The Bumble Nums.
music) Roses are red, violets are blue, it's Valentine's
Day and the Bumble Nums are making lovely lima bean loaf.
It's true. But what's the secret ingredient? 11 lovely lima beans.
(tranquil music)[Bumble Nums] Yum.
- [Narrator]
Valentine's Day, Bumble Nums. -
[Bumble Nums] Yum,
yum, yum, yum. - [Narrator] Are you enjoying your lovely
walk in the lovely lima bean jungle, Humble?
- Yum. -
What about you, Grumble?Yum.
- [Narrator] And you,
Stumble?Yum. (whooshing)
- [Narrator]
Look at all the lovely
lima beans. (tranquil music) And they're ready for picking. Go
get them, Bumble Nums.[Bumble Nums] Yum.
- [Narrator] Watch out, Bumble Nums. (splatting)
You almost had a Bumble tumble right into that quicksand.
It's right under all the lovely lima bean plants.
(bubbling) If
something falls into quicksand, it never gets out.
(dramatic music) So how can you get the 11 lovely lima beans
for your lovely lima bean loaf?
(dramatic music)
- Yum, yum, yum.
(whooshing) Yum!
One. Great idea, Stumble. You can leap for the
lovely lima beans. (lively music) (ponging)Yum!
Two, three, four.
- [Narrator] Five, six, seven. -
[Bumble Nums] Yum!
- [Narrator] Eight, nine.
Terrific teamwork, Humble and Stumble.
- Yum![Narrator] 10. You almost got all 11 lovely lima
beans, Bumble Nums. You just need one more.
(snapping) (lively music) 11!
Hooray, you got all the lovely lima
beans you need for your lovely lima bean loaf.
Let's get them back to the kitchen. (lively
music) (ponging) (whooshing) (air whistling)
(puffing) (tranquil music)
- [Bumble Nums] Yum! - [Narrator]
You did it, Bumble Nums. Do you still have all 11
lovely lima beans? (zipping)
Sweet! Now that we have the secret ingredient, it's time for
the cooking countdown. (upbeat music)
10. Nine. Eight.
Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.
Bumble Nums,
you've done it again. (lively music)
- Yum,
- Yum. -
[Narrator] How does your lovely lima bean loaf taste,
Bumble Nums? - Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.
- Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.
- Yum, yum, yum, yum,
yum. (crunching)
- [Bumble
Nums] Yum.
- [Narrator]
Aw, you love it. Happy Valentine's Day, Bumble Nums.
(lively music) (crunching) (lively music)
- [Kid] Whoa. (chuckling)