeper, more peaceful slumber.

Motherhood is a magical experience, but it’s also a time in your life that’s emotionally charged and physically exhausting. Packed with tips and quotes, this book offers quick, simple ways to help you look after yourself. Because you deserve as much love and attention as you give. Zeena Moolla is an author and journalist, writing for publications including Marie Claire, Grazia, The Telegraph, The Mirror and Red magazine.

26 VIE
Key Selling Point: • Focusing on self-care tips for new mums, this is the perfect gift to give a mumto-be at their baby shower. ISBN: 978 1 80007 673 0 RightsJanuaryPaperback160pp175x125mm£9.992023andSales Territories: World 365 Days of Self-Care for New Mums Advice for Surviving (and Thriving) in Baby’s First Year Zeena Moolla 7Week One WEEK ONE 01 Roll with it To say life with a newborn is unpredictable is like describing a hurricane as a bit breezy. As a new mum, constantly responding to your baby’s needs can feel overwhelmingly disorientating and, often, impossibly relentless. However, the sooner you can surrender to the current situation, the easier it will be. The frustration in whatever situation you’re faced with frequently comes from wishing things were different rather than accepting the situation as it is. It’s not an easy mindset to adopt when you’re pacing the floor at 3 a.m., wondering how such a tiny sweet thing can be so unreasonable, but for these first few weeks, just concentrate on the here and now. 02 Veto the visitors If you’re not in the mood for visitors while you struggle to follow your own train of thought, let alone a conversation about what the traffic was like on the way over, don’t do it! Being “on form” for everyone is not a priority right now, so try to master the art of saying “no”. 03 Breastfeeding should not be taboo, and bottle feeding should not be judged. It’s ALL fun for the whole family. JAIMe04kInG Fed is best It can often feel that how a newborn is fed is of everyone’s concern, with the mother’s perspective and needs vastly, and dangerously, overlooked. If you’re feeling pressured or “spoken over” with regards to how you feed your baby, be it bottle or breast, some boundaries need to be set. Practise, if need be, holding your nerve by smiling and saying out loud: “I’ll work out what’s best for my baby and myself.” You can be as breezy or as firm as you prefer, but, in order to be the best possible mother you can to your baby, you matter and everyone, including yourself, needs to be clear on this. 365 Days of Self-Care for New Mums_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 6-7 15/07/2022 10:56 89 Week One365 DAYS OF SELF-CARE FOR NEW MUMS 08 No cooking! Even if your idea of cooking is typically slinging some bread in a toaster and resentfully opening a tin of beans, now is not the time to be preparing meals. Let your partner or a friend or relative make them. Ask visitors to bring curries and casseroles to fill your freezer with and pull out all the takeaway menus rammed in the kitchen drawer. Cooking for these first few weeks should not be a new-mum obligation. 09 No cleaning! Stop! Step away from that cloth! Much like cooking, cleaning is not your responsibility. If you can, make peace with your house closely resembling a landfill for now - there will be time for a tidy home in the near future, but that time is not now. If you can’t, make housework the onus of partners, friends, relatives, any visitors - but not you. 10 You come into our house and a giant elephant and lion are welcoming you. We have toys and things everywhere. HeIDI kLUM 05 Post-natal body You’ve just grown a human and, unsurprisingly, your body is now making known the enormity of this in a variety of ways, including uterus cramping, bleeding and discharge. This is all perfectly normal and just signs of your body doing what it needs to do. Make sure you have plenty of thick maternity pads, and ask your doctor or midwife about pain relief for any cramp pain. 06 C-section care If you gave birth via a C-section, make sure you regularly and gently clean and pat-dry your incision once a day. Talk to your midwife or doctor about whether it’s better to cover the wound or leave it open to air out, but most importantly, avoid carrying most things (besides your baby). And, should this not be apparent, hold off on exercising until your midwife or doctor confirms it’s OK to do so. 07 For three months, I was walking around my house with a top knot and giant diaper – like a defeated sumo wrestler. ALI WOnG 365 Days of Self-Care for New Mums_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 8-9 15/07/2022 10:56

The journey of motherhood is a physical and emotional rollercoaster, and there’s often little or no time to stop and consider your own needs, at least not without feeling guilty about it. This is where Mother Power comes in – a reassuring parenting guide that’s always in your corner. This wake-up call for mums everywhere will demonstrate how looking after your own well-being can make you a better parent.

Key Selling Points:

• The effects of the pandemic and lockdown have fallen disproportionately on mothers’ shoulders and conversations around maternal mental health will only increase over the next few years because of the current situation.

• This book acknowledges the disproportionate effect parenthood has on mothers’ time, energy and mental health. It’s inclusive of adoptive, single and divorced mothers, those in blended families and same-sex relationships, as well as those in a relationship with their children’s father. World

Mother Power Guide to Motherhood
ISBN: 978 1 80007 278 7 RightsFebruaryPaperback160pp210x148mm£10.992023andSales Territories:
A Feminist’s
Poppy O’Neill
28 VIE Discover the restorative power of rest and sleep with this beautiful little book. From bathing rituals and sleep yoga to solitude and mental relaxation, it’s filled with simple ideas to help you find opportunities to rest so that you can re-enter your life feeling revitalized, refreshed and reconnected to the best version of you. Mita Mistry is a columnist, mindfulness-based cognitive therapist, acupuncturist and mum of two. Visit to see more of her work. Key Selling Point: • The book follows the successful title All You Need is Less (ISBN: 9781786857668), which has sold over 30,000 copies. ISBN: 978 1 80007 706 5 RightsFebruaryHardback160pp154x111mm£8.992023andSales Territories: World All You Need is Rest Refresh Your Well-Being with the Power of Rest and Sleep Mita Mistry Sleep Self-Care Routines and rituals We are creatures of comfort and our brains love predictability. This is why keeping weekly or daily routines and rituals is a perfect way to promote good quality-sleep for the restless mind and body. The act of slowing down, taking time out from your busy schedule to read, meditate, bathe or do something restful helps you to unwind and recharge. Find what works for you, whether that’s walking daily (page 42), setting a regular bedtime (page 107), having a mealtime ritual (page 67) or a weekend morning retreat (page 46) – it’s entirely your choice. What small rituals can you bring into your schedule? LIFE’S EXTRAORDINARYRITUALSLITTLECANTURNANORDINARYDAYTOANDAY –ARIGHTDAY. Unknown All You Need is Rest_INSIDES.indd 108-109 21/07/2022 14:16 Sleep Self-Care Here’s how to have a rest-inducing bath: Fill your bath with warm water. Light tea lights or candles around it and turn off any bright lights. Add a few drops of your favourite essential oils (page 113) or dissolve some Epsom salts to soothe aches and pains. Play some calming tunes to help you unwind. Undress mindfully really slowing your movements down. Sprinkle a little sea salt on a damp facecloth and softly scrub your body, releasing the day’s stresses. Float in the bath for 20 minutes and visualize bliss (page 57). Climb out of the bath slowly and dry yourself in towels or a fluffy bathrobe. Drink a replenishing herbal tea, such as peppermint, to replace fluid loss. Then, follow your bedtime routine, allowing yourself to truly let go of the day. Floating ritual Rituals don’t need to be elaborate, simply having a bath itself can be a ritual if you use the opportunity to truly relax and retreat. Research shows a hot bath an hour or two before bedtime decreases your body temperature by C (33.8 F), which is the ideal temperature to fall asleep.Studies confirm floating in water encourages restoration in the mind and body by simply disconnecting us from sensory stimulation. All You Need is Rest_INSIDES.indd 110-111 21/07/2022 14:16

Your Mind Matters

How to Talk About Your Mental Health

Katy Georgiou

This friendly and approachable guide is filled with kind words and thoughtful advice on how to look after your mind. Whether you’re trying to build up your confidence or looking for the right words to say, this book will provide you with the tools you need to start the conversation around mental health.

Katy Georgiou is a psychotherapist. She regularly features in the media on issues around therapy and mental health, including BBC Radio, The Times, The Guardian, The Independent and Psychologies magazine, among others. She is the founder, host and producer of Sound Affects Podcast, a music and mental health podcast. She is also a former Samaritans helpline listener. Twitter: @kgcounsellor

Key Selling Points:

• Full of tips and advice to help anyone who is feeling down, affected by low self-esteem, or suffering with more serious mental health problems, such as anxiety, stress and depression.

• A friendly starting point for someone wanting to help themselves, or could be given as a gift by a concerned friend or relative to someone who may be struggling.

• Awareness of mental health issues is a priority across a range of institutions, with hospitals, schools and workplaces introducing new initiatives and policies to focus on this. World

ISBN: 978 1 80007 410 1 RightsFebruaryPaperback160pp210x148mm£12.992023andSales Territories:

Feeling better isn’t always about feeling good. It’s about feeling it all – happiness, sadness and everything in between. In You Can Flourish, Cheryl Rickman takes you step-by-step through simple exercises to help you better experience both the positive and negative in life, so you can thrive and grow. Rickman is a Sunday Times bestselling author and qualified Positive Psychology Practitioner. Cheryl also runs well-being retreats and delivers workshops and compassion – The ABC of Flourishing™.

30 VIE
on acceptance, balance
Key Selling Points: • This book helps the reader to embrace all emotions with understanding and kindness. • The pages are filled with helpful advice and practical activities to help develop daily well-being habits. ISBN: 978 1 80007 681 5 RightsFebruaryPaperback160pp210x148mm£12.992023andSales Territories: World You Can Flourish A Wellness Workbook to Help You Thrive and Feel Your Best Cheryl Rickman 3 Part One STEP 1: Reflect on Regret Write down some of your own regrets below. What are you disappointed about? (Things that you aren’t responsible for) What are your biggest regrets? (Things you feel responsible for) What are your IF ONLY HADs? If only had… What have they taught you? What fundamental needs and personal values do they reveal about what matters most to you? What can you do differently today/tomorrow as a result of what you wish you’d done yesterday? How might you speak to a best friend who shared this regret with you? What would you say to them? THOUGHTSTHINK: 2 4 5 Introduction “Let me be something every minute of every hour of my life. Let me be gay; let me be sad. Let me be cold; let me be warm. Let me be hungry… have too much to eat. Let me be ragged or well dressed. Let me be sincere – be deceitful. Let me be truthful; let me be a liar. Let me be honourable and let me sin. Only let me be something every blessed minute. And when I sleep, let me dream all the time so that not one little piece of living is ever lost.” A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith Feeling It All love this life-affirming declaration by dear Francie Nolan in Betty Smith’s 1943 novel, because being something and feeling something in “every blessed minute” is what, for me, flourishing is all about – how we experience life in all its beautiful yet brutal glory, across the entire spectrum of human emotion and lived experience. Feelings of sorrow, disappointment, envy, and regret are a normal, integral, and even valuable part of what it means to be human. And, despite what we’ve been conditioned to believe about happiness as the holy grail of life and sad being bad, feeling better isn’t always about feeling good. Feeling better, as we’ll explore across these pages, is about feeling it all – developing the capacity and capability to become better at being sad, happy and everything in between, so we can cope with the tough stuff and hope for the good stuff. It’s about experiencing the best and the worst of life, and still being able to function; to sometimes find the calm equilibrium in between and be gentle with ourselves as we navigate the ups and downs of this roller coaster called life. It’s about getting to know what makes us think the way we think and feel what we feel and doing what we can to optimise the healthy and minimise the unhealthy. Because what we think and how we feel influences what we do and how we live. Optimal Human Functioning Yes, flourishing is about more than simply feeling good; it’s about fulfilment, connection and growth. It’s about how we experience life and how well we operate. It’s about developing the capacity to build and optimise our wellbeing in a way that gives our lives meaning. Conversely, languishing is about functioning poorly, staying stuck in an unpleasant, unhealthy and unfulfilled ways of living, where wellbeing Thankfullydiminishes. it is possible to lift ourselves out of languishing to flourish. You Can Flourish aims to equip you with tools that enable flourishing, by providing a solid toolkit to help you fret less and flourish more, but in a way that gives you permission to be human, to mess up, to feel bad sometimes and navigate a way forward through the rough and the smooth, the ups and the downs, the twists and the turns. It’s a guide to navigating the roller coaster ride of life realistically as best you can in a way which best serves you and honours your capacity to flourish. What is Positive Psychology and Why Does It Matter? The term flourishing emerged 20 years ago from a new field of psychology called Positive Psychology, which is defined as “the scientific study of optimal human functioning with the central aim of discovering and promoting the factors that cause individuals and communities to thrive.” first wrote about flourishing 10 years ago in 2013. Back then was a new mum with a four-year-old daughter living in a quaint Hampshire village in Southern England. Apart from the fact that now have a teenage daughter whilst going through the menopause myself (and the double-dose of big feelings which that hormonal dance creates), a lot has changed in my life, and all of our lives, since then. (I’m looking at you, pandemic!)

The Little Book of Reiki Drane happy to just accept its presence and let it flow. There is no right or wrong approach to this; it is up to you do decide. What matters is that you are open to it and welcome the healing energy in.

Within these pages, you will find everything you need to know about this holistic healing practice, from the history and etymology of reiki to techniques and exercises for self-reiki.

Step into the world of reiki and find out how you can tap into the energy around you. Selling

• The perfect introduction to reiki, this book covers everything you need to know and how to practise it on your own.

