Business Day Legal Notices (February 9 2024)

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NOTICE OF A SECOND (GENERAL) MEETING OF CREDITORS Insolvent Estate: MCKILLEN VERNON MATTHEW : C538/2022 PURSUANT to Sections 40(3), 56(3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act 1936, notice is hereby given that the under-named has been appointed Trustee of the above-mentioned Estate, and that all persons indebted to the Estate are required to pay their debts to the Trustee forthwith. Notice is herewith given that The Second Meeting of Creditors of the said Estate will be held on 28 February 2024, before the Magistrate Goodwood at 09:00, for: 1. Submission of the 2. Adoption of the proposed Resolutions; and 3. Proof of claims. Anneke Barnard Trustee BDO BUSINESS RESTRUCTURING (PTY) LTD P.O. Box 21341 Helderkruin 1733 Tel: 011 991 5500 02U47D

KENNISGEWING VAN TWEEDE VERGADERING VAN KREDITEURE HENK EATON EIENDOMME BK (IN LIKWIDASIE) Meester Se Verwysingsnommer: C709/2023 KRAGTENS Artikel 40(3), 56(3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet No 24 van 1936, geskied kennis hiermee dat die ondergetekendes aangestel is as Gesamentlike Likwidateurs, en alle debiteure van die Beslote Korporasie hiermee versoek word om onmiddellik hulle skulde te betaal by die kantoor van die Gesamentlike Likwidateurs. KENNIS geskied hiermee dat die Tweede Vergadering van Skuldeisers in die bogemelde saak sal plaasvind op 28 Februarie 2024 om 09h00 voor die Landdros Oudtshoorn, vir die volgende doeleindes: 1. Voorlegging van die Gesamentlike Likwidateurs se Verslag; 2. Aanvaarding van die voorgestelde Besluite; en 3. Bewys van eise. Angelene Poole & October Andre Botha Gesamentlike Likwidateurs BDO BUSINESS RESTRUCTURING (EDMS) BPK POSBUS 21341 Helderkruin 1733 Kontaknommer: 011 991 5500 02U47C

BRANDKOP EIENDOM BELEGGINGS CC (IN LIQUIDATION) REG NO. 2006/192054/23 NO. G1078/23 Notice is hereby given that the under-mentioned has been appointed Joint Liquidators and that persons indebted to the Estate are required to pay their debts to the Joint Liquidators forthwith. The Second Meeting of Creditors and Members/ Directors will be held before the Master Johannesburg on 8 March 2024 at 10h00 for the following purpose: 1. Proof of claims. 2. Receiving the Joint Liquidators' report as to the affairs and conditions of the Estate. 3. Giving the Joint Liquidators directions concerning the sale or recovery of any part of the Estate or concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof. TW Van Den Heever A Scheepers Joint Liquidators D & T TRUST (PTY) LIMITED P O Box 904 Florida Hills 1716 02U4WD

NOTICE OF GENERAL MEETING OF CREDITORS ZUNGU ELGIN ENGINEERING (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) Master's Ref: N56/2022 Reg. Address: 2nd Floor, 4 Pencarrow Crescent La Lucia Ridge Office Estate, La Lucia Durban Kwa-Zulu Natal Reg No: 2002/017207/07 Pursuant to Section 129, 179 and 182 of the Companies Act 1926 and Sections 339, 366, 375(5)(b) and 402 of the Companies Act 1973, notice is hereby given that the person mentioned below, have been appointed liquidator and that persons indebted to the Estate are required to immediately pay their debts to the liquidator. The General Meeting of Creditors will be held before the Master Of The High Court Pietermartizburg On Friday 01 March 2024 At 10:00 for proof of claims against the Estate for purpose of receiving the liquidator's report and for giving the liquidator directions concerning the sale of the assets and the administration of the Estate. AN Ndyamara, KC Monyela, KR Knoop, MF Vallie & C Van Den Heever Joint Liquidators TSHWANE TRUST CO (PTY) LTD 1207 Cobham Road Queenswood Pretoria 0186 02U5GT


