September 2024 - Link Magazine - The Official Record of Sun City Summerlin

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OnSeptember5,2024,theSunCitySummerlinCommunityAssociation(SCSCAI)ElectionsCommitteewillbecountingvotes regardingtheproposedincreasetotheNewOwnerReserveAssessment(NORA). Thisisacrucialopportunityforyoutoinfluence thefutureofourcommunity’sReservefunding.

WhetheryousupportoropposetheNORAincrease,yourvoteisessential. Here'swhy:Historically,onlyabout40%ofourmembers,roughly3,000individuals,participateinFebruaryBoardmemberelections. FortheNORAdecision,weneedahigherturnout toreachaconclusiveresult. Specifically,a“yes”decisionrequiresatleast5,214votes,whilea“no”decisionneedsatleast2,567 votes.


1. Spread the Word: Informyourfriendsandneighborsabouttheimportanceofvoting.Mentionitatclubmeetingsandcommunity gatherings.

2. Vote Early: VotingissimpleandcanbedonebymailorbydepositingyourballotinthesecureballotboxoutsidetheMountain ShadowsSCSCAIAdminoffice. Votingbyballotboxalsohelpssaveonpostagecosts!

3. Lost or Damaged Ballot? Ifyouloseyourballotorit’sdamaged,don’tworry.Call(702)966-1408torequestareplacement.

Remember: AllballotsmustbereceivedatMountainShadowsby5PMonSeptember4,2024,tobecounted.

WhiletheoldjokeinIllinoiswasto“voteearlyandvoteoften,”weonlyneedyoutovoteonce—justmakesuretodoitearlyto avoidanylast-minuteissues!

YourparticipationisvitalinresolvingtheNORAissue.Thankyoufortakingthetimetovoteandmakeyourvoiceheard. Bestregards,


Alan Spector: “As I See It …Thirst Is A Good Thing”.......6

Molly Sher: “The History Of Labor Day You Might Not Know”...12

Patti Tripp: “It’s A Bird – It’s A Plane… It’s GOOGLE”......26

Mary Fairhurst & Sherry Alberts: “WHAT Is NPT & WHY Is It Important To Sun City Summerlin?”...............32-33

Gail Abrams: “Ten Fun Ways To Celebrate Grandparents Day”....39

Gail Abrams: “Patriot Day, September 11th: A National Day Of Remembrance”...................45

Honoring Residents Corner: “Arlene Goodman”........46 COMMUNITY INFORMATION AND EVENTS

Religious Services/Service Groups/Support Groups.......8 Community News.................8-11

NPT: “Second Annual Sun City Night Out”..........10

Residents’ Forum: “Meet & Greet Hosted By Residents’ Forum: State And Local Candidates”..................11

Special Events ..................14-18

Starbright Theatre.................19-24 The Summit....................25

“Flag Retirement Ceremony”...............55 New Resident Mixer Schedule..............89





TheNewOwnerReserveAssessment(NORA)Amendmentballothasbeenoutforsixweeks now. Ifyouhavenotvotedyet,pleasedosoassoonaspossible. TheTaskForce,whichis puttingtogethervariousbudgetaryplansforFY2026–FY2029needstoknowtheoutcomeof thisvoteinordertofinalizeourfinancialplansgoingforward.

TheballotboxclosesonSeptember4,2024,at5p.m.TheElectionCommitteewillcount thevotesreceivedtodateonSeptember5,2024,atMountainShadows. Anyownerinterestedinviewingthevotetabulationmayattend. Ifaquorumisnotreachedthevotewillbe extendedintolateOctober. Wewillcontinuetoissueextensionsuntilaquorumisachieved infavoroftheamendmentoropposedtotheamendment.

AremindertoourgolfersthecourseswillcloseonSeptember9fortheirannualoverseed andreopenonSeptember30.Thisprovidesoptimalplayingconditionsthroughthefalland wintermonths.Notonlydoourresidentgolfersenjoytheseconditions,butoutsideplayers doaswellandarewillingtopayapremiumtoplayourcourses.Overseedingalsopromotes andprotectsourpropertyvalues.Firstimpressionsareeverythingandifprospectivebuyers comethroughandseewhatappearstobedead(butactuallydormant)fairwaysorpainted fairways,unlesstheyaregolfers,theywillassumethatthisisacommunityindeclinethat isnolongerinterestedorcannolongeraffordtomaintaintheircommunity anditsassetsinexcellentconditions.

Getoutandenjoyyourfavoriteamenitiesincludingourtworestaurants. Theybothhaveintroducedmanyneweventsand/orentertainmentasseenintheLink. Enjoydinnerandabeveragepriortoseeing ashowattheStarbrightTheatre.

OnSeptember27wearehavingtheannualSunCity NightOut.Itstartsat3p.m.andtheactivitiesareenjoyed byall.Lastyearwasahugesuccess. Socomeoutand enjoythefun.

Hopefully,theheatwillhavesubsidedabitbythe timeyoureadthisarticle.Whenoutdoorsbesureto stayhydrated.

Vegas, Nevada 89134 (702) 966-1401 ·


Mitzi Mills, Editor, Gail Abrams, Magazine Coordinator · (702) 966-1436

Eileen Dorchak, Administrative Coordinator · (702) 966-1435

Advertising, Website, Marketing

Kelly-Mae Mahoney, Advertising Coordinator · (702) 966-1434

Stacie Coppens, Website & Marketing Coordinator ·

Editorial Board

Richard Becker, Leo Crawford, Molly Sher, Alan Spector, Patti Tripp, Norman Wright and BOD Liaison,ErikBraun.


The Link is the official record of Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc. The primary mission of the magazine is to provide residents with information on official Association business. In addition, the Link provides unbiased communications to residents on community news, events and services. The Association provides this publication for informational purposes only and neither endorses nor promotes any of the products or services advertised herein and assumes no responsibility or liability for the statements made in this publication. We reserve the right to edit, condense and verify all articles.

Classified Advertisements

October deadline is August 26. Advertise your items for sale at $3 per line based on the required Classified Advertisement Form. This service is restricted to residents only and if space is available. No business advertisements are allowed. Classified ad forms are available at Mountain Shadows Community Center and on the


On the cover: The NPT Team. Photo courtesy of Norman Wright.


All advertisers are required to provide the Link with an up-to-date copy of their business license. The license must be from the State of Nevada,ClarkCounty,ortheCityofLasVegas.

© Copyright 2024, Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc. This publication may not be duplicated inwholeorinpartwithouttheexpresswrittenconsentof theSunCitySummerlinCommunityAssociation.


10362SunCityBlvd.(atrearofDesertVista), 702-254-2303

Board of Directors –

Ellen Bachman, Secretary,

Erik Braun, Director,

Dick Clark, Vice President,

Steve Commander, Director,

Lynn Kasner Morgan, Director,

Kenneth Resnik, Director,

Jeff Rorick, President,

Gerry Sokolski, Treasurer,

Judy Williams, Asst. Treasurer,

Mitzi Mills, SCSCAIExecutiveDirector,


Sun City Charities/ Volunteers 702-254-5831

Sunshine Service Club 702-341-9741

Landscape Maintenance 702-254-4092

Additional Emails communitystandards@

Community Centers


Administration Office, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-5 p.m. ................ 702-966-1401

Social Monitor Station, Mon.-Sat., 8 a.m.- 9 p.m.; Sun. 8 a.m.- 8 p.m. ..702-966-1410

Fitness Center, daily, 6 a.m.-9 p.m......................... 702-966-1414

Community Standards, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4 p.m................ 702-966-1411

(Includes CC&R/Architectural Review Committee)

Facility Maintenance, Mon.-Fri., 6:30 a.m.-3 p.m.............. 702-966-1493

Link Magazine, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4 p.m..................... 702-966-1436

Library, , 8 a.m. until closing daily ......................... 702-966-1410

Human Resources, Mon.-Fri., 7 a.m.-4 p.m.................. 702-966-1424


Community Services, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4 p.m................. 702-240-1334

Room Scheduling, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4 p.m................... 702-363-4790

Social Monitor Station, Mon.-Sat., 8 a.m.-9 p.m., Sun. 8 a.m.-8 p.m... 702-363-1341

Fitness 702-363- Center, daily, 6 a.m.-9 p.m......................... 1278

Fitness Department, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4 p.m................. 702-255-2294

PINNACLE COMMUNITY CENTER · 2215 Thomas W. Ryan Boulevard

Social Monitor Station, Mon.-Sun., 8 a.m.-8 p.m............... 702-240-1301

Fitness 702-240- Center, daily, 6 a.m.-9 p.m......................... 1326

Summit Rental......................................702-240-1331


Fitness 702- Center, Mon.-Sun., 6 a.m.-9 p.m..................... 363-1719

Golf Courses

(Open 15 minutes before sunrise; courses close at 6 p.m. After 11/3 shops close at 5 p.m.)

Highland Falls 10201 Sun City Boulevard 702-254-7010

Palm Valley 9201 Del Webb Boulevard 702-363-4373

Eagle Crest 2203 Thomas Ryan Blvd. 702-240-1320

Golf Maintenance Daily, 6 a.m. - 3 p.m. 702-363-7655


Tavern at the Falls at Highland Falls Golf Course Daily, 6 a.m.-9 p.m. 702-254-1581

Summit Restaurant at Eagle Crest Golf Course Daily, 6 a.m.-9 p.m. 702-240-1313


I See It . . . ”

Thirst is a

Good Thing

“A wise man received a stream of visitors complaining about the same problems over and over again. One day, he decided to tell them a joke, and they all roared with laughter.

After a few minutes, he told them the same joke and only a few of them smiled.

He told the same joke a third time, but no one laughed or smiled anymore.

The wise man smiled and said: ‘You can’t laugh at the same joke over and over, so why lament the same problem over and over again?’“

Ÿ Health Benefits: Research suggests that positive thinking can lead to better health outcomes. When we focus on positive thoughts, our stress levels decrease, which in turn positively impacts our immune system and overall health.

Ÿ Improved Relationships: Positivity tends to attract people. When we approach others with a positive attitude, we create a more pleasant environment for everyone involved. Positive interactions strengthen relationships and build trust.

Ÿ Resilience: A positive mindset helps us bounce back from setbacks. Instead of dwelling on failures, we learn from them and move forward. Resilience is crucial for personal growth and overcoming challenges.

Ÿ Enhanced Creativity: Positive thinking encourages creativity and problem-solving. When we believe in our abilities and maintain an optimistic outlook, we’re more likely to come up with innovative solutions.


What a wonderful and powerful message this is. I have never found that repeating how painful my big toe was, following my accidental banging into the chair leg, made the pain any less or go away any quicker. I have cried and mourned the loss of loved ones, but I have learned that it is not the mourning that lessens the pain of the loss, it is the gratitude and celebration of the life and memories of my loved one that turns the pain into eventual joy. Sure, we cannot laugh at the same joke indefinitely, but we can celebrate the blessings we have received from others forever and ever.

Being positive has several benefits, both for our mental well-being and our interactions with others. Here are some reasons why maintaining a positive outlook can be beneficial:

Ÿ Increased Productivity: Positivity boosts motivation and productivity. When we focus on the possibilities rather than the limitations, we’re more likely to take action and achieve our goals.

Ÿ Emotional Well-Being: Positive emotions contribute to happiness and life satisfaction. They also help counteract negative emotions like anxiety and depression.

Remember that being positive doesn’t mean ignoring reality or suppressing negative feelings. It’s about maintaining a balanced perspective and choosing to focus on the good whenever possible. Living in SCS really helps us enjoy a positive attitude with so much to do and so many great people around us to do things with. Today is a great time to “let the positive vibes in”!


Coffee with the Board

Friday, September 20th, 9:30 a.m.- noon, Desert Vista

Questions, answers, opinions, and general information is shared on a variety of community topics. There is no agenda for this casual meeting and the Board members cannot officially make decisions on any matters discussed. Zoom is available however comments are not taken by Zoom.

AARP Driver Safety Program

Wednesday, September 11, 9 a.m. · Wednesday, September 25, 5 p.m. Tuesday, October 1, 12 p.m. · Wednesday, October 9, 9 a.m.

Wednesday, October 23, 5 p.m.

$20 AARP members, $25 non-members by check to AARP.

Drop by the Desert Vista monitor station to sign up for this classroom refresher course designed for those fifty and over. Improve your knowledge of traffic laws, learn to anticipate the actions of other drivers, and identify and correct poor driving habits. Upon completion of the 4-hour course taught by an AARP-certified instructor, you will receive a certificate that may qualify you for an insurance premium reduction for up to three years. Max: 30. Sign-up is available now. Classes are held at the DesertVistaCommunityCenter.

Sun City Summerlin Patrol

Sun City Summerlin Patrol is a volunteer organization made up of residents of the SCS community. We are the eyes and ears of the community, providing 24-hour patrol of the Association’s roads. Members serve as drivers, dispatchers, and Information Center volunteers. Contact the Patrol at 702-254-2303 or visit us at base (located at the back of Desert Vista’s parking lot). We’re here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Chief Douglass can be reached at 661-435-4879.


Mountain View Presbyterian · 702-341-7800 Pastor David W. Dendy. 8601 Del Webb Blvd. St. Andrew Lutheran · 702-255-1990 Rev. Phillip Shuart. 8901 Del Webb Blvd. Services 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m.

S.C. Community Church · 702-255-PRAY (7729) 8560 Del Webb Blvd. Temple Bet Knesset Bamidbar · 702-228-6362

President Arlene Goodman, Moreh Alan Spector, Cantor Marla Goldberg.


Sun City Summerlin Charities/Volunteers


OpenMon.–Fri.9–11a.m.,weekdays. Willreturncallswithin24hoursonweekdays.

Sunshine Service Warehouse 702-341-9741

OpenMon.-Sat.9-11a.m.&Mon.-Fri.1-3p.m. ClosedSaturdayafternoon&Sunday


Alcoholics Anonymous · Mountain View Presb. Church, 8601 Del Webb Blvd., Sat., 5 p.m. St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 8901 Del Webb Blvd. · Sun., 5 & 7:30 p.m.; Mon., 7 p.m. (Women’s mtg.); Tues., 7 p.m. (Men’s mtg.) Thurs. noon & 7:30 p.m. Lauren T. at 917-687-8669.

Al-Anon · St. Andrew’s Church, 8901 Del Webb Blvd., Wed., Noon, Joan Taylor at 951-533-5455

DivorceCare Mountain View Presbyterian Church, 8601 Del Webb Bl., Mon., 6:30 – 8 p.m. Call Susan 861-769-0302

Narcotics Anonymous, Mountain View Presbyterian Church, 8601 Del Webb Bl., Tues., 5:30 – 6:30 p.m., 702-341-7800

Alzheimer’s, Desert Vista · 1st and 3rd Wed., 10 a.m. Call Marlene Wilson, 702-254-6144

Caregiver Support Group

Desert Vista, 2nd Monday of the month, 10 a.m. Call Ivy Goldman, 224-715-9629

Compassionate Friends of Summerlin, Mountain ViewPresbyterianChurch,8601DelWebb Bl., 1st & 3rd Thurs., 6:30-8:30 p.m., 702-401-9678

Gamblers Anonymous, Mountain View Presb. Church, 8601 Del Webb Blvd., Mon., 7 p.m. Call Doug C, 702-862-6847

GriefShare, Mountain View Presbyterian, 8601 Del Webb Blvd., 14-week series. For dates and time, call Kathi, 702-524-2544

Dementia Information & Support for Caregivers · Mountainview Presb. Church, 8601 Del Webb Blvd., 2nd Wed. of the month, 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m., call Paula at 928412-2134

Sept. New Resident Orientation Dates

Held at Mountain Shadows by Appointment. Please call Membership Services at (702) 966-1401.

Tuesdays Thursdays

9:30 a.m. 4 p.m.

Sept. 3 Sept. 5

Sept. 10 Sept. 12

Sept. 17 Sept. 19

Sept. 24 Sept. 26

Residents and/or Renters: Please contact Membership Services for an appointment or a cancellation.

Community Garage Sale Coming in October

Friday, Oct. 18 & Saturday, October 19, 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Come to the Link office (located at Mountain Shadows) to complete a Garage Sales form or call 702-966-1435 to have your address added to the Google Map. This is a free address listing on Deadline to sign up is Wednesday, October 16. The Sun City Summerlin Garage Sale will be advertised in the Las Vegas Review-Journal on October 17, 18, & 19 in the Classifieds Section under Auctions & Garage Sales. In October, a Google Map will be available for ease of attendees shopping.

Note: Garage Sale signs must be taken down by 5 p.m., Saturday, October 19. Please do not place any signs on traffic or streetlight poles, on medians, or on any of the entrance areas of Sun City Summerlin. Signs placed in those areas will be removed by the Association.

