SunCitySummerlinElectionCommitteeInAction.....5 2024/2025NewBoardofDirectors&StandingCommitteeChairs8-10 “WelcomingArticleToNewBoardofDirectors”.......9
JohnBerthelsen:“AprilIsNationalVolunteerMonth”....36 2023-2024VolunteerAppreciationList.......37-38
PattiTripp:“NationalRecordStoreDayApril20th”.....52 “NormanWrightLooksAheadAsHeTurns75”......62
Residents’ForumPresents: “Trivia”..........16
SpecialEvents ...............18-24
CommunityStandards:“IntroducingYourNewHOAManagement SoftwareSmartwebs”..............39
Food&BeverageSpecialsandEntertainment.....40-41 Golf...................46-48
SunCitySummerlinPatrol:”Paws-Scams-Service”.....68 “PaintingYourHome”..............90
ChangestotheGoverningDocuments SummaryofOperations
Firstofall,wealloweJohnBerthelsenandLeoCrawfordahugethankyoufortheir serviceontheBoard.BothservedaspastPresidentsandChairedavarietyofCommittees.ItismyhopethattheywillstayactiveinourcommunityandhelpusalltocontinuemakingSunCitySummerlinthemostdesiredActiveAdultCommunityinthenation.
Secondarily,congratulationstoErikBraunandLynnKasnerMorganfortheirelectionto theBoard.Welookforwardtoyourcontributionsandthoughts.
Ablastemailwassentoutinmid-MarchthatdocumentedthestatusofourReserve Funding.Itislikelythatsomedidnotwelcomethisinformation,butIfeltthatitwasmore importanttobeverytransparentwiththisinformation,ratherthanhaveanysurprisesas wewentthroughthebudgetprocess.
Ourcommunityhasproventhroughtheyearstobeveryresilient.We havefacedtoughissuesinthepastandhavealwayscomeouttheother sideasabetterandstrongercommunity.Wenowfacethisfinancial challenge.Itwillbenodifferentthanpastchallenges.Iamconfident thatwiththehelpofourexcellentAdministrativeStaff,theBoardand inputfromourcommunityatlarge,wetoowillputthischallengebehindus.
Thankyouinadvanceforyoursupport.Wewillneed towalkafinelinethesenextfewyearstobalancethe desirefornewCapitalSpendingversusfundingour Reserves.RestassuredthatweasaBoardwillalways strivetodowhatisbestforthecommunityandour propertyvalues.
· (702) 966-1435
Advertising, Website, Marketing
Kelly-Mae Mahoney, Advertising Coordinator
KellyM@suncitylv.com · (702) 966-1434
Stacie Coppens, Website & Marketing Coordinator · StacieC@suncitylv.com
Editorial Board
Richard Becker, Leo Crawford, Molly Sher, Alan Spector,PattiTripp,NormanWrightandBODLiaison, ErikBraun.
The Link is the official record of Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc. The primary mission of the magazine is to provide residents with information on official Association business. In addition, the Link provides unbiased communications to residents on community news, events and services. The Association provides this publication for informational purposes only and neither endorses nor promotes any of the products or services advertised herein and assumes no responsibility or liability for the statements made in this publication. We reserve the right to edit, condense and verify all articles.
Classified Advertisements
May deadline is March 29. Advertise your items for sale at $3 per line based on the required Classified Advertisement Form. This service is restricted to residents only and if space is available. No business advertisements are allowed. Classified ad forms are available at Mountain Shadows Community Center and on the websitewww.suncitylink.com.
On the cover: Photos courtesy of the Sun City SummerlinBoardofDirectorsandRichardBecker.
All advertisers are required to provide the Link with an up-to-date copy of their business license. The license must be from the State of Nevada,ClarkCounty,ortheCityofLasVegas.
© Copyright 2024, Sun City Summerlin Community Association,Inc.Thispublicationmaynotbeduplicated inwholeorinpartwithouttheexpresswrittenconsentof theSunCitySummerlinCommunityAssociation.
Advertise in the LINK. Call 702-966-1434.
Sun City Summerlin Association, Inc. (SCSCAI), held its Annual Meeting on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, at 8 a.m. The meeting was called to order by John Berthelsen, President. After the Pledge of Allegiance, Mr. Berthelsen introduced Michael Christiansen, Chair of the SCSCAI Election Committee. The other Committee Members include Sofia Castille, Ruth Mintz, and Melanie Spector. The ballot box was unlocked and opened by Mr. Christiansen and Committee Members who removed the envelopes containing the ballots. There were 2,640 envelopes returned and counting began. Of the ballots submitted, 53 were voided primarily because more than three votes were cast. The results were certified and announced by Secretary, Jeff Rorick. The meeting was adjourned at 11:53 a.m.
Congratulations to Erik Braun, Lynn Kasner Morgan and Gerry Sokolski who were elected to three-year terms on the Board.
10362SunCityBlvd.(atrearofDesertVista),scssp.chief@gmail.com 702-254-2303
Board of Directors – bod@suncitylv.com
Ellen Bachman, Secretary, ecb322@gmail.com......................702-838-5211
Erik Braun, Director, braunbod@gmail.com
Dick Clark, Vice President, Dickclarkboardmember@gmail.com
Steve Commander, Director, commanderbod@gmail.com
Lynn Kasner Morgan, Director, lynnkasnermorganboard@gmail.com
Kenneth Resnik, Director, khresnik@gmail.com
Jeff Rorick, President, JAR0524@live.com.........................315-224-7114
Gerry Sokolski, Treasurer, gsokolski8suncitybod@gmail.com
Judy Williams, Asst. Treasurer, judy.suncitybod@gmail.com............813-777-3416
Mitzi Mills, SCSCAI Executive Director, Mitzim@suncitylv.com............. 702-966-1409
Sun City Charities/ Volunteers
Sunshine Service Club
Landscape Maintenance
Additional Emails
allgolf@suncitylv.com communitystandards@ suncitylv.com
Community Centers
Administration Office, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-5 p.m. ................ 702-966-1401
Social Monitor Station, Mon., Tue., Thu., Sat., 8 a.m.- 9 p.m.; Wed., Fri., 8 a.m.-9:30 p.m., Sun. 8 a.m.- 8 p.m. ................ 702-966-1410
Fitness Center, daily, 6 a.m.-9 p.m......................... 702-966-1414
Community Standards, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4 p.m................ 702-966-1411
(Includes CC&R/Architectural Review Committee)
Facility Maintenance, Mon.-Fri., 6:30 a.m.-3 p.m.............. 702-966-1493
Link Magazine, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4 p.m..................... 702-966-1436
Library, , 8 a.m. until closing daily
Human Resources, Mon.-Fri., 7 a.m.-4 p.m..................
Community Services, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4 p.m.................
Golf Courses
(Open 15 minutes before sunrise; courses close at 6 p.m. After 11/7 shops close at 5 p.m.)
Highland Falls
10201 Sun City Boulevard
Palm Valley 9201 Del Webb Boulevard
Eagle Crest
2203 Thomas Ryan Blvd. 702-240-1320
Golf Maintenance
Daily, 6 a.m. - 3 p.m. 702-363-7655
Tavern at the Falls at Highland Falls Golf Course Daily, 6 a.m.-9 p.m. 702-254-1581
Summit Restaurant at Eagle Crest Golf Course Daily, 6 a.m.-9 p.m. 702-240-1313
Board Standing Committees
Per Article VIII of the Master Bylaws, there are ten (10) Standing Committees. All of these standing committees, except for the Architectural Review Committee and the Hearing Committee work in an advisory role to the Board of Directors.
Architectural Review..............................................................Ellen Bachman
Common Area Properties ........................................................Richard “Dick” Clark
Clubs and Community Organizations ................................................Lynn Kasner Morgan
Election........................................................................Leo Crawford
Finance.................................................................Gerard “Gerry” Sokolski
Fitness........................................................................Judy Williams
Golf Oversight......................................................................Jeff Rorick
Hearing......................................................................John Berthelsen
Information Technology...............................................................Erik Braun
Legal Review...............................................................Kenneth “Ken” Resnik
Other Committee Chairs and Liaisons
Collections .....................................................................Judy Williams
Link Editorial Board.................................................................Erik Braun
What is the Board of Directors? The Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc.’s Board of Directors is an unpaid voluntary team of homeowners elected by the Association members to administer the assets and oversee the management of the Association. They are responsible for approving the annual budget and ensuring our facilities are maintained. The President of the Board is its Chairperson.
How Does the Board of Directors Work? Directors hold monthly board meetings. They propose and approve policies, authorize expenditures, and determine major community-interest decisions. Board Members have staggered terms, with three of the nine positions elected each year for a three-year term.
Why Does the Board of Directors Matter? The Board of Directors has a fiduciary duty to the Association’s members. Per Nevada Statutes, this means “In the performance of their duties, the officers and members of the executive board are fiduciaries and shall act on an informed basis, in good faith and in the honest belief that their actions are in the best interest of the Association.” By law, Board Members are the only community members who have the authority and fiduciary responsibility to ensure the community’s long-term relevance and help protect Association property values.
Committees, Liaisons, Resident Volunteers: Sun City Summerlin has standing committees which are responsible for providing the Board with evaluation, suggestions, proposals, research, and recommendations. Each committee is dedicated to specific functions and processes. Board Members rely on resident volunteers who make up the committees’ working team to enhance the Association’s operations.
Ellen Bachman, Chairwoman • ecb322@gmail.com
Members of ARC have specific duties that are mandated by the CC&Rs. They maintain the Development Standards of the community and approve all applications for exterior work done by homeowners. Following completion, they review the project to confirm that it complies with the application and the Governing Documents.
ARC meets on the third Wednesday of each month, 9:00 a.m.
Organizations (CCOC)
Lynn Kasner Morgan, Chairwoman • lynnkasnermorganboard@gmail.com
CCOC is responsible for chartered club activities, facilities use, special programs and community interests. It supports hobbies, interests, recreational and cultural pursuits for the community. It assists in the formation of new clubs and supports those already operating.
CCOC meets on the third Thursday of each month, 9:30 a.m.
Common Area Properties (CAP)
Richard “Dick” Clark, Chairman • Dickclarkboardmember@gmail.com
This important committee oversees all Sun City Summerlin community owned property and equipment. Members make inspections and recommendations to the Board and staff that prolong efficient operation of our facilities. They also evaluate the purchase or replacement of machinery and equipment.
CAP meets the third Tuesday of each month, at 9:00 a.m.
Gerard “Gerry” Sokolski, Chairman • gsokolski8suncitybod@gmail.com
This committee carries out the general oversight of the Association’s financial policy, including investments, audits, and insurance. The committee reviews the annual budget, making recommendations and assisting the Board to finalize the proposed budget for submission to the membership.
Finance meets the last Thursday of the month at 2:00 p.m.
Judy Williams, Chairwoman • judy.suncitybod@gmail.com
The Fitness Committee recommends enhancements and improvements to the facilities and equipment located in our Fitness centers. They make recommendations regarding classes, programs, pools, and equipment choices based on input from members.
Fitness meets the second Thursday of each month, at 2:30 p.m.
Jeff Rorick, Chairman • JAR0524@live.com
This committee provides advice and recommendations to the staff and Board regarding all phases of our golf operations. This includes conduct of play, improvements, pro shops, rules, maintenance of the course and equipment.
Golf Oversight meets the third Wednesday of each month, at 2:00 p.m.
Erik Braun, Chairman • braunbod@gmail.com
IT reviews and evaluates the adequacy of both the hardware and software requirements of all departments. It recommends improvements and changes in order to optimize the user experience and efficiency of Association operations.
IT meets on the last Tuesday of every other month at 10:30 a.m.
Kenneth “Ken” Resnik, Chairman • khresnik@gmail.com
This committee reviews and guides the Association’s Governing Documents and related affairs. It provides recommendations to the Board and staff, monitors legislation, and facilities relationships with legal counsel. The committee does not provide legal counsel to the Board.
Legal meets on the second Thursday of the month at 11:00 a.m.
John Berthelsen, Chairman • jb4sc@hotmail.com
The Hearing Committee, appointed by the Board, serves as the delegated authority to hear formal complaints alleging violations of the Governing Documents. This can include property, code of conduct, or other matters. The committee has the authority to access fines if so deemed. In some cases, the committee will forward a complaint to the master Board for determination.
Hearing meetings are closed.
The committee carries out general oversight of the Association’s delinquent assessment accounts and property violations.
Erik Braun, BOD Liaison • braunbod@gmail.com
This is an advisory only committee with a Board Liaison. The group provides direction and support for the publication of the community magazine. Guidance includes advertising, articles, and photography. The Link Editorial Board Workshops are closed.
Leo Crawford, Chairman • lecrawford@me.com
Per the Sun City Summerlin Bylaws, this committee conducts all elections and ballot matters for the Association. There is no Board Member or Board Liaison for this committee. The committee follows Nevada Statutes and our CC&Rs as to how it functions and performs. It meets as is needed. The committee operates at an arm’s length from the Board and staff.
Almost 3 years ago, Mitzi asked me, “What different things are you doing, now that we have COVID upon us?” My answer was that I was not doing different things... but rather that I was doing things differently. (Either she loved that answer OR she just needed a volunteer writer for the LINK – I still don’t know which!)
At any rate, here we are 33 months later, and I am still putting my thoughts on paper for the LINK. I have been thinking lately. You know what? Things really are different now. A recent study showed that only 1 in 4 people say their lives are completely back to normal! I can see some negative changes that make some more anxious and cranky, in the same way as those who lived through the Great Depression, never seemed to view money in the same way again. Sixty years after the crash of 1929, my folks still watched every penny as if it could disappear without warning... just as we now are more careful to go in crowds and are more diligent to get our flu and other shots.
But lately, I have realized that things really are different... I see all the wonderful things that are different now, and I am so grateful for them. (As you probably know, I have always believed that GRATITUDE is the most powerful, transformative, and beneficial attitude ever available to us! It is so good for us... and so great for the others around us.)
So here are just some of the things we can celebrate as wonderful and positive aspects of our lives TODAY!
Ÿ We place a renewed value of life – we take nothing for granted – there are no promises of tomorrow.
Ÿ We are less willing to stay on the couch... we realize that today is a gift - are we going to waste it?
Ÿ We always cherished our loved ones, but there is an even greater urgency to not waste a second with them or miss one opportunity to create loving and lasting memories.
Ÿ This is the perfect time to rethink what’s most important in our lives. Funny how sometimes we waste our time on emotions or activities which really don’t matter that much in the scheme of things, and which do not bring us satisfaction and joy. This is a good time to shed the negatives in our lives which sap our energy and zest for life.
Ÿ Could there be a better time to ‘‘fulfill our bucket lists” than today? Now? ASAP? While we can? It would be such a shame to have to say “I wish I had... “or “I could have... “.
Ÿ We can put things in perspective. We obviously attend to the big things in our lives... so now we can be sure we savor all the small moments – we might find out they are the ones that matter the most – seeing the sunset or smelling the flowers or sharing a smile are HUGE – do we take them for granted?
We sure found out that things change suddenly and without warning. Nowadays we can be more open to change – the change WE want and create. Now we can live sort of “designer lives” and WE are the designers!!
We all have survived some challenging times and perhaps even some sadnesses, yet we have survived, and now we have the opportunity (yes, even the obligation) to learn and grow and share alongside our loved ones and friends. Life is a gift... unwrap it, enjoy it, and share it.
Friday, April 19th, 9:30 a.m.- noon, Desert Vista Questions, answers, opinions, and general information is shared on a variety of community topics. There is no agenda for this casual meeting and the Board members cannot officially make decisions on any matters discussed.
Tuesday, April 2, 12 p.m. · Wednesday, April 10, 9 a.m.
Wednesday, April 24, 5 p.m. · Wednesday, May 8, 9 a.m.
Wednesday, May 22, 5 p.m.
$20 AARP members, $25 non-members by check to AARP. Drop by the Desert Vista monitor station to sign up for this classroom refresher course designed for those fifty and over. Improve your knowledge of traffic laws, learn to anticipate the actions of other drivers, and identify and correct poor driving habits. Upon completion of the 4-hour course taught by an AARP-certified instructor, you will receive a certificate that may qualify you for an insurance premium reduction for up to three years. Max: 30. Sign-up is available now. Classes are held at the DesertVistaCommunityCenter.
Invitation to our Zoom Chat with Manuel Barela, Crime Prevention Specialist, Summerlin Area Command Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.
Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 9 a.m.
Zoom invitations will be emailed via e-blasts and will also be available on the Sun City Summerlin website at www.suncitysummerlin.com. Meetings will continue quarterly on the fourth Tuesday of the month.
Mountain View Presbyterian · 702-341-7800 Pastor David W. Dendy. 8601 Del Webb Blvd.
