October 2024 - Link Magazine - The Official Record of Sun City Summerlin

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SCSCAI General Membership Meeting NORA Ballot Count September 5, 2024

Dear Sun City Summerlin Owners, TheSCSCAIMembershipmeetingforthepurposeofcountingballotswascalledtoorderat8a.m.(September5,2024),andconcludedatapproximately4:45p.m.TheresultsoftheNORAinitiativeballotcountingwereasfollows.

3,552 - YES VotesinfavoroftheNORAAmendment/ 527 - NO VotesnotinfavoroftheNORAAmendment.

141Ballotswerevoidedbecausethepersonhadalreadyvoted,submittedasignedballotbutdidnotcastavote,wasnotan ownerordidnotsigntheirballot.

1.Thereare7,781homesinSunCitySummerlin. Itwilltake5,214(67%)YESvotestopasstheNORAAmendmentor2,563 (33%)NOvotestodefeattheNORAAmendment.

2. SinceenoughvoteswerenotobtainedtopassordefeattheNORAAmendment,theBoardofDirectorspassedthefollowing motion,thereforetheballotingperiodisextendedtoOctober29,2024,at5p.m.–onlyforthoseOwnerswhohavenotyet castavalidballot.

Motion:IntheeventwedonotreachthenumberofvotesneededtopassorfailtheNORAAmendment,theBoardof DirectorsherebyvotestoextendthevotingperioduntilOctober29,2024,at5p.m.,onlyforthosewhohavenotyet castaballot.IfthenumberofvotesneededtopassorfailtheNORAAmendmentarereceived,thenthevotingperiod willnotbeextended.

ThoseOwnerswhohavenotyetvotedorvoteswerenotrecordedduetoavoidedballot,willbeprovidedanewballotandmay becontactedbyamemberoftheElectionCommitteeSubCommittee.TheballotboxwillbeatMountainShadowsCommunity Centeroncethenewballotsareavailable.

Sent from the Office of the Executive Director on behalf of the SCSCAI Election Committee.


Mitzi Mills: “SCSCAI General Membership Meeting NORA Ballot CountSeptember 5, 2024”..................3

Mitzi Mills: “Keeping You In The Know”...........6

“Notice of Special Meeting of the Membership”.........8

“Board of Directors Meeting Notice”.............9

“Animal Control In The Community”............10

Mitzi Mills: “Dogs In The Restaurants”...........11

Leo Crawford: “Candidate Call For The Board Election”......12

Patti Tripp: “October 13th - National Train Your Brain Day”....18

Mitzi Mills: “South Korean Delegate Visit To SCS”.......31

Molly Sher: “Getting Rid Of What No Longer Serves You”.....36

Alan Spector: “As I See It …Find The Joy …”.........48

John Berthelsen: “Community Conversations: HOA Responsibilities”.58

Lisa Hermann: “$30 Million Deficit? Really?”........Insert


Religious Services/Service Groups/Support Groups.......14

Community News.................14-17

NPT: “Defending Your Money”..............17

Residents’ Forum: “Chili Cookoff”.............17

Special Events ..................20-22

Starbright Theatre.................23-29 The Summit....................30


New Resident Mixer Schedule..............93


President’s Message..................4

How To Contact Us..................5


Food & Beverage Specials and Entertainment........32-34 Golf.....................40-41 Fitness....................44-47

Community Standards: “The Architectural Review Committee (ARC)”.52 Sun City Summerlin Patrol: “A New Look Same Commitment”..54-55 “Painting Your Home”.................91 CLUB FOCUS

Sub H.O.A. Directory.................64

Chartered Clubs Directory...............66

Chartered Clubs Election Schedule.............67

Chartered Club “Did You Know?”.............70 Chartered Club Listings...............70-93


B.O.D. Motions

General Membership Meeting N.O.R.A. Ballot Count Rules & Regulations Update Amendment of an 08.23.2024 BOD Meeting Project Report

B.O.D. Meetings Schedule Summary of Operations




Please read the “$30 Million Deficit? Really?” arcle that has been included as an insert in this October issue of the LINK Magazine. The arcle was wrien by the Associaon's Director of Finance, Lisa Hermann.

The Associaon's hope is that you will find the arcle informave as well as helpful to quell the rumors about the Associaon Reserve funding.

IfyouhavenotvotedyetinregardtotheNORAAmendmentpleasedosoassoonas possible.

ThesimplefactisthattheMasterAssociationofSunCitySummerlinwillhavetheir Reservefundedat70%atthecloseofFY2029.

TheNORAAmendmentifapprovedwillprovideanadditional$8Minfundingtowards thatgoalatnoexpensetoourcurrentowners.ThiswillbeaccomplishedwithNOspecial assessmentrequiredandwillprovideforlowerincreasestoyourannualassessment(HOA) goingforward.Theballotcounton9/5/24showedthatwehavereceived68%ofthe requiredvotestoapprovetheNORAAmendment.Let’spushtogettheother32%priorto uscountingvotesagainon10/30/24.Ifwegettheneededvotesbythenwecanimplement thenewNORAonJanuary1,2025thatwilldeliveranadditional$1Minfundingforour Reservewhichwillfurtherreducetheincreasestoourannualassessment.

IftheNORAAmendmentfails,wewillstillattainourfundinggoal,butitwillrequire higherincreasestoyourannualassessmentgoingforward.Therumorthatthiswillrequire ongoing20%increasesisfalse.

IthasbeenstatedatsomeoftheTownHallsthatiftheNORAAmendmentfailsyour HomeownerAssessment(HOA)onamonthlybasiswillbeapproximately$20higheratthe closeofFY2029thanwhatitwillbeiftheNORAAmendmentpasses.

Sopleasevoteassoonaspossible.ThiswillprovidetheBoardandtheTaskForcewith theinformationrequiredtodevelopourfinancialplansforFY2026–FY2029.

Recently,wecompletedtheexpansionofourCommunityStandardsOffice,theCeramics Room,andtheSewingRoom.

AccordingtoJosetteFregoso,theDirectorofCommunityStandards,thishasprovided muchneededstoragespaceandhascreatedanicereceptionareathatisnowmuchmore wheelchairandwalkeraccessible.IthasalsoprovidedourComplianceOfficerwithneeded workspace.Overall,thewholeofficejustfeelsnew,freshandspacious.

IntheCeramicsareaweaddedapproximately300squarefeetofusablespace.Denise Winton,PresidentoftheCeramicsClubstatesthattheclubmembersareveryhappy.The additionalspacehasprovidedmorelockersforclubmembersandanareawhereworkshops andclassesforbeginnerscanbeheld.Priortoobtainingtheadditionalspacethecasting room(molds)hadtobeusedfortheworkshopsandbeginnerclasses. Nowthecastingroom isalwaysavailable.

TheSewingareaalsoreceivedasignificantincreasetotheirsquare footage.JudyHatcher,PresidentoftheSewingClubstatedthatthey havedoubledtheirspace.Theirclubmembersarealsoveryhappywith theirnewenvironment.Previously,theyhad18machinessetupina verycrowdedarea.Nowtheyhaveroomforanadditional6machines, additionalstoragearea,additionaldisplayarea,andplentyof roomtoworkwithoutbumpingintoeachother.

Itisimprovementslikethesethatsupportourstaffand ourvariousclubsthathelpkeepourcommunityverydesirable,asweofferawidevarietyofamenities,allmaintainedinexcellentcondition.OurthankstoDaveBachetti foragreatjobmanagingthisproject.


Mitzi Mills, Editor, MitziM@suncitylv.com

Gail Abrams, Magazine Coordinator

GailA@suncitylv.com · (702) 966-1436

Eileen Dorchak, Administrative Coordinator EileenD@suncitylv.com · (702) 966-1435

Advertising, Website, Marketing

Kelly-Mae Mahoney, Advertising Coordinator

KellyM@suncitylv.com · (702) 966-1434

Stacie Coppens, Website & Marketing Coordinator · StacieC@suncitylv.com

Editorial Board

Richard Becker, Leo Crawford, Molly Sher, Alan Spector,PattiTripp,NormanWrightandBODLiaison, ErikBraun.


The Link is the official record of Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc. The primary mission of the magazine is to provide residents with information on official Association business. In addition, the Link provides unbiased communications to residents on community news, events and services. The Association provides this publication for informational purposes only and neither endorses nor promotes any of the products or services advertised herein and assumes no responsibility or liability for the statements made in this publication. We reserve therighttoedit,condenseandverifyallarticles.

Classified Advertisements

October deadline is October 28. Advertise your items for sale at $3 per line based on the required Classified Advertisement Form. This service is restricted to residents only and if space is available. No business advertisements are allowed. Classified ad forms are available at Mountain Shadows Community Center and on the websitewww.suncitylink.com.


On the cover: The Sun City Summerlin Patrol Board of Directors. (l-r): Dee O’Dowd-Personnel, Terry Carey-Assistant Chief, Steve DouglassChief, Jennie Dodd-Secretary and Michael Christiansen-Treasurer (not pictured). Photo courtesy of Gail Abrams.


All advertisers are required to provide the Link with an up-to-date copy of their business license. The license must be from the State of Nevada,ClarkCounty,ortheCityofLasVegas. © Copyright 2024, Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc. This publication may not be duplicated inwholeorinpartwithouttheexpresswrittenconsentof theSunCitySummerlinCommunityAssociation.

Jeff Rorick, President


10362SunCityBlvd.(atrearofDesertVista),scssp.chief@gmail.com 702-254-2303

Board of Directors – bod@suncitylv.com

Ellen Bachman, Secretary, ecb322@gmail.com......................702-838-5211

Erik Braun, Director, braunbod@gmail.com

Dick Clark, Vice President, Dickclarkboardmember@gmail.com

Steve Commander, Director, commanderbod@gmail.com

Lynn Kasner Morgan, Director, lynnkasnermorganboard@gmail.com

Kenneth Resnik, Director, khresnik@gmail.com

Jeff Rorick, President, JAR0524@live.com.........................315-224-7114

Gerry Sokolski, Treasurer, gsokolski8@gmail.com

Judy Williams, Asst. Treasurer, judy.suncitybod@gmail.com............813-777-3416

Mitzi Mills, SCSCAIExecutiveDirector,Mitzim@suncitylv.com.............702-966-1409


Sun City Charities/ Volunteers 702-254-5831

Sunshine Service Club 702-341-9741

Landscape Maintenance 702-254-4092

Additional Emails

allgolf@suncitylv.com communitystandards@ suncitylv.com nptvegas@gmail.com allprograms@suncitylv.com summitrental@suncitylv.com

Community Centers


Administration Office, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-5 p.m. ................ 702-966-1401

Social Monitor Station, Mon.-Sat., 8 a.m.- 9 p.m.; Sun. 8 a.m.- 8 p.m. ..702-966-1410

Fitness Center, daily, 6 a.m.-9 p.m......................... 702-966-1414

Community Standards, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4 p.m................ 702-966-1411

(Includes CC&R/Architectural Review Committee)

Facility Maintenance, Mon.-Fri., 6:30 a.m.-3 p.m.............. 702-966-1493

Link Magazine, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4 p.m..................... 702-966-1436

Library, , 8 a.m. until closing daily ......................... 702-966-1410

Human Resources, Mon.-Fri., 7 a.m.-4 p.m.................. 702-966-1424


Community Services, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4 p.m................. 702-240-1334

Room Scheduling, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4 p.m................... 702-363-4790

Social Monitor Station, Mon.-Sat., 8 a.m.-9 p.m., Sun. 8 a.m.-8 p.m... 702-363-1341

Fitness 702-363- Center, daily, 6 a.m.-9 p.m......................... 1278

Fitness Department, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4 p.m................. 702-255-2294

PINNACLE COMMUNITY CENTER · 2215 Thomas W. Ryan Boulevard

Social Monitor Station, Mon.-Sun., 8 a.m.-8 p.m............... 702-240-1301

Fitness 702-240- Center, daily, 6 a.m.-9 p.m......................... 1326

Summit Rental......................................702-240-1331


Fitness 702- Center, Mon.-Sun., 6 a.m.-9 p.m..................... 363-1719

Golf Courses

(Open 15 minutes before sunrise; courses close at 6 p.m. After 11/3 shops close at 5 p.m.)

Highland Falls 10201 Sun City Boulevard 702-254-7010

Palm Valley 9201 Del Webb Boulevard 702-363-4373

Eagle Crest 2203 Thomas Ryan Blvd. 702-240-1320

Golf Maintenance Daily, 6 a.m. - 3 p.m. 702-363-7655


Tavern at the Falls at Highland Falls Golf Course Daily, 6 a.m.-9 p.m. 702-254-1581

Summit Restaurant at Eagle Crest Golf Course Daily, 6 a.m.-9 p.m. 702-240-1313

“Keeping You in the Know”

Dear Sun City Summerlin Owners and Residents,

One of the things that I have learned during the last few months of the Board of Directors trying to get information out about the New Owner Reserve Assessment (NORA) vote, is that everyone does not get information about the Association in the same manner.

Often times you will hear us say that an item that has been decided at a Board meeting was discussed for months at Committee meetings, emailed out in Agendas, is on our website in video recorded meetings, talked about at Coffee with the Board and shared on Fridays@4 Zoom Call. Even so, in talking with Owners and Residents it has become very apparent to me that many of our Owners and Residents moved to Sun City Summerlin for a lifestyle and not to attend meetings, and also certainly not to watch videos of meetings after the fact. I love that the active lifestyle and number of clubs, classes and events keep our Owners and Residents busy and fulfill their dream of why they moved here, but it does sadden me to find them surprised or uniformed about Association business or issues.

In an attempt to make it easier for our Owners and Residents to be informed, starting in the October issue of the Link Magazine Blue pages you will find a list of all the projects and issues of interest that are making their way through the Association Committees and staff as they progress to the Board for a final decision. The list will include what committees have this item on their agenda. In addition, starting with the November Link Magazine there will be a report on each Committees’ actions from the previous month and what recommendations they have forwarded to the Board of Directors for consideration at their upcoming Board meeting. We will also be adding a permanent box to the Link Magazine that instructs people on where they can find or request minutes or meeting recordings. This will also include a reminder that all agendas and electronic email blasts are also posted at all of our Community and Fitness Centers prior to meetings (this is not new and has been being done for quite some time) and posted on our Facebook page. Both of these items will also be blast emailed to the community for those of you who prefer electronic updates. This letter will also appear in the October Link Magazine to alert readers who do not get email blasts.

While I know that this will not mean that 100% of our Owners and Residents will read all of the information provided to them in the Link Magazine and Link Blue Pages every month, what I do know is the information will be readily available and delivered to every home for those who want to be “In the Know”.


Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc.

9107 Del Webb Boulevard

(702) 966-1409 – Office


Animal Control in the Community


Two of the most common complaints received are people reporting others are not keeping their dogs on their leashes and not picking up after their pets.

Ÿ Dogs must remain on their leash at all times.

Ÿ Leash laws of the City of Las Vegas are strict and the penalties are severe.

Ø Las Vegas pet owners who willfully take their dogs out in public without a leash, may be charged with a misdemeanor.

Ø First offense can carry the following penalties if convicted:

Ø Between 2 days to 6 months in jail.

Ø 48-120 hours of community service; and,

Ø Fines between $22 to $1000.

Ø Second offense within seven (7) years of first carries:

Ø Between 100 days to 6 months in jail.

Ø 100-2000 hours of community service; and,

Ø Fines between $500-$1,000.

Ÿ Sun City Summerlin does NOT have areas where dogs can legally be off their leash.

Ÿ This is YOUR community so I cannot imagine that any of you would not pick up after your pets. Please pick up after your pet. And remind guests and dog walkers to do the same.

Birds, Coyotes, Rodents

Ÿ Bird feeders or feeding birds are not allowed at the homes or in the common areas of Sun City Summerlin. (CC&R’s, Article IV, Section 2, Item (h) Nuisances; Construction Activities; Hazardous Activities; Lighting)

Ø Bird feeders and food left out for birds attract all types of birds, including pigeons as well as rats/roof rats/tree rats which will not only nest in roof tiles but will get into the attic of your home to nest and breed. Droppings from both the birds and rats attracts coyotes into the residential areas seeking food.

Ÿ Leaving food out attracts Coyotes as well as Rodents. We ask for your cooperation in refraining from placing food outside.

Ÿ We urge everyone to be mindful of their actions and to prioritize the well-being of our community and its inhabitants. Together, we can foster a safer and healthier environment for all.

Ÿ Hummingbird feeders are allowed.

“Dogs in the Restaurants”

Dear Sun City Summerlin Owners and Residents,

We continue to have people request to bring their dogs into the restaurants or on the patios at the restaurant. Please be advised that all restaurants in the Las Vegas area are governed by the Southern Nevada Health District when it comes to rules for dogs in restaurants. Here are the guidelines from Southern Nevada Health District that we must follow.

Per the American Disabilities Act:

Service animals are (1) Dogs (2) Any breed and any size of dog (3) Trained to perform a task directly related to a person’s disability. A business can ask someone to remove their service animal if (1) the dog is not housebroken (2) the dog is out of control, and the person cannot get the dog under control. Service dogs in training do not qualify as a Service Dog, the dog must already be trained before it can be taken into public places. At restaurants, seating, food, and drink are provided for the customer use only. Restaurants are not required to allow an animal to sit or be fed at the table.

Per Southern Nevada Health District:

Service Animals – Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as a service animal under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Service animal are dogs that are trained to work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.

Service animals must be under control at all times. The animal must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered. Aggressive or unruly animals not under the control of the handler may be excluded and not allowed to enter or remain in the restaurant.

Service animals must be on the floor or carried by the handler at all times.

Service animals are not allowed on the dining tables or seats.

In compliance with ADA and Southern Nevada Health District - If you come to one of our restaurants with an animal, you will be asked the following questions.

1. Is the animal a service animal required because of a disability?

2. What work or task has the animal been trained to perform?

Based on the answers to these questions it will be determined if your dog is a service dog and allowed in the restaurant under the rules stated above.

We sincerely ask that out of respect for those people who truly require a service animal that you do not try to pass your emotional support animal or your pet off as a service animal.

There have also been questions if we will allow emotional support animal and pets on the patios of the restaurant. At this time only service animals are allowed on the patios as well.

Also, just as a reminder, this is not a restaurant staff rule, this is the law, please do not take it out on the servers or restaurant managers if you are not allowed to bring your emotional support animal or pet into the restaurants, or if you see a person with a Support Animal in the restaurant. Hopefully by sharing what the behavior of the animal handler and the animal must be this will no longer be a concern. So, for a quick checklist…

Ÿ Must be a support animal that is trained to perform a task directly related to the person’s disability.