NOTICE OF A SECOND (GENERAL) MEETING OF CREDITORS HENK EATON EIENDOMME CC (IN LIQUIDATION) : C709/2023 PURSUANT to Sections 40(3), 56(3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act 1936, notice is hereby given that the under-named have been appointed Joint Liquidators of the above-mentioned Close Corporation, and that all persons indebted to the Close Corporation are required to pay their debts to the Joint Liquidators forthwith. Notice is herewith given that The Second (General) Meeting of Creditors of the said Close Corporation will be held on 28 February 2024, before the Magistrate Oudtshoorn At 09:00, for: 1. Submission of the Joint 2. Adoption of the proposed Resolutions; and 3. Proof of claims. Angelene Poole & October Andre Botha Joint Liquidators BDO BUSINESS RESTRUCTURING (PTY) LTD P.O. Box 21341 Helderkruin 1733 Tel: 011 991 5500 02U47B

NOTICE OF SECOND MEETING OF CREDITORS, MEMBERS AND CONTRIBUTORIES WORLD FOCUS 123 CC (IN LIQUIDATION) No.: D167/2022 PURSUANT to Section 79 of the Close Corporations Act 69 1984, notice is hereby given that J Eckhoff and D Ismail have been appointed Liquidators in the abovementioned Close Corporation, and that all persons indebted to the Close Corporation are required to pay their debtsto the Liquidators forthwith. The second meeting of creditors, members and contributories of the said Corporation will be held before the Presiding Officer, Empangeni on 23 February 2024 at 10.00 for further proof of claims against the Close Corporation, to receive to give directions to the Joint Liquidators regarding the administration of the estate and to hold an enquiry in terms of section 415 or 417 of the Companies Act 61 of 1973. J Eckhoff & D Ismail SUMMIT TRUST P O Box 15750 Cape Town 8000 Tel: 021 569 0671 02U4AC


TEL: 011 280 5553 TEL: 031 250 8640

FAX: 086 206 0954

To see the last month’s legal advertising please access: Page 1

EMAIL: EMAIL: Friday 9 February 2024







KENNISGEWING VAN TWEEDE & ALGEMENE VERGADERING VAN SKUILDEISERS DE LA VERE (EDMS) BPK (IN LIKWIDASIE) Meesterverwysing: N312/2020 Gereg. Adres: 15 Valley Road, New Germany, Pinetown, KwaZulu-Natal, 3610 Reg Nr: 2015/351604/07 Ingevolge Artikels 129, 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet van 1926 en Artikel 339, 366, 375(5)(b) en 402 van die Maatskappywet 1973, geskied Kennisgewing Hiermee dat die ondergetekende as likwidateur aangestel is en dat skuldenaars van die Maatskappy onmiddellik hul skulde by genoemde likwidateur moet vereffen. Die Tweede & Algemene Vergadering van Skuldeisers en Kontribusiepligtiges van die Maatskappy in Likwidasie sal gehou word voor die Meester Pietermaritzburg Op 23 Februarie 2024 Om 10:00 Om vorderings teen die boedel te bewys en om die likwidateur opdragte te gee aangaande die verkoop van die bates en die administrasie van die Boedel. Sibusiso Nduna Likwidateur GCS INSOLVENCY ADMINISTRATORS (EDMS) BPK GCS House 61 Akkerboom Street Zwartkop X4 Centurion, 0157 02U476

DISSOLUTION OF ULTIMUM GROUP (PTY) LTD A PARTICIPANT IN THE CORPORATE SELECTION UMBRELLA RETIREMENT FUND NO 2 (IN LIQUIDATION) PF 12/8/36438/7752. Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of ULTIMUM GROUP (PTY) LTD a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No 2 (in liquidation) PF 12/8/36438/7752 be open for inspection for the period 2024-02-09 to 2024-03-09 at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park Block B No 41 Matroosberg Road Ashlea Gardens Extension 6 Menlo Park Pretoria 2. The Magistrates Court in 18 Shepherd Ave, Bryanbrink, Randburg, 2125 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein Johannesburg 2001 Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O Box 35655 Menlo Park 0102, not later than 2024-03-25 02U3TO