• MBS titles are hugely popular at the moment. Published in 2019, The Little Book of Crystals (ISBN: 9781786859594) has already sold over 80,000 copies.

• On Instagram, #reiki has been used 11.6 million times. 978 World


The constant flow of energy through a human body extends outside of the physical body into the surrounding space (known as the aura). Physical injury, emotional upset and traumatic experiences can hinder or create blockages to the natural flow of energy, affecting the person’s well-being and the body’s ability to heal itself.

The practice of reiki involves consciously opening yourself to the flow of energy and sending it to where it is needed. This is known as channelling. (See page 66 for more on how to do this.)

Channelling energy into the body realigns the flow of energy, clears the blockages and maintains the flow of energy required for well-being. The body can use this energy to heal itself.

Reiki energy is a constant, never-ending flow of energy just waiting for you to tap into.


The universe has a towaitingofnever-endingconstant,flowenergyjustforyoutapinto.
1 80007 684 6 RightsFebruaryPaperback128pp148x105mm£7.992023andSales Territories:
A Beginner’s Guide to the Art of Energy Healing Stephanie
76 WHERE DOES REIKI ENERGY COME FROM? The true answer is that nobody truly knows where reiki energy comes from. There are many ideas and theories, which vary depending on a person’s beliefs. People who have a scientific mind look to electromagnetic fields, energy frequencies and even quantum physics. People seeking a more spiritual source turn to the Divine, their god/goddess and angels. Those who have a more metaphysical “new age” approach look to the universe, spirit guides and ascended masters. The beautiful thing about reiki is that it works for all of those people with all of those differing beliefs. It doesn’t matter who you are, what you believe, where you come from, your social status, size, colour, religion, sexual orientation, gender or cultural background. Reiki is for everyone and it works for the highest good of us all. It is generally agreed that Reiki energy comes from a place of wisdom and love that is pure and good. It has its own intelligence, knowing how and where it is needed. You might like to spend some time thinking about what you believe the source of reiki is and do your own research. Or you may be
The Little Book of Reiki_Sample pages.indd 6-7
The Little Book of Reiki_Sample pages.indd 12-13
32 VIE Whether it’s your first time on the mat or you’re a seasoned pro, the teachings in these pages offer the benefits of Pilates to everyone, no matter your fitness level. With step-by-step instructions for a variety of workouts – from beginner to advanced level – this book is the ultimate guide to developing your fitness in the comfort of your own home. Key Selling Points: • The clearly illustrated workouts make this suitable for people wanting to try Pilates in the privacy of their own home. • A similar Summersdale title, The Little Book of Yoga (ISBN: 9781786852809), has sold over 24,000 copies. ISBN: 978 1 80007 695 2 RightsMarchPaperback128pp148x105mm£6.992023andSales Territories: World The Little Book of Pilates Illustrated Exercises to Energize Your Mind and Body Rachel Lawrence Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness. Joseph Pilates CHAPTER ONE: Beginner’s Exercises This chapter will teach you the twelve fundamental exercises, which are a great workout on their own, as well as a warm up for a longer, more advanced programme. Take your time and think of it like learning a language: keep repeating until you fully understand. Now, roll out your mat and let’s begin. The Little Book of Pilates_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 4-5 10/08/2022 10:22 76 Pelvic Curl The Movement Start by lying on your back with knees bent and feet hip width apart. Find your neutral position and place your arms down by your side, palms down. Inhale to prepare and as you exhale draw your abdominals inwards, tilt your pelvis towards your face and sequentially curl your spine up off the mat until you feel the weight on the back of your shoulders. This is the bridge position. If you can see yourself in a mirror, you are looking for a straight line from your knees to your ribs. Inhale to hold the position. Then as you exhale, relax through your chest and come down through your spine back onto the mat, moving through the mid back, the pelvis and finally tailbone down. Repeat the sequence 6-10 times The benefits Strengthens the core, legs, hips and glutes. Improves spinal mobility and articulation. Releases tension in the back. Tips and Technique Cues • Focus on your breath and finding the connection to your body. • Keep your knees hip width apart throughout as this will tone and strengthen your inner thigh muscles. • Visualize peeling your spine up off the floor one vertebra at a time and then laying it back down in the same way. • Deepen the core activation by pulling your abdominals inwards and upwards before you start the movement and holding these muscles in throughout each exhalation. The Little Book of Pilates_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 6-7 10/08/2022 10:22
33VIE It’s OK to Feel Sh*t (Sometimes) is packed with kind words and thoughtful advice to help you make sense of your feelings. With a breakdown of the most common causes of low mood, from work-related stress to clinical depression, this book teaches you how to recognize these issues and provides helpful tips on how to cope with them. Key Selling Points: • A friendly starting point for someone wanting to help themselves, or could be given as a gift by a concerned friend or relative. • A similar title, It’s OK Not to Be OK (ISBN: 9781786859853), has sold over 40,000 copies. ISBN: 978 1 80007 703 4 RightsAprilHardback160pp154x111mm£8.992023andSales Territories: World It’s OK to Feel Sh*t (Sometimes) Kind Words and Practical Advice for When You’re Feeling Low Sam Cooper W e a l l f e e l s h * t s o m e t i m e s Let’s face it, no-one’s happy all the time. Even the shiniest, smiliest people experience doubts, fears and anxiety, so don’t be fooled: nobody’s life is perfect, however it may appear on the outside. If you’re struggling right now, simply knowing you’re not the only one can help you feel less alone. This chapter explores the ways in which poor mental health can affect all of us. We really are in it together… WHAT MENTAL HEALTH NEEDS IS MORE SUNLIGHT, MORE CANDOR AND MORECONVERSATION.UNASHAMED GLENN CLOSE It's OK to Feel Sh*t (Sometimes)_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 1-2 24/08/2022 17:27 life’sYes, youstrongbutsometimes…hardlookhoware WHAT (YES,FEELINGYOU'REISNORMALREALLY) While feelings of sadness, anxiety and stress can feel hard to handle, they’re also perfectly normal. They can sometimes be an appropriate response to a situation you may be living through right now, such as a big life change or bereavement. However, if you’re beginning to drift towards feelings of emptiness or “nothingness” for extended periods, or if poor mental health is getting in the way of your daily life, you may be slipping towards a mental illness such as depression. If this is the case, it’s important to stop it escalating. There’s no shame in asking for help so consider reaching out to a loved one or asking your doctor for advice. We All Feel Sh*t Sometimes 6 It's OK to Feel Sh*t (Sometimes)_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 5-6 24/08/2022 17:27

There’s magic in making the best out of a bad situation, no matter what life throws at you. Luckily, there are plenty of little things you can do to brighten your outlook and bring a ray of sunshine to every moment. This charming A–Z guide will help your inner optimist thrive, and show you how to bring more positivity into every day.

Make your own affirmations

Why not go one step further and write a positive affirmation or two on some sticky notes and attach them to your mirror before you go to bed. When you look in the mirror in the morning these words will help you to feel good about yourself and the day ahead.

Use the lines below to write some of your own affirmations that you can come back to when you need them:

• This book follows the successful title The A–Z of Mindfulness (ISBN: 9781787832732), which has sold over 9,500 copies. A lovely gift to give to a friend to pick them up and remind them to always look on the bright side. Includes beautiful watercolour illustrations throughout. 978 1 80007 World of Positivity to Feel Happier Every Day These positive words can help you to put things into perspective, reduce negative thoughts and banish stress. They can be particularly useful if you have a meeting or presentation, a huge workload or a long shift, a job interview, exam or driving test –there are always words you can tell your reflection in the mirror to give yourself a boost to approach the day ahead with a spring in your step.

Try these:

M I am good at my job and can deal with anything today throws at me

M I am confident, positive and happy – no one can change that M I can achieve anything I want to – I just need to put my mind to it

Alternatively, when you wake up in the morning, write some positive words about your upcoming day in a notebook and repeat these to yourself in the shower.

You’ll find that there are certain affirmations that you can apply to your life generally, whereas others are better suited for certain events or times of your life.

34 VIE
Key Selling Points:
704 1 RightsAprilHardback128pp158x120mm£8.992023andSales Territories:
The A–Z
Anna Barnes is for Affirmation We all need a little pick-me-up sometimes and first thing in the morning is a good time to give yourself one. Whether you’ve just woken up, you’re in the bathroom or getting dressed, take a moment to look in the mirror and remind yourself of some of the positive aspects of your life. Or simply give yourself some words of encouragement as you get ready to start your day. Positive affirmations are little phrases we tell ourselves – things that we perceive to be true about ourselves and our lives, or words that describe how we would like things to be.
2 3
4 5

The A–Z of Wellbeing to Every Day

A is for attitude. B is for balance. C is for connection. The things that add up to a happier life don’t have to be complicated. Whether you choose to dance and sing, give yoga a go or tap into the power of quietude and kindness, this charming A–Z guide will help you find your perfect path towards a greater sense of well-being.

Key Selling Points:

• Understanding how to improve our physical and mental well-being continues to be a vital topic in the self-help space.

• Includes beautiful watercolour illustrations throughout. 978 World

can leave you more aware of events on your street, participating in a team sport or group activity breeds camaraderie and research suggests those involved in faith groups have better mental health.

is for Connection

Feeling like we belong is a major part of our overall sense of well-being. If you are disconnected from those you love or those you share the same values with, it does not take long to start feeling isolated and a little sad. But by making time for friends and family - and remaining open to connecting with others, your happiness soon returns.There are so many ways to enjoy connecting with people. Just a short conversation with a neighbour

Feel-good hormones such as serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin are released from your brain when you connect physically through hugging, touching or holding hands with someone you know. In fact, clinical evidence points to increased levels of happiness even when we shake the hand of a Astoundingly,stranger.connection through touch can also help relieve pain. Think back to when you were little and you fell over and grazed your knee. When you were offered a hug, did you feel a bit better?

Not everyone likes physical touch though - but the good news is that emotional connection is just as beneficial for our well-being. Empathising with another’s situation can help them feel understood and you feel useful. Keeping yourself connected is a win-win for everyone.

Step out of your comfort zone

Look up what social, sporting or hobby groups there are in your area and pick one that might appeal to you. It doesn’t have to cost money - it could be a reading group, a local park run or an amateur dramatics group. Then take the plunge, make the phone call and go along to their meeting. Chances are, you will be made to feel very welcome and will leave with a new friend or twoand nobody will knock you for trying something new. Use the space below to note down some ideas:

A friend may be waiting behind a stranger’s face.
1 80007 705 8 RightsAprilHardback128pp158x120mm£8.992023andSales Territories:
Feel Refreshed
Anna Barnes
2 3

The Baby Sleep Guide Advice to Establish Good Sleep

This book provides simple and easy techniques to help you establish positive sleep habits early on that will pay dividends in the long term. It guides you through different sleep teaching approaches so you can find a healthy balance that works for you and your baby. The Baby Sleep Guide offers clear solutions to ensure a good night’s sleep for all.

Stephanie Modell qualified as a nursery nurse in 1984 and has over 30 years’ experience of working with babies and children, as a nanny, maternity nanny and sleep consultant. Selling

• A new edition of this successful title with updated information.

• Compassionate and sensitively written, the accessible style of this book will appeal to first-time parents and experienced parents alike. A perennial hot topic for new parents. 978 World

36 VIE
1 80007 875 8 RightsAprilPaperback160pp175x125mm£9.992023andSales Territories:
Habits Stephanie Modell



• a strong throbbing pain on one side of the head (usually, but not always present)

• nausea and/or being sick

• feeling dizzy

• stomach pain and upset tummy

• light sensitivity or seeing flashing lights

See Chapter three for some tips on managing migraines.


Another psychological effect of the perimenopause can be becoming worried or anxious; often about things that normally we wouldn’t have given a second thought to. A trip to a new city for a team-building event might once have been something to be excited about, but as it rolls around you just cannot face the journey or having to negotiate finding somewhere new; nor do you have the energy to meet new people. So you feign illness and don’t go. There are some tips on how to manage anxiety in Chapter two, and some treatments you could try in Chapter three – but please don’t worry that this is the new you.

As with many things about the perimenopause, it is temporary. Your social skills and joie de vivre will reappear in abundance!

If you are concerned about anxiety, please don’t suffer in silence. Pay a visit to your health professional for advice.