Community Organizations Meetings

Sunshine Service Group

Monday, September 2, 11 a.m.

Desert Vista

Residents’ Forum

Wednesday, September 11, 7 p.m.

Desert Vista

Sun City Summerlin Patrol

Tuesday, September 24, 6 p.m.

Desert Vista

Neighborhood Preparedness Team (NPT)

Friday, September 27, 3-7 p.m.

Mountain Shadows Gratitude Garden “Sun City Night Out”

Free Event

Farmers & Artisan Market

Monday, September 16 & October 21, • 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Fresh52 Farmers and Artisan Market are returning to Sun City Summerlin once a month on the third Monday of the month bringing seasonal produce and local organic farm raised beef and pork. Thomas Family Farms - Local family farm specializing in home grown tomatoes, garlic, and seasonal vegetables in addition to locally raised grass-fed beef, pork, and chicken. Also offering farm fresh chicken and duck eggs. Max’s Berries - Fresh California grown strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries, and food trucks. Vendors attending are subject to change. If you are interested in becoming a vendor, contact Fresh52 Farmers & Artisan Market, (702) 481-6558.

Mountain Shadows Community Center Parking Lot


Meet & Greet Hosted By Residents’ Forum: State And Local Candidates

Residents’ Forum will again be hosting a Meet and Greet state and local candidates for public office this year. Saturday, September 21st from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., come to the Desert Vista Community Center and meet the candidates one on one. You can pick up literature, ask them their opinions on topics that interest you and make an informed decision when you vote in the General Election.

What do you want to know from the candidates? Maybe it’s about health care, maybe it’s about water use and new building, maybe it’s how they can help the 55+ communities, and there are lots of other possibilities and only one way to get an answer. Come to the Meet and Greet and get your answers.

Each candidate will have a table in the ballroom for you to visit and learn more. For questions, please contact

The History of Labor Day You Might Not Know

Historically, humans have mused about what labor means for centuries from Aristotle, who said, “The end of labor is to gain leisure;” to Voltaire, who is quoted as saying, “Work keeps at bay three great evils – boredom, vice and need;” to the 19th Century Americans who created Labor Day to improve workers’ rights and to honor the U.S. employee.

So, how did this federal holiday come about? Who created it? And how has it evolved since its formal adoption in 1894? This article hopes to answer those questions and others you might have about Labor Day.

The U.S. was not the first country to think about the treatment of workers. In the 19th Century, May Day, customarily celebrated as a time to welcome in a new season, became an international workers’ day.

In 1872, the first Canadian Labour Day was created when printers in Toronto began lobbying for a shorter work week. Here, our Labor Day goes back to when the average American worked 12-hour days, seven days a week, and children, aged 5 to 6, worked in factories and mines.

Back in 1882, not only did workers look to improve their conditions, but also to honor the American worker. As Peter J. McGuire, General Secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, sought “A day to honor those who from rude nature have delved and carved all the grandeur we behold.”

There is a question, historically, as to who should be credited for the origin of the holiday. Records show that McGuire, who also was a co-founder of the American Federation of Labor, first suggested such a holiday. Other records seem to indicate that Matthew Maguire, a machinist with coincidentally the same name but different spelling, founded the holiday.

Matthew Maguire proposed the holiday in 1882, while serving as secretary for the Central Labor Union in New

York. In accordance with the Central Labor Union’s plans to recognize workers, the Union held its first Labor Day on Tuesday, September 5, 1882.

A movement was subsequently formed to move the holiday’s proposal through state legislation in New York. However, the first state to pass Labor Day as a law was Oregon on February 21, 1887. Four more states followed suit that year – Colorado, Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York. Connecticut, Nebraska and Pennsylvania then followed.

By 1894, 23 states joined in adopting the holiday, and on June 28, 1894, President Grover Cleveland, signed a law declaring the first Monday in September as Labor Day, a federal holiday.

In the beginning, parades and speeches organized in urban areas marked Labor Day’s tribute to the American worker. Today, the holiday is recognized with fewer parades and more activities. Families celebrate the value of labor and the workforce, and Labor Day weekend has become the unofficial reminder of the end of the summer season.

According to the U.S. government website on Labor Day, “The vital force of labor added materially to the highest standard of living and the greatest production the world has ever known and has brought us closer to the realization of our traditional ideals of economic and political democracy. It is appropriate, therefore, that the nation pays tribute on Labor Day to the creator of so much of the nation’s strength, freedom and leadership – the American worker.”

Find more information on Labor Day at: /history


Wednesday, Sept. 4, 1 p.m.


Nicole Kidman, Zac Efron, Joey King, and Kathy Bates. Comedy/Drama/Romance 2024 PG-13 1h 51m

Thursday, Sept. 19, 11 a.m.


Classic Movie

Gregory Peck, John Megna. Crime/Drama 1962 PG-Approved 2hr 9m

Wednesday, Oct. 9, 12 p.m. "FIND ME FALLING”

Harry Connick Jr., Agni Scott, Ali Fumiko Whitney. Comedy/Music/Romance 2024 TV-MA 1h 33m

Thursday, Oct. 17, 11 a.m. "CLOSE ENCOUNTERS” Classic Movie

Richard Dreyfuss, Francois Truffaut. Drama/Sci-Fi 1977 PG 2h 18m

If you are accompanied by a guest, make sure to register them by obtaining a guest pass at the Social Monitor station. We would love to hear from you! Do you have a movie in mind you would like to see? Please send your suggestions to Tina Marie Montoya at We are always looking for great ideas, so reach out and let us know! Enjoy the shows!

Community Services Presents Labor Day Party & Beer Tasting

The Summit · Monday, September 2 · 5 p.m.

Join us this Labor Day for an exciting party and beer tasting event! Enjoy music from a DJ, test your knowledge in a trivia contest, and have fun with Giant Jenga, Checkers, and Cornhole on the patio. The price includes three-7 oz. specialty beer tastings and a delicious buffet. Don't miss out on the fun!

Side Selections - Mixed Field Greens with Tomatoes, Cucumbers, & Carrots with Choice of Dressing, Mixed Fruit & Potato Skins

Entreés Include - Meat Sliders & Chicken Wings

Desserts - Apple Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream & Chocolate Brownies

Purchase may be made online with a credit card or pay with cash or check at the Community Centers (exact change required).

Friday Night Movie in the Park Bye Bye Birdie

Mountain Shadows Picnic Area · Friday, Sept. 13 · 8-10 p.m.

Join us for a free movie night! Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, and picnic baskets. Our second featured film is "Bye Bye Birdie," a 1963 American musical romantic comedy about a rock singer who travels to a small Ohio town to make his "farewell" television performance and kiss his biggest fan before he is drafted. This star-studded film features Janet Leigh, Dick Van Dyke, Ann-Margret, and more! Come out and join your friends and neighbors for a Movie in the Park!


Rock’n Country Dinner Dance

Desert Vista Ballroom

Saturday, September 28 · 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Get ready for a rockin' good time! Join us at the Desert Vista Ballroom for our Rock'n Country Dinner Dance featuring Steve Sturgis & The Riflemen. If you love to dance, you'll adore this band—they always deliver "High Energy Dance Music." Enjoy line dancing with instructors, a delicious BBQ buffet prepared by The Summit, and a cash bar. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., with music starting at 6 p.m. Don't miss out on this exciting evening!

Side Selections - Mixed Field Greens with Tomatoes, Cucumbers, & Carrots with Choice of Dressing and Baked Mac and Cheese

Entreés Include - Dry Rubbed Baby Back Ribs and Cajun Chicken, with Corn on the Cob, Baked Beans, Rolls & Butter

Desserts - Apple Crumb Cake & Cherry Pie

Purchase may be made online with a credit card or pay with cash or check at the Community Centers (exact change required).

Fall Arts & Crafts Fair

Desert Vista Community Center · Saturday, October 5 · 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

There is something for everyone at the annual Arts & Crafts Fair! Our very talented residents create oodles of hand-crafted, unique, and beautiful gift items for home and office. Come and do your holiday shopping early and give someone a very special gift they will treasure forever. Doors open at 9 a.m. and you can shop until 3 p.m., so please come and enjoy. The Food & Beverage Department will have light breakfast, snack items, and drinks available for purchase.

Mountain Shadows Picnic Area

Wednesday, October 9 • 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Attention, Beer Lovers of Sun City! Join us for a fun Oktoberfest at the Mountain Shadows Picnic Area. It's the perfect event for friends and family to enjoy together!

What's Happening:

Ÿ Live Music: Enjoy traditional German tunes and other fun melodies.

Ÿ Delicious Food: Savor Brats, German Potato Salad, and pretzel bites, all available for purchase from our Food & Beverage Department.

Ÿ Cash Bar: Indulge in German beer straight from the tap, as well as other domestic beers, cocktails, and wine.

Don't miss out on this festive celebration! Make your arrangements now and get ready for a fantastic time at Sun City's Oktoberfest. We look forward to celebrating with you!

Bus Trip • Tours of Distinction Boulder City Art in the Park

Sunday, October 6 • Bus departs Pinnacle Parking Lot at 10 a.m. • Returns to Pinnacle Parking Lot at 3 p.m.

Join us for the 60th Annual Art in the Park, the largest outdoor juried art festival in the Southwest! With over 300 arts and craft vendors and a delectable food court, this event is a must-visit. Art in the Park is a fundraiser for the Boulder City Hospital Foundation, featuring music, art demonstrations, food booths, and raffle giveaways. Includes, transportation to and

$35 PER PERSON $70

from Boulder City Art in the Park, and an experienced tour director. Gratuities are not included. Ticket purchase deadline, Monday, September 30. Don’t miss out on this fantastic event –secure your tickets today!

Itinerary: All times are approximate and subject to change. 10 a.m. Depart Pinnacle Parking Lot (by the mailbox) 10:30 a.m. Boulder City, may stop at Hemingway Park to see bighorn sheep.

11:30 a.m. Art in the Park (stay for 3 hours).

2:30 p.m. Depart Boulder City.

3 p.m. Return to Pinnacle Parking Lot.

Purchase may be made online with a credit card or pay with cash or check at the Community Centers (exact change required).

Bus Trip • Tours of Distinction

Bryce Canyon –Zion National Park, Utah

Thursday, October 10 · Bus departs Pinnacle Parking Lot at 6 a.m. · Returns to the Pinnacle Parking Lot at approximately 7 p.m.

Sightseeing Adventure at Bryce & Zion National Parks. Embark on a breathtaking day trip to some of the country’s most beautiful and awe-inspiring sights located in Utah’s Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park. Bryce Canyon, experience spectacular viewpoints and take the opportunity to walk along the canyon rim, soaking in the stunning vistas. Zion National Park, be amazed by the Checkerboard Mesa, drive through the 1.1-mile ZionMount Carmel Tunnel and explore Zion National Park’s Visitor Center. Includes: Transportation on a deluxe coach, a local guide with knowledge of the national parks (Bryce & Zion). Admission to both parks with waters & snacks and a box lunch with deli style turkey sandwich. Gratuities are not included. Ticket purchase deadline, Monday, September 30. Join us for a memorable adventure through these iconic national parks!

7 p.m. Arrive Pinnacle Parking Lot. $

Itinerary: (Nevada times) All times are approximate and subject to change. Utah is 1 hour ahead.

6 a.m. Depart Pinnacle Parking Lot (by the mailbox)

8:30 a.m. Rest Stop in St George, UT.

11 – 1 p.m. Bryce Canyon National Park, Sunset Point, and walk the rim.

2:30- Zion National Park, Checkerboard Mesa, Zion4:30 p.m. Mount Carmel Tunnel, Visitor Center.

4:30 p.m. Depart for Sun City.

Halloween Party with Roxy Stardust

Desert Vista Ballroom • Saturday, October 26 · 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. • Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

Come dressed to impress in your spookiest costume or come as you are to rock the ghouls down with Roxy Stardust! Enjoy prizes for the best, scariest, and most unique costumes. Sweets will be trick-or-treated all around, and a cash bar will be available all evening, serving your favorite brews and concoctions. Your Halloween fun is guaranteed with a Supreme Buffet from the Food & Beverage Department. Get your tickets early and join us for a night of ghoulish fun!

Cold Sides: Caesar Salad with Croutons & Parmesan Cheese · Roasted Red Potato Salad

Hot Side: Wild Rice Pilaf · Mashed Potatoes with Gravy

Entrées: With seasonal vegetables, rolls and butter · Grilled Tilapia Fish with Mustard Dill or Florentine Sauce · Short Ribs with Cabernet Demi

Dessert: Brownies & assorted Cookies $35 PER PERSON $40

Purchase may be made online with a credit card or pay with cash or check at the Community Centers (exact change required).

Community Services Presents



“A Dolly Parton Tribute featuring Karen Hester”

Saturday, September 7, 6 p.m. • $35

Karen Hester, the season one's winner of E!'s "Clash of the Cover Bands", is a household name in Las Vegas. With an impressive resume spanning regional and national commercials, off-Broadway hits, and top production shows like "Legends in Concert", Karen has proven herself as a formidable talent in the entertainment industry. She has also shared the stage with renowned recording artists like Trace Adkins and Ricky Van Shelton. Known for her attention to detail in costumes, wigs, and makeup, Karen embodies the essence of Dolly Parton in her performances, leaving audiences mesmerized. Whether she's belting out Dolly's greatest hits or dazzling in theatrical productions, Karen Hester is a must-see performer who continues to leave an indelible mark on the world of entertainment. Come and join us to experience the ultimate Dolly Parton Tribute.


“The Rendezvous… Starring

Julian Miranda & Friends”

Tuesday, September 10, 6 p.m.


Julian Miranda producer of Singers LA & LV and as seen on Star Search & AGT sings the best of classic Soul, Jazz & R&B along with his phenomenal guest singers performing a selection of the greatest hits from the music of R&B stylings of Stevie Wonder, Al Green and Donny Hathaway to the soulful blues of BB King, with a dash of pop of Kenny Loggins & Lenny Welch and so very much more. Don’t miss a chance to see this amazing performer deliver his debut showing here at the Starbright Theatre.

Tickets go on sale on the last Tuesday of the month so be sure to get your tickets early for all Starbright Theatre shows. Tickets may be bought online at as well as at the Mountain Shadows, Desert Vista, and Pinnacle Community Centers. Tickets are non-refundable. Purchases may be made online with a credit card or pay with cash or check at the community centers (exact change required). For information on Starbright Theatre shows, call 2401301. A cash bar will be set up in the lobby & drinks allowed inside the theatre



“Serpentine Fire...

The Ultimate Tribute to Earth Wind and Fire”

Saturday, September 14, 6 p.m. • $25

Don't Miss Serpentine Fire: The Ultimate Earth, Wind & Fire Tribute Band!

Prepare for an unforgettable musical journey as highly acclaimed tribute band Serpentine Fire brings exceptional renditions of the signature style and sound of the legendary R&B, soul, and funk group Earth, Wind & Fire. This ultimate tribute act honors a band whose music and style have stood the test of time. Serpentine Fire delivers the greatest hits and sounds of this iconic band like no other. With favorites such as "September", "In the Stone", "After the Love Is Gone", "Let's Groove", "Fantasy", "Shining Star", "Reasons", and many more, you're in for a night of pure musical delight. Fronted by Tyriq Johnson's smooth falsetto, this amazing all-star band promises a performance you will truly enjoy and not want to miss. Make sure to get your tickets early for a night of incredible music and nostalgia!


“Kathleen Dunbar Comedy Tonight”

Wednesday, September 18, & Wednesday, October 16, 6 p.m.• $20

Get ready to bring the laughter back to Sun City Summerlin. Kathleen and Mistinguett Productions are now bringing the Best Headliners in Vegas to the Starbright. Stand-up Comedy, one of the most original forms of entertainment differs from other performing arts in that a skilled comedian can artfully expose humor in everyday life to an audience’s amusement. Spending the evening with 3 talented comedians, can create laughter where you least expect to find it. With a very successful 5 year run and counting. As always, we will have our bar with assortedbeveragesavailable.GETYOURTICKETSEARLY!

Tickets go on sale on the last Tuesday of the month so be sure to get your tickets early for all Starbright Theatre shows. and Pinnacle Community Centers. Tickets are non-refundable. Purchases may be made online with a credit card or pay with cash A cash bar will be set up in the lobby

LACY J DALTON PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS “Lacy J Dalton with Dale Poune” Saturday, September 21, 6 p.m. • $25

Join us for an unforgettable evening with Lacy J. Dalton, the Grammy-nominated singer/ songwriter from Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. Lacy's instantly recognizable voice and timeless hits have earned her a place among the legends of country music. Awarded "Top New Female Vocalist of the Year" in 1979 by the Academy of Country Music, Lacy rose to national fame with her hit single “Crazy Blue Eyes,” which soared to #7 on the Billboard Country Charts. With legendary million-airplay hits like “Hard Times,” “Crazy Blue Eyes”, “Hillbilly Girl with the Blues”, “Takin’ it Easy”, “Everybody Makes Mistakes”, and the worldwide hit “Black Coffee”, Lacy’s music continues to resonate with fans old and new. Don't miss her signature song “16th Avenue”, voted one of Country’s Top 100 songs ever by Billboard Magazine. Celebrate the legacy of Lacy J. Dalton and experience the magic of her music live!


