[Narrator] The Bumble Nums! (playful music)
Today the Bumble Nums are going to make oodles of apple strudel!
(triumphant music) But what's the secret ingredient?
Nine amphibious apples. The Bumble
Nums are down by the
Raspberry River waiting for the amphibious apples to fall.
Are you excited, Stumble?
How about you, Humble?
- [Narrator]
And you, Grumble?
(manic music)
The apple tree is shaking, Bumble Nums,
you know what that means, the amphibious
apples are ready.
[Bumble Nums] Yum!
[Narrator] Now
remember Bumble Nums, we need nine amphibious apples
to make oodles of apple strudel. Get ready to grab them!
(upbeat music) (apples plopping) Oh no, Bumble
Nums, you didn't get any and now they're all going down
the Raspberry River! (upbeat music)
[All] Yum! Yum!
Yum! - [Narrator]
You've caught up to the amphibious apples!
One. - Yum! - [Narrator]
Three. Four.
(Bumble Nums splashing) Six!
What a dunk, Humble!
You just need three more apples. (dramatic melodic music)
Oh no, it's a raspberry waterfall!
Quick, Bumble Nums, paddle the other way as fast as you can!
[Bumble Nums] Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum!
Good save, Stumble! (water
(light melodic music) (apples plopping)
You only have one more apple to get. Nine!
What a wild ride, Bumble Nums! Let's get these amphibious
apples back to the kitchen. (upbeat music)
You made it, Bumble Nums! Do you have all nine
amphibious apples? (light melodic music) All right, now that we have
the secret ingredient to make our oodles of apple strudel,
it's time for the cooking countdown! (upbeat music) 10.
Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four.
Three. Two. One! Bumble Nums, you ' ve done it again.
Mm, that sure is oodles of
apple strudel.
How does it taste, Bumble Nums?
- Mm, nom, nom, yum!
Mm, yum, yum, yum!
Mm, yum, yum, yum,
yum, yum, yum!
[Bumble Nums] Yum!
(upbeat music)
Woo! (Baby giggling) English
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