St. Andrew Lutheran · 702-255-1990 Rev. Phillip Shuart. 8901 Del Webb Blvd. Services 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m.
S.C. Community Church · 702-255-PRAY (7729) 8560 Del Webb Blvd.
Temple Bet Knesset Bamidbar · 702-228-6362
President Arlene Goodman, Moreh Alan Spector, Cantor Marla Goldberg.
Sun City Summerlin Charities/Volunteers 702-254-5831
OpenMon.–Fri.9–11a.m.,weekdays. Willreturncallswithin24hoursonweekdays.
Sunshine Service
Warehouse 702-341-9741
Alcoholics Anonymous · Mountain View Presb. Church, 8601 Del Webb Blvd., Sat., 5 p.m. St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 8901 Del Webb Blvd. · Sun., 5 & 7:30 p.m.; Mon., 7 p.m. (Women’s mtg.); Tues., 7 p.m. (Men’s mtg.) Thurs. noon & 7:30 p.m. Lauren T. at 917-687-8669.
Al-Anon · St. Andrew’s Church, 8901 Del Webb Blvd., Wed., Noon, Joan Taylor at 951-533-5455
DivorceCare Mountain View Presbyterian Church, 8601 Del Webb Bl., Mon., 6:30 – 8 p.m. Call Susan 861-769-0302
Narcotics Anonymous, Mountain View Presbyterian Church, 8601 Del Webb Bl., Tues., 5:30 – 6:30 p.m., 702-341-7800
Alzheimer’s, Desert Vista · 1st and 3rd Wed., 10 a.m. Call Marlene Wilson, 702-254-6144
Caregiver Support Group
Desert Vista, 2nd Monday of the month, 10 a.m. Call Ivy Goldman, 224-715-9629
Compassionate Friends of Summerlin, Mountain View Presbyterian Church, 8601 Del Webb Bl., 1st & 3rd Thurs., 6:30-8:30 p.m., 702-401-9678
Gamblers Anonymous, Mountain View Presb. Church, 8601 Del Webb Blvd., Mon., 7 p.m. Call Doug C, 702-862-6847
GriefShare, Mountain View Presbyterian, 8601 Del Webb Blvd., 14-week series. For dates and time, call Kathi, 702-524-2544
Women’s Support Group · End the Struggle & Thrive! Desert Vista. For dates, times & info, call Skye at 702-461-3935
Dementia Information & Support for Caregivers · Mountainview Presb. Church, 8601 Del Webb Blvd., 2nd Wed. of themonth,11:15a.m.-12:15p.m.,callPaulaat 928-412-2134
Held at Desert Vista Community Center
Sunshine Service Group
Monday, April 1, 11 a.m.
Residents’ Forum
Wednesday, April 10, 7 p.m.
Sun City Summerlin Patrol
Tuesday, April 23, 6 p.m.
Neighborhood Preparedness Team (NPT)
Wednesday, April 24, 10 a.m.
AARPvolunteerswillagainprovidefreeFederalincometaxpreparation.TheprogramwillrunfromFebruary1toApril13.This servicewillbeofferedintheMintRoomatMountainShadowson Thursday,FridaysandSaturdays.Ourhoursarefrom 9a.m-12p.m.and1-4p.m.
Appointment Sign-up:
Therearetwowaystosignupforataxpreparationappointment. PleasedonotcalltheSocialMonitorsatMountainShadows.
Ÿ UsetheAARPwebsite: nvtaxaide.org
Ÿ Call 702-381-0655
Held at Mountain Shadows by Appointment. Please call Membership Services at (702) 966-1401.
Tuesdays Thursdays
9:30 a.m. 4 p.m.
April 2 April 4
April 9 April 11
April 16 April 18
April 23 April 25
April 30
Residents and/or Renters: Please contact Membership Services for an appointment or a cancellation.
Items to collect and bring to your appointment:
It is essential that you bring the following items:
Ÿ Copy of last year's tax return
Ÿ Social Security card and some form of picture ID
Ÿ If you want to do a direct deposit or direct debit, please bring a cancelled check.
Ÿ Wealsoneedthefollowingstatementsasapplicable:W2's, 1099R,Interest,Dividend,SocialSecuritySSA1099,W2G, brokerstatements,proofofhealthinsuranceandany receiptsforyourmiscellaneousdeductions.
Ÿ As in previous years, we are using the “DROP OFF METHOD” for tax return preparation. This means that we will schedule a pickup/review appointment at the time of your initial appointment. For Joint Returns both taxpayers must be present, at the pickup appointment.
Ÿ Pleasenotewewillonlypreparereturnsforelectronicfiling, nopaperreturns.Alsonotethatwecannotpreparestate returnsorreturnsthatinvolverentalpropertydeductions, business,orpartnerships.
Anytaxquestions,feelfreetocallMikeSanders 702-724-0476.
Friday, April 26 & Saturday, April 27, 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Come to the Link office (located at Mountain Shadows) to complete a Garage Sales form or call 702-9661435 to have your address added to the Google Map. This is a free address listing on www.suncitylink.com. Deadline to sign up is Wednesday, April 24th, Noon. The Sun City Summerlin Garage Sale will be advertised in the Las Vegas Review-Journal on April 25, 26 & 27, in the classifieds section under Auctions & Garage Sales.
Note: Garage Sale signs must be taken down by 5 p.m., Saturday, April 27th. Please do not place any signs on traffic or streetlight poles, on medians, or on any of the entrance areas of Sun City Summerlin. Signs placed in those areas will be removed by the Association. On April 25, a Google Map will be available for ease of attendees shopping.
Friday, April 12, 10 a.m.- Noon
You are invited to stop by Desert Vista Community Center between the hours of 10 a.m. – Noon, for an informal opportunity to meet, re-meet, and visit with the Executive Director, Department Directors, the Link Department, and Board Members at this event! Each Department Director will be present at their own table, so you will be able to visit with them and ask questions. We can’t wait to see you in person and are anxious to get to know you better and share information about the operations and management of the association with you.
Share your photo while traveling with this wonderful red Link bag! We will post your photo and name on the Link website. Send your name and photo to: gaila@suncitylink.com.
There is a new way to purchase your tickets for Comedy Tonight & The Rendezvous shows beginning April 1 in way of a Subscription Package. This special purchase is only avail-
able for Comedy Tonight from April 1 to July 17, 2024, and The Rendezvous shows from April 1 to July 9, 2024. After those dates, Subscription Packages will no longer be offered. Individual ticket sales will still be offered as usual on the last Tuesday of each month. The Subscription Package will allow you to purchase all 12 dates at one time for the entire ticketing season. A ticketing season is from July to June.
When you choose to purchase one or both of these packages, you will be able to select your seats and those will be the seats for each show within the package for the entire season. Subscription Packages can be purchased either online at https://app.artspeople.com/index.php?subscription=suncs or at Mountain Shadows, Desert Vista, and Pinnacle Community Centers monitor stations. All ticketing policies apply, Subscription Packages are non-refundable and are not discounted. Only those that choose to purchase a Subscription Package will have the opportunity to purchase tickets before the regularly scheduled tickets sales dates.
Come test your knowledge and have fun with your neighbors at our first Trivia event of 2024.
Join us Wednesday, April 10th at 7 p.m. at Desert Vista. Snacks and drinks will be provided, prizes will be awarded for the winning team.
50/50 Raffle Tickets will be sold in the lobby from 6:15 p.m. until 7 p.m. 6 tickets for $5.00.
Questions: juliezerbel@yahoo.com
Wednesday, April 3, 1 p.m.
Tom Hanks, Mariana Trevino, Rachel Keller. 2022 PG13 2h 6m
Thursday, April 18, 11 a.m.
Classic Movie
Lee Marvin, Clint Eastwood. Comedy/Drama/Musical 1969 PG13 2hr 44m
Wednesday, May 1, 1 p.m. “NYAD”
Annette Bening, Jodie Foster, Rhys Ifans, Anne Marie Kempf. Biography/Drama/Sport 2023 PG-13 2h 1m
Thursday, May 23, 11 a.m. "WITNESS”
Classic Movie
Harrison Ford, Kelly McGillis. Drama/Romance/Thriller 1985 R 1h 52m
We would love to hear from you! Do you have a movie in mind you would like to see? Please send your suggestions to Tina Marie Montoya at TinaM@suncitylv.com. We are always looking for great ideas, so reach out and let us know! Enjoy the shows!
Mountain Shadows Community Center Parking Lot
Monday, April 1 & 15, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Fresh52 Farmers and Artisan Market will be here with produce and local organic farm raised beef and pork, along with 20 to 30 other vendors that will be sure to have just what you are looking for. Thomas Family Farms - Local family farm specializing in home grown tomatoes, garlic, and seasonal vegetables in addition to locally raised grassfed beef, pork, and chicken. Also offering farm fresh chicken and duck eggs. Max’s Berries - Fresh California grown strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries. Come and enjoy this new regularly scheduled event every first and third Monday of the month 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Mountain Shadows Community Center Parking Lot, at the corner of Del Webb Blvd & Crown Ridge Dr.
Desert Vista Community Center
Saturday, April 6
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
There is something for everyone at the annual Arts & Crafts Fair! Our very talented residents create oodles of hand-crafted, unique, and beautiful items for your home. Come do your shopping early and give someone a very special gift they will treasure forever. Doors open at 9 a.m. and you can shop until 3 p.m., so please come and enjoy. The Food & Beverage Department will have light breakfast, afternoon lunch, snack items, and drinks available for purchase.
Desert Vista, Room 5
Wednesday, April 10, 10 a.m.
PetClub247, a pet lifestyle and supply company, will present featured speakers Cristin Ludlow, Vice President of PetClub247, along with Regional Director Dale Worswick (a Sun City Summerlin resident). Both are certified in pet nutrition and passionate about helping to educate pet parents on improving their pet’s health & keep them healthy & around a lot longer. They have been interviewed on many podcast shows and they will be sharing valuable information that will be incredibly helpful for everyone who has & loves pets! You will learn more about PetClub247.com & the Organic nutritional rich foods & supplements, treats & toys, and items for people too!!! So please join us and invite your friends! There will be some giveaways too! Any questions on the pet food or unable to attend, please call Dale @ 916-799-1224. Limited tickets available with the Social Monitors at Desert Vista, Mountain Shadows, and Pinnacle Community Centers.
Tuesday, April 23, 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Desert Vista, Room 5
Are you ready to dive into the captivating world of literature and storytelling? National Book Day is approaching, and it's the perfect opportunity to celebrate the joy of reading. Whether you're an avid reader or just looking to explore new literary horizons, mark your calendars and join us on National Book Day!
On Tuesday, April 23, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. in Desert Vista room 5, we invite all fellow residents to come out for a small community gathering. Bring along your favorite books to exchange with others or simply share your love for literature. Engage in lively discussions about beloved classics, contemporary bestsellers, or hidden gems waiting to be discovered. The Sun City Summerlin Library Club will provide small selection of popular books for you to borrow if you choose. There will be lite refreshments for you to enjoy.
Thursday, April 25 · Bus departs
Pinnacle Parking Lot at 8 a.m.
Returns to the Pinnacle Parking Lot at approximately 3:30 p.m.
If you are ready for a High-Level activity, then come on this bus trip and Float the Colorado River! This 90-minute Postcard Tour on the Colorado River is for you! Your guide will give information about the dam, Black Canyon, and Hot Springs while you look for wildlife like mountain sheep and eagles! After, you will return to Hoover Dam Lodge and then head to Boulder City where you can get some lunch (not included) or do a little shopping. Included: Transportation with guide, Rafting trip down and back up, and Gratuity for raft guide and driver only. Gratuity for bus driver and tour guide are not included. Ticket purchase deadline Monday, April 8th. Limited space so get your tickets early!
8 a.m. Depart Pinnacle Parking Lot (by the mailbox)
9 a.m. Arrive Hoover Dam Lodge.
10:30 a.m. Float down the Colorado River, enjoy a snack.
1 p.m. Head to Boulder City for some leisure time.
2:30 p.m. Depart Boulder City.
3:30 p.m. Arrive Pinnacle Parking Lot.
All times are approximate and subject to change.
Purchase may be made online with a credit card or pay with cash or check at the Community Centers (exact change required).
Saturday, April 27, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Doors open at 5:30 p.m.
Do you remember your prom? Or maybe you didn’t get to go! Well, this dance is for you. Come to the Spring Fling Prom Night dinner dance at Desert Vista Ballroom and live it up like you did in high school! And you just might be crowned Queen or King of the prom. Special guest music by Kid n’ Nic playing all your favorites from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s & 80’s. They will keep you on the dance floor with their mix of dance music. The Food & Beverage Department will prepare a delicious dinner buffet that will satisfy your taste buds. A cash bar will be available during this event. And be sure to get your picture taken to commemorate your Spring Fling Prom Night!
Sides: Caesar salad with croutons & parmesan cheese · Pasta salad with Italian vinaigrette
Rosemary red roasted new potatoes
Entrées: Shrimp scampi over linguini pasta· Herb crusted pork loin
Desserts: Brownies & Assorted Cookies
Saturday, April 20, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Mountain Shadows Picnic Area
Do you love everything about our furry, four-legged, finned, or feathered friends? Then the Sun City Summerlin Pet Fair is for you! We are teaming up with local vendors, adoption agencies and veterinarians to bring you a fun and informative day all within your community. Representatives will be on hand to answer questions and showcase their various pet products and services. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to celebrate the joy pets bring to our lives! Bring your pet along to this event and have fun interacting with other pet owners and pet lovers. The Food and Beverage Department will be providing food and drink for purchase. To maximize everyone’s enjoyment, please remember to clean up after your pet. Dogs must always remain on a leash and under your control. We look forward to seeing you there!
Purchase may be made online with a credit card or pay with cash or check at the Community Centers (exact change required).
Saturday, May 4, 12 p.m.- 3 p.m.
Doors open at 11:30 a.m.
Come celebrate Cinco de Mayo with the Vegas Gypsy Nights. Ricardo Griego, originally from Santa Fe/ Albuquerque New Mexico and a Classical/Flamenco and Latin guitarist leads his 4-piece band to bring you an afternoon filled with the Latin sound. Dance to big hits like "Volare", "Bamboleo", "My Way" and many more. In addition, a professional Flamenco dancer will be performing. A cash bar available during this event, featuring tasty margaritas, Mexican beer & Tequila. Our Food & Beverage department will have some delicious street tacos with beans & rice, and of course there will be chips and salsa, and churros! Doors open at 11:30 a.m.
Wednesday, May 8 · Bus departs Pinnacle Parking Lot at 8 a.m. · Returns to the Pinnacle Parking Lot at 5:30 p.m.
AMARGOSA VALLEY Home of Marta Becket’s Opera House. Marta Becket, a New York City ballerina, moved to Death Valley Junction after finding this small theater. An allaround artist, she painted the audience on the walls and performed many times to only them and her cats. Then it’s on
to Pahrump where you will have leisure time for lunch (not included) at the local casino. Next stop is Sanders Family Winery! Enjoy a taste of 8 different wines of the Sander’s Family Winery. Here you will have time to explore and shop after the tasting.
What’s included: Transportation on a Deluxe coach with lavatory, climate control, and reclining seats. Guided tour of the Opera House & Wine Tasting. Service of a Tour Director. Gratuities are not included. Ticket purchase deadline, April 24th. Limited space so get your tickets early!
Itinerary: All times are approximate.
8 a.m. Depart Pinnacle Parking Lot (by the mailbox)
10 a.m. Welcome to AMARGOSA VALLEY - DEATH VALLEY JUNCTION, home of Marta Becket’s Opera House. Enjoy a guided tour of the theater with leisure time afterward.
12 p.m. Welcome to PAHRUMP Leisure time for lunch at local casino
2 p.m. Welcome to SANDERS FAMILY WINERY Enjoy a tasting of 8 wines. You will have time to explore and shop after the tasting.
3:30 p.m. Depart Pahrump
5:30 p.m. Arrive Pinnacle Parking Lot
Picnic Area
Friday, May 10, 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
It’s time to enjoy the beautiful Vegas weather and a May Picnic in the Park is a perfect way to get out and enjoy your community. We will have a DJ, games like corn hole, miniature golf & more. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, and picnic baskets & snacks (no alcoholic beverages). Food trucks will be onsite with tasty alternatives. A cash bar will be available during this event.
Wednesday, May 29 · Bus departs Pinnacle Parking Lot at 8 a.m. · Returns to the Pinnacle Parking Lot at 4:30 p.m.
