LEGALS NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 34 (1) OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT 24 OF 1936 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 34(1) of Act 24 of 1936, as amended, that LIVEWELL DEVCO 1 PROPRIETARY LIMITED Reg No: 2011/002281/07 sold the LIVEWELL ALZHEIMER AND DEMENTIA CARE FACILITY conducted at ERF 9649, 9650, 9651, 9652 Somerset West & Sectional Title Units 1-16 Livewell Suites, in Somerset West, Province of the Western Cape with address 41 Lourens Street, Somerset West, to LIVEWELL SOMERSET WEST PROPCO PROPRIETARY LIMITED Reg No: 2022/873723/07, which will conduct the enterprise from the same address for its own account. Kindly take notice further that the effective date of transfer of the enterprise will be not less than 30 (thirty) days and not more than 60 (sixty) days after the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Stellenbosch on this 5th day of April 2023. CLUVER MARKOTTER INC Cluver Markotter Building Mill Street Stellenbosch Tel: 021 808-5663 Ref: L Pecoraro 02TLVT INSOLVENT ESTATE ANDRIES JOHANNES BRITTZ ID NO: 5811295068089 REF NO: M164/2022 Pursuant to Section 108(2) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936, as amended, notice is hereby given that the First Liquidation & Distribution account in the above matter will lie open vir inspection at the offices of the Master of the High Court Pretoria & Magistrate Vryburg, for a period of fourteen (14) days as from 3 November 2023. D & T TRUST (PTY) LTD PO Box 904 Florida Hills 1716 02TMIM
INSOLVENT ESTATE: CASPER DU PLESSIS ID NO: 6701125140084 T2705/19 Pursuant to Section 108(2) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936, as amended, notice is hereby given that the First & Final Liquidation & Contribution account in the above matter will lie open vir inspection at the offices of the Master of the High Court Pretoria & Nelspruit, for a period of fourteen (14) days as from 3 November 2023. D & T TRUST (PTY) LTD PO Box 904 Florida Hills 1716 02TMIN
CASCADE CONTROL (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) REG NO: 2004/033364/07 G1269/22 Notice is hereby given that the under-mentioned has been appointed Joint Liquidators and that persons indebted to the Estate are required to pay their debts to the Joint Liquidators forthwith. The Second Meeting of Creditors and Members/ Directors will be held before the Magistrate Germiston on 24 November 2003 at 9h00 for the following purpose: 1. Proof of claims. 2. Receiving the Joint Liquidators' report as to the affairs and conditions of the Estate. 3. Giving the Joint Liquidators directions concerning the sale or recovery of any part of the Estate or concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof. TW Van Den Heever EM Edwards-Van Rooyen Joint Liquidators D & T TRUST (PTY) LIMITED P O Box 904 Florida Hills 1716 02TMIO
DISSOLUTION OF GTL FOOD MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS (PTY)LTD A PARTICIPANT IN THE CORPORATE SELECTION UMBRELLA RETIREMENT FUND NO 2 (IN LIQUIDATION) PF 12/8/36438/1549. Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of GTL FOOD MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS (PTY) LTD a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No 2 (in liquidation) PF 12/8/36438/1549 will be open for inspection for the period 2023-11-03 to 2023-12-03 at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park Block B No 41 Matroosberg Road Ashlea Gardens Extension 6 Menlo Park Pretoria. 2. The Magistrates Court in 18 Shepherd Avenue, Bryanbrink, Randburg, 2125 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein Johannesburg 2001 Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O Box 35655 Menlo Park 0102, not later than 2023-12-18 02TM0J
KENNISGEWING VAN TWEEDE VERGADERING VAN KREDITEURE KERANI BTW CC (IN LIKWIDASIE) MEESTER SE VERWYSING: D81/2023 Ingevolge Artikels 339, 366, 375(5)(b), 386(1)(d) en 402 van die Maatskappy Wet, 1973, geskied kennisgewing hiermee dat die persone hieronder vermeld, as Gesamentlike Likwidateurs aangestel is na gelang van die geval, en dat die persone wat enigiets aan die bogenoemde Maatskappy verskuldig is, tensy anders vermeld, hul skuld aan die Gesamentlike Likwidateurs moet betaal. Die Tweede Vergadering van Skuldeisers, Lede en Kontribuante in die bogemelde saak sal plaasvind op 23 November 2023 om 10h00 voor die Landdros, KwaDukuza/Stanger vir die volgende doeleindes:1) Bewys van eise teen die maatskappy 2) Om die Gesamentlike Likwidateurs se verslag met betrekking tot die sake en toestand van die maatskappy ontvang; en 3) Om die Gesamentlike Likwidateurs opdragte te gee met betrekking tot die verkoop of herwinning van engie gedeeltes van die bates van die maatskappy of met betrekking tot enige sake rakende die administrasie daarvan. Likwidateur: NF Nemakwarani p/a LEFIKA CORPORATE RECOVERIES Posbus 55166 Wierda Park 0149 Tel: 012 942 8629 02TLVS KENNISGEWING VAN TWEEDE VERGADERING VAN SKULDEISERS Insolvente Boedel: BARRY HAMILTON SLEMENT ID Nr. 6012205270084 Woonagtig Te: 7 Haversham Clifton Estate, 51 Acutts Drive, Hillcrest KwaZulu-Natal Meestersverwysing: N75/2023 40(3), Ingevolge Artikels 36(3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet 1936, geskied kennisgewing hiermee dat die ondergetekende as kurator aangestel is en dat skuldenaars van die boedel onmiddellik hul skulde by genoemde kurator moet vereffen. Die Tweede Vergadering van Skuldeisers van die boedel sal gehou word voor die Meester Van Die Hooggeregshof Pietermaritzburg Op Vrydag 24 November 2023 Om 10:00 om vorderings teen die boedel te bewys, aanvaarding van besluite en om die kurator opdragte te gee aangaande die verkoop van die bates en die administrasie van die Boedel. M Benadé & JC Arthur Gesamentlike Kurators TSHWANE TRUST CO (EDMS) BPK Cobhamweg 1207 Queenswood Pretoria 0186 02TKPR
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION LIQUIDATION DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN THE DECEASED ESTATE OF: Estate late: ABDUL MUTALIB : 8548/2015 Will lie for inspection at the Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from Friday 03 November 2023 23 November 2023, a period of 21 days as stipulated in the Administration of Deceased Estates Act. Fathima Khan FATHIMA KHAN ATTORNEYS 1225 Van Der Hoff Road Booysens Pretoria 0082 073 089 0634 02TLS7
DISSOLUTION OF SA TREATED POLES & TIMBERS CC T/A TADPOLES A PARTICIPANT IN THE CORPORATE SELECTION UMBRELLA RETIREMENT FUND NO 2 , (IN LIQUIDATION) FUND PF 12/8/36438/1595. Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of SA TREATED POLES & TIMBERS CC T/A TADPOLES a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No 2, (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36438/1595 will be open for inspection for the period 3 November 2023 to 3 December 2023 at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. The Magistrates Court, 6 Union St, Empangeni Central, Empangeni, 3880 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg 2001. Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O Box 35655 Menlo Park 0102, not later than 18 December 2023. 02TLVV
TEL: 011 280 5553 TEL: 031 250 8640
FAX: 086 206 0954
DISSOLUTION OF BAKWENA SYSTEMS INTERGRATORS (PTY) LTD A PARTICIPANT IN THE CORPORATE SELECTION UMBRELLA RETIREMENT FUND NO 2 (IN LIQUIDATION) PF 12/8/36438/4826. Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of BAKWENA SYSTEMS INTERGRATORS (PTY) LTD a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No 2 (in liquidation) PF 12/8/36438/4826 will be open for inspection for the period 2023-11-03 to 2023-12-03 at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park Block B No 41 Matroosberg Road Ashlea Gardens Ext 6 Menlo Park Pretoria. 2. The Magistrates Court in 134 Klopper Street, Rustenburg, 2999 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein Johannesburg 2001 Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O Box 35655 Menlo Park 0102, not later than 2023-12-18 02TLVW
NOTICE Insolvent Estate: VALDEG T/A SUPERIOR VISION CC T0927/2022 In terms of sections 40(3), 56(3) and 77 of the insolvency act 24 of 1936, and section 339,366 375 (5) (b) and 402 of the companies act and in terms of section 78(1) & 79 of the close corporation act 69 of 1984. Notice is hereby given that undersigned are appointed as joint liquidator/trustee/s, and that debtors in the estate are requested to pay their debts immediately to the Liquidator/Trustee/S. The Second Meeting of Creditors in the above estate will be held before the Master Durban on 29 November 2023 at 10h00 for the following purposes: Proving of claims to receive the Trustees/Liquidators Report To adopt the resolutions. WJ Venter C/O PDP ADMINISTRATORS Suite 5A, Corobay Corner, 169 Corobay Avenue Menlyn Maine, Pretoria, 0181 Tel: 072 195 1874 02TLNC
DISSOLUTION OF EMPOWERPRINT (PTY) LTD A PARTICIPANT IN THE CORPORATE SELECTION UMBRELLA RETIREMENT FUND NO 2 (IN LIQUIDATION) PF 12/8/36438/2727. Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of EMPOWERPRINT (PTY) LTD a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No 2 (in liquidation) PF 12/8/36438/2727 will be open for inspection for the period 2023-11-03 to 2023-12-03 at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park Block B No 41 Matroosberg Road Ashlea Gardens Extension 6 Menlo Park Pretoria. 2. The Magistrates Court in 1st Avenue, Rietfontein 61-Ir, Edenvale, 1609 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein Johannesburg 2001 Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O Box 35655 Menlo Park 0102, not later than 2023-12-18 02TLWC NOTICE OF SECOND MEETING OF CREDITORS Insolvent Estate: BARRY HAMILTON SLEMENT ID No: 6012205270084 Residing at: 7 Haversham Clifton Estate, 51 Acutts Drive, Hillcrest, KwaZulu-Natal Master's Ref: N75/2023 Pursuant to Section 40(3), 56(3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act 1936, notice is hereby given that the person mentioned below, have been appointed trustee and that persons indebted to the Estate are required to immediately pay their debts to the trustee. The Second Meeting of Creditors will be held before the The Master Of The High Court Pietermartizburg On Friday 24 November 2023 At 10:00 or proof of claims against the Estate for purpose of receiving the trustee's report and for giving the trustee directions concerning the sale of the assets and the administration of the Estate. M Benadé & JC Arthur Joint Trustees C/o TSHWANE TRUST CO (PTY) LTD 1207 Cobham Road Queenswood Pretoria 02TKPS
KENNISGEWING Insolvente Boedel: VALDEG T/A SUPERIOR VISION CC Meester Se Verw: T0927/2022 Kennis geskied hiermee in terme van Artikels 40(3), 56(3) and 77 van die Insolvensie Wet 24 van 1936 en Artikel 339, 366, 375 (5)(b) en 402 van die Maatskappyewet en terme van Artikel 78(1) & 79 van die Beslote Korporasiewet 69 van 1984 soos gewysig, dat ondergenoemdes as likwidateur/ trustee/s aangestel is in hierdie boedel en dat debiteure versoek word om hulle skulde onverwyld by die likwidateur/trustee/s te vereffen. Dat die tweede vergadering van krediteure gehou sal word voor die Meester Durban Op 29 November 2023 Om 10h00 vir die volgende doeleindes: Bewys van eise Die kurators/likwidateurs se verslag te ontvang Die resolusies te aanvaar WJ Venter C/O PDP ADMINISTRATORS Suite 5A, Corobay Corner, 169 Corobay Avenue Menlyn Maine, Pretoria, 0181 Tel: 072 195 1874 02TLNB
DISSOLUTION OF LUSITANIA MANAGEMENT SERVICES (PTY) LTD (NO.2.) A PARTICIPANT IN THE CORPORATE SELECTION UMBRELLA RETIREMENT FUND NO 2, (IN LIQUIDATION) FUND PF 12/8/36438/2791. Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of LUSITANIA MANAGEMENT SERVICES (PTY) LTD (NO.2.) a participant in the CORPORATE SELECTION UMBRELLA RETIREMENT FUND NO 2, (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36438/2791 will be open for inspection for the period 3 November 2023 to 3 December 2023 at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. The Magistrates Court, 7-11 Parade St, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town, 8000 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg 2001. Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O Box 35655 Menlo Park 0102, not later than 18 December 2023. 02TM0K
NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 015222/2023 Surname: MKETSU First Names: HLELIWE Date of Birth: 1940-12-08 ID No: 4012080082085 Last Address: 24280 Leeun Street, Delft Date of Death: 2020-10-07 Period allowed for lodgement of Claims: 30 Namhla Njuze XULASHE ATTORNEYS INC. 3rd Floor, Waalburg Building, 28 Wale Street, Cape Town Tel: 087 700 7243 02TKCO
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 15165/2023 Surname: SOLOMONS First Names: LIZZIE ELIZABETH Date of Birth: 1943-03-28 ID No: 4303280115084 Last Address: 60 Hester Street, Valhalla Park, Cape Town, 7490 Date of Death: 2023-08-01 BRITS DREYER INC 9 Louwville Street, Bellville, 7530 Tel: 021 946 1127 02TKVA
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 016395/2023 Surname: LA GRANGE First Names: MARTHA MAGDALENA Date of Birth: 1956-08-03 ID No: 5608030028083 Last Address: 6 First Avenue North, Oudtshoom Date of Death: 2022-11-11 Masters Office: Cape Town CAPITAL LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES (PTY) LTD 57 Sloane Street, The Campus, Roland Garros Building, Bryanston dimakatsot@ Tel: 010 036 8090 02TLPS
To see the last month’s legal advertising please access: Page 1
EMAIL: EMAIL: Friday 3 November 2023
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 021310/2023 Surname: MKHWANAZI First Names: NTOMBIZONKE MILDRED Date of Birth: 1958-03-30 ID No: 5803300187087 Last Address: 3 Phinda Street, Diepkloof, Gauteng, 1862 Date of Death: 2023-03-14 Johannesburg Surviving Spouse: CLEMENT NHLANHLA MKHWANAZI Date of Birth: 1951-08-13 ID No: 5108135553085 ACCUMULO CONSULTING (PTY) LTD 3 Riley Road, Bedfordview, 2007 Tel: 011 450 1255 02TKBQ
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 17848/2022 Surname: BOONZAIER First names: SHIRLEY ELIZABETH Date of Birth: 1945-02-17 ID No: 4502170474085 Last Address: 6 La Provence Close, Westridge, Mitchells Plain Date of Death: 2015-03-26 C&A FRIEDLANDER INC. 2nd Floor Protea Place, Cnr Protea Road and Dreyer Street, Claremont Tel: 021 674 2083 02TKDZ
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 012599/2023 Surname: SINGLETON First Names: PETER KENNETH Date of Birth: 1961-08-27 ID No: 6108275069081 Last Address: 20 David Drive, Waterfall, KwaZulu-Natal Date of Death: 2023-06-24 Masters Office: Durban Survivng Spouse: LOIS SINGLETON Date of Birth: 1964-01-18 ID No: 6401180039087 CAPITAL LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES (PTY) LTD Block A, 2 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Ridge, Durban, 4319 tshepisot@ Tel: 010 036 4247 02TLYM
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 014737/2023 Surname: JOHNSTON First Names: ROBERT CHARLES Date of Birth: 1976-04-21 ID No: 7604215011083 Last Address: 23 Milano, 16 Hyacinth Street, Durbanville, 7550 Date of Death: 2022-11-28 Masters Office: Cape Town CAPITAL LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES (PTY) LTD Block A, 2 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Ridge, Durban, 4319 charlenej@ Tel: 031 036 0472 02TLRQ
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 008877/2023 Surname: LOUBSER First Name: MILDRED URSULA Date of Birth: 1936-12-11 ID No: 3612110001087 Last Address: 285 31st Avenue, Villeiria, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa, 0186 Date of Death: 2023-08-11 CITADEL FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD Kaaimans Building, Lynnwood Bridge Office Park, 14 Hilden Road, Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria Tel: 012 470 2504 02TLL9
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 011256/2023 Surname: PIPER First Names: KENNETH FRANK Date of Birth: 1943-02-22 ID No: 4302225077086 Last Address: 37 Cowry Drive, Elysium, KwaZulu-Natal, 4185 Date of Death: 2023-05-19 High Court, Durban Surviving Spouse: HEATHER PIPER Date of Birth: 1946-05-18 ID No: 4605180088082 Executor or Authorised Agent: Nelisa Sishuba Period allowed for lodgement of claims: 30 days DE KLERK AND VAN GEND ATTORNEYS INC Springfield Office Park, 102 Jip De Jager Drive, Bellville, 7530 Tel: 021 914 4020 02TLLC
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 15891/2023 Surname: COETZEE First Name: SPENCER BERNARD Date of Birth: 1931-07-02 ID No: 3107025019084 Last Address: Unit 15 Evergreen Retirement Village, Sunrise Boulevard, Costa Da Gama, Muizenberg, Cape Town Date of Death: 2023-08-09 Cape Town Executor or authorised agent: Lauren Rose Hean APPLETON FIDUCIARY SERVICES (PTY) LTD Suite 82, Private Bag X3, Plumstead, 7801 Nerisha.Radhella@ Tel: 0800 506 070 02TKAU NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 007894/2023 Surname: NEL First Names: WILLEM JACOBUS GERHARDUS Date of Birth: 1935-07-18 ID No: 3507185003085 Last Address: Frayne Street 1257, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186 Date of Death: 2023-07-18 Surviving Spouse: CATHORINA WILHELMINA MARIA NEL Date of Birth: 1943-01-01 ID No: 4301010002085 B PIETERSE Kieser Street 115, Rietondale, Pretoria 0084 Tel: 082 772 3597 02TKBR
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the Under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 010790/2023 Surname: POTGIETER First Name: JACQUELINE ANN Date of Birth: 1948-05-05 ID No: 4805050138187 Last Address: 73 Padfield Road, Pinetown, 3610 Date of Death: 2022-08-15 Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd P.O. Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635 maruskas@ Tel: 031 265 3320 02TKVD
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 013184/2023 Surname: NAUDE First Names: JOHANNES JACOBUS Date of Birth: 1937-04-22 ID No: 3704225078082 Last Address: 301 Kingsview, Marine Drive, Margate, 4275 Date of Death: 2023-07-16 Surviving Spouse: ALETTA CATHARINA NAUDE Date of Birth: 1942-04-07 ID No: 4204070061084 Executor or Authorised Agent: Hein Janse Van Rensburg Period allowed for lodgement of claims: 30 VAN RENSBURG ATTORNEYS 23 Kolbe Crescent, Summerstrand, 6001 Tel: 010 006 0600 02TLDJ
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 15158/2023 Surname: VERGUNST First names: MAARTEN Date of Birth: 1928-06-01 ID No: 2806015056185 Last Address: Unit 502 Fernbridge Retirement Village, 14 Alnwick Road, Diep River Date of Death: 2023-08-08 Surviving Spouse: ANNY VERGUNST Date of Birth: 1933-023-24 ID No: 3303240037189 C&A FRIEDLANDER INC. 2nd Floor Protea Place, Cnr Protea Road and Dreyer Street, Claremont Tel: 021 674 2083 02TKCQ
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 007298/2023 Surname: PIERIDES First Names: CONSTANTINOS ADONIS ZENONOS Date of Birth: 1958-05-14 ID No: 5805145203086 Last Address: 665 Koedoeberg Road, Faerie Glen, Pretoria Date of Death: 2023-06-21 Executor or authorised Agent: Gretchen Barkhuizen-Barbosa CLIFFE DEKKER HOFMEYR INCORPORATED Private Bag X40, Benmore, 2010 gretchen. barkhuizenbarbosa@ Tel: 011 562 1250 02TLM1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 017570/2023 Surname: ABRAHAMS First Names: FREDA Date of Birth: 1934-03-30 ID No: 3403300059089 Last Address: 28 Lotus Road, Landsdown, Cape Town Date of Death: 2023-06-05 Masters Office: Cape Town Surviving Spouse: TIMOTHY ABRAHAMS Date of Birth: 1935-11-18 ID No: 3511185062083 CAPITAL LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES (PTY) LTD 57 Sloane Street, The Campus, Roland Garros Building, Bryanston xoliswam@ Tel: 010 036 8102 02TLRO
NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of the late: LYNETTE SCHLUETER (NEE MOORHEAD, PREVIOUSLY THOMPSON) Date of Birth: 1944-11-26 Date of Death: 2023-08-05 ID No: 441126 0055 08 7 Last Address: 88 Olivedale Retirement Village, 34 Luma Street, Olivedale Estate No: 022623/2023 Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the abovementioned estate, are required to lodge their claims within 30 (thirty) days from date of publication hereof, 3 November 2023 with the Executor at the undermentioned address. STABILITAS BOARD OF EXECUTORS (PTY) LTD P.O. Box 3673 Randburg 2125 Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd 3rd Floor 265 Kent Avenue Randburg 2194 Tel: 011 886 7195 Ref: MRS. V. BROWN 02TKZR
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 016050/2023 Surname: NAICKER First Names: NAGAMAH Date of Birth: 1950-05-10 ID No: 5005100121080 Last Address: 31 Broodboom Street, Rockville, Cape Town Date of Death: 2023-04-19 Masters Office: Cape Town CAPITAL LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES (PTY) LTD 57 Sloane Street, The Campus, Roland Garros Building, Bryanston Tel: 010 036 4248 02TLRN NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 014737/2023 Surname: JOHNSTON First Names: ROBERT CHARLES Date of Birth: 1976-04-21 ID No: 7604215011083 Last Address: 23 Milano, 16 Hyacinth Street, Durbanville, 7550 Date of Death: 2022-11-28 Masters Office: Cape Town CAPITAL LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES (PTY) LTD Block A, 2 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Ridge, Durban, 4319 charlenej@ Tel: 031 036 0472 02TLYL
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 012957/2023 Surname: JOYKUTTY First Names: MATHAI Date of Birth: 1940-09-28 ID No: 4009285160187 Last Address: 5 Len Armitage Lane, Amanzimtoti, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal Date of Death: 2023-04-12 Masters Office: Durban Surviving Spouse: ELIZABETH JOYKUTTY Date of Birth: 1947-11-28 ID No: 4711280194182 CAPITAL LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES (PTY) LTD Block A, 2 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Ridge, Durban, 4319 kasmeera.budhoo@ Tel: 031 036 0437 02TLPR
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 11068/1993 Surname: BEAKA First Names: ACHMAT Date of Birth: 1919-02-02 ID No: 1902025114089 Last Address: 4 Ascension Road, Heideveld Date of Death: 1993-12-13 GAIRONESA DAVIDS ATTORNEYS Cnr. of No. 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7700 gaironesadavids@ Tel: 021 683 7437 02TLJU NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 05352/2022 Surname: SAM First Names: MOONSAMY Date of Birth: 1958-10-09 ID No: 5310095253081 Last Address: 1 Tile Cottage Place, New Cottage, Phoenix, Durban Date of Death: 2021-05-20 SIYATEC EXECUTORS 6 Mimosa Way, Pinelands, Cape Town, 7405 Tel: 021 201 7477 02TLMD
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 013099/2023 Surname: SUKDEO First Names: GURUCHARAN Date of Birth: 1955-01-19 ID No: 5501195061082 Last Address: 69 Challen Avenue, Northcroft, Phoenix, KwaZulu-Natal Date of Death: 2023-08-29 Masters Office: Durban Survivng Spouse: AASHA SUKDEO Date of Birth: 1960-02-29 ID No: 6002290164086 CAPITAL LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES (PTY) LTD Block A, 2 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Ridge, Durban, 4319 ashleighs@ Tel: 031 036 0467 02TLS9
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 7430/2023 Surname: WYNESS First Names: MARGARET ANN Date of Birth: 1938-06-12 ID No: 3806120061087 Last Address: Peers Village, Genoa Road, Fish Hoek Date of Death: 2023-02-03 Executor or Authorised Agent: Christiaan Ludolph Nelson Fick CHRIS FICK & ASSOCIATES LOUISE BARON 4th Floor, Waalburg Building 28 Wale Street Cape Town, 8001 Tel: 021 424 3937 02TKEL
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 017279/2023 Surname: LUCAS First Names: GLADYS MOREEN Date of Birth: 1947-08-14 ID No: 4708140653084 Last Address: No.2 Rose Road, Goodwood, 7490 Date of Death: 2023-02-21 Executor or Authorised Agent: Jessica Charmaine Jansen Van Rensburg/ Kaamilah Malick Thomas MACROBERT INC. ATTORNEYS 1060 Jan Shoba Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria/Private Bag X18, Brooklyn Square, 0075 ejvnoordwyk@ Tel: 012 425 3442 02TKDJ
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 016148/2023 Surname: HOFF First Name: HERMANN ERICH Date of Birth: 1938-01-06 ID No: 3801065102186 Last Address: 78 Orchard Street, Newlands, Cape Town Date of Death: 2023-06-21 Surviving Spouse: VERITY LOUISE HOFF Date of Birth: 1945-12-09 ID No: 4512090093089 Executor or Authorized Agent: Refqah Ho-Yee SMITH TABATA BUCHANAN BOYES ATTORNEYS Chambers, Cnr Warwick Street & Pearce Road, Claremont. Tel: 021 673 4830 02TLLY
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 012717/2023 Surname: KENNY First Name: ANDREW HAMISH BENNETT Date of Birth: 1969-06-23 ID No: 6906235135086 Last Address: 43 Rockhaven Road, Cowies Hill, KwaZulu-Natal Date of Death: 2023-08-19 CITADEL FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD Kaaimans Building, Lynnwood Bridge Office Park, 14 Hilden Road, Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria Tel: 012 470 2764 02TLLA NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 008678/2019 Surname: ENGELBRECHT First Names: PIETER JACOBUS DANIEL Date of Birth: 1964-09-20 ID No: 6409205199083 Last Address: 9 Clovelley Street, Hexpark, Worcester Date of Death: 2019-03-16 Surviving Spouse: JAQUELINE MAGDALENE ENGELBRECHT Date of Birth: 1968-06-23 ID No: 6806230284089 HA CONRADIE AND PARTNERS INC 23 Stockenstrom Street, Worcester Tel: 023 347 0996 02TKUW
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 010383/2023 Surname: STOFBERG First Names: HERMINA JOHANNA Date of Birth: 1946-09-10 ID No: 4609100026081 Last Address: Huis Lafras Mooman, 29 Brandstreet, Rawsonville Date of Death: 2023-05-19 HA CONRADIE AND PARTNERS INC 23 Stockenstrom Street, Worcester Tel: 023 347 0996 02TKUV
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 016474/2023 Surname: ARNOSTER First Names: CHARLES Date of Birth: 1938-06-10 ID No: 3806105109083 Last Address: 18 Delphinium Street, Lentegeur, Mitchells Plain Date of Death: 2021-02-08 Surviving Spouse: MARY ARNOSTER Date of Birth: 1945-10-30 ID No: 4510300132085 Agent: Joline Steyn DE KLERK AND VAN GEND ATTORNEYS INC 10 th Floor, The Terraces, 34 Bree Street, Cape Town, Western Cape, 8001 Tel: 021 424 9200 02TLLB NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 014783/2023 Surname: JONES First Names: DAN THOMAS LLEWELLYN Date of Birth: 1943-02-14 ID No: 4302145005084 Last Address: 2 River View Way, Tokai Estate, Vans Road, Tokai, Western Cape Date of Death: 2023-08-04 Executor or Authorised Agent: Keith Denis Dorman DORMAN & ASSOCIATES CC PO Box 15618, Vlaeberg, 8018 Tel: 021 423 3411 02TKEN
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 014676/2023 Surname: JARVIS First Names: MARGARET ANNE Date of Birth: 1938-01-20 ID No: 3801200085080 Last Address: 13B Monorgan Mews, Campground Road, Newlands, Western Cape Date of Death: 2023-07-30 Executor or Authorised Agent: Keith Denis Dorman DORMAN & ASSOCIATES CC PO Box 15618, Vlaeberg, 8018 Tel: 021 423 3411 02TKEO
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 012044/2019 Surname: NAUDE First Names: CECIL CHARLES Date of Birth: 1954-09-29 ID No: 5409295112088 Last Address: Country Lane 40, Jim Van Der Merwe Stret, Clubview, Centurion Date of Death: 2019-05-07 Executor or Authorised Agent: Leon Andries Etzebeth 27 Keurboom Street, Botrivier, Western Cape, 7185 ETZEBETH ATTORNEYS INC. 27 Keurboom Street, Botrivier, 7185 Tel: 087 153 2495 02TKDY
NOTICE In the estate of the late: TIMOTHY JAMES GILBERT BAKER ID No: 5109125041081 Date of Death: 06/05/2023 Estate No: 012694/2023 Address: Clinic Eden Gardens, Durban Notice herewith to all debtors and creditors to lodge their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from 03 November 2023 FDP ADMINISTRATION SERVICES P.O Box 10, Menlyn, Pretoria, 0063 Regno: 2014/239910/07 Tel: 012 348 2665 Ref: SOPHY MOKGOMOLA 02TL29 NOTICE In the estate of the late: VALERIE DAWN CHAPMAN ID No: 3710120031084 Date of Death: 23/07/2021 Estate No: 006726/2022 Address: 55 Umdoni Retirment Village, Durban Notice herewith to all debtors and creditors to lodge their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from 03 November 2023 FDP ADMINISTRATION SERVICES P.O Box 10, Menlyn, Pretoria, 0063 Regno: 2014/239910/07 Tel: 0123482665 Ref: LIZZY MOMMEN 02TL2A
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 012437/2023 Surname: REDDY First Names: SIGAMONEY Date of Birth: 1946-05-03 ID No: 4605035029083 Last Address: 21 Quillhall Lane, Kloof, 3610, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal Date of Death: 2023-05-29 Masters Office: Durban Survivng Spouse: MARIAMMAH REDDY Date of Birth: 1948-07-25 ID No: 4807250136086 CAPITAL LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES (PTY) LTD Block A, 2 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Ridge, Durban, 4319 zamakhosi@ Tel: 010 036 4192 02TLYK
BusinessDay Friday 3 November 2023
NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 16660/2023 Surname: LANGE First names: ALICE JENNY Date of Birth: 1928-07-25 ID No: 2807250031081 Last Address: 8 Malcolm Road, Rondebosch Date of Death: 2023-06-14 C&A FRIEDLANDER INC. 2nd Floor Protea Place, Cnr Protea Road and Dreyer Street, Claremont Tel: 021 674 2083 02TKCR
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 016289/2023 Surname: BENBOW-HEBBERT First Names: GRACE ALICE Date of Birth: 1953-10-24 ID No: 5310240036085 Last Address: 6 Standford Sands, Arum Rd, Table View, Cape Town, 7439 Date of Death: 2023-05-17 Masters Office: Cape Town CAPITAL LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES (PTY) LTD 2nd Floor, Roland Garros, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2021 smangele@ Tel: 010 036 4220 02TLRP
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 13251/2023 Surname: CHILTON First Names: MARGARET DOREEN Date of Birth: 1949-06-21 ID No: 4906210102087 Last Address: 4 Almond Street, Napier, 7270 Date of Death: 2023-05-09 Executor or Authorised Agent: Christiaan Ludolph Nelson Fick Louis Baron CHRIS FICK & ASSOCIATES 4th Floor, Waalburg Building 28 Wale Street Cape Town, 8001 Tel: 021 424 3937 02TKEM
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 015870/2023 Surname: BUHR First Name: JOHANN HERMANN Date of Birth: 1938-01-12 ID No: 3801125028082 Last Address: D14 Avenue Retirement Hotel, 7-11 First Avenue, Fish Hoek, Western Cape, South Africa, 7974 Date of Death: 2023-08-02 CITADEL FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD Kaaimans Building, Lynnwood Bridge Office Park, 14 Hilden Road, Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria Tel: 012 470 2504 02TLL8 NOTICE In the estate of the late: DIANA SARAH COX ID No: 5010120038181 Date of Death: 27/08/2023 Estate No: 009580/2023 Address: Brooklyn Care, 44 Charles Bramley Street, Pretoria Notice herewith to all debtors and creditors to lodge their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from 03 November 2023 FDP ADMINISTRATION SERVICES P.O Box 10, Menlyn, Pretoria, 0063 Regno: 2014/239910/07 Tel: 0123482665 Ref: LYNETTE POTGIETER 02TM4N
NOTICE In the estate of the late: ALICK DESMOND GEDDIE ID No: 4604265028089 Date of Death: 04/01/2023 Estate No: 008511/2023 In case of the marriage in community of property: Surviving spouse: SHELAGH ROBYN GEDDIE ID No: 4712160148082 Address: Durban, KwaZulu-Natal Notice herewith to all debtors and creditors to lodge their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from 03 November 2023 FDP ADMINISTRATION SERVICES P.O Box 10, Menlyn, Pretoria, 0063 Regno: 2014/239910/07 Tel: 0123482665 Ref: LIESE PELSER 02TL2B
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Free State Estate No: 003060/2023 Surname: MESHAKE First Names: LALA MERRIAM Date of Birth: 1972-04-10 ID No: 7204100420083 Last Address: 468 Section H, Botshabelo, 9781 Date of Death: 2023-05-01 Bloemfontein Executor or Authorised Agent: Heinrich Ferreira FERREIRA ATTORNEYS 9 Bompart Street, Westdene, Bloemfontein Tel: 051 228 0900 02TKQK
NOTICE Estate of the Late MAGARETHA ELIZABETH VISSER Who died on 07 April 2023 ID No: 311228 0001 08 2, Of Flat C202 Twee Riviere Aftreeoord, Breedt Street, Montana, Pretoria, Gauteng, 0159 Estate No: 005606/2023 Creditors in the above Estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with, and to pay their debts, to the undersigned within thirty (30) days from date of publication hereof. FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD P O Box 135 Cape Town 8000 Lucille Abrams +27 87 335 6031 02TKZS
NOTICE Estate of the Late PETER JOHN HOWELL Who died on 25 September 2022 ID No: 480720 5019 08 0, Of 11 Pointsettia Street, Somerset West Estate No: 008341/2023 Creditors in the above Estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with, and to pay their debts, to the undersigned within thirty (30) days from date of publication hereof. FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD P O Box 135 Cape Town 8000 Christine Marguerite Kennedy +27 87 736 8345 02TL04
NOTICE Estate of the Late MARION GERTRUDE SMITH Who died on 13 July 2023 ID No: 280422 0056 08 2, Of Riverside Place, Alnwick Road, Diep River, 7800 Estate No: 012854/2023 Creditors in the above Estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with, and to pay their debts, to the undersigned within thirty (30) days from date of publication hereof. FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD P O Box 135 Cape Town 8000 Christine Marguerite Kennedy +27 87 736 8345 02TKZT
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 023166/2023 Surname: KLEYNHANS First Names: JENNIFER Date of Birth: 1958-02-08 ID No: 5802080094083 Last Address: 36 East Willows, Willow Road, Eastleigh, Edenvale, Gauteng Date of Death: 2023-02-12 Gauteng, Johannesburg FLUXMANS INC. No. 24 Fricker Road, Illovo, Johannesburg, 2196 Ref: Jfung/mp/151838 Tel: 011 328 1777 02TLYO
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 024500/2023 Surname: FRATINI First Names: MARIA LAURA Date of Birth: 1946-01-29 ID No: 4601290012088 Last Address: 367 11th Avenue, Gezina, Pretoria Date of Death: 2023-08-08 Gauteng, Johannesburg FLUXMANS INC. No. 24 Fricker Road, Illovo, Johannesburg, 2196 Ref: Jfung/mp/152308 Tel: 011 328 1777 02TM01
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 16707/2023 Surname: KENNEDY First Names: BARBARA ANN Date of Birth: 1958-04-10 ID No: 5804100117084 Last Address: 68 Austin Crescent Beacon, Valley Date of Death: 2022-12-12 GAIRONESA DAVIDS ATTORNEYS Cnr. of No. 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7700 gaironesadavids@ Tel: 021 683 7437 02TLDG
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: North West Estate No: 005704/2023 Surname: VAN DER RYST First Names: ABRAHAM PETRUS LOUW ID No: 4408255030083 Last Address: Plaas Groenfontein, Koster, 03482023-09-2023 Date of Death: 2023-09-27 Surviving Spouse: ELIZABETH CATHARINA VAN DER RYST Date of Birth: 1952-11-11 ID No: 5211110001086 FRANZALL FINANSIELE ADVISEURS Oliver Thamborylaan 23, Rustenburg, 0299, North West Tel: 014 597 1600 02TKPP
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 015369/2023 Surname: MOSTERT First names: GRISELDA DAWN Date of Birth: 1966-12-26 ID No: 6612260775081 Last Address: 11 Pinel Street, Clairwood, Eerste River Date of Death: 2021-11-29 Surviving Spouse: COLIN IVAN JEFFREY MOSTERT Date of Birth: 1964-10-30 ID No: 6410305181088 Executor or Authorised Agent: Marisa Moreira Ricco HACK STUPEL & ROSS ATTORNEYS Standard Bank Chambers 2nd Floor, Church Square Pretoria Tel: 012 325 4185 02TLLJ
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 24713/2021 Surname: LAUBSCHER First Names: JOHANNES ANDRIES BAUERMEESTER Date of Birth: 1963-10-25 ID No: 6310025187086 Last Address: 127 Harpuisbos Street, Myburgh Park, Langebaan Date of Death: 2021-08-30 Executor or Authorised Agent: Francois De Wet VGV ATTORNEYS INC PO Box 3888, Tyger Valley, Cape Town, 7536 Tel: 021 915 4900 02TKE0
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 014144/2023 Surname: ABDULLAH First Names: HALIMA Date of birth: 1943-10-25 ID No: 4310250435087 Last address: 20 Mersa Street, Penlyn Estate, Cape Town Date of death: 2023-08-09 Executor or Authorised Agent: Hasanain Abdullah M.E MOHAMMED ATTORNEYS AT LAW 5 Ernest Road, Rylands Estate memlaw@mweb. Tel: 021 699 1919 02TKFG
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 15515/2023 Surname: ADAM First Names: BONGIWE ISABEL Date of Birth: 1988-12-11 ID No: 8812110227089 Last Address: I 45 Nxawuni Street, Khayelitsha, Cape Town, 7784 Date of Death: 2023-04-22 NADIA MOUTON & ASSOCIATES Office 10003, 10th Floor, One Thibault, Thibault Square, Cape Town Tel: 021 424 5118 02TKUU
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 22699/2019 Surname: ROBINSON First Names: COMPTON MICHAEL Date of Birth: 2016-06-17 ID No: 4804305072085 Last Address: 26 Misrove Avenue, Grassy Park Date of Death: 2016-06-17 Surviving Spouse: CYNTHIA ESTHER ROBINSON Date of Birth: 1947-12-06 ID No: 4712060073083 GAIRONESA DAVIDS ATTORNEYS Cnr. of No. 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7700 gaironesadavids@ Tel: 021 683 7437 02TLPP NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 2569/2021 Surname: STEMMET First Names: ISMAIL Date of Birth: 1949-03-03 ID No: 4903035143081 Last Address: 8 Welmar Road, Penlun Estate Date of Death: 2021-05-09 GAIRONESA DAVIDS ATTORNEYS Cnr. of No. 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7700 gaironesadavids@ Tel: 021 683 7437 02TL4R
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 008549/2023 Surname: COMMINS First Names: NOREEN ANN Date of Birth: 1933-05-29 ID No: 3305290045087 Last Address: Cottage F4, Peers Retirement Village, 23 Genoa Avenue, Fish Hoek, 7975 Date of Death: 2023-03-12 Executor or Authorised Agent: Mark Reid Butler TWINOAKS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT (PTY) LTD P O Box 44937, Claremont, 7735 Tel: 021 671 2790 02TKYQ
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 002202/2023 Surname: VAN DER HYDE First Names: ANDRE CECIL Date of Birth: 1949-08-14 ID No: 4908145179081 Last Address: 868 Bezuidenhout Valley, Johannesburg, 2094 Date of Death: 2022-12-14 Johannesburg Executor or Authorised Agent: Happy Nompumelelo Meyer Nicholson 18 Sandilands Road, Malvern East Ext 1, Germiston HP BUTHELEZI ATTORNEYS 235 Meyer Street, Commerce & Industry Chambers 3rd Floor, Suite J2, Germiston, 1401 admin@ Tel: 078 290 4710 02TKV9 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 019347/2023 Surname: KHOZA First Names: FLOYD REDOLF Date of Birth: 1975-09-03 ID No: 7509035435083 Last Address: 8149 Roodekop Ext 11, Germiston, 1401 Date of Death: 2023-06-27 Johannesburg Executor or Authorised Agent: Bruce Khoza HP BUTHELEZI ATTORNEYS 235 Meyer Street, Commerce & Industry Chambers 3rd Floor, Suite J2, Germiston, 1401 admin@ Tel: 078 290 4710 02TKUY