Ÿ Must be harnessed, leashed or carried in by the person who is control of the support animal.

Ÿ Support animal cannot be at the table or on a chair, must be on the floor.

Ÿ Support animal must be housebroken.

Ÿ If the Support animal is unruly then we will ask for the support animal to be removed from the premises.


Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc. 9107 Del Webb Boulevard (702) 966-1409 – Office


Candidate Call For The Board Election

It’shardtobelieve that it’s time once again to elect Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc. (SCSCAI) Board members. Time really does fly—perhaps it’s a sign of aging on my part! Regardless, the next election is scheduled for February 25, 2025. At that time, three (3) of the nine (9) Board member seats will become vacant, and we will need your vote to fill these positions.

This is your opportunity to contribute your experience and skills to enhance our community. Serving on the Board is a crucial role in our governance process. Board members make numerous decisions that impact every SCSCAI owner, and having dedicated individuals in these roles is essential for making the right choices on behalf of all residents.

There are specific eligibility requirements and procedures for running for a Board seat. To be a candidate, you must be an owner in good standing with no conflicts of interest. While the

process is straightforward, it involves several steps, and the administrative staff will assist you throughout. For detailed information on the rules governing Board elections, please refer to Articles 4 and 5 of the Master Bylaws. If you don't have a copy of the Bylaws, they are available online at the SCSCAI website: https://suncitysummerlin.com.

The deadline to submit a declaration of candidacy is 5 p.m., Wednesday, November 27, 2024.

Candidate statements may be turned into the Administration Office at Mountain Shadows. For more information, please call Jane Cox, Executive Assistant, (702) 966-1408.

Serving on the Board is demanding but highly rewarding. You'll have the chance to collaborate with exceptional individuals, including fellow Board and Committee members and SCSCAI staff, and meet many residents at community events. If you’re curious about the Board experience, talk to a current Board member to learn more about their roles and responsibilities.


Coffee with the Board

Friday, October 18th, 9:30 a.m.- noon, Desert Vista

Questions, answers, opinions, and general information is shared on a variety of community topics. There is no agenda for this casual meeting and the Board members cannot officially make decisions on any matters discussed. Zoom is available however comments are not taken by Zoom.

AARP Driver Safety Program

Tuesday, October 1, 12 p.m. · Wednesday, October 9, 9 a.m. Wednesday, October 23, 5 p.m. · Wednesday, November 13, 9 a.m. Wednesday, November 27, 5 p.m.

$20 AARP members, $25 non-members by check to AARP. Drop by the Desert Vista monitor station to sign up for this classroom refresher course designed for those fifty and over. Improve your knowledge of traffic laws, learn to anticipate the actions of other drivers, and identify and correct poor driving habits. Upon completion of the 4-hour course taught by an AARP-certified instructor, you will receive a certificate that may qualify you for an insurance premium reduction for up to three years. Max: 30. Sign-up is available now. Classes are held at the DesertVistaCommunityCenter.

Sun City Summerlin Patrol

Sun City Summerlin Patrol is a volunteer organization made up of residents of the SCS community. We are the eyes and ears of the community, providing 24-hour patrol of the Association’s roads. Members serve as drivers, dispatchers, and Information Center volunteers. Contact the Patrol at 702-254-2303 or visit us at base (located at the back of Desert Vista’s parking lot). We’re here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Chief Douglass can be reached at 661-435-4879.


Mountain View Presbyterian · 702-341-7800 Pastor David W. Dendy. 8601 Del Webb Blvd. St. Andrew Lutheran · 702-255-1990 Rev. Phillip Shuart. 8901 Del Webb Blvd. Services 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m.

S.C. Community Church · 702-255-PRAY (7729) 8560 Del Webb Blvd. Temple Bet Knesset Bamidbar · 702-228-6362

President Arlene Goodman, Moreh Alan Spector, Cantor Marla Goldberg.


Sun City Summerlin Charities/Volunteers 702-254-5831

OpenMon.–Fri.9–11a.m.,weekdays. Willreturncallswithin24hoursonweekdays.

Sunshine Service Warehouse 702-341-9741


OpenSat.9-11a.m. ONLY


Alcoholics Anonymous · Mountain View Presb. Church, 8601 Del Webb Blvd., Sat., 5 p.m. St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 8901 Del Webb Blvd. · Sun., 5 & 7:30 p.m.; Mon., 7 p.m. (Women’s mtg.); Tues., 7 p.m. (Men’s mtg.) Thurs. noon & 7:30 p.m. Lauren T. at 917-687-8669.

Al-Anon · St. Andrew’s Church, 8901 Del Webb Blvd., Wed., Noon, Joan Taylor at 951-533-5455

DivorceCare Mountain View Presbyterian Church, 8601 Del Webb Bl., Mon., 6:30 – 8 p.m. Call Susan 861-769-0302

Narcotics Anonymous, Mountain View Presbyterian Church, 8601 Del Webb Bl., Tues., 5:30 – 6:30 p.m., 702-341-7800

Alzheimer’s, Desert Vista · 1st and 3rd Wed., 10 a.m. Call Marlene Wilson, 702-254-6144

Caregiver Support Group

Desert Vista, 2nd Monday of the month, 10 a.m. Call Ivy Goldman, 224-715-9629

Compassionate Friends of Summerlin, Mountain View Presbyterian Church, 8601 Del Webb Bl., 1st & 3rd Thurs., 6:30-8:30 p.m., 702-401-9678

Gamblers Anonymous, Mountain View Presb. Church, 8601 Del Webb Blvd., Mon., 7 p.m. Call Doug C, 702-862-6847

GriefShare, Mountain View Presbyterian, 8601 Del Webb Blvd., 14-week series. For dates and time, call Kathi, 702-524-2544

Dementia Information & Support for Caregivers · Mountainview Presb. Church, 8601 Del Webb Blvd., 2nd Wed. of the month, 11 a.m.-12 p.m., call Paula at 928-412-2134

Community Organizations Meetings

Held at Desert Vista Community Center

Sunshine Service Group

Monday, October 7, 11 a.m.

Residents’ Forum

Wednesday, October 9, 7 p.m.

Sun City Summerlin Patrol

Tuesday, October 22, 6 p.m.

Neighborhood Preparedness Team (NPT)

Tuesday, October 29, 5 p.m.

Community Garage Sale Coming in October

Friday, Oct. 18 & Saturday, October 19, 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Come to the Link office (located at Mountain Shadows) to complete a Garage Sales form or call 702-966-1435 to have your address added to the Google Map. This is a free address listing on suncitylink.com. Deadline to sign up is Noon, Wednesday, October 16. The Sun City Summerlin Garage Sale will be advertised in the Las Vegas Review-Journal on October 17, 18, & 19 in the Classifieds Section under Auctions & Garage Sales. In October, a Google Map will be available for ease of attendees shopping.

Note: Garage Sale signs must be taken down by 5 p.m., Saturday, October 19. Please do not place any signs on traffic or streetlight poles, on medians, or on any of the entrance areas of Sun City Summerlin. Signs placed in those areas will be removed by the Association.

October New Resident Orientation Dates

Held at Mountain Shadows by Appointment. Please call Membership Services at (702) 966-1401.

Tuesdays Thursdays

9:30 a.m. 4 p.m.

October 1 October 3

October 8 October 10

October 15 October 17

October 22 October 24

October 29 October 31

Residents and/or Renters: Please contact Membership Services for an appointment or a cancellation.

Free Event

Monday, October 21 & November 18, • 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Fresh52 Farmers and Artisan Market are returning to Sun City Summerlin once a month on the third Monday of the month bringing seasonal produce and local organic farm raised beef and pork. Thomas Family Farms - Local family farm specializing in home grown tomatoes, garlic, and seasonal vegetables in addition to locally raised grass-fed beef, pork, and chicken. Also offering farm fresh chicken and duck eggs. Max’s Berries - Fresh California grown strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries, and food trucks. Vendors attending are subject to change. If you are interested in becoming a vendor, contact Fresh52 Farmers & Artisan Market, (702) 481-6558.

Mountain Shadows Community Center Parking Lot Farmers & Artisan Market

Sun City Summerlin Holiday Lights Contest

Deadline to enter the Holiday Lights Contest is Monday, December 2nd by 4 p.m.

Judging will take place: Tuesday, December 10th & Wednesday, December 11th between 6 – 9 p.m.

Winners will be announced: Friday, December 13th. It’s that time of year again! Start off your holiday season with a little friendly competition. Any home can enter! Entry forms are available for pick-up at any Social Monitor station. All entries must be submitted to the Community Services Office by

Monday, December 2nd, by 4 p.m. Unfortunately, no late entries will be accepted.

NEW! This year’s competition will include photos of your display for residents who want to vote on the decorated homes but are unable to drive through the neighborhoods. Photos will be included for the online voting. You may submit up to two photos to be added to the online voting site. Please see the entry form for more information on photo submission.

All entrants must illuminate their displays for judging on Tuesday, December 10th, and Wednesday, December 11th, from 6 – 9 p.m. If your display is not illuminated during these hours, your entry will not be included in the judging. All residents will have the opportunity to judge entries this year, either by driving around or by viewing the online photos. More details will be provided in the November LINK. Awards for first, second, and third place winners will be featured in the LINK magazine.

Development Standards Requirements:

Ÿ Holiday decorations/lighting may be installed no earlier than 30 days before the holiday and must be taken down no later than 15 days after the holiday.

Ÿ Holiday decorations that create noise, and those with lighted displays, must be turned off by 9 p.m.

Enter your home today and help spread the holiday cheer! Happy decorating.

Toys for Tots

For the past thirty years, Sun City Summerlin has taken part in this nationwide campaign promoted by the U.S. Marine Corps. This toy drive benefits needy children here in Las Vegas. Sun City Summerlin residents and employees have participated each year to help this wonderful cause and have donated thousands of gifts. If you would like to take part in this year’s Toys for Tots drive, you can drop off a new, unwrapped gift at Mountain Shadows, Desert Vista, Sun Shadows or Pinnacle Community Centers now and until Friday, December 13, 2024. If you prefer, you can donate on the website at las-vegas-nv.toysfortots.org.

When you begin your holiday shopping this year, think about spreading the holiday cheer and pick up a little something extra for a needy child. Thank you!

“October 13th –

National Train Your Brain Day”

Well, we train everything else. We ride a bike, go to the gym, do Yoga, play tennis or golf, bowl, take brisk walks – all things to keep our joints and muscles moving. We hone our reflexes and balance. The one thing we forget is the organ that pulls everything together, as Hercule Poirot says, “The little gray cells”.

It’s not like we can take it out and put it on a treadmill – if only!! But think of how often we take what it does for granted, and then what it doesn’t do. So, why not decide to exercise it the only way we can, by using it! Try doing the crossword puzzle in the LINK, the newspaper, or even the AARP magazine. Notice I did not suggest the Sunday NY Times! Try giving up reality shows and watching Jeopardy (Thank you, Merv Griffin) or The Weakest Link. You would be amazed at how many answers you know, not by a formal education, more by a matter of osmosis, things you have just learned throughout your life and didn’t even realize it.

Try games like Scrabble, even online, Trivial Pursuit, card games where you have to think (“Go Fish” doesn’t count). I would suggest Chess but throughout my own life I’ve never won a game of Chess try though I might! Read a book, no, I mean READ a book, not on a tablet, but one you hold in your hands, turn the corner of the page down to mark where you left off; lose the audio books where someone reads TO you. I am not asking you to decipher The Dead Sea Scrolls.

There are many conveniences in life, giving us a short cut to accomplish things but do those short-cuts short circuit our brain? Computers have “spell-check” for grammar, so we forget how to spell the simplest of words or how to properly construct

a sentence. They do our math; our phones and cars give directions telling when to turn left or right at the light. Siri and/or Alexa are our salvation, telling us not to forget to unplug the coffee, put out the trash, or remember your appointments. We don’t even have to remember phone numbers anymore. My number growing up was HE 1-2713 (Hemlock1-2713 – yep, we had letters AND numbers).

All the amenities we have now to make life simpler have dulled those ‘little gray cells’ we used to count on. We can go hit tennis balls against a wall, we can go to the driving range, we can take a spin class, so why not find a way to exercise the one thing that keeps us alert, processes information, and simply remembers. Our cognitive abilities fade as we get older, and our body does not do what it used to (speaking of grammar, I know I just ended that sentence with a preposition). I may have no idea where I parked my car when I come off the golf course, but I remember every word to all the Bobby Rydell songs from the 60’s.

Do you get up and forget what we got up to do?

Do we pick up the phone to call who knows who?

Do our knees make a noise getting up from the floor?

Do the things we once did, we can’t do anymore?

Do we forget words to songs, and what’s left is we hum, and we only get older with the worst yet to come. We’re not kids any more, and on this you can bet –it will only get harder the older we get...


Wednesday, Oct. 9, 12 p.m. "FIND ME FALLING”

Harry Connick Jr., Agni Scott, Ali Fumiko Whitney. Comedy/Music/Romance 2024 TV-MA 1h 33m

Thursday, Oct. 17, 11 a.m. "CLOSE ENCOUNTERS” Classic Movie

Richard Dreyfuss, Francois Truffaut. Drama/Sci-Fi 1977 PG 2h 18m

Wednesday, Nov. 6, 1 p.m. "THE UNION”

Mark Wahlberg, Halle Berry, J.K. Simmons. Comedy/Spy/Action/Thriller 2024 PG-13 1h 47m

Thursday, Nov. 21, 11 a.m. "FROM HERE TO ETERNITY”

Classic Movie

Burt Lancaster, Montgomery Clift Drama/Romance/War 1953 Approved 1 h 58m

If you are accompanied by a guest, make sure to register them by obtaining a guest pass at the Social Monitor station. We would love to hear from you! Do you have a movie in mind you would like to see? Please send your suggestions to Tina Marie Montoya at TinaM@suncitylv.com. We are always looking for great ideas, so reach out and let us know! Enjoy the shows!

Fall Arts & Crafts Fair

Desert Vista Community Center · Saturday, October 5 · 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

There is something for everyone at the annual Arts & Crafts Fair! Our very talented residents create oodles of hand-crafted, unique, and beautiful gift items for home and office. Come and do your holiday shopping early and give someone a very special gift they will treasure forever. Doors open at 9 a.m. and you can shop until 3 p.m., so please come and enjoy. The Food & Beverage Department will have light breakfast, snack items, and drinks available for purchase.


Shadows Picnic Area

Wednesday, October 9 • 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Attention, Beer Lovers of Sun City! Join us for a fun Oktoberfest at the Mountain Shadows Picnic Area. It's the perfect event for friends and family to enjoy together! What's Happening:

Ÿ Live Music: Enjoy traditional German tunes and other fun melodies.

Ÿ Delicious Food: Savory Brats, German Potato Salad, and pretzel bites, all available for purchase from our Food & Beverage Department.

Ÿ Cash Bar: Indulge in German beer straight from the tap, as well as other domestic beers, cocktails, and wine.

Don't miss out on this festive celebration! Make your arrangements now and get ready for a fantastic time at Sun City's Oktoberfest. We look forward to celebrating with you!

Community Services Presents

Halloween Party with Roxy Stardust

Desert Vista Ballroom • Saturday, October 26 · 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. • Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

Come dressed to impress in your spookiest costume or come as you are to rock the ghouls down with Roxy Stardust! Enjoy prizes for the best, scariest, and most unique costumes. Sweets will be trick-or-treated all around, and a cash bar will be available all evening, serving your favorite brews and concoctions. Your Halloween fun is guaranteed with a Supreme Buffet from the Food & Beverage Department. Get your tickets early and join us for a night of ghoulish fun!

Cold Sides: Caesar Salad with Croutons & Parmesan Cheese · Roasted Red Potato Salad

Hot Side: Wild Rice Pilaf · Mashed Potatoes with Gravy

Entrées: With seasonal vegetables, rolls and butter · Grilled Tilapia Fish with Mustard Dill or Florentine Sauce · Short Ribs with Cabernet Demi

Dessert: Brownies & assorted Cookies

Purchase may be made online with a credit card or pay with cash or check at the Community Centers (exact change required).


Bus Trip

Springs Preserve & Butterfly Habitat

Friday, November 1 · Bus departs Pinnacle at 10 a.m. · Returns to the Pinnacle Parking Lot at approx. 3:30 p.m.

The Springs Preserve is a 180-acre cultural institution designed to commemorate Las Vegas' dynamic history and to provide a vision for a sustainable future. While you are there, take in all the sights and sounds of the Origen Museum, then explore the many other attractions. Butterfly Habitat: In this seasonal exhibit, witness the fascinating dance between freeflying butterflies and the plants that sustain them. Boomtown 1905: Meet the faces and places of the past, a re-created historical streetscape. Stroll the street and learn more about

Las Vegas’ humble beginnings with engaging exhibits. Botanical Garden: With thousands of Mojave Desert and desert-adapted plants, the Botanical Garden at the Springs Preserve provides an inviting welcome and inspiration for residents and visitors alike. Sustainability Gallery and Nature Exchange: Learn about eco-friendly lifestyles and the natural world around us through interactive, hands-on activities. DesertSol: A 754-square foot solar-powered home that showcases innovations in sustainable home design including technology, energy, and material choices. Springs Café/Bronze Café: Guests can enjoy a delicious experience of exceptional sandwiches, salads, burgers, lattes, smoothies, and libations in the sleek and airy indoor dining hall or from the outdoor patio with stunning, 180-degree views.

Includes: Transportation, Admission, and the Butterfly Habitat, with an experienced tour guide. Lunch and gratuity are not included. Ticket purchase deadline October 25th.

Itinerary: All times are approximate and subject to change.

10 a.m. Depart Pinnacle Parking Lot (by the mailbox)

10:30 a.m. Arrive Las Vegas Springs Preserve 10:30 to Free time to enjoy all the new attractions at Las 3 p.m. Vegas Springs Preserve & Butterfly Habitat, grab some lunch, ride the train, & more!

3 p.m. Depart Las Vegas Springs Preserve 3:30 p.m. Arrive Pinnacle Parking Lot

Purchase may be made online with a credit card or pay with cash or check at the Community Centers (exact change required).