Are you up for an adventure, then this High-Level Activity is for you! Join us for a 4-mile flat-water round-trip paddle on the Colorado River from Willow Beach to the Emerald Cove and
back to Willow Beach. During this 3-hour guided tour you will visit a historic site, spot bighorn sheep, bald eagles and more. Need to know: If you prefer single or double kayak. Maximum weight on a single kayak is 250 lbs. or 550 on a double. Call Tina Marie Montoya, Special Events Coordinator at 702-240-1310. What’s included: Transportation, Gear/equipment, Guided tour, Snacks, juice, and water. Service of a Tour Director. Gratuities are not included. Ticket purchase deadline, April 24th. Limited space so get your tickets early! Gratuities are not included. Ticket purchase deadline, April 24th. Limited space so get your tickets early!
Itinerary: All times are approximate.
8: a.m. Depart Pinnacle Parking Lot (by the mailbox)
9:30 a.m. Arrive at Willow Beach Marina
10 a.m. Launch out on your paddle adventure, sightseeing and Emerald Cove
2 p.m. Return to Willow Beach
4:30 p.m. Arrive Pinnacle Parking Lot
Purchase may be made online with a credit card or pay with cash or check at the Community Centers (exact change required).
Friday, May 31, 7 p.m.-9 p.m.
Join us for an evening in the park and enjoy a free movie. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, picnic baskets and snacks. Our first featured film is the award-winning movie, “The Mask”. Starring Jim Carrey, Cameron Diaz, Peter Riegert, and Peter Green. This movie is about a timid bank clerk, Stanley Ipkiss (Jim Carrey), who finds a mask which depicts Loki, the “Norse God of Mischief”. When he puts it on, he becomes his inner self: a cartoon wild man. So, come out to the Mountain Shadows picnic area and join your friends and neighbors for some laughs at Movie in the Park!
“Grady Harrell’s Tribute to the Temptations”
Saturday, April 6, 6 p.m. • $30 Grady Harrell pays homage to Motown's iconic male group, The Temptations, in a thrilling tribute. Backed by his childhood friends, the performance showcases The Temptations' legendary hits like "Just My Imagination”, “I Can’t Get Next to You”, "My Girl", and "Papa Was a Rolling Stone." Under Berry Gordy's 1961 signing, the group recorded chart-topping hits, and Grady recreates the magic with intricate choreography. Joined by a Vegas all-star band, this unforgettable show invites the audience to dance in their seats and sing along to the timeless tunes that define The Temptations' legacy.
“Dennis Blair’s THE RENDEZVOUS –Starring Michael Grimm… Tribute to the Greatest Blues Artists of All Time”
Tuesday, April 9, 6 p.m. • $20 Michael Grimm, a powerhouse of soul, delivers a forceful soul voice while tearing away at the guitar. With his awarding-winning style Grimm does his mighty tribute to the music of the American Blues greats featuring songs by Otis Redding, Ray Charles, Stevie Ray Vaughan and a few originals from his newest album, The Red Album. It was this sound that earned him recognition, several more albums, and named him winner of America’s Got Talent Season 5. Grimm has had the pleasure to work with legends like Blue-Eyed Soul Singer Bill Medley of the Righteous Brothers, B.B. King, The Doobie Brothers, Heart, Stevie Nicks, Greg Howe and so many more. Mistinguett Productions brings only the best of the Las Vegas Strip talent to you so get your tickets early, this one is sure to sell out fast!
Tickets go on sale on the last Tuesday of the month so be sure to get your tickets early for all Starbright Theatre shows. Tickets may be bought online at www.suncitysummerlin.com as well as at the Mountain Shadows, Desert Vista, and Pinnacle Community Centers. Tickets are non-refundable. Purchases may be made online with a credit card or pay with cash or check at the community centers (exact change required). For information on Starbright Theatre shows, call 2401301. A cash bar will be set up in the lobby & drinks allowed inside the theatre
“Dancing Into Spring”
Saturday, April 13, 6 p.m. & Sunday, April 14, 2 p.m. • $20
“Dance Into Spring” – A variety dance and singing show! Get ready for a spectacular time filled with dynamic dance performances and captivating singing acts. Join us as talented artists take the stage to showcase their diverse talents, promising an unforgettable experience of entertainment and artistry. Get ready to be dazzled by the fusion of rhythm, melody, and vibrant performances that will leave you wanting more!
“Elton Dan & The Rocket Band”
Tuesday, April 16, 6 p.m. • $45 Elton Dan show pays tribute to one of the alltime greatest artists ever: Elton John. Elton Dan's rapport and stage presence is second to none with his magical piano playing and engaging you in the full Elton experience. Before you know it, you're captivated by his incredible band and thrilled with the over-thetop costumes and high energy performances just like Elton in days past. Elton Dan and The Rocket Band gives each listener the feeling that they are sharing the intimate emotions of the much-loved music with just them! Elton Dan and The Rocket Band have performed in 33 States and a sold-out show in Macau, China at the famous Wynn Palace Resort, this is a show you won’t want to miss!
Wednesday, April 17, 6 p.m. • $20
Get ready to bring the laughter back to Summerlin. Kathleen and Mistinguett Productions are now bringing the Best Headliners in Vegas to the Starbright. Stand-up Comedy, one of the most original forms of entertainment differs from other performing arts in that a skilled comedian can artfully expose humor in everyday life to an audience’s amusement. Spending the evening with 3 talented comedians can create laughter where you least expect to find it. With a very successful 5-year run and counting. As always, we will have our bar with assorted beverages available. GET YOUR TICKETS EARLY!
TAD MANAGEMENT PRESENTS “Voyager – Music of Journey & Steve Perry”
Saturday, April 20, 6 p.m. • $35 VOYAGER is a spectacular tribute to the music of Rock & Roll Hall of Fame artist, Journey. This high energy production will take you on a musical tour of classic songs like “Faithfully”, “Open Arms”, “Who’s Crying Now”, “Wheel In The Sky”, “Anyway You Want It”, “Don’t Stop Believin’”, and so many more. Featuring extraordinary musicians and vocalists who have toured nationally and internationally, VOYAGER provides today’s most entertaining and accurate Journey experience. Take a Journey of greatest hits, recapturing a golden era of incredible classic rock hits with VOYAGER! Get your tickets early, this one is sure to sell out fast!
Saturday, April 27, 6 p.m. & Sunday, April 28, 2 p.m. • $15
The amazing Musicmakers will be singing their way across the country with their incredible musical director, Michael Dubay at the piano. Always an upbeat show with lots of music and plenty of fun. You will hear “New York, New York”, “Kansas City”, “Dancin’ in the Street”, “California Dreamin’”, and much more.
“Bee Gees Gold – The Tribute”
Tuesday, April 30, 6 p.m. • $25
John Acosta as Barry Gibb has performed in Bee Gees Tributes all over the world for over 14 yrs. His portrayal of lead singer Barry Gibb is with a zest for detail, like no other, from the look to the falsettos! The Bee Gees Gold Tribute is the ultimate salute, and experience of seeing The Bee Gees in their prime, LIVE ONCE AGAIN! Backed by a live band, The Bee Gees Gold Tribute recreate the look and sound of the Bee Gees from the 60's to the late 70's, with their unique falsettos that made them legends. Performing such early hits as “Massachusetts”, “I Started A Joke”, to the later Disco classics, “Stayin’ Alive”, “You Should be Dancing” and Andy Gibb hits etc. With Pete Sprague as Maurice Gibb and Eric Sean as Robin Gibb, The Bee Gees Gold Tribute will leave you feeling “Wow! I just heard and saw The Bee
Saturday, May 4, 6 p.m. • $30
Back by popular demand, this show was sold out in less than 3 weeks last and it played to rave reviews! American Eagle USA, an Eagles tribute band, whose members have performed with legendary artists like Lou Graham of Foreigner, The Beach Boys, 80's Supergroup Asia and The Righteous Brothers to name just a few. "The Eagles Their Greatest" album has made its mark as the #1 one best-selling record in music history... “Lyin’ Eyes”, “Take it to the Limit”, “Desperado”, and “Take it Easy” provide the framework for the landmark recording. As the centerpiece of their show, American Eagle USA play the entire album track to track, cover to cover and, as an added bonus they also perform the best loved Eagles songs that came afterwards including “New Kid in Town”, “I Can’t Tell You Why”, “Life in the Fast Lane” and their definitive masterpiece, “Hotel California” for a complete Eagles concert experience unlike any other. Don’t miss out... Get your tickets early!!!
“From Memphis to Motown Starring Paul X. Campanella With Special Guest Joelle Righetti”
Saturday, May 11, 6 p.m. • $25 Paul X. Campanella's show, From Memphis to Motown is a musical journey through the classic hits of the 1960's from such great artists as The Temptations, The 4 Tops, B.B. King, Sam & Dave and many more. Enjoy the nostalgia of this great era of American Music. You won't be able to resist singing along, tapping your feet, and basking in the memories of listening to the car radio at full volume! Accompanied by an All-Star group of Las Vegas' finest musicians the excitement and energy of this show is palpable. Sprinkled among these wonderful songs is a little comedy and storytelling which levels up the entertainment value of this performance the kind of which you might see in a main showroom on the Las Vegas Strip.
Wednesday, May 15, 6 p.m. • $20
Get ready to bring the laughter back to Summerlin. Kathleen and Mistinguett Productions are now bringing the Best Headliners in Vegas to the Starbright. Stand-up Comedy, one of the most original forms of entertainment differs from other performing arts in that a skilled comedian can artfully expose humor in everyday life to an audience’s amusement. Spending the evening with 3 talented comedians can create laughter where you least expect to find it. With a very successful 5-year run and counting. As always, we will have our bar with assorted beverages available. GET YOUR TICKETS EARLY!
“It’s All About Love”
Saturday, May 18, 6 p.m. & Sunday, May 19, 2 p.m. • $15
Get ready for a musical journey like no other as the Sun City Silvertones proudly present their 65th Spring Concert “It’s All About Love”, a testament to over three decades of enchanting performances since 1991. Join us at the illustrious Starbright Theatre for an evening of soul-stirring melodies curated by the brilliant Tim Cooper, our Director and Accompanist. Under the theme "It’s All About Love," Tim has woven together a tapestry of uplifting songs, spanning the timeless charm of "Crazy Little Thing" to the sweet allure of "Tender Trap" and beyond. But that's not all! Let the magic of music bring us together in a collective celebration as we invite you to join our voices in a heartwarming sing-along of the classic "Sweet Caroline". Don't miss this extraordinary evening filled with love, laughter, and the enchanting sounds of the SunCitySilvertones. Getyourticketsnowforanunforgettableexperience!
Tuesday, May 21, 6 p.m. • $25
For 87 years, through several international tours, hundreds of performers and hundreds of thousands of audience members, the Tamburitzans’ show is an annual tradition for some, and a delightful new surprise for others. This year’s production “REFLECTIONS” features music, songs, and dances with a modern twist, from eastern Europe including Italy, Alpine region, Ukraine, Bulgaria, a Jewish Traditional production piece and a variety of other interesting cultures. Year after year, generation after generation, the Tamburitzans dazzle audiences with elaborate costumes and incredibly versatile musicians, singers, and dancers representing cultures from around the world. The staging and concept are further enriched through the use state of the art enhancements such as multimedia content, LED, and exciting lighting effects. The energy jumps off the stage!
Saturday, May 25, 6 p.m. • $35
Get ready to feel the pride and passion of America with AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL, a spectacular concert experience that celebrates the music and spirit of the USA. Featuring an allstar lineup of legendary artists, including Neil Diamond, Johnny Cash, Garth Brooks, The Beach Boys, Eagles, Elvis Presley, Billy Joel, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and many more, this concert is a tribute to the music that has defined America throughout the decades. With stirring renditions of classic songs like “Born in the USA,” “Proud to be an American,” “Sweet Home Alabama,” and “New York State of Mind,” AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL captures the heart and soul of our nation. Whether you’re a die-hard patriot or simply love great music, this show is a must-see event that will leave you feeling uplifted and inspired. From the mountains to the prairies, from sea to shining sea, AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL is a concert experience you won’t want to miss!
“The Rendezvousstarring Dennis Blair... Two For You & One For Me”
Tuesday, May 28, 6 p.m. • $20 Comedian / songwriter Dennis Blair, co-producer of the Rendezvous Series, is set to recreate his successful 2023 show, "Two for You and One for Me". Featuring jazz and pop standards and original tunes (like "The Catholic Song") along with comedy from his standup special, "Jokes You Can Hum To". With 5 streaming albums and over 150 openings for celebrities including Rodney Dangerfield, George Carlin and Barry Manilow. Blair brings it home with a top-notch band for this free-wheeling, fun-filled show. Don’t miss it or he’ll be very upset.
Wednesday, May 29, 6 p.m. • $25
The “Swing It! Girls” are a vintage vocal trio featuring music of the 1930’s-1960’s which include songs from The Andrews Sisters, The McGuire Sisters, Frank Sinatra, Natalie Cole, The Supremes and more. Their show will transport you back to the days of dance halls and big bands, as they bring back the swing with timeless boogie-woogie hits like “In the Mood”, “Mister Sandman” and of course, “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy.” Their signature show “Swing It!” has been featured on Norwegian Cruise Line and The Swing It! Girls have performed throughout Las Vegas, the country, on the high seas and abroad. Whether you’re a fan of this music through-and-through or you’re just hearing these songs for the first time, these ladies are bound to have you giddy with the giggles and hot as peppers full of pep.
Tickets go on sale on the last Tuesday of the month so be sure to get your tickets early for all Starbright Theatre shows. Tickets may be bought online at www.suncitysummerlin.com as well as at the Mountain Shadows, Desert Vista, and Pinnacle Community Centers. Tickets are non-refundable. Purchases may be made online with a credit card or pay with cash or check at the community centers (exact change required). For information on Starbright Theatre shows, call 2401301. A cash bar will be set up in the lobby & drinks allowed inside the theatre
Doorsopenat 5:30 p.m. Tickets for Blues Night and Band Nights are $15 per person. Tickets go on sale the last Tuesday of the month and may be purchased online at www.suncitysummerlin.com with a credit card or at the Desert Vista, Mountain Shadows and Pinnacle Community Centers with cash or check. Exact change required. Tickets are non-refundable. Food and full bar available for purchase. No outside food or drinks permitted in The Summit during events. Must be 21 years or oldertoenter.Filmingattheseeventsmaybetakingplace.
Tuesday, April 2, 6–8 p.m. | $15
The RumRunners deliveratight, tailoredhighenergyRockingShow,with songsandsetsfrom Beatles, Stones, Santana, Skynyrd, Eagles, and Hendrix justtonameafew.They're guaranteedtokeepouraudiencedancing andpartying. Getyourticketsearly!
Voice of Summer
Friday, April 5, 6–8 p.m. | $15
Themusicof Kenny Loggins, America, Christopher Cross, Steely Dan, Doobie Brothers, Hall & Oats, and othergreat "Yacht Rock Hits" willbe playedLIVEby Voice of Summer Band. Comeandenjoyaneveningofhighqualityproduction,cleanvocals,and catchymelodiesofthemid-70'sandmid80's! V.O.S. willleaveyoureminiscing throughouttheirshow.
Friday, April 19, 6–8 p.m. | $15
Chyna thecutting-edgeTop40Band” Rock*Pop*Latin*R&B*Rapp *Reggae*Country. Chyna’s high energy5-piecebanddeliversashow withlivedancemusicandenergetic stageperformers.Eachband member’stalentcomestogetherfora spectacularblend.Audienceswill enjoyanexcitingshowandhavea memorablefunexperience.
BLUES NIGHT • Chris Zemba, Tuesday, May 7, at 6 p.m. FRIDAY BAND NIGHTS • Laurie Cook & the Heat, Friday, May 3, at 6 p.m. · Roxy Stardust, Friday, May 17, at 6 p.m.National Volunteer Month in April celebrates the impact volunteers have on our lives and encourages active volunteerism in generations to come. Volunteers generously donate a part of their lives to do the work that nobody else likes to do. Volunteering inspires words like helping community, people in need, service, time, energy, giving back, and a sense of purpose. This month, we salute them for their unwavering services to businesses and communities and hold aloft their examples to inspire others towards volunteerism.
There are many areas and institutions requiring volunteers. In our community volunteers serve as HOA and Sub-HOA board members, club officers and organizers, committee members, and so much more. Without the active participation of these people, our community would not be the outstanding one that it is. Our volunteers are the lifeblood of Sun City Summerlin, and we couldn’t function without them.
On the following pages, there is a list of the homeowners who serve on the various committees we have here in Sun City Summerlin. The commitment that they have made towards maintaining and improving our community is greatly appreci-
ated. They provide the foundation for how our HOA functions and develops. We greatly appreciate all of them!
The Mayo Clinic published some important health benefits that come from volunteering. These included improving physical and mental health, providing a sense of purpose, and nurturing new and existing relationships. Volunteering can provide a greater increase in life satisfaction and self-esteem. And dedicating time as a volunteer helps expand your social network, and practice social skills with others.