DISSOLUTION OF HAMPSHIRE HOTEL (PTY) LTD A PARTICIPANT IN THE CORPORATE SELECTION UMBRELLA RETIREMENT FUND NO 2 (IN LIQUIDATION) FUND PF 12/8/36438/6386 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of HAMPSHIRE HOTEL (PTY) LTD, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No 2 (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36438/6386 will be open for inspection for the period 2024-02-09 to 2024-03-09 at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. The Magistrate Court, 127 King Shaka Street, KwaDukuza, 4449. 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg 2001. Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O Box 35655 Menlo Park 0102, not later than 2024-03-25. 02U3TQ

DISSOLUTION OF TACTILE TRADING A PARTICIPANT IN THE CORPORATE SELECTION UMBRELLA RETIREMENT FUND 2 (IN LIQUIDATION) PF 12/8/36438/7291. Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Tactile Trading a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund 2 (in liquidation) PF 12/8/36438/7291 will be open for inspection for the period 2024-02-09 to 2024-03-09 at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park Block B No 41 Matroosberg Road Ashlea Gardens Extension 6 Menlo Park Pretoria. 2. The Magistrates Court in 7-11 Parade St, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town, 8000 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein Johannesburg 2001 Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O Box 35655 Menlo Park 0102, not later than 2024-03-25 02U3TK

DISSOLUTION OF SHADOWS A PARTICIPANT IN THE CORPORATE SELECTION UMBRELLA RETIREMENT FUND (IN LIQUIDATION) PF 12/8/27024/5045. Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of SHADOWS a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund (in liquidation) PF 12/8/27024/5045 will be open for inspection for the period 2024-02-09 to 2024-03-09 at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park Block B No 41 Matroosberg Road Ashlea Gardens Extension 6 Menlo Park Pretoria. 2. The Magistrates Court in C/O Somtseu &, Stalwart Simelane Street, Durban, 4025 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein Johannesburg 2001 Any interested persons who have objections to the and aforesaid accounts statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O Box 35655 Menlo Park 0102, not later than 2024-03-25 02U3TL

NOTICE OF THE SECOND & GENERAL MEETING OF CREDITORS FARR ENTERPRISES (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) N275/2020 Reg Address: 26 Highveld Road, Black Ridge, Pietermaritzburg, Kwazulu-Natal, 3201 Reg No: 2015/026541/07. Pursuant to Section 129, 179 and 182 of the Companies Act 1926 and Sections 339, 366, 375(5)(b) and 402 of the Companies Act 1973, notice is hereby given that the person mentioned below, has been appointed as the liquidator and persons indebted to the Estate are required to immediately pay their debts to the liquidator. The Second & General Meeting of Creditors will be held before the Master Pietermaritzburg On 23 February 2024 At 10:00 for proof of claims against the Estate for purpose of receiving the liquida giving the liquidator directions concerning the sale of the assets and the administration of the Estate. Rathogwa Masala Ramuedzisi Liquidator 61 Akkerboom Street, Zwartkop X4, Centurion, 0157 02U477

NOTICE Please Take Notice that application will be made for the surrender of estate for FREDERICK COENRAAD DE BEER with ID 611010 5113 08 9, Unemployed, married in community of property, RIANA DE BEER with ID 710706 0165 08 7, working as a Receptionist, with physical address 341 Beyers Naude Drive, Northcliff, Randburg, Gauteng in the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria on 06 March 2024 at 09h30 or as soon thereafter as counsel for the Applicant may be heard. Take Further Notice that the for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court Pretoria and Randburg magistrate court from 13 February 2024 for a period of 14 days. 02U4BH

DISSOLUTION OF PROVIDENT FUND Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28(7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of the OLD MUTUAL SUPERFUND PROVIDENT FUND: PARTICIPATING EMPLOYER: EPILEPSY SOUTH AFRICA will lie open for inspect on for a period of 30 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of: 1. The Financial Sector fice Park, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Extension 6, Pretoria, 0181; and 2. THE FUND, C/O Ms. Liesl Marais, ORION Services, Block 5L, Mutualpark, Jan Smuts Drive Pinelands, 7405, and 3. Durban Magistrate's Court, Cnr Somtseu &, Stalwart Simelane St, Durban, 4025 Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection in writing with the Authority, Riverwalk Office Park, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Extension 6, Pretoria, 0181, not later than 14 days after expiration of the above-mentioned 30 days period. 02U3VF