Veteran's Day Golf Cart Parade

Monday, November 11 · 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Parade from the Pinnacle to Mountain Shadows Picnic Area & Gratitude Garden

Join us for a fun Veteran’s Day Golf Cart Parade. The route will be from the Pinnacle Community Center Parking Lot to Mountain Shadows Picnic Area & Gratitude Garden. There we will have music and Color Guard to salute our Sun City Summerlin Veterans for serving our country and protecting our freedoms! The Food & Beverage Department will be selling hotdogs and hamburgers with chips & water or soda and a cash bar will be available during this event. Golf Carts & eBikes are welcome to join the procession to honor our Veterans. Be sure to decorate your vehicle. We will be giving 1st, 2nd & 3rd place prizes for the Best & Most Original decoration. Participants need to register no later than November 1st. Please email the Special Events Coordinator, Tina Marie Montoya at tinam@suncitylv.com to be added to the procession. Space is limited to the first 100 entries. Non-participating residents are encouraged to come out to watch the parade and support our Sun City Summerlin Veterans!



“Thunderdome Queen – A Tribute to Tina Turner starring Michelle Marshall”

Saturday, October 5, 6 p.m. • $35

Get ready for an unforgettable musical Rock 'n' Roll journey with Thunderdome Queen, the ultimate Tina Turner tribute production! Starring the phenomenal powerhouse Michelle Marshall, this show takes you through Tina Turner's greatest hits, backed by a live band, backing vocalists, and dancers. From "Proud Mary" to "What's Love Got To Do With It?" and "Simply the Best," "Private Dancer" to "Better Be Good To Me." Thunderdome Queen has been wowing packed houses throughout North America and internationally. Michelle Marshall heats up the stage with her electrified high energy, stunning looks, shimmering moves, glamorous costumes, and soulful, sultry voice. Enjoy the same energetic stage presence, persona, mannerisms, and powerful vocals that channel the original Queen of Rock 'n' Roll, Tina Turner. "Thunderdome Queen" offers an unforgettable experience guaranteed to have you dancing and singing along to Tina Turner's greatest hits. Don't miss this electrifying tribute!


“The Rendezvous starring These Guys Worldwide”

Tuesday, October 8, 6 p.m. • $20

These Guys Worldwide, a 3-part male vocal group from California. Now living in Las Vegas, you may have seen them performing in showrooms all over the Vegas strip in hotels like Paris, Caesar’s, Excalibur, Palazzo, and the Virgin Hotel. Together for 12 years professionally on every major cruise line, the trio has mastered the ability to perform any genre of music. Their popularity in the industry came quickly with their iconic tributes to The Temptations, The Jersey Boys, Black Eyed Peas and Earth Wind & Fire. Whether it’s Rock, Funk, Disco, Jazz, Pop, or Motown, These Guys bring nonstop energy with their smooth harmonies, fun choreography and comedic antics turning any stage into a party.

Tickets go on sale on the last Tuesday of the month so be sure to get your tickets early for all Starbright Theatre shows. Tickets may be bought online at www.suncitysummerlin.com as well as at the Mountain Shadows, Desert Vista, and Pinnacle Community Centers. Tickets are non-refundable. Purchases may be made online with a credit card or pay with cash or check at the community centers (exact change required). For information on Starbright Theatre shows, call 2401301. A cash bar will be set up in the lobby & drinks allowed inside the theatre



“Feelin Good - The Ultimate Bublé Experience starring Anthony Bernasconi” Saturday, October 12, 6 p.m. • $45

Get ready to feel the rhythm and embrace the magic of Michael Bublé like never before! Feelin Good: The Ultimate Michael Bublé Experience is not just a tribute; it’s an immersive experience that will sweep you off your feet. Join us for a night filled with timeless classics and unforgettable originals. Anthony Bernasconi embodies the essence of Bublé with unparalleled finesse. From the velvet tones to the charismatic stage presence, a smile that lights up the room, and moves that mirror Bublé’s iconic style, Anthony invites you on a journey through the very best of Michael’s repertoire. Backed by a magnificent 15-piece orchestra, this show promises an authentic experience that will transport you straight to a live Bublé concert. Every detail is meticulously crafted to ensure an evening of pure delight. Don’t miss your chance to be part of The Ultimate Michael Bublé Experience – grab your tickets now and get ready to be swept away!

Tickets go on sale on the last Tuesday of the month so be sure to get your tickets early for all Starbright Theatre shows. and Pinnacle Community Centers. Tickets are non-refundable. Purchases may be made online with a credit card or pay with cash A cash bar will be set up in the lobby


“Kathleen Dunbar Comedy Tonight”

Wednesday, October 16, 6 p.m.• $20

Get ready to bring the laughter back to Sun City Summerlin. Kathleen and Mistinguett Productions are now bringing the Best Headliners in Vegas to the Starbright. Stand-up Comedy, one of the most original forms of entertainment differs from other performing arts in that a skilled comedian can artfully expose humor in everyday life to an audience’s amusement. Spending the evening with 3 talented comedians, can create laughter where you least expect to find it. With a very successful 5 year run and counting. As always, we will have our bar with assorted beverages available.GETYOURTICKETSEARLY!


“Tribute to Steve Miller Band and The Doobie Brothers”

Saturday, October 19, 6 p.m. • $30

The Albumpalooza Concert Series presents the ultimate tribute to two of the greatest classic rock super groups of all time. Albumpalooza: a Tribute to Steve Miller and The Doobie Brothers is a monumental all live salute to the great songs that helped define American music in the 1970's. Iconic tracks like Miller’s “The Joker”, “Jet Airliner” and “Take the Money and Run” along with The Doobies iconic “Listen to the Music”, “Long Train Running” and “What a Fool Believes” are etched into our culture and are still celebrated by generation after generation of music fans of all ages. Comprised of seasoned musicians who have shared the stage with legendary acts like 80’s supergroup Asia, Lou Gramm of Foreigner, and Barry Manilow, The Albumpalooza Band faithfully recreates every note, harmony, and signature guitar lick in a stunning multi-media concert presentation.



Saturday, November 2, 6 p.m. · $30


Friday, October 25, & Saturday, October 26, 6 p.m. Sunday, October 27, 2 p.m. • $15

Join us as we portray a hilarious comedy about a local Theatre Group trying desperately to put on a play written by a local author. The play is awful, and the author keeps rewriting the script throughout the rehearsals, changing characters, adding characters and changing the love scene! Act One is a horrible rehearsal of the entire show. Act Two is the Disastrous Dress Rehearsal , and Act Three - the Final, Real Show Performance - Who Knows what will happen and does! The Director, Author, Stage Manager and Sound Technician are up in arms over the mistakes, forgotten lines and what turns out to be a comedic murder mysterythatwillyoulaughingfromstarttofinish!

Incendio built a reputation for their exceptional skill and distinctive style in the Rumba Flamenco community. Their extensive touring across the United States has helped them develop a dedicated fan base, while their eight best-selling albums have solidified their position in the international music scene. The guitarists, in particular, have been praised for their virtuosic performances and innovative techniques, contributing to the band's lasting popularity. Special guest artist Ardeshir Farah is renowned for his masterful guitar work in the Rumba Flamenco genre, and his collaboration with Jorge Strunz in the internationally acclaimed group Strunz and Farah has left a significant mark on the world of Flamenco and Latin music. His virtuosic technique and deep understanding of the genre promise to add an exceptional and exciting dimension to the performance. Fans of both Flamenco and innovative guitar work are in for a treat with this event.

Tickets go on sale on the last Tuesday of the month so be sure to get your tickets early for all Starbright Theatre shows. and Pinnacle Community Centers. Tickets are non-refundable. Purchases may be made online with a credit card or pay with cash A cash bar will be set up in the lobby


“Frank Marino’s Divas”

Saturday, November 9, 3 & 6 p.m. · $30

You won’t believe your eyes; these gals are really guys! This 75-minute energetic show starring Las Vegas’ longest running headliner Frank Marino as comic icon Joan Rivers features an all-star cast of superstar female impersonators who not only recreate but almost uncannily duplicate the likenesses of stars ranging from Britney Spears to Cher, Diana Ross to Beyoncé, and even Madonna and Dolly Parton have been known to stop by. Recently added was Pop’s newest sensation’s Lady Gaga and P!NK, which help make this one of Las Vegas’ most spectacular production shows. Meanwhile, Marino in his role as the show’s emcee and star changes between every act bringing an international whirlwind of couture to the stage with each spectacular entrance.


“James Garner’s Tribute to Johnny Cash”

Saturday, November 16, 6 p.m. · $35

The Songs | The Stories | The Sound! For the past 17 years, Garner and his band have faithfully recreated Johnny Cash's biggest hits with stunning accuracy in this not-to-bemissed musical event. This world-class tribute to the ‘Man in Black’ has been featured live in concert on PBS stations and has even performed at Folsom and San Quentin Prisons where Johnny Cash recorded his biggest albums. The show is a fun, toe-tapping trip down memory lane honoring Cash's life and music, all set to his signature boom-chicka-boom sound. Enjoy all the hits of the ‘Man in Black’ –“Folsom Prison Blues,” “Ring of Fire,” “I Walk the Line,” and more! This is a show that walks the line!





Dunbar Comedy Tonight”

Wednesday, November 20, 6 p.m.• $20

Get ready to bring the laughter back to Sun City Summerlin. Kathleen and Mistinguett Productions are now bringing the Best Headliners in Vegas to the Starbright. Stand-up Comedy, one of the most original forms of entertainment differs from other performing arts in that a skilled comedian can artfully expose humor in everyday life to an audience’s amusement. Spending the evening with 3 talented comedians, can create laughter where you least expect to find it. With a very successful 5 year run and counting. As always, we will have our bar with assorted beveragesavailable.GETYOURTICKETSEARLY!


“Swing City Dolls”

Saturday, November 23, 6 p.m. · $35

For 15 years, the Swing City Dolls have dazzled audiences with their captivating performances. Robin, Connie, and Natalie have taken their dynamic presence from corporate events to cruise ships and made appearances on television and radio. Their Las Vegas highlights include opening for Lionel Richie at the Wynn Hotel and Casino and performing as featured vocalists for Frankie Avalon and Bobby Rydell at the Las Vegas Hilton. They've also collaborated with stars like BJ Thomas, Leslie Gore, Marilyn McCoo, and Lou Christy. The Swing City Dolls are renowned for their engaging connection with audiences, including American Veterans, and have received acclaim from notable figures like Paul Williams, Jerry Lewis, Mario Andretti, and Tony Butalla of The Lettermen. Celebrated for their exceptional performances worldwide, the Swing City Dolls are known for their ability to "Bring the Swing" wherever they perform.

Tickets go on sale on the last Tuesday of the month so be sure to get your tickets early for all Starbright Theatre shows. and Pinnacle Community Centers. Tickets are non-refundable. Purchases may be made online with a credit card or pay with cash A cash bar will be set up in the lobby


JOI Jazz Orchestra –“The Ultimate Christmas Concert!”

Tuesday, November 26, 6 p.m. · $30

Jazz Outreach Initiative returns to the Starbright Theatre with the amazing Jazz Vegas Orchestra (formerly JOI Jazz Orchestra)! Experience the thrill of a full 18piece jazz orchestra comprised of some of the finest jazz musicians anywhere! Featured music from Duke Ellington’s “The Nutcracker Suite.” Original charts from The Glenn Miller Orchestra’s “In the Christmas Mood” albums, surprise vocalists, and all your holiday favorites and more! This performance is perfect for all ages, so bring the whole family and swing into the holiday spirit with JOI in your heart!


“A Tribute to the 80’s Pop Divas!”

Saturday, November 30, 6 p.m. · $25

Relive the Magic of the 80s: A Tribute to the Pop Divas! Step back into the vibrant era of the 80s with "A Tribute to the Pop Divas of the 80s!"

This star-studded show features the unforgettable hits of iconic artists like Cyndi Lauper, Whitney Houston, and Belinda Carlisle with The Go-Go’s, all brought to life by talented tribute artists Nellie Norris, Trina Johnson, and Joy Roxas. Join us for a fun-filled girls' night out, packed with music and nostalgia as we celebrate the outrageous party tunes that defined a generation. Get ready to dance, sing along, and be swept away by the timeless magic of these legendary pop divas in an evening you won’t want to miss!

Live Events at

Doorsopenat 5:30 p.m. Tickets forBluesNight and Band Nights are $15 per person. Tickets go on sale the last Tuesday of the month and may be purchased online at www.suncitysummerlin.com with a credit card or at the Desert Vista, Mountain Shadows and Pinnacle Community Centers with cash or check. Exact change required. Tickets are non-refundable. Food and full bar available for purchase. No outside food or drinks permitted in The Summit during events. Must be 21 years or oldertoenter.Filmingattheseeventsmaybetakingplace.


Tuesday, October 1, 6 p.m. | $15

The RumRunners deliveratight, tailoredhighenergyRockingShow,with songsandsetsfrom Beatles, Stones, Santana, Skynard, Eagles, and Hendrix justtonameafew.Youknow the RumRunners areonstagebefore theyplaywith1920’sstylefedoras,suits &tiesandtwo-toneshoes(likebootlegging“rumrunners”).Your RumRunners areexperienced,professionalandwill keepyouraudienceveryentertained. They'reguaranteedtokeepouraudience dancingandpartying.Getyourtickets early!


Hot Ice Band

Friday, October 4, 6 p.m. | $15

Comejointhe Hot Ice Band foran eveningofdancingromancing&wanting moreofthesoundsofMotown,country, classicrock,50’s,60’s,Latinandmore! Earth Wind & Fire, Kool & the Gang, Temptations, Smokey Robinson, Journey, Styx, Boston, Foreigner, Eagles, Bon Jovi, Four Tops, Frankie Valli, Jackie Wilson, Travis Tritt, Vince Gill, Brooks & Dunn justto nameafew! Hopetoseey’allthere!


LowDown Band LV Friday, October 18, 6 p.m. | $15

LowDown Band LV bringsnumerousdecadesofexperiencetothe stage,deliveringastellarmusical performancetimeaftertime.Their musicalgenresincludetraditional blues;NewOrleansstyle;country; R&B;rock&roll;swing;jiveand traditionalballads.Providinggood musicandagoodtimeistheir ultimategoal.So,bringyoursmiles andyourdancingshoesandbeready tohavesomefunandamemorable evening!

6 p.m.

Sun City Summerlin Welcomes South Korean Delegates

In mid-August, Jeff Rorick, President of the Board of Directors and Mitzi Mills, Executive Director, met with a group of South Korean Delegates. Ms. Mills gave a presentation on how communities like ours are conceived and built by developers as well as the involvement of local government in the early development stages. In addition, the topic of how communities are managed was explained and how community dynamics change as residents grow older. The group then toured the Starbright Theatre, The Summit and the Pinnacle Fitness Center, hosted by Dick Clark and Judy Williams, both members of the Board of Directors.

At the Mountain Shadows Library with Mitzi Mills
At the Pinnacle Pool with Dick Clark and Judy Williams

Restaurant Toast Tab Loyalty Point Change

Thank you to all of our loyal customers who signed up for our Restaurant Loyalty Program when it was introduced over a year ago. As a promotion when we launched the program guests receive 1 point for every $1.00 spent, and once they receive 50 points, they receive $5 off a future purchase. Effective October 1, 2024, the program changed to 1 point for every $2.00 spent, and once a guest receives 50 points, they will receive $5 off of a future purchase. Any credits earned at the $1.00 rate will not be affected and will remain in your account as earned. The new rate only affects purchases beginning on October 1, 2024. Thank you to everyone who joined us and helped us launch this Loyalty Program! The birthday reward of $5 off on your birthday remains the same, as does the sign-up bonus earning of 25 points.

Getting Rid Of What No Longer Serves You: The Art Of Decluttering

It’s a kind of funny cycle of life: you grow up with your parents and collect things from school and sports, and most often your parents keep those treasures even as you move on to your first apartment or college. Fast forward. WE are now those parents and grandparents keeping numerous mementos of one, two or even three generations, and this does not include our own “collections” over time.

It’s not just memorabilia but “stuff” that has crept up on us unconsciously. For example, look at your closet. Don Aslett, author of Clutter’s Last Stand, said that we only actually wear 10% of the clothes hanging in our closet.

Psychologist Diane Stoler, in Psychology Today, said “Clear your home, clear your mind.” There’s no doubt that clutter creates chaos and limits one’s ability to focus. It can be overwhelming. So much so that according to the website, Storage Café, 38% of the 16,900 American respondents surveyed indicated they are using or will have a need for storage space. Storage businesses report a rapidly thriving increase in profits, with consumers paying anywhere from $90 to $290 a month depending on the size of the unit.

The No. 1 item stored is furniture, followed by clothing, appliances, and equipment, and 4th are sporting and hobby items. If one is moving, certainly storage is necessary; however, many items are stored for future use that may not ever come.

It’s October, and wouldn’t it be nice to get organized and declutter some of our possessions before the holidays? But where do we begin? From the various sites I explored regarding

decluttering, organizing, and minimizing, here are some steps that may help. Start small! Maybe cleaning out your wallet or purse. See how you feel; is it satisfying to get that one item organized?

We all know the three boxes/piles approach: what do you want to keep, what to donate, what to toss. Again, starting with a closet might seem too daunting, but how about one drawer? Marie Kondo’s method is to keep what truly brings you joy, discard everything that doesn’t, and then organize.

For example, several sites suggest that if we do have old photos and memorabilia from our past or our children’s pasts, take a picture and then discard the item. There are many videos on the subject of decluttering, and I found them to be very motivating and helpful. Perhaps by watching a couple you will be, too!

As luck would have it, our garage sale in Sun City Summerlin is Friday, October 18, and Saturday, October 19 – so very timely if we get started on the decluttering process now. It’s not easy, but everything I read suggests that the amount of restored control, peace, serenity, and space obtained is well worth the effort.

Good Luck!

“The first step in crafting the life you want is to get rid of everything you don’t.”

Joshua Becker, author of Clutter Free With Kids.

The Halloween Tradition of Pumpkin Carving

“Stingy Jack,” a man down on his luck who strikes a deal with

As many know, a jack-o’-lantern is carved out of a pumpkin or Satan. Jack finds himself doomed to roam the ends of the earth aroot vegetable, such as a turnip. carrying a carved turnip with a piece of burning coal inside to

The tradition of carving a pumpkin dates back thousands of light his path forevermore. This ghostly figure became known years to an ancient Celtic holiday called Samhain that occurred as “jack-o’-lantern.” at the end of summer and was meant to honor the souls of the

In America, Irish immigrants who arrived in the 1800s, deceased. It was believed that during a 24-hour period (from continued the tradition of carving jack-o’-lanterns and placing dusk on October 31 until dusk on November 1) the souls of the candles inside, preferring native pumpkins to turnips. The dead would appear to the living as ghosts. Celts would carve scary faces into large gourds or turnips, light them from the carved pumpkin was originally a symbol of the harvest season, eventually becoming a Halloween tradition. inside with a piece of burning coal and set them on their

Today, pumpkin carving continues to be a fun, creative windowsills to ward off evil spirits. craft for young and old. Enjoy carving

The name “jack-o’-lantern” is associated



#2 Eagle Crest August 6, 2024

#6 Eagle Crest August 6, 2024



Pat Rodgers
Donna Hadley

Walking is the Best Medicine! Some Tips to Get Off on the Right Foot

We finally have cooler temperatures. Sun City Summerlin Community is the perfect environment to get out and walk and enjoy the neighborhood. Walking is surprisingly a simple way to get your body moving daily and provides great results in reducing many health issues.

