August 2024 - Link Blue Pages

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Table of Contents

B.O.D. Motions

Summary of Operations

B.O.D. Meetings Schedule


Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc. Meeting of the Executive Board of Directors

Owner Attendance was in person, by Zoom and teleconference. July 09, 2024


Board Members in Attendance in person: Jeff Rorick, Dick Clark, Ellen Bachman, Gerry Sokolski, Judy Williams, Erik Braun, Steve Commander, Kenneth Resnik

Board Members in Attendance by Zoom: Lynn Kasner Morgan

Board Members Absent: None

Acceptance of July 09, 2024, Executive Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

MOTION by Kenneth Resnik to add the following items to Roman Numeral III

Consent Calendar, Item G Executive Session Agenda – for July 09, 2024 –immediately following the Executive Board Meeting, Roman Numeral IV New Business:

Ÿ Legal Opinion on Owners Flying Flags Upside Down.

Ÿ Legal Opinion on Owner request for accommodation.

Ÿ Attorney Response to Owner who submitted letter to fulfil the prerequisite for filing Form 514a with Nevada Real Estate Division (NRED).

Ÿ Cease and Desist Letter from our attorney to an Owner who harassed a staff member.

SECOND by Dick Clark.


MOTION by Jeff Rorick to remove the following item Roman Numeral VI Unfinished Business, Item A Board Member Eligibility Disclosure Form for Existing Board Members – Adoption of a New Form.

SECOND by Erik Braun.

MOTION PASSED 8-1, Opposed Steve Commander

MOTION by Dick Clark to remove the following item Roman Numeral VII New Business, Item F Desert Vista Tennis Courts 1 & 2.

SECOND by Erik Braun


Acceptance of the Budget Ratification

Membership Meeting Minutes from the May 31, 2024, and Approval of the Executive Board of Directors Meeting Minutes from the June 11, 2024, Board Meeting

MOTION by Kenneth Resnik to accept the Minutes from the May 31, 2024,


Budget Ratification Membership meeting as presented. The minutes to be put on file for approval at the next Membership Meeting.

SECOND by Erik Braun


MOTION by Jeff Rorick to approve the Minutes from the June 11, 2024, meeting of the Executive Board of Directors as presented.

SECOND by Judy Williams

MOTION PASSED 8-1, Opposed Steve Commander


MOTION by Jeff Rorick that there being no objection to approving items A through G as presented on the Consent Calendar that these items be adopted and the full text of the resolutions, reports or recommendations contained, be recorded in the Minutes of this meeting.

SECOND by Dick Clark



A. Financial Statement Acceptance –Previously Distributed to the SCSCAI Board of Directors and posted on the webpage at

MOTION by Gerry Sokolski to accept the recommendation from the Finance Committee from their meeting on June 27, 2024, to accept the previously distributed April 30, 2024, Financial

Statement without comments, subject to audit, and to acknowledge that pursuant to NRS 116.31083 (7) the Board of Directors have been given the opportunity to review the financial information listed in NRS 116.31083 (7) (a thru e).

SECOND by Ellen Bachman


B. Agenda Item: Banking Change for Association's Corporate Credit Card Relationship

MOTION by Gerry Sokolski to accept the Director of Finance's proposal to change SCSCAI's corporate credit card relationship from Wells Fargo to the Association's current banking partner, Alliance Association Bank.

SECOND by Ellen Bachman


C. Sun City Night Out – Vendor Donation

MOTION by Jeff Rorick to approve the Neighborhood Preparedness Team request that the Executive Office reach out to Association vendors for complimentary door prizes for the Sun City Night Out on September 27, 2024.

SECOND by Judy Williams

MOTION PASSED 8-1, Opposed Steve Commander

D. Fall Garage Sale – Friday, October 18 & Saturday, October 19, 2024

MOTION by Lynn Kasner Morgan to approve the proposed dates of the Fall Sun City Summerlin Community Garage

Sale as Friday, October 18, and Saturday, October 19, 2024. Advertising to be done within Sun City Summerlin and an ad to be run in the Nevada Review Journal.

SECOND by Judy Williams


E. Desert Vista Community Center –Ballrooms 1-5 – Moveable Walls

MOTION by Dick Clark to approve the recommendation from the Common Area Properties Committee from their meeting on June 18, 2024, the approval of the repairs of the moveable walls in Ballrooms 1-5 at Desert Vista rather than replacement. The repairs would be completed by Western Door & Gate in the amount of $33,800.13 including sales tax, delivery, and labor. This expenditure for replacement was approved in the 2024/2025 Reserve Fund Expenses

Budget in the amount of $197,126.00 and the repairs would be under the budgeted amount for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, by $163,325.87.