“Tony & the Lady – Celebration of Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga” Wednesday, September 25, 6 p.m. • $25

Experience the magic of Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga's timeless songs and enduring friendship in "Tony and the Lady." Larry Liso and Amanda Lee take the stage, their infectious chemistry lighting up the room as they pay tribute to these iconic artists. From classics like “The Lady is a Tramp" to Bennett's signature "I Left My Heart in San Francisco" immerse yourself in the beloved tunes of the American songbook. Let their captivating performances transport you to a world of nostalgia and joy, celebrating the unforgettable bond between two musical legends. Don't miss this enchanting tribute!



“Swinging London”

Sunday, September 29, 3 p.m. • $35

Experience the magic of Swinging London, a funfilled show celebrating the incredible music era when England ruled the airwaves! From the moment The Beatles took the world stage, the British Invasion dominated record charts and fashion culture. Relive the sounds of The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Kinks, Dusty Springfield, Lulu, Herman’s Hermits, Small Faces, The Who, Petula Clark, Gerry and The Pacemakers, and many more. This show takes you on a time-travel roller coaster back to the days of Carnaby Street, groovy tunes, and Britannia ruling the airwaves. Get ready for the ultimate feel-good, fun-filled show! Yeah baby!


“Thunderdome Queen – A Tribute to Tina Turner starring Michelle Marshall” Saturday, October 5, 6 p.m. • $35

Get ready for an unforgettable musical Rock 'n' Roll journey with Thunderdome Queen, the ultimate Tina Turner tribute production! Starring the phenomenal powerhouse Michelle Marshall, this show takes you through Tina Turner's greatest hits, backed by a live band, backing vocalists, and dancers. From "Proud Mary" to "What's Love Got To Do With It?" and "Simply the Best," "Private Dancer" to "Better Be Good To Me." Thunderdome Queen has been wowing packed houses throughout North America and internationally. Michelle Marshall heats up the stage with her electrified high energy, stunning looks, shimmering moves, glamorous costumes, and soulful, sultry voice. Enjoy the same energetic stage presence, persona, mannerisms, and powerful vocals that channel the original Queen of Rock 'n' Roll, Tina Turner. "Thunderdome Queen" offers an unforgettable experience guaranteed to have you dancing and singing along to Tina Turner's greatest hits. Don't miss this electrifying tribute!

Tickets go on sale on the last Tuesday of the month so be sure to get your tickets early for all Starbright Theatre shows. and Pinnacle Community Centers. Tickets are non-refundable. Purchases may be made online with a credit card or pay with cash A cash bar will be set up in the lobby


“The Rendezvous starring

These Guys Worldwide”

Tuesday, October 8, 6 p.m. • $20

These Guys Worldwide, a 3-part male vocal group from California. Now living in Las Vegas, you may have seen them performing in showrooms all over the Vegas strip in hotels like Paris, Caesar’s, Excalibur, Palazzo, and the Virgin Hotel. Together for 12 years professionally on every major cruise line, the trio has mastered the ability to perform any genre of music. Their popularity in the industry came quickly with their iconic tributes to The Temptations, The Jersey Boys, Black Eyed Peas and Earth Wind & Fire. Whether it’s Rock, Funk, Disco, Jazz, Pop, or Motown, These Guys bring non-stop energy with their smooth harmonies, fun choreography and comedic antics turning any stage into a party.


“Feelin Good - The Ultimate Bublé Experience starring Anthony Bernasconi”

Saturday, October 12, 6 p.m. • $45

Get ready to feel the rhythm and embrace the magic of Michael Bublé like never before! Feelin Good: The Ultimate Michael Bublé Experience is not just a tribute; it’s an immersive experience that will sweep you off your feet. Join us for a night filled with timeless classics and unforgettable originals. Anthony Bernasconi embodies the essence of Bublé with unparalleled finesse. From the velvet tones to the charismatic stage presence, a smile that lights up the room, and moves that mirror Bublé’s iconic style, Anthony invites you on a journey through the very best of Michael’s repertoire. Backed by a magnificent 15-piece orchestra, this show promises an authentic experience that will transport you straight to a live Bublé concert. Every detail is meticulously crafted to ensure an evening of pure delight. Don’t miss your chance to be part of The Ultimate Michael Bublé Experience – grab your tickets now and get ready to be swept away!


MISTINGUETT PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS “Tribute to Steve Miller Band and The Doobie Brothers”

Saturday, October 19, 6 p.m. • $30

The Albumpalooza Concert Series presents the ultimate tribute to two of the greatest classic rock super groups of all time. Albumpalooza: a Tribute to Steve Miller and The Doobie Brothers is a monumental all live salute to the great songs that helped define American music in the 1970's. Iconic tracks like Miller’s “The Joker”, “Jet Airliner” and “Take the Money and Run” along with The Doobies iconic “Listen to the Music”, “Long Train Running” and “What a Fool Believes” are etched into our culture and are still celebrated by generation after generation of music fans of all ages. Comprised of seasoned musicians who have shared the stage with legendary acts like 80’s supergroup Asia, Lou Gramm of Foreigner, and Barry Manilow, The Albumpalooza Band faithfully recreates every note, harmony, and signature guitar lick in a stunning multi-media concert presentation.


Friday, October 25, & Saturday, October 26, 6 p.m. Sunday, October 27, 2 p.m. • $15

Join us as we portray a hilarious comedy about a local Theatre Group trying desperately to put on a play written by a local author. The play is awful, and the author keeps rewriting the script throughout the rehearsals, changing characters, adding characters and changing the love scene! Act One is a horrible rehearsal of the entire show. Act Two is the Disastrous Dress Rehearsal , and Act Three - the Final, Real Show Performance - Who Knows what will happen and does! The Director, Author, Stage Manager and Sound Technician are up in arms over the mistakes, forgotten lines and what turns out to be a comedic murder mysterythatwillyoulaughingfromstarttofinish!

Tickets go on sale on the last Tuesday of the month so be sure to get your tickets early for all Starbright Theatre shows. Tickets may be bought online at as well as at the Mountain Shadows, Desert Vista, and Pinnacle Community Centers. Tickets are non-refundable. Purchases may be made online with a credit card or pay with cash or check at the community centers (exact change required). For information on Starbright Theatre shows, call 2401301. A cash bar will be set up in the lobby & drinks allowed inside the theatre

Live Events at

Doorsopenat 5:30 p.m. Tickets for Blues Night and Band Nights are $15 per person. Tickets go on sale the last Tuesday of the month and may be purchased online at with a credit card or at the Desert Vista, Mountain Shadows and Pinnacle Community Centers with cash or check. Exact change required. Tickets are non-refundable. Food and full bar available for purchase. No outside food or drinks permitted in The Summit during events. Must be 21 years or oldertoenter.Filmingattheseeventsmaybetakingplace.


Rick Berthod

Tuesday, September 3, 6 p.m. | $15

Rick Berthod isbackbypopulardemand!Inductedintothe Las Vegas Blues Hall of Fame by Rita King, daughterofhisidol B.B. King, Rick has gracedrenownedLosAngelesvenueslike Universal City’s BB King’s Blues Club Restaurant and Harvell’s Blues Club in Santa Monica. Now,youcan catch Rick performingattopLasVegas venuessuchasthe House of Blues and Lucille’s Smokehouse Bar-B-Que at theRedRockHotel&CasinoinSummerlin.Don'tmissoutonexperiencing thesoulfulsoundsofthisblueslegend!


Friday, September 6, 6 p.m. | $15

Getreadytorockwith UROCK,a powerhouse4-pieceacoustic/electricrock bandfeaturinganAll-Starlineupoftop Vegasmusiciansfromvariousbands. With Keith Steven Caplan of The Who Invasion tributebandonvocalsand Deron Destephanis from High Rocktane ondrums, UROCK promisesto deliverelectrifyingsetsfilledwiththe besthits.Knownfortheirdynamic performancesandunmatchedenergy, UROCK alwaysbringsthehousedown. Don'tmissoutonanunforgettablenight ofmusicwith UROCK!


Lara Ash & Inferno

Friday, September 20, 6 p.m. | $15

Experiencetheelectrifyingperformanceof Lara Ash & Inferno, Las Vegas'hottestshowdanceband!With over20yearsofexperience,thishighenergyensembleplaysawidevariety ofmusicthatappealstoallages, focusingonsongspeoplelovetohear anddanceto. Lara Ash & Inferno areknownfortheirabilitytoreadthe crowd,ensuringeveryonehasagreat time.Theirtalentandprofessionalism guaranteeanexcitingperformancethat willkeepyoucomingbackformore. Don'tmissoutonthefun–getreadyto dancethenightawaywith Lara Ash & Inferno!

NATIONAL Gg D oeaoy l

SEPTEMBER 15, 2024

“It’s A Bird – It’s A Plane . . . It’s


September 15th is “National Google Day”. We all know the word – what more can I to say? Does it deserve a whole day? Perhaps maybe so. Where else do you go if you just want to ‘know’? It can be used as a noun, and it’s used as a verb.

“Just google it” is often a phrase we’ve all heard. There were days growing up to the library we’d go for homework assignments through rain, sleet, or snow. The Dewey Decimal System was something everyone knew as we scrolled through the cards we knew what to do. If lucky, an encyclopedia was home on a shelf –simply pull down a book and you’d find it yourself! From A through to Z, all the answers were there –and often we’d find some information to spare! Officially launched in 1998, with the click of our mouse, and mere seconds to wait... unless, for some reason, your computer would freeze, then you’re hitting the button, and you’re begging it, “PLEASE...”!

There’s a fountain of knowledge found line after line but which one to click? ... We sure could use a sign! Be it tablet or phone, all the answers are thereall you needed to know with info to spare. So, whatever the question, with the click of a mouse –we can find all the answers and not leave the house. The world has sure changed, for better or worse. Some say it’s a blessing, some say it’s a curse. While we’re too old for homework, our curious minds find us going to “Google” in hopes that we find all the answers to questions that now cloud our brain that lead to more questions and life isn’t the same. We’ll continue to “Google” – that’s what life has become. We sometimes just do it till our brains go numb! Are the answers all there – well, that’s not guaranteed. We just may not find everything that we need. So, as computers take over, it seems we are stuck ... will it always work out? Well, here’s wishing you luck!!

By Patti Tripp/ Link

Restaurant Toast Tab Loyalty Point Change

Thank you to all of our loyal customers who signed up for our Restaurant Loyalty Program when it was introduced over a year ago. As a promotion when we launched the program guests receive 1 point for every $1.00 spent, and once they receive 50 points, they receive $5 off a future purchase. Effective October 1, 2024, the program will change to 1 point for every $2.00 spent, and once a guest receives 50 points, they will receive $5 off of a future purchase. Any credits earned at the $1.00 rate will not be affected and will remain in your account as earned. The new rate only affects purchases beginning on October 1, 2024. Thank you to everyone who joined us and helped us launch this Loyalty Program! The birthday reward of $5 off on your birthday remains the same, as does the sign-up bonus earning of 25 points.

WHAT is NPT and WHY is it important to Sun City Summerlin?

Photos courtesy of Norman Wright, member of the HAM Club, Call Sign K7NOR.

The NEIGHBORHOOD PREPAREDNESS TEAM known as NPT since 2019 is a Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc. (SCSCAI) Chartered community organization, not a club. There are no dues or fees. Meetings are held the last Wednesday of the month at Desert Vista at 10 a.m. unless there is a special event scheduled. Its mission is to provide safety education to residents related to any disaster and crime prevention techniques through a partnership with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD). But NPT is more than disaster preparedness and crime prevention - it is about providing resources and information on topics such as fire safety, locking mailboxes, watching out for our neighbors, how to stay in our homes as we age, being an informed voter and so much more.

In 2022, NPT focused on crime prevention with LVMPD as there was an uptick in burglaries and even an attempted murder. Many of the previously formed Neighborhood Watch (NHW) groups had fallen apart during COVID-19. From July 2022 to March 2023, over 50 new NHW groups were formed. NPT began important NHW group orientation meetings with LVMPD. Residents get to know one another and connect while learning the importance of having the right tools in/on their homes to help reduce the incidence of burglaries. With these meetings, LVMPD ramped up its FREE “Home Security Site Surveys” for residents. These surveys identify weak points of entry and other potential issues around the home where a resident can easily make their home unattractive to criminals.

Captain talked about crime prevention and how electing the right judges in Clark County can play a role. LVMPD’s traffic division heard from concerned residents on traffic in Sun City Summerlin (SCS). The Director of the NV Department of Corrections presented the importance of a good prison system and how it affects our safety when offenders are released back into the community.

“Coffee with a Cop” was held in our Summit Restaurant where residents could informally talk with LVMPD officers about their concerns. CPR & AED training began for residents taught by a retired physician who is a SCS resident.

In 2024, our Ham Radio group presented emergency communications during a disaster, more fire safety info was presented including the importance of cleaning dryer vents which last year caused 17+ house fires in Las Vegas.

Together with the SCS Computer Club, the Criminal Investigations Division of the NV Secretary of State’s Office presented “Defending Your Money” to help stop scams of seniors. Since 2024 is an election year, NPT hosted events with the candidates for LV Mayor and Clark County Judicial candidates running in the primary. A moderator asked well-designed questions plus questions from residents. Last but not least, NPT hosts an outdoor party called Sun City Night Out to celebrate National Preparedness Month which is promoted each September by the Federal Emergency Management Agency “FEMA”.

2023 was a banner year for the new and improved NPT. A special community resource fair was launched to provide information and resources to residents to better enable them to age safely at home. Monthly meetings included: the importance of Ham Radio, disaster preparedness and tools homeowners need to be prepared, fire safety and the Clark County DA with the LVMPD

Sun City Night Out is an annual outdoor event that is fun and informative. Held behind Mountain Shadows, there are food trucks, a DJ, dancing & dance instruction and performances. Several community partners related to preparedness are in attendance like the Red Cross, City of LV Office of Emergency Management, CERT, LV Fires and LVMPD. During the event, the 1st annual NPT “Boss of the Toss” Cornhole Tournament was played with residents who are members of the HOA Board of Directors

as well as SCS Department Directors and Executive Director, Mitzi Mills who tossed the bags while wearing her trademark high heels. The winner, Jessie Miles, Director of the SCS Fitness Department was named “Boss of the Toss 2023”.

This year’s 2nd Annual Sun City Night Out is scheduled for September 27, 2024, with five food trucks, more community partners in safety education, special guests, dancing and dance performances, a DJ, and the 2nd Annual “Boss of the Toss” Cornhole Tournament.

The latest project for NPT is to write a disaster plan for Sun City Summerlin. We all learned the importance of having such a plan when the devastating wildfires destroyed the community of Lahaina in Hawaii and killed many residents. Would you like to volunteer with NPT to help you, your neighbors and the entire SCS community? Do you have skills, expertise or a desire to help keep our community safe? Volunteering can be something as simple as helping 1-2 hours at an

event or more involved such as serving on one of our committees. Do you want to start a Neighborhood Watch "NHW" near your home? Being a NHW Captain involves minimal time - welcome new neighbors, forward information to your watch members, and host a get-together such as a potluck or block party. Please contact NPT by phone at 702-482-8853 or email at to let us know how you’d like to help.

CPR Class December 2023
Judicial Candidate Night May 2024
Sun City Night Out NPT Team September 2023
Sun City Night Out Cornhole Toss September 2023



July 6,


John Garlington #8 Eagle Crest
July 24, 2024
Jesse Guerrero #14 Highland Falls
2, 2024
Vic Lai (not pictured) #3 Highland Falls

Ten Fun Ways to Celebrate Grandparents Day

The first Sunday after Labor Day which falls on September 8, 2024, is Grandparents Day. This is a special day to celebrate the unique, loving bond shared between you and your grandchild. Here are ten fun suggestions for celebrating the day together:

Ÿ Cook a favorite family recipe

Ÿ Tell a story out loud

Ÿ Read a book together

Ÿ Create a scrapbook of your favorite family photos

Ÿ Delight in a hobby you both love

Ÿ Visit a museum or zoo

Ÿ Draw your family tree

Ÿ Play a card game

Ÿ Work on a new arts & crafts project

Ÿ Teach each other a song Whatever you decide to do on Grandparents Day, have fun and enjoy each other’s company.