4 5

37VIE Filled to the brim with essential information, these pages will take you through all the stages and symptoms of the perimenopause right up to the menopause, so you can face this new stage of life with confidence. This book is here to answer the questions you’ve been too afraid to ask and demystify the perimenopause once and for all. Key Selling Points: • This book looks to break the taboos around the perimenopause and menopause and equip readers with the knowledge they need in a positive and uplifting tone. • A similar title, The M Word (ISBN: 9781787832947), has sold over 14,000 copies since its release in 2020. ISBN: 978 1 80007 709 6 RightsMayPaperback128pp148x105mm£7.992023andSales Territories: World So Hot Right Now The Little Book of Perimenopause Alex Greengate 3 Chapter One: PerimenopauseUnderstanding So, what exactly is the perimenopause? You may never have even heard of this term, and now you might be wondering whether you are in it! Everyone will have a different experience, so this chapter will take a deeper look at what perimenopause is, how it may affect you, how you might recognize the symptoms and when you might expect it – as well as some common myths and misconceptions. Also, rather helpfully, it will explain how you can prepare for its arrival. Headache, or migraine? We all get the occasional headache, but did you know that women are three times as likely to suffer from migraines than men? And if you’ve never had one, the perimenopause can unfortunately bring them on – again, due to fluctuations in hormone levels. Whereas a headache can be irritating but possible to get rid of with a couple of painkillers, a migraine might arrive with or without a headache and can affect your daily activities. Many people find the only solution is going back to bed until it
symptoms include:
2 So Hot Right Now_Sample pages.indd 2-3 22/08/2022 09:40
theypassageasshouldandPerimenopausemenopausebetreatedtheritesofthatare. GILLIAN ANDERSON So Hot Right Now_Sample pages.indd 4-5 22/08/2022 09:40

The Little Book of Breathwork

Find Calm, Improve Your Focus and Feel Revitalized with the Power of Your Breath

Jo Peters

ISBN: 978 1 80007 708 9


Territories: World

Learn how to use the power of your breath to gain clarity, peace and better health with this beginner’s guide to the ancient practice of breathwork. The Little Book of Breathwork contains an overview of the history of breathwork and step-by-step instructions for carrying out different techniques safely in your own home.

Key Selling Points:

• Breathwork has become the hot topic in health and wellness over the past few years; it has featured in many of the world’s most popular health and wellness TV shows and YouTube channels.

• Meditation, mindfulness, yoga and self-care techniques are all interwoven into breathwork, so it will appeal to readers who are interested in holistic ways to improve their well-being.

• A similar Summersdale title, Draw Breath (ISBN: 9781787830332) – a practical book of breathing exercises – has sold over 7,000 copies.

38 VIE
39VIE Take control of your fitness from the convenience of your desk! Perfect for people who have a desk job or mobility issues, Get Fit While You Sit contains chair exercises that focus on strengthening and stretching specific parts of the body, providing you with a head-to-toe workout throughout the day. Key Selling Points: • This book appeals to anyone who has a sedentary lifestyle and typically sits for more than four hours a day. • Packed with over 50 exercises that include step-by- step instructions and diagrams. • Will appeal to fans of My Wellness Tracker (ISBN: 9781787836389) and The Little Book of Yoga (ISBN: 9781786852809). ISBN: 978 1 80007 838 3 RightsJunePaperback128pp148x105mm£6.992023andSales Territories: World Get Fit While You Sit Chair Exercises to Help You Stretch and Strengthen Your Body Taylor Spencer Chest Lift Midway through this movement, it may look like you’re gesturing for a hug, so warn your colleagues in advance – unless you enjoy intimate moments with them. Once you complete a set, you’ll notice that your chest feels a lot more open. After performing this stretch frequently you’ll notice a difference in your posture too. Stretches: chest, shoulders and back 1. Sitting down make sure your feet are flat on the floor and your back is not leaning but straight. 2. Extend your arms out in a wide ‘V’ shape – you may need to adjust your position slightly if you have arm rests – with your hands pointing towards the ground, keeping your shoulders and neck relaxed (feel like you are pulling your shoulders down your back). 3. Gently push your chest forwards and up – this will naturally make your arms move back slightly. If you want a bigger stretch, gently force your arms back a little more. 4. Hold for 10 seconds and then have a rest. Find your original position, with your feet flat on the floor and your back straight and unsupported, then repeat another 4 times (5 in total). Get Fit While You Sit_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 1-2 23/08/2022 10:57 BodyUpperTwist If done regularly, this exercise will help you strengthen your upper back and give it more flexibility. Arms crossed, you may feel like you’re protecting yourself from the exercise before you even start, but relax and you’ll soon start to enjoy Stretches:it.upper back 1. Sitting down make sure your feet are flat on the floor and your back is not leaning but dead straight. 2. Bend your elbows and cross your arms so that both hands are resting on the opposite shoulders. 3. Twist your upper back to the right as far as you can and move your head so it faces the same direction. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Try not to tense your thighs as you twist and keep your hips facing forwards. This will make the stretch more effective. 4. Return to facing forwards and repeat on the other side. 5. Repeat 4 more times on each side. Get Fit While You Sit_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 3-4 23/08/2022 10:57

The Confidence Workbook and Guided Exercises to Help You Boost Confidence

This workbook contains practical tips, thoughtful advice and guided exercises to help you overcome self-doubt. Based on trusted mindfulness techniques, this workbook will fill you with the assurance you need to become your own cheerleader and focus on the things you really like about the person in the mirror.

Key Selling Points:

• A practical and easy-to-follow workbook offering tips, advice and guided exercises to help readers boost their confidence levels. Contains exercise, diet, lifestyle and general well-being advice. 978 80007 World

40 VIE
715 7 RightsJunePaperback160pp210x148mm£10.992023andSales Territories:
Practical Tips
Anna Barnes CONFIDENCE AND YOU 3 Confidence really does affect all areas of our lives. It allows us to commit to opportunities that come our way and tackle new challenges with aplomb. It helps us to be successful in our personal and professional lives, which is crucial for our overall happiness. Research also shows that people who are more confident tend to achieve more academically. So, if it’s so important to our overall satisfaction levels in life, why don’t we do more to cultivate it? The clue may be in what we perceive confidence to be. Most of us spend our lives believing that confidence is something you either have or you don’t. Perhaps we’ve muttered to ourselves at some point, “if only could get more confident, I could try going for that promotion,” as though confidence is an entirely separate notion to ourselves. But confidence resides in all of us, all the time – we just need to learn how to activate it. In this section, we’ll be exploring what confidence really is (Clue – it’s something you ‘do,’ not ‘get’!) as well as your experiences with self-confidence and how having it - or not having it - affects your life. Part 1 ConfidenceandYou The Confidence Workbook_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 2-3 25/08/2022 14:26 4 THE SELF-ESTEEM WORKBOOK CONFIDENCE AND YOU 5 Getting to know yourself It sounds silly, but when do we ever stop to think about who we really are? Sometimes life feels like you’re running on a never-ending treadmill of ‘things to do,’ whether that’s completing a project, work commitments, hobbies, laundry, the thankless task of transporting your children to clubs and leisure activities – you name it, it’s on The List. Sometimes we don’t even have time to write an adequate ‘to do’ list in the first place! Time for self-reflection is short – let’s change thatThenow.better you know yourself – your likes, dislikes, what makes you tick, what makes you want to scream etc. – the stronger your selfconfidence will be. This is because knowing ourselves gives us the opportunity to be secure in our choices, values and beliefs. And if we know them, we can always give a true representation of ourselves, which is crucial for feeling confident in our own skins. This is a great icebreaker to introduce you to yourself. Just fill in the answers and say hello to you! If my friends described me in three words, they would be… I couldn’t live without… I could live without… I get easily annoyed at… feel most relaxed when… I’ve always wanted to… If I could invite three celebrities, politicians or great thinkers, past or present, for dinner, they would be...because…. never want to… Something no one knows about me is… If I knew wouldn’t fail, would… am ashamed of… am proud of… In ten years’ time, I’ll be… The Confidence Workbook_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 4-5

This workbook contains practical advice, effective tips and guided exercises to help you build your self-esteem. Based on trusted CBT techniques, it will help you to grow your confidence and achieve long-term self-belief.

• This practical workbook contains actionable advice and guided exercises to help readers to boost their self-esteem.

• Set a timer for three minutes or choose a relaxing song to listen to (when you get to the end of the tune, you’ll know you can finish meditating).

• Sit comfortably and close your eyes.

• Think about your breathing: how each breath in feels, and then how each breath out feels. Don’t hold your breath in-between –just try to breathe slowly in through your nose, then out through your mouth. Listen to the sound of your breath.

• Imagine your mind as though it were a clear, blue sky. If any negative thoughts start to intrude, think of them as though they were a cloud just floating by, knowing that the cloud will pass, leaving the sky blue again.

• When the timer goes or the music ends, open your eyes slowly.

And here’s the science behind it… A happy mind is calm, clear, and positive. But when we burden it with negative thoughts, it can get cloudy, dark, and even a bit stormy, making it easier for low selfesteem to take hold. Meditating like this is a powerful tool because we learn that no matter how cloudy the sky becomes with negative thoughts, there will always be a calm, blue sky on the other side.

Meditation helps us to recognize those thoughts as just “passing”. Instead of identifying with them or using them to reinforce our own negative narrative, we can simply let them go. What “cloudy” negative thoughts pass through your mind? Jot them down in the cloud below, we’ll be using them later!

• Low self-esteem is a widespread issue in the modern world; in the UK, more than 50 per cent of 16–24 year olds worry about what others think of them, and in the US, it’s estimated that 85 per cent of people suffer from low self-esteem. 978 World Workbook to yourself with place to try it out. If you live with other people, ask them not to distract you. Here’s how to try it:

Key Selling Points:
1 80007 716 4 RightsJunePaperback160pp210x148mm£10.992023andSales Territories:
The Self-Esteem
Practical Tips and Guided Exercises
Help You Boost Your Self-Esteem Anna Barnes SELF-ESTEEM AND YOU 3 At the heart of a healthy self-esteem is the sense that it’s OK to be you. So, the best place to start your journey is with yourself. Sometimes it’s hard to be objective about ourselves, particularly if we give too much headspace to critical self-talk but becoming comfortable with who you are and what you’re all about is the first step on the road to healthy self-esteem. In this section we’ll be exploring what self-esteem is, what causes low self-esteem and how we can work towards a more balanced view of ourselves. Part 1 SelfandEsteemYou 6 THE SELF-ESTEEM WORKBOOK SELF-ESTEEM AND YOU 7 Meet
meditation Meditation is a great introduction to your mind and emotions. If you haven’t tried it before, it can feel a bit strange to start with, but the more you do it, the easier it becomes. Meditation can help to change the relationship we have with our thoughts, which is a vital part of building self-esteem and increasing our confidence. You can meditate anywhere, but a comfortable chair in a quiet room is a good
The Self-Esteem Workbook_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 6-7

Begin your healing journey with this step-by-step workbook to help you understand and deal with trauma. Including practical advice, effective tips and guided exercises based on trusted CBT techniques it will help you to process the past and find your way back to yourself, your values, and a life where you can flourish and thrive.

• This practical workbook contains actionable advice and guided exercises to help readers to understand their trauma and begin the process of recovery. Contains holistic advice on lifestyle and general well-being as well as tips and exercises to help identify and deal with trauma.

42 VIE
Key Selling Points:
ISBN: 978 1 80007 768 3 RightsJunePaperback160pp210x148mm£12.992023andSales Territories: World The Healing Workbook Tips and Guided Exercises to Help Overcome Trauma Amanda Marples 2 3 Part 1: andHealingTrauma,You Imagine you’re about to go on a road trip. You’re not sure of the route. In fact, you don’t even know how to drive. Your first job then, is to learn how the car works. It’s much less scary if you understand where that weird sound came from, or why it jolted forward like that. All cars have their quirks. Some cars have a sticky clutch, or struggle on hills. You will need to know how to get the best out of it, so the journey is smooth. The road-trip is your healing journey. The car is your brain, mind and body, as an integrated whole. You need to know why it’s doing the stuff it is doing. This first chapter will teach you the fundamentals of your system, and how trauma affects it. You will learn about the terminology and the accepted current theories of healing and recovery. You will start to think about what healing might look like, and what potentially this might mean for your future. 6 7 Manifestations: Acknowledging Symptoms and Responses In the last chapter you noted the symptoms and feelings that you recognise. Now you will start to think about what that means for you. From the tick list on page 19, please select up to 5 symptoms. Then, make a note of the impact that particular symptom has had on your life, as in the following example: SymptomImpact SweatingSo embarrassing. Makes me avoid people. Even friends. Have spent money on products to stop it When noting the impact, ask yourself: What do I no longer do as a result? What do I do to try and control it? What have I lost as a result? How does it make me feel? Symptom and Impact Now,2.1. if you can, acknowledge in a few words what happened to you. If you have more than one, name the one you want to focus on first. Don’t describe it in detail at this point! What happened to me: ………………………………………………………….... Skills, qualities and attributes Part of the task of healing is reconnecting to yourself. You started this work when you looked at your personal anchors, remembering what you love, what you enjoy, what brings comfort and peace. Here is another way to being yourself back into focus. What makes you…you? Listing your skills or strengths (things you can do well) and your positive qualities (things about you, character traits) can help with self-esteem, even if you don’t entirely believe it. Remember, building a new neural pathway takes time and work. Take some time now, to write at least three things (more if possible!) under each category. Things I am good at: Difficult things I have overcome: Times I have helped others: Things I am proud of: Things I like about myself:

The Best British Travel Writing of the 21st Century

A Celebration of Outstanding Travel Storytelling from Around the World

Jessica Vincent

Territories: World

This anthology is a collection of the 30 best travel stories published in British media over the last two decades, as judged by some of the top names in the game today. It is a celebration of the craft of travel writing, and its ability to educate, inspire and build understanding between people and cultures.

Jessica Vincent is a multi-award-winning travel journalist whose work has appeared in National Geographic Traveller, BBC Travel, CNN, The Telegraph, The Independent and more. Jessica is the current Global Travel Writer of the Year, and has been nominated for three more travel journalism awards.

