The Bumble Nums.
Today the Bumble Nums are going to make
easy peasy pink lemonade. But what's the secret ingredient?
Seven pink leaping lemons. Phew wee, it's a hot summer day
and the Bumble Nums are trying to beat the heat
while they wait for the lemons to ripen.
Feeling cool, Humble?
How about you, Grumble?
- Yum.
[Narrator] And Stumble?
- Yum. (fan whipping)
(magical music) - [Narrator]
Look, Bumble Nums,
the lemons are turning pink and are leaping from tree to tree.
You know what that means. The pink leaping
lemons are ripe.
- [Bumble Nums]
- [Narrator]
remember, Bumble Nums, we need seven pink
leaping lemons. Go get 'em. (lively music)
- Yum.
[Narrator] One.
- Yum.
- [Narrator] Two.
Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum. Yum.
- [Narrator] Three.
Yum. - Yum? Yum. Yum. Yum. Oh.
Yum. - [Narrator] Four. You just need three more pink
leaping lemons, Bumble Nums.
[Bumble Nums] Yum, yum. Yum.
(fan whipping)
Five, six, seven. You did it, Bumble Nums.
Wasn't getting the seven pink leaping lemons easy peasy?
Let's get them back to the Bumble
Yum. - Yum. (fan whooshing)
(lively music)
There's the kitchen.
What a lovely leaping
entrance, Bumble Nums. Do you have all seven
pink leaping lemons? (twinkling music) Sweet.
Now that we have the secret ingredient to make our easy peasy
pink lemonade, it's time for the cooking countdown.
(upbeat music) 10. Nine. Eight. Seven.
Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.
Bumble Nums, you've done it again. (glasses clinking)
How does it taste, Bumble Nums?
Is it cool and refreshing?
(slurping) (grunting)
[Bumble Nums] Yum. (slurping)
(upbeat music) - [Kid] Whoa. (chuckling)
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