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Mpumalanga Estate No: 001755/2017 Surname: DARKO First names: JOHN KWADWO Date of Birth: 1972-12-21 ID No: 7212215851084 Last Address: 739 Gamloos Street, Glawini Estate, Mbombela, Province of Mpumalanga Date of Death: 2017-02-25 Surviving Spouse: REBECCA YEBOAH ID No: G0921609 Executor or Authorised Agent: Marisa Moreira Ricco HACK STUPEL & ROSS ATTORNEYS Standard Bank Chambers 2nd Floor, Church Square Pretoria Tel: 012 325 4185 02TLLI NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES In the Estate of the Late: Surname: BAASCH First Names: EILEEN MARY-ANN Estate No: 3507/2023 ID No: 5202260097081 Date of Death: 16 February 2023 Last Address: 95 Rapson Road, Morningside, Durban All persons having claims against the above-mentioned estate are required to lodge their claims with the undersigned within 30 days after the date of publication hereof. Executor or Authorised Agent: Rachel Mary Baasch HAY & SCOTT ATTORNEYS P O Box 12000, Dorpspruit, 3206 Tel: 033 342 4800 02TLHC
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 026446/2021 Surname: FILLIES First Names: JENEFER DALEEN Date of Birth: 1949-05-08 ID No: 4905080024082 Last Address: 8 Gilgil Street, Charlesville, Cape Town, 7490 Date of Death: 2021-01-13 Surviving Spouse: AFRICA BENJAMIN FILLIES Date of Birth: 1950-08-28 ID No: 5008285145080 SIYATEC EXECUTORS 6 Mimosa Way, Pinelands, Cape Town, 7405 Tel: 021 201 7477 02TLM6
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 015478/2023 Surname: CROSS First Name: ROSEMARY ANN Date of Birth: 1930-05-24 ID No: 3005240041083 Last Address: Anchusa Annexe, Wren Road, Meadowridge Date of Death: 2023-08-16 Executor or Authorized Agent: Refqah Ho-Yee SMITH TABATA BUCHANAN BOYES ATTORNEYS Chambers, Cnr Warwick Street & Pearce Road, Claremont. Tel: 021 673 4723 02TLLM NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 005884/2022 Surname: GRADWELL First Names: JEAN MAUREEN YOLINDE Date of Birth: 1949-03-31 ID No: 4903310043089 Last Address: 17 Portswood, Str Plumstead Date of Death: 2021-11-14 Executor or Authorised Agent: Avril Ruth Naldrett Voskuil 3 Lime Road, Parkwood Estate, 7941 LIDDLE & ASSOCIATES INC 7 Chenin Blanc Street, Oude Westhof Tel: 087 138 3275 02TKCN
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 17174/2021 Surname: MALKIN First Names: LAUREN JOY Date of Birth: 1964-07-28 ID No: 6407280132086 Last Address: 13 Boundary Road, Highlands North, Johannesburg Date of Death: 2020-08-10 Johannesburg LIORA BAMBERGER PRIVATE CLIENTS 12 Kramer Road, Kramerville, Johannebsurg Tel: 083 228 3773 02TKDL NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 020200/2023 Surname: BAMBERGER First Names: ALAN Date of Birth: 1957-12-06 ID No: 5712065113081 Last Address: 43 Braemar, 175 Linden Street, Strathavon, Johannesburg Date of Death: 2023-08-10 Johannesburg LIORA BAMBERGER PRIVATE CLIENTS 12 Kramer Road, Kramerville, Johannebsurg Tel: 083 228 3773 02TKDW
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 026437/2021 Surname: FILLIES First Names: AFRICA BENJAMIN Date of Birth: 1950-08-28 ID No: 5008285145080 Last Address: 8 Gilgil Street, Charlesville, Cape Town, 7490 Date of Death: 2021-01-09 Surviving Spouse: JENEFER DALEEN FILLIES Date of Birth: 1949-05-08 ID No: 4905080024082 SIYATEC EXECUTORS 6 Mimosa Way, Pinelands, Cape Town, 7405 Tel: 021 201 7477 02TLM4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 016327/2023 Surname: CHAMPION First Names: HELGA GERLINDE MARGARETE LUISE Date of Birth: 1928-01-06 ID No: 2801060037180 Last Address: 76 Berg En See, Hermanus, 7200 Date of Death: 2023-07-10 JONATHAN MORT INC PO Box 12144, Mill Street, 8010, South Africa Tel: 021 462 5207 02TLAJ NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 003170/2020 Surname: FOUCHE First Names: WAYNE ANDRE Date of Birth: 1959-06-19 ID No: 5906195012086 Last Address: 95 Welgevonden Boulevard, Welgevonden Estate, Stellenbosch, 7600 Date of Death: 2020-01-13 LOW AND CO. P.O. Box 187 Rondebosch, 7701 anne@ Tel: 021 685 4047 02TLAK NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 8715/2023 Surname: MAHLANGU First Names: TSHOLOFELO WILLIAM Date of Birth: 1989-04-12 ID No: 8904125529086 Last Address: 68 Odinburg Gardens Date of Death: 2021-07-11 MOKGEHLE MOHLALA ATTORNEYS INC 377 Rivonia Boulevard, Rivonia Edenburg, Sandton Johannesburg, 2128 mabotse@ Tel: 068 467 7741 02TKQJ
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: CA013552/2023 Surname: DE BEER First Names: ANTHONY PETER ADAM Date of Birth: 1942-04-30 ID No: 4204305076089 Last Address: 6 Oriole Road, Peers Hill, Fish Hoek, 7975 Date of Death: 2023-04-07 Surviving Spouse: CAROL ANNE DE BEER Date of Birth: 1946-10-12 ID No: 4610120071081 MGI BASS GORDON Suite 1502, 15th Floor, Portside, 4 Bree Street, Cape Town, 8001 Tel: 021 405 8500 02TKVB
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 008853/2023 Surname: MEY First Names: CATHARINA JACOBA Date of Birth: 1948-08-06 ID No: 4808060056084 Last Address: 55 Malherbe Street, Capital Park, Pretoria Date of Death: 2023-07-10 Executor or Authorised Agent: Jessica Charmaine Jansen Van Rensburg/ Kaamilah Malick Thomas MACROBERT INC. ATTORNEYS 1060 Jan Shoba Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria/Private Bag X18, Brooklyn Square, 0075 ejvnoordwyk@ Tel: 012 425 3442 02TKDI NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 10996/2023 Surname: LE ROUX First Names: ELIZABETH Date of Birth: 1925-02-01 ID No: 2502010249087 Last Address: 15 New Combe Street, Conville, George, Western Cape Date of Death: 2018-11-04 Executor or Authorised Agent: Michael Johannes Strydom MIKE STRYDOM ATTORNEYS PO Box 834, Durbanville, 7551 Tel: 021 975 3990 02TKDK
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 021553/2023 Surname: PHIRI First Names: SIPHO JUSTICE Date of Birth: 1962-04-04 ID No: 6204045532084 Last Address: 1450 Ext 13, Metsing Street, Thembisa, Gauteng Date of Death: 2004-01-27 Johannesburg Address of Executor or Authorised Agent: Yolanda Mnyengeza MNYENGEZA ATTORNEYS INC. 292 Surrey Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg, 2194 info@mnyengezaattorneys. Tel: 010 005 5400 02TKFH
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 16981/2023 Surname: VENTER First Names: ANNA CATHARINA Date of Birth: 1931-01-24 ID No: 3101240019086 Last Address: Huis Edelweiss, Mountainview Bellview, 7530 Date of Death: 2023-08-15 Executor or Authorised Agent: Roelien Roodt 6 Fontein Road, Brackenfell, 7560 PRAEDIUM TRUST DIENSTE (PTY) LTD PO Box 1579, Brackenfell, 7561 Tel: 082 660 5081 02TKCP
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 024556/2023 Surname: MORGAN First Names: ADRIAN Date of Birth: 1975-02-04 ID No: 7502045247085 Last Address: Section 13, 22 Ugenia Court, 88 Senator Road, Wychwood, Germiston, Johannesburg Date of Birth: 2023-06-20 Johannesburg Surviving Spouse: SAYURIE MORGAN Date of Birth: 1978-10-05 ID No: 7810050142087 NAM-FORD INC 37 Landsborough Street, Johannesburg Tel: 011 210 2800 02TLM3
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 016605/2023 Surname: HARDENBERG First Names: MARIE Date of Birth: 1949-08-08 ID No: 4908080760085 Last Address: 16 Kunick Street, Mamre, 7349 Date of Death: 2017-04-02 (Western Cape) Surviving Spouse: WILLIE JOHN HARDENBERG Date of Birth: 1957-05-06 ID No: 5705065113085 Address of Executor or Authorised Agent: Willie John Hardenberg 16 Kunick Street, Mamre, 7349 Period of Inspection: 30 days PAULINE JANSE VAN RENSBURG 14C Jenny Lane, Blouberg Sands, 7441 Tel: 064 609 3437 02TKPQ NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 013677/2023 Surname: BUYTENDAG First Names: JOHANNA SUSANNA Date of Birth: 1953-06-07 ID No: 5306070027087 Last Address: 4A 7th Street, Delarey Date of Death: 2019-07-02 Executor or Authorised Agent: Judith Michelle Spencer TH11 Thesen Harbor Town Long Street, Knysna, 6570 Anthony Craig Parker PARKER & ACCOUNTANTS PO Box 270, Knysna, 6570 Tel: 044 011 0344 02TKDH NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 001282/2023 Surname: HERMANS First Names: REGINALD JAMES Date of Birth: 1933-08-27 ID No: 3308275061087 Last Address: 23 Burggraaf Road, Welcome Estate, Athlone, Cape Town Date of Death: 2022-04-09 Surviving Spouse: ALETTA MARJORIE GRACE HERMANUS Date of Birth: 1937-03-04 ID No: 3703040042083 Executor or Authorised Agent: Ebrahim Holt PARKER HOLT INCORPORATED 5 Ernest Road Rylands Estate Tel: 021 637 9002 02TKAY
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 016523/2023 Surname: CLARK First Name: MARGARET LYNN Date of Birth: 1948-12-30 ID No: 4812300084088 Last Address: 51 Lympleigh Road, Plumstead Date of Death: 2023-09-03 Executor or Authorized Agent: Refqah Ho-Yee SMITH TABATA BUCHANAN BOYES ATTORNEYS Chambers, Cnr Warwick Street & Pearce Road, Claremont. Tel: 021 673 4723 02TLLL
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 016469/2023 Surname: KASFIKIS First Name: MARIA-PENELOPE Date of Birth: 1933-07-26 ID No: 3307260091182 Last Address: 52 Corsair Way, Sunvalley Date of Death: 2023-06-18 Executor or Authorized Agent: Refqah Ho-Yee SMITH TABATA BUCHANAN BOYES ATTORNEYS Chambers, Cnr Warwick Street & Pearce Road, Claremont. Tel: 021 673 4842 02TLLZ
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 018585/2023 Surname: CHETTY First Names: SHANAAZ Date of Birth: 1974-08-11 ID No: 7408110132089 Last Address: 5 Husami Road, Cravenby, Belhar Date of Death: 2023-08-09 Surviving Spouse: LEON CHETTY Date of Birth: 1969-07-19 ID No: 6907195049085 Period allowed for Lodgement of claims: 30 Days SALIE AND SALIE ATTORNEYS 169 Taronga Road, Crawford Tel: 021 697 2093 02TN0W
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 014680/2023 Surname: JENSEN First Name: MARJORIE MAGDALENE Date of Birth: 1941-03-19 ID No: 4103190048080 Last Address: Huis Zonnekus, 5 Ashton Road, Milnerton Date of Death: 2023-07-26 Executor or Authorized Agent: Refqah Ho-Yee SMITH TABATA BUCHANAN BOYES ATTORNEYS Chambers, Cnr Warwick Street & Pearce Road, Claremont. Tel: 021 673 4842 02TLM0
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 015239/2023 Surname: MCALPIN First Name: AGNES JANE Date of Birth: 1938-12-11 ID No: 3812110228082 Last Address: 2 Chiapinni Place, 36 Chiapinni Street, Onrus, Hermanus Date of Death: 2023-08-04 Executor or Authorized Agent: Refqah Ho-Yee SMITH TABATA BUCHANAN BOYES ATTORNEYS Chambers, Cnr Warwick Street & Pearce Road, Claremont. Tel: 021 673 4723 02TLLX
NOTICE In the Estate of the Late: PIETER JOHANNES THOMAS BREEDT ID No: 360514 5064 08 8 of St James Retirement Village Estate No: 012878/2021 Creditors & Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the Undersigned within 30 days of the publication of this Notice. Date 11 October 2023 HAYDN ELMES & ELMES 26 Hope Street Gardens Cape Town 8001 02TLLK
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the Under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 012268/2023 Surname: FOSSE First Name: MILINDA Date of Birth: 1956-05-20 ID No: 5605200095082 Last Address: 3 Swales Crescent, Hatton Estate, Pinetown, 3610 Date of Death: 2023-08-10 Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd P.O. Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635 princessm@ Tel: 031 265 3320 02TKVJ
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 013927/2023 Surname: LOUW First Names: MARIA DOROTHY Date of Birth: 1933-01-05 ID No: 3301050280089 Last Address: 13 Festa Park, Woodlands, Mitchells Plain, 7785 Date of Death: 2022-09-10 TOBIN ATTORNEYS INC Suite 5, First Floor, Waalburg Building, 28 Wale Street, Cape Town Tel: 021 426 2579 02TKAX
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 018582/2023 Surname: TURNER First Names: ALICE Date of Birth: 1946-06-20 ID No: 4606200608081 Last Address: 5 Horizon Street, Elsies River, Cape Town, 7490 Date of Death: 2022-03-27 Period allowed for Lodgement of claims: 30 Days SALIE AND SALIE ATTORNEYS 169 Taronga Road, Crawford Tel: 021 697 2093 02TKBO
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 018579/2023 Surname: TURNER First Names: BASIL Date of Birth: 1939-07-06 ID No: 3907065104088 Last Address: 5 Horizon Street, Elsies River, Cape Town, 7490 Date of Death: 2021-02-05 Surviving Spouse: ALICE TURNER Date of Birth: 1946-06-20 ID No: 4606200608081 Period allowed for Lodgement of claims: 30 Days SALIE AND SALIE ATTORNEYS 169 Taronga Road, Crawford Tel: 021 697 2093 02TKBP NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 25562/2022 Surname: WILLIAMS First Names: IVAN HAROLD Date of Birth: 1959-06-08 ID No: 5906085218082 Last Address: 15 Aerobat Street, The Hague Delft Date of Death: 2022-10-27 GAIRONESA DAVIDS ATTORNEYS Cnr. of No. 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7700 gaironesadavids@ Tel: 021 683 7437 02TKZP
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 013060/2023 Surname: MAYER First Names: ARTHUR ERIC Date of Birth: 1933-01-18 ID No: 3301185096084 Last Address: 21 28th Avenue, Elsies River, 7490 Date of Death: 2019-10-08 Surviving Spouse: MARY MAGDALENA MEYER Date of Birth: 1949-09-12 ID No: 49091200631088 TOBIN ATTORNEYS INC Suite 5, First Floor, Waalburg Building, 28 Wale Street, Cape Town Tel: 021 426 2579 02TKAW
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 016717/2022 Surname: ESTERHUIZEN First Names: BAREND HENDRIK Date of Birth: 1948-09-17 ID No: 480917501884 Last Address: Hof Street, Hof Park, Gardens, Cape Town Date of Death: 2022-01-05 Executor or Authorised Agent: Jean Pierre Joubert of JP JOUBERT ATTORNEYS INC. 30 Caledon Street, Somerset West Tel: 021 851 8116 02TKPT
NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 001375/2022 Surname: MVUDUDU First Names: MIRIAM MURIEL Date of Birth: 1967-08-29 ID No: 6708290251083 Last Address: 74 Emerald Way, Summer Greens, Cape Town Date of Death: 2001-04-02 SIYATEC EXECUTORS 6 Mimosa Way, Pinelands, Cape Town, 7405 Tel: 021 201 7477 02TLMC NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 016066/2023 Surname: LATILLA First Names: CAROL JOAN Date of Birth: 1942-03-03 ID No: 4203030071084 Last Address: 74 Reedbuck Ridge, Kalkheuvel West, Broedestroom Date of Death: 2023-05-01 Johannesburg SIYATEC EXECUTORS 6 Mimosa Way, Pinelands, Cape Town, 7405 Tel: 021 201 7477 02TLME
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 000942/2023 Surname: SIBIYA First Names: ALBERT MBONGENI Date of Birth: 1957-04-04 ID No: 5704045964089 Last Address: 10927 Mpephetho Area, Umbumbulu, 4105 Date of Death: 2021-11-20 SIYATEC EXECUTORS 6 Mimosa Way, Pinelands, Cape Town, 7405 Tel: 021 201 7477 02TLM5
NOTICE In the estate of the late ARTHUR TERRENCE SMITH ID No: 430702 5080 08 1, who died on 27 July 2023, married In community of property to FRANCES MARY SMITH ID No: 441222 0087 18 6 Of 40 Second Crescent, Fish Hoek, Cape Town 14402/2023 Creditors and Debtors in the above estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within thirty (30) days of publication of this Notice. WALKERS INC PO Box 254 Cape Town 8000 Tel: 021 464 1400 Fax: 021 462 2256 Ref: GM Dahl/natasha/ W46920 02TKOL NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 014783/2023 Surname: LIU First Names: SHUYING Date of Birth: 1954-09-03 ID No: 5409035237088 Last Address: 47 H V Coetzer Street, Meyersdal Ext Date of Death: 2022-09-26 ffice: Johannesburg Executor or Authorised Agent: Xinaquan Liu 47 H V Coetzer Street, Meyersdal Ext LIORA BAMBERGER PRIVATE CLIENTS 12 Kramer Road, Kramerville, Johannebsurg Tel: 083 228 3773 02TKDX NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 018405/2019 Surname: SMITH First Names: IKRAAM Date of Birth: 1973-09-03 ID No: 7309035229085 Last Address: 21 Dirk Adams Road, Newfields Athlone Date of Death: 2018-10-29 Surviving Spouse: KOEBRA SMITH Date of Birth: 1979-08-21 ID No: 7908210159080 Executor or Authorised Agent: Rushdien Smith Agent (Liddle & Associates) 7 Chenin Blanc Street, Bellville, 7530 LIDDLE & ASSOCIATES INC 7 Chenin Blanc Street, Oude Westhof Tel: 087 138 3275 02TKBS
BusinessDay Friday 3 November 2023
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 001524/2023 Surname: PENNY First Name: EILEEN MILDRED ID No: 4702170016080 Last Address: 37 Wilro Park, Retirement Village, Hexriver Street, Wilro Park, Roodepoort, Gauteng Description of Account: First & Final Roodepoort Johannesburg APPLETON FIDUCIARY SERVICES (PTY) LTD Suite 82, Private Bag X3, Plumstead, 7801 nerisha.radhella@ Tel: 0800 506070 02TL3P
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 032274/2022 Surname: STEBBING First Names: GLENDA ID No: 5311240059085 Last Address: Unit 21 Tower Village, Elsie Street, Radiokop, Roodepoort, 2040 Roodepoort Masters Office: Johannesburg BDO WEALTH ADVISERS (PTY) LTD Wanderers Office Park, 52 Corlett Drive, Illovo, 2196 Tel: 011 488 1700 02TKYA
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 016783/2018 Surname: PRINS First names: GERT JACOBUS ID No: 4905245010083 Last Address: 6 St Helena Close, Bloubergstrand, Cape Town, 7441 Description of Account: First & Final fice: Cape Town BELLINGAN MULLER HANEKOM INC Tygervalley Chambers 3, Block 3, 1st Floor, 27 Willie Van Schoor Drive, Bellville, 7530 Tel: 021 919 7599 02TKKR
NOTICE Estate of the Late EDWIN ALFRED CONROY died on 24 November 2022 ID No: 390630 5002 08 6 Of 22 Le Roux Street, Reebok, Western Cape Estate No: 001898/2023, Cape Town The First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town, and the Magistrate, Mossel Bay for twentyone (21) days from date of publication hereof. FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD P O Box 135 Cape Town 8000 Ian Ross Heymans +27 87 343 2305 02TL1H
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 5992/2021 Surname: KOTTER First Names: UWE ID No: 3707125028081 Last Address: 20 Arcadia Road, Fresnaye, Cape Town Description of Account: First & Final BAKER TILLY GREENWOODS SERVICES (PTY) LTD PO Box 3311, Cape Town, 8000 liza@ Tel: 021 410 8706 02TKYR
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 011064/2022 Surname: GAY First names: FELIX GEORGE ID No: 4909175194081 Last Address: 164 Darrenwood Village, Linden Johannesburg Randburg Magistrate Johannesburg Randburg Magistrate TREVOR BOUWERBOUWER CARDONA INC 59-7th Avenue, Parktown North Tel: 011 759 0940 02TLFK
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 012438/2020 Surname: WYNGAARD First Names: SAMUEL ARTHER ID No: 3709065102082 Last Address: 69 Kronendal Weg, Westridge, Mitchells Plain Surviving Spouse: VANESSA ELLEN FISH ID No: 4906280606082 Description of Account: First & Final Plain BELLINGAN JOUBERT Unit 16, 10 Pepper St, Cape Town, 8001 Tel: 021 426 1900 02TKKJ
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 1463/2020 Surname: ZANELLA First names: PRIMO FRANCESCO ID No: 3310195102181 Last Address: 34 Highgate Park, George Codnor Ave, Bellair, Durban rban BENATER ATTORNEYS T/A BENATERS PO Box 317, Melrose Arch, 2076 Tel: 082 325 8585 02TKKS
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 2436/2020 Surname: DURRANT First names: GILLIAN MARY ID No: 4605300111087 Last address: 48A Eden Road, Claremont Upper, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa BLUETT MAASDORP ATTORNEYS 1st Floor, The Adderley, 31 Adderley Street, Cape Town, 8000 lauren@ Tel: 021 419 5631 02TJRY
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the office of the masters of the high court and magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payment in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 356/2022 Surname: NIEHAUS First Names: BARBETTE DAWN ID No: 7003290080081 Last Address: 8 Vineyard Road, Ridgeworth, Bellville, 7530 BRITS DREYER ATTORNEYS 9 Louwville Street, Bellville, 7530 Tel: 021 946 1127 02TLG8 LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the office of the masters of the high court and magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payment in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 4516/2017 Surname: EDWARDS First Names: BARBARA ELIZABETH HETTY ID No: 2808210009084 Last Address: Huis Elsje, Zeta Street, Mossel Bay, 6500 Mossel Bay BRITS DREYER ATTORNEYS 9 Louwville Street, Bellville, 7530 Tel: 021 946 1127 02TLFN
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 001660/2023 Surname: STEWART First names: GLEN ID No: 410917 5032 08 0 Last Address: B322, Pinelands Grove Retirement Village, Sunrise Rd, Cape Town Goodwood Magistrates Court CAPITAL LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES (PTY) LTD 2nd Floor, Roland Garros, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2129 Tel: 010 036 4210 02TLSM
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 011100/2023 Surname: BEUKES First names: LEON DAVID ID No: 570516 5095 08 3 Last Address: 3 Brand Street, Kuilsriver, Cape Town Surviving Spouse: BELINDA OCTAVIA BEUKES ID No: 580302 0083 08 7 Description of Account: First & Final CAPITAL LEGACY 4th Floor, Sable Corner, Century City, Cape Town, 7441 Tel: 021 036 4001 02TLSN LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 003100/2023 Surname: MOODLEY First names: GNANASAGARAN ID No: 570106 5091 08 2 Last Address: 29 Maurice Nichols Road, Pinetown, KZN Surviving Spouse: MARTILDA MOODLEY ID No: 610102 0099 08 1 Description of Account: First and Final CAPITAL LEGACY BOARD OF EXECUTORS AND TRUST COMPANY (PTY) LTD Block A, 2 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Ridge, Durban, KZN zamakhosi@ Tel: 010 036 4192 02TLRI
NOTICE In the estate of the late REGINALD MICHAEL CAWCUTT ID No: 381025 5071 08 5 who died on 5 August 2022, Unmarried, of Nazareth House, 1 Derry Street, Vredehoek, Cape Town 19426/2022 The First And Final Liquidation And Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court (Western Cape High Court, Cape Town) for a period of twenty-one (21) days reckoned from 3 November 2023 WALKERS INC PO Box 254, Cape Town, 8000 Tel: 021 464 1400 Ref: GM Dahl/natasha/ W445888 02TKM2
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 016893/2022 Surname: CERONIO First names: MAGIEL DANIEL ID No: 460621 5060 08 8 Last Address: 18 Elderberry Drive, Glenhills, Durban, KZN Description of Account: First and Final Kwadukuza/Stanger CAPITAL LEGACY BOARD OF EXECUTORS AND TRUST COMPANY (PTY) LTD Block A, 2 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Ridge, Durban, KZN Tel: 031 036 0409 02TLRL
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 005711/2023 Surname: AHMED First names: ZAHEERA HOOSEN ID No: 740215 0126 08 5 Last Address: 9 Shepton Close, Somerset Park, KZN Surviving Spouse: IMRAN AHMED Description of Account: First and Final CAPITAL LEGACY BOARD OF EXECUTORS AND TRUST COMPANY (PTY) LTD Block A, 2 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Ridge, Durban, KZN Tel: 010 036 4144 02TLRK
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 006799/2023 Surname: BOLE First names: STEPHEN PHILLIP ID No: 451123 5003 08 6 Last Address: 4 Yellowwood Drive, Waterfall, KwaZulu-Natal Surviving Spouse: FREDRIKA BOLE ID No: 470527 0054 08 3 Description of Account: First & Final Pinetown Johannesburg CAPITAL LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES 2nd Floor, Roland Garros, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2191 Tel: 010 036 4210 02TLUG
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 025405/2021 Surname: VERMAAK First names: ARNOLD ID No: 591008 5007 08 1 Last Address: 13 Mongoose Drive, De Fransche Hoek Agricultural Estate, Franschoek, Western Cape Surviving Spouse: JULIA DAPHNE VERMAAK ID No: 540926 0140 08 0 Description of Account: First & Final CITADEL FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD 1st Floor Kaaimans Building, 4 Daventry Road, Lynnwood Manor Office Bridge, Gauteng, 0081 Tel: 012 470 2791 02TLUH
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 019238/2022 Surname: ALLI First names: MOHAMED SALEEM ID No: 660719 5237 08 2 Last Address: 20 Bilkis Street, Oceanview, Stanger, KZN, 4449 Surviving Spouse: MALIKA ALLI ID No: 741114 0145 08 9 Description of Account: First and Final KwaDukuza/Stanger CAPITAL LEGACY BOARD OF EXECUTORS AND TRUST COMPANY (PTY) LTD Block A, 2 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Ridge, Durban, KZN Tel: 031 036 0496 02TLSL
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 024933/2022 Surname: OMAR First names: JO-ANNE HELENE ID No: 7205210076087 Last Address: 20 Innesfree Close, Crawford SMITH TABATA BUCHANAN BOYES ATTORNEYS 2nd Floor, Cnr Warwick Street & Pearce Road, Claremont, 7708 Tel: 021 673 4766 02TLND
NOTICE Estate of the Late HANS JOACHIM BEINS died on 2 May 2021 ID No: C4 83HN 0C L, Of Tannenwag 7, Heiligenhaus, Germany Estate No: 015771/2022. The First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town, for twenty-one (21) days from date of publication hereof. FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD P O Box 135 Cape Town 8000 Jackie Vermaak +27 87 335 6454 02TL1E
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 019390/2022 Surname: FREDERIKS First names: JAN ID No: 500428 5136 08 8 Last Address: No. 3 Leliefontein Street, Eerste River, Cape Town, 7100 Surviving Spouse: MAGRIETA FREDERIKS ID No: 570124 0184 08 3 Description of Account: First and Final Magistrate Court CAPITAL LEGACY BOARD OF EXECUTORS AND TRUST COMPANY (PTY) LTD Block A, 2 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Ridge, Durban, KZN Tel: 031 036 0491 02TLRJ
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 003077/2023 Surname: BORLAND First Names: DAVID ALLAN ID No: 3404135062082 Last Address: Unit 920 Tarentaal Village, Rand Aid Inyoni Village, 200 Modderfontein Road, Edenvale e: Edenvale Johannesburg CLIFFE DEKKER HOFMEYR INCORPORATED Private Bag X40, Benmore, 2010 gretchen. barkhuizenbarbosa@ Tel: 011 562 1250 02TLM2 LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In the Estate of the Late ADELE MARIE DAWSON Estate No: 1460/2023 ID No: 440527 0066 08 4 Last Address: 6 Stanley Cape Road, Parklands, Town, 7441 Date of Death: 9 November 2022 The First And Final Liquidation And Distribution Account in the above Estate will be open for inspection at the Office of the Master of the High Court Cape Town, for a for a period of 21 days from date of publication hereof. MILDRED CURR ATTORNEY Attorneys for Executor P O Box 796 Somerset Mall 7137 Tel: 021 761 1478 02TKKT
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 008961/2018 Surname: MANGOLD First names: PETER OLIVER ID No: 420310 5038 08 3 Last Address: 117 Senior Drive, Northcliff, Johannesburg Description of Account: First & Final Johannesburg CITADEL FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD Kaaimans Building, Lynnwood Bridge Office Park 14 H, Tel: +27012 470 0764 02TLUI
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 002431/2023 Surname: ORELOWITZ First Names: MANNEY SIDNEY ID No: 3602175043082 Last Address: 7 Serenity Place, 76 Elray Street, Fairmount Ext 2, Johannesburg, 2192 Magistrate Office: Johannesburg Johannesburg Kerryn Franck, CHARTERED LEGACY & TRUST (PTY) LTD Chartered House, 2 North Road, Dunkeld West, Johannesburg kerryn@ Tel: 011 502 2800 02TL07
NOTICE Estate of the Late MARA NAOMI BABB died on 10 January 2023 ID No: 320806 0002 08 2, Of No. 6 11th Avenue, De Oude Renbaan, Paarl Estate No: 005557/2023. The First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town and the Magistrate Paarl (WC) for twentyone (21) days from date of publication hereof. FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD P O Box 135 Cape Town 8000 Lucille Aleda Abrams +27 87 335 6031 02TL08
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 004401/2023 Surname: HOTZ First Names: ROBERT SAMUEL ID No: 4112145119086 Last Address: 10 Robert Crescent, Morningside, Sandton, 2196 Magistrate Office: Randburg Johannesburg Kerryn Franck, CHARTERED LEGACY & TRUST (PTY) LTD Chartered House, 2 North Road, Dunkeld West, Johannesburg kerryn@ Tel: 011 502 2800 02TL3M
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 14305/2019 Surname: HEATHFIELD-ELIOTT First names: IVOR KEITH ID No: 2602245048088 Last Address: 54 Krag Street, Napier, 7270 Surviving Spouse: EDYTHE GLORIA HEATHFIELD - ELIOTT ID No: 4005080083087 Description of Account: First & Final Bredasdorp CHRIS FICK & ASSOCIATES 4th Floor, Waalburg Building, 28 Wale Street, Cape Town Tel: 021 424 3937 02TKOM LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 15976/2022 Surname: HAAG First names: AURIEL JOAN ID No: 4302050075080 Last Address: 15 Strawberry Lane, Constantia, 7806 Kuils River Office: Cape Town CHRIS FICK & ASSOCIATES 4th Floor, Waalburg Building, 28 Wale Street, Cape Town, 8001 Tel: 021 424 3937 02TKKW
NOTICE Estate of the Late LUKAS JOHANNES JACOBUS SWART died on 29 March 2023 ID No: 520106 5054 08 1 Of 8 Heath Street, Fairy Glen, Worcester, married in community of property to ANNA CORNELIA SWART, Born on 24 January 1951 ID No: 510124 0055 08 8 Estate No: 010805/2023. The First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town, and the Magistrate, Worcester for twentyone (21) days from date of publication hereof. FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD P O Box 135 Cape Town 8000 Marcelle Visser +27 87 312 1859 02TL1G
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 26316/2021 Surname: ZAAL First names: RINGO JOSEPH RUDI ID No: 7101255195082 Last Address: 4 Dikkop Street, Electric City, Eerste River, 7100, Cape Town Surviving Spouse: MICHELLE NATHALIE ZAAL ID No: 7407300072089 Description of Account: Supplementary First & Final Kuils River CHRIS FICK & ASSOCIATES 4th Floor, Waalburg Building, 28 Wale Street, Cape Town, 8001 Tel: 021 424 3937 02TKKM
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 009391/2022 Surname: UYS First names: IRMA NELLIE ID No: 6904110048086 Last Address: 17 Koloniesland, Stellenbosch, 7600 Description of Account: First & Final Court CITADEL FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD 1st Floor Kaaimans Building, 4 Daventry Road, Lynnwood Manor Office Bridge, Gauteng, 0081 Tel: 012 470 2791 02TLOI
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 001327/2023 Surname: GEFFROY First names: DIDIER BRETON ID No: 7405025190087 Last Address: 933 Struben Street, Helderkruin, Roodepoort, Johannesburg Description of Account: First & Final Court Johannesburg CITADEL FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD 1st Floor Kaaimans Building, 4 Daventry Road, Lynnwood Manor Office Bridge, Gauteng, 0081 Tel: 012 470 2791 02TLHE LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 009001/2022 Surname: WOOD First names: COLIN JOHN MILNER ID No: 3508125038082 Last Address: 3A Tessa Lane, Northcliff, Johannesburg, Gauteng, 2195 Description of Account: First & Final Master Johannesburg Johannesburg CITADEL FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD 1st Floor Kaaimans Building, 4 Daventry Road, Lynnwood Manor Office Bridge, Gauteng, 0081 Tel: 012 470 2791 02TLHF
NOTICE Estate of the Late ELIZABETH MARGARET DUNCAN died on 5 August 2022 ID No: 290309 0036 08 1, Of 23 Japonika Avenue, Welgedacht Estate, Bellville, Cape Town Estate No: 023453/2022. The First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town and the Magistrate Bellville (WC) for twenty-one (21) days from date of publication hereof. FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD P O Box 135 Cape Town 8000 Lucille Aleda Abrams +27 87 335 6031 02TL1D
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 026053/2021 Surname: MENZIES First Names: ELIZABETH GAIL ID No: 5305040048082 Last Address: 14 Diaz Village, Orion Close, Somerset West, 7129 Description of Account: Amended First & Final M CLOETE BAKER & PARTNERS 124 Adderley Street, Cape Town, 8001 Tel: 021 424 4300 02TKKU LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 003269/2021 Surname: PETERS First Names: SYLVIA JOSEPHINE ID No: 3102280038085 Last Address: 4 Adrian Herbert Road, Groenvlei, 7780 Clare Wendy Faria CLOETE BAKER & PARTNERS 124 Adderley Street, Cape Town, 8001 Tel: 021 424 4300 02TKL1
LIQUIDATION DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 011058/2023 Surname: OPPEL First Name: JOSEPH FRANCIS XAVIER ID No: 4504185015085 Last Address: 28 Rue Emmy Road, Glenhaven, Bellville, 7530 Surviving Spouse: ANNA OPPEL ID No: 5112160051080 DLR FIDUCIARY SA (PTY) LTD PO Box 354, Kuils River, 7579 renee.beukman@ Tel: 086 187 3255 02TLFL
BusinessDay Friday 3 November 2023
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the office of the masters of the high court and magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payment in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 3856/2022 Surname: KELLER First Names: PETER GOTTFRIED Passport: F2306611 Last Address: 2 Bordeaux Close, Nuutgevonden Residential Village, Stellenbosch, 7600 Surviving Spouse: KAYAKAZI CHARITY KELLER ID No: 8709112117008 Description of Account: First & Final Office: Stellenbosch CLUVER MARKOTTER INC PO Box 12, Stellenbosch, 7599 sisteeng@ Tel: 021 808 5600 02TKKP LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 020621/2021 Surname: DOLS First names: GERARUDS KAREL ID No: 5805255308188 Last Address: 25 Athens Road, Table View, 7441 Description of Account: First & Final Chanelle Rheeder of: DELGADO VELOSA RHEEDER INCORPORATED Unit A Mayfair, Corner Oasis Lane & Century Way, Century City Tel: 021 671 5384 02TKKF
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 004404/2021 Surname: TSHABALALA First names: ELIZABETH NTOMBENHLE ID No: 6108270627081 Last Address: 29 Rowles Avenue, Waterfall, Durban Description of Account: First & Final Magistrate Chanelle Rheeder of: DELGADO VELOSA RHEEDER INCORPORATED Unit A Mayfair, Corner Oasis Lane & Century Way, Century City Tel: 021 671 5384 02TKKA
NOTICE Estate of the Late CYNTHIA PHYLLIS GREAVES died on 11 December 2020 ID No: 451223 0116 08 9 Portion 43(A Portion of Portion 23) of The Farm Lange Valley, George, Western Cape Estate No: 001157/2021, Cape Town The First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town, and the Magistrate George, for twenty-one (21) days from date of publication hereof. FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD P O Box 135 Cape Town 8000 Ian Ross Heymans +27 87 343 2305 02TL1F
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 31555/2022 Surname: PESTANA First names: MARIA HELENA DE VEIGA PESTANA PESTANA ID No: 3107210042081 Last address: 9 Laura Lane, Melrose North, Johannesburg Johannesburg DOLORES PESTANA ATTORNEY 40 Hamlin Street, Highlands North Tel: 011 786 7844 02TKKN LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specifically stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 015384/2022 Surname: DE MEILLON First names: HENDRIK JOHANNES ID No: 4307235038085 Last Address: 1 Thomson Close, Claremont, Cape Town, 7708 e: Cape Town DORRINGTON JESSOP INC. 28 Draper Square, 16 Draper Street, Claremont, 7708 Tel: 021 671 5215 02TKKL
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 000782/2022 Surname: BOTHA First names: PETRUS BENJAMIN ID No: 3710095023082 Last Address: 633 Vlakhaas Street, Vaal Oewers Surviving Spouse: ISABELLA MARIA KATRINA BOTHA ID No: 4103280012087 FC WEALTH & INVESTMENTS (PTY)LTD PO Box 143, Wapadrand, 0050 Tel: 082 926 6355 02TM1W
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 019958/2022 Surname: WILLIAMS First names: SALOME MARGARET ID No: 3703060233083 Last Address: 37 9th Avenue, Kensington, 7405 Surviving Spouse: EDWARD ALFRED JAMES WILLIAMS ID No: 4109305402088 Description of Account: First & Final Period of Inspection: 21z Cape Town Magistrates Court Western Cape High Court GUNSTON STRANDVIK MLAMBO ATTORNEYS Block A, Silverwood, Steenberg Office Park, Tokai, 7945 Tel: 021 702 7763 02TLPO
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 3733/2023 Surname: HENDRICKS First names: FATIMA ID No: 3501180112082 Last Address: 6 David Street, Bishop Lavis Description of Account: First & Final Goodwood GAIRONESA DAVIDS ATTORNEYS Cnr of No.1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7700 gaironesadavids@ Tel: 021 683 7437 02TLCF
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 12830/2023 Surname: BARON First names: JOHN CHRISTIAN ID No: 4307235089088 Last Address: 266 6th Avenue, Lotusriver Surviving Spouse: DAPHNE SOPHIA BARON ID No: 4912130625082 Description of Account: First & Final Grassy Park GAIRONESA DAVIDS ATTORNEYS Cnr of No.1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7700 gaironesadavids@ Tel: 021 683 7437 02TKYS
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 9071/2023 Surname: ISMAIL First names: SHIREEN ID No: 3406290091087 Last Address: 66 Ashfield Road, Heathfield Description of Account: First & Final GAIRONESA DAVIDS ATTORNEYS Cnr of No.1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7700 gaironesadavids@ Tel: 021 683 7437 02TKYU
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specifically stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 010768/2023 Surname: SHEIK-OMAR First names: EBRAHIM ID No: 6004065215085 Last Address: 15 Aletta Street, Rynsoord, Benoni, 1501 Description of Account: First & Final Period of Inspection: 21 Days Johannesburg Street, Johannesburg ISMAIL AND DAHYA ATTORNEYS 30 Beyers Naude, Service Drive, Montgomery Park Tel: 011 837 0366 02TKL2
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 16702/09 Surname: VERCUIEL First names: LIESL EMMA ID No: 7606070064081 Last Address: 15 Kittyhawk Street, Rhodesfield Surviving Spouse: GEORGE MARIO VERCUIEL ID No: 7202085190085 Description of Account: First & Final Park LACANTE HENN INC ATTORNEYS (Authorised Agent) 35 Selati Street, Ashlea Gardens, Pretoria, 0081 Tel: 012 340 0004 02TKKE
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 009829/2022 Surname: VAN DER WESTHUIZEN First Names: EARL DENZIL ID No: 6606285227086 Last Address: 57 The Breakers, Costa Da Gama, 7945 Description of Account: First & Final Period of Inspection: 21 Days Simons Town PAULINE JANSE VAN RENSBURG 14C Jenny Lane, Blouberg Sands, 7441 Tel: 064 609 3437 02TKL0
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 012257/2020 Surname: HARRIS First Names: MARTHA ELIZABETH ID No: 5801280088085 Last Address: 24 Klapperboom Avenue, Randpark Ridge, ERF 2754 Randparkrif Ext 24 Description of Account: First & Final Randburg Johannesburg KAREN SHAFER ATTORNEY 60 Tanced Street, Glenhazel, Johannesburg Tel: 086 011 5115 02TLGC
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specifically stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 006850/2023 Surname: MASANGO First names: MOSES SILVERIUS VUSIMUZI ID No: 6012115629080 Last Address: 10035 Kgari Street, Tsakane, Brakpan Surviving Spouse: LIZZIE MASANGO NEE NGOMANE ID No: 6208030589082 South Gauteng MD MABOGOANE ATTORNEYS INC (agent) 17 Newmont Road, Selcourt, Springs, Gauteng Province mdmabogoaneattorneys@ Tel: 084 845 8280 02TKL3
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 008881/2022 Surname: DE VILLIERS First Names: JACQUELINE ANN ID No: 6705200163085 Last Address: 1 Sea Ways, 15 Blaauwberg Road, Table View, 7441 Description of Account: First & Final Period of Inspection: 21 Days Cape Town PAULINE JANSE VAN RENSBURG 14C Jenny Lane, Blouberg Sands, 7441 Tel: 064 609 3437 02TLDH
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of High Court and Magistrates as stated.Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 024075/2021 Surname: DE WET First names: JACOB DANIEL ID No: 4808035063082 Last Address: 35 Auge Street, Swellendam, 6740 Swellendam FA HANEKOM ATTORNEYS Suite 304, 3rd Floor, 1 Thibault Building, Lower Long Street, Cape Town, 8001 Tel: 021 418 2528 02TKKC