9 Health Benefits of Walking

1. Improve Cardiac Health: Studies have repeatedly shown walking can help improve circulation and blood pressure.

2. Lower Blood Sugar: Even just a 15-minute walk after meals has been shown to reduce the spike in blood sugar that sometimes occurs after eating.

3. Stronger Bones, Joints, and Muscles: All at once. When you walk, you’re working multiple muscle groups, including your: quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, ankles, glutes, lower back and abdominals. Try pumping your arms while you walk, and you’ll see benefits to your upper body, too.

4. Slow Cognitive Decline: Walking can help you remain mentally sharp with age. Studies show walking can help protect the aging brain from dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. This study found that participants who were more active had a 20 percent lower risk of cognitive impairment than those who were inactive.

5. Better Mood: Walking releases endorphins that create a sense of well-being, reduce your anxiety, help boost your mood and help you feel more positive about life.

6. Reduce Aches and Pains: If you have arthritis, you may be nervous to start walking due to possible pain. However, studies have found that walking can reduce arthritis pain. Walking lubricates knee and hip joints and strengthens surrounding muscles, reducing the strain placed on the joint itself.

7. Improved Sleep: Daily walks have been shown to improve the quality and duration of sleep. Researchers have also discovered that those who walk each morning are less likely to experience insomnia than those who don’t go for walks.

8. More Social Interaction: Walking offers an easy way to meet up with others. You can join a walking group, engage with neighbors and

walk in the community. Social interaction is another key to good health for older adults.

9. Improve Immune System Health: Walking can help protect you against day-to-day illnesses. It has been found that regular walkers get sick less frequently and for shorter periods than people who don’t exercise.

4 Tips to Make Walking a Part of Your Daily Routine

1. Start Small: It’s important not to start too hard or too fast. Use the talk test to monitor intensity. You are still should be able to carry on a conversation, but you might be a little breathy.

2. Set Goals: Walking may be one of the easiest exercises to do for your health, but still requires thought and planning to get started and make it a routine. Set appropriate and realistic goals for you body and health needs.

3. Stay Safe: Dress appropriately for the weather, wear sun protection and always stay hydrated.

4. Select the Right Shoes: Shoes can make all the difference when it comes to walking and sticking to it. There are many stores that specialize in helping find the right shoes. If you have foot problems, talk to your doctor or podiatrist about the best type of footwear for walking.

Don’t let using a cane or a walker stop you. These can improve your balance and help lighten the load on your joints to make walking easier.

Information provided by: SeniorServicesofamerica.com/blog/ health-benefits-of-walking-for-seniors

Sign up for the 2nd annual Sun City Summerlin Fall 5K Walk/Run on Saturday October 26 at 8 a.m.! Register on-line or call the Fitness Department office at 702255-2294. More information on page 43. Costumethemed Walk/Run! We hope to see you there!

Seminars and Events

Mostseminars/eventsarefree.Theremaybespecialworkshops/classes witharegistrationfee. Please see event details below for specific ticketandlocationinformation. TicketsareavailablewithSocialMonitors at Desert Vista, Mountain Shadows and Pinnacle Community Centers.Ifsoldout,pleasearrivethedayoftheeventtobeputona waitlist.PleasecallFitnessDept.withquestions702-255-2294.

Gut Health for Overall Health

Wednesday, October 9, 1 p.m. · Sun Shadows

Did you know that your gut health can affect your entire body? A healthy gut is very important for a strong immune system, reduced inflammation, good digestion, weight management, diabetes management, and brain health.

Join Registered Dietitian Donna Gould on October 9th to learn how to improve gut and digestive health through your diet. You will learn about signs of an unhealthy gut, which foods help with good gut health, digestion, and bloating, as well as supplements that can help improve or “reset” gut health. Registration is $20 per person and includes presentation, additional resources, and entry into giveaways. Call the Fitness Department to register.

Lunch & Learn: Think Pink with Summerlin Hospital

Wednesday, October 16, 12 p.m. · Desert Vista, Room 1

Put on your favorite PINK outfit and join us for our 2nd Annual Think Pink Lunch & Learn with Summerlin Hospital in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Most importantly, a seminar about Women’s Health. Join us to learn more about the updates made in breast health research, treatment & breakthroughs, and relevant breast health information for the 55 and better community. Limited tickets are available beginning October 1 with Social Monitors at Desert Vista, Mountain Shadows and Pinnacle.

Chronic Pain: What To Do?

Wednesday, October 23, 12 p.m.

· Sun Shadows

Join physicians from Centennial Spine & Pain who will present education on chronic pain, how to identify conditions, and possible new and minimally invasive solutions and interventions. They will also provide educational resources and refreshments. Nalu neurostimulation representatives will be there for questions and answers. Limited tickets are available beginning October 1 with Social Monitors at Desert Vista, Mountain Shadows and Pinnacle.

Sound Bath Meditation with Amy

Thursday, October 17, 3:30 p.m. · Sun Shadows

Join Amy for our monthly Sound Bath Meditation. Please bring a yoga mat, blanket(s), and pillow for cushioning. Wear comfortable clothing to keep warm and cozy. Plan to arrive 10-20 min. before starting time to get settled. No late entry due to the meditative nature of the class. Limited tickets will be available beginning October 1 with Social Monitors at Desert Vista, Mountain Shadows and Pinnacle.

All Things Fitness

“Your one stop shop for the Fitness Center amenities in Sun City Summerlin!”

Additional Club classes are available. Master Fitness Class Schedule can be picked up at any Fitness Center or online at suncitysummerlin.com. Please call Fitness Department with questions 702.255.2294.

“As I See It . . . ”

Find the Joy

Stress isn't new. Modern technology has made some tasks easier, but stress levels have stayed the same or increased. About 27% of U.S. adults report that they are so stressed most days that they are unable to function. Over 75% experienced at least one stress-related symptom in the last month, like headache, fatigue, nervousness or feeling depressed.

Joy is a powerful emotion and harnessing it can be a remedy for stress-related burnout. Contentment and joy can positively improve physical and mental health and overall well-being.

Here's what you need to know to build, cultivate and sustain joy in your life, based on information from the Mayo Clinic. Joy versus happiness

It's easy to confuse the emotions of joy and happiness because they often are experienced at the same time. Often, happiness is the emotional reaction to what is happening around you. Whereas joy isn't reactionary and often is driven by internal motivations like working toward a goal or finding a purpose in life.

Happiness is an emotion, whereas joy is more a state of being. When you are joyful, it doesn't mean you are always giddy or happy. But it means you can appreciate moments of happiness within the bigger context of life.

Compounding joy

Joy isn't experienced in a vacuum. Most of the time, it's a feeling or sentiment that spreads to others through your attitude and actions.

Tips for discovering joy

Joy looks different to each person and can be found in everyday situations. Some people find joy in caring for others, spiri-

tual connections, spending time in nature or continually learning. Other people discover joy in different activities, relationships or personal empowerment.

Focus on what you can control.

Many possible stressors in life are outside of your control. The weather, how others treat you, your past, natural disasters, your relatives and other aspects of your life exist without your input. While building joy, focus your time and attention on things you can control. Our attitudes are often a choice. We can spend time ruminating on something that is negative and out of our control or decide to see the good in something and choose joy.

Express gratitude.

Gratitude is being thankful or showing appreciation for the things and people around you. This could be sending positive thoughts to someone special, writing a text message to a friend or listing three things you are grateful for each day. Practicing this daily helps your brain shift its focus to appreciation and blessings, instead of problems and challenges.

Assume good intent.

When stressed, any additional inconvenience or misunderstanding could be viewed as unjust and an intentional barrier to your joy. In most cases, people are simply doing their best with the information and skills they possess, and their actions are not malicious or spiteful.

Concentrate on building relationships.

To various degrees, all people need social connections with others. For many, helping lift others creates a sense of purpose and joy. If building healthy relationships is at the core of your efforts, you can find happiness and joy in your life.

Keep perspective.

Some decisions or situations have serious, long-lasting effects on your life. But often, things that seem important today may only matter a little or not at all in five or 10 years. It's common to recall the feeling of stress or worry years later, but not the actual scenario that caused it. As you strive for joy, remember to keep perspective on which situations and decisions are monumental and which are not, like little annoyances.




All scheduled Committee Meetings are being held in person at Desert Vista and/or by Zoom



ARC ArchitecturalReview

BOD SCSCAIBoardofDirectors

CAP CommonAreaProperties

CCOC CharteredClubs& CommunityOrganizations

HC HearingCommittee

IT InformationTechnology


DV DesertVista

DF DesertVista FitnessCenter

EC EagleCrest

HF HighlandFalls

MF MountainShadows FitnessCenter

MS MountainShadows

P Pinnacle

PV PalmValley

SBT StarbrightTheatre

S SunShadows

SM Summit

TF TavernattheFalls

Mitzi’s E-Blast List

To be added to the list, send an e-mail to: mitzim@suncitylv.com.


First + Last Name E-mail Address

SCSCAI Member #

Sun City Street Address

You will begin receiving e-blasts as soon as your information is entered by the IT Dept.


Tavern at The Falls October Daily Specials from 10 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. See page 32 for details.

The Summit October Special from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. See page 33 for details.

9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Sunday Brunch (SM)

10 a.m. – 3 p.m., Bus Trip: Boulder City Art in the Park (P)

9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Sunday Brunch (SM)

9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Sunday Brunch (SM)

9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Sunday Brunch (SM)


9:30 a.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 15

12 p.m., AARP Driver Safety Program (DV) page 14

6 p.m., “Karaoke Night” (TF) page 32

6 p.m., “Blues Night: RumRunners” (SM) page 30


9 a.m., BOD Meeting (SBT & Zoom) Insert

9:30 a.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 15

2 p.m., “Play On!” (SBT) page 26 6 7 8


9 a.m., HC Closed Meeting (DV) Insert

9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Farmers & Artisan Market (MS Community Center Parking Lot) page 15

6 p.m., “The Rendezvous: These Guys Worldwide” (SBT) page 23


11 a.m., Sunshine Service Group (DV) page 15 14 15 13 21 22 20

9 a.m., CAP (DV & Zoom) Insert

9:30 a.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 15

6 p.m., “Karaoke Night” (TF) page 32

9:30 a.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 15

6 p.m., SCS Patrol (DV) page 15


28 29

9:30 a.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 15 10:30 a.m., IT (DV & Zoom) Insert 5 p.m., N.O.R.A. Ballots must be received (MS)

5 p.m., Neighborhood Preparedness Team: Defending Your Money (DV) pages 15, 17

6 p.m., “Karaoke Night” (TF) page 32



4 p.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 15

6 p.m., “Rod Ouano” (TF) page 32

9 a.m., AARP Driver Safety Program (DV) page 14

12 p.m., Free Movie “Find Me Falling” (SBT) page 20

1 p.m., Gut Health for Overall Health w/Dietitian Donna Gould (S) page 45

3 p.m. – 6 p.m., Oktoberfest Celebration (MS Picnic Area) page 21

6 p.m., “Bon Joanie Unplugged” (TF) pg 32

7 p.m., Residents’ Forum (DV) pages 15, 17

9 a.m., ARC (DV & Zoom)


11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m., Lunch & Learn: TrustMasters (DV) page 13

12 p.m., Lunch & Learn: Think Pink with Summerlin Hospital (DV) pg 45

2 p.m., Golf Oversight (DV & Zoom)


6 p.m., “Comedy Tonight” (SBT) page 25

6 p.m., “Yukon Jack” (TF) page 32

12 p.m., Chronic Pain: What to Do? (S) page 45

5 p.m., AARP Driver Safety Program (DV) page 14

6 a.m. – 7 p.m., Bus Trip: Bryce Canyon –Zion National Park, Utah (P) 11 a.m., Legal (DV & Zoom) Insert

4 p.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 15

4 p.m., Friday Updates with Mitzi (Zoom)

6 p.m., “Friday Band Nights: Hot Ice Band” (SM) page 30


10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Taylor Made® Fitting Event (PV) page 40

4 p.m., Friday Updates with Mitzi (Zoom)


9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Falls Arts & Crafts Fair (DV) page 20

2 3 4 5

6 p.m., “Thunderdome Queen –A Tribute to Tina Turner Starring Michelle Marshall” (SBT) page 23

6 p.m., “Feelin Good –The Ultimate Bublé Experience Starring Anthony Bernasconi” (SBT) page 24


9:30 a.m., CCOC (DV & Zoom)


11 a.m., Free Classic Movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind (SBT) page 20

1:30 p.m., Fitness (DV & Zoom) Insert 3:30 p.m., Sound Bath Meditation with Amy (S) page 45

4 p.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 15

7 a.m. – 3 p.m., Community Garage Sale page 15

9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., Coffee with the Board (DV & Zoom) page 14, Insert

4 p.m., Friday Updates with Mitzi (Zoom)

6 p.m., “Friday Band Nights: LowDown Band LV” (SM) page 30

7 a.m. – 3 p.m., Community Garage Sale page 15

6 p.m., “Tribute to Steve Miller Band and The Doobie Brothers” (SBT) page 25 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26

4 p.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 15

4 p.m., Friday Updates with Mitzi (Zoom)

6 p.m., “Play On!” (SBT) page 26

8 a.m., 5K & 1 Mile Walk/ Run (Mountain Shadows Fitness Center) page 47

6 p.m., “Play On!” (SBT) page 26

7 p.m. – 9 p.m., Halloween Party with Roxy Stardust (DV) page 21

6 p.m., “Silver Trio” (TF) page 32 9 10 11 12

8 a.m., Special Meeting of the Membership (MS) Counting of the N.O.R.A. Ballots

2 p.m., Finance (DV & Zoom) Insert

4 p.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 15

5 p.m. – 8 p.m., Halloween Dance & Special Menu (SM) page 33

On or around 10:30 a.m., BOD Meeting (MS) 30 31


The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) plays a crucial role in maintaining the aesthetic appeal and property values of Sun City Summerlin, the premier active adult community in Las Vegas. Established to oversee the design and exterior modification of properties within the community, the ARC ensures that all architectural changes align with the established guidelines and overall vision of the community.

Sun City Summerlin is known for its beautiful homes, wellmanicured landscapes, and harmonious design standards. The ARC is responsible for reviewing and approving all exterior alterations or additions homeowners wish to make. This includes projects such as painting, landscaping, installing fences, and adding structures like pergolas or patios. By requiring homeowners to submit detailed plans for approval, the committee ensures that all modifications are consistent with the Community Development Standards.

The Development Standards are designed to preserve the community’s cohesive appearance while allowing for individual

expression. The ARC has established an approved palette to ensure that the colors complement the existing homes in the neighborhood. Similarly, landscape modifications must meet certain criteria to maintain the area's lush, desert-friendly environment.

The ARC not only works to protect the visual appeal of Sun City Summerlin but also to enhance property values. Consistent and well-maintained homes contribute to a stronger real estate market, benefiting all owners. Additionally, the committee helps promote harmony between neighbors by establishing clear, fair rules for property modifications.

Ultimately, the Architectural Review Committee serves as a guardian of the community’s architectural heritage, working diligently to strike a balance between preserving tradition and embracing responsible innovation. The ARC’s commitment to upholding high standards makes Sun City Summerlin a desirable and harmonious place to live.

Josette Fregoso, Director Community Standards

(l-r) Allyn Ayotte, Mike Stewart, John Lang, Randy Gast, Jola Oliver, Ellen Bachman (seated), Jerry Adams, Deb Madriaga, Julie Kisosondi, Bruce Cooksey and John Berthelson (not pictured).


A New LOOK, Same Committment

As your Sun City Summerlin (SCS) Patrol transforms their appearance with different uniforms, nothing else has changed! They are a committed group of volunteers from the Sun City Summerlin community who give countless hours of service to our neighborhoods. While you are reading these comments, remember that you might be one of our next patrol officers. Drop by the Patrol Office at the very end of the Desert Vista Parking Lot and check out the possibilities.

We asked our members “Please write down that one thought you always have wished you could tell your neighbors about keeping their home and themselves safe!” Our responses came from a cross section of the membership, one was a former chief, another has only been a member for one year, and yet another has volunteered for Patrol for twenty-nine years. No matter how long someone has been in Patrol, they seem to pick up on very similar issues as they go about their duties as a

driver, an Information Center Officer, or one of the folks at Patrol Base, answering the phone, and organizing the shifts as they change personnel. We’ve added their pictures for a glimpse of their determination to help our community.

We are not Metropolitan Police Officers and we do not do their jobs, nor are we able to do the work of Fire and Rescue. Patrol fills in a gap between Sun City Summerlin residents and those municipal departments. If you have need for one of these first responders, please dial 911 (emergency event happening right now) or 311 (event has happened but no longer active). We also act as the eyes and ears of extended family, living in other locations. We help with lost pets, lost people, and lost items.

We are on duty twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Any time of the day or night, we answer calls at our phone number 702-254-2303. Right now, take a couple of minutes and put that number into your phone for future use. If you see something, please say something: too much water coming from an irrigation system, water running down a driveway, a poor dead bunny on the road, a disoriented person, a home that has too much mail or newspapers building up, one of the 911 lights blinking, a garage door that has been open when that same door is normally closed. Anything that seems suspicious!


These statements are direct quotes from a group of Patrol

members (pictured) who work to keep our community safe. Notice all the similarities from these folks who actually do the jobs. They have covered the gamut of important information!

Ÿ “Keep your porch and front door lights on all night. Do not turn off when going to bed!”

Ÿ “If you have a ring doorbell, you should make friends with one of your neighbors. Call them if someone comes to the door when you are away from home. Might take patrol ten minutes to reach your house.”

Ÿ “Whether you are leaving or coming home, take the time to check that your garage door has fully closed and stays put.”

Ÿ “Keep emergency contact number(s) on file with the Patrol Office and make sure that sheet is up to date.”

Ÿ “If you live alone, please have a neighbor you call every day and give a neighbor a current house key.”

Mark Pywell, Frank Miyazono, Linda Van Horn, Walter LaMay
Ellen Bachman, Richard Clark, Kathy Disabato

Ÿ “Be aware of your surroundings. Get to know your neighbors.”

