Today, the Bumble Nums are going to make Powerhouse
Peach Salsa!
But, what's the secret ingredient? Three powerhouse peaches!
The Bumble Nums are getting warmed up to climb Peach Tree Rock.
They're pumped to get the three powerhouse peaches they need
for their Powerhouse Peach Salsa!
Right, Humble? - Yum!
And what about you, Grumble?
- [Narrator]
- Yum!
[Narrator] And you, Stumble?
Yum! Yum!
Look, Bumble Nums!
The mist is clearing at the top of Peach Tree Rock!
That means that the Powerhouse Peaches are ripe for the picking!
Muster up all of your strength, Bumble Nums. It's going to be a tough climb!
(upbeat music) - [Grumble And Stumble] Yum, yum, yum!
(slide whistle ascending) - Yum, yum, yum. Yum!
You can do this, Grumble!
- Yum!
Yum, yum, yum, yum!
- [All] Yum!
- [Narrator]
- [Narrator] Well done, Grumble!
[All] Yum! - Yum.
Yum! - Yum!
Come on, Stumble!
You can do it!
There's just one last
stretch before the top! (intense music)
[All] Yum, yum, yum, yum.
Yum, yum.
Yum, yum, yum.
Yum, yum, yum, yum.
- [Narrator]
You're almost
there, Bumble Nums! One last push!
- Yum!
- Yum!
- Yum, yum, yum, yum.
Hang on, Humble!
- Yum!
(all yelling)
- Yum!
You've reached the top of Peach Tree Rock!
Are you feeling the burn?
Yum! - Yum!
Yum, yum.
(upbeat music)
Go on and pick those peaches! You've earned it!
- [Narrator]
One, two, and three! (all cheer) (rock rumbling)
Whoa, Stumble!
That was a powerful stomp! (all yell) You need to get the powerhouse
peaches back to the kitchen. But you ' re trapped! (rocks crumbling)
[All] Yum! - [Narrator] It looks like the powerhouse peaches
have powered you up, Bumble Nums! (upbeat music)
[All] Yum!
Powerful entrance, Bumble Nums! Do you have the three
powerhouse peaches? Peachy! Now that we have the secret ingredient
to make your powerhouse peaches, it's time for the cooking countdown!
(upbeat music) 10! Nine. Eight.
Seven. Six.
Five. Four. Three. Two. One.
Bumble Nums, you ' ve done it again!
bet you ' ve worked up an appetite!
How does it taste, Bumble Nums?
[All] Yum!
(playful music)
(triumphant music)
(playful music)
[Child] Woo! English
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