Key Selling Points:

• A collection of the finest travel writing in British media from the last two decades, as judged by prominent and respected names in the industry: bestselling author, presenter and explorer Levison Wood, award-winning travel writers Monisha Rajesh and Jessica Vincent, and Chairman of the British Guild of Travel Writers Simon Willmore.

• An anthology of short stories, perfect for dipping into – you are guaranteed a prize-winning piece of travel writing with every tale.

43TRAVEL ISBN: 978 1 80007 996 0 RightsMarchPaperback288pp198x129mm£9.992023andSales

Lost in the Lakes

Notes from a 379-Mile Walk in the Lake District Tom Chesshyre

ISBN: 978 1 80007 519 1

Territories: World

From Penrith to Ullswater, via Keswick, Cockermouth, Coniston, Grasmere and Windermere, plus many places in between, Tom Chesshyre puts on his walking boots and sets forth along the trails, drawn onwards by the dramatic scenery. This is the Lake District seen from its walking paths – with just a backpack, an open mind… and a spring in the step.

Tom Chesshyre is the author of eleven travel books. He has travelled 40,000 miles around the world for his train books; most recently for Slow Trains Around Spain. He worked on the travel desk of The Times for 21 years and is now freelance, contributing to The Critic and New European magazines. He lives in London.

Key Selling Points:

• Will appeal to the 19 million holidaymakers and adventurers who flock to the Lake District each year, as well as the locals who live there.

• In 2021, Cumbria came second in the top ten list of the most popular UK holiday destinations.

• Tom Chesshyre’s previous books have sold over 60,000 copies combined.


Riding Out

ISBN: 978 1 80007 874 1

Territories: World

In March 2020, as Britain went into lockdown, Simon Parker’s life fell apart. With an anxiety disorder starting to rear its head, he turned to two trusted therapies: travel and exercise.

On his epic, poignant and ultimately hopeful adventure around Britain, Simon learns that life’s sharpest corners are best navigated at the pace of a bicycle.

Simon Parker is an Oxfordshire-based travel writer, newspaper columnist and broadcaster who has reported from over 100 countries. He’s sailed and cycled from China to London for the BBC, cycled the length of Scandinavia for Amazon Prime, and hiked every known route to Machu Picchu for The Telegraph.

Key Selling Points:

• The paperback edition of 2022’s popular travel title.

• Britain by Bike was a successful Telegraph series, in print, online and in film. Riding Out has all-new and original content, and takes a deep dive into overcoming an anxiety disorder and dealing with grief and depression, alongside Simon’s cycling journey.

A Journey of Love, Loss and New SimonBeginningsParker

Moderate, Becoming Good Later

Sea Kayaking the Shipping Forecast

Toby Carr and Katy Carr

Territories: World

Toby Carr was an architect living and working in London, who in 2018 set off to sea kayak all 31 areas of the Shipping Forecast in order to find the links between the ’stories, places and histories of our coastal settlements and closest neighbours’ (as well as to discover a bit about himself along the way). He spent three years focused on the challenge while working as an architect, and by the end had taken a job as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Falmouth to live by the sea in Cornwall. Tragically, Toby died in January 2022 while writing his first book about his adventure, Moderate, Becoming Good Later

Key Selling Points:

• Documents a journey inspired by one of Britain’s biggest obsessions and our “national lullaby”, the Shipping Forecast. The Shipping Forecast attracts daily listeners in the hundreds of thousands, with numbers sometimes reaching 11 million – far more listeners than actually require it.

• Will appeal to fans of nature writing and stories about the healing power of the great outdoors, particularly those with a love of the sea looking for an understanding of the movements and forces that shape the seas around our shores, as well as those interested in kayaking/sea sport adventures and stories of personal challenges.

ISBN: 978 1 80007 610 5 RightsMayPaperback320pp198x129mm£9.992023andSales

Super Cats

True Tales of Extraordinary Felines

Ashley Morgan

ISBN: 978 1 80007 688


Territories: World

Discover the most inspirational true tales of cat heroes in this heart-warming collection. From loyal companions who put their lives at risk to help others to intuitive cats who detected danger when no one else did, these extraordinary felines will capture your heart and make you marvel at their astonishing powers.

Key Selling Points:

• A fully revised and updated edition of Super Cats, with new content, celebrating amazing cat heroes from around the world in these inspirational true stories. The previous edition of Super Cats sold nearly 9,000 copies.

• The UK is a nation of cat lovers. With over 10.8 million cats kept as pets (and plenty of people who love cats but don’t own one themselves), Super Cats will appeal to this wide market.


The Little Book of Sociology Pocket Guide to the Study of Society

If you’ve always wanted to know how societies function – and why sometimes they don’t – this beginner’s guide to sociology has got the essential theories and thinkers covered. Perfect for newcomers, or anyone seeking a concise breakdown of the subject, this book takes all the big ideas and makes them crystal clear.

Rasha Barrage was born in Iraq and grew up in Merseyside in the north-west of England. After studying law at Oxford University and completing a master’s at the University of Toronto, she trained and worked as a lawyer for eight years. She lives in London with her husband and three young children.

Key Selling Points:

• A new addition to the accessible Little Book of series, this is the perfect introduction to the major sociological schools and theories – both for those new to the subject as well as those who want to brush up their knowledge.

• Another successful book in this series, The Little Book of Psychology (ISBN: 9781786858078), has sold over 56,000 copies. 978 80007 World

718 8 RightsJunePaperback144pp148x105mm£6.992023andSales Territories:
Rasha Barrage

The Little Book of Economics Pocket Guide to the Key Concepts, Theories Thinkers

If you think it’s time you learnt how inflation works, what causes recessions and why the stock market is so unpredictable, then let The Little Book of Economics bring you up to speed on the basics of micro- and macroeconomics, and demystify the world of taxes, trade, investments and finance, in simple English and with easyto-follow examples.

Key Selling Points:

• With inflation and the cost of living going up all the time, understanding economics has never been more important.

• Will appeal to the thousands of students studying economics at school or college every year. 978 World

1 80007 719 5 RightsJunePaperback128pp148x105mm£6.992023andSales Territories:
You Need to TedKnowHeybridge
Helping to Make Every Day Better 978 1 80007 394 4 £8.99 978 1 80007 409 5 £9.99 978 1 80007 396 8 £9.99 978 1 80007 438 5 £7.99 978 1 80007 424 8 £6.99 978 1 80007 426 2 £6.99 978 1 80007 496 5 £6.99 978 1 80007 437 8 £7.99 978 1 80007 425 5 £6.99 978 1 80007 182 7 £7.99 978 1 80007 183 4 £7.99

Occult practices are no longer associated with summoning evil entities – they’re a fun and insightful way to achieve your dreams, discover more about yourself and others, and feel empowered. The Little Book of the Occult offers an introduction to this fascinating subject, exploring its rich history and numerous potential benefits. Selling

• This pocket-sized book is the perfect introduction to occult magick, tapping into the recent surge of interest in esoteric subjects and the increase in the number of white witches.

• Practising rituals and magick is similar to mindfulness, as it focuses the mind on experiencing the moment and achieving one’s goals and desires. A similar Summersdale title, The Little Book of Crystals (ISBN: 9781786859594), has sold over 80,000 copies.

ISBN: 978 1 80007 722 5 RightsSeptemberPaperback128pp148x105mm£7.992022andSales Territories: World The Little Book of the Occult An Introduction to Dark Magick Astrid Carvel SIGILS A sigil is a symbol used to represent a spirit or a desired outcome.Theword comes from the Latin sigillum, meaning “seal”, which is the root of many other English words such as “signature”, “sign” and “signal”. In medieval magick, sigils were used to summon demons, with each occult entity having its own sigil. These sigils were created using a complex system of numbers and shapes, and were believed to harness the power of the spirits they invoked. These would be used to repel evil, bring good luck or produce a desired outcome. In modern occult magick, sigils are used to create powerful symbols which enhance intentions, bring protection and supercharge manifestation. USING SIGILS FOR MANIFESTATION There are many different types of sigil, and many methods to make them, including using complex charts, astrology and even musical notes. One of the simplest ways to create a sigil is the word method. Here’s how it’sFirst,done.write your intention in capital letters, in the present tense. Make it as brief, clear and to the point as you can. For example: I am safe and calm Next, eliminate any vowels, gaps and repeated letters: MSFNDCLM Take your remaining letters and combine them to make a symbol. You can play around with the letters’ proportions or use only parts of them – your sigil doesn’t need to be decipherable; it only needs to contain the energy of your intention, so let your intuition guide you. 211 The Little Book of The Occult_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 1-2 26/04/2022 07:51 TAROT CARDS Tarot cards are a popular way to practise twentyfirst-century occult magick. Originally produced for gambling and card games, tarot became popular as a divination tool in eighteenth-century France, with readers using the cards to predict the future and communicate with spirits. A tarot deck is made up of four suits – most often swords, wands, pentacles and cups. Each suit comprises an ace, the numbers 2–10 and four court cards – page, knight, queen and king. These suited cards are known as the Minor Arcana. In addition to the 56 suited cards, the Major Arcana contains 22 individual archetype cards. Today, tarot is used to bring clarity to a confusing situation, guidance for tricky decisions and as a tool for self-care and self-reflection. Modern tarot artists have created myriad new interpretations of these traditional cards, breathing new life into the Tarot and bringing it to a new audience. Turn to page XX for more on using the Tarot in your practice. Once you have your sigil, you can use it to manifest your intention. Draw it on your body, on candles, in your grimoire or journal, and on objects relevant to your intention. Sigils also make a great addition to your manifestation practice (see page XX). 3 4 The Little Book of The Occult_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 3-4 26/04/2022 07:51
52 GIFT & HUMOUR What if everything your heart desired was just a flick of a pen away? Whether you dream of the perfect job, having better health or finding love, journaling may be the key to turning your dreams into reality. Wherever you are in your manifestation journey, this book is the perfect space to write down your thoughts, goals and desires. Key Selling Points: • A guided, fill-in journal for the reader to create a personal record of their manifestations, with 120 beautiful journal pages. • Contains tips, techniques and affirmations to help newcomers start manifesting as well as enabling existing devotees to make further progress. • A similar title, ISBN: 9781800072626), has sold over 14,000 copies. ISBN: 978 1 80007 829 1 £10.99 inc. RightsNovemberPaperback160pp210x148mmVAT2022andSales Territories: World My Manifestation Journal Set Your Intentions and Manifest Your AstridDesiresCarvel INTRODUCTION Welcome to My Manifestation Journal a place for you to focus your manifestation practice and learn new tips and exercises to help you on your journey. In these pages, you’ll learn about the history of manifestation, what the law of attraction is, and lots of great techniques. As you work your way through, you’ll find quotes, affirmations and inspiring advice that will help keep you on track to fulfilling all your desires. When you begin manifesting, you open yourself up to the infinite opportunities and power the universe has for you. You’ll soon start noticing things you didn’t before, turning negativity into positivity, and discovering high frequency people and activities. You can turn to this journal whenever you want, and a regular practice will yield the best results. Congratulations on starting your journey in manifesting and taking the first steps toward building the life you’ve always wanted. At its core, manifestation is the act of bringing into your life what you desire through your thoughts and your energy. By getting clear in your mind exactly what it is that you want – be it a job, a relationship or even a material object – manifesting exercises help send your desires out into the universe, allowing those desires to manifest themselves in your life. Through manifestation, you open yourself up to the power of the universe and to the opportunities waiting for you. There’s no magic involved here, and manifestation isn’t as simple as picturing a sports car and seeing it appear on your driveway. Instead, the practice shifts your energy levels to those of the things you desire, allowing you to better see opportunities to acquire them and actively drawing them into your life. An intentional practice, manifestation is based on something called the law of attraction. 2 3 My Manifestation Journal_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 2-3 27/07/2022 12:14 10 11 What would you like the confidence to do, wear or say? Focus on what you truly want for yourself What type of person do you typically notice and admire? How do you feel after you do something you’re afraid of? Five things you are grateful for today What do you ask for today? My Manifestation Journal_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 10-11

Manifest Way to Happiness

All Tips, Tricks Techniques Dream

your contentment on success, love or financial security, this book – filled with bite-sized tips, techniques and inspiration – will help you harness your positive energy, identify and clarify your goals, and provide you with everything you need to start manifesting the life of your dreams.

Key Selling Point:

• Manifestation continues to be one of the biggest trends of recent years, particularly on social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram, with thousands turning to manifesting to aid them in achieving their goals.

#manifestation has been tagged over 6.5 million times on Instagram and over 13.3 billion times on TikTok.

The universe is made up of energy that is constantly “vibrating”. Since like attracts like, these vibrations will attract others of a similar frequency. This applies to your thoughts as well.

Positive thoughts have a higher frequency, whereas negative ones are lower. By focusing on positive thoughts, you can raise your vibrating frequency.

Glossary techniquesof#1

3-6-9 – Writing your affirmation three times in the morning, six in the afternoon and nine times in the evening.

The pillow method – Place your affirmation under your pillow before going to bed.

Scripting –throughManifestingwriting.

Visualization – Using your imagination to create your future reality.

While manifestation is based upon the power of your positive thoughts, there are several items that you in to aid your manifesting.

Manifesting tool #1 A notebook and pen is vital for the scripting technique (see page 84). Choose one that is special to you.