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 013099/2023 Surname: PIVALIZZA First names: MAUREEN ALICE ID No: 3912120146082 Last Address: 210 Evergreen Lifestyle Village, 21 Annandale Road, Diep River SMITH TABATA BUCHANAN BOYES ATTORNEYS 2nd Floor, Cnr Warwick Street & Pearce Road, Claremont, 7708 Tel: 021 673 4766 02TLNF
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: North West Estate No: 006746/2022 Surname: ALBRECHT First Names: MAGDALENA ELIZABETH ID No: 3106240002081 Last Address: Boshoff Straat 18, Rustenburg, 0299, North West FRANZALL FINANSIELE DIENSTE Oliver Thamborylaan 23, Rustenburg, 0299, North West Tel: 014 597 1600 02TKOO LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: North West Estate No: 4569/2022 Surname: DU PLESSIS First Names: MICHIEL ANDRIES KRUGER ID No: 3601205051081 Last Address: Portion 3 of the Farm Roodewal, 322 JQ Koster, North West FRANZALL FINANSIELE DIENSTE Oliver Thamborylaan 23, Rustenburg, 0299, North West Tel: 014 597 1600 02TKOP
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 016890/2021 Surname: WILLIAMS First names: KATHRINE FREDA ID No: 5410190129086 Last Address: 11 Beaufort Street, Rocklands, Mitchells Plain, 7798 Description of Account: First & Final Period of inspection: 21 days Mitchells Plain SALIE & SALIE ATTORNEYS No. 169 Taronga Road, Crawford, Cape Town, 7780 Tel: 021 697 2093 02TKKY
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 5178/2017 Surname: GAMIET First names: ABDURAHGMAAN ID No: 5602175107083 Last Address: 44 Cecil Road, Saltriver Surviving Spouse: NAZLIA GAMIET ID No: 5809281127083 Description of Account: First & Final Cape Town GAIRONESA DAVIDS ATTORNEYS Cnr of No.1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7700 gaironesadavids@ Tel: 021 683 7437 02TLCE
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 15473/2022 Surname: ISAACS First names: SORAYA ID No: 6208170144086 Last Address: 4 Addison Road, Wetton Description of Account: First & Final Office: Cape Town GAIRONESA DAVIDS ATTORNEYS Cnr of No.1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7700 gaironesadavids@ Tel: 021 683 7437 02TKFJ
NOTICE In the Estate of the Late RICHARD PAUL ALLEN ID No: 3311165063080 Date of Death 1 December 2021 Last known address: 3 Westminster Drive, Noordhoek Manor, Noordhoek, Cape Town, 7979 Reg No/estate No: 029355/2021 In terms of Section 35(5) of Act No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the estate specified above will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days from the 3 November 2023, at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town office . Date for publication: 3 November 2023 Dennis Schwulst (Executor): MCARTHUR FINANCIAL PLANNING SERVICES PO Box 101, Bergvliet, 7864, Western Cape Tel: 021 712 5410 02TLYN
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 13298/2023 Surname: ADAMS First names: KEVIN PETER ID No: 4910295078089 Last Address: 65 William Avenue, Grassy Park Surviving Spouse: THELMA GLORIA ELIZABETH ADAMS ID No: 5405280130081 Description of Account: First & Final Wynberg GAIRONESA DAVIDS ATTORNEYS Cnr of No.1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7700 gaironesadavids@ Tel: 021 683 7437 02TLCD
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 5621/2022 Surname: NAYMAN First names: CAROL ANN ID No: 5509230042082 Last Address: 206 Wetton Road, Wetton Description of Account: First & Final Office: Cape Town GAIRONESA DAVIDS ATTORNEYS Cnr of No.1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7700 gaironesadavids@ Tel: 021 683 7437 02TKYT
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 6124/2023 Surname: ABDEROOF First names: ABOBAKAR ID No: 5509105025089 Last Address: No.2 Warwick Street, Walmer Estate Description of Account: First & Final Cape Town GAIRONESA DAVIDS ATTORNEYS Cnr of No.1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7700 gaironesadavids@ Tel: 021 683 7437 02TLCC
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 7388/2023 Surname: BRANDT First names: ANNA MARIE ID No: 5005160132084 Last Address: 38 Panarama Circle, Vredendal North Description of Account: First & Final Vredendal GAIRONESA DAVIDS ATTORNEYS Cnr of No.1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7700 gaironesadavids@ Tel: 021 683 7437 02TL4S
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: North West Estate No: 31/2013 Surname: MPETE First names: JACOBETH MMAMPHULO ID No: 8112180426087 Last Address: Unit 13, ERF 5031 Lephutsi Street, Mmabatho, North West Province MOREBODI-PAUL INC 48 Boshoff Street, Rustenburg Tel: 014 594 0583 02TKKX
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 6088/2023 Surname: RAHMAN First names: JAMALUDDIN ID No: 4410315123080 Last Address: 174 9th Street, Kensington, Cape Town, 7405 NADIA MOUTON & ASSOCIATES Office 10003, 10th Floor, One Thibault, Thibault Square, Cape Town, 8001 Tel: 021 424 5118 02TKKK
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 3185/2023 Surname: JACKSON First names: NAZIEMAH ID No: 5411180130084 Last Address: 6 Lilly Close, Parktown Surviving Spouse: MOGAMAT ARMIEN JACKSON ID No: 5004115739085 Description of Account: First & Final GAIRONESA DAVIDS ATTORNEYS Cnr of No.1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7700 gaironesadavids@ Tel: 021 683 7437 02TLRM LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 021358/2022 Surname: RUSSON First Names: CYNTHIA MARIE ID No: 3809070275087 Last Address: 9 Wychwood Road, Johannesburg Johannesburg South Gauteng, Johannesburg HARRIS DOWDEN & FOUNTAIN PO Box 651129, Benmore, 2010 Tel: 011 884 7373 02TLOJ LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of High Court and Magistrates as stated.Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 1223/2019 Surname: THONG First names: NAAI HOE ID No: 6705105940082 Last Address: 796 Codonia Avenue, Waverley, Pretoria Surviving Spouse: SHUIYAN THONG ID No: 7403032658089 Description of Account: First & Final LA ATTORNEYS INCORPORATED 22 Duiker Crescent, Silver Lakes Golf Estate, Pretoria Tel: 012 004 0710 02TKKD
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 110/2023 Surname: GRENFIELD First Names: ANTHONY MURRAY ABARBANEL ID No: 5901195078088 Last Address: 4 Keurboom Crescent, Dowerglen Ext 3, Johannesburg Germiston fice: Johannesburg KEMP ATTORNEYS Spaces Rivonia, 377 Rivonia Boulevard, Rivonia, Johannesburg, 2128 Tel: 082 371 1446 02TLFJ LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 006697/2022 Surname: BROWN First names: ALBERT FRANK ID No: 3308045034083 Last Address: 6 Fairway Avenue Anthony Craig Parker PARKER AND ACCOUNTANTS PO Box 270, Knysna, 6570 Tel: 044 011 0344 02TKKO
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 005264/2022 Surname: CAROLISSEN First names: BERYL MURIEL ID No: 4602200068087 Last Address: 17 Fleur Road, Rutvale Estate, Crawford, Cape Town Surviving Spouse: LIONEL FRANK CAROLISSEN ID No: 4206195080089 Description of account: First and Final M.E MOHAMMED ATTORNEYS AT LAW 5 Ernest Road, Rylands Estate Tel: 021 637 9002/3 02TKKV
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In the Estate of the late: LAWRENCE STANLEY BOOTH Date of Death: 2023-04-29 Date of Birth: 1944-08-02 Estate No: 020027/2023 ID No: 440802 5004 08 7 Last Address: 4 Palms Boutique, 24 Abraham Kriel Street, Vanderbijlpark The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate will be open for inspection for a period of 21 days from 3 November 2023 at the office of the Master of the High Court, Johannesburg and the Vanderbijlpark. STABILITAS BOARD OF EXECUTORS (PTY) LTD P.O. Box 3673 Randburg 2125 Stabilitas Chambers 3rd Floor 265 Kent Avenue Ferndale Randburg 2194 Tel: 011 886 7195 02TLGA
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 012612/2018 Surname: WANG First names: EBRAHIM ID No: 4302165121084 Last Address: 7 Pine Wood Street, Bonteheuwel, Cape Town Surviving Spouse: ASA WANG ID No: 3701060097086 Description of Account: First and Final Magistrates Office: Goodwood Masters Office: Cape Town PARKER HOLT INCORPORATED 5 Ernest Road, Rylands Estate conveyancing1@ Tel: 021 637 9002/3 02TKKI
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In the Estate of the late: CORNELIA HENRIKA GROENVELD (born Digue Previously Crane) Date of Death: 2021-11-06 Date of Birth: 1950-02-16 Estate No: 002868/2022 ID No: 500216 0076 08 0 Last Address: 1 Rebecca Street, Roodepoort The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate will be open for inspection for a period of 21 days from 3 November 2023 at the office of the Master of the High Court, Johannesburg and the Mag STABILITAS BOARD OF EXECUTORS (PTY) LTD P.O. Box 3673 Randburg 2125 Stabilitas Chambers 3rd Floor 265 Kent Avenue Ferndale Randburg 2194 Tel: 011 886 7195 02TLDK
BusinessDay Friday 3 November 2023
LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 10862/2018 Surname: WANG First names: ASA ID No: 3701060097086 Last Address: 7 Pine Wood Street, Bonteheuwel, Cape Town Description of Account: First and Final Magistrates Office: Goodwood Masters Office: Cape Town PARKER HOLT INCORPORATED 5 Ernest Road, Rylands Estate conveyancing1@ Tel: 021 637 9002/3 02TKQN
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 013412/2023 Surname: DUTHIE First Names: JEAN MARY ID No: 3808230036082 Last Address: 12 Palm Street, Fernwood, Newlands, 7700 PENTAGON TRUST CO 10 Constantia Road, Wynberg, Cape Town admin@ Tel: 021 761 5646 02TKKH
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 24597/2022 Surname: PORTER First names: CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL ID No: 3808255041082 Last Address: Unit 11 Val De Vie Estate Paarl Description of Account: First & Final rl PERSONAL TRUST PO Box 476, Rondebosch, 7701 Tel: 079 503 4871 02TKKQ
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 022564/2021 Surname: SALIE First names: MOGAMAT WASEEM ID No: 7710015102087 Last Address: 20 Plane Avenue, Thornton, Cape Town, 7460 Goodwood pe Town RNJ ESTATE ADMINISTRATOR (PTY) LTD 19 Alice Street, Goodwood, 7460 Tel: 072 317 8998 02TLG9
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBITION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In the Estate of the Late: Surname: BLACK First names: JOHN GILCHRIST Estate No: 008411/2022 ID No: 2910285068084 Date of Death: 03-03-2022 Last address: 15 Mareola Way, Pinelands, Cape The Amended First And Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in this estate will be open for inspection for a period of 21 days from 3 November 2023 at the office of the Master of the High Court Cape Town and fice, Goodwood. Executor or Authorised Agent: Renette Hendriks As nominee of Personal Trust (PTY) LTD and Neil Gilchrist Black Personal Trust House, Belmont Office Park, Belmont Road, Rondebosch, 7700 PERSONAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED P.O. Box 476, Rondebosch, 7701 Tel: 021 689 8975 Ref: LH 02TKL6
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 020065/2022 Surname: JONES First names: ANNIE FRANCIS ID No: 3810260053086 Last Address: 19 Ailsa Road, Ottery, 7780 Description of Account: First & Final Magistrates Office: Wynberg Rabia Achmat R ACHMAT ATTORNEYS 247 Heideveld Road, Vanguard Estate, 7764 rabia.rachmatattorneys@ Tel: 083 265 8648 02TM4M
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 009803/2022 Surname: DOVE First names: JOHN ARTHUR ID No: 3307015026087 Last Address: 9 Kowie Road, Mowbray, Cape Town Description of Account: First & Final Anton Wranz of POTGIETER + ASSOCIATES INC. Unit 16 Canal Edge 4 Tyger Waterfront, Carl Cronje Drive, Bellville, 7530 anton@ Tel: 021 007 3956 02TKKB
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 011684/2023 Surname: BONNY First Names: STANLEY HILTON ID No: 3808285048081 Last Address: 27 Versaille Circle, Fontaine Bleau Retirement Village, Rothschild Boulevard Welgelegen Description of Account: First & Final Goodwood PROACTIVE WILLS AND ESTATES JFA Building, 138 Democracy Way, Milnerton, 7441 Tel: 021 551 1741 02TL3O
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 006412/2023 Surname: RAGGETT First Names: JOSELINE IMELDA ID No: 3305310068085 Last Address: 33 Riverglade Retirement Village, Ravenscourt Road, Parklands, Cape Town Description of Account: First & Final PROACTIVE WILLS AND ESTATES JFA Building, 138 Democracy Way, Milnerton, 7441 Tel: 021 551 1741 02TL3N LIQUIDATION DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 029150/2022 Surname: TOKA First Name: MOTLHARENG ONIKA ID No: 4802190311089 Last Address: 2573 Juliwe Road, Vosloorus Boksburg Johannesburg QUINTON KHUMALO INC 19 Angus Street, Germiston South, 1400 Tel: 011 825 1138 02TLFM
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 003830/2023 Surname: ORGAN First names: DAWN WILMA ID No: 3607140016089 Last Address: 40a Eighth Avenue, Parktown North, Johannesburg Johannesburg Johannesburg 86 8th Avenue, Parktown North, Johannesburg, 2193 Tel: 083 228 2723 02TLS6
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 18587/2022 Surname: MAREE First names: MYNHARDT JACOBUS ID No: 3212295016081 Last Address: 70A Disstans Street, Danabaai, Western Cape Surviving Spouse: CORNELIA JOHANNA MARIA MAREE ID No: 3809240053083 Description of Account: First & Final Mossel Bay VAN RENSBURG ATTORNEYS 23 Kolbe Crescent, Summerstrand, 6001 Tel: 010 006 0600 02TLDI
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In the Estate of the late: FRANK MATTHYSEN Date of Death: 2023-02-13 Date of Birth: 1951-05-04 Estate No: 010927/2023 ID No: 510504 5006 08 9 Last Address: 9 Von Dessin Street, Montgomery Park, Johannesburg The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate will be open for inspection for a period of 21 days from 3 November 2023 at the office of the Master of the High Court, Johannesburg and the Johannesburg. STABILITAS BOARD OF EXECUTORS (PTY) LTD P.O. Box 3673 Randburg 2125 Stabilitas Chambers 3rd Floor 265 Kent Avenue Ferndale Randburg 2194 Tel: 011 886 7195 02TLGB
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 10965/2023 Surname: VISSER First names: DIRK JOHANNES CHRISTIAAN ID No: 4511075063083 Last Address: 107 Babania Street, Langebaan Hopefield Cape Town ROOPA POTGIETER CAPE TOWN INC. Suite 1, 34 Oxford Street, Durbanville, 7550 Tel: 021 919 0490 02TL4P
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 2444/2023 Surname: MAHUMA First Names: SEWELA ELLEN ID No: 5301160702087 Last Address: 1701 Block F, Soshanguve Surviving Spouse: MICHAEL MARK MAHUMA ID No: 5303205770087 ia SAVAGE JOOSTE & ADAMS INC Menlo Park, Pretoria, 0081 Tel: 012 452 8200 02TLHD
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 002622/2022 Surname: OMAR First names: REZA HOOSEN ID No: 4109170061084 Last Address: 20 Innesfree Close, Crawford, Western Cape SMITH TABATA BUCHANAN BOYES ATTORNEYS 2nd Floor, Cnr Warwick Street & Pearce Road, Claremont, 7708 Tel: 021 673 4766 02TLNE
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBITION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In the Estate of the Late: Surname: MATISONN First names: LYNN JOY Estate No: 019514/2021 ID No: 4610180018089 Date of Death: 16-07-2021 Last address: 8 Farringdon, 87 Cato Road, Bulwer, Durban The Second And Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in this estate will be open for inspection for a period of 21 days from 3 November 2023 at the office of the Master of the High Court Durban and the la. PERSONAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED P.O. Box 476, Rondebosch, 7701 Tel: 021 689 8975 02TKL4
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 002898/2023 Surname: PILLAY First Names: INDRIANI ID No: 3410115073080 Last Address: 212 Old Road, Halfway Gardens, Midrand, Gauteng, 1686 Description of Account: First & Final Office: Johannesburg Johannesburg SIYATEC EXECUTORS 6 Mimosa Way, Pinelands Tel: 021 201 7477 02TLMF
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 001606/2023 Surname: PEGG First names: MAURICE EDGAR ID No: 3210205213186 Last Address: D14 Panorama Palms, Uys Krige Street, Panorama Cape Town SMITH TABATA BUCHANAN BOYES ATTORNEYS 2nd Floor, Cnr Warwick Street & Pearce Road, Claremont, 7708 Tel: 021 673 4830 02TLOF
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 034026/2022 Surname: VAN ROOYEN First names: GEORGE FREDERIK HERTZOG ID No: 380822 5043 08 5 Last Address: 34 Cactus Road, Kylami AH Ext 1, Midrand, 1684 Description of Account: First & Final Randburg Johannesburg CAPITAL LEGACY 4th Floor, Sable Corner, Century City, Cape Town, 7441 madelene@ Tel: 021 036 4029 02TLSO
LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 008317/2020 Surname: LAMBERT First Names: LINDA JEAN ID No: 6103030015081 Last Address: 18 Stegman Road, Glenvista, 2192 Johannesburg ETIENNE DU PREEZ VAN DER MERWE 3 Muller Street, Vredelust, Bellville, 7530 maryke@ Tel: 079 837 8473 02TL3L
NOTICE In the estate of the late MOIRA ANN HOGAN ID No: 320502 0047 082, who died on 13 December 2022, married out of community of property (without accrual), of 29 Ascot Road, Milnerton, Cape Town, 1609/2023. The First And Final Liquidation And Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court (Western Cape High Court, Cape Town) for a period of twenty-one (21) days reckoned from 3 November 2023 WALKERS INC PO Box 254, Cape Town, 8000 Tel: 021 464 1400 Ref: GM Dahl/natasha/ W46144 02TKY9
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBITION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In the Estate of the Late: Surname: First names: TERENCE MAURICE Estate No: 4532/2022 ID No: 4701085062189 Date of Death: 29-01-2022 Last address: 36 Silverhurst Way, Bergvliet, Cape Town The First And Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in this estate will be open for inspection for a period of 21 days from 3 November 2023 at the office of the Master of the High Court Cape Town Wynberg. Executor or Authorised Agent: Renette Hendriks As nominee of Personal Trust (PTY) Limited PERSONAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED P.O. Box 476, Rondebosch, 7701 Tel: 021 689 8975 02TKL7
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBITION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In the Estate of the Late: Surname: LANGSTON First names: NEVILLE ARTHUR Estate No: 002920/2022 ID No: 3507315070087 Date of Death: 14-11-2021 Last address: Cottage 51, Woodside Village, Norton Road, Rondebosch, 7700 The First Liquidation and Distribution Account in this estate will be open for inspection for a period of 21 days from 3 November 2023 at the office of the Master of the High Court Cape Town Wynberg. Executor or Authorised Agent: Renette Hendriks As nominee of Personal Trust (PTY) Limited Personal Trust House Belmont Park, Rondebosch PERSONAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED P.O. Box 476, Rondebosch, 7701 Tel: 021 689 8975 Ref: LH 02TKL8 LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: North West Estate No: 331/2020 Surname: ESTERHUIZEN First Names: PAUL BOTHMA ID No: 4001015013083 Last Address: 73A Heefer Street, Rustenburg, 0299, North West Rustenburg g FRANZ JOHAN DU PLESSIS 23 Oliver Thambo Drive, Rustenburg, 0299 Tel: 014 597 1600 02TKON
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBITION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In the Estate of the Late: Surname: DOONAN First names: CRAIG LEONARD Estate No: 009654/2022 ID No: 660616 5134 08 9 Date of Death: 28-02-2022 Last address: 5 Mauritius Close, Capri, Fish Hoek, 7975 The First And Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in this estate will be open for inspection for a period of 21 days from 3 November 2023 at the office of the Master of the High Court Cape Town ice, Simons Town. Executor or Authorised Agent: Renette Hendriks As nominee of Personal Trust (PTY) Limited PERSONAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED P.O. Box 476, Rondebosch, 7701 Tel: 021 689 8975 02TKL5
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 010548/2023 Surname: HENRICKS First names: MOHAMAD SALIE ID No: 4506095093086 Last Address: 9 Marsden Road, Walmer Estate, Cape Town SMITH TABATA BUCHANAN BOYES ATTORNEYS 2nd Floor, Cnr Warwick Street & Pearce Road, Claremont, 7708 Tel: 021 673 4830 02TLOG
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 007683/2021 Surname: GILL First names: ROGER BARRY ID No: 4611225092089 Last Address: Flat 4, Hout Bay, Western Cape Description of Account: Second & Final SMITH TABATA BUCHANAN BOYES ATTORNEYS 2nd Floor, !" Cnr Warwick Street & Pearce Road, Claremont, 7708 Tel: 021 673 4798 02TLOH LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of High Court and Magistrates as stated.Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 023042/2022 Surname: GAIN First names: KEVIN NEVILLE ID No: 6712045211087 Last Address: 40 Victoria Street, Tuscany Glen, Blue Downs, 7100 Surviving Spouse: DEIDRE YOLANDA GAIN ID No: 7209300181088 Kuils River FA HANEKOM ATTORNEYS Suite 304, 3rd Floor, 1 Thibault Building, Lower Long Street, Cape Town, 8001 Tel: 021 418 2528 02TKKZ
GAUTENG LIQUOR ACT, 2003 (ACT NO. 2 OF 2003) NOTICE OF APPLICATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 24 Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the person whose details are set out below to lodge an application for: RESTAURANT LIQUOR LICENCE to the Secretary of the Local Committee of: TSHWANE situated at: 2ND FLOOR, CENTRE WALK, 266 PRETORIUS STREET, PRETORIA on date: 2023-11-03 Province: Gauteng 1. Full Names of the Applicant: GOSSIP AND CHAT COFFEE SHOP (PTY) LTD 2. Intended Trading Name: GOSSIP AND CHAT COFFEE SHOP 3. Reg No: 2018/581029/07 4. Full Address and Location of the Premises: STAND 179, BEING 1-8 OLIEVENHOUTBOSCH ROAD, PRINCETON OFFICE PARK, HIGHVELD TECHNO PARK, CENTURION City / Suburb / Town / Township where Premises located HIGHVELD TECHNO PARK 5. Type of License Applied for: RESTAURANT LIQUOR LICENCE 6. Names and nature of educational institutions within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in par (4): NONE THAT THE APPLICANT IS AWARE OF TO HIDS BEST KNOWLWDGE 7. Names and distances to similar licensed premises within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in par (4): NONE THAT THE APPLICANT IS AWARE OF TO HIDS BEST KNOWLWDGE 8. Places of worship within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in par (4): NONE THAT THE APPLICANT IS AWARE OF TO HIDS BEST KNOWLWDGE LEON BOTHA PO BOX 8549, CENTURION, 0046 079 505 0118 02TMNB
DEED DESTROYED OR LOST Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer No. T56938/2011 (VA647/2016) passed by NAZLIE ABRAHAMS, ID No: 700120 0181 08 0, Married according to Muslim Rites and ALBERT BERNHARD DANIEL FICKER, ID No: 420815 5127 08 2, Married out of community of property in favour of BAZIER ARNOLD, ID No: 750512 5065 08 7, Unmarried and JUMAIMA ARNOLD, ID No: 550122 0072 08 8, Unmarried, in respect of ERF 14601 Strand, Situated In City Of Cape Town Stellenbosch Division, Province Of Western Cape, in extent 260 (two hundred and sixty) Square metres which has been lost or destroyed . All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Cape Town, Room 1216, or contact on 021 964 7682/7747/7741, within two weeks after the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Cape Town on this day of 2023. MARI-JANI SWIEGERS P O Box 5122, Tygervalley, 7536 Tel: 021 943 5111 02TMB2
DEED DESTROYED OR LOST Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number T46838/2002 passed by ESTATE LATE ISHMAIL HENDRICKS No. 12570/198 in favour of 1. JANAP HENDRICKS ID No: 570628 0160 083 Unmarried One eight (1/8) undivided share 2. MOGAMAT ARSHAAF HENDRICKS ID No: 730517 5070 081 unmarried One quarter (1/4) undivided share 3. IMERAAN HENDRICKS ID No: 770623 5216 08 7 Unmarried One quarter (1/4) undivided share 4. GADIJA NOLAN ID No: 741027 0181 08 8 Unmarried One eight (1/8) undivided share 5. MADENIA HENDRICKS ID No: 790528 0219 08 3 Unmarried One eight (1/8) undivided share 6. MYMOENA HENDRICKS ID No: 950504 0210 08 9 Unmarried One eight (1/8) undivided share in respect of ERF 3586 Matroosfontein In The City Of Cape Town Cape Division Province Western Cape which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with Amanda Meko on 021 461 7741 / 7682 at the Registrar of Deeds at Cape Town, Room 1216, 12th Floor, 90 Plein Street, Cape Town, within two weeks after the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Durbanville on this 16th day of October 2023. RJ Finck Attorneys C/O LUCAS DYSEL CROUSE INC. P O Box 2723, Durbanville Tel: 021 975 2870 02TMDH
GAUTENG LIQUOR ACT, 2003 (ACT NO. 2 OF 2003) NOTICE OF APPLICATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 24 Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the person whose details are set out below to lodge an application for: RESTAURANT LIQUOR LICENCE to the Secretary of the Local Committee of : Johannesburg situated at: 2ND FLOOR, 124 MAIN STREET, JOHANNESBURG on date: 2023-11-03 Province: Gauteng 1. Full Names of the Applicant: DAVID DONALD MAPOSA 2. Intended Trading Name: MR G'S PLACE 3. ID No: 8406256437089 4. Full Address and Location of the Premises: 1765 PEARLSCALE STREET, KAALFONTEIN X4, MIDRAND City / Suburb / Town / Township where Premises located KAALFONTEIN 5. Type of License Applied for: RESTAURANT LIQUOR LICENCE IR ANY OTHER LICENCE DEEM APPRORIATE 6. Names and nature of educational institutions within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in par (4): NONE THAT THE APPLICANT IS AWARE OF. 7. Names and distances to similar licensed premises within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in par (4): NONE THAT THE APPLICANT IS AWARE OF. 8. Places of worship within a radius of 1 kilometer from the premises in par (4): NONE THAT THE APPLICANT IS AWARE OF. LEON BOTHA PO BOX 8549, CENTURION, 0046 079 505 0118 02TMNA
LOST DEEDS LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer ST12660/2012 passed by YVETTE NEVELING, ID No: 7502080015082 in favour of CHARLES WOLMARANS, ID No: 4210065131089 and ESMEE EMILY WOLMARANS, ID No: 4408100087080 in respect of certain A Unit consisting of (a) Section No. 42 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan Number SS 34/2007 in the scheme known as OCEAN VIEW VILLAS in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at PORT EDWARD, HIBISCUS COAST MUNICIPALITY, of which section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan is 137 (One Hundred and Thirty Seven) square metres in extent and (b) An undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deed: Pietermaritzburg, High Court Building, 300 Pietermaritzburg Street, Pietermaritzburg within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Klerksdorp this 18th Day of Septemnber 2023 Charles Wolmarans Stephanus Hermanus Duminy Executor in the Estate of Esmee Emily Wolmarans DE KOCKS ING Siddlestraat 49, Klerksdorp 2571 Tel: 018 462 3504 02TLY0
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number T46636/2015 passed by CAPE TOWN DEEDS OFFICE in favour of AMANDA RABINOWITZ FAMILY TRUST, Reg No: IT1012/2010/PMB in respect of certain ERF 176901 Cape Town which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deed at Cape Town within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Cape Town this 30th Day of October 2023 AMANDA JAYNE RABINOWITZ-MULLER on behalf of AMANDA RABINOWITZ FAMILY TRUST 10 Torquay Ave, Upper Claremont, Cape Town amanda@ Tel: 083 392 9593 02TMN2
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Certificate of Registered Real Rights SK2676/1993S passed by REGISTRAR OF DEEDS, PIETERMARITZBURG in favour of INYONI BEACH APARTMENTS (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED Reg No: 1971/001066/07 in respect of certain LOT NO. 688 AMANZIMTOTI, situate I the Borough of Amanzimtoti and in the Port Natal-Ebhodwe Joint Services Board Area, Administrative District of Natal, Province of KwaZulu-Natal which is now subject to a sectional scheme known as INYONI ROCKS CABANAS as more fully described on Sectional Plan No. 1 /1976 in extent 1,4164 (One Comma Four One Six Four) Hectares Held By Certificate of Registered Real Rights SK2676/1993S which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, Deeds Office within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. GALLOWAY VAN COLLER & GRIESSEL ATTORNEYS P.O. Box 322, Boksburg, 1460 Tel: 011 823 2994 02TN0A LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Notarial Deed Of Cession Of Exclusive Use Area Number SK4049/2004S passed by GERT LAUBSCHER in his capacity as Trustee of the Body Corporate of the SARIE MARAIS SCHEME, No. SS18/1978, acting in terms of a unanimous Resolution of the members in favour of FRANCOIS JACOBUS DU PLESSIS, ID No: 411029 5053 08 9, Unmarried in respect of An Exclusive Use Area described as PARKING P3 SARIE MARAIS, situate at Kingsburgh, In The Ethekwini Municipality, measuring 13 (thirteen) square metres in extent which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to contact the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 within two weeks after the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Cape Town on 2023. Conveyancer Hendrik Gideon Van Zyl Visser LPCM 89794 STRAUSS DALY INC, Unit 13, Canal Edge One, Tyger Waterfront, Carl Cronje Drive, Bellville, 7530, Tel: 021 914 8233 Ref: FNB14/5838/HV/SS 02TMKI
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed Of Transfer Number ST3913/2003 passed by JANE ELIZABETH CAROLINE LITTLETON, ID No: 070527 0001 00 5, Unmarried in favour of ALICE MAUD LITTLETON, ID No: 400112 0060 08 6, Married out of community of property in respect of Section No. 13 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan Number SS 112/1985 in the scheme known as Carmont in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at Carrington Heights, in the Ethekwini Municipality Area which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Alice Maud Littleton c/o NJVR ATTORNEYS Pegasus Building 1 Amarand Avenue Waterkloof Glen Ext 2 Pretoria 0181 Tel: 083 271 5160 02TN0B
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Certificate of Registered Sectional Title ST10/1978 (17) (Unit) duly endorsed in terms of ST446/1983 whereby ownership was transferred and registered from DANIEL RUSSELL WILSON Born 2nd July 1930 and ELIZABETH BROOKS WILSON Born Langemuir on 27th 1933) married to DANIEL RUSSELL WILSON, the marriage being governed by the Laws of Scotland In favour of JEANETTE SHEILA SCHAAP ID No: 380516 0013 081 Married out of community of property. In respect of A Unit consisting of (a) Section No. 17 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No SS 10/1978 in the scheme known as SARATOGA in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at LA LUCIA, in the eThekwini Municipality Area, of which section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan is 213 (Two Hundred and Thirteen) square metres in extent and (b) An undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at the information counter, 300 Pietermaritz Street Pietermaritzburg within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Springs this 24th day of October 2023. Marilyn Jennifer Rautenbach in her capacity as Executrix in the Estate Late Jeanette Sheila Schaap, acting under Letters of Executorship Number 33469/2021 issued by the Master of the High Court of South Africa South Gauteng Division, at Johannesburg on 23 November 2021 IDH ATTORNEYS, 64 Fourth Street, Springs Tel: 011 812 1050 02TLS8
BusinessDay Friday 3 November 2023
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act,1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer No. T16758/2023, passed by MLUNGISI SAMUEL DLUNGWANE, ID No: 631010 5665 084, Unmarried and NKULULEKO ITIEL DLUNGWANE, ID No: 900211 5480 086, Unmarried, in favour of SENZOSENKOSI CELUKUTHULA IAN NGIDI ID No: 831209 5792 082 and MBALI PRINCESS NGIDI ID No: 880528 0623 087 Married in community of property to each other In respect of certain Remainder of Portion 7 of Erf 298 Pietermaritzburg Registration Division FT Province of KwaZulu-Natal In extent 651 (six hundred and fifty one) square metres; Held by deed of transfer T16758/2023 which has been lost. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, within 2 (two) weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Pietermaritzburg Applicant: Senzosenkosi Celukuthula Ian Ngidi Represented By: NEL ATTORNEYS, C/O BROWNE, BRODIE & FOURIE INC ATTORNEYS, 321 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 Tel: 033 342 8386 Debbie Howland 02TNC7
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 (1) of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number T31809/2011 passed by MAHOMED SALIM YAKOOB, ID No: 620721 5225 08 2 and FATHIMA YAKOOB, ID No: 670322 0185 05 5, Married in community of property to each other in favour of COLLIN PAUL DEAIR, ID No: 630127 5223 08 5 and CHARMAINE DEAIR, ID No: 701114 0211 08 7, Married in community of property to each other in respect of a certain ERF 198 Dunveria, Registration Division FT, Province of KwaZulu-Natal which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deed at Pietermaritzburg within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. RYAN FRANK THOMAS (Executor) 2nd Floor, Roland Garros, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston Tel: 010 036 4399 02TNC9
LOST DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of the Mortgage Bond B15498/2022, in favour of ABSA HOME LOANS GUARANTEE COMPANY (RF) PROPRIETARY LIMITED in respect of certain ERF 68 Greenbury, Registration Division FU, Province Of KwaZulu-Natal, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, Deeds Office Information Section, 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Johannesburg on this the 07 June 2023. PEER CARRIM ATTORNEYS, Building 2, Bassonia Estate Office Park East, Cnr Soetdoring Ave & Cussonia Dr, Bassonia 02TM4L
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer ST8910/1987 passed by KONDOTEL VAKANSIES (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED Reg No: 1980/007026/07 in favour of CORNELIUS WILHELMUS DU PLOOY ID No: 520615 5093 00 6 Married out of community of property in respect of certain A Unit consisting of (a) Section No. 48 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No SS452/1985 in the scheme known as DURBAN SPA in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at DURBAN SPA, Local Authority: ETHEKWINI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY, of which section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan is 39 (Thirty Nine) square metres in extent and (b) An undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan. Held By Deed of Transfer Number ST8910/1987 which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Mpumalanga, at 25 Bell Street, Nelspruit, within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Nelspruit this day of 2023 COMBRINK GREYLING ATTORNEYS 11 Murray Street, Nelspruit Tel: 013 752 6995 02TNC8 LOST DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T30793/2022, in favour of WESLEY BRIAN SUBBIAH, ID No: 900707 5088 08 4 and MCKAYLA MADURAY, ID No: 940813 0147 08 1 in respect of certain ERF 68 Greenbury, Registration Division FU, Province Of KwaZulu-Natal, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, Deeds Office Information Section, 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Johannesburg on this the 02 June 2023 PEER CARRIM ATTORNEYS Building 2, Bassonia Estate Office Park East, Cnr Soetdoring Ave & Cussonia Dr, Bassonia. 02TM4K
LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number T21035/2001 passed by TOKAI DEVELOPMENTS (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED, Reg No: 1998/015927/07, in favour of NICOLA ANN ALLSOP, ID No: 651229 0107 08 3, Married out of community of property, in respect of ERF 12674 Constantia, in the City of Cape Town, Cape Division, Western Cape Province, which said Deed of Transfer has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar Of Deeds At Room 1216, 12th Floor, 90 Plein Street, Cape Town within two weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice. STBB Chambers, Cnr Warwick Street & Pearce Street, Claremont, 7735 Tel: 021 673 4774 02TN07
LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number T59233/2015 passed by VICRUD PROPERTIES CC, Reg No: CK 1997/060572/23, in favour of BERYL ELAINE MORSE SCOTT, ID No: 460217 0077 08 4, Widow, in respect of ERF 17313 Fish Hoek, in the City of Cape Town, Division Cape, Province of Western Cape, which said Deed of Transfer has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar Of Deeds At Room 1216, 12th Floor, 90 Plein Street, Cape Town within two weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice. STBB Chambers, Cnr Warwick Street & Pearce Street, Claremont, 7735 Tel: 021 673 4774 02TN08
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 bf the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T6943/2015 passed by JACOBA ANTOINETTE VAN WYK, ID No: 511220 0064 08 5, Unmarried in favour of ALESSANDRA OLIVIA SHEPPARD, ID No: 680419 0151 08 3, Unmarried in respect of Portion 1 Of ERF 638 Fontainebleau Township, Registration Division IQ, Province of Gauteng which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Johannesburg on 31 October 2023. KEMP ATTORNEYS Spaces Rivonia 377 Rivonia Boulevard Rivonia 2072 Tel: 082 371 1446 02TMLN
NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LOST OR DESTROYED DEED IN TERMS OF REGULATION 68(1) OF THE DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT NO. 47 OF 1937 Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act Number 47 of 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer No T24879/1996 Passed by J A HOBKIRK (EIENDOMS) BEPERK Nr. 05/07724/07 In favour of CANRY INVESTMENTS CC No. CK 96/13842/23 In respect of 1. ERF 29 GERMISTON TOWNSHIP REGISTRATION DIVISION I.R., IN THE PROVINCE OF GAUTENG IN EXTENT: 495 (Four Hundred and Ninety Five) Square Metres 2. ERF 30 GERMISTON TOWNSHIP REGISTRATION DIVISION I.R., IN THE PROVINCE OF GAUTENG IN EXTENT: 495 (Four Hundred and Ninety Five) Square Metres Which deed has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Johannesburg within two weeks after the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Cape Town on this day of 2023 WVA INCORPORATED 18 Kings Road Brooklyn Cape Town 7405 Tel: 0861 982 462 and E-mail: 02TND3