Ÿ “Keep bushes and trees trimmed around windows and doors. Keep front door lit at night.”

Ÿ “Please make sure your address is visible in the dark and have the path to front door clear of plants and shrubbery. Have pets secured so they don’t bite us. Make sure neighbors see you so there isn’t a welfare check.”

Melgarejo, Michael Pennock, Patricia Davis, Harry Kaplan

Ÿ “Be sure someone has a key to your house. Be aware of your neighbors’ normal activities. If you haven’t seen them at the usual times or places…check it out! If the trash hasn’t been out for pickup, if the newspapers are still on the driveway, if the mailbox is full, they may be hurt (or worse). Patrol will assist you in asking Metro for a wellness check.”

Ÿ “Make sure your emergency contacts are updated.”

Ÿ “Streets do not belong to the HOA. Stop signs are not suggestions, especially for bicycles and golf carts.”

Ÿ “Make sure your address light is working, that helps Patrol in the evening and early morning.”

Ÿ “Know at least one neighbor. Give your house key to a trusted, local neighbor. Make sure your emergency contact form is current.”

Ÿ “To keep people safe, please drive the speed limit on all streets and make a full stop at stop signs.”

Ÿ “If a stranger knocks on your door, you should definitely say something to them. DON’T OPEN THE DOOR, ask who it is or say, ‘go away’. They will know the house is occupied.”

Ÿ “Take this article to a neighbor on your block, share it with them and help them comply with all of the suggestions made. Pick the neighbor most unlikely to read this article.”

Ÿ “The thoughtfulness and dedication of Sun City Summerlin Patrol is so very impressive. Residents of other communities tell me how fortunate we are to have such commitment in Sun City Summerlin.”

The Election of 2025 SCS Patrol Officers will take place on Tuesday, November 26, 6 p.m. at Desert Vista.

Sun City Summerlin Patrol – FYI

Services in August 2024

Open Garage Doors - 191

911 Emergency Lights - 22

House Checks - 421

IC Inquiries - 117

Compiled by Frank Miyazono

By Darlene Vaughan SCS Patrol
Phyllis Grand, Robert Newton, Nancy Hoskins

Community Conversations: HOA Responsibilities

The question is often asked “How is an HOA Board different than the HOA Management staff?” Each has its area of responsibilities and duties. And for the homeowner, it may sometimes be confusing as to who is doing what. According to the Community Associations Institute, most large scale (over 1000 units) are selfmanaged. Here in Sun City Summerlin, we are self-managed at the master (7,781 homes) level. Our 39 Sub-HOAs often use an outside management company to manage their affairs. But in either case the responsibilities remain similar.

An HOA Board should hold the “power” within an HOA community. While the HOA staff or management company has many responsibilities, the final say rests with the HOA Board. Both the HOA Board and staff have clear tasks and responsibilities. The exact powers and duties of both the Board and the Executive Director are spelled out in the Sun City Summerlin By-laws. You can refer to Articles VI and VII for exact language, but here is a summary.


The Board of Directors has the power, duties, restrictions and obligations set forth in the Nevada Revised Statutes and all governing documents of the Association. Their “powers” are to:

Ÿ Approve policies and regulations

Ÿ Employ the Executive Director

Ÿ Set the annual assessment

Ÿ Bring legal proceedings

Ÿ Approve contracts

Ÿ Designate powers to committees

Ÿ Represent the Association in any governmental matters

Their “duties” include:

Ÿ Administering the assets and supervising the business affairs of the Association

Ÿ Enforcing all provisions of the governing documents

Ÿ Procuring adequate insurance coverage

Ÿ Maintaining all facilities

Ÿ Approve a Budget

Ÿ Obtain an audit of financial statements

Ÿ Assure a proper Reserve Fund is maintained. Board members need to be knowledgeable (but not experts) on pertinent statutes relating to HOAs, the governing documents of the Association, and how each department operates and functions. If a homeowner asks them a question, they should either know the answer or know where to go to get the information. And they should always be making decisions that are in the best interest of the community as a whole.

Executive Director

The Executive Director (ED) oversees the day-to-day operation of the Association. They are hired by, and serve at the pleasure of, the Board. The ED implements the policies of the Association, as established by the Board. The duties of the ED include:

Ÿ Establishing a staff organization in order to function effectively and efficiently and serve the best interests of the members

Ÿ Oversee the preparation of an Operating Budget for submission to the Board

Ÿ Keep a wage and salary schedule in order to attract and maintain competent personnel

Ÿ Present reports to the Board

Ÿ Supervise the departments and key employees

Ÿ Maintain the office and all record keeping regarding members

Ÿ Disburse funds for the maintenance and repair of facilities. A good HOA manager possesses several key qualities and skills to effectively manage a community. Some essential traits that the job requires are: Strong leadership skills; Effective communication; Extensive HOA knowledge; Financial and budgeting skills; Legal familiarity; and Trustworthiness.

Final thoughts

Being on the Board of an HOA (of any size) can be a thankless job. And certainly, leading a team of several hundred employees is no easy task. No matter what decisions are made, how things are run, or how functions are handled – there are sure to be some homeowners who take issue with it. But both the Board and the staff are duty bound to continue to operate in a manner which they believe maintains Sun City Summerlin as a leading HOA and a great place to own a home.


Mgmt. No.

Sub Assoc. Mgmt. CO. Phone Units

ArbuckleHOA Assoc.Mgmt.Group,LLC 645-1210 48

ArgentsHillHOA SierraCommunityMgt.LLC754-6313 42

BanoraPointHOA Assoc.Mgmt.Group,LLC 645-1210 12

BigGreenHOA Assoc.Mgmt.Group,LLC 645-1210 24

BigTimberHOA Assoc.Mgmt.Group,LLC 645-1210 28

BlueBellHOA CrossoverAssoc.Mgmt.LLC 656-4824 27 686-4824

BreakersCreekHOATheMgmt.Trust 835-6904 23

CogHillHOA LindaBucar 233-0223 60

DarkPeakHOA SageMgmt. 848-3418 12 339-3044

DesertButteHOA Assoc.Mgmt.Group,LLC 645-1210 32

DesertCrystalHOA PrimeCommunityMgt 869-0937 30

DesertHollyHOA BonnyLewis 582-5688 42 EagleValleyHOA TheMgmt.Trust 835-6904 38 EchoMesaHOA NevadaCommunityMgt 222-2391 37 EveningStarHOA Assoc.Mgmt.Group,LLC 645-1210 15 FairwayViewHOA TheMgmt.Trust 835-6904 28

FaissHOA Assoc.Mgmt.Group,LLC 645-1210 47

SierraCommunityMgt.LLC 754-6313 54

Assoc.Mgmt.Group,LLC 645-1210 48

GrandMesaHOA Assoc.Mgmt.Group,LLC 645-1210 41

HemetHOA CommunityMgtGroup 942-2500 39

(This is the most recent information reported to Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc., by the Sub-Associations.)

Mgmt. No.

Sub Assoc. Mgmt. CO. Phone Units

HunterSpringsHOALevelPropertyMgmt. 433-0149 16

645-1210 98

LitchfieldHOA Assoc.Mgmt.Group,LLC 645-1210 58

MountainGateHOA DesertCmntyMgmt. 982-0430X-102 24

PalmridgeHOA CrossoverAssoc.Mgmt.LLC 656-4824 56 686-4824

PomonaHOA NevadaCommunityMgt 222-2391 39 PrairieHillHOA TheMgmt.Trust 835-6904 35

QuailRidgeHOA NevadaCmntyMgmt. 222-2391X-2003C66 (222-2391X305JK)

RidgevilleHOA CrossoverAssoc.Mgmt.LLC 656-4824 16 686-4824

ShowcaseHOA Assoc.Mgmt.Group,LLC 645-1210 100

SunCityNMAHOA TerraWest 362-6262 459 251-4540

SundialHOA SageManagement 848-3418 44 339-3044

TumbleBrookHOA Assoc.Mgmt.Group,LLC 645-1210 22 ValleyDownsHOA Assoc.Mgmt.Group,LLC 645-1210 53

VillaRidgeHOA DesertCmntyMgmt. 982-0430 52

WillowrichHOA CrossoverAssoc.Mgmt.LLC 656-4824 36 686-4824


Club Contact Phone

Aquacize VeronicaDouglass 661-435-4880

Art SteveBrenner 702-749-7737

Arthritis PamMiller 804-240-8626

Basketball JimMathews 503-894-3040

Beading&Jewelry PaulaNuzzo 702-820-9343

Bicycle GaryTrowbridge 725-735-7424

Billiards KayeBence 818-424-8348

Bocci RoseManning 203-314-3527

Book CherylKidd 541-233-6545

Bridge,Duplicate SallyRitter 702-497-4788

Bridge,FridayNight PeggyCushman 702-462-2250

Bridge,MondayRubber MaryLaFerney 702-562-1550

Bridge,SocialDupl. ConnieMorris 702-331-0325


Bunco RuthAnnMoore 661-618-1613

Canasta DianeSapp 321-446-5712

Ceramics DeniseWinton 702-363-4329

Chicago/Midwest MyraFeldgreber 702-838-3859

ClassicalMusic WilliamRydell 702-580-0727

Computer JeffWilkinson 702-527-4056

Conservatives JeffDiPane 702-985-2310

Cribbage LindaRay 702-586-1007

CruisersofSunCity RandyGast 702-707-7069

DanceCompany RobertaMorrissey 702-524-5881

DanceConnection KrisSteinwand 702-443-8759

Euchre GloriaElmore 702-430-7785

French DenisKallish 203-767-2518

FriendsofTheSummit TamiFox 248-882-3364

Garden DaveMaiero 702-266-5416

Golf,Guys&Gals AmosBarcus 702-755-9623

Golf,LadiesExecutive PamScott 559-917-3724

Golf,Men’s18Hole ThomasHaseltine 414-788-2310

Golf,Men’sNiners HughLichter 727-421-5010

Golf,Women’s SandiHapke 702-405-9181

Gun DavidZuckerman 201-400-1871

Hiking LisaBrew-Miller 707-477-8059

Investment SteveCommander 702-304-1768

Italian KenPignato 702-339-1342

JewishFriendship LonnieWagman 702-419-6333

KraftyKritters SunitaBouri 813-270-9096

Liberal NormanWright 702-255-5545

Library MaxineMcKeown 702-287-2918

Club Contact Phone

MahJongg KarenBerke 702-813-5110

Men’s LenLibman 702-515-9368

Military&Friends ChrisOelerich 970-274-8230

ModelBuilders CharlieBush 702-501-3300

Musicmakers DarleneVaughan 307-330-8421

NeighborhoodPrep.Team* MaryFairhurst 702-482-8853

NewYork ChristineRuggiero 702-280-2743

Organ,Piano&Keyboard MartiStimpson 702-683-4112

Pan RebeccaDeavours 970-402-4881

Photography JudithFilangeri 702-473-1153

Pickleball SuzanneEsber 714-478-1653

Quilting DianeLais 702-327-4520

Racquetball PeterRuopp 419-420-5175

Rainbow JulieMcCuiston 725-291-LGBT (5428)

R.V. DeanLawes 802-345-9090

Residents’Forum* JulieZerbel 512-775-1309

Sawdusters JohnMarslender 801-598-5371

Sewing(JustSew) JudyHatcher 951-491-3442

Silver,Lapidary SharynSmith 702-473-5479


Silvertones RodneyHamburg 702-332-5611

Social SofiaCastille 281-300-4537

Softball PatFaivre 541-207-2169

Spanish SarahFreeman 508-733-1047

StainedGlass MichaelDrace 702-970-2442

SunCityCharities/ Office 702-254-5831


SunshineService* DebbieMotycka 702-755-6109

SuperSolosActivities GraceGambone 702-498-3837

Swim DarleneStaley 503-388-0821

TableTennis LaureenLentz 909-648-1397

TaiChi MaryDodson 818-430-1617

Tennis KayHiger 208-420-6956

TexasHold’em PaulLuszcz 760-399-7173

Theatre(Community) JohnMura 310-251-2785

Travel MariseMizel 702-339-2657

WateRobics DonaWittman 916-425-3571

Women’s JudyAuerbach 702-242-0727

Writer’sWorkshop MaxineMuccigrosso 702-360-1863

Yoga RudolfoSanchez 702-596-2681

ZoomZoom KathyMayer 314-952-6300


Club Date Time Location

------------------------2025 OCTOBER------------------------

Racquetball 10/7 4p.m. DVPicnicArea

SuperSolosActivities 10/8 6p.m. DV

Library 10/10 12p.m. DV

TaiChi 10/10 11:30a.m. DV

Basketball 10/11 12p.m. DV

Silver,Lapidary 10/12 9:30a.m. MSSilverRm. &GlassFusion

JewishFriendship 10/15 6:30p.m. DV

Rainbow 10/21 6p.m. DV

Golf,LadiesExecutive 10/22 11:30a.m. DV

Ceramics 10/24 9:30a.m. DV

Bunco 10/26 6p.m. MS

StainedGlass 10/26 9a.m. MSGlassRm.

Military&Friends 10/27 4p.m. DV

ClassicalMusic 10/28 7p.m. Starbright

SocialClub 10/28 6p.m. DV

Men's 10/29 9a.m. DV

DanceConnection 10/30 11:30a.m. DV

Garden 10/31 4p.m. DV

----------------------2025 NOVEMBER----------------------

Bridge,FridayNight 11/1 6p.m. MS

Yoga 11/1 10a.m. DVCommittee

KraftyKritters 11/2 10:30a.m. DVMultipurpose

Liberal 11/4 7p.m. DV

Musicmakers 11/4 12:30p.m. PNMusicStudio

SunshineService 11/4 11a.m. DV

Writer'sWorkshop 11/4 9:30a.m. PNMeetingRm.

Beading&Jewelry 11/5 1p.m. MSSilverRoom

NewYork 11/6 6:30p.m. DV

Pickleball 11/6 10a.m. DV

Sewing(JustSew) 11/6 12:30p.m. MSSewingRm.

Golf,Men'sNiners 11/7 10a.m. PalmValleyGC

Silvertones 11/7 12:30p.m. PNMusicStudio

Spanish 11/8 9a.m. PN

Gun 11/8 1p.m. DV

DanceCo."AClassAct" 11/9 4p.m. DV

Bridge,RubberMonday 11/11 11:45a.m. MS

Quilting 11/11 9a.m. DV

MahJongg 11/12 11:30a.m. MS

Organ 11/12 9a.m. PNMusicStudio

Golf,Women's 11/12 1p.m. DV (Ladies18Hole)


Date Time Location

Arthritis 11/13 11a.m. MillersTavern

ModelBuilders 11/13 10:30a.m. DV

Residents'Forum 11/13 7p.m. DV

Travel 11/13 3p.m. DV

Book 11/14 1:30p.m. DV

Photography 11/14 6:30p.m. DV

R.V. 11/14 2p.m. WillowBeach

French 11/15 1p.m. PN

Italian 11/15 6:15p.m. DV

Chicago/Midwest 11/17 6p.m. DV

Art 11/18 1p.m. DV

CommunityTheatre 11/18 5p.m. DV

PanGames 11/19 12p.m. MS

CruisersofSunCity 11/19 6p.m. DV

Investment 11/20 7p.m. DV

Canasta 11/21 6:30p.m. MS

Conservatives 11/21 6p.m. DV

Women's 11/21 12:15p.m. DV

Patrol 11/26 6p.m. DV

NPT 11/27 10a.m. DV


TableTennis 12/1 9:30a.m. PNMultipurpose

TexasHold'em 12/2 12p.m. MS

Aquasize 12/3 5p.m. DV

Computer 12/5 2p.m. DV

Golf,Men's18Hole 12/5 12p.m. MS

Hiking 12/5 8:30a.m. DV

ZoomZoom 12/5 10:30a.m. DV

FriendsofTheSummit 12/6 4p.m. Summit

Sawdusters 12/6 9a.m. DV

Swim 12/6 9a.m. DVPool

Golf,Guys&Gals 12/8 7p.m. DV

BocciBall 12/10 7p.m. DV

Billiards 12/11 10a.m. BilliardsRoom

Cribbage 12/11 5:30p.m. MS

Euchre 12/11 6p.m. MS

Bicycle 12/12 4p.m. DV

Bridge,SocialDuplicate 12/14 12:30p.m. MS

Tennis 12/14 5p.m. DV

WateRobics 12/15 11a.m. DV

Bridge,Duplicate 12/18 11:30a.m. MS



Telephone numbers published in the Link and on our website SunCityLink.com are in the 702 area code unless noted otherwise.


What could be more fun than an outdoor Aquacize workout in our beautiful Fall weather. There is a 7 a.m. class at DV outdoor pool. It's low impact to joints. Club Members can choose from several different classes. We will hold our Board meeting on Thursday, October 3, at 11 a.m. Then our general meeting will take place October 15, at 10 a.m.at Desert Vista. Dues have been increased to $15. If you have any questions, you can ask your Pool Class Representative. You can also call President Veronica Douglass 661-435-4880, or email pagedouglass@yahoo.com. Watch your email for any lastminute notifications. Reminder: all outdoor pool classes will be held weather permitting. Election of Club Officers takes place along with our Holiday Party on Tuesday, December 3, at 5 p.m. at Desert Vista.


Artists of all levels and those who just love art, are welcome to join. Annual dues are $15. We offer beginner and advanced classes in oil, acrylic, and watercolor painting, drawing, colored pencil and various mixed media. Each year we hold a juried Fine Art Show, featuring the works of our members and instructors, and offering for sale original pieces and hand painted cards. This year’s Show will be held on November 2nd and 3rd, in the Desert Vista Ballroom. We present lectures and demonstrations during our general meetings, which are held the 3rd Monday of each month in Desert Vista’s Room 1. Our next meeting will be on October 21 at 1 p.m. The Club also plans to sponsor a new Paint & Sip party early this month. Please note that our election of Club officers is scheduled for Monday, November 18, at 1 p.m., at DV during our general meeting . For more information please contact Steve Brenner at 749-7737, and check out our website at suncityartclub.org.


Do those painful joints keep you from exercising? We have a solution. Slip into your swimsuit and join us in the pool for soothing exercises that get those joints limbered up. These

exercises safely move every part of the body. Stretching, range of motion, flexibility and balance improve health and wellness. This low-impact pool exercise Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Desert Vista indoor pool. Check with your doctor to ensure you are fit enough for the class. Annual dues are $15. Call Pam Miller 804-240-8626. Election of Club Officers will take place on Wednesday, November 13, 11 a.m. at Millers’ Tavern.