Here in Sun City Summerlin, we benefit from the career experience of our committee volunteers who provide expertise and knowledge in making decisions that impact our administration, quality of life, property values, and future direction. It is a remarkable and highly valuable resource for us all. Similarly, our master and sub board members draw on a variety of experiences to help provide leadership for the community. Without that active participation, we would have a completely different (and not very desirable) experience living here.
If you are one of our active volunteer residents, we thank you. If you have been thinking about more active participation, we encourage you to step up and do so. If you simply want to enjoy your retirement without active involvement, please consider thanking those that help create the environment you enjoy.
A big thank you to all our 2023-2024 SCSCAI volunteers. You make our community the great place to live that it has been and will continue to be.
Ellen Bachman
John Berthelsen
Dick Clark
Steve Commander
Leo Crawford
Kenneth Resnik
Jeff Rorick
Gerry Sokolski
Judy Williams
Jerry Adams
Allyn Ayotte
John Berthelsen
Bruce Cooksey
Randy Gast
Jola Oliver
Howard Stephenson
Mike Stewart
Michele VanTassell
Ellen Bachman
Marianne Buonanno
Sofia Castille
Lynn Kasner Morgan
Patricia Roskos
Darlene Vaughan
Patricia Vaughn
Cheryl Waldman
Myrna Weidenfeld
Norman Wright
Collections Committee
Ellen Bachman
Dick Clark
Judy Williams
Ellen Bachman
Amos Barcus
Gary Bassford
Dick Clark
Bruce Cooksey
Richard Gluch
Dinah Goldenberg
Willy Janssens
Bonny Lewis
Jo Ann Malkin
Marise Mizel
Pam Moss
Jeff Rorick
Nancy Sanders
Kenneth Snauwaert
John Steele
Howard Stephenson
Bill Sullivan
Chuck Sykes
Darlene Vaughan
Bill West
Judy Williams
Elections Committee
Sofia Castille
Michael Christiansen
Ruth Mintz
Melanie Spector
Finance Committee
Ellen Bachman
Jim Camburn
Sofia Castille
Richard Gluch
Gene Koch
Brian Lougee
Jeff Rorick
Jay Sesto
Gerry Sokolski
Amos Barcus
Gary Bassford
Miriam Block
Mary Fairhurst
Dinah Goldenberg
Massood Modarres
Terry Powers
Peter Ruopp
Nancy Sanders
Steve Seiden
Judy Williams
Amos Barcus
Ted Biedryck
Lee Fair
Kathi Gray
Tom Haseltine
Phil Kapsimallis
Chris Klee
Lenny Libman
Hugh Lichter
Kelsey McCall
Jeff Rorick
Gerry Sokolski
Win Wilson
Joann Zornow
Richard Campanaro
Lenny Libman
Pam Moss
Karen Perez
Lynn Robinson
Benny Ruda
Jaye Smith
Sandra Thomas
Kevin Wood
Robert Ambrose
Sy Bensky
Tom Burt
Leo Crawford
Lori Karbel
Lynn Kasner Morgan
Jim Ross
Jim Camburn
E.J. Klimke
Richard Otto
Leo Crawford
Richard Gluch
Gene Koch
Kenneth Resnik
Jeff Rorick
Ellen Bachman
Erik Braun
Dick Clark
Rhonda Kallish
Mike Levy
Kenneth Resnik
Richard Becker
Tammy Collins
Leo Crawford
Stu Gershon
Molly Sher
Alan Spector
Patti Tripp
Norman Wright
I hope you are enjoying life in our wonderful community. With the beautiful weather already here, I am sure many homeowners are planning to upgrade their homes. We thank you for taking the time to receive plan approval for all your exterior modifications to ensure Sun City Summerlin remains a model community for all the residents.
I am thrilled to share some exciting news that is meant to make your life as a member more accessible and more convenient. We are introducing Smartwebs – Your New HOA Management Software! Smartwebs is designed to provide you with seamless access to various community management services, all from the comfort of your home or wherever you may be. With Smartwebs, you can submit architectural forms digitally and streamline the approval process. Later this year, we will
continue this exciting journey toward more connected and efficient communication, especially with the launch of the proactive enforcement of our governing documents.
To grant you access to these incredible tools and features, we will send out Smartwebs Resident Portal invitations to all residents sometime in April. These invitations will include a link that is valid for 48 hours. Please look for this email, click on the invitation link, and complete the creation of your personalized login credentials.
Should you have any questions or need assistance with the set-up process, please contact us at the Community Standards Office via e-mail at: communitystandards@suncitylv.com.
Do you have a little extra time to spare? Would you
like to make a big difference in someone’s life, while at the same time spending some quality time with your dog? We all know the healing power of our own pets, be they dogs, cats, birds, fish or any other animal, and I have written in the past about the unconditional love that pets can offer us. However, I recently came across Dog Therapy Appreciation Day on April 11, 2024, and was curious to learn about the benefits of dog therapy. I had no idea of the scope of blessings these dogs can bring.
The history of therapy pets can be traced back to as early as 600 BC. The Greeks were the first to notice that the presence of horses seemed to lift the spirits of seriously ill patients.
In Notes on Nursing, published in 1860, Florence Nightingale introduced the concept of Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) in her work. In the 1600s, physicians used horses to improve the physical and mental health of patients. Sigmund Freud, for example, was fascinated with the bond between people and dogs. In a thesis he wrote in 1933 regarding the concept of the human-animal bond, he said that people require interaction with animals. Freud was very fond of his own dogs and used them to soothe his patients suffering from anxiety. His work, in turn, ignited a drive towards
further research into more formal studies concerning dog therapy.
By the 1940s, the American Red Cross had been using farm animals to treat war veterans suffering from injury or illness, and therapeutic animals continue to be used to this day. I suspect as we continue to learn further about how beneficial animals are in helping humans, we will see more and more animals used for this service.
Any dog can be a therapy dog as long as the dog has a good personality towards people and is receptive to training.
According to Healthcare Business Today, approximately 81.8% of autistic children prefer to play with dogs, the dogs helping to calm them to actually access common human emotions while playing with the pets. The article goes on to say that when dogs are paired with children who have learning challenges, the children improve their reading skills as they read to the dog in a judgment-free zone.
We already know the benefits of what a therapy dog can do for hospital patients and for residents in assisted living. Many studies have been done that reflect the joy that therapy dogs bring to these environments.
In addition, while it is a federal crime to misrepresent your dog as a service dog, there are many benefits you and your dog may receive as a result of this training and volunteering; therapy dogs are allowed in restaurants, airplanes and even landlords are required to waive an animal restriction if the dog has the proper credentials.
What an amazing way to give back to the world by spreading the deep love you have for your dog!
If you are interested in having your dog participate in the therapeutic process of bringing love and joy to others, listed below is a source for you to explore regarding educational requirements, licenses and registration.
Alliance of Therapy Dogs:
“Dogs don’t rationalize. They don’t hold anything against a person. They don’t see the outside of a human but the inside of a human.” – Cesar Millan
All scheduled Committee Meetings are being held in person at Desert Vista and/or by Zoom
ARC ArchitecturalReview
BOD SCSCAIBoardofDirectors
CAP CommonAreaProperties
CCOC CharteredClubs& CommunityOrganizations
HC HearingCommittee
IT InformationTechnology
DV DesertVista
DF DesertVista
EC EagleCrest
HF HighlandFalls
MF MountainShadows
MS MountainShadows
P Pinnacle
PV PalmValley
SBT StarbrightTheatre
S SunShadows
SM Summit
TF TavernattheFalls
You too can receive a Zoom meeting invitation by sending an email to Mitzim@suncitylv.com and with your first and last name, your address, and the words “sign me up.”
Tavern at The Falls
April Specials: Every day from 11 a.m. – 9 p.m.
See page 40 for details.
9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Sunday Brunch (SM)
9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Sunday Brunch (SM)
2 p.m., SCS Dance Company Presents: “Dancing into Spring” (SBT) page 26
9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Sunday Brunch (SM)
9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Sunday Brunch (SM)
2 p.m., “SCS Musicmakers Presents: “Pack Your Bags” (SBT) page 28
9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Farmers & Artisan Market (MS Parking Lot) page 18
11 a.m., Sunshine Service Group (DV) page 13
9:30 a.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 13
12 p.m., AARP Driver Safety Program (DV) page 12
6 p.m., “Blues Night –RumRunners” (SM) page 33
6:30 – 9 p.m., Karaoke Night (TF) page 40
9a.m.–1p.m., Farmers&Artisan Market(MSParkingLot) page18
9a.m.,HCClosedMeeting (DV)Insert
9 a.m., BOD Meeting (SBT & Zoom) Insert
9:30 a.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 13
6 p.m., “The Rendezvous: Michael Grimm – Tribute to the Greatest Blues Artists” (SBT) page 25
9 a.m., CAP (DV & Zoom) Insert
9:30 a.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 13
6 p.m., “Elton Dan & The Rocket Band” (SBT) page 26
6:30 – 9 p.m., Karaoke Night (TF) page 40
All Day RightPath Health Screenings (DV) Insert
9:30 a.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 13
10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., National Book Day (DV) page 20
6 p.m., Sun City Summerlin Patrol (DV) page 13
9:30 a.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 13
10:30 a.m., IT (DV & Zoom) Insert
6 p.m., “Bee Gees Gold – The Tribute” (SBT) page 28
6:30 – 9 p.m., Karaoke Night (TF) page 40
1 p.m., “A Man Called Otto” Free Movie (SBT) page 18
4 p.m., Nine, Wine & Dine (EC)
9 a.m., AARP Driver Safety Program (DV) page 12
10 a.m., PETHEALTH101 Seminar (DV) page 19
7 p.m., Residents’ Forum Trivia Event (DV) pages 13, 16
2 p.m., Finance – for March 28 (DV & Zoom) Insert
4 p.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 13
6:30 – 9 p.m., Live Music: “Yukon Jack” (TF) page 40
11 a.m., Legal (DV & Zoom) Insert
2:30 p.m., Fitness (DV & Zoom) Insert
4 p.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 13
4 p.m., Friday Updates with Mitzi (Zoom)
6 p.m., “Band Night – Voice of Summer” (SM) page 33
9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Spring Arts & Crafts Fair (DV) page 19
6 p.m., “Tribute to the Temptations” (SBT) page 25
All Day RightPath Health Screenings (DV) Insert
9 a.m., ARC (DV & Zoom) Insert
11:30 a.m., Lunch & Learn: TrustMasters (DV) page 43
2 p.m., Golf Oversight (DV & Zoom) Insert
6 p.m., “Comedy Tonight” (SBT) page 27
10 a.m., Neighborhood Watch Captains Meeting with LVMPD (DV) pages 13, 16
5 p.m., New Resident Mixer (SM) page 58
5 p.m., AARP Driver Safety Program (DV) page 12
9:30 a.m., CCOC (DV & Zoom) Insert
11 a.m., “Paint Your Wagon” Classic Movie (SBT) page 18
4 p.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 13
6:30 – 9 p.m., Live Music: “Rod” (TF) page 40
10 a.m. – Noon, Open House (DV) page 14
4 p.m., Friday Updates with Mitzi (Zoom)
6 p.m., SCS Dance Company Presents: “Dancing into Spring” (SBT) page 26
8 a.m., Bus Trip: Float Colorado River (P) page 20
2 p.m., Finance (DV & Zoom) Insert
4 p.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 13
9:30 a.m., Coffee with the Board (DV & Zoom) page 12, Insert
4 p.m., Friday Updates with Mitzi (Zoom)
6 p.m., “Band Night –Chyna” (SM) page 33
4 p.m., Friday Updates with Mitzi (Zoom)
7 a.m. – 3 p.m., Garage Sale (Community wide) page 14
9 a.m. – 12 p.m., Pet Fair (MS Picnic Area) page 21
10 a.m. – 2 p.m., TaylorMade® Fitting Day (PV) page 46
6 p.m., “Voyager – Music of Journey & Steve Perry” (SBT) page 27
7 a.m. – 3 p.m., Garage Sale (Community wide) page 14
6 p.m., “SCS Musicmakers Presents: “Pack Your Bags” (SBT) page 28
6 p.m., Spring Fling Prom Night (DV) page 21
We remember the days when there WERE record stores –those days are long gone and don’t exist anymore. We could stop in to browse what the charts showed back then –...from the Platters, Brenda Lee, to Dion’s “Where or When”.
78’s were still sold, then 45’s came to be –...technology in progress – what comes next? Let us see... There were songs on the radio we could now have at home with no option to simply download on our phone!
Then along came Hi-Fi’s, and the sound sure improved, the music was changing as did our dance moves.
Before long we had stereos, bigger than most TV’s took up one whole wall, displayed for all to see. Then 8 tracks appeared, and devices soon changed, but the cross-over bleed could make listening quite strange. We progressed to cassettes, so much smaller in size as we carried our Walkman, and our shirts were tie-died! We made our mixed tapes and were ever so proud –and our parents complained – “Turn it down, it’s too loud!”
Soon we’re burning CD’s we could play in our car and so, now today, let us see where we are. We seem to get music just out of thin air –with your phone or computer, and it seems to be there. The stores seemed to fade; Tower Records are gone. How we listened got smaller, but we still sing along. We can tune in and listen anywhere, anytime, or download it forever from Amazon Prime.
We bought needles, or cleaners, records came in all speeds. There were stores where we’d go that fulfilled all our needs. Record stores now extinct, just like Radio Shack. Same as payphones and Disco - and there’s no going back. Perhaps the next step is an implant device where a tap on the wrist will now play something nice. I do miss the time there were stores we would shop and they’d put on the record, maybe “Queen of the Hop”?
Marvin Gaye, Buddy Holly - vinyl records were king –when record stores were a “few of my favorite things”! So many things changed and the Internet rules and our lives overwhelmed with some intricate tools. But here’s to the memories of the days we once knew –the good old days now belong to just me and you!
It’s April. The warm weather months are ahead, and our beautiful outdoor pools are open for the season. It’s the season to relax around the pool with friends, enjoy the sun and water exercise. But before you pack up your pool gear, we’d like to offer some reminders to help you enjoy your time at the pool.
All pools are maintained in accordance with rules and requirements of the Southern Nevada Health District, which include taking a warm, cleansing shower before entering the water. Additional Southern Nevada Health District rules can be found on signs posted in all pool areas. A brochure containing Sun City Summerlin pool and spa rules, and etiquette may be obtained from the Fitness Center Monitor on duty. We encourage you to become familiar with these and abide by them. You can find schedules for operating hours, classes and club activities published each month in the Link Magazine.
Wear proper bathing attire and bring dedicated shoes for your time poolside. Street shoes track in dirt and contaminants. If you wish to wear shoes in the water, use dedicated water walking or canvas shoes that are not worn outside.
Guests are welcome. You can obtain Guest Passes at the Fitness Center’s Monitor Desk or – if you are unable to accompany your guests – through the Fitness Department office. Familiarize your guests with all rules.
Children are welcome at the Pinnacle Pool, Desert Vista Indoor Pool and the Mountain Shadows Pool. To enter the pool or pool area, all children must be at least 42 inches tall without shoes. Children’s hours are published in the Link Magazine and Sun City Summerlin rule brochures available from the Fitness Monitor.
Marked pool lanes are assigned by the Monitor and limited to 30-minutes if others are waiting. Be respectful of others who are waiting for their turn.
You’ll see some new furniture at the pools this season, as well as many chairs and chaises that were refurbished over the winter. Enjoy using them while at poolside and please be
mindful that others may be waiting, especially during busy times.
One final note, summer can mean thunderstorms and there may be times when the Monitor must clear the pool area for everyone’s safety.
Our Fitness Monitors are well trained. Their job is to carry out the rules fairly for everyone’s benefit and to help all residents have a safe and enjoyable time at the pool.
We look forward to seeing you.
Meet Terry Hall! 90 Years Old – Super Ager
Terry has lived in Sun City Summerlin for 30 years.Shekeepsapositive attitude and has always joined groups that interest her. She’s part of the yoga club, duplicate bridge, plays golf 3 times a week, and goes to the gym 2 times a week. Terry keeps active most days and limits herself to having too many sweets. She was nominated by fellow homeowner and friend, Susan McCall who always tells Terry that she wants to grow uptobelikeher!
If you’d like to be recognized as a Super Ager of Sun City Summerlin or nominate a neighbor, please email the Fitness Department at fitness@suncitylv.com.
Mostseminars/eventsarefree.Theremaybespecialworkshops/classes witharegistrationfee. Please see event details below for specific ticket and location information. TicketsareavailablewithSocialMonitors at Desert Vista, Mountain Shadows and Pinnacle Community Centers. If sold out, please arrive the day of the event to be put on a waitlist.PleasecallFitnessDept.withquestions702-255-2294.
