4 minute read
“As I See It . . . ”
You Can Be An Eagle

By Alan G. Spector /Link

Did you know that an eagle can foresee when a storm is approaching long before it breaks? Instead of hiding, the eagle will fly to some high point and wait for the winds to come. When the storm hits, it sets its wings so that the wind can pick it up and lift it above the storm. While the storm rages below, the eagle soars above it.
The eagle does not escape or hide from the storm; instead, it uses the storm to lift it higher. It rises on the stormy winds which others dread. When the storm of life or challenges hits us, we can rise above them and soar like the eagle that rides the storm’s winds. Don’t be afraid of the storms or the challenges in your life. Use it to lift you higher in your life.
I once heard a saying that has served me well over the years. “The only way to get over an obstacle . . . is to go through it. It is futile to try to go over it or under it or around it. It will always be there until we go through it and reach the other side.”

At times of great stress, challenge, or grief, we sometimes seek to run or hide. Facing the situation might seem too much . . . it feels like we will break or cave in. I am reminded of a wise man who once told me that the universe never gives us more than we can handle. He encouraged me to take it all in and rely on having confidence that I can and will find a way to weather the storm and reach the new “dawning.” Often, what seems to be disastrous actually is the forbearer of better times, of a lesson learned, or an opportunity for growth. As much as we would have desperately preferred otherwise, we can consider the possibility that this difficulty might be for some good reason, though we may never know what that reason was. A flat tire in the middle of a rainstorm might seem horrible, but could it be that it prevented us from continuing on our travels and having a fatal crash? Could a financial loss actually end up teaching us to fully cherish every thing we DO have in our lives? I think one of the greatest challenges in life is to find ways to “turn lemons into lemonade” and find that elusive “silver lining.” We can use every event in our lives as a way to grow and develop to be our greatest self. The extent to which we deal with issues in our lives in positive and productive ways . . . is the extent to which we fully “enjoy every second” given to us.
So, we can be an eagle. We can soar… find that smooth wind above . . . weather the storm . . . then, soar like an eagle. We can be an Eagle if we will use the strong wings we were given and follow our hearts.

Rules of the Road: What It Means to Live in an HOA
Living in an HOA, or Common Interest Community such as Sun City Summerlin, brings many benefits, including an array of cultural activities, a sense of belonging and togetherness, and a large and diverse selection of amenities. There’s something for everyone, regardless of taste or personal preference.
Such is the story of Sun City Summerlin, which is wellknown for its leadership in the area of HOA benefits, all with a cost that has proven to be among the most moderate across the spectrum of age restricted HOA’s in the area, as well as in the United States. Another benefit of buying in an HOA is the expectation of consistent maintenance of property values. Along with these benefits are a few “rules” that provide the backbone for keeping us looking our best. In Sun City Summerlin, one of our most important documents is the “Development Standards,” whose stated goal is to:
”Provide an overall framework and comprehensive set of guidelines to allow the community to prosper in an orderly and cohesive manner.”
Aside from the “Development Standards,” there are other documents that provide guidance and assistance in keeping pace with the Community’s goals. One of the most important is one that was agreed to and signed by each resident at the time of closing. It is a State of Nevada Form 584, from which the following excerpt has been taken.
Our signatures on the Form 584 constitute a legal contract and agreement to abide by the governing documents. This is a reminder of the commitment made to help keep Sun City Summerlin the best that it can be, by maintaining our properties, their values, and our overall appeal as a community.

Form 584
Davidson, Director, Community Standards

2. YOU ARE AGREEING TO RESTRICTIONS ON HOW YOU CAN USE YOUR PROPERTY? These restrictions are contained in a document known as the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. The CC&Rs become a part of the title to your property. They bind you and every future owner of the property whether or not you have read them or had them explained to you. The CC&Rs, together with other “governing documents” (such as association bylaws and rules and regulations), are intended to preserve the character and value of properties in the community but may also restrict what you can do to improve or change your property and limit how you use and enjoy your property. By purchasing a property encumbered by CC&Rs, you are agreeing to limitations that could affect your lifestyle and freedom of choice. You should review the CC&Rs, and other governing documents before purchasing to make sure that these limitations and controls are acceptable to you.