53GIFT & HUMOUR ISBN: 978 1 80007 917 5 RightsNovemberHardback160pp136x101mm£7.992022andSales Territories: World
You Need to Manifest Your
Life Lydia WhetherLevineyoubase
Manifest Your Way to Happiness-SAMPLE PAGES.indd 6-7 25/08/2022 15:37 How to meditate: 1 Find somewhere quiet and comfortable, where you won’t be distracted. 2 Focus on your breathing – breathe in through your nose, hold for a couple of seconds and then breathe out through your mouth. 3 Clear your mind of unhelpful thoughts. 4 When you’re feeling completely relaxed, you can start to visualize.
could invest
Manifest Your Way to Happiness-SAMPLE PAGES.indd 8-9 25/08/2022 15:37
54 GIFT & HUMOUR ISBN: 978 1 80007 995 3 RightsNovemberHardback160pp136x101mm£7.992022andSales Territories: World Manifest the Shit Out of Life All the Tips, Tricks and Techniques You Need to Manifest Your Dream Life Lydia WhetherLevineyoubase your contentment on success, love or financial security, this book – filled with bite-sized tips, techniques and inspiration – will help you harness your positive energy, identify and clarify your goals, and provide you with everything you need to start manifesting the life of your dreams. Key Selling Points: • Contains bite-sized tips and techniques for introducing manifesting practices into your life, with all the information a beginner would need to start their journey • A similar Summersdale title, The Little Book of Manifestation (ISBN: 9781800072626), has sold over 14,000 copies What you will need to create a vision board:  A large piece of card  Scissors  Glue or sticky tape  Pens and/or paint  Photos, postcards, inspiring quotes, cuttings from magazines, drawings – anything that can be stuck down to represent your dreams  Imagination! Best crystals for manifesting: Happiness and joy: celestite, citrine, black tourmaline Money and success: Pyrite, tiger’s eye, green aventurine Love: Rose quartz, moonstone, pink kunzite, rhodonite Health: Obsidian, garnet, quartz, amethyst Creativity: Carnelian, hematite, lapis lazuli Manifest the Shit Out of Life-SAMPLE PAGES.indd 10-11 25/08/2022 17:29 The focus wheel is a simple yet effective technique to help you visualize and focus on your goals. In the centre circle write down what you want to manifest and around the outside write any positive thoughts relating to it. Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it. Maya Angelou Manifest the Shit Out of Life-SAMPLE PAGES.indd 12-13 25/08/2022 17:29

Release Your Lioness

Empowering Quotes from Kickass Women in Sport Dyer

A fierce and fearless collection of empowering quotes from sporting legends all the way from Billie Jean King right up to Leah Williamson. Let these bold words inspire you to find your pride of supportive sisters, reach for your dreams, and attain the unshakeable confidence of a lioness. Unleash your inner lioness and hear her roar!

Key Selling Points:

• A collection of empowering and uplifting words from female sportspeople from around the globe – the perfect gift for any girl or woman who has been invigorated and inspired by the recent success of the England women’s football team.

• Women’s sports are seeing a huge surge in popularity, and the 2022/3 season looks set to see the biggest viewing figures for the Women’s Euros, Rugby World Cup and Football World Cup.



You were always the wolf.

55GIFT & HUMOUR ISBN: 978 1 80007 918 2 RightsNovemberHardback160pp136x101mm£6.992022andSales Territories: World
THING BETHANY ENGLAND, ENGLISH FOOTBALL PLAYER My coach said I run like a girl, and I said if he ran a little faster he could too. MIA HAMM, AMERICAN SOCCER PLAYER Release Your Inner Lioness_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 1-2 25/08/2022 13:25 succeed.tofearlessFeel TORI BOWIE, AMERICAN TRACK AND FIELD ATHLETE
ABBY WAMBACH, AMERICAN SOCCER PLAYER Release Your Inner Lioness_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 5-6 25/08/2022 13:25

The Crystal Healing Journal

Track Your Personal Journey Towards Healing with Crystals Astrid Carvel

ISBN: 978 1 80007 677 8 £10.99 inc.

Territories: World

A beautifully designed guided journal, with thoughtful prompts to guide you through different crystal-healing practices using 30 essential restorative stones, and to track and your journey towards better health and well-being. Includes a history of crystals and tips on how to choose, cleanse, charge and care for your collection.

Key Selling Points:

• A guided, fill-in journal for the reader to create a personal record of their crystal-healing practices, with 30 different bespoke journal pages paired with a particular crystal, plus 50 pages of general journal prompts that can be used with any crystal.

• Crystals are enjoying a surge in popularity. Summersdale’s The Little Book of Crystals (ISBN: 9781786859594) has sold over 80,000 copies and has been in the Amazon charts for several months.

HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR CRYSTALS You can choose which crystals you would like to work with in a variety of ways:IntuitivelyAccording to the known healing properties of a specific crystal According to the crystal’s colour and associated chakra Choose your crystals intuitively One of the easiest ways to choose a crystal is simply by noticing which one catches your eye. Many people have described being drawn to a specific crystal or feel that one seems to be glittering more brightly and standing out more than the rest. You can also touch and handle the crystal to see how it makes you feel when you are holding it. Does it give you a pleasant feeling and can you feel its energy coursing through you? The crystal you are the most drawn to will be the correct one for you to be working with at that time. Choose your crystal according to its specific healing properties Each type of crystal has a unique set of healing properties associated with it. For example, if you’re looking to increase your confidence, you may choose a Citrine. If you’re looking to attract love, you may select a Rose Quartz or if you need help with insomnia, Amethyst would be an excellent choice. Choose your crystal according to its colour and associated chakra The colours of the crystal are important, as each colour carries its own energy frequency that is linked to one of the seven chakra centres. Red or black: associated with the grounding energies of the root chakra Orange: associated with the sacral chakra and creativity and sexuality Yellow: linked to the solar plexus and resonates with confidence Green and pink: the colours of heart frequency Blue: relates to communication and the throat chakra Indigo: associated with the third eye and vision and intuition Purple or white: the colour frequencies of the crown chakra, which connects you to your spirituality and the higher dimensions 12 13 Amethyst Appearance: Purple Healing properties: Eases grief, anxiety, insomnia, headaches; helpful for overcoming addiction Vibe: Tranquilizing, spiritual Associated chakras: Crown, third eye One of nature’s most soothing crystals, Amethyst can lull you to sleep or ease a tension headache. Peaceful in the face of anger, it dissipates anxiety and its calming rays can help to process grief. Amethyst has a highly spiritual vibration that enhances connection to the psychic realms and it can also be a comforting stone for those about to transition through death. Amethyst is a great support to those battling addiction or trying to overcome obstacles. It helps to stabilize mood and bring hope. Care instructions: Amethyst fades in sunlight. Should not be used by those experiencing paranoia or schizophrenia. Tips for use in healing: Place under the pillow to aid sleep. Imagine the soothing rays of Amethyst filling your energy field to bring instant tranquillity. Place the stone on your third eye to tap into your intuition. How did you choose to work with Amethyst? What effect did the colour of the Amethyst have on you? Did you feel Amethyst working in any particular areas of your body or energy field? How were you feeling before you worked with this crystal? How did you feel afterward? 34 35 The Crystal Healing Journal_REV2.indd 34-35

ISBN: 978 1 80007 678 5 £10.99 inc. World

A beautifully designed guided journal, with everything you need to track your journey towards self-discovery. Contains thoughtful prompts to track your tarot readings and the insights you gain from your practice, complete with a history of tarot, guidance on how to use the cards, and a handy overview of each card’s meanings and interpretations.

Key Selling Points:

The Tarot Journal Your of Self-Discovery with Astrid Carvel childbirth and motherhood, but also to abundance and comfort. A sense of protection and security, nurturing, reassurance and a good foundation for the future. Also refers to fertility in the sense of creative ideas. Reversed meaning: May signify issues with pregnancy, but more often being over-protective or overbearing. Can point to emotional blackmail. A need to spend more time in nature, or engage in activities that boost your creative energy.

• A guided, fill-in journal for the reader to create a personal record of their tarot readings, with bespoke journal prompts for various types of readings, plus 50 pages of general journal prompts that can be used to record the insights gained from any tarot session.

• A previous title, The Little Book of Tarot (ISBN: 9781786857989), has sold over 40,000 copies.


Self-care isn’t

RightsJanuaryPaperback160pp210x148mmVAT2023andSales Territories:
Personal Voyage
THE MAJOR ARCANA 0 The Fool This card is much like the joker in a deck of playing cards. Unnumbered, the Fool represents the spirit of chaos and the unknown. The card also represents innocenceandthesimplejoyofliving.Itisgoverned by air and Uranus, further reiterating the Fool as a free spirit and bringer of the unexpected. Meaning: You are safe to do whatever you need to, now is the time to take a risk. This may be the start of a new chapter for you. Unconventional people may be about to enter your life. This could be a sign of a need to explore or a desire for adventure. Expect the unexpected. Reversed meaning: Foolishness or rash behaviour – look before you leap. Could also point to an irresponsible person. I The Magician Representing a travelling entertainer of the sort that was common in medieval Europe, the Magician is at the centre of things. The card is associated with creativity, positive action and individuality. It is ruled by Mercury. Meaning:Newbeginnings,perhapsthestartofanew cycle in your life. A sense of purpose, determination and initiative. Most of all, potential, a sign to pay attention to your inner power. Reversed meaning: Caution against pride and overinflated ego. Deception and tricks – a warning to be careful who you trust. II The High Priestess This robed woman can have links to the Virgin Mary, the goddess Isis or the Moon goddess. She stands between pillars which represent duality. She is associated with the balance between life and death, and with virginity. Meaning: A secret is soon to be revealed. This card has a strong feminine influence. It shows psychic ability and mystic power, and is associated with the unconscious mind, memory and intuition. It tells you to rely on your intuition rather than logic. Reversed meaning: Use discretion. There are hidden obstacles at play and you may need to put off your plans. A lack of self-belief or painful secrets. III The Empress The number three is of particular significance, symbolizing harmony, childbirth and maternal nature. Can be linked to the goddess Venus, and is usually shown wearing a crown with twelve stars, one for each sign of the zodiac. It is associated with the spring. Meaning: May be related to
The Tarot Journal_INSIDES.indd 10-11 12/07/2022 15:04
just about movie nights and bubble baths – it can also mean taking time to reflect on your life or a question that’s troubling you. It is becoming increasingly popular to use the tarot as part of a self-care routine. Reading the cards can give a sense of peace about a difficult situation, or help you focus on what you want to achieve for the future in a relaxing way. Knowing that fate sometimes has a hand in things may also help relieve any tension and stress, helping you realize that sometimes situations are outside of your control. Here, try using the horseshoe spread for a simpler reading, or the fan spread for something more complex. Horseshoe spread 1 The past 2 The present 3 Hidden influences 4 Obstacles 5 Others’ attitudes 6 Action to be taken 7 The outcome Fan spread Centre card: Select a card to represent the inquirer – a minor arcana court card is usual. Group 1: The inquirer’s character, and the recent past Group 2: Love and emotions Group 3: The inquirer’s desires Group 4: The inquirer’s expectations Group 5: Unknown factors and the unexpected Group 6: The near future Group 7: The long-term future 4 1 2 3 5 6 7 53 7 52 53


Take two rectangles with sides of 1 unit (1 inch by 1 inch if you prefer). These first rectangles are squares, of course. Placed next to each other, they make an outer rectangle which is 1 by 2 – both Fibonacci numbers: Each of these outer rectangles is more and more closely aligned with the golden ratio, so each is also in closer and closer proportion to the golden rectangle. The proportion can never be exact, of course, as the ratio itself is infinite. This is a bit like trying to form a perfect circle, knowing that the circle ratio Pi (3.1415927…) is infinite. Now, when a segment curve is drawn across each square, a spiral is revealed on the proportions of the golden ratio:

Now add a rectangle (square) with sides which match the longest side of that 1 by 2 outer rectangle. This resulting outer rectangle is 2 by 3 – Fibonacci numbers in the ratio 1.5 (heading towards the golden ratio):

Now add a rectangle (square) with sides which match the longest side of the outer rectangle to form a new rectangle, 3 by 5, which is in the ratio 1.666… Then add another. This gives an outer rectangle of 5 by 8, which is in the ratio 1.6. This growth pattern can go on and on:

58 GIFT & HUMOUR Sacred geometry is founded on the belief that everything in the universe is connected through the shapes we see repeated in nature all around us, from snowflakes to honeycombs. This accessible introduction to the subject illuminates the beauty and power of nature and explains how we can draw on this mystical energy to enrich our everyday lives. Key Selling Points: • Contains clear explanations and useful illustrations to help newcomers grasp the essentials of sacred geometry, while also offering value to more knowledgeable readers. • Part of a series of books introducing esoteric subjects, including The Little Book of Spells (ISBN: 9781786857996) and The Little Book of the Zodiac (ISBN: 9781786855466), which have sold over 73,000 copies combined. ISBN: 978 1 80007 682 2 RightsFebruaryPaperback128pp148x105mm£7.992023andSales Territories: World The Little Book of Sacred Geometry How to Harness the Power of Cosmic Patterns, Signs and Symbols Astrid Carvel 7 Time is a spiral – the cycles endlessly repeating, yet always moving. Know the spiral as the underlying form of all energy. Starhawk SACRED GEOMETRY IN NATURE If you learned geometry in maths at school, the subject might seem to have very little to do with the natural world. The truth is, however, that there are many principles of number and proportion, line and circle, form and structure that are as easily found in the garden as they are in a textbook. Imagine for a moment a garden bursting with life in the summer. There may be daisies in the lawn. Those common daisies, little flowers with a yellow circular centre surrounded by thin white petals, are a beautiful encounter with sacred geometry. The central dome is made up of dozens of tiny disc florets, packed together in an intricate spiral pattern, while a specific number of white ray petals radiate out. The spiral in the centre, and the number of petals that surround it, follow a geometric proportion and a numeric sequence which is found in many of nature’s most beautiful structures. These flowers, and a great many others in the garden, are living geometric patterns expressed by a sequence of numbers called the Fibonacci Sequence. The Little Book of Sacred Geometry_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 6-7 16/06/2022 11:18 1716
The Little Book of Sacred Geometry_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 16-17 16/06/2022 11:18
59GIFT & HUMOUR One kind act can go a long way, and even the smallest deed can have a profound impact. Learn how to tap into the awesome power of karma with this little book, offering everything you need to know about this ancient source of spiritual wisdom. These pages will help you embrace karma and invite more positivity into every day. Key Selling Points: • This pocket-sized book offers an introduction to this fascinating subject, exploring the history and origins of karma as well as ways you can introduce more positivity and healing energy into your life. • A similar Summersdale title, The Little Book of Positivity (ISBN: 9781849537889), has sold over 70,000 copies. ISBN: 978 1 80007 683 9 RightsFebruaryPaperback128pp148x105mm£7.992023andSales Territories: World The Little Book of Karma A Beginner’s Guide to the Basic Principles of Karma Isabelle Loynes WHAT IS KARMA? Despite the advances in technology and the constant push for progress, we as a society seem to be looking back, instead of forward, in our search for happiness. Karma has become a concept that is woven into everyday life, without us even realizing. It’s what we use to explain the surprising, strange or disappointing events that might happen around us. Imagining an all-seeing presence keeping score on our behaviour satisfies our need for a fair and just world. But this is very far from the ancient spiritual understanding of karma, which has more to do with the laws of nature than a higher being keeping a tally. When you youunderstandtrulykarmathenyourealizeareresponsibleforeverythinginyourlife. KEANU REEVES 5 isEverythingconnected ORIGINS Karma comes from the Sanskrit word karman meaning act. It was first used by the Vedic people in their texts from 1000–700 BCE. The Vedic people were IndoEuropeans who travelled to India from Iran around 1500 BCE and many of their principles went on to form the basis of Hinduism. Their religious texts, the vedas, referred to karma as a ritual action: there were either good rituals or bad ones. Yajnavalkya, a significant and ancient Verdic sage, who lived around 800–700 BCE said that, “a man turns into something good by good action, into something bad by bad action”. At this time there was no moral element involved, but over the next centuries Yajnavalkya’s words would form the building blocks of karma as we now know it.

From white witchcraft and secret symbols to poltergeists and palmistry, the enigmas in these pages will take you on an expedition through the supernatural world. Featuring a huge range of puzzles, games and activities for you to enjoy, this treasury of brain-training teasers will bewitch and enchant you.

• Studies have shown that regularly completing crosswords or word-based games can have therapeutic benefits and improve brain function. Featuring number, word, logic and image puzzles of varying difficulty, this is the perfect puzzle book for anyone to enjoy. World Puzzles

Key Selling Points:
ISBN: 978 1 80007 685 3 RightsFebruaryPaperback160pp210x148mm£8.992023andSales Territories:
The Mystic Activity Book Fascinating
to Help You Unwind Astrid Carvel Trivia Finish the name of the Wiccan tenet: The Rule of ____ a) c)b)ThreeFiveSeven 03 Word search TAROT READING Find the following words in the grid. CCHAR OT EMPEROR H EROPHANT HIGH PR ESTESS JUST CE MLOVERSAGCAN TEMPERANCETOWER M B T Y Y T N D P X D V H R S S E T S E R P H G I H N C L C V M J V G T W E L A L H O N J R Y U O T R Z I J R A V A J M O W S O G C V Y K R E R V Q E R P T K Q T N R E J R Q H E G D Q N X O S P L V A W A P P C Z D K T Y M G N R M N M M B E B L R M E T W T K X P Y E Y D X Q M T M B Q T R X D N D Z T 04 Missing link 05 DEATH BONE LUCID CATCHER RED EARTH Fill in the blank spaces to make two compound words or phrases. Hidden word 06 P R H S O C O E O Can you find the nine-letter word hidden in the grid?

Positive Mental Gratitude

ISBN: 978 1 80007 836 9

Territories: World

Positive Mental Gratitude is your go-to guide to harnessing the power of positive thought, and will help you to relish the small pleasures, be kind to your mind and brighten your world. Spilling over with beautiful quotes on the practice of gratitude, it will empower you to celebrate the present, even in times of challenge and change.

Key Selling Points:

• This book focuses on how the simple powers of positivity and gratitude can improve your well-being.

• A similar Summersdale title, Positivity for Every Day (ISBN: 9781787836518), has sold over 15,000 copies.

Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.


Positivity is the secret to happiness

Quotes and Affirmations to Help You Look on the Bright Side V E R Y D A Y I S a gi
of Life E
Princess Diana

There’s something very special about a dad joke – they’re always enjoyably terrible, sometimes quite witty and occasionally downright hilarious. If you’re a dad looking to add to your collection of cheesy puns and one-liners, or you’d like to beat your old man at his own game, this collection offers a year’s worth of mirth suitable for all ages. Selling

• UK consumers spend more than £950 million for Father’s Day, and that figure is growing.

• With its clean design, universal topic and absence of profanity, 365 Days of Dad Jokes will appeal to fathers of all ages as well as their kids. 978 1 80007 693 World do you call a belt made of waist of time.

6 an astronaut’s favourite part of a computer? space bar.

7 could tell a joke about pizza, it’s a little cheesy.

8 I told my doctor I heard buzzing, but he said it’s just a bug going around.

9 Why are elevator jokes so funny? Because they work on many levels. What happened when the world’s championtongue-twistergotarrested? They gave him a tough

17 Most people can’t tell the difference between entomology and etymology. I can’t find the words for how much this bugs

I have a spooky joke about mathematics, but I’m 2² to say it.

18 How do you row a canoe filled with puppies?

Use a doggy paddle.

8 RightsMarchHardback160pp136x101mm£6.992023andSales Territories:
365 Days of Dad Jokes Awfully Good Gags... All Year Round Jim Chumley 9JANUARY8 365 DAYS OF DAD JOKES 5 What
watches? A

For the Best Dad Ever

The Perfect Thank You for Being an Incredible Father

Show your awesome dad just how much he means to you with this heartfelt collection of quotes and timeless wisdom. Whether he’s the best hug-giver, the ultimate bad-joke-teller or simply your biggest fan, say a massive thank you with the help of these witty thoughts and wise quotations about the joys and quirks of fatherhood.

Key Selling Points:

• Whether it’s for Christmas, Father ’s Day, his birthday or just because, this little book is the perfect small gift for your dad to show him how much he’s appreciated.

• A similar Summersdale title, Dad in a Million (ISBN: 9781786857637), has sold over 16,000 copies. 978 1 80007 837 World

perNinetycent of pa r e nting is th i n king abou t when you c a n lie down a gain

My father had a profound influence

My father was an amazing man. The older I got, the smarter he got. best. o f all th e

6 RightsMarchHardback160pp136x101mm£6.992023andSales Territories:
on me – he was a lunatic. Spike Milligan
r est, my d a d is

Wedding Tips for Brides

Helpful Tips, Smart Ideas and Disaster Dodgers for a Stress-Free Wedding Day Verity Davidson

ISBN: 978 1 80007 696 9


Territories: World

Wedding Tips for Brides presents ingenious ideas for any bride-to-be. Taking you through every stage – from the night before right up to the honeymoon – it’s full of helpful tips, smart ideas and disaster dodgers to ensure that your wedding day is the magical, memorable event that you’ve always dreamed of.

Key Selling Points:

• This book is based on the successful title Top Tips for Brides (ISBN: 9781849535359), which has sold over 60,000 copies. This edition has been refreshed for 2023.

• Contains handy tips and advice for the night before, the day of the wedding, and the days afterwards, including lists of things to remember and disaster dodgers.


Congratulations! You’re getting married and the big day is fast approaching. As exciting and fun as planning a wedding can be, the hard work involved –combined with the expectations of family and friends, the financial burden and the sheer number of details to remember – can be time-consuming, stressful and nerve-wracking. The wedding day itself, however, should be none of these things. It should be magical, memorable, exhilarating, and a precious collection of wonderful moments, many of which you hadn’t even planned on.

This book brings together experience, common sense and clever fixes to ensure that your special day runs smoothly, remains catastrophe-free and is full of all the highs you could hope for. Read it in advance so you feel calm and collected about what’s to come, and refer to it the night before you tie the knot so that on your wedding morning, during the ceremony and even after the last glass of champagne has been drunk, a smile never leaves your face.

Sleeping Beauty

Getting a good night’s sleep before the big day will make sure you look and feel your best when it’s time to make your entrance tomorrow. Don’t let butterflies get the better of you with these sleeptastic tips:

Get cosy early in comfy PJs, slippers, and a blanket on the sofa.

Turn the lights down low and sip on a cup of camomile tea or warm milk.

Take a hot bath with essential oils, like lavender or sandalwood.

Listen to calming music, meditate or read a favourite book.

If you can, avoid relying on sleeping pills or drinking alcohol – these could affect you negatively the next day.

2 3 The Pocket Book for Brides_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 1-2 26/07/2022 14:22 4 5
The Pocket Book for Brides_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 3-4 26/07/2022 14:22

Wedding Tips for Grooms

Helpful Tips, Smart Ideas and Disaster Dodgers for a Stress-Free Wedding Day James Harrison

ISBN: 978 1 80007 697 6


Territories: World

Wedding Tips for Grooms presents ingenious ideas for any groom-to-be. Taking you through every stage – from the night before right up to the honeymoon – it’s full of helpful tips, smart ideas and disaster dodgers to ensure that your wedding day is the amazing, unforgettable event that you want it to be.

Key Selling Points:

• This book is based on the successful title Top Tips for Grooms (ISBN: 9781849535366), which has sold over 40,000 copies. This edition has been refreshed for 2023.

• Contains handy tips and advice for the night before, the day of the wedding, and the days afterwards, including lists of things to remember and disaster dodgers.

A little help

Your groomsmen made sure your stag-do was one you’ll probably never be able to fully remember. Now’s the time to make sure they help you deliver a day you’ll never forget. Unmarried mates will be a bit bewildered by what you’re about to do, and married ones will know what’s going through your groomy mind, so harness their help and support to make sure things run smoothly.

Breakfast championsof

Before any fun and frolics take place, your stomach and the hardy tummies of your bestest men need lining. Prepare a plentiful fry-up feast with all the trimmings before any Dutch courage comes your way and you’re guaranteed to make it to the ceremony with a full platoon of suited and booted buddies. 4

Don’t forget

Spend 3 minutes or so going through your wedding checklist of all the items you need to remember for the next day. Make sure you know where the following things are located:

Your full wedding-day outfit, whether that be a traditional suit (two or three pieces) with shirt and tie/cravat, or a kilt, a kimono, or a T-shirt and shorts Accessories (cufflinks, handkerchief, braces, hat, etc.)

Buttonhole (is this being delivered the following day or are you getting it at the Shoesvenue?)(with accompanying socks)

Underpants (if you have a lucky pair then make sure they’re clean!)

The wedding rings Wallet and other personal items (phone, etc.)

Jacket and an umbrella, just in case Any other items, e.g. any alternative clothing, wedding vows, wedding speech, any gifts (e.g. for the groomsmen, flower girls, etc.).