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer No. T33526/1988 passed by STEWART JAMES JOHNSON ID No: 591224 5106 01 9 And BRIDGET BENITA JOHNSON ID No: 631207 0125 01 1 Married in community of property to each other in favour of NOLAN CEDRIC WIENER ID No: 590208 5087 01 5 And LYNN JO-ANN WIENER, ID No: 640622 0120 01 1 Married in community of property to each other, in respect of ERF 37082 Mitchells Plain, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds Cape Town, room 1216, 12th Floor, 90 Plein Street, Cape Town, within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Cape Town this 13 October 2023 HAYDN ELMES & ELMES 26 Hope Street, Gardens, Cape Town 021 461 1227 02TM0L LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68(1) of the Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number ST18653/2012 passed by The Executrix in the Estate Late ROSEMARY LYNETTE HOHNE, Estate No: 6979/2008/PMB in favour of AVENIL MARGARET SCOTT, ID No: 401104 0014 08 9, Unmarried, in respect of certain Section no. 426 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No SS 275/1996 in the scheme known as Amberfield in respect of the land and building or buildings situate at Howick, In The Umngeni Municipality Area, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deed at Pietermaritzburg within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Natascha Maserame Schittenhelm RVC INC Ground Floor, Carrisbrook, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston Tel: 010 036 4394 010 036 4393 02TN09
AUCTION NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IMMOVABLE PROPERTY IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG) Case No: 12738/2020 In the matter between: TEXMEX 27 (RF) (PTY) LTD Plaintiff and LETITIA NONTLAHLA TSHAKA Defendant This sale in execution conducted in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (as amended) pursuant to a Judgment obtained in the High Court Under Case No: 12738/2020 dated the 8th of June 2022 and the 16th of August 2023 and writ of Attachment issued thereafter, the immovable property listed hereunder will be sold to the highest bidder with a reserve price of R 400 000.00 at the Offices Of The Sheriff Of The High Court, Palm Ridge, 39a Louis Trichard Street, Alberton North On 15 November 2023 At 09h00. Full Conditions of Sale can be inspected at the Offices Of The Sheriff Of The High Court, Palm Ridge at the abovementioned address and will also be read out by the Sheriff prior to the sale in execution. The Execution Creditor, Sheriff and/or Plaintiff's Attorneys do not give any warranties with regard to the description and/or improvements. Property: ERF 956 WATERVALSPRUIT Extension 9 Township Registration Division I.R., The Province of Gauteng In extent 212 (two hundred and twelve) square metres Held By Deed Of Transfer Number T33236/2018 Also Known As: 956 Watervalspruit Ext. 9, Sky City, Meyerton Improvements: 2 Bedrooms, Bathroom, Lounge, Kitchen (Not Guaranteed) The Property Is Zoned Residential (the accuracy hereof not guaranteed) 1. The rules of this auction are available 24 hours before the auction at the offices of the Sheriff of the High Court, Offices Of The Sheriff Of The High Court, Palm Ridge, 39a Louis Trichardt Street, Alberton North during office hours. Advertising cost at current publication rates and sale costs according to Court Rules apply. Registration a buyer is a prerequisite subject to condition, inter alia: (a) Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (URL iew/Download Files Action?id=99961) (b) Fica-legislation: Requirement proof of ID and residential address (c) Payment of a Registration fee of R25 000, 00 (refundable) in cash or bank guaranteed cheque is required prior to the commencement of the auction in order to obtain a buyers card. (d) Registration condition (e) The Sheriff or his deputy will conduct the auction. (f) The Purchaser shall pay to the sheriff 10% (ten percent) of the purchase price in cash or bank guarantee on the day of the sale. The balance shall be paid against transfer and shall be secured by a guarantee issued by a financial institution approved by the creditor or his or her attorney and shall be furnished to the sheriff within 21 (twenty-one) days after the sale. The property may be taken possession of after signature of the conditions of the sale, payment of the deposit and upon the balance of the purchase price being secured in terms of the conditions of sale (paragraph 9). Should the purchaser receive possession of the property, the purchaser shall be liable for occupational rental at the rate of 1% of the Purchase Price, per month from the date of possession of the property to date of registration. HARRINGTON JOHNSON WANDS ATTORNEYS Attorneys for Plaintiff Building 1, 2nd Floor Design Quarter Fourways, Sandton 010 448 0609 Ref: M00838 02TLVU
Nontobeko Ntombela 031 250 8640 Email:
Vasie Naidoo 011 280 5553 Email:
BusinessDay Friday 3 November 2023
#1 TOP
TEL: 011 280 5553 TEL: 031 250 8640
FAX: 086 206 0954
SALE IN EXECUTION AUCTION SALE IN EXECUTION IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA KWAZULU-NATAL, LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN CASE NUMBER: D2016/2020, STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED / SNEHALKUMAR PATEL IDENTITY NUMBER: 7608135907080. This is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above Honourable Court in terms of which the following property will be sold in execution on 22 November 2023 at 10h00 at the 18 Suzuka Road, Westmead, Pinetown, to the highest bidder: ERF 1898 RESERVOIR HILLS EXT 5 DURBAN, Registration Division FT, Province of KwaZulu-Natal, In Extent 1193 (one thousand one hundred and ninety three) square metres. Held by Deed of Transfer No. T5913/2015 Physical Address: 176 RIDDICK AVENUE, RESERVIOR HILLS Magisterial District Pinetown ZONING: RESIDENTIAL (NOTHING GUARANTEED) IMPROVEMENTS: The following information is furnished but not guaranteed: Average Condition, Single Storey with tiled roof, plastered interior walls and facebrick exterior walls main dwelling: 1 lounge, 1 dining room, 1 kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 garage, 1 storeroom. flatlet: 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen, 1 lounge. (The nature, extent, condition and existence of the improvements are not guaranteed, and are sold "voetstoots"). The Purchaser shall in addition to the Auctioneer's commission, pay a deposit of 10% of the purchase price in cash or EFT immediately on the knock down of the sale and the balance against transfer which shall be secured by a Bank guarantee in a form acceptable to Plaintiff's conveyancers, which guarantee shall be delivered by the Purchaser to the Sheriff within Twenty one (21) days from the date of the sale and shall provide for the payment of the full balance and any such interest payable as provided for hereunder. The rules of this auction and a full advertisement is available 24hours before the auction at the office of the Sheriff for Pinetown, 18 Suzuka Road, Westmead Pinetown. The office of the Sheriff for Pinetown will conduct the sale with auctioneers Mr N B Nxumalo and/or S Raghoo. Advertising costs at current publication rates and sale costs according to court rules, apply. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to conditions, inter alia: A) Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (URL view/DownloadFileAction?id= 99961) B) FICA - legislation i.r.o. proof of identity and address particulars. C) Payment of a Registration Fee of R15000.00 in cash. D) Registration conditions. The aforesaid sale shall be subject to the Conditions of Sale which may be inspected at the office of the Sheriff of the High Court, 18 Suzuka Road, Westmead, Pinetown, 15 days prior to sale. STRAUSS DALY INC 9th Floor Strauss Daly Place, 41 Richefond Circle, Ridgeside Office Park, Umhlanga Ref: MRS CHETTY / S1272/9162/AS 02TLH4-39
AUCTION SALE IN EXECUTION IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA KWAZULU-NATAL, LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN CASE NUMBER: D8956/2021, STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED Registration Number 1962/000738/06 APPLICANT/ ERIC SANDILE NJILO RESPONDENT IDENTITY NUMBER: 6909285815086. This is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above Honourable Court in terms of which the following property will be sold in execution on 22 November 2023 at 10h00 at the 18 Suzuka Road, Westmead, Pinetown: ERF 59 ST HELIER (EXTENSION NO. 1), FT, Registration Division Province of KwaZulu-Natal, In Extent 4 234 (four thousand two hundred and thirty four) square metres. Held Under Deed of Transfer Number T9747/2007 Physical Address: 13 FORBES DRIVE, ST HELIER, GILLITS, KWAZULU-NATAL ZONING: RESIDENTIAL (NOTHING GUARANTEED) IMPROVEMENTS: The following information is furnished but not guaranteed: double storey main dwelling: 1x entrance hall, 1x lounge, 1x dining room, 1x kitchen, 1x scullery, 1x laundry, 1x family room, 5x bedrooms, 3x bathrooms, 1x toilet, 1x entertainment area outbuilding: 4x garage, staff room: 1x bedroom, 1x bathroom. (The nature, extent, condition and existence of the improvements are not guaranteed, and are sold "voetstoots"). The Purchaser shall in addition to the Auctioneer's commission, pay a deposit of 10% of the purchase price in cash or EFT immediately on the knock down of the sale and the balance against transfer which shall be secured by a Bank guarantee in a form acceptable to Plaintiff's conveyancers, which guarantee shall be delivered by the Purchaser to the Sheriff within Twenty one (21) days from the date of the sale and shall provide for the payment of the full balance and any such interest payable as provided for hereunder. The rules of this auction and a full advertisement is available 24 hours before the auction at the office of the Sheriff for Pinetown, 18 Suzuka Road, Westmead, Pinetown. The office of the Sheriff for Pinetown will conduct the sale with auctioneers Mr N B Nxumalo and/or S Raghoo. Advertising costs at current publication rates and sale costs according to court rules, apply. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to conditions, inter alia: A.Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008. (URL /view/DownloadFileAction?id =99961) B.FICA - legislation i.r.o. proof of identity and address particulars. C.Payment of a Registration Fee of R15000.00 in cash. D.Registration conditions. The aforesaid sale shall be subject to the Conditions of Sale which may be inspected at the office of the Sheriff of the High Court, 18 Suzuka Road, Westmead, Pinetown, 15 days prior to sale. STRAUSS DALY INC 9th Floor Strauss Daly Place, 41 Richefond Circle, Ridgeside Office Park, Umhlanga, 4320 Ref: MRS CHETTY/S1272/ 8494/AS 02TLH3-38
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EMAIL: EMAIL: Friday 3 November 2023
AUCTION IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA KWAZULU-NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN Case No: D6610/2020 In the matter between: THE STANDARD BANK OF S.A. LIMITED Plaintiff And PHUMLANE SIPHO MBATHA Defendant NOTICE OF SALE The immovable property as described below (hereinafter of the abovenamed Defendant, which was by judgment of this court granted on the 04 JUNE 2021 specially declared executable. The property, which will be, put up to auction on 13 day of NOVEMBER 2023 at 9h00, at Sheriff Durban West, No. 32 Melbourne Road, Entrance in Banshee Lane Umbilo, Durban to the Highest Bidder. The Property is situate at: (a) Section No. 10 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS321/1982 in the scheme known as CATEMBE in respect of the land and buildings situate at DURBAN in the ETHEKWINI MUNICIPALITY area of which section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan, is 55 (Fifty Five) square meters in extent; and (b) An undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan. Held By Deed Of Transfer ST 23047/2008 Subject to all the terms and conditions contained (hereinafter referred to as the Property) PHYSICAL ADDRESS: Flat 23 Catembe, 25 Prains Avenue, Glenwood, Durban. (In The Ethekwini Magisterial District) ZONING Special Residential (nothing guaranteed) IMPROVEMENTS: (not guaranteed) The following information is furnished but not guaranteed: Flat, Street Level, Security/Electronic Gates, Tiled Floor, 2 X Bedrooms, Separate Toilets, Bathrooms, 1 X Lounge, 1 X Kitchen And Built In Cupboards TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT:1. The sale in execution is pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above court. 2. the Rules of the auction and full advertisement are available 24 hours before the auction at the office of the Sheriff for Durban West, No. 1 Rhodes Avenue, Glenwood, Durban. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to conditions, inter alia:(a) Direction of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008. (URLhtp:// view/DownloadFileAction?id= 99961) (b) FICA legislation iro proof of identity and address particulars (c) Payment of a registration fee of R20 000.00 in cash (d) Registration conditions 4. The office of the Sheriff Durban West will conduct the sale with Auctioneers N Adams. Advertising costs at current publication rates and sale costs according to court rules apply. The full conditions of sale may be inspected at the office of the Sheriff for Durban West, No. 1 Rhodes Avenue, Glenwood, Durban for 15 days prior to the date of sale. Dated at DURBAN on this the 21st day of SEPTEMBER 2023 S D MOLOI AND ASSOCIATES INC. 39 St Thomas Road Musgrave, Berea, Durban Docex 378, Durban REF: RR/NR/0287-21 Tel: 031 301 2812/2950 Email: 02TJRW-00
AUCTION IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA KWAZULU-NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN Case No.: D1360/2022 In the matter between: NEDBANK LIMITED (Reg. No. 1951/000009/06) Applicant And MAKHOSAZANA COLLETT MPANZA (ID No. 800223 0230 086) Respondent NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION: IMMOVABLE PROPERTY In pursuance of a judgment granted by this Honourable Court on the 13 October 2022 and a Warrant of Execution issued thereafter, the undermentioned immovable property will be sold to the highest bidder subject to a reserve price of R850 000.00 by the sheriff of the High Court PINETOWN at 18 SUZUKA ROAD, WESTMEAD, PINETOWN on the 22 November 2023 at 10h00. Full Conditions of Sale may be inspected at the Offices of the SHERIFF FOR PINETOWN at 18 SUZUKA ROAD, WESTMEAD, PINETOWN, whom shall hold the sale and shall read out the Conditions of sale prior to the sale in execution. The Sheriff, Execution Creditor and/or the Execution give any warranties with regard to the description and/or improvements of the immovable property. Physical Address of the property: 100 Jupiter Road, Chiltern Hills, Westville, KwaZulu-Natal. Property Description: PORTION 79 (OF 75) OF ERF 751 WESTVILLE Registration Division FT, Province Of KwaZulu-Natal, in extent 1715 (one thousand seven hundred and fifteen) square metres. Held By Deed Of Transfer No. T03961/2020 Magisterial District: ETHEKWINI Zoning: Residential Improvements: single storey house situated above road level with plastered brick under tile roof dwelling consisting of: Main Building: 3 x Bedrooms; 1 x Ensuite; Built-In Cupboards; 2 x Full Bathrooms (shower & bath); 1 x Kitchen; 1 x Scullery; Built-In Cupboards; 2 x Lounges, one with bar area; 1 x Dining Room; Double Garage and Swimming Pool (not working). TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT: 1. The sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable court on 13 October 2022. 2. The rules of the auction and a full advertisement is available 24 hours before the auction at the office of the Sheriff for Pinetown, 18 Suzuka Road, Westmead, Pinetown. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to conditions, inter alia: a) In accordance to the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 ( view/downloadfileAction?id= 99961) b) FICA-legislation Requirements: proof of identity document and residential address and other. c) Payment of a Registration deposit fee of R15 000.00 in cash. d) Registration conditions. 4. The conditions shall lie for inspection at the office of the Sheriff Pinetown, 18 Suzuka Road, Westmead, Pinetown for 15 days prior to the date of sale. 5. The office of the Sheriff for Pinetown will conduct the sale with auctioneers N.B Nxumalo and/or Mrs S Raghoo. 6. Advertising costs at a current publication rates and sale costs according to court rules, apply. Dated at LA LUCIA on this 22 day of SEPTEMBER 2023. GARLICKE & BOUSFIELD INC. 7 Torsvale Crescent La Lucia Ridge Office Estate La Lucia Docex 5 Umhlanga Ref: BM/sz/L0017/22 Tel: 031 570 5433 Fax: 031 570 5307 02TK3A-00
AUCTION IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA KWAZULU-NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN Case No: D4493/2021 In the matter between: THE STANDARD BANK OF S.A. LIMITED Plaintiff And ESSA MUSTAPHA KARRIM First Defendant BEE BEE FATHIMA KARRIM Second Defendant NOTICE OF SALE The undermentioned property will be sold in execution by the SHERIFF INANDA AREA 1 for the HIGHER AND LOWER COURTS at UNIT NO 3, 1 COURT LANE, VERULAM on this 17TH day of NOVEMBER 2023 at 10H00. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ERF 897 LONGCROFT Registration Division FU, Province Of KwaZulu-Natal, in extent 333 (three hundred and thirty three) square metres Held under Deed Of Transfer No. T 39552/2007 Subject to all the terms and conditions contained therein MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: The property is situated at 15 Uppercroft Road, Longcroft, Phoenix (in the Magisterial District: Ethekwini Magisterial District) KwaZulu-Natal and is improved by the construction thereon of a dwelling consisting of (not guaranteed): Description of building: Duplex, Tiled roof, block walls, street level Main house: Tiled and wooden floors, 3 x bedrooms with built in cupboards, 1 bathroom with shower and bath, 1 x lounge, 1 x dining room and 1 x kitchen Other: Fenced ZONING: General Residential (Nothing in this regard is guaranteed) The full conditions of sale may be inspected at the abovementioned Office of the SHERIFF INANDA AREA 1 at Unit No. 3, 1 Court Lane, Verulam, KwaZulu-Natal. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT:1. The sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment contained in the above Court. 2. The Rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the offices of the SHERIFF FOR INANDA AREA 1, UNIT 3, 1 COURT LANE, VERULAM. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to conditions, inter alia:3.1 Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 as amended, in pursuant of an order granted against the Defendant for money owing to the Plaintiff. 3.2 (URLhtp:// view/DownloadFileAction?id= 99961) 3.3 FICA legislation iro proof of identity and address particulars 3.4 Refundable deposit of R10 000.00 in cash only 3.5 Registration conditions 3.6 The Purchaser shall, in commission pay to the Sheriff a deposit of 10% of the purchase price in cash, by bank guaranteed cheque or EFT on the day of sale. The balance shall be paid against transfer and shall be secured by a Guarantee issued by a Financial Institution approved by the Execution Creditor or his or her Attorney, and shall be furnished to the Sheriff within 21 days after the sale and shall provide for the payment of the full balance and any such interest payable. 3.7 Advertising costs at current publication rates and sale costs according to court rules apply. 3.8 The office of the Sheriff Inanda Area 1 will conduct the sale with Auctioneer, MR T A TEMBE. 3.9 The conditions of sale and rules of auction may be Office, Unit 3, 1 Court Lane, Verulam. Dated at DURBAN on this the 27th day of SEPTEMBER 2023. s S D MOLOI AND ASSOCIATES INC 39 St Thomas Road Berea, Durban Docex 378 Durban REF: RR/NR/03S005 /0167-16 Tel: 031 301 2812/2950 Email: 02TJT2-00
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AUCTION IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA KWAZULU-NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN Case No: D5123/2020 In the matter between: ABSA BANK LIMITED Applicant And AKTHAR ALI RASHID ID No: 630129 5117 08 5 First Respondent FIROZA RASHID ID No: 680112 0100 08 1 Second Respondent NOTICE OF SALE In terms of a judgment of the above Honourable Court, a sale in execution will be held on THURSDAY, 16th day of NOVEMBER 2023 at 10:00 at 4 ARBUCKLE ROAD, WINDERMERE, MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN, to the highest bidder, in terms of Rule 46(12)(b), the property shall be sold to the highest bidder, subject to the reserve price of R2 000 000.00. DESCRIPTION: ERF 264 BRICKFIELD, Registration Division FT, Province Of KwaZulu Natal, in extent 715 (seven hundred and fifteen) square metres. Held By Deed of Transfer Number T12636/2007 is Declared Specially Executable. PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 3 Mead Lane, Sydenham. MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: ETHEKWINI MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. ZONING: General Residential (Nothing in this regard is guaranteed) IMPROVEMENTS: MAIN BUILDING: Entrance Hall, 3 Lounge, 2 Dining Room, 1 Living Room, 2 Kitchens, 1 Scullery, 7 Bedrooms, 6 Bathrooms, 1 Separate Toilet, 1 Balcony/Patios. FLAT/COTTAGES: 1 Lounge, 1 Kitchen, 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom. OUTBUILDING: 1 Single Carport, Servants Quarters Has 2 Bedrooms. The nature, extent, condition and existence of the improvements are not guaranteed, and are TAKE FURTHER NOTE THAT: 1. The sale is a sale in execution conducted in accordance to the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 as amended, in pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above court. 2. The Rules of the Auction and full advertisement is available 24 hours before the auction at the office of the Sheriff for Durban Coastal, 4 ARBUCKLE ROAD, WINDERMERE, MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to conditions, inter alia: a. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008, (URL view/DownloadFileAction?id= 99961) b. FICA legislation i.r.o. proof of identity and address particulars. c. Payment of a Registration Fee of R15 000.00 in cash. d. Registration conditions 4. The office of the Sheriff for Durban Coastal will conduct the sale with auctioneers G S NDLOVU and/or D NAICKER. 5. Advertising costs at current publication rates and sale costs according to the court rules, apply. 6. The Purchaser shall, in commission, pay to the Sheriff a deposit of 10% of the purchase price in cash or by bank guaranteed cheque on the day of the sale. 7. The balance shall be paid against transfer and shall be secured by a guarantee issued by a financial institution approved by the Execution Creditor or his or her attorney, and shall be furnished to the Sheriff within 21 days after the sale and shall provide for the payment of the full balance and any such interest payable. 8. The property may be taken possession of after signature of the Conditions of Sale, payment of the deposit and the balance of the purchase price. 9. Should the Purchaser or any other person claiming possession through the Purchaser, receive possession of the property prior to the registration of transfer, the Purchaser shall be liable for occupational rental at the rate of 1% (one percent) of the purchase price, per month, from the date of possession thereof to date of transfer. 10. The aforesaid sale shall be subject to the Conditions of Sale which may be inspected at the office of the Sheriff Durban Coastal, 4 ARBUCKLE ROAD, WINDERMERE, MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN. Dated at UMHLANGA this 26th day of SEPTEMBER 2023. JOHNSTON & PARTNERS 2nd Floor, 81 Richefond Circle Ridgeside Office Park Umhlanga Rocks Tel: 031 536 9700 Fax: 031 536 9799 Email: REF: ROMAN REDDY/ MAT14110/pc 02TJRU-00
AUCTION IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA KWAZULU-NATAL DIVISION, PIETERMARITZBURG Case No: 6626/2021 In the matter between: THE STANDARD BANK OF S.A. LIMITED Plaintiff And KIM GEORGE STRAUN ROBERTSON (In his capacity as Trustee of The Radguy Property Trust REG. NO: IT4115/2005) First Defendant AMANDA FRANCKLING ROBERTSON (In her capacity as Trustee of The Radguy Property Trust REG. NO: IT4115/2005) Second Defendant IAN SMITH (In his capacity as Trustee of the Radguy Property Trust REG. NO: IT4115/2005) Third Defendant KIM GEORGE STRAUN ROBERTSON Fourth Defendant NOTICE OF SALE The sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above Honourable Court on 18TH JANUARY 2023 and a Writ of Execution issued thereafter, the immovable property listed hereunder will be sold in execution on Thursday the 16th day of NOVEMBER 2023 at 09H00 or so soon as thereafter, by the SHERIFF PIETERMARITZBURG for the HIGHER COURT at 20 Otto Street, Pietermaritzburg. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: A Unit Consisting of:(a) Section No. 15 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS 72/1983 in the scheme known as THANET HOUSE in respect of the land and building or buildings situate at Pietermaritzburg in the Msunduzi Municipality Area of which section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan, is 51 (Fifty One) square metres in extent; and (b) an undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan. Held By Deed Of Transfer No. ST 30545/2006 Subject to the conditions therein contained PHYSICAL ADDRESS: Section 15, Unit 309 Thanet House, 164 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg. IMPROVEMENTS: The following information is furnished but not guaranteed: 1 x Bathroom, 1 x Lounge, 1 x Kitchen and 2 x Bedrooms (The nature, extent, condition and existence of the improvements are not guaranteed, and are sold ZONING: General Residential (Nothing in this regard is guaranteed) The full conditions of sale may be inspected at the abovementioned Office of Sheriff Pietermaritzburg for the HIGHER COURT at 20 Otto Street, Pietermaritzburg. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT:1. The sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment contained in the above Court. 2. The Rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the offices of the Sheriff Pietermaritzburg for the Higher Court at 20 Otto Street, Pietermaritzburg. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to conditions, inter alia:3.1 Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 as amended, in pursuant of an order granted against the Defendant for money owing to the Plaintiff. 3.2 (URLhtp:// view/DownloadFileAction?id= 99961) 3.3 FICA legislation iro proof of identity and address particulars 3.4 Refundable deposit of R10 000.00 in cash only 3.5 Registration conditions 3.6 Advertising costs at current publication rates and sale costs according to court rules apply. 3.7 The office of the Sheriff Pietermaritzburg for the Higher Court will conduct the sale with Auctioneer, Sheriff AM Mzimela and/or her Deputies. 3.8 The conditions of sale and rules of auction may be inspected at the SHERIFF PIETERMARITZBURG for the HIGHER COURT at 20 Otto Street, Pietermaritzburg Dated at DURBAN on this the 28th day of SEPTEMBER 2023. Plai S D MOLOI AND ASSOCIATES INC. 39 St Thomas Road Berea, Musgrave Durban Docex 378 Durban REF: RR/NR/ Tel: 031 301 2812/2950 Email: 02TJRX-00
BusinessDay Friday 3 November 2023
AUCTION IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA KWAZULU-NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN Case No: D9384/2021 In the matter between: NEDBANK LIMITED (Reg No. 1951/000009/06) Applicant And GWEN CAROL ALVES N.O. (ID NO.: 710615 0120 085) (Cited herein in her capacity as the duly appointed Executrix in the Estate Late Antonio Manuel Moreira Alves (ID No. 581104 5208 183) duly authorised under Letters of Executorship No. 20378/2010 DBN) First Respondent GWEN CAROL ALVES (ID NO.: 710615 0120 08 5, The Co-Owner) Second Respondent NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IMMOVABLE PROPERTY This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment granted in the High Court of South Africa, KwaZulu Natal, Durban, under Writ of Execution issued thereafter, the immovable property listed hereunder will be sold to the Office, Acting Sheriff Durban South, Unit 1 / 2 Elation House, 350/352 Stamfordhill Road, Durban, at 12:00 on Thursday, 23rd November 2023. DESCRIPTION: PORTION 4 OF ERF 959 SEA VIEW, Registration Division FT, Province Of KwaZulu-Natal, in extent 929 (nine hundred and twentynine) square metres. Held By Deed Of Transfer No. T26225/04 PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 8 Jutland Place, Montclair, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal (Magisterial district of Durban) ZONING: General Residential IMPROVEMENTS: Main Building Freestanding with Brick Walls under Tiled Roof dwelling with Tiled and Wooden Floors consisting of: 1 x Lounge; 1 x Dining Room; 3 x Bedrooms with built-ins; 1 x open plan fully fitted Kitchen; 2 x Bathrooms; 2 x Toilets; Out Building - Freestanding with Brick Walls under Asbestos Roof dwelling with Tiled Floors consisting of: 1 x Lounge; 1 x Bedroom; 1 x Bathroom; 1 x Toilet; Braai Area Other Information 2 x Driveway; 1 x Storeroom; Double Garage BOUNDARY: Fenced with Concrete Nothing in this regard is guaranteed. 1. The sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the High Court Act and the Rules made thereunder. 2. The purchaser shall pay a deposit of 10% (TEN PER CENT) of the purchase price and the auctioneer's commission in cash or bank guaranteed cheque on the day of the sale, and the balance shall be paid against transfer and shall be secured by a guarantee issued by a financial institution approved by the execution creditor or his or her attorney, and shall be furnished to the Sheriff within 21 (TWENTY ONE) days after the date of sale. 3. Transfer shall be effected by the attorneys for the Plaintiff and the purchaser shall pay all transfer dues, including transfer duty, current and/or arrear levies/rates and/or Value Added Tax and other necessary charges to effect transfer upon request by the sale attorneys. 4. The property may be taken possession of after signature of the conditions of sale, payment of the deposit and upon the balance of the purchase price being secured in terms of the conditions of sale. 5. Should the purchaser receive possession of the property, the purchaser shall be liable for occupational rental at the rate of 1% of the purchase price per month from date of occupation to date of transfer. 6. The Rules of the auction and conditions of sale may Office, Unit 1 / 2 Elation House, 350/352 Stamfordhill Road, Durban, 24 hours prior to the auction. 6.1 Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite, subject to specific conditions, inter alia:(Registrations will close at 11:50 am): FICA-legislation requirements: proof of identity document and residential address and other; 6.2 Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (URL view/DownloadFileAction?id= 99961); 6.3 All bidders physically attending the auction are required to pay R15 000.00 (refundable) registration fee prior to the commencement of the auction in order to obtain a 6.4 All online bidders are required to pay R40 000.00 (refundable) registration fee prior to the commencement of the auction in order to The auction will be conducted by the Acting Sheriff Durban South, Allan Murugan, or his Deputy. Advertising costs at current publication rates and sale costs according to court rules apply. Dated at UMHLANGA this 22 day of SEPTEMBER 2023. Applicant's Attorney GARLICKE & BOUSFIELD INC. Applicant's Attorneys 7 Torsvale Crescent La Lucia Ridge Office Estate Umhlanga Rocks Ref: BM/sz/L2165/19 02TK39-00
IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA KWAZULU-NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN Case No. 9368/2016 In the matter between: CHANGING TIDES 17 (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED N.O. Execution Creditor And HALEEMA FAIZA BHOLAT ID NO: 8508061415 18 2 Judgment Debtor AUCTION This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above Honourable Court on 22 November 2016 and an order declaring the property specially executable on the 11 March 2020 and a Writ of Execution issued thereafter, the immovable property listed hereunder will be sold in execution on 20th November 2023 at 9:00am or so soon as thereafter, by the Sheriff for Inanda District 2, at 82 Trevenen Road, Lotusville, Verulam to the highest bidder: (Registration closes 8h50am) PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: A unit consisting of: (a) Section No. 167 as shown and more fully described on the Sectional Plan SS456/2005 in the scheme known as PALM GATE, in respect of the land and building or buildings situate at UMHLANGA, in the Ethekwini Municipality, of which section the floor section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan is 140 (One Hundred and Forty) SQUARE METRES in extent and (b) an undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said Sectional plan; and HELD BY Deed of Transfer No. ST 10761/2014 ("the immovable property") Magisterial District Verulam PHYSICAL ADDRESS: W305 Palm Gate, 11 Centenary Boulevard, Umhlanga Rocks, KwaZulu-Natal (Magisterial District Verulam, Inanda District) IMPROVEMENTS: The following information is furnished but not guaranteed: under concrete slabbing, 3 x bedrooms tiled, built in cupboards, en-suite consisting of toilet, bathroom & shower, family lounge tiled, dining room tiled, kitchen tiled, built in cupboards, hob, eye level oven, 1 x toilet tiled with wash basin, 1 x bathroom tiled, tub, wash basin & built in cupboards, 2 x toilet & bathroom combined, sliding doors balcony, storeroom, swimming pool, iron electric gate. Other: Unit inside a residential complex, 24 hour security controlled access with guards, complex swimming pool. (the nature, extent, condition and existence of the improvements are not guaranteed, and are sold strictly "voetstoots"). ZONING: Residential (the accuracy hereof is not guaranteed) 1. The aforementioned property will be sold as per the Conditions of Sale, which conditions and rules of this auction can be inspected 24 hours before the sale at the DISTRICT 2 at 82 TREVENEN ROAD, LOTUSVILLE, VERULAM 2. The Auction will be conducted by the auctioneers R R Singh (Sheriff), and/or Hashim Saib (Deputy Sheriff) 3. The Purchaser shall pay to the sheriff a deposit of 10% of the purchase price in cash or via electronic transfer immediately after the sale of the property on the day of the sale. The balance shall be paid against transfer and shall be secured by a guarantee issued by a financial institution approved by the execution creditor or his or her attorney, and shall be furnished to the sheriff within 21 days after the sale. 4. The property may be taken possession of after signature of the conditions of sale, payment of the deposit and upon the balance of the purchase price being secured in terms of 4.3. of the conditions of sale. 5. Should the purchaser receive possession of the property, the purchaser shall be liable for occupational rental at the rate of 1% of the purchase price per month from the date of occupation to the date of sale. 6. Advertising cost at current publication rate and sale cost according to Court rules apply. 7. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to the following conditions, inter alia: a) In accordance to the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008. ( DownloadFilesAction?id=9961) b) Fica- legislation: To provide an original RSA Identity Document and proof of residential address (municipal account or bank statement not older than 3 months). c) Payment of Registration deposit of R10 000.00 in cash only. d) Registration closes strictly 10 minutes prior to auction. (8:50am) e) The 10% deposit plus auction commission is payable in cash or by way of an electronic funds transfer immediately on the fall of the hammer, immediately provide proof thereof to the satisfaction of the sheriff. f) Only registered bidders will be allowed into the Auction Room. g) Adherance to Covid 19 regulations together with the directives as signed by the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services, The Honourable Lamola on the 23 July 2020. Dated at Umhlanga Rocks this day of September 2023. "Dean Joubert De Villiers" SHEPSTONE & WYLIE Execution Creditors' Attorneys 24 Richefond Circle Ridgeside Office Park, Umhlanga Rocks Ref:LIT/SN/SAHO16129.767 02TG1K-00
AUCTION NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA KWAZULU-NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN Case No: D3434/2022 In the matter between: ITHALA SOC LIMITED (REG NO: 2001/007427/06) First Execution Debtor And DESIGAN NAIDOO (ID NO: 831116 5167 08 4) First Execution Debtor RAVISHA ISHWARDUTT (ID NO: 931112 0341 08 8) Second Execution Debtor ETHEKWINI MUNICIPALITY Third Execution Debtor IN PURSUANCE of an Order in the above Honourable Court on 10th November 2022 and the Warrant of Execution dated 04th April 2023, the immovable property listed hereunder will be sold in execution by Public Auction on 23rd NOVEMBER 2023 at 12h00pm OFFICE, ACTING SHERIFF DURBAN SOUTH, UNIT 1/2 ELATION HOUSE 350/352 STAMFORDHILL ROAD (MATHEWS MEYIWA), MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN, to the highest bidder subject to a reserve price. By way of physical attend OFFICE, ACTING SHERIFF DURBAN SOUTH, UNIT 1/2 ELATION HOUSE 350/352 STAMFORDHILL ROAD (MATHEWS MEYIWA), MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN and/or online, by registering on SHERIFF DURBAN NORTH/ACTING SHERIFF DURBAN SOUTH profile on (in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 as amended). The sale is for CASH OR BY WAY OF ELECTRONIC TRANSFER ONLY and the property is sold VOETSTOOTS. PROPERTY: ERF 1958 MEREWENT, Registration Division FT, Province Of KwaZulu-Natal, In Extent 509 (Five Hundred And Nine) Square Metres, Held Under Deed of Transfer Number: T 35046/18 Subject to the conditions therein contained PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 1958, 15 Buldana Road, Merebank, Kwazulu-Natal, 4052 ZONING: General Residential IMPROVEMENTS: The following information is furnished but not guaranteed: MAIN BUILDING: Single Storey Freestanding With Brick Walls under Tiled Roof Dwelling With Tiled Floors Consisting Of: 1 X Kitchen With Built In Cupboards, 1 X Lounge, 1 X Dining Room, 2 X Bedrooms, 1 X Bathroom With Shower And Toilet OUT BUILDING: Single Storey Freestanding With Brick Walls under Tiled Roof Dwelling With Tiled Floors Consisting Of: 1 X Kitchen, 1 X Lounge, 2 X Bedrooms, 1 X Bathroom with Toilet BOUNDARY: Fenced With Concrete (The nature, extent, condition and existence of the improvements are not guarante TAKE FURTHER NOTE that: 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above Court; 2. The Rules of this auction and conditions of sale may Office at UNIT 1/2 ELATION HOUSE 350/352 STAMFORDHILL ROAD (MATHEWS MEYIWA), MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN, 24 hours prior to the auction. 3. The sale is conducted in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 as Amended, in pursuance of an order granted against the Execution Debtor for money owing to the Execution Creditor; 4. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite, subject to specific conditions, inter alia: a) Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 ( downloadfileAction?id=99961); 5. All bidders are required to present their Identity Document together with their proof of residence for FICA compliance; 6. The sale will be conducted by the Sheriff, Allan Murugan, or his Deputy; 7. All bidders physically attending the auction are required to pay R15 000.00 (refundable) registration fee prior to the commencement of the auction in order to ! " 8. All online bidders are required to pay R40 000.00 (refundable) registration fee prior to the commencement of the auction in order to ! " 9. The purchaser shall pay to the Sheriff a deposit of 10 percent of the purchase price in cash or by bank guaranteed cheque on the date of sale. 10. The balance shall be paid against transfer and shall be secured by a guarantee issued by a financial institution approved by the Execution Creditor or his or her attorney, and shall be furnished to the Sheriff within 21 days after the sale; 11. The property may be taken possession of after the signature of the conditions of sale, payment of the deposit and upon balance of the purchase price being secured in terms of condition 7 and 8; 12. Should the purchaser receive possession of the property, the purchaser shall be liable for the occupational rent at the rate of 1% of the purchase price per month from date of possession to date of transfer; 13. Advertising cost at current publication rates and sale cost according to court rules, apply; Dated at DURBAN on this 21st day of SEPTEMBER 2023. # $ Attorneys PILLAY COHEN ATTORNEYS INC. 78 Problem Mkhize Road Pillay Cohen House Morningside DURBAN Tel: 031-207 6877 E-mail: Ref: L Pillay/tm/ITH041/22 02TJE2-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE SIBONGILE HAPPINESS KHUZWAYO Of 14 Bhambatha Street, Umlazi-BB, Durban, 4066 ID No: 470219 0546 08 2 Date of Birth: 1947-02-19 Date of Death: 2023-04-22 Estate No: 005223/2023 Creditors and debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Durban 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary HASSAN ABBAS & COMPANY Address: 77 Innes Road, Morningside, Durban 02TL03-15