Please join us and help make basketball a community exercise option for everyone. Currently, our basket is at Desert Vista on a pickleball court. The court's hard surface, availability, and dimensions are extremely challenging. We’ve asked for the basket to be relocated to a knee-friendly surface at the end of a tennis court or a new court built over an existing underutilized outside area. The court is reserved for shooting on Sundays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Tuesdays & Thursdays evenings from 5-8 p.m. We currently play halfcourt games twice a week at a local gym. Please contact Jim Mathews (503) 894-3040 or Al Bonardi (631) 398-1891 for additional details. Election of Club Officers will take place on Friday, October 11, 12 p.m. at Desert Vista.

Beading and Jewelry

Even if you have no experience in making jewelry come and join us and we will teach you. We meet every Tuesday at 1 p.m. in the Silver Room at Desert Vista. Please call Paula Nuzzo, President, at 820-9394. Come and see how much fun you can have with our friendly members. Election of Club Officers will take place Tuesday, November 5, 1 p.m. at MS Silver Room.


The Bicycle Club does group rides starting at the lower Desert Vista Parking Lot on Tuesday and Thursday and Sun Shadows on Saturday. Bike start time for October is 8 a.m. Anyone with a bicycle (or e-bike) and a helmet is more than welcome to join us for any ride. Don’t worry about keeping up, we’re just an easy-riding bunch of SOB’s (Seniors on Bicycles). For more information, please email Gary Trowbridge scsbikeclub@gmail.com. Election of Club Officers will take place on Thursday, December 12, 4 p.m. at Desert Vista.


The Billiards Room at Desert Vista has four 9-foot Diamond pool tables. Pool cues are available for use if needed. Club-member time block is set for Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 11:30 a.m. with organized tournament play on Fridays. $10

annual dues. If interested in joining the club, please drop by anytime during Club play and grab a cue stick or bring your own. For more information, call Kaye Bence at (818) 424-8348. Election of Club Officers will take place on Wednesday, December 11, 10 a.m. in the Billiards Room.


Beginning November 1, the Bocci Club plays on Mondays at Desert Vista and Thursdays at Sun Shadows at 1 p.m. Hope to see you all soon. For information, call Rose Manning at 203314-3527. Election of Club Officers will take place Tuesday, December 10, 7 p.m. at Desert Vista.


The Sun City Book Club meets the second Thursday of the month 1:30-3:30 p.m. at Desert Vista. Social time is 1:30-2 p.m. Our October meeting is October 10, 2024. Dues for Book Club are $10 per year. For October reading, our book will be The House of Wolves by James Patterson and Mike Lupica. If you are reading ahead, our November selection is Firegal by Gina Geldbach-Hall, a Las Vegas author. For information contact Cherie at 541-233-6545 or Klipsan2@gmail.com. Keep reading! Election of Club Officers will take place on Thursday, November 14, 1:30 p.m. at Desert Vista.

Bridge, Duplicate

Looking for a duplicate bridge group with great and fun players? This is the one for you. We play every Wednesday and Saturday at Mountain Shadows in the large room. We start play at 12 noon and ask for players to arrive by at least 11:45 a.m. If you do not have a partner, give Marilyn Pekrul a call at 2548245. She will be happy to help you find one. For additional information, call President Sally Ritter at 497-4788. Election of Club Officers will take place on Wednesday December 18, 11:30 a.m. at Mountain Shadows.

Bridge, Friday Night

Join us at Mountain Shadows on Friday at 5:45 p.m. Play starts at 6. Recent winners were Rod & Doris Hamburg, Doris Lemelin & Marilyn Pekrul, and Doris Lemelin & Sue Pickell. Election of Club Officers will take place Friday, November 1, 6 p.m. at Mountain Shadows. For more information or help finding a partner, please call Peggy Cushman at 462-2250.

Bridge, Monday Rubber

Join us for 24 hands of Bridge at noon, Mondays at Mountain Shadows. Play starts at 12:15 and is timed. Recent winners were Allan & MaryAnn Clark, Mary LaFerney & Saralee Treese, and Mary LaFerney & Barbara Watts (twice). Election of


Officers will take place Monday, November 11, 11:45 a.m. at Mountain Shadows. For more information or help finding a partner, call MaryAnn Clark at 254-6943.

Bridge, Social Duplicate

Congratulations to August’s big game winners: Bobbie Friedman & Shelly Peretz (67.59%) and Jerry & Sandra Edwards (66.27%, 66.26%, 71.88%), Pat Rossi & Marijke Raju (69.26%), and Judith Mirisch & John Kelly (65.63%), Faith Franck & Martie Gilweit (66.79%), Vlad Ivanov & Georgia Frieswick (74.32%), and Gary & Jodi Biederer (66.26%). We meet at noon Saturdays at MS. Mini lesson at 11:30 a.m. Bring your favorite partner or we will pair you up at the game. We use the site RSVPBridge.com to manage signups, partner requests and scoring! Contact Shelly to be added (email: peretz.shelly@gmail.com; cell: 708-610-3375 or check our website: www.bridgewebs.com/276519. During play, participants are encouraged to ask questions and receive coaching on all game aspects. The difference being the level of experience of players and length of the gamebetween 14 and 16 boards. Annual Dues are $5. Board Elections will be held on Saturday, December 14, 12:30 p.m., MS Sahara Room. Self-nominations for officers may be submitted to Shelly. Holiday party will be held prior to the elections.


Our games will start promptly 6 p.m. at Mountain Shadows. Doors open at 5:30. We play the 4th Saturday monthly with the exception of December. Please bring your Association Card and show it to the monitor. It will be $5 to play. No prior experience needed. A friendly smile and willingness to learn are plenty. Snacks will be provided. Annual dues are $2. Election of Club Officers will take place Saturday, October 26, 6 p.m.at Mountain Shadows. You are welcome to volunteer to run for any of the 5 positions. For information or questions, you may call: RuthAnn Moore (661) 618-1613 or Janice Lugavere (818) 606-1354.


The club meets on Thursday from 6-9 p.m. Men, women and couples are welcome. Lessons will be given on Thursday mornings. Please call 236-1873 to attend. Birthdays will be celebrated at the 1st club night of the month. Dues are $10 a year. Election of Club Officers will take place on Thursday, November 21, 6:30 p.m. at Mountain Shadows.


Board elections will be held at our next meeting, Thursday, October 24, 9:30 a.m. at Desert Vista. Beginners Classes are on-going, sign-up sheet is in the Club Room. Also, might be a workshop sign-up sheet that you might want to try. Nothing is scheduled right now but this could change during the month. Club hours Monday – Friday 9 to 12; Monday and Wednesday afternoons 12 to 3; Sunday 10 to 2. Visit our website at: www.creativeceramicscenter.com.

For further information, call Denise Winton at 363-4329 or call the Ceramics Club Room at 966-1480.


On Sunday, October 20, the Chicago/Midwest Club has a real treat for you. We’re going to bring The Mob Museum directly to you. Allison O’Brian is the Museum’s Outreach Speaker and Educator. She’ll bring films and artifacts from the days of the Al Capone Era. Please join us at 6 p.m., Desert Vista, Room 5 for an informative evening of the by-gone days of cops and robbers. We’ll top it off with a great dessert. NO GUNS ALLOWED. For more information on this terrific club call Myra 838-3859. Election of Club Officers will take place Sunday, November 17, 6 p.m. at Desert Vista.

Classical Music

On October 28 at 7 p.m., the Classical Music Club will welcome Ginger Gundlatch to the Starbright Theatre. Although the piano quintet, may not be available, she will certainly bring a dramatic show to the theatre. She has a wide variety of experienced vocalists and musicians that are available and always brings a remarkable performance to our club. Not to be missed October 28, is our club election, which will take place at the Starbright just before this concert at 7 p.m. All of our club meetings are concerts, featuring a wide variety of talent. For more info, contact Will Rydell at lledyrw@icloud.com.


If you have computer or mobile device issues, help is available at the Pinnacle Facility on Tuesdays 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. If you don’t have a computer, stop by the Computer Lab on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to Noon to surf the Net. Yearly dues are $10. Details regarding our schedule of events can be found on our website https://www.scscc.club. For further information contact Jeff Wilkinson, 527-4056, or email pres.scscc@gmail.com. Election of Club Officers will take place Thursday, December 5, 2 p.m. at Desert Vista.



We meet in room 5 at DV on the 3rd Thursday of each month with sign-in at 6 p.m. and the program beginning promptly at 6:30 p.m. Visit our website at scsconservativesclub.com/home for monthly program updates and pertinent club information. You may also call/text club President Jeff DiPane with your questions or concerns at 985-2310. Annual dues of $15 per member are collected in January. Club officers are Jeff DiPanePresident, Susanne Spinelli-Vice President, Karen KogelschatzTreasurer and Sue Stitt-Secretary. We look forward to meeting new friends and sharing our conservative thoughts and principles. Election of Club Officers will take place on Thursday, November 21, 6 p.m. at Desert Vista.


We play every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. starting promptly so join us by 5:15 p.m. We usually play partners. New players are welcome. 400 points gets you recognition in the LINK and on our Board of Winners. Come and join us and get your 400 game! For more information, call Linda Ray at 586-1007. Election of Club Officers will take place Wednesday, December 11, 5:30 p.m. at Mountain Shadows.

Cruisers of Sun City

Finally, Sun City has a car club, where friends passionate about Classic, Sports, Custom, Cars, Trucks as well as Golf Carts and Motorcycles can meet monthly to show their baby and discuss technical ideas. We meet the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6-8 p.m. in the Pinnacle Parking Lot. The Summit is open for your refreshments and dining, featuring specials and future barbeque/bar on site. Every month we will feature a DRIVE from Sun City to numerous destinations in Nevada. We keep the Drives at 75 to 150 miles. We meet quarterly at Desert Vista to plan and review our future events, parties, destinations and guest speakers. You can contact CRUISERS of Sun City at CruisersSCS1@gmail.com. Club Officer elections will take place on Tuesday, November 19, Desert Vista Rooms 1 & 2, 6-8 p.m. Contact Randy at CruisersSCS1@gmail.com or call 707-7069 or simply come to one of our meetings.

Dance Company

The Dance Company is back in "full swing" with our Fall schedule of classes which include Chair Tap, Drill Team, Musical Theatre, Jazz (Level 1-Beginner Jazz and Level 2-Intermediate Jazz) and of course, Tap (Level 1-Beginner Tap, Level 2-Beginner/

Intermediate Tap, Level 3-Intermediate Tap and Level 4Advanced Tap). Refer to our website SCSDanceCo.org for complete details on all class times, days of the week and locations. Many thanks from the Dance Company to all those who participated in our summer workshops. You helped make it a very successful Summer Workshop season. Finally, we will conduct our annual election of officers for calendar year 2025 during our Saturday, November 9 General Meeting at Desert Vista Community Center. The meeting begins at 4 p.m. with doors opening at 3:30 pm.

Dance Connection

Sittin’ & Movin’ with Jonathan is on Saturdays at noon at Desert Vista. The name says it all! This class is designed for people who are limited in mobility, balance and other physical issues or just want a great upper body workout! Your first class is “free”! Dance Connection also offers the following classes – Get Movin’, Just Dance, Beginner Line Dance, Beginning & Advanced Hula, Advanced Round Dance, Beginner Line Dance, Beginner/Intermediate Line Dance, Dance Party, Sittin’ & Drummin’, Havin’ A Ball, BeMoved, Beginner Hula, Let’s Move, Get Up & Dance, Sittin’ & Movin’ w/Jonathan, Showstoppers and Hot Hula. Try one today! Pick up a schedule at any fitness center or visit our website at: Call Kris @ 443-8759 with any questions. Visit us at https://scsclubs.wixsite.com/dance-connection. Election of Club Officers will take place Wednesday, October 30, 11:30 a.m. at Desert Vista.


Euchre is a card game usually played with four players per table (two partnerships). We rotate tables and partners, so Euchre is a very social game for all levels. New members are always welcome, and if you don’t know how to play, lessons are available. Join us on Wednesdays at 6 p.m., at Mountain Shadows. For more information, call Gloria at 430-7785. Election of Club Officers will take place Wednesday, December 11, 6 p.m. at Mountain Shadows.


Bonjour à tous et toutes. Le Circle Français welcomes new members to our fun-filled and interactive meetings. Our mission is to: Converse in the French language, while appreciating the French culture. Scientific studies have identified a link between being multilingual and fending off the onset of dementia. The mind is like a muscle. Let’s flex it and keep it healthy by speaking and reading French. Meetings are held Fridays, at Pinnacle, 2215 Thomas W. Ryan Blvd. 1-2 p.m. Basic for beginners & 2-3 p.m.

Intermediate/conversational. Contact Denis Kallishdeniskallish@gmail.com or 203-767-2518 for more information. Election of Club Officers will take place Friday, November 15, 1 p.m. at Pinnacle.


of the Summit

Friday Band Nights are on the first and third Fridays. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.; with music from 6-8 p.m. Blues Nights are held the first Tuesday of every month in the Summit. Tickets are available at our community centers, and online at www.suncitysummerlin.com via the ticketing section. We recommend purchasing tickets in advance. We look forward to seeing you at our events. Membership is $1 annually. We appreciate your support of music events at the Summit. Contact us at friendsofthesummitscs@gmail.com. Election of Club Officers will take place Friday, December 6, 4 p.m. at The Summit.


There is so much to learn from Andrea Meckley and this year we are going to learn how to grow vegetables in Las Vegas from this proficient and highly regarded garden expert. Andrea will lead us through “Yes, You Can Grow Vegetables in Las Vegas”!

Meet Andrea on Thursday, October 31 at 3:30 p.m.! It will be a spooky Halloween themed meeting!

RSVP: https://bit.ly/scsgardenclubRSVP Day: Last Thursday of every month!

Location: Desert Vista, Rm 5.

Dues: $20

About Our Club: https://bit.ly/scsgardenclubabout Questions or have garden supplies or plants you no longer need? SCSGardenClub@gmail.com

Election of Club Officers will place Thursday, October 31, 4 p.m. at Desert Vista.

Golf, Guys and Gals

The Guys and Gals Golf Club will host the October 13 Tournament at Palm Valley Golf Course. The format will be “54-3," and the check-in is no later than 7:30 a.m. with an 8 a.m. shotgun start. For tournament information, contact Chris and Dave Klee at 254-2461. For membership information, contact Andrea and Clint King at 714-794-4131. Visit our website at www.suncityguysngals.com. Election of Club Officers will take place Sunday, December 8, 7 p.m. at Desert Vista.


Golf, Ladies Executive

As autumn arrives and the temperatures are more reasonable, October is a great month for golf. Our Championship Tournament will be held on October 8, 15, and 22. There will be prize money for placing in each of our 3 flights. If you are interested in joining us to play in our weekly tournaments at Eagle Crest, contact Membership Chair, Donna Hadley at 585820-1800. Tuesday tee times in October will be at 7:30 a.m. (checking in at 7 a.m.). Our officer elections for 2025 will be held October 22, 11:30 a.m. at the General Meeting and Championship Luncheon at Desert Vista.

Golf, Men’s 18 Hole

Fall is finally here. It was a hot fun summer of golf but I’m ready for the cool weather. The 18 Holers elections are being held Thursday, December 5, 12 p.m. at Mountain Shadows. if you’re interested in running for one of the positions, please contact one of the board members. If you’re interested in

joining, please check out our web site at scsmgc18holers.org or call Tom Haseltine at 414-788-2310.

Golf, Men’s Niners

Golfers of all levels are welcome at our tournaments held on each of our 3 courses. Tee-off times range from 7-8 a.m., depending on the time of year. We have individual play tournaments, scrambles, and best ball events. We host events at courses throughout the Valley and play out-of-town tournaments a couple times a year. Currently, we have a great event set for Laughlin on October 7 & 8. It involves back-toback 18-hole scrambles and a wonderful dinner cruise the night of the 7th. Please note that Club Officer elections are scheduled for Thursday, November 7, in front of the Palm Valley Golf Course Pro-shop, right after our weekly tournament at approximately 10 a.m. Applications for membership are available at any of our golf shops. For further information call Raul Gonzalez at (661) 373-2725 or check out our website scsniners.org.

Golf, Women’s

So, in October everything comes together! Beautiful courses, Lovely days, Fall fashions, Lessons learned! We are ready! The


lessons have really paid off and we are actually feeling like golfers! So, what's next?? You know! It's time for you to come join these great gals and start playing golf. Many of our ladies have just "picked up" the game at 50, 60, 70 and are quite accomplished already. Come be one of them! Don't wait another day. You can start by calling Leslie at 236-4879. She will assign you a "buddy" in case you still have questions. This is your year! Make it a memorable one! Come play with us!!!

Election of Club Officers will take place Tuesday, November 12, 1 p.m. at Desert Vista.


Whether you are new to firearms, considering purchasing your first weapon, or are an old hand in shooting arts, the gun club is looking for you. Meetings are indoors and outdoors. Meetings in April, June, October, and November are on the second Friday of the month, 1 p.m. at Desert Vista where invited speakers update us on firearms related topics. March, May, September, and December Mondays, we meet for a fee of $5, at the Clark County Shooting Complex. Our Club membership includes residents that are retired instructors, armorers, range safety officer, and military. We maintain lists of training classes, places to shoot, local gunsmiths, and conceal carry weapon (CCW) permit instructors. Dues are $10 for the year. Contact us at scgunclub2019@hotmail.com. Election of Club Officers will take place Friday, November 8, 1 p.m. at Desert Vista.


There is no meeting of the club in October. The next meeting will be Thursday, November 7 at 8:30 a.m. in Desert Vista Meeting Room 5. Hikes are posted on the club calendar and an e-mail is sent out to members prior to any hike with all details. An RSVP is required and is done directly in the email. Please cancel if necessary so that a fellow hiker on the wait list may participate. All hikes leave from the NE corner of the Pinnacle Parking Lot. Before hiking, first time club hikers must call coordinator Ann Cronin (737-5758) for fitness level recommendations and additional information. Election of Club Officers will take place Thursday, December 5, 8:30 a.m. at Desert Vista.


Times may be turbulent, but your future financial security doesn’t have to be. Build an economic strategy that helps you protect what matters most. Bring your questions and concerns

for our guest speaker on October 30, at Desert Vista at 7 p.m. This is one week later than usual due to early voting in the meeting room on our regular fourth Wednesday, October 23rd. Refreshment will be provided. See you all on October 30th, Steve Commander, President. Election of Club Officers will take place on Wednesday, November 20, 7 p.m. at Desert Vista.