DISSOLUTION OF GOVERNING BODY RICHARDS PRIMARY SCHOOL, A PARTICIPANT IN THE CORPORATE SELECTION UMBRELLA RETIREMENT FUND NO 2 (IN LIQUIDATION) FUND PF 12/8/36438/743 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of GOVERNING BODY RICHARDS PRIMARY SCHOOL a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No 2 (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36438/743 will be open for inspection for the period 2024-02-09 to 2024-03-09 at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. The Magistrate Court, 3 Peseta Parade, Richards Bay, 3900. 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg 2001. Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O Box 35655 Menlo Park 0102, not later than 2024-03-25. 02U3TP

KENNISGEWING VAN TWEEDE VERGADERING VAN KREDITEURE Insolvente Boedel: MCKILLEN VERNON MATTHEW Meester Se Verwysingsnommer: C538/2022 KRAGTENS Artikel 40(3), 56(3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet No 24 van 1936, geskied kennis hiermee dat die ondergetekende aangestel is as Kurator, en alle debiteure van die Insolvent hiermee versoek word om onmiddellik hulle skulde te betaal by die kantoor van die Kurator. KENNIS geskied hiermee dat die Tweede Vergadering van Skuldeisers in die bogemelde saak sal plaasvind op 28 Februarie 2024 om 09h00 voor die Landdros Goodwood, vir die volgende doeleindes: 1. Voorlegging van die Kurator se Verslag; 2. Aanvaarding van die voorgestelde Besluite; en 3. Bewys van eise. Anneke Barnard Kurator BDO BUSINESS RESTRUCTURING (EDMS) BPK POSBUS 21341 Helderkruin 1733 Kontaknommer: 011 991-5500 02U47E

KENNISGEWING VAN TWEEDE & ALGEMENE VERGADERING VAN SKUILDEISERS FARR ENTERPRISES (EDMS) BPK (IN LIKWIDASIE) Meesterverwysing: N275/2020 Gereg. Adres: 26 Highveld Road, Black Ridge, Pietermaritzburg, Kwazulu-Natal, 3201 Reg Nr: 2015/026541/07 Ingevolge Artikels 129, 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet van 1926 en Artikel 339, 366, 375(5)(b) en 402 van die Maatskappywet 1973, geskied Kennisgewing Hiermee dat die ondergetekende as likwidateur aangestel is en dat skuldenaars van die Maatskappy onmiddellik hul skulde by genoemde likwidateur moet vereffen. Die Tweede & Algemene Vergadering van Skuldeisers en Kontribusiepligtiges van die Maatskappy in Likwidasie sal gehou word voor die Meester Pietermaritzburg Op 23 Februarie 2024 Om 10:00 Om vorderings teen die boedel te bewys en om die likwidateur opdragte te gee aangaande die verkoop van die bates en die administrasie van die Boedel. Rathogwa Masala Ramuedzisi Likwidateur GCS INSOLVENCY ADMINISTRATORS (EDMS) BPK GCS House 61 Akkerboom Street Zwartkop X4 Centurion, 0157 02U478

LUGEDLANE DEVELOPMENTS (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) REG NO. 2003/024086/07 NO. G1003/23 Notice is hereby given that the under-mentioned has been appointed Joint Liquidators and that persons indebted to the Estate are required to pay their debts to the Joint Liquidators forthwith. The Second Meeting of Creditors and Members/ Directors will be held before the Magistrate Roodepoort on 28 February 2024 at 9h00 for the following purpose: 1. Proof of claims. 2. Receiving the Joint Liquidators' report as to the affairs and conditions of the Estate. 3. Giving the Joint Liquidators directions concerning the sale or recovery of any part of the Estate or concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof. TW Van Den Heever N Thagwana Joint Liquidators D & T TRUST (PTY) LIMITED P O Box 904 Florida Hills 1716 02U4WF