Wednesday, April 3, 12 p.m.
Desert Vista, Room 5
Dr. Barnes will inspire participants to place a high value on quality sleep and provide useful tools to improve sleep. He will also touch on some of the major medical conditions that can interfere with deep, restorative sleep. Dr. Barnes is the Associate Program Director of UNLV’s Primary Care Sports Medicine Fellowship and is the Medical Director of UNLV Intramural Sports. Limited tickets are available beginning April 1 with Social Monitors at Desert Vista, Mountain Shadows and Pinnacle.
Wednesday April 10, 1 – 2 p.m.
Sun Shadows
Join Registered Dietitian, Donna Gould, for a deep dive into the health benefits of plant-based eating. Registration is $20 per person. To register, please call the Fitness Department at 702-255-2294.
Wednesday, April 17, 12 p.m.
Join Anansa Go, NP from ArchWell Health to learn the basics about Colorectal Cancer. ArchWell’s Nurse Practitioner, Anansa Go will share the importance of regular, preventative screenings, the signs, and symptoms of colorectal cancer and more. Join us for our first snack & learn with ArchWell Health at Sun Shadows. Tickets will be available beginning April 1 with Social Monitors at Desert Vista, Mountain Shadows and Pinnacle.
$5 donation)
Thursday, April 18, 3:30 p.m. · Sun Shadows
Join Amy for our monthly Sound Bath Meditation. Please bring a yoga mat, blanket(s), and pillow for cushioning. Wear comfortable clothing to keep warm and cozy. Plan to arrive 10-20 min before starting time to get settled. No late entry due to the meditative nature of the class. Limited tickets will be available beginning April 1 with Social Monitors at Desert Vista, Mountain Shadows and Pinnacle.
Wednesday, April 24, 12 p.m. · Desert Vista, Room 5
Join Colby Phillips of The Combine Fitness & Vitality, to learn how to optimize your body’s capabilities, improve everyday mobility, and unlock the potential for a more active and fulfilling life. Don’t miss this opportunity to empower yourself with the tools to improve the quality of your life through the power of functional movement Limited tickets will be available beginning April 1 with Social Monitors at Desert Vista, Mountain Shadows, and Pinnacle Community Centers.
If you are a new resident in the last 12 months, come and meet your Board of Directors, Executive Director and mingle with other New Owners. Attendance is limited to one event only.
Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at 5 p.m. Scheduled events are subject to change.
Norman (Norm) shares a life-changing story about a teenager named Hector Del Valle. At 17, Hector was drinking and driving when his vehicle crashed in 1982. Hector became a quadriplegic (no use of his body from the chest down). Norm met Hector six weeks later. Hector said: “What you see is what you get. Where do we go from here?” Seeing the potential to rehabilitate and go on with his life the focus was on vocational rehabilitation. Hector wanted to become an advocate against drunk driving.
After leaving the rehabilitation hospital Hector returned to high school to finish his degree. Norm helped write the speech Hector delivered to his high school graduating class about the dangers of drinking and driving. Two national networks and the New York newspapers covered his graduation speech. The next day, Hector got a call from President Reagan congratulating him on his mission to help others. During the next two years, Hector and Norm worked with the New Jersey Governor and the Bergen County Council on Alcoholism. Auto insurance procured a van so Hector could visit New Jersey high schools to deliver his message: Don’t drink and drive! In 1984, President Reagan was running for reelection. Hector was invited to share the stage with the President (at his former high school). It made National news again! Norm was invited as Hector's only guest.
Norm’s Greatest Accomplishment: Helping Hector realize his dreams. Hector went on to college and got his Master’s in Social Services. Forty-two years later Hector remains a happy, productive citizen offering help to others!
Norm is very proud to be a male R.N. (he became one back in the 1970s) and later served as Director of Nursing. Norm and his wife Barbara moved to Sun City Summerlin 10 years ago working as the Director of Nursing at Mountain View Care
Center in Boulder City. The drive was tedious, so he found a job closer to home and drove his golf cart to nearby Royal Springs returning to his roots working in Infection Prevention (IP). In 2016, Norm was the runner-up in IP care. In 2018, he was awarded IP leader by the March of Dimes, and in 2023 he received a lifetime achievement award.
Norm got his FCC ham license (K7NOR) last year and he continues to volunteer his time. He is on the Board of the Nevada Nurses Association and writes articles on IP. In our community, Norm is on the CCOC committee, the Link Editorial Board, and the Neighborhood Preparedness Team. Norm enjoys working with the different clubs, with Mitzi, and residents to promote Sun City Summerlin as an active, vibrant community that supports each other as we go through life changes. “Neighbors helping neighbors, is the goal,” says Norm.
About 25 years ago, Norm was working with a patient in a wheelchair, unable to walk. He said: “I wish I had done xyz… when I was physically able to.” Those words hit Norm hard. He adopted the mantra: “Get out there and do it. Don’t let fear stop you. Focus on the positive.” Norman went skydiving a few weeks ago. It was on his bucket list as he approached his 75th birthday. In fact, when President George H.W. Bush celebrated his 75th birthday by skydiving, Norman said to himself: “If I make it to 75, I’m going skydiving.” And he did. Go to this link to see a video of the jump https://youtu.be/DDe9-rHpeLY .
Norm looks back on his life and shares this valuable quote: “Focus on what you have, not what you don’t have.”
Ÿ Read and understand the Sun City Summerlin Development Standards as they pertain to Solar installations. Pay particular attention to the requirement to install “Bird Mesh” around the perimeter edges of the panels to stop pigeons and rodents from nesting beneath the panels.
Concerns with pigeon nesting and feeding are well known in our community. In fact, feeding pigeons is banned throughout the City of Las Vegas and can result in fines upwards of $1000. This ban illustrates the City’s concerns for safety, health and damage issues that are known to be caused by pigeons.
Over the months the Community Standards Office has seen a steady flow of new Solar installation applications. Las Vegas reportedly has perfect weather to generate adequate electricity to help offset increasing electrical costs and, Sun City Summerlin residents have taken notice.
The news media is quick to report the pros and cons of the Solar phenomenon and there’s no shortage of reports of good and bad. We are not here to debate any of the generalities but wish to provide insights from our own experiences in dealing with the Solar application process.
Ÿ Read the contractual fine print! The pages-long contracts have some interesting tidbits that often go unnoticed. They need to be read and, more importantly, they need to be understood.
Ÿ With Sun City Summerlin now 35 years old, many of our roofs are reaching the end of their original life expectancies. Roof repair warranties need to be understood. Know that a 25–30-year-old roof has its limitations and understand exactly what roof repairs are covered under the Solar warranty.
Ÿ Many Solar companies are doing business in Sun City Summerlin. According to Forbes, over 100 Solar companies filed for bankruptcy in the U.S. in 2023. Consider if your installer will be around to honor your warranty!
Ÿ Solar panels have a diminishing life span. Panels require ongoing cleaning and maintenance to help prolong their efficiencies.
The following is excerpted from a reputable Solar Panel Cleaning and Pigeon Mitigation website: Damage to Property: Because pigeon droppings are highly acidic, they can cause corrosive damage to buildings and homes. Also, nests can block gutters and drainage which can led to floating and other water damages.
Health Issues: Pigeons can be a serious health hazard for humans. They carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans through bird droppings or directly by pigeons. When the droppings dry out, they produce harmful particles in the air that can cause respiratory problems in humans.
Fire Risk: The materials that pigeons use to build nests, i.e., twigs, roots, and leaves, are more prone to catch fire. Also, pigeons usually nest in chimneys or hot places which can easily lead to fire.
We hope you find this information useful.
(This is the most recent information reported to Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc., by the Sub-Associations.)
Paws . . . Attended one of Las Vegas Metro’s “First Tuesday” presentations and was introduced to Leico, an 8-year-old Belgian Malinois (breed of dog). He and his handler, Officer Carrillo, work hard for our community everyday as part of the K-9 Division of the police force. That dog had a way of looking at people, showing his absolute resolution as a full partner to his handler.
There are seventeen K-9 police persons here in Las Vegas, skilled in sharing their duties with their dogs. Each handler has two dogs, one a patrol canine, the other, a detection pooch. The dogs live with their people 24/7. They do the hard work of helping to apprehend criminals, or sniffing out drugs, bombs, or humans. Most of the four-footed officers come to our city via Europe, as that is where the majority of police dogs are bred. They are quite expensive, beginning at $20,000 for a basic beginner. The dogs continue training every day, while on full duty.
A confirmed important part of a protection force, these officers and their partners can diffuse a tragic situation in moments. Look around for a chance to see a demonstration of The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Patrol Dog Division. Scams . . . Once again we are asking that you be aware of those incessant scammers who want to make your life miserable while taking your money! If you get a phone call or a letter or an email that sounds too good to be true; it likely is. DO NOT SEND FUNDS to folks you do not know. Their goal is to strip your accounts and fatten theirs. They are good at their work; they have lots of experience and plenty of success. Don’t you be their next victim!
Service . . . Where is the Volunteer Row? That would be the low building at the very end of Desert Vista Community Center parking lot. If you need help on a huge variety of matters, your answers may be found there.
Center of the building is
the headquarters for Sun City Summerlin Patrol. This amazing group patrols our community 24/7. Program this number into your phone 702-254-2303, you can contact us anytime. We are not police, but we are “Neighbors helping Neighbors”.
To the left of the patrol offices is The Sunshine Club. This wonderful group lends select equipment that may be needed for medical reasons or for the occasional house guest. They have walkers, wheelchairs, canes, etc. that can be borrowed for 2 months with a possible extension. In addition, they have baby furniture that helps for a visiting family for 2 weeks - no renewal. If you need card tables and chairs, they can also be borrowed for 6 days. If you end up with extra nonperishable food items, those are donated to the Salvation Army. Aluminum pop tops go to Ronald McDonald house.
To the other side of Patrol is the office for Sun City Charities. They assist residents in a number of ways! Need a ride to the doctor, they can schedule that, need a light bulb changed, they will do that. Need a smoke alarm battery inserted, one of the volunteers can do that also. These services are free to our residents, but donations are welcome. Be sure to call ahead of time to get on the schedule.
These organizations always welcome volunteers just like you at any time. Please drop by, visit with the different groups and you may find the perfect fit!
Darlene Vaughan Sun City Summerlin PatrolSome of the things we do for the Sun City Summerlin Community:
•Being the eyes and ears of Sun City Summerlin.
•Observe and report suspicious activity.
•Provide house checks when residents are away.
• Remind residents to close garage doors at night.
Sun City Summerlin Patrol – FYI
Services in February 2024
Open Garage Doors – 215
911 Emergency Lights – 45
House Checks – 124
IC Inquiries – 138
Compiled by Frank Miyazono
Club Contact Phone
Aquacize VeronicaDouglass 661-435-4880
Art SteveBrenner 702-749-7737
Arthritis PamMiller 804-240-8626
Basketball JimMathews 503-894-3040
Beading&Jewelry PaulaNuzzo 702-820-9343
Bicycle GaryTrowbridge 725-735-7424
Billiards KayeBence 818-424-8348
Bocci HenriettaRapp 702-528-3504
Book CherylKidd 541-233-6545
Bridge,Duplicate GaryBiederer 847-272-3398
Bridge,FridayNight PeggyCushman 702-462-2250
Bridge,MondayRubber MaryLaFerney 702-562-1550
Bridge,Social ConnieMorris 702-331-0325
Bunco RuthAnnMoore 661-618-1613
Canasta DianeSapp 321-446-5712
Ceramics DeniseWinton 702-363-4329
Chicago/Midwest MyraFeldgreber 702-838-3859
ClassicalMusic WilliamRydell 702-580-0727
Computer JeffWilkinson 702-527-4056
Conservatives JeffDiPane 702-985-2310
Cribbage LindaRay 702-586-1007
DanceCompany RobertaMorrissey 702-524-5881
DanceConnection KrisSteinwand 702-443-8759
Euchre GloriaElmore 702-430-7785
French DenisKallish 203-767-2518
FriendsofTheSummit TamiFox 248-882-3364
Garden DaveMaiero 702-266-5416
Golf,Guys&Gals AmosBarcus 702-755-9623
Golf,LadiesExecutive PamScott 559-917-3724
Golf,Men’s18Hole ThomasHaseltine 414-788-2310
Golf,Men’sNiners HughLichter 727-421-5010
Golf,Women’s SandiHapke 702-405-9181
Gun DavidZuckerman 201-400-1871
Hiking LisaBrew-Miller 707-477-8059
Investment SteveCommander 702-304-1768
Italian KenPignato 702-339-1342
JewishFriendship LonnieWagman 702-419-6333
KraftyKritters SunitaBouri 813-270-9096
Liberal NormanWright 702-255-5545
Library MaxineMcKeown 702-287-2918
MahJongg KarenBerke 702-813-5110
Men’s LenLibman 702-515-9368
Club Contact Phone
Military&Friends ChrisOelerich 970-274-8230
ModelBuilders CharlieBush 702-501-3300
Musicmakers DarleneVaughan 307-330-8421
NeighborhoodPrep.Team* MaryFairhurst 702-482-8853
NewYork ChristineRuggiero 702-280-2743
Organ,Piano&Keyboard MartiStimpson 702-683-4112
Pan JudyWilliams 813-777-3416
Photography JudithFilangeri 702-473-1153
Pickleball SuzanneEsber 714-478-1653
Quilting DianeLais 702-327-4520
Racquetball PeterRuopp 419-420-5175
Rainbow JulieMcCuiston 725-291-LGBT(5428)
R.V. DeanLawes 802-345-9090
Residents’Forum* JulieZerbel 512-775-1309
Sawdusters JohnMarslender 801-598-5371
Sewing(JustSew) JudyHatcher 951-491-3442
Silver,Lapidary SharynSmith 702-473-5479 &GlassFusion
Silvertones RodneyHamburg 702-332-5611
Social SofiaCastille 281-300-4537
Softball MichaelGazarek 419-957-1990
Spanish SarahFreeman 508-733-1047
StainedGlass MichaelDrace 702-970-2442
SunCityCharities/ Office 702-254-5831
SunCity SteveDouglass 661-435-4879
SunshineService* DebbieMotycka 702-755-6109
SuperSolosActivities SusanLang 319-350-8071
Swim DarleneStaley 503-388-0821
TableTennis LaureenLentz 909-648-1397
TaiChi MaryDodson 818-430-1617
Tennis WalterPratt 702-675-5823
TexasHold’em PaulLuszcz 760-399-7173
Theatre(Community) JohnMura 310-251-2785
Travel MariseMizel 702-339-2657
WateRobics DonaWittman 916-425-3571
Women’s JudyAuerbach 702-242-0727
Writer’sWorkshop MaxineMuccigrosso 702-360-1863
Yoga RudolfoSanchez 702-596-2681
ZoomZoom KathyMayer 314-952-6300
Softball / 5/1 / 8 a.m. Softball Field
(The deadline for MAY 2024 chartered club listing is WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 2024. If you have questions, contact the Link at 966-1435 or eileend@suncitylv.com.)
What could be more fun than to exercise in the pool! It's low impact to joints. Club Members can choose from several different classes. Beginning May 1 there will be a 7 a.m. class at DV outdoor pool. The next General Meeting will be held at 10 a.m. on May 20th, at Desert Vista. We will be covering and voting on many topics: increasing the dues to $10, Operation Procedures, Budget, holding raffles at meetings, changes to Special Events and filling Hospitality Chair position. If you
have any questions, you can ask your Pool Class Representative. You can also call or email Veronica Douglass, President 661-435-4880, pagedouglass@yahoo.com. Watch your email for any last-minute notifications. Reminder: all outdoor pool classes will be held weather permitting.
Artist of all levels from beginners to advanced, and those who just love art, are welcome to join the Art Club. Dues are $15 per year. We hold general meetings the third Monday of each month DV Room 1 when we discuss Club business and offer guest presentations or demonstrations. Our next general meeting will be on Monday, April 15, at 1 p.m. We offer courses/sessions in beginning, intermediate, and advanced watercolor, acrylic and oil painting, drawing, acrylic pouring, colored pencil and mixed media. We provide updates on local art events, information about our instructors and Club activities, including our annual Fine Art Show. As a new feature, we are beginning to hold paint parties for a fun evening in a small environment. For more information, including our class schedule, visit our website at www.suncityartclub.org or contact Steve Brenner at 749-7737.
Do those painful joints keep you from exercising? We have a solution. Slip into your swimsuit and join us in the pool for soothing exercises that get those joints limbered up. These exercises safely move every part of the body. Stretching, range of motion, flexibility and balance improve health and wellness.
This low-impact pool exercise Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Desert Vista indoor pool. Check with your doctor to ensure you are fit enough for the class. Annual dues are $15. Call Pam Miller 804-240-8626.