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JEROME MELVIN MOODLEY Of: 34 Glenmore Crescent, Durban North ID No: 7510215184087 Date of Birth: 1975-10-21 Date of Death: 2021-08-07 Estate No: 2419/2022 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at PHOENIX on the 17th OCTOBER 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary CHRIS GOUNDEN INCORPORATED Suite 9, Phoenix Square, 13 Acropolis Street, Phoenix Email: Tel: (031) 500 6475 02TKBN-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JOHANNA BARNARD Of 4A Panax Place, Wentworth, Durban, 4052 ID No: 320615 0084 08 5 Date of Birth: 1932-06-15 Date of Death: 2022-03-21 Estate No: 008659/2023 Creditors and debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Durban 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary HASSAN ABBAS & COMPANY Address: 77 Innes Road, Morningside, Durban 02TL3B-16 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE COLLIN KELLY Of: 67 Panorama Drive, Lennoxton, Newcastle ID No.: 7112275054084 Date of Birth: 1971-12-27 Date of Death: 2023-09-26 Estate No.: 006892/2023 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at NEWCASTLE on this the 13th day of OCTOBER 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary ALLEN KELLY ATTORNEYS 31 Bird Street, Newcastle 2940 02TKZ4-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE FRANCIS HONKOH THOMAS Of 12 Walter Short Road, Pietermaritzburg ID No: 4810275199188 Date of Birth: 27-10-1948 Date of Death: 02-01-2022 And surviving spouse: SABINA KOFA THOMAS DOB: 21-06-1958 Estate No: 1672/2022/PMB Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Pietermaritzburg on this 13 October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary GREEN ATTORNEYS P.O. Box 4214, Willowton, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 02TLCX-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE DICK VUSUMUZI RICHARD RADEBE of 20 STREET 109379 Street, Dubes Land, Dube Village ID No.: 630721 5648 08 3 Date of Birth: 1963-07-21 Date of Death: 2023-08-20 And surviving spouse: THOKOZANI LADYFAIR RADEBE ID No.: 650820 0826 08 5 Date of Birth: 1965-08-20 Estate No.:011239/2023 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Durban on the 18th day of October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary MHS ATTORNEYS INC. 12 Joe Slovo Street, Mansion House, 2nd Floor, Suite 250 Durban, 4001 02TL5M-00 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE RAVEEN RAMSUNDAR SINGH of 29 Paradise Drive, Orient Heights, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal ID No: 560428 5224 089 Date of Birth: 28-04-1956 Date of Death: 11-08-2023 And Surviving spouse: GAITHREE SINGH ID No: 580612 0129 080 Estate No: 7063/2023/PMB Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Pietermaritzburg on this 13 October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary GREEN ATTORNEYS P.O. Box 4214, Willowton, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 02TLCY-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 7666/2010DBN Surname: NGCOBO First Names: NOKUPHIWA HILDA Date of Birth: 1955-06-30 ID No: 550630 0480 08 5 Last Address: 19 Zwelethu Road, Luganda, Pinetown, 3610 Date of Death: 2006-05-19 Master's Office: Durban Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: Franciscus Petrus Van Oers First Floor One Simpson Place Sunnyside Lane 3610 Advertiser Name and Address: DICKINSON & THEUNISSEN INC. 1 Simpson Place Sunnyside Lane Pinetown 3610 Email: Tel: (031)702-9356 02TLBH-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 6906/2023 Surname: WELLER First Names: DORIS Date of Birth: 1945-02-26 ID No: 45022 6039 08 7 Last Address: 18 Ovron Court, 119 Crompton Street, Pinetown, 3610 Date of Death: 2023-04-05 Master's Office: Durban Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: Franciscus Petrus Van Oers 1 Simpson Place, Sunnyside Lane, Pinetown, 3610 Advertiser Name and Address: DICKINSON & THEUNISSEN INC. 1 Simpson Place, Sunnyside Lane, Pinetown, 3610 Email: Tel: (031)702-9356 02TLD0-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 12435/2023 Surname: SAGE First Names: TERENCE Date of Birth: 1943-01-08 ID No: 430108 5051 08 2 Last Address: 51 Highlands Road, Pinetown, 3610 Date of Death: 2022-03-08 Master's Office: Durban Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: Franciscus Petrus Van Oers One Simpson Place Sunnyside Lane Pinetown, 3610 Advertiser Name and Address: DICKINSON & THEUNISSEN INC. 1 Simpson Place Sunnyside Lane Pinetown 3610 Email: Tel: (031)702-9356 02TL2H-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 7674/2010 DBN Surname: NGCOBO First Names: VUSUMUZI Date of Birth: 1974-02-04 ID No: 470204 5267 08 2 Last Address: 19 Zwelethu Road, Luganda, Pinetown, 3610 Date of Death: 2000-12-02 Master's Office: Durban Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: Franciscus Petrus Van Oers First Floor One Simpson Place Sunnyside Lane 3610 Advertiser Name and Address: DICKINSON & THEUNISSEN INC. 1 Simpson Place Sunnyside Lane Pinetown 3610 Email: Tel: (031)702-9356 02TL2I-00 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 008182/2017 Surname: MZIMELA First Names: JABULANI JEROME Date of Birth: 1976-07-06 ID No: 7607065935087 Last Address: 53 Delalle Road, Woodlands, Mobeni, 4004 Date of Death: 2017-10-17 Master's Office: Pietermaritzburg Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: Bruce Andrew Rist 2nd Floor, 2 Hughgate Road, 1 George Macfarlane Lane, Wembley, Pietermaritzburg Advertiser Name and Address: SLINDILE ZIKALALA GARLICKE & BOUSFIELD INC. 7 Torsvale Crescent, La Lucia Ridge, Office Estate, Umhlanga 4320 Email: Tel: 031 570 5433 02TK37-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE CHARMAINE WILHELMINA MOSES Of 24 Chub Place, Newlands East, Durban, 4037 ID No: 560131 0069 08 3 Date of Birth: 1956-01-31 Date of Death: 2004-07-21 and surviving spouse: BERNARD ERIC MOSES ID No: 5601310069083 Date of Birth: 1956-01-31 Estate No: 2618/2018 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at 16/10/2023 Attorneys for Executor Testamentary ELLIOTT AND ASSOCIATES Suite 301, 34 Essex Terrace, Westville, 3629 letisha@ Tel: 031 266 1870 02TLE0-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE MARA VILJOEN Estate No: 07045/2023/PMB ID No: 470331 0002 08 9 Date of Death: 30-10-2021 Address: 79 Collin Street, Uvongo Creditors and Debtors in the above estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from 3 November 2023. Name and Address of Advertiser/Executor: ESTATES AND TRUST SERVICES P O Box 878 Westville 3630 Tel: 031 266 8858 02TKYH-7
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 6193/2022/PMB Surname: POTHAS First Names: WAYNE Date of Birth: 1963-05-01 ID No: 630501 5020 08 1 Last Address: 13 Keston Crescent, Bluff, Durban, 4052 Date of Death: 2022-05-10 Master's Office: Pietermaritzburg Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: Dirk Martin Van Ryneveld 13 Claribel Rd, Morningside, Durban, 4001 Advertiser Name and Address: EXECUTOR ASSIST 13 Claribel Rd, Morningside, Durban, 4001 Email: Tel: 031 202 2013 02TLO9-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 012308/2023 Surname: SCROOBY First Names: COLLETTE MIRANDA Date of Birth: 1954-02-15 ID No: 540215 0166 08 3 Last Address: 10 Greyling Mews, 23 School Road, Bluff, Durban, 4001 Date of Death: 2022-12-15 Master's Office: Durban Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: Annusuri Padayachee P.O. Box 13527, Cascades, 3202 Advertiser Name and Address: FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD P.O. Box 13527, Cascades, 3202 Email: Tel: 087 336 3878 02TKR9-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 15150/2015 Surname: SHELEMBA First Names: JABULANI THOMAS Date of Birth: 1959-08-10 ID No: 5908105365083 Last Address: 14 Cane Crescent, Corovoca, Avoca, KwaMashu, 4051 Date of Death: 2015-08-29 Master's Office: Durban Spouse: ZINHLE MOSELY SHELEMBA Date of Birth: 1978/09/29 ID No: 7809290320081 Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: Bruce Andrew Rist 2nd Floor, 2 Hughgate Road, 1 George Macfarlane Lane, Wembley, Pietermaritzburg Advertiser Name and Address: SLINDILE ZIKALALA GARLICKE & BOUSFIELD INC. 7 Torsvale Crescent, La Lucia Ridge Office Estate, Umhlanga 4320 Email: Tel: 031 570 5433 02TJT4-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 003803/2023/DBN Surname: JACOBS First Names: SHAND GERARD Date of Birth: 1947-01-07 ID No: 470107 5124 08 0 Last Address: 8 Balfour Road, Cowies Hill Park, Pinetown Date of Death: 2022-08-23 Master's Office: Durban Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: Yasmin Bibi Basha 2nd Floor, FNB Acacia House, 2 Kikembe Drive Umhlanga, Durban, 3635 Advertiser Name and Address: FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD 2nd Floor, FNB Acacia House, 2 Kikembe Drive Umhlanga, Durban, 3635 Email: Tel: 087 030 3124 02TKRB-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 011608/2023 Surname: SCROOBY First Names: DESMOND DALTON LEONARD Date of Birth: 1948-06-07 ID No: 480607 5178 08 3 Last Address: 10 Greyling Mews, 23 School Road, Bluff, Durban, 4001 Date of Death: 2017-07-02 Master's Office: Durban Surviving Spouse: COLLETTE MIRANDA SCROOBY Date of Birth: 1954-02-15 ID No: 540215 0166 08 3 Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: Annusuri Padayachee P.O. Box 13527, Cascades, 3202 Advertiser Name and Address: FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD P O Box 13527, Cascades, 3202 Email: Tel: 087 336 3878 02TKRA-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 004944/2022 Surname: OOSTHUYSE First Names: ANTOINETTA ROSAMARIA Date of Birth: 1966-09-17 ID No: 660917 0150 08 2 Last Address: 26 Tuscany Villas, West Beach, Milnerton Date of Death: 2021-04-24 Master's Office: Cape Town Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Ltd PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000 Advertiser Name and Address: NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LTD PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000 Email: Tel: +2710 221 8636 02TKO3-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate NO: 005011/2021 Surname: BUKHOSINI First Names: LINDA HAMILTON Date of Birth: 1975-09-20 ID No: 750920 5854 08 9 Last Address: 9 Mthole Lane, Umlazi J Section Date of Death: 2020-05-24 the High Court Durban Name of the Executor or Authorised Agent: Lungelo Baleni Office 1107, Metlife Building 391 Anton Lembede Street Durban, 4001 BALENI ATTORNEYS INC Office 1107, Metlife Building 391 Anton Lembede Street Durban, 4001 lungelo@ Tel: 073 528 0383 02TLO7-00
ESTATE OF THE LATE ADRIANA ELIZABETH DIQUE, Who died on 7 May 2023, ID No: 431230 0014 08 6, Of 217 Plantaan Avenue, Eden Glen Retirement Village, Jeffreys Bay, 6330. Estate No: 004998/2023 Creditors in the above Estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with, and to pay their debts, to the undersigned within thirty (30) days from date of publication hereof. FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD P O Box 27511 Greenacres 6057 Natasha Kisson +27 83 781 9375 02TLPT-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE RICHARD ERNEST SKINNER ID No: 370708 5024 08 8 Date of Birth: 1937-07-08 Date of Death: 2023-08-31 Of: 9 Gleanavon, 1 Audley, Umhlanga Rocks, 4319 Masters Ref: 012896/2023/DBN Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from date of publication hereof. Dated at Umhlanga on this 17th day of October 2023. Attorneys for Executor/ Testamentary MOONEY FORD ATTORNEYS Address: 3rd Floor, The Boulevard 19 Park Lane, Parkside Umhlanga, 4319 Ref: Nevash Sadanand/ S10209 02TL5D-24
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE MARIE JULIE MARTHE LAURENCE HALL Of: 59 Falkon Drive, Alverstone, KwaZulu-Natal ID No.: 330901 0029 082 Date of Birth: 01-09-1933 Date of Death: 15-06-2023 Estate No.: 5124/2023 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Durban 3rd November 2023. Agents for Executor Testamentary GRIEVESON FINANCIAL SERVICES 63 Chelsea Drive, Durban North, 4051 Telephone no. 031-563 6505 02TKT3-00 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE GOBINDLAL HARILAL Of: 120 West View Road, Red Hill, Durban, Kwazulu-Natal ID No.: 4512205407083. Date of Birth: 1945-12-20 Date of Death: 04-09-2023 Spouse:. ANITHA DEVI HARILAL ID No.: 5203090655080 Date of Birth: 1952-03-09 Estate No.: 013204/2023/DBN Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at DURBAN on 3rd NOVEMBER 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary HARKOO, BRIJLAL & REDDY INC 15 Bute Road, Morningside, Durban, 4001 02TKBK-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 005223/2023DBN Surname: KHUZWAYO First Names: SIBONGILE HAPPINESS Date of Birth: 1947-02-19 ID No: 4702190546082 Last Address: 14 Bhambatha Street, Umlazi-BB, Durban, 4066 Date of Death: 2023-04-22 Master's Office: Durban Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: Nolwazi Portia Perfect Mtshali 14 Bhambatha Street, Umlazi-BB, Durban, 4066 Advertiser Name and Address: HASSAN ABBAS AND COMPANY 77 Innes Road, Morningside, Durban, 4001 Email: Tel: 031 303 8950 02TKRS-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE ANANPARSADH BALDEO of 3 Santillana, Cowies Hill, Durban ID No.: 490430 5143 08 2 Date of Birth: 30-04-1949 Date of Death: 26-09-2021 and surviving spouse: MUNIAMMA BALDEO ID No.: 5602140153089 Date of Birth: 1956-02-14 Estate No.: 007194/2022 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Durban on the 03 November 2023. For: MAYNARD MENON GOVENDER SINGH INC. 111 Jan Hofmeyer Road Westville, 3629 02TMC3-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JEANETTE CHRISTINE CHEETHAM Of: 41 Surfbay Sands, Corner of Marine Drive, Shelley Beach ID No: 370228 0095 08 2 Date of Birth: 1937-02-28 Date of Death: 2023-03-15 Estate No: 005097/2023/DBN Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of Publication hereof. Attorneys for the Executrix Testamentary JOHN HUDSON & COMPANY 303 Florida Road Morningside Durban Tel: 031 303 3002 Email: estates@ (Ref: RJ Brereton/sd/02/ C275/001) 02TL3C-17 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 017115/2021DBN Surname: MADIYA First Names: MPILO ERASMUS Date of Birth: 1980-10-06 ID No: 801006 5345 08 5 Last Address: 1985 Ndawonde Place, Lamontville, KwaZulu-Natal Date of Death: 2021-10-25 Master's Office: Durban Surviving Spouse: NOSIPHO MADIYA Date of Birth: 1980-06-04 ID No: 800604 0650 08 6 Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: Nosipho Madiya Ngidi Incorporated Attorneys SUITE 101-102 Ally's Center, 5-7 Old Main Road Isipingo Rail 4110 Advertiser Name and Address: NGIDI INCORPORATED ATTORNEYS SUITE 102 Alley Center, 5-7 Old Main Road Isipingo Rail 4110 Email: Tel: 083 330 6798 02TL0K-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE CAROLINE EUNICE HISTED Of 5 Lytton Crescent, Pinetown, 3610 ID No: 640506 0107 08 8 Date of Birth: 1964-05-06 Date of Death: 2020-10-21 And surviving spouse: DAVID ANTHONY ROBERTS Passport /ID No: 551590248 Date of Birth: 1962-04-19 Estate No: 005628/2023 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of Publication hereof. Dated at Westville on this 20th day of October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary KING-ESSACK & ASSOCIATES INC Address: First Floor, Block A, Essex Park,46 Essex Terrace, Westville Tel: 031 701 1561 Fax: 086 676 9598 Email: etienne@ 02TL3D-18
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE WENDY JANE WRIGHT Of 14 Woodlands Road, Gillitts, KwaZulu-Natal ID No: 530320 0007 08 9 Date of Birth: 1953-03-20 Date of Death: 2016-11-24 Estate No: 006793/2019 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of Publication hereof. Dated at Westville on this 12th day of October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary KING-ESSACK & ASSOCIATES INC Address: 64 Kings Road, Pinetown Tel: 031 701 1561 Fax: 086 676 9598 Email: liesel@ 02TL3E-19 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE CHERYL GLADYS ROY Of: DG15, Rob Roy Lifestyle Village, 3 Rob Roy Crescent, ID No: 510818 0092 08 8 Date of Birth: 18-08-1951 Date of Death: 16-09-2023 Estate No: 12832/2023 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Kloof this 20 October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary LESTER HALL FLETCHER INC 44 Old Main Road, Kloof, 3610 02TL3F-20 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE QONDENI ELIZABETH KHUZWAYO Of: House No 20258 Ntabamhlophe Area, Ward 8, Ndwedwe ID No.: 630103 0421 081 Date of Birth: 1963-01-03 Date of Death: 19-11-2022 Estate No.: 3330/2023 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Pietermaritzburg on the 19th day of October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary LISTER & LISTER ATTORNEYS P.O. Box 144, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 02TKRV-00 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE MAGAGULA LUCKY BOY LAWRENCE of 985 Mwelase Road Chesterville KZN ID No: 590831 5368 08 3 Date of Birth: 31-08-1959 Date of Death: 21-02-2022 and surviving spouse: MAGAGULA NOKWAZI SIGNORENCE ID No: 650913 0454 08 9 Date of Birth: 13-09-1965 Estate No.: 000889/2023 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at . 13 JUNE 2023 Attorneys for Executor Testamentary NGIDI INCOPORATED Attonerys Suite 102 Alley Centre, 5-7 Old Main Road, Isipingo Rail, 4110 02TL0N-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 017392/2021 Surname: DAWOOD First Names: FEMIDA Date of Birth: 1973-08-09 ID No: 7308090238080 Last Address: 19 Portham Place, Westham, Phoenix Date of Death: 2021-03-14 Master's Office: Durban Spouse: HOOSEN DAWOOD Date of Birth: 1974/01/31 ID No: 7401315162084 Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: Kathija Limalia & Associates Suite 11 Crescent Towers, 102 Hill Street, Overport, 4001 Advertiser Name and Address: KATHIJA LIMALIA & ASSOCIATES Suite 11 Crescent Towers, 102 Hill Street, Overport, 4001 Email: Tel: 031 208 6134 02TKTL-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE LORNA ETHEL MEIKLEJOHN ID No: 390129 0051 08 1 married out of community of property resident at 22 MINERVA AVENUE, SCOTTBURGH, KWAZULU NATAL, who died at SCOTTBURGH on 10 JUNE 2022. Estate Number: 011027/2023 Debtors and Creditors in the above estate are hereby called upon to pay their debts and file their claims with the undersigned within 30 (thirty) days from date of publication hereof. MARAIS LAW INC. P O BOX 1850 GEORGE 6530 Tel: 044 884 0409 02TM2J-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE PAVITHRANANDHA CHETTY Of: 22 Lakson Street, Stanger Heights, KwaZulu Natal, 4449. ID No.: 4605215095086 Date of Birth: 1946-05-21 Date of Death: 2023-05-27 Estate No.: 011275/2023 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Durban this 3rd day of November 2023. MARSH FIDELITY PostNet Suite 10019, Private Bag x7005, Hillcrest, Durban, 3650 02TBKM-00 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE LUNGELO DONALD MTHETHWA of 21 Mpingizane Road, Slangspruit, Pietermaritzburg, Kwazulu-Natal ID No: 510116 5223 08 3 Date of Birth: 16/01/1951 Date of Death: 9/06/2002 spouse: PHUMELELE CLARICE MTHETHWA ID No.: 570415 0569 08 7 Date of Birth: 15/04/1957 Estate No. 2406/2023 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Pietermaritzburg on this 18th day of October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary MASTROSS NAIDOO ORI INCORPORATED 393 Jabu Ndlovu (Loop) Street Pietermaritzburg REF: EST18/0348 02TK6K-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 10980/2019 Surname: MADURAI First Names: YANAMBAL Date of Birth: 1959-12-09 ID No: 5912090268088 Last Address: 49 Gumfern Place, Redfern, Phoenix, 4068 Date of Death: 2019-08-06 Master's Office: Durban Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: Meryl Moonsamy 29 Newclay Square, Clayfield, Phoenix, 4068 Period allowed for lodgement of claims: 30 Days Advertiser Name and Address: MERYL MOONSAMY 29 Newclay Square, Clayfield, Phoenix, 4068 Email: Tel: 031 539 1854 02TLFH-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 002006/2023 Surname: MDLALOSE First Names: MOMALI Date of Birth: 1959-08-16 ID No: 590816 0790 08 4 Last Address: A33 Nyanda Street, Emondlo, 3105 Date of Death: 2022-10-05 Master's Office: Pietermaritzburg Surviving Spouse: BONGINKOSI STANLEY MDLALOSE Date of Birth: 1959-11-15 ID No: 591115 7540 08 0 Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: Bonginkosi Stanley Mdlalose A33 Nyanda Street, Emondlo, 3105 Period allowed for lodgement: 30 Days Advertiser Name: PHIRI INCORPORATED ATTORNEYS 222 Mark Street Email: Tel: 034 981 0206 02TLRH-00 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE SALACHEE VENKATAS Of Road 721, House 207, Montford, Chatsworth ID No.: 590607 0133 08 0 Date of Birth: 1959/06/07 Date of Death: 2021/06/23 And surviving spouse: ANAMALAY VENKATAS ID No.: 560208 5126 08 2 Date of Birth: 1956/02/08 Estate No.: 019058/2021 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at La Lucia on this 19th day of October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary PREMIE NAIDOO ATTORNEYS INC. Unit 5, Santoni House, 7 Sinembe Crescent, Sinembe Business Park, La Lucia Ridge, 4019 02TKYZ-00
BusinessDay Friday 3 November 2023
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE ANGAMMA NAIDOO of 7 Thrush Place, Lotus Park ID No.: 5206020032080 Date of Birth: 1952-06-02 Date of Death: 27-12-2021 Estate No.: 010198/2022 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Durban on the 03 November 2023. For: NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LTD Office 113, Ridge 4, 45 Richefond Circle, Ridgeside Office Park, Umhlanga, 4320 02TKNB-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate NO: 006678/2022 Surname: NGCOBO First Names: ELSIE MINI Date of Birth: 1929-06-25 ID No: 290625 0191 08 3 Last Address: 4918 Umkhonto Road Waterloo, Verulam Date of Death: 2021-10-04 the High Court Durban Name of the Executor or Authorised Agent: Hloniphile Rosemond Ngcobo Office 1107, Metlife Building 4918 Umkhonto Road Waterloo, Verulam BALENI ATTORNEYS INC Office 1107, Metlife Building 391 Anton Lembede Street Durban, 4001 lungelo@ Tel: 073 528 0383 02TLO8-00 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 008860/2023 Surname: HARIPERSAD First Names: SHARLA DEVI Date of Birth: 1948-12-04 ID No: 4812040159083 Last Address: 20 Main Road, Marlvern, 4093. Date of Death: 2021-06-10 Master's Office: Durban Spouse: SANTOSH SHAUN HARIPERSAD Date of Birth: 1951/12/09 ID No: 5112095110084 Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: Devina Haripersad 29a Troupant Avenue, Megaliessig, Johannesburg. Advertiser Name and Address: PATHER AND PATHER ATTORNEYS 3 Nollsworth Crescent, Nollsworth Office Park, La Lucia Ridge. Email: Tel: 031 304 4212 02TKQ2-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 19699/2023 Surname: JOUBERT First Names: CHRISTO DU TOIT Date of Birth: 1949-06-03 ID No: 420603 5080 08 3 Last Address: 32 Kokkewiet Road, Randpark Ridge, Randburg, Gauteng, 2169 Date of Death: 2023-06-10 High Court- Johannesburg Name of Executor or Authorised Agent: Marc Adrian Joubert 60 Emolweni Road, Kloof, KZN, 3610 CEG TRUST COMPANY (PTY) LTD Block 3, 100 on Armstrong, 100 Armstrong Avenue, La Lucia Ridge, Durban, 4051 and Tel: 031 536 8213 02TL2J-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 010625/2023 Surname: KHUMALO First Names: MFUNENI PETRUS Date of Birth: 1945-05-06 ID No: 450506 5513 08 1 Last Address: Makhosini Area, Ulundi, 3838 Date of Death: 2023-06-13 Master's Office: Durban Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: Philangezwi Sikhulekiseni Deon Khumalo Makhosini Area, Ulundi, 3838 Period allowed for lodgement: 30 Days Advertiser Name: PHIRI INCORPORATED ATTORNEYS Address: 91 King Mpande Street, Ulundi, 3838 Email: Tel: 035 9870 0144 02TLPW-00 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE NOSINDISO GERTRUDE JAFTA Of: 1 Chief Mhlabunima Road, 122 B Pietermaritzburg ID No.: 480108 0173 088 Date of Birth: 1948-01-08 Date of Death: 05-09-2023 Estate No.: 6887/2023 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Pietermaritzburg on the 13th day of OCTOBER 2023 Attorneys for Executor Testamentary LISTER & LISTER ATTORNEYS P.O. Box 144, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 02TKZX-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE ARTHUR MOLLENTZE ID No: 441113 5094 08 9 Date of Birth: 1944-11-13 Date of Death: 2022-04-17 Of: 8 Eikeboom Road, Arboretum, Richards Bay 3900 Masters Ref: 017444/2022/DBN Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from date of publication hereof. Dated at Umhlanga on this 16th day of October 2023. Attorneys for Executor/ Testamentary MOONEY FORD ATTORNEYS Address: 3rd Floor, The Boulevard 19 Park Lane, Parkside Umhlanga, 4319 Ref: Nevash Sadanand/ W2871 02TL5C-23
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE LINDA HATTINGH ID No: 621106 0021 08 3 married out of community of property resident at 40 Channel View Road, Bluff, Durban, Kwazulu Natal, who died at Durban on 23 March 2023 Estate Number: 010163/2023 Debtors and Creditors in the above estate are hereby called upon to pay their debts and file their claims with the undersigned within 30 (thirty) days from date of publication hereof. MARAIS LAW INC. P O Box 1850 George 6530 Tel: 044 884 0409 02TM2I-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 013105/2023 Surname: PADAYACHEE First Names: RAMA Date of Birth: 1941-03-03 ID No: 410303 5492 08 9 Last Address: 100 Paradise Lane, Gledhow, KwaDukuza, 4449 Date of Death: 2022-06-04 Master's Office: DURBAN And surviving spouse: MUNIAMAH PADAYACHEE Date of Birth: 1948-11-25 ID No: 481125 0546 08 8 Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: TOMLINSON MNGUNI JAMES ATTORNEYS JUDD ROBERT REID Suite 201, Ridge 6, 20 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Advertiser Name: TOMLINSON MNGUNI JAMES ATTORNEYS Address: Suite 201, Ridge 6 20 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Email: Tel: 031 566 2207 02TLAO-32 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE HENRY BAZIKAHLE KHUZWAYO Of ERF 2156 of Kwamakhutha A ID No.: 661225 6047 08 1 Date of Birth: 1966-12-25 Date of Death: 2022-07-10 Estate No.:012223/2022 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Durban on the 18th day of October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary MHS ATTORNEYS INC. 12 Joe Slovo Street, Mansion House, 2nd Floor, Suite 250 Durban, 4001 02TL0L-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE DEON JOHN VISSER Estate No: 07026/2023/PMB ID No: 401016 5001 08 7 Date of Death: 14-08-2023 Address: Cottage 229, Harrington Gardens, Margate Retirement Village, Margate And surviving spouse: HILDA ARONA VISSER ID No: 430104 0076 08 3 Creditors and Debtors in the above estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from 3 November 2023. Name and Address of Advertiser/Executor: ESTATES AND TRUST SERVICES P O Box 878 Westville 3630 Tel: 031 266 8858 02TKWR-6
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JARAR HUSSAIN Of 30 Sol Harris Crescent, North Beach, Durban, Kwazulu-Natal ID No: 710110 6517 18 7 Date of Birth: 1971-01-10 Date of Death: 2023-08-29 and surviving spouse: SADHIA BIBI HUSSAIN ID No.: 740710 0157 08 0 Date of Birth: 1974-07-10 Estate No.: 012212/2023 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Phoenix on the 20th day of October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary RAJESH HIRALALL ATTORNEYS INCORPORATED 1 Kiltford Place, Sunford, Phoenix hiralallattorneys@ Tel: 031 507 5699 02TKYW-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 003843/2021/DBN Surname: LATHA First Names: THEMBIISILE GLADYS Date of Birth: 1954-11-25 ID No: 541125 0744 08 7 Last Address: 8 Khumbuza Road, Kwamashu-F, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal Date of Death: 2021-02-10 Masters office: DURBAN Name and address of Executor/Authorized agent: ANGEL BUSISIWE GWAGWA A130 Shayamoya, Kwamashu,4359 Advertiser Name: OMPRAKASH RAMLAKHAN INCORPORATED Address: Ramlakhan House 5A Sunford Drive, Sunford, Phoenix 4068 Email: omprakash@ Tel: 031 5646 395 02TL7D-26
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE BONGANI MICHAEL MZIMELA Of: Ward 7, Oswanini, Malangeni, KwaZulu-Natal ID No. 610101 6403 081 Date of Birth: 01-01-1961. Date of Death: 01-04-2023 Spouse: ZUBUYILE MODESTA MZIMELA ID No: 661105 0339 082 Estate No.: 7848/2023 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Durban 3rd November 2023. Attorneys for Executrix Testamentary PRIOR AND PRIOR ATTORNEYS 320 Lena Ahrens Road Glenwood, Durban 4001 Telephone no. 083 679 4776 02TLDU-00 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE LUCIA LYNSKY Of: Gracelands, 25 Leighton Place, Durban, Kwazulu-Natal ID No. 370824 0058 086 Date of Birth: 24-08-1937 Date of Death: 15-06-2023 Estate No.: 8332/2023 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Durban 20th October 2023. Attorneys for Executrix Testamentary PRIOR AND PRIOR ATTORNEYS 320 Lena Ahrens Road Glenwood, Durban 4001 Telephone No: 0836794776 02TKCX-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 019239/2021 Surname: FARLAND First Names: LYNETTE SONJA ELIZABETH Date of Birth: 1950-05-15 ID No: 5005150055089 Last Address: Cottage 231, Umdoni Retirement Village, Old Main Road, Pennington, 4184 Date of Death: 2021-05-28 Master's Office: Durban Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: Roger Reginald Walton Brown 11 Humber Crescent, Durban North, 4051 Advertiser Name and Address: R R W BROWN 11 Humber Crescent, Durban North, 4051 Email: rogerbrown.practice@ Tel: 082 689 3861 02TJZN-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 009527/2023 Surname: GOVENDER First Names: KALAPOOSNI Date of Birth: 1936-11-20 ID No: 3611200055086 Last Address: 17 Willow Park Drive, Umhlatuzana Township, 4097 Date of Death: 2023-07-18 Master's Office: Durban Name and Address of Executor/Authorised Agent: VINESH BADRI Office 100 Mansion House, 12 Joe Slovo Street, Durban 4001 Advertiser Name: VINESH BADRI & PARTNERS Address: Office 100 Mansion House, 12 Joe Slovo Street, Durban 4001 Email: vineshbadriandpartners@ Tel: 082 974 3597 02TJOD-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE DERECK PETERSEN of 9 De Jong Street, Paul Roux 9800, Free State ID No. 420307 5022 083 Date of Birth: 07/03/1942 Date of Death: 12/08/2023 Estate No: 00006048/2023 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Pietermaritzburg this 18th day of October 2023 Attorneys for Executor Testamentary SHEPSTONE & WYLIE P O Box 1368 Pietermaritzburg 02TK6L-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 3627/2023 Surname: PERUMAL First Names: ESIVANI Date of Birth: 1956-03-17 ID No: 5603170151084 Last Address: 179 Challen Avenue, Northcroft, Phoenix, KZN Date of Death: 2023-02-24 Master's Office: Durban Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: Sambosivan Emmanuel Gananathan Perumal 179 Challen Avenue, Northcroft, Phoenix, KZN Advertiser Name and Address: RAJEN MANICKUM & ASSOCIATES 393 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg, KZN Email: rajenmanickum5@ Tel: 071 077 8133 02TKZW-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE RAMESH SAMLALL Of 50 Teakwood Crescent, Trenance Park, Verulam, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal ID No: 600829 5148 08 1 Date of Birth: 1960-08-29 Date of Death: 2021-07-13 And surviving spouse: MOLLY SAMLALL ID No.: 661008 0140 08 0 Date of Birth: 1966-10-08 Estate No.: 012336/2023 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Phoenix on the 20th day of October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary RAJESH HIRALALL ATTORNEYS INCORPORATED 1 Kiltford Place, Sunford, Phoenix hiralallattorneys@ Tel: 031 507 5699 02TKYX-00 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE BASDEW SINGH Of: 169 Collier Avenue, Umhlatuzana, KwaZulu-Natal ID No. 360104 5065 085 Date of Birth: 04-01-1935 Date of Death: 01-07-2023 Spouse: SURAJPATHY SINGH ID No: 420324 0367 082 Estate No.: 9935/2023 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Durban 3rd November 2023. Attorneys for Executrix Testamentary PRIOR AND PRIOR ATTORNEYS 320 Lena Ahrens Road Glenwood, Durban, 4001 Telephone no. 0836794776 02TLC4-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 012902/2023 Surname: KHANYILE First Names: SILINDILE PRECIOUS Date of Birth: 1983-07-13 ID No: 830713 0516 08 2 Last Address: D 126 Ntonto Zulu Road, Umlazi, 4066 Date of Death: 2022-05-23 Master's Office: DURBAN Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: TOMLINSON MNGUNI JAMES ATTORNEYS JUDD ROBERT REID Suite 201, Ridge 6, 20 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Advertiser Name: TOMLINSON MNGUNI JAMES ATTORNEYS Address: Suite 201, Ridge 6 20 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Email: Tel: 031 566 2207 02TLAR-35 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 005493/2022 Surname: FARLAND First Names: JOHN ANTHONY Date of Birth: 1942-03-26 ID No: 4203265037081 Last Address: Cottage 231, Umdoni Retirement Village, Old Main Road, Pennington, 4184 Date of Death: 2021-11-15 Master's Office: Durban Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: Roger Reginald Walton Brown 11 Humber Crescent, Durban North, 4051 Advertiser Name and Address: R R W BROWN 11 Humber Crescent, Durban North, 4051 Email: rogerbrown.practice@ Tel: 082-689-3861 02TJZL-00 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE PANAYIOTIS ANDREA Of: 82 Hawthorn Street, Kokstad, KwaZulu Natal ID No.: 4003235008083 Date of Birth: 23-03-1940 Date of Death: 30-04-2022 spouse: ANDROULLA ANDREA ID No.: 530301 0048 083 Date of Birth: 01-03-1953 Estate No.: 006068/2023 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at DURBAN on this 19th day of OCTOBER 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary SMITH TABATA BUCHANAN BOYES 2 Cranbrook Crescent, Cranbrook Park, La Lucia Ridge Tel: +27 (0) 31 583 8060 Email: 02TKZY-00 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 004515/2023 Surname: MTHEMBU First Names: NINI NICHOLE Date of Birth: 1952-05-12 ID No: 5205120770086 Last Address: 9 Leo Place, Limit Hill, Ladysmith 3370 Date of Death: 2020-08-08 Master's Office: Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: SR Madonsela & Associates 1st Floor, Main City Building, 210 Langalibalele Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 Advertiser Name and Address: SR MADONSELA & ASSOCIATES 01 Floor, Main City Building, 210 Langalibalele Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 Email: sibusisomadonsela1974@ Tel: 083 993 4805 02TKTN-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 004980/2023 Surname: MTSHALI First Names: THULANI ERICK Date of Birth: 1974-07-11 ID No: 7407115564080 Last Address: H170171, Ophokweni No 8, Cato Ridge Date of Death: 2023-05-31 Master's Office: Pietermaritzburg Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: SR Madonsela & Associates 01st Floor, Main City Building, 210 Langalibalele Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 Advertiser Name and Address: SR MADONSELA & ASSOCIATES 01st Floor, Main City Building, 210 Langalibalele Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 Email: sibusisomadonsela1974@ Tel: 083 993 4805 02TKTM-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE WILLIAM SCHOLTZ Of: 132 Cook Street, Goodwood, Cape Town. ID No.: 550512 5127 087 Date of Birth: 1955-05-12 Date of Death: 2023-03-20 Estate No.: 016240/2023 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at 17 October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary VZK INC A MULLER Tel: 021 180 4566 MAT10044 02TKCY-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE FARRELL FRANK DARNELL Of: 6 Genoa Road, Wentworth, Durban ID No: 470218 5147 08 6 Date of Birth: 18-02-1947 Date of Death: 08-01-2019 And surviving spouse: MYRTLE JEAN DARNELL ID No: 470102 0110 08 5 Date of Birth: 02-01-1947 Estate No: 003397/2019 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at 3 November 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary: STRAUSS DALY ATTORNEYS P O Box 1293 Umhlanga 4320 Ref: POOLE/DARNELL/ DAR58/0001 02TLA0-28