NOTICE OF THE SECOND & GENERAL MEETING OF CREDITORS De La Vere (PTY) LTD (In Liquidation) : N312/2020 Reg Address: 15 Valley Road, New Germany, Pinetown, KwaZulu-Natal, 3610 Reg No: 2015/351604/07. Pursuant to Section 129, 179 and 182 of the Companies Act 1926 and Sections 339, 366, 375(5)(b) and 402 of the Companies Act 1973, notice is hereby given that the person mentioned below, has been appointed as the liquidator and persons indebted to the Estate are required to immediately pay their debts to the liquidator. The Second & General Meeting of Creditors will be held before the Master Pietermaritzburg On 23 February 2024 At 10:00 for proof of claims against the Estate for purpose of receiving the liquida liquidator directions concerning the sale of the assets and the administration of the Estate. Sibusiso Nduna Liquidator 61 Akkerboom Street, Zwartkop X4, Centurion, 0157 02U475

KENNIS VAN DIE TWEEDE VERGADERING VAN KREDITEURE, LEDE EN KONTRIBUTANTE WORLD FOCUS 123 CC (IN LIKWIDASIE) Meester Se Verwysingsnommer: D167/2022 Kragtens Artikel 79 van die Beslote Korporasie Wet 69 van 1984 geskied kennis hiermee dat J Eckhoff sowel as D Ismail aangestel is as Mede Likwidateurs, en alle debiteure in die Beslote Korporasie hiermee versoek word om onmiddellik hulle skulde by die kantoor van die Likwidateur te betaal. Die tweede vergadering van krediteure, lede en kontributante, sal plaasvind voor die Voorsittende Beampte, Landroskantoor, Empangeni op 23 Februarie 2024 om 10.00 vir/om, 1. verdere eise te bewys; 2. die likwidateurs se verslag voor te lê; 3. die likwidateurs instruksies/direksies te gee rakende die administrasie van die boedel / aanvaarding van resolusies; 4. n ondervraaging te hou in terme van artikel 415 of 417 van die Maatskappywet 61 van 1973. J Eckhoff & D Ismail SUMMIT TRUST Posbus 15750 Kaapstad 8000 Tel: 021 569 0671 02U4AB

DISSOLUTION OF PENSION FUND Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28(7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of the OLD MUTUAL SUPERFUND PENSION FUND: PARTICIPATING EMPLOYER: GIDON PROTECTION SERVICES CC will lie open for inspection for a period of 30 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of: 1. The Financial Sector Conduct Authority erwalk Office Park, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Ext. 6, Pretoria, 0181; and 2. THE FUND, C/O Ms. Liesl Marais, ORION Services, Block 5L, Mutualpark, Jan Smuts Drive Pinelands, 7405, and 3. Court, corner Ndaba Drive and Kunene Street, Protea North, 1818 Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection in writing with the Authority, Riverwalk Office Park, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Extension 6, Pretoria, 0181, not later than 14 days after expiration of the above-mentioned 30 day period. Selokela Mailula THE SHARD superfundliquidations@ selokela.mailula@ 02TYZ6

IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (WESTERN CAPE, CAPE TOWN) CASE NO. 970/2024. In the matter of MENDELT JOHANNES VAN WIJK, ID No: 690630 5049 084 (Applicant). Kindly take notice that the Applicant intends to make application to the above Honourable Court on Tuesday, 28 March 2024 at 10h00, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, for an order in the following terms: 1. Rehabilitation of Applicant; 2. Further and/or alternative relief LUCAS DYSEL CROUSE INC. 6 Van Der Byl Street Durbanville Tel: 021 9752870 Ref: HT/V15711 02U3OM

NOTICE SARATOGA GAME BREEDERS (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) 020 In terms of Sections 339, 366, 375(5)(b), 386(1) & (3), 402 and Regulation 8(1) of the Companies Act 1973, notice is hereby given that the under mentioned have been appointed as Liquidator/s of the above mentioned company and that all debtors of the company are hereby compelled to pay their debts to the Liquidator/s. The Second and General Meetings of Creditors and Members of the mentioned company will be held on 23 February 2024 at 10:00 before the Presiding Officer, Magistrate: Mookgophong for the following: 1. Proof of claims. report. 3. Adoption of Resolutions. Gottlieb Nare Lethabo Moabelo Liquidators C/O SECHABA TRUST P O Box 11889 Tramshed 0126 Tel: 012 340 0093 02U3W0