Please join us and help make basketball a community exercise option for everyone. Currently, our basket is at Desert Vista on a pickleball court. The court's hard surface, availability, and dimensions are extremely challenging. We’ve asked for the basket to be relocated to a knee-friendly surface at the end of a tennis court or a new court built over an existing underutilized outside area. The court is reserved for shooting on Sundays from 11 a.m. to 1 pm and Tuesdays & Thursdays evenings from 5-8 p.m. We currently play half-court games twice a week at a local gym. Please contact Jim Mathews (503) 894-3040 or Al Bonardi (631) 398-1891 for additional details.
Join the lovely ladies of Beading and Jewelry on Tuesdays at 1 p.m. in the Silver Room at Mountain Shadows. Our general meetings are the first Tuesdays of every month at 1 p.m. at Desert Vista. We are going to be making bracelets and necklaces in the coming weeks. Call Tricia Saba for a beginner class-491-1351. Dues are $10 per year. Hope to see you soon. For more information, please call our President Paula Nuzzo at 820-9343.
The Bicycle Club does group rides starting at the lower Desert Vista parking lot on Tuesday and Thursday and Sun Shadows on Saturday. Bike start times for winter/spring (November thru April) are 9 a.m. Anyone with a bicycle (or e-bike) and a helmet is more than welcome to join us for any ride. Don’t worry about keeping up, we’re just an easy-riding bunch of SOB’s (Seniors on Bicycles). For more information, please email Gary Trowbridge at scsbikeclub@gmail.com.
The Billiards Room at Desert Vista has four 9-foot Diamond pool tables. Pool cues are available for use if needed. Club-member time block is set for Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 11:30 a.m. with organized tournament play on Fridays. $10 annual dues. If interested in joining the club, please drop by anytime during Club play and grab a cue stick or bring your own. There will be a meeting on Wednesday, June 19, at 10:30 a.m. in Room
2 at Desert Vista. For more information, please call Kaye Bence at (818) 424-8348.
The Bocci Club plays on Mondays at Desert Vista and Thursdays at Sun Shadows at 1:30 p.m. Please arrive a little early so we can start at 1:30 p.m. sharp. Hope to see you all soon. For information call Henrietta at 987-3456.
The Sun City Book Club meets the second Thursday of the month 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at Desert Vista. Social time is 1:30 to 2 p.m. Our April meeting is on Thursday, April 11, 2024. Our Book Club selection for April is Black Cake by Charmaine Wilkerson. If you are reading ahead, our May selection is Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano. For information please feel free to contact Cherie at 541-233-6545 or Klipsan2@gmail.com. Keep reading!
Bridge, Duplicate
Ready to play duplicate bridge? We meet at MS every Wednesday & Saturday 12 noon sharp. Our duplicate bridge game is really a lot of fun & a wonderful way to form lasting friendships among fellow bridge lovers. Need a partner? Our Partnership Chairperson Marilyn Pekrul can be reached at 2548245. For additional information President Gary Biederer can be reached at 847-272-3398.
Bridge, Friday Night
Join us at Mountain Shadows on Friday at 5:45 p.m. Play starts at 6. Recent winners were Jan Edwards & Dona Griggas, Allan & Mary Ann Clark, and Earleen Bender-Kraus & Marily Gregg's. If you wish to join, please schedule with Peggy Cushman. For more information or help finding a partner, please call Peggy Cushman at 462-2250.
Bridge, Monday Rubber
Join us for 24 hands of bridge at noon, Mondays at Mountain Shadows. Play starts at 12:15 and is timed. Recent winners were Marilyn Pekrul & Gail Yangas, Jack Keffler & Judy Purpura, Chuck & Julie VanCise, and Mary Jo Spigelmyer & Susan Warren. For more information or help finding a partner, call Mary Ann Clark at 254-6943.
Bridge, Social Duplicate
BIG GAMES in February: Jane Callaghan & Judy Thompson (77.06%), Annette Bonder & Pat Wright (68.48%), Andra Condon & Ellen Bachman (67.93%) and Sherry Hardychuk & Vlad Ivanov (67.72%). Annual dues of $5 are due for 2024. Thank you for everyone that has paid. We
meet at noon on Saturdays at MS-Sahara Room. We have a mini lesson at 11:30 a.m. Bring your favorite partner or we will pair you up. We use the site RSVPBridge.com to manage signups, partner requests and scoring! Contact Shelly to be added (peretz.shelly@gmail.com; cell: 708.610.3375) or check our website: www.bridgewebs.com/276519. During Supervised Play, participants are encouraged to ask questions and receive coaching on all aspects with the main difference being the level of experience and length of the game - we usually play between 14 and 16 boards.
Everyone is welcome to join us for Bunco at Mountain Shadows on Saturday April 27. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Please bring your Association card and $5 to play. No experience needed. It’s a simple dice game easy to learn and a fun place to make new friends. Pizza will be served. At the end of the night prizes are awarded. You may visit twice without joining. If you choose to join it is $2 a year. For more information or any questions you may call: RuthAnn Moore (661) 618-1613 or Janice Lugavere (818) 606-1354.
The club meets on Thursday from 6-9 p.m. Men, women and couples are welcome. Lessons will be given on
Did you know that Sun City Summerlin has an active poker community? Five of our regular lady players decided to go “all in” and form a team to compete in the Ladies International Poker Series Tournament (LIPS) at Southpoint Casino on April 4. They will be competing against 59 other teams each representing their state or country. The “Sun City Queens” are hoping to make fun memories as well as some cash! Good luck Sun City Queens!
Thursday mornings. Please call 236-1873 to attend. Birthdays will be celebrated at the 1st club night of the month. Dues are $10 a year.
Beginners and Workshop classes are starting again. Watch for the sign-up sheet in the Club Room. Stop in any time the club is open and take a tour of the Ceramics Club. Club hours Monday – Friday 9 to 12, Monday and Wednesday afternoons 12 to 3 and Sunday 10 to 2. Board Members for 2024 are: Denise Winton, President; Sherin Garber 1st VP; Joyce Newlin, 2nd VP; Nancy Hergenreder, Treasurer; Edie Bush, Secretary. Visit our website at: www.creativeceramicscenter.com. For further information, call Denise Winton at 363-4329.
Hopefully The April Showers won't keep you away from our very special meeting on Sunday April 21st. The Chicago/ Midwest Club is proud to present for the first time ever in Sun City, The SR. SPEEDING THEATER GROUP. They will bring you a variety show with comedy, singing and dancing. Join us at 6 p.m. in Desert Vista for an evening of fun, entertainment, fellowship and of course, great desserts. For more information on this dynamic club Call Myra 838-3859.
On April 29, at 7 p.m., we will present Classica LV, led by Bassist Jimmy Cisneros. This group is one of our favorites. They have a large selection of excellent musicians, who perform for the sheer joy of playing classical music live. The program Is scheduled to feature Scheherazade by Nikolai RimskyKorsakov. The piece will have a special arrangement to feature the astounding bassist, Sergio Monory, their other bassist. Opening the concert will be Carmel singing Schubert, accompanied by piano. There will also be a few short pieces as well. All members need to check in at the lobby desks, so we can keep track of our attendance more accurately, as required. Thank you for your cooperation. For more information, contact Will at lledyrw@icloud.com. Photo: Classica LV takes a bow in April 2023 at the Starbright.
If you have computer or mobile device issues, help is available at the Pinnacle facility on Tuesdays 12:30-2:30 p.m. If you don’t have a computer, stop by the Computer Lab on Saturdays from 9 a.m.– Noon to surf the Net. Yearly dues are $10. Details regarding our schedule of events can be found on our website https://www.scscc.club. The club’s next monthly membership meeting will be at 2 p.m. on Thursday April 4th in DV Room 5. For further information contact Jeff Wilkinson, 527-4056, or email pres.scscc@gmail.com.
We meet in room 5 at DV on the 3rd Thursday of each month with sign-in at 6 p.m. and the program beginning promptly at 6:30 p.m. Visit our website at www.scsconservativesclub.com/home for monthly program updates and pertinent club information. You may also call/text club President Jeff DiPane with your questions or concerns at 985-2310. Annual dues collected in January are $15 per member. Club officers are Jeff DiPanePresident, Susanne Spinelli-Vice President, Karen Kogelschatz-Treasurer and Sue Stitt-Secretary. We look forward to meeting new friends and sharing our conservative thoughts and principles.
We play every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. starting promptly, so join us by 5:15 p.m. We usually play partners. New players are welcome. 400 points gets you recognition in the
LINK and on our Board of Winners! Recent winners are Randy Wick-402; Linda Kennedy-400; and Randy Wick-409. Come and join us and get your 400 game! For more information, call Linda Ray at 586-1007.
Dance Company
Our “Dance into Spring” show at the Starbright Theatre (Saturday April 13th at 6 p.m. and Sunday April 14th at 2 p.m.) is ready to go. The Dance Company wishes to thank all of those involved in the performances, the behind-the-scenes production, and the numerous rehearsals - for all of their hard work. Tickets are still available – so get yours today and get ready to Tap your Toes. Currently, we are highlighting our “Intro to Tap” workshop beginning on April 22nd. For new, paid members, this four-session workshop is FREE. It’s designed for the beginner, focusing on the basic tap steps. Look for our preregistration link on our website’s homepage. SCSDanceCo.org has all of the details.
Dance Connection
Dance Connection offers the following classes – Get Movin’, Just Dance, Beginner Line Dance, Beginning & Advanced Hula, Advanced Round Dance, Beginner Line Dance, Beginner/ Intermediate Line Dance, Dance Party, Sittin’ & Drummin’, DanSin’ & Drummin’, BeMoved, Beginner Hula, Let’s Move, Get Up & Dance, Sittin’ & DanSin’, and Showstoppers. Pick up a schedule at any fitness center or visit our website at: https://scsclubs.wixsite.com/dance-connection. Call Kris @ 443-8759 with any questions.
Euchre is a card game usually played with four players per table (two partnerships). We rotate tables and partners, so Euchre is a very social game for all levels. New members are always welcome, and if you don’t know how to play, lessons are available. Join us on Wednesdays at 6 p.m., at Mountain Shadows. For more information, call Gloria at 430-7785.
Bonjour à tous et toutes. Le Circle Français welcomes new members to our fun-filled and interactive meetings. Our mission is to: Converse in the French language, while appreciating the French culture. Scientific studies have identified a link between being multilingual and fending off the onset of dementia. The mind is like a muscle. Let’s flex it and keep it healthy by speaking and reading French. Meetings are held Fridays, at Pinnacle, 2215 Thomas W. Ryan Blvd. 1-2 p.m. Basic for beginners & 2-3 p.m. Intermediate/conversational. Contact Denis Kallish - deniskallish@gmail.com or 203-7672518 for more information.
Friends of the Summit
Friday Band Nights is on the first and third Fridays. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.; with music from 6-8 p.m. Blues Nights are
held the first Tuesday of every month in the Summit. Tickets are available at our community centers, and online at www.suncitysummerlin.com via the ticketing section. We recommend purchasing tickets in advance. We look forward to seeing you at our events. Membership is $1 annually. We appreciate your support of music events at the Summit. Contact us at friendsofthesummitscs@gmail.com.
There is much to learn from Howard Galin, The Plant Whisperer as he leads us through “I Am Stuck on Cactus and Cactus is Stuck on Me”! Meet The Plant Whisperer on Thursday, April 25th at 3:30 pm! RSVP: https://bit.ly/scsgardenclubRSVP. Our standing club meeting date is now the last Thursday of every month!
Location: Desert Vista, Rm 5.
Dues: $20
About Our Club: https://bit.ly/scsgardenclubabout Club Sign up Link: https://bit.ly/scsgardenclubsignup OR print pdf https://bit.ly/scsgardenclubsignuppdf
Facebook: Sun City Summerlin Garden Club Questions? SCSGardenClub@gmail.com
The Guys and Gals Golf Club will host a two-game championship in April. Our first tournament will be held on April 21st at Highland Falls, and the format will be “1 Best Ball” net. The second tournament will be held on April 28th at Palm Valley, and the format will be “Aggregate Net.” The check-in for both tournaments is no later than 7 a.m. with a 7:30 a.m. shotgun start. Our Club Championship Dinner will be held on April 28th – watch the G&G information board for additional information. For tournament information, contact Chris and Dave Klee at 702-254-2461. For membership information, contact Andrea and Clint King at 714-794-4131. Visit our website at www.suncityguysngals.com.
The Ladies Executive Golf Club will be hosting the SPRING FLING Invitational Tournament on May 7, 2024. The field is
Welcome to our Bike Club, a vibrant community born 12 years ago from the enthusiasm of outdoor lovers. We’ve grown from a handful of hiking club members to a diverse group of cyclists, sharing a passion for adventure and the great outdoors.
Our rides offer something for everyone, whether you're a fan of e-bikes or traditional road bikes. We embark on 20-mile journeys that last about 2 hours, including a leisurely break in one of the scenic parks dotting our route. With a pace of 11 to 12 mph, we strike a perfect balance between challenge and enjoyment.
We meet at Desert Vista on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Sun Shadows on Saturdays. See Link Magazine for current start times. Our routes are thoughtfully chosen to ensure safety and breathtaking views. Steve Cherry, our past president, suggested adding links of recent ride reports to a few of our favorite destinations (Calico Basin and Floyd Lamb Park), featuring lots of great pictures. Input the links manually: https://ridewithgps.com/trips/146950077 and https://ridewithgps.com/trips/113663315.
Beyond our regular rides, some members participate in events like the Honor Ride for Vets, 3 Ft for Pete, Tour of Summerlin, Memorial Ride, and the Nevada Park to Park Ride. This adds a sense of community and purpose to our cycling endeavors. The inclusion of e-bikes has welcomed cyclists of varying fitness levels into our 55 Plus Age community, ensuring that everyone can keep pace, regardless of age or ability.
During a ride, our bike club sprang into action when we witnessed a bus driver being attacked by a passenger. We intervened, chasing the assailant away, and promptly called 911. While a member followed the suspect to guide the police, others stayed to comfort the driver, jokingly offering whiskey for the pain until help arrived. This moment of bravery and quick thinking underscored our club's spirit: more than cyclists, we're a community ready to support and protect.
Joining us means more than just cycling; it’s about safety, camaraderie, and the joy of exploration. It's about living life to the fullest, surrounded by friends who share your passion. Ready for your next adventure? It starts with us. For more information, please e-mail Gary Trowbridge at: scsbikeclub@gmail.com.
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completely filled but we are taking waitlist applications. Entry forms are available in the Eagle Crest Pro Shop or on our website. If you are interested in joining our club to play in our weekly tournaments at Eagle Crest, contact Membership Chair, Donna Hadley at 585-820-1800. Tuesday tee times in April will be at 7 a.m. (checking in at 6:30 a.m.). The next General Meeting will be April 23rd at Desert Vista.
The grass is starting to grow and soon the hot weather will follow. The 18 holers continue to add new members and if you’re interested in joining the fun please visit our web site at www.scsmgc18holers.org or you can call Tom Haseltine at 414-788-2310.
Golfers of all levels are welcome at our weekly tournaments, which include nine holes of straight individual play, scrambles, and best ball events, played on each of our three Sun City courses. Club play is held Thursday mornings, with tee-off times ranging from 7-8 a.m., depending on the time of year. Once or twice a year we hold out-of-town tournaments, the next one being a three-day venture to Laughlin in the fall. We host picnics during the spring and fall at the DV picnic grounds. The spring picnic is set for April 4 at DV right after golf. For more information, please refer to our website at www.scsniners.org or contact Raul Gonzalez at (661) 373-2725. Please note that a general Club meeting will take place on Thursday, May 2, right after that day’s tournament, to address the possible need to amend the Club’s Operating Procedures.
April is a busy month for the ladies of the SCS Woman's Golf Club. We are traveling, remodeling, practicing, cleaning out our closets. We are playing in team play, invitationals and taking care of business. At our April 9 general membership meeting, we have lots of new members to introduce and we have to vote and verify our operating procedures. Once voted on by the membership, we can get on with the fun and games. We sure hope you will be a part of the festivities. Any questions, please call our VP, Leslie Halvorson, who will be glad to help you out. Her number is 236-4879. See you soon!
Whether you are new to firearms, considering purchasing your first weapon, or are an old hand in shooting arts, the gun club is looking for you. Meetings are indoors and outdoors. Meetings in April, June, October, and November are on the second Friday of the month, 1 p.m. at Desert Vista where invited speakers update us on firearms related topics. March, May, September, and December Mondays, we meet for a fee of $5, at
the Clark County Shooting Complex. Our Club membership includes residents that are retired instructors, armorers, range safety officer, and military. We maintain lists of training classes, places to shoot, local gunsmiths, and conceal carry weapon (CCW) permit instructors. Dues are $10 for the year. Contact us at scgunclub2019@hotmail.com.