Please join the first annual Sun City Summerlin Active Aging Week from September 30 – October 4, with daily activities! Time to celebrate how active this community is every day!

Seminars and Events

Mostseminars/eventsarefree.Theremaybespecialworkshops/classes witharegistrationfee. Please see event details below for specific ticketandlocationinformation. TicketsareavailablewithSocialMonitors at Desert Vista, Mountain Shadows and Pinnacle Community Centers. If sold out, please arrive the day of the event to be put on a waitlist.PleasecallFitnessDept.withquestions702-255-2294.

Live Healthier and Longer! Learn the Secrets of the Blue Zones

Wednesday, Sept. 11, 10:30 a.m. · Sun Shadows Fitness Center

Do you want to improve the quality of your life? Do you want to live disease-free?

Join Donna Gould, a clinical Registered Dietitian for an in-depth look into Blue Zones - regions in the world where people use therapeutic lifestyle medicine to live healthier and longer. In this hour-long class, you will learn how to apply these lifestyle medicine techniques to prevent and treat diseases. Registration is $20 per person and includes food samples, recipes, presentation, and educational resources.

Disrupt Aging Community with AARP

Wednesday, September 11, 12p.m. · Sun Shadows

Disrupt Aging Community, a program by AARP’s Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, is a 1-hour interactive presentation that challenges individuals of all ages to examine aging trends and the importance of building equity in longevity, discover what healthy aging means to them, and explore opportunities to live their best life. We will cover four key learning objectives:

Ÿ Understand demographic trends in aging and the longevity economy;

Ÿ Recognize everyone as multi-dimensional individuals;

Ÿ Identify the signs of everyday ageism; and

Ÿ Explore opportunities to combat ageism and live your best life!

Limited tickets are available beginning September 1 with Social Monitors at Desert Vista, Mountain Shadows and Pinnacle.

Improving Your Immune System with

Dr. Devin Luzod –Snack & Learn

Wednesday, Sept. 18, 12 p.m. · Desert Vista, Room 1

Would you like to be more resistant to disease and illness? Did your body heal and recover faster? Learn about the innate (non-specific) immune system and the adaptive (specific) immune system.

Join Dr. Devin Luzod owner of Spinal Care of Nevada and author of the book "Live to 100...and Want to!" for tips on natural solutions for increased immunity including better sleep, reducing inflammation and pain, protective foods and supplements, and more! Q & A to follow. Limited tickets are available beginning September 1 with Social Monitors at Desert Vista, Mountain Shadows and Pinnacle.

Medicare 101 with InterMountain Health

Wednesday, September 25, 12 p.m. · Sun Shadows

Limited tickets will be available beginning September 1 with Social Monitors at Desert Vista, Mountain Shadows, and Pinnacle Community Centers.

Sound Bath Meditation with Amy

Thursday, September 19, 3:30 p.m. · Sun Shadows

Join Amy for our monthly Sound Bath Meditation. Please bring a yoga mat, blanket(s), and pillow for cushioning. Wear comfortable clothing to keep warm and cozy. Plan to arrive 10-20 min. before starting time to get settled. No late entry due to the meditative nature of the class. Limited tickets will be available beginning September 1 with Social Monitors at Desert Vista, Mountain Shadows and Pinnacle.

All Things Fitness

“Your one stop shop for the Fitness Center amenities in Sun City Summerlin!”

Additional Club classes are available. Master Fitness Class Schedule can be picked up at any Fitness Center or online at Please call Fitness Department with questions 702.255.2294.


Asthepoliticalseasonapproaches,theSunCitySummerlinCommunityAssociation,Inc.(SCSCAI)facestheannualchallengeof balancingindividualpoliticalexpressionwithmaintainingthe neighborhood'saestheticandharmony.Politicalsignsareavital partofpoliticalengagement,allowingresidentstovoicetheirsupportforcandidatesandissues.

SCSCAIisgovernedbyStateandlocallawsinregardtothe rightsofownersandtenantstoexhibitpoliticalsignsonportions ofpropertythattheyown. TherightsgiventoOwnersandTenantsunderNRS116.325andCityofLasVegasUnifiedDevelopmentCode19.06140and19.08.120arereflectedbelowinthe RequirementsandRestrictionsforPostingofPoliticalSignsin SunCitySummerlin.

Requirements and restrictions on posting of political signs

1. Placement:

a. Politicalsignsshallbeplacedonlyonyourprivateproperty.

b. Politicalsignsshallnotinterferewithorbeplacedinamanner thattheywillbeconfusedwithtrafficcontrolsignalsorsigns.

c. Politicalsignplacementcannotobstructthevisionoftraffic.

d. Politicalsignscannotbeplacedonanycommonareaorright-


e. PertheCityofLasVegasDepartmentofPlanning,political signscanbeplacedonaresidentiallotassoonasacandidate hasfiledtheappropriatepaperworkfortheelectiontheyare participatingin.

2. Maximum sign size: 16squarefeetpersign.

3. Maximum signage area on property: signageonthepropertycannotexceedamaximumof80squarefeetforallpoliticalsignsplacedonproperty.

4. Number of signs: aunit’sowneroranoccupantofaunit mayexhibitasmanypoliticalsignsasdesiredbutmaynot exhibitmorethanonepoliticalsignforeachcandidate,politicalpartyorballotquestion.

5. Illumination of political signs: separateilluminationof politicalsignsisnotallowed.

6. Political sign defined: “politicalsign”meansasignthat expressessupportfororoppositiontoacandidate,political partyorballotquestioninanyfederal,stateorlocalelection orelectionofanassociation.

Inconclusion,whileyoumayormaynotagreewiththeposition ormessageofyourneighbors’politicalsigns,theyhavearighttodisplaytheirpositionaslongasitfallswithintheserequirementsabove.

Patriot Day, September 11th: A National Day Of Remembrance

Do you recall where you were on September 11, 2001? Most of us do. It was a beautiful autumn day; the sky was blue. Then tragedy struck and we watched the events unfold in disbelief.

Just as quickly as the terrible news rang around the world, we pulled together, stronger than ever. After all, we are Americans. Never underestimate our strength, resolve and determination.

On September 11, 2024, remember those innocent citizens of many nations who died and those brave first responders who valiantly fought to rescue them.

While we must forge ahead into the future with cautious optimism, let us Never forget that day and those who paid the ultimate price with their lives.

Honor and Remember the Fallen. Stand United as a Great Nation under God.

Honoring Residents Corner: Arlene Goodman

I grew up on the west side of Chicago, went to Marshall High School and attended Wright Junior College. One of three siblings, I am the middle child; six years younger than my older brother and nine years older than my younger brother (who I helped raise). At one time, both of my brothers lived in Las Vegas.

I met my husband Fred in Chicago by way of a computer dating service called: “Dateline Electronics”. It was started by two women who had college graduate daughters who could not find husbands. Unbeknownst to me, my younger brother filled out the application and asked me for the $7 needed to submit my profile. I received in the mail a list of 2-4 names of men who were compatible with my profile. The second date was with my future husband, Fred. He was not much of a talker, but after we went to the movie and finished dinner, I said to Fred “I am going to marry you.” He was stunned by my remark. We continued dating for five years. I was

divorced at the time and had a daughter, Brenda, who bonded with Fred. Brenda would ask Fred: “When are you going to marry us?” (He was attending night school to become a CPA.) At the time, Fred worked for the IRS as an accountant. Fred became a CPA and became a Lead Field Auditor.

I finally told Fred “I am either going to buy a house or go to Israel.” He said ‘Ok, go ahead and buy a house.” I did. I worked in real estate at the time for MGM Realty in Skokie as Office Manager and opened and managed three offices. Fred went to D.C. on a work assignment. When Fred returned home, he proposed, and we were married in 1971.Fred went on to adopt Brenda as his own daughter. They shared a very special bond. Together, Fred and I had three children.

I had always been involved in volunteering. One of our sons, named Neil, is handicapped. Prior to his birth, I was active with the Freda K. Stone Heart Fund, La Rabida Children’s Hospital, Knights of Columbus and The Lions Club. When Neil was born and diagnosed as handicapped, I became active in the Glenkirk Association for the Retarded. I started a fashion show where the handicapped children modeled. To their parents’ surprise, the children blossomed on stage. I chaired the show for five years naming it Lollipops and Roses, growing the show from 100 in attendance to almost 400. Neil moved to Misericordia Home in Chicago, and I became active as a member of the Board, organizing fund raisers.

Fred and I relocated to Las Vegas in June of 1992 (after our son Mark graduated high school). A few years later, we moved to Sun City Summerlin where I became active in Bet Knesset Bamidbar (BKB). Our son Mark attended UNLV. Brenda and her family subsequently moved to Las Vegas. I worked at the Orleans Hotel & Casino for 14 years in Food Service in the Arena and at MGM for six years (before COVID-19).

Here in our community, I served on the Properties Committee. I also started the Chicago Club, was the first president (now called: Chicago/Midwest Club) and am still a member.

I joined the Temple in 1993 and was president from 1997 to 2000. Since, I served on the Board of BKB in different capacities. Currently, I am once again president of the Temple. I am also a member of the Pan Club.

Fred and I were married 52 years (Fred passed last June). I have to say, “By far, our move to Sun City Summerlin was the BEST decision we ever made! There are so many great clubs and wonderful people.”

Arlene nominates Gail Weiss for the next article in this series: Honoring Residents Corner.



All scheduled Committee Meetings are being held in person at Desert Vista and/or by Zoom



ARC ArchitecturalReview

BOD SCSCAIBoardofDirectors

CAP CommonAreaProperties

CCOC CharteredClubs& CommunityOrganizations

HC HearingCommittee

IT InformationTechnology


DV DesertVista

DF DesertVista FitnessCenter

EC EagleCrest

HF HighlandFalls

MF MountainShadows FitnessCenter

MS MountainShadows

P Pinnacle

PV PalmValley

SBT StarbrightTheatre

S SunShadows

SM Summit

TF TavernattheFalls


You too can receive a Zoom meeting invitation by sending an email to and with your first and last name, your address, and the words “sign me up.”


9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Sunday Brunch (SM)

9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Sunday Brunch (SM)

9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Sunday Brunch (SM)

9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Sunday Brunch (SM)


11 a.m., Sunshine Service Group (DV) page 9

5 p.m., Labor Day Party & Beer Tasting (SM) page 14



9:30 a.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 9

1 2 3

6 p.m., “Blues Night: Rick Berthod” (SM) page 25

6 p.m., “Karaoke Night” (TF) page 28

8 a.m. – 8:30 p.m., Bus Trip: Shakespeare Festival – Much Ado About Nothing (P)

9 a.m., BOD Meeting (SBT & Zoom) Insert 9:30 a.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 9

1 p.m. – 5 p.m., Taco Tuesday Buffet (SM) page 29

6 p.m., “The Rendezvous: Julian Miranda & Friends: (SBT) page 19 BULK TRASH

3 p.m., “Swinging London” (SBT) page 22 8 9 10 Closed for Overseed. Golf Courses reopen Sept. 30.

9 a.m., HC Closed Meeting (DV) Insert

9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Farmers & Artisan Market (MS Community Center Parking Lot) page 9

9 a.m., CAP (DV & Zoom) Insert 9:30 a.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 9

16 17 15

6 p.m., “Karaoke Night” (TF) page 28

9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Sunday Brunch (SM) Golf Courses Reopen. Active Aging Week Starts.


8 a.m. – 2 p.m., Balance & Memory Screenings (DV) page 43


9:30 a.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 9 10:30 a.m., IT (DV & Zoom) Insert

23 24 22

1 p.m. – 5 p.m., Taco Tuesday Buffet (SM) page 29

6 p.m., SCS Patrol (DV) page 9

6 – 10 p.m., Bus Trip: The Sphere Las Vegas (P) BULK TRASH

Tavern at The Falls September Daily Specials from 10 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. See page 28 for details.

The Summit September Special from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. See page 29 for details.

1 p.m., Free Movie “A Family Affair” (SBT) page 14


8 a.m., Special Meeting of the Membership (MS) On or around 8:30 a.m., BOD Meeting (MS)

4 p.m., Friday Updates with Mitzi (Zoom)

6 p.m., “Friday Band Nights: UROCK” (SM) page 25

6 p.m., “A Dolly Parton Tribute Featuring Karen Hester” (SBT) page 19

5 p.m., N.O.R.A. Ballots must be received (MS) 4 5 6 7

4 p.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 9

6 p.m., “Rod Ouano” (TF) page 28

9 a.m., AARP Driver Safety Program (DV) page 8

10:30 a.m., Live Healthier and Longer! Learn the Secrets of the Blue Zones (S) page 41

12 p.m., Disrupt Aging

Community with AARP (S) page 41

7 p.m., Residents’ Forum (DV) page 9

9 a.m., ARC (DV & Zoom) Insert

11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m., Lunch & Learn: TrustMasters (DV) page 13

12 p.m., Snack & Learn: Improving Your Immune System w/Dr. Devin Luzod (DV) page 41

2 p.m., Golf Oversight (DV & Zoom) Insert

6 p.m., “Kathleen Dunbar Comedy Tonight” (SBT) page 20

12 p.m., Medicare 101 with InterMountain Health (S) page 41

11 a.m., Legal (DV & Zoom) Insert

4 p.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 9

6 p.m., “Bon Joanie Unplugged” (TF) page 28

9:30 a.m., CCOC (DV & Zoom) Insert

11 a.m., Free Classic Movie “To Kill A Mockingbird” (SBT) page 14

1:30 p.m., Fitness (DV & Zoom) Insert

3:30 p.m., Sound Bath Meditation with Amy (S) page 41

4 p.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 9

6 p.m., “Yukon Jack” (TF) page 28

4 p.m., Friday Updates with Mitzi (Zoom)

8 – 10 p.m., Friday Night Movie in the Park: “Bye Bye Birdie” (Mountain Shadows Picnic Area) page 14

9:30 a.m., Coffee with the Board (DV + Zoom) page 8, Insert

4 p.m., Friday Updates with Mitzi (Zoom)

6 p.m., “Friday Band Nights: Lara Ash & Inferno” (SM) page 25

8 – 11 a.m., 31st Annual Health Fair (DV) page 43


6 p.m., “Serpentine Fire: Ultimate Tribute to Earth Wind and Fire” (SBT) page 20

9 – 11 a.m., Residents’ Forum: Meet & Greet State and Local Candidates (DV) page 11

10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Resident Appreciation Party (MS) page 15

6 p.m., “Lacy J Dalton with Dale Poune: (SBT) page 21 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28

5 p.m., AARP Driver Safety Program (DV) page 8

6 p.m., “Tony & The Lady: Celebration of Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga” (SBT) page 21 11 12 13

2 p.m., Finance (DV & Zoom) Insert

4 p.m., New Resident Orientation (MS) page 9

6 p.m., “Silver Trio” (TF) page 28

3 – 7 p.m., Neighborhood Preparedness Team “Sun City Night Out” (Mountain Shadows Gratitude Garden) pages 9, 10

6 p.m., “Vegas Swing” (SM) page 30

6 – 9 p.m., Rock’n Country Dinner Dance (DV) page 16

Tavern at The Falls will be closed September 14, 15, 16.

The Summit will be closed September 16, 17, 18.


Impressed With SCS Patrol!

Hi Mom,

Just a quick text to say how much fun the kids had at Sun City Summerlin last weekend. Ken and I are so impressed that you found such a wonderful retirement community.

Morning Jane, Your Dad and I are very excited to be here. We’ve met some great neighbors and found a couple of clubs to join.

I saw the local patrol cars going by at least three or four times during the day. Can’t believe those are all volunteers.

Now please, don’t forget to fill out that emergency contact sheet! You can put in our information, but remember to also use one of your neighbors to keep your key in case of emergency.

Say, why don’t you and Dad look into helping with that group. Seems like great folks and they certainly get plenty of training.

I know! What a service to the folks here. That office and phone is available 24/7 which means we are never alone.

We would enjoy that! Will check it today. Love you all. Mom

Sun City Summerlin Patrol – FYI Services in July 2024

Open Garage Doors – 190

911 Emergency Lights – 23

House Checks – 584

IC Inquiries – 118

Compiled by Frank Miyazono

Flag Retirement Ceremony

Hosted by SCS Patrol

When: Saturday, October 5, 2024

Where: Mountain Shadows Picnic Area, 11 a.m. Scout Troop 912 and their Scout Leader will preside over the Flag Retirement Ceremony. Scout Troop 912 is affiliated with Desert Spring United Methodist Church in Summerlin.

Sun City Summerlin residents are welcome to attend! Bring your chairs. Hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and refreshments will be available for purchase.

Any questions, please contact Richard Becker, SCS Patrol Flag Retirement Officer at: 701-578-4106.