We look forward to seeing everyone on Friday October 18 for a traditional Italian catered dinner (including dessert, coffee, soft drinks and BYOB). After dinner entertainment, the return of violin virtuoso Harry Hovakimian. Doors open 5:30 p.m. Start time 6 p.m. Cost for members is $23 and guests $28. Reservations MUST be received no later than October 10. No exceptions. Make checks out to SCS Italian club and mail to SCS Italian Club, 9436 West Lake Mead Blvd., Suite 5–89, Las Vegas, NV, 89134. Or drop off at Postal, Etc. at the same address. Questions? Email scs.italianclub@gmail.com or contact Ken Pignato at 339-1342. Board elections and voting on Charter and Operating Procedures will be held at 6 p.m., Friday, November 15, at DV . The slate of officers is President - Ken Pignato; Vice-President - Dick Clark; Treasurer - Helena Cusumano; Secretary - Dottie Janowsky; Director - Don Martino. Additional nominations will be accepted from the floor.

Jewish Friendship

October 15 is Election Day for Jewish Friendship Club Officers. At this 6:30 p.m. meeting at Desert Vista, we need to elect a new president in order for the club to continue. This is our last chance so call me if you’d like to learn all about the fun of being JFC President. What follows will be a special treat! Our very own member, Cantor Marla Goldberg, will be the guest entertainer. She will sing some of her favorite Jewish and English songs and we’ll have some sing-a-longs too! Any questions? Call Lonnie Wagman at 419-6333.

Krafty Kritters

Delightful hand-made items for sale at the SCS Arts and Craft Fair. If you miss us at the Craft Fair, please come visit when the club room is open. We are open in the Desert Vista Multi-Purpose Room Tuesdays 1–3 p.m., Thursdays 1-3 p.m., and Saturdays 9 am–12 p.m. Donations of craft supplies are gratefully accepted - contact Mary Graves at 489-3043. For general club inquiries, contact Susan Carnegie at (714) 814-5421. Election of Club Officers will take place Saturday, November 2, 10:30 a.m. at Desert Vista Multipurpose Room.



The October Liberal Club meeting time has been changed from 7 p.m. to 2 p.m. on Monday October 7, at Desert Vista to accommodate the schedule of Senator Jackie Rosen, who will be our keynote speaker. There is a lot of information and disinformation being promoted by TV and other media advertising. This meeting is not limited to Liberal Club members and all in our community are invited to attend and hear Senator Rosen speak for herself in person. For additional information contact Norman Wright at 255-5545. Hope to see you at 3 p.m. on October 7th. Election of Club Officers will take place on Monday, November 4, 7 p.m. at Desert Vista.


Both Libraries are open, and the Puzzle Room is now open at MS and ready for business. We have hardback fiction and nonfiction, paperbacks, large print, new releases, westerns, romance and sci-fi. You may take out 5 books at a time and DONATE NO MORE THAN 5 AT A TIME-SPACE IS LIMITED. Also, remember that we only accept no more than 5 puzzles at a time. There are 2 BOOK RETURN DROP BOXES located both inside and outside of MS. You can VOLUNTEER up to a half hour weekly to shelve books alphabetically by author. Election of Club Officers will be on Thursday, October 10, 12 p.m. at Desert Vista. Contact C. Kidd at 541-233-6545 or Email at Klipsan2@gmail.com.

Mah Jongg

Mah Jongg is part skill, part luck and totally addictive. We meet on Tuesdays at Mountain Shadows. Game hours are flexible between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dues are $10 a year. If you are interested in learning how to play this wonderful game please call Sharon Chaiken at 243-8271. For club info, please call Karen at 341-5112. We look forward to seeing you. Election of Club Officers will take place Tuesday, November 12, 11:30 a.m. at Mountain Shadows.


A great way to meet new people in our community. Join us for regular monthly activities which include discussion groups, lunches, happy hour, and tours of local businesses and attractions. Our monthly member meeting is the last Tuesday of the month, 9 a.m. at DV with free coffee and a featured speaker. Co-ed Happy Hours and tours are announced each


Continued from page 81

month to our members. Great events and great friends await you. For information on the club visit our website at scsmen.com or contact Len Libman, 515-9368 or lenscmc@gmail.com. Join our group of friendly residents. Election of Club Officers will take place Tuesday, October 29, 9 a.m. at Desert Vista.

Military and Friends

Our next event is the Annual Harvest Dinner Dance at DV, Sunday October 27, 4-7:30 p.m. This is a POTLUCK EVENT, BYOB. Mixers, sodas, coffee, tea and water will be provided. The cost is $15 per person. Annual dues of $15 are due at this event. Please bring your Sun City member number. A post card mailing will be done prior to the Harvest Dinner. Club members, their guests and Sun City residents interested in possibly joining Military & Friends are always welcome to attend. Please contact Chris Oelerich at 970-274-8230 or email him at coelerich@yahoo.com for details and more information.

Mail or drop off checks with Chris Oelerich, 2832 Desert Crystal Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89134. We look forward to seeing you at the 2024 Harvest Dinner Dance. Election of Club Officers will take place Sunday, October 27, 4 p.m. at Desert Vista. Please start thinking about running for or nominating people for these positions.

Model Builders

SC Model Builders Club has Wood Carving lessons and Leather working lessons, too! We will assign you a Club Worktable (with electrical power at your fingertips) and our members will be happy to get you started. The SCMBC is located in the Desert Vista facility; open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. BTW, our HO-Trains are running on every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to noon. Election of Club Officers will take place Wednesday, November 13, 10:30 a.m. at Desert Vista. For information, contact our club President, Charlie Bush at 501-3300.


If you love music and like to sing or play an instrument, do come and check out the Musicmakers. The Musicmakers, Sun City’s own four-part harmony singing group, are rehearsing 13 p.m. in the Music Studio every Monday and Wednesday.


Instrumentalists jam on Mondays from 3-5 p.m.. Come join the fun! Regular meetings of the club are every first Monday of the month at 12:30 in the Music Studio. We ask all Musicmakers to PLEASE NOT WEAR FRAGRANCE OF ANY KIND (perfume, after shave, hair spray, hand lotion etc.). ALLERGIES! If you would like more information on membership or to schedule a special performance please call, text or email Darlene Vaughan, President 307-330-8421 popoagieranch@hotmail.com. Watch for information on “DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC?”, our upcoming show in the Starbright Theatre in December. Election of Club Officers will take place Monday, November 4, 12:30 p.m. in the Pinnacle Music Studio.


See page 13 for details of our October 29th meeting AND call & register for CPR & AED Training on October 15th 9-11 a.m. Desert Vista Rooms 3 & 4. As a community organization, all residents are members. There are no dues or fees to join or attend NPT meetings and events. Our main mission is to foster education relating to all residents’ safety in responding to consequences of any disaster and to bring awareness of crime prevention through a partnership with LVMPD & Neighborhood Watch. For more information on NPT call or text us at 482-8853 or email us at nptvegas@gmail.com. Election of Club Officers will take place Wednesday, November 27, 10 a.m. at Desert Vista.

New York

REMINDER: No meeting in October in honor of Rosh Hashanah. Happy New Year to all who celebrate! Our elections will be held on November 6 @ 6:30 p.m. at Desert Vista. If you'd like to run for President, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer please email us at SCSNewYorkClub@gmail.com or call Chris 280-2743. Also in November, we will be voting on the 2025 dues.

Organ, Piano, and Keyboard

Happy Fall! This month we’re working on scary and seasonal music. We have an experienced teacher who helps and guides our members with theory, chords and reading music. This is a great time to try something new or refresh your skills through piano, organ, or keyboard. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an experienced player, or whether you want to learn to play –we’re here for you. We meet on Tuesdays from 10-11 a.m. in the PN Music Room. After our regular meetings, we have open play beginning at 11 a.m. and welcome others to participate.

We have two organs and a piano. Our annual election meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 12, 9 a.m. in the PN Music Room. For information call Marti at 683-4112.


Welcome back, snowbirds! Are you interested in or looking for a new activity for the Fall? If you understand the basics of Rummy, you may enjoy Pan. It is played with 8 decks of cards with the 8, 9, and 10s removed. Like other games, it is part skill, mostly luck, and addictive (ask any member). Club Games, raffles, and monthly celebrations are on Tuesdays, 12-3 p.m. at Mountain Shadows. Orientation and lessons are available. Contact scspanclub@gmail.com to coordinate an introduction or schedule a lesson. Election of Club Officers will take place Tuesday, November 19, 12 p.m. at Mountain Shadows.


The Photography Club meets the second Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm at Desert Vista. Members range from novice to professional. Visitors are welcome. Annual dues: $10. Our calendar and monthly theme are on our website: photographyscslv.club. For information, email J. Filangeri at snapscslv1@gmail.com. Our annual Photo Show is October 19. Election of Club Officers will take place Thursday, November 14, 6:30 p.m. at Desert Vista.


Club Open Play is every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday 8-11 a.m. All levels are welcome, plus a group meets for "social" play at 5 p.m. every evening. Friday Night Lights Round Robins will take place October 4 with PickleBoo on October 31. Our Annual Meeting is November 6 @ DV 10 a.m. Novice Practice & Play sessions are every Thursday 5 p.m. The Flat Top Mesa Challenge tournament in Mesquite is October 26 & 27. Oldies But Goodies Play Thursdays at 11. Games outside of Club Play time, all residents and club members must check in with DV Fitness Monitor. Nonresidents need guest passes. The ten locked courts are for resident use only and located at the back of the DV Parking Lot. For more information, visit our website: suncitypickleballclub.com. To sign up for new player pickleball orientation, which will start up again soon, contact Suzanne Esber, President, at (714) 478-1653 or shesber@gmail.com. Election of Club Officers will take place Wednesday, November 6, 10 a.m. at Desert Vista.


Raffle quilt drawing is at the conclusion of the Sun City Arts and Craft Show, in October. Tickets STILL available in the Quilt

Continued on page 86


Continued from page 84

Room, from members, and during the Arts and Craft Show. Tickets are $1 each or 6 tickets for $5. Snowbirds are back, so we are ramping up our activities and specialty groups, check our calendar of events on our website: scsquiltclub.org. If you would like to donate fabric or other items to the Quilt Club, please contact Carole Nelson, 241-3413. For more information about our club contact Diane Lais at 327-4520 or suncityquiltclub@gmail.com. You’re invited to our October 14 meeting, at 9:15 a.m., at Desert Vista to hear the announcement of the slate of nominations for November leadership elections. Open and floor nominations will be also accepted at that time. Election of Club Officers will take place Monday, November 11, 9 a.m. at Desert Vista.


The Racquetball Club is having an active 2024 season adding new Club members, continuing the member prize drawings, and holding member doubles tourneys. The Club also participates in the SCS Club Fairs and other events. Club dues will remain at just $10 during our active 2024 season. The Club welcomes players of all skill levels. Lessons are available. The Club-only court times run Mon-Sat 8 a.m.-noon. Membership forms are available on the RB Club bulletin board. Quarterly Member Prize Drawings continue through 2024 with random winners receiving certificates to the Summit restaurant. See you at the court! Questions? Call: President, Pete at 419-420-5175; VP Glenn at 480-330-0799; or Treasurer, Bill at 661-505-0758. The 2025 Club Officers will be elected at the Annual Election Meeting & picnic Monday, October 7, 4 p.m. at DV Picnic Area.


Board Election Day!!! Members, please attend the meeting on October 21 from 6-8 p.m. at Desert Vista to cast your vote for your new Board. Following the vote, our own Sandi LawrenceClarke will share a highly anticipated presentation about pronouns (he/him, she/her, they/them) and their use among the LGBTQ+ community (and everywhere else). Costumes are encouraged! Maybe you'll win the Rainbow Club COSTUME CONTEST! Feel free to bring a ghoulish treat to share. Our club's focus is to foster understanding, acceptance, and equality for ALL individuals, regardless of sexual orientation or gender diversity. We meet on the third Monday of every month at Desert Vista Community Center. For club information, call 725-291-LGBT (5428).

Residents’ Forum

It’s back!! Residents’ Forum is so happy to be hosting their great Chili Cookoff on Wednesday, October 9th. Come to Desert Vista at 6 p.m. and taste a sample of the great Chilis made by our residents and employees. What kinds will we get this time? White chicken, vegetarian, spicy, mild…maybe one made with wild game? The possibilities could be endless. It’s a great, fun night and a chance to mingle while tasting some great recipes. Grab a drink from the cash bar and roam the Ballroom, maybe meet some new friends. Residents’ Forum, Where Neighbors Become Friends. For questions, juliezerbel@yahoo.com. Election of Club Officers will take place Wednesday, November 13, 7 p.m. at Desert Vista.


The RV club’s next outing will be October 21 at Point of the Rocks RV Campground in Prescott, AZ. Our next monthly RV Club meeting will be October 14, at 4 p.m. at Desert Vista in Room 5. If you have an RV and would be interested in joining our club, please come to the meeting. Trips are planned monthly from September through May. Our Fall elections will be held at our November campout at Willow Beach Campground

in AZ on Thursday November 14th at 2 p.m. Check out our website at suncitylvrv.club to see where we have been and plan to go in the coming year. If you have any questions about the club, you can contact Dean Lawes at 802-345-9090.


Come in and try your hand at woodworking. The club is open to all Sun City Summerlin Residents in good standing. If you would like a no obligation tour of the facility and all of the machinery and woodworking tools please contact John at 801-598-5371 to set up an appointment. To learn use of the machinery and tools we provide an orientation. Annual membership dues of $40 covers everything. For safety, we require at least two people in the shop at all times when work requiring power is being performed. Club volunteers monitor during the week – to schedule see calendar on desk. Election of Club Officers will take place Friday, December 6, 9 a.m. at Desert Vista.

Sewing (Just Sew)

Just Sew Club Members are enjoying our expanded and remodeled sewing room. Stop by and visit with members Thursdays 9 a.m.– Noon or Tuesdays 9AM – 11:30. Arts and


Crafts building 9107 Del Webb Blvd. New members are always welcomed. For more information contact President Judy Hatcher at 951-491-3442. Board Member elections are Wednesday, November 6, 12:30 p.m. in the MS Sewing Room. Email: Justsewclub@gmail.com. Visit our website at https://scsclubs.wixsite/scsjustsew.

Silver, Lapidary & Glass Fusion

Come tour our rooms at the Mountain Shadows Arts and Crafts building where members will be melting silver, polishing stones and designing glass pieces for kiln-firing. We have monitors available to share what we do in the mornings (except Tuesday & Sunday.) Sign up for a class and discover a relaxing hobby that may stimulate an untapped creativity in you! For more information, please contact our President, Sharyn Smith at 473-5479. Election of Club Officers is on Saturday, October 12, 9:30 a.m. in the MS Silver Room.


The Silvertones are glad to be back from our break and rehearsing for our holiday show. We are pleased to announce that Rashida Jordan will now be our Director/Accompanist. We have some great holiday songs lined up with several fun acts. The dates for our concert are December 14 at 6 p.m. and December 15 at 2 p.m. Come join us for a fun time and get into the holiday spirit. Please contact Rodney Hamburg: 3325611, RHamburgLV@yahoo.com or Ann Mueller: 874-5293269, annmueller@comcast.net. Election of Club Officers will take place Thursday, November 7, 12:30 p.m. at Pinnacle Music Room.


October is here and aside from our always full calendar of many fun social events to attend, it’s Election time! 2025 Board elections will be at our Monthly Meeting held Monday, October 28, at 6:30 p.m. in the Desert Vista Ballroom. You must RSVP to attend, rsvp.social.events@gmail.com. If you are interested in running for the 2025 Board or just want more Social Club details, check us out at suncitysocial.org, call/text our Membership Director at 312.636.6101, or email the.scs.social.club@gmail.com.


Pickup games start at 8:30 a.m. Monday through Friday, sign up at 7:45-8 a.m. Saturday batting practice at 9 a.m. Dues are $50 per year. Saturday, October 26 Softball Club Annual Picnic,

Sun City Summerlin for Over 17 Years

11 a.m.-3 p.m. at Desert Vista Park. For more information, please contact Rick Frischman at 715-661-1226 or djrick3476@gmail.com.


Bienvenidos! (Welcome!) Please join our free Spanish classes! Classes have begun in the Pinnacle Meeting Room. They include Advanced Intermediate (9), Intermediate (10) and Beginners (11). To attend a class, just show up! We also have a Google Meet class for Conversational Spanish with Instructor Barry Feinberg on Wednesdays at 9 a.m. Contact Barry directly at (312) 608-8012 or bfeinberg@ieee.org to sign up. Questions: Call President Sarah Freeman at (508) 733-1047 for more information. Election of club officers will be held Friday, November 8, 9 a.m. at the Pinnacle.

Stained Glass

Outstanding Art & Craft Studios in Sun City Summerlin are priceless amenities available to all residents. The Stained Glass Club instructors offer prerequisite introductory classes for those interested in learning the basics of this creative art. Materials and tools are provided to students for their first project. If this art form is for you, join the club and enjoy being a member of a friendly and talented group. For information on costs and dates of upcoming classes, please call or message Michael Drace at 970-2442 or David Wignall at 880-7081. Election of Club Officers will take place Saturday, October 26, 9 a.m. at Mountain Shadows Glass Room.

Sunshine Service

Our warehouse is open Monday through Friday from 9-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Saturday hours will be 9-11 a.m. ONLY. Call the Warehouse at 341-9741 to verify hours. We loan medical equipment and children’s equipment to Sun City residents. Our warehouse is next to the SCS Patrol Office at Desert Vista. We also collect aluminum tabs, Campbell Soup labels, and food donations for charity. We accept donations of usable medical and children’s equipment. We particularly need transport chairs of all sizes for adults. Please bring them to the Warehouse. If you have signed up to work at the warehouse and you must cancel, call Debbie Motycka 755-6109 or Sarah Emes 600-5877 to arrange a substitute. Our next meeting is Monday, October 7, 2024. Election of Club Officers will take place Monday, November 4, 11 a.m. at Desert Vista.

Super Solos Activities

Opportunities to socialize with NEW friends. We are growing every day! Quaint happy hours, dinners and some shows! Our goal is to collect your ideas of fun, adventure, and mayhem.


We utilize an app called ‘Meetup’ where we post our events. Members can view upcoming events and connect with others. Next 2 meetings: Tuesday, October 8, & Tuesday, November 12 at Desert Vista Room 5 at 6 p.m. We will have a guest speaker at the October Meeting – from the BBB talking about Savy Senior Scams. Questions: supersolosscs@gmail.com or Grace Gambone at 498-3837. Election of Club Officers takes place Tuesday, October 8, 6 p.m. at Desert Vista.