Our club meets the first Thursday of each month. The next meeting will be Thursday, April 4 at 8:30 a.m. in DV, Room #5. April 4 is the last date to sign up for our annual picnic at Spring Mountain Ranch on April 24. Hikes are posted on the club calendar and an e-mail is sent out to members prior to any hike with all details. An RSVP is required and is done directly in the email. Please cancel if necessary so that a fellow hiker on the wait list may participate. All hikes leave from the NE corner of the Pinnacle parking lot. Before hiking, first time club hikers must call coordinator Ann Cronin (702-7375758) for fitness level recommendations and additional information. An Introduction to Hiking class and series of introductory hikes will begin April 17 for those new to hiking who want to see if they would enjoy the activity and how to do so safely. Call Lisa Brew-Miller at 707-477-8059 for more information and to sign up for the class.
It would be very helpful to know if the stock market was going up, down or sideways this year. As we all probably know, it has been extremely difficult to predict in the past. Information on this very important topic will be shared by our guest speaker on April 24th at Desert Vista @ 7 p.m. A Q & A session will follow the presentation. Refreshments will be provided. Annual dues is just $10. See you then. Steve Commander, President.
NO FOOLING!!! Join us on April 19 for a fun filled evening of traditional Italian cuisine and live entertainment by guitarist and singer Joe Buonanno. We will have a fully catered dinner with dessert, coffee, soft drinks and BYOB. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. and we will start at 6 p.m. Entertainment follows dinner. Cost for members is $20 and guests $25. Reservations must be received no later than the second Friday, April 12. "NO EXCEPTIONS". Make checks out to SCS ITALIAN CLUB and mail them to SCS ITALIAN CLUB 9436 W. Lake Mead Blvd, Suite 5-89, Las Vegas NV 89134. Or drop them off at Postal Etc. Questions? Email SCS.Italianclub@gmail.com or contact President Ken Pignato at 339-1342.
Our special speaker for the April 16th meeting will be our own long-time member Dr. Dave Altman. What was it really like to
be a MASH surgeon (Mobile Army Surgical Hospital ) in Vietnam? He will answer that question and tell the story of Major John Rafferty—his hero, the man who saved the World! Please join us for this special presentation. Doors open at 6 p.m. at Desert Vista. Meeting begins at 6:30. Refreshments and schmoozing will close the meeting. Dues are $20, payable with ID card at the sign-in desk. Any questions? Call President Lonnie Wagman 419-6333.
Behold this “tower” of giraffes, made ready for adoption by several Krafty Kritters! You’ll find dishcloths made at our beginning knitters class, baby sweaters from our recent knita-long, these “cameleopards” and more at the SCS Craft Fair and our boutique. We’d love to have you join us! We meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1–3 p.m., and Saturdays from 9 a.m.-Noon. General business meetings are held on the first Saturday of the month at 10 a.m. Donations of craft supplies are gratefully accepted - contact Mary Graves at 489-3043. For general club inquiries, please contact Susan Carnegie at (714) 814-5421.
Liberal Club meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at Desert Vista at 7 p.m. Current members will be kept informed of any developments via email. For more information please contact: Norman Wright at 255-5545 or normwrightphotos@gmail.com. Annual dues are $5.
Both Libraries are open, but the puzzle center at MS is closed temporarily. Please use the Sun Shadows Library for your puzzles. You may take out 5 books and 2 puzzles at a time. Please donate no more than 5 books at a time - space is limited. There are 2 Book Return drop boxes located inside and outside
to use in lieu of bags on the floor! For a large donation, contact C. Kidd at 541 233 6545 to arrange PICK UP! You may volunteer up to a half hour weekly to shelve books alphabetically by author. Our next meeting will be April 11, Noon to 1 p.m., DESERT VISTA, Room 1 and 2. We will be accepting the $1 dues and new members. Please contact C. Kidd, 541-233-6545 or email kilpsan2@gmail.com.
Mah Jongg
Mah Jongg is part skill, part luck and totally addictive. We meet on Tuesdays at Mountain Shadows. Game hours are flexible between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dues are $10 a year. If you are interested in learning how to play this wonderful game please call Sharon Chaiken at 243-8271. Our newly elected club officers for 2024 are: Karen Berke, President; Sandy Merritt, V.P.; Barbara Seidenberg, Treasurer and Jacky Bromberg, Secretary. For club info, please call Karen's cell: 813-5110. We look forward to seeing you in 2024.
A great way to meet new people in our community. Join us for regular monthly meetings, discussion groups, lunches, and tours of local businesses and attractions. Our monthly member meeting is the last Tuesday of the month, 9 a.m. at Desert Vista with free coffee and a featured speaker. Co-Ed Happy Hours are announced each month to our members. Monthly informal discussion group. Power lunch with visiting club speaker is every third Wednesday, noon at Summit. Great events and great friends await you. For information on the club visit our website at scsmen.com. Join our group of friendly residents.
Our next event is the Annual Military & Friends Picnic, an opportunity to visit with friends and make some new ones, Saturday, June 8, 2024, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The picnic will be held in the picnic area at Desert Vista adjacent to Sun City Patrol offices. Lunch is individual deluxe box lunches from Dickie’s Barbeque. The cost is $20 per person. BYOB, we provide soda/pop and mixers. Bring your own folding chairs since there is limited seating. Club members, their guests and Sun City residents interested in possibly joining Military & Friends are always welcome to attend. Please contact Chris Oelerich at 970-274-8230 or email him at coelerich@yahoo.com for details and more information. Mail or drop off checks with Chris Oelerich, 2832 Desert Crystal Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89134. We look forward to seeing you at the picnic.
This is Steve Huffacre. He is building a beautiful, wooden-ship Model of The USS CONSTITUTION (the oldest commissioned warship, still afloat). We have several Members Building PRIZE WINNING models, & DIORAMAS: both plastic and wood. Also, we have a spectacular HO Train display OPERATED AND BUILT BY OUR MEMBERSHIP. We do all this in our DESERT VISTA FACILITY, where we have individual/personal tables in dustproof, air-conditioned work rooms…SURROUNDED BY ALL THE TOOLS YOU COULD NEED! Drop by! We’ll show you around and talk about the WOOD CARVING AND LEATHER WORKING CLASSES! WE HAVE OUR "OPEN HOUSE,” the first Tuesday of every month, too! Contact our President Charlie Bush for more information at 501-3300.
Join us and “PACK YOUR BAG” and get ready to travel across the USA through music. Performances are on Saturday, April 27 at 6 p.m. and on Sunday, April 28 at 2 p.m. at the Starbright Theatre. Buy your tickets now! We are a four-part harmony ensemble of singers. Regular choral sessions are Mondays and Wednesdays 1-5 p.m.at the Pinnacle Music Studio, normally September through April. Regular meetings of the club are every first Monday at 12:30 in the Music Studio. We ask all to NOT WEAR FRAGRANCE OF ANY KIND (perfume, after shave, hair spray, hand lotion etc.). ALLERGIES! If you would like more information or to schedule a special performance please call, text or email Darlene Vaughan, President 307-3308421, popoagieranch@hotmail.com.
See page 16 for details April 24, 2024, meeting 10-11 a.m. Desert Vista for NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH CAPTAINS. NPT is a community organization, and all residents are members. There are no dues or fees to join or attend NPT meetings and events. Our main
mission is to foster education relating to all residents’ safety in responding to consequences of any disaster and to heighten awareness of crime prevention through a partnership with LVMPD & Neighborhood Watch. For more information on NPT call or text us at 482-8853.
Please join us for "Springtime in the Desert" on April 3 along with the fabulous musicians "Band of Gold!" Refreshments will be served. In May, we are excited to have our very own Sun City Dancers! We meet the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at Desert Vista Community Center. Open to ALL - our membership extends way beyond the state of NY! If you are interested in joining the New York Club, please send a message to SCSNewYorkClub@gmail.com or call/text Chris Ruggiero at 280-2743. (Photo is of Niagara Falls.)
Not sure whether we’ll have April showers, but we’re working on songs about Spring. We have an experienced teacher who helps and guides our members with theory, chords and reading music. This is a great time to try something new or refresh your skills through piano, organ, or keyboard. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an experienced player, or whether you want to learn to play – we’re here for you. We meet on Tuesdays from 9-11 a.m. in the Music Room at the Pinnacle. Bring your instrument to participate. We have two organs and two pianos. For information call Marti at 683-4112. Pan
Don’t be April ‘Fooled’ – Pan is a great card game! If you understand the basics of Rummy, you’ll enjoy Pan. Played with 8 decks of cards with the 8, 9, and 10s removed. Like other games, it is part skill, mostly luck, and ask any member–it is addictive. Games are on Tuesdays, 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 pm at Mountain Shadows. Lessons are available; Residents are offered two game sessions before they commit to the Club. Contact scspanclub@gmail.com to coordinate an introduction or schedule a lesson.
The Photography Club meets the second Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at Desert Vista. Members range from novice to professional. Visitors are welcome. Annual dues: $10. Our calendar and monthly theme are on our website: http://www.photography-scslv.club. For information, email J. Filangeri at snapscslv1@gmail.com.
Club Open Play is every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday 8-11 a.m. All levels of players are welcome. If you set up games outside of Club Play time, residents and club members must check in at the Desert Vista Fitness Monitor desk. Nonresidents need guest passes. The ten locked courts are for resident use only and located at the back of the Desert Vista parking lot. May 4th is our Club Picnic & May 9th will be the next Club meeting. For more information on times and dates and/or to join the club, visit our website at suncitypickleballclub.com. To sign up for a new player pickleball orientation, contact Suzanne Esber, President, at (714) 478-1653 or shesber@gmail.com.
Spring has sprung for the Quilt Club, with many activities and workshops. Come see the Quilt Room and shop our many items. The Quilt Room will open during the Sun City Garage Sales on Saturday, April 27 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. for sales of our many spring items and baby quilts. Our next meeting is Monday, April 8, 9:15 a.m., Desert Vista. Visitors are always welcome. To stay up to date, check out our website: www.scsquiltclub.org or contact Diane Lais at 327-4520 or scsquiltclub@gmail.com.
The Racquetball Club is having an active 2024 season adding new Club members, continuing the member prize drawings, and holding member doubles tourneys. The Club also participates in the SCS Club Fairs and other events. Club dues will remain at just $10 during our active 2024 season. The Club welcomes players of all skill levels. Lessons are available. The Club-only court times run Mon-Sat 8 a.m.-noon. Membership forms are available on the RB Club bulletin board. Quarterly Member Prize Drawings continue through 2024 with random winners receiving certificates to the Summit restaurant. The 2025 Club Officers will be elected at the Annual Election Meeting & picnic Monday, October 7 at DV. See you at the court! Questions? Please call:
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President, Pete at 419-420-5175; VP Glenn at 480-330-0799; or Treasurer, Bill at 661-505-0758.
The Rainbow club is delighted to extend an invitation to our membership meeting on Monday April 15 at 6 p.m. at Desert Vista Community Center. Our club believes in cultivating an environment that fosters understanding, acceptance and equality for ALL individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. By attending, you will have the opportunity to connect with likeminded neighbors, share your stories and ideas while fostering a sense of camaraderie that will strengthen our collective voice. We encourage everyone to attend, lend their support and help us create a vibrant and FUN group here in Sun City Summerlin. Let's unite as a community and make a lasting impact on the world around us. A nonmember may attend twice before becoming a member. For membership information, call 725-291-LGBT (5428).
Residents’ Forum
Come and join your neighbors at our first Trivia event for 2024. On Wednesday, April 10th at 7 p.m. we'll be playing trivia at Desert Vista in the ballroom. Drinks and snacks will be provided. 50/50 raffle tickets will be sold, 6 for $5. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. Upcoming events include an Ice Cream Social and our always popular Bingo night. If you have any questions about Residents' Forum and our events please email us at: juliezerbel@yahoo.com.
Our monthly camping trips take us to Hurricane, UT in April and to Wallsburg, UT (outside of Provo) in May. After our summer break, we will be heading to Minden, NV in September and to Prescott, AZ in October. If you have an RV and are interested in learning more about our club, join us for our next RV club meeting on April 8th at 4 p.m. at Desert Vista in Room 5. For additional information, you can go to our website at www.suncitylvrv.club or call Dean Lawes at 802-345-9090.
Come on in and try your hand at woodworking. The club is open to all Sun City Summerlin residents in good standing. If you would like a no obligation
tour of the facility and the machinery and woodworking tools, please contact John at (801)598-5371 to set up an appointment. If you would like to learn to use any of the machinery and tools we provide an orientation. The annual membership dues of $40 covers everything. We have members who volunteer to monitor during the week. Our officers for 2024 are President John Marslender, Vice President Rick Retelle, Secretary David Lunn and Treasurer Perry Cance. If any members would like to volunteer to monitor, there is a calendar on the desk at the front door.
The sewing room is closed for remodeling. Watch for our Grand Reopening and Craft Sale. We are still accepting donations of fabric, notions, yarn, thread, patterns, and machines. To coordinate pickup or delivery contact President Judy Hatcher at 341-8554. Visit our website at https://scsclubs.wixsite.com/scsjustsew.
Would you like to polish stones and melt silver to make jewelry? Or create décor items and gifts by cutting and kilnfusing glass? This club is for you! Pictured pieces were made by Cindy Lawrence, a new silver artist. Stop by our rooms at the Mountain Shadows Craft Center mornings (except Tuesday & Sunday.) Sign up for a beginner workshop and meet our friendly members who love to share their skills. Dues are $30/year which includes the use of a locker. Our next general meeting is May 18th at 9:30 a.m. in the Silver Room. For more information, please contact our President, Sharyn Smith at 473-5479.
The Silvertones have been busy rehearsing for our upcoming spring concert in May. Tim Cooper has taken on the job as
Director along with his job as Accompanist. He has come up with lots of fun songs for our show IT'S ALL ABOUT LOVE. Dates for the concert are May 18th at 6 p.m. and May 19th at 2 p.m. in the Starbright Theatre. We rehearse every Thursday afternoon from 12:45 to 3 p.m. in the Music Room at the Pinnacle. If you love to sing and would like to join our group please call our President Ron Hamburg at 332-5611 or e-mail him at rhamburglv@yahoo.com for more information. We would love to have you.
We have many monthly activities for you to choose from—something for everyone. Our general membership meetings are always lively and fun! Yearly dues are only $10, and we require RSVPs to our events to make sure we can accommodate all who are interested. The next monthly meeting will be April 29 in the DV Ballroom, and you must RSVP to attend. Take a look at our website www.suncitysocial.org, contact our Membership Director at (312)636-6101 or email membership.social.club@gmail.com.
League games are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. Thursday batting practice at 8:30 a.m. Saturday batting practice at 9 a.m. For more information, please contact Brian Hoffman at 717-602-5195 or jlsbeh@aol.com. Election of club officers will take place Wednesday, May 1, 8 a.m. at the Softball Field.
Bienvenidos! (Welcome!) You are invited to join our free Spanish classes! We have moved to the Pinnacle Meeting Room. Our classes include Intermediate Spanish at 9 a.m., Advanced Spanish at 10 a.m. and Beginner’s Spanish at 11 a.m. We also have a Google Meet class for Conversational Spanish with Instructor Barry Feinberg on Wednesdays at 9 a.m. Contact Barry directly at 312-608-8012 or bfeinberg@ieee.org to sign up. Questions: Call President Sarah Freeman at 508-733-1047 for more information.
Learning the art of Stained Glass taught by gifted members of the Sun City Club is a terrific way to nurture your creativity. Spending time in the wellequipped studio located in the Craft Wing at MS affords members of the club a way to make lasting
friendships and enjoy the company of interesting members of our community. Stop by for a tour and see some of the projects as they take form. For information on class schedules or to join the club, please contact Mike Drace at 970-2442 or Sam Policicchio at 704-4492. Photo: A unique stained-glass creation by Sam Policicchio is mounted on the wall at the Desert Vista Billiard Room and it lets the pool players enjoy their "time" there.
Sun City Summerlin Patrol is a volunteer organization made up of residents of the SCS community. We are the eyes and ears of the community, providing 24-hour patrol of the Association’s roads. Members serve as drivers, dispatchers, and Information Center volunteers. Contact the Patrol at 254-2303 or visit us at base (located at the back of Desert Vista’s parking lot). We’re here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Our warehouse is open Monday through Saturday from 9-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Call the Warehouse at 341-9741 to verify hours. We loan medical equipment and children’s equipment to Sun City residents. Our warehouse is next to the SCS Patrol Office at Desert Vista. We also collect aluminum tabs, Campbell Soup labels, and food donations for charity. We accept donations of usable medical and children’s equipment. We particularly need transport chairs of all sizes for adults. Please bring them to the Warehouse. If you have signed up to work at the warehouse and you must cancel, call Debbie Motycka 755-6109 or Sarah Emes 600-5877 to arrange a substitute. Next meeting on April 1, 11 a.m. at Desert Vista.