DISSOLUTION OF INTERPLANT HORTICULTURE CC A PARTICIPANT IN THE CORPORATE SELECTION UMBRELLA PENSION FUND (IN LIQUIDATION) PF 12/8/36006/2999. Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of INTERPLANT HORTICULTURE CC a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Pension Fund (in liquidation) PF 12/8/36006/2999 will be open for inspection for the period 2024-02-09 to 2024-03-09 at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park Block B No 41 Matroosberg Road Ashlea Gardens Extension 6 Menlo Park Pretoria. 2. The Magistrates Court in 7-11 Parade St, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town, 8000 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein Johannesburg 2001 Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O Box 35655 Menlo Park 0102, not later than 2024-03-25 02U3TM

CAPE CONSTRUCTION AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) REG NO. 2016/512750/07 NO. C254/23 Notice is hereby given that the under-mentioned has been appointed Liquidator and that persons indebted to the Estate are required to pay their debts to the Liquidator forthwith. The Second Meeting of Creditors and Members/ Directors will be held before the Master Cape Town on 8 March 2024 at 9h00 for the following purpose: 1. Proof of claims. 2. Receiving the Liquidator' report as to the affairs and conditions of the Estate. 3. Giving the Liquidator directions concerning the sale or recovery of any part of the Estate or concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof. EJ Jacobs Liquidator D & T TRUST (PTY) LIMITED P O Box 904 Florida Hills 1716 02U4WE DISSOLUTION OF SOPAZI TRUCKING (PTY) LTD A PARTICIPANT IN THE CORPORATE SELECTION UMBRELLA RETIREMENT FUND 2 (IN LIQUIDATION) PF 12/8/36438/7496. Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of SOPAZI TRUCKING (PTY) LTD a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund 2 (in liquidation) PF 12/8/36438/7496 will be open for inspection for the period 2024-02-09 to 2024-03-09 at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park Block B No 41 Matroosberg Road Ashlea Gardens Extension 6 Menlo Park Pretoria. 2. The Magistrates Court in Govan Mbeki Street, North End, Gqeberha, 6001 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein Johannesburg 2001 Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O Box 35655 Menlo Park 0102, not later than 2024-03-25 02U3TJ

DISSOLUTION OF INDUSTRATECH ROTAX AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING CC, A PARTICIPANT IN THE CORPORATE SELECTION UMBRELLA PENSION FUND (IN LIQUIDATION) FUND PF 12/8/36006/231 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of INDUSTRATECH ROTAX AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING CC, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Pension Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36006/231 will be open for inspection for the period 2024-02-09 to 2024-03-09 at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. The Magistrate Court, 29 Somtseu Road, Stamford Hill, Durban, 4025 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg 2001. Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O Box 35655 Menlo Park 0102, not later than 2024-03-25. 02U3TR

KENNISGEWING VAN ALGEMENE VERGADERING VAN SKULDEISERS ZUNGU -ELGIN ENGINEERING (PTY) LTD (IN LIKWIDASIE) Meestersverwysing: N56/2022 Gereg. Adres: 2de Vloer, 4 Pencarrow Crescednt La Lucia Ridge Office Estate, La Lucia Durban Kwa-Zulu Natal Reg No: 2002/017207/07 Ingevolge Artikels 129, 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet 1926 en Artikel 339, 366, 375(5)(b) en 402 van die Maatskappywet 1973, geskied Kennisgewing hiermee dat die ondergetekende as likwidateur aangestel is en dat skuldenaars van die Maatskappy onmiddellik hul skulde by genoemde likwidateur moet vereffen. Die Algemene Vergadering van Skuldeisers en Kontribusiepligtiges van die Maatskappy in Likwidasie sal gehou word voor die meester van die Hooggeregshof Pietermaritzburg Op Vrydag 01 Maart 2024 Om 10:00 om vorderings teen die boedel te bewys en om die likwidateur opdragte te gee aangaande die verkoop van die bates en die administrasie van die Boedel. AN Ndyamara, KC Monyela, KR Knoop, MF Vallie & C Van Den Heever Gesamentlike Likwidateurs TSHWANE TRUST CO (EDMS) BPK Cobhamweg 1207 Queenswood Pretoria 0001 02U5GS