The Pocket Book for Grooms_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 3-4 26/07/2022 14:11
5 6 The Pocket Book for Grooms_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 5-6 26/07/2022 14:11

SOUL NUMBER DEFINITIONS be a winner. You have the heart of a champion, constantly striving for achievement and success—especially if the odds are against you. An independent soul, you are blessed with the drive, determination, and fiery passion to go after whatever you desire and achieve it at all costs. Your boldness and courage make you a natural leader, but your high standards make it difficult for you to ever be soul needs to be surrounded by the people you love you. You strive for balance, peace, and harmony in your life as you try to make everyone else happy, even at a great personal cost. You have a big heart and are graced with an unlimited amount of patience, compassion, and empathy. You find happiness by doing generous acts of kindness, but don’t forget to request that same love in return. 1 2 8 7 49 5 36

66 GIFT & HUMOUR From the moment we’re born, numbers play a significant role in our lives. This fun and informative guide will show you how to interpret numerological patterns and use them to shape your destiny. Key Selling Points: • “Now age” esoteric titles have been trending for several years, and the desire to investigate new holistic avenues is seemingly endless. • An easy-to-read introduction to the ancient art of numerology, revealing how to practice it and how it can unlock answers in your own life. ISBN: 978 1 80007 449 1 RightsMarchPaperback128pp148x105mm£7.992023andSales Territories: World The Little Book of Numerology A Beginner’s Guide to Shaping Your Destiny with the Power of Numbers Elsie Wild 32 NAME NUMBERS Our name is the first thing we receive the moment we enter the world and what we call ourselves as we go through our life’s journey. It is how we are introduced, our identity, and our legacy. Our name is so important that the first three numbers of our numerology chart – the soul number, the personality, number, and the power number – come from the secret numbers hidden within the letters of our names. By decoding these numbers, you can unlock your power, how others see you, and your heart’s desires. So how do we turn letters into numbers? No, there’s no magic spell or tricky math required. Instead, we look to our old friend, Pythagoras. 2 Chapter Three: NUMEROLOGYANDYOU 1 2 8 7 9 4 5 6 3 The Little Book of Numerology_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 2-3 30/08/2022 15:48:24 54 SOUL NUMBER The soul number is the first number in our numerology chart and is the second most important number in our chart. Our soul number tells us what we want most in this life. What our soul is hungry for. The soul number tells us what we want out of this life – the source of our deepest happiness. In essence, the soul number represents what we want, how we go after what we want, and who we are at our core. We get our soul number by adding all the vowels of our name together. For example, to get the soul number for Elsie Wild, we would highlight all the vowels of the name: ELSIE WI 1+0=12+8=105+9+5+9=28LD Elsie Wild’s soul number is 1. Now that we calculated our soul number, let’s see what it means.
Your soul craves success, it wants to
1 2
The Little Book of Numerology_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 4-5 30/08/2022 15:48:24


1. Find a quiet place where can Lie down or sit comfortably and some or this is something you

2. Take in the colour and detail of your Hold it in the left hand, or place it on the third eye, whichever feels the most natural to you. Close your eyes and visualise the colour and energy of the crystal filling your energy

Unlock the secrets of the spiritual world this introductory guide all their forms. Here you will discover how to strengthen the connection with your divine messengers and channel their awesome power. With the wisdom and guidance of your angels to protect you, you can find your purpose and live with positivity every day. all their guises, information the spiritual world the ways they but

3. Next, place a white or golden light of protection around yourself to protect you during your meditation.

4. Ask (either out loud or in your head) to connect to the angelic realm, and for the angel that is most appropriate for you at this time to step forward.

5. Listen to any message the angel gives you or notice any images that you see. Feel free to ask your angel any question you need guidance with. Note down anything you receive in a journal.

to angels in
Key Selling Points: • An accessible introduction to angels in
and advice on connecting to
can enhance your life. • Esoteric books are seeing a rise in popularity. Summersdale’s The Little Book of Crystals (ISBN: 9781786859594) has sold in excess of 80,000 copies. ISBN: 978 1 80007 694 5 RightsMarchPaperback128pp148x105mm£7.992023andSales Territories: World The Little Book of Angels An Introduction to Spirit Guides Sophie Golding 1 STARSEEDS What is a Starseed? First described by Brad Steiger in his 1976 book Gods of Aquarius, Starseeds are believed to be advanced spiritual beings or extra-terrestrials that have come from other planets and realms. They are said to arrive on Earth through reincarnation, taking human form at birth, and possess a wealth of spiritual and scientific knowledge dating back hundreds of thousands of years. Their mission here is to bring light, healing humans to the planet Earth. They carry out their quest by awakening human consciousness, making us more aware of the spiritual world and therefore assisting the planet’sStarseedsevolution.arenot usually able to remember their true origin, which helps them assimilate to life on Earth, but they will go through a process of awakening at some point in order to fulfil their purpose. The spiritual life does not remove us from the world
leads us deeper into it. Henri J. M. Nouwen 3 Angels are never too distant to hear you
incense if
like to do.

Think Positive, Stay Positive

With a positive mood and the right attitude, nothing can hold you back. Whatever your aims or ambitions in life, confident thoughts and good advice make all the difference. Stay at the top of your game and be your best self with the help of the empowering quotations and upbeat affirmations in this pocket-sized dose of winner’s wisdom.

Key Selling Point:

• The latest addition to a stylish series of colourful pick-me-up gift books, including You Are Amazing (ISBN: 9781786859808), which has sold more than 60,000 copies. 978 World

Positive anything is better than negative nothing.

Elbert Hubbard

St ay su n ny on the out side a nd wa r m on the i n side.


With confidence, you have won even before you have started.


1 80007 701 0 RightsAprilHardback160pp136x101mm£6.992023andSales Territories:
Inspirational Quotes and Motivational Affirmations to Lift Your Spirits
Think Positive, Stay Positive_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 1-2 03/08/2022 13:21
Garvey Think Positive, Stay Positive_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 5-6 03/08/2022 13:21

You’re the

• The latest addition to a stylish series of colourful pick-me-up gift books, including You Are Amazing (ISBN: 9781786859808), which has sold more than 60,000 copies. 978 1 80007 World

There’s no one better than you. Nobody has your unique blend of talent, wit, passion and personality. And it never hurts to be reminded how great you truly are, so embrace your brilliantness with the help of the powerful quotations and motivational affirmations in this pocket-sized collection of praise and positivity. Selling Point:

You can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will.

Stephen King

You’re more than enough.

Olivia Rodrigo

702 7 RightsAprilHardback160pp136x101mm£6.992023andSales Territories:
Best Uplifting Quotes and Awesome Affirmations for Absolute Legends I amofanddeliberateafraidnothing. Audre Lorde Own energyyour You're the Best_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 1-2 08/08/2022 12:47
You're the Best_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 3-4 08/08/2022 12:47

A little book packed with empowering quotes and affirming statements, perfect for telling someone you care about that you believe in them. The ideal gift for any occasion, these words will inspire and uplift, whether you know someone who’s taking their driving test, about to graduate, or perhaps just in need of a little confidence boost.

Key Selling Points:

• This little book of positive statements will fill the recipient with confidence and is a perfect gift for any occasion.

• Will appeal to those who enjoyed You Are So Awesome (ISBN: 9781849539586), which has sold over 125,000 copies, and Never Lose Your Sparkle (ISBN: 9781849539579), which has sold over 64,000 copies. 978 1 80007 698 World Believe in You no limit to what I can do.

3 RightsAprilHardback160pp136x101mm£6.992023andSales Territories:
Uplifting Quotes and Powerful Affirmations to Fill You with Confidence To mustgreataccomplishthings,wenotonlyact,butalsodream:notonlyplanbutalsobelieve. Anatole France There’s
Leylah Fernandez I Believe in You_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 4-5 23/08/2022 14:23 Always believe in yourself and keep going. Dean Cain fromvalidationinsteadyourselfbeliefisConfidencefuelledbyinofothers Believe in You_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 6-7 23/08/2022 14:23

Where the My

From the bestselling author of 52 Things to Do While You Poo, this playful puzzle book makes light of one of life’s most maddening and relatable trials. What would normally induce rage in real life can now be a source of mental stimulation and amusement as you hunt for your missing keys in a range of everyday and not-so-everyday scenarios. graphic the author of the hugely successful 52 Things to Do While You Poo (ISBN: 9781849534970), which has sold over 780,000 copies, reached number 28 in all books on Amazon’s bestseller list, and is consistently in the top 50.

Key Selling Points: • Wittily designed and illustrated with original
artwork. • From
ISBN: 978 1 80007 699 0 RightsAprilHardback112pp146x146mm£7.992023andSales Territories: World
F*ck Are
Keys? A Search-and-Find Adventure for the Perpetually Forgetful Hugh Jassburn SEARCH YOUR BATHROOM CABINET DOWN THE BACK OF THE SOFA?
72 GIFT & HUMOUR You don’t need a huge space to have a beautiful garden! Whether you want to attract local pollinators, create a relaxing indoor oasis, or enjoy watching something grow, this book is bursting with tips, ideas and advice to help you hone your green fingers and cultivate your very own tiny window garden. Key Selling Points: • This book will appeal to anybody who has limited indoor or outdoor space, and makes growing your own garden an accessible experience for all. • Other titles in this series include The Little Book for Plant Parents (ISBN: 9781787836877) and My Tiny Kitchen Garden (ISBN: 9781800073470), which have collectively sold over 23,000 copies. ISBN: 978 1 80007 700 3 RightsAprilHardback128pp154x111mm£8.992023andSales Territories: World My Tiny Window Garden Simple Tips to Help You Grow Your Own Indoor or Outdoor Micro-Garden Felicity Hart Introduction According to the United Nations, 55 per cent of the global population lives in urban areas, meaning that many people have limited or no outdoor space. But there’s good news: you don’t need land to create a green sanctuary. Wherever you live, you have space for a tiny windowsill garden – it can be as simple as a few pots of herbs in your kitchen or as elaborate as a lush indoor jungle. Window boxes, hanging baskets and wall planters will extend your growing space outside, allowing you to select a much wider range of edible and ornamental species. So, whether you’re keen to have a go at cultivating delicious fruit and vegetables, want to help protect wildlife or dream of creating a relaxing indoor oasis, this book will give you the knowledge you need to get growing. In the following pages you will also find advice on essential equipment, and how to select and care for your plants, as well as tips on creative garden design. And, last but not least, have fun with the suggested ideas for upcycled containers and customisable makes. 9 Succulent sphere You’ll need: Method: Step 1: Remove chains and line the hanging baskets with the coir. Then mix equal parts compost and perlite together, and fill both baskets. Step 2: Rest one basket inside a bowl to stabilize it. Place the cardboard square over the top of the second basket, flip it upside down, and place it on top of the other basket to create a sphere shape. Gently pull out the cardboard and secure the baskets together with the cable ties, and trim the ends. Step 3: Choose a succulent and remove as much soil as possible from the roots. Poke a hole in the coir and push the roots and stem through. Secure the plant with mossing pins pushed in around the stem. Repeat until you’ve covered the sphere, then attach a chain to the top of the sphere. Step 4: Submerge the sphere in a bucket of water, leaving it to soak for ten minutes; then let it drain, before hanging it up in its final position (be careful, as it will be heavy). It will need watering about once a fortnight from spring to autumn, but only once a month in the winter. Let it dry out completely between waterings. • Two 30 cm (12 in.) wire hanging baskets Two 30 cm (12 in.) coir basket liners • compostmultipurposePeat-free • APerlitebowl • A square of rigid cardboard cut slightly bigger than the diameter of the baskets Eight cable ties • Mossing pins A selection of succulent plants – for an outdoor orb or (Sempervivumhensvarieties,cold-hardysuchasandchicksspp.) 10 11

How to Tame Your Cat


ISBN: 978 1 80007 World

A humorous, fully illustrated book of tongue-in-cheek advice for cat parents – the perfect gift for any cat lover. This book is here to teach you all the top tips and tricks to tame your cat when the wild beast comes out, so you can spend more time giving head scritches and less time worrying about the state of your curtains.

Key Selling Points:

• There are 12.2 million cats kept as pets in the UK – 26 per cent of households have at least one cat.

• With humorous bespoke illustrations throughout, this is the perfect gift for any cat lover.

• A similar illustrated book, What is Your Cat Really Thinking? (ISBN: 9781849539487), has sold over 63,000 copies.


Prevent this from happening by learning the precise moment your cat goes from “cute and cuddly” to “attack monster”.

712 6 RightsMayHardback96pp158x120mm£7.992023andSales Territories:
Advice for Keeping Your Furry Friend Under Control Sam Hart
SATISFYING ‘‘ THUNK ’’ NOISE How to Tame Your Cat_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 1-2 07/09/2022 13:00
How to Tame Your Cat_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 3-4 07/09/2022 13:00

The Little Book of Buddhism

ISBN: 978 1 80007 707

Territories: World

This pocket-sized introduction provides an accessible and engaging overview of Buddhism, including its origins, worldview and key figures. This book is the perfect guide for anyone with an interest in the subject, wanting to brush up their knowledge, or looking to apply Buddhist practices to their daily life.

Key Selling Points:

• This is a new addition to the accessible Little Book of… series, and is the perfect introduction to Buddhism for those new to the subject as well as those who want to brush up their knowledge.

• Another successful book in this series, The Little Book of Psychology (ISBN: 9781786858078), has sold over 53,000 copies.

Buddhism is the fourth largest religion in the world, with over 520 million followers around the globe. Originating in ancient India about 2,500 years ago, Buddhism soon spread across Asia. To this day, the majority of Buddhist followers can still be found in the Asian region. The religion encompasses a variety of beliefs, traditions and interpreted philosophies, split into three major branches. However, as the name suggests, all strands of Buddhism are largely rooted in the original teachings of The Buddha, Siddhārtha Gautama (who we will learn more about in the next chapter).Thegoal of Buddhism is to overcome suffering and to achieve enlightenment, including through accepting the temporary nature of life and by shedding the ego. Like Hindus and Sikhs, Buddhists believe in reincarnation, but Buddhists see this as a negative experience. As such, the majority of Buddhist practices are focused on trying to attain a state of freedom described as “nirvana”, which they believe will end the cycle of rebirth. The practices undertaken to pursue this include meditation, observing Buddhist ethics, prayer, and becoming a Buddhist monk or nun.


Most religions have many different branches or “sects”. These branches may have slightly different belief systems, traditions, or place more or less emphasis on certain parts of the religious teachings, according to their focus. For example, in Christianity the major branches are Catholic, Protestant, Anglican and Orthodox, while the main branches of Islam are Sunni, Shi’a, Ahmadiyya and Ibadi. Buddhism is no different, with three major branches of Buddhism surviving today. These are Theravāda, Mahāyāna and Tibetan.