NEW adventures with NEW friends. Wow, how we have grown! Imagine going to The Smith Center, a fancy lunch, quaint happy hours, live music, or trying a new restaurant with builtin companions! Our goal is to collect your ideas of fun and adventure and channel them into an app called Meetup. As members of the Super Solos Activities Club, you will be able to view upcoming events and connect with others. Our next two meetings are April 9 and May 14 @ Desert Vista Room 5, 5 p.m. Membership $10 per year. Please join our club! Contact us at supersolosscs@gmail.com or club President, Susan Lang 319350-8071.
Swim Club is open to all residents who swim. Come join fellow swimmers while brushing up on your techniques. We have several members who train for the Nevada Senior Games. We have exclusive use of the Desert Vista indoor pool
Continued on page 90
3 We have 30+ years of combined experience specializing in Sun City Summerlin oorplans, disclosures & renovations
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9310 Sun City Blvd #101 Las Vegas, NV 89134
There are over 70 approved color palette schemes that you can view and choose from at the SCSCAI Community Standards Office or at the dunnedwards.com website by clicking on colors and then entering Sun City Summerlin as the HOA name.
Once you find color palette schemes that you like, you can also send a photo of your home and up to three (3) color schemes of your choice to Dunn Edwards at summerlincoloradvisor@dunnedwards.com and they will prepare up to three (3) color renderings, for free, so you can see what the colors will look like on your home.
Remember Painting Your Home Requires Prior Approval from the Architectural Review Committee.
Continued from page 88
on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9-10 a.m. Membership is $10 per year. Contact us at SCSSwimmers@gmail.org or call Darlene Staley 503-388-0821.
All Sun City Summerlin residents are welcome to play with us for two visits as guests before joining the club. Annual membership dues are $10. Playing Table Tennis has many great health benefits such as improved coordination, balance and reflexes. It’s a great way to get in shape and make new friends. Play times at PN are Monday 9 a.m.-Noon; Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; and Saturday, 3-6 p.m. Play times at Sun Shadows are Tuesday, 5:30-8 p.m., and Thursday, 4:45- 8 p.m. A practice robot machine is set up on Saturday afternoons at the PN. For more information contact Marilyn at (412) 849-6092.
Tai Chi for flexibility & balance, at Desert Vista. Dues: $5 per calendar year (checks only). For information, Email J at taichi10630@gmail.com or call Mary Dodson at 818.430.1617.
Please join us for a game of tennis. Our club membership is $15. We offer competitive tennis in all skill levels. Our club provides free tennis drills on Wednesdays from 9-10:30 a.m. at Desert Vista tennis courts. Our group leaders include players of all skill levels (2.5-4.5). For more information about the tennis club or to join a group, please contact Walter Pratt, President, at 675-5823 or duffers18@yahoo.com.
We play Texas Hold’Em No Limit Tournament style for 3 hours on Mondays 12:30 p.m. at Mountain Shadows. For more information on our games or to sign up as a new member go to www.suncityholdem.org. Annual club dues are $5. Email suncityholdem@gmail.com with any questions.
Looking for a Fun Club? Join the Theatre! It really does “Take a Village” to put on a Fabulous Show! We’re always searching for Amazing Folks who want to Act, Usher, Work Backstage or Direct! We perform 2 shows a year - in February and October.
If this sounds like something you’d like to try - check us out! Our General Meeting is the 3rd Monday of each month, 6 p.m. at Desert Vista. Stop in, introduce yourself! We’ll be holding Auditions for our Fall show in April! Watch our Facebook page (SCS Theatre) - Instagram (scstheatre_) or our website (scstheatre.com) for Announcements. For more info, contact President John Mura at scstheatrelv@gmail.com.
Sun City Summerlin Travel Club meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 3 p.m. in Room 5 of Desert Vista. All activities including membership dues are paid by check. NO CASH. Transportation to events is done by bus. We take trips to local sporting events, shows on the Strip, entertainment at The Smith Center and other local venues. Current plans include Aces Basketball games, tours of the Sphere, Awakening and LOVE on the Strip and Irish Tenors at the Smith Center. New members and new ideas of events to attend are always welcome. Call Marise 242-2704 for more info.
Classes are held at Sun Shadows, Monday-Friday at 9-9:45 a.m., and Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 12-12:45 p.m. Sessions are led by certified instructors who offer modifications to meet various physical limitations. If you’re new to our community and are looking for a great workout, please join us for two free classes to see if it’s a good fit for you. For information contact Dona Wittman, 916 425-3571, Cathy Dali, 916 838-6378, or Sally Gavin, 283-0472. A General Meeting will be held on April 30, at DV Community Center, Room 1, at 1 p.m. to discuss and vote on changes to be made to Operating Procedures. We encourage members to attend and provide input and direction for your Board.
The April 18 meeting at Desert Vista is a themed event, and there will be a Spring bonnet contest with a prize for the most creative hat. The program features a presentation by Dr. Devin Luzod of Spinal Care of Nevada. His "Keep Your Juices Flowing" talk will offer hints for a more healthful and productive lifestyle and will include group participation. New and renewed memberships are encouraged since the May 16 meeting is for members-only. Doors at Desert Vista open at 11:30 a.m. and the program begins at 12:15 p.m. For additional Club information, contact Judy at 242-0727 or Dee at 719-599-7564.
Writer’s Workshop
If you enjoy writing for fun or aspire to publishing, you will enjoy the Writer's Workshop. We're a casual, supportive, friendly group representing the full range of writing experience from beginners to those who have published or seek to publish. Members write about their life experiences, creative or humorous stories, and more. There will also be speakers and tips to help maximize our writing abilities. Our meetings are
held at the Pinnacle Meeting Room on the first three Mondays of every month, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Visitors are welcome on the first and third Mondays. Annual dues are $20. Hope to see you soon. For further information call President Maxine EngelMuccigrosso at 360-1863.
We now offer a variety of yoga classes! The quarterly fee for a 50-minute class is $30. For a 90-minute class, the fee is $45 per quarter. You can mix and match 50-minute and 90-minute classes. One time trial and drop-in fee is $3/$5. Personal checks or exact change please. For more information call Rudy 596-2681 or Tim 847-915-9601. Please contact Club Treasurer, Eva Wardlaw (ejwardlaw@cox.net), for details of payments for periods less than the quarter.
Exercise in disguise!!! Have fun while burning a ton of calories without even knowing it! Each class is 45 minutes and includes aerobics, toning, balance, and stretching. All classes are at Sun Shadows Wednesday and Friday 10 a.m.; Aqua classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 11 a.m. in the pool; and toning Saturday 11 a.m. Questions? Please contact Kathy Mayer at 314-952-6300. Try any class free. Fee schedule available at each class. Have fun, get fit, and get your Zoom Zoom on!
8 Strikebreaker
12 Siestas
14 Egg layers
15 Father of a leveret
16 Superstar
17 Wanes
19 Old Peruvian native
20 Aligned
21 Open
22 Enormous
23 Abominable snowman
24 Scrutinize
25 Study
27 Mardi —
29 Evil
30 E.g. A O L
33 Four pecks
36 Secret Chinese society
37 Bingo!
38 Time in Boston
39 Merchant ship's capacity
41 Immediately
42 Dentists' grp.
48 Salty
ATTENTION: Please be advised that by placing a classified ad your contactinformationbecomespublicinformationintheLinkMagazineandonour Website.Wecautionyoutonotprovideyourlastnameoraddresswhenspeakingwithpeoplewhocallyouinterestedinpurchasingtheitemyouareadvertising. In addition, we caution you to not invite people to your home to see or purchase the item and that you meet them in a public location during normal businesshours,suchasabankparkinglotorlobby,wheretherearesurveillance cameras and in many cases security. Sharing your personal informationorinvitingpeopletoyourhomeisdangerousandalsoopensupapotential you will be scammed. May 2024 Classified Ads are due Friday, March 29, 2024. Classified ad forms are available at the Link office at Mountain Shadows,Monday-Friday8a.m.-4p.m.COST:$3perline.SCSCAIcardrequired. No refunds. Services or offers of merchandise are considered business ads and will not be accepted. Classifieds marked with an asterik (*) indicate that photoscanbeviewedonlineat:suncitylink.com/classifieds.Questions?ContactEileenat:966-1435oreileend@suncitylv.com.
Taylormade R9 3 15 fairway wood. Mint condition. $85. Call .........................................................................818-439-6188
Taylormade R9 460 10.5 Rt-hand driver. Mint condition. $85. Call .........................................................................818-439-6188
Nike Golf Bag w/club cover. Like new condition. $125/OBO. Call .........................................................................818-439-6188
Bausch&Lomb7X35Binocularsw/case.Clear,cleanoptics.$55.Call .........................................................................818-439-6188
English Fly Fish Rod: House of Hardy. Appointed by HRH Prince of Wales.Rod60incheslong.Bestoffer...............................453-1396
BMW Z3 Convertible – 1998, 27,000 miles. Top condition. $8,000 .........................................................................603-812-3184
*Computerdesk-5ftlong,21incheswide,29incheshigh.$25.Call ..............................................................................750-0323
Renaissance Revival Davenport Desk Circa 1880. Mint Condition. $1,200.Call...............................................................405-7772
*Completestereosystemcassette&turntableandCDplayers.$100. Call .........................................................................243-7874
*Bathroomlightfixtures-new,3setsof21”fixtureswith3lightseach. $125.Call...........................................................805-208-4300
Antiqueclocksdatingpre-1900. Clocksinperfectworkingcondition. American,Germandating1880.Shelfclock,wallclocks.Byappointmentonly..................................................................396-6560
Whirlpool1.7cuft,1000watt,over-the-rangemicrowave(fingerprint resistant,stainlesssteel).Depth-16inches,Height-30inches&Width30inches.Retailprice:$419,sellingfor$175(cashonly/pickuponly. Call..........................................................................981-2059
Verynicegolfcartwithbrandnewlithiumbattery,upgradedwheels andtires.Latemodel.Pleasecallfordetails.................808-298-6412
Roommate wanted to share 2 BD/2BA 2,000 sq ft home in Sun City Summerlin.Fullprivilegesincludinggarage.Securitydepositrequired. AvailableJune1st.......................................................283-1176
WouldliketorentaroominSunCitySummerlin.Iamclean,quiet,no pets,smoking,drugs,gambling,orovernightguests,andreceiveSS.I amhealthy,activeandgonealot.Call..............................256-2432
MotorhomeView/NavionModelV,Via/ReyoModelTorsimilar.Please noteRV.Email.................................................buonora@aol.com
Freepickupserviceforbasicitemstodonate!Movinginorout?Needto declutter?Icanhelp!CallMaddieforanappttodiscussat.....801-831-0174
Anyoneinneedofhelpwithlightcookingorcleaning,Iamavailable. PleasecallDiana@...............................................330-357-2455
Looking to purchase an automobile. Need good transportation. Call ...............................................................................790-2238
SunCityResidentsinterestedinbuyingusedvehicle&golfcart.Call ...............................................................................790-2238
Rentals: decorator furnished 1,599 sq. ft 2/2/2 & 2 patios & office. 2,486sq.ft3/2/2-1/2,garage&lgenclosedpatio.Bothclosetogolf course......................................................................245-4249
*Great 2br/2ba on quiet street & park, $2,650/mo. Email bertholdalbin@gmail.comorTEXT............................406-551-6479
*Rental (Min 31 days) on Faiss Dr. Sun City Summerlin. Fully FurnishedTurnkey,King&QueenBeds.2/2/2LooksLikeamodelhome, 1179SF.NoPets/NoSmoking.ForPhotos,go:https://ttrealty.homes/ 55-furnished-rentalsOrCallOwnerTT............................275-8150
All telephone numbers published in the Link and at suncitylink.com are in the 702 area code unless noted otherwise.
Alterations by Susan, Crown Dry Cleaners ............... 294-1333
Computer Help & Tutoring, Jim Ross................461-8741
ADD Cleaning in Sun City for 25 years. Licensed..............862-6937
CarpetGuy cleaning/repair 33 yr exp – 5 areas $89.95.....645-3092
E R. Home Cleaning, Lic/Ins.......................427-3464
G&S Window Cleaning. Lic/Ins. Serving Sun City since ‘93..889-9779
House Cleaning by Linda. Licensed.................232-9516
Nelly’s House Cleaning Service. Lic/Ins.............205-7173
Quality Carpet Cleaning/Epoxy Garage Flr Paint/Lic-Ins..368-7898
Vegas View Window Cleaning, Senior Discount, Lic/Ins..965-2065
Golden Heart Senior Care (Licensed Caregivers).......800-4616
Senior caregiver on-call. 12+ years exp. Call Claire..........469-0818
Valley Oaks Medical Group | Sun City Clinic..........341-9400
Affordable A/C, Heating Svcs & Repair by AIRRIA Climate..328-3002
Alaskan Plumbing Heating and Air – Senior Discounts..803-3131
D&B Electric, serving Sun City since 1989. NVCL #87625.......327-5368
Fans, EV plugs & Ring cameras installed. Call Richard........881-3641
On The Spot Air – Senior & Military Disc. Lic#00081009.713-7912
Simply AC, Heat & Plumbing Senior & Veteran Discount.......935-5992
We repair. Family operated. Wave Heating & Cooling....881-4713
Don Barsky CPA (Ret.) IRS Registered, tax prep, SC res........236-8205
Mario Giannini, State Farm Insurance Agent.........982-3300
Serl Keefer Welter Certified Public Accountants.......363-1971
A Handyman Dave, tile & all work, reasonable, 35 yrs. exp..232-2510
A+ Liberty Handyman, call Steve for free est. Senior Discount...371-7499
Ace Handyman Svc, Lic/Ins, Prompt & Clean, 15% disc..323-6431
Ace Technical Appliance Repair...................715-1272
Half Price Handyman, Senior Discount. Lic/Ins ............813-8762
A+ Insulation Specialist, SCS Discount – LV Attic Pros..934-5966
East West Blinds and Shutters. Est. 1992.............255-0502
Eclipse Solar Screens. Vet Owned/Lic. ..............219-4282
Home Make-Overs – Lic & Ins. Call Richard...............881-3641
Precision Garage Door – Always Open!..............475-3554
Red Rock Garage Door Service and Repair............994-9798
Spartan Locksmith Safe Moving Sales & Srvc Sr Disc....969-9737
Swift Garage Door Repair – Full garage door service....888-0085
Weatherguard Roofing•Repairs•Coatings Lic 78812.....860-0089
Earthworks Landscaping – Sun City Specialist........474-1599
EZE Superior Lawn Care Service & Tree Removal............807-4217
Green LV Irrigation & Maint. Lic#G66-1409 15% St. Disc.862-0283
LandTeck Irrigation & Landscape Svcs. Lic#79811 Free est.802-8974
Marcelo Irrigation & Lighting. Senior Discount .......339-4631
San Marcos Clean Up Specialist & Repair – Salvador....468-6578
Woody’s Tree Service: Tree Removal & Trimming, 10% Disc.401-8285
AAA (PCI) Pest Control Inc. SC Res (2 Months FREE)....228-4394
It’s Your Bugman Pest Control, SC Res., Free 1st Service.341-9414
O’Kelly Sons Pest Control Inc. – $25 Monthly Coverage..338-3365
Alaskan Plumbing Heating and Air – Senior Discounts..803-3131
All Water Softener, Drinking Water Needs, Serv-All-Water.637-0400
Dignity Plumbing..............................840-8910
Simply AC, Heat & Plumbing Senior & Veteran Discount.......935-5992
Water Heaters and Emergency. Lic. Richard...............881-3641
Alex & Susan Greiner/Signature Realty Group........434-5550
Anna & Anni, Roth & Koch Group BHHSNV...........277-2680
Betty Gammon, Realtor®, Signature Realty Group...........493-8680
Donohue Team/Berkshire Hathaway................494-9105
Local Transport: Airport, Dr. visits, Errands, Reliable. Claire469-0818
Need a Ride? Call or Text Janine...................292-1953
Reliable Grocery Delivery. Call or text Stacey......509-833-9331
The Link does not endorse nor promote any product or service advertised. Verification of qualifications and current license is the responsibility of persons seeking service.
Paramount Focus Group..............................58
Porchswing Technology..............................49
Prestige Golf Cars..................................76
Scissors Glamor...................................94
Dr. Jeff Gunter for Senate...........................Insert
Shelley Berkley for Mayor.............................34