Today, the Bumble Nums are going to make
Ballooning Blueberry Cobbler! But what's the secret ingredient?
10 ballooning blueberries. The Bumble
Nums are waiting for
the ballooning blueberries to go balloony.
Then they can make their favorite ballooning blueberry cobbler.
Right, Stumble and Grumble?
[Both] Yum!
Right, Humble?
[Narrator] Look Bumble Nums. The
ballooning blueberries
are ballooning up. You know what that means, don't you?
The ballooning blueberries are ready for your ballooning
blueberry cobbler. Now remember, Bumble Nums,
we need 10 ballooning blueberries. Go get them!
Yum yum.
(upbeat music) - Yum! Yum. Yum.
Yum! - Yum.
Yum. Yum.
- [Narrator] One. Two.
- Yum.
Yum! Yum? Oh!
Ooh. Oh.
Oh, Stumble. Nice try.
Yum, yum!
Three and four. Nice job, Humble.
- Yum.
Yum. Yum.
[Narrator] Five.
- Yum.
- Yum?
- Yum?
- [Narrator]
Wow, Grumble, you ' re great at this! You only need three more
ballooning blueberries.
- [Both] Yum!
[Narrator] Eight and nine.
Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum!
And 10!
- [Narrator]
You're done. - Yum yum. (upbeat music)
(Stumble yells)
[All] Yum. (Bumble Nums screaming)
- [Narrator]
Oh no!
What's happening, Bumble Nums? (manic music) Quick!
Do something, Grumble!
- Yum, oh.Ow, yum.
- Oh, yum!
(blueberries plopping) (balloon hissing air)
- Yum, yum. Yum.
(upbeat music) - [Narrator] That was a loony
entrance. Now, do you have the 10 ballooning blueberries?
Beautiful! Now, that we have the secret ingredient to make
our ballooning blueberry cobbler, it's time for the cooking countdown.
(bright playful music) 10, nine, eight, seven,
six, five, four, three, two, one!
Bumble Nums, you ' ve done it again.
Now, take a nice big bite of the
ballooning blueberry cobbler. (upbeat music)
Mmm, yum, yum, yum.
- Mmm, yum, yum, yum.
Mmm, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.
How does it
taste, Bumble Nums?
[All] Yum! (bright playful music)
Moon! (baby giggling) English
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