Swim Club is open to all residents who swim. Come join fellow swimmers while brushing up on your techniques. We have several members who train for the Nevada Senior Games. We have exclusive use of the Desert Vista indoor pool on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9-10 a.m. Membership is $10 per year. Contact us at SCSSwimmers@gmail.org or call Darlene Staley 503 388-0821. Election of Club Officers will take place Friday, December 6, 9 a.m. at Desert Vista Pool.

Table Tennis

All Sun City Summerlin residents are welcome to play with us for two visits as guests before joining the club. Annual membership dues are $10. Playing Table Tennis has many great health benefits such as improved coordination, balance and reflexes. It’s a great way to get in shape and make new friends. Play times at PN are Monday 9 a.m.-Noon; Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; and Saturday, 3-6 p.m. Play times at Sun Shadows are Tuesday, 5:30-8 p.m., and Thursday, 4:45-8 p.m. A practice robot machine is set up on Saturday afternoons at the PN. For more information contact Laureen at 909-648 1397. Election of Club Officers will take place Sunday, December 1, 9:30 a.m. at Pinnacle Multipurpose Room.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi business meeting with the election of 2025 Club Officers is THURSDAY, October 10, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. in DV Room 5.



There are over 70 approved color palette schemes that you can view and choose from at the SCSCAI Community Standards Office or at the dunnedwards.com website by clicking on colors and then entering Sun City Summerlin as the HOA name.

Once you find color palette schemes that you like, you can also send a photo of your home and up to three (3) color schemes of your choice to Dunn Edwards at summerlincoloradvisor@dunnedwards.com and they will prepare up to three (3) color renderings, for free, so you can see what the colors will look like on your home. Remember Painting Your Home Requires Prior Approval from the Architectural Review Committee.


Continued from page 90

Slate of officers: President: Mary Dodson, VP/Secretary: Judith Filangeri, Treasurer: Aase Hopkins. If you wish to nominate or self-nominate, email taichi10630@gmail.com. Nominations also accepted from the floor.


Please join us for a game of tennis. Our club membership is $15. We offer competitive tennis in all skill levels. Our club provides free tennis drills on Wednesdays from 8-9:30 a.m. at Desert Vista tennis courts. Our group leaders include players of all skill levels (2.5-4.5). For more information about the tennis club or to join a group, contact Kay Higer, President, at 208420-6956 or email: judgeh1@earthlink.net. Election of Club Officers will take place Saturday, December 14, 5 p.m. at Desert Vista.

Texas Hold’em

We play Texas Hold’Em No Limit Tournament style for 3 hours on Mondays 12:30 p.m. at Mountain Shadows. For more information on our games or to sign up as a new member go to www.suncityholdem.org. Annual club dues are $5. Email suncityholdem@gmail.com with any questions. Election of Club Officers will take place Monday, December 2, 12 p.m. at Mountain Shadows.

Theatre (Community)

It’s October, buy your tickets for PLAYON! It is a hilarious comedy about a community theatre struggling to get ready for a new show written by a local author who keeps changing the script. Are you looking for a way to Express YOUR Creativity, Meet Amazing People, Have Fun & Create Entertainment? Then, The SCS Community Theatre Club is for YOU! We perform 2 shows a year (February & October) and we also have IMPROV & Comedy Skit Writing classes for those interested in additional ways to create. Follow us on Facebook (SCS Community Theatre), Instagram (scstheatre_) and our website scs-theatre.com. You can contact us at scstheatrelv@gmail. Join us for our General Meeting Monday, October 14, 5 p.m. at Desert Vista. Hope to see you soon! Election of Club Officers will take place, Monday, November 18, 5 p.m. at Desert Vista.

Travel (Local)

The Travel Club meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month at

3 p.m. in Room 5 of Desert Vista. We take trips to local sporting events, shows on the Strip, entertainment at The Smith Center and other local venues. Dues are $10 per year. New members and new ideas are always welcome. Current trips being discussed include Terry Fator, Blue Man Group, Jersey Boys, the High Roller and Aces basketball games and others. We will be electing club officers in the fall if any members are interested in helping to plan trips. Our club president is Marise Mizel 242-2704. Election of Club Officers will take place Wednesday, November 13, 3 p.m. at Desert Vista.


WateRobics classes are held at Sun Shadows, Monday-Friday at 9-9:45 a.m., and Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 12-12:45 p.m. Sessions are led by certified instructors who offer modifications to meet various physical limitations. If you’re new to our community and are looking for a great workout, please join us for two free classes to see if it’s a good fit for you. For information contact Dona Wittman, 916 425-3571, Cathy Dali, 916 838-6378, or Sally Gavin, 283-0472. Election of Club Officers will take place Sunday, December 15, 11 a.m. at Desert Vista.


Ladies, get ready for an afternoon of fun, games, and prizes at the October 17 meeting at Desert Vista. Enjoy games of Bingo and Multi-Category Trivia. Doors at Desert Vista open at 11:30 a.m. and the meeting starts at 12:15 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. We will begin collecting $10 (only checks please) for the December 19 Holiday Party. Elections for 2025 officers will take place at 12:15 p.m. on November 21 at Desert Vista. For additional Club information, contact Judy at 242-0727 or Dee at 719-599-7564.

Writer’s Workshop

If you enjoy writing for fun or aspire to publishing, you will enjoy the Writer's Workshop. We're a casual, supportive, friendly group representing the full range of writing experience from beginners to those who have published or seek to publish. Members write about their life experiences, creative or humorous stories, and more. There will also be speakers and tips to help maximize our writing abilities. Our meetings are held at the Pinnacle Meeting Room on the first three Mondays of every month, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Visitors are welcome on the first and third Mondays. Annual dues are $20. Hope to see you soon. For further information call President Maxine EngelMuccigrosso at 360-1863. Election of Club Officers will take place Monday, November 4, 9:30 a.m. at Pinnacle Meeting Room.

We now offer a variety of yoga classes! The quarterly fee for a 50-minute class is $30. For a 90-minute class, the fee is $45 per quarter. The one-time class trial fee is $5. Personal checks or exact change please. For more information call Rudy 5962681 or Tim 847-915-9601. Please contact Club Treasurer, Rosie Walisever (rosiewalisever@gmail.com) for details of payments for periods less than the quarter. Election of Club Officers will take place Friday, November 1, 10 a.m.-Noon at the Desert Vista Committee Room (around the corner from the Model Railroad and Arts & Crafts Rooms).

Zoom Zoom

Exercise in disguise! Have fun while burning a ton of calories without even knowing it! All classes at Sun Shadows. Ruth Cuti, licensed instructor teaches the following classes: Zumba® Toning - Monday at 10 a.m. - use light weights or toning sticks to work on specific muscle groups, reduce body fat, and improve balance. Zumba® - Wednesday and Friday at 10 a.m. - high and low intensity total body workout. Aqua Zumba® - Monday Wednesday Friday at 11 a.m. - use water resistance to work entire body, great for beginners, less impact on joints. Isabelita Adina, licensed instructor teaches Zumba® - Sunday at 11 a.m. Questions? Contact Kathy Mayer 314-952-6300. Try any class free. Fee schedule available at any class. Have fun, get fit, come to Zumba® class! Election of Club Officers will take place Thursday, December 5, 10:30 a.m. at Desert Vista.


The Summit Restaurant

If you are a new resident in the last 12 months, come and meet your Board of Directors, Executive Director and mingle with other New Owners. Attendance is limited to one event only.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024, at 5 p.m.

Scheduled events are subject to change.


ATTENTION: Please be advised that by placing a classified ad your contact informationbecomespublicinformationintheLinkMagazineandonourWebsite. Wecautionyoutonotprovideyourlastnameoraddresswhenspeakingwithpeoplewhocallyouinterestedinpurchasingtheitemyouareadvertising.Inaddition, wecautionyoutonotinvitepeopletoyourhometoseeorpurchasetheitemand that you meet them in a public location during normal business hours, such as a bankparkinglotorlobby,wheretherearesurveillancecamerasandinmanycases security. Sharing your personal information or inviting people to your home is dangerousandalsoopensupapotentialyouwillbescammed.ResidentsmaycollectaclassifiedadformfromtheAdministrationbuildingatMountainShadows CommunityCenter,Monday–Friday,8a.m.-4p.m.Paymentsforclassifiedads canbedeliveredtotheLinkoffice,Monday–Friday,8a.m.-4p.m.COST:Adsare $3perline(30charactersperline=30letters,numbers,and/orspaces).Services oroffersofmerchandiseareconsideredbusinessadsandwillnotbetaken.

Classifiedsmarkedwithanasterik(*)indicatethatphotoscanbeviewedonlineat: suncitylink.com/classifieds.Pleasenote: Classified ads are posted online. If you have any questions, contact Eileen Dorchak, Link Administrative Coordinatorat:966-1435orbyemailateileend@suncitylv.com.Reminder:TheLink andSCSCAIdonotgiverefunds.


1999 Club Car Golf Cart. Hi-speed, recently renovated. Street ready. $4,000./OBO. Call......................................240-6093

Dell XPS8940 Desktop PC with HP 27 in. monitor, wireless mouse & keyboard, camera & speakers. Windows 11 Pro. $500. Call.............................................................818-618-6178

Art gallery liquidation. California artist-watercolors, pen & ink, acrylic originals and ltd editions. Prices from $30-$2,500 (discounted). By appt, call...........................................869-8216

Ethan Allen vintage-like new- entertainment armoire up to 40” TV, 48Wx24Dx85H. Solid Oak-distressed finish-pocket doors. Original price $3,2500. Sell for $1,620/OBO..............869-8216

Home model Windsor-owners 13 custom solar screes for back windows-like new-original price $780, will sell for $400/OBO. .......................................................................869-8216

Ion Trail Scout 27 speed, Electric bike. Fully loaded, easy pedaling. Retail 5K. New, never ridden - $3,900 or Best Office. Call ................................................................425-442-6555

*2-piece solid oak desk/hutch. Excellent condition. $50. You pick up. Call.............................................................595-0384

Lee Precision Reloading Equipment. For information call .......................................................................858-0136

*Queen-size Bed w/headboard, frame, & mattress-new-$225. Call..................................................................332-5162

*For Sale: white Ford Escape Titanium-mint condition. $14,500. Call............................................................586-630-6080

Kobalt electric trimmer-$25. Call......................775-962-1523

Very nice golf cartwith brand new lithium battery, upgraded wheels andtires.Latemodel.Pleasecallfordetails............808-298-6412


Wanted! Ladies' Softball Players. No experience needed. Ladies having fun at Pinnacle Field. Saturdays 11 a.m., Summers 7 a.m. All equipment can be provided. Q&A: Betty 217-8399; Lori .................................................................909-526-1010

Need Cash? We buy cars. Call Steve promptly.......425-442-6555

Would love to buy your SUV....................................340-1039

Free pickup service for basic items to donate! Moving in or out? Need to declutter? I can help! Call Maddie for an appt to discuss at .................................................................801-831-0174

Looking to purchase an automobile. Need good transportation. Call..................................................................790-2238

Sun City Residents interested in buying used vehicle & golf cart. Call..................................................................790-2238

Looking for golf cart, running or not. Call............808-250-4099


*Rental (min 31 days) on Sungold Drive, Sun City Summerlin. Fully furnished, turnkey 2/2/2 with golf cart parking. 1392 sf, no pets/no smoking. For photo, go to https://ttrealty.homes/55furnished-rentals or call TT...................................275-8150

*Escape the heat of summer or the cold of winter. Five-star rated condo in Dana Point, CA. Near Monarch Beach Golf Course. For more info: www.vrbo.com/904994. Discount for SCS Members. Call Jack at.......................................................985-1515.

*For Rent: decorator furnished 2,486 sq. ft 3/2/2-1/2, garage & lg enclosed patio. Close to golf course. Text................245-4249

For Rent: decorator furnished 1599 sq. ft., + office + 2 garage + 2 patios. Close to golf course. Text..............................245-4249


All telephone numbers published in the Link and at suncitylink.com are in the 702 area code unless noted otherwise.



All telephone numbers published in the Link and at suncitylink.com are in the 702 area code unless noted otherwise.


Alterations by Susan, Crown Dry Cleaners .................. 294-1333

Computer Help & Tutoring, Jim Ross...................461-8741

Licensed Private Caregiver Hiring part-time caregiver....469-0818


Mobile Cosmetology, Haircuts, Mani, Pedi, Men & Women...352-4130


A Quality Carpet Cleaning/Epoxy Garage Flr Paint/Lic-Ins.....368-7898

CarpetGuy cleaning/repair 33 yr exp – 5 areas $89.95........645-3092

G&S Window Cleaning. Lic/Ins. Serving Sun City since ‘93....889-9779

House Cleaning by Linda. Licensed...................232-9516

Mary Pop-In House Cleaning, Pet & Companion Care...407-701-4461

Nelly’s House Cleaning Service. Lic/Ins................205-7173

Vegas View Window Cleaning, Senior Discount, Lic/Ins.....965-2065


Caregiving, 15 years in Sun City. Licensed. Jackie........596-5865

Exp. Caregiver – Bianca. Lives near Sun City. Lic..............786-8557

Golden Heart Senior Care (Licensed Caregivers)..........800-4616

Senior caregiver on-call. 12+ years exp. Call Claire.............469-0818


Affordable A/C, Heating Svcs & Repair by AIRRIA Climate....328-3002

D&B Electric, serving Sun City since 1989. NVCL #87625..........327-5368

Fans, EV plugs & Ring cameras installed. Call Richard...........881-3641

On The Spot Air – Senior & Military Disc. Lic#00081009...713-7912

Simply AC, Heat & Plumbing Senior & Veteran Discount.........935-5992

We repair. Family operated. Wave Heating & Cooling.......881-4713


Don Barsky CPA (Ret.) IRS Registered, tax prep, SC res...........360-9971

Mario Giannini, State Farm Insurance Agent............982-3300

Sunrise Notary & Virtual Asst. Svcs. Lic/Bonded/Ins....725-258-6265


A Handyman Dave, tile & all work, reasonable, 35 yrs. exp.....232-2510

A+ Liberty Handyman, call Steve for free est. Senior Discount......371-7499

Ace Technical Appliance Repair......................715-1272

Half Price Handyman, Senior Discount. Lic/Ins ...............813-8762


A+ Insulation Specialist, SCS Discount – LV Attic Pros.....934-5966

Concrete Coatings Epoxy Stain Seal Clng SVC 10% off......427-0854

East West Blinds and Shutters. Est. 1992...............255-0502

Eclipse Solar Screens. Vet Owned/Lic. .................219-4282

Kitchen & Master Bathroom Remodels. Call Richard.............881-3641

Jim the Solar Guy-Tesla, SunPower, Rec, and Qcell........759-5993

Metro Awnings-New Repair Recovers Retractable.........795-7787

Precision Garage Door – Always Open!.................475-3554

Red Rock Garage Door Service and Repair...............994-9798

Southwest Doors & Gates – Lic & Ins 24/7...............595-2717

Spartan Locksmith Safe Moving Sales & Srvc Sr Disc......969-9737

Swift Garage Door Repair – Full garage door service.......888-0085

Weatherguard Painting Ext/Int Lic 73851A..............860-0089

Weatherguard Roofing·Repairs·Coatings Lic 78812........860-0089

Window Tint Films LV, Security Film. Lic/Ins...........483-4394


Earthworks Landscaping – Sun City Specialist...........474-1599

EZE Superior Lawn Care Service & Tree Removal..............807-4217

Green LV Irrigation & Maint. Lic#G66-1409 15% St. Disc....862-0283

LandTeck Irrigation & Landscape Svcs. Lic#79811 Free est....802-8974

Marcelo Irrigation & Lighting. Senior Discount ..........339-4631

San Marcos Clean Up Specialist & Repair – Salvador.......468-6578 Woody’s Tree Service: Tree Removal & Trimming, 10% Disc....401-8285


AAA (PCI) Pest Control Inc. SC Res (2 Months FREE).......228-4394

It’s Your Bugman Pest Control, SC Res., Free 1st Service....341-9414 O’Kelly Sons Pest Control Inc. – $25 Monthly Coverage.....338-3365


All Water Softener, Drinking Water Needs, Serv-All-Water...637-0400 Dignity Plumbing.................................840-8910

Simply AC, Heat & Plumbing Senior & Veteran Discount.........935-5992

Water Heaters and Emergency. Lic. Richard..................881-3641 REAL ESTATE

Alex & Susan Greiner/Signature Realty Group...........434-5550

Anna & Anni, Roth & Koch Group BHHSNV..............277-2680

Donohue Team/Berkshire Hathaway...................494-9105


A Safe Senior Ride...................................574-5309

Local Transport: Airport, Dr. visits, Errands, Reliable. Claire..469-0818

Need a Ride? Call or Text Janine......................292-1953

Reliable Grocery Delivery. Call or text Stacey........509-833-9331 Transportation around town.........................812-5544

The Link does not endorse nor promote any product or service advertised. Verification of qualifications and current license is the responsibility of persons seeking service.



Cedar City Chamber of Commerce..............................89

Intermountain Golf Cars....................................61

Nevada Coin Mart......................................Insert

Porchswing Technology....................................42

Red Rock Running Company.................................83

Vegas Pet Sit...........................................37


Pueblo Salon............................................53

Scissors Glamor..........................................94


Affordable Window Cleaning.................................94

Elite Carpet Care.........................................69

First Class Pressure Washing Services...........................85

Irish Twins Cleaning......................................95

Kathari Cleaning Co........................................94

Ladybug Cleaning ........................................42


Grape Vine Café, Mystic Lobster Roll Company, Ohlala French Bistro, Omelet House, and Sicilian Guys Pizzeria...........................Insert


Committee to Re-Elect Cynthia Cruz............................38

Committee to Elect Erika Mendoza.............................56

Committee to Elect Holly Stoberski for Judge.......................69

Committee to Re-Elect Kerri Maxy for District Court Judge.............53

Committee to Elect Nancy Bernstein............................56

Committee to Elect Shea Backus...............................56

Committee to Elect Tina Talim................................39

Shelley Berkley for Mayor.................................Insert


Air Done Right..........................................43

AIRRIA Climate Systems...................................94

Elite Heating and Air Conditioning........................ 62 and 63

On The Spot Air.........................................37

Rocket Air Conditioning....................................91

Simply AC.............................................94

Wave Heating and Cooling...................................95


Golf Summerlin......................................40 & 41

Suncoast Casino.........................................57

American Family Insurance..................................93

Don Berman – Licensed Medicare Agent......................37 & 95

Cassady Law Offices............................Inside Front Cover Farmers Insurance – Jason Suemoto............................86 J.K.



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