The Bumble Nums.
Today, the Bumble Nums
are going to make peek-a-boo pecan pie!
But, what's the secret ingredient? 12 peek-a-boo pecans.
♪Yum, yum, yum ,yum ,yum ,yum
- [Narrator]
The Bumble
Nums are in the orchid, waiting for the peek-a-boo pecans
to drop from the pecan trees. Are you excited, Grumble?
-Yum. - [Narrator]
What about you Humble? -Yum!
- [Narrator] And you Stumble? -Yum. Yum!
- [Narrator]
Great, do you have a plan to make the peek-a-boo
pecans fall down? -Yum.
-Yum, yum.
(adventurous music)
- [Narrator]
Uh-oh, shaking the tree isn't working.
What else can you do?
-Yum. -Yum. Yum.
(crickets chirping) Yum?
- [Narrator] Oh no Bumble Nums!
The pecans aren't falling.
How are you going to make peek-a-boo pecan pie
without any peek-a-boo pecans? (curious music) -Yum!
(Increasing Pitch) Yum, yum. Yum, yum, yum.
- [Narrator] One. Great idea, Humble! Playing peek-a-boo will
get the peek-a-boo pecans to fall off the tree.
Remember Bumble Nums, we need 12 peek-a-boo pecans
for our peek-a-boo pecan pie.
Now let's play peek-a-boo!
(upbeat music)
-Yum, yum, yum.
- [Narrator] Two.
-Yum, yum, yum.
- [Narrator]
-Yum, yum, yum.
- [Narrator]
- [Grumble And Stumble]Yum, yum, yum.
- [Narrator] Five, six.
- [Bumble Nums]Yum, yum, yum.
- [Narrator] Seven, eight, nine.
- [Grumble And Humble]Yum, yum, yum.
- [Narrator] 10, 11.
You just need one more peek-a-boo pecan Bumble Nums.
- [Bumble Nums]Yum, yum, yum.
- [Narrator] 12. You got all the peek-a-boo
pecans, Bumble Nums.
Now, let's get them back to the kitchen.
- [Bumble Nums]Yum, yum, yum.
- [Narrator]
Peek-a-boo, I see you,
in the kitchen. Do you still have the 12 peek a boo pecans?
(ascending xylophone)
Now that we have the secret ingredient
to make our peek-a-boo pecan pie, it's time for the cooking count down.
(upbeat music) -
[Narrator] 10. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six.
Five. Four. Three. Two. One!
Bumble Nums, you've done it again!
Um, where's your peek-a-boo
pecan pie Bumble Nums? - [Bumble Nums]Yum, yum, yum.
(cheerful music) - [Narrator]
How does it taste, Bumble Nums?
-Yum, yum , yum.
-Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.
-Yum, yum, yum, yum.
- [Bumble Nums]Yum!
- Peek-a-boo!
(upbeat music)
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Monday-Friday, 10am-6pm