Mgmt. No.

Sub Assoc. Mgmt. CO. Phone Units

ArbuckleHOA AdeptMgt.Services 645-1210 48

ArgentsHillHOA SierraCmnty.Mgt.LLC 754-6313 42

BanoraPointHOA AdeptMgt.Services 645-1210 12

BigGreenHOA AdeptMgt.Services 645-1210 24

BigTimberHOA AdeptMgt.Services 645-1210 28

BlueBellHOA CrossoverAssoc.Mgt,LLC 656-4824 27 686-4824

BreakersCreekHOA TheMgmt.Trust 835-6904 23

CogHillHOA LindaBucar 233-0223 60

DarkPeakHOA SageMgt. 848-3418/339-3044 12

DesertButteHOA AdeptMgt.Services 645-1210 32

DesertCrystalHOA PrimeCmnty. Mgt 869-0937 30

DesertHollyHOA BonnyLewis 582-5688 42

EagleValleyHOA TheMgmt.Trust 835-6904 38

EchoMesaHOA NevadaCmnty. Mgt 222-2391 37

EveningStarHOA AdeptMgt.Services 645-1210 15

FairwayViewHOA TheMgmt.Trust 835-6904 28

FaissHOA AdeptMgt.Services 645-1210 47

FreshSpringHOA SierraCmnty.Mgt.LLC 754-6313 54

GemstoneHOA AdeptMgt.Services 645-1210 48

GrandMesaHOA AdeptMgt.Services 645-1210 41

(This is the most recent information reported to Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc., by the Sub-Associations.)

Mgmt. No.

Sub Assoc. Mgmt. CO. Phone Units

HemetHOA Cmnty.MgtGroup 942-2500 39

HunterSpringsHOA LevelPropertyMgmt. 433-0149 16

JunctionHillHOA AdeptMgt.Services 645-1210 84

LightningRidgeHOA SierraCmnty.Mgt.LLC 754-6313 54

LinkviewHOA AdeptMgt.Services 645-1210 98

LitchfieldHOA AdeptMgt.Services 645-1210 58

MountainGateHOA DesertCmntyMgmt. 982-0430X-102 24

PalmridgeHOA CrossoverAssoc.Mgt.LLC 656-4824 56 686-4824

PomonaHOA NevadaCmnty.Mgt 222-2391 39

PrairieHillHOA TheMgmt.Trust 835-6904 35

QuailRidgeHOA NevadaCmnty.Mgt 222-2391X-2003C 66 (222-2391X-305JK)

RidgevilleHOA AdeptMgt.Services 645-1210 16

ShowcaseHOA AdeptMgt.Services 645-1210 100

SunCityNMAHOA TerraWest 362-6262/251-4540459

SundialHOA SageMgt. 848-3418/339-3044 44

TumbleBrookHOA AdeptMgt.Services 645-1210 22

ValleyDownsHOA AdeptMgt.Services 645-1210 53

VillaRidgeHOA DesertCmntyMgmt. 982-0430 52

WillowrichHOA CrossoverAssoc.Mgt.656-4824/686-4824 36



Club Contact Phone

Aquacize VeronicaDouglass 661-435-4880

Art SteveBrenner 702-749-7737

Arthritis PamMiller 804-240-8626

Basketball JimMathews 503-894-3040

Beading&Jewelry PaulaNuzzo 702-820-9343

Bicycle GaryTrowbridge 725-735-7424

Billiards KayeBence 818-424-8348

Bocci RoseManning 203-314-3527

Book CherylKidd 541-233-6545

Bridge,Duplicate SallyRitter 702-497-4788

Bridge,FridayNight PeggyCushman 702-462-2250

Bridge,MondayRubber MaryLaFerney 702-562-1550

Bridge,SocialDupl. ConnieMorris 702-331-0325


Bunco RuthAnnMoore 661-618-1613

Canasta DianeSapp 321-446-5712

Ceramics DeniseWinton 702-363-4329

Chicago/Midwest MyraFeldgreber 702-838-3859

ClassicalMusic WilliamRydell 702-580-0727

Computer JeffWilkinson 702-527-4056

Conservatives JeffDiPane 702-985-2310

Cribbage LindaRay 702-586-1007

CruisersofSunCity RandyGast 702-707-7069

DanceCompany RobertaMorrissey 702-524-5881

DanceConnection KrisSteinwand 702-443-8759

Euchre GloriaElmore 702-430-7785

French DenisKallish 203-767-2518

FriendsofTheSummit TamiFox 248-882-3364

Garden DaveMaiero 702-266-5416

Golf,Guys&Gals AmosBarcus 702-755-9623

Golf,LadiesExecutive PamScott 559-917-3724

Golf,Men’s18Hole ThomasHaseltine 414-788-2310

Golf,Men’sNiners HughLichter 727-421-5010

Golf,Women’s SandiHapke 702-405-9181

Gun DavidZuckerman 201-400-1871

Hiking LisaBrew-Miller 707-477-8059

Investment SteveCommander 702-304-1768

Italian KenPignato 702-339-1342

JewishFriendship LonnieWagman 702-419-6333

KraftyKritters SunitaBouri 813-270-9096

Liberal NormanWright 702-255-5545

Library MaxineMcKeown 702-287-2918

Club Contact Phone

MahJongg KarenBerke 702-813-5110

Men’s LenLibman 702-515-9368

Military&Friends ChrisOelerich 970-274-8230

ModelBuilders CharlieBush 702-501-3300

Musicmakers DarleneVaughan 307-330-8421

NeighborhoodPrep.Team* MaryFairhurst 702-482-8853

NewYork ChristineRuggiero 702-280-2743

Organ,Piano&Keyboard MartiStimpson 702-683-4112

Pan RebeccaDeavours 970-402-4881

Photography JudithFilangeri 702-473-1153

Pickleball SuzanneEsber 714-478-1653

Quilting DianeLais 702-327-4520

Racquetball PeterRuopp 419-420-5175

Rainbow JulieMcCuiston 808-276-8392

R.V. DeanLawes 802-345-9090

Residents’Forum* JulieZerbel 512-775-1309

Sawdusters JohnMarslender 801-598-5371

Sewing(JustSew) JudyHatcher 951-491-3442

Silver,Lapidary SharynSmith 702-473-5479


Silvertones RodneyHamburg 702-332-5611

Social SofiaCastille 281-300-4537

Softball PatFaivre 541-207-2169

Spanish SarahFreeman 508-733-1047

StainedGlass MichaelDrace 702-970-2442

SunCityCharities/ Office 702-254-5831


SunshineService* DebbieMotycka 702-755-6109

SuperSolosActivities GraceGambone 702-498-3837

Swim DarleneStaley 503-388-0821

TableTennis LaureenLentz 909-648-1397

TaiChi MaryDodson 818-430-1617

Tennis WalterPratt 702-675-5823

TexasHold’em PaulLuszcz 760-399-7173

Theatre(Community) JohnMura 310-251-2785

Travel MariseMizel 702-339-2657

WateRobics DonaWittman 916-425-3571

Women’s JudyAuerbach 702-242-0727

Writer’sWorkshop MaxineMuccigrosso 702-360-1863

Yoga RudolfoSanchez 702-596-2681

ZoomZoom KathyMayer 314-952-6300


Club Date Time Location

------------------------2025 OCTOBER------------------------

Racquetball 10/7 4p.m. DVPicnicArea

SuperSolosActivities 10/8 6p.m. DV

Library 10/10 12p.m. DV

TaiChi 10/10 11:30a.m. DV

Basketball 10/11 12p.m. DV

Silver,Lapidary 10/12 9:30a.m. MSSilverRm. &GlassFusion

JewishFriendship 10/15 6:30p.m. DV

Rainbow 10/21 6p.m. DV

Golf,LadiesExecutive 10/22 11:30a.m. DV

Ceramics 10/24 9:30a.m. DV

Bunco 10/26 6p.m. MS

StainedGlass 10/26 9a.m. MSGlassRm.

Military&Friends 10/27 4p.m. DV

ClassicalMusic 10/28 7p.m. Starbright

SocialClub 10/28 6p.m. DV

Men's 10/29 9a.m. DV

DanceConnection 10/30 11:30a.m. DV

Garden 10/31 4p.m. DV ----------------------2025 NOVEMBER----------------------

Bridge,FridayNight 11/1 6p.m. MS

Yoga 11/1 10a.m. DVCommittee

KraftyKritters 11/2 10:30a.m. DVMultipurpose

Liberal 11/4 7p.m. DV

Musicmakers 11/4 12:30p.m. PNMusicStudio

SunshineService 11/4 11a.m. DV

Writer'sWorkshop 11/4 9:30a.m. PNMeetingRm.

Beading&Jewelry 11/5 1p.m. MSSilverRoom

NewYork 11/6 6:30p.m. DV

Pickleball 11/6 10a.m. DV

Sewing(JustSew) 11/6 12:30p.m. MSSewingRm.

Golf,Men'sNiners 11/7 10a.m. PalmValleyGC

Silvertones 11/7 12:30p.m. PNMusicStudio

Spanish 11/8 9a.m. PN

Gun 11/8 1p.m. DV

DanceCo."AClassAct" 11/9 4p.m. DV

Bridge,RubberMonday 11/11 11:45a.m. MS

Quilting 11/11 9a.m. DV

MahJongg 11/12 11:30a.m. MS

Organ 11/12 9a.m. PNMusicStudio

Golf,Women's 11/12 1p.m. DV (Ladies18Hole)


Date Time Location

Arthritis 11/13 11a.m. MillersTavern

ModelBuilders 11/13 10:30a.m. DV

Residents'Forum 11/13 7p.m. DV

Travel 11/13 3p.m. DV

Book 11/14 1:30p.m. DV

Photography 11/14 6:30p.m. DV

R.V. 11/14 2p.m. WillowBeach

French 11/15 1p.m. PN

Italian 11/15 6:15p.m. DV

Chicago/Midwest 11/17 6p.m. DV

Art 11/18 1p.m. DV

CommunityTheatre 11/18 6p.m. DV

PanGames 11/19 12p.m. MS

CruisersofSunCity 11/19 6p.m. DV

Investment 11/20 7p.m. DV

Canasta 11/21 6:30p.m. MS

Conservatives 11/21 6p.m. DV

Women's 11/21 12:15p.m. DV

Patrol 11/26 6p.m. DV

NPT 11/27 10a.m. DV


TableTennis 12/1 9:30a.m. PNMultipurpose

TexasHold'em 12/2 12p.m. MS

Aquasize 12/3 5p.m. DV

Computer 12/5 2p.m. DV

Golf,Men's18Hole 12/5 12p.m. MS

Hiking 12/5 8:30a.m. DV

ZoomZoom 12/5 10:30a.m. DV

FriendsofTheSummit 12/6 4p.m. Summit

Sawdusters 12/6 9a.m. DV

Swim 12/6 9a.m. DVPool

Golf,Guys&Gals 12/8 7p.m. DV

BocciBall 12/10 7p.m. DV

Billiards 12/11 10a.m. BilliardsRoom

Cribbage 12/11 5:30p.m. MS

Euchre 12/11 6p.m. MS

Bicycle 12/12 4p.m. DV

Bridge,SocialDuplicate 12/14 12:30p.m. MS

Tennis 12/14 5p.m. DV

WateRobics 12/15 11a.m. DV

Bridge,Duplicate 12/18 11:30a.m. MS



Telephone numbers published in the Link and on our website are in the 702 area code unless noted otherwise.

The Link staff reserves the right to limit the number of Chartered Clubs logos and/or photos in each issue of the LINK magazine.


What could be more fun than an outdoor Aquacize work out in our beautiful Fall weather. There is a 7 a.m. class at DV outdoor pool. It's low impact to joints. Club Members can choose from several different classes. We will hold our Board meeting on Thursday, October 3, at 11 a.m. Then our general meeting will take place October 15, at 10 Desert Vista. Dues have been increased to $15. If you have any questions, you can ask your Pool Class Representative. You can also call President Veronica Douglass 661-435-4880, or email Watch your email for any lastminute notifications. Reminder: all outdoor pool classes will be held weather permitting. Election of Club Officers takes place along with our Holiday Party on Tuesday, December 3, at 5 p.m. at Desert Vista.


Artists of all levels and those who just love art, are welcome to join. Annual dues are $15. We offer beginner and advanced classes in oil, acrylic, and watercolor painting, drawing, colored pencil and various mixed media. Each year we hold a juried Fine Art Show, featuring the works of our members and instructors, and offering for sale original pieces and handpainted cards. This year’s Show will be held on November 2nd and 3rd, in the Desert Vista Ballroom. We present lectures and demonstrations during our general meetings, which are held the 3rd Monday of each month in Desert Vista’s Room 1. Our next meeting will be on October 21st at 1 p.m. The Club also plans to sponsor a new Paint & Sip party early this month. Please note that our election of Club officers is scheduled for Monday, November 18, at 1 p.m. during our general meeting. For more information please contact Steve Brenner at 749-7737, and check out our website at


Do those painful joints keep you from exercising? We have a solution. Slip into your swimsuit and join us in the pool for soothing exercises that get those joints limbered up. These exercises safely move every part of the body. Stretching, range of

motion, flexibility and balance improve health and wellness. This low-impact pool exercise Club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Desert Vista indoor pool. Check with your doctor to ensure you are fit enough for the class. Annual dues are $15. Call Pam Miller 804-240-8626. Election of Club Officers will take place on Wednesday, November 13, 11 a.m. at Millers’ Tavern.


Please join us and help make basketball a community exercise option for everyone. Currently, our basket is at Desert Vista on a pickleball court. The court's hard surface, availability, and dimensions are extremely challenging. We’ve asked for the basket to be relocated to a knee-friendly surface at the end of a tennis court or a new court built over an existing underutilized outside area. The court is reserved for shooting on Sundays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Tuesdays & Thursdays evenings from 5-8 p.m. We currently play half-court games twice a week at a local gym. Please contact Jim Mathews (503) 894-3040 or Al Bonardi (631) 398-1891 for additional details. Election of Club Officers will take place on Friday, October 11, 12 p.m. at Desert Vista.

Beading and Jewelry

Calling all Sun City Summerlin men and women. Come learn a new hobby. We learn how to make necklaces, bracelets and decorations. We meet on Tuesdays from 1- 3 p.m. in the Silver Room at Mountain Shadows. For more information, please call Paula Nuzzo at 820-9343 or just stop by and see what we are doing. Election of Club Officers will take place Tuesday, November 5, 1 p.m. at MS Silver Room.


The Bicycle Club does group rides starting at the lower Desert Vista Parking Lot on Tuesday and Thursday and Sun Shadows on Saturday. Bike start time for September and October will start at 8 a.m. Anyone with a bicycle (or e-bike) and a helmet is more than welcome to join us for any ride. Don’t worry about keeping up, we’re just an easy-riding bunch of SOB’s (Seniors on Bicycles). For more information, please email Gary Trowbridge Election of Club Officers will take place on Thursday, December 12, 4 p.m. at Desert Vista.


The Billiards Room at Desert Vista has four 9foot Diamond pool tables. Pool cues are available for use if needed. Clubmember time block is set

for Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 11:30 a.m. with organized tournament play on Fridays. $10 annual dues. If interested in joining the club, please drop by anytime during Club play and grab a cue stick or bring your own. For more information, call Kaye Bence at (818) 424-8348. Election of Club Officers will take place on Wednesday, December 11, 10 a.m. in the Billiards Room.


The Bocci Club plays on Mondays at Desert Vista and Thursdays at Sun Shadows at 6:30 p.m. Hope to see you all soon. For information, call Rose Manning at 203-314-3527. Election of Club Officers will take place Tuesday, December 10, 7 p.m. at Desert Vista.


The Sun City Book Club meets the second Thursday of the month 1:30-3:30 p.m. at Desert Vista. Social time is 1:30-2 p.m. Our September meeting is September 12. Dues for Book Club are $10 per year. For September reading, our book will be Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver. If you are reading ahead, our October selection is The House of Wolves by James Patterson and Mike Lupica. For information contact Cherie at 541-233-6545 or Keep reading! Election of Club Officers will take place on Thursday, November 14, 1:30 p.m. at Desert Vista.

Bridge, Duplicate

Looking for a duplicate bridge group with great and fun players? This is the one for you. We play every Wednesday and Saturday at Mountain Shadows in the large room. We start play at 12 noon and ask for players to arrive by at least 11:45 a.m. If you do not have a partner, give Marilyn Pekrul a call at 254-8245. She will be happy to help you find one. For additional information, call President Sally Ritter at 497-4788. Election of Club Officers will take place on Wednesday December 18, 11:30 a.m. at Mountain Shadows.

