- [Narrator] The Bumble Nums.
(playful music)
Tonight the Bumble Nums are going to make Presto Pesto.
But what's the secret ingredient? 20
presto pine nuts.
(tranquil music)
The Bumble Nums are in the garden waiting for the biggest
astronomical event of the century. The Presto Pine Cone Comet will
be flying by. It only happens once in a gazillion years.
Are you ready, Grumble? - Yum. -
[Narrator] What about you, Humble?
Yum. - [Narrator]
And you Stumble? (snoring)
Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum!
(whooshing)[Narrator] Whoa!
(chuckling) Did you see that, Bumble Nums? -
[Bumble Nums]
Yum! - [Narrator]
Inside are all the presto
pine nuts you need
for your presto pesto.
(whooshing) Got your comet catcher?
(whirring) - Yum, yum. - [Narrator]
Great! Now remember, Bumble Nums,
you need 20 presto pine nuts for your presto pesto. It's time to catch that comet!
Yum. (playful sad music) - Yum, yum, yum.
(lively music) (whirring) - Yum!
[Narrator] You caught it, Humble! Now shake out those
presto pine nuts. (whirring)
One, two, three, four. - Yum!
Yum! - [Narrator]
Shake it, Stumble.
- Yum, yum.
[Narrator] Five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11!
(whooshing)Yum, yum, yum!
(tweeting)[Narrator] Ouch! That was some Bumble tumble.
Is everyone okay? - [Bumble Nums]
Yum. - [Narrator]
Good because somebody needs
to grab that rope quick! (whirring)
(dramatic music)
Yum, yum! (whooshing)Yum!
12, 13, 14, 15.
- Yum!
- [Narrator]
[Bumble Nums]
Yum! (whooshing) (popping)
[Narrator] 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
Stupendous, Bumble Nums! You got all the presto pine nuts
you need for your presto pesto. Let's get them back to the
kitchen. (playful music) Do you have the 20 presto pine
nuts? (lively music)
Perfect. Now that we have the secret ingredient,
it's time for the cooking countdown! (upbeat music)
10. Nine.
Eight. Seven. Six.
Five. (whirring)
Four. (squelching)
Three. Two. One.
Presto! Bumble Nums, you've done it again.
How does your presto pesto taste, Bumble Nums? - Yum,
yum, yum, yum, yum.
- Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, - Yum, yum, yum.
[Bumble Nums]
Yum! (playful music)
(crunching) (upbeat music)
[Kid] Whoa. (chuckling)