SECOND by Ellen Bachman


G. Pinnacle – Turf Reduction

MOTION by Dick Clark to approve the recommendation from the Common Area Properties Committee from their meeting on June 18, 2024, the design concept as presented for the turf reduction and rock for the area south of the softball field in an amount not to exceed $2,500.00. This is an Operating Expense and may be offset by turf reduction rebates.

SECOND by Erik Braun


H. Palm Valley – Turf Reduction

MOTION by Dick Clark to approve the recommendation from the Common Area Properties Committee from their meeting on June 18, 2024, the design concept for the Palm Valley non- functional turf as presented for the turf reduction, plants, and rock for the areas around the parking lot in an amount not to exceed $ 9,000.00. This is an Operating Expense and may be offset by turf reduction rebates.

SECOND by Judy Williams


I. SCSCAI Website Created by Jonas MOTION by Erik Braun to approve the recommendation from the Information Technology Committee, based on the information researched by the Information Technology Department, from their meeting on June 30, 2024, that Jonas be contracted with to create and support the SCSCAI website in the amount of $17,050.00 for the first year, and $6,700.00 for year two (2) and beyond.

This is an unbudgeted Operating Expense, that will be offset by the removal of the Webmaster position from the budget and will result in a savings of $43,700.00 annually after year one.

SECOND by Dick Clark


J. Pump Motor #3 – Palm ValleyRatification

MOTION by Jeff Rorick to ratify the emergency replacement of the 100hp


Motor for pump #3 in the Main Pump Station at Palm Valley in the amount of $10,154.34. In the 2025 Reserve Fund Budget there is a total of $75,000.00 budgeted for emergency Replacements of Main Station Pump, this expenditure leaves a balance of $64,846.66 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025.

SECOND by Kenneth Resnick


K. Pump Motor #2 – Highland FallsRatification

MOTION by Jeff Rorick to ratify the emergency replacement of the 100hp Motor for pump # 2 in the Main Station at Highland Falls in the amount of $10,376.51. In the 2025 Reserve Fund Budget there is a total of $75,000.00 budgeted for emergency replacements of Main Station Pump, previous funds have already been spent from this line Item and with this expenditure there is now a balance of $54,469.15 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025.

SECOND by Dick Clark


L. Written Consent for Grass Seed for Golf Course Overseed

MOTION by Jeff Rorick to ratify the written consent of the purchase of Grass Seed for Eagle Crest, Highland Falls and Palm Valley golf courses for the 2024 overseed. The actual cost will be 100,000 pounds of Rye grass seed at $1.53 for a

total of $153,000.00. This was budgeted for in the 2024/2025 operating budget at $190,000.00. This item will be $37,000.00 under budget.

SECOND by Gerry Sokolski


M. Golf Course Maintenance – HF

Booster Station #12 Replacement

MOTION by Jeff Rorick to approve the recommendation of the Common Area Properties Committee to the SCSCAI Board of Directors that they accept Estimate P869 from Bartok Controls, Inc. for the replacement of the booster station at Highland Falls Golf Course #12, in an amount not to exceed $65,000.00 including sales tax and freight. This price includes supplies and installation including delivery and set up of the pump station. In the 2025 Reserve Budget at total of $75,000 was budgeted for emergency replacements of Main Station Pumps, this expense along with previous expenditure makes this line item over budget $10,530.84 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025.

SECOND by Gerry Sokolski


Board Member Gerry Sokolski left the meeting at 9:33 am and did not vote on the following items. Eight (8) Board members voted on the following items.

N. Architectural Review Committee

Membership – Change of Appointments

MOTION by Ellen Bachman to approve the following change of appointments to the Architectural Review Committee: Mike Stewart to resign as voting member of ARC and continue as a non-voting member. Jerry Adams (currently a nonvoting ARC member) be appointed as a voting member of ARC.

SECOND by Dick Clark


O. Age Variance Request – Mr. Harry Granger & Mrs. Jianwen Granger

MOTION by Jeff Rorick to approve the age variance request from Mr. Harry Granger and Mrs. Jianwen Granger to live in a home in Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc. Mr. Harry Granger will turn 55 in July 2026. Mrs. Jianwen Granger will turn 55 in December 2026. The home will be occupied by Mr. Harry Granger and Mrs. Jianwen Granger and there will be no other occupants under the age of 55 living in the home. This variance is not transferrable and any future buyer who wants to live in the home or tenant who wants to lease the home will need to be age qualified. If a home within Sun City Summerlin is not occupied by Mr. Harry Granger and Mrs.

Jianwen Granger by January 09, 2025, approvals expire.