DISSOLUTION OF TLHALEFANG PLACEMENTS CC A PARTICIPANT IN THE CORPORATE SELECTION UMBRELLA RETIREMENT FUND (IN LIQUIDATION) PF 12/8/27024/4751. Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of TLHALEFANG PLACEMENTS CC a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund (in liquidation) PF 12/8/27024/4751 be open for inspection for the period 2024-02-09 to 2024-03-09 at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park Block B No 41 Matroosberg Road Ashlea Gardens Extension 6 Menlo Park Pretoria 2. The Magistrates Court in 18 Shepherd Ave, Bryanbrink, Randburg, 2125 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein Johannesburg 2001 Any interested persons who have objections to the and aforesaid accounts statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O Box 35655 Menlo Park 0102, not later than 2024-03-25 02U3TN DISSOLUTION OF UNIT 16 BEACHWOOD CC, A PARTICIPANT IN THE CORPORATE SELECTION UMBRELLA RETIREMENT FUND NO.2 (IN LIQUIDATION) FUND PF 12/8/36438/3168 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of UNIT 16 BEACHWOOD CC, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No.2 (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36438/3168 will be open for inspection for the period 2024-02-09 to 2024-03-09 at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. The Magistrate Court, Owen Street, Mthatha, 5100 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg 2001. Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O Box 35655 Menlo Park 0102, not later than 2024-03-25. 02U3TS

NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 018474/2021 Surname: TSHIVHULAISE First names: JANE SHUMANI Date of birth: 1968-03-17 ID No: 6803170548086 Last address: 10 Nhuntlwa Street, Chiawelo Ext. 2 Date of death: 2021-05-12 Johannesburg Surviving Spouse: FREDERICK MBULAHENI TSHIVHULAISE Date of Birth: 1968-05-30 ID No: 6805305614089 BALOYI INC 24 Sneeuberg Street, Glenvista Ext. 5 nelisiwe@ Tel: 011 331 0054 02U2X3

NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 019447/2016 Surname: HOOSAIN First Names: IQBALAHMAD Date of Birth: 1956-05-09 ID No: 5605095154085 Last Address: 26 Heron Road, Pelican Park, Cape Town, 7941 Date of Death: 2015-10-16 A PARKER & ASSOCIATES Suite G06, Rostra House, The Forum, Northbank Lane, Century City, 7441 Tel: 021 552 9010 02U2XD

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: North West Estate No: 115/2024 Surname: SMIT First Names: WILLEM HENDRIK Date of Birth: 1936-02-16 ID No: 3602165013087 Last Address: Huis Eikelaan NR 19 Potchefstroom, 2531 Date of Death: 2023-12-09 ANNEKE MEYER PROKUREURS Gompoustraat 14A, Winfield Estate, Baillie Park, Potchefstroom, 2531 anneke@ Tel: 083 635 3399 02U2WY

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 001216/2024 Surname: ALLERSTON First Names: JACOBUS HENDRIK ALLERSTON Date of Birth: 1930-02-22 ID No: 3002225011082 Last Address: 562 1st Street, Villiera, Pretoria, 0184. Date of Death: 2023-05-04 Johannesburg BDO WEALTH ADVISERS (PTY) LTD - PRETORIA P.O. Box 95438, Waterkloof, 0145 Tel: 012 433 0240 02U2R6