Theravāda is Buddhism’s oldest existing branch. It has its roots in ancient India. In the Pali language (a classic Indian language, which is the sacred language of Theravāda Buddhism), the word “Theravāda” roughly translates to “The School of the Elders”. As this name suggests, the practices of Theravāda are informed by the earliest Buddhist teachings and adhere closely to the life and lessons of The Buddha, Gautama.

Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness.
2 RightsMayPaperback128pp148x105mm£7.992023andSales
An Introduction to the Key Figures, Beliefs and Practices You Need to Know Georgina-Kate Adams 6

The Baby Witch’s Journal

ISBN: 978 1 80007 714 0 £10.99 inc. World

Calling all baby witches! Have you ever wanted to develop your intuitive powers to look into the future and manifest your dreams? Are you interested in learning how to harness the moon’s power to cast the most potent love spells? Or maybe you’re just curious about all this witchy stuff and want to know more. If so, this journal is for you!

Key Selling

A Spell Book for New Witches Astrid Carvel Full Moon Ritual to Perform with group of like-minded friends. Find a quiet outdoor space – perhaps a garden so that you are not going to be interrupted or overlooked. Begin by making a circle with string or yarn. It needs to be large enough for the group to sit comfortably around it. Tie the two ends of the circle together to make the thread continuous. Light a tea-light each inside the circle and place in a heatproof container with sides, such as a bowl or a hurricane lamp, so that they aren’t easily snuffed out by a gust of wind.Have a small piece of rose quartz beside each person but within the circle. Place short lengths of fabric beside each person round the circle. These could simply be oddments picked up from a haberdashers or a torn-up old T-shirt that’s past its best. The person who called the ritual may open the circle with the following words:

• Part journal and part beginner’s guide and spell book, this is a great gift for lovers of esoteric subjects. This is a journal for ages 16+.

• A “baby witch” is a popular term for a beginner witch. It was coined in 2020 when “baby witches” on TikTok swelled in numbers.

Here tonight a circle spun For enchanting spells to be done!

Then the same person picks up a length of fabric, ties it to the string circle and says what they would like to achieve or manifest before the next full moon. Going clockwise around the circle, the next

person picks up a piece of fabric, ties it to the string circle and says something that they would like to happen or experience, and so on. Keep going around the circle until everyonehas spoken. If there is nothing in particular that you wish to achieve, then you can give thanks for your blessings. When the hopes, wishes and blessings are all attached to the string, everyone must pick up the circle and say this moon blessing:

Full moon, bright moon, hear my plea, Blessings come, return to me.

Focus on the flickering candles and feel the full moon’s energy. Close the circle by holding hands, blowing out the candles and all saying, “So mote it be.” Each person can take their piece of rose quartz and keep it with them until the next full moon when the ritual can be performed again.

RightsJunePaperback160pp210x148mmVAT2023andSales Territories:
6 Witch type: Cosmic witch What is a cosmic witch? This otherworldly witch uses celestial and planetary energy in their practice. They may pray to the moon goddess for guidance or seek the ancient wisdom of the universe through astrology. They time their spells and rituals in accordance with the lunar calendar and planetary positions. Sometimes a cosmic witch may feel they are not of this earth, as though their ancient soul resided on a different planet.Tools: water infused with moonlight for cleansing negative energies, star signs to determine compatibility with others, tarot cards for a new moon reading to forecast the coming month, candlelight to represent the nurturing, life-giving sun, wishing on shooting stars, and honouring the seasons with a feast and rituals to usher in the next season. cosmic vibes you are magic 8 9 A
Friends Many witches charge up and cleanse their crystals and wands by the light of the full moon. This simple full moon ritual offers a chance to focus on ambitions and new ventures, or, if there is nothing specific that you are aiming for, a boost of positivity, which is always welcome! This ritual is nice to do with a

This little book of uplifting and pithy quotes is the ultimate antidote to all the days that couldn’t end quickly enough. When the shit hits the fan, you don’t just need a massive mop. You need some words of wisdom. Take heed of this collection of quotes and you’ll have enough resilience and willpower to overcome all obstacles. Selling Point: A fresh, modern redesign for the successful Summersdale book Shit Happens So Get Over It 9781849531320), which has sold 160,000 copies.

ISBN: 978 1 80007 717 1 RightsJuneHardback160pp136x101mm£6.992023andSales Territories: World Shit Happens So Get Over It Uplifting Quotes for Bad Days THE nursingLifeLOVETHATTHINGSWETELLUSWHATWEARE.appearstometooshorttobespentinanimosity,orregisteringwrongs. Charlotte Brontë If your toin,doesn’tshipcomeswimoutit. Jonathan Winters I have a simple philosophy: fill what’s empty; empty what’s full; scratch where it itches. Alice Roosevelt Longworth Your life is an Riseoccasion.toit. Suzanne Weyn
77GIFT & HUMOUR This collection of verbal and visual challenges will help you stay sharp and stimulated as you embark on a new chapter in life. From quick-fire trivia questions to crosswords and sudoku, whether you’re a recent retiree or have been enjoying your freedom for years, there’s plenty in these pages to keep you busy. Key Selling Points: • Features over 150 activities, games and puzzles to keep you occupied for hours on end. • Perfect for a retirement or birthday present. • The large print is not only practical, but also adds an element of humour to the overall light-heartedness of this book. ISBN: 978 1 80007 839 0 RightsJunePaperback128pp260x185mm£10.992023andSales Territories: World The Retirement Puzzle Book Activities and Games to Keep Your Mind Active 2021 PAIRS GAME Time yourself! Match up the 20 teapots in 20 seconds. The first one has been done for you. TRIVIA QUESTION Approximately how many grapes go into one bottle of wine? a)70 b)700 c)7,000 MAZE Can you help Deborah find the remote? The Retirement Puzzle Book_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 2-3 04/08/2022 15:57 2223 WORD SEARCH MEET THE FAMILY SPOT THE DIFFERENCE Can you find the ten differences between these two pictures? DWSAPLPARENTEOL AYTGFDSETVCNEPW FGSRMRYGRGUTUVA CRGEKBEXLMDNYMN WAPHKMZTNTCXNRB CNLTRPDVHLNJPED ZDDARMMSEGYUCZT AMRFJLNXOGUEAZA SOEDWEHPENIAZGT DTTNDVLWPNXKDRU GHIAMJYDBGYZXMI MEWRWKGVVTKTBYE URJGNPPVNLVXVJN CABDJKLMBCRTEOE PJAKVGDXERDZJAN DAUGHTERNIECEGRANDMOTHER SONUNCLEGRANDFATHER NEPHEWAUNTPARENT The Retirement Puzzle Book_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 4-5 04/08/2022 15:57
78 GIFT & HUMOUR From seaweed-wrapped maki rolls to tuna-topped nigiri, dive into this celebration of one of the world’s favourite dishes. Including the history of sushi, a tour of its biggest names, delicious recipes and much more, The Little Book of Sushi will be your handy guide to the bite-sized delicacy that has found favour all over the world. Key Selling Points: • This is a new addition to Summersdale’s accessible Little Book of… series, and is a celebration of one of the world’s most recognizable and best-loved dishes: sushi. • The perfect small gift for seasoned sushi-lovers and curious beginners alike. ISBN: 978 1 80007 840 6 RightsJunePaperback128pp148x105mm£6.992023andSales Territories: World The Little Book of Sushi A Pocket Guide to the Wonderful World of Sushi, Featuring Trivia, Recipes and More Rufus Cavendish 5 Let the good times roll Sushi trivia The cult 1985 John Hughes classic The Breakfast Club features an important movie moment for sushi. When the film’s “rich girl” Claire (played by the legendary Molly Ringwald), pulls out a beautiful sushi set for lunch, the other kids in detention are baffled. Not only was this a sign of sushi’s then reputation as a sophisticated food for the elite, but also of the beginning of its entry into mainstream US cuisine and culture. The Little Book of Sushi_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 4-5 03/08/2022 11:04 32 The California Roll This makizushi sushi roll is usually rolled inside out and filled with crab sticks, cucumber, avocado and mayonnaise. The outside of the roll is sometimes sprinkled with fish roe (most commonly tobiko, from flying fish) or gently toasted sesame seeds. Common Ingredients: Sushi rice, nori, sesame seeds, mayonnaise, crab sticks, cucumber, avocado Interesting fact: As its name suggests, the California Roll (also known as California Maki) does not have its origin in Japan. This American fusion invention was most likely birthed in Los Angeles, though chefs from Canada have also laid claim to its creation. Early incarnations used frozen king crab legs in place of crab sticks, as they were more readily available. However they came to be, California Rolls are one of the most enduringly popular fusion sushi orders across the world. They have been attributed with opening up the world of sushi to international diners by offering a combination of familiar and unfamiliar flavours, and so played a big role in launching sushi’s popularity across the world. Sushi trivia Think the sushi you picked up in your grocery store “meal deal” tastes sour? You’re not wrong! Fish oxidises upon being cut and exposed to air, so every second it has sat in that grocery store fridge or freezer is a second of top-tier sushi flavour lost. However tempting the convenience of a graband-go roll, sushi is always best enjoyed fresh. The Little Book of Sushi_SAMPLE PAGES.indd 2-3 03/08/2022 11:04

The Little Book of Pasta Pocket Guide

ISBN: 978 1 80007 841

Territories: World

Whether fresh, dried, baked into lasagna or swirled as spaghetti around your fork, pasta is fantastic. From farfalle and fusilli to fettucine and beyond, this pocket guide serves up a celebration of one of the world’s most popular foods. With history, trivia, tips and recipes, it’s got all the information and inspiration you could hunger for.

Key Selling Points:

• Italian cuisine in general, and pasta in particular, remain popular subjects for celebrity cookbooks and TV series. Stanley Tucci’s Searching for Italy has recently been enjoyed by millions of viewers in the US and UK.

• The perfect gift for pasta aficionados and curious beginners alike.

Types of Flour for Making Pasta

Flour is the main ingredient in pasta. The type you select will affect the flavour, strength and texture of your pasta. This is where gluten comes in. Gluten is a protein which gives pasta its elasticity and firmness, so the best flour to use is one with a high gluten content. The mixing and kneading process makes the dough firm and elastic. Elasticity is also improved by allowing the dough to rest after kneading. Using eggs or egg yolks in your pasta will weaken the gluten and make the pasta more likely to break, so it will need careful handling, especially if you’re making a stuffed pasta such as tortellini. Here is a quick guide to the different types of flour available: Semolina (durum wheat flour) – One of the most commonly used flours, particularly in Italy, semolina has a high gluten content and is made from durum wheat. “Durum”, meaning “hard”, refers to the particularly hard texture of this wheat.

Semolina flour will give your pasta an appetizing warm yellow colour.

00 flour – The gold-standard flour. This is finely ground, usually from durum wheat, to create a delicate, silky pasta.

Plain (all-purpose) white flour – This is strong, with high elasticity due to the gluten content. It works well for making pasta, except you won’t get that lovely golden colour.

Bread flour – Due to its high gluten content, bread flour works well in thick pastas, such as lasagne sheets. Both bread flour and plain (all-purpose) flour will go to mush if overcooked, so keep an eye on it while it’s in the pot.

Whole-wheat flour – This has a higher nutrition and lower carbohydrate content than white or durum flour. It is less elastic, but its chewy texture and nutty flavour can be an interesting change from white pasta.

Rye flour – Rye flour has a stronger taste and a more robust texture than wheat flour. It combines well with other flours.


Egg Pasta Recipe bit over the eggs and mix it all together in the centre until you have a dough which is solid and elastic. Alternatively, pulse the flour and eggs in a food processor. When the mixture resembles breadcrumbs, knead it for a few minutes. The dough needs to be quite

hard which does make it more difficult to knead, but persevere until it stops cracking and you can roll it into a ball.Wrap it in cling film and leave in the fridge for half an hour, then bring it out; when it has reached room temperature, divide into four pieces.

Cover three of the pieces with a damp tea towel to prevent drying out, then dust the remaining piece very lightly with flour (too much will cause your pasta to go gloopy when you boil it). Roll this piece out to a 5 mm thickness. If you’re using a pasta machine, put it through on the widest setting. Fold the pasta sheet over and repeat. You’ll need to do this 6–8 times to work the dough really well. Between each feed, use your hands to form it into a rectangular shape of approximately 8 cm by 20 cm. It should become shiny as you work it; this will give it that appealing, lively bounce when you serve it up. If you don’t have a machine, you can roll your pasta by hand using a sturdy rolling pin. Follow the same fold-and-roll procedure as for the machine then repeat with the other balls of dough.

3 RightsJunePaperback128pp148x105mm£6.992023andSales
to Italy’s Favourite Food, Featuring History, Trivia, Recipes and More Rufus Cavendish 1110
00 durum wheat flour is the flour of choice for making pasta, but you can use any you like. See page 106 for the list of flours, including gluten-free alternatives. Serves 4 Ingredients 400 g of flour 4 medium free-range eggs Pinch of salt method On a clean work surface, heap the flour into a pointed shape then make a well in the middle. Break the eggs into the well, add the salt then with one hand, draw in the flour bit by
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