4 minute read

(Continued from page 64)
Schumann. Our yearly required business meeting will be October 30, at our monthly concert. We will also hold our annual election at that time. We have recently completed our new Operating Procedures, previously known as our club Constitution. This necessitates some changes which require 30 days written notice. Please Check your Link for this information. It will also be mentioned at all our concerts and our club email blast. Our September Concert is cancelled due to the Pinnacle remodel project. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with show starting at 7 p.m.. Contact Will Rydell at lledyrw@icloud.com.
If you have computer or mobile device issues, help is available at the Pinnacle on Tuesdays 12:30–2:30 p.m., and if you don’t have a computer, stop by the Computer Lab on Saturdays from 9 a.m. – Noon to surf the Net. Yearly dues are $10. Details regarding our schedule of events can be found on our website scscc.club. For further information contact Jeff Wilkinson, 5274056, or email pres.scscc@gmail.com.
We meet at the Desert Vista Ballroom on the 3rd Thursday of each month. The doors open for sign-in at 6 p.m. and our program begins promptly at 6:30 p.m. Visit our website https://www.scsconservativesclub.com/home for monthly program updates and pertinent club information. You may also call/text our 2023 Club President, Jeff DiPane with your questions or concerns at 985-2310. Our annual dues were increased this year, by a majority vote of our membership, at our January 2023 meeting. Annual dues are now $15 per member. Club officers are Jeff DiPane, President; Susanne Spinelli, Vice President; Karen Kogelschatz, Treasurer; and Sue Stitt, Secretary. We look forward to meeting new friends and sharing our conservative thoughts and principles.

We play every Wednesday at 6 p.m. starting promptly so join us by 5:45 p.m. We usually play partners. New players are welcome. 400 points gets you recognition in the Link and on our Board of Winners! Connie Orth – 401, Linda Ray408, and Debbie Weed424. For more information, please call Linda Ray at 586-1007.
Dance Company
Hello Sun City Summerlin! Springtime is an exciting time at the Dance Company as our next performances at the Starbright
Theatre are right around the corner – Saturday May 13 at 6 p.m. and Sunday May 14 at 2 p.m. Tickets go on sale March 28 and are available from any Social Monitor or you can get them online at suncitysummerlin.com. The theme for our Spring show is “Dancing Through the Decades”. Take a journey with us as we dance to music from the 1930s to the 2000s. Refer to our website: SCSDanceCo.org.
Dance Connection
The Sittin’ & DanSin’ Class is back! Jonathan will be teaching this class at Desert Vista Fitness Center on Wednesdays at noon. This class is designed for people who are limited in mobility, balance and other physical issues or just want a great upper body workout. Come try the class and have some fun! Try out one or more of Dance Connection Classes – Get Movin’, Just Dance, Beginner Line Dance, Beginning & Advanced Hula, Advanced Round Dance, Dance Fit, Beginner & Intermediate Flamenco, Beginner Line Dance, Beginner/Intermediate Line Dance, I-Moves, Dance Party, Sittin’ & Drummin’ and DanSin’ & Drummin’, BeMoved, Beginner Hula and Sittin’ & DanSin’. Pick up a schedule at any fitness center or visit our website at: https://scsclubs.wixsite.com/dance-connection Call Kris @ 443-8759 with any questions.
Euchre is a card game usually played with four players per table (two partnerships). We rotate tables and partners, so Euchre is a very social game for all levels. New members are always welcome, and if you don’t know how to play, lessons are available. Join us on Wednesdays at 6 p.m., at Mountain Shadows. For more information, call Gloria at 430-7785.

Bonjour à tous et toutes. We welcome new members to our fun and interactive meetings. Our mission is to: Joyfully converse in the French language. Converser joyeusement en Français. We are fortunate to have gifted authentic, French instructors to guide and support us. Scientific studies have identified a link between being multilingual and fending off the onset of dementia. The mind is a muscle. Let us flex it and keep it healthy by speaking and reading French. Meetings are held
Fridays, 1-2:30 for beginners, 2-3:30 for intermediate, & 34:30 conversational at Sun Shadows Community Center, at 8700 Del Webb Blvd. Contact Les Sinclair, 281-4360 for more information.
Friends of the Summit
Friday Band Nights is on the first and third Fridays. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.; with music from 6-8 p.m. Tickets are available at our community centers, and online at suncitysummerlin.com via the ticketing section. We recommend purchasing tickets in advance. We look forward to seeing you at our events. Contact us at friendsofthesummitscs@gmail.com.
Golf, Guys and Gals
The Guys and Gals Golf Club will host the May tournament on May 7th. This tournament is the second of two Club Championship events. The May 7th tournament will be held at Palm Valley, and the format will be "aggregate net." Check-in is no later than 6:30 a.m. with a 7 a.m. shotgun start. Please watch our communication board for more information on the May 7th Club Championship dinner. Congratulations to Naomi who won a $50 Starbucks gift card for her guess on the number of tees at our Club Fair event. For tournament information, contact Chris and Dave Klee at 702-254-2461. For membership information, contact Sumiko Tatsue at 702-562-4856. Visit our website at www.suncityguysngals.com.
Golf, Ladies Executive
The SCSLEGC’s annual Invitational Golf Tournament was played on May 2nd at Eagle Crest. Results of the tournament will be in the June Link. Join our club and play in our weekly tournaments at Eagle Crest. Tee times in May are 7 a.m. on Tuesdays. Contact our Membership Chair, Donna Hadley at 545-820-1800 for more information. General meetings are held at noon on the 4th Tuesday of the month at Desert Vista. To learn more about our fun Club and our social activities, visit our website at www.scslegc.com.
Golf, Men’s 18 Hole
As I sit here writing this column for the Link magazine it’s 43 degrees on March 27th. I thought for a moment I was back in Wisconsin. Hopefully when you read this in May it will be warmer than today. We continue to welcome new members and if you’re interested in joining, please visit our website at www.scsmgc18holers.org or call Tom Haseltine at 414-788-2310. Congratulations to Ed Jablonski on his hole in one at Highland Falls hole 3.
Golf, Men’s Niners
Golfers of all levels are welcome to enjoy weekly tournaments held on each of our three courses here in Sun City Summerlin. Tee off times range from 7- 8 a.m., Thursday mornings, depending on the time of year. We have individual play tournaments, scrambles, and best ball events. Twice a year we hold out-of-town tournaments and picnics at Desert Vista. We