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 001216/2024 Surname: ALLERSTON First Names: JACOBUS HENDRIK ALLERSTON Date of Birth: 1930-02-22 ID No: 3002225011082 Last Address: 562 1st Street, Villieria, Pretoria, 0184 Date of Death: 2023-05-04 Johannesburg Executor or Authorised Agent: BDO Wealth Advisers (PTY) LTD Pretoria Summit Place, 221 Garsfontein Road, Building 5, 2nd Floor, Menlyn, Pretoria, 0081 Period allowed for lodgement of Claims: 30 c/o BDO WEALTH ADVISERS (PTY) LTD PRETORIA PO Box 95438, Waterkloof, 0145 Tel: 0124330240 02U47A

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 001215/2024 Surname: DE MUELENAERE First Names: MARC ALAIN FELIX MAURITS Date of Birth: 1943-02-01 ID No: 4302015051085 Last Address: Nazareth House, 290 Florence Ribeiro Avenue, Waterkloof, Pretoria, 0181 Date of Death: 2023-08-23 Johannesburg Executor or Authorised Agent: BDO Wealth Advisers (PTY) LTD Summit Place, 221 Garsfontein Road, Building 5, 2nd Floor, Menlyn, Pretoria, 0081 c/o BDO WEALTH ADVISERS (PTY) LTD Pretoria PO Box 95438, Waterkloof, 0145 Tel: 012 433 0240 02U479


NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 25589/2023 Surname: PRICE First Names: PETER DEWDNEY Date of Birth: 1940-03-08 ID No: 4003085059186 Last Address: 48 Fouche Terrace, Morning Hill, Bedfordview, 2007 Date of Death: 2023-09-24 Johannesburg c/o BDO WEALTH ADVISERS (PTY) LTD Wanderers Office Park, 52 Corlett Drive, Illovo, 2196 Tel: 011 488 1783 02U3R4

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 022427/2022 Surname: FABE First Name: HENRY FREDERICK Date of Birth: 1940-11-19 ID No: 4011195087088 Last Address: 57 Third Avenue, Fairways, 7800 Date of Death: 2022-09-06 Cape Town Surviving Spouse: ALICE MAUREEN FABE Date of Birth: 1938-01-25 ID No: 3801250057088 c/o BDO WEALTH ADVISERS (PTY) LTD 119 123 Hertzog Boulevard, Foreshore, Cape Town, 8001 Tel: 012 417 8800 02U358

NOTICE In the estate of the late: JAMES ALLAN GORDON ID No: 4910135029086 Date of death: 2023-11-10 Estate No: 627/2024 Address: 9 Elrod, 206 Percy Osbourne, Morningside Notice herewith to all debtors and creditors to lodge their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from 09 February 2024 Name and address of executor or nominee: FDP ADMINISTRATION SERVICES P.O Box 10, Menlyn, Pretoria, 0063 Regno: 2014/239910/07 Tel: 0123482665 Ref: ANE BRITTZ 02U3PD NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 029315/2023 Surname: DAYAL First Names: HAJIRA Date of Birth: 1960-11-14 ID No: 6011140185084 Last Address: 12 Parker Street, Rynfield, Benoni, 1514 Johannesburg YUSUF BODA 106 Golfview Heights, 3 Robertson Street, Observatory, Johannesburg, 2198 Tel: 084 578 6874 02U2WV VERITAS BOARD OF EXECUTORS SA (PTY) LTD REG NO: 2003/027435/07 Estate late: ANNE EYNON SWATTON Residing at: Gumtree, Pennington ID No: 390917 0022 08 0 Date of death: 24 April 2022 Estate No: 008520/2023 Kindly take notice that Debtors and Creditors to the abovementioned estate, are hereby notified to pay their claims in favor of the estate or prove their claims the estates within 30 days from the 9 February 2024. VERITAS BOARD OF EXECUTORS SA (PTY) LTD Postnet Suite 133, Private bag X25723, Monument Park, 0105 02U2XE

NOTICE In the estate of the late RUDY KENNITH LEWIS 1 Chantal Street, Gaylee, Blue Downs, 7580 ID No. 7903135294088 Date of Birth: 13th March 1979 No. 021911/2023 CREDITORS and DEBTORS in the above estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Cape Town this 30th January 2024 BESPOKE EXECUTOR SERVICES P O Box 2442 Durbanville 7551 02U3TE

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