Tonight the Bumble Nums
are going to make sneaky snap pea casserole.
But what's the secret ingredient? Eight sneaky snap peas.
(tranquil music) (owl hooting) The Bumble
Numbers are
on a secret mission to find eight sneaky snap peas in the garden.
Are you ready, Grumble? - Yum.
- [Narrator]
How about you, Humble?
- Yum.
- [Narrator] And you, Stumble?
Stumble? (banging) - Yum.
(mysterious music) (snapping)
The sneaky snap peas are hiding,
Bumble Nums. - [Bumble Nums] Yum.
- [Narrator] Go find them. - [Bumble Nums] Yum.
(dramatic music) - [Narrator]
One, two. (booming)
(suspenseful music) (rustling)
Three, four.
- Yum.
(dramatic music) - [Narrator]
Five, six, seven.
You just need one more sneaky snap pea. (suspenseful music)
- [Bumble Nums] Yum, yum, yum. Yum.
- Yum? - Yum
- [Narrator] Eight. You snagged all the sneaky snap peas,
Bumble Nums. Let's get these sneaky snap peas back
to the kitchen. - [Bumble Nums] Yum.
(dramatic music)
(lively music) - [Narrator]
You made it, Bumble Nums.
Do you have all eight sneaky snap peas? (twinkling music)
Snappy. (chuckling) Now that we have the secret ingredient
to make our sneaky snap pea casserole,
it's time for the cooking countdown. (upbeat music) 10.
Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four.
Three. Two. One. Bumble
Nums, you've done it again.
(crunching) Now take a bite of your sneaky snap pea casserole.
- Yum yum. - Yum yum yum.
- Yum yum yum yum yum.
- [Narrator]
How does it taste, Bumble Nums?
- [Bumble Nums] Yum.
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music) - [Kid] Whoa. (chuckling)
Phone Orders- 360-864-HORS

Monday-Friday, 10am-6pm
Pacific Time