Bridge, Friday Night

You're invited to join us at Mountain Shadows on Friday night at 5:45 p.m. Annual dues are $10 and $1 each time you play. Recent winners were Allan & Mary Ann Clark, (twice), Rod & Doris Hamburg, and Doris Lemelin & Marilyn Pekrul. For more information or help finding a partner, call Peggy Cushman at 472-2250. Election of Club Officers will take place Friday, November 1, 6 p.m. at Mountain Shadows.


Bridge, Monday Rubber

Join us for 24 hands of Bridge at noon, Mondays, Mountain Shadows. Play starts at 12:15 and is timed. Annual dues are $10 and $1 each time you play. Recent winners were Bob & Peggy Cushman, Mary Jo Spigelmeyer & Sue Warren, John Kelly & Judy Mirisch, and Rod & Doris Hamburg. For more information or help finding a partner, call Mary Ann Clark at 254-6943. Election of Club Officers will take place Monday, November 11, 11:45 a.m. at Mountain Shadows.

Bridge, Social Duplicate

Congratulations to July’s big game winners: Vicki Malone & Karen Jacobson (72.88%) and Gary & Jodi Biederer (65.90%). We meet at noon Saturdays at Mountain Shadows Sahara Room. We have a mini lesson at 11:30 a.m. Bring your partner or we will pair you up. We use the site to manage signups, partner requests and scoring! Contact Shelly to be added (email:; cell: 708.610.3375) or check our website: During Supervised Play, participants are encouraged to ask questions and receive coaching on all aspects of the game with the main difference being the level of experience of players and length of the game - we usually play between 14 and 16 boards. Annual Dues are $5. Board Elections will be held on Saturday, December 14, at 12:30 p.m., MS Sahara Room, followed by the holiday party. Self-nominations for officers may be submitted to Shelly.


Our games will start promptly 6 p.m. at Mountain Shadows. Doors open at 5:30. We play the 4th Saturday monthly with the exception of December. Please bring your Association Card and show it to the monitor. It will be $5 to play. No prior experience needed. A friendly smile and willingness to learn are plenty. Snacks will be provided. Annual dues are $2. Election of Club Officers will take place Saturday, October 26, 6 p.m. at Mountain Shadows. You are welcome to volunteer to run for any of the 5 positions. For more information or questions, you may call: RuthAnn Moore (661) 618-1613 or Janice Lugavere (818) 606-1354.



The club meets on Thursday from 6-9 p.m. Men, women and couples are welcome. Lessons will be given on Thursday mornings. Please call 236-1873 to attend. Birthdays will be celebrated at the 1st club night of the month. Dues are $10 a year. Election of Club Officers will take on Thursday, November 21, 6:30 p.m. at Mountain Shadows.


Ceramics will be part of a Courtyard Sale on Saturday, September 14, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Come into our Open House during sale time and ask for a tour of our expanded facility. Beginners Classes are on-going, sign-up sheet is in the Club Room. Club hours Monday – Friday 9 to 12; Monday and Wednesday afternoons 12 to 3; Sunday 10 to 2. Board elections will be held at our next meeting, Thursday, October 24, 9:30 a.m. at DV. Visit our website at For further information, call Denise Winton at 363-4329 or call the Ceramics Club Room at 966-1480.


We deserve a good laugh, so join us on Sunday, September 15, 6 p.m., DV, Room 5 for a REALLY good laugh. It'll be brought to you by Kirk McHenry a master comedian . So be there and let yourself go - it's good for the body and the mind. For more information on this fabulous club, call Myra 838-3859. Election of Club Officers will take place Sunday, November 17, 6 p.m. at Desert Vista.

Classical Music

On September 30 at 7 p.m. in the Starbright Theater, the Classical Music Club will welcome Adam Stibler and his string quartet. There is no program information at this time, but a traditional program is expected. Adam has been a member of the classical music community in Las Vegas for quite some time, and he will bring the experienced high-quality artists that we

Continued on page


Continued from page 68

expect. Our annual elections for club officers will be held on October 28th, 7 p.m. at the Starbright Theater, before the concert. For more information, please contact Will Rydell at


If you have computer or mobile device issues, help is available at the Pinnacle Facility on Tuesdays 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. If you don’t have a computer, stop by the Computer Lab on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to Noon to surf the Net. Yearly dues are $10. Details regarding our schedule of events can be found on our website For further information contact Jeff Wilkinson, 527-4056, or email

Election of Club Officers will take place Thursday, December 5, 2 p.m. at Desert Vista.


We meet in room 5 at DV on the 3rd Thursday of each month with sign-in at 6 p.m. and the program beginning promptly at 6:30 p.m. For monthly updates and pertinent club information, visit our website You may also call/text club President Jeff DiPane with your questions or concerns at 9852310. Annual dues of $15 per member are collected in January. Club officers are Jeff DiPane-President, Susanne Spinelli-Vice President, Karen Kogelschatz-Treasurer and Sue StittSecretary. We look forward to meeting new friends and sharing our conservative thoughts and principles. Election of Club Officers will take place on Thursday, November 21, 6 p.m. at Desert Vista.


We play every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. starting promptly so join us by 5:15 p.m. We usually play partners. New players are welcome. 400 points gets you recognition in the LINK and on our Board of Winners! Recent winner is Randy Wick-411. Come and join us and get your 400 game! For more information, call Linda

Ray at 586-1007. Election of Club Officers will take place Wednesday, December 11, 5:30 p.m. at Mountain Shadows. Cruisers of Sun City

Second Wednesdays of the month “CRUISE IN ” brings together a broad selection of vehicles and diverse owners to meet, enjoy, and discuss our favorite hobby. Our monthly “DRIVE”, an organized event with a predetermined route and driver support, takes you throughout Clark County via 40–300mile road trips to enjoy your car's capabilities and friends on

interesting scenic routes. The “CAR SHOW”, is an annual event featuring all classes for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd placing with trophies and dash plaques being handed out to the winners. Finally, our quarterly “EVENTS ” will feature get-together events for Christmas, Spring, Hawaiian and Halloween parties. Member meeting will be on Tuesday, September 10, with club officer elections on November 19, Desert Vista Rooms 1 & 2, 6-8 p.m. Contact Randy at or call 707-7069 or simply come to one of our meetings.

Dance Company

September marks the launch of the Dance Company’s Fall season of classes. New classes - routines - music – costumes -


So, you like, love and enjoy cars, of all makes …join us for a along with camaraderie by becoming a member of CRUISERS Sun City. We are a group of enthusiasts that enjoy cars, trucks, custom golf carts and motorcycles…pretty much anything that you can drive. See page 71 for the club listing. For more information or to become a member, please contact Randy at: or call:702-707-7069.

and members make this an exciting time for us. This season features Jazz, Tap, Musical Theater, Drill Team, and Chair Tap classes for our members. On our website: you will find complete details on class times, locations, instructors, the registration process, and new membership sign-up. Why not consider joining our amazing club? We will conduct our annual election of officers for calendar year 2025 during our Saturday, November 9 General Meeting at Desert Vista Community Center. The meeting begins at 4 pm with doors opening at 3:30 pm. We will be using paper ballots distributed during the meeting. Photo courtesy of M.E. Chidiac.

Dance Connection

Sittin’ & Movin’ with Jonathan is on Saturdays at noon at Desert Vista. The name says it all! This class is designed for people who are limited in mobility, balance and other physical issues or just want a great upper body workout! Your first class is “free”! Dance Connection also offers the following classes – Get Movin’, Just Dance, Beginner Line Dance, Beginning & Advanced Hula, Advanced Round Dance, Beginner Line Dance, Beginner/Intermediate Line Dance, Dance Party, Sittin’ & Drummin’, Havin’ A Ball, BeMoved, Beginner Hula, Let’s Move, Get Up & Dance, Sittin’ & Movin’ w/Jonathan, Showstoppers and Hot Hula. Try one today! Pick up a schedule at any fitness center or visit our website at: Call Kris at 443-8759 with any questions. Election of Club Officers will take place Wednesday, October 30, 11:30 a.m. at Desert Vista.


Euchre is a card game usually played with four players per table (two partnerships). We rotate tables and partners, so Euchre is a very social game for all levels. New members are always welcome, and if you don’t know how to play, lessons are available. Join us on Wednesdays at 5:45 p.m., at Mountain Shadows. For more information, call Gloria at 430-7785. Election of Club Officers will take place Wednesday, December 11, 6 p.m. at Mountain Shadows.


Bonjour à tous et toutes. Le Circle Français welcomes new members to our fun-filled and interactive meetings. Our mission is to: Converse in the French language, while appreciating the French culture. Scientific studies have identified a link between being multilingual and fending off the onset of dementia. The mind is like a muscle. Let’s flex it and keep it healthy by speaking and reading French. Meetings are held Fridays, at Pinnacle, 2215 Thomas W. Ryan Blvd. 1-2 p.m. Basic for beginners & 2-3 p.m. Intermediate/conversational. Contact Denis Kallish - or 203-767-2518 for more information. Election of Club Officers will take place Friday, November 15, 1 p.m. at Pinnacle.

Friends of the Summit

Friday Band Nights are on the first and third Fridays. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.; with music from 6-8 p.m. Blues Nights are held the first Tuesday of every month in the Summit. Tickets are available at our community centers, and online at via the ticketing section. We recommend purchasing tickets in advance. We look forward to seeing you at our events. Membership is $1 annually. We appreciate your support of music events at the Summit. Contact us at Election of Club Officers will take place Friday, December 6, 4 p.m. at The Summit.

Orchids are the most beautiful flower, yet so many do not know how to keep one alive. Kenneth Snauwaert, AIFD, will teach you how to have a thriving Orchid in your home during our “Orchid” presentation. Join us for this educational meeting on Thursday, September 26th, 3:30 p.m. Desert Vista Room 5!


Day: Last Thursday of every month!

Location: Desert Vista, Rm 5.

Dues: $20

About Our Club:

Questions or have garden supplies or plants you no longer need? Election of Club Officers will place Thursday, October 31, 4 p.m. at Desert Vista.

Golf, Guys and Gals

The Guys and Gals Golf Club will host the September 1st tournament at Highland Falls Golf Course. The format will be a “Shamble Jack & Jill," and the check-in is no later than 7 a.m. with a 7:30 a.m. shotgun start. For tournament information, contact Chris and Dave Klee at 254-2461. For membership information, contact Andrea and Clint King at 714-794-4131. Visit our website at Election of Club Officers will take place Sunday, December 8, 7 p.m. at Desert Vista.

Golf, Ladies Executive

The golf courses will be closed for 3 weeks in September for reseeding, but we are still socializing. Our annual Putt Putt and potluck will be Monday, September 9th at Mountain Shadows. If you are interested in joining us to play in our weekly tournaments at Eagle Crest, contact Membership Chair, Donna Hadley at 585-820-1800. Tuesday tee times in September will be at 7 am (checking in at 6:30). Our officer elections for 2025 will be held October 22, 11:30 a.m. at the General Meeting and Championship Luncheon at Desert Vista.

Golf, Men’s 18 Hole

September is here and fall is just weeks away. After the heat of this summer the cool fall weather will be a welcome relief. Golfing in the 18 Holers League will continue after the


overseed with new games and fun. If you’re interested in joining, please check out our web site at or call Tom Haseltine at 414-788-2310. Election of Club Officers will take place Thursday, December 5, 12 p.m. at Mountain Shadows.

Golf, Men’s Niners

Golfers of all levels are welcome at our tournaments held on each of our 3 courses. Tee-off times range from 7-8 a.m., depending on the time of year. We have individual play tournaments, scrambles, and best ball events. We host events at courses throughout the Valley and play out-of-town tournaments a couple times a year. Currently, we have a great event set for Laughlin on October 7 & 8. It involves back-to-back 18hole scrambles and a wonderful dinner cruise the night of the 7th. Please note that Club officer elections are scheduled for Thursday, November 7, in front of the Palm Valley Golf Course pro-shop, right after our weekly tournament at approximately 10 a.m. Applications for membership are available at any of our golf shops. For further information call Raul Gonzalez at (661) 373-2725 or check out our website

Golf, Women’s

Ah, September! Some cool mornings giving us a taste of Autumn! It cannot come soon enough after this recordbreaking summer. We can't use the 100 plus temps as an excuse anymore. Our golf stars are aligned! Great weather ... Beautiful courses...a summer full of lessons and practice! So, let's see where we fit in! Join our great group of golfing gals who show up bright and early on Tuesday mornings to play this game we all love. Our VP, Leslie, will take you to lunch, give you a Buddy and you'll be good to go!! Call 236-4879. Election of Club Officers will take place Tuesday, November 12, 1 p.m. at Desert Vista.


Whether you are new to firearms, considering purchasing your first weapon, or are an old hand in shooting arts, the gun club is looking for you. Meetings are indoors and outdoors. Meetings in April, June, October, and November are on the second Friday of the month, 1 p.m. at Desert Vista where invited speakers update us on firearms related topics. March, May, September, and December Mondays, we meet for a fee of $5, at the Clark County Shooting Complex. Our Club membership includes residents that are retired instructors, armorers, range safety officer, and military. We maintain lists of training classes, places to shoot, local gunsmiths, and conceal carry weapon (CCW) permit instructors. Dues are $10 for the year. Contact us at Election of Club Officers will take place Friday, November 8, 1 p.m. at Desert Vista.

The next meeting of our club will be Wednesday, September 25 at 8:30 a.m. in Desert Vista Meeting Room #5. There will be a presentation on hiking in Montana and Glacier National Park. Hikes are posted on the club calendar and an e-mail is sent out to members prior to any hike with all details. An RSVP is required and is done directly in the email. Please cancel if necessary so that a fellow hiker on the wait list may participate. All hikes leave from the NE corner of the Pinnacle Parking Lot. Before hiking, first time club hikers must call coordinator Ann Cronin (737-5758) for fitness level recommendations and additional information. Election of Club Officers will take place Thursday, December 5, 8:30 a.m. at Desert Vista.


Are you a self-directed investor looking for more return and less risk and hoping to do so with a minimal time commitment? This presentation will illustrate one individual's approach to algorithmic, emotionless trading using exchange traded funds (ETFs) that represent a broad range of asset categories to create monthly trading strategies to optimize returns while reducing risk. Learn the basics of ETFs as well as the basics of developing your own rules-based systems on September 25, at Desert Vista at 7 p.m. Refreshments will be provided. Steve Commander, President. Election of Club Officers will take place on Wednesday, November 20, 7 p.m. at Desert Vista.


We look forward to seeing everyone on Friday, September 20, for a traditional Italian catered dinner (including dessert, coffee, soft drinks and BYOB) with the return of Joe Buonanno as our afterdinner entertainer. Doors open 5:30 p.m. We start at 6 p.m. Cost for members is $20 / guests $25. Reservations MUST be received no later than September 12. No exceptions. Make checks payable to SCS Italian Club. Mail to SCS Italian Club, 9436 West Lake Mead Blvd., Suite 5–89, Las Vegas, NV 89134. Or drop them off at Postal, Etc. at the same address. Questions?


Email SCS Italian or contact Ken Pignato at 339-1342. Board elections and voting on Charter and Operating Procedures will be held at 6:15 p.m., Friday November 15 dinner. The slate of officers is President - Ken Pignato; VicePresident - Dick Clark; Treasurer - Helena Cusumano; Secretary - Dottie Janowsky; Director - Don Martino. Additional nominations will be accepted from the floor.

Jewish Friendship

Please join us September 17 when everyone’s favorite meteorologist, Kevin Janison, will regale us with weather stories and his humorous visits in Clark County classrooms. He’s also an author of children’s books. Sign-in begins at 6 p.m. and the meeting begins at 6:30. Are you a current member who would like to “save the club” and become President next year? We can’t go on without a president. If so, call Lonnie Wagman at 419-6333 to discuss this great opportunity! Election of Club Officers will take place Tuesday, October 15, 6:30 p.m. at Desert Vista.

Krafty Kritters

The Sun City Summerlin Arts and Crafts Fair is coming up in October! Our members are industriously creating all manner of hand-crafted items, like these hand sewn walker bags. You can get a preview of all our wares when the club room is open. We’d love to have you join us – please come visit! We are open in the Desert Vista Multi-Purpose Room Tuesdays 1-3 p.m., Thursdays 13 p.m. and Saturdays 9 a.m.–12 pm. Donations of craft supplies are gratefully accepted - contact Mary Graves at 489-3043. For general club inquiries, contact Susan Carnegie at (714) 814-5421. Election of Club Officers will take place Saturday, November 2, 10:30 a.m. at Desert Vista Multipurpose Room.


If you are looking for respectful discourse on laws and regulations affecting Sun City, Nevada, and the USA, mark your calendars to attend our meetings on the first Monday of the month at 7 p.m. in Desert Vista. We have some terrific speakers lined up for this year. For more information, contact: Norm Wright at 668-8686. Annual club dues are $5. Election of Club Officers will take place on Monday, November 4, 7 p.m. at Desert Vista.