SECOND by Kenneth Resnik

MOTION PASSED 6-2, Opposed Dick Clark, Steve Commander Board Member Gerry Sokolski returned to the meeting at 9:37 am. Nine (9) Board members voted on the following item.


MOTION by Kenneth Resnik, that there being no further business to come before the Board of Directors, that the meeting be adjourned.

SECOND by Judy Williams





Official Notice Board of Directors


All meetings held in-person with courtesy view and teleconference only *

* Courtesy View Only Zoom Information: As a courtesy, the Association is providing owners with view only access through video and teleconferencing via Zoom. The instructions on obtaining view or teleconference only access to this meeting for Zoom are included with this notice. The meeting itself is in-person, not virtual. Utilizing view or teleconference only access does NOT constitute owner attendance at or participation in the meeting.

BOD Membership

Month Meetings Meetings

January 1/09/24

February 2/13/24 2/28/24**AnnualMtg. 2/29/24***Organiz.Mtg.

March 3/12/24(Evening)

April 4/09/24

May 5/14/24 5/31/24****

June 6/11/24

July 7/09/24

August 8/13/24(Evening)

September 9/10/24

October 10/08/24

November 11/12/24

December 12/10/24

**Annual meeting Wednesday, 2/28/2024, at 8 a.m.

*** Organizational Meeting Thursday, 2/29/2024 at 9 a.m. ****Budget Ratification Meeting Friday, 5/31/2024.

All daytime meetings will be held at Starbright Theatre, at 9 a.m., unless noted otherwise. Executive Sessions are typically held after the Board Meetings; however, Executive Sessions are sometimes held during a recess of the Board Meeting for various reasons.

Evening Meetings: All evening meetings will be held at Starbright Theatre, at 6 p.m. Executive Sessions are typically held prior to any evening meeting(s).

Note: A resident has the right to:

• Haveacopyoftheminutes,asummaryoftheminutesora recordingofthemeetinguponrequest($.10perpageand$1.00 fortherecordingpermeeting)(NRS116.31083). Copiesofthe minutesandrecordingsofrecentBoardmeetingsmaybedownloadedfromthewebsitewithoutcharge.

• SpeaktotheExecutiveBoard,unlesstheExecutiveBoardis meetinginExecutiveSession(NRS116.31085).

• TheAgendaispostedontheAssociationbulletinboardsand websiteontheFridaypriortothemeeting.

• Utilizingthecourtesyvieworteleconferenceonlyaccess doesnotconstituteownerattendanceatthemeetingandthereforedoesnotentitleanyownerutilizingvieworteleconference onlyaccesswiththerightsofownerswhoattendthemeeting, including,butnotlimitedto,therighttospeakatthemeeting.

• Recordings of Board meetings will be made. The recordings will be kept for a period of ten years in the Administration’s Executive Director’s office in the Mountain Shadows Community Center. Recordings, minutes or a summary of minutes will be available not more than 30 days after the meeting (NRS 116.31083). Depending upon meeting schedules, on occasion, the minutes or summary of the minutes may be in draft form.

All scheduled Board of Director meetings are held at Starbright Theatre and/or by Zoom. All scheduled Committee Meetings are held at Desert Vista Committee Room and/or by Zoom.

SCSCAI Board of Directors and Committee Meetings

The Board agenda is posted on the Administrative bulletin board, on the website, and in the community centers. Copies may be obtained in the Administration office on the Friday prior to the meeting. All meetings will be held at Desert Vista except where noted on the calendar. For updates, please visit

ARC ArchitecturalReviewCommittee

BOD SCSCAIBoardofDirectors

CAP CommonAreaProperties

CCOC ClubsandCommunityOrganizationsCommittee

HC HearingCommittee

IT InformationTechnology

SCSCAI Board and Committee Meetings Schedule

BOD Tues.,Aug.13 6p.m.(SBT&Zoom)

Legal Thurs.,Aug.8 11a.m.(DV&Zoom)

Fitness Thurs.,Aug.8 2:30p.m.(DV&Zoom)

CCOC Thurs.,Aug.15 9:30a.m.(DV&Zoom)

HCClosedMtg., Mon.,Aug.19 9a.m.(DV)

CAP Tues.,Aug.20 9a.m.(DV&Zoom)

ARC Wed.,Aug.21 9a.m.(DV&Zoom)

GolfOversight Wed.,Aug.21 2p.m.(DV&Zoom)

IT Tues.,Aug.27 10:30a.m.(DV&Zoom)

Finance Thurs.,Aug.29 2:00p.m.(DV&Zoom)

Coffeew/Board Fri.Aug.16 10:30a.m.(DV&Zoom)

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