The 3 Bumble Nums

Page 44

(lively xylophone music) (lively music)



Bumble Nums. (playful music) In the "Three Little Bumble Nums."

Once upon a time, there lived three little Bumble

Nums named Stumble, (squeaking) Humble and Grumble.

♪Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum

The Bumble Nums loved cooking yummy food

♪ - [Narrator]

and one day, they set out on a journey to build kitchens of their very own. Suddenly they came to a pile of straw. -Yum. -

[Narrator] One of the three little

Bumble Nums stopped.

-Yum yum yum yum yum yum. -


Stumble was

going to build his kitchen out of straw. (straw squeaking) Straw is not very strong for a kitchen. (playful music)

-Yum yum. (sighing) -Yum.

[Narrator] But Stumble didn't care. He wanted to build his kitchen out of straw.

-Yum. (rustling)[Bumble Nums] Yum, yum.[Narrator] So Humble and Grumble continued on their way.

Suddenly they came to a pile of sticks. One of the three little Bumble

Nums stopped.

-Yum! (lively music) - [Narrator] Humble was

going to build her kitchen out of sticks. Sticks are stronger than straw but still not very strong for a kitchen.

(twig snapping)

But Humble didn't care. She wanted to build her kitchen out of sticks.


yum yum yum yum yum

yum. -Yum yum. (playful music)

- [Narrator] So Grumble left and continued on his way. Soon the last little Bumble Num came

to Old Chocolate

Chip Mountain where he saw a large pile of bricks.

(playful music) (squeaking)

-Yum! - [Narrator]

Bricks are very strong and they're perfect for building an oven to cook extra crispy pizza.


- [Narrator] So Grumble began building his kitchen out


bricks. Meanwhile, -Yum yum yum yum yum.



Stumble was in his kitchen made of straw.

-Yum yum yum yum.

- [Narrator] When a visitor came by.

(stomping) It was a big, bad yeti. -This looks like a Bumble Num kitchen made out of straw and it smells like some

tasty food is cooking.

Bumble Num, Bumble Num, let me in! -Yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum.

-Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your kitchen in.



[Narrator]The big, bad yeti blew

as hard as he could.

-Yum! - [Narrator] The little Bumble Num dashed away as fast as he could.

Thankfully, Humble had finished building her kitchen out of sticks. -Yum

yum yum yum yum. (knocking)

-Yum? (dramatic music) (stomping)

Yum! (door banging) (stomping) -

Another kitchen, ey.This one looks

like it's made out of sticks.

Bumble Num, Bumble Num, let me in! -Yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum.

-Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your kitchen in.



[Narrator]The big, bad yeti blew

as hard as he could.

- [Bumble Nums]

Yum! - [Narrator]

The two little Bumble Nums dashed away as fast as they could.


Gee wiz, these Bumble Nums are really fast.[Narrator]

Thankfully, Grumble had finished building

his kitchen out of strong bricks. -

[Bumble Nums] Yum yum yum yum!

-Yum? (stomping)

(dramatic music) Yum!

(door slamming)

(playful music)


(panting) -This looks like a Bumble Num

kitchen made out of bricks. (sniffing)And it smells like some delicious food is in the oven.

Bumble Nums, Bumble Nums, let

me in! -Yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum.

-Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your kitchen in.


(huffing) (sniffing) Wait, what is that delicious smell? (bell dinging)

Yum yum yum.

[Narrator] Why, it's brick oven


pizza. - Mhm, that sure looks tasty. (stomach growling)

[Narrator]The big, bad yeti looked at his stomach. -You


know, all this huffing and puffing and running has made me so hungry. -Yum yum?

-Yum yum.Yum yum yum yum yum.

- I can have a slice of pizza if I rebuild your kitchens? Why, of course, I'll do it.

You don't have to ask me twice. -

Yum yum yum yum yum yum yum.

- Oh, you need to finish the pizza by adding the secret


ingredient? No problem, I'll start rebuilding your kitchens while you do.

[Narrator] So the three little Bumble

Nums got to work on the pizza while the big, bad yeti got to work on the kitchens. And after the big, bad yeti

finished rebuilding the kitchens, he also built a picnic table for all the meals the new friends would share. -

Thank you for

being so kind and offering to share your food even though I

wasn't very nice to you.
I'm so sorry I blew your kitchens
down. When I get hungry, I also get angry. I guess you could say I was hangry. I promise to never get hangry again

and I promise to be a good friend.

- [Bumble Nums] Yum.

- Now let's dig in!

[Bumble Nums] Yum!


-And with that, the big, bad yeti and the three little Bumble Nums all lived yummly ever after.


Hey, any chance you can tell me

the secret ingredient?

- [Bumble Nums]

Yum.Yum yum yum yum yum yum. (chuckling)

(playful music)

(book slamming)

-The end. (playful music) (upbeat music) - [Kid] Whoa. (giggling)


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