Both Libraries are open, and the Puzzle Room is now open at MS and ready for business. We have hardback fiction and nonfiction, paperbacks, large print, new releases, westerns, romance and sci-fi. You may take out 5 books at a time and DONATE NO MORE THAN 5 AT A TIME-SPACE IS LIMITED. Also, remember that we only accept no more than 5 puzzles at a time. There are 2 BOOK RETURN DROP BOXES located both inside and outside of MS. You can VOLUNTEER up to a half hour weekly to shelve books alphabetically by author. Our next meeting will be Thursday, September 12, Noon at DV, Rooms 1 and 2. Election of Club Officers will be on Thursday, October 10, 12 p.m. at Desert Vista. Contact C. Kidd at 541-233-6545 or Email at

Mah Jongg

Mah Jongg is part skill, part luck and totally addictive. We meet on Tuesdays at Mountain Shadows.

Game hours are flexible between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dues are $10 a year. If you are interested in learning how to play this wonderful game please call Sharon Chaiken at 2438271. For club info, please call Karen at 341-5112. We look forward to seeing you. Election of Club Officers will take place Tuesday, November 12, 11:30 a.m. at Mountain Shadows.


A great way to meet new people in our community. Join us for regular monthly activities which include discussion groups,

lunches, happy hour, and tours of local businesses and attractions. Our monthly member meeting is the last Tuesday of the month, 9 a.m. at DV with free coffee and a featured speaker. Co-ed Happy Hours and tours are announced each month to our members. Great events and great friends await you. For information on the club visit our website at or contact Len Libman, 515-9368 or Join our group of friendly residents. Election of Club Officers will take place Tuesday, October 29, 9 a.m. at Desert Vista.

Military and Friends

Our next event is the Annual Harvest Dinner Dance at DV, Sunday October 27, 4-7:30 p.m. This is a POTLUCK EVENT, BYOB. Mixers, sodas, coffee, tea and water will be provided. The cost is $15 per person. Annual dues of $15 are due at this event. Please bring your Sun City member number. A post card mailing will be done prior to the Harvest Dinner. Club members, their guests and Sun City residents interested in possibly joining Military & Friends are always welcome to attend. Please contact Chris Oelerich at 970-274-8230 or email him at for details and more information. Mail or drop off checks with Chris Oelerich, 2832 Desert Crystal Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89134. We look forward to seeing you at the 2024 Harvest Dinner Dance. Election of Club Officers will take place Sunday, October 27, 4 p.m. at

Desert Vista. Please start thinking about running for or nominating people for these positions.

Model Builders

The Model Builders Club has added a working DRIVE-IN MOVIE! We added it to our fabulous HO Train display. Come by our club room in DESERT VISTA and enjoy the vintage-classic films (e.g., CASABLANCA, HIGH NOON, AND OTHER CLASSICS!)…FULL SOUND, too! (All to scale). Our doors are open 7 days. So, our members have their worktables available at their convenience. Our model ships (museum quality!) are on display. And, we have Wood Carving Classes, Leather-Working Classes,


and every Tuesday, the HO Train is fully on display from 10 a.m. to Noon. For information, contact our Club President, CHARLIE BUSH at 501-3300. Election of Club Officers will take place Wednesday, November 13, 10:30 a.m. at Desert Vista.


If you love music and like to sing or play an instrument, do come and check out the Musicmakers. We are a four-part harmony ensemble of singers who enjoy rehearsing and/or performing. Regular choral sessions are Mondays and Wednesdays 1-3 p.m. at the Pinnacle Music Studio, normally September through April. Jam sessions for instrumentalists are also scheduled 3-5 p.m. The summer schedule of 2024 will include instrumentalists on Mondays at 3 p.m. Singers will begin in August only on Mondays from 1-3 p.m. Meeting 12:30 August 5. Regular meetings of the club are every first Monday at 12:30 in the Music Studio. We ask all Musicmakers to NOT WEAR FRAGRANCE OF ANY KIND (perfume, after shave, hair spray, hand lotion etc.). ALLERGIES!

If you would like more information on membership or to schedule a special performance please call, text or email Darlene Vaughan, President 307-330-8421 Election of Club Officers will take place Monday, November 4, 12:30 p.m. in the Pinnacle Music Studio.


Our next event is Sun City Night Out Friday, September 27, 2024, 3-7 p.m. More details soon! NPT is a community organization, and all residents are members. There are no dues or fees to join or attend NPT meetings and events. Our main mission is to foster education relating to all residents’ safety in responding to consequences of any disaster and to heighten awareness of crime prevention through a partnership with LVMPD & Neighborhood Watch. For more information on NPT call or text us at 482-8853 or email us at Election of Club Officers will take place Wednesday, November 27, 10 a.m. at Desert Vista.

New York

Remember autumn in New York? The colorful leaves and crisp air? Us, too! Here in Sun City Summerlin, the fabulous Lou De Meis will be singing our favorite tunes on September 4th at 6:30 p.m. at Desert Vista. Light refreshments will be served. Open to ALL - our membership extends way beyond the state of NY! Question? Please send a message to Look-

ing forward to seeing you! Election of Club Officers will take place Wednesday, November 6, 6:30 p.m. at Desert Vista.

Organ, Piano, and Keyboard

Fall is coming and there are some really good songs for the season. We have an experienced teacher who helps and guides our members with theory, chords and reading music. This is a great time to try something new or refresh your skills through piano, organ, or keyboard. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an experienced player, or whether you want to learn to play –we’re here for you. We meet on Tuesdays from 9-10 a.m. in the Pinnacle Music Room. After our regular meetings, at 10 a.m. we have open play. We have two organs and a piano. Election of Club Officers will take place Tuesday, November 12, 9 a.m. at Pinnacle Music Room. For information call Marti at 683-4112.


Summer approaches – beat the heat and enjoy an afternoon of Pan card games. Pan is similar to Rummy; it’s played at poker tables with six to eight players and 8 decks of cards with 8, 9, and 10s removed. Games are Tuesdays, 11:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. at Mountain Shadows. Contact for an introduction or a lesson. Election of Club Officers will take place Tuesday, November 19, 12 p.m. at Mountain Shadows.


The Photography Club meets the second Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at Desert Vista. Members range from novice to professional. Visitors are welcome. Annual dues: $10. Our calendar and monthly theme are available online on our website: For information, email J. Filangeri at Our annual Photo Show is October 19th. Election of Club Officers will take place Thursday, November 14, 6:30 p.m. at Desert Vista.


Club Open Play is every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday 7-10 a.m. All levels of players are welcome, plus a group meets for "social" play at 6 p.m. evenings. Friday Night Lights Round Robins will take place September 6 and Oct. 4. Our next


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club Meeting will be September 10, @ DV 10 a.m. Novice Practice & Play sessions are every Thursday 6 p.m. Oldies But Goodies Play takes place on Thursday at 11 a.m. If you set up games outside of Club Play time, residents and club members must check in at the Desert Vista Fitness Monitor Desk. Nonresidents need guest passes. The ten locked courts located at the back of the DV Parking Lot are for resident use only. For more information on times, dates, or to join the club, visit our website at To sign up for a new player pickleball orientation starting in the Fall, contact Suzanne Esber, President, at (714) 478-1653 or Election of Club Officers will take place Wednesday, November 6, 10 a.m. at Desert Vista.


The summer heat is HERE! It has not slowed the quilters down a bit, they are busily making quilts and other items for the October Craft Fair. Pictured is our beautiful 2024 Raffle Quilt, and it could be YOURS! Tickets are available from any member or directly from the Quilt Room, on Tuesdays from 9 a.m.-noon. The tickets are $1 each for 6 for $5. Our Nomination Committee is actively soliciting for candidates for our upcoming elections, interested members are encouraged to contact them. All quilters are invited to our monthly meeting, the 2nd Monday, August 12, 9:15 a.m. at Desert Vista. For more information checkout, or contact Diane Lais at 327-4520 or Election of Club Officers will take place Monday, November 11, 9 a.m. at Desert Vista.


The Racquetball Club is having an active 2024 season adding new Club members, continuing the member prize drawings, and holding member doubles tourneys. The Club also participates in the SCS Club Fairs and other events. Club dues will remain at just $10 during our active 2024 season. The Club welcomes players of all skill levels. Lessons are available.

The Club-only court times run Mon-Sat 8 a.m.-noon. Membership forms are available on the RB Club bulletin board. Quarterly Member Prize Drawings continue through 2024 with random winners receiving certificates to the Summit restaurant. See you at the court! Questions? Call: President, Pete at 419-420-5175; VP Glenn at 480-330-0799; or Treasurer, Bill at 661-505-0758. The 2025 Club Officers will be elected at the Annual Election Meeting & picnic Monday, October 7, 4 p.m. at DV Picnic Area.


Join us Monday, September 16th, at 6 p.m. for a special Guest – Dr. Jason D. Flatt, PhD, MPH, Associate Professor at UNLV’s School of Public Health, Department of Social and Behavioral Health. Dr. Flatt is passionate about improving the lives of LGBTQIA+ individuals. Dr. Jason manages a portfolio of grants dedicated to the health concerns and needs of sexual and gender minorities living with Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and their caregivers and care providers. Learn more about Jason’s research at Contact Julie McCuiston at (808) 276-8392 to inquire how you can participate in this month’s “Potluck” event. Elections of Club Officers will be held Monday, October 21, at 6 p.m. at Desert Vista.

Residents’ Forum

Residents’ Forum will again be hosting a Meet and Greet for state and local candidates for public office this year. On Saturday, September 21st from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. come to Desert Vista and meet the candidates one on one. You can pick up literature, ask them their opinions on topics that interest you and make an informed decision when you vote in the General Election. Each candidate will have a table in the ballroom for you to visit and learn more. For questions, please contact Election of Club Officers will take place Wednesday, November 13, 7 p.m. at Desert Vista.


The RV club will be resuming our camping trips starting with a trip to Minden, NV in September. Our next RV Club meeting will be Monday, October 14, at 4 p.m. at DV in Room 5. If you have an RV and would be interested in joining our group, please come to the meeting. Trips are planned from September

Continued on page 83


The Sun City Summerlin Theatre Club Presents: “Play On!”

Join us as we portray a hilarious comedy about a local Theatre Group trying desperately to put on a play written by a local author. The play is awful, and the author keeps rewriting the script throughout the rehearsals, changing characters, adding characters and changing the love scene! Act One is a horrible rehearsal of the entire show. Act Two is the Disastrous Dress Rehearsal and Act Three - the Final, Real Show PerformanceWho Knows what will happen and does! The Director, Author, Stage Manager and Sound Technician are up in arms over the mistakes, forgotten lines and what turns out to be a comedic murder mystery that will keep you laughing from start to finish!

SCS Theatre club members in the cast: Happy Buonanno as the Director, Kim Fannin as the Stage Manager, Linda Brandt as the Sound Technician, Wendy Garrido as the Author, Mari Pupanek as her assistant, Adrianne Gentile as Polly, Neal

Kirshner as her husband, Henry, John Mura as Billy, Doris Noon as Violet, Joey Connolly as Saul Watson, Trish McKinzie as Smitty the Maid, and Rudy Maurizio as the Detective. Directed by Greg Korin with Assistant Director, Victoria Ochoa.

Show dates are Friday, October 25th and Saturday, October 26th at the Starbright Theatre at 6 p.m. Sunday, October 27th is at 2 pm. Tickets are $15 each and available at all Social Monitor Stations and online.

The club will be collecting toiletries: shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, brushes and mouthwash, razors and shaving cream, lotions, combs and brushes, soaps and body wash, hand sanitizers, etc. at each performance. (Sample sizes are ok, but MUST be in bottles and NOT expired products, facial masks or packets) Donations will be given to The Assistance League for distribution to needy children.


Continued from page 81

through May. Check out our website at to see where we have been and plan to go in the coming year. If you have any questions about the club, call Dean Lawes at 802-345-9090. Our club officers’ elections will be held at our November campout at Willow Beach Campground in AZ on Thursday, November 14, at 2 p.m.


Come in and try your hand at woodworking. The club is open to all Sun City Summerlin Residents in good standing. If you would like a no obligation tour of the facility and all of the machinery and woodworking tools please contact John at (801)598-5371 to set up an appointment. To learn use of the machinery and tools we provide an orientation. Annual membership dues of $40 covers everything. For safety, we require at least two people in the shop at all times when work requiring power is being performed. Club volunteers monitor during the week – to schedule see calendar on desk. Election of Club Officers will take place Friday, December 6, 9 a.m. at Desert Vista.

Sewing (Just Sew)

The Sewing Room is now OPEN. The room has been expanded and remodeled. Stop by and visit with members Thursdays 9 a.m. –noon or Tuesdays 9–11:30 a,m,. We are hosting a Grand Reopening and Sale on Saturday, September 14th – 9 a.m. to noon. We look forward to seeing everyone. Arts and Crafts building 9107 Del Webb Blvd New members are always welcomed. For more information contact President Judy Hatcher at 951-491-3442. Visit our website at https://scsclubs.wixsite/scsjustsew. We are forming a nominating committee for Board Member elections in November. Election of Club Officers will take place Wednesday, November 6, 12:30 p.m. in the MS Sewing Room.

Silver, Lapidary & Glass Fusion

Welcome fall and the hope for cooler temperatures! Eric Danielson, our new “lapidary guy,” polished these stones for many hours. The stones can be used with molten silver to create pieces of jewelry. In Glass Fusion, we cut and design pieces that are fired and molded in kilns. Join us at Mountain Shadows Arts and Crafts center on Saturday, September 17, from


9 a.m. to 1 p.m., for a multi-club SALE. We will celebrate the reopening of our newly remodeled Sewing and Ceramic Studios. Our next meeting is on October 12, 9:30 a.m. in MS Silver Room when the Election of Club Officers will take place. For more information, please contact our President, Sharyn Smith at 473-5479.

Silvertones's already September and the Silvertones will be starting rehearsals on September 5th for our holiday concert. If you would like to be part of our fun group, come to the Pinnacle Music Room any Thursday. We rehearse from 12:45-3 p.m. We hold a concert in Spring and during the Christmas and Hanukkah Holidays. We are made up of sopranos, altos, tenors and bases. Reading music is not a requirement. Our Director/Accompanist Tim Cooper has performed in Las Vegas since 1980. He is an acclaimed composer and music producer. We are all about putting on a great show, while having fun doing it. No audition is necessary. Just bring your love of singing. Questions? Please call Rod Hamburg at 332-5611 by email at or contact Ann Mueller at 847-529-3269 or by email at Election of Club Officers will take place Thursday, November 7, 12:30 p.m. at Pinnacle Music Room.


Come see what the Social Club is all about! We have a full calendar of fun events each month that include, lunches, happy hours, dinners, games and other

social gatherings. Monthly meetings are held on last Mondays at 6:30 p.m. in the Desert Vista Ballroom. You must RSVP to attend - Board elections will be on Monday, October 28, 6 p.m. at DV Ballroom. If you are interested in running for the 2025 Board or just want more Social Club details, check us out at, call/text our Membership Director at 312.636.6101, or email


Pickup games start at 8:30 a.m. Monday through Friday, sign up at 7:45-8 a.m. Saturday batting practice at 9 a.m. Dues are $50 per year. Monday, September 23 we will have Opening Day for First Half of 2024-2025 Softball Season at Pinnacle Field.

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For more information, please call Rick Frischman at 715-661-1226 or


Bienvenidos! (Welcome!) Please join our free Spanish classes! Classes begin Friday, September 6 in the Pinnacle Meeting Room. They include Advanced Intermediate (9), Intermediate (10) and Beginners (11). To attend a class, just show up! We also have a Google Meet class for Conversational Spanish with Instructor Barry Feinberg on Wednesdays at 9 a.m. Contact Barry directly at (312) 608-8012 or to sign up. Questions: Call President Sarah Freeman at (508) 733-1047 for more information. Election of club officers will be held Friday, November 8, 9 a.m. at the Pinnacle.

Stained Glass

Outstanding Art & Craft Studios in Sun City Summerlin are

priceless amenities available to all residents. The Stained Glass Club instructors offer prerequisite introductory classes for those interested in learning the basics of this creative art. Materials and tools are provided to students for their first project. If this art form is for you, join the club and enjoy being a member of a friendly and talented group. For information on costs and dates of upcoming classes, please call or message Michael Drace at 970-2442 or David Wignall at 880-7081. Election of Club Officers will take place Saturday, October 26, 9 a.m. at Mountain Shadows Glass Room.

Sunshine Service

Sun City Sunshine Club’s Warehouse hours are as follows: Monday thru Saturday morning 9-11 a.m. Monday thru Friday afternoon 1-3 p.m. Closed Saturday afternoon. Call the Warehouse at 341-

9741 to verify hours. We loan medical equipment and children’s equipment to Sun City residents. Our warehouse is next to the SCS Patrol office at DV. We also collect aluminum tabs, Campbell Soup labels, and food donations for charity. We accept donations of usable medical and children’s equipment. We particularly need transport chairs of all sizes for adults. Please bring them to the Warehouse. If you have signed up to work at the warehouse and you must cancel, call Debbie Motycka 755-6109 or Sarah Emes 600-5877 to arrange a substitute. Our next meeting is Monday, September 2. Election of Club Officers will take place Monday, November 4, 11 a.m. at Desert Vista.

Super Solos Activities

Opportunities to socialize with NEW friends. We are growing every day! Quaint happy hours, dinners and some shows! Our goal is to collect your ideas of fun, adventure, and mayhem. We utilize an app called ‘Meetup’ where we post our events. Members can view upcoming events and connect with others. Next 2 meetings: September 10 & October 8 @ Desert Vista, Room 5, @ 6 p.m. We will be nominating officers during the September meeting with election of Club Officers taking place Tuesday, October 8, 6 p.m. at Desert Vista. Questions: send an email to or call Grace at 498-3837.


Swim Club is open to all residents who swim. Come join fellow swimmers while brushing up on your techniques. We have


The Summit Restaurant

If you are a new resident in the last 12 months, come and meet your Board of Directors, Executive Director and mingle with other New Owners. Attendance is limited to one event only.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024, at 5 p.m.

Scheduled events are subject to change.


several members who train for the Nevada Senior Games. We have exclusive use of the Desert Vista indoor pool on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9-10 a.m. Membership is $10 per year. Contact us at or call Darlene Staley 503 388-0821. Election of Club Officers will take place Friday, December 6, 9 a.m. at Desert Vista Pool.

Table Tennis

All Sun City Summerlin residents are welcome to play with us for two visits as guests before joining the club. Annual membership dues are $10. Playing Table Tennis has many great health benefits such as improved coordination, balance and reflexes. It’s a great way to get in shape and make new friends. Play times at PN are Monday 9 a.m.-Noon; Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; and Saturday, 3-6 p.m. Play times at Sun Shadows are Tuesday, 5:30-8 p.m., and Thursday, 4:45-8 p.m. A practice robot machine is set up on Saturday afternoons at the PN. For more information contact Laureen at 909-648 1397. Election of Club Officers will take place Sunday, December 1, 9:30 a.m. at Pinnacle Multipurpose Room.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi business meeting with the election of 2025 Club Officers is THURSDAY, October 10th, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. in DV Room 5. Slate of officers: President: Mary Dodson, VP/Secretary: Judith Filangeri, Treasurer: Aase Hopkins. If you wish to nominate or self-nominate, email Nominations also accepted from the floor.


Please join us for a game of tennis. Our club membership is $15. We offer competitive tennis in all skill levels. Our club provides free tennis drills on Wednesdays from 8-9:30 a.m. at Desert Vista tennis courts. Our group leaders include players of all skill levels (2.5-4.5). For more information about the tennis club or to join a group, contact Walter Pratt, President, at 675-5823 or Election of Club Officers will take place Saturday, December 14, 5 p.m. at Desert Vista.

We play Texas Hold’Em No Limit Tournament style for 3 hours on Mondays 12:30 p.m. at Mountain Shadows. For more information on our games or to sign up as a new member go to Annual club dues are $5. Email with any questions. Election of Club Officers will take place Monday, December 2, 12 p.m. at Mountain Shadows.

Theatre (Community)

Our October show is coming up fast! PLAYON! Is a hilarious comedy about a community theatre struggling to get ready for a

new show written by a local author who keeps changing the script. Are you looking for a way to Express YOUR Creativity, Meet Amazing People, Have Fun & Create Entertainment? Then, The SCS Community Theatre Club is for YOU! We perform 2 shows a year (February & October) and we also have IMPROV & Comedy Skit Writing classes for those interested in additional ways to create. Follow us on Facebook (SCS Community Theatre), Instagram (scstheatre_) and our website You can contact us Join us for our General Meeting the 3rd Wednesday of each month5 p.m. at Desert Vista. Election of Club Officers will take place, Monday, November 18, 6 p.m. at Desert Vista.

Travel (Local)

The Travel Club meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 3 p.m. in Room 5 of Desert Vista. We take trips to local sporting events, shows on the Strip, entertainment at The Smith Center and other local venues. Dues are $10 per year. New members and new ideas are always welcome. Current trips being discussed include Terry Fator, Blue Man Group, Jersey Boys, the High Roller and Aces basketball games and others. We will be electing club officers in the fall if any members are interested in helping to plan trips. Our club president is Marise Mizel (702)242-2704. Election of Club Officers will take place Wednesday, November 13, 3 p.m. at Desert Vista.

Are you renovating your kitchen? Does it have the original cabinets? If so, the Volunteers of Sun City Summerlin would like you to donate the hinges for those residents who need them due to breakage. The company no longer provides them, and we do make visits to fix the 'original cabinet' hinges at no charge. They would be put to good use! Please call us at: 702-254-5831 and we can arrange pick-up.


WateRobics classes are held at Sun Shadows, Monday-Friday at 9-9:45 a.m., and Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 12-12:45 p.m. Sessions are led by certified instructors who offer modifications to meet various physical limitations. If you’re new to our community and are looking for a great workout, please join us for two free classes to see if it’s a good fit for you. For information contact Dona Wittman, 916-425-3571, Cathy Dali, 916-838-6378, or Sally Gavin, 283-0472. Election of Club Officers will take place Sunday, December 15, 11 a.m. at Desert Vista.


The September 19 meeting at Desert Vista will feature an Autumn Leaves contest with a prize for the most creative outfit and/or personal decoration. There will be a presentation by Mary Fairhurst, President of the Neighborhood Preparedness Team and noted lecturer on nutrition. Mary will give a talk, offer tips, and give a cooking demonstration on Healthy Eating Habits. We are still collecting items for Project 150; the organization the Women's Club supports. Doors at Desert Vista open at 11:30 a.m., and the program begins at 12:15 p.m. For additional Club information, contact Judy at 242-0727 or Dee at 719-599-7564. Election of Club Officers will take place Thursday, November 21, 12:15 p.m. at Desert Vista.

Writer’s Workshop

If you enjoy writing for fun or aspire to publishing, you will enjoy the Writer's Workshop. We're a casual, supportive, friendly group representing the full range of writing experience from beginners to those who have published or seek to publish. Members write about their life experiences, creative or humorous stories, and more. There will also be speakers and tips to help maximize our writing abilities. Our meetings are held at the Pinnacle Meeting Room on the first three Mondays of every month, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Visitors are welcome on the first and third Mondays. Annual dues are $20. Hope to see you soon. For further information call President Maxine Engel-Muccigrosso at 360-1863. Election of Club Officers will take place Monday, November 4, 9:30 a.m. at Pinnacle Meeting Room.

We now offer a variety of yoga classes! The quarterly fee for a 50-minute class is $30. For a 90-minute class, the fee is $45 per quarter. The one-time class trial fee is $5. Personal checks or exact change please. For more information call Rudy 596-2681 or Tim 847-915-9601. Please contact Club Treasurer, Rosie Walisever ( for details of payments for periods less than the quarter. Election of Club Officers will take place Friday, November 1, 10 a.m.-Noon at the Desert Vista Committee Room (around the corner from the Model Railroad and Arts & Crafts Rooms).

Exercise in disguise! Have fun while burning a ton of calories without even knowing it! All classes at Sun Shadows. Ruth Cuti, licensed instructor teaches the following classes: Zumba® Toning - Monday at 10 a.m. - use light weights or toning sticks to work on specific muscle groups, reduce body fat, and improve balance. Zumba® - Wednesday and Friday at 10 a.m. - high and low intensity total body workout. Aqua Zumba® - Monday Wednesday Friday at 11 a.m.use water resistance to work entire body, great for beginners, less impact on joints. Isabelita Adina, licensed instructor teaches Zumba® - Sunday at 11 a.m. Questions? Contact Kathy Mayer 314-952-6300. Try any class free. Fee schedule available at any class. Have fun, get fit, come to Zumba® class! Election of Club Officers will take place Thursday, December 5, 10:30 a.m. at Desert Vista.

Zoom Zoom


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*Motorized Sunsetter Awning-12ft wide, std. Like new with wind sensor, hood, linen color Sunbrella fabric – paid $3,2004/20, asking $1,450/OBO. Local installer, delivery available. Call .................................................................424-378-8428

Ponsness-Warren Reloader-12 f, Size-O-Matic 900 inc. primers, double A wads, hulls & stand. Make offer. Call............256-2136

Minolta SRT-101 camera inc. Vivitar Wide Angle Lens, Vivitar Tele-Zoom 90-230 MM & mini strobe 40 flash. Make offer. Call .......................................................................256-2136

*Sofa-$695. Bench-$95. Call..........................254-400-6445

Golf Cart for sale-$2,500. With windshield, charger, new tires & wheels. Runs Great. Call..................................714-932-3978

*2 Twin Headboards, cherry finish, $75 each; 2 Twin Comforters, reversible, 2 European shams, sage, $40 each; 2 twin sheet sets, gold, never used, $15 each. Call.......................242-4338

*Charbroil Infared gas grill. Great shape with cover and tank. $200. Call...................................................725-502-4948


Very nice golf cart with brand new lithium battery, upgraded wheels and tires. Late model. Please call for details. .................................................................808-298-6412

Looking for old sports cards, comic books, records or other memorabilia in good condition. Call Bill.............................496-8814

Share 2 BR, 1,355 sq ft. home with single lady. Front bedroom with own bath. $800 plus electricity, gas & water. No Smoking. Immediately available....................775-291-9224 or 496-3655

Free pickup service for basic items to donate! Moving in or out? Need to declutter? I can help! Call Maddie for an appt to discuss at .................................................................801-831-0174

Looking to purchase an automobile. Need good transportation. Call..................................................................790-2238

Sun City Residents interested in buying used vehicle & golf cart. Call..................................................................790-2238

Looking for golf cart, running or not. Call............808-250-4099


Female looking to rent a room. Non-smoker, no pets, no drugs, no drinking, no boyfriend, and very little cooking. I am clean, quiet, healthy and gone a lot. When home, I mostly stay in my room. Call .......................................................................256-2432

*Selling SCS Townhome. Has view of LV Strip. Upgrades needed$332,000. Call....................................................951-7310

*Escape the heat of summer or the cold of winter. Five-star rated condo in Dana Point, CA. Near Monarch Beach Golf Course. For more info: Discount for SCS Members. Call Jack at........................................................985-1515

*For Rent: decorator furnished 2,486 sq. ft 3/2/2-1/2, garage & lg enclosed patio. Close to golf course. Text................245-4249


All telephone numbers published in the Link and at are in the 702 area code unless noted otherwise.



All telephone numbers published in the Link and at are in the 702 area code unless noted otherwise.


Alterations by Susan, Crown Dry Cleaners .................. 294-1333

Computer Help & Tutoring, Jim Ross...................461-8741

Licensed Private Caregiver Hiring part-time caregiver....469-0818


Mobile Cosmetology, Haircuts, Mani, Pedi, Men & Women...352-4130


A Quality Carpet Cleaning/Epoxy Garage Flr Paint/Lic-Ins.....368-7898

CarpetGuy cleaning/repair 33 yr exp – 5 areas $89.95........645-3092

E R. Home Cleaning, Lic/Ins..........................427-3464

G&S Window Cleaning. Lic/Ins. Serving Sun City since ‘93....889-9779

House Cleaning by Linda. Licensed...................232-9516

Mary Pop-In House Cleaning, Pet & Companion Care...407-701-4461

Nelly’s House Cleaning Service. Lic/Ins................205-7173

Vegas View Window Cleaning, Senior Discount, Lic/Ins.....965-2065


Caregiving, 15 years in Sun City. Licensed. Jackie........596-5865

Golden Heart Senior Care (Licensed Caregivers)..........800-4616

Senior caregiver on-call. 12+ years exp. Call Claire.............469-0818


Affordable A/C, Heating Svcs & Repair by AIRRIA Climate....328-3002

D&B Electric, serving Sun City since 1989. NVCL #87625..........327-5368

Fans, EV plugs & Ring cameras installed. Call Richard...........881-3641

On The Spot Air – Senior & Military Disc. Lic#00081009...713-7912

Simply AC, Heat & Plumbing Senior & Veteran Discount.........935-5992

We repair. Family operated. Wave Heating & Cooling.......881-4713


Don Barsky CPA (Ret.) IRS Registered, tax prep, SC res..........236-8205

Mario Giannini, State Farm Insurance Agent............982-3300

Sunrise Notary & Virtual Asst. Svcs. Lic/Bonded/Ins....725-258-6265


A Handyman Dave, tile & all work, reasonable, 35 yrs. exp.....232-2510

A+ Liberty Handyman, call Steve for free est. Senior Discount......371-7499

Ace Technical Appliance Repair......................715-1272

Half Price Handyman, Senior Discount. Lic/Ins ...............813-8762


A+ Insulation Specialist, SCS Discount – LV Attic Pros.....934-5966

Concrete Coatings Epoxy Stain Seal Clng SVC 10% off......427-0854

East West Blinds and Shutters. Est. 1992...............255-0502

Eclipse Solar Screens. Vet Owned/Lic. .................219-4282

Kitchen & Master Bathroom Redo’s. Call Richard...............881-3641

Jim the Solar Guy-Tesla, SunPower, Rec, and Qcell........759-5993

Metro Awnings-New Repair Recovers Retractable.........795-7787

Precision Garage Door – Always Open!.................475-3554

Red Rock Garage Door Service and Repair...............994-9798

Southwest Doors & Gates – Lic & Ins 24/7...............595-2717

Spartan Locksmith Safe Moving Sales & Srvc Sr Disc......969-9737

Swift Garage Door Repair – Full garage door service.......888-0085

Weatherguard Painting Ext/Int Lic 73851A..............860-0089

Weatherguard Roofing·Repairs·Coatings Lic 78812........860-0089

Window Tint Films LV, Security Film. Lic/Ins...........483-4394



Earthworks Landscaping – Sun City Specialist...........474-1599

EZE Superior Lawn Care Service & Tree Removal..............807-4217

Green LV Irrigation & Maint. Lic#G66-1409 15% St. Disc....862-0283

LandTeck Irrigation & Landscape Svcs. Lic#79811 Free est....802-8974

Marcelo Irrigation & Lighting. Senior Discount ..........339-4631

San Marcos Clean Up Specialist & Repair – Salvador.......468-6578 Woody’s Tree Service: Tree Removal & Trimming, 10% Disc....401-8285

AAA (PCI) Pest Control Inc. SC Res (2 Months FREE).......228-4394 It’s Your Bugman Pest Control, SC Res., Free 1st Service....341-9414 O’Kelly Sons Pest Control Inc. – $25 Monthly Coverage.....338-3365


All Water Softener, Drinking Water Needs, Serv-All-Water...637-0400 Dignity Plumbing.................................840-8910

Simply AC, Heat & Plumbing Senior & Veteran Discount.........935-5992

Water Heaters and Emergency. Lic. Richard..................881-3641


Alex & Susan Greiner/Signature Realty Group...........434-5550 Anna & Anni, Roth & Koch Group BHHSNV..............277-2680 Donohue Team/Berkshire Hathaway...................494-9105


Local Transport: Airport, Dr. visits, Errands, Reliable. Claire..469-0818 Need a Ride? Call or Text Janine......................292-1953 Reliable

The Link does not endorse nor promote any product or service advertised. Verification of qualifications and current license is the responsibility of persons seeking service.



Cedar City Chamber of Commerce.........................47

Chefs for Seniors...................................83

Expedia Cruises Summerlin.............................11

Intermountain Golf Cars...............................63

Porchswing Technology...............................84

Red Rock Running Company............................52

Safe Senior Rides...................................91

Vegas Pet Sit......................................68


Pueblo Salon......................................47

Scissors Glamor....................................90




Grape Vine Café, Ohlala French Bistro, Omelet House, and Sicilian Guys Pizzeria.......................................Insert

Committee to Re-Elect Cynthia Cruz.......................37

Committee to Elect Erika Mendoza........................45

Committee to Elect Holly Stoberski for Judge.................37

Committee to Re-Elect Kerri Maxy for District Court Judge........44 Committee to Elect Tina Talim...........................45

The Spot Air....................................84

Rocket Air Conditioning...............................87

Simply AC........................................90

Temperature Control Services...........................87

Wave Heating and Cooling..............................91


Golf Summerlin.....................................38

Suncoast Casino....................................35


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