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE PETER THOMAS BOLTON Of: 19 La Lucia Bay, KwaZulu-Natal ID No: 370623 5069 08 4 Date of Birth: 23-06-1937 Date of Death: 06-08-2023 Estate No: 010741/2023 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at 3 November 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary: STRAUSS DALY ATTORNEYS P O Box 1293 Umhlanga 4320 Ref: POOLE/DARNELL/ BOL98/0001 02TLA1-29 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JACK CHARLES STEWART ID No. 400725 5074 08 1 Date of Birth: 25-07-1940 Date of Death: 02-10-2022 Estate No. 15634/2023 Married In Community of Property to SARAH JOYCE STEWART ID No. 430304 0058 08 7 Date of Birth: 04-03-1943 Date of Death: 02-10-2022 Estate No.: 15640/2023 (simultaneous death) Of: 15 Nantucket Close, Sunningdale, Milnerton. CREDITORS and DEBTORS in the above estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Cape Town this the 20th day of October 2023. CLARK CUPIDO ATTORNEYS Ref: Naa-iela PO Box 902, Greenpoint 8051 02TKEB-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE BARRY LEWIS PHILLIPS, ID No. 3505195035089, Date of birth: 19 May 1935, Date of death: 16 April 2023, of 8 Trafalgar Square, Sea Point, Arthur'Road, Cape Town, 8005 No. 014933/2023. CREDITORS and DEBTORS in the above estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at CAPE TOWN this 18th day of October 2023. STANDARD TRUST LTD Ref: E/L BL PHILLIPS PO Box 5562 Cape Town 8000 02TKN9-00 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 10869/2023 Surname: PAULET First Names: JOHN GEORGE Date of Birth: 1935-04-10 ID No: 3504105038184 Last Address: 14 Sedgefield, 98 Margaret Maytom Avenue, Durban North Date of Death: 2023-07-28 Master's Office: Durban Spouse: SUSAN MAUD OSWALD PAULET Date of Birth: 1938/07/31 ID No: 3807310018184 Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: Diana Jane Straw & Neil Lindsay Knight 58 St Andrews Drive, Durban North Advertiser Name and Address: TATE NOLAN & KNIGHT INCORPORATED 58 St Andrews Drive, Durban North Email: Tel: 031 563 1874 02TK9U-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 005856/2023 Surname: NDUNAKAZI First Names: SABUSILE FRANCISCA Date of Birth: 1951-12-06 ID No: 511206 0529 08 6 Last Address: 431 Crocodile Road, Waterloo, Durban, 4359 Date of Death: 2023-04-11 Master's Office: DURBAN Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: TOMLINSON MNGUNI JAMES ATTORNEYS JUDD ROBERT REID Suite 201, Ridge 6, 20 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Advertiser Name: TOMLINSON MNGUNI JAMES ATTORNEYS Address: Suite 201, Ridge 6 20 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Email: Tel: 031 566 2207 02TLAP-33
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 007181/2023 Surname: SIBISI First Names: JOY Date of Birth: 1942-01-03 ID No: 420103 0349 08 8 Last Address: 2078 Inanda Phase 4, Inanda, 4039 Date of Death: 2021-07-22 Master's Office: DURBAN Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: TOMLINSON MNGUNI JAMES ATTORNEYS JUDD ROBERT REID Suite 201, Ridge 6, 20 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Advertiser Name: TOMLINSON MNGUNI JAMES ATTORNEYS Address: Suite 201, Ridge 6 20 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Email: Tel: 031 566 2207 02TLAQ-34
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 15289/2023 Surname: BARKER First Names: OLGA BELLE Date of Birth: 1925-08-22 ID No: 250822 0028 08 8 Last Address: 4 The Dove Cote Mitchell Street, Hermanus Date of Death: 2023-06-16 Name of Executor or Authorised Agent: Standard Trust Limited Standard Bank Centre/ 7th Floor/ Heerengracht/ Adderley Street/ Cape Town/ 8001 STANDARD TRUST LIMITED PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000 Sikho.Seyamo@ Tel: 021 401 3659 02TKF9-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 016398/2019 Surname: ENGELBRECHT First Names: BRADLEY JAMES Date of Birth: 1972-03-12 ID No: 7203125084080 Last Address: 7A Uplands Drive, Kloof Date of Death: 2019-09-27 Master's Office: Durban Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: Neil Lindsay Knight 58 St Andrews Drive, Durban North Advertiser Name and Address: TATE NOLAN & KNIGHT INCORPORATED 58 St Andrews Drive, Durban North Email: Tel: 031-563-1874 02TKRU-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE NAZEEHA MUHAMMAD Of 19 Westview, 468 Jan Smuts Highway, Sherwood, 4098 ID No: 650410 0027 08 0 Date of Birth: 10-04-1965 Date of Death: .09-04-2021 and surviving spouse: MUHAMMAD IMRAN ID No.: 731015 6288 88 3 Date of Birth: 15-10-1973 Estate No.: 011891/2023 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Durban on the 17 day of October 2023 Attorneys for Executor Testamentary THASNEEM PARAK AND ASSOCIATES 08 Queensview Place Umgeni Park Durban Email: Tel: 031 564 7631 02TLBG-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 007083/2023 Surname: PARTAP First Names: ROMILLA Date of Birth: 1964-10-06 ID No: 641006 0232 08 4 Last Address: 7 Coral Lane, Ladysmith, KwaZulu-Natal, 3370 Date of Death: 2023-07-02 Master's Office: PIETERMARITZBURG Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: TOMLINSON MNGUNI JAMES ATTORNEYS JUDD ROBERT REID Suite 201, Ridge 6, 20 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Advertiser Name: TOMLINSON MNGUNI JAMES ATTORNEYS Address: Suite 201, Ridge 6 20 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Email: Tel: 031 566 2207 02TLAS-36
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE FATIMA BIBI CHUPTY Of: 71 Burma Road, Ladysmith ID No. 30072000062083 Date of Birth: 1930/07/20 Date of Death: 2023/05/10 Estate No.: 005728/2023 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Ladysmith on this the 18th October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary SIBRAN NKABINDE INCORPORATED 9 Poort Road , Ladysmith 02TJOG-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE CONSTANT FRANCO STEVENS, ID No. 5911255043088, Date of birth: 25-11-1959, Date of death: 11-06-2023, Of 10 Strelitzia Wag Belhar Western Cape Estate No. 15279/2023. CREDITORS and DEBTORS in the above estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at this 20 day of October 2023. STANDARD TRUST LTD Ref: 326347 PO Box 5562 Cape Town 8000 02TK9A-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE BASIL SCORDILIS, ID No. 4712295122085, Date of birth: 29 December 1947, Date of death: 4 June 2023, Of 49 ST Catherine Road, Town, Plumstead, Cape Western Cape, 7800 No. 014932/2023. CREDITORS and DEBTORS in the above estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at CAPE TOWN this 18TH day of October 2023. STANDARD TRUST LTD Ref: E/L B SCORDILIS PO Box 5562 Cape Town 8000 02TKF8-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE STEPHEN ALEXANDER BROOKS-NEILL, ID No. 561116 5077 08 1, Date of birth: 16 November 1956, Date of death: 1 June 2023, Of 3 Blaauberg Close, 138 Blaauberg Road, Table View, 7441 Estate No. 014248/2023. CREDITORS and DEBTORS in the above estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at CAPE TOWN this 18th day of October 2023. STANDARD TRUST LTD Ref: 0014248/2023 PO Box 5562 Cape Town 8000 02TKCA-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE WENDY ANN HOLT, Who died on 2 March 2023, ID No: 450608 0147 18 6, Of Room 208A The Annex, Bill Buchanan Home, 1 Goodwin Drive, Morningside, Durban. Estate Number: 010665/2023 Creditors in the above Estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with, and to pay their debts, to the undersigned within thirty (30) days from date of publication hereof. FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD P.O Box 12619 Brandhof 9324 Vinette Kock +27 87 343 1814 02TLYR-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE RUDOLF GERNOT MAUELSHAGEN, ID No. 4205025229189, Date of birth: 2 May 1942, Date of death: 3 June 2023, Of 4 Kristal Street Sanstraal Eversdale Western Cape No. 014931/2023. CREDITORS and DEBTORS in the above estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at CAPE TOWN this 18TH day of OCTOBER 2023. STANDARD TRUST LTD Ref: E/L RG Mauelshagen PO Box 5562 Cape Town 8000 02TKGW-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 8652/2023 Surname: ROSKRUGE First Names: LOUISA ALEXINA Date of Birth: 1961-03-12 ID No: 6103120012089 Last Address: 75 Major Calvert Street, Austerville, Durban, KZN Date of Death: 2022-08-23 Master's Office: Durban Spouse: TOBIAS BENJAMIN THOMAS ROSKRUGE Date of Birth: 1955-01-01 ID No: 5501015057088 Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: TOBIAS BENJAMIN THOMAS ROSKRUGE Shop 8, Isipingo Main, 114 Phila Ndwandwe Road, Isipingo, Durban Advertiser Name and Address: ATTORNEYS LARRY SINGH & ASSOCIATES 114 Phila Ndwandwe Road, Isipingo, 4110. Tel: 031 902 6072 02TJWX-00 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 004103/2023 Surname: MTOLO First Names: DELISILE HAPPINESS Date of Birth: 1973-09-13 ID No: 7309130503087 Last Address: 030206 Ngcukwini Area, Maphephetheni, Inanda, KwaZulu-Natal Date of Death: 2017/03/11 Master's Office: Durban Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: Vusi Mtetwa Attorneys Sangro House, Suite 1319, 13th Floor, 417 Anton Lembede Street, Durban. Advertiser Name and Address: VUSI MTETWA ATTORNEYS Sangro House, Suite 1319, 13th Floor, 417 Anton Lembede Street, Durban. Email: vusumusimtetwa3@ Tel: 082 946 9015 02TL2S-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 4500/2023 Surname: STEWART First Names: ESTELLE MERYL Date of Birth: 1942-02-15 ID No: 4202150043089 Last Address: 73 Highgrove, 10 James Herbert Road, Mariannhill Park, 3610 Date of Death: 2022-10-23 Master's Office: DURBAN Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: MICHAEL BRUNO WILDNER 7 Bishops Court, CNR Delamore and Warrior Road, Hillcrest, 3610 Advertiser Name: WILDNER AND COMPANY Address: 7 Bishops Court, CNR Delamore and Warrior Road, Hillcrest, 3610 Email: john.peacock@ Tel: 031 006 5155 02TJOF-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE FREDERIK MATHYS KRIEL, ID No. 5104015050086, Date of birth: 1 April 1951, Date of death: 15 April 2021, of Erf 20219, Unit 8 of SS Arlene, 28 President Steyn Street, Parowvallei, Parrow, Western Cape Estate No. 020715/2021. CREDITORS and DEBTORS in the above estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at this 20 day of October 2023. STANDARD TRUST LTD Ref: 311365 PO Box 5562 Cape Town 8000 02TK99-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE MUMTAZ PILLAY Of: 12 Ken Place, Kenville Durban, KwaZulu-Natal ID No: 700305 0033 08 0 Date of Birth: 1970-03-05 Date of Death: 2006-04-05 And surviving spouse: MORGAMBARAM PILLAY ID No: 580315 5220 08 2 Date of Birth: 1958-03-15 Estate No: 001496/2022/DBN Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Durban on this the 20 day of October 2023. Attorneys for the Executrix Testamentary LIVINGSTON LEANDY INC Ground Floor, Building 5 Glass House, Office Park 309 Umhlanga Rocks Drive, La Lucia Ridge (Ref: ESTATES/ M19905) 02TL59-21
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE POOBALAN PILLAY Of: 18 Ravenstone Place, Phoenix, Durban ID No: 441225 5693 08 0 Date of Birth: 1944-12-25 Date of Death: 2019-09-17 And surviving spouse: MOONEEMA PILLAY ID No: 480122 0614 08 2 Date of Birth: 1948-01-22 Estate No: 010396/2022/DURBAN Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Durban on this the 27 day of October 2023. Attorneys for the Executrix Testamentary LIVINGSTON LEANDY INC Ground Floor, Building 5 Glass House, Office Park 309 Umhlanga Rocks Drive, La Lucia Ridge (Ref: M17748/NJ WILLIAMS) 02TLZB-00
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 008787/2023 Surname: PETZER First Names: JANINE DELIA Date of Birth: 1968-01-17 ID No: 6801170099084 Last Address: 8 Garden Mews, 5 Lauth Road, Pinetown, 3610 Date of Death: 2023-06-06 Master's Office: Durban Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: Winston Chauntler Puttock P O Box 87, Westville, 3630 Advertiser Name and Address: WINSTON PUTTOCK ATTORNEYS P O Box 87, Westville, 3630 Email: winston@ Tel: 031 266 6396 02TKZV-00 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 8637/2023 Surname: VOYSEY First Names: JOYCE BARBARA Date of Birth: 1924-03-31 ID No: 240331 0031 08 7 Last Address: 56 Everton Road, Kloof, 3610 Date of Death: 2023-04-18 Master's Office: DURBAN Name and Address of Executor/Authorized Agent: MICHAEL BRUNO WILDNER 7 Bishops Court, CNR Delamore and Warrior Road, Hillcrest, 3610 Advertiser Name: WILDNER AND COMPANY Address: 7 Bishops Court, CNR Delamore and Warrior Road, Hillcrest, 3610 Email: john.peacock@ Tel: 031 006 5155 02TILH-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JAMIE ADRIAANS Of: 38 Eastwood Drive, Northpine, Kraaifontein, Cape Town, Western Cape ID No.: 870901 0102 083 Date of Birth: 1987-09-01 Date of Death: 2023-03-15 Estate No.: 15543/2023 Spouse: JODY ADRIAANS ID No.: 861231 5115 083 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated on 17 October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary VZK INC A MULLER Tel: 021 180 4566 MAT9800 02TKCZ-00
LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 012560/2021 Surname: ROBERT First Names: PHILOMENE JACQUES FERDINAND NOEL ID No: 3705105017082 Last Address: 9 Glenleigh, 259 Bulwer Road, Glenwood Durban Magistrate's Office: Durban Master's Office: Durban Advertiser Name and Address: ANN SAUNDERS 100 Madeline Road, Morningside, Durban, 4001 Email: annsaundersattorneys@ Tel: 083 775 3071 02TKO0-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JAYANTI BHANJAN ID No: 840809 0118 08 1 Date of Birth: 09-08-1984 Date of Death: 18-01-2023 Of: 10 Middleton Road, Doonside Estate No: 1886/2023 The First and Final iquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Durban (and at the office of the Magistrate at Umlazi) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at UMZINTO on 20th OCTOBER 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary A. S. ESSOP AND ASSOCIATES Office 2, First Floor, , Nelson Mandela Road, Umzinto Email: Cell: 072 240 2670 02TKQ3-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE PINGLAWATHIE SUNUNAN ID No: 530722 0071 08 2 Date of Birth: 22-07-1953 Date of Death: 03-09-2021 Of (address): 18 Primrose Terrace, Mobeni Heights, Durban And surviving spouse: SOORAN SUNUNAN ID No: 450704 5037 08 2 Date of Birth: 04-07-1945 Estate No: 18504/2022 The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court Durban (and at the office of the Magistrate at Chatsworth) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Pinetown this 19th day of October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary D SEWJEE AND COMPANY 11 Hooker Road, Hatton Estate, Pinetown 02TKWQ-5
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE MARIA JOSÉ BENT ID No: 290609 0038 08 0 Date of Birth: 09-06-1929 Date of Death: 21-03-2021 Of: 16 Clair De Lune, Waterfall Estate No: 013780/2022 (DBN) The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Durban (and at the office of the Magistrate at Pinetown) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Waterfall on 18th October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary BRADSHAW INCORPORATED 15 Baya Road, Waterfall Tel: 031-762 4580 / 082 927 5387 Bradshaw.incorporated@ 02TKED-00
BusinessDay Friday 3 November 2023
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 012705/2020 Surname: GOVENDER First Names: MAGALINGUM ID No: 521129 5165 08 6 Last Address: Flat B1, Door 22, Flamingo Heights, Tongaat And surviving spouse: MARGARET FLORA GOVENDER ID No: 641011 0131 08 8 Magistrate's Office: VERULAM Master's Office: DURBAN Advertiser: BALA NAIDOO & COMPANY Address: Suite 1 Ashanti Centre 19 Arbee Drive Tongaat 4400 Tel: 032 945 1371 02TKNG-1
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE NKOSINATHI ANTON DLAMINI ID No: 720725 5877 080 Date of Birth: 1972-07-25 Date of Death: 2021-03-13 Of: 187558 Inanda Mission, 4310 Estate No: 011449/2022 The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, DURBAN (and at the office of the Magistrate at NTUZUMA) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at DURBAN this 14th day of OCTOBER 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary BULELWA JAFTA INCORPORATED 2nd Floor, 102 Stephen Dlamini Road, Musgrave, Durban, 4001 Tel No: 031 313 9320. 02TL2R-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 000943/2023 Surname: MFEKA First Names: RICHARD NALA ID No: 6412055748082 Last Address: 2282 Dudu Mkhize Circle, Kwamakhutha Spouse: BONGIWE EUNICE MFEKA ID No: 6306101069081 Magistrate's Office: Durban Master's Office: Durban Advertiser Name and Address: BN ZAMA ATTORNEYS INC 1502a, 15th Floor, Metropolitan Building, 391 Anton Lembede Street Email: Tel: 067 209 0216 02TKNZ-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE RHONDDA DOROTHY CRAMPTON ID No: 400215 0026 08 8 Date of Birth: 15-02-1940 Date of Death: 08-05-2020 Of (address): 2 Bethany Gardens, 22 Hoogvorst Road, Pinetown Estate No: 4973/2023 The Liquidation and Distribution account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Magistrate at Durban for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at La Lucia on the 19th October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary BROWNE BRODIE ATTORNEYS 5 Sinembe Crescent, La Lucia Ridge Office Estate, La Lucia Ridge 4051 P O Box 714, Durban 4000 Ref: SHARON DHARMRAJ CRA33/0001 02TKRY-3
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JOAN MARGARET NICHOLAS ID No: 311012 0040 08 8 Date of Birth: 12-10-1931 Date of Death: 18-03-2023 Of (address): No. 10 Kruin Crescent, Durban North Estate No: 005235/2023 The Liquidation and Distribution account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Magistrate at Durban for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at La Lucia on the 19th October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary BROWNE BRODIE ATTORNEYS 5 Sinembe Crescent, La Lucia Ridge Office Estate, La Lucia Ridge 4051 Ref: SHARON DHARMRAJ EST484/0001 02TKWP-4
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE ERIC COOPER-CHADWICK ID No: 290320 5020 08 7 Date of Birth: 20-03-1929 Date of Death: 05-03-2023 Of (address): No.22 Pioneer Park, Pioneer Road, Prestondale, Umhlanga Estate No: 005036/2023 The Liquidation and Distribution account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Magistrate at Durban for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at La Lucia on the 19th October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary BROWNE BRODIE ATTORNEYS 5 Sinembe Crescent, La Lucia Ridge Office Estate, La Lucia Ridge 4051 P O Box 714, Durban 4000 Ref: SHARON DHARMRAJ EST 483/0001 02TKRK-2
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE XOLANI MAKATINI ID No: 701112 5473 08 2 Date of Birth: 1970-11-12 Date of Death: 2022-09-19 Of (address): 137 Gardenia Street, Roseneath Heights, Umkomaas, 4170 And surviving spouse: THULISILE IRIS MAKATINI ID No.: 780905 1261 08 6 Date of Birth: 1978-09-05 Estate No: 016201/2022 The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Durban (and at the office of the Magistrate at Scottburgh) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Durban this 14th day of October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary BULELWA JAFTA INCORPORATED 2nd Floor, 102 Stephen Dlamini Road Musgrave, Durban, 4001 Tel: 0313139320 02TLCZ-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE MATTHEW RICHARD KIPPEN ID No: 641115 5180 08 9 Date of Birth: 15-11-1964 Date of Death: 20-05-2009 Of: 109 Barracuda Road, Newlands East, 4037 Estate No: 9323/2009(DBN) The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Durban (and at the office of the Magistrate at) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof.. Dated at Durban on 3 November 2023 Attorneys for Executor Testamentary CHAPMAN DYER INCORPORATED 7th Floor, 300 Anton Lembede Street Durban, 4001 02TKTP-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 787/2017 Surname: PANDAY First Names: VIKESH GAYANATH ID No: 7005265058083 Last Address: 12 Zinnia Street, Stanger, Kwadukuza, KwaZulu Natal Spouse: SURAKSHA SINGH ID No: 7707020054089 Description of Account: First and Final Period of Inspection: 30 Days Magistrate's Office: Durban Master's Office: Durban Advertiser Name and Address: CHARMANE PILLAY & COMPANY 431 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg, Kwazulu-Natal Email: Tel: 033 394 7947 02TK59-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE ABDOOL RASHID RASHID ID No: 570524 5119 08 5 Date of Birth: 24-05-1957 Date of Death: 02-08-2021 Of (address) 7B Alhambra, Lennoxton, Newcastle And surviving spouse: ANEESA BEE BEE RASHID ID No: 620710 0115 08 3 Date of Birth: 10-07-1962 Estate No: 007333/2022 The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg (and at the office of the Magistrate in Newcastle) for a period of three weeks from 03 November 2023. Dated at Pietermaritzburg on 25 October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary RANDLES INCORPORATED Address: Level 2 Mahogany Court, Redlands Estate, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 P O Box 12031, Dorpspruit, 3206 Email: Tel: 033 392 8000 Verona Padayachee 02TLNO-42
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE RASHEDA BEE SHAH Estate No: 01856/2023/PMB ID No: 490310 0169 08 6 Date of Death: 09-12-2022 Address: Flat 8a, 98 Barondale, Newlands West, Durban The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court Pietermaritzburg and at the office of the Magistrate at Durban, for a period of three weeks from the 3 November 2023. Name and Address of Advertiser/Executor: ESTATES AND TRUST SERVICES P O Box 878 Westville 3630 Tel: 031 266 8858 02TL00-12
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JENNIFER-ANN VAN DER HOOGEN Estate No: 03422/2023/PMB ID No: 540408 0086 08 4 Date of Death: 27-03-2023 Address: 21 Valente Place, Durban The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court Pietermaritzburg and at the office of the Magistrate at Durban, for a period of three weeks from the 3 November 2023. Name and Address of Advertiser/Executor: ESTATES AND TRUST SERVICES P O Box 878 Westville 3630 Tel: 031 266 8858 02TL01-13
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE PHYLLIS ELISE WADSWORTH Estate No: 05234/2023/PMB ID No: 280221 0024 08 6 Date of Death: 04-07-2023 Assagay,Pinetown The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court Pietermaritzburg and at the office of the Magistrate at Pinetown, for a period of three weeks from the 3 November 2023. Name and Address of Advertiser/Executor: ESTATES AND TRUST SERVICES P O Box 878 Westville 3630 Tel: 031 266 8858 02TKYK-10
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE AUDREY MARGARET DOROTHY MARTENS Estate No: 009356/2022/PMB ID No: 310308 0031 08 0 Date of Death: 03-12-2022 Address: 619 Kingsway Road, Amanzimtoti The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court Pietermaritzburg and at the office of the Magistrate at Durban, for a period of three weeks from the 3 November 2023. Name and Address of Advertiser/Executor: ESTATES AND TRUST SERVICES P O Box 878 Westville 3630 Tel: 031 266 8858 02TKZZ-11
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 016826/2022 DBN Surname: KELROE-COOKE First Names: MICHAEL JAMES ID No: 5102275636081 Last Address: 23 Sea Shore, 32 Lagoon Drive, Umhlanga Rocks, KwaZulu-Natal Description of Account: First and Final Period of Inspection: 21 Days Magistrate's Office: Master's Office: Durban Master's Office Advertiser Name and Address: EVERSHEDS SUTHERLAND (KZN) INC. 1st Floor, 29 Richefond Circle, Ridgeside Office Park, Umhlanga, 4319 Email: estateadmin@ Tel: 031 940 0501 02TMFX-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 5249/2023/DBN Surname: VAN ZYL First Names: MADGE OPAL ID No: 341003 0051 08 8 Last Address: Orchard Lea, 22 Clyde Av, Morningside, Durban Description of Account: First and Final Advertiser Name and Address: EXECUTOR ASSIST Po Box 51213, Musgrave Road Email: Tel: 082 579 7877 02TLGE-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE GERHARDUS STEPHANUS VAN DER HOOGEN Estate No: 01362/2023/PMB ID No: 520725 5069 08 6 Date of Death: 21-01-2023 Address: 21 Valente Place, Durban And surviving spouse: JENNIFER-ANN VAN DER HOOGEN ID No: 540408 0086 08 4 The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court Pietermaritzburg and at the office of the Magistrate at Durban, for a period of three weeks from the 3 November 2023. Name and Address of Advertiser/Executor: ESTATES AND TRUST SERVICES P O Box 878 Westville 3630 Tel: 031 266 8858 02TKYI-8
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE MICHAEL JOHN DANIELS, ID No. 5810025158087, Date of birth: 2 October 1958, Date of death: 18 August 2022, of 3 Adamastor Rd Ottery 7800 No. 020601/2022. The FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, CAPETOWN (and at the office of the Magistrate,), for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at CAPETOWN this 18TH day of October 2023. STANDARD TRUST LTD Ref: E/L MJ DANIELS PO Box 5562 Cape Town 8000 02TKGU-00
LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof whichever may be the later and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 012097/2022 Surname: SMITH First Names: ANN ADINE ID No: 3407210009084 Last Address: 17 Ships Ahoy, 15 William Road, Illovo Beach Description of Account First and Final Magistrates Office: UMLAZI Masters office: DURBAN Advertiser Name: DYKES VAN HEERDEN KZN) INC Address: 133 Andrew Zondo Rapd, Warner Beach, 4126 Email: Tel: 031 101 3081 02TJWV-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 010273/2020 Surname: NGOBESE First Names: BLESSED HALALISANI ID No: 641019 5613 08 3 Last Address: Affodil Crescent 25, Vryheid, 3100 Surviving Spouse: ZIPPORAH XOLILE NGOBESE ID No: 680726 0407 08 7 Description of Account: First and Final Period of Inspection: 21 Days Master's Office: Durban PHIRI INCORPORATED ATTORNEYS 222 Mark Street, Vryheid, 3100 Email: Tel: 034 981 0206 02TLPX-00
ESTATE OF THE LATE HILARY SAMUEL HERBERT VAN HEERDEN, Died on 23 September 2022, ID No: 530417 5079 08 7, of 3 Linaria Drive, Vincent Gardens, East London, Married in community of property to VERONICA MARGARITE VAN HEERDEN, Born on 29 August 1956, ID No: 560829 0090 08 8. Estate No: 000576/2023 The First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the offices of the Master of the High Court, GRAHAMSTOWN and the Magistrate, East London (EC), for twenty-one (21) days from date of publication hereof. FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD P O Box 27511 Greenacres 6057 Natasha Kisson +27 83 781 9375 02TLPU-00 LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 16773/2012 Surname: LUTCHMANA First Names: JEEVARUTHNUM ID No: 4102265118083 Last Address: 33 Leo Avenue, Woodhurst, Chatsworth Spouse: JANAGIAMMAL LUTCHMANA ID No: 4606020146080 Description of Account: First and Final Magistrate's Office: Chatsworth Master's Office: Durban Advertiser Name and Address: MARLAN NAIDOO & PARTNERS 489 Arena Park Drive, Arena Park, Chatsworth Email: conveyancing1@ Tel: 031 404 0234 02TKT1-00 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE PRADEEP RAMPHAL ID No: 500530 5091 08 8 Date of Birth: 30-05-1950 Date of Death: 07-06-2021 Of (address): 19 Somerset Drive, Westville Estate No: 19319/2021 The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court Durban (and at the office of the Magistrate at Pinetown) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at 20 October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary S RAMRACHIASINGH & ASSOCIATES 6 Stanhope Crescent Westville North Tel: 031 206 2853 02TL9Z-27
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 000290/2022 Surname: LIESKER First Names: JOHANNES DAVID ID No: 240427 5048 18 1 Last Address: 54 Goodman Street And surviving spouse: ANNA ELISABETH LIESKER ID No: 251216 0046 18 3 Description of Account: First and Final Magistrate's Office: BENONI Master's Office: PRETORIA Advertiser Name and Address: LEGATEE TRUST SERVICES (PTY) LTD P.O Box 1125 Umhlanga Rocks, 4320 Email: jayshreep@ Tel: 031 5026 699 02TJJC-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 014517/2019 Surname: PATEL First Names: JAYA ID No: 3310260073085 Last Address: 402/403 Glenridge Gardens, 41 Masizi Kunene Road, Durban, 4001 Spouse: PRABHAKANT LALLOO PATEL ID No: 3404275086082 Description of Account: Amended First and Final Master's Office: Durban Advertiser Name and Address: GARLICKE & BOUSFIELD INC P O Box 1219, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320 Email: Tel: 031-570-5331 02TKZ3-00 LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 13249/2021DBN Surname: NAIDU First Names: SAROJINI ID No: 4812180101085 Last Address: 48 Garuda Avenue, Arena Park, Chatsworth, Durban, 4092. Description of Account: First and Final Magistrate's Office: Chatsworth Master's Office: Durban Advertiser Name and Address: SLINDILE ZIKALALA GARLICKE & BOUSFIELD INC 7 Torsvale Crescent, La Lucia Ridge, Office Estate, Umhlanga, Durban Email: Tel: 031 570 5433 02TJZO-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 4025/2023 Surname: ROUX First Names: LYNETTE DAPHNEY ID No: 5203150028087 Last Address: Schuilklip Farm Ingogo, Newcastle Magistrate's Office: Newcastle Master's Office: Pietermaritzburg Advertiser Name and Address: L ROUX Schuilklip Farm Ingogo, Newcastle Email: Tel: 084 353 7023 02TLDR-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 019880/2021 Surname: KHOZA First Names: THEMBA ID No: 571006 5735 08 5 Last Address: 07 Oribi Circle, Mobeni Heights, Durban Spouse: NOKUTHULA ANGELINE KHOZA ID No: 621111 0745 08 7 Description of Account: First and Final Period of Inspection: 21 Days Magistrate's Office: Durban Magistrate Court Master's Office: Durban Advertiser Name and Address: M DLAMINI ATTORNEYS 374 Lilian Ngoyi Road, Windermere, Morningside, Durban Email: Tel: 078 408 3295 02TL2K-00 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE FAKIR BEE HANIFF ID No: 491225 1217 08 1 Date of Birth: 25-12-1949 Date of Death: 14-08-2022 Of (address): 22 Tambotie Street, Bluff, Kwazulu-Natal Estate No: 019520/2022 (DURBAN) The Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Durban (and at the office of the Magistrate at Durban) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Durban on this 18th October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary M.A.K. AMEEN & COMPANY Suite 31, 3rd Floor Lornegrey Medical Centre, 280 Dr Yusuf Dadoo Street, Durban, 4001 Tel: 031 3097761 Fax: 031 309 7684 Email: Ref: MA/LP/7659 02TLBF-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE MICHIEL JOHAN LE ROUX ID No: 4607135167086 Date of Birth: 1946-07-13 Date of Death: 2020-06-08 Of: 129 Drostdy Street, Peerless Park North, Kraaifontein, 7570 Estate No: 011804/2022 The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town (and at the office of the Magistrate at Kuilsrivier) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at 03rd of November 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary For: OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LTD Office 113, Ridge 4, 45 Richefond Circle, Ridgeside Office Park, Umhlanga, 4320 02TKT2-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: Free State Estate No: 5447/2021 Surname: CHAPMAN First Names: ERNEST GEORGE ID No: 430131 5063 08 9 Last Address: 13 Marlene Street, Kimberley Surviving spouse: CATHARINA PETRONELLA HENRIETTA ANTONIA CHAPMAN Description of Account: First and Final Magistrate's Office: Kimberly Master's Office: Bloemfontein Advertiser Name and Address: OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LTD P.O. Box 86, Cape Town, 8000 Email: Tel: +2710 223 2871 02TKPJ-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 3832/2023 Surname: KRUGER First Names: JANET ADRIAANA ID No: 6407310006086 Last Address: 9 Buffel Ave, Newcastle Spouse: JOSEF BENJAMIN KRUGER ID No: 6009295013085 Magistrate's Office: Newcastle Master's Office: Pietermaritzburg Advertiser Name and Address: J B KRUGER 9 Buffel Ave Newcastle Email: Tel: 074 555 5013 02TLDQ-00 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE AMON BENGU Of A956 Umlazi ID No: 310107 5205 08 1 Date of Birth: 1931-01-07 Date of Death: 2021-08-05 Estate No: 013374/2021 The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Durban (and at the office of the Magistrate at Umlazi) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at La Lucia on this 16th day of October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary GOODRICKES ATTORNEYS 1 Nollsworth Park, Nollsworth Crescent, La Lucia Ridge Tel: 0313016211 Email: amf@ Ref: AMF/MAT19996/JS 02TL02-14
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 016343/2022/DBN Surname: OPIE First Names: VICTOR GEORGE ID No: 340313 5051 08 7 Last Address: 14 Meller Road, Pinetown, 3610 Description of Account: First and Final Magistrate's Office: Pinetown Master's Office: Durban Advertiser Name and Address: YASMIN BASHA FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD 2nd Floor, FNB Acacia House, 2 Kikembe Drive, Umhlanga, 4320 Email: Tel: 087 336 2803 02TL5J-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE IMRITHLALL CHEDDY ID No: 440307 5111 08 0 Of: 32 Ras Dashan Street, Shallcross, KwaZulu-Natal, Married In Community of Property to SAROJINI DAVI CHEDDY ID No: 520101 0138 08 8 Who died at Shallcross on 24 SEPTEMBER 2021. Estate Number: 008040/2022 The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court DURBAN and at CHATSWORTH for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. MARAIS LAW INC. P O Box 1850 George 6530 Tel: 044 884 0409 02TKD1-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE SUZANNE WATSON, ID No. 4905270077080, Date of birth: 27 May 1949, Date of death: 10 April 2023, Of 14 Thornton Manatoka, Cape Town, 7460 No. 009325/2023. The FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, CAPE TOWN (and at the office of the Magistrate, Goodwood), for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at CAPETOWN this 18TH day of October 2023. STANDARD TRUST LTD Ref: E/L S WATSON PO Box 5562 Cape Town 8000 02TKGV-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE MADUNA MICHAEL MANTENGELE ID No: 540518 5230 08 9 Date of Birth: 18-05-1954 Date of Death: 18-09-2021 Of: House 612, Umlazi Z Section, 51 Masimbonge Drive, Umlazi. Spouse: BEAUTY MANTENGELA ID No.: 550106 0559 08 7 Date of Birth: 06-01-1955 Estate No: 3824/2022 DBN The Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Durban (and at the office of the Magistrate at Umlazi) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at DURBAN this 13th OCTOBER 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary RAJARUTHNAM AND ASSOCIATES 4th Floor, Suite 401 Maxwell Centre, 71/73 I C Meer Street Durban Tel: 031-566-1845 031-309-4868 02TKUP-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE REGINALD LEWIS LEVERIDGE ID No: 3103095009089 Date of Birth: 09-03-1931 Date of Death: 06-01-2022 Of: 10 Inverary Lane, Karkloof Road, Howick, 3290 Estate No: 001407/2022 The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg (and at the office of the Magistrate at Howick) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Durban this 3rd day of November 2023. MARSH FIDELITY PostNet Suite 10019, Private Bag x7005, Hillcrest, Durban, 3650 02TKBL-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE CHERYL JUNE DELL Estate No: 6219/2022/PMB ID No: 490504 0021 08 7 Date of Death: 2022-05-28 Address: 5 Fiddelwood Cottages Fiddelwood Road, Pennington The Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in this estate will be open for inspection for a period of 21 days from 3 November 2023 at the office of the Master of the High Court PIETERMARITZBURG PENNINGTON Name and address of Executor / Authorised Agent MASON INCORPORATED ATTORNEYS Ground Floor Investec Building, 1 Longcrest Way Victoria Country Club Office Park 170 Peter Brown Drive, Montrose, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 Advertiser Name: MASON INCORPORATED Address: P O Box 100 Pietermaritzburg, 3200 Email: karen@ Ref: MRS K KIDSON 02TL5B-22
LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof whichever may be the later and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 15430/2018/DBN Surname: MNGADI First Names: MTHANDENI BONGINKOSI ID No: 550302 5407 08 9 Last Address: A 199 Manono Road, Sundumbili Bidla, Mandeni, 4491 Magistrates Office: EMPANGENI Masters office: DURBAN Advertiser Name: MATHENJWA ATTORNEYS Address: BFT Properties, 21 Union Street, Empangeni, 3880 Email: mathenjwaattorneys@ Tel: 031 065 1895 02TGXA-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 003833/2022 Surname: HLONGWANE First Names: BONGANI SELBY ID No: 651010 6094 08 1 Last Address: Mangangangozi Area, Bergville Spouse: TOMBI VICTUS HLONGWANE ID No: 640603 0603 08 1 Description of Account: Second and Final Magistrate's Office: Bergville Master's Office: Pietermaritzburg Advertiser Name and Address: FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD P.O. Box 13527, Cascades, 3202 Email: Tel: 087 335 0918 02TKRC-00
LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 8603/2022 Surname: REDDY First Names: VISVANATHAN RAMASAMY ID No: 310304 5097 08 5 Last Address: 20 Minerva Road, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 Description of Account: First and Final Master's Office: PIETERMARITZBURG Advertiser Name: MATTHEW FRANCIS INC Address: 21A Cascades Crescent Montrose, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 Email: Tel: 033 940 1497 02TGJS-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 7874/2019 Surname: REDMAN First Names: TREVOR BOYCE HERBET ID No: 5805155013086 Last Address: 7 Goldway Road, Ixopo Spouse: PORTIA RUTH ELICIA REDMAN ID No: 6711220078089 Description of Account: First and Final Period of Inspection: 21 Days Magistrate's Office: Ixopo Master's Office: Pietermaritzburg Advertiser Name and Address: MBELE, DUBE & PARTNERS P.O 153 UMzimkhulu, 3297 Email: Tel: 039-259-0282 02TKZ0-00 LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 6153/2022 Surname: MAHLASELA First Names: EUNICE FLORIDA NOMGQIBELO ID No: 2601255000706 Last Address: White City Location, UMzimkhulu Description of Account: First and Final Period of Inspection: 21 Days Magistrate's Office: UMzimkhulu Master's Office: Pietermaritzburg Advertiser Name and Address: MBELE, DUBE & PARTNERS P.O 153 UMzimkhulu, 3297 Email: Tel: 039-259-0282 02TKZ1-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE MAGGIE HARRIET MTSHALI ID No.: 450228 0430 08 4 Date of Birth: 1945-02-28 Date of Death: 2022-08-08 Of: C 1295, Jaw Nxumalo Crescent, Ulundi, 3838, Kwazulu-Natal Estate No: 009304/2023 - DBN The FIRST and FINAL LIQUIDATION and DISTRIBUTION Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, DURBAN (and at the office of the Magistrate at MAHLABATHINI) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at ULUNDI on this 19th day of OCTOBER 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary N T SIBIYA ATTORNEYS Section 1B, Fair Breeze Office Park, Princess Magogo Street, Ulundi, 3838 Telefax: 035-870-0064 / 3320 Email: & 02TK6O-00
BusinessDay Friday 3 November 2023
