The Bumble Nums.
(lively music) Today the Bumble Nums are
going to make giggling garbanzo bean curry.
But what's the secret ingredient? 13
beans. (giggling) The Bumble
Nums are in the bean field.
They're all business because they're determined
to make their giggling garbanzo bean curry.
Right, Humble? - Yum.
[Narrator] What about
you, Grumble?
- Yum.
- [Narrator] And you, Stumble?
- Yum. (sighing) - [Narrator] Look at all these beans.
How do you know which ones are the giggling beans you need
for your giggling garbanzo bean curry? - [Bumble Nums] Yum.
(playful music) Yum! (giggling) -
That's it,
Bumble Nums. You need to make those beans laugh.
- [Bumble Nums] Yum. (lively music) Yum.
(bean clearing throat) (playful music) Yum.
- [Narrator]
Come on, Bumble Nums.
You've got to be brave.
- [Bumble Nums] Yum.
- [Narrator]
Now, who's up first? - Yum, yum.
(lively music) (lively music) (laughing)
- [Narrator] You did it, Humble.
Now, go get those giggling
garbanzo beans. One, two, three, four, five.
You're up next, Stumble. - Yum, yum.
(upbeat rock music)
(ponging) (crickets chirping)
(playful music) (laughing)
- [Narrator] Sounds like you've got a fan, Stumble.
(lively music) Six. (clapping) Ready, Grumble?
(sighing) - Yum. (upbeat music) Yum, yum, yum, yum,
yum, yum, yum. Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum,
yum, yum, yum.
- [Narrator] You're a star, Grumble.
Now, don't forget,
you need seven more giggling garbanzo beans.
Seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13.
You've got all the
giggling garbanzo beans you need for your giggling
garbanzo bean curry. Let's get them back to the kitchen.
(laughing) (clapping) - Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum,
yum, yum, yum, yum.
- [Narrator]
Now that we have the
secret ingredient to make our giggling garbanzo bean curry,
it's time for the cooking countdown. (upbeat music) (gurgling)
10. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five.
Four. (sizzling) Three. Two.
Bumble Nums, you've done it again.
How does it taste,
Bumble Nums? - Yum!
(crashing) (laughing)
- Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.
(laughing) (clapping) (chomping) (upbeat music)
- [Kid] Whoa. (chuckling)