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 2159/2023 Surname: MNGUNI First Names: MXOLISI ALFRED ID No: 7312205452081 Last Address: Edgerton Umzimkhulu Spouse: RUTH SILINDILE MNGUNI ID No: 8207240772080 Description of Account: First and Final Period of Inspection: 21 Days Magistrate's Office: uMzimkhulu Master's Office: Pietermaritzburg Advertiser Name and Address: MBELE, DUBE & PARTNERS P.O 153 uMzimkhulu, 3297 Email: Tel: 039-259-0282 02TKZ2-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 15843/2021 Surname: CHETTY First Names: MOONSAMY ID No: 5108265179081 Last Address: 17 Fincham Place, Westham, Phoenix Description of Account: Amended First and Final Magistrate's Office: Verulam Master's Office: Durban Advertiser Name and Address: MERYL MOONSAMY 2D Cupclay Place, Clayfield, Phoenix Email: Tel: 031 539 1854 02TLFG-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the Liquidation and Distribution Accounts (First and Final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 2684/2022 Surname: COLVILLE First Names: ROSANNE HUNTLEY ID No: 6103310052085 Last Address: 16 Old Mill Way, Durban North Description of account: First & Final Magistrate's Office: Durban Master's Office: Pietermaritzburg Advertiser Name and Address: MCGARVIE & ASSOCIATES Suite 2, Dias Block, Fairway Green, 3 Abrey Road, Kloof Tel: 0732569586 02TK8I-00 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE GLEN WILLIAM ORR LANG ID No: 360808 5114 08 7 Date of Birth: 08-08-1936 Date of Death: 20-01-2023 Of: 65 ZK Matthews Road, Glenwood Durban And surviving spouse: SHIRLEY JEAN LANG ID No: 400616 0112 08 5 Date of Birth: 16-06-1940 Estate No: 002569/2023/DBN The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court Durban. Dated at Durban on this 03 November 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary NSG ATTORNEYS P O Box 51241, Musgrave, 4062 Tel: 031 2029751 02TL7C-25
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: Western Cape Estate No: 003597/2022 Surname: FAWCETT First Names: MICHAEL DAVID ID No: 391130 5107 08 3 Last Address: 18 Putter Street Lakeside, Muizenberg, 7945 Description of Account: First and Final Magistrate's Office: Master's Office: Master of the Western Cape High Court Advertiser Name and Address: NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LTD Ref: Blanche Adams P.O. Box 86, Cape Town, 8000 Email: Tel: 010 216 6616 02TKO4-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 4053/2013/PMB Surname: REDDY First Names: SIMITHREE ID No: 390223 0128 08 8 Last Address: 20 Minerva Road, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 And surviving spouse: VISVANATHAN RAMASAMY REDDY ID No: 310304 5097 08 5 Description of Account: First and Final Master's Office: PIETERMARITZBURG Advertiser Name: MATTHEW FRANCIS INC Address: 21A Cascades Crescent Montrose, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 Email: Tel: 033 940 1497 02TGJT-00 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE NONTUTHUKO BONGEKILE PRISCILLA MNCUBE ID No.: 670722 0603 08 2 Date of Birth: 1967-07-22 Date of Death: 2022-09-22 Of: D 437 Phondolozi Crescent, Ulundi, 3838, Kwazulu-Natal Estate No: 015519/2022 - DBN The FIRST and FINAL LIQUIDATION and DISTRIBUTION Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, DURBAN (and at the office of the Magistrate at MAHLABATHINI) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at ULUNDI on this 19th day of OCTOBER 2023 Attorneys for Executor Testamentary N T SIBIYA ATTORNEYS Section 1B Fair Breeze Office Park, Princess Magogo Street, Ulundi, 3838 Telefax: 035-870 0064 / 3320 Email: & 02TK6P-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: Western Cape Estate No: 000562/2023 Surname: SEPTEMBER First Names: EDWINA DELORES MIRANDA ID No: 530708 0018 08 2 Last Address: 5 Lesperance, Highbury, Kuilsrivier, 7580 Surviving Spouse: DANIEL RICHARD SEPTEMBER ID No: 530701 5132 08 1 Description of Account: First and Final Magistrate's Office: Kuilsrivier Master's Office: Cape Town Advertiser Name and Address: OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LTD P.O. Box 86, Cape Town, 8000 Email: Tel: +2710 227 2435 02TKO1-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: Western Cape Estate No: 019927/2022 Surname: HOPKINSON First Names: ROBIN GEORGE PASHLEY ID No: 340220 5030 08 8 Last Address: 14 George Lily Road, George, 6529 Description of Account: First and Final Magistrate's Office: George Master's Office: Master of the Western Cape High Court Advertiser Name and Address: NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LTD Ref: Blanche Adams P.O. Box 86, Cape Town, 8000 Email: Tel: 010 216 6616 02TKO5-00 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE VALLIAMMA PROLAD ID No: 3312020041089 Date of Birth: 1933-12-02 Date of Death: 2010-10-04 Of (address): 6 Kamet Crescent, Everest Heights, Verulam, 4339. Estate No: 6693/2022 PMB The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg (and at the office of the Magistrate at Verulam) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Verulam on 18th October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary SATHISH MAHABIR & ASSOCIATES P.O BOX 2088 Verulam, 4340 02TL5K-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE AHMED MANSOOR ID No: 340711 5087 08 6 Date of Birth: 1934-07-11 Date of Death: 2006-01-27 Of: 28 Kashmir Road, Merebank, Durban, Kwazulu-Natal Spouse: ZULEKAH BIBI MANSOOR ID No.: 341206 0065 08 7 Date of Birth: 1934-12-06 Estate No: 2473/2006 DBN The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Durban (and at the office of the Magistrate at Durban) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Durban on 18 October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary ESSACK AND HANSA ATTORNEYS Suite 10, First Floor, West Riding Office Park, 50 West Riding Row, Durban, 4091 Tel: 031 207 3218 Email: 02TKBJ-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 019516/2022 Surname: BALDWIN First Names: DAVID ARTHUR ID No: 420915 5133 08 8 Last Address: 16 Kaaimas Boulevald, Kraaibosch Manor Estate, George, Western Cape Knysna RAVENDRI NAIDU STANDARD TRUST LIMITED Standard Bank Centre, Heerengracht Email: Raveshni.Naidu@ Tel: 068 271 5547 02TKGX-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE SARAH MARIA DE LA GUERRA, ID No. 3910040018084, Date of birth: 04/10/1939, Date of death: 21/02/2023, of 24 Burger avenue, Protea Hoogte, Brackenfell, Cape Town No. 005862/2023. The FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town (and at the office of the Magistrate,), for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Cape Town this 18th day of October 2023. STANDARD TRUST LTD Ref: E/L SM De La Guerra PO Box 5562 Cape Town 8000 02TKN8-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE SURASH THAKOR PARBHOO ID No: 550419 5090 085 Date of Birth: 19-04-1955 Date of Death: 13-03-2022 Of: 6 Royalton, 31 Old Bush Road, La Lucia, Umhlanga Spouse: PRATHIMA BABOOBHAI KASIRAM ID No.:6401060029083 Date of Birth: 06-01-1964 Estate No: 11201/2022 DBN The FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, DURBAN (and at the office of the Magistrate at DURBAN) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at DURBAN on this 19th day of OCTOBER 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary HP ATTORNEYS 18 Bute Road, Windermere, Durban Tel: 031 306 2262 E: 02TKQ1-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 029777/2021 Surname: ROBERTS First Names: LEWELLYN PERCIVAL ID No: 530321 5060 08 1 Last Address: ERF 372, 73 Ewelme Road, Midvaal Non Urban, IR, Gauteng Description of Account: First and Final Meyerton Magistrate Johannesburg STANDARD TRUST LIMITED P.O Box 1125, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320 jayshree.pillay@ Tel: 031 502 6699 02TKC8-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 009683/2021 Surname: MNGOMA First Names: ISRAEL MSAWENKOSI ID No: 4904305575085 Last Address: B1291 Nkankane Road, Sundumbili Mandeni, Kwadukuza 4450 Spouse: SIBONGILE NONHLAHLA MNGOMA ID No: 5901012102087 Magistrate's Office: Kwadukuza/ Stanger Master's Office: Durban Advertiser Name and Address: SIFUNDO MUTHWA ATTORNEYS AND CONVEYANCERS 8th Floor Royal Towers Building, 30 Dorothy Nyembe Street, Durban, 4001 Email: Tel: 031 301 8122 02TL2T-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 003361/2022/PMB Surname: GERKE First Names: GABRIELE ELISABETH GERTRUD ID No: CH1HWF131 Last Address: Hochleite 10 81545 Munchen, Germany Description of Account: First and Final Master's Office: Pietermaritzburg Advertiser Name and Address: BARBARA A FESZCZUR PO Box 234, Hillcrest, 3650 Email: Tel: 031 763 2777 02TKT4-00 LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: Gauteng Estate No: 028527/2021 Surname: HOHLS First Names: WILLEMINA ID No: 4508230055186 Last Address: Unit 52 Jubilado Retirement Village Noordheuwel Description of Account: First and Final Magistrate's Office: Krugersdorp Master's Office: Johannesburg Advertiser Name and Address: BARBARA FESZCZUR PO Box 234, Hillcrest, 3650 Email: Tel: 031 763 2777 02TLC3-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 007158/2008/DBN Surname: SAYED First Names: ZAINOOL ABEDEEN ID No: 5412045173087 Last Address: 168 Underwood Road, Pinetown Magistrate's Office: Pinetown Master's Office: Durban Advertiser Name and Address: SHAHEEN SEEDAT AND COMPANY 38 Dawood Place, Parlock, Newlands West, Durban Email: Tel: 083 786 3321 02TKPZ-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 005219 Surname: NYEMBE First Names: CALDUS NONKUTHALO ID No: 590607 0634 08 7 Last Address: 20 Viola Street, Bergview Newcastle Surviving Spouse: PATRICK DUMISANI NYEMBE ID No: 610315 5848 08 4 Period of Inspection: 21 Pietermaritzburg Pietermaritzburg Advertiser Name and Address: SR MADONSELA & ASSOCIATES 01 Floor, Main City Building, 210 Langalibalele Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 Email: sibusisomadonsela1974@ Tel: 083 993 4805 02TL0M-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE PERUMAL GOVINDSAMY PROLAD ID No: 2604095055080 Date of Birth: 1926-04-09 Date of Death: 2009-08-03 Of (address): 6 Kamet Crescent, Everest Heights, Verulam, 4339. Estate No: 4945/2010 PMB The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg (and at the office of the Magistrate at Verulam) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Verulam on 18th October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary SATHISH MAHABIR & ASSOCIATES P.O BOX 2088 Verulam, 4340 02TL5L-00 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE SEWPERSADH RUGNATH ID No: 390424 534 9089 Date of Birth: 24-04-1939 Date of Death: 16-12-2013 Of: 46 Indumeni Street, Dundee, 3000 Estate No: 7715/2019 The LATE SEWPERSADH Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, IN PIETERMARITZBURG (and at the office of the Magistrate at DUNDEE ) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Pietermaritzburg the 03rd day of November 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary SERGIE BRIMIAH AND ASSOCIATES 510 Jabu Ndlovu (Loop) Street Pietermaritzburg 3201 Tel: 033 3947838 / 9 Email: 02TM0T-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE HARONA WANNENBURG, ID No. 330503 0080 089, Date of birth: 3 May 1933, Date of death: 28 July 2018, of 32 Als Road, Bontheuwel No. 020581/2018. The FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, CAPETOWN (and at the office of the Magistrate,), for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at CAPETOWN this 18TH day of October 2023. STANDARD TRUST LTD Ref: E/L H WANNENBURG PO Box 5562 Cape Town 8000 02TKF6-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE RUKHSANA RAFTOPOULOS, ID No. 6108050605083, Date of birth: 5 August 1961, Date of death: 22 June 2023, Of 50 Naruna Crescent, Plumstead, City of Cape Town 7801 No. 012866/2023. The FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town (and at the office of the Magistrate, Wynberg), for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at this 26 day of October 2023. STANDARD TRUST LTD Ref: Amanda Ntsolo PO Box 5562 Cape Town 8000 02TLYQ-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE SUNIL DUTT HARIPERSAD SUNICHUR ID No: 621014 5121 08 2 Date of Birth: 14-10-1962 Date of Death: 07-10-2022 Of: 512 Mountbatten Drive, Reservoir Hills, Durban Spouse: MALA SUNICHUR ID No.: 700612 0271 085 Date of Birth: 12-06-1970 Estate No: 18180/2022 The Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Durban (and at the office of the Magistrate at Durban ) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Durban on the 19 October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary ZAYEED PARUK INC Suite 201 Kaliden House, 118 Problem Mkhize Road, Essenwood, Durban Tel No: 031 301 3398/9 Email: 02TKEC-00 IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE SURASH RAMKILAWAN MUNESSAR ID No: 5106175137082 Date of Birth: 1951-06-17 Date of Death: 2023-01-19 Of 5 Saffa Street, Ladysmith Spouse: RAJKUMARIE MUNESSAR ID No.: 4211020118088 Date of Birth: 1942-11-02 Estate No: 001468/2023 The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg (and at the office of the Magistrate at Ladysmith) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Ladysmith on the 18th October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary SIBRAN NKABINDE INCORPORATED 9 Poort Road Ladysmith -3370 Tel: 036 637 5688 02TJS8-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE MURIEL JOAN BARLOW, ID No. 2805160019089, Date of birth: 16 May 1928, Date of death: 28 November 2018, of Pinelands Place Annexe, Lonsdale Road, Pinelands No. 007561/2019. The AMENDED FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town (and at the office of the Magistrate, Goodwood, Private Bag X4, Goodwood, 7459 /, for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at CAPETOWN this 18TH day of October 2023. STANDARD TRUST LTD Ref: E/L MJ BARLOW PO Box 5562 Cape Town 8000 02TKN7-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE VERONICA RITA LIMN Id No. 5411190088082, Date of Birth: 19-11-1954 Date of Death: 26-10-2020 Of: 42 g East Lake Drive, Marina Da Gama, Cape Town Estate No.: 019262/2021. The FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town (and at the office of the Magistrate, Simon's Town), for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at CAPE TOWN this 27 day of October 2023. STANDARD TRUST LTD Ref: AMANDA NTSOLO PO Box 5562 Cape Town 8000 02TMCZ-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JENNIFER NORA MOSES, ID No. 5507300059085, Date of birth: 30 July 1955, Date of death: 1 December 2022, of 416 6th Avenue , Lotus River , 7941 No. 008907/2023. The FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, CAPETOWN (and at the office of the Magistrate,), for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at CAPETOWN this 18TH day of October 2023. STANDARD TRUST LTD Ref: E/L JN MOSES PO Box 5562 Cape Town 8000 02TKCB-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 008894/2022 Surname: GOLIATH First Names: HENRY WILLIAM ID No: 520727 5010 08 6 Last Address: 46 Terntaal Street, Andersonville, George Surviving Spouse: JACOBA GOLIATH ID No: 620221 0085 08 6 Description of Account: First and Final George Magistrate Cape Town STANDARD TRUST LIMITED P.O Box 1125, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320 jayshree.pillay@ Tel: 031 502 6699 02TKC9-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE TRENTON BIANCO ROYEPPEN ID No: 890125 5183 08 0 Date of Birth: 25-01-1989 Date of Death: 08-09-2021 Of (address): 2 Seagreen Circle Rainham, Phoenix, 4068 And surviving spouse: TANISHA ROYEPPEN ID No: 880208 0199 08 7 Date of Birth: 08-02-1988 Estate No: 4280/2022 The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court Durban (and at the office of the Magistrate Verulam) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at 3 November 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary: STRAUSS DALY ATTORNEYS P O Box 1293 Umhlanga 4320 Ref: MEYER/DARNELL/ ROY89/0001 02TLA2-30
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JAN JONATHAN BOOYSEN ID No: 500625 5090 08 8 Date of Birth: 25-06-1950 Date of Death: 22-02-2021 Of (address): 135 Forest Drive, La Lucia, 4051 Estate No: 004073/2021 The First Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court Durban (and at the office of the Magistrate Durban) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at 3 November 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary: STRAUSS DALY ATTORNEYS P O Box 1293 Umhlanga 4320 Ref: POOLE/DARNELL/ BOO337/0001 02TLA3-31
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE EUNICA ELS, ID No. 3001010002082, Date of birth: 1 January 1930, Date of death: 26 September 2020, of Rossouwstraat, Fraserburg, Northern Cape No. 000068/2021. The FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town (and at the office of the Magistrate, ), for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at CAPETOWN this 18TH day of October 2023. STANDARD TRUST LTD Ref: E/L E ELS PO Box 5562 Cape Town 8000 02TKGT-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE VINODH HARILAL RAMPERSADH RAMPERSADH ID No: 580817 5014 08 4 Date of Birth: 1958-08-17 Date of Death: 2022-10-18 Of (address): 56A Centre Street, Newcastle Estate No: 001236/2023 The FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg (and at the office of the Magistrate at Newcastle) for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Newcastle on this the 16th day of October 2023. Attorneys for Executor Testamentary ALLEN KELLY ATTORNEYS 31 Bird Street, Newcastle 02TLCW-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 000901/2023 Surname: LEONE First Names: MARTHA ID No: 590502 0204 08 2 Last Address: 55 Edenberry Road Avoca Hills,4051 Description of Account: First and Final Magistrate's Office: DURBAN Master's Office: DURBAN Advertiser Name: TOMLINSON MNGUNI JAMES Address: 20 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320 Email: Tel: 031-566-2207 02TLH2-37
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE MARTHA CAROLINA HARRINGTON, ID No. 3401060058085, Date of birth: 1934-01-06, Date of death: 2021-06-28, of 3A Chalford Road, Westville Estate No.000601/2022/DBN The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of Durban for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Durban this 23 day of October 2023. STANDARD TRUST LTD Ref: RM Private Bag 54319 Durban, 4000 02TKYV-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE HESTER CORNELIA NEL, ID No. 5810200036082, Date of birth: 20 October 1958, Date of death: 17 June 2020, of 39 Seeperdjielaan Groot Brakrivier No. 001834/2021. The FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, (and at the office of the Magistrate,), for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Cape Town this 18 day of October 2023. STANDARD TRUST LTD Ref: VN PO Box 5562 Cape Town 8000 02TKF7-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 001303/2022 Surname: TROLLIP First Names: GAIL ESTHER ID No: 460630 0076 08 0 Last Address: 15 Quantock Road, Hayfields, Pietermaritzburg Master's Office: Pietermaritzburg Advertiser Name and Address: FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD P.O. Box 13527, Cascades, 3202 Email: Tel: 087 335 0918 02TKSR-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 002101/2021 Surname: MOORE First Names: ELSA DOLPHIA ID No: 301216 0068 08 8 Last Address: 13 Old Main Road, Faure, Somerset West Somerset West Town RAVENDRI NAIDU STANDARD TRUST LIMITED Standard Bank Centre, Heerengracht Email: Raveshni.Naidu@ Tel: 068 271 5547 02TKIC-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the Liquidation and Distribution Accounts (First and Final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No.: 004097/2023/DBN Surname: SHAW First Names: VICTOR MARTIN CAMPBELL ID No.: 551014 5162 08 0 Last Address: Braco Farm, Farm 48 Karkloof Road Description of Account: First Magistrate's Office: Howick Master's Office: Master of the KwaZulu-Natal High Court NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: Renusha Govender PO Box 50840, Musgrave 4320 Tel: 010 227 2384 02TKR8-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE SIVALINGUM MOODLEY, ID No. 4901015061083, Date of birth: 1949-01-01, Date of death: 2021-09-20, Of 56 Strawberry Avenue, Orient Hills, Isipingo Estate No. 011021/2022/DBN The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of Durban for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Durban this 23 day of October 2023. STANDARD TRUST LTD Ref: RM Private Bag 54319 Durban, 4000 02TKY0-00 LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the Liquidation and Distribution Accounts (First and Final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 013073/2018/DBN Surname: NGUBANE First Names: NOBATEMBU ORPA ID No: 3802210210080 Last Address: B782 Umlazi, 33229, Street, Umlazi, 4066 Period of Inspection: 21 Days Magistrate's Office: Umlazi Master's Office: Durban Advertiser Name and Address: SIFISO CHILI & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS Suite 702 E Corporate Place Bld, 9 Dorothy Nyembe Str, Durban, 4000 Tel: 078 538 4000 02TK6J-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: Western Cape Estate No: 012534/2022 Surname: PRESENCE First Names: VERONICA IRIS ID No: 440624 0047 08 9 Last Address: 34 Tindell Street, Stellenbosch, Western Cape Description of Account: First and Final Magistrate's Office: Stellenbosch Master's Office: Cape Town Advertiser Name and Address: NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LTD P.O. Box 86, Cape Town, 8000 Email: Tel: +2710 227 2435 02TKO2-00
BusinessDay Friday 3 November 2023
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JOHANNES APRIL ID No. 6309045178083 Date of Birth: 04-09-1963 Date of Death: 23-02-2023 Spouse: MINNIE APRIL ID No.: 6105010615087 Of: 8 Rabie Avenue, Langerug Worcester 6850 Estate No. 009167/2023. The FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, CAPE TOWN (and at the office of the Magistrate Worcester), for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at CAPE TOWN this 27 day of October 2023. STANDARD TRUST LTD Ref: AMANDA NTSOLO PO Box 5562 Cape Town 8000 02TMEO-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE ELZABE JOHANNA HENDRIKA DE JAGER Died on 2 January 2023 ID No: 330629 0021 08 6 Of: Die Koraal, Unit 6, 191 Suid Street, Flora Park, Polokwane. Estate Number: 001614/2023 The First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the offices of the Master of the High Court, POLOKWANE and the Magistrate, Polokwane (LP), for twenty-one (21) days from date of publication hereof. FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD P O Box 27511 Greenacres 6057 Neeosha Alwar +27 87 335 0826 02TLFF-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE BALESENG AGNES MPHOGO Died on 28 February 2023 ID No: 670404 0574 08 0 Of: 1122 Zone Bafokeng Section, Maboloka, Mabopane, 0197. Estate Number: 004178/2023 The Supplementary First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the offices of the Master of the High Court, PRETORIA and the Magistrate, Pretoria (GP), for twenty-one (21) days from date of publication hereof. FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD P O Box 27511 Greenacres 6057 Neeosha Alwar +27 87 335 0826 02TM0U-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE DONALD CAMERON WALTON, ID No. 3904055069082, Date of birth: 5 April 1939, Date of death: 28 June 2023, Of Unit 244, Onrus Manor, Chanteclair Avenue, Onrus, Hermanus 7201 No: 013538/2023 CREDITORS and DEBTORS in the above estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Cape Town this 18 day of October 2023. STANDARD TRUST LTD Ref: MM PO Box 5562 Cape Town 8000 02TK98-00 LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 19336/2021 Surname: WILLERS First Names: DORETHIA MARIA ID No: 4708030025088 Last Address: 37 Bellamont Road, Umdloti Description of Account: First and Final Magistrate's Office: Verulam Master's Office: Durban Advertiser Name and Address: MENESES SIMPSON INC Suite 301, Beacon Rock, 21 Lighthouse Road, Umhlanga Email: Tel: 083 992 7408 02TKUQ-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE BASIL EDWIN MILES, ID No. 470405 5037 082, Date of birth: 05-04-1947, Date of death: 05-11-2022, of 816 Montgomery Road, Uvongo, Margate, 4270, No. 000567/2023/DBN. The FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Magistrate, Port Shepstone and Master of the High Court, Durban, for a period of three weeks from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Durban this 23 day of October 2023. STANDARD TRUST LTD Ref: RS Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000 02TLBE-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 4578/2022/PMB Surname: MASTROSS First Names: KYLE MARLIN LUKE ID No: 871024 5134 08 1 Last Address: 5 Alexandra Road, Unit 82 Park Avenue, Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 And surviving spouse: TATUM LYNN MASTROSS ID No: 900303 0060 08 6 Description of Account: First and Final Period of Inspection: 21 PIETERMARITZBURG Masters office: PIETERMARITZBURG Advertiser Name: MASTROSS NAIDOO ORI INCORPORATED Address: 393 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 Email: narisha@ Tel: 033 394 5828 02TJF2-00
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 007655/2022 Surname: MATHONSI First Names: OCTAVIA NTOMBIZODWA MATHONSI ID No: 561119 0789 08 0 Last Address: 1167 Mashinini Street, Old Bhekuzulu Location, Vryheid, 3100 Surviving Spouse: WINSTON SIBUSISO MATHONSI ID No: 570903 5525 08 9 Description of Account: First and Final Period of Inspection: 21 Days Master's Office: Pietermaritzburg PHIRI INCORPORATED ATTORNEYS 222 Mark Street, Vryheid, 3100 Email: Tel: 034 981 0206 02TLPV-00
IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE CLIVE ALAN SHERIDAN BRUMMER Estate No: 04679/2023/PMB ID No: 480308 5019 08 4 Date of Death: 06-09-2022 Address: 7 Vausedale Gardens, 23 Clark Road, Northdene, Queensburgh And surviving spouse: MARIA CORNELIA BEATRIX BRUMMER ID No: 500119 0046 08 9 The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court Pietermaritzburg and at the office of the Magistrate at Pinetown, for a period of three weeks from the 3 November 2023. Name and Address of Advertiser/Executor: ESTATES AND TRUST SERVICES P O Box 878 Westville 3630 Tel: 031 266 8858 02TKYJ-9
SUPER SQUAD TRADING (PTY) LTD IN LIQUIDATION REG 2001/010766/07 D107/2023 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 40(3), 56(3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, that a Second Meeting of creditors will be held in the liquidated estate being wound up mentioned above on the before the Master of the High Court, Durban on the 15th November 2023 at 10h00 for the purposes set forth. (1) Proof of claims; (2) Receiving and accepting the Report and Resolutions; (3) Interrogation, if necessary. Dated at DURBAN on this 24 October 2023. Joint - Liquidator N CRONJE & S STAFFY INSOLVENCY SOLUTIONS 201 Beacon Rock 21 Lighthouse Road Umhlanga Tel: 031 261 4833 02TL70-00
MARKGLOW CC IN LIQUIDATION REG 1999/030887/23 N186/2023 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 40(3), 56(3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, that a Second Meeting of creditors will be held in the liquidated estate being wound up mentioned above on the before the Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg on the 24th of November 2023 at 10h00 for the purposes set forth. (1) Proof of claims; (2) Receiving and accepting the Report and Resolutions; (3) Interrogation, if necessary. Dated at Durban on this 24 October 2023 Joint - Liquidators N CRONJE & A.L VILAKAZI INSOLVENCY SOLUTIONS 201 Beacon Rock 21 Lighthouse Road Umhlanga Tel: 031 261 4833 02TL6Y-00
MARKGLOW CC IN LIQUIDATION REG 1989/006902/23 MEESTER SE VERWYSING: N278/2023 Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge Artikels 40(3), 56(3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, dat 'n van tweede vergadering krediteure in bogemelde insolvente boedel gehou sal word voor die Meester van die Hooggeregsh of Pietermaritzburg op die 24 November 2023 om 10H00 vir die doeleindes van: (1) Bewys van eise; (2) ontvangs van die likwidateur se verslag en aanvaarding van die Resolusies; (3) Ondervraging indien nodig. Gedateer te DURBAN op hierdie October 24, 2023. Likwidateur N CRONJE & A.L VILAKAZI INSOLVENCY SOLUTIONS 201 Beacon Rock Umhlanga Tel: 031 261 4833 02TL6X-00
STAR MEAT MARKET CC (IN LIQUIDATION) REGISTRATION NUMBER: CK1996/008340/23 MEESTER SE VERWYSING: D51/2023 Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge van Artikel 40(3), 56(3) and 77 of the Insolvensiewet, 1936, Artikel 129, die 179 en 182 van Maatskappyewet, 1926 en Artikel 339, 366, 375(5)(B) en 402 van die Maatskappyewet, 1973, dat 'n Tweede vergaadering van krediteure in bogemelde maatskapy gehou sal word voor die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Durban op die 29de November 2023 om 10h00 vir die doeleindes van: (1)Bewys van eise; (2)ontvangs van die Likwidateur se verslag en aanvaarding van die Resolusies; (3)Ondervraging indien nodig. Gedateer te Durban op hierdie October 23, 2023. Likwidateur K R KNOOP Verw : KRK/S908K/18 P/A MANCI KNOOP FINANCIAL SERVICES Burgerstraat 181a Pietermaritzburg 3200 02TLNM-40
BOEDELKENNISGEWING LIKWIDASIEDISTRIBUSIEREKENING INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 108(2) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET VAN 1936, SOOS GEWYSIG. Kennis geskied hiermee dat die Aanvullende Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Kontribusie Rekening in die saak van INSOLVENTE BOEDEL CHARLOTTE CORDELLE OAKES (NAICKER), ID.710724 0025 08 6 Meester's Verwysings nommer D20011/2014, vir 'n tydperk van viertien (14) dae vanaf 03 November 2023 tot 17 November 2023 by die kantore van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Durban, vir skuldeisers ter insae sal lê. Gedateer te Pietermaritzburg op 27 October 2023. NEIL DAVID BUTTON Kurator C/O STOWELL Estate Administration Trust Posbus 33 Pietermaritzburg 3200 /MvdV 02TMCE-45
BAKERS MOTOR REPAIRS (PTY) LTD IN LIQUIDATION REG 1995/002164/07 MEESTER SEVERWYSING: N166/2023 Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge Artikels 40(3), 56(3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, dat 'n tweede vergadering van krediteure in bogemelde insolvente boedel gehou sal word voor die Meester van die Hooggeregsh of Pietermeritzburg op die 17 November 2023 om 10H00 vir die doeleindes van: (1) Bewys van eise; (2) ontvangs van die likwidateur se verslag en aanvaarding van die Resolusies; (3) Ondervraging indien nodig. Gedateer te DURBAN op hierdie October 23, 2023. Likwidateur N CRONJE & A.C.K FINDLATER INSOLVENCY SOLUTIONS 201 Beacon Rock Umhlanga Tel: 031 261 4833 02TL71-00
STAR MEAT MARKET CC (IN LIQUIDATION) REGISTRATION NUMBER: CK1996/008340/23 MASTERS REFERENCE NUMBER: D51/2023 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in terms of Section 40(3), 56(3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, Section 129, 179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926 and Section 339, 366, 375(5)(B) and 402 of the Companies Act, 1973 that a Second Meeting of creditors will be held in the liquidated close corporation being wound up mentioned above on the 29th November 2023 at 10h00 before the Master of the High Court, Durban for the purposes set forth. (1)Proof of claims; (2)Receiving and accepting the Report and Resolutions; (3)Interrogation, if necessary; Dated at Durban on this the 23 October 2023. Liquidator K R KNOOP Ref: KRK/S908K/18 C/O MANCI KNOOP FINANCIAL SERVICES 181a Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg 3201 02TLNN-41
INSOLVENCY NOTICE LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT AND PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION PURSUANT TO SECTION 108(2) OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT OF 1936, AS AMENDED Notice is hereby given that the Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account in the matter of INSOLVENT ESTATE CHARLOTTE CORDELLE OAKES (NAICKER), Identity no. 7107240025 086, Master's Reference Number D20011/2014 will lie open for inspection by creditors at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Durban for a period of fourteen (14) days from 03 November 2023 to 17 November 2023. Dated at Pietermaritzburg on 27 October 2023. NEIL DAVID BUTTON Joint Trustee C/O STOWELL Estate Administration Trust P O Box 33 Pietermaritzburg 3200 /MvdV 02TMCF-46
GF CONSTRUCTION (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) (REG. NO: 2017/456029/07) NUMBER: C202/2023 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 40 (3), 56(3) and 77of the insolvency Act ,Section 129, 179 and 182 of the companies Act, 1926 and section 339, 336,375 (5)B and 402 of the companies Act, 1973 that the second meeting of creditors will be held on the 24 NOVEMBER 2023 at 09:00 before The Magistrate court SIMONSTOWN for the purpose set forth. (1) Proof of claims (2) Receiving and accepting the report and resolution (3) Interrogation (if necessary) Dated Durban on the 25 OCTOBER 2023 Liquidator A.K BIKANI C/o MOHLOMI ASSETS MANAGEMENT 21 Aurora Drive 1st Floor Liberty Life Building Umhlanga Ridge 4321 02TLP7-00 GF CONSTRUCTION (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) (REG. NO: 2017/456029/07) NUMBER: C202/2023 Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge artikel 40 (3), 56 (3) en 77of die Insolvensiewet, Artikel 129, 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926 en artikel 339,336, 375 (5) B en 402 van die Maatskappywet, 1973 dat die tweede vergadering van skuldeisers op die 24 NOVEMBER 2023 gehou sal word om 09:00 voor Die Landdroshof SIMONSTOWN vir die uiteengesit doel. (1) Bewys van eise (2) Die ontvangs en aanvaarding van die verslag en resolusie (3) Interrogation (indien nodig) Gedateer Durban op die 25 Oktober 2023. Likwidateur A.K BIKANI P/a MOHLOMI ASSETS MANAGEMENT 21 Aurora Drive 1st Floor Liberty Life Building Umhlanga Ridge 4321 02TLP8-00
ESTATE NOTICES APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEES AND LIQUIDATORS AND PROOF OF CLAIMS IN SEQUESTRATED ESTATES OR COMPANIES BEING WOUND UP Pursuant to sections 40 (3), 56 (3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act, 1936 and sections 339, 366, 375 (5) (b) and 402 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the persons mentioned below have been appointed trustees or liquidators, as the case may be, and the persons indebted to the estates or companies are required to pay their debts to them forthwith unless otherwise indicated. Meetings of creditors or contributories of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, for the purpose of receiving the trustees' or liquidators' reports as to the affairs and conditions of the estates or companies and for giving the trustees or liquidators directions concerning the sale or recovery of any parts of the estates or assets of the companies or concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master's Office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate. Province: Western Cape Estate No: C524/2021 Insolvent Estate or Company in Liquidation: INSOLVENT ESTATE First Name of Estate/ Company: BENDEL STRAND (PTY) LTD ID No: 1994/004764/07 Name of Trustees or Liquidator: NOLWAZI PRECIOUS ZULU Address of Trustees or Liquidator: 53 Langalibalele Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 Date of Meeting: 2023-10-20 Time of Meeting: 10:00 Place of Meeting: Western Cape High Court, Cape Town Advertiser Name: NP ZULU ATTORNEYS 53 Langalibalele Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 npzuluattorneys@ Tel: 078 681 4532 02TLE3-00 APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEES AND LIQUIDATORS AND PROOF OF CLAIMS IN SEQUESTRATED ESTATES OR COMPANIES BEING WOUND UP Pursuant to sections 40 (3), 56 (3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act, 1936 and sections 339, 366, 375 (5) (b) and 402 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the persons mentioned below have been appointed trustees or liquidators, as the case may be, and the persons indebted to the estates or companies are required to pay their debts to them forthwith unless otherwise indicated. Meetings of creditors or contributories of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, for the purpose of receiving the trustees' or liquidators' reports as to the affairs and conditions of the estates or companies and for giving the trustees or liquidators directions concerning the sale or recovery of any parts of the estates or assets of the companies or concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master's Office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate. Province: Gauteng Estate No: G0001/2021 Insolvent Estate or Company in Liquidation: INSOLVENT ESTATE First Name of Estate/ Company: DERICK BRITZ ARCHITECTS CC ID No: 2008/224018/23 Name of Trustees or Liquidator: NOLWAZI PRECIOUS ZULU Address of Trustees or Liquidator: 53 Langalibalele Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 Date of Meeting: 2023-10-20 Time of Meeting: 10:00 Place of Meeting: Western Cape High Court, Cape Town Advertiser Name: NP ZULU ATTORNEYS 53 Langalibalele Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 npzuluattorneys@ Tel: 078 681 4532 02TLE4-00
NOTICE OF SECOND MEETING OF CREDITORS (Pursuant to Section 40(3) (b) and (c), Section 56(3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act) INSOLVENTE ESTATE: MAHOMED RAFIEK AHMED GHARAFORY ID No: 610420 5191 087 D115/2020 Notice is hereby given that the undernamed have been appointed Trustee/s of the aforementioned estate and that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to pay their debts to the Trustee/s forthwith. The Second Meeting of Creditors in the abovenamed estate will be held before the Presiding Officer, Master of the High Court Durban on Wednesday, 22 November 2023 at 10h00 for the purpose of a) Proof of claims by Creditors; b) Receiving and acceptance Report and Resolutions; c) Interrogation of the Insolvent, if necessary. Dated at Pietermaritzburg on 26 October 2023. NEIL DAVID BUTTON Trustee STOWELL Estate Administration Trust P O Box 33 Pietermaritzburg 3200 /MvdV 02TMCC-43
KENNISGEWING VAN VERGADERING VAN KREDITEURE (Ingevolge Artikel 40(3)(b) and (c) van die insolvensie Wet ) INSOLVENTE BOEDEL: MAHOMED RAFIK AHMED GHARAFORY ID NO 6104205191087 Meestersverwysing Nommer : D115/2020 Kennis geskied hiermee dat die ondergetekende aangestel as Kurator/s van die boedel is en alle debiteure van die boedel word om onmiddelik hul skulde te betaal by die kantore van die Kurator/s. Die Tweede vergadering van die krediteure gehou sal word voor die Voorsittende Beampte Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Durban,op Woensdag 22 November 2023 om 10h00, vir : a) Die bewys van eise deur Krediteure; b)Die ontvangs van die Kurator se Verslag en Resolusies; c)Die Ondervraging van die Insolvent, indien nodig. Gedateer te Pietermaritzburg op 26 October 2023. NEIL DAVID BUTTON Kurator STOWELL Estate Administration Trust Posbus 33 Pietermaritzburg 3200 /MvdV 02TMCD-44 APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEES AND LIQUIDATORS AND PROOF OF CLAIMS IN SEQUESTRATED ESTATES OR COMPANIES BEING WOUND UP Pursuant to sections 40 (3), 56 (3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act, 1936 and sections 339, 366, 375 (5) (b) and 402 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the persons mentioned below have been appointed trustees or liquidators, as the case may be, and the persons indebted to the estates or companies are required to pay their debts to them forthwith unless otherwise indicated. Meetings of creditors or contributories of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, for the purpose of receiving the trustees' or liquidators' reports as to the affairs and conditions of the estates or companies and for giving the trustees or liquidators directions concerning the sale or recovery of any parts of the estates or assets of the companies or concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master's Office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate. Province: Gauteng Estate Number: T1950/2016 Insolvent Estate or Company In Liquidation: Insolvent Estate Full Name of Estate/Company: JULIAN LUROCK INGRAM FOURIE ID Number(s) or Company Registration Number: 790716 5020 08 1 Name of Trustee or Liquidator: NOLWAZI PRECIOUS ZULU Address of Trustee or Liquidator: 53 LANGALIBALELE STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201 Date of Meeting: 2023-11-24 Time of Meeting: 10:00 Place of Meeting: MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA Period within which debt must be paid if not to be done forthwith: FORTHWITH Advertiser Name and Address: N.P ZULU ATTORNEYS 53 Langalibalele Street Pietermaritzburg, 3201 Email: npzuluattorneys@ Tel: 078 681 4532 02TMAK-00
BAKERS MOTOR REPAIRS (PTY) LTD IN LIQUIDATION REG 1995/002164/07 N166/2023 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 40(3), 56(3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, that a Second Meeting of creditors will be held in the liquidated estate being wound up mentioned above on the before the Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg on the 17th of November 2023 at 10h00 for the purposes set forth. (1) Proof of claims; (2) Receiving and accepting the Report and Resolutions; (3) Interrogation, if necessary. Dated at DURBAN on this 23 October 2023 Joint - Liquidator N CRONJE & A.C.K FINDLATER INSOLVENCY SOLUTIONS 201 Beacon Rock 21 Lighthouse Road Umhlanga Tel: 031 261 4833 02TL7M-00
SUPER SQUAD TRADING (PTY) LTD IN LIQUIDATION REG 2001/010766/07 MEESTER SE VERWYSING: D107/2023 Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge Artikels 40(3), 56(3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, dat 'n van tweede vergadering krediteure in bogemelde insolvente boedel gehou sal word voor die Meester van die Hooggeregsh of Durban op die 15 November 2023 om 10H00 vir die doeleindes van: (1) Bewys van eise; (2) ontvangs van die likwidateur se verslag en aanvaarding van die Resolusies; (3) Ondervraging indien nodig. Gedateer te DURBAN op hierdie October 24 2023. Likwidateur N CRONJE & S STAFFY INSOLVENCY SOLUTIONS 201 Beacon Rock Umhlanga Tel: 031 261 4833 02TL6Z-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number T09683/06 In favour of NOKUTHULA HAPPINESS MTHIYANE, ID No. 690104 0579 08 1 In respect of certain ERF 711 WELBEDAGT (EXTENSION NO. 2), Division FT, Province Of KwaZulu Natal in extent 334 (three hundred and thirty-four) square metres which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Assistant Registrar of Deeds: Pietermaritzburg, Room 411, High Court Building, 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at HILLCREST on this 28th October 2023 NOKUTHULA HAPPINESS MTHIYANE c/o THOKOZANI RADEBE INC Ridge Park Offices Block A Suite 7A 45 Ridge Road Hillcrest 081 235 3964 02TMF7-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Certificate Of Registered Sectional Title Number 229/1984 (8), Passed by Bobdale (Proprietary) Limited Company No: 83/07590 in favour of:ISMAIL ABOOBAKER ID No: 300902 5052 05 9 And FATIMAH ABOOBAKER ID No: 330118 0039 05 9 Married In Community Of Property To Each Other. in respect of the property described as: a) Section No 8 (Eight), as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No: 229/1984 in the building or buildings known as Camilla Court of which Section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan is 50 (Fifty) square metres; and b) An undivided share in the common property in the land and building or buildings as shown and more fully described on the said sectional plan, as apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota of the said section specified in a schedule endorsed on the said Sectional Plan. Held under Sectional Title Number 229/1984 (8), which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds Pietermaritzburg, High Court Building, 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Pietermaritzburg on this 19th day of October 2023. Applicants Attorneys A. K. ESSACK, MORGAN NAIDOO AND COMPANY 311 Pietermaritz Street Pietermaritzburg 3200 REF: MN NAIDOO/LT 02TM2H-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T69835/2012 Passed by ANDREAS ANTHONIE, ID No: 640517 5130 08 2, Unmarried in favour of 1. LIONEL JACOBS, ID No: 820518 5146 08 8, UNMARRIED and 2. ANTONETT ROSHALL WILLIAMS, ID No: 810121 0120 08 3, UNMARRIED In respect of certain ERF 5376 EERSTE RIVER which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Cape Town within two weeks after the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at BELLVILLE on 31 OCTOBER 2023 A Sauls Applicant: A V DAWSON INC 7 Link Road DeLaHaye 7535 E-mail address: Contact No: +2721 944 8800 02TMPV-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Grant TG330/1986KZ passed by DEPARTEMENT VAN SAMEWERKING EN ONTWIKKELING SUID-AFRIKAANSE ONTWIKKELINGSTRUST In favour of CARLSON MLUNGWANA NQOTHENI P.N. 1-4997439-8 (500308 5635 08 3), In respect of certain ERF 3787 MADADENI C, Registration Division H.T., Province of KwaZulu-Natal, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg within two weeks after the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Pretoria on the day of 2023. Applicant: JACOB WOUTER DE VOS ROSS & JACOBSZ INC. PO Box 46 Pretoria 0001 Email: Contact No: 012 3481088 Ref: WDV/N10686/RN 02TMJV-00
LOST OF DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer ST 87222/2021 Registered in the name of STONEBROOK TRUST In respect of Section No.9 BROMPTON COURT Sectional Plan No. 119/2006 which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg within two weeks after the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at DURBAN this 30th day of OCTOBER 2023. SHAIK AND COMPANY 87 Ridge Road Umhlanga Rocks Tel: (031) 572 3280 02TMEQ-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer No. T 9955/2022. Owned by: NISHKAR SINGH ID No: 910103 5254 08 2 And CHEZEL RENE SINGH ID No: 921008 0217 08 2 Married in Community of Property to each other In respect of: ERF 287 CANESIDE Registration Division FU Province of KwaZulu-Natal In Extent 306 (three hundred and six) square metres Which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, High Court Building 300 Pietermaritz Street Pietermaritzburg within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Company Name: STRUASS DALY INC Email: dswart@ Contact No: 031 570 5616 02TMLV-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number T60355/99 passed by NOKUTHULA TERESSA MESATSHWA, ID No: 631004 0491 08 3 In favour of PHILLIP MOSES ZUMA, ID No: 580610 6058 08 9 and THEMBI CLEMENCIA ZUMA, ID No: 580613 0907 08 7 In respect of PORTION 312 OF ERF 3377 PIETERMARITZBURG measuring 408 (four hundred and eight) square metres All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, High Court Building, 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Pietermaritzburg on this 31 day of OCTOBER 2023. ASAD AMEEN & CO 368 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg 033 3451319 02TMZJ-00 LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deed Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of certified copy of Deed of Grant Number GF 5027/1986 Owned by REBECCA MTEMBU ID No; 360626 0221 08 1 Unmarried, In respect of certain ERF 939 INANDA NEWTOWN C, Registration Division FT, Province Of KwaZulu Natal, in extent four hundred and eleven (411) square metres which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at PIETERMARITZBURG at the information counter, 300 Pietermaritzburg Street, Pietermaritzburg, within two weeks after the date of the publication of his notice, Dated at Pinetown this 20th SEPTEMBER 2023. O.D NZIMANDE & ASSOCIATES Suite 106 1st Floor Wakefields House 79 Crompton Street Pinetown 3610 Email: Contact: 031 702 9348 02TKGN-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer ST119540/2005 passed by AMIG PROPERTY INVESTMENTS PROPRIETARY LIMITED Reg. No: 1967\011154\07 In favour of ANTIBES No.40 TRUST Reg. No: 3120/1994, In respect of certain property described as (a) Section No.168, as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan Number SS844/05, in the scheme known as BELMONT ESTATE TWO, in respect of the land and building or buildings situate at NOORDHANG EXTENSION 51 TOWNSHIP, Local Authority City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, and (b)An undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria Merino Building,140 Pretorius Street Street corner Bossman Tshwane,0001, within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Durban on this day of Applicant/ Representative: ANTIBES No.40 TRUST Registration Number 3120/1994 C/O WOODHEAD BIGBY INC. Address: 92 Armstrong Avenue, La Lucia, 4051 Email: Contact No: (031) 360 9700 02TMPT-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer No. ST17086/2023 passed by BRETT WAYNE RANDALL ID No: 661025 5212 08 6 Unmarried in favour of PARMANANDHAN CHETTY ID No 740626 5257 08 1 And INTHRALOSHINI MANDY DASS ID No: 730630 0099 08 6 Married in community of property to each other In respect of A Unit consisting of (a)Section No. 6 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan of Extension No.SS293/2002 in the Scheme known as Amber Valley in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at Pinetown, EThekwini Municipality, of which section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan is 173 (One Hundred and Seventy Three) square metres in extent and (b)An undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan. Held by Deed of Transfer Number ST 17086/2023 Which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, High Court Building 300 Pietermaritz Street Pietermaritzburg, within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Hillcrest on 1 November 2023 MEUMANN WHITE ATTORNEYS 5th Floor MB House 641 Peter Mokaba Ridge Berea, DURBAN Ref: 170368jh Email: - jhartslief@ Tel: 031 830 8603 02TN2B-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of DEED OF TRANSFER NUMBER T33622/2013, In favour of: MAUREEN ELIZABETH SCOTT-SHAW, ID No: 560421 0195 081, in respect of Erf 28 Hilton, Registration Division FT, Province of KwaZulu Natal, in extent 2023 (two thousand and twenty three) square metres, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at PIETERMARITZBURG, 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Pietermaritzburg on this 27th day of October 2023. CC ATTORNEYS 1 Hattersley Road Hayfields Pietermaritzburg, 3201 Email: Cell: 072 184 9396 02TM54-00 LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a copy of Deed of Transfer Number T22483/1992 NEDCOR BANK BEPERK NR 51/00009/06, In favour of: JOHANNES DANIËL JACOBUS NUNEZ, ID No: 360806 5047 00 0 And MARIA CATHARINA NUNEZ ID No: 401028 0035 00 8, GETROUD BINNE GEMMENSKAP VAN GOED MET MEKAAR, In respect of certain ERF 65 ROSASHOF AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS (EXTENSION NUMBER 1), Registration Division IQ, Province Of Gauteng, In Extent 2,1414 (Two Comma One Four One Four) Hectare which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such Title are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Deeds Office Information Section, Merino Building, 140 Pretorius Street Pretoria within two weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated at Durban this 30th day of October 2023. Applicant: ANTHONY BRIAN DOLPHIN Suite No. 3 St Stevens 278 Clark Road Glenwood 4001 Email: Tel: 0312022013 Ref: N735 02TM55-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for ST47154/2008 passed by SANHALL PROPERTY DEVELOPMENTS CC Reg. No: 2005/040126/23 In favour of SAN BALLITO PROPERTY INVESTMENTS CC, Reg. No: 2006/211675/23 in respect of certain (a) Section no. 9 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS610/08 in the Scheme known as Sanhall Park in respect of the land and building or buildings situate at Ballitoville KwaDukuza Municipality of which section the floor area, according to the said Sectional plan is 97 (NINETY SEVEN) Square metres in extent, (b) Section no. 23 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS610/08 in the scheme known as Sanhall Park in respect of the land and building or buildings situate at Ballitoville KwaDukuza Municipality of which section the floor area, according to the said Sectional plan is 138 (one hundred and thirty eight) Square metres in extent, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at the information counter, Street 300 Pietermaritz Pietermaritzburg within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Umhlanga this 01 day of November 2023 Applicant LIVINGSTON LEANDY Building 5 Glass House Office Park, 309 Umhlanga Rocks Drive, Kwazulu-Natal Email: Contact No: 031 536 7500 02TN8G-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Certificate of Registered Sectional Title ST87/1983(12)(16)(UNIT) Passed by KONDOTEL VAKANSIES (EIENDOMS) BEPERK, NO. 80/07026 In favour of EVELYN LUCILLE FINE ID No: 470222 0036 00 5 Married out of community of property, in respect of 1/52nd SHARE IN AND TO : A unit consisting of(a)Section Number 12 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan Number SS87/1983 in the scheme known as Durban SPA in respect of the land and building or buildings situate at Durban in the EThekwini Municipality Area, of which section the floor area, according to the said Sectional Plan is 70 (seventy) square metres in extent; and (b)An undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan. Which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg within two weeks after the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Pretoria on the day of October 2023. Applicant: JACOB WOUTER DE VOS ROSS & JACOBSZ INC. PO Box 46 Pretoria 0001 Email: Contact No : 012 3481088 Ref: WDV/F1655/RN 02TMJW-00 LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Tittle, Title Number T1114/2017 the Executrix in the Estate Late, JIMMY BOYDELL MKHIZE, Estate Number 11662/2012/PMB in favour of GUGU PEARL MKHIZE & THOBEKILE THELCLA ZIMU, PORTION 9 OF ERF 197 EDENDALE, Registration FT, situated in the Pietermaritzburg area, Province of KwaZulu- Natal which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg within two weeks from date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Pietermaritzburg on this 17th day of October 2023 Applicant MATTHEW FRANCIS INC Suite 4, 1st Floor 21 Cascades Crescent Pietermaritzburg Ref: K. Mnisi/ 25M084604 02TJE6-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number ST13715/1998, Passed by the THELANN SHARE BLOCK PROPRIETARY LIMITED Reg. No: 77/03646/07 In favour of: TERENCE VINCENT YOUNG, ID No: 600701 5069 08 0, Unmarried, in respect of certain property described as A Unit consisting of:(a) Section Number 3 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan Number SS195/90, in the scheme known as PRINCESS MANSIONS in respect of the land and building or buildings situate at DURBAN, Local Authority Area of Durban Entity, and (b) an undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan. Which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Durban this 27th day of October 2023. Applicant: TERENCE VINCENT YOUNG Address: 92 Armstrong Avenue, La Lucia, 4051 Email: Contact No: (031) 3609700 02TM0V-00
BusinessDay Friday 3 November 2023
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number T 16447/2023, passed by ANDERLY SHARE BLOCK PROPRIETARY LIMITED Registration Number 1962/005142/07, in favour of NGIDI INVESTMENTS PROPRIETARY LIMITED Registration number 2018/403339/07,in respect of A Unit consisting of (a)Section No. 7 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No SS275/2017 in the scheme known as SAN MICHELE in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at Durban, eThekwini Municipality, of which section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan is 127 (One Hundred and Twenty Seven) square metres in extent and (b)An undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan. Held by Deed of Transfer Number ST 16447/2023 Which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, High Court Building 300 Pietermaritz Street Pietermaritzburg, within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at on 2023. MEUMANN WHITE ATTORNEYS 5th Floor MB House 641 Peter Mokaba Ridge Berea, Durban Ref: 170178.yoh Email: - yohara@ Tel: 031 814 6852 02TMZ5-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer. T 18538/2014 Passed by DENISE HARVEY, In favor of NOLUNGILE MANGQALENI, ID No: 600620 0427 08 7, Unmarried in respect of certain ERF 7862 WATERLOO, Registration Division FU, Province of Kwazulu-Natal which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having an objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at PIETERMARITZBURG within two weeks after the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Pietermaritzburg on this 30th day of October 2023. Applicant: N S NGCOBO & ASSOCIATES, 407 Antone Lembede Street, Suite 809 Salmon Grove Chambers, Durban, 4001 Email: Tel: 082 8300 593 REF.NO. 04/85 02TMG3-00 LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number TL24847/1995 Passed by: SIBONGILE PHYLLIS DLAMINI ID No: 5410140694080 As duly appointed executor of the estate of the late RAPHAEL THEMBA DLAMINI ID No: 5207155581081 Estate No: 3451/2016. In favour of: SIBONGILE PHYLLIS DLAMINI ID No: 5410140694080 In respect of certain: SUB 23 (OF 2) OF LOT 644 OF DUIKER FONTEIN Registration Division Province of KwaZulu-Natal, in extent 717 (seven hundred and seventeen) square metres which has been lost or destroyed. All interested person having objection to the issue of such copy hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Dated at DURBAN on this 10th day of OCTOBER 2023. Applicant: NOMPUMELELO HADEBE INC Address: Suite 1202, 12th Floor, Metlife Building, 391 Anton Lembede Street, Durban Email: conveyancing@ Contact No: 031 304 3655 02TMCX-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given to terms of Regulation 68 (1) of the Deeds Registries Act, 47/37 of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number ST 15214/2002 Owned by HAJRA AHMED DOCRAT ID No: 530104 0024 08 2 Married out of community of property In respect of the property described as:A Unit consisting of (a) Section No. 1 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS 194/1985 in the scheme known as VILLA ESPANHA in respect of the land and building or buildings situate at Durban, Province of Kwazulu-Natal, of which section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan is 189 (One Hundred and Eighty Nine) square metres in extent, and (b) An undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan. Which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at PIETERMARITZBURG within two weeks from date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Durban this 30th October 2023. Applicant: PATHER AND PATHER ATTORNEYS 3 Nollsworth Crescent Nollsworth, La Lucia Durban Tel: 031 - 304 4212 Ref: Leena/ D762 02TMFY-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T37813/96 Passed by REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA, In favor of Estate late NQABAYEZWA KUZWAYO ID No: 350101 7517 08 1 and Estate late NOMHLANGANO BERTINA KHUZWAYO ID No: 330421 0131 08 5, in respect of certain LOT 1520 WATERLOO EXTENSION 6, Registration Division FT, Province of KwaZulu-Natal, in Extent 232 (Two hundred and thirty two), which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3200, within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Durban on this 27 OCTOBER 2023. S.MKHWANAZI 417 Anton Lembede Street 031 301 1917 02TMCV-00 LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number T 6775/1957 In favour of Estate Late EDMOND BHEKUMUZI GUMEDE ID No: 300309 5235 08 2 Married in Community of Property, in respect of certain ERF 2051 TOWNSHIP OF CLERMONT Registration Division FT, Province of KwaZulu -Natal In extent eight thousand three hundred and eightyeight Square metres which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar Of Deeds At 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg,3201 within two weeks after the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Pinetown on this 20th October 2023 O.D NZIMANDE & ASSOCIATES Suite 106, 1st Floor Wakefields House 79 Crompton Street Pinetown 3610 Email: Tel: 031 702 9348 02TLGY-00 LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number ST38908/2017 Passed by QUANTUM LEAP DEVELOPMENT Reg. No: 2017/254996/07 In respect of SECTION NUMBER 4 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS 260/1988, in the scheme known as BISHOPS COURT in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at DURBAN eThekwini Municipality, of which section the floor area, according to the said Sectional Plan, is 106 (ONE HUNDRED AND SIX) square metres in extent; and an undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Assistant Registrar of Deeds: Pietermaritzburg, Room 411, High Court Building, 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at UMHLANGA this 26th day of October 2023. SHASHI MARAJH AND COMPANY INC. Ridge 7 Suite 601, 27 Vuna Close, Umhlanga Ridge Email: transfers@ Tel: (031) 816 9393 02TM0S-00
LOST DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number ST29650/2010 Passed by GRAHAM MICHAEL RODGER In favour of LIAM CONAL LLOYD, In respect of certain Unit consisting of Section Number 4 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No SS26/1981 in the scheme known as MARPLE HALL in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at DURBAN in the ETHEKWINI MUNICIPALITY, which has been lost. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg situate at 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Durban this day of 2023. Applicant: LIAM CONAL LLOYD TATE NOLAN AND KNIGHT 58 St Andrews Drive Durban North Email: Contact No: 031 563 1874 02TMO6-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number T32896/2014, held by: THE TOP FLIGHT TRUST Registration Number IT1263/1999 In respect of the property described as: ERF 58 CATHKIN ESTATES Registration Division FS Province of KwaZulu-Natal In Extent 1127 (one thousand one hundred and twenty seven) Square metres Which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, Room 411, 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg 3201 within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Durban on this 30th day of October 2023 For Applicant: The Top Flight Trust MOONEY FORD ATTORNEYS 3rd Floor The Boulevard 19 Park Lane Parkside Umhlanga Ref: S10198/ss 02TM9A-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act Number 47 of 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number T 17095/1996 In favour of: ZOLA SINCERITY CELE ID No; 720624 0401 08 9 Unmarried In respect of certain: ERF 2266 LOVU Registration Division ET Province Of KwaZulu Natal in extent 246 (two hundred and forty six) square metres. Which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at PIETERMARITZBURG, HIGH COURT BUILDING 300 PIETERMARITZ STREET within two weeks after the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Durban on this 27 day of October 2023. Zola Sincerity Cele MHS ATTORNEYS INC Terrence Jula 21 Joe Slovo Street, Suite 1001 Durban 4001 Email: Telephone No: 031 301 0665 02TMCY-00 LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T038178/2002 passed by THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING: PROVINCE OF KWAZULU-NATAL, In favor of: NOKUTHULA MOREEN LINDA, ID No: 681225 1613 08 1, In respect of certain: ERF 2379 WIGGINS (EXTENSION NO.7), Registration Division FT, Province of KwaZulu-Natal, in Extent 124 (one hundred and twenty four), which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3200, within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Durban on this 27 OCTOBER 2023. S.MKHWANAZI 417 Anton Lembede Street 031 301 1917 02TMAL-00
LOST OR DESTROYED BOND Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of B 8453/2000 passed by CAROLE MARGARET CECCHI, ID No: 4611180113185 For a capital amount of R500 000.00 in favour of MICROMAZE ACCOUNTING SERVICES CC, REG. No: 1988/009578/23 In respect of certain ERF 454 DOUGLASDALE EXTENSION 25 TOWNSHIP Registration Division I.Q. Province Of Gauteng which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at PRETORIA, Gauteng High Court Pretoria, Paul Kruger & Madiba St, Pretoria Central, Pretoria,0002 within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Durban this 31st day of October 2023 Address: RYAN MICHAEL BOTSIS on behalf of RMB ATIORNEYS Address: 179 Ridge Road, Umhlanga Rocks, 4319 Email: Contact No: 082 455 0376 02TL2L-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number T055816/2008 passed by The Executor in the Estate Late LUNGANI MADUNA, Number 16655/2005 PMB In favour of the late THULISIWE ELIZABETH MAZIBUKO (Previously Dube), ID No; 561229 0770 08 7, Married out of Community of Property. In respect of the property described as:ERF 2 UMLAZI D Registration Division FT Province Of Kwazulu-Natal, in extent 353 (three hundred and fifty three) square metres HELD BY Deed of Transfer Number T055816/2008 which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, Room 411, 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at DURBAN on this the 30th day of OCTOBER 2023. MAFIKA PHILLIP MAZIBUKO in his capacity as executor in the estate late THULISIWE ELIZABETH MAZIBUKO c/o S.D. MOLOI & ASSOCIATES INC. 39 St Thomas Road, Musgrave Berea, Durban Docex 378, Durban Tel: 031 301 2812/2950 REF: Reema 02TMG1-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T 9964/1999 passed by CECIL NARAYAN REDDY ID No: 640917 5275 08 7 In respect of: PORTION 235 OF 168 OF CLAIRWENT THREE NO.14836 Registration Division FT, Province Of Kwazulu-Natal In Extent 233 (Two Hundred And Thirty Three) Square metres which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having any objection to the issue of such certified copy are hereby required to lodge the same, in writing, with the Registrar of Deeds Pietermaritzburg, Room 411, 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Pietermaritzburg this 30th day of October 2022. PGPS ATTORNEYS 12 Montrose Park Boulevard 170 Peter Brown Drive Pietermaritzburg RADHAKRISHAN PADAYACHEE (67622) 02TMO5-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T41833/21 passed by REGISTRAR OF DEEDS, In favor of: SAZISO CYRIL MKHWANAZI ID No: 560503 5891 08 5 In respect of certain ERF 235 UMLAZI, Registration Division FT, Province of KwaZulu-Natal, in Extent 418 (Four hundred and eighteen), which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3200, within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Durban on this 27 OCTOBER 2023. S.MKHWANAZI 417 Anton Lembede Street 031 301 1917 02TMAM-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T6311/2006 passed by TRACEY VIRGINIA HILTERMAN ID No: 590627 0223 08 7 Unmarried, in favour of JONATHAN ALFRED DRAPER ID No: 490606 5055 08 3 Married out of Community of Property, in respect of certain PORTION 26 (OF 19) of ERF 207 PIETERMARITZBURG and Remainder of PORTION 41 OF ERF 207 PIETERMARITZBURG, Registration Division FT, Province of KwaZulu-Natal which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are. hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg within two weeks after the date of thepublication of this notice. Dated at Pietermaritzburg on 25 October 2023 Applicant: JONATHAN ALFRED DRAPER VENNS ATTORNEYS, Address: 30 Montrose Park Boulevard, Victoria Country Club Estate, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 Email: michele@ Contact No: 033 355 3100 02TMJT-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T36163/2002 Passed JACQUELENE BROWN, ID No; 410710 0107 183, Married which marriage is governed by the Laws of England, in favour of: JOSE LUIS SALAMANCA, ID No; 611215 5286 187 and NANCY SALAMANCA, ID No: 720821 0904 084, Married in community of property to each other, In respect of PORTION 95 OF ERF 3137 DURBAN NORTH, Registration Division FU, Province Of KwaZulu-Natal, In Extent 1024 (One Thousand And Twenty-Four) Square Metres which has been lost or destroyed, All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, High Court Building, 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Durban this 24 day of October 2023. Applicant: Fenella Jane Hathorn Attorney of TOMLINSON MNGUNI JAMES Address: Suite 201, Ridge 6, 20 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Rocks Email: Contact No: 031 566 2207 02TN83-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number T28950/2013 passed by NKOSINGIPILE BUTHELEZI, ID NO: 640105 5702 08 2 and BEVERLY BUTHELEZI, ID NO 660202 0221 08 8, married in community of property to each other in favour of the late MAFIKA PHILLIP MAZIBUKO, Identity Number 570522 5822 08 8, Married out of Community of Property. in respect of the property described as:ERF 487 AVOCA HILLS Registration Division FU Province Of Kwazulu-Natal in extent 754 (seven hundred and fifty four) Square metres Held By Deed of Transfer Number T28950/2013 which has been lost or estroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, Room 411, 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Durban on this the 30TH day of October 2023 Mafika Phillip Mazibuko c/o S.D. MOLOI & ASSOCIATES INC. 39 st thomas road, musgrave berea, durban docex 378, durban TEL: 031 301 2812/2950 REF: Reema 02TN81-00 LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Title Deed Number T52562/2007 passed by: CHANTAL YVETTE FIRMAN ID No; 670604 0104 08 1 Married out of community of property In favour of: 1. TJAART NICOLAAS PALMER ID No: 590510 5102 08 6 Unmarried 2. KAREN LEIGH PALMER ID No: 620505 0202 08 3 Unmarried In respect of certain: PORTION 31 OF ERF 1726 PIETERMARITZBURG Registration Division FT, Province Of KwaZulu-Natal, in extent 1102 (one thousand one hundred and two) square metres. Which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds 300 of Pietermaritzburg, Pietermaritz Street, 3201, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice Signed at on 2023. Applicant: SHEPSTONE & WYLIE ATTORNEYS First Floor Absa House, 15 Chatterton Road Pietermaritzburg 3200 Email: Tel: 033 355 1798 Ref: FIRS13.1976 02TMAI-00 LOST OR DESTROYED TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number T25107/2017 Passed by: DAVID JAMES JACKSON MUCKART, ID No: 530513 5213 18 7, Married Out Of Community of Property In favour of: CRAIG NEIL ROODT, ID No: 760701 5092 08 8, Married Out Of Community of Property; and CHERYL MARY ROODT, ID No: 750807 0052 08 4, Married Out Of Community of Property In respect of certain: PORTION 1 OF ERF 7 ST HELIER which has been lost. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at: Pietermaritzburg, 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at This Day of 2023. Applicant: CRAIG NEIL ROODT Address: 37 Arbuthnot Street, Amanzimtoti Contact No: 083 267 4849 Applicant: CHERYL MARY ROODT Address: 37 Arbuthnot Street, Amanzimtoti Contact No: 083 267 4849 02TMES-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T30332/2005, owned by : HERKLARS WILLEM SCHOEMAN ID No: 640806 5826 082 Married out of Community of Property. In respect of : ERF 1304 LA LUCIA EXTENTION NO. 8 Registration Division FU Province of Kwazulu-Natal In extent 1697 (one thousand six hundred and ninety seven) square metres. Held by Deed of Transfer T30332/2005 Which has been lost or destroyed All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to Lodge the same in writing with the Registar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, High Court Building 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice Signed at Umhlanga on 1 November 2023. HERKLARS WILLEM SCHOEMAN STRAUSS DALY INC Email: srajoo@ Contact No : (031) 570 5600 Ref: A0445/12563 02TN8B-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of DEED OF TRANSFER T39103/2000 Passed by Estate Late STANLEY ERSKINE FOSTER In favour of ERIC BRIAN ERSKINE FOSTER In respect of PORTION 2 OF THE FARM ID NO. 4841, Registration Division ET, Province Of KwaZulu-Natal, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue if such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, Room 411 within two weeks after the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Pietermaritzburg this 26th October 2023 Applicant: TATHAM WILKES INC. Address: 200 Hoosen Haffejee Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 Email: Contact No: 033 345 3501 02TMOD-00
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty-eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, l, the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Grant No G96041/1875 Dated 3 August 1875 issued in favour of INGONYAMA TRUST established by Section 2(1) of the KwaZulu-Natal lngonyama Trust Act No. 3 of 1994 (as amended) in respect of 1. Drakensburg LocationNo.1 No.9604, Registration Division FS, Province of KwaZulu-Natal and 2. Drakensberg Location No. 2 No.9605, Registration Division FS, Province of KwaZulu-Natal, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby Required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg within six weeks after the date of the first publication. Dated at Pietermaritzburg this 31 day of October 2023 MASON INCOPORATED Suite 2,3,4 Ground Floor Investec Building 1 Longcrest Way Victoria Country Club Office Park 170 Peter Brown Drive Montrose Ref: 22I001056 /NG/BV 02TMLU-00 LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number T41124/2000, passed by AUDREY FLORENCE RIPLEY ID No: 300830 0028 08 1 Married out of community of property in favour of NKOSINGIPHILE CATHERINE DLAMINI ID No: 471117 0561 08 6 Married out of community of property. In respect of the property described as:PORTION 1 OF ERF 98 ATHOLL HEIGHTS Registration Division FT Province of KwaZulu-Natal Which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, Room 411, 300 Pietermaritz Street Pietermaritzburg, 3201 within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. NKOSINGIPHILE CATHERINE DLAMINI C/O GH ISMAIL INC Dated at Durban on this day of 2023. GH ISMAIL INC 543 Peter Mokaba Ridge Essenwood Durban Email: Fozia Tel: 031: 207 8180 02TMJU-00
BUSINESS LICENCE NOTICE IN RESPECT OF A LICENSE APPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE PETROLEUM PRODUCT ACT, 1997 (ACT NO 120 OF 1977) This notice serves to inform parties that may be interested or affected that DUDUMTHE PTY LTD, application for a WHOLESALE license, application number E/2023/10/27/0003 R614 WARTBURG ROAD WARTBURG MGUNGUNDLOVU The purpose of the application is for the applicant to be granted a license to undertake petroleum wholesale activities as detailed in the application. Arrangements for viewing the application documentation can be made by contacting the Controller of Petroleum Products by: · Telephone: (031) 335 9635; · Email: Mapholisa.Tshisikhawe@ Any objections to the issuing of a license in respects of this application, which must clearly quote the application number above, must be lodged with the Controller of Petroleum Products within a period of twenty (20) working days from the date of publication of this notice. Such objections must be lodged at the following physical or postal address: Physical address: The Controller of Petroleum Products Department of Mineral Resources and Energy 333 Anton Lembede Street, Durban Bay House, 3rd Floor, Durban Postal Address The Controller of Petroleum Products Department of Mineral Resources and Energy Private Bag X 54375, Durban, 4000 02TMZI-00
LEGALS IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA KWAZULU NATAL DIVISION PIETERMARITZBURG Case No: 15547/23P In re: Change of matrimonial property Regime and Authorization to register a Post- Nuptial Notarial Contract: RORY JEUDWINE And MELLISSA STORM JEUDWINE (Previously SPENCE) Applicants NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CHANGE MATRIMONIAL PROPERTY SYSTEM BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE THAT Application will be made in terms of Section 21 of the Matrimonial Property Act No. 88 of 1984, to the above Honourable on Thursday the 07 day of DECEMBER 2023 at 09h30 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, for an order in the following terms:1. Authorizing the Applicants to change their matrimonial property system in terms of Section 21 of the Matrimonial Property Act No. 88 of 1984, by the execution of a post nuptial contract with the same terms as the draft post nuptial contract, annexed to the founding affidavit of the First Applicant. 2. That the Notary Public in Pietermaritzburg be authorized to attest to the signatures of the Applicants to such post nuptial contract, having the effect of an antenuptial contract. 3. That the marriage between the Applicants shall thereafter be governed by the said post nuptial contract and shall be out of community of property, with the inclusion of the accrual system, in terms of Section 21(1) of the Matrimonial Property Act No. 88 of 1984 4. That the Registrar of Deeds Pietermaritzburg, be authorized and directed to register such contract in his Registry, subject to compliance with all relevant statutory provisions and deeds office requirements, within three (3) months from the date of the granting of such order. 5. That this Order shall not prejudice the rights of existing creditors of the Applicants or of any person, as at the date of the registration of the contract. 6. That such further and/or alternative relief be granted as the above Honourable Court might deem appropriate. BE PLEASED TO MAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT when the report of the Registrar of Deeds (Pietermaritzburg) becomes available, a formal notice of set down will be filed with the Registrar of the Honourable Court to place the matter on roll for hearing. BE PLEASED TO MAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT a copy of this Application and a copy of the proposed post nuptial contract, to be registered post nuptial, will be available for inspection during office hours of Charmane Pillay & Company 431 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg and at the offices of the Registrar of the High Court Pietermaritzburg for a period not less than two (2) weeks prior to the hearing of this application. Any person wishing to propose the Application must notify the Applicants attorneys at the above address in writing, before the hearing and file with the Registrar of the Honourable Court, a notice of opposition, with or without reasons for the opposition, or appear in Court on the day of the hearing. Dated at Pietermaritzburg on this 18 day of October 2023. Applicants Attorneys CHARMANE PILLAY & COMPANY 431 Jabu Ndlovu Street Pietermaritzburg Tel: 033 3947947 Email: REF: MRS PILLAY/ PZ